Great Debate

Note: We have a cornucopia of new content this week. The Taki post is about our new moral imperative to love strangers over our friends and family. Then there is the Sunday podcast up behind the green door. There is a bonus post up this morning on the cult sci-fi move The Matrix. This has gone out to Buy Me A Beer patrons as well.

Almost twenty years ago, John Derbyshire reviewed Kevin MacDonald’s book Culture of Critique for American Conservative. It has one of the best headlines ever written for a right-wing publication. The review itself was not favorable to MacDonald’s theory on Jewish evolutionary strategy, so it has been condemned by anti-Semites, which is a shame because it offers an important insight. For some, the “Jew thing” is a debilitating neurosis that cripples the victim’s ability to reason.

An example of this was on display Saturday night when Jared Taylor debated E. Michael Jones on the question of race. Specifically, the topic was “is race real and does it matter?” Taylor was on the side of race realism and Jones was supposed to be on the side of race denialism. It did not quite work out that way as Jones quickly shifted the conversation away from race to his own theories about the Jews. E. Michael Jones has a very serious case of the Jew thing.

The format was for each man to give a 20-minute opening presentation and then they would take turns responding to one another. Taylor was in the affirmative, so he went first and put on a near perfect presentation explaining the biological reality of race and the societal implications of racial differences. Even for those very familiar with the human sciences, it was an entertaining and informative presentation. It is the sort of thing you can send around to people curious the topic.

Jones opened up with a strange story about daylight savings time in Indiana in order to establish what he calls categories of the mind. These are definitions we invent that have no relation to physical reality. It appears he was trying to reformulate the logical positivists tripartite classification of knowledge. There are things that are tautologically true, things that are true because of an agreed upon set of logical rules and then things that are cognitively meaningless.

Jones reformulates it to be things that are categories of the mind and things he thinks ought to be important. For example, race, regardless of the biological realty behind it, is a category of the mind. It matters only because we think about it, like daylight savings time or the time of day. Catholic dogma, on the other hand, matters whether we think of it or not, so we ought to think about it. Of course, anything that Jones does not like is declared a category of the mind and he dismisses it.

There is an argument that much of what gets put into the category of race is contextual, a result of history and culture. This is the basis of biological denialism on the Left, where they claim differences in the races and sexes are cultural artifacts. The problem with this is that it conflates two related, but cognitively different things. Biological race, in this case, is different from social concepts of race. By conflating the two, biology is made to disappear in the fog of social criticism regarding race.

This was the game Jones was playing. He made a lot of noise about how race is used to harm white societies, so he agued race must be ignored. Here he commits a second logical fallacy. Even if discussions of race are engineered to harm white interests, it does not logically follow that white people should deny the reality of race. This is where the Jew thing begins to pop. Jones asserts that Jews invented the concept of race to harm white people, so the Jew thing requires him to oppose race.

After the opening statements, the second hour was mostly Jones ranting and raving about Jews, even dropping some epithets along the way. Whenever the moderator would return the conversation to the topic, Jones would go off on a rant about how the Jews were the great enemy and we must pretend race is not real in order to defend the white race from Jews. Along the way he conceded everything Taylor said about the reality of race, but Jones kept insisting it should not matter.

In all the noise and distraction what became clear is that Jones knows very little about race or race realism. He also made bizarre claims about the subject. For example, he claimed race was introduced in America by Jews. He also claimed the ancients had no concept of race. This is left-wing nonsense that has no basis in fact. His comments about intelligence revealed he knows nothing about the topic. His claims were the sorts of things that work on stupid people who share his beliefs.

This is the tragedy of the Jew thing. Once the victim is afflicted with it, they can think of nothing other than the subject of their obsession. The debate was supposed to be about race, but Jones kept trying to make it about Jews. Not just about Jews in the racial context either. Like a dog returning to his vomit, Jones kept returning to his pet theory that Judaism is a conspiracy against the world. Not Jews, as according Jones race is not real, but Judaism, which is like a magic spell that he fights alone.

Of course, Jones has his fans. That is the other side of the Jew thing. People with it will overlook anything in those who supply them with content. His mad hatter act is lost on his fans, who only hear the J-word when he speaks. You get the sense that those with the Jew thing will become physically ill if they are not constantly hearing anti-Semitic material, so they need it constantly pipped into their brains. As a result a bellowing crackpot like Jones gets their full attention.

There are people who have reasoned critiques of Jews in Western societies. There are lots of Jews who have addressed the issue. It is a legitimate question, but one gets the sense that the mission of E. Michael Jones is to make it impossible to have a reasoned discussion on the topic. After all, who would want to be lumped in with a mad man who screams at the Passover display at the local grocery store? Jones manages to give bigotry a bad name, which is quite accomplishment.

All of that said, Jones has a point that he may not understand or simply not care to discuss and that is the reality of race is insufficient on its own. If being right about the facts of life mattered, this world would not exist. The radicals would have been routed a long time ago. Public discourse in all human society is about morality. Who are we and what defines us is what matters. Repeating the facts of biology can only matter if they have an impact on the morality of the people.

This has always been the failing of the Right. They have always assumed that once they proved their case, the other side would have no choice but to throw down their weapons and embrace them as brothers. This is not reality. Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, they exist in two separate domains. The race realists have yet to attempt this connection. This should be where the militant Christians step into the breech, but people like Jones make that difficult.

Finally, Jones made a big issue of Taylor’s unwillingness to address the question of Jews within the context of race realism. This is a fair point, but Jones then asserted it was because Taylor is part of the global Jewish conspiracy. This is where you cannot help but wonder if Jones does this to avoid defending his position. It is a distraction to deflect attention from his faulty logic to something else. This could have been an interesting gambit, but the Jew thing got the better of him.

The fact is, race realism makes a lot of sense when comparing Africans with all other human groups. Africans are the great outlier in the human family. It starts to break down when you compare other groups. East Asian are different from Europeans, but they bring none of the social pathology of Africans. What is the argument against mixing Asians with Europeans? What about West Asians and Europeans? This is a valid line off attack on the race realist position.

In the end, the debate is worth watching, if only for Taylor’s opening. It is a pity that Jones is not a more honest and balanced person, as it would be interesting to see someone approach this topic from traditional Christian ethics. If we are ever going to make the leap from facts to values, this is a debate that needs to be had. Otherwise, biological reality will remain ignored, even as we careen into the abyss. Maybe this debate will inspire someone to ponder the subject.

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2 years ago

“Africans are the great outlier in the human family.”

THIS!!! This is the central issue. This is what people must be made to understand. This is why it’s so terrifying that sub-Saharan Africans are out-breeding the rest of the world, and look to continue doing so for the foreseeable future, to the point where they are on a path to become an absolute majority. Everything else is secondary — this is what it is all about.

Steve in PA
Steve in PA
2 years ago

For the better part of two millennia, Jews were consigned to live outside mainstream society. (That their religious scruples actually mandated this is, of course, a given.) At not infrequent intervals, they were persecuted and declared outlaw. See, e.g., their expulsions from Spain and England, as well as the pogroms conducted against them by Czarist Russia, not to mention the obvious Nazi extinction efforts between 1941 and 1945. (Yes, that really happened, as can be readily determined by reference to many historical resources. The Wansee Conference took place and set the mechanism in action. And yes, this also encompassed a… Read more »

Reply to  Steve in PA
2 years ago

You omit so much in your so called history I suspect you are just a liar.

2 years ago

EMJ isn’t well known for his debating skill or views on race, he’s popular because of his books on the history of the catholic church and culture wars magazine. Anyone who is familiar with EMJ could have told you exactly how this would turn out and it seemed like a waste of time to even attempt it. EMJ is clearly trying to maintain his ties with higher ups in the catholic church and probably other connections in his social circle, by avoiding endorsing the topic of scientific racial differences. The idea the EMJ is publicly conspiring to embarrass anyone by… Read more »

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Gray
2 years ago

GOod point. EMJ is just another conservative in the NO.

Its a good questions as to what is more dangerous, EMJ’s view or JTs view?

2 years ago

(too late to have answers, but whatever…) I can’t stand on antisemtism. On a way, I see every bad idea, in the orgin, very oftenly created by little hat people. I see them controlling 99% of MSM. And 1965 law. And french and swedish tendency to import african people. And promoting BBC on porn. On the other way, my own dad’s father was a jew. A real one, with the candlar, the bizarre bread, and a tendency to have a drama tone when he spoke. (and he was a war prisonner in a stalag, and was not deported to cartoon… Read more »

Reply to  PASARAN
2 years ago

That’s great and all but someone insulting your Jewish Dad and the other guy talking about nepotism in politics and media concerning the entirety of the West are both being consigned with the same label.

2 years ago

The Militant Christian casus belli for race realism is easy, if you fix your terms. To simply both too much and just enough, a Nation is Race + Religion. The story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 is God taking credit for the creation of the nations, and so “Nation” is a divinely ordained category, whatever you think the category is suppose to differentiate. Rev 7:9 shows a vision of the end where each nation retains its distinct appearance and language, which requires a physical separation in order to sustain the cultural separation required for this vision. The… Read more »

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
2 years ago

If all blacks were traddie Catholics, we wouldn’t have to be race realists. They are not, and never will be, so we have to be race realists.

Lady Dandy Doodle
Lady Dandy Doodle
Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
2 years ago

Also, look into Integralism on theJosias website. It would be a hoot to have an Integralist debate Jared. Those guys can provide the Catholic theological point of view, though I doubt they would agree to a debate. Still, I think many Dissident Rightwingers would like would the Integralists have to say, Catholic or no.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Lady Dandy Doodle
2 years ago

Its a good question. Where has traditional Catholicism penetrated African cultures?

My Comment
2 years ago

EMJ is singularly focused on the tribe but that is understandable given his beat: Christianity, Catholic Church and general morality. When I first encountered the saying Every. Single. Time. I thought it was simplistic. Then the more I learned about the impact of Jews on White societies, I began to realized it was more right than wrong. Feminism and all the weirdo destructive moral decay things we discuss – trannies, gender fluidity, white privilege, toxic masculinity, etc – were first pushed by the tribe. Now the nascent let’s normalize pedophilia is being pushed by Jewish females. The same playbook is… Read more »

My Comment
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

PS. It was a Jewish anthropologist, Boas who came up with the woke idea that all cultures are equal and we should not view ours as superior to any other.

It was also Jews in Weimar that started pushing race mixing featuring black men and white women

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

All true. But Z rightly points out that there is something in the goyim that WANTS the Jew and his influence. Its a mess

David Wright
Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

Hmm, like vampires? You have to invite them in or they have no power.

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

The goyim who also deny Christ team up with the highly capable people whose core identity is now, alas, bound up in the same denial. They do so because they want things that normie Christendom will not let them have.

In terms of intractable problems to address, the first group is the more urgent.

2 years ago

Wait a minute. Where did all those bloody Pakis in Rotherham come from? Why, isn’t Pakistan an artificial state, the former British Raj controlled by a certain David Sassoon? Why would Clement Atlee carve off a huge piece of India, the source of the river water of Kashmir, and give it to the Muslims supposedly so admired by Hitler? The source of the opium to China? There was no Pakistani people. The name itself is an amalgam of its tribes- Pashtun/Punjabi, Afghan, Kurd, Irabian. Then weirdly, another Muslim piece was carved off and called Bangladesh, flanking India. None of this… Read more »

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Where did all those bloody Pakis in Rotherham come from?

From the House of Rothschild spreading the rumor that Wellington had lost at Waterloo, causing the London stock markets to crash, and allowing the House of Rothschild to purchase all the best stocks at pennies on the dollar, immediately prior to the arrival of the good news of Wellington’s victory.

All brought to you courtesy of Oliver Cromwell’s catastrophically disastrous decisions about a century and a half earlier than that.

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
2 years ago

Well I was waiting for this one. E Michael Jones hasn’t budged a bit in his position in years and years. Jared Taylor already articulated his position years and years ago too.

To a certain extent E Michael Jones is right in that black people and white people both really wouldn’t think of themselves in those terms if it wasn’t for the context of Atlantic slave trading, the Caribbean plantations and the construction of “whiteness”. We can actually abandon “whiteness”. It was an idea imposed on us that doesn’t really work and just creates a lot of hostility.

Reply to  American Citizen 2.0
2 years ago

We would only not think of ourselves in that way if we were not in contact with one another. The underlying biological reality would still remain, however. It doesn’t disappear just because you don’t believe in it. Just like our day/night cycle and other physical realities, it is here to stay regardless of whether you believe in it or not.

And no, we can’t abandon it. Malicious people want us to abandon it and mix ourselves into a universal world-mongrel who can be easily ruled over. No thank you.

2 years ago

“What is the argument against mixing Asians with Europeans? What about West Asians and Europeans? This is a valid line off attack on the race realist position.” I don’t see how this is a valid line of attack, except as a critique of “IQ Nationalists” (Jared Taylor’s side, disproportionately). Mixed race children will not identify with the European group in the overwhelming majority of cases and will work against our collective European interests upon maturity. The starkest example of this is Barack Obama, a half-European who identifies as “black” (spent his childhood reading Malcolm X) and devoted much of this… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  Crayola
2 years ago

You restated Z’s question of “What is the argument against mixing Asians with Europeans” and then used Barack Obama as an example and talked the majority of the time about black/white mixing. Dutton has had some great videos on the topic, but essentially you’re right that blacks don’t mix well with other races. There’s some evidence of increased psychological issues with black interracial mixes, and as you mentioned, they almost invariably identify black. Amren has a good article on it as well. However, those issues don’t exist with white/Asian mixes for example. As far as the child identifying with what… Read more »

Reply to  Crayola
2 years ago

Obamas real father was Frank Marshal Davis.
Watch “dreams from my real father”
I do not consider myself a conspiracy theorist. Oswald acted alone, 9-11 building collapse is easily understood when explained useing structural engineering basics etc.. kicker for me is when Obamas face is superimposed over Davises, the resemblance is uncanny. Also convincing
Obamas mudshark mothers nude photos were taken in Davises living room.

2 years ago

The Jew-baiting racket seems like it will never end. I do admire the fact that certain Jewish groups stay true to their families and culture. They help each other out. I wish my white race could do that, a little bit.

Reply to  rkb100100
2 years ago

It will never end because there are legitimately a huge number of Jews who have acted terribly and against our interests. Do you see a similar racket against Indians or Asians? Both groups are highly successful, and although there is the occasional racist comment against “pajeets” on the right, you will often also hear males tell you how attractive they think upper caste Indian women are. Rarely do these groups get even a small fraction of the hate Jews get because these groups do not openly hurt our interests in the same way the Jennifer Rubins and Bill Kristols of… Read more »

Reply to  rkb100100
2 years ago

The war won’t end until they stop.
Who started it?

2 years ago


Tomorrow I leave for a month on vacation and will not be posting. I don’t want anyone thinking I disappeared or that something happened to me.

It has been a trying and mentally taxing year so far at the homestead with so many things going on, both good and bad. Hoping to come back refreshed.

Be good, see ya’ll soon !!!

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Thanks for letting us know, would hate to think you were ‘party vanned’, that ain’t no kinda fun. I would know. 😉

Relax and enjoy.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

I second Apex on that. I find the frank faith of Falcone, B125, and Painterstorms to be quite refreshing.

Plus, Ma’s best friend was our Aunt Tata, straight from Mussolini’s Italy, so the news from Naples is much enjoyed.

Not My Usual Pen Name
Not My Usual Pen Name
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

a month on vacation Dude, is this your Appalachia trip you were talking about?!?!? It’s gonna be Redneck P00ntag Heaven this month, with college sportsball starting back up – from Clemson through Boone to Knoxville & Blacksburg & Morgantown & Lexington [both KY & VA] – more quality White redneck p00ntang than your fertile mind can hope to imagine. And if you feel like dropping the big bucks, then you can spend a few days in the resorts, like the Grove Park or the Biltmore [Asheville NC], the Homestead [Hot Springs VA], the Greenbriar [White Sulphur Springs, WV] etc. I… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Falcone – Have a wonderful time. Hope you find the right property to buy – and then invite us all to visit!

2 years ago

First, a seminal feature of science is the classification of things; be they rocks or living organisms. Homo sapiens is one such classification, and within that species are many sub classifications, which includes race. In biological & medical science, race classification has many useful benefits (for example, it can enhance the accurate diagnosis of hereditary illnesses). Second, in the war of words, any conceptual idea can be made into a weapon if it influences others. The concept of race in a societal context is now being used by the Left as a weapon to persuade potential voters and grow the… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

It seems to me that humans are so numerous and diverse that, if we keep all within one species, homo sapiens, we should have several taxonomic levels between species and populations. Normally, w non-human species, there is only one level between species and population, subspecies. IOW we need several levels of subspecies or races. Perhaps this is easiest to explain with an example, using our own case. Whites are members of the Caucasian race or perhaps ‘primary race’, of which there are at least three, and probably more, main branches. One such branch is the one of the Ancient Egyptians… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

According to the late great patent-attorney-turned-anthropologist, Fuerle opined that Homo erectus was close enough to mate with Homo Sapiens Sapiens, although he probably wouldn’t have recommended the union. 😀

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

“Who are we and what defines us is what matters. Repeating the facts of biology can only matter if they have an impact on the morality of the people.” That’s an interesting point. Here’s a possible take on it; ppl are motivated to elevate their status b/c status is the central social currency. It is (largely, not entirely of course) what gets you in the door, gets the girl, gets you invited to the cool parties. High morality, in the views of others, elevates your status. This is universally true although what is considered high morality is not. Facts, on… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Feelings should be regarded as an aid to the good life — a fuller expansion of the experiences we undergo — but used sparingly underneath reason as the linchpin for problem-solving. The True Romantic, for instance, lives his life for the natural “highs” he gets. But he is sparing with his company, lest others steal away his mojo.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Nicely done at that, Simba! Well done indeed.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Thanks, I think I said the same thing in two sentences one right after the other but these comments are not exactly papers for peer review lol

2 years ago

The argument I would have liked Taylor to make is how the differences, physical and otherwise, between groups came about. Groups who evolved in cold, harsh climates that required storing of food and building of shelters developed the ability to delay gratification and cooperate, and a keen sense of possible future scenarios. While groups who evolved (or were created for, doesn’t matter) in mild climates where food was always available and shelter unimportant thrived on competitiveness, had no need to develop a sense of the future (i.e., imagination), and delaying gratification was a good way to starve to death. It’s… Read more »

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  Peabody
2 years ago

“They look hu-ite to me.”

Tom K
Tom K
2 years ago

Is it just my imagination or was Jones reading from a text in his rebuttal to Mr. Taylor?

2 years ago

If the jew thing is simply an acknowledgement that Jews have been disproportionate in promoting degeneracy, immigration, and the current anti-white theology, I am happy to have the jew thing. And people who do not recognize this have the blindness thing.

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
2 years ago

Jones reminds me of a certain sort of dogmatic Catholic who tries to ingratiate himself with the mainstream culture by being more Marxist than Marx. Activists like Dorothy Day (Catholic Workers Movement), or writers like J. F. Powers (Morte d’Urban) and Flannery O’Conner. They like to talk about the Church’s “seamless garment” doctrine on the sanctity of life, so as to focus on being anti-war or anti-capital punishment, like good little Leftists, and divert attention from being anti-abortion (the only thing they really care about and can do anything about). Powers and O’Conner distinguish themselves from the White Others around… Read more »

Reply to  James J O'Meara
2 years ago

On the non-fiction side, Thomas Merton falls into that camp as well. He dipped his toes in the Marxist pond during the 30s, before his conversion to Catholicism. He was quickly turned off but was ultimately looking for a version of Marxism with the imprimatur and of a higher power.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  James J O'Meara
2 years ago

Don’t forget Terry Eagleton

Reply to  James J O'Meara
2 years ago

Well, to be fair to Flannery O’Connor, she died in 1964, way before any of the current madness. Yes, she was a devout Catholic, but she had traditional views as a Southerner about race. Don’t know about her views on any of the other subjects mentioned.

2 years ago

I remember JD saying he didn’t pick the review title, which is normally done by editorial staff independently of the contributor (unless it is a VIP or someone w/ a lot of suck w/ the publisher) for every site/paper/magazine. But I agree, it is a great one.

Judging from the awkward people who want to grab my lapels about it I’d alternatively call MacDonald the Gandhi Of The Anti-Semites — except I’m pretty sure ol’ Mo wasn’t so wild about them already, going back to his Afrikaaner stint

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  GraveyardEmpire
2 years ago

Was he or was he not a “kaffer lover?”

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  GraveyardEmpire
2 years ago

If I was Kmac I’d take it as a compliment

2 years ago

Family is a linkage between morality and biology. That which harms my family is bad. That which supports my family is good. Altruism correlates with genetic similarity. There is strength in numbers. Our region dominated by people who have a common cause is good. Co-regional’s children and my children being similar enough to share a mutual benefit of mutual defense is good. People who are loyal to a competitive group are bad. Boarders increase at the first power; Area at the second power. Borders require defense. Area is what captures the Sun and provides resources. Therefore it is good to… Read more »

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

Yes, agreed, and when local trust is undermined by the presence of literal foreigners this is doubleplusungood.

The lack of trust is what’s been killing civic society in the West. It’s a testament to civic society’s incredible strength that no strongman has emerged to solve this problem of a bureaucracy that imports racial undesireables by the bucketload.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

On the actually topic here, I agree w the take on the JQ taken here. I also think it is important to say that the JQ is legitimate. The West is dying; we cannot afford to have taboos in our search for the cause of our dying out. I simply do not think the evidence supports the conjecture, to some conviction, that Jews are the root cause. One of the most important, and verifiable, pieces of evidence that we are not being killed by ‘the Jews’ but are committing demographic suicide, is the short essay by Glubb, The Fate of… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

This argument follows roughly the same logic (I know I know I’m simplifying): “You claim you are dying because of the acts of Sheldon over there. But everyone dies at some point for usually the same few age related reasons. Therefore I do not think Sheldon killed you or else contributed personally in your demise. Have I even listened to your argument, or examined your evidence much at all? Kind of. But my neighbor down the street just died of old age, nobody forced his death. So you probably were not “killed” either. Yeah I think Sheldon is odd and… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Would you agree that among what is really killing the West are a) massive influx of foreigners, b) loose moral standards in general ranging from sex to work ethics, c) that society makes ‘heroes’ out of singers, actors etc but not ppl who accomplish genuine feats of benefit to society such as scientists, soldiers, discoverers etc, d) the elevation and promotion of women into public positions of leadership? These are the symptoms Glubb establishes for a civilization in the more advanced decadent stages, using the Romans and Golden Age Arabs around 1000 yrs ago. To me it is hard to… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

But that doesn’t address the question of who is most responsible for facilitating the importation of foreigners, the destruction of healthy morality, the elevation of the weaker sex, etc. Is it a self-inflicted wound, the fault of a foreign tribe, or some amalgamation of the two? That declining empires share common attributes isn’t reason enough in 2021 to dismiss the possibility that said decline might be arrested or slowed by dealing with one of the causes.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Suppose it is true that Jews are primarily those responsible for allowing foreigners in. Then the question becomes why do Jews have such influence? Because the host people now think that Jews, and other minorities, should no longer be excluded from making or influencing political decisions. If they think Jews, as a minority, should be allowed to have influence or should be treated as ‘equals’ they probably think the same of non-Jewish minorities as well. And this new feeling that we should be ‘good people’ who treat all others as equals, came originally from the host population itself. How did… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

So your argument is that Sheldon had nothing to do whatsoever with the demise of the deceased man, Weston. Weston hit 50 and boom! like so many before him, he became a degenerate on the fast track to death. Sheldon was a shady person within Weston’s circle of “friends” who merely took advantage of Weston in his corrupted state. But otherwise Sheldon contributed nothing to that corruption and demise? I would disagree with you that Sheldon contributed nothing but the kicking of the ole man when he was down. I’m not even sure he’s doing that now. He’s gotten himself… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

I think it is more the case that I’m saying that Weston has a cough, high fever, fluid in his lungs and bacteria in his sputum. And you’re saying ‘Ahh, Shelton is a shady character, this is clearly a case of poisoning’. But the symptoms are exactly like pneumonia so I think that’s the case even if Shelton is perhaps a shady character.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

I tried to comment before, but I think it got lost in moderation (it might have been too long). I’m copy-pasting an abridged version below. The individual “murder” case isn’t quite the perfect analogy either but if there is one point I want to make its that like homicide, there are varying degrees here– we try to establish intent, but things get both murky and diluted with groups throughout time. I think where we might disagree is the level of culpability regarding Sheldon, and the starting points of decline for Weston. As I said I’m mainly interested in looking at… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

“And this new feeling that we should be ‘good people’ who treat all others as equals, came originally from the host population itself. How did it happen? It happened b/c there was such affluence that they did not feel threatened and therefore felt it was ‘bad’ or even ‘evil’ to deny others ‘equal rights’.” So, someone was slowly poisoned, but it was their own fault because they didn’t detect the poison, weren’t vigilant enough in their suspicions? You are merely moving the burden of blame unfairly onto one party and dismissing the blame on the other. Either that or you… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

“Either that or you don’t understand the true influence these people have had on our society throughout history.” Did they have the same influence in ancient Rome? In Baghdad in year 1100? How about India 2000 years ago or ancient China? I am not saying (((they))) don’t have influence or that there are no malevolent characters among them who wish us harm. I am saying that the fact that they can have influence and in particular, an influence at odds with our vital interests, is because we have gone ‘soft’. If we hadn’t softened up neither they nor any other… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Did they have the same influence in ancient Rome? In Baghdad in year 1100? How about India 2000 years ago or ancient China?…I am saying that the fact that they can have influence and in particular, an influence at odds with our vital interests, is because we have gone ‘soft’. If we hadn’t softened up neither they nor any other foreign group could have manipulated us.” Bone up on Rome and the Jews. And “other empires die w/out JQ” is not an argument against the JQ. You are not providing counter evidence. Just because civilizations tend to follow certain cyclical… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

What you say is true, but is irrelevant to the JQ because your metaphor is not an exact parallel. Nations are complex, decline is multi-factorial, and there is an inevitability to it. More to the point, the best comparison is that of a man seducing a married woman. No matter how you analyze it, both are to blame if she cheats. Sure, he’s wrong to try to seduce her. But she’s also wrong for saying yes. Likewise, the Jews are wrong for pushing degeneracy, but whites are wrong for embracing it instead of saying no.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Our real disagreement is on what is the primary and what is the secondary cause of our growing troubles. We are following a very strong and clear pattern throughout history. Which leads me to say ‘what befell these ppl before us is probably closely related to what is happening with us because the symptoms are so similar.’

You are saying ‘no, we suffer from something entirely different compared to these ancient cases.’

IOW, me: “same pattern, probably same cause”, you: “same pattern, different causes”. On this basis alone, by Occam’s razor or simple probability, yours is the less likely explanation.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

You need to read more about the history of pornography and law before you are so quick to acquit the jews.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Diversity is death. Jews are not only part of diversity, they are the big enablers of diversity.

2 years ago

Jones is far from perfect, but I’m still a pretty big fan of his because of his idea of the revolutionary spirit and how he frames it in moral (Christian) terms most (white) people can relate to. It’s powerful stuff. And I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong about race and ethnicity, simply either behind or ahead of the times. For instance, I see Italians as a kind of cousin even though my identity is in no other way tied up in being Italian. Compare that to blacks, to whom I feel little more kinship than a shared, abstract humanity. Different… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

I’m 15 min into the debate, I wanted to watch it b/c of the comments here that it became an epic slug-fest. Happy that Taylor brought up tigers as an example of subspecies or races. The next paragraph is me failing to resist the temptation to go overboard OT on something I have an abnormal interest in, since the good Jared Taylor brought it up, so if you’re not into big cats pls just ignore: He is right that there are traditionally 9 subspecies of tigers. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the ‘governing body’ of ‘the scientific… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

My impression of Jones from his stuff that rarely pops up in my Gab feed is that he has some sort of personal animosity towards the Jews. I don’t know if that’s the case for sure, and I wouldn’t necessarily hold it against him if he did, but by itself it just doesn’t translate into any kind of general policy. It’s hard enough to discuss those who rule over us without people like Jones jumping in and ranting endlessly about vague generalities and making the eyes gloss over of even those who might be sympathetic to his arguments.* The fact… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

If Jones is an academic and has spent his life in the ivory tower, then his interactions with Jews, who dominate academia, are most probably the origin of his anti-semitism. If you thrive in a contentious atmosphere of back-stabbing political animosity, then a career as a college professor is for you. And the Jew does exceptionally well under those conditions. Hell, Jews were formed as such by millennia of self-absorbed tribal squabbles which justified their existence. Outsider, beware!

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Your last paragraph is fraught with historical ignorance and question begging. I’d say nice try but it wasn’t.

2 years ago

Yes, there are some people who argue (to the extent they are capable of rational argument) irresponsibly about the ‘Jew thing’, to the point Jews do seem to ‘live rent free’ in their mind — but this does not mean the ‘Jew thing’ is not real, i.e. that Jews have inordinate influence, and this inordinate Jewish influence is inordinately damaging to Whites and white societies.

2 years ago

“Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, they exist in two separate domains. The race realists have yet to attempt this connection.” I would say race realists have three big issues to deal with in connecting biology to morality. First, is the question of fatalism vs. free will. Can humans choose their actions or are they fated by their ancestors to do good or bad things regardless of their internal desires? Second, should people be judged individually or collectively? Should black people be slaughtered en masse because they commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes, or should crime be… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Should black people be slaughtered en masse because they commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes, or should crime be viewed as an individual undertaking?

Wide range of choices there bud.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Sure, those are the logical extremes, but most choices will skew either individualist or collective, so thinking directionally is clarifying.

Jim Smith
Jim Smith
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Yes, it’s called “sharpening the horns of the dilemma.”

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

1. Yes there is free will. Due to genetics it may be harder for the Irishman to not drink to excess and it may be harder for the Frenchman to not molest young women, but they are held to our standard while in our lands regardless of the individual struggle needed. 2. Yes. Individual offenses are treated individually, collective offenses collectively. In a collective fight such as war, we do not insist on individual guilt before shooting a particular soldier. The question you are trying to ask is when has a “crime problem” with individual solutions become a race war… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

Hmm, hasn’t Heidi Klum already been “doused” by a a vibrant?

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

“… is race really a crisp biological reality, or is it blurry?” biology (DNA blueprints) -> culture (systematized behavior) -> politics (behaviors dealing with the exercise of power) What do we mean by ‘race’? It is a label that is not consistently used. Traditional notions of race (European, Asian, African) correspond extremely well with large-scale genomic structure. Europeans and Asians have overlapping sets of Neandertal alleles. Asians have some we don’t, and vice versa. Africans do not. Ethnicity is more granular, there being many ethnicities which belong to the same race. DNA (an individual’s set of chromosomes) is the blueprint… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

Zman: “Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, …” Leftist social engineering projects to force behaviors onto people that are not in resonance with their biology are fundamentally immoral because they always cause suffering and death. Leftist social engineering will always fail because biological difference is real and their equalitarianism is fantasy. The races and the ethnicities within each have different preferences for organizing themselves socially, politically, and economically, and there is no one-size-fits-all system that will not immiserate most. The variance in organizational and behavioral preferences is deeply rooted in the variance of our differing biology. The best… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

“The best way forward for humanity is separate states for each ethnicity or federations of similar ethnicities, each member of the federation having its own space for its culture to thrive.”

Precisely. Diversity is the root of almost all strife, conflict and upheaval. How could it be otherwise? Like is far more likely to fight unlike than like. If each nation-state was racially or even ethnically homogeneous, the world would be a far better place. Instead, we’re headed in the opposite direction and the misery quotient rises daily.

2 years ago

Saw the “debate” yesterday and your critique is spot-on. I know Jones, have written for his magazine (not on this topic) and I was surprised–and disappointed–at his cockeyed take on the question.

He’s not entirely wacko on the question of ‘Talmudic Jewish’ as opposed to ‘Torah Jewish’, which is a distinction he rarely makes but should.

Oh, well.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

I think a major sticking point in the debate about race realism vs. social construct revolves around the fact that the great majority of humans have a belief in the “oneness” of humanity. Sure, blacks and Whites look different, but, hey, we’re all the same on the inside! Now, no one knows what’s on the inside. What is a soul? What is a spirit? How can you measure and catalog these things? Whether we ever really know is irrelevant. We don’t know now, so how could anyone say that everyone has the same spark of existence, from amoebas to mankind?… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“Sure, blacks and Whites look different, but, hey, we’re all the same on the inside! Now, no one knows what’s on the inside.”

Joggers surely ought to know, seeing that a large amount of them spend most of their time inside.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“Sure, blacks and Whites look different, but, hey, we’re all the same on the inside!” = “We are one race, the human race.” “We all came from Africa anyway!” All these meme-arguments, stock-phrases stem from the current moral paradigm/cultural narrative. They were not born from individual intellectual thought. They were absorbed via the culture, no rational thought involved. Our culture creates a specific frame through which the individual views these topics. We need to change that frame. Our current moral order worships Equality as its goddess supreme. We need to replace it with a new moral order, one that values… Read more »

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

“Our current moral order worships Equality as its goddess supreme. We need to replace it with a new moral order, one that values things like honor, achievement, natural hierarchy and spiritual integrity. That’s really all there is to it.”

Oh, that’s really all there is to it? Great! We should be finished by next week.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Sounds good, I’ll meet you in Utopia for brunch around Thursday!

Regarding “all there is to it”: yeah that was cringey and misplaced. I’m not picking my words very carefully today and getting ransacked for it. What I meant is, I think that the moral paradigm of Equality is the real meat of the issue. Its like the central nervous system of all our current “debates” or “issues.” Nearly all of them (at least how they are framed) stem from this value, this cultural moral icon of Equality.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Oh, I got it. I was just being a dick.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Just so. And the manifest inequality of the races, punctuated most forcefully by the disparity between blacks and whites, has driven the Left into a frenzy of anti-whiteness. The AWs cannot eradicate the biological superiority of whites to blacks, so they are working to annihilate whites and the civilization they built. They must remove the offending object at all cost.

2 years ago

that review is one reason, among others that I have no time for “Derb”. For years, he was the NR enforcer. The “Right winger” who would attack other Right wingers. He’s still doing it today and taking shots at Hungary’s leader. He got cancelled by NR, when he strayed too far from the party line. Sads.

2 years ago

“ Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, they exist in two separate domains. The race realists have yet to attempt this connection. ”

Z-man, I have been under the impression that such is currently the case. Are there not genes, or alleles, that are associated with violent proclivities that have been identified? And are not these alleles more prevalent in certain races than others? Do we not often say that “culture” is downstream from “biology”?

I’d say that violent behavior in a society which benefits more from cooperative and peaceful behavior is demonstrably immoral.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Whew lad. You are very far off point there. For example, the Han do not have a conception of internalized shame from cheating someone – only from being caught and denounced for it. You honor your family if you cheat and get away with it. Is that compatible with “behavior that benefits society is moral?” Or more extreme: the Bantu of Africa do not have an indigenous word for “rape.” That is just what happens when a female is alone long enough with one of their males. To them, violating a woman is as worthy of censure as answering the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

Very good post, and I agree will all of it, although I would note that there are two different Leftist schools of thought regarding morality. The first, which you allude to, are the postmodern relativists. And I share their views on morality. What constitutes morality in San Francisco, California is parsecs apart from the moral framework that obtains in Herat, Afghanistan. That we attempt to impose the former on the latter is our folly. But there is another, more traditional Leftist morality that believes fully that liberal Western morality is true human morality, and that it must be exported to… Read more »

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

I’m not talking about Han or Bantu’s. I’m talking about Whites in America, or in general Whites in what we term Northern European built countries. In these enclaves—White enclaves—some behavior proclivities of non-Whites I contend to be immoral as well as biological. Hence the connection Z-man finds lacking. I pointed out one small example of findings concerning biological proclivities—not cultural—concerning aggressive and violent behavior as an exemplar. I don’t give a rip about how other races operate in their own homelands. I agree morality is culturally based—but also to a large extent, biological in origin. Bantu’s in Bantuland may well… Read more »

Nicholas R. Jeelvy
2 years ago

The thing about daylight savings time was a (poorly argued) point that the thing measured isn’t the same thing as the unit of measure, and that there’s a dose of arbitrariness in the way in which we measure the thing. So, an hour, which is the unit in which we measure time is not the same thing as an hour’s worth of time. However, the measure is not completely arbitrary either because the day is objectively divided first into day and night, which are equal during equinoxes and secondly into time for work, time for leisure and time for sleep,… Read more »

Reply to  Nicholas R. Jeelvy
2 years ago

Yep. And there are studies which show the “arbitrariness” is not all that arbitrary, or in other terms “inaccurate”. People seem quite adept at self classification and such self classification has been supported to an astounding degree by statistical follow up analysis.

But anyway, that there are “klines” has never been denied by HBD science or RR folk, not]r,for that matter does it really make a difference in social decisions, which are to be bas upon “group” or average differences among races.

Reply to  Nicholas R. Jeelvy
2 years ago

OK. But this whole approach is all rather confusing. The talk of blurred lines and such is fine to a degree. But we know white civilization and it’s yield and we know black civilization and it’s yield. The fruits of both are around us, and it is becoming more and more obvious – without daylight savings time comparisons – where the issues lie.

All I know is that I like living around whites after my own mind. It’s true there could be blacks of like mind, but why take the chance? Race is the thing that will rip us asunder.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

And one must always note that whereas the “good one” you know may make a good neighbor, bowling buddy, or Scout Leader, what will his children be like? Think regression to the mean. Best we remain separate as much as possible.

Reply to  Nicholas R. Jeelvy
2 years ago

I get the impression he argues that point so he can then argue for the conversion of Jews (and everybody else) to the Catholic faith.

The guy is a Catholic’s Catholic, and that’s fine, but he does seem to let his faith inform his insights rather than the other way around.

There’s still much of value in what he says, even if he isn’t always its best spokesman.

2 years ago

A far more formidable opponent to have a debate on the Jewish issue would be Andrew Joyce. He won’t be so easy to take apart unlike the more muddled and seemingly unhinged E. Michael Jones. AJ is very well versed on the topic and doesn’t get distracted. Maybe Frodi can ask the Zman and AJ to debate the Jewish issue.

Reply to  MarcoSolo
2 years ago

The JQ like anything else is also a matter of taste and temperament. Some people just don’t get bothered by them. What can you do? We can debate til we are blue in the face. But one’s temperament isn’t going to change. Any debate between Zman and someone like a Joyce is going to come down to Pepsi vs Coke. What made the Jones vs Taylor debate interesting is that Taylor was not prepared for that line of assault and seemed blindsided and knocked off balance. And Jones made it personal and brought it into the mud. Any future debate,… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I think the JQ goes beyond temperament and taste. For some people the Jewish issue is the central issue which explains the quagmire White peoples find themselves in, while others claim the issue is at best exaggerated and is pushed by cranks and lunatics.
The debate between Taylor and Jones turned out not to be the central debate in dissident White circles, as the vast majority of White dissidents are firmly convinced of race being real and based in biology, whereas the JQ is a clear fault line dividing dissidents.

Reply to  MarcoSolo
2 years ago

That’s what I mean by a matter of taste. You can have the likes of our esteemed host and Taylor feeling a bit uneasy in the presence of a rabid Juice hater, though they agree on everything else. They’d simply rather not deal with it. It’s definitely a schism on the DR. Probably the only one outside of the optics debate and those of tactics. I mean I am far more aligned with Jones on the JQ than either Zman or Taylor, but I agree on pretty much everything else. So it’s a real schism. But I am willing to… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I think one of the main problems is characterizing people who question the motives and actions of Jews as “rabid Jew haters” as if there is no rational reason people have to question them. I certainly would not take anyone seriously who referred to people like Kevin MacDonald or Andrew Joyce in such a fashion.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  MarcoSolo
2 years ago

You describe what is also my experience and impression on the JQ very well.

2 years ago

It seems to me that the “Jew thing” is a stumbling block for the race realists as biologically Jews are mullatoes while Ashkenzi DNA appears to be an amalgam of Europe and West Asia (almost no traceable Arab but very close Persian and Armenian DNA, not surprising as the people who became the Jews migrated south from the Caucasus.) Okay, here goes… Kevin MacDonald. Even K McD fumbles in trying to find a biological basis to what he deems the Jews’ natural inclination, which they can’t help, to subvert their host people. Even the most virulent of all Western anti-semites,… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

I remember when these scientists cloned a cat. This was maybe 10-15 years ago. Ok, so they cloned this one cat and we’re expecting the clone to perfectly resemble the original cat. However, the coat and fur pattern were entirely different. How could that be if the DNA was the same? There is a long way to go before we truly understand how life works. We may never even get there. So expecting DNA and biology codes and forth to explain the entirety of a person or a cat may be wishful thinking. And then there’s the obvious question. Could… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

We recently had two goats born, both boys, paternal twins from the same mom/dad, and despite being only a few weeks old they have different personalities. Goats. I’ve brought it up here before but I think we’ll find it depressing how much of our character is determined by our genes which is why I wouldn’t rule out that “Idiosyncrasies” of Jewish behavior could be genetic (which better makes the case of living apart).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

My guess is there may be varying genetic modes of transport, as it were. There is DNA and perhaps something else we haven’t found yet or that transfers from parents to kids some other way. I’m just speculating, but it may be that DNA is not the only vessel. The fact that a cat’s coat may exist partly outside of the DNA code or partly determined by some other means is pretty interesting to say the least.

God is not going to make finding out his magic tricks easy

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

In the end Jews will have to make a choice, continue as they are or work to help whites/Europeans, they really only have one option IMO

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

My thoughts too. We can fight them head on, which I think equals losing, or we can do end arounds and win on other fronts where they have to then say which team do I want to be on? They are always going to come back to us. But there is a message here that perhaps we can learn from. Might they be telling us we really need to pick up our game ? They need us but drifted away because we were no longer worthy of their parasitism, as it were. Perhaps there is a correlation between the health… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

The problem for good entertainment is that race is such a taboo subject in the English speaking world that nobody with a good argument wants to be in a room (real or virtual) with Jared Taylor.

Still, it hard to argue one point against Jones and that is white is not an identity. There are simply too many diverse white people. White is above ethnicity and ethnicity is where identity comes into play.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Whites on the colonial frontier in Pennsylvania were very diverse and didn’t mix, until Indians started to kill them regardless of their original country. At that point, whites started developing “assabiya.”

Reply to  Major Hoople
2 years ago

True. Just as “Native Americans” are not one cohesive group. They coalesce around issues of shared interest because of the pressure from outside racial groups, otherwise they have no time for each other.

Reply to  Major Hoople
2 years ago

Funny how that happens—when the threat is existential in nature. Question is, when will our “good Whites” again realize this?

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

When it’s too late

But we also can’t discount that other peculiarity of white peoples. That we like to win at the very last moment, backs against the wall, no way out, chances slim, but lo and behold! We did it. Yay. Let’s go celebrate! Who’s buying?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I would say we are already in that position and it is rapidly getting worse and worse.
Whites in South Africa, though trying to hold on are getting worse and worse by the day.

We can only hope that the spirit of our ancestors rise to the occasion and reject all the propaganda and we can take our own side.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

“the ancients had no concept of race.” – True. Because the dominant tribe in every part of the world mostly killed the outsiders, leaving people who were the same as them. Only in the cities of fleeting empires, with centralized authority was this not the case. How long would a pack of Nubians have lasted in England or Germany thousands or even hundreds of years ago? And vice versa. “Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, they exist in two separate domains.” – This is what makes our era unique. They shouldn’t be separate for long, but we’ve had… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

I don’t know about the ignorance wrt race of the ancients. Certainly, there was not the science and descriptive terminology we use today. But when one reads Herodotus, one can’t help but assume he is speaking about what can only be termed various *races*—not just cultures—of the “peoples” he describes. Yes, most of it was simply hearsay from others, but I’m not sure he would consider all those humans as biologically the “same”. But it’s been a very long time since I plowed through his books.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

The parable of the good Samaritan makes no sense if the ancients did not conceive of different races/ethnicities/nations. Peoples at crossroads knew of race, such as the Egyptians regarding nubians versus Assyrians, Hittite, and minoans.

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

The point about sub-Saharans being the linchpin of race reality is a good one. Frankly, I don’t hold other non-whites in particular odium, although I’m not altogether keen on Arabs. I feel reasonably comfortable among Hispanics and the vast majority of Orientals, and these people are not, comparatively speaking, aesthetically traumatic. (Diversity is, first and perhaps foremost, is an aesthetic problem.) Sub-Saharans, on the other hand, are a different kettle of catfish. They are, as Z-man states, the outlier of the human family, and not remotely in a good way. I would put it this way: I would rather live… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

You have not been close enough to mestizos then. They are not like us in any way. Well, at least the more Indian they are. Not to mention Australian Aborigines. They are even worse. Indians (dot) too.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I have extensive experience with a mixed black/white/Hispanic neighborhood. I have tenants of all three types. I’ll take the Hispanics over the blacks any day.

The heavily Indian Mestizo Hispanics tend to be pretty deferential to authority. That makes for sheep-like citizens, but good tenants. It’s hard to say if poor Whites are better than poor Hispanics. Hispanics and cockroaches really are a thing, but I’ve got some White tenant horror stories, too. They’re both much better than blacks.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

I’d have to second that comment. My berg is majority Hispanic. It is most terrible in that it produces crazy Leftist government and subsequent incompetence. But there are no areas that are off limits to Whites as there would be in any city with a large Black population.

Not all races are of equal threat to Whites. And as has been mention previously, low class Whites are also a bane in any environment.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

My father was born in the 30s in a neighborhood in Philadelphia that today is indistinguishable from any neighborhood in South and Central America. It looks like the third world. There are things you will find in both black and mestizo neighborhoods you will never find in white neighborhoods. For example, large open-air drug markets. Even in the worst white neighborhoods in Philadelphia, you cannot just walk along the street and buy drugs. You have to know someone to get drugs. Mestizos may be better than Africans, but they are still not us. They certainly don’t want us around. They… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Tars, no one—not me anyway—argues that they *are* us—just that one needs to distinguish among them. For example, Blacks don’t do well anywhere in large numbers. Hispanic influx in LA has driven Blacks out of their older neighborhoods. They don’t particularly like them either. That can be politically useful, but you won’t get there not understanding differences among the races.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

You are experiencing a particular subtype of Mestizos(not hispanics, too much European mix in their. There is a reason Mexico is such a violent place. And it is the ones who stay in Mexico running the drugs and immigrants.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I’ve lived 47 years in a city that is around 35% Hispanic, and went to a high school that was about 50% Hispanic. And I’ve had Indian friends and been acquainted with many others. I disagree with your assessment, although I know nothing of the Abos. However, like Amerindians, they are such a small group as to be inconsequential.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

“Hispanics” are AmerIndians. There are many 10s of millions of American Indians still around, they just have Spanish names. Large numbers of Mexicans, for example, are entirely American Indian. People get confused by the term “Hispanic” which runs the gauntlet of pure Spaniard to pure Amerindian. So, yes, when you are around pure or near-pure Spaniards, they aren’t bad because they are essentially white Europeans. In Philadelphia, by far the largest “Hispanic” population is Puerto Rican, which has a high percentage of American Indian and even black. Whereas, if you are in Miami, your experience with “Hispanics” is probably near… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I’m not talking about the Indians of Chiapas, or the Chippewa of Michigan who, at any rate, are hardly a factor in AINO. I’m talking about Mestizos, not Indians, and it is Mestizos who are Hispanic.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ostei: I think how one responds to various non-Whites depends on one’s exposure to them. While I never had any particular interest in Oriental culture or history when young, neither did I have any animus towards Asians. After living among them for a few years and then returning to live among them unwillingly back in Numerica, I have strong animus against their mixing with White Western society. And, contra Zman, while they may not bring the irrational savagery that sub-Saharans do, they bring their own sort of social pathologies (which I will not bother to list here). Similarly, when I… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Oh, I readily acknowledge that no race is as physically appealing as whites, and I also do not want to live in a country that isn’t overwhelmingly white, regardless of who the minorities may be. I’m simply stating that, in every respect you care to nominate, blacks are easily the greatest aesthetic blight and are far and away the worst social pests. I wouldn’t find life not worth living in an environment dominated by non-black POC. If I had to live in a society dominated by blacks, OTOH, I’d jump off the Tallahatchee Bridge.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ostei come on—you never make it to the bridge you’d jump off of in an all Black neighborhood. 😉

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

What were you doing up there on Choctaw Ridge?

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
2 years ago

How on earth can you be woke to the JQ but then deny basic racial differences? I thought they were a package deal.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Mr. Generic: Excellent point. While one can play about with terms like ethny or culture, the underlying biological reality does show basic genetic differences, albeit with some overlap. The Juice certainly considered (and still consider) themselves a separate race – that was the entire reason they began their campaign to label race a social construct – to recast White Europeans’ natural identification of ‘the other’ as ‘other’ as a pathological and malicious and learned cultural behavior. I think Z elides that point when he criticizes others’ ‘obsession’ with “the Jew thing.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Genetically, Ashkenazim are 70 to 75% European and 20 to 25% Semitic. The Semitic component is significant enough to classify them as a distinct race or as a mixed-race people.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Actually, I think they classify themselves as ‘a nation.’ That is from the teaching of the Old Testament. For Torah Jews that’s very important. For Talmudic Jews, it’s a convenience.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

That race is a social construct is only something white people believe. when I point this little fact out to normies they protest hard, but then I ask, do blacks believe race is a social contstruct ? do the Chinese ? do Indians ? do Jews believe it, ha ha not a chance, they push the idea hard, but its obvious they don’t believe it, I mean look at Jared Diamond, he writes Guns, Steal and Germs to push the usual agenda, but then he says genetic testing is great because “we can now tell who is really Jewish” but… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Where one stands on the JQ is something of a status and class signifier even on the DR. From my perspective, I see it taking on various forms. It’s Ellis island vs old America. Catholic vs Episcopalian. City vs suburb. Public school vs private school. Working class vs upper class.

But perhaps most importantly, average IQ vs above average IQ.

And all of the pretenses and aspirations thereto.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Because Jews are a religion and ethnicity. Jones can view them through the prism of religion and ignore race (and others can do the opposite if they so choose). Because of the intertwining of religion and ethnicity, Jews act as a Rorschach test of sorts for cultural analysts.

2 years ago

According to some sources, Jones is a sedevacantist Catholic. I can’t verify this.

They tend to be very much into conspiracy theories in general and especially ones involving Jews. They are schismatic Catholics.

Reply to  cameron
2 years ago

He’s a throwback and really nothing more His Catholicism is what I grew up with. The Great Debate was the first time I’d ever heard of him or listened to him, and I kept feeling like I was 9 years old again in CCD. At first I thought he was a crank, but then I caught on to his game. He is a classicist and a man of the letters and arts. For him there is a duality. Even his approach to the debate was a deliberate contrast in forms. It was part education through performance art, to juxtapose passion… Read more »

Reply to  cameron
2 years ago

Jones is a sedevacantist Catholic

Not true. He’s a defender of Francis’ jihad against the Old Rite Mass. That wouldn’t be the case if he thought Francis was not the Pope.

Reply to  dad29
2 years ago

Yeah I saw mixed claims on the internet so I wasn’t sure.

2 years ago

Didn’t see the debate, but Jones has a point. “White” is a social construct, created in the US. Originally, it was limited to people from England and northwestern Europe. Irish weren’t exactly white and Southern and East Europeans definitely weren’t white at all. Then iit began to expand. First Celtic people’s were added to white – so Irish and French and Spanish people came in. Then south Europeans and Slaves. Later still Caucasian people’s like Turks and Armenians and Georgians. Since the civil rights era, the concept has begun to contract. As being white has costs and being a pox… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

People of European descent have a distinct genetic composition, which separates them clearly from Asians and even more so from Africans. The fact that definitions of white have varied in their relationship to biological reality doesn’t confute the reality of whiteness. PS–I’ve heard very little discussion one way or the other regarding whether Turks, Armenians, Georgians, Persians and Afghans are white. If there is an overwhelming genetic overlap of these people with Europeans, then they are white, although I highly doubt that’s the case. Latin Americans who are sufficiently Castilian–think Cubanos, in particular–are white. Being white and living in Latin… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

People of European descent have a distinct genetic composition, which separates them clearly from Asians…

So Turks, Persians, Armenians etc. are out.

Doe that mean Hungarians and Bulgarians are out too?

What about Russians – they’re as mixed race as Latin American meztizos.

What about Greeks and Italians and Spanish? All are highly mixed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  dinothedoxie
2 years ago

The Hungarians and Finns do have Asiatic origins, but they’ve been in Europe for so long that, de facto, they are white. These peoples are ideographic rather than nomothetic, however.

Russians, Greeks, southern Italians and Spaniards certainly have an Asiatic tincture, but are nowhere near as miscegenated as Hispanics or even Ashkenazim. They are certainly white.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

“ Being white and living in Latin America does not negate one’s whiteness.”

Hell, it even dictates your position in that society—as it does in the rest of the world. The more European your countenance (caste) the better off you are.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Yes. And I hear tell Mexico even has a burgeoning anti-white supremacist movement all its very own. As savages stream across our southern border we exchange them for intellectual barbarism.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Well it all depends on how you define Arabs, Nassim Taleb is from the Lebanon and he speaks Arabic, but drop him in almost any country on the Mediterranean and he could pass as one of the locals, take a close look at Bashar al Assad you will notice that he has blue eyes, not exactly an Arab trait I’d consider Persians as white, Armenians and Georgians too, if Iranians were Christians I suspect most people would class them as white, a few years back the Irish footballer Roy Keane grew a beard and in some pictures from certain angles… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

The provenance—and purpose—of that “everybody knows” idea about white people, that Irish, Italians, et al. were ever considered non-white in America, should be of special interest to JQ enthusiasts. They were “ethnic Catholics.” (When’s the last time you heard that phrase? Why is it gone?) The KKK, the WASPs whose W still meant “wealthy” (remember that one, too?), and local rival ethnics often did exclude Poles, etc., but not from “white.” Noel Ignatiev, inventor of current_year Whiteness®, enemy of all that’s true and just in this world, made that shit up. And nobody repeats it more often and with more… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I plan to listen in full later, but a criticism of John Derbyshire’s review is in order. While he nailed the primary problem with MacDonald’s theory–a genetic basis for political behavior, he concluded with what is little more than NAXALT, to wit, he had Juish neighbors as a child in England and they were wonderful people. Now, imagine someone attacking HBD on the basis of they have black friends who are wonderful people. How would Derbyshire respond? Exactly as he should. I’m agnostic on MacDonald but his work with wolves and evolutionary behavior was solid. Further, his analysis of Juish… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

After 200 generations of focused inbreeding to select for certain traits, a genetic basis for political behavior is baked into the cake.

To infer that politics, which demand group action above all, are not culture- which springs from biology- is ludicrous. “Identity politics” is not a social construct.

2 years ago

Isn’t there some genetic market that all non African humans share?

If a biologist were considering some other animals with similar genetics they would say that it evolved in African, and then a sub species migrated out and further split into more sub species, But the African and Non African lineages were the great divide.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Taylor presented a genetic groupings image that pretty much showed that, with blacks all by their lonesome on the one side of the page. Everyone else was on the complete other side of the page and strung loosely together top to bottom. I had to laugh, it is kinda funny. But it’s something I have seen myself in just everyday comings and goings. Every race, to put it bluntly, doesn’t exactly like blacks, they are just weird and foreign. But everyone else can find ways to get along with everyone else. When I go this one market you see this… Read more »

Pickle Rick
Pickle Rick
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Every human outside of sub-Saharan Negroes have Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA.

“The percentage of Neanderthal DNA in modern humans is zero or close to zero in people from African populations, and is about 1 to 2 percent in people of European or Asian background. The percentage of Denisovan DNA is highest in the Melanesian population (4 to 6 percent), lower in other Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander populations, and very low or undetectable elsewhere in the world…”
They literally are a different species.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

Every human outside of sub-Saharan Negroes have Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA.

That’s a supposition.

I’m referring to a specific variation of mitochondrial dna that is verifiable in every human being.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

Methinks the Neanderthals were actually the bright ones…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Stupid means the sabertooth, mammoth, or dire wolf wins.

2 years ago

Well it’s not just the Joos either. All The Usual Suspects have fan clubs with kids like Jones. Go over to Jim’s Blog, and he’ll tell you that all women childish, vindictive, hysterical, unfaithful – and that they are all secretly turned on by S&M, and testosterone fuelled he-men like Jim himself – who rules his woman with an iron fist. There was even some vibrant pakie that worked for the CBC that got into trouble for beating his girlfriend up – and Jim held that guy up as the picture of the modern patriarch. It was hilarious the way… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

A general truth like “women are attracted to masculinity” gets turned into “all women want to be raped by an AK-47 wielding Afghan warlord” through the magic of Jim.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Who’s Jim?


He’s kind of a character but looks like a toe or penis. I can’t decide which.

He needs a better camera at least to give his head some needed three dimensionality. That cheap go-pro thing he’s got is not doing him any favors.

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

He was the one in Dlive chat hurling childish insults. Mr. Bowtie the senile guy and such.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“Jim” is the proprietor of “Jim’s Blog” which is popular with a particular group of neoreactionaries. They are probably more focused on the “woman question” than on the JQ or on race.

Reply to  cameron
2 years ago

Thanks !

Comment filler…………….

Reply to  cameron
2 years ago

Hoo boy. Jim’s Blog is like reading “Slave Vixens of Gor”.

2 years ago

I hope where one falls on the spectrum of the Thing doesn’t become a form of DR virtue signaling. I get it, we are trying to market in a positive direction, but it’s not working. One thing that became apparent in the debate, and something even Taylor seemed to concede the day after, is that “whiteness” has largely become what Z would refer to as the stick. It gets thrown and a bunch of white guys go running after it like dogs. Jones had a very important point, partly buried away in his mad hatter routine, but that the very… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Of all of the replies here I find yours the most cogent. If you want to look at this debate as either or , you will miss the good points. Whiteness when really examined is like you say not enough motivate. Coalitions work much better, aske the Left. I am with the Euros with much of this but make no mistake if ever things were not so bad they would go back the ugly crude American meme. I know people who have lived among Swedes and Finns and believe me this alliance goes so far. We are discarded euro trash… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

We are discarded euro trash to them when all is said and done. Right Felix?

I hope I haven’t given anyone that impression.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I’m sure that he was just joking.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

We’re not? Now how am I gonna pick up wimmens?

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Vox Day had this very conversation with Greg Johnson a few years back on Counter Currents radio.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Most Whites, IMHO, don’t dwell on race–and some of us view racial identity as so primitive as to be repugnant. Most of us identify by ethnic heritage, sex, generation, religion, region, or even the cities we live in. I believe that Taylor is of Scots-Irish background–the Other, Protestant, Ulster Irish. While I admire them as an ethnic group, they strike me as the least-ethnically-conscious group in the U.S. When I worked in the Austin/San Antonio area, the Cervenkas, Kubiaks and Kubiceks in the area identified as Czechs, whereas the McNeils, McMasters and Fergusons viewed themselves as “White.” Thus I believe… Read more »

Reply to  Crabe-Tambour
2 years ago

I tend to agree, but it seems to me these Whites that feel repugnance toward race realism don’t practice what they preach—and perhaps that’s all that’s needed to advance the cause, but you need to be subtle when working with them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Crabe-Tambour
2 years ago

Why is racial identity crude, yet ethnic identity is not? Whites are being attacked qua whites, not because we’re Czech, Scottish or French. So, crude or not, we’d be well advised to rally together as the race we are and work toward our own interests.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Mr. Falcone,

Excellent comment.

The issue is unless you retreat into an ethnic ghetto, your children will continue down the road of multi-cultural American mush. The Italian/ Irish/ Pole / Lithianian race-riot refugees living in the Chicago ‘burbs are not a fit counter measure to Globohomo. Lithuanian/Italian or Greek/Irish hybrids may have a lower mutational load (and higher orthodontist bills), but they make themselves that more prone to exploitation by focused tribes.

Of equal concern is how to get past a genetic predisposition to bug out? All of my ancestors were the guys who said “f#@! that, I’m leaving”.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

I hear ya. My “vision” as it were is basically a war effort. It may not be practical or realistic. But it would entail basically leaders from various communities or coalitions joining together in an alliance. I mean, our enemies sort of have us where they want us. The American program in general, the melting pot, may have been devised for this very purpose, to mix people up ethnically (Heinz 57) so they can’t find ways to coalesce at the gut level. But you will find that the old ethnic neighborhoods, though smaller, still have that sense of cohesion and… Read more »

Stephanos Xytegenios
Stephanos Xytegenios
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

As Greeks, we always understood the concept of whiteness to be a very Anglo word for an Anglo world. Hence if you were to tell us to fight for the “Whites”, we would shrug our shoulders and move on. If you told us to fight for the Hellenic world, however, we understand that very well. The same for an Ethiopian as well. They won’t fight for “Blacks”, but they will fight for Abyssinians. The race realists as far as I can tell can’t seem to understand the concepts of ethnos.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Jones did not come across as a nice person. Jones was up against a true gentleman who presented a well researched case. Jones was like the leftist school marm barking at the kids in class incoherently only about Jews. There really are problems with Jewish power in modern society but it’s not just the Jewish power that is the issue, there are other factors including the perversion of Christianity or some might say that Christianity’s natural universalism is part of our civilizational problem. I am a Christian who believes in the merits of the biological racial differences argument, I have… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

He’s definitely found a home at, among the Haxos and Ultrafarts and other inmates at what seems like an online asylum (no sharp objects around, I guess). It’s definitely an eclectic site, but I wonder how comfortable Steve Sailer and Bertie Woostershire feel amongst the fulminators–columnists and commentariat alike.

David Wright
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

I have seen enough of Jones to know that as far as personal / people skills go, he has none. Inconsiderate to those close to him. Gottfried got banished early on but remained jovial but time and resentment may have had something of an effect on Jones. Saying that, he’s not crazy, senile or any of the other slams midwits attribute to him.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

His scholarship is very impressive, and it did in fact make him the more impressive figure. The debate was something of a renowned classical scholar versus a magazine journalist, and though Taylor had the better presentation he did not measure up to Jones in terms of the pure power of personality. Jones also dictated the tempo. He had Taylor running after him rather than the other way around, which is why I say he won the street fight but not the debate. There were shades of Trump vs Cruz. That’s my honest take. I also think Taylor has got to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I have no idea what that means, Zman I later listened to various podcasts with Jones. Again, I had never before heard of him, but there is no denying his erudition and scholarship. Taylor, for all his skills and so forth, is not in the same league. And that showed, whether you or anyone wants to admit it or not. Would YOU get into a debate with Jones on topics of Greek history, as an example? Do you feel confident enough in your scholarship to go against him? I sure as shit wouldn’t. But I’d fight him on areas I… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

On a personal level I can deal with Jones and his personality much more than Taylor. Jared does come off as condescending and a bit phony. I get it, his pedigree, Yale education and such have some to do with it. Taylor still has balls though and I respect him highly for what he has endured.

I do understand Irish Catholics very well which leads me understand where Jones distinctions come from.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Jones would say the problems in Christianity is the influence of Jews.
ANd its true. Jews did inspire a lot of heresy

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Z, you mentioned in your Sunday Thoughts podcast that a good debate is often between two people who are generally on the side but have some differences. I agree. Two people with diametrically opposed worldviews have a hard time finding enough common ground to have an actual debate. With that in mind, I’d love to see a debate (actually, a bit of a re-match) between Taylor and Steve Sailer. (Or between you and Sailer.) Both are race realists but from that starting point, they diverge on where to go. Taylor lands on white identity/ethno-nationalism as the way out while Sailer… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I agree that Sailer seems nervous about being “tarred” by associating with certain groups. Despite sticking to his HBD aware guns, Sailer still seems to want the approval of the establishment pundit class and a place like AmRen would definitely close that door. (Murray is the same way.) Honestly, I don’t understand why Sailer cares, but even if he does, he has to know that they’ll acknowledge him, certainly not now. Regardless, his Citizenism is probably the closest thing to an alternative that our side could imagine working. It’s mostly a race-aware America First strategy. Citizenism is Steve’s great answer… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Sorry, meant to say that the establishment would never acknowledge, much less approve, of Sailer.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Steve Sailer really can’t defend his citizenism/civic nationalism. I’m not saying it’s because he’s not smart enough. If anyone could do it, Sailer could. You (Citizen of a Silly Country) and, to some extent, one or two others regularly point out the failings of Sailer’s civic nationalism in the comments section to his blog. Neither Sailer nor his acolytes in the comment section ever really address your points. It’s more or less a one-sided debate. I think that Sailer somehow understands the failure of his beliefs to hold up to reality. But the alternative is too horrible for him to… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Federalist
2 years ago

Yeah, I also don’t think that anyone can defend Citizenism very well. It’s a failed policy at this point (Trump was its last hope) and that’s very clear. Steve genuinely seems to be a very nice guy. He also really enjoyed his childhood and younger years in California. I think that makes it very hard for him to come to grips with 1) our elites really hate us and want us dead and 2) we are never going back to the old America and need to break this country apart. However, I’m not going to lie, Sailer’s unwillingness to face… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Federalist
2 years ago

Z, that’s why I like ethno-nationalism. It’s moral and practical all at once. It’s also simple which means everyone can understand it and difficult to manipulate.

Why can’t this guy come into the country?

Because he’s not one of our people.

Japan for the Japanese, so to speak. The moral argument is that the Japanese have a right to exist and continue as a people. It’s also practical in that we can look at the guy and know he’s not Japanese. There’s not much to debate or define.

Reply to  Federalist
2 years ago

Who decides what is beneficial to the current citizens?

PJBuchanan’s position was that immigrants must be culturally compatible with this country. And that, in his formulation, meant that immigrants must be of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. (Let’s not quibble over that term yet..)

That earned him the disgust and derision of the Globaloney Crowd, but that’s because they insist-stupidly–that religion is irrelevant.

You’d think that by now they’d have learned something about Mohammadans, but it’s not THEIR children who are in combat.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I don’t blame him for not wanting to be smeared as one the cretins allegedly on our side. But the desire to please lefty and remain in his good graces is a habit people really need to shake. The only way to remain in lefty’s good graces is to abandon every position that differentiates you from them. They have a zero tolerance policy, at least for anything important to them. You can argue about the top marginal tax rate or about “illegal” immigration, but you really cannot touch the progressive narrative in anything but praise or to take even further.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“But the desire to please lefty and remain in his good graces is a habit people really need to shake.” Yes. This is an attitude still held by many who ought to know better. But ‘acceptance by lefty’ is one helluva drug. ” The only way to remain in lefty’s good graces is to abandon every position that differentiates you from them.” This is becoming harder to do now, at least in my opinion, for normal people. It is hard to not observe the looks of disgust on normie’s face when ‘tranny story hour’, ‘normalization of homosexuality’ and other deviancy… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I don’t know if they’re trying to remain in the lefts good graces per se. It’s really hard to influence policy makers if they dismiss you out of hand. On the other hand, if they are committed to an insane cause, they are beyond influence so who cares if you can speak to them…

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Sailer has said he supports affirmative action for descendants of slaves. Sort of as a price to pay for our original sin. His idea is to limit it JUST to American blacks.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I’ve reached the conclusion that iSteve is a basically decent guy who has toiled in semi-obscurity for years.

He is a product of a very specific time and place.

I think his unfortunate perspective on Beer Flu is driven by his personal battle with cancer.

Those things are not going to change.

2 years ago

I was bummed that they didn’t publish the after panel recording with Z on it.? Has anybody found a third party recording? I’ve heard comments along the lines that Jones came for a street fight whilst Taylor prepared for a college debate. Rings true. I am sympathetic to the argument that blacks, and their deficiencies, are less problematical than our elites who hate us. Ex. When blacks invariably fall short academically the only explanation can be white racism. Blacks, on their own, wouldn’t come up with this particular libel, or make stick. I guess it arguable the extent Jewish animosity… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Here ya go. Hopefully I can get through spam filter!

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

A critique, if I may. One of the great successes Leftie has had over us is marketing. He can sum up his morality, his virtue, his motivations, his desires for a better tomorrow AND shut down any possible disagreement or rebuttal – and put it on a bumper sticker. We have scholars doing 4 hour presentations complete with infighting, lunatic guest speakers, jargon, inside jokes, you name it. Even if it IS top notch material, I don’t have 4 hours to spare, never mind Normie who has a full time job, kids, and other hobbies of his own. If brevity… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

This is my beef with Rollo Tomassi over at the Rational Male.

He makes good points, but he could easily edit down his podcasts to 30-45 minutes to make his points because there is so much redundancy and empty filler in his typical 3+ hour runtime.

He insists that he needs the 3+ hours.

I think he’d grow his subscriber base tremendously if he abbreviated his podcasts.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago


For me, I’m sorry, but it’s 30 minutes, tops. For a cracking good writer and content creator… maybe an hour. Any more than that… welp, I gotta life. I have chores, I have errands, commitments and deadlines like everyone else – and a 3~4 hour show filled with prattling and banter is a time sink I cannot afford. You have to earn people’s time and too many would-be speakers and voices don’t get that.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The best answer – at least to me – to the “race is a social construct” line has always been the example of dog breeds. Dog breeds are, of course, social constructs. But that doesn’t make their differences less real. Same with colors. We decided to call a certain wave length that our eyes pick up as the color red. Why the name “red?” Where does red end and orange begin? Hard to say, which means that the color red is definitely a social construct, but that doesn’t make it any less real. Normies seem to understand this and gets… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I call it the curse of the midwit. The midwit hears something that seems “complex” and think that if they associate with it, they must be smart (because smart people deal with complexity of course). To the midwit, the most convoluted answer must necessarily always be the correct answer. Its even better if that answer “bucks” tradition and long held beliefs. All of this of course leads them into all sorts of problems. They often ignore the simple truth as it slaps them in the face. They haven’t even thought about the basic ideas of linguistics or epistemology. So you… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Yeah, I don’t try to push it too far with people, but everything that has a word attached to it is a social construct. Why did we use the word “table” to describe this thing. Does a table have to have four legs. Can it have three and still be a table.

That object is called der Tisch in German. The fact that an American doesn’t know what Tisch means doesn’t mean that the table doesn’t exist.

The fact that something is a social construct doesn’t make it less real.

Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Ah. And you, no doubt, are the poor beleaguered MENSA intellectual, Reynard? Cursed by your scintillating intellect? Good heavens. If our enemies were lumpen morons, they wouldn’t be giving us the thrashing we are getting. We would own the public places, the institutions and industry. That blithering ignoramus, Vox Day, for all his vaunted intellect – gets banned from every social space he shows up in, is hated and despised by at least 50% of the people that would otherwise agree with him, and has been reduced to making his living by hussling bad SF and second rate comic books.… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

I wasn’t trying to offend, and I’m not claiming to be a galaxy-brained misunderstood genius. I don’t use the term “midwit” to mean someone of middling or average intelligence. Its mainly about the people who only value opinions based on how smart they think it will make them appear. Maybe I should change my term. “If our enemies were lumpen morons, they wouldn’t be giving us the thrashing we are getting.” Yeah I agree with that. The comment I made (“tree” etc.) is one I’ve brought up with normal people during discussion. Nothing like a major debate against the top… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

There has to be another element within the definition of “midwit”—other than IQ.

I agree with your definition and your repeated description of “midwittery”, which seems a bit clearer/more understandable than Dutton’s. However, I don’t perceive many—if any—midwits in this group, albeit I bet we are not the high IQ bunch touted as to be beyond midwittery by Dutton. 😉

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

If my comment seemed offensive because of how simple it was, I really think sometimes we really do need to just break things down to their simplest components. In my experience, really, alot of people need it to be broken down to that type of discussion. Most discussion on these topics gets lost in the clouds of specific terminology, etc. The “race doesn’t exist” argument is essentially just a semantical word-game. They have just rewritten the definition of race, moved the goal posts and created an unrealistic burden of proof. So I find it useful to bring the topic back… Read more »

Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Indeed. Keeping it simple is really a must. Thus, if you’re really serious about ‘converting’ someone, terse yet jarring sentences are the way to go. Maybe a parable if you’ve got the time, Christ was quite good at that.

To be honest, if you know a chap who is on the level and probably just needs a nudge, then coming outright and saying certain things is very helpful. Anti-white is a brilliant term for this because it captures how many actually feel.

And it is all about ‘teh feeelz’.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Right, also Justice, or courage. Are they “categories of the mind? ” Well, yes. Do they exist? Plato thinks so.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Climates are “social constructs” (things that we give names and categorization to). There are differences between humid tropical and polar desert that matter.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I would just point to how unhappy blacks are. And, since they are equal in all ways to Whites, they should be able to build their own civiliation ON THEIR OWN!

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Dog breeds is a good one. We speak here about the aspect of race and it’s connection to behavior—or whether there is even a connection. Well, I don’t know any dog owner that will not readily confess to/describe dog breeds in terms of innate behavior. Some dogs smart, some dumb, some natural hunters or herders, some friendly some aggressive, etc. Yet, all breeds can mate with each other and often are crossbred in order to express/combine such behaviors.

And so it is with people.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Dog breeds are, of course, social constructs. But that doesn’t make their differences less real.”

And their differences don’t need to be a source of conflict between them. I say this as someone who owns dogs of different breeds. They live together pretty well, with minimal conflict. Of course, this is possible when you have a strong master and a clear hierarchy, so maybe the issue isn’t breeds but leadership…

2 years ago

Being someone who has on a random occasion met Jones personally, it’s not surprising the debate went as it did. I actually a book of his, “The Slaughter of Cities”, which interestingly enough, had very little on Jews and was a very normie friendly book on blacks used as bio-weapons against ethnic communities. Getting into the discussion of the book, he quickly started deviating on a tangent with my apolitical normie wife about (((you know who))), which I had to intervene on. Once his wife came to his side, he started talking more like a normal person, which just shows… Read more »

2 years ago

“This has always been the failing of the Right. They have always assumed that once they proved their case, the other side would have no choice but to throw down their weapons and embrace them as brothers. This is not reality. Unless one can connect biological reality with morality, they exist in two separate domains.” You have to start anew with the youth. The culture of all current generations is corrupted and cannot be changed. We will never alter the current moral order of the masses. We are in the long-game now. The last time I spoke to someone about… Read more »

blue eyes/brown eyes
blue eyes/brown eyes
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

what i never could understand is why people don’t just accept the hand they were dealt instead of trying to steal aces from the other players..

Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

If one just simply looks around one’s immediate environment and sees those things of great utility and therefore importance, one should be able to assess that they were not the work of low level intellects. They were the work of our “betters”. Sometimes just a single man, but most often a group of better men, one working off the findings of the other.

I am grateful for their efforts and my life is made infinitely better by all such men. To cut the legs off tall people does not make one taller—only less mindful of one’s mediocrity.

Felix Krull
2 years ago

So that’s the famous E. Michael? For some reason I’ve never gotten around to any of his stuff. I sat through Jared’s boilerplate intro, curious to see what all the fuzz about him, and the guy goes on like he’s Jordan Peterson three days without his meds: metaphysic woowoo right out of the gate, unable to explain what he’s even arguing.

No thanks, I’d rater see Jared debate a rational person.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I’m not sure you can even call him a tradcath. He seems to think the traditional Latin Mass is a Jewish plot to suppress Jew questioning among Catholics. He’s also a big apologist for Vatican II which is not a popular position for tradcaths to take. For me Jones’ biggest problem is he doesn’t think/speak extemporaneously. A couple years ago I binged a bunch of his guest appearances and he has some dozens of scripts he rehearses over and over again. He’ll be on a podcast and just execute scripts that are tangential to the specific subject someone raises. It’s… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

” the guy goes on like he’s Jordan Peterson three days without his meds: metaphysic woowoo right out of the gate”

lol right on the money, my impression too