Note: If you missed the livestream of me and Frodi discussing the great Western The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, then you can catch the replay here. It was a very good show, even if you are not a movie buff. It was mostly about ideas that our side should discuss more often. The more views it gets the more credits he accumulates, so check in for a few minutes, even if you are not a big into movies.
In his essay Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson famously wrote that “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Ever since it has been a useful dismissal of the pedant, but it is also a useful way of understanding American politics. One side in the political fight spends all of its time fussing about inconsistencies of the other side, while the winning side is happy to dismiss their own hypocrisies. As Emerson understood, it is the latter who always has the edge over the former.
It is the Right, of course, that spends all of its time fussing about inconsistencies on the Left, while the Left just wins every fight. The American Left, unlike the European Left, grew out of that peculiar form of American Christianity that has informed its worldview since the 19th century. Filled with self-righteous fury over the inequity of the world, the righteous are free to do as they please to right the wrongs of the world. Even their own past statements are no impediment to them.
Of course, in 18th century America, radicalism was still bound by Scripture, if not literally then morally. Those new Prometheans springing up to oppose things like slavery were relying on a moral framework they inherited from the past. Today, free of that moral framework and free of factual reality, those old urges have curdled into petulant and nasty partisanship. The American Left is now just a hysterical tirade against anything or anyone that represents order.
You see this in the reaction of the court taking up a case regarding the power of the tech monopolies to control public discourse. This Slate writer flew into a purple faced rage on Twitter about the alleged inconsistencies of Clarence Thomas in comparing these sites to common carriers. He then followed that up with an amusingly unhinged essay in Slate titled, “Clarence Thomas’ Attack on Social Media Companies Is a Paranoid Marxist Delusion.” That is a man detached from reality.
Not to be outdone, this guy, looking for attention, posted his condemnation of right-wing hypocrisy on Twitter. His claim is that only through giving a handful of corporations absolute control of the public square can we have genuinely free expression. It is an interesting mix of fascism and Orwellian language. It shows how the Left’s response to any effort to rein in these companies, will be whatever they think will work, even if it means condemning their own words from yesterday.
The facts here are important only in that they help us understand the mentality of the people who are closing off the public square. The explicit intent of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 was to curtail censorship. The tech companies argued that they did not want to moderate their forums and that it was practically impossible for them to do so. In order to encourage free expression, Congress carved out a special exception for them in the law.
Now, if you point this out to the Left, they will laugh in your face. After all, they are defending our democracy. They are not going to be bound by the words and intents of people long since gone from the scene. There is that old Emersonian inclination at the core of the American Left. Tradition and custom can never be a restraint on man in his pursuit of justice. For the Left, the law is always whatever it needs to be at the moment, as theirs is an ends justifies the means world view.
On the other hand, the Left is endlessly fussy about the tiniest of inconsistencies in their opponent’s positions. If none exist, they will make some up. You see that in the claim that there is some contradiction between allowing a baker to express his religious convictions, while preventing a trillion dollar company from crushing dissent. There is no contradiction here, but that is not important. The righteous man is free of mere facts, so he is at liberty to find inconsistency where he must.
The Right, of course, responds to this with long recitations of fact, which have no impact whatsoever on the debate. Politics in a democracy are always about morality, which is why the Left is endlessly yapping about it. They see themselves as the fullest expression of democratic morality. Each of them is a finger on the reified hand of the public will, so the more democratic the society the closer it is to achieving that ideal of the public will. They are the instruments of that public will.
You can no more reason with someone who thinks they are the sword of a secular god than you can reason with someone who thinks they are a god. On the other hand, the people will naturally side with those who they see are morally correct. When Ocasio-Cortez famously said being “morally right” is more important than being “factually right”, she was expressing the very essence of liberal democracy. People will go along with the most insane things if they feel their gods demand it.
The other part of the Emerson quote is “With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.” That right there is American politics in a nutshell. One side sits staring at the wall, certain they are right, while the other side speaks hard words in pursuit of justice.
A new year brings new changes. The same is true for this site as we adjust to the reality of managerial authoritarianism. That means embracing crypto for when the inevitable happens and the traditional outlets are closed. Now more than ever it is important to support the voices that support you. Five bucks a month is not a lot to ask. If you prefer other ways of donating, look at the donate page. Thank you.
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Re: The American Left, unlike the European Left, grew out of that peculiar form of American Christianity that has informed its worldview since the 19th century.
Continental European left — British socialism owes more to Methodism than it does to Marx.
The uniparty looks like a Punch and Judy show with the left and right fighting over the tools in the Alinsky toolbox, unaware of the smell of war in the air.
The Left are not inconsistent. They are moral relativists. In every situation, their operative question is “What is good for me and mine right this moment?” This is both the logical and principled through-line in nearly all their actions. “What is good for the Jews?” being a commonly known incarnation of this. If damning someone as “racist” is good for them and theirs one moment, then being “racist” against a particular group is good for them and theirs the next or even same moment, there is no internal inconsistency for them in both of these actions. Calls of hypocrisy do… Read more »
Zman — it would be really nice if the folks interviewing you had an audio file for download. Most interviews would be missing pretty much nothing for most of these.
You can use ffmpeg to strip the video and just have the audio, easier and faster for download. Very nice for commuters listening in their car, etc.
“It is the Right, of course, that spends all of its time fussing about inconsistencies on the Left, while the Left just wins every fight.” Amen. I have a recent example from our Easter dinner. I overheard a heated argument over climate change between my “righteous” conservative friend and a liberal guest. Of course the conservative went into details about the hockey stick graphs and other facts while the liberal (A-hole) just took the moral ground of saving the planet and the human race. As I walked by, my frustrated friend asked me opinion about all the facts versus the… Read more »
Heh. Easter ain’t what it used to be…
Give this man a medal! Not arguing policy, just abject ridicule!
While Progressive Anti-racist Egalitarianism is not a religion in the traditional sense, the case can be made that it’s very similar. Adherents hold to their beliefs with all the fervency and obstinacy of the most devout religious believer. Like the religious believer, they have a tremendous emotional investment in their beliefs being true. Like the religious believer, they strongly identify with their beliefs: question their beliefs, and they react as if you’re attacking them personally; and are as likely as not to attack you back. Like the dogmatic variety of religious believer, they see things in black-and-white terms, and see… Read more »
Pretty wordy for a guy named Bill. Good overall. But for, “since anyone familiar with the Bible can see that “Liberal Christianity” is a contradiction in terms: as the Bible is anything but progressive.” Can’t let you breezily slip that by. As is plain and much discussed on the D.R. there are many “Progressive” themes running through the bible. That book is a mishmash of swords and fig leaves.
I’ll try to be brief in my reply : ) I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to when you state that there are many “Progressive” themes running through the Bible? An example or two would help. Disregarding the Old Testament— which is positively reactionary in its advocacy of slavery, male domination and subjugation of women, genocide against Israel’s opponents, etc.— I’ll agree with you that there are themes in the New Testament which might be seen as being in line with Progressive egalitarianism. Certainly the case can be made that Jesus’s treatment of women was progressive for his time.… Read more »
“But I’d still suggest that we find little in the NT that could rightly be seen as providing support for Progressive’s pet causes.” Lots of “love” and help the meek or poor simply because they are meek or poor. Those two concepts are enough to give Progs the backing or rhetoric they need. Anyway, appreciate your thoughtful comments, though I don’t always agree.
I think this argument is what Z Man was pointing out as useless.
Kill their faith in their morality.
They just like to hurt people.
All of their policies fail on purpose.
They kill babies! Nothing is beneath them.
There is no depravity to which they will recoil.
The only fun they have is making us say stupid shit.
See SwissGaurd above.
“Blacks are their supreme sacred objects: saying anything negative about Blacks is their version of heresy: deserving of the harshest of punishments.” That appears often to be so, but “Black Lives” are also props in a morality play. In any case, the piety needs to be attacked, mocked, and ridiculed to disturb the smug and to set teeth their grinding in anger. Maybe what follows will help: [1] Those “Black Lives” have brown skin, not black skin like gorillas. [2] Black is not a color but the absence of color. Hence the phrase “Black Lives Matter”, as commonly used, implies… Read more »
Are you speaking in political terms, or do you really think blacks are evil?
“Christianity requires a literal reading of Gen 1:1-18. An ascended body needs some place to go, or ascension is pointless.” Nice.
What exists necessarily in some possible world can’t be evil in a world in which it happens to exist. Nevertheless, I’m confident that there must be other worlds (or universes, if you like) with many fewer subsaharans in them, and some worlds have none. Meanwhile, “Black Lives Matter” is the race warriors’ own slogan. So why not to take their word at face value when they insist that Evil Lives Matter and mediate upon possible solutions? As a “Satan” who doubts the Bible, you’ll probably be interersted in the following two linked essays about what the tanakh actually teaches about… Read more »
Clarence Thomas is right, however I wish he focused on the lowest hanging fruit first, the credit card processors. Visa and Mastercard (which is a racist name because it’s like the massah’s card) can cut anyone off just because they don’t like them. Or because the ADL doesn’t like them. This is a classic duopoly that’s as hardwired into our system as any government agency. Twitter can go either way as a “utility.” I personally don’t think it is one. A big part of why we’re here is because the FTC hasn’t done its job since they broke up the… Read more »
How about the Boeing / McDonnell Douglas merger 20 years ago. Maybe you can start your own aircraft manufacturing business?
Of course! I’ll start with canvas biplanes in a barn.
Your welcome.
.. ….
Couldn’t help but notice a common thread between the two twitter commenters you linked to. They’re always the ones who fly into “purple-faced rages” far as I can tell.
It could have been just a coincidence of course.
It’s funny how often I go to the Z Blog and find a post about something that I was just considering myself. I was listening to a couple egalitarian civnats on a YouTube video ranting about the left (it’s not important who. It was your conventional criticisms.), and it became very obvious how conservatism and classical liberalism have set themselves up to lose. Under the typical mainstream conservatism viewpoint, everything is always up for debate. “What? You believe in a different sexual morality, or social order than I do? Well, friend, let’s just have an open debate about it, and… Read more »
“The mainstream right is afraid of being right.”
Succinct and true. I no longer really attempt to debate wokeists, but at some point, after saying something that offended them and being called a ‘X-ist’, I’d simply reply “You never said I was wrong, though.”. It was very effective, and after I had deployed it a few more times it came to my attention that yes, often, Rightists were on the side of truth.
There is fundamentally more truth to a ‘rightist’ position because, properly taken, such a position is usually based on reality.
“There is fundamentally more truth to a ‘rightist’ position because, properly taken, such a position is usually based on reality.” Facts vs. Feelings, pointing out Leftist hypocrisy, Progressive ideology degrading classical liberalism, etc… should serve only as a primer for recruiting. Beyond that, tut-tutting is to be viewed as childish and quaint. Advanced lessons should naturally evolve into allowing the person to be able to identify the myriad attacks on, and threats against, themselves in every arena: their whiteness, culture, religion, industry, employment, freedom and ultimately their offspring. The final matriculation is when Our People reach the level of core… Read more »
Leftism is nothing if not a series of experiments against reality.
Failure to respect reality is not the sole fault of the left. Many religious claims, perhaps most of them, are blatantly at odds with reality — those that can be falisified, which isn’t all of them. Remember the frequent charge (entirely valid) that many of the Leftist beliefs are akin to a religion? Just because you’re a conservative Christian (or a Buddhist in 500 BC, for that matter) doesn’t exempt you from holding fantastic beliefs. It’s called being human. — Public Service Announcement — To further muddy the waters, I’m currently reading a critic of Nietzsche and he is discussing… Read more »
That’s awesome! “Ha, but you never said I was wrong!”
Vizzini: very well stated – to say the very least.
Written long ago, but somehow quite relevant today: Sin is crouching at the door and it’s desire is for you, but you must master it.
Brilliant comment. I, too, often get criticized for being too dead set in my belief or position. But if one does not hold to certain absolutes, if everything is up for negotiation, then nothing ultimately matters. Truth is not up for debate. Morality is not relative. Even beauty is not merely in the eye of the beholder (symmetry and physical manifestations of youth and health and fertility are real). Moral harm to society is something generally ignored. That’s purposeful, just as the campaign against moral opposition (mocking of Christianity, mocking of social sobriety and sexual modesty) has been purposeful and… Read more »
If your not willing to do what it takes then you gotta take what’s coming.
I’m going to start a construction company as soon as I find a lbgtqxyzpoc to be a face.
Gonna gets someodat infrastructure bux. Every pothole filled ten million
Geez, not much love for Sailer on this site. I maintain that Sailer does good work, a gateway drug if you will to our side. As a very mild mannered likeable personality, he can bring many fence sitters to our side.
Full disclosure, I very much agree with your comment and find you to be one of the best commenters here.
By your argument, I could impose Sharia law on you. Are you sure that’d be good idea?
There are countries with Sharia law all over the world. It doesn’t matter if “it’s a good idea.” It’s the way the world works. If you want your particular world, you have to fight for it, not sit down with the leader of CAIR and say, “Yeah, Muslims are great. Let’s have more of them in our country. Maybe we can find ways to accommodate your Sharia.”
I’m already having an objectionable ideology imposed on me. What would I be more upset that it’s Sharia than Globohomo?
Typical Conservative thinking from the 80’s. Whites are in the fight for their lives both physically and socially. And mostly because we kept ceding our moral ground every time the other side whined and threatened us.
Now we’re one step away from having pederasty being socially acceptable and our children being educated by sexual degenerates and turned against us.
Graduate past the What-Ifs, past the mincing, past the parsing. You know who Our People are. You know what we stand for, our history, achievements. You know the foe is out to destroy us. Humiliate us, mutilate and shame our children. Erase all that Our ancestors built, beautified or won for us. Turn your mind to recruiting and rescuing Our People. Building alliances. Focus on how to hurt those that are harming us. Repelling them. Sewing chaos amongst them. Forcing their ugly heads into the understanding their choices are living separately from us or facing annihilation. Don’t bicker. Don’t distract… Read more »
Penitent Man, I love it! Well said!
I’d like to thank you for making this comment in earnest. I know you mean well, but it perfectly encapsulates why conservatives lost. Of all the races, Whites are the least racist, the least ethnocentric. So, they are the most susceptible to appeals on principle. But what happens when society is composed of multiple races, say through immigration, and only one side is willing to act on principle while the others aren’t? Well, as the commenter above said, the principled group usually loses. To see how this works, consider white Leftists. They once espoused a belief in free speech, but… Read more »
MTG may be a Q-Anon loon, but she knows how to fight fire with fire, by introducing the, “Fire Fauci Act:”
I have to rub my chin thoughtfully on this one. While I support what she’s proposing, are those measures more or less likely to gain traction in the wake of having been proposed by a woman that the cloud people have successfully tarred as toxic. It’s silly, I know, but what if some milquetoast like Little Marco proposes the same thing next week? The Sunday shows will all point out that he’s on the same page as that “kook”, MTG, and they dismiss otherwise moral and rational notions. I want to shove things in the left’s face as much as… Read more »
Letting the enemy decide who gets to speak for us? Gee, we’ve been doing that for decades. It really works! How about standing up for someone who is being tarred instead? Every single person who speaks up against the enemy will get “destroyed”. So by your rules, we all cower. Again.
Thanks for nothing.
THats the Catholic,ic argument too. The happy end of man is the purpose of the state, the end of man is the beatific vision. The state must promote and be wedded to, the true religion, the Catholic religion. Therefore the state must be Catholic.
Thats why Vatican ii is heretical. It says the state must promote religious freedom. This was condemned by Pius ix.
Oh well…
Nicholas Nassim Taleb (the “Black Swan” guy) has developed a theory of the “Intolerant Minority” which I think you’d enjoy. It treats the dynamic you outline above pretty thoroughly.
Of course, the intolerant minority here in the US gradual became a force to be reckoned with, if not an outright majority.
The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority
If Taleb is right about this, and I think he is, this is all the more reason you don’t want to live in a “global village”. Put enough different tribes together and almost anything you might want to do will offend some nasty, intolerant little group that is part of all that glorious diversity. The upshot is that as diversity goes to infinity, freedom goes to zero.
Well, we had one election or one court ruling, once, that said “new liberal piety”, so shut up, rayciss.
The three idiots who downvoted your post are a bigger problem than AOC.
[…] ZMan waxes philosophica. […]
Cohen and Stern…. How peculiar…. Words like cuck, dindu, NPC and other effective rhetoric is banned on most social media platforms. None of THEIR effective rhetoric (racist/fascist/misogynist etc) is banned, just ours. Our larger side (not just DR but the whole right) needs to learn that in the public square, nothing is more important than effective rhetoric. You can call them hypocrites till the cows come home and they just do not care. But call them an NPC and the howling and shrieking begins. They absolutely HATE ridicule. Showing you have nothing but contempt for them is debilitating for them.… Read more »
I just had a revelation. Kamala is the first dindu-hindu veep. A two-fer.
If you accept the fact that Darwin was right about morality in Chapter IV of his “The Descent of Man,” it’s not so hard to understand the behavior of the modern Left. They suffer from the common human illusion, described brilliantly by Westermarck, that moral goods and evils are real, objective things. This illusion has become “dysfunctional” in an environment radically different from the one in which the relevant emotionally driven behavior evolved. The result is a “morality inversion.” Instead of promoting the survival and reproduction of the relevant genes, the behavior inspired by these emotions now accomplishes precisely the… Read more »
People would be shocked to see the intra-white fertility data. I ran some census data between ultra white rural ontario and the whitest areas in Toronto and other liberal cities (namely Ottawa). (Too much time on my hands during the never ending lockdown). The ratio between adults of childbearing age (I said 25-39) from the average chunk of territory in urban toronto and rural boonies (chunks of 100,000 people) is usually about 2:1. Sometimes 3:1. The most extreme case is 8:1. However, the number of children (age 0-19) is more like 1:1 per chunk, or even 1:1.3. it is incredible.… Read more »
My rural, northern, US cousins are as pozzed as you can be. No children.
It is a death cult.
You’re half right. If you think moral good and evil are not real, objective things, then you are unarmed for the fight in which you are engaged.
I guess I’m unarmed. Show me where good, evil, moral and immoral exist as things in themselves, unreferenced to human beliefs, then I will believe you.
First, “objective” isn’t the same as “material.” The concept of pi as in “the circumference of a circle is pi time the radius squared” is an objective truth, but you can’t identify pi as a real-world thing apart from sentient definition. I accept the Biblical definition of morality as declared by the Christian God. You don’t, I assume. I am under no obligation to justify my beliefs to you, or compromise with you. I don’t object to doing so. I think there are a lot of good reasons to accept that definition of morality, but A) It’s beyond the scope… Read more »
Another brilliant riposte, Vizzini. I applaud your patience in dealing with certain individuals, although I’m certain you realize as well as I that your words and logic will have no impact on them. Either way, thank you for your work here today.
I hate myself sometimes: “the circumference of a circle is pi time the radius squared”
Um, “area of a circle.”
3.14159 upvotes for this comment.
First, I want to thank you and others for debating these topics with me. Here are 3 ideas we both might agree upon: 1. Each individual has his own morality, conscious or otherwise, which guides his choices. 2. Groups (family, tribe, nation) may develop a shared morality by which they live. This will be reflected in their customs, traditions, rules, laws. 3. There will always be differences of opinion. I’m right, you’re wrong. You’re good, I’m evil. (Or vice versa). Judged by a given morality. You believe your morals are “morals are right and universal.” You also correctly note that… Read more »
If you speak of objective morality, you do, in fact require an object. Many proponents of objective morality have recognized this problem, and, realizing that there is no evidence of any Good and Evil objects in the physical universe, have claimed that they exist in some kind of a non-physical, spirit world, after the fashion of Christians, who have the same problem with their nonexistent God. What you say about the properties of circles demonstrates that you can’t tell the difference between mathematical models and the real world. The familiar formulas for circumference and area are only true if you… Read more »
Westermarck’s anti-religion and moral relativism are closer to the causes of the present troubles than the solution.
The other side are cowards.
We so far are worse; we submit to cowards.
It is true that words mean and accomplish nothing, one wonders why more words?
I’m not sure I totally agree.
Look at how effectively the other has weaponized language.
What are the real-world factors preventing this side from doing the same?
I would argue that the enormous safety net/support system is the largest real-word difference between the sides.
Their side has an endless array of comfy, well-paid sinecures for any of their fallen culture warriors. This side has next to nothing.
Wild Geese – That’s why we need White communities. Don’t advertise a job opening, tell your White neighbors or employees you’re looking for someone. We need to build up our own ethnic network for jobs, housing, and everything else. A de-monetized, private, and local White economy.
Thank you, finally a thinker here.
I have a long term plan of owning multiple properties. I will rent out my non-primary residences to white families at below market rent.
There are soo many white people (particularly boomers) with money or multiple properties who are so greedy and place profit extraction as their #1 goal, rather than the general welfare of their own people
Speaking from experience the worst tenants I’ve had were the trashy white people. Best ones were Mexicans married with kids. Although these were Mexicans that came over here a long time ago when it was just for jobs and no gibs.
Never rented to vibrants, because well duh.
I have a couple rental properties and you couldn’t pay me to rent them someone with brown skin, particularly Mexicans. I’ve seen the way they live.
I’m not taking about renting to trashy white drug addicts. You realize middle class whites have just as much trouble affording housing + kids in the new diverse America?
Doesn’t take them being drug addicts, just a couple large dogs for a deposit’s worth of repairs.
Schopenhauer once said he’d rather be ruled by a lion than a pack of rats. Increasingly, I’m inclined to agree. But there are no more lions. Only rats.
“Schopenhauer once said he’d rather be ruled by a lion than a pack of rats.” Who’d disagree with THAT? LOL. Schop is usually better than that.
Who would disagree? Anybody who worships democracy. That’s who.
“Rein in”, not “reign in.”
50.1% now decides the country’s morality and thus the definition of laws.
Whites will soon be a minority.
Buckle up, campers. Will will soon be at the mercy of groups that despise us. If they push it, the situation won’t hold. They’d be smart to just keep us in a low simmer, but history says that’s not how it will play out.
They can’t help themselves. If africans/mestizos had future time orientation, their countries wouldn’t be shit holes and they wouldn’t be desperately fleeing. I’ve said many times that they don’t operate on the same plane as we do. The average black iq is, generously, 84. Outside the talented tenth, their thoughts are not much more complex than “ooga booga”, “muh dick”, and “gibsmedat”. Throw in some (((whispering))) (more like screaming) that whitey bad and soon you have very violent and angry blacks. Other non white groups are slightly smarter, and they are assimilating perfectly. Anyone from Latinos to indians to chinese… Read more »
“I’ve said many times that they don’t operate on the same plane as we do.” Maybe on the same veldt or savannah, hundreds of thousands of years ago*. You’re probably not the only one who’s said it before. A famous philosopher (not Nietzsche for a change!) says: “…it may be said that if their understanding is not of a different nature from ours, it is at least greatly inferior. They are not capable of any great application or association of ideas, and seem formed neither for the advantages nor abuses of our philosophy.” — Voltaire, Philosphical Letters, “The Negro” (c.… Read more »
even AIDS couldn’t wait to get out of Africa
and that’s saying something
Let us say frankly to our opponent that we do not share his ideas because we understand them and that he does not share ours because he does not understand them. –Davila
Alright, grammar sperg alert. I try hard not to be a grammar notsee, and I’ve given up on people understanding the distinction between its and it’s, but there are two things every fairly intelligent White man should know. The first is the meaning and use of the words there and their and they’re, and the second is the difference between rein and reign (most already know rain). A ‘rein’ is used on a horse to control its movements, and thus to control a government or out of control individual – i.e. ‘reined in.’ Reign means the rule of of someone,… Read more »
Being a horseman, I’m very familiar with the proper usage of the term “rein in,” but of all the common malapropisms, that’s the one I can forgive most easily, because I can understand the through process that leads some to thing “reign in” in the sense of “to rule or exercise control over.”
I always mix up rein and reign. I never remember how to spell bourgeois. These are not things that cause me to lose sleep. Is anyone is baffled by what is meant by “reign in” versus “rein in”? I doubt it. If they are, it may be an indication of some sort of brain abnormality. The reader that is certain that the writer is morally bound by the reader’s standards of grammar is probably not learning much from his reading. Grammar is always a means to an end, not an end in itself.
No one is ‘bound’ by my standards of grammar, and I definitely make my own errors. I’m simply noting (and in so doing, noting I’m being a sperg about it) something that I find jarring amidst your readable and thoughtful and excellent prose. Fwiw, perhaps a mnemonic assist for reign and rein – the one with the ‘g’ works for a king, and the other doesn’t. Either way, enjoyed the post as usual.
I have a similar mnemonic device for principle principal. The principle is your ple. never mind.
and why God made proofreaders
“thought process”
“think” (not “thing”)
And how much of typical blogging grammar error is just because we don’t give things a proper once-over.
I don’t know how much is autocorrect (I can’t even remember if I made that post on my phone), and how much is because I am a touch typist and sometimes my fingers just go off and type a word that is close on their own accord!
You are incorrect. Rein in means to take an action to control something.
It a referral to horses not kingdoms.
Reign in more of a state of being rather than a specific action.
Reign also has a verb form:
reign verb
reigned; reigning; reigns
Definition of reign (Entry 2 of 2)
intransitive verb
1a: to possess or exercise sovereign power : RULE
b: to hold office as chief of state although possessing little governing power
in England the sovereign reigns but does not rule
2: to exercise authority in the manner of a monarch
3: to be predominant or prevalent
chaos reigned in the classroom
Off topic. But I didn’t thank you the other day for the ‘Off Grid Hospital’ link. It’s very helpful; the book recommends were all decent too – I’d been looking for a good run down of standard medical texts.
Glad to be of help. My reading ranges widely, if not always usefully.
You have just given us a pleonasm, which is generally superior to a neoplasm 🙂
Watch the language, Ben: this a family site. I’m not for any kind of plasms, plantids or neolisms.
Gee, thanks grandma, knit us all Enlightment sweaters.
Check out the video on Powerline (Sunday past) of Canadian pastor colliding verbally with female health inspector and police officers sent to roust their Easter service. Now this guy —from Poland — knows how to meet the LEFTIST / totalitarians. And of course, the immediate PD statement on this was …. inaccurate. Commenter there says Calgary mayor id Moslem.
Yep that’s the way the Left needs be treated. You create a loud stink and make everyone notice those Gestapo thugs. Those cops and health worker were used to dealing with whites who just rolled over like whipped dogs. And when one man stood up to them they backed off real fast.
A New Tomorrow (cont) Only solo is truly secure. Yes, the Deep State is using it’s prying eyes to measure everyone’s dick size, and also employing AI to data mine everyone’s social media and private communications in order to ascertain you pre-crime inclinations. But all is not lost. You can still fool most of the tyrants most of the time. It’s not easy, but it is doable. First & foremost, use your social camouflage to become as benign & invisible as feasible. Learn to communicate lots of misdirection in your social media (if you still use it) and also in… Read more »
If we just keep pointing out the facts – well we’ll manage to get enough of those fence sitters on our side to cobble together 50.000001%. BLM and Saint George Floyd disabused me of the notion that facts matter.
No you won’t ever.
First of all it’s demographically impossible to get a 50.1% majority for our side with non whites as a majority.
Secondly they will just manufacture enough votes to get that majority if they don’t exist, as we saw in the election.
The old way of democracy is dead. Better think up something new, and fast.
Yep – my comment was 100% sarcasm.
Wow flew right over my head
Tired today lol
The surging demographic groups do not care about facts. They care about their racial group dominating.
The Left continues to punch below the belt while the Right sticks to Queensbury Rules. Every time the Right takes one to the groin, they cry foul to the Referee. Unfortunately, the Referee could care less and the Right still hasn’t figured out he’s not there to enforce the rules.
Until the Right learns to fight the way the Left does, it will continue to loose.
Learning to fight the left and learning to fight like the left are two different things.
Somehow this reminds me of the tangential point that righties need to focus on the enemy in their own ranks first. The left fights to win while the right strives too uphold reality and truth. There’s no point in debating the left, we have to smash them. But first we have to deal with guys like Ben Shapiro and his cadre of tsk-tsking finger waggers.
Corporate front men like Shapiro and the talk radio crowd are responsible for keeping most Whites in the dark for decades as their country was stolen from them. They conflated what is good for the super rich is what is good for America and rammed it down our throats for 40 years. They actually convinced a bunch of sod busters that the plight of billionaires was worth worrying about, even as they were headed into penury. That said, yes these cretins need to be dealt with at some point along with their paymasters. And yes there is no point debating… Read more »
Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. It’s a flex on you, on us. “Yeah we are hypocrites. What are you gonna do about it, whitey?”
Most conservative memes / talk shows are all about the hypocrisy. That just shows their power over conservatives lol.
Conservative carping about hypocrisy also serves as a clear signal to the cultural Marxists they have been effective.
It was necessary to interview a few 8 year olds, but that research provided me with what seems to be the most logical, comprehensible response to the arguments of The Left:
“I’m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you”.
Interviewing 8-year olds probably isn’t much different from Interviewing leftists. More fun though.
There’s a group of secular Puritans in my unincorporated neighborhood who, for at least the last 10 years, have been trying to cajole the other inhabitants into becoming a town (with them as the ruling body, naturally). They’ve been unsuccessful mainly because their only argument is it will be easier to ensure compliance with zoning regulations. In their zeal they don’t seem to understand the average person resents these impositions and isn’t keen to give busybodies the means to sniff out and punish even the most trivial violations. I’m surprised they haven’t tried the moral angle since one of these… Read more »
ZMan – Your continual comparisons of the Left with the acolytes of a zealous religion shows, I’m afraid, only that you do not understand what Real religious zeal is like. Given that our Western religion is Christian or nothing, this drum-beat of ‘Leftists are religious’, ‘Leftists worship gods’ etc (despite that Leftists are the most materialist, god-disbelieving, purpose- and meaning-rejecting people in history) just represents a tempo of anti-Christian slurs. I know you don’t intend this, and regard yourself as open and sympathetic to an alliance with Christians, but old habits die hard – and you just sound like an… Read more »
“ There is Christianity or there is the left”
Christianity is no more inevitable in our future than communism was in the Soviet Union or National Socialism was in Germany.
And part of our problems is in fact Christianity and the perversion of it.
If what I see before me is the result of Christianity I want no part of it.
And for those who have read my past comments, I am a Christian.
You are setting up a false dichotomy that is not necessarily true in my my opinion.
Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism–Spengler
I was going to offer a longer reply but then came to grapple with this and found to me it simply made no sense. ” It is quite simple: in The West there is Christianity or there is the Left – no other alternatives. The fact that church Christianity is both weak and deeply corrupt does not affect that fact – it will be Christianity of Leftist Permanent Revolution leading to *absolute* collapse. ” Christianity as an institution at this stage is both weak, deeply corrupt, and left. How is this not a contradiction then that Christianity is supposed to… Read more »
Bruce, the “leftism is a religion” realization needn’t be anti-faith in understanding or in practice. As you know, Jim Kalb is deeply religious and holds this view. Some of us who are Christians hold this view. Leftists are idolators, pharisees, etc.
“The West there is Christianity or there is the Left – no other alternatives.”
Ouch. You may be right. Hope not. Certainly could be.
For those who find that we cannot force ourselves to believe, we must forge a third way (wink, wink).
bgc, Perhaps you ought to learn a bit more about the word ‘zealotry.’ And, although he is on everyone’s sh$t list for something or other, Vox Day is on point with his coined term ‘churchian.’ Finally, look into “No true Scotsman.”
Feh, Leftism is indeed a religion. A evil one. And if given the opportunity will kill everyone in opposition to them. That is their history.
As for Christianity today. it is weak and corrupt. It does not produce men of martial strength like Charles Martel, Richard the Lionheart and those who held the Saracen at bay for a 1000 years. Instead today it produces men who foot wash criminals and crybabies who just want to sit back and let Jeebus fix everything.
Gab is full of these disgusting miscreants.
White Christians are the ones having white babies. White atheists and pagans aren’t having babies. I think Richard Spencer had one child (a girl?) and is now divorced I believe. I have eight Northern European children (yes, all my own with one woman) and my wife wants more.
My white Christian wife has twice as many babies as her two sisters and her sister in law (all secular) combined.
I agree that sometimes battle lines (metaphoric for time being at least) must sometimes be drawn. Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. Young people speaking their minds…. wait, sorry, got sidetracked. But I’m dismayed by the all-too-common “us or them” mentality here (and many other places.) Nobody is going to tick all the boxes. For example, yes I’m an unbeliever. You won’t find me in your church except for a wedding, a funeral or possibly a spaghetti dinner. But if you knew me, you’d probably find 80-90% congruence on DR issues. OK, toss out the hard worker and family part, call… Read more »
Yes, and I have even caught myself doing it with other men of like minded views. Doesn’t the left know New York and even Deleware, the home state of Biden has stricter voting laws than those proposed in Georgia? I heard myself saying that. The positive thing is that I caught myself and was able to also reply that the left does not care, only we care about hypocrisy. We are pissing in the wind bringing hypocrisy up so much. It can be a tool to help normies be aware but for us who are around each other and who… Read more »
Indeed. Listen to any “conservative” talk radio program and within the first 15 minutes, you will hear an expose’ on the latest hypocrisy of the Left. They can’t help themselves. Come to think of it, one might consider judging such “conservative” folk as to whether or not they depend on such (hypocrisy) discussion as integral to their show’s format. If they ignore Leftist hypocrisy or expound on such very little, it is probably indicative of their crossing over to the DR side of our divide—and perhaps an indication that they are worth listening to.
Bongino actually laughs hysterically when doing this. And it’s the laugh of a mad scientist celebrating his victory over a problem he presumes he has just solved. In his mind, a snarky put-down of some Leftist lunacy is the virtual equivalent of winning an election.
That was one thing Trump got right. Never apologize or allow oneself to be put on the defensive. “So what if I had three wives?” “Yeah, I was a 30 something billionaire bachelor so I banged the chicks that threw themselves at me, next question”. Whataboutism is waste of time. The answer to any of these attacks should be “so what?”
Andrew Breitbart would often answer the left with “So?” along with a look of befuddlement. It was a great way to reveal the moral base stealing.
That’s a masterful shutdown and prompt for the Marxists to keep babbling and grow even more unhinged.
eh if you’re still quoting breitbart – you’re still in finklethink
“[The Left] see themselves as the fullest expression of democratic morality…You can no more reason with someone who thinks they are the sword of a secular god than you can reason with someone who thinks they are a god.” In college I wrote a little essay called “The Explication of Lady Justice” where I provided two interpretations of the icon, an exoteric and esoteric interpretation. The esoteric interpretation was my way of willfully subverting the hermeneutical meaning of the icon. It was really a commentary on our current ideas of “Justice” specifically the trendy social justice of the “woke” SJW… Read more »
I wanted to emphasize the fact that this lady justice was in fact incredibly vulnerable on her own. She must rely on others to carry out “justice” in any meaningful sense, and is therefore extremely exploitable. Justice is only as good as the orders she is taking, the men whispering in her ear, turning her about, and unleashing her on the crowd.
Excellent points. As if the sense of sight is the only thing that can lead to wrong conclusions. One can even argue that it is the most dependable of senses, and the statue should be one with open eyes, and earplugs as in I don’t care for your propaganda, I will believe what I see.
Regardless of imagery, the rule of law died in the USA last December when the Supremes took a pass on the overt election fraud criminality. That was the revelation of a tipping point for many. Any pretense of this country being governed by the “rule of law” is now laughably absurd. But the good news is that this revelation is liberating. Anything goes now applies to all things, all the time, everywhere. Yes, there will be differential application of the illusion of law, Progressives will get a free pass and everyone else gets the noose, but that just hastens the… Read more »
Yes Tom A , the last vestiges of hope for the America I grew up in died that day. It was profoundly sad, and yet strangely liberating.
Lady J was raped hard that day.
Could not agree more, well said.
Speculation on how much & how long blood will spill.
Get out of cities while you can.
I’ve long thought that social media companies can and should be treated as common carriers under the law. There’s plenty of precedence there and no reason at all to reinvent the regulatory wheel for the,. Just apply standing laws where they clearly apply. It’s good to see someone (C Thomas) coming to the same conclusion.
I’m actually in favor of public accommodation laws. I’m also in favor of private organizations being the alternative. If Twitter positioned itself as a private club, with specific rules for admission, dues and so on, then they can make the rules they see fit. On the other hand, when you declare yourself a pubic service of some sort, like a retail shop, public platform and so on, then you must abide by the laws of the common. Shielding the platform providers from defamation should be conditioned on their role in the common. That was the point of Section 230. These… Read more »
Shoulda, coulda, woulda. That ship has sailed and taken with it the idea that social media would be the “soap box” of the 21st century upon which all ideas could be discussed without censorship.
Like our Constitution some ideas are just too full of Freedom to allow to exist.
That’s not the point I was making, of course. Whether or not the court will apply the law is a different question.
Actually, having a career that spanned the “pre-Internet”, “pre-social media” times with present, I am amazed the platform stayed as open for as long as it has. I remember discussions even in the early 90’s that the government would never allow this mechanism for communication of dissent to remain and even grow. I’d have bet money it would be all over 15 years ago.
Twitter and YouTube are the de facto digital public squares due to their enormous mindshare.
They absolutely should be treated as a public good where secret coeteries have no place in deciding who can and cannot speak in the public square.
I’ve come to see “social media” in general and “twitter” in particular as very much net negative factors in society. That should be minimized and ideally destroyed – sort of like drugs or prostitution. There’s obviously some point where fighting their evil becomes a larger evil – but that doesn’t mean that they should just be embraced and fully commercialized.
In the case of social media – outlawing their collection and selling their users data would be the stake through the heart – whatever succeeded them would be a non anonymous subscription service – limiting their destructiveness.
Can’t disagree with that. What very little benefit they provide to society is more than offset by an avalanche of downsides. Instead of talking about how to reconfigure them or rein in their more pernicious effects, we should be talking about completely eradicating them.
There’s never been a fact pointed out to a leftard or to the left in general that has made a damn bit of difference in their long term “scheme”of things. Oh sure, they may give lip service now and then for convenience sake, but will get back on track soon enough. The “conservative” right pointing out these obvious hypocrisies is even more tiring than negro fatigue, if that’s possible.
Yes and no.
You’re not going to convince the zealot.
But then that’s not really the point of engaging them. The point is to persuade the people that the zealot is trying to persuade, aka the audience. The battle space is something like 5% leftwing nut, 5% right wing opposition and 90% undecided.
Dino, your ‘90% undecided’ is about as realistic as the fabled ‘silent majority.’ People aren’t undecided, most of them just don’t care. They don’t pay attention to politics or larger issues because they lack the intelligence and foresight to see how it will impact their world or the future of their progeny. That accounts for perhaps 50%, many of whom will not survive the future winnowing. Add in another 20% who kinda sorta agree with either side depending on the issue, claim they’re ‘unbiased’ or ‘middle of the road.’ These people don’t want to commit to anything, constantly hedging their… Read more »
Yeah I have to think it’s less than 5% of white people who actually hold dissident views. To be dissident, you generally need the following traits: – high racism – high ethnocentrism and tribal awareness – low empathy – low trust – willingness to lie/manipulate (aka dark triad) – low conformity It’s just not a collection of traits that many white people have. I’ve unfortunately wondered if many whites just aren’t cut out for the modern globalized world. I am highly tribal and really have no issue identifying and dealing with various tribes at work or in life. But 95%… Read more »
“All I can say is that dissidents need to have alot of kids and raise them well. ” Exactly. Do His work. And educate them yourself. “I do think it’s more likely genetic than environmental.” I think so. But I see counter examples even in my own family (siblings). The comfort and hitherto unknown luxury of modern life is a strong inducement to toe any line. “I’m sure we all received the same brainwashing that other whites did yet we became dissidents.” This is something I have been thinking about recently. Admittedly, when I was in school (I’m now mid-thirties),… Read more »
I don’t exactly disagree, but all those people don’t naturally support the left wing nut jobs either. They’re just going to take the path of least resistance. So if there’s a lefty nut job screaming and everyone tucks tail and runs, they will too. If there’s a fight, they’ll back whoever looks to win. These are the people that OBL was refering to as following a strong horse. Strong horses don’t flee the field of combat. All of which doesn’t mean that they’ll be won over with logic and facts, although some will. Some will be won over by making… Read more »
Whitman said something similar: “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.).” I think the multitudes he contained weren’t the literal multiple personalities of the schizophrenics on the left who insist on using the pronouns “they” and “we,” when talking about themselves, though. The Jewish role in what’s happening is so outsized and obvious that it’s easy to forget these weird currents of leftism that come from the Upper Midwest and New England. They seem innocuous and well-meaning but are psychotic and dangerous, even though ostensibly rooted in Christianity (especially the Sermon… Read more »
Joey, I thought of Whitman’s quote as well when Z quoted Emerson. Clearly, there was a strong rejection of logical consistency going on with the Transcendentalists in New England. I’d like to know more about that. I would guess it was a variant of “feelings don’t care about your facts.” Speaking of New England in the 19th century, you are correct to bring up the descendants of the New England Puritans and their utopian impulses. When I get carried away with the idea of building a homogeneous society based upon common ancestry, I confess that I must remind myself that… Read more »
Yes Lineman, as many have said here perhaps our greatest enemy are our cousins the goodwhites. As “pogo” said, “i have seen the enemy and they are us”.
Sorry line in the sand, confused you with that other thoughtful fellow. To refer back to others talking about% of population we might count on, we seem to be a rather small outpost deep in enemy territory.