The New Religion

A common scene in the early medieval period was the whole village being rounded up and brought down to the nearest river to be baptized. Their lord had recently converted to the new religion, so his people would be converted. The primary vector for spreading the new religion was through the ruling class. Missionaries from the Church would meet with the local ruler and attempt to win him over. Maybe money would change hands or promises would be made for support against a rival.

It was not the only way the new religion spread, but it was essential that the rulers be converted if the new religion was going to make it. Read about the early days of Christianity in England and it does not sound very Christian. Monasteries were more like frat houses and the nunneries were their sororities. The Church looked past it because this was what was needed to keep the ruling class on board. They needed the rulers to impose the new faith on the people.

The most famous account we have is from the Venerable Bede, who tells us of the first meeting between St. Augustine and King Æthelberht of Kent. The king would not meet with him indoors, as he thought Augustine could be a sorcerer. The king did not convert to Christianity right away, but he did give Augustine freedom to preach and invited him to reside in Canterbury. The king’s wife was a Frank and probably a Christian already, so we see how women are always a potential exploit.

We seem to be experiencing something similar. Those medieval peasants must have thought the world was going mad at times. One day some men with weird haircuts show up and before long the lord is forcing them to be baptized in a new religion that makes no sense to them. Today the boss goes off to a conference and when he returns, he is babbling about white fragility and structural racism. The whole department is then marched off to be trained in how to hate their ancestors.

Of course, we do not have to go back to the sixth century for examples. It must have felt similar to the peasants of Russia when beady-eyed urbanites with foreign surnames arrived from the city saying that the landlord is dead, and they are now part of a Bolshevik Soviet. The whole language of life was changed in just one generation, which is what we are experiencing today. Our ancestors would be baffled by things like “systemic racism” and pronoun declarations.

The thing is, Christianity stuck around for a long time for two main reasons. One is it adapted to the people and culture. From the start, English Christianity was different from Frankish Christianity. Second, there was an inherent logic to Christianity that made it suitable as an organizing ethos for a people. If you followed the rules, you were just as likely to make it to heaven as everyone else who followed the rules. In other words, there was a limiting principle to keep fanaticism on a tight leash.

The new religion, like various forms of Marxism, is riddled with internal contradictions that inhibit social cohesion. It needs conflict or as the Marxists call it, perpetual revolution, in order to justify itself. Christianity was the lifelong search for God, while these secular faiths are the endless search for the Devil. Of course, these secular religions have no limiting principle. Every believer is in a race to see who can be the most fanatical in their devotion to the one true faith.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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Promotions: The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a 15-percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is like a tea, but it has a milder flavor. It’s hot here in Lagos, so I’ve been drinking it cold. It is a great summer beverage.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link.   If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Reductionism
  • 17:00: The Managerial Class
  • 32:00: The Tenets of The Faith
  • 57:00: Closing (Be Like Me)

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Free Thinker Silver
Free Thinker Silver
3 years ago

And then in the same podcast “The New Religion” (July 9, 2021) you seem to suggest that humans evolved from apes in Africa – “the out of Africa hypothesis”. So you’re a materialist just like RamzPaul? At least you don’t say you’re a Christian. But how on Earth are we supposed to value the white race if we are really no more than sophisticated monkeys that came from the dark continent? Christian, pagan, or atheist, this is a ridiculous position to maintain. The science for Darwinism is ridiculous and the philosophy even worse. Natural selection occurs but fish do not… Read more »

Free Thinker Silver
Free Thinker Silver
3 years ago

In your podcast from July 9, 2021, you mentioned that Christianity “started from the top and was imposed on the population”. This is incorrect. Constantine legalized Christianity in 313 – several centuries after Christ. Before this, the minority of Christians had suffered various persecutions. After 313, it took hundreds of years more for Europe to be converted. Some evidence of forced conversions yes, but not everywhere. The pagan system was so empty by that time, many people flocked to the new faith. Saying that Christianity started from Rome – I assume that’s what you meant – also completely ignores the… Read more »

3 years ago

Fucking Djokovic


Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

“Novak Djokovic wins Wimbledon. Djokovic has now won 20 Grand Slam titles, equal with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in the all-time winners’ list.” Grand Slam titles are: Aussie, French, U.S. Opens, and Wimbledon. Each one is like a super bowl. They guy who ends up with the most, is considered the best of all time. Just like with an NFL team or quarterback. I’m glad. Joker’s been my favorite player going on 15 years now. The establishment elite loves Roger Federer. He’s a classy guy. He’s Swiss. He speaks well. I like him ok. He holds charity events at… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

I respect him but don’t like his play style.

And I am an old one-hander backhander so seeing a two hander win all these tournaments is something like a challenge to my assumptions about life


But for some reason Nadal as a two-hander doesn’t bother me as much

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Ha! I haven’t heard that complaint since Agassi.

Return to tradition.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Falcone. Agree. I grew up one-handed backhand and forehand. Most boys, and all the girls, had the two-handed backhand because weak sissies. hah. My dad would rage like John Malcovich if our strokes weren’t perfect. You could hear him three quarters of a mile away. My older brothers never mentally recovered, no joke. He took it a bit easier on me. Anyway, yeah, so two-handed backhand was faggot blasphemy to him. And he didn’t allow the exaggerated gonzo top-spin like today’s guy’s do with their high-tech cannon racquets. He was old school. Played in U.S. Open as an amateur. Captain… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

This is for all of our Peeps chez Z, who are new to The Game, and who have little or no prior experience with Pattern Recognition. Check out the following official public relations article from the Royal Family, written as a tribute to the Duke of Kent, who has been handing out the Wimbledon trophies since 1969, and who will be retiring after Wimbledon this summer: “The Duke of Kent and Wimbledon, in photos” By Lydia Starbuck 10th July 2021 Now look very closely at the first two photographs chosen by “Royal Central” to be the leads in the… Read more »

3 years ago

“Christianity was the lifelong search for God, while these secular faiths are the endless search for the Devil. Of course, these secular religions have no limiting principle. Every believer is in a race to see who can be the most fanatical in their devotion to the one true faith.” The reasons Christianity continues to persist are many, but IMO one of the primary ones is that *anyone who goes around sincerely doing their best to be selfless, charitable, forgiving, patient, kind, and longsuffering— as the New Testament commands believers to do— is going to do well in life*. Their neighbors… Read more »

Reply to  Bill
3 years ago

Woke is like a highly bitchy version of Calvinism with a dose of JJeww spitefulness thrown in for good measure

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

a dose of JJeww spitefulness It turns out that right around the time the Sopranos premiered on HBO, in 1999, James Gandolfini’s wife bore him a son, named Michael. Fast forward a couple of decades, past James Gandolfini’s death in 2013, and suddenly little Michael is starting to bear an eery resemblance to his old man. So much so that David Chase was lured out of retirement to team up with a priestly caste Chosen, named Konner, in order to write & film the Young Adventures of Indiana Jones -er- Tony Soprano, replete with uncountable acts of underaged licentious &… Read more »

3 years ago

I misheard a line from song today. It would make a good Z post title. I seriously don’t know if I heard it right. But I heard it as this: “Victims of Savage Truth”

I’ll try and find the whole song lyric tomorrow. How come everyone here goes to bed at 4pm?

3 years ago

This podcast gave me new understanding. Thank you Zman.

Here in South Africa this religion still runs strong amongst rich urban whites. Even as black nationalism rises and things fall apart. A key tenant of the faith is the belief that you will never be personally affected because of your divinity.

Reply to  JDUP777
3 years ago

So much of this depends on rich women looking good. If they are ever made to look embarrassed and ugly, say beaten to a pulp by a mob, no one there to save them, and all of a sudden reality sets in, things will change on a dime — at least in America and Europe

3 years ago

Black Velvet, if you please.

3 years ago

The Left knows the magical formula to turn the public into flock of birds. Z puts the approaches in either-or fashion. But I think it’s just one approach leading to another, i.e, Top-down directives, leading to near instinctual group signaling and group protection. They know the obstacle to their magic is a nationalistic dictatorship. So as we all know they push for democracy. The latest Zcast reminds me of an interview I saw last week with Lefty hawk Leon Wieseltier. Long-time editor of The New Republic. Foreign interviews are good because the interviewee will be more straightforward, and not couch… Read more »

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Dude wrote a book called “Against Identity”. What a prick.

NYT: “Mr. Wieseltier often commented on what women wore to the office. Telling them that their dresses were not tight enough. One woman said he left a note on her desk thanking her for the miniskirt she wore to the office that day. She said she never wore a skirt to the office again.”

ok, a prick with a sense of humor.

Wade Hampton
Wade Hampton
3 years ago

Lincoln was a progressive, just like all good Republicans.

The credo of all progressives is “we know better how you should live than you do yourself.”

And if you don’t agree, we will destroy you.

Wade Hampton
Wade Hampton
Reply to  Wade Hampton
3 years ago

James Henry Thornwell in the Southern Literary Messenger July 1851 (hat-tip Timothy Duskin in the Abbeville Institution): “The parties in this conflict are not merely Abolitionists and Slaveholders; they are Atheists, Socialists, Communists, Red Republicans, Jacobins on the one side, and the friends of order and regulated freedom on the other. In one word, the world is the battle ground, Christianity and Atheism the combatants, and the progress of humanity the stake. One party seems to regard society, with all its complicated interests, its divisions and subdivisions, as the machinery of man, which, as it has been invented and arranged… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

Congratulations to Nick Fuentes. I was never one his bandwagon. Particularly the trad-Cath stuff. But let me tell you, nothing brings be around into someone’s camp like the remarks on his twitter banning from that FUCKING PAJEET con artist Dinesh D’Souza and that little kike Shapiro.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Can you explain a bit more. Did Fuentes just get banned from Twitter? Are those other two dweebs happy about it? Please don’t make me go on Twitter.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Can you explain a bit more.

Ang1in had a brilliant piece on it the other day over at H0ax W@tch.

The piece is titled, “F”.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

SPLC writes a piece on Twitter and the far right July 7:

ADL wrote up a piece on NF July 8. Piece is interesting because it mixes a factual timeline with highly biased interpretation of statements/intent.

Twitter bans NF on the 9th.

SPLC “Hatewatch” claims credit for the take down.

Con inc reactions are illuminating. Mostly people are kicking him personally while saying he shouldn’t be banned. Reactions supports the uniparty theme Z complains about. Con inc reactions among gays, browns, jews and shills particularly unsupportive.

3 years ago

That mRNA vaccine is not a placebo.

Its a killer.

Do a search on duck duck with Brave, young people are dropping like flies.

Get the vax, pay the tax.

To the ferryman.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Just get vaccinated. I got mine 2 months ago and I’m still here. Most real doctors and scientists say it works. But I should listen to the paranoids on Zblog. Ok. nah.

karl mchungus
karl mchungus
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

ok, good data point to have. please update monthly on your health status.

Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Your Californian is showing 😉

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Frip
3 years ago

Call us 3 years from now, update us from your box in the dirt.

3 years ago

A shout-out to Paintersforms for this:

“Just think, the freshly-woke military is slowly coming home. They’ll need a new mission to justify their budget.”

I See
A Bad

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

The actual military- not seen on TV – has been exposed to this sort of propaganda for decades. Generally units filter this shit at every level. Its at worst another slide deck. The military function now is to be the Force in Being that has real limits facing Americans, as opposed to the Swalwell crowd. No one would dare give the orders , they’d be ignored at best, dead at worst. The real wild card is the Oath is no longer operative, that was to the Republic. They can’t really us the military, and foreign war not a wise idea… Read more »

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

Meanwhile, we await an enterprising colonel in charge of a combat unit…

Reply to  Epaminondas
3 years ago

“No one would dare give the orders , they’d be ignored at best, dead at worst.” That’s just a cope. The Bolsheviks turned the Czar’s army against the people, and so can this CRT crowd turn the US military against White Caucasians. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t understand the American military: a majority of the officer core voted for Hillary Clinton; the joint chiefs spent years undermining Trump (sometimes for good reasons, sometimes not); West Point is basically a CRT indoctrination center now. When the time comes, they won’t be on your side. Anyone who resists in the military will… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ex-Arms
3 years ago

I think you’re correct about the military not being turned on the people is a cope.

It appears there are plenty of PC Bros out there and they are just fine with living and enforcing that worldview.

Reply to  Ex-Arms
3 years ago

On balance though, proletarian revolution was probably a lot easier to sell to the troops (especially WWI Russian troops) than woke is to today’s American troops. I like it’s chances of failure, but it’s still a pretty unsettling prospect.

3 years ago

Haiti — what’s the deal with that? Is it CIA again? It sort of smells like it. Is the idea to smash up Haiti so we can get a wave of Haitians into Florida and tip it blue? That will be fun, Cubans get along so well with Haitians. Its the only thing I can figure for now. That’s mostly because I can’t think of an idea so stupid and evil that the Regency has not already tried it. I mean, first prize is a plane ticket out of Haiti to Miami. Second prize is a plane ticket to Mexico… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Huh. Just in time for the scads of money that will pour into Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s district to prevent any more condos collapsing as if they were a controlled demolition.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Here’s hoping this one was well insured. Recently.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Blog abuse alert!

Now this is fun:
(Comment from another blog)

“In Cuba a therapy to treat small cell lung cancer has been developed and is coming on shore here for trial volunteers.
Google Cimevax.”

We’re not just gonna get Haitian voodoo, we’re getting I Am Legend zombisi too!

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Not particularly well insured. My guess is the limit is off to rebuild to current standards. However land value has appreciated way above original. Hunch is once this gets out of litigation, property is sold, much larger building goes up. May sell into escrow pending settlement. But the litigation here will be epic.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

We have the answers on Haiti;

“ Haitian authorities have asked US military forces to help stabilize the country”

Via msn news


Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

You cannot immanentize the eschaton of the Georgia Guidestones if the intended recipients of your Grace do not receive the Host:

Haiti still awaiting first COVID vaccines, as cases surge

‘We’re hoping for sometime in July.’

“The Haitian government refused that initial shipment, citing concerns over adverse side effects like blood clotting associated with the AstraZeneca brand…”


3 years ago

Most of the time when you mention its going to be a substandard show, I really like it. This was one of my favorites. Do more of this Z.

One Flew Over the Nest
One Flew Over the Nest
3 years ago

If Custodial State isn’t catching on perhaps ‘Rubber Room State’ will.

Reply to  One Flew Over the Nest
3 years ago

Custodial is a stodgy old word. Also reminds people of the school janitor. The custodian of the toilets. Good luck with that one.

3 years ago

[…] ZMan’s weekly podcast. Highly recommended. […]

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Whitney Webb’s latest is a tour de force illustrating how the Cloud People all travel in the same circles:

It is also a terrifying expose of the transhumanist agenda that is facing mankind.

My favorite section is the one that discusses their plans for treating human depression that interferes with work productivity via, “total surveillance.”

We slaves are going to be happy, like it or not.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Whitney Webb is one of the Immortals. That good lady deserves her own shrine.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Ditto. I shun mainstream media and most of the internet news sites as well, but Whitney is the real deal when it comes to old school journalism. She lives in Chile with her husband and reports from the fringe, which is probably why she hasn’t been doxxed yet.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I agree. I hadn’t thought about but over on Sailer’s blog some-one mentioned female podcasters and it occurred to me that Webb is the only one I listen to.
It seems to me that there’s no-one suffering from a shortage of female opinion.
It’s about 6-8 k words a day from men v 18-20k from women.
Whitney Webb is a treasure.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Oh don’t worry.

Whitney has attracted at least one online (((stalker))) that accuses her of being a, “pro-Iranian shill that wants to defund DARPA:”

Uh, okay.

3 years ago

I thought the suicide bomber is led to believe he gets an endless supply of virgins . That sounds like a personal motivation to some extent. I would entertain the assignment for a good nights sleep without getting up to pee every 2 hours.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Panzernutter
3 years ago

And yet, as Ang1in has so doggedly documented, the Frankfurt School now pwns their semitic kissing cousins over in Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia has Completely Abandoned Traditional Islam, Now Throwing Celebrity Rave Parties
December 24, 2019
Hoax Watch

All shall bow down in obeisance to Neo-Khazaria.

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Heh. Always did. It wasn’t a treacherous epileptic who created Islam to kill off the Mideast Christian majority, and the Gulf Royals are Donmeh from Thessalonia. (Other Donmeh attempted branches, such as the Turkish, didn’t make it.)

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

Don’t deceive yourself. The House of Saud hangs by a thread. First, there is disunity as dwindling resources has led MBS to hang his cousins upside down in the Marriott hotel a few years ago and subject them to torture until they coughed up their wealth. This has not been an acclaimed policy inside the extended royal family. Secondly he has purged many cousins from positions to install his own low-born loyalists. Third, he has largely failed to even maintain the social spending and handouts to the young mostly urban poor who have seen subsidies cut. Fourth, his military is… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

How long before MBS introduces necklacing?

3 years ago

“The primary vector for spreading the new religion was through the ruling class.” I stopped at the third sentence, to interject: Lenin, Mao, Che, Ayers, AOC, that twat running Buying Lotsa Mansions: all were comfortably upper-middle class children. Will Dissidence be an appeal to moral populism or ambitious wannabes? I opt for the former, is there any way to reach the latter? Or, will we let the sociopaths have all the kids- it’s Nature’s way to reach the top of the branches, but then we’re reduced to being animals who tell shifting stories and nothing more. ****** (Perhaps, yet, this… Read more »

3 years ago

Even extreme polarities on left and right of the ruling class argue over different degrees of the SAME shared values. Thus: “Democrats are the real racists”. So it IS possible to reduce the managerial hive-mind to a system of these shared values.

3 years ago

Well it wasn’t a bad show, Z. It was perfect for me; I did a run of bullet casting in the shade of the tree while I listened to the podcast. Probably got enough done for the rest of the summer. Go easy on objectivists, they aren’t retards like, say, libertarians. They are quite correct when they say all wars are about money and power – sometimes, but very rarely sex, maybe. The moslem blowing himself up in a pizzeria may do so for islam and his 72 raisins…but for the mullahs and imams, the guy is just an expendable… Read more »

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

don’t poo poo the raisons!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

Everybody’s gotta have a raisin d’etre…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

*hearty chuckle from the Raisin Capitol of the World*

Front or back. I open the door, all I see are those long leafy rows. Some blessings we take too much for granted!

karl mchungus
karl mchungus
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

i thought rabbits made raisins? learn something every day…

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The Deep State doesn’t exist?
My understanding, and granted I could be totally wrong, but my understanding is the Deep State is it’s the people who never go home. The upper management right under the appointees of the many agencies of the federal government. The lifelong “civil servants” and the lobbyists who live in DC and other people of this “managerial class.” Guys like former CIA director John Brennan who threaten people on Twitter. Or the federal prosecutors who selectively enforce the law and round up the Jan 6th crowd and stick them in solitary for trespassing.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

I thought that was weird too. Zman seems he’ll bent on dismantling this “bourgeois objectivism” but he doesn’t make a convincing case. In fact he often lays out examples that make the opposite case. Powerful and influential people get together to extend and protect their power and influence. This is just a truism that can hardly be argued against. It’s also strange that in the long segment where he describes all the things in common you’ll find amongst the cloud people he never mentions early life. It’s almost startling he didn’t go there as Zman usually throws us noticers a… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Here’s a piece from the NY Post, the only decent paper in that burg, about the the new religion fanatics at the FBI:

Our tax dollars at work folks!

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Pathetic. When Muellar was fronting for gangster Whitey Bulger, the state Senator’s brother, at least the guys in the office got real dames.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

“On November 20, 2020, Bennett sent Plaintiff in a text message on her bureau-issued cell phone, a photograph with a rainbow-colored dildo between his legs” the suit states, adding that Veltri believed he was trying to confirm her sexuality due to the color of the sex toy. ”

Really all you need to know. It perfectly captures the essence of clownworld.

3 years ago

For a so-called nation of immigrants, notice how ZERO presidents come from the Ellis Island immigrant wave

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Wasn’t Obutthole supposed to be a Kenyan or something? I heard he was an Oreo too so who knows. That guy and his boon came right outta the political woodpile, I suppose…

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Barry was and is a Kenyan. His putative father ( You may recall Barry “wrote” a book about him) was born there and a glimpse at the Kenyan Constitution confirms that it confers citizenship upon their spawn with no other qualification. There is no provision for renunciation, at least there wasn’t when I looked at it in about 2006. At its core. this is what the whole “birther” thing was all about, somebody noticed this and the left deftly, as so often, spun it into something that could be described as a wild conspiracy. Barry was the first dual nationality… Read more »

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

His grandma in Kenya claims to have the actual birth cert. Hawaii gave four (4) different excuses to why the originals were lost. Even the Kenyan hospital records were mere cover for failed infiltrator Obama Senior, for Agency spy games in Independence-Era Africa. Groomed by the Agency, in more sick ways than one. No wonder he hates America. Honestly, when I realized he was one of their ‘pizza kid’ assets, I see that terrified, lonely little face in the middle of the Agency’s Indonesian civil war, and my heart almost breaks. The “intelligence” agencies are f*cking monsters and rule the… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

(PS, I also agree he’s most likely Commie Frank’s kid, molested by him too for “access” by the Agency.)

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Obama’s mother was an UNITARDIAN.


Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

When he first tried to become a politician he claimed to be Kenyan to win white women’s votes. They love them some safe “exotica.” This was the birth of Birtherism.

Turns out, in Chicago that doesn’t work because the city’s full of unsafe non-exotic black people who hate Africans. So he rushed (ahem) to become merely black, to procure a cred-enhancing mega-black local Sanford Wife, etc.

What’s true? Maybe none of his stories. He looks like his mother. Same boobs, even. Every black guy lighter than Clarence Thomas is a wigger anyway.

Reply to  Falcone
3 years ago

Well, Ellis Island didn’t open until 1892 but the Kennedy and Biden were, respectively, the descendants of an earlier wave of Irish immigrants.

3 years ago

Z-man, good points, but let me add that Christianity offered real power advantages to the ruler and other real advantages to the peasants and lower ranked nobility. For the ruler, it gave a LITERATE class of clerks who could never, ever challenge for the throne, as they were monks. Monks were always up to something — brewing beer, making wool, that increased the prosperity of the kingdom. And being Christian, the King could ask the Pope to declare that other Christian Kings had to aid him in wars against Pagans. Who had no literate class and thus could never tell… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Christianity offered hope for the peasants and losers, even of only in the next life. Wokism doesn’t offer anyone hope. – just revenge for some.

Christianity also set standards for the powerful. Which could be used to reign in their pest impulses. Wokism does no such thing.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Its interesting no one asks is Christianity true, but only, does it work… my stars

Reply to  Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

I consider ‘working’ a precondition to being true. Why would God bequeath to his children a set of rules to live by that would make likely their own eventual extinction?

That is why I would prefer, if I had no other choice, Islam to white wokism. Islam is a complete and utter failure when it comes to advancing humanity (no matter what standard you use to measure whether something is an advance) but it works very well to perpetuate itself. Wokism is just slow motion civilizational extinction.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

Its interesting no one asks is Christianity true, but only, does it work… my stars

Muh brutha, you do realize that this is the JIDF we’re talking about here, right?

Muh brutha?

Reply to  Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

The early Church fathers were quite worldly and “wise as serpents, and gentle as doves.” Simply proclaiming a faith as true does not work to gain converts. The lack of Christian assimilation among the English in North America by Indians vs. Catholic Spain in its possessions is startling. And like the Early Fathers, Catholic priests and monks sought a syncretic approach. Indians could keep their Goddesses, just surprise surprise as Gomer Pyle used to say, those Goddesses were actually Saints. And guess what, their feast days were the same exact days (more or less) as the Goddesses feast days! See… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Absolutely stellar, Whiskey. That’s what I gleaned from it too- that literacy was as powerful a leap as agriculture.

Your exposition isn’t a mere semester in political and social science, heck, it’s a PhD.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Dang it, sorry, folks. I must add a big thumbs up for the mention of Ahkenaton, and the revolutionary chaos that Joseph’s people and their invention, monotheism, brought.

Another item to be included with literacy and agriculture for its impact.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Heh, the new religion has so sanctified the outsider that there is an official, “Refugee Olympic Team,” set to participate in Tokyo:

I’m sure Coudenhove-Kalergi is weeping tears of joy over this development.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Almost feel bad for the Japs and the other USA aligned slants. While I don’t think they should be living amongst Europeans I still respect other high IQ populations.

They have no idea what kind of effed up Globohomo is coming their way. What took 70 years to do in the West will happen overnight in East Asia.

South Korea fertility rate will be 0.7 something children per women in 2021. Congo and Somalia are still producing a robust 6 children per woman though.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Taiwan has been pretty pozzed up for a while. They’re down with the whole alphabet soup thing. South Korea is getting the poz via K-pop, which has deep ties to pozzed Korean-Americans and the orange juice farmers. They have the casting couch stuff in that industry, just like in Hollyweird. Also note that the US embassy in SK began flying some of the largest alphabet soup and Burn, Loot, Murder flags of any US embassies. Things are slightly better in Japan, where their unique, much stronger and deeper culture (bushido, tea ceremony, geisha, samurai, ninja, anime, sumo, yazuka, Mt. Fuji,… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Yeah I keep seeing on asian subreddits, they’re saying how K-Pops popularity in the West means they’re all gonna get a white girlfriend or something. In reality a) it’s still not happened outside of rare cases and b) in 20 years they just won’t exist anymore. Western living does immense damage on the East Asian psyche. Would be great if Japan holds out, but I fear that white (and black) emigration to Japan will increase as the west declines further and the importation of Globohomo is inevitable. Only white nationalists like Jared Taylor can assimilate there (LOL). China is the… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Families in Taiwan went from having a half dozen kids to one or two in the space of a generation, and it happened without any prodding from tue State Planners. It was wholly by choice. They’ve taken some mild steps to stop the slide – register your new child in the hukou system and your local ward will hand you about a hundred bucks in cash – but nothing that will ultimately make a difference. The Chinese will follow that same example. They relaxed the One Child policy but no way is a princeling going to voluntarily divide the family… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Orange juice farmers?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

My attempt at rhyming slang for a certain…group…

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Federalist
3 years ago

THE DON: Turns out Israel Tourism is considering becoming a client, and I’m having a hard time getting a handle on it.

YENTA: And I’m the only j00 you know in New York City?

THE DON: You’re my favorite…

YENTA: Don, crack a book once in a while.

THE DON: I have. It’s all sentimental World War Two trivia, ORANGES, kids in blue & white hats. They’re doing a movie of Exodus with Paul Newman…

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

I spend 5-9 hours a day with the Chinese. The women are all feminists. they want to work far more than they want to be mothers. Its pathetic. They are a pathetic people, they worship the West.

Reply to  Hi- Ya!
3 years ago

I wouldn’t call Chinese women feminists. The problem is neither are they the fictional shy, submissive, and feminine women White men with yellow fever imagine. Asian women, in general, are ruthlessly practical They will assess a man’s economic and social potential based on height, overall appearance, college attended, and just a bit on lineage. If they feel he will help them socially or financially, they will strive to match their behavior to said Western man’s expectations. They will also have a child as soon as possible to cement the union and ensure a long-term financial binding; they do this not… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

lolz you know chinese women. Most ruthlessly practical creatures i’ve dealt with. I’ve had several chinese women graduate students. Maybe just the strivers that come over?

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

As the Playahz will tell you, “China Girl have cash register for soul.”

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Austrailia. What’s gonna happen to Australia?

I’m not gonna pull through, Blue;
I’m not gonna pull through.
I’m not gonna pull through, Blue,
So this you gotta do …

Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down.
Tie me kangaroo down, sport
Tie me kangaroo down.

Watch me wallabies feed, Reed,
Watch me wallabies feed.
They’re a dangerous breed, Reed
So, watch me wallabies feed.

Let me wombats go loose, Bruce,
Let me wombats go loose.
They’re of no further use, Bruce.
So let me wombats go lose.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  JohnWayne
3 years ago

I believe that the original lyrics of the last verse read:
Let me abos [aborigenes] go loose, Bruce
Let me abos go loose
They’re of no further use, Bruce
Let me abos go loose.L

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 years ago

No, it was this:

Tan me hide when I die Clyde
Tan me hide when I die

So they tanned his hide when he’s dead Fred
And that’s it hangin’ on the shed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The new religion is all about inverting social reality. The program is to subvert through perversion, to transform through transgression, to alter through alterity, and to sow malfunction through dysfunction. All hinges upon heterology, which is the study and valorization of the Other. The enemy of the Other is the straight, white, Christian male, although all white people fall within the target zone.

3 years ago

ZMan, your discussion of Reductionism was well thought out and appreciated. It reminded me of one of my favorite jokes that I tell my economist friends as frequently as I can. A physicist, a chemist and an economist were stranded on a deserted island after a ship wreck. A pallet of canned beans floated up to shore as part of the flotsam. The three began to discuss ways that they might open the cans to eat the beans while they awaited rescue. The physicist proposed that he climb one of the palm trees that lined the beach and hurl a… Read more »

Reply to  Cassius
3 years ago

And then the physicist and chemist had an epiphany and proceeded to eat the economist with some fava beans & a nice Chianti.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

We had a version of that joke about college majors back in the days. Why did the chicken cross the road? Each major had its own stereotypical answer, e.g. the Philosophy majors answered something about “how do we know there is a chicken?” The engineers’ answer was “First, assume a spherical chicken…”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Enlightenment thinkers, perhaps the economists or philosophers of pragmatism, would have us believe that people always operate in their own self-interest. That sounds good. It is “rational.” As such. many sciences took it as a tenet. Economics, for example, studies the choices of countless individuals and tries to make predictions. They assume(d) agents always act rationally. Problem: people aren’t entirely rational. This encouraged investigations. Occasionally, odd results, like a psychologist winning a Nobel prize for Economics (Kahnemann for his research with Tversky). As such, I revise that wisdom as follows: “People act in what they THINK is their own self-interest.”… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

“I love your quote that in, say, economics, they often mistake the model for what is modeled. This malady is hardly limited to economics. Witness the current mess that is climate “science.” It’s fun to play with our models, since they are more malleable, unlike the reality they purport to emulate. ”

The Branch Covdians are a more pressing example of a Cult of Fallacy.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

And the ultimate proof that people are something other than rational is the behavior of the modelers. That Neil Ferguson guy predicted something like five million deaths from COVID. He recommended draconian lockdowns. And then, not a week after this, he got busted for violating his own lockdown rules — which he said weren’t stringent enough!! — to go bang his side-piece…

….who was married…

…to a guy that was in quarantine for a COVID exposure…

…who was living with her.

That alone should’ve ended the COVID panic, via a pitchfork-wielding mob, a lamppost, and some rope.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

“And the ultimate proof that people are something other than rational is the behavior of the modelers. ”

Ferguson was perfectly rational, he was just lying.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

We run scenarios. Constantly, that’s what we do- even in our dreams.

Even “God” is a model- a social probability model, a useful archetype, a Face people can understand as they try to order and predict their day.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Even “God” is a model- a social probability model, a useful archetype, a Face people can understand as they try to order and predict their day.

You know, to the best of my knowledge, there isn’t any law preventing you from reading what the bible ackshually says on the matter:

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

As such, I revise that wisdom as follows: “People act in what they THINK is their own self-interest.” If the Frankfurt School has taught us poor stoopid mouth-breathing shkotzim anything whatsoever, it is that the Insula-dominant will act in whatever manner will maximize the Muh Feelz emanating from their Insulae. And that means fighting tooth & nail with one another to become the first to be canonized in whichever is the New Religion du jour that the Frankfurt School is pushing at any particular moment in time. To be supplanted the day-after-tomorrow with an entirely different & incongruent & disconsonant… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The conversion of the Saxon kings to Christianity was an interesting story. (From your recommendation, I listened to the British History Podcast, which is quite good though its creator is an SJW loon.) But as you note, Christianity stuck because it offered something for everyone and did push people to become better versions of themselves. But as you note, Wokism only benefits a few at the top, offers no salvation for whites and pushes people to become ever more insane. It’s simply not a religion that can last. The only thing holding it up is Goodwhites who haven’t caught on… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Karen will never get it. Not even when the mob shows up with the rope. Karen is just the slightly older version of what I call the BCG, the Basic College Girl. The BCG can’t — simply can NOT — distinguish between Twitter and the real world. BCGs like having “h8rz” on social media, because that confirms how unique and special they are — if you’re h8ing on her, that means you’re thinking about her, and she’s not thinking about you, which means she wins. The “Karen” memes are just h8rz h8ing, which means the targets are actually proud of… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Severian: Add to that their utter solipsism – the h8rz are targeting those other White women, who aren’t as virtuous and don’t adhere as closely to Wokism’s tenets. Each BCG/Karen is absolutely certain she is a Goodwhite and legitimate POX ally, therefore the anti-White hate couldn’t possibly be directed towards her.

I saw a young, slender, blonde coal burner in the gym this morning with her dindu. Her grandparents must be so proud.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Well, a lot of working class white women has gotten the message, but then, they didn’t go to college. But you’re likely right. I mentioned to a Karen that the Karen memes were anti-white and that white suburban women were next on the hit list. She just stared at me. She truly couldn’t comprehend what I was saying. She simply couldn’t conceive that she wasn’t a part of the good team. In the Karens’ defense, the media – chat shows, Netflix series geared toward white women, etc. – always show them on the side of angels and fully accepted by… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Citizen of a Silly Country: In the Karens’ defense, the media – chat shows, Netflix series geared toward white women, etc. – always show them on the side of angels and fully accepted by the program’s sainted non-whites… The media is very careful to stroke the egos of white women, at least for now.

Question #1: Why would the Frankfurt School target White women as the recipients of its propaganda in the first place?

Question #2: When did the Frankfurt School ever NOT target White women as the recipients of its propaganda?

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

You ever dump/divorce a psycho? That’s what this reminds me of. If you survive with only your freedom and dignity, you’ve won. I wonder if it’s the only way to win, really.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Paintersforms: You ever dump/divorce a psycho? That’s what this reminds me of. If you survive with only your freedom and dignity, you’ve won. I wonder if it’s the only way to win, really. All women are psychos. The only order in their utterly primitive & carnal existence comes from being pregnant and pushing out live births. If your woman isn’t actively pregnant, and/or tending to her own toddler children, and/or tending to her toddler grandchildren [or greatgrandchildren], then her mind will quickly revert to a state of innate psychosis. Which means you have to keep your woman permanently pregnant, and… Read more »

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

That is one hell of a sense of duty. Got to respect it.

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

And dread game is a dangerous game. Speaking from experience. Two can play it, after all.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Again, is Chirstianity true? Was there a guy named Jesus? Did he perform miracles? Did his apostles perform miracles? did he found a church?

I don’t understand this focus on whether Christianity works or sticks outside that the claims are true.

To me, boiling this down to somethign working or not or being popular or not, has brought us this current tyranny

Spare Ribs
Spare Ribs
3 years ago

Don’t be alarmed by the faculty lounge and their Long March to burn it all down. The second Bolshevik Revolution in Chiquitastan will also result in a mountain of skulls and no utopia for the poor downtrodden Red Guards who are stopped from utopia by the whitey crackas and their capitalist pig imperialism. The comrades aren’t rated too big to fail and when their usefulness expires they will experience the equality of results for all firing squad wall. Luckily for the controllers the replacements aren’t all that smart and it never occurs to them that if whitey is thrown overboard… Read more »

3 years ago

Just think, the freshly-woke military is slowly coming home. They’ll need a new mission to justify their budget.

The good news: the central tenet of this new religion is self destruction. To fight the zealots as if they intend to conquer is foolish. That’ll only make things worse. They want to be conquered.

BECAUSE IT’S FEMININE. Pure chaos and head games. There’s a reason why the serpent chose to tempt Eve, a reason why Baphomet has tits (and a strap on).

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

The first apparent target of the woke military is their own. The purged might end up with a chip on their collective shoulders, to go along with all their training and experience.

Reply to  Larval
3 years ago

Many will become ronin. And that is a white pill.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

In terms of the Oath we are already Ronin, and dishonored from above, by our Superiors. I don’t think many people, certainly the many cynics here appreciate the implications of destroying the Republic officially in January. Nor as many tell themselves is this about a paycheck, or this or that benefit. That might seem a motive from the outside but it is not true. Were there an alternative, if one arises the system will find itself alone. The alternative would have Legions. Moreover the test has yet to arise of the new, post Constitutional sworn to…nothing…military. I think the system… Read more »

3 years ago

Once our species acquired complex language skill, we used it to program our offspring postpartum, which is nurturing on steroids. Programming kids with hard-earned ancient wisdom helped them to survive & thrive. Religion, of all flavors, is an effective means of passing wisdom down to each succeeding generation because it affords uniformity of message, repetition into habit, and group reinforcement via the reward/stigma feedback mechanism. But this only “works” if the message is based upon ancient wisdom that evolved over time via the gauntlet of hard knocks in a local environment. Inventing a new religion that is not based upon… Read more »

3 years ago

“Christianity was the lifelong search for God, while these secular faiths are the endless search for the Devil.”

Eminently quotable

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

You can get an Amen to that.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Dat ol’ wite debbil…

Equip Bay
Equip Bay
3 years ago

I want the new religion to be about stopping immigration.

How does that happen?

Why is it that immigration has been so hard to stop? Only a small handful of countries have done so and only for a short period of time. Japan falters now, Israel falters now, Hungary and Poland are hanging on by a thread. The Western previously Anglo countries are on the edge of dissolution.

Why is stopping immigration so hard?

More importantly, what to do about it now?

Reply to  Equip Bay
3 years ago

4S and focus. It’s the only to be sure.

Reply to  Equip Bay
3 years ago

I don’t know why either. I think as countries get wealthy people lose their zeal and instinctive guarding attitude towards their own “stuff”. From a financial perspective immigration offers massive gains. You basically take a person from India, drop them into San Francisco. Suddenly they buy a house and 1 million $ of “value” have been created. They are consoomers for life. It’s an illusion of basically infinite growth. For the people back home it means remittances. Basically welfare from white countries to poor ones. Wealthy countries also have overly generous social security but no enough children to pay for… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Equip Bay
3 years ago

The only way to stop immigration is to create an ethnostate founded upon the idea of white homogeneity and exclusivity. This must be the very basis of the ethnostate.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

This is a project we should start working on before it’s too late. Thankfully, I see that several prominent dissident right thinkers have recently come around to this concept. Separation is the only viable solution now. We can’t talk down PMC leftists because their beliefs are religious tenets, not the end product of logical reasoning. They’ll never be a moment when we can prove them wrong and change their minds because they associate their beliefs with being moral. Changing their minds means renouncing their faith and accepting the devil. They’ll never to that. And they’ll never be a time when… Read more »

Reply to  Equip Bay
3 years ago

Uh… because the powers that be favor massive immigration, and The Great Replacement?

Its policy.

They’re doing it, not stopping it. They are stopping us, by drowning us in wogs.

3 years ago

You know, every religious conversion in history has just about been basically a political scam forced upon the dirty people by their beautiful superiors. The beautiful people always made it clear, like everything else, that if you don’t do this, I’ll have you killed. Now the problem today is that our Elites and their Wokester coteries appear just as nasty as can be, but this time the filthy white people they’re tasked to lay low are armed to the teeth to the extent of 450 million to 600 million firearms, plus trillions of rounds of ammunition. Just how do people… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

I don’t know. The gun crowd hasn’t done anything yet. I love that American Whites have guns, but I wonder sometimes if it gives a false sense of security: We don’t have to fight all the little battles because we have guns. Maybe. But will people really start pushing back. What if the government just imposes a $500 a month fee on owning a gun? If you don’t pay it, you’re fired from your job and lose your bank account. Nobody comes to your door to take your gun. You just go broke. The power is shut off to your… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

It must be comforting thought to the rulers that all these ‘white men with guns will do nothing’ because, erm, they’ve done nothing. The fear behind that thought is projected by how hard they’re coming down on the tourists that happened to wander into DC on 6 Jan. Problem is, based on your scenario, another saying might just kick in, “a cornered rat is a dangerous rat…” and that one just waits for the pressure, the heat getting higher … higher … to boil. Then, what was ‘not done’ in the past might be out the window as the rat… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Larval
3 years ago

Solzhenitsyn had it right when talked about what would have happened if when Soviet police went out to arrest people if they weren’t sure that they would come home.

Those nice salaries, fringe benefits and pensions of the state security officers don’t mean much if you’re dead. But, of course, I’m only talking about a hideous regime like the Soviets, not our righteous government.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Other women may fantasize about marrying a wrinkled old millionaire or raking in the bucks by stripping on Only Fans. I dream of being reincarnated as the world’s first invisible never-misses sniper.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

It’s worth keeping a copy around. I usually find it useful about once a year, And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Dang it. I can’t find the name of one of Russia’s most celebrated snipers, she never missed in a 20 year career.

Perhaps, you’re already reincarnated…as an American drawn to Foreign Service…

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Larval
3 years ago

Good post

I think the short version is;

When you give a man nothing to lose,
He acts like he has nothing to lose.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I’d rather be a white population doing nothing – with guns – than a white population doing nothing – without guns. Drones and nukes are not useful in a guerilla warfare situation. Of course it’s entire possible that you’re right and they just ramp up the backdoor measures. One mistake they’ve made is excluding white males from the system though. If you’re a lower class or unattractive white male today you’re basically screwed for life anyways, so does it really matter if you become a pariah? (The cutoff is creeping higher every year too). A gainfully employed man with a… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The problem with white men with guns is that its equal odds whether those guns will be used to destroy the evil overlords or to take that last box of cereal from a neighboring pantry. There is no castle to storm. Breaking the grip of the cloud means breaking those things that feed us and keep us in comforts. Comfort and food will be the front lines which means “sides” get blurred quickly. Ordering disorder in real time necessitates a community that is already operating in parallel with what will be broken regardless of who is doing the breaking. So… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

” There is no castle to storm. Breaking the grip of the cloud means breaking those things that feed us and keep us in comforts. ”

We don’t have to do much but lay low, keep quiet, and watch the shit storm unfold. This is what they call an imperial collapse, and the things that keep us in comfort will disappear off the shelves as soon as China refuses to take our Dollars for payment.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Actually, perhaps you should compare how Americans are treated by their government compared to those of Canada or Great Britain. Those leaders for the Queen treat their own people like the tyrants they have become, but we’re certainly not there yet. I can imagine that our leaders think about our state of being well armed all the time, and that is the only reason it hasn’t happened here. As far as the government proving how you have a gun, at this point that is largely impossible. Oh, they may have the papers that show you bought it, but in most… Read more »

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

I’m close to a lake where the bottom must be 3 feet deep in boat accidented guns n gold.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

I don’t have to lie. I would simply say that they were all sold in a local flea market for cash. Here in the Mid-Ohio Valley, there’s flea markets everywhere. They always bring top dollar when sold like that, cash on the barrel head.

The Azores
The Azores
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Treating the UK and Canada as the same is silly.
Canada is more tyrannical than the UK or the US but the US is more oppressive than the UK. CRT is mandatory in US schools,not in the UK. You still have functioning elections in the UK eg Brexit but in the US ,well, Biden is the president
On a cruder level: which country is more diverse?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The raising of the costs of legal gun ownership aren’t a hypothetical, its the Leftist open policy for some years.

This will work, raising the costs has always worked for them. See college, diverse neighborhoods, health care… running a business, we can’t forget home mortgages.

So yes that’s what they’re working on.

The NRA you know is an insurance company, that’s their main business for years, selling firearms liability insurance. > soooo…
What are the NRAs precious “incentives “ in this matter?
As for the guns themselves, useless as pitchforks in the fat peasants hands holding them.

Reply to  FeinGul
3 years ago

The cost of an AR-15 at palmetto state armory is about $600. 30 round pmags that soared as high as $75+ in early 2013 can be had $100/10. Midwayusa is selling small hat m193 for 55cpr with free shipping. The cost was only cheaper in 2018-2019 and there has never been a time like these past few years when normies could buy quality milspec, or better, hardware and at prices affordable to anyone with a pulse. Only a fool hasn’t bought already. In the absolute worst-case scenario, private ownership is a real deterrent and, as you suggest, forces the cloud… Read more »

Zero Point Seven Five Centimetres
Zero Point Seven Five Centimetres
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Guns are no impediment to Leftists. They can take those from you just as easily as they opened up the girls bathroom. What’s to stop them when they pack the courts and declare them illegal? “From my cold, dead hands”? I don’t think so. Two weeks after the democrats tilt the judiciary and their commissars ban them, the National Review will be declaring that the democrats are the real racists because they haven’t gone far enough in banning all guns in urban areas where they are mainly used to kill blacks. Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and the based blacks of… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name

In fact, I can’t name a single real victory the right has claimed over the left since the end of the Cold War. Ang1in has been simply outstanding on the broader question here: THE LEFT WON THE COLD WAR. What resistance has the right put up so far? None whatsoever. I see no reason why guns won’t eventually be the next domino to fall. Instead of “post hoc, ergo propter hoc”, this would be moar akin to something like “pre [prae] hoc ergo post hoc” – in this case, you would be arguing that because there was nothing before, necessarily… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

I’m guessing 7.5 FK, which seems like a pretty formidable cartridge on paper:

Reply to  Not My Usual Pen Name
3 years ago

“But, again, I would urge all y’all Yankees & JIDF agents not to invest too much hope in “pre hoc ergo post hoc”.”

Nothing you typed made any sense. It reminds me of Ben Shapiro’s habit of talking fast and hoping people take him as intelligent because he presented himself that way. Same with this Latin business. It serves only to obfuscate the fact that the poster can’t make a cogent point.

“WTF caliber is that supposed to be?”

Nice of you to make an assumption that wasn’t warranted by anything that was typed. Stultus Est Sicut Stultus Facit.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Ex-Arms
3 years ago

The predilections of the crowd here chez Z run highly deductivistic – there is very little appeal to inductivism [empiricism] in these parts. Now deductivistically speaking, the line of thought here seems to be something along the lines of “Nothing happened before this point in time, therefore necessarily nothing will happen after this point in time.” In Latin, that might look something like “Nihil pre hoc, ergo nihil post hoc.” But an empiricist would look at an assertion like that and simply roll his eyes and shake his head. Because an empiricist understands that just because you can’t know the… Read more »


It will fail … What do you see failing? Them, or us? And you misunderstand their motives, grossly. The motive is Power. It works. Its actually the most competent thing they’ve done since 1965. They have overturned all the laws. That was the true old religion. They needed a replacement and they’ve got one; and it superseded the old laws that died with the Constitution and Republic. Woke is simply their new legitimacy, it replaces the old order they destroyed. And as far as hurting the commons; thats the second core feature after POWER, unbridled POWER with Woke as its… Read more »


Two and only two:

1) Defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment

2) Confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Z- Your comments about laying out a framework of the current managerial class have me wonder if you’ve noted Wesley Yang’s, “Successor Ideology,” concept and some of the discussions around it. Yang is by no means on this side of the divide. At best he’s an old-school centrist. Personally, I think his term is too generic, a touch too bugman-ish. That said, a lot of what he conceptualizes in his framework parallels points made here and elsewhere on this side of the divide. Another reason Yang may have some value is that he is drawing flak from some of… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

My apologies, sperg alert, notsee grammar police, etc.: It’s “whale away.”

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Honestly, his mistake might accidentally be more correct.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Podcast was great it confirmed, and synthesized my observations from within the belly of the Beast. PS I think you were too hard on the Patriot boys. The comments on the ABC news story we’re a hundred to one pro floyd statue defacement. I think we underestimate how pissed off normies are with this bullshit. Getting White’s riled up is half the battle.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

To white women and (((elites))), east asians are supposed to be quiet, compliant, good at math, and provide some sushi for when the fancy strikes.

To blacks they are just strange aliens who make ching chong noises.

The power structure has no interest in East Asian leaders. Authoritarian, centrist, technocratic leadership like Singapore has would probably benefit most white people, and improve society in general. Certainly would put a crimp on the immense grift that the current ruling class gets out of inner city black slums. So Yang is out.

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

to me they make ching chong noises too

bruce g charlton
3 years ago

thezman has painted himself into a corner. By conflating religion, with anti-religion; Christianity, with Antichrist; God and creation, with purposeless and meaningless materialism; a life aiming at eternal Heaven, with a life aiming at here-and-now comfort and pain-avoidance; a life so faith-motivated that it inspires courage unto death, with a life so drained of significance that it embraces nihilistic despair and seeks annihilation in suicide… If thezman cannot see the vast Gulf that lies between Jesus Christ and Leftism – then he is blinded to what matters most – the Only thing that ultimately matters. I am sorry to see… Read more »

Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

Tell me, how many preachers have you heard of that told their little peon flocks to put their masks on, and go get their “It’s Not a Real Vaccine” vaccine shots? I’ll help you out here if you’re going “But, but…..”, for it’s nearly every one of them. Do you think that set gives a damn if someone’s lights go out before they should?

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Ouch, some people didn’t like what I had to say about some preachers and their peons. If your church shut their doors during the “pandemic”, and you don’t have a problem with that, then believe me, you really do have a problem.Before you complain about the splinter in my eye, you need to pay attention to that plank in your eye.

Reply to  Coalclinker
3 years ago

Dude have some resiliency. It’s downvotes on a comment thread. It’s just north of meaningless

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

Actually my beef is with the people who believe what their government tells them. Somehow some church people think they’re exempt from criticism on this issue.

Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

Not everyone can type bitchy, preachy comments. Some people are so untalented they have to write multiple essays and produce a podcast every week.

Reply to  Ernest
3 years ago

To be fair, Bruce Charlton’s blog is pretty good. With a lot of great religious insights as they relate to the evil of Leftism. Don’t take my word, however, just click his username and have a gander.

As it turns out, he also writes multiple essays.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

Yes indeed. I never assumed that the Z Man was a Christian but he does not at all act as enemy of Christianity.

The philosophical incoherence you mentioned that the Z Man exhibits from time to time is because he is not a believer. Thus his understanding of things material and Eternal can only go so far.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

The Z Man is not hostile to true Christianity.
Christianity has perverted itself and been perverted by external forces and Christianity has contributed to the current condition of western civilization.
The Z has insights into mankind’s nature that if 1/10 of the preachers and priests had in the past we would not be in this mess today.
I say all this as a Christian myself.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

Yep. As the Carpenter said, “Whoever is not against us is for us.”—Mark 9:40

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 years ago

The church today has long since devolved into something indistinguishable from a left wing lesbian liberal arts college.

The church (Protestants completely, Catholics not quite as much but the trend is undeniable) has failed to conserve much of anything.

Now que the “No true Scotsman” rebuttal.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

The Catholic Church is literally a gay pedo real estate hoarding operation. What cave are you crawling out of?

Gunner Q
Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

While you aren’t necessarily wrong, Christianity has been so debased by its own clergy that anybody thinking there’s no difference between Christ and any other religious figure is only believing what their eyeballs show them.

That will need to be corrected with a mass persecution of genuine Christianity. As an inevitable victim of that, I am p*ssed at the Church’s so-called, self-appointed lead-duhs, who courageously recite government guidelines in false harmony with Scripture.

Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago

The people who will seek out to destroy the real Christians will be those who call themselves Christians.

Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

Bruce, its possible for Z to see parallels between current woke culture and Christianity, while distinguishing between the good in Christianity and evil in woke culture. I see nothing in Z’s analysis that is contrary to a historic Catholic understanding of the world.

Yes, “historic” is key word in the previous sentence. I am optimistic and believe that Christianity offers the spiritual and moral tools to address the difficult challenges we face today.

Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

Should we worship Israel, and look to Jerusalem?

Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

I want to be sympathetic to Christians because I am grateful that I grew up in a culturally Christian environment. However, I believe the wholesomeness of that culturally Christian environment was a result of white people imbuing their goodness into Christianity and not the other way around. Christians argue about whether Christ was the alpha trad warrior or the original “love everyone without judgement” hippie. Christ drives the money changers out of the temple. Yet, “turn the other cheek.” Christ judges sinners. Yet, “Let he without sin cast the first stone.” Christianity is malleable to anything and people who think… Read more »

Reply to  bruce g charlton
3 years ago

I thought you were dead Brucie.

He’s correctly analyzed Woke as a Religio; Bonds.

Shouda picked up the sword when you were young, instead of the pen.

When your plan is pray for the Second Coming…

3 years ago

Sure, what happens after death is supposedly a concern of most religions but their main purpose, Christianity included, is the regulation of sexual activity in the here and now. As with all living organisms, the two most important concerns of humans are food and sex, both the focus of taboos and prohibitions. Everything else is just a complication. Sex is the most significant because successfully passing along one’s genes is the real life after death. The rich and powerful either make the rules for sex or allow the priests to do so, justifying hereditary monarchies, even minor ones, like the… Read more »

Hi- Ya!
Hi- Ya!
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

where do you get this from? Could one’s behavior surrounding sex affect your ability to go to Heaven? The 6th commandment is a tough one, but there are others! My oh my

3 years ago

tolkien society members appear to be a disastrous combination of porn addicted freaks & fantasy nerds.

i assume the only reason they’re lotr fans is cause tolkien invented hobbits & these degenerates get off to elves fucking hobbits in their fanfic porn.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

wonder what would tolkien say if he met them, I would pay to watch a still alive tolkien talk to his ‘fanbase’

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

I suspect his reaction may be the same as any perhaps still sane man when confronted with people who just idolized him. People for whom he (and more so his work) was their life, and that is with a measure a reserve and dignity – but with inner revulsion and a want to be as far from them as possible.

Perhaps pity, also.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Tolkien, as well as his colleague, C. S. Lewis, were serious Christians as well as serious scholars of Norse and Celtic mythology. The current autists and weirdos were not for them. I see the Tolkien Society corruption, i.e. literary analysis with a slant toward the current societal perversions as indeed self interest. These people want to be published and hope to be hired by universities. I’m sure they have convinced themselves they are true believers, and I’m equally sure their PhD programs have been steeped in the “religion” for which there must be no dissent. On the other hand, there… Read more »

Reply to  Letty
3 years ago

” I see the Tolkien Society corruption, i.e. literary analysis with a slant toward the current societal perversions as indeed self interest.”

That’s true, I actually recall watching a university lecture online about Jane Eyre(was really bored that day).
Her entire speech was all about white patriarchy, sexism & racism, that’s all that useless feminist lecturer could understand from that story.
I assume when these fuckers read Lotr all they can think about is orcs being discriminated upon by hobbits & hobbit porn ofc.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Tolkien probably would have said something like what William Shatner said on Saturday Night Live to the Star Trek convention:

Do you live in your parent’s basement?
Have you ever kissed a girl?

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago


What would Tolkien Do?

J.R.R. Tolkien Returns With Army Of The Dead To Destroy Everyone Trying To Make ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Woke

Reply to  Aragon
3 years ago gf-anyone-who-tries-to-make-lord-of-the-rings-woke

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

All those people that go to Renaissance Fairs are having orgies, it’s a total pervert satanist show when you get to the Inner Circle. Seems to be really common among inner circles. Which is how you know that gnosticism is just another word for satanism

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

I have never read anything by Tolkien, but hear good things about him. He seems to me, as many would who compose great works, like a man who wants to see others enjoy his works the way he does. Talking about the finer points; crossovers from the fictional world into the real world… intellectual, if you like.

Not dress-up, role-play and being roasted by a Furry and a butch LGBT+ dressed as a pixie. Satanism indeed. Evil for sure.

Moe Noname
Moe Noname
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Even if you are not a fiction reader, “The Hobbitt” is short and easy to read.

-Moe, Some Random Guy From The Internet

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Check out Peter Jackson’s movies. They’re fantastic and 100% white. Amazing. I watched them all recently and enjoyed them so much that I decided to read the trilogy again, the first time since high school. It was really pleasurable. It’s a wonderful escape

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

It just dawned on me that that was the Brilliance of Peter Jackson making those movies simultaneously. Even though they were released years apart no one could start clamoring for a more diverse cast in the sequels because they had already been made

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

I have seen the movies and thought them excellent. And because of your comment, I may watch them again tonight, as I have the trilogy on DVD – some old steam powered technology.

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

I just recently read The Hobbit, also the first time since HS, and the Trilogy as well. Enjoyed all four.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

It’s pretty well known that the workers and actors in Ren Fairs are basically conducting summer-long swinger’s parties on their off hours.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Tolkien is an interesting case study in Christian restraint.

He stands in stark contrast to modern fantasy, sci-fi, and comic book writers, a disturbingly high percentage of which are freakish perverts.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Indeed. Take a look at the bloke who wrote Game of Thrones and tell me, if you can with a straight face, that when his pornographic novels were made into a series, he wasn’t bashing his bishop all the merry night over the re-runs.

That said, I don’t know much about the chap, he could be a decent guy…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

George Martin is an odd dude, but he seems to have a normal-ish personal life that has involved multiple marriages to women with no kids.

Examples of freak shows I can cite off the top of my head are the guy who created the Wonder Woman character and the Marion Bradley, author of, “The Mists of Avalon,” who was married to a guy that needed a millstone necklace and one-way diving excursion.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Wachowski brothers

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

to be honest, i believe martin stopped writing his novels cause they’re too raunchy for modern audiences, he’ll definitely get cancelled & called a racist.

“A woman raped!? HOW DARE YOU!??”

“Why are there no transvestite knights!? HOW DARE YOU!? ”

RIP western civilization

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Depends who is doing the raping

If the perp is from certain groups, it’s a-ok with western feminists.

Of course if it’s an ugly beta male asking a white woman for coffee, then that’s also rape and is not okay under any circumstances.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

GOTW- the most popular show planetwide, because the characters and themes were- you damn betcha- All White!

Curse us or copy us, they will always look up to the Elves.

3 years ago

One distinguishing feature of Christianity that put it over other elite-centric creeds was its affordability. No one, least of all the missionaries, assumed that all would be equal in the new Christian community (despite whatever that “Jesus” guy said; we’ve been ignoring him for 2000 years now). However, the *startup costs* are the same for everyone. That puts heaven within everyone’s reach — unlike, say, Gnosticism, which was theoretically for everyone but practically needed the kind of free time and cash only the Late Antique elite had. That’s where the new woke religion will break down. They can hold out… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Sev, Its the replacement legitimacy for the Constitutional and so legal order they overthrew. Its the most competent thing they’ve done since 1965. It Sanctifies their policy. It is the religion of POWER, or politics if you prefer. As far as breaking down… who do you see is breaking down? Or is broken? Them? Or us? As far as failing the masses that is hilarious. The best they want for the masses is the Favelas, the worst extinction. Yes, Woke would be a bad religion to seek comfort or redemption from… They seek no such things. The opposite is sought-… Read more »

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Last week a pro golfer and two other men were shot down at a suburban Atlanta country club. I held off on judgment, as it was kind of a weird situation, but it turns out that the shooter (initially misidentified as one of Bill Kristol’s hard workers from Latin America) turned out to be a jogger. I went to YouTube to see the reaction. Basically everyone who would have had a bald eagle avatar ten years ago now has a Pepe the Frog. The media is claiming the motive is unknown. I hazard that after they get to the bottom… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It takes a while for a new, weird, idea to sink in. Like a timid squirrel who learns to eat out of your hand. “You mean to say that I can kill white people and go unpunished, maybe even honored for it?

What happens when a thousand squirrels surround you and you run out of walnuts?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

They do have a license to Kill. And then they can get off by saying the person they killed said Niger. Voice text changed that btw

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

‘Niger’ has always been an immense source of amusement for me, I cannot think why…

In many areas I’ve worked there have been many Nigers. Perhaps there are many Nigers in Niger herself. Niger please!

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Isn’t “niger” Latin for black?

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

Twenty years ago I had a heated argument over the sacred ‘niger’ word with a longtime friend who was then principal of a private catholic boys high school. A “scholarship” football-american student had given a savage beating to an opposing player after a game for reasons. The white kid had apparently laid a few too many tackles on him preventing his usual yardage. But the truth evaporated because poc kid said white kid had called him niger in one of the scrums. Nobody else heard anything. No other taunts or misbehavior by white kid was noted. In this 95% white… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

So I have a close friend that’s black. I won’t get super into his details, but suffice it to say he makes good money and has mostly white friends. On the political spectrum he was never in the lefty camp. He recently made an insightful comment to me that, “Recently, I feel like I’ve grown to hate white people.” When I asked, “why do you think that is?” He wasn’t able to really articulate it, but media did come up. This truly frightened me. By every measure, this is is a moderate middle class black person. The antiwhite rhetoric isn’t… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

I am sorry to hear of this predicament; but for me it has always been inevitable. It is also why I cannot (and any sane white ought not) to have close friends that are black. When race comes up, and it will, their loyalty will slide to their people.

It should also frighten you. Your observation that it “isn’t just reaching the inner city welfare blacks, but it’s also reaching the moderates.” is akin to the revelation Lawrence Auster had. In Auster’s case, he was astounded that educated blacks bought into this too.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

The reason it’s frightening is for two reasons. As I mentioned before, moderate blacks are buying it, but also think of it this way. Think of it as a sliding “hate whitey” scale of 1-10. If the rhetoric is sliding moderates from 2 to 6. What’s it doing to the blacks that were already at 7 or above?

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Five star comment.
Eventually this will also reach beyond the moderate to the conservative / evangelical blacks. For that miniscule demographic slice, they’ll have to decide between the ‘courage of their convictions’ or martyrdom. (My guess is not many bullets will be required to accomplish that task).

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

South Africa and Rhodesia are also 99% evangelical Christian.

I don’t think it’s any mystery which side they choose.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I got a black buddy that runs a tight ship. He is worried about the eventual reactions of whites.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

Watch your back. But to be fair I’m coming to hate us too. We are the ones that are pushing all this Insanity around the world. We castrated our men, turned our women into whores turned baby killing into an industry and now we’re mutilating our children.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

And over the years, I have grown to hate joggers. If they want a war many of us are willing to give them one.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

Outsiders have their own worlds that barely interact with the “real” one. Criminal-class blacks are as separate from globohomo as the Amish are. They’re not really getting the message. They’ve heard from their friends that nobody’s staying in jail anymore, a text goes out when there’s a riot to do, and they know “racist” is the password. Not good, but not much of a factor in everyday life. Moderate middle class people are extremely dangerous. They’re mentally empty, fully susceptible and constantly subject to official messaging. They don’t resist or doubt or ever really think anything. They’re in obedience school… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

Heh, look how middle class moderates reacted to the Beer Flu agitprop.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

If one is ever to feel pity for a Melanic Hominid™ you have given a perfect example. Just imagine: You are one of the Talented Tenth, an Oreo who at least most of the time thinks, acts, holds similar values, to most Whites. You may even have the privilege to live and work among us. But you can never truly be White. Meanwhile, your racial brethren, the untalented 9/10, hate your guts. You are an Uncle Tom or whatever. You rationally hesitate to be with your own Tribe because you are acutely aware of all their dysfunction — and you… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ben, not sure I agree with your analysis completely. Why should a successful Black man not retain his heightened impulsivity, emotionality, and other behaviors that separate—in general—Blacks from Whites—and makes them more dangerous? Because he has a higher IQ or is successful?

Let’s see some counter examples. How about O J Simpson? Or LeBron James?

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

Greek, no disrespect meant here with my comment.

As I read/interpret you made friends with one of the “talented tenth” and then found out there is no escaping his generic, behavioral proclivities. Not much different than that clown awhile back who thought he had a *special* relationship to the bears on Vancouver island. Of course, such misguided thinking got him and his dumb girlfriend eaten. A bear is a bear is a bear. That he didn’t eat him was because he wasn’t hungry enough to make him a worthwhile meal.

Sounds like your bear is getting hungry—aren’t they all?

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Compsci: Solid comment. Reminds me what I said to my then high-school-aged son regarding his sub-con ‘friend.’ He soon learned I was right, because ultimately, as you note, A bear is a bear is a bear. Sooner or later, but always, genetics will out.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

CompSci: Your criticism seems misplaced. But consider that my example was meant to show an atypical Black: while they’re a statistical rarity, the law of large numbers means there will be a certain (small) percentage of Black men that are the “equal” of the average White not only in terms of IQ, but also self-control, time preference and so on. While IQ is not everything, it’s a lot. I lack detailed data, but I speculate that regardless of race, from IQ >= 100, crime of any type gets rare as the IQ goes up. It’s quite possible that when Nature… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

With all due respect as well. I think you’re not understanding the basics race realism. As constantly pointed out by Z, or Jared Taylor, or Dutton, the aggregate group differences doesn’t mean there aren’t high performing individuals. There are blacks that are of high IQ or have favorable behavioral traits. I always frame it this way to people: think of a baseball team. Yankees vs Pirates. The Yankees are a way better team with a better batting average. Even though the Pirates are a bad team, there could be a few all stars in there. His being manipulated by the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Greek—this comment refers back to your last comment wrt my understanding of RR or HBD science. Nothing you stated contradicts what I’ve said. The very description of your “friendship” with your Black friend supports this assertion wrt his and your relationship. You lament a brief lapse on his part where he admits to “hating Whites”, but you lament this because you like him and do not hate *all* Blacks, but can and do discern good ones from bad ones—and you consider him a good one. You see the difference here? You claim sorrow that he has been brainwashed by the… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

That is sad, because when they are friends, they are very good friends indeed.

I meet far too many good, solid blacks.
I still find their voices and rhythms familiar and comforting.
There are too many good people of all kinds who will be swept away.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

This I agree and I would not promote going out of my way to make anyone’s life harder—regardless of race. We live in a mixed race society. Follow the “rules” of appropriate, civil interaction and hope for the best.

My posting is one of caution wrt such “deep”friendships between races. The example brought up is a good one to take note of when you think you’ve got a race blind minority “friend”—also known as a “good one”. You most likely are fooling yourself. Whites are the only known race to have such out-group preferences a whole.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

In my case, I’ll say the feeling is mutual.

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

The entire thrust is towards middle class, black and white

Reply to  The Greek
3 years ago

I hear ya Luckily my black friends aren’t like that. Well maybe one is susceptible to it. But he’s younger. Blacks my age want nothing to do with woke. I know they have pondered it all, but their inner goodness keeps them stable, as does my inner goodness. I can be here all day talking shit about blacks, but in real life I am a loving soul, and they all know it. A good test is whether they listen to rap or blues, a signifier of age. The rappers are always angry and looking to start shit with whites, even… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

And with their low impulsivity and disregard for the consequences of their abominations, as well as the unwillingness to deal with these creatures as they should be dealt with, it’s open season on Whitey.
If you live anyplace that substantial numbers of joggers have infested, your head better be on a swivel and you’d be best ready to defend yourself with whatever it takes.
Christ, if you can’t even hang out on a golf course without worrying about it, no where is truly safe.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

It has come to the point that I do not ever leave my apartment—not even to check the mail—without a firearm openly carried. I have had potential joggers avoid me for that reason. I am known around my neighborhood as “that crazy long haired old man who carries a gun.”

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

Somewhere in the valley in the hot July sunshine, Steve Sailer just got the chills.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Snort. Steve believes in the eternal summer.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

Golf courses are a bit too close to home for Stevie.

Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

LOL, he lives down the street from me

In fact, if I do not end up watching the Italy / England soccer match I may go play tennis at the courts by his house.

My Comment
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It looks like the young blacks are right that they have been given the right to kill whites as long as they are the right whites. I imagine that more and more bad whites will be McCloskeyed by the DA and Feds if they fight back

Reply to  My Comment
3 years ago

For what it’s worth blacks will generally leave you alone if you look

a) destitute (nothing to steal)
b) angry, savage (or crazy?) enough to fight back

I’ve never had a jogger bother me directly. They pick on the weak or cucked. I am neither and don’t believe in fighting fair when fighting a savage. If a black is within swinging distance he will swing first before you are ready, so the only option is to sucker him first.

Of course we aren’t as heavily infested with them (yet) as the US, nor are they as propagandized.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

One thing nice about LA, is that if you live here you 9 times out of 10 have to have your stuff together because otherwise it is too expensive and chaotic and you won’t make it. And there are all different breeds here, so you have to have a little bit of sophistication to navigate it. Goes for all races. So even the blacks around here are a notch above the rabble you get in the small town south, etc. Or Atlanta or NOLA. There you get the low IQ mixed in with city anger and all hell breaks loose.… Read more »

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yep. That’s the point. It matters not at all that many of these joggers might understand that they will be imprisoned for a while—maybe–but their stay in the Big House will be among their own kind. Free food, housing, television, movies (perhaps “Django Unchained” will be shown), weight rooms, library—admittedly not really relevant to them—and many kudus for murdering a racist.

Reply to  Mike Austin
3 years ago

Its often more subtle and pervasive. White mans rules, morality, decorum, everything, are just ghost protocols of a foreign land. Written rules are just wingdings. Pocs carry a kind of diplomatic immunity to the most benign and extreme rules guiding western civ. alike. Like the broken window theories they encroach constantly until a conflict is forced, full knowing their skin immunes them from reproach and licenses them toward any response they see fit. They are at once exempt from half our rules and protected by the other half. At my gym they ignore all the neatly placed signs – of… Read more »

My Comment
Reply to  Screwtape
3 years ago

In the book on his journey through Africa, Richard Grant wrote about how Rwanda was by far the most functional country in he traveled through in Sub-Saharan Africa. The strong man had his own version of broken windows. No baggy pants, litter and messy yards were allowed. The blacks flourished far more under that strict control than in the type of loser control in which whites can still function. Being a liberal he couldn’t allow himself to draw too many conclusions related to the US but this was before the era of BLM and Summer of Floyd so he could… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s hard for average, 100 IQ whites to understand what is, or what isn’t, going through an 80 IQ black criminal’s head.

They basically have none of the same restraints as white people. Totally different thought patterns.

“Sheeit, we free from jail”.
“Ayo, whitey evil [media said so]”
“White man enslaved us! Payback!”
“Dat white girl looking fine, muh dick hard”.

Part of the problem is the feminized society, who naturally think that being “nicer” will be reciprocated. When in reality to tame a wild beast it needs to know who’s in control and which overstepped boundaries result in punishment.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Speaking as one who doesn’t live (or ever has) in a jogger infested locale, it would seem you’d want to treat their low IQ impulsivity, and whatever may be swirling around in the vacuum of their skull, the same way you’d treat a wild animal – with an abundance of caution – particularly these days. Don’t want to become another White casualty in what is becoming an increasingly one sided hot war.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

So true. Blacks are not like whites. What we call “Western Civilization” is a creation of white men. Asian civilization has produced nothing but hundreds of millions of—as Aristotle would say—“natural slaves”. Not one Hobbes or Jefferson or Brahe among them. And black…umm…”civilization”—well, name one—just one—thing it has contributed to the betterment of man.

Take your time.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Mike Austin
3 years ago

For a period, manual labor. It seemed like a good idea at the time. However, in the end it was a Devil’s bargain, and both parties have ended up much the worse for that. 🙁

Reply to  Mike Austin
3 years ago

Ben, It was the devil’s bargain as you put it because the Whites of the North forgot what the slave of the South was. Even in those times, we had SJW’s who were quite happy to free slaves, endow rights, and unearned privileges to a people with child-like minds.

For a time, it worked since the South suffered the consequences and the North did not. Now everyone suffers the consequences and there is no end in sight.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yep. Foxnews let it slip that blacks overwhelmingly support CRT which is real bad for us. Get your preps now people.

The big question for me is what will the cops do. Woll the cops and feds back up blacks when whites fight back or just vanish.

Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

You’re getting the Delta variant, eh? Over here, we’ve got the Lambda variant now. Wait, which one comes first? Who the hell knows. I was informed the other day that certain educational establishments in the UK were very upset that the Delta variant was still being called the Indian variant. That’s bigotry, you see.

Indeed, whilst Covid has given so much terror and comedy, one thing to note is how even the truest of true believers never hammer on China. Where the ‘WuFlu’ first began. That’s bigotry, you see. Mind you, so is gunning down crackers at the country club.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Hearing about the Lambda variant, or C.37 here too. Looks like another year of lockdowns because black and brown people don’t wash their hands, live in cramped quarters, are not genetically meant to live in northern latitudes, and have generally poor hygiene. I’m basically as worried about COVID-19 and its variants as white person, as I am about AIDS as a straight person. Obviously be cautious and practice basic hygiene/safety. Basically I’m not gonna get it with minimal precautions. From the province of Manitoba (not sure what a “South-East Asian Manitoban” is anyways but that’s another story”: “the infection… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Now cnn’s ((( medical expert))) is advocating for mandatory jabs. Not that it’s any surprise to us. But with door to door pressure being discussed as well, it’ll be interesting to see how far they’ll go.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

I’ve done more reading about the “experimental” nature of the jabs. Yesterday, I was interested in the possibility of looming liability issues if patients didn’t receive special warnings of the experimental nature. Upon reading a bit more, including sample consent forms for the jabs, it seems this is covered at least in part. The patient is supposed to be aware of the “emergency use approval” nature and that normal testing and validation processes are absent. That seems “reasonable” enough to me. You are basically acknowledging you’re a guinea pig. I’ve not seen a “real” investigational/experimental release, but it’s not clear… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

African Manitobans. There’s more than 1?

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

No different than Somalian Minnesotans, or increasingly, Somalian North Dakotans.

There is no escape.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Keep reading the literature as it comes out. Most all of this Covid nonsense is overblown. If you are co-morbid, and you know who you are, get the shot. If you are healthy and not in risk groups, forget it. As far as who needs the shot, last I read, it’s estimated that 80% of the oldsters had at least one shot. That’s more than enough. Bottom line is that data is emerging weekly as to the possible side effects of the vaccine as well as knowledge of real risk of catching Covid with bad outcome. Disclaimer: I had Covid.… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

We’re going to need a longer alphabet as the new “variants” keep popping up.

Maybe we should just code-name them to self-identified genders? I’m told there’s an infinite amount of said genders.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

It’s all so tiresome.

Felix Krull
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

The good thing about virus is that it never stops mutating. That’s why flu vaccines only last a season.

This means that this big vaccine rip-off/scare mongering/compliance training, is now a perennial feature of living in the free world.

Thank god the vaccines are free or we’d be mortgaging our grandchildren into slavery.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

I thought that mission had already been accomplished via a cornucopia of other…programs.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Now they are starting to blood libel Hispanics as well to divert blame from their protected WMDs.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Joey Jünger
3 years ago

Read an account today. Daily Mail. White men apparently witnessed a crime in progress. Jogger driving a vehicle onto a golf course? Details not given, but I’m assuming he wasn’t there for a picnic.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
3 years ago

The odd thing is, that people will adopt a religion. S o the idea that the State can be neutral is a lie. Liberalism leads to what we have now, tyranny!

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
3 years ago

Exactly. “By their fruits you shall know them.”

Personally think the Mormons are a bit nutty, but you can’t really argue with their (current) cultural success and social capital. If local mores required it, I’d probably join up. What’s to be lost?

Same with the Amish. Even the small hat ethos can have some appeal (though you’d always be an untrusted outsider).

But the “woke” religion of CRT is cultural suicide. Pure nihilism.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 years ago

Report from the ground – the California and East Coast libs are rapidly consuming that Mormon social capital in Utah and Idaho. In the past couple of decades they decimated Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Utah, Idaho, and Montana will soon fall. The Southern states are are also under assault from the wave of internal and external immigration. All the remaining regional differences in the USA are being erased overnight.

Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

Judge Smails: Presumably these scum are gravitating toward the cities in these states first? Or have they began permeating into other, more rural, settlements?

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

I live in rural Western NC. Went to the local river park over the 4th and what did we see? A White Southerner built-and-paid for public park filled with Squatemalans, Mexicans, and other Central American Indians and their cra p music turned up to 11, their stinking grills, and their garbage strewn everywhere.
Few Whites and no blacks to be seen anywhere. White America is dead. Over. Kaput.

Judge Smails
Judge Smails
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

What passes for a big city in Idaho (outside of Boise Metro Area – 500,000 people) is a population of 50,000. All regions of the state in towns large and small are experiencing noticable growth in the last 18 months. The assesed value of my house has nearly tripled in the last couple of years which means increased property taxes for a lower quality of life – more traffic, higher crime rate, crowded schools, etc.

Reply to  Judge Smails
3 years ago

I’ve decided not to read any comments if I can quickly tell the comment is just another way of saying “it’s all going to hell in a handbasket”.

At least that’s how I feel at this moment.

3 years ago

Heh. Interesting that your essay talks about the religion of Christ. That your show talks about the religion of the Managers. And that it’s intro also mentioned Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which has some of the most die hard adherents of any field I’ve ever known. For many, it is the silver bullet that solves all.

I don’t mind some OOP, but I have committed the heresy of programming C for too long now. I guess that’s a religion of it’s own too.

jorgen b
jorgen b
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Objects (classes, glorified structs with functions in them) are great but inheritence and all that is trash. The backbone should be functional and merely use as many glorified structs as needed.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Hey now, C is a fine fine language to torture yourself with; as is Malbolge and Whitespace.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago

During my working years, I took courses and even got a BS in Comp Sci. I never had to do any “real” programming* but dabbled in C. I took exactly one non-degree course in C++. One of my favorite sayings is (if I remember it correctly):

C gives you enough rope to hang yourself.

C++ gives you enough rope to bind hand and foot everyone in your neighborhood, rig a three-masted sailing ship and still hang yourself from the yardarm. 🙂

*If it was too complex to do with a shell script, it was a job for the consultant.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Oh, I’ve long noticed that many of the debates over technical topics like Windows vs. Linux or C++ vs. Java only differ from theological debates in the details.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Code my Grinder plugin in C++, bigot!

3 years ago

That breathing between the second and third segments really creeped me out Z!

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Jackmaninov
3 years ago

He should learn to turn his head and breathe away from the mic. This methodology was perfected as far back as 2007…