Words Are Keys

It is a popular joke among the worst people that the best people need to find a minority to endorse their preferences before they can express them. In this context, the “best people” are the poohbahs of Conservative Inc. No matter how obvious or justified their position, so-called conservatives need to prove they are the best people by searching high and low for a “person of color” who agrees with them. Candace Owens has gotten rich by blessing the positions of conservatives.

It is the slave mentality, of course. The master is always projecting pride and power, as those are the things he values. He is the master, the man in charge, so he places the most value on the things that are useful to him as the master. The slave, on the other hand, is obsequious and submissive. The slave tries to express his will through quiet subversion, always conscious of the master. In American politics, conservatives are the slave, always displaying their submissiveness.

You see this with the growing controversy over Critical Race Theory. Conservative Inc. was silent on the issue until a black women stood up against it at a local school board meeting in Virginia. You could hear the sighs of relief echoing around Washington as conservatives finally had their champion. This antiwhite pogrom aimed at white children was no longer antiwhite, it was racist! Ever since, the conservative panjandrums have been piling in the company Lincoln with the DR3 tags.

Even Chris Rufo, the Andy Ngo of CRT, has struggled to accept the reality of his own reporting on the issue. He has been trying hard to make this about racism, rather than the long war on white people. He has personal reasons for it, but it is clear that he really believes what they say about white people. That is, if two or more white people get together outside the presence of nonwhites, they will immediately start planning for the new camp system in the Fourth Reich.

That last bit may seem like an exaggeration, but it is the root of what drives things like Critical Race Theory. Another person desperate to tone police, while riding the wave of controversy, is Karlyn Borysenko. She was sent in by the usual suspects to tell white people that the term “antiwhite” is very bad. Here she is with Patrick Casey explaining that the term antiwhite promotes white solidarity and white positivity. In this clip, she says that this always leads to genocide.

In fairness to Rufo, he seems to have figured out that he was speaking to no one by making CRT about racism against nonwhites. The parents flipping out about this stuff are all white. The people in the crowd cheering them on are white. He seems to have settled for a middle ground of implying that it is antiwhite racism. Scott Greer seems to be happy with that phrasing as well. The Wall Street Journal is fine with this new, oblique way of framing the issue.

As was brilliantly pointed out yesterday, the R-word can only apply to whites, so this new formulation is nonsensical. When someone on the Left hears the phrase “racism against whites” she hears Charlie Brown’s teacher. Racism can mean only one thing and that is prejudice plus power. In the fantasy world of the Left, the only people with power are white people, so they are the only people who can be racist. As is always the case with the Left, compromise is suicide.

The reason for this is that the Left is a hive, dividing the world into those inside the hive walls and those outside the hive walls. This is reflected in their language. There are words and concepts that can be used as weapons against their enemies and then there is language used by the enemy, that justifies attacking them. When the say language is violence, they really mean it. It is either a justification for their use of violence against outsiders or a call to violence against outsiders.

This is why the word “antiwhite” is so powerful. The Left has no way to redefine it as a slur against their enemy. Worse yet, when they attack their enemy for using it, they confirm the definition of the word. The biggest problem for them is the word strips them of moral authority. When the Left finger-wags about something like racism, they do so as the moral authorities on the issue. Cast as antiwhite, they immediately become just another snout at the trough of the culture war.

The Left has always relied upon informational asymmetry. They operate as pure partisans, while the other side is objectivists. That is, the Left wants to win every fight and the Right wants to find the correct answer. If the Right ever embraces partisanship, then it becomes a genuine fight. Since numbers matter, keeping white people chained to simpleminded individualism has been key. The word antiwhite is a key to unlock the chains and that is terrifying to the Left.

This does not mean the war is won just because the Left is on the defensive over Critical Race Theory. As Joe Sobran pointed out a quarter century ago, “The white
man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And superiority excites envy.” It is only when white people come to terms with this reality will they abandon the slave mentality and begin to assert their power again. This minor slave revolt over CRT is merely a hint of what lies ahead.

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3 years ago

Id rather call them “Whitephobic” or “afrophiliacs” something that implies how scared or crazy they are.

3 years ago

The destruction of the West will not be televised.

The destruction of the West will be perpetrated by those who believe in equalitarian principles, and whose eyes are wide open all the time.

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Destruction is never pretty.

Abe Lincoln
Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

There was never a time in history where blacks fought a long war to free whites. In fact, no race ever did what white people did in the civil war. There were 600k to 700k whites soldiers who died in the war. There were only about 5m white men between the ages of 18 and 45 in 1860. Do the math. In his second inaugural address, Lincoln said most prophetically, “Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the… Read more »

Reply to  Abe Lincoln
3 years ago

Well, “Abe”…seems you were a damned fool.

Bill Mullins
3 years ago

Back when Obama was president (09 or so), I went to work for a company that contracted to take calls from the people who cashed in on The Lightbringer’s “shovel ready jobs”. While in training one of my fellow students advised me that I had my “swagger on”. I disagreed but then he commented on how I carried myself – i.e. head erect, shoulders back, walking confidently as I was raised to. I always understood “swagger” as it is defined in Webster’s: “to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner especially : to walk with an air of… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Mullins
3 years ago

Agree with you for the most part. Just be careful not to swagger down the wrong sidewalk.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Bill Mullins
3 years ago

Ok Boomer… you were doing –great– up until that last little disclaimer. If you can’t understand why your g-g-g-generation is so hated & despised and automatically get your hackles up defending one of the most destructive and entitled groups to ever walk the earth then you are beyond hope.

If you cannot separate yourself as an individual that is on you, that group defensive reflex thing is SO boomer that you just confirm the stereotype one hundred percent.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Boomers don’t get to take anything with them, either. Relax, it all comes out in the wash and the flood is coming.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

This boomer was born an unreconstructed, unapologetic segregationist. And he will die that way.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Why would anyone think that if all the babies born in the 50’s & 60’s were switched with babies born in any subsequent generation, that the results would be much different? It’s the culture, baby. The baby, the ingot. The culture, the die.

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Hate on, AP, I truly love living in your head rent free! Your petty hatred harms me not one scintilla. But if it makes you feel better to hate me because of when I was born then you go right ahead, little man. You just go right ahead. ROFLMAO At you!!!

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Any updates on the L’il J-jr’s with the icy blue nordic eyes?

Inquiring minds wanna know, mu broh…

3 years ago

David Horowitz released a book in 2016 named “Progressive Racism”.
In 1999, he released a book named “Hating Whitey”.
I guess that’s regression.
You’ve got to name the victim!

3 years ago

Our descendants laugh in Osteii!

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Do you wanna have an hearty laugh in the here & now? “I drove 950 miles to give a commencement address. It was an elaborate hoax by a gun-control organization.” By John R. Lott Jr. June 29, 2021 11:51 am ET https://archive.vn/e4BhX#selection-479.0-479.105 This is why “we” always lose. Or at least why “they” – the professional Cuckservatives – always lose. The Frankfurt School has been playing The Game for at least 5000 years now; at this point, the tactics & strategeries & intuitional insights & target-spotting-man-ships are burned into their DNA. We’re literally sending retarded children into “battle” to “fight”… Read more »

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Ah, excuse me, but that’s not Gary Coleman on Tyson’s shoulders. The person on Tyson’s shoulders is Immanuel Lewis, another altitudinally challenged Black man. Gary Coleman starred on “Different Strokes”. Immanuel Lewis was the title character on “Webster” with Susan Clarke and Alex Karras. Totally different people.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Bill Mullins
3 years ago

Ah, excuse me, but that’s not Gary Coleman on Tyson’s shoulders.

Thanks for the correction; pop culture was never my forte.

I had j00gled [which turned up the picture] in order to make absolutely certain that a sanheder like Mel “Brooks” Kaminsky hadn’t ackshually staged a Coleman-Tyson fight back in the 1980s [with of course Howard “Cosell” Cohen as the emcee].

I wonder if Donald & Ivana [or maybe Marla] would have shown up ringside for such a thing?

PS: Don’t get me wrong, I dearly love Donald Trump. But he is who he is.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Speaking of the kneegr0wz, it looks like George Soros called up the Deep State, and ordered them to destroy the candidacy of pro-police Eric Adams: https://pix11.com/news/politics/new-york-elections/adams-questions-latest-nyc-mayoral-primary-numbers-while-board-of-elections-acknowledges-discrepancy/ Overnight, something like 100,000 ballots mysteriously materialized out of thin air, and now Adams’s lead is gone, and the armadillo cleaning lady might ackshually win. Early indications would be that Soros simply will not allow an uppity kneegr0w to ruin the urban empire he forged via his BLM crime syndicate. Unless maybe Soros is angling to create a conflagration in NYC, by leveraging kneegr0w rage at the spectacle of a kneegr0w being virtually-lynched at… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Jesus H Christ, what an unmitigated Turd World disaster the Frankfurt School has made of JYC: BREAKING The New York City Board of Elections on Tuesday night pulled the preliminary ranked-choice vote tally for the city’s primaries after it included tens of thousands of “dummy ballots,” sources told NY1 News, a local cable outlet. At around 8:45 p.m Tuesday, the board removed the vote tallies from its website and replaced them with the text “Unofficial Rank Choice Results Starting on June 30. https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3972114/posts The Frankfurt School is now pouring gasoline on everything in sight and lighting the match for the… Read more »

3 years ago

There are words and concepts that can be used as weapons against their enemies and then there is language used by the enemy, that justifies attacking them

We used to call this pigeon English

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Have you coined a new word, i.e. “pigeon” as in a “mark” WRT a con artist’s victim” or did you mis-spell “pidgin,” the “broken English” as it is spoken by Pacific Islanders, etc.?

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Good catch


I meant “Pig Latin”

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Ha! “Pidgin” is pidgin english for “pigeon”, the chirping of birds.

Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

Now available on your favorite State Propaganda Organ

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Soon to replace the Baltimore Sun and the Washington Post

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

BBC pidgin is a British SJW humiliation ritual.

Guy Fawkes did nothing wrong!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Carl B.
3 years ago

“I love you like sin, but I won’t be your pigeon.”
— a very obscure song by Blue Oyster Cult 🙂

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Words can have double meanings, let’s remember that. It’s up to context to provide the exact meaning we mean to have. The context surrounding our words is all-important.

3 years ago

Along with the concept of Anti-White, I don’t understand why our side doesn’t try to get the term “scapegoat” into circulation again. Tucker should be using it every chance he gets. Scapegoat / Scapegoated / Scapegoating When I was growing up it was an ever-present meme in our heavily Jewish school system. On the subject of why innocent groups get blamed and hated. We were told that “Scapegoating” is hateful and “otherizes” people. It can ignite wars and keeps people oppressed. You used to hear it on documentaries too. It was always used to explain why Germans holocausted the Jews.… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Antiwhite people are people who are afraid they can’t measure up to the achievements and spectacular wins of whites. In their hearts, they blame themselves for failure, and turn this around and project outward as hate toward “the white” all around them. After all, this is still a white world in North America and Europe. When you read a book, a character comes to mind as being white, when he hasn’t been described at all. To be antiwhite is to be against all literature in the white world, and to be a barbarian.

Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

And yet the dominate us.

Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

Envy is indeed the root of anti whiteness. It has driven a lot of the genocidal narratives of history, ever since the ur-story of Cain and Able. Cain envied his brother for enjoying God’s sacrificial preference. In a perverse way, the Nazis envied the Jews and the Hutus the Tutsi. But it’s no mystery why envy is a one-way street in America. What self-respecting white is going to envy even the most “talented” black? Under that skin, they are all stupid, shiftless, no-account fools who only attract notice when they inflict themselves on us. Perhaps this impossibility of our envy… Read more »

Bill Mullins
Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

Antiwhite people are people who are afraid they can’t measure up to the achievements and spectacular wins of whites.

It’s hard to hide behind something unless you’re smaller than it is or unless you MAKE YOURSELF SMALLER! You are the only person on the planet who can make you feel inferior. Your inferiority complex is not my problem. But there I go acting all White and “swaggering” again. As Bugs Bunny was known to put it, “Gosh! Ain’t I a stinker!” 😉

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

My first experience with a Jewish person was my 2nd grade teacher

Mrs Greene

She was telling the class that everyone is unique and different and I said “what about twins?”

She went berserk

Then one day, I think around Christmas time, she sent everyone home with a dradle and I was playing with it on the dinner table and my dad went ballistic

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I prefer: “Just remember you are unique. Just like everyone else.”

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

I needed a laugh

thank you

I fractured my ankle and laughter makes pain go away

Pretty cool how nature works. Also when you scream the pain subsides

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

That’s good, Frip!

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

No. We do not care to justify ourselves with their victims and martyrs. This is more of the same slave morality.

3 years ago

I watched a little bit of that karlyn borysenko discussion – geez, what a fat turd lesbo relativist. “There’s no right or wrong – just multiple viewpoints” – unless of course, it’s White people beginning to think of themselves as a group, with group interests. Because we all know where that leads: slavery, genocide, nazis, blah, blah, blah. When the time comes, helicopters are expensive, but matches and rope are very cheap…

Karen not a Karen
Karen not a Karen
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Not a lesbo. Her surname comes from her Ukrainian immigrant husband.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

When I went to that link, the top comment was “I always wondered what my big toe would look like with glasses and a smile.” Hard to top that.

3 years ago

[…] ZMan deconstructs the culture. […]

3 years ago

Having been an art major 20 or so years ago, I was steeped in poststructuralism and critical theory, including CRT. The whole ‘white evil because white good so POWER’ thing rubbed against my civnat tendencies but won out in the end. Here’s the thing. Having lived with it for a while, I gave up and embraced my ‘evil’, which opened a lot of doors. The most significant (and obvious in retrospect) was the realization that good is not evil, that it is right to be excellent. If that sounds retarded, yes, it is. The education young people have been receiving… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

What caused you to reject your academic programming? For me it was living in Berkeley, CA, riding the mass transit BART, and feeling guilty for observing that the only people who cut to the front of the long lines were black people. They would push to the front of the line and glower at anyone who objected.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Jeez. My extended family, in-laws, and just about everyone I knew as a kid moved from a borough of NYC in what was known then as “white flight”. A diaspora that saw them go north to Westchester, east to Long Island and west to New Jersey. The lessons you learned post-college were under our belts as of about 1st grade. My neighborhood is blighted now and has been for decades. The time I reference, the late 1960’s to early 70’s, it was safe. Italians had community gardens. Irish firemen and cops were many of my friends fathers. Can we lay… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Realdonchaknow
3 years ago

This caused me to think of a way to change the conversation, perhaps 2nd order after the 1st order deprogramming on “colorblindness” to realize some anti-whiteness or biological realities. Growing up in the Detroit suburbs, the standard way of looking at things was how white flight was bad and left the city poor and blighted for the blacks. Here’s where you can change the conversation with someone willing to listen: how about, “can you believe that the blacks in Detroit were blessed with beautifully constructed homes and outstanding infrastructure and let much of it go to ruin? They didn’t have… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

Overthinking it: “White flight: the only time when ethnic cleansing is blamed on the victim”

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
3 years ago

That’s exactly what I think whenever I see the crafted bungalows of San Fran, the row houses of Philly, the boroughs of Brooklyn, the brick homes of Cincinnati, the 3-stories of Detroit.

They all used to be so proud and beautiful, filled with bunting and banners.

Reply to  Realdonchaknow
3 years ago

It took until my late 20s because I grew up in a rural area. Had Amish neighbors, etc.

That was a liability because it was a bubble that made me naive, but also an asset because it gave me strong senses of pride, place, and people. I think it made me resistant to the poz after a point.

I agree, taking back the cities should be a priority. They’re still worth it.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Probably my upbringing more than anything. I chafed at the guilt trip and pretending to feel guilty. Because of that I thought it through critically.

I mean, they’re telling us we’re better than everybody else (reason, math, civilization, indoor plumbing, etc.) but that’s somehow a bad thing. Why not just take what they’re giving?

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

“For me it was living in Berkeley, CA, riding the mass transit BART, and feeling guilty for observing that the only people who cut to the front of the long lines were black people.” Glowering might not be the worst of it. There was study conducted in 2011 that found that 52% of seats in the BART were coated with fecal matter (see link). Just think, every time you take the BART you have a better then 50% chance of sitting in someone’s poop! What kind of a broken society do we live in that requires people to sit in… Read more »

Jason Knight
3 years ago

I think this is the best Nietzschean argument I’ve ever heard.

I always hated the man for creating a philosophy that could supposedly justify anything, but when you think about it in terms of tactics, it makes sense. When you know you’re on the side of truth, justice, and beauty, you want to adopt the Master Mindset and make everyone else your bitch.

Master and Slave Morality isn’t supposed to justify “anything and everything,” it’s simply two states of mind.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

I’ve recently consumed a lot of Nietzsche (nearly all his writings) and as such am no doubt still high on the product. With that disclaimer, I think you (and everyone else) are being unfair to him. He no more created a philosophy than he invented atheism. What he DID do and if not the first, certainly was the best exponent, of daring to question the very foundations of what constitutes values, morality, etc. something that had not been done before. He was an iconoclast who said he did philosophy “with a hammer.” He also said that there are many points… Read more »

joe tentpeg
3 years ago

“This is reflected in their language. There are words and concepts that can be used as weapons against their enemies and then there is language used by the enemy, that justifies attacking them.”

Step 1 in the ‘Culture War’…take back the language and use it against them.

‘Critical Race Theory’ or ‘CRT’ = ‘Critical Hate Theory’ or ‘CHT’.

Hatred of western civilization, capitalism, Christianity, masculinity, America, the Constitution…and Whites.

Technically falls under federal ‘Hate Crime’ legislation.

Alinsky Rule #4: “Force your enemy to live by his own rules.”

Reply to  joe tentpeg
3 years ago

Reversal seems like it should work… but it doesn’t.
Democrats are the real racists… Never worked.
White lives matter, All lives matter… Never worked.
SJW, Never worked.

Antiwhite does work.

Reversals and the ilk are pathetic. They wasted time; giving conservaclowns a way to feel smart white doing nothing.

Reversals strengthen the magic of the enemy’s incantation.

Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

“White lives matter, All lives matter… Never worked.”

Fully agree, instead I ask them “So tell me, what lives don’t matter?” – then watch them stumble and fall.

joe tentpeg
Reply to  SwissGuard
3 years ago


Can we start with ‘commie lives’?

Free one-way helicopter rides worked…

…for awhile.

joe tentpeg
Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

So…’Coke’ going broke…after going ‘woke’… …and other corps walking back their gibberish after conservative boycotts is ineffective? “White lives matter, All lives matter… Never worked.” Of course they did. Caused mayhem when spoken. Always. Like flak…how ya know when you’re over the target. Rig a highway warning sign sayin’ “It’s OK to be White” during rush hour…and watch the fun. “Reversals and the ilk are pathetic. They wasted time; giving conservaclowns a way to feel smart white doing nothing.” Hmm. ‘Feeling’…and ‘smart’ (assumed intellectual superiority based on Ivy league degrees)…are typical of the Left’s unearned sanctimony. Not a part of… Read more »

Mute Inglorious Milton
Mute Inglorious Milton
Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

“Antiwhite does work.”

And please … let’s stop falling back on “it’s okay to be white,” which some people seem to think is a daring, off-the-map strategy. It reeks of apology. Yeah, most are racist homophobic transphobic members of yesterday’s race, but Not All Whites Are Like That.

It’s good to be white.

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Mute Inglorious Milton
3 years ago

If it ain’t white it ain’t right!

Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

Rhetorical zingers and what-ifs are different from a formal legal action brought in a court complaint or to an arbitration body.

Using the process against them and making them live up to their own rules works when you do it with legal authority in a real venue – not your coffee shop, backyard philosophy club or blog.

I know because I have done it and exploded heads. They will all eat out of your hand to avoid making news and alerting the entire population to the current power of tactical lawfare.

Reply to  joe tentpeg
3 years ago

Your post makes sense but it doesn’t apply to the world in which we live because we can’t force our enemy to live by his own rules. I’m sure Alinksky knew that if he accused traditional whites of hypocrisy that he could count on the media and academia to amplify and repeat his claim. We don’t have that option. As much as I’m disposed to idealism about free speech I believe that for our side to win we must shut down anti-white and leftist media. The sad fact is that as long as most people can vote then the mass… Read more »

joe tentpeg
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

“Your post makes sense but it doesn’t apply to the world in which we live because we can’t force our enemy to live by his own rules.”


But a federal judge just ruled against Pedo Jo’s ‘reparations’ for Black farmers because…White farmers.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

Either one of these options will require a revolution…with all the frills that go along with it.

Reply to  joe tentpeg
3 years ago

Yeah, I doubt Alinsky can be used against Alinsky. Their rules are simple: they hate you. Force them to live by it? They already are.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Yeah, I doubt Alinsky can be used against Alinsky. Their rules are simple: they hate you. Force them to live by it? They already are.

It’s still early in the decade, but this is a Top Ten kkk0mment of the 2020s.

You’ve wandered into Gunslingergregi territory.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Whoever invented “Antiwhite” is a genius. This should be a potent word in our rhetorcial arsenal. The Leftists’ Word of Power for a long time, of course, has been “Racist.” Everything is racist! And this was an excellent choice. Why? Because, if you’re the target, how could you possibly ever deny being “racist?” Did you ever tell an ethnic joke? You’re a racist. Do you live in a predominantly White subdivision, send your children to a mostly Caucasian school, etc.? You’re probably an incipient KKK member. Dare you question the Woke Agenda? Then you must be planning to bring back… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Jason Koine, who goes by “No White Guilt” has been promoting using “antiwhite” for a good long while.


Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

The Leftist agenda has had holes in it for decades, but the conservatives fail to poke their finger in it, I don’t know why.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Catxman
3 years ago

(((conservatives))) never poke holes in it.

I know why.

3 years ago

“ This minor slave revolt over CRT is merely a hint of what lies ahead.” Acceptance is what lies ahead. School is Daycare with well known risks of physical and sexual abuse and the long accepted certainty of propaganda K-12 to PhD, and yet the parents slave away to send their daughters to the Highest Status Brothel they can afford. This isn’t a slave revolt, or it would look like Baltimore Riots. This is noise and small static temporarily buzzing the Signal, the parents will submit. Its what White Americans do… If ONLY they could Chimp out for even a… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Whites are no strangers to chimping out.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

American whites haven’t chimped out in decades, so yes unless you were there for Tulsa – very strange.

The one chimpout of my lifetime was Jan 6, and it was the MAGA minstrel show.

Quite willing and even eager to be proven wrong.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

The Hardhat riot of the 1970s.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Not to imply “chimping out”, but with the silence of the media, the Yellow Vests in a disciplined way came out every saturday and were brutally repressed. For a year.

No wonder half of the French, HALF foresee a civil war. Nothing like that many even suspect it in Canada. At least the French know the full front of their many enemies.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Sailer has often noted that without a word to describe an idea, it’s almost doesn’t exist. We need words and phrases to open the mind of the 10% to 30% of whites who want to be on our side, i.e. the Left isn’t our target audience. “Anti-white” is very good. Here are a few phrases that I’ve noticed gets whites to reconsider the morality/reality around them: “They’re not my people, so . . .” This gets whites to realize that there are different tribes in the world, and we’re one of them. “Look, don’t impose your religion on me.” This… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Very detailed and accurate comment. Sometimes hearing a simple truth like that almost causes normies to jump backwards. Not necessarily in a bad way, it’s like they’ve finally heard something that actually explains the world around them. Like hearing about gravity for the first time and realizing “of course! that’s why everything drops!” Have you ever considered starting a website / blog that has a list of all these arguments, as well as definitions of other important terms, like “smart fraction”, etc? I think something like that would be beneficial for normies. We can remember it all but it’s alot… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Well, Z’s doing a pretty good job of listing these things out. I don’t think that I have enough to say to make a blog worthwhile, but who knows. You note something important. It’s really important to state these lines calmly as though you’re talking about the weather outside. Also, don’t get dragged into an argument. Just let the truth stand on its own. When I used the “don’t impose your religion” on an annoying Red Guard niece of mine, she tried to bring the plight of blacks, etc. I just said something along the lines of, “Look, again, you… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Remaining calm is a huge part of a successful game plan. It’s no different than disciplining a child. When you lash out in anger the child sees not the fault in her behavior, only the wrong in yours.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I beg to differ (your first paragraph.) Plato and his philosophical heirs have gotten very far with words describing things that don’t exist 😀 Z (perhaps other commentator) has often observed that for the most part, the Left’s latest bogeyman is typically something that doesn’t really exist. Most recent examples might be all those White Supremacist Domestic Terrorists, you know, like the unarmed crowd that attempted to take over the government on Jan. 6? Or that persistent “[insert adjective] racism” that afflicts non-Whites most everywhere, even where isn’t a White person to be found who could possibly be dispensing said… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Your average Joe ain’t Plato. They need a word to describe an idea or that idea doesn’t exist or, at the very least, is hard to conceive. The Left will always create bogeymen. They need an enemy. We need ways to get whites to break away from the Left’s morality. Anti-White is very good at that. It’s gets whites off the CivNat/Racism is bad reservation and makes them understand who is being attacked. Called a Leftist’s beliefs a religion also seems to work. What they’re saying is no longer the “truth” but just a set of beliefs. They lose their… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Citizen, you are invited to my Independence Day BBQ. All the smoked ribs and scratch coconut cream pie you can eat. Realtalking men are like hens teeth. Even in an era of all hens, no cocks. IME, your phrases and tactics are spot-on, but also gain exponential traction when even one more man is present to affirm the status of white stones, if even by merely nodding and grunting. The liquefaction of foundational White masculinity needs to be stopped house to house, one backyard bbq at a time. I figure if I have to bake my own pies because the… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Having even just one person backing you up after saying any of those things is huge. I mean, earth-shattering huge. Just one. It only happened to me once. What’s more, it was a woman neighbor. Actually, it was at neighborhood BBQ. I don’t even know how the conversation started, but I said something along the lines of “I wouldn’t live a black neighborhood. I feel comfortable around whites.” Now, this is in a 90%+ white area and there wasn’t a black on the street or the next couple of streets. Anyway, you’d have thought that I showed my KKK membership… Read more »

Professor Alfred Sharpton
Professor Alfred Sharpton
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

This is an incredibly powerful comment. Just here to thank you for the new mental ammunition

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I’ve had a lot of fun with “Branch Covidian”,

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Please don’t move to Waco and reenact the final ending of that cult.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“Look, don’t impose your religion on me.” 1000% This. This is as was often said at Chateau Heartiste (PBUH) a ‘rhetorical killshot’. Remember, these people fancy themselves anti-religion and ‘I fucking love science!!11!” types, when you call them religious zealots if they are super far left true believers they will go apoplectic. You aren’t going to convert a fanatic so at the least you get to take the piss out of them as somewhere deep down they know the truth of it. If they are more on the fence, you can easily draw the –obvious– parallels to the Woke Religion… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Yeah, I got the idea from way back in the day when I would debate/argue with people about genetic racial differences. (There really was a time when you could do that.) I noticed that when I said that they’re belief that despite tens of thousands of years of various groups living in very different environments, the only differences between blacks and whites (or Asians for that matter) were skin color sounded a lot like Christians who believed the earth was created 10,000 years ago. Basically, they were rejecting the Theory of Evolution. Basically, I say something along the lines of… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Actually, let me be clear about something. These asshole Whites were insulted to be compared to rural Christian Whites.

In my mind, rural Christian Whites should be the ones insulted. If we have any hope, it will come from rural Christian Whites.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Actually, the Earth is precisely 6,024 years old. In 17th century, Bishop of Ussher fixed the date at October 23, 4004 BC to be precise. Just google “Bishop of Ussher” and you’ll find many links. Come on Christians, people are not going to take you seriously with silly claims like the Earth is 10,000 years old 😀

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“Just state what you believe clearly – without attacking other groups – and let people either accept it or not.” I wish people like Jared Taylor would learn this lesson. Do not make negative (or any) comments on other groups. If they ask you “so do you hate black people?” or “why do you hate black people?” the only real answer is “why do you want to change the subject? We’re talking about anti-white hatred and bigotry.” Talking about blacks or other minorities is a diversion. Instead of forcing THEM to explain THEIR hate of white people, you are forced… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

See, here’s the thing. Some of us do believe that blacks are inferior. And that’s OK. Being called a racist has no sting for me. I own it. If you think that leads down the path to losing your job or your social standing or something else you value, then you haven’t fully grasped what anti white really means yet. You could adopt black children and donate to feed starving Ethiopians, and you’ll still be accused of white privilege or white supremacy. Heads, they win; tails, you lose. Don’t play their stupid word games. Just love what you love and… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Maus
3 years ago

Very well stated. In so many words, if they call you a racist, tell them to kiss your pallid pimpled ass. 😀 You are spot on to note that not all Whites get a free pass. Due to Nature’s vagaries, on the averarge a White has a much better chance of approaching whatever your definition of a useful, civilized human being is, compared to a Black. Despite that, alas, there are inevitably some factory rejects. With the above in mind, I observe there are some good Blacks, and some bad Whites. Many don’t know “White Trash” was originally a derisive… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The answer is simple. Ban the word antiwhite. We cannot be allowed to keep effective rhetoric.
I’ve been surprised we’ve been allowed to keep SJW.

3 years ago

Does anybody else feel like that “Critical Race Theory” is a made-up debate / culture war thing to keep conservatives busy from focusing on other issues, ie. open borders and the communist takeover of the West? I’m strongly against CRT as you all know, but let’s be honest, this kind of thing has been taught for a long time in schools. Maybe it has a formal name now. In primary and high school in the 00s and early 10s we were also taught that white man bad, native americans good, read 10 million books about slavery, etc. We watched Obama’s… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yes. Much in Clownworls is unraveling and so the breech in whiteys mind must be stuffed with ballast. Watch as the “takedown” of CRT will be like the big drug bust in the hooker motel on the front page while the chinese tanker full of fentanyl is unloaded by Teamsters under billets of legit import product GDP up 20%! The six week cycle should be long enough for CRT to be mentally coul-d-sacked from decades of cultmarx anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-heritage West into a “racist” curriculum that divides us* based on skin color so we all meed to come together and… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Cthulu always swims left!

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The Left was always a proponent of getting them young. And this is what CRT is about. It’s not about convincing stupid, docile, older whites but the younger ones in order to nip any future resistance in the bud. Sure bits and pieces were in the public school going back to my time in the early 70’s. But not like anything they have now which is a full blown in your face brainwashing system. They are also using it to purge the military of conservative whites in the enlisted and junior officer ranks in order to have a fully compliant… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I suspect it’s become an issue now because CRT is the left overstepping to the point that the mask is slipping. Previous leftist subversion was always based on demonizing the badwhites while leaving an opening for the listener to make themselves a goodwhite by caring about the rain forest or starving african children. Since CRT casts whites as biologically and irredeemably evil, there’s no more trap for the normie to convince himself that he’s “one of the good ones”. If you compare this to the Christianity from which leftism evolved, Liberalism was like Catholicism where saying “I’m sowwy” to the… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Yeah, I kind of catch of whiff of that too, but what’s the angle? Proves all racism is bad? It just seems like tricking white people into defending themselves is not a very obvious strategy.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Re: “Conservative Inc” – I am coming around to the idea of them as the Main Enemy.

Read “National” Review, the “American” Thinker, or the “American” Spectator, and keep track over a week of how much content they publish about small countries far away inhabited by alien races.

Talk about missing the point…

3 years ago

Thanks, Z. I get it now. I’m a little slow, so I used to think DR3 was a good way to go Alinsky on the Left. Even Tucker still makes this play. But all Lefty hears when we call him racist is that racism can only be against blacks, it is always bad, and we are racist white supremacists for pointing out his racism against whites.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

why would i call somebody a “racist” like it’s a bad thing, when I am racist myself?

there’s nothing wrong with racism per say, it’s just in-group preference which is natural and healthy. the main problem is that my group is being told it’s wrong while other groups are being encouraged to practice it.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

You’re using logic and reason.

Those concepts are not used by the left.

Hence, while we get it on this board, Lefty has his eyes glaze over if you attempt to use said techniques.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Rhetorical kill shots don’t work if the target would never believe that they’re racist. Only Badwhites can be racist in their minds. The word just bounces off of them. That’s why they hate being called a Social Justice Warrior. It makes fun of them in a way that they worry about. They’re silly busybodies, and they know it. They’re also anti-white, and they know it. It’s why I’ve begun to tell any white Lib that they can’t impose their religious views on me. It exposes their beliefs for what they are, a cult. I’ve only done it twice, but both… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I really liked NPC (non-player character). They sure banned that fast.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Yeah, they hated that because deep down, they know they’re just regurgitating lines.

But at the end of the day, our audience is fence-sitting Whites, not Leftists. It’s fun to mess with them, but they’re not the target.

We need to open the minds of 10% to 30% of Whites.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Our side has no clue how to do PR or recruit period. We can’t even be bothered to put together simple pamphlets, booklets like the Birchers and Holy Joes do and hand out(leave) in places frequented by whites.

We don’t even have a web site for newbies..

This is why the DR is a joke.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Conservatives are often confused when they are ridiculed for using DR3 arguments. They ask, “Isn’t DR3 an accurate criticism?” Yes it is, if you define racism as making decisions based on race by any person of any race. But the point is that DR3 arguments, even if internally self-consistent, are entirely ineffectual because most non-whites and woke whites define racism as a condition that can only apply to whites. Conservative DR3 arguments reveal that conservatives long ago lost the war for the meaning of “racism” and this lost war is emblematic of the fact that conservatives almost always lose, and… Read more »

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Ah, that explains it very clearly.
Now I get it. Thanks, DLS!

3 years ago

“The Left has always relied upon informational asymmetry.”

The Right: “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me!”

The Left: “Ok, we will now start breaking your bones.”

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

The Left has few, if any, real tough guys with which to break any bones. They rely on using government authority and power to recruit and order others to do their dirty work. And typically, most of those hired to do the dirty work are standard run-of-the-mill white guys wearing a uniform. The problem we face is not as simple as it would seem.

For example, Dan Bongino will come to your house and beat you if you don’t agree with him that nonviolence is mandatory.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

“..has few, if any, real tough guys..”
Agreed but the effect is the same. Team White is trapped in the Opportunity Cost decision cycle while the Left just advances.

The calculus is when our legitimately tough guys decide to play the game that’s best for them (and us all).

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Opportunity Cost Decision Cycle (OCDC). Superb description of Team White – and reason for so much inertia. (I’ll remember that)

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Oh God, its just cowardice.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Yep. The aversion toward conflict, especially when identity or self-interest is at odds with sacred shades or little hats, is profound. If only whites would simply “rise above” the pigpen. But thats not enough. The problem is words do hurt. So much so that to avoid “racism” they will actually take physical beatings, rationalize why their own children deserve to be beat down, raped or murdered by pocs. Of course for most the unprincipled exceptions apply. Its YOUR kids that should be sacrificed. Which is why the war on whites will go on until the war within whites is settled… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Thinking of the watershed, when we go on offense, reading your comment made me realize I’m assuming (yes, I know) the Tribes of Many Colors will eat the Good Whites first. Then our side will just mop up…perhaps I’m fooling myself.

Reply to  Moss
3 years ago

Its a worthwhile daydream. If only to drive home that most of our people are already gone. Twelve monkeys travel back in time you are already dead kinda thing. Speaking of monkeys. The goodwhites take pride in their delusions of authentic proximity to the feral borders of humanity. But they also lack the humility to know that pride has is no bargain when those feral animals don’t share their delusions. Bad combo. Picture the colorblind pitbull bitch and the goodwhite millennial being towed around the farmers market. The goodwhite and the pitbull are both colorblind. For one of them this… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

That’s not who we are.

This is the truth.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

The problem with a term like “critical Race theory” is that it’s amorphous, so when left wing school boards feel the heat they’ll just say “oh, we’re not doing that program” when they are doing it under another name. The left is great at lying and will lie a thousand times a day to further their causes. Instead of using the term CRT, the right should be saying, we’re trying to get anti-white bigotry out of our schools.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Richard Hanania has said that the final solution to this might be republican states threatening to defund (to borrow a phrase from the left) school districts that are into CRT

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago


Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

I keep seeing that word equity a lot lately. Sorry YT, those decades of sacrifice and delayed gratification, living below your means to save for your old age and pay for a house in a nice neighborhood is likely to have been all for naught. Resident Biden is going to ensure that you don’t get use your White privilege to profit at the expense of POC.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

They’ll just rename the curriculum to “Multi-Ethnic Historical Impact Study” or some such gibberish.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Right. Which is the point of cutting through their labels with our own. The habit of accepting their terms and then making the “fight” about the nomenclature and not the premise, the intent, needs to be broken. Its a learned behavior and so it needs to be unlearned. That process is “the fight”.

3 years ago

The last paragraph puts the truth to CRT. As usually happens, Lefty has a powerful insight and leaps into fantasy. Why? Because he can’t handle the truth, because he’s the slave, because he doesn’t think he can do anything about it. So he relies on cunning and underhandedness, and Righty is too willing to go along with the lie. There’s the slave revolt.

To tie together some threads, it’s very feminine, very bourgeois, of Lefty. Very stupid and cucked of Righty. The Fall of Man all over again.

We have nothing to lose but our (psychic) chains! 🙂

3 years ago

There is something to be learned from Karlyn Borysenko. The clip Z linked to is of her insisting that, while she recognizes no moral distinctions, she simply prefers not to live in a society where white identity has any purchase. The framing lesson being that it is useful to reject moral claims of right and wrong and simply to assert the power of one’s preference over the ordering of society.

Put differently: “Because we live here,” is justification enough.

Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

Unfortunately, blacks, latinos, chinese, hmong, indians, eskimos, jews, arabs, armenians, persians, turks, japanese, mongols, etc etc etc also “live here.”

And at the slightest excuse they will go off with their “I was born here too, I’m just as American as you are!” Plus they don’t believe you have any right to these lands in the first place since it was all “stolen from the cherokee” anyway.

There really is no solution except

Reply to  Pete
3 years ago

Sorry, the end of that post was supposed to say “There really is no solution except (Fedpost redacted).”

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Pete
3 years ago

That’s a nice thought, but realistically, if you don’t have the numbers to vote your way out of a situation, you probably don’t have the numbers to shoot your way out of it, either. Looking at the available options, the most practical one is either installing or flipping current elites to our side. Trump may have indeed been weak sauce, but he was something, which is at least proof of concept. That’s why the Enlightened™ were so furious with him, someone of their own class dared to oppose them. I understand that isn’t what most people on our side want… Read more »

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 years ago

Your points are all good but don’t discount that the disintegration of the multi-ethnic USA may provide us with opportune opportunities that don’t involve voting.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 years ago

The races and ethnicities are far from equally distributed across the land area of North America. It certainly is too late (and delusional to think) we are going to retain the whole area. However, it is extremely plausible that we can carve out a new federation (Second American Republic) from the corpse of the Globalist American Empire, avoiding the cheap labor diversity mistakes of our forefathers. Having neighboring state enemies will do much to help keep our descendants based. It took the Spaniards 700 years to get their land back. This war is just getting started, now that the side… Read more »

Reply to  Pete
3 years ago

In my experience very few immigrants have any affinity for founding principles. And they hate/envy heritage Americans. They’re basically colonists who wish to live as (fill-in-the-blank) but do it here in the US.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Have you ever met a non-white who seemed to really love the Founders or desired limited government?

I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I think loving the Founders is literally outside of the capacity of most non-whites, due to tribalism.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  BTP
3 years ago

We should set up a GoFundMe to pay her airfare to Johannesburg 😀

Actually, that’s always been an impractical dream of mine: that we could send such idealists to experience, for a month or a year, whatever real-world hellhole best exemplified the consequences of their belief system. Sort of like an involuntary Peace Corps or compulsory military service some nations have.

I imagine most returnees would be disabused of various delusions. The biggest difficulty would, of course be insuring their health and safety.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Agreed, but why now would there be any concern for ‘insuring their health and safety’?

3 years ago

“This is why the word “antiwhite” is so powerful….” —————————————————————— Is it, though, Z? Not trying to be a dink – but one of the truisms you point out so well, is that we will never own Leftie. Paraphrasing your own words, “They’re nuts when they wake up in the morning, they’re crazy at lunch time, and they are insane when they go to bed at night…”. I used to think they could be reasoned with too, but have long since given up. I am happy now to slowly pour the black powder into the chambers of my Colt Dragoon,… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

It’s not about changing Lefties. That will never happen. It’s about getting conservatives and moderates to stop surrendering the field to 30% of the population.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

I don’t even bother with lefties. I just state my position and move on. No debate in bad faith with them.

However normies are frightened and confused by the world. Explaining some of this stuff is like a revelation to them. “I’m such a good, non-racist white person! Why do non whites still glare at me??”

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Take some time to gently and calmly, but firmly explain your ideas and what’ going on to normies. You’d be surprised at the reception you get.

If you are a “respectable” guy even better.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Well, the fight is not with the soul of Leftie. The fight is with our own people and our own mental approach. For middle-ground whites, “racism” is bad, but the word only applies to whites. They understand this on a visceral level. Yet the word remains a crutch and, worse, a crutch made of concepts from Leftie.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
3 years ago

When I worked in the government schools of suburban Atlanta in the early 2000s, they were filled with Latinos and blacks. I was called racist by my middle school students EVERY DAY. (they even called me pork chop, which is one I could never wrap my head around) These people have been bred on that word, the R-word. And they KNOW it slays us. That word is simply a slur agains Whites. Its antiwhite. It has no neutral meaning like other words, like community or behavior. Remember, a bunch of guys write the dictionaries. Not gods, men. Do you think… Read more »

Gaius Aurelius
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
3 years ago

I read somewhere that Leon Trotsky/Lev Davidovich Bronstein coined the term “racisim” to use against white Americans and against American capitalism to disrupt our society for communism. I don’t know when exactly, but “””someone””” influential from somewhere dusted off the Trotskyite word and used it as a weapon against whites in the current era. If that word is used against me, I don’t even flinch anymore. It is meaningless, because everything white is racist.

Gaius Aurelius
Reply to  Gaius Aurelius
3 years ago

I like the term anti-White. I shall use it whenever or wherever I get the chance.

3 years ago

If I have to choose between being on the giving or receiving end of genocide, it’s an easy choice.

If I have to choose between living under an authoritarian state that imposes the beliefs of my people versus living under an authoritarian state that imposes alien views on me, it’s an easy choice.

Once you realize that egalitarianism and liberal democracy have failed, many of the choices are easy.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

True. Everything in life, up to and including slavery – is ultimately a choice.

I intend to make that MY choice, and that of any leftie/vibrant moron that tries to impose theirs on me.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Vizzini, Its only an easy choice if there is a choice. There isn’t. The entire Right Unites to make sure that never happens. How many damned the 1/6 crowd? And yet they made them RUN. They were trembling for weeks. Yet who does not mock them from the Right? Or call them Feds? Which of course is now Revolvers , Tucker’s and Takis, others game. See if anyone who even wants to get mildly rowdy never mind decisive is a FED…then…. Nothing happens. Just how they like it. At this moment you’re reading this someone is already typing FED. Sure,… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

There is at least one thing your never-ending stream of doom, gloom and derision for the right fails to take into account.

“Events, dear boy, events.” Harold Macmillan

3 years ago

A multicultural family is much more wholesome and you are all bigots.


Errrrrr… warning… some of that is tough to take and will break your heart. The question is… how do you get info like this out there, to the people that need it? Most of these women are low value white trash… but hell’s bells, some are kids that don’t know any better and grew up with the pozz. They need to see this stuff.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Gone into the memory hole already.

Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

Yes indeed. It contains ‘Incitement to Hatred’.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Apologies. It was about the toll for burning coal. A video collage of chimp-outs, beat downs, and assaults on white women.

It was extremely nasty stuff, and far more likely to incite caution, IMO. But the narrative must be imposed, even on supposedly free speech platforms. If we concede to the left that even truth can be a hate crime… then we have lost the culture wars already, and it will be time to bring out the heavy metal and artillery.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

I’ve seen similar videos, and perhaps now am inured to the extent I (regretfully) feel very little empathy for women who are almost certainly aware of the risks, but still willing to gamble with their lives. It is woeful for the children pulled into the abyss.

Reply to  mikebravo
3 years ago

Still there for me.

3 years ago

Yes, we few, we happy few, we band of brothers can sally forth with an “anti-white” meme and dare to turn back the tide of Progressive rot. But if that doesn’t work, best to have a backup plan. When words alone have failed to win the day, the wise will regroup and awaken to the reality of our desperate dilemma. For the parasites are no trivia adversary and the cure may not be so civil as one would wish. But take heart, for the lazy & stupid will die first, as nature intends. And when the time comes to take… Read more »

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

There is no reasoning with them. Its pure war, of words and knives. The Left knew this with the R=word. As Z says, they are partisan pure and simple.

Don’t mistake the use of antiwhite as a way to reason or have discussions with the Left.

its meant to demean them, and, as Alinski says, make them live up to their own morality.
I think the knives should come out but , something is slowing that down.

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
3 years ago

Good point. There is a value in learning to hate the enemy – it’s why every general would harangue his troops before battle. It’s also just how humans work: they need something like the language of hatred if they are going to do angry things. Which is why some of the comments here are really missing the mark. *Of course* we aren’t trying to reason with Leftie, any more than Caesar was trying to reason with his enemies in the pre-battle speeches to his own men. What we are trying to do is create the mental framework for fighting (non-violently,… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
3 years ago

Although the chances may be infrequent, short of outright warfare, perhaps the sweetest form of non-violent revenge is to impose their own doctrines upon them. 😀

I haven’t read Alinsky, but indeed, make them live by their own morality. A highly respected ancient Jewish philosopher said “As you judge others, you will be judged yourself.”

I suspect the quickest way to get rid of the old double standard problem is to impose a single standard, but allow that single standard to be modified as necessary.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

The lazy, the stupid AND the idealists die first. Our biggest concern coming up will be if the first round do it’s job, and do I need to waste another round to finish the work.

3 years ago

CRT = White people never do anything right and non-White people never do anything wrong.

It’s good to see parents speaking out against it, but the virus has spread too far, I’m afraid.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 years ago

Besides CRT, our side is getting a very big assist from the rise of BLM, the Summer of George, the ubiquitousness of race-mixing and “white guy as the dumbass” in commercials, the White Privilege campaign, and the overall promotion of diversity everywhere at the expense of Whites. They’re going all out, everyone sees it and feels it, and where a term like antiwhite, or the attack on Whites, might have been met with yawns not long ago, it now hits home both with our side and our enemies.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

The question is will all this noticing lead to a reckoning in which the average white man becomes immune to being branded a racist racist, or will his desire to return to “normal” win out, i.e. back when the war on whites was a more palatable pogrom that he could insulate from economically and the death of flyover brothers and their communities was just the price of progress. I covid is any indication – or the “election” of 2020, the desire to return to the matrix is profound. The antidote to the neurotoxin of “racism” coursing through the veins of… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Normie White Guy: “I know this steak doesn’t exist…”. Bring on the synapse manipulation! I love steak.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Well said. The problem is the economic disparity will alway be there because the achievement gap is biological. So YT is strongly pulled to help the “downtrodden.” The fact that the “downtrodden” have cell phones, large screen TVs, nice cars, air-conditioning, and all the food they can eat, doesn’t register in a relative world. It’s easy to blow off the racist insult until you can no longer buffer yourself in the suburbs.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

True. Its also revealing as to the who whom of yoking the goodwill of whites. 20 years ago: Poor whites are lazy and deserve what they get. Shoulda went to college and got a “tech” job in the city. Now: poor Whites trapped in dwindling corporate cube farms and city life are stupid and should have moved to the country and learned a trade already. Meanwhile pox, otoh…are real Americans, the future, our greatest strength… The downtrodden worthy of our efforts always seems to be distant and darker. While our own are held to a standard of “shoulda been born… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Damn Screw, good stuff….
When the Left runs out of ammo in their Weaponized Goodwill of White People gun, it’s boxcars for us all. Unless we, collectively, decided to stop talking, thereby denying the Left the qualification of their game, insight into whether the manipulation is working, and instilling fear for what comes next from us.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

I wish we had AC right about now.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

I sometimes have shared Nietzsche quote : “The weak and the botched shall perish: first principle of our charity. And one should help them to it.”

We are completely at liberty to choose who the “botched” might be. I believe your post offers some promising leads 😀

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Whoever uses the “R-word” is antiwhite, and our enemy.

3 years ago

A nit:

“Candace Owens has gotten rich by blessing the positions of conservatives.”

Pretty sure she always thought what she says and it has nothing to do with her race other than to say “Hey, quit being the class victim, your skin color does not have to determine your future of being slave to the Democrats.”

She clearly has a brain, and uses it.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I cannot stand listening to her. Always change the channel or fast forward when she comes on. An obvious grifter.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Sure…wasn’t “defending her per se. What she says and does is what I look at to determine whether someone is genuine. Her statements make sense (is all). Every media personality is at some level a grifter, always marketing themselves to stay relevant to fill their bank accounts. But doesn’t make them an enemy or to be summarily dismissed…people can and do change their viewpoints on things, at least the honest ones. BTW, the down voters of my original comment shows they have missed the point of the comment…and I did say it was “a nit”. The remainder of your commentary… Read more »

Reply to  Camperfixer
3 years ago

The key to *good* grifting is not to be obvious in the grift, or the victim will catch wise. Your “defense” of Owens was clear in your posting. It is a fair expression of your feelings in the matter.

I don’t post down for fair expression, but is was a defense of Owens—your disclaimer not to the contrary. Z-man took the time and effort to post some history and defend his impression.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Fair enough. Mine was purely a defense in what she speaks of now, nothing more. I don’t know the woman therefore can’t defend “her”, just what she says. If it’s an act, so be it, doesn’t automatically negate the thinking. Guess I’m in the hot seat this morning.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago


Does it matter, at this point? I am not about to put a dime into that dancing monkey’s tin cup… but if she can pause or stop the left and their cucks even for a second or two, perhaps she is a tool we can use?

People that pause and actually listen to her are at the foot of the mountains that form the great political divide. For you dissidents – everything has to be considered a weapon that can be used by us or by them.

Considering other black muppets (like Diamond And Silk)… Candace does pretty well…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

My point, obviously said more clearly.

And No, it doesn’t matter. Only thing that matters is what we do individually.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I am somewhat ambivalent about her. I get all the negative comments, and I am sure she is grifting to a large degree given her past. OTOH, she was 18 when she played the race card. She is in the talented 10th and could find more fame and support being an AOC type. My biggest problem is Tucker feels the need to talk through her for cover. But overall, she is probably a small net benefit.

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Camperfixer
3 years ago

There always seemed to be something “off” about her act. When someone (I think on Gab) related the story of her trying (and I think succeeding) to get free rent by accusing a former landlord of being racist it clicked for me that she doesn’t even have the intellectual gravitas of Charlie Kirk, and yet somehow keeps getting propped up.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

I agree, (and yes, CK is very bright)…something is “off” about the act, but no one except her knows if it’s an act or what she really thinks. Ann Coulter can be acerbic, and I don’t always agree with what she says (never possible regardless who it is), but she is direct and often correct.

I’m at the point that I check in, see what’s up, then move on to living life…so many just talk for the sake of trying to stay relevant.

3 years ago

i kind of wonder if there is an urban/suburban vs rural divide here. I feel that if you look at the textbooks of a cash strapped district in rural america – you won’t find as much of the CRT. Loudoun County, otoh, is one of the wealthiest counties in the country.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 years ago

Borysenko says that the term antiwhite promotes white solidarity and white positivity and will lead to genocide. Not having white solidarity and white positivity will lead to genocide—-for whites! It’s time to tribe up.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

Who thought that sending out this incredibly obnoxious blob monster Borysenko is a good idea?

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Boloid
3 years ago

I believe it was Prager U who trotted Borysenko out to try to corral “antiwhite,” before it spread into Normieland. An abysmal failure, as she recently announced she’s going into the woods to take time off, smoke some weed or whatever.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

If the situation continues to deteriorate, various factions mayl have such Crimethink thoughts and add to them: Genocide is not such a bad thing, depending upon whether you are on the giving or the taking end of it. 😡

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The Left is going to win the CRT battle, just like every other one, because they control the institutions that create teachers and academic materials. I’ve even seen some of my normally conservative colleagues in education get sucked into the hive of talking about White Privilege and other nonsense. The crushing of the tone policing of Con Inc. is the real victory of the dissident right. It wasn’t jolly twitter racists that curbstomped them this time, but actual normal parents who understood Con Inc. was setting them up for failure. As Z said, once we get rid of the faux… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I’m guessing the outrage is maybe a straw on the camel though. CRT is basically just a repackaging and formal label to what was already being taught in schools. It’s not as if any white kids going through school in the last several decades were taught to be proud of the achievements of their people.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yes, truly said…but, having been involved in the system, I find that time and again, when the heat of adverse publicity is turned on, the hated behavior simply morphs.

That is to say, the same thinking/indoctrination/behavior changes name, form, implementation, etc. and continues after the fuss dies down. Normie goes back to sleep, but the people in charge continue to spread the poison.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

The metric system is widely taught in every non-home school in the country.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

You can see this in the lefty response: CRT is a white conspiracy theory! They are trying to neutralize the backlash with semantics, which is why “anti-white” is the hill to die on.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Antiwhite will be forgotten in a year. We’ll be talking about something else. And they want us to talk about it, they want us to talk about anything. They want to keep us talking, what doesn’t matter. We could have FOX open with the Horst Wessel song, Tucker reading Mein Kamf wearing a Totenkopf, as long as we keep talking. Antiwhite! A MAGIC WORD! Now we can talk our way out of this!! Look! MAMA BEARS!! Whee! 💩 Except I’ve heard that before… Talk is what they want us to do, they have power, as long as we’re talking they’re… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Actually, they do care what we talk about. A lot.

Anything that sounds like White folks having a sense of identity, that scares them. Whites folks working together, that’s an apocalyptic.

We winners ignore your stock-standard black-pill concern-trolling.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Disruptor, who are these white folks working together? I would love to see that. The last white folks working together were on 1/6. That was Trumps last Drama. For which the Official Right instantly denounced, now moves to brand as feds, and which the Dissident Right (all 25 of them) mocked for not going far enough? This from people who did nothing. You mean the same 20 guys fapping folks on Twitter, GAB? It could be 20 million, if its all talk… its just talk. I guess concern troll is the new FedPoast eh? As for Blackpills- these are facts.… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

Have a feeling this king was your average normie-con just a few years ago. Now he would probably be at home writing for AmRen:


Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I would like to see preferences for legacies ended at the leading universities.

This will give upper class, establishment white democrats a taste of what they have shoving on non establishment whites.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 years ago

At the rate things are going, perhaps just end the leading universities would be easier? 🤡

I mean, they already are proposing to allow, or actually do, admissions with no academic standards whatsoever? Next step will be granting degrees with little proof they’ve learned anything of value. Oh wait, they’ve already been doing that for years…

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
3 years ago

“This minor slave revolt over CRT is merely a hint of what lies ahead.” What DOES lie ahead?

Reply to  Jim Smith
3 years ago

Race war, probably leading up to a full blown civil war.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

I believe it when I see it.

Past performance says more flight, more submission.

Surrender isn’t war.
Hell we surrendered last year.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

It’s interesting to observe the good whites in a cosmopolitan city with a large black population and outer white suburbs. The good whites living in the city accept all the language of the left, so the old hippies relive their youth at the cafe’s and restaurants. Of course their kids are grown. The young people moving into the nice city neighborhoods are childless or gay. The city schools are poison because of uncontrollable misbehaving blacks. Meanwhile in the white suburbs CRT is the new game in the schools. The word “ racism” has little effect in the suburban battleground, “… Read more »

3 years ago

It’s amazing what simple words can do sometimes. When people asked me why I quit teaching, one of my stock answers was “I was tired of being the first person, in their entire lives, to tell drinking age kids ‘no.'” What I didn’t say, though, and probably should have, is that the power of a simple NO is amazing if the kid is still reachable (many aren’t). No. Because I said so. You don’t get an exception, because you’re not special. All your tuition money bought you was a guaranteed seat in the classroom. I don’t work for you, you… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That’s assuming one is allowed to say, “no”. There was awhile back, and perhaps still is, policy in some companies when reaching their customer support, that the support person was not allowed to say “no”, but only to bump the request up to a superior. 😉

Sounded really hip and customer oriented, but how it worked in practice I was always suspicious of. As to contract work, my last University had a simple answer—out of 10k employees, there were exactly three who could sign a binding contract for the University: President, Contracting Officer (Head), and a third I forget.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“No” tells them where the boundaries are. It’s actually a relief for them to know when to stop pushing.

My Comment
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

In some ways people are perpetually 2 year olds. They want clear and consistent boundaries even while they rebel against them. Workers usually have more respect for a bully boss who has clear and consistent boundaries than a nice boss they can walk over. Same with dating. Women don’t want the nice guy they claim to want

My Comment
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Unfortunately the right’s response to the left is never No. It is always an attempt at a debate or buying guns. CRT is a great example. If patents simply said no to CRT then recalled the school board a big part of the problem would be solved