The Secret Police

Most everyone is familiar with the concept of the panopticon, which is a type of prison designed by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. The system allows all prisoners to be observed by a single security guard, without the inmates being able to tell whether they are being watched. The image that comes to mind is of a single eyeball in the sky that is always scanning for rule breakers. The key is the uncertainty. You never know if you are being watched by the guards of the prison.

This is a powerful image that always comes to mind when people realize that their rulers are spying on them. It is the wrong image. America is not a panopticon, but a synopticon. This is a concept conceived by Norwegian sociologist Thomas Mathiesen that means surveillance of the few by the many. Mathiesen belonged to the prison abolition movement which advocated for the elimination of prisons and prisons systems in favor of anarchist inspired alternatives.

The world in which we live today is one where everyone is spying on everyone, except the rulers, all the time. The local business installs cameras outside the warehouse to prevent vandals from defacing the walls with graffiti. Those cameras record everything and store it on the cloud. The owner is told the video stays on the cloud for seven days, but in reality, it is there forever. It just gets moved to a different database, accessible by the security state whenever they think to use it.

All around us, the vast network of recording devises uploads data to various databases that are harvested by the secret police and stored in their systems. Americans don’t think we have secret police, but Americans also think their votes count. The main feature of liberal democracy is it keeps the people living in a fog of self-delusion about who is really in charge of society. That is what we see with the secret police. They have no name and no location, so they do not exist for most people.

One of those people is not Tucker Carlson, however. His organization was visited by someone claiming to be a whistleblower. This person provided information to them from their texts and e-mails that could only be known by Team Tucker. The claim was that the NSA was using its super-duper spying tools to harvest their data. The idea was to find something they could use to get Tucker fired and then place it in the media. This is something the FBI does when framing people.

Like most Americans, Tucker takes his rulers at face value. If the government is spying on someone, it is in an official capacity from an official office. That is not how the secret police work in the American synopticon. The secret police are instead a loose network of fellow travelers that occupy positions inside the large institutions, both private and public. It is a secret society in which the membership is informal and rooted in shared beliefs and access to information.

In the case of Tucker, it is unlikely that the NSA was using its super-duper listening tools to gather up his e-mails. Whether such a thing exists is debatable. This data exists in databases both private and public. There is no need to sniff every packet on the internet in real time when millions of people volunteer to capture, collate and store the data on private systems. When those systems are maintained by people in the loose network that makes up the secret police, getting access is never difficult.

A good example is the insurrection hoax. The banks and mobile carriers were quick to volunteer their services to the hoaxers in the inner party. They provided mobile phone data and credit card data without being asked. All of a sudden, within hours of the event, the FBI and DOJ were getting waves of information about people who may or may not have been at the event. In the synopticon, the FBI is reduced to errand boys when it comes to framing enemies of the system.

In the case of Tucker, this is probably an operation not aimed at Tucker, but at his fans out there in flyover country. The secret police send this guy to tell Team Tucker that they are spying on him. They probably got some stuff from Google or Apple to use as a prop in this little drama. It is entirely possible the operation is being run out of Silicon Valley and the FBI official they are using is just a fellow traveler. His credentials as a high-ranking government agent adds authenticity to the caper.

Of course, Tucker ran straight to the camera to report on what happened, because that is what you do if you are a journalist in a democracy. There is the value of the self-delusion maintained by liberal democracy. If Tucker saw himself as a subject in an authoritarian surveillance state, he would have evaluated this event from that perspective and kept quiet about it. He would have assumed they were targeting him, hoping he would blab about it on television.

Now, if this operation is not about spying on Tucker in order to get him fired, then what is the point of it? The primary tool of control in both the panopticon and synopticon is psychological, not informational. The theory is that the uncertainty and lack of privacy instills submissiveness. The prisoner, never sure when he is being watched and what is being watched, begins to assume his captors are always watching and know everything about him, even his innermost thoughts.

This has always been a key feature of the secret police. They want their targets to think everyone and anyone could be a spy. Since the ruling class sees every white person in America as a potential threat, the secret police are trying to make sure every white person knows they are being watched. Getting Tucker, a guy who thinks UFOs are real, to play along in this drama is not terribly difficult. Millions of white people who watch Tucker are now thinking they are under surveillance.

In every corrupt regime, the secret police are a symptom of the rot, but they also reflect the nature of the ruling class. The KGB in post-war Russia was highly bureaucratized, reflecting the nature of the regime. They slowly began to ignore organized crime, as that was hard to address, and focused on trivial crime. On the other hand, the Okhrana, which was the Tsars secret police, was a highly personal operation. It was ad hoc and relied on individuals to infiltrate enemies of the Tsar.

In a liberal democracy like America, no one really knows who is actually in charge, so no one knows the nature of the secret police. There are formal institutions, just as we see in politics, but those institutions never do what the people want, which is what you see with elected officials. Just as with elected officials, there always seems to be a hidden agenda with the security forces. It is as if there is an invisible hand on the levers of power that is only known by what it does.

Just as the secret police reflects the nature of the system, it also gives us a sense of the system’s overall health. The more threatened the ruler, the more willing he is to use explicit force to intimidate his opponents. The confident ruler is willing to play cat and mouse, often for his own amusement. We saw this with he Tsar as century ago, where he was willing to be more explicit in the use of violence. The less secure he was in his position, the more willing he was to shoot people.

What we are seeing today is an effort to public intimidate opponents. Torturing political prisoners in secret DC jails and now advertising a domestic spying operation suggest genuine fear in the system. They really do believe that Trump was put in office by a secret conspiracy against them. This paranoia and fear is driving the explicit use of force by the rulers. That invisible hand is moving from the shadows, into the open and becoming more obvious in order to intimidate the enemy.

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3 years ago

“They really do believe that Trump was put in office by a secret conspiracy against them.” I’m not sure the concluding paragraph follows from the rest of the piece. What could the amorphous ruling class have to fear from some Trumpster secret conspiracy assuming it might exist? Anyhow, Tucker would have known that his correspondence was available to prying eyes. He even had Glen Greenwald come to tell him so. If Tucker’s message is, “If they’re spying on me, they’re spying on you,” the message is redundant; Carter Page redux. In any event, the Geheime Staatspolize likely spends a lot… Read more »

Steve in PA
Steve in PA
3 years ago

I haven’t scrolled through all the replies in this thread, so perhaps someone already posted along this line, but for what it’s worth, I recall some sage advice: Sometimes you’re just being paranoid, but sometimes they really are out to get you. My belief, based on personal and professional experience is that, given that the official surveillance state (i.e., NSA, FBI, CIA, ad nauseum) is so large, with thousands upon thousands of employees having access to all the data the government hoovers up, it is possible that a person or group of persons decided, without instructions from his/her/their superiors to… Read more »

3 years ago

Your White pill of the day. Zerohedge is reporting that Harris’s staff is the usual black dysfunctional mess you’d expect. She has a black chief of staff (a woman) and another as a chief subordinate. The one ran Clinton’s post-Presidential staff and froze out all his old friends as Clinton did not use email. Thus no one could contact him and tell him things were going wrong, or ask for favors, or offer help. Harris has had 50 staffers resign, they are all angry and leaking. Its as stupid as the Houston Astros stealing signs and banging on trash cans.… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Since this is not just figuratively or metaphorically but ackshually LITerally “The Secret Police” essay, check this out: Ashli Babbitt’s Killer Reportedly Was Member Of VP Pence’s Secret Service Security Detail Would that not be the perfect bookend to the Trump/Pence legacy – that not only did Pence stab Trump in the back, but he ackshually LITerally oversaw the assassination of a Trump loyalist? Obviously it’s all just rumor at this point, but the pattern of the data points would align perfectly with all other known patterns of all other data points which we’ve ever witnessed coming out of… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

She’s more expendable than Biden.

And those are not our actual politics, if you mean power.
My God the Dems publicly said take the nuke codes away from POTUS and of course they’re thinking of her. I suspect that’s probably happened just quietly.

Her only core supporters are her ancestral village in India probably only because they’ve never met her.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

For an even whiter, lighter pill, Whiskey, consider. The neo Nero’s backup is that Harlot Harris, and for an even whiter shade of pale pill, know that her backup is Perilous Pelosi! Isn’t Democracy fun?!

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

This is grossly unfair to Nero.

3 years ago

Let me add to the stupidity of our ruling class. They could have installed Tulsi Gabbard. Or that White guy from Baltimore. Or some actor out of left field: Tom Hanks, that guy from NCIS. Someone who looked well, not a reject from “Weekend at Bernies.” Instead we get doddering old Biden with a faction ridden Regency that is sure to shake itself to death with the infighting. Never underestimate some factional enemy of the faction using the NSA to spy on Carlson being the Whistleblower. That is a feature not a bug of a Regency. Its why most Monarchies… Read more »

3 years ago

I rather think the NSA did spy on Tucker Carlson and there was a Whistleblower. And I think the elites are very, very stupid. Exhibit A: Son of Big Guy, how stupid do you have to be to leave … evidence lying around? Exhibit B: the editorial by Janan Ganesh (easily the most stupid of their writers). He thinks that the ruling elite want unity, and want to fight China. Hahahahahah. “Nike is a Chinese Company for the Chinese people!” Not a bit of pushback. Meanwhile Reparations moves forward, as does changing the US Flag to the Rainbow one… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Optimist. We’re not even ten years away from 100,000,000 of us going up in woke-smoke. The average D voter is at least 10x as genocidal as Hitler.

Doubt at yr peril, sane men.

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

That, at least, should light a fire under YT’s ass.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Milley is a creature, he is the average DMV clerk. The last general we had was Petraus, he’s also the first one we had in a while. At the first sign of being actual Generals – they are done. If the wind changes Milley will change with it. He’s after the biggest board seat and most money he can get. It’s well known in the Army our Generals never do anything except for money. Let me quote a Colonel: ‘if this idea has no money in it, no General will talk to you. Perhaps you should write a book’. This… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

I’m expecting a major false flag on or around the 4th or 9/11, or possibly even both.

The controllers just love holidays and anniversaries.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yeah. They love to ruin any possible happiness we could have.

3 years ago

Or you could go with Occam’s Razor, and that would have it that someone is actually spying on Tucker to get him fired, and that some NSA or FBI affiliated person had a moment of conscience and risked their own safety for the higher purpose of protecting ideals of privacy and freedom.

I am not sure I agree with Z Man’s hot take this time.

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

The surveillance state is not the three letter agencies, but the FAANG stocks and other fellow travelers in the nasdaq100 and F1000, writ large.

Once people wrap their heads around the fact that Snowden-Greenwald was a technomarxist, 0 admin operation, to eliminate the NSA DoD overlord, it should all fall into place.

Just like smart cars are a bad idea, calling a phone smart should automatically set off alarms.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

I hadn’t considered that one. I prefer my own thesis (ego alert!) stated elsewhere: that Tucker could have made the whole thing up, presumably for publicity purposes. If I may be so brash, I find just one flaw in the “secret patriot whistleblower” scenario: These types of surveillance ops are highly classified and have various “need to know” access controls. The list of anyone who’d have had access to such information would be a very short list, and unless he were a dunce, he’d know that passing info to probably anyone, especially someone already under surveillance, would be a very… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I prefer my own thesis (ego alert!) stated elsewhere: that Tucker could have made the whole thing up, presumably for publicity purposes.

Of course he did, Ben bin Ben.

No one can never trust a preppy blue-eyed shegetz like Tucker.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Apparently the Gov agency in question has copped to spying on Tucker, so I guess that answers that question.

3 years ago

Keep in mind that none of the equipment used by the secret police has been developed by them. They are supplied with the fruits of private enterprise, license plate readers, GPS systems, rifle silencers, every thing you can imagine was developed by psychotic inventors with only one market, the government. Nobody needs computer ballot machines or blood alcohol measurement equipment unless they’re a bureaucrat.

Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

True. Retired FBI agents will frequently become security experts for hire based on their knowledge of technology and their ability to stay in touch with the latest hi-tech developments. And guess who hires them? Yep…the oligarchs and their minions. Got to protect that yacht and that hunting plantation.

3 years ago

TBH, after Snowden I just assume they’re illegally collecting data and sharing it.

3 years ago

Miami building collapse…slowly I turned…sensing…a presence..


I’m glad Israel rescuers have jumped in to clean up behind the Polish Canadians who made the mess.

On a lighter note this means DeSantis is done as a threat to the system ✔️.
Watch. They will pin this on him.

Like the 1911 Triangle Shirt Fire (arson for the insurance money) this will be about *more progressive needed* …fire, building codes my ass.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Desantis is a diet generic Trump, at best, and Trump couldn’t get the job done. Mrs. Desantis (née Schwartz) can tickle him this way and that for the love of nation, but it isn’t our nation.

Bon voyage.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Gedeon
3 years ago

(née Schwartz)


This is why I cum to Z & VD.

The wealth of information.

Thanks again!!!

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Agree. Sending a message to Heavy D with a surprise “controlled demolition”.

3 years ago

Tucker does not take our rulers at face value if you listen to him. He knows full well they do spy on Americans. As to the mechanisms it varies, but I would not make a joke of it. As to why, it’s obvious, to rattle his cage and to let other prospective Fox hosts to stay in their lane. Don’t copy Tucker. You may think Tucker is some sort of joke or idiot but he is about the only person that does bring important news to normies about what TPTB are doing to this country. And there are those in… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Z: If Tucker saw himself as a subject in an authoritarian surveillance state, he would have evaluated this event from that perspective and kept quiet about it… The primary tool of control… is psychological, not informational… uncertainty and lack of privacy instills submissiveness. The prisoner… begins to assume his captors are always watching and know everything about him, even his innermost thoughts. Rwc1963: As to the mechanisms it varies, but I would not make a joke of it… What fight we had died out in the WWII generation. Whew – Nature or Nurture? You & Z are largely describing the… Read more »

3 years ago

What difference does it make if the story is true or not? We know it’s possible, even likely and that there will be no repercussions, no punishment, only rewards. No one on the Left is ever punished. The State is now at a point where it can do just about anything it wants. Who are we going to complain to? Merrick Garland? John Roberts? Growing crime wave until we become a police state. Whites jailed, harassed, stolen from and driven into poverty. The suburbs are being over run by third world invaders. What’s to stop this Marxist take over? Nothing.… Read more »

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Hiding won’t work. Whites will either learn to resist in a smart manner or slowly be excised by the state.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Hideaway is good. You don’t want to be among the first pickings. Buys you time to “resist in a smart way.” Animals in the wild use camouflage. Be the gray man.

Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Live to fight another day

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Follow President Lincolns lead. Get as many of them as you can before they get you.

Reply to  DENNIS
3 years ago

Yes, Dennis! Remember the Alamo! 200. 100 fewer than what Leonidas had at Thermopylea. Molan Lava.

-John Wayne, Davy Crockett

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

Now this is a fascinating subthread.

The Duke: “Be the gray man.”

Dennis the Menace: “Follow President Lincolns lead.”

How about a synthesis of the two?

Train yourself to become a psychopath & a pathological liar, just like Lincoln, but keep your d@mned mouth shut about it, and stay back deep in the shadows, where you’re working with all your Wh!te Br0z to train yourselves [as best you can] to be psychopaths & pathological liars?

Cause Mr Nice Guy, playing by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules, ain’t gonna defeat the Frankfurt School.

Mr Nice Guy’s always gonna finish last.

3 years ago

So, Zman, this will become a tug-of-war between secret societies, theirs, ours, everybody’s.

(Buddy, you just can’t help keep making more work for yourself, can ya?

I mean, who can define the rules of the covert game in this Age of Fog?
This, right here, is a masterful beginning, along with all the continuing Z-efforts.)

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

Yes, this was the first time I felt my self having “false flag” feelings….

3 years ago

We continue to place to instrument of our execution gently into the hand of our executioner . This has been going on since 1965. The right wanted cheaper labor, the left wanted voters. Just last week I parked under a lamppost with a camera on a swivel actually swiveling 360 degrees. I asked several people walking their dog, “ what’s up with the camera?” They all looked at me like I was crazy and maladjusted. All of them had earbuds in and were annoyed I was interrupting the robot music or were starring at a phone and never noticed it… Read more »

Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

We are not helpless
That’s why the bastards behind the curtain are getting nervous.
Tic toc motherfuckers.

Reply to  Spingerah
3 years ago

I’m mad enough to kill at this point. Am I the only one? When I hear Biden say the biggest threat are white nationalist’s I think to myself “you’re damned right!”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Semi-Hemi
3 years ago

What he neglects to mention is that AINO is the biggest threat to whites.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Semi-Hemi
3 years ago

When I hear Biden say the biggest threat are white nationalist’s I think to myself “you’re damned right!” Once you learn to decode their language, you realize that the Left are often being entirely honest with you. You just gotta hang around long enough to learn how to decode their Frankfurt School gibberish. For instance, “Our Democracy” means the Frankfurt School’s near monopoly on world finance, world media, and [what for the next year or two is] the world’s moast powerful military. [Although at current rates of deterioration, the Chinese will be able to whoop our posteriors in the not-too-distant… Read more »

3 years ago

[…] ZMan pulls back the curtain. […]

3 years ago

I’m sure Carlson is correct. The entire affair has a ring of truth to it. Probably they were conducting an investigation (illegally) into Jan. 6th protesters, then allowed some politically-motivated persons in the NSA to go a bit further under false justification to ensnare Carlson. The NSA has access to all the raw communications data of the country, and they have search tools to allow anyone to target anyone else. This stuff is also accessible to about half a dozen other countries, too. So, there is plenty of potential for leaking. There have been dozens of reported abuses of this… Read more »

Reply to  NSA ANON
3 years ago

“preempting their misbehavior by rationalizing with a fantasy of misbehavior on the other side.”

That is the most perfect description of “projection” I’ve ever seen.

Rather than some strange Freudian quirk, it’s only somebody intending to be a little sh*t.

Somebody wanting to win the approval of his peers, whose loyalties are to themselves and not some official version of ‘unity’, as well. Yeah, we’re all Murricans defending our democracy, you betcha.

3 years ago

From Z’s essay: “In the case of Tucker, it is unlikely that the NSA was using its super-duper listening tools to gather up his e-mails.” Watching Tucker’s segment linked in the essay, it seems clear that that the NSA issued a nondenial to Tucker’s accusation that “NSA has read Tucker’s private e-mails without his permission.” Instead NSA responded with a press release that reframed his accusation as “monitoring our [Tucker’s] electronic communications in an attempt to take his show off the air,” and responding that “Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has… Read more »

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

“And congressional oversight of intelligence entities is ineffective.” Wanna know something that will blow your mind? Not only is congressional oversight ineffective, it is run by people who deliberately make abuse possible. Your internet search history, for instance, is now available for private entities to purchase. The morons of the GOP, back when they controlled congress and the FCC, allowed this practice to go through. In the near future, perhaps even now, it will be possible for private entities to buy this data and disclose your internet history — all done legally. Have you ever gone to p*ornhub and searched… Read more »

grey enlightenment
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

3-letter agencies will never confirm or deny anything. rather, you will be informed when it is too late.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

A little-known fact is that illegally obtained evidence may be admissible in court, or used to obtain a warrant, etc. IF such information was made available by a third party (At least so I’ve read.) Note the symmetry with intel sharing by the spooks. It’s illegal for the USA to spy on you in most cases. But if they ask the Brits to do so, and they share the intel with the USA, the USA hasn’t broken the law. In the Carlson case, or the January 6 “Insurrection” case, it doesn’t even matter. Using the latter as an example, it’s… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Why would a guy with already high ratings make up a story like this when he didn’t need to? His claim sounds plausible to me. The only way out of it, assuming he didn’t make the story up, is to assume a third party like the Russians hacked his stuff, then sent it to him claiming to be an insider source knowing he’d report it as the NSA’s doing. Sneaky sneaky. I guess you’ll have to choose between the two options. Are the Russians that competent? I don’t know. They have a history of bumbling these kinds of things in… Read more »

Reply to  NSA ANON
3 years ago

“They have a history of bumbling these kinds of things in recent years.”


Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Why, he meant all the Russians residing at Langley, of course. Those boobs can’t get anything right.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

The whole “RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!” hoax collapsed; they couldn’t get it to stick to Trump.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

Here’s one of many examples:

TL;DR. The Russians sent in agent double D to play patty cake with Hillary Clinton, then got ejected from the country by the FBI. Russian efforts post KGB have long been primitive and fruitless, at least back when the agencies were run by competent people selected by merit.

comment image

Reply to  NSA ANON
3 years ago

Why Russians?

It could easily be someone at Google or Apple or any number of other big tech companies hacking his accounts and then claiming to be a a whistleblower.

3 years ago

It now appears that right-wing paramilitary type organizations are actually run by the Feds as honeypots to entrap people drawn to them, and to justify the vast surveillance state.


Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

And one of the leaders of the Proud Boys (Enrique Tarrio) was a confidential informant too:

Possible lessons:
1. If you are in any nominally right organization with a name, likely it is shot through with government agents.
2. Never trust anyone that attended an ivy league school (Oath Keepers). They are likely a CI.
3. Never trust a POC. They are likely a CI.

Its somewhat ironic that rightist organizations keep getting caught off guard by POC CIs. I don’t know what to make of that.

Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Why would a CI infiltrating a right-wing group or recruiting to create a right-wing group let it be known they attended an ivy league school? Furthermore, why would an ivy league graduate waste their time being a CI when they could have an administrative position?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  cadiwomp
3 years ago

I never liked the “Oath Keepers” just like I never liked the “Proud Boys.” If the name of the organization sounds faggotty, it’s a good clue. These groups prove the quote about everything in America starting as a movement and becoming a con. I don’t know about the 3%ers but that sounds faggotty too. A good rule of thumb is knowing that this is a country entirely without honor. Therefore everyone will turn in their closest friends to save their tract house and their 100″ TV. Only religious zealots even have the capacity for honor these days. Mostly muslim. You… Read more »

Reply to  cadiwomp
3 years ago

“Why would a CI infiltrating a right-wing group or recruiting to create a right-wing group let it be known they attended an ivy league school?” Everyone wants to hire people that graduate from Yale Law. Even the Oath Keepers. Steward Rhodes promoted himself as a Yale Law grad to buff his resume. “Furthermore, why would an ivy league graduate waste their time being a CI when they could have an administrative position?” Because Steward Rhodes is a vindictive psychopath of a hands on and practical nature. Most vindictive psychopaths that graduate from Yale Law have a theoretical and administrative mindset… Read more »

Reply to  cadiwomp
3 years ago

Power, intrigue. Why did Woodward agree to be a cub reporter? Naval Officer Nuclear cleared Aide to a powerful Admiral Most important of all: Served on WHICA-White House Communications Agency. That’s Signals, not PR. That’s how the President stays in touch. This is absolutely the highest level clearance and trust. After the service Bob Woodward is offered a full scholarship to Harvard Law. Set for life. But no…he wants to be a cub crime beat reporter on a 2d string newspaper…then WAPO, then he’s handed the biggest story in history…and this cub reporter [that’s less than meter maid at the… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

Same as it ever was, just dialed up. The running joke about 90s era KKK or WN groups was if there were 3 people in attendance it was 2 alphabet agency guys and the mark was the 3rd. Same sh-t different decade.

Meanwhile Antifa and BLM can commit arson, grand theft, & murder with impunity and gov’t / media run interference. Enjoying that Anarcho-Tyranny form of gubmint yet? You are starting to get a taste of it ‘good & hard’ and it hasn’t even gotten started.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Apex Predator
3 years ago

Perhaps some of us should join Antifa or BLM type organizations, if you get my drift 🙂

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago


They get caught off guard by the POC CIs because the civnattery programming runs that deep among most of them.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Isn’t this straight from their lord and savior Lenin’s playbook?

I think the quote is something like’ “The best way to control the opposition is to run it ourselves!”

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

Also one other fun possibility: 1. Deep state ran fake Jan 6 insurrection I had always thought that Jan 6 folk were over enthusiastic “our guys”. But if the leaders of all these groups (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc) were CIs, how much direct guidance did they get to run this operation from the dems/intelligence services? Its looking increasingly likely that the entire Jan 6th thing was a setup from the top. If congress ever got their act together and started conducting oversight on the intelligence agencies again, investigating role of CIs and intelligence could be a powerful tool for… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  acetone
3 years ago

“If congress ever got their act together and started conducting oversight on the intelligence agencies again”


The intelligence agencies are doing Congress’ bidding.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I think it’s the other way around. And has been since J. Edgar started making nice with the National Crime Syndicate.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Dunno. But a priceless scene in the movie “J. Edgar” (2011) is when brand-new President Nixon summons Hoover.
Nixon: “What have you got on me?”
Hoover: (smiles) “Mr. President…”
Nixon: “What do you want?”

Hoover just wants to run his agency unmolested.

Reply to  DLS
3 years ago

All of them are either compromised or honey pots. The fact is the FBI had infiltrated the militia movement back in the 80’s to such a extent they ran it.

The Oath Keepers were a modern example of this.

Any real groups will be small – cell based and have no on line presence whatsoever. and probably be familial based like the old Mafia.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Or veterans who know each other.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Using geofencing over the period of a few days, it is fairly easy to figure out who is normally there and who was there from out of town and during no other days of the last 30 days. If you are going somewhere where there is a remote possibility something will go wrong, leave the cell phone and credit card at home. But, even if nothing goes wrong, you can still be identified if you are carrying a phone. This is the essential problem of the spy state. Everything is written down somewhere. They probably collect way too much information… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Eh, if all this info is being logged to databases somewhere it’s not that difficult to write the queries that start filtering records based on dates, times, coordinates, etc.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Agreed TWGH, that’s why the FBI tweeting photos of kids and grannies OUTDOORS in DC that day and asking people to rat them out was so insidious.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

the FBI tweeting photos of kids and grannies OUTDOORS in DC that day and asking people to rat them out was so insidious

“What a little swine, denouncing his own father.”

– Saint Joseph Djugashvili

“God save the Vozhd!”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I don’t know what to think about this Tucker thing. He said they had his e-mail and texts. That could imply two different companies, so this was likely pulled on a government level. They get around it by having one of the overseas agencies pull the info and then give it to them. “Oh, we never ran one query on this.” – No, you called your British counterpart and had them do it, and they gave it to you. Just as I’m sure we’re pulling info on British dissidents. The theory that this is to spoof Tucker’s audience is, I… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

And it begs the question. Does Milley really believe he didn’t come off as a buffoon on national TV? The bubble they all live in has to be pretty thick for them to have not even an inkling at how stupid they appear to people on the outside. It’s not even a bubble, more like a planet in a different galaxy. And now with their UFO b.s., maybe they’re the UFO.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Consider the following options and choose between them: he’s a true believer, meaning we’re all in a lot of trouble; he’s only saying what he has to because he’s in it for the paycheck and wants to retire with a nice pension and later lobbying gig (impossible if he gets fired for wrongthink); he’s saying what he needs to so he can keep his job and also be there to watch over that slobbering Alzheimer’s brain and his Millennial underlings. As a “very” slight nod to option three, the Biden regime almost started WWIII with Russia a few weeks back.… Read more »

Reply to  NSA ANON
3 years ago

I’m not a fan of Q-tards but I do still think there’s a (fairly remote) possibility that at some point Biden will simply be removed from office by a Junta of some sort. This won’t be due to some genius 5D chess moves by the Q but simply Biden making some key blunder that (finally) crashes the dollar or gets us to Cuban Missile Crisis level trouble with Russia. Kamala was a good political play to the retarded PoC and wammen base of the dems but is too stupid and unpredictable to be a viable replacement for Biden.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  NSA ANON
3 years ago

That was kind of odd now that you mention it. They went from “we’re totally f’ing doing this, unlimited military assistance to the Ukraine!” to “umm, Putin who?” all in the course of day.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

You’re a super sharp guy. And you are not their audience. Milley is just a pitchman introducing their new brand called “White Rage” to the CNN-watching rubes.

Expect to see “White Rage” in supermarkets near you very soon. It joins the powerful product lineup of “Equity”, “Diversity”, “Democracy”, “Inclusion” and “Voter Rights”. They market this stuff like it’s detergent, Don Draper style.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Guys like Miley are thin skinned and ego maniacs. You have to know the breed. He spent his entire career attending the right schools and kissing the right ass and saying the right things to the Senate to get his star.

And they HATE being mocked like all pols and elites. Understand at his level he is surrounded by sycophants 7×24 who kiss his ass. He has full time aides who prepare his clothes, drive him around town, deliver him his food etc.

He is royalty.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

It’s also because he’s an officer and flag rank at that. My nephew plays hockey and his head coach was an O-4 in the army (That’s the rank of Major for the uninitiated.) I attended one of his games and it didn’t go well, not the least of which was the fact that all the guy did was scream at everyone like they were his underlings and these kids are only eleven. They lost and after the game the coach was berating everyone in the locker room. My brother politely, but firmly asked him to stop screaming, as this wasn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
3 years ago

Brings to mind my son and his service.

I wanted him to get his Officer rank, or at least apply to OCS. This was years ago btw wen I was still patriotic (how times have changed)…

He told me no one respects the officers and the best thing is to rise up the enlisted ranks and then you pretty much own the ship except for the captain; the lower ranking officers will often defer to the top enlisted guy.

Reply to  Steve
3 years ago

That entire scream ethos comes from being trapped in a bureaucracy that steals your competence and your soul.

I hate to tell you but now that we have the identical personnel system the NCOs are beginning to change into Officers, worst of all they don’t know it.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Falcone- did Milley know he came off as a buffoon?

Falcone Milley is an American General.

So NO.

Falcone if Milley had an instant of self awareness he’d commit suicide.

So NO.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Let us give them something real to fear…

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

How about introducing them to their new neighbors, Natrone and Nakeisha?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

They are so isolated from us it’s not even funny. Try to get near the top dogs and you will find yourself face down on the ground with a gun at your back.

The sad fact is there are plenty of white guys who will fight and die to protect them.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Will they?

The only problem we have is we’re afraid and we’re especially afraid to organize. The only reason they’re burning their CI’s and agents in public is to spread that fear.

“the secret police are everywhere”

No they’re not, and they may not be all that fond of the current circus themselves. But there’s no alternative to turn to …you can’t ask people to defect to ‘principles’ or ‘ideas’ or a blog page.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

At the end of the day, someone still has to be charged with something. How many of those people sitting in the DC gulag for their “insurrection” actually talked, and attempted to “explain” themselves to these people? Even the dumbest career criminals know, never never never talk to these people. Never indulge them. Never give them the time of day. Never open the door for them without a warrant. Even then never say a word. They’re not there to “discern the truth.” They’re there to “make a case.” Only a scumbag could be in a job where it’s all about… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I admit I haven’t really followed up on the “insurrection,” but given the initial news reports, I suspect that the closest evidence of a “conspiracy” that occurred would be that a bunch of rednecks said “Let’s go protest in Washington.” As such, even if those now in custody “talk,” against their interests of course, what are they going to “confess” to? Having agreed with Jim Bob to go visit the Capitol?

None of this is to say the Feds can’t find something to charge them with. There are laws aplenty to entrap the unwary.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

I know a guy who was always sort of a conspiracy guy but he left L.A. and moved his family to Texas. I hear he was buying into the Q stuff and that Pence was going to invalidate the election and all that and he and his wife were going to go to the Capitol to protest. Some of this, I think, was to prove to his new Texas neighbors that he wasn’t a liberal from L.A., but “one of them” as if all Texans are of the anti-government variety. Now this guy is paranoid and seeing cops everywhere and… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Another one who ran to TX to “be free.” If you’re looking over your shoulder, you’re not free. All he got was cheaper food at HEB instead of a dirty Vons in CA. Maybe fewer shoplifting bums. TX is following the same exact demographic catastrophe as CA. This is why I always say “California, it’s coming to a state near you!”

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Why, they’re going to Texas because it has fewer Mexicans, of course.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I’d agree that TX is getting Californicated at an appalling rate but I think, more than any other state, they also have the size, wealth, industry, and attitude to become their own successful nation and perhaps gobble some of the nearby states up in the process as the former USA falls apart. The high percentage of Mexicans is a problem but if they can actually close the border they may prevent further Mexicanization. There have got to be elite and wealthy Texans who understand exactly what kind of disaster is coming unless – unless democracy can be rolled back a… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Lifetime Oath Keepers Member pleads guilty and cooperates with feds

I hope that a lot of the Oath Keepers and 3%ers learn a lesson from this about boasting about revolution. Don’t boast. Quietly prepare.

3 years ago

“The primary tool of control in both the panopticon and synopticon is psychological, not informational. The theory is that the uncertainty and lack of privacy instills submissiveness.” This is key. You have to ask yourself why there are these ideas that everything is a social construct, or that there’s no meaning beyond language. Why are there people who believe these things? Is psychology the study of the mind, or does it become a manipulation of the mind when people submit to it? Are tptb using the internet to observe mass movements and predict the future, or are they creating the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Boiled down, the question is this: If the Power Structure really is afraid–and I grant it appears to be so–why is it doing everything it can to provoke its erstwhile enemies? Why is it simultaneously attempting to intimidate and enrage? If the idea is to flush its quarry from the bush, it is running one helluva risk. The far wiser course would be to simply suppress without antagonizing. As is, the Power Structure is doing everything in its power to create a self-fulfilling prophecy of violent, white counter-revolution.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

I think the fear is real and, fear being the mind-killer, they’re screwing up.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

That’s my take. At bottom, all Leftists are shit-flinging nihilists who hate themselves, and therefore hate the world for not being as miserable as they are. (The shit-flinging is just frantic displacement activity against the nihilism). I had a Leftie buddy once, back when that was possible. He was fond of saying “it’s time to do something, even if it’s wrong!” whenever there was a crisis (for “stupid intra-office squabbles” values of “crisis”). That’s the Leftist mindset in a phrase. They can’t sit still, ever, because they’re like sharks — if they stop moving, they die, because in the silence… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Playing God imo. If nobody is in control, somebody has to do something.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.”

Senator Blutarski: “and we’re just the guys to do it!”

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Wasn’t it Pascal who said that all of man’s problems arise from his inability to sit still and alone for long?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”–Blaise Pascal

Which means, all of the people who create general misery are Leftists.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

I just finished Pascal’s “Pensees.” (Audio version). But perhaps I nodded off before that passage. He did have some pithy quotes.

“Alcoholics Anonymous” (page 62) has similar wisdom: “So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making.”

I can attest that most of mine fit the bill 🙂

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

The leftists are street and university rabble, HR ladies. At the top you have pyschopaths without belief. If Hitler had won Soros would have done business with him…in fact child Soros did. Honestly it’s not even the noses at the top, it’s still mostly Ivy League WASPS and their fetching spawn. Sure some Asians, HofJude like Soros and Eisen, some meaningless noggers for comic relief but it really is mostly at the core the WASP Ivy Leaguers at State, et al. They don’t believe in ANYTHING. They are simply taking power back, and ridding themselves of their rivals the common… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The last 18 months have been quite full of surprises of all types. Not least of them is the Establishment’s apparent attempt to write and then follow a top secret handbook called “How to Recruit Apathetic Whites to Join a White Nationalist Movement”. It really is baffling and makes you wonder if this is some 26th dimensional chess on their part or if they’re just monkeys partying in a minefield. Not that I’m interested in stopping them from handing this to us of course. Never interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake and all that.

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

Never interrupt your enemy of he’s making a mistake However, they are in fact interrupting us. Ergo maybe we are NOT making a mistake but truly getting to them I know that our ignoring them is driving them crazy. Many of these people somehow can read the mood of people. A good pol doesn’t even need a pollster, he can just feel how they’re thinking and what to say. It’s a gift. Maybe some nerds are running algorithms showing how there is a huge drop off in internet interest in anything Biden has to say. Where the Trump headlines used… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

It’s a Color Revolution. They’re not making a mistake, and we are now inert since MAGA folded…oh and the Republic has fallen. Inert people don’t make mistakes, they’re just inert and we’re not interrupting anything. America is in the early stages of a Color Revolution. It isn’t as if they didn’t publish this in 2020. (they feel some need to publish their plans and always have, at least since Cloward-Piven in 1966). What the Ruling Powers are doing is their long and practiced policy of turning countries inside out into Civil War Zones ala Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Libya and we… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Let me add that I think all of Plan Syria aka Color Revolution in America, America becoming Syria is evil and insane.

I’m just telling you it works and they’re good at it.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

This is an interesting idea but I think of those Color Revolutions as something they manipulate from afar so they can steal a county’s wealth. The problem with dissolving America into a beautiful rainbow of savagery and murder isn’t the morality (what morality?) of the thing. The problem is that America is the bank you take the loot to. You probably don’t want Color Revolution chaos in the “back office” if you like. A successful CR in the USA would need green zones everywhere to keep the elite safe and the elite is so bloated numerous I don’t think there… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Tthe jew assumes the gentile cattle will follow, Like Kennedy or 911…put the propaganda on jewtube, spoonfeeed em shit, bit by bit, Those days are over. Whitey wakes up slowly, but when he does, look the fuck out.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago


I’d love for that to happen but it isn’t.
it may, but waking up ain’t enough.

My God who isn’t awake at this point?

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

for 500 years, the mind of the Westerner, as it get further and further from the Catholic Faith, has become dark and murky.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

Nicholas Wade (I just finished “A Troublesome Inheritance”) would very much agree: We can all agree that “white” civilizations gave Western Civilization much of what came to be called, well, Western Civilization (e.g. Greeks, later the Romans). Nevertheless, Wade makes clear that Europe was really just a backwater until more or less 1500. China and even the Ottoman Empire, he says, were more advanced, stable, technologically advanced. But they lacked the culture and other factors for these to truly take off. Whether by luck or other cause, the coalescing nation-states and (more or less) unified religion of Europe would lead… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The awakening of Europe and it’s arrival on the world stage was the first Crusade 1099. They defeated the worlds premier powers doing it [the Turks for instance].

The world’s known powers – well there was China but they keep to themselves.

3 years ago

I’m not so sure about this. Countries that are slipping and sliding into Third Worldism tend to get simultaneously more oppressive and more incompetent, and this theory may give the powers-that-be more credit for being smart and Machiavellian than they really deserve. I wouldn’t put it past them to genuinely be so ham-fisted that they’re really just spying on Tucker Carlson to try to dig up dirt to smear him with in some hit piece in the friendly media. It would be sloppy and amateurish, but so was the Steele Dossier, and they pinned their whole impeachment plot on that.… Read more »

Reply to  AntiDem
3 years ago

Less than 50% white amongst under 18s. White people always seem to be surprised at this type of tyranny, and offended by gross incompetence, but as you said, it’s just part and parcel of living in a shithole country. I was walking home from the store the other day and there were a bunch of noggers ooga booga-ing in the middle of the sidewalk, and a chinaman raced past at 100km/h in a 40 zone in a loud Mercedes. This old white guy looked so confused, like “what the hell is going on??” I was not surprised at all, because… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I’ve said for awhile that our rulers are likely at their peak power. They’re inheriting still functioning institutions and a good deal of social capital. (Yes, those institutions aren’t as effective as they were before AA and wokism starting worming their way into them, but the FBI, CIA, NSA, even local police still have a lot of reasonably competent Gen Xers and even some leftover Boomers.) But the number of competent Whites in those institutions will slowly (maybe quickly) erode. The social capital is getting burned away day by day. In ten years, those institutions will be far less effective.… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Reminds me of the pedestrian bridge collapsing in D.C. – why act when they’re doing all the really hard work for you? The best to hope for at this point is that their suicidal violent incompetence doesn’t take us down with them.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

In 10 years most of the U.S. will be like CA, a extension of Central America replete with cartels running entire cities.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  AntiDem
3 years ago

Pontificating upon your last sentence: Anyone who’s ever worked in the military, the Federal government, or contracting, even thirty or forty years ago, will be able to readily attest that what I might call just average competence, is most certainly NOT a feature of the entire apparatus. Levels of competence you see displayed on your favorite TV show or movie, even one of decades ago, simply doesn’t exist. Ladies and gentlemen, this government is not the one of eighty years ago that won a major war, nor the one of sixty years ago that put men on the Moon. Those… Read more »

3 years ago

It’s interesting to see the ruling class change from passive aggressive suggestion into full on thuggery, intimidation, and force. I’m still trying to figure out why the sudden change. a) the ruling class is increasingly composed of low IQ vibrants like AOC and Ilhan Omar. They aren’t very bright they just really hate whitey and have masses of low IQ foreigners to vote them in. I bet the FBI is full of your typical resentful Indians. these people don’t understand tact and their hatred of whitey is too strong. b) the Jewish influence is not what it used to be.… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
3 years ago


Any insight as to why the province of Alberta seems to be the hotspot for arresting Christians these days?

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I’ve always thought that the war on one’s “own population”—which is White—was because the remaining “bad Whites” are the only true threat to their (TPTB) power. But that could just be narcissistic arrogance on my own part. As to “smart fraction”, it may well be gone. The current collapse of the condo high rise in Florida was commented upon briefly by Dutton. It is precisely as he expects intelligence decline to occur/manifest. It will first present itself as an inability to maintain current technology and infrastructure. In the case of the collapsed condo, the deteriorated supports were know for months—if… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

How strange to take grim satisfaction in collapsed condos and bridges. Obviously, I take no pleasure in the loss of life. Quite the opposite. However, seeing one’s dire predictions come to pass provides a measure of “I-told-you-so” frisson.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

It’s not so much (for me anyway) an I told you so smugness–I hate those people–but rather a confirmation of the theory involved. We have two theories of current concern in HBD science: Diminishing IQ due to mutational load (Flynn effect has come to a halt, and we are awash in “spiteful mutants”), and the “Smart Fraction”. Both of these affect the future of our country and our children. Since great social upheavals are not testable via ordinary scientific method, the best we can do is make predictions based upon the hypotheses and logical reasoning, then catalog the evidence as… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

My guess would be that a decent number of people working on the bridge probably recognized there was a problem on the install. The reason a bad install happened was probably because a key decision maker (maybe the owner or project manager of the installation firm) decided that the delay and/or additional costs that fixing the install weren’t worth it to them personally. There’s lots of competence in the trades, but a lot of the guys at the top are miserly sociopaths with no concern for other people.

Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

Drew. No one has admitted to your alternative explanation to my knowledge–which indeed might be true. The bridge defect was made known to those in power (last I read, but could be incorrect) and was deemed acceptable/repairable. They never got the chance to repair and the collapse came immediately, or close to it when the bridge was attached. Here’s the dilemma as I see it. You are logically implying that a higher up *knew* the bridge would collapse, but said “screw it, I’m in it for the Benjamins”. A decision which of course ruined the firm, its reputation, and cost… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

It’s called corruption. The inspectors were bribed as usual. The same thing happens in Los Angeles county were entire housing tracts were built on directly on the San Andreas fault even though there are laws against that.

In Los Angeles there are high rises built on soil that is extremely prone to liquefaction during a earthquake yet they get approved.

Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

Rwc1963. We shall see as investigation progresses. However, corruption is also endemic in third world countries of low functioning IQ individuals. I’d argue there is a correlation (SA comes to mind as well as most of South America).

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Rwc1963
3 years ago

If these fears of unreliable building inspectors in the USA are true, pity the poor SOBs downstream from the Three Gorges Dam. This was in the news perhaps a year ago but seems to have faded. Still, if that sucker ever goes, it will be one hell of a mess. Now I have no particular animus against China. They are a world power. But they also are an authoritarian government with little accountability. Based on my few world history readings, this is, in fact, their “default” culture and government for all their history. Thousands of years!

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Your first point is an underappreciated one. The average person doesn’t understand the younger wave of elites simply aren’t very smart. It isn’t just vibrants, many of the young elite educated whites are true believers who even though they spent decades in education, learned nothing useful there and have no skills whatsoever. They believe the garbage they were taught and follow it blindly.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Stupid people often follow rules/procedure explicitly—at least until they reach very low levels of intelligence. It’s the only way they can approach the world and still play some productive role in it with their level of understanding.

In another time, when I was younger, I viewed such in a jobs training program for the mentally “challenged”. If you were willing to spend the time and could find a menial job that could be broken down into simple, repetitive tasks, you could train these people for employment. For instance bus-boy in restaurants.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

There it is. I taught a lot of college students over many years, and y’all, there’s simply no kind way to put this: They are DUMB. Dumb as fence posts. Dumber than a sack of hammers. Dumber than a concussed goldfish, and with the attention span of same, providing you pumped it full of coffee and meth. But they are aces at following directions… if you make the directions simple enough, and you check in on them constantly to ensure compliance, and if they feel like working. Yeah yeah, I know, they’re not ALL like that, and of course I… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“…even though I’d lay long money that I was the best-educated guy in the room (pretty much comes with the territory), I wouldn’t take the bet that I was the smartest…” If you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’re in the wrong room. 😉 You learn nothing from people dumber than yourself. Totally agree wrt Whites, we are raising up a bunch behind the curve and catch up will most likely never occur. I’ve yet to talk to any successful White–regardless of age cohort–that does not lament the quality of graduates. That being said, I believe this all begins… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Does anyone really believe AOC and Omar are the “ruling class?”
I doubt it. They’re figureheads. Apart from their salaries and patronage what do they have? They’re the camoflage the “real” ruling class hides behind.

Dan Doffs
Dan Doffs
3 years ago

I came across a terrific song called “Stink Eye” which is all about state survaillance — here it is on soundcloud —

3 years ago

It isn’t just secret police as they are ordinarily considered. The country is over-run with enforcement officials that we can’t recognize, like this guy.
And, every retired agent remains an agent, licensed to carry firearms.

The most unusual sight in the country? A guy in a bar wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with “IRS Softball Team”.

Streets n San
Streets n San
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

My awakening occurred twenty years ago at a fancy party. We couldn’t find my expensive camera the host requested I bring and use. After literally searching everybody else a group of us surrounded a woman and found my camera at the bottom of her hand bag. She instantly whipped out her badge and asserted “FBI” and then threatened us. I am sure she would have kept the camera as loot, but her professional interest was who consorts with whom among very important people. Now they don’t even have to steal your hardware.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Streets n San
3 years ago

wow thats a crazy story

Astral Turf
Astral Turf
3 years ago

The same has always been true re the Snowden revelations. It was obvious even in 2012 that TPTB wanted every American to understand that the government could spy on them through every electronic device, even e our webcams weren’t safe. The news media was covering the story wall to wall for several days so clearly they wanted to get the message out there. The whole thing was a PR project to disclose something they couldn’t just come out and say.

Reply to  Astral Turf
3 years ago

I remember seeing that photo of Zuck, where even he had tape over his laptop’s camera. That should have told us something.

3 years ago

Becoming anonymous is a skill that can be learned, and should be taught to all who wish to live lives independent of our maliciously sick culture & society. It’s also worthwhile survival training and a fun hobby. Here’s a few hints to get you started. Kill your TV. Get off social media. Leave your cell phone at home whenever you wish to be left alone. Buy a few changes of clothes at the Goodwill (shoes too) and pay cash. Learn to wear hats & sunglasses frequently. Grow a full beard if you’re male. Learn to use public transportation, again pay… Read more »

Astral Turf
Astral Turf
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

When I was a kid and watched “Minority Report” my takeaway was that I really couldn’t be bothered with all that effort. Now that the world is rather close to those conditions I still feel the same way. Still, thanks for the tips, especially about the pebble.

Reply to  Astral Turf
3 years ago

Paying cash is always a good practice whenever possible. Keeping your phone “black bagged” is also wise. Think about just these two precautions and how easy it is to track you and compile a dossier of your daily activities with such info. Why make it easy.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Who knew? A potato chip bag, lined with metal foil, works as a Faraday cage for the phone.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Tom, I’ve located some security video of you in disguise.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

While I have no reason to hide my activities (“yet”?) I agree with the above. Most of us are not operatives. Even so, it’s possible that some day these might become survival skills. I don’t have any title suggestions, but stories about how lives were lived in the Communist countries would be helpful. Of course today we already have “1984” levels of potential surveillance, much of it already installed in our homes by us! Witness the cell phone, perhaps an Alexa, etc. Like the shoe pebble, many low-tech opportunities exist. For example, you can instantly reduce Sauron’s ability to track… Read more »

3 years ago

What I don’t understand is why people are talking about how the Imperial State is spying on its own citizens. Mr. Snowden and Mr. Assange gave us loads of details on that back in 2013. If anyone had cared about it then, Assange wouldn’t be rotting in a British Shithole and Snowden wouldn’t be living in defacto exile in Russia.
So, why the concern now?

Astral Turf
Astral Turf
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Assange was initially celebrated by the official left because he had those revelations about Bush’s war crimes at the height of Obama mania just before those leftists quietly joined the neocons and regime change became acceptable foreign policy for progs. Wikileaks didn’t really make more big waves until they released that stuff that hurt Hillary and CNN had to villainize Assange and WL. He could have hung out in that embassy the rest of his life if he hadn’t embarrassed Hillary. Snowden is just an ugly nerd with no charisma or anything that interesting to say. I looked at a… Read more »

Reply to  Astral Turf
3 years ago

On the other hand, Snowden was smart enough to go to Russia. Would he still be alive today had he not gone there?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Perhaps also, everything we see today are manifestations of the incompetence and arrogance typical of any society in the final stages of imperial collapse.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

The country has already collapsed and is unraveling This is something I realized the other day. My guess is that people outside of the USA already see it. Because it is very hard to make the case that we aren’t more or less in a similar situation as the USSR was before the Berlin Wall made their demise official. Our roads and bridges and infrastructure are already as bad I can imagine things were in the USSR. Nothing can be fixed. We don’t have the will or the competency for it. We just do not have a symbol like a… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

We have symbols. It’s buildings falling down, not walls

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

I dunno. The tearing down/replacement of our historical statues and burning of major cities seems to be a collective sequential Berlin Wall moment for us.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

We didn’t even have the political will to build wall. A hundred miles of slat fences doesn’t count.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Oh, we will eventually have our event akin to the Soviet Coup of late August, 1991. I suspect soon that the Imperial State will orchestrate some kind of false flag mass killing using firearms, after which Biden will get on TV and order the people to turn in all of their guns. That will be our awakening event after which no one alive can deny the true condition of the United States. The People will refuse to abide to their orders, and many states will use the forces of their own laws to refuse to comply. The fun part begins… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

” People were not ready to believe the worst about the system back then. Today, people are much more willing.”

That is Trump’s greatest achievement.Entirely unintentionally he forced Deep State/GloboHomo/LeftishDipshit perpetrators to reveal the breadth and depth of their presence and operations.

(And we really do need a name for these filth)

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

and we really do need a name for these filth


Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Assange and Snowden risked everything, paid the price and continue to do so. When exactly would the “optics” have been right? Genuinely asking.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

When the Medicare only pays for cyanide capsules and the Social Security only pays for a can of soup. We believe in the lies because as a society we’re paid to do so. Not all of us, but it’s a majority taker country right now. Broken, lazy people on disability don’t really care about these things, they just pretend to care.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

By the time that occurs, many Americans will ask themselves this question: Why kill yourself when you can kill someone else?
That is when an American nature comes out that once was described as something so terrible and awful that there are few words that can describe the viciousness and barbarity of it all..

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

For all the good work that Snowden did, he was not a sympathetic character. He ran to Russia when both the Left and the Right hated Putin and could too easily be dismissed as a foreign asset. Assange poked his finger in the eye of both the Left and the Right, so there was not as much of a who/whom partisan existential threat people saw from the government. When Trump failed to pardon him, a lot more the right tail of the political spectrum started to accept that that ballot box would not save us. It’s turning into a few… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

No one else would take him, so he didn’t have a choice. He tried other places first — Hong Kong, I believe. IIRC, he had a Chinese gf. That led to speculation the Chinese set the whole thing up as a preemption to Obama’s push to condemn China for spying on the United States.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

There is no effective “whistleblower” route. (see: William Binney). Snowden’s choices were to either remain silent, run to Russia, or be renditioned to a black site and tortured for years for information about what he knew.

I think Snowden showed it’s possible to be both a traitor AND a hero.

Fat lot of good it did him. The collective elected leadership YAWNED, which pretty much tells you they were in on it from the get go.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Among his other accomplishments, Snowden also showed that Clapper (then NSA Director) perjured himself in Congressional testimony. Was he ever punished? Really? You need to ask??? 😀

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

You are deranged.

Snowden did not “run to Russia”.

3 years ago

That would be like waving a red flag in front of the 2A crowd. I know the dissidents aren’t very impressed by them… but eventually those guys will push back and it will be a sporting event for them. I am not worried about the deep state spying on my emails and cell phone. If these guys take a notion to, manufacturing evidence is child’s play. With Tucker… expect some sobbing harridan to come out of the closet 30 years after being raped by him. A gaggle of others will follow. Maybe he’ll get caught with a computer full of… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

They already took the sexual misconduct shot at Tucker with some lunatic who claims he propositioned her on the set and invited her back to his hotel. It didn’t work. Someone in the establishment has to see at least some value in having Tucker on TV as a pressure release valve for normies.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

That is another problem. They’ve pulled that con so many times nobody believes it anymore. Hillary Clinton lost the election by telling men they must believe all women…except when it comes to her rapist “husband”.

The other one is the race hoax. When some nogger claims to have crosses burning on his lawn with cone heads capering around the flames… you instantly know it’s a lie and a hoax. Funnily enough – the perps never get punished.

It’s going to take a Pinochet or Duterte style President to fix this, and probably a civil war.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Nothing can fix our problems. The Dissolution of the United States, a.k.a. imperial collapse, is the only way out now.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

You’re probably right about a Pinochet or Duterte style President to fix this via some type a civil war.

Meantime, in the race hoax sweepstakes – although I can’t say I much care what happened to Smullett and the guys that robbed him o’ his Subway sammich on a cold winters night not long ago – at this point I’m almost disappointed some jogger hasn’t ginned up an even more entertaining story of a how the noble poc fought back against the debil white rayciss.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Never forget that Chicago is clearly MAGA country as we all know.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Who knew that Trump had such strong support among the homosexual Nigerian bodybuilder demographic.

Sa Nak
Sa Nak
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

“…a pressure release valve for normies.”

Exactly. Just like this blog.

Reply to  Sa Nak
3 years ago

The comment section, probably. Aren’t they all? The blog and Z-man’s writings—nope. Keep reading, you’ll view the world differently after a while if you pay attention.

Reply to  Sa Nak
3 years ago

You have that slightly wrong. This blog is a pressure release valve for dissidents, not normies. Nevertheless, Z’s writings are always interesting and thought-provoking.

Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

I disagree. On Jan. 6 the Normies turned off the sportzball, put away the beer and potato chips, and went out to protest their gubbimint. Dissidents often mock the cloud people and the managerial elite for being craven cowards but I disagree. Those chitheads know they are in deep, deep trouble. The antics of the ANTIFA mutts and the BLM noggers is just so much entertainment – they can turn those idiots off just by cutting the funding and redirecting the press. A factual, well spoken dissident, though? Or even the mildly dissatisfied normie? You pick a fight with those… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Why do the Stasi work together in groups of three? You need one who can read, one who can write, and a third to keep an eye on the two intellectuals.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

And the original Stasi were ethnic Germans! Our present “Stasi” is not of comparable intellectual acumen, to put it dryly 🙂

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Why do Stasi officers make such good taxi drivers? You get in the car and they already know your name and where you live.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

HA! I love these. Keep them coming.

(BTW, who is the a$$-hat who’s puts a single downvote on the best comments of the day on the Zblog?)

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

ProZNoV. Obviously one of us (or a troll) is humor impaired. Karl not only lightened the day, but reminded us of the humor that folks under communist control used to keep their spirits up in some of the darkest times they experienced. There remained a glimpse of resistance in their humor. A lesson to us all.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago


Likely one of 15 or 20 different JIDF agents which poast under the name of “WhisKeY”.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Ve already haff Mozart in custody, komarad

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

Z should host an “ethnic joke” day.

3 years ago

This Tucker thing is an interesting dovetail to Biden’s quip that Molon Labe types don’t stand a chance to nukes and F-15s. People that follow Tucker (and right wing media in general) are, however, not willing to submit to tyranny, and have a healthy “fuck you” attitude to the establishment. (Even Libertarians!) Maybe right-wingers fantasize about taking up arms against authoritarianism but won’t do anything in actuality, but I suspect there’s a significant amount that would. These people won’t respond to calls for white racial consciousness, but they will respond to calls for liberty. So Tuckergate will just serve to… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Well, that is the other can of worms. Consider: you are a legacy patriot American squaddie in the services. You are literally forced to hold your nose when the brass orders you to march in high heels, watch tranny indoctrination films, and answer to queer lunatic officers and wahmen. You are ordered now to fire on American citizens. I dunno about you… but I can see a LOT of fraggings in the future of the American military. Dissidents have problems seeing it – but Normie is getting mightily pissed. He no longer dozes on the couch in front of the… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

The tyranny of this age is not violence, it’s financial. A normie con farmer in the corn belt might be willing to strap up with guns and take a crack at some feds, but not a single one of them will risk having their lines of credit dried up. That’s why spying and violence are mostly irrelevant. Its a meaningless flex, both sides are bluffing AND know the bluff will never be called. But you will never see a normie con go into a bank and ask for a straight white Christian clerk or banker, or threaten to boycott over… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Drew
3 years ago

The reports I’m hearing is that the Trump family is essentially penniless* at this point.

They threw everything they had at combatting the Deep State.

*Well, other than the Kushner wing of the family, obviously.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

“I am already on the List”. Form 4473, class 3 Tax Stamp. Trump ballot. IP logged across multiple wrongthink addresses. Donations to GOA and other “extreme far right groups”, religious orgs, and wrongthink publishers logged by IRS. Credit card purchases at gun shops, Cabellas, “prepper” websites, and online bulk ammo sellers. Demographic data (white male) logged across multiple dotgov databases. Social media posts full of “hate” and “anti-government” sentiment, including b-roll stock of handling “assault rifles” while smiling ready for 6’oclock news to seal narrative. TPTB have used all of these sources and methods time and again. The “anti-terror” infrastructure… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

If a man is willing to die, taking two FBI agents with him, rather than face child porn charges, I suspect that casualties on both sides will be similarly grave if/when the Swamp ever tries a real gun grab or dissident round-up in earnest. If things reach that point, I think a large minority of the targets know that going out with rifle blazing would probably be the best option, as a fair trial by an impartial jury of one’s peers will no longer be a realistic prospect 🙁 While I’m not an advocate of violence, if Solzhenitsyn’s “Black Maria”… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

one of the guys in the bushes with whatever weapons are at hand, rather than the sheep cowering

The guys in the bushes are called the WOLVES.

And wolves travel in PACKS.

Apex Predators, indeed…

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

“What ought one to say then as each hardship comes?

I was practicing for this

I was training for this”

– Epictetus

3 years ago

Have you seen the movie “The Death of Stalin”? I recommend it for everyone on this side of the aisle. *That’s* the world our rulers live in – hubris, humiliation, and paranoia in equal measure. I suggest we’re currently experiencing the scene where The Boss has clearly keeled over, but no one dares to enter the room until morning. The guards fear for their lives if they do and Stalin is still alive. Some party guys fear for their lives if they do and he’s dead. The top Party men won’t go in, because ONE of them has to open… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That’s true (obviously they took some liberties for the movie). I’ve written a lot about Khruschhev. He was, in a way, the ultimate Commie. He came up hard — you don’t survive the civil war and the Great Patriotic War (both as an army kommissar) and the Great Purge without being one seriously clever reptile. Not only do we not have anyone like that, we’re probably three generations removed from it at this point. The current generation of Leftist leadership, being Boomers, were convinced they were going to live forever; they haven’t paid any attention to their farm system since… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

An equally plausible explanation for these phenomena is the idea that the People in Charge are flaunting their power, not displaying their fear. Message: “if we can mess with TuCa, just imagine what we can do to you.”

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

It does show a possible propaganda shift from gentle psychological manipulation to fear and intimidation. It used to be they would use heavy-handedness sparingly, usually in wartime.

I do believe that this is more likely to be a genuine whistleblower, as I really don’t think the Deep State is willing yet to completely throw away the naive patriotism of your average American that is needed to keep society going.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

I’m coming around to the idea that our ruling class has exactly zero competent, rational people left in it. Up until maybe two decades ago they were our enemies and plotted against us—while taking the reality of our minds and lives into account, if only to better injure us. Now they’re just wildly insane and retarded.

They’re not sending us any message. They don’t know how. They batter us with idiot noise and any signal we perceive is our own desperate hallucination, our last hope, that they’re still merely evil. But they’re not even human.