The Nature of Tyrants

In the West, the morality of the state has been determined by how much or how little it respects the basic rights of its citizens. During the Cold War this was a critical measure used to justify foreign policy. The American government claimed it was within its rights to overthrow South American governments that got too chummy with the Soviets because they would endanger the rights of their people. On the other hand, they would back anti-communist dictators because they were better than communists.

There was a lot of lying and dissembling on this issue, but the principle was important to Western governments, so they made a big show of it. In America, for example, this meant protecting property rights from the excesses of the state. As a practical matter, it meant the state had to prove they had good reason for violating your rights before the court would permit them from doing it. They had to get a warrant, for example, before tapping your phone or riffling through your papers.

Government is always a blunt instrument and men are not angels so to avoid office holders and bureaucrats from abusing the rights of the people they first had to demonstrate there was a compelling government interest in declaring your backyard a wetland or banning a certain activity. Put another away, it was the duty of the government to make the affirmative argument. Citizens did not have to justify their rights to exercise them. They were assumed.

Property is a useful metric in this regard because it is simple and the economic basis of Western society. Even in feudalism property rights were respected, because ownership was what made the system possible. The right to speak out or organize are up for debate to some degree, but the right to own the fruits of your labor is the starting point for social organization in the West. It is what makes communism alien and why it has always been the domain of outsiders and subversives.

In the United States, property rights barely exist now. This story about the Feds smashing into a private business and taking their stuff sounds like something from North Korea or maybe Australia. For reasons they feel no need to explain, they broke into a private bank vault and stole the property of the customers using the service and refuse to return the property. By any reasonable moral standard, this is theft and worse, it is legal plunder. The state is plundering the citizens.

Like all criminals, conmen and sociopaths, the state is throwing up a dust storm of legal points to distract from the moral point at the center. In a just society, is it appropriate to take the goods of the people without first demonstrating that the state has a reason for seizing that property? The answer is obvious. By Western standards, this is immoral and the sort of thing that justifies revolution. In fact, it is this sort of behavior that justifies the very existence of the United States.

This is not an atypical story. The Federal government now routinely seizes the property of citizens without justification. Nick Fuentes, the young firebrand nationalist, had his bank accounts seized by the government. They have not explained why they took his money, and they refuse to even acknowledge it. One day he had money in his account and the next day it was cleaned out. The bank finally told him it was the government, but it took them weeks to get around to telling him.

The general violation of property rights is now the norm. The tech oligarchs, for example, strongly oppose private property. If they don’t like what you are saying on your website, they will steal your domain name. They will collude to limit your ability to hold a job or have a bank account. What used to be a sacred right of all people is now up for debate with an unelected oligarchical class as the judge and jury. What is yours is theirs and what is theirs is theirs and they own everything.

It is tempting to call this feudalism as people have a cartoonish understanding of the term and the times from which we get the term. The fact is the typical feudal lord had a greater respect for property rights than anyone in authority today. The authority of the lord was rooted in property rights. He respected the rights of small landowners, because he expected his lord to respect his rights the same way. The upper cast of modern society has no respect for the people in the least.

This is the critical thing to understand about the modern authoritarian. They no longer respect what used to be the common morality of the West. The ultimate constraint on feudal excess was that universally accepted morality with regards to property, the law and governance. Most people were illiterate, even the rulers, so the letter of the law was not paramount. It was the spirit of the law that mattered. In fact, it was this respect for the spirit of the law on which authority rested.

Today, the people in charge have no respect for the law or the concept of law, so their agents just do as they please. In fact, they take pride in trampling the rights of the people, because it pleases their masters. The goons prosecuting the January 6th protestors, for example, take a sadistic pleasure in the torment they are inflicting on the people caught in their trap. Their intentional cruelty has become a positional good, something that elevates them in the eyes of the oligarchs.

The Declaration of Independence is a remarkable document that is mostly remembered for the opening lines. Even though those lines have been abused by the very tyrants that now rule over us, the document is a remarkable expression of Western thought and Anglo-Saxon morality. After the long bill of indictment against the king, a list familiar today, there is this line. “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

The beauty of that line is that it qualifies the moral depravity of the tyrant by juxtaposing it against the nature of a free people. A people who sit idly by as their rulers trample their ancient rights are getting the government they deserve. A free people, in contrast,  must hold their prince to the highest moral standard. It is immoral for them to do otherwise, as it violates that which defines them as free people. Every tyrant issues his own death warrant to the free people he seeks to oppress.

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3 years ago
Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

I’m curious if anyone knows how the proposed vaccine mandate extends to Native Americans?

Would a business, casino, hospital, or medical center which is located on tribal land be compelled to vaccinate their Native American staff?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

The various tribal lands are quasi-sovereign entities and have their own police forces and health services. Although word is the Indian Health Service is on par w/ the VA. Even if a governor issued a mandate, I doubt the Tribal Authority would enforce it.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
3 years ago

The rez (Indian reservation) is still full-on hardcore masking, temperature checks, distancing, non-smoking, limited crowd size, closed to outsiders, everything.
They have a little history with paleface diseases.

But then, there’s Lithuania.

The link is life under the “Opportunity Pass”. Holy schmidt.
Holy effing eff.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Further down the article on Lithuania, the vaxxed case rate is rising. Government schnooks pronouncing “the virus that is the unvaccinated”.
Look at the happy faces of those smug…females.
Let us not forget our crowd psychology:

This winter, or the next, we heretics will be hanging from trees.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Sorry. Also, “fourth and fifth boosters are planned within several months”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

I wonder how long it’ll take governments to understand that boosters every six months for a virus that mutates every three or one is a losing proposition. Not to mention all the other collateral damage from idiotic, dictatorial policies.

As stated in some other message, or maybe the “Spartacus” document, about the last thing a government will ever do is admit it was wrong! We are in for a long slog.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

The problem is not “boosters” per se, but the suspicion—or caution, that each booster enhances an autoimmune reaction of the subject. I tend to believe this. It is built into the technology of the mRNA technology.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Lithuania is tiny enough that it makes an ideal WEF test bed.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

14 countries. They are pulling this kind of crap in 14 European countries. God save our friend Karl Horst.

I’d agree with the Davos sentiment, but we weren’t the problem. India had 300 million in 1960. Egypt had what, 10? Nigeria, about 5? WE weren’t the goddam problem!

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Which “Res” though? The really big one? And the Pueblos?

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

The rez near me, one of the Iroquois tribes, has been fairly blase about Covid for many months now.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

Answering RoBG, the Navajo/Hopi tourist towns on I-40 thru Arizona-New Mexico.

Probably due to the heavy volume of outsider traffic, per what KGB says. I don’t know about the really big rez going up towards the Utah corner, but I’ll start eyeballing the other casino lands.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

“They have a little history with paleface diseases”

How about yellowface diseases?

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

The only thing I know wrt the Indian reservations is that they run ridiculous ad’s wrt to their casino Covid precautions concerning masking and distancing and such—waaay worse than restaurant mandates here in the county. So bad that I looked at wife and said, “Is it me, or does watching this ad make you never want to visit their casino?”

Of course, the scary part is wife (wisely) responded that most old folk would be attracted to such inane “precautions”. We are doomed.

3 years ago

There’s a huge private property grab underway, intended to gouge the middle class in California. SB9 is designed to “destroy the suburbs” and separate the middle class from their life savings, by removing zoning from towns and municipalities and putting it in state hands. “Affordable housing” is the slogan. This is being done in conjunction with building entire blocks of mass housing for peasant workers. Block-long buildings several stories have been going up for years in Los Angeles and parts of the Bay Area for unskilled workers. In our area, new mass transit for the unskilled workers has been put… Read more »

Reply to  AnotherAnon
3 years ago

I spent many years trying to wake up and persuade people in San Fran about massive immigration and housing density issues. They thought I was crazy or evil.

FVck ’em. They deserve it.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 years ago

In the book “Charity’s Blade,” the USA has a break away white republic. The USA hits the whites with biological and neutron bombs but they survive.

Eventually, the whites from the USA start fleeing to the white republic and have to deal with the anger that they encounter for waking up so slowly and being so stupid.

Reply to  AnotherAnon
3 years ago

AnotherAnon: As Line said, f&ck them – they deserve it. And all those Calis will pack up and head for Texas and Colorado and Idaho, and immediately begin recreating their leftist homeland. Even the ones who call themselves conservatives – all they mean is they’re repukes; almost none of them are actually nationalist and heaven forfend they subscribe to White identity. I’d like to blockade them and force them to live with their affordable housing neighbors.

3 years ago

[…] ZMan gets back to basic. […]

3 years ago

In the card game “Hearts”, there is a gambit known as “shooting the moon”, which essentially means betting the ranch on a risky course of action and knowing that it is all or nothing for you at the end of the play. That is what the Prog Elites are doing with all the crazy and lawlessness they are perpetrating with ever increasing intensity. They’ve pushed all the chips into the pot and are going for broke, no matter the consequences. They desperately want to foment Civil War 2.0 because that justifies going full-tilt authoritarian tyranny and then using their Jackboots… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Some discussion of this reminds of the end of the book Diamond Age where (spoilers) after the global elites, who were paranoid about a tech insurgency, were done in by a barbarian mob pouring over their border. Much the same if nothing else: while they’re laser-like focused on a white person using the ‘n’ word a bunch of Haitians will kick down their door and put a flaming tire around their neck so that they can consume their liver.

The artist formerly known as Judge Smails
The artist formerly known as Judge Smails
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

They will die happy knowing that they prevented a nasty deplorable from uttering the “n” . If they have enough time before they are necklaced they will probably sign over the deed to their house to the Haitians and introduce his wife and kids to their new ” family”.

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

I have heard your argument many times over the past 2 years

The thing is, if they try to instigate a civil war and nobody shows up, they win by default.

If you fight you might lose and get crushed. If you don’t fight, you better get comfortable with your chains.

Reply to  Sand Wasp
3 years ago

Many, if not most, of the combatants on both sides of WWI & WWII were alphas that fought valiantly in near equivalent measure and then died in huge numbers thereby forever altering the gene pool of their nations. You don’t beat a modern tyranny by dying valiantly, you beat it by winning. During Civil War 1.0, good men died by the tens of thousands in numerous major battles that were ultimately near stalemates. Rather than lose thousands on the firing line in Civil War 2.0, I’m suggesting that a much small number of unknowns thinking outside the box can be… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Agree and amplify. Now I’m not saying that one will never die a blaze of glory, but resistance takes many many forms. Anything involving firearms is probably going to get you killed quickly. But there are man avenues to explore. Now might be a good time to read up on Solzhenitsyn and other history of Soviet Russia or similar repressive regimes. What resistance, or just plain inefficiencies, were there? You don’t even need to break anything. Be a cog in the machine. But be a not very effective cog. Yes, perhaps sometimes you want to completely disable a machine. But… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

“The hive is betting that they can keep this country running without Caucasian males. It’s time to put that delusion to the test.“ Bingo. Nothing more to be said. But hell, I’ll say it anyway. We are in the same boat—sort of. We have a belief in HBD science. Whether expressed or not, we believe in the “critical fraction”—that proportion of the above average population needed to maintain and expand the technology of a first world country, like the USA. Immigrants as we now “accept” a not up to such a task. Every day we have more and more of… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Meanwhile, in New York State, approximately 20% of public health workers are terminated as of midnight Monday, for refusing to take an experimental medication that is of unknown safety and demonstrably limited value. Oh, did I mention that (so far as I know) this is illegal on the part of the government — to force an unapproved (an “emergency use” is not truly approved) procedure upon unwilling people?

This hasn’t ended, and it’s going to end very badly 🙁

Hi ya!
Hi ya!
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

There shouldn’t even be a reason to not take medicine. I should have to say, “I don’t think aspirin has been tested enough, I’m not going to take it!” That’s how bad things are, WE are giving excuses as to why we won’t be forced to take medicine.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Now they’re working to trap the Navy SEALs into taking the jab:

Once they’ve managed to do this, they can turn around and say stuff like,

“You can be just as brave and tough as a SEAL…all you have to do…is take the jab…”

Rabbi Jesus
Rabbi Jesus
3 years ago

Make sure to keep turning the other cheek or I’ll burn you in hell.

Reply to  Rabbi Jesus
3 years ago

Keep kicking that dog until he bites, then shoot him!

The Greek
The Greek
3 years ago

Our current system is far worse than feudalism. Serfs were generally taxed about 25% of their harvest. With federal, state, and property taxes, I think everyone on here is probably close to double that. Modern America makes productive people something in between serfs and slaves.

3 years ago

Oh for gosh sakes, people. Your booster subscription comes out of your paycheck with automatic withholding. Your Q-code is generated right away almost all of the time. What are you complaining about? This way everybody is covered. That’s what we all want, share and share alike. No man is an island!

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Correct. Capitalism at least allowed folks to keep the major part of their earnings. Once than tips to less than half, the productive restrain from earning/exceeding and become less productive—everyone else for that matter—and the system sinks into mediocrity. Which is ok if you are a progressive, because then you’ve reached nirvana—everyone is equally mediocre and all suffering is equal.

3 years ago

Outstanding post, thank you. This post and the atrocities committed by the scumbag agents of the broken, tyrannical state in Australia remind me of an Orwell quote I read the other day. “There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always – do not forget this, Winston – always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of… Read more »

3 years ago

I think one lesson we’ve learned is that there’s no such thing as “God given rights”. A people get the rights that they fight for, and wrestle from other men. The United States wasn’t granted independence from England by God, but by the rebellion of the founding fathers and the bravery of the militias and soldiers. Today, with nobody defending those rights, the constitution is just a piece of toilet paper that elites and hostile minority groups wipe their ass with. You can bleat all day long about how the 2nd amendment gives you the right the bear arms; the… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

To clarify: Ontario has a vaccine passport system in place now, where you need to scan a QR code to enter into “non essential” venues. Clubs, bars, restaurants, sports games, etc. Making my sportsball boycott easier, and we were basically done with bars anyways as we can’t afford 10$+ per beer. Clubs are filled with 90% Muslim / other dark skinned rapist males. I know this is all cope though – I’m now a second class citizen in my own country and restrictions will get worse. but the point is that it’s much easier to mitigate this with the right… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

In exactly a century we’ve gone from (in America) prohibition, where people drank illegal alcohol, to (I presume) speakeasies in Canada selling legal alcohol to illegal patrons 😀

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

For people who already wish to disengage from the malefic societies in which we now dwell, being unpersoned because we’re white and because we refuse to swallow the Kovid bullshit, just makes it easier. The Power Structure may well be creating an implacably hostile ghetto that has the potential to destroy it.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125, I get what you are saying, but the “rights” you speak of *are* “God given”. There can be no qualifying such. Using your logic, there are no “rights” only power to exercise “liberties” defined by men (with such power). And of course, that which is defined by one set of men, can be in turn redefined by another. In short, rule by the most powerful of the times. My rights, or rather “liberties” are defined/given by God—or Nature if you are of an atheistic sort. In that, they are not subject to the whim of the more powerful men.… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

We’re given free will to keep or yield those rights, but they can’t be forfeited, as nature always proves in the end.

But yes, in the meantime it’s up to men to be jealous of them.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

Scratch that, poorly worded. Substitute voided for forfeited. Criminals, etc. 🙂

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

woorly porded
S0rry Gents

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Compsci: “God given rights” is a judeochristian lie intended to keep you grillin’ and on the couch watching sportsball. Show me in scripture where there is a right to free speech (there isn’t, in fact, it is the opposite, 1 Timothy 6). I have heard all my life that my “rights” are God-given, but I have never heard any basis in Christian theology for that. That isnt to say there might be an argument, just that the commonly given argument does not conform to actual scripture. Do you have any counter, something to show your position?

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
3 years ago

Not really an argument. You assume a reference o Christian scripture as you know it. There is no word “Christian” in my post. In addition, I maintain that my argument stands *without reference to any Devine being*, hence the word Nature.

I’ll be happy to describe the liberties and freedoms and responsibilities in general of creatures in Nature. That however is a lengthy posting not needed here for refutation.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

God given Rights are a postulate. It is a definition we had made as a founding assumption for our society.

Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

In general, you have to suppose what rights you would have in the absence of other humans. The right to murder? To steal or destroy another’s property? To impinge on the movement of another? Impossible without a human counterpart . It takes the presence of at least one other person to attach a situational morality, a “right” to those acts. On the other hand, the right to freely speak, act, and think? To keep the fruits of your labors? To defend yourself against the caprices of nature? These are all possible, even without the sanction or even existence of other… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

I’ve reasoned down the same path, of a man in the woods, and agree with that thinking. It’s man vs the world, no holds bared. One has the right to do whatever. As out in 1700s America woods. This is still true today if one regards humans as just a part of nature, a cattle to be done unto. A feral denizen of Lagos has such god given rights

The nice rights we enjoy[ed] amongst ourselves are derived by agreement with our fellow humans. A weighted average of power times numbers holding a viewpoint.

Reply to  KGB
3 years ago

Disrupter, then you buy into “no rights”. Two wolves and a sheep deciding on dinner. In which case you must bow to the will of the majority as you have no alternative to insisting upon your rights/liberties in Natural or Divine law. In such a case, you are an outlaw when you defy the will of the majority.

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

Reply to  Disruptor
3 years ago

Philosophers and natural scientists have been studying the laws of nature for millennia. God created nature (and destroyed cities fwiw). It follows that natural law would be God-given, the assumption being that there is an almighty Creator, I suppose.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The Declaration was written by and for Anglos. America is majority non-Anglo. You change the people, you change the character of a nation. That is why all of the various ethnic groups who were not Anglos set up their own little fiefdoms in the US and their own little rackets long before various vibrants started showing up.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The Declaration is for all. However, not all races are able to appreciate the concept of God given Liberty. They may sometime in their evolutionary growth, but that is not today.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

“The Declaration was written by and for Anglos.”
So was the Constitution which is why there in no longer law or justice.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

In 1790 the settler pop. of the US was 80% British (the rest mostly Dutch and German) and highly literate. The subsequent 19thC immigrant flood was not: through no fault of their own. So how did assimilation play into the puzzle? Obviously not ancestry/religion/customs/language as John Jay asserted in Federalist #2. All that’s left is Principles of Government and Rule of Law.

Reply to  RoBG
3 years ago

And “rule of law” flows form culture of the people.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

However, other whites–Italians, for instance–also made it a point to assimilate into that Anglo world. And they could do so because they’re white. They shared a great deal of genetic material, as well as culture and history with Anglos, so there was an innate attraction. This is hardly the case with PoC, and especially negroes, for whom there is intrinsic repulsion to white norms. An all-white nation comprised of various ethnicities who have chosen to live together under the same political umbrella can succeed. But once too many PoC are added to the mix, collapse is inevitable. Needless to say,… Read more »

3 years ago

On the related note of tyranny. I received a panicky note from a buddy in South Africa. They are passing a new hate speech law. It is atrocious. Watch SA closely. That is our future. The white in SA are truly the tip of the spear. PS i’m going to amren this year if possible. Hoping to see some of to guys there. Portion of email: JUST MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. YOU HAVE A VOICE TOO! USE IT! Submissions to the South African Parliament can be sent to: Ha********@pa********.za Anyone can send them an email. For those who can, I… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
3 years ago

My sympathy for White SA’s, but we have our own problems here, don’t we? Besides, does anyone think the SA government gives a hoot what anyone thinks about their unconstitutional repression and abuse of Whites in their country? They are a nation that has allowed a majority of 70 IQ Blacks power. The (non-White) geniuses in their country are those who might have 100 IQ’s. Their Black universities are a joke. They can not maintain the White infrastructure they were bequeath. Responsibility for decay and corruption are deflected by their “leadership” upon Whites. Their President daily speaks to the world… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Well, we will see what the SA whites do. The whites of the west need to support each other. If the SA whites go to war, total balls-to-wall war, will the USA lend support to the ANC? I think that war will very likely come to SA. It could be a pivot point in history. Don’t count the SA whites out. Finally, and this is not necessarily directed to you Comp, but I have grown sick of those that council keeping ones head down. If ever there was a time to stand and be counted it is now. Of course… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
3 years ago

I don’t count the SA’s out. If they reach the US, I have a bedroom and bath available to house a family. God bless them in their endeavors. But they rail against the odds. Given our (Whites) current numbers, I welcome a consolidation—which is exactly why TPTB will go to extremes to prevent such.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

Well, in the US House I’ve seen mention of a bill, HR666 (nice number), that is hugely anti-white.

Haven’t had a chance to dig into it yet.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  SidVic
3 years ago

I wish South Africa well. Similar abridgement of freedoms (e.g. of speech) has already occurred in many countries we normally think of as “free” (e.g. Europe, etc.). New proposals are always being made, that often skirt even de-jure freedoms, such as campus “hate speech” rules. I’m reading Ron Unz’s articles, and regarding revisionism/holocaust denial, to do is a crime punishable by years in prison in many nations, certainly Germany and (news to me) even Canada. It’s happened to (usually) authors who dared to question established “history” (dogma would be a better term.) These laws go back years — decades. In… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Yeah, and the Chinese proverb about the nail that sticks out. Heh.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

Nothing to add. Great post. A free people are an independent people. People with healthy small businesses or have 10 jobs lined up if they get fired or quit. People who stay out of debt. People who don’t need government. Right now that would be 20%? maybe less? 10%?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Far less than 10%. Hell, I don’t even meet all of those qualifications.

3 years ago

Read this and ‘demographics is destiny’ came immediately to mind.

As for the silicon valley nerds, not only do they oppose private property, they’re stalkers, prying into your thoughts and behavior, turning you into a commodity.

It probably doesn’t need to be pointed out that perverts are in control and they think the public is their gimp. So far, they aren’t wrong.

Thud Muffle
3 years ago

“A free people, in contrast, must hold their prince to the highest moral standard. It is immoral for them to do otherwise, as it violates that which defines them as free people.” Lost that fight when Bill Clinton beat the rap. You boomers bought into “If it feels good, do it” You bought it, you own it.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Thud Muffle
3 years ago

One thing that always puzzled me about that was why The System was so married to Clinton. Even at the time I thought the right play would have been to force Clinton to resign and then Al Gore could slide in for the easy presidential win. Instead they forced Al Gore to run as the third term of President Perv Leftism. It was like a miniature version the scheme they pulled with Trumpism where they traded very short term gains for long term failure. I guess they win no matter what so I suppose it doesn’t matter (until it does).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The 304s are really out of control as they dress like streetwalkers in an Oklahoma school, then protest being ogled:

As the first comment states, “Remember when the schools were controlled by adults?”

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Islam is right about women’s education.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I watched that film, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood a couple of days ago. These harpies remind me of the loons on that ranch in the film – you know, Charles Manson’s girls.

3 years ago

If y’all can find it, I suggest checking out a summary of JGA Pocock’s The Machiavellian Moment. The wiki article is tendentious trash (Pocock having become something of a badthinker later in life) but the Princeton U Press reissue summary says this: Pocock shows that Machiavelli’s prime emphasis was on the moment in which the republic confronts the problem of its own instability in time, which Pocock calls the “Machiavellian moment.” He’s not an easy read (I myself have never plowed all the way through TMM), but one of the reasons eggheads used to argue that The Prince was a… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Dev, did you shut dow rotten chestnuts?

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago


Damn autocorrect

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

No, it’s a WordPress thing. RC is a subsidiary blog of a much bigger and better blog, Somehow the whatszit got crossed with the gizmo and RC isn’t working anymore, because WordPress sucks. There’s an emergency backup blog ( until the Blogfather gets it restored, but as he has better things to do than un-fuck my hobby, it might be a while.

[Z Man, I’m not trying to self-promote; I apologize for putting this in your comments, but I can’t reply to a direct question any other way].

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Hey Sev,
A couple of weeks ago I was in the Lake District with friends. I checked my work emails where we were staying, and after doing so I tried to look at RC. The internet portal (sky in this instance) blocked the site, and after a bit of persistence from me (had to go through a couple of screens) – it gave me a total block for RC stating it was: ‘Category 1 hate/violence/racism’. So RCs certainly been pinged in the system somewhere.

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Heh. What isn’t these days? I imagine this site has the same problems. They’ll come for everything to the right of Mother Jones before too long… and then for Mother Jones too, of course.

(I wonder what exactly got pinged. I’ve noticed a vast uptick in censorship lately, but only among places e.g. Vox Day where they are openly skeptical of the injection that dare not speak its name).

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Thanks, I was wondering what the story was.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

Re Damian’s comment about being blocked. I’m assuming he’s in the UK. Still, it’s scary that internet content is being blocked. By whom? In the USA, I’ve never heard of this censorship except by a “private” entity, such as a commercial wi-fi network, or a school’s on-campus network. I would even allow that content moderation is fair on a privately owned platform, such as social media. To me, it becomes iffy on independent content platforms like Patreon or Medium or, perhaps, Reddit. Is Sky your ISP? If so, to me that is a very bad sign, little different from officially… Read more »

3 years ago

I really think the moralizing of the media distracts from what feudalism was. Certainly, we as the peasants have way more as a result of the industrial revolution’s excesses (no denying the quality of life), but think of how much less a peasant worked; all those religious holidays. And think of how they owned your labor, but your soul was free (and, realistically, upward mobility in many places was quite viable at times). Our overlords already own our labor, and now they want our souls. To illustrate the comical farce that is the inversion of feudalism we now experience, the… Read more »

Reply to  Elio
3 years ago

So then, we’re coming to the period *before* Henry ll.
As a followup, what led good King Henry to these reforms?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I’m no expert on the Founding Fathers, but it does seem like they were often mentioning that it was up to the people to maintain the limited government that they had created. In essence, they would have no patience for CivNats who seem to believe that the Constitution – words on a piece of paper – will save them, that because Americans have the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, those rights will magically be protected against those who would like to enslave us. As always, Franklin said it best: “A Republic, if you can keep… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

As always, Franklin said it best: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Turns out, we couldn’t.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

Yeah, I thought that as well.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

The “turn off, tune out, drop out” formulation posited here a few posts back is a good first start.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  manc
3 years ago

Start to (quietly) build separate communities. That’s the best plan now. As the system starts to show more and more cracks, expand into those cracks.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I find it hard to meet people with similar views on race. There’s lots of white people at church with otherwise solid worldviews. But inevitably they ruin it by saying “boy, great to see this new Haitian family at our church! They’re bible believing christian just like us bla bla bla”. Or antivax people who talk about “freedom” and then boast how minorities have the lowest vaccination rates so we should protect their rights. Of course I gently try and redpill them but it’s unfortunately a losing battle. Our conflict is not only ideological or religious in nature, but also… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125: You’re right; it’s ubiquitous. Even at purportedly dissident right sites, I always see comments lamenting the condition of the black family, or the incarceration rate for black men, or fatherlessness of black children. And everyone goes bonkers about Mohammedan FGM. I push back by saying blacks aren’t my people and their children aren’t my concern. I don’t care what economic factors they’re facing; I’m concerned about White families. And I’ve been commenting for YEARS now that FGM is a Mohammedan custom, and if they do it to their own women in their own lands, it’s absolutely none of my… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

3g4me and b125: 1 Timothy 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Similar views…It is inconceivable to me that one is friendly to the establishment of 70 IQ people in a 100 IQ 1st world country.

Tell me again, what are their “similar” views? Obviously, there are no “similar” views wrt HBD science and the abilities/contributions of a low IQ people within a 1st world technological society.

Yep, I know this is a broken record, but I consider it a first principle—an anchor to science and therefore a motivation to action outside of simple prejudice. It is a moral imperative.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

identify those responsible, media, bureaucrats, enforcers, enablers such as Banking personnel aiding theft, educators indoctrinating childern legal system hacks, degenerates, medical personnel involved in mutilation religious hacks pandering to sodomites, Their families friends loved ones this is fair because they will and are working like verminous termites undermining western civilization you and yours must be eliminated Keep it local local local.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“In essence, they would have no patience for CivNats who seem to believe that the Constitution – words on a piece of paper – will save them . . .” Exactly. The Founders didn’t have this weird Constitution fetish that the NormieCons promote now. Obviously, the Constitution didn’t even exist until several years after the war had ended. So, it’s not like they pledged “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor” for muh Constitutional principles. And the Constitution was by no means universally popular among those who had fought for independence. The Constitution was supposed to set up the… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Tyranny wouldn’t that bad if the right people were in charge. Imagine if we had the same leadership but who did not openly despise us. I’ll take King George over globohomo, even with “freedom” any day of the week. The assault on property has been going on for a LONG time. When FDR banned gold, the state mandated buy price was $20, then it was raised to $35 after it became illegal to hold. That was a large confiscation. Then there was the 90% top income tax rate (though, to be fair, I support that) and real-estate tax. Then there’s… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Tars: Rather than tyranny, call it authoritarianism. I absolutely favor an authoritarian right government, which will forcibly wean people off of pozz and social media as deleterious to their health and the common good. You are correct re the assault on private property – that goes way back, and FDR was the most blatant abuser. I hate how he’s lionized along with Lincoln. I was discussing gold with my husband the other night and asked about what happened to all the gold coins FDR confiscated. They were essentially melted down. Even though so very many American gold coins were minted… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

It’s just supply and demand. No more, no less.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

It is not at all a surprise that the left lionizes FDR and the “right,” Lincoln. They are two worst presidents and by a very large margin. Maybe Wilson is up there with them.

I suppose you are probably right about the difference between authoritarian and tyrannical.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Speaking as a sometime coin collector: I’m not sure if anyone knows how much American gold was “turned in.” In one sense, however, the question is irrelevant. A more valid question, in keeping with the supply and demand argument: How great a premium (over gold value) will people pay for older U.S. Gold? Except for the truly rare coins and/or ones in very best condition, the answer is “not very much.” Yes, they sell for more than “bullion” (modern investment coins, like current U.S. mint issue, Canada Maple Leaf, etc.) but not a huge amount. The premiums were actually higher… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

IIRC only like 10% of the know gold in circulation was ever turned in. Basically banks and a few other institutions did so but no individuals.

3 years ago

Western governments coming up with shitty & ridiculous motives to infringe on its people’s rights is pretty much the norm right now. Their reasons are always related to safety, always, like the internet joke with the cop strangling some woman to protect her from covid. Their stupid plan is obvious, some rich oligarchs tied/related with the tribe are trying to reconfigure western world into a slave society that’s more technologically advanced than those of ancient times, it’s not as if they didn’t tell us that we won’t own anything. I give it 3-4 years before they start telling us to… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

To the points in your last paragraph, Ice Age Farmer just posted a short clip arguing that they are just going to automate human understanding out of the system as part of their war on humanity’s soul:,-no-free-will.-the-end-of:a

“Humans are hackable animals.”

“Free will? That’s all over.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

That’s where materialism, any materialism, always fails: The meat robots just won’t behave. But they’d rather plunge civilization off a cliff than ponder, even for a second, if people aren’t meat robots after all.

Reply to  sentry
3 years ago

Stay safe: comment image

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago


“Stay Safe” is the new “Stop Resisting!” for cops, apparently.

3 years ago

“Today, the people in charge have no respect for the law or the concept of law, so their agents just do as they please.”
For now, maybe. The problem with that is that if you throw the law out… it is only a matter of time before I do too. The reality in North America is that everyone – from the dirt person right on up to Creepy Joe himself – is just one caress of the trigger away from his final reward. Those idiots don’t understand those laws are for their own protection as well.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

You don’t have state-sanctioned armed thugs, though. The Ruling Class does and can impose a two tier system of rough justice as a result. Eventually they will be unable but until that day arrives everyone needs to be a realist.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The system is based on voluntary compliance. The armed thugs of the state are BADLY outgunned. Hell, BLM can shut down our major cities and force the cops to run away. What do you think a few thousand men with determination and firearms can do?
Granted, this would take men with courage, determination and an understanding of who the enemy is and we are sorely lacking such men in numbers. If BLM were not a racket full of clowns, they would be extremely dangerous.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

You’re comparing the government’s “response” to its own pet golem with the response they would have to their actual enemies. BLM might be met with wiffle bats and polite requests to stop looting, but WLM would be met with drone strikes at their kids’ birthday parties.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

One of the biggest red-pills of my life was seeing an fully armored police vehicle from a small suburban town with the inscription on it: “This vehicle paid for by civil asset forfeiture”.

The plebs are supposed to assume this was drug money, but now it’s clear that the the local cops are shaking people down.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Wait wait wait! Are you trying to tell me that the SAME local governments that LIED about the elections, LIED about covid, LIED about “refugees”, are also not telling the truth about the origin of its funds?

Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 years ago

There is a wise old saying…
In October even a blind squirrel will find a few nuts.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

The highway patrol started because bandits would waylay people on remote highways and empty their wallets. Now the highway paytroll waylays you on the highways and empties your wallet. But hey, they use procedural due process, so its totally different!

3 years ago

This is, ultimately, the central issue. If you conclude that we live under a tyranny, then all manner of things follow. It is these things that rightly terrify everyone and, to my thinking, reveal the shallowness of critics who mock the 2A community for their inaction. It’s one reason I have sympathy for the poor souls who think we might vote our way out of all this. There will be an audit or a vote or a primary run that will put things to right, see? It’s a cope, of course, but in their defense, it is a cope against… Read more »

Reply to  btp
3 years ago

Indeed. I’ve used the word ‘tyranny’ many a time for most western governments. After usage, I then think about what goes in such a world. What must go. The realization that we may lose sons and daughters, be beaten savagely by police (protect and serve, lads), have assets pinched for no good reason, and suffer torture are probably too much for most. But may as well face it now. It’s time to start ditching duff friendships, seeking like-minded, ostracizing evil (and calling it out, in certain contexts) and acting like a unit that wants to prosper in whatever thing comes… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  btp
3 years ago

The second amendment is more or less an empty letter now. If the feds don’t like you and you own a weapon, they will find some byzantine gun law to bring you down with.

And if you defend yourself against federal pets, expect the Rittenhouse treatment.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

It’s an empty letter, yes, but Kyle Rittenhouse is still alive and two of his assailants are dead (with the 3rd hopefully crippled).

Reply to  Mow Noname
3 years ago

Mow Noname: They are still going ahead with legal maneuvering designed to ensure Kyle Rittenhouse spends the rest of his life in jail. Any White who uses deadly force to protect himself against any non-White or antifa has sentenced himself to decades of lawfare and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

If you find yourself in a such a bad situation, then, make the best of it.

There’s an old English proverb: “You may as well hang for a sheep as a lamb.”

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It seems the only valid defenses once they have you in their sights are:

1. Make it so time-consuming and cost prohibitive they give up.

2. Turn it into a circus that threatens to embarrass them.

3. If she says she’s 21, she’s actually 16. Don’t take the bait.

Of course, the first line of defense is the cloud of war, so don’t be a moron and bring unnecessary attention to yourself.

Mike Austin
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

“Show me the man, and I will show you the crime.”—Beria

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

That example is why our legal system has to go (along with most other BIG institutions) and rebuilt from common sense scratch. The technical minutiae is absurd and insane – just added incrementally to existing law over the decades until it’s become a tremendous blob that no normal person (and probably most legal beagles) could possibly understand or navigate.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The go to guy on this is John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute.

Last time I looked I think he was up to 5,000 arrest-able Federal offenses.

there’s also Three Felonies a Day

But a more salubrious source.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Didn’t the House just pass a federal red flag law, with nearly all of the Uniparty voting in favor?

Felix Krull
Reply to  btp
3 years ago

I don’t understand your 2A argument: you live under tyranny, so obviously the 2A didn’t work as advertised. My problem with 2A is not the guns as such: hunting, home defense etc., I’m entirely on board with that, and if I lived in America I probably wouldn’t go to the supermarket without a 40mm Bofors cannon hitched to my hummer. My problem is the guns in the heads of people, the notion of guns as a political solution. It displaces and dissipates political energy that could’ve been much better used elsewhere. Couping a school board, for instance, wouldn’t be all… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

(smirk) One anti-personnel alternative to hitch to your vehicle would be a quad .50-calibre trailer. It would have a greater traverse than a topside-mounted M60 or MAG.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

The 2nd amendment obviously did not prevent us from reaching this point.

But it we’ll have prevented us from a worse point by now. Just look at the video out of Australia for how much worse it can get.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

I doubt there’s any cause-and-effect involved. Many countries with much stricter gun laws have much less draconian Covid measures.

If the last two years have taught our lords anything, it’s that those guns are going to stay holstered no matter what they do.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

The cops here do fear for their lives. That’s not just hyper bull. That’s why they’ll send a heavily armed squad to execute a search warrant instead of a detective or two. And that level of investment is a limiting factor.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

But cops don’t make the rules. People with armed bodyguards do.

And if cops fear for their lives, there are plenty of Haitians ready to do their job for half the pay and a chance to carry the Haitian revolution to America.

Mister DNA
Mister DNA
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

The guns will stay holstered until they don’t. While it is true that there hasn’t been any violent response to the long list of oppressive acts that our rulers have perpetrated thus far, it does not necessarily follow that there never will be. All that can be extrapolated from that fact is that societal discontent hasn’t yet hit the critical mass necessary to explode into armed revolution. No state of affairs lasts forever, and such a thing most definitely is possible even here in the modern United States. Make no mistake, it is a big problem for the tyrant class… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

societal discontent hasn’t yet hit the critical mass necessary to explode into armed revolution.

If you reach that point where people are ready to kill congressmen and police officers in their homes, guns won’t matter all that much.

And again: it’s not the guns as such, it’s all the energy (mis)spent on them.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

It’s not so much that the guns will stay holstered no matter what, as much as it is that TPTB are fighting a cold cultural war instead of a hot civil war precisely because they know they would be easily out-gunned. That’s why the feds took Nick Fuente’s money instead of sending jackboots through his door at 2 AM on a random Thursday. They’ve hamstrung him but effectively prevented him from playing the martyr card since he’s alive, healthy and can talk to his followers. This is a pretty neat trick, if you think about it, because what can you… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Predicting the future is hard. There are many first steps to violence. Really, we’ve not reached that yet. Indeed, that may never be reached *prior* to establishment of tyranny. The ethos of a people, the heritage American people, is political solution before violence. Hell, shooting was going on before the (official) Revolution and Congress was still sending petitions to the King. I consider firearms a worthwhile holdout. But if you don’t, then explain why there is such a push to control, outlaw, and confiscate such if TPTB “know” the populous with never use them? Perhaps they are not as confident… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

That is exactly what happened in the county where I live, County government and a local school board are majority conservative after the 2020 election. The progressives are mad and fighting and I will be surprised if the conservatives are able to serve their full terms. Recall petition going for the county comissioner and the school is getting a lot of protests because the school board banned BLM and gay flags in classrooms.

Felix Krull
Reply to  G706
3 years ago

Congratulations! Hope you guys manage to hold the line.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Felix: Agree, but too little too late. And people who think they have any say in ‘their public schools’ are fools. Homeschool or die.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

If you’re on the board, you decide how the school is run.

I understand the temptation to home school, but it’s a very defensive strategy and it’s playing into the divide-and-rule gambit, same as homesteading.

And apart from the personal considerations, the public school system is a strategic asset that has been in Commie hands for far too long.

Reply to  G706
3 years ago

Please keep us posted !

Reply to  G706
3 years ago

And this is precisely why armed conflict is inevitable. Even when they left loses fair and square, they don’t lose. No, they will do everything in their power to stop you – both legally and illegally. If they succeed in getting these people recalled, it will show that no, you don’t get to change anything. You’ll do what you’re told and that’s it. One of the things Dr. Gorka stated that they wanted to do through the DOJ – but were blocked by everyone – was to go after the money on the left using RICO statues and completely defund… Read more »

Gunner Q
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

“My problem is the guns in the heads of people, the notion of guns as a political solution. It displaces and dissipates political energy that could’ve been much better used elsewhere.” The 2A crowd keeps doubling down on the last war… waiting for death squads to knock on their door at 4am. They’ll bust some caps, grab a go-bag and be in the wilderness before the bad guy backup arrives, is the plan. They don’t realize, the Elites have spent decades building a system of tyranny that doesn’t need a goon squad specifically because knocking on the door is no… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Gunner Q
3 years ago


“Corona passports? No problem, I’ll just shoot the shopkeeper if he doesn’t serve me.”

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Heavily armed Yanks:
“Australians gave up their guns”

Also heavily armed Yanks:

A profitable biowarfare attack
A stolen election
National house arrest
Surrender to the Taliban

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

I was thinking of you when I wrote that. I would first point out that other countries in the Anglosphere that have significant firearms restrictions do not seem to have channeled that political energy in to better uses. England and Australia do not seem to have fought off globohomo, and they have certainly never been under the belief that they’d grab their AR and fight homegrown tyranny alongside all the other True Patriots. Second, I think the disease is not a lazy reliance on firearms as the solution. I think it’s a lazy reliance on the Constitution as a solution.… Read more »

Mister DNA
Mister DNA
Reply to  btp
3 years ago

Right, and even aside from the idea that firearm ownership is a necessary component of resisting government tyranny (which I agree with), they’re also vital to have as personal protection from things other civilians might do to you. Violent crime is quite real and the ability to defend one’s self from it with lethal force if necessary is, in my view, a mandatory requirement for self determination. I can’t even imagine someone thinking that they have any real personal security whatsoever in America without owning weapons and being proficient in their use. Otherwise you’re simply relying on the goodwill and… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  btp
3 years ago

I would first point out that other countries in the Anglosphere that have significant firearms restrictions do not seem to have channeled that political energy in to better uses. Yes. And the Corona restrictions didn’t disappear in Scandinavia because people objected to them. The Nordics are virtually the only countries in Europe where you haven’t seen substantial lockdown protests; the few protests we’ve had in Copenhagen have been Antifa productions. There are very many saying, “Let’s go vote our way out of this.” You can’t vote yourself a quick and easy salvation by voting for a new Moustache Man, but… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

We will not vote our way out of this because we did not vote our way into this.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

The US is not Scandinavia and almost no one here, Right or Left believes that significant reform will come from any electoral efforts. That 10% our guys is being acted on though, just locally and at the State level . I’m considered an extreme optimist by thinking that a precinct strategy has a 20% of a fix if the GOP establishment can be changed. Also it might do well to understand that the US has zero homogeneity politically or ethnically and is in fact held together only by inertia. I’d argue a lot of people want a civil war as… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Yet. Even if America doesn’t have the ethnic homogeneity of European countries, white Americans will still be the largest ethnic group this century out. And European countries aren’t internally homogenous either. In many ways they’re more culturally fractured than the United States. 2016 (and 2020) showed that the popular support and white tribal consciousness is there, it just need to be channeled more productively. The Commies won The Long March Through the Institutions because they were organized, diligent and disciplined, maybe we could try the same? Too many people are willing to fight a civil war for, ostensibly, their family… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

Do you know what revolutionary symbol is sometimes bandied about by the Left and Right alike ? The wood chipper. That should tell you all you need to know. There isn’t some reason to save the school district or whatever so that we have either need commissars or must spend endless hours preventing subversion. It just won’t work for a generation or two or three that just wants to be left alone. As such a lot of people are like “We don’t need institutions, we can do this ourselves for less money and less work” Many people feel the US… Read more »

3 years ago

During the Cold War this was a critical measure used to justify foreign policy. The American government claimed it was within its rights to overthrow South American governments that got too chummy with the Soviets because they would endanger the rights of their people. On the other hand, they would back anti-communist dictators because they were better than communists. I well remember this factor. The rational counterpoint was that “x” may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch was very weakly embraced. A bit of an embarrassment actually. What you never heard anyone say… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago


I see I can’t just agree, “comment too short” so

Agree Wholeheartedly.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

” What you never heard anyone say was that we need to support this guy because it’s good for America and the American people.”
Actually, regardless of how it is sold to the rubes, policy is always based on what is good for big business and finance.

Reply to  BoomerMCMXLVII
3 years ago

That’s the Marxist take – that big bidness dominates the capitalist entity.

The reality is that since the civil war big business has been a feature of big government. The two go hand in hand. An ever closer symbiosis as demonstrated by huge tech today.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
3 years ago

No it s not a “Marxist take”.
Money has been a major influence on
policy since ancient times and is getting worse all the time.
Granted that big government and business are joined at the hip and enable each other.

Reply to  BoomerMCMXLVII
3 years ago

Big government creates and drives big business. Marxism inverts that relationship.

3 years ago

Sic semper tyrannis.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Audaces Fortuna iuvat!

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
3 years ago

Ima busta cap in dey ass

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Semper in Excreta

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

globalismus delenda est

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

Scorecard on Bill of Rights: 1. Freedom of speech and assembly etc – see Jan 6 and Youtube – hahahahaha 2. Right to Bear Arms – most States have repealed it de facto if not de jure 3. Quartering of troops in your house – they have Alexa in your house!! 4. Don’t even ……….. 5. Takings clause – done! Double jeopardy for cops and Kyle Rittenhouse.. 6. Speedy trial – see Jan 6 7. Trial by jury of 12 people who hate whites… 8. Excessive bail or fines ……….see Tom Barack or Jan 6 9. Enumerated rights……….lol..they do what… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

Yes, you forgot the 19th amendment….the tally of the termagants!

Reply to  Liberty Mike
3 years ago

I used to laugh at the idea of repeal. Oh, the temerity! The effrontery! The ABSURDITY! I’m not laughing anymore…

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

“2. Right to Bear Arms – most States have repealed it de facto if not de jure”

Not to nitpick, but blatantly untrue. You must live on the West coast or the Northeast.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Indeed. When I moved to Kentucky, I was practically given a gun with my new driver’s license.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Vizzini
3 years ago

Yeah, I was trying to be brief. And yes I’m in the northeast. But I think it’s fair to say that 50pct (by population, not state-by-state) of Americans have had their 2A rights abridged by state and local laws.

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

Captain Willard: Slight emendation for #3 – The people have joyfully invited Alexa into their house because they’re so soft and lazy (just like all the c**ts who can’t be bothered to push a grocery cart back into an enclosure, and leave it blocking other vehicles). I’m more pissed about the irremovable ‘safety’ electronic surveillance measures in my car. And I’m still trying to figure out how to disable that godawful Amber Alert on my phone.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Irremovable? Its called linesman’s pliers. Snip snip.
And dont disable the amber alert, it is how you’ll know the round-up raids have started.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
3 years ago

Good ol’ Rebel: From what I’ve read, it’s impossible to disable much of an auto’s black box data without destroying the car. If I have been misinformed, I will be thrilled – and when/if I get the slightly older, rugged 4wd SUV I want in a year or so (with prices soaring and available 2014-2018 vehicle numbers shrinking, don’t know what’s going to happen), I will remind you to send me a capable mechanic’s name!!

3 years ago

The citizen of the world idea of the elites completely severed any obligation they felt to the people of their own countries. My wife binged watched Downton Abbey a couple of years ago. Mostly I thought the episodes I saw were a ridiculous soap opera, but one aspect they did get correct was the sense of obligation elites felt to both the local community and their country. We have the complete inverse now, they care about improving conditions for people around the world while grinding down the middle class of their own countries. The world is certainly worse off for… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

I was thinking the same thing while reading Z’s piece.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Downton Abbey was a fascinating insight into to how a semi-functional female mind works.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

There’s rarely a word that comes out of the Dowager Countess’s mouth that I don’t applaud. It doesn’t hurt that Maggie Smith’s delivery is a thing of joy to behold. I will admit to being in the middle of my 4th viewing of the series (at least the first 3 seasons) because it lifts my spirit that there was a time and not that long ago that our people had pride in their appearance, acted in a dignified manner, and respected their heritage. It seems like a dream. Plus the production value and writing are both outstanding.

Reply to  Peabody
3 years ago

I was laughing hysterically when the Dowager Countess mistook the Earl and one of the sons-in-law for the servant staff because they weren’t wearing their tails.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

The elites in England during the Downtown Abbey period were all English. It’s not so much that the elites of the west have “severed” any obligation to the people of their host countries, but that they never had such obligations in the first place. This is the inevitable result of immigration: Our elite institutions and financial centers have all been captured by a hostile group of outsiders — who are a member of a nation, but their “nation” is a multi-national diaspora that has always been at war with the nations of their hosts.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Barnard: You shouldn’t let her watch that crap. Full-on replacement of Whites with blacks and browns, actively celebrating miscegenation, and an utter inversion of genuine White European history. Police your own home and family.

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Barnard: My apologies. I confused Downton Abbey with the fictional/miscegenated series “Bridgerton.” Again, my error, for which I apologize.

Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson
3 years ago

This may be the best article you have written. Many blather and go on about this technical point or that one, or are just trying to sell their own snake oil (Gold from my firm, escape to my recommended country, buy my preparedness program/supplies etc.). I have felt for decades that the declining morals, ethics and principles of western culture would eventually spell doom for the west. I think we are getting close to the end of this culture. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I am VERY grateful to have lived when I did and will… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

I echo your sentiments, especially the fact that it does appear that the world we leave to our children and grandchildren is poorer that the one we inherited from our parents. Hope is a good thing, but it is hard to keep it alive in the face of the adversities now confronting us.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

I think a comment I just saw at ZH nailed it:

“It’s impossible to teach 10s of millions of people to stop being morons overnight.

We are doomed.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Thankfully, we don’t need 10s of millions.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Yeah and an awaking may happen quicker than everyone thinks. People are very uneasy and trust in our institutions has collapsed even among normal people. The huge moment of people to my rural area has floored me. It shows something approaching panic, at the very least a lot of agency to pick up and move ones household. It has become frothy. I welcome the coming events. Take courage gentleman. History has restarted if I had to guess. F*ck Francis Fukuyama.

Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

1. Would the dispatch of B be a A.) good thing, B.) bad thing or C.) meaningless thing?

C, since his replacement no different

2. What is the most likely precipitating event?

A. War
B. Economy
C. B replaced, Natural causes
D. Military Coup, Gen. Milley has already shown that he has thought about it


3. What comes next?

A. Anarcho tyranny
B. Civil war
C. Chinese brokered “peace”
D. Sucession


c matt
c matt
Reply to  BeAPrepper
3 years ago

Succession always comes after

Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

I’ve said it before and will say again that the 1960’s were when the moral decay really began to accelerate. Of course the (((termites))) had been gnawing away for some decades, but the changes were becoming more obvious in the movies and on tv. Civil rights, the pill, feminism, assassinations, welfare, affirmative action, vulgarity in multiple ways – everything on the downhill slide , and amazingly we apparently have yet to hit bottom. One would think (or hope) it can’t be too much further down.

Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

What we are facing is Weimar Germany. We are reversing two of the main features, of course. We have long enjoyed the decadence and depravity of Late Weimar, while the hyperinflation of its early years is just now emerging. It is in expectation of this inflation that’s behind the smart money (BlackRock and other Hedges etc) buying residential real-estate- 15% of all sales in 1Q 2021 by one account. The dollars they are borrowing to buy it will be repaid in worthless scrip. Residential Real-Estate is always in demand. We all know how the political problems were resolved, from the… Read more »

Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

I’m happy I get to win using my wits and possibly my hands and not live a depraved existence feeding off the accomplishments of my ancestors. We are making a new tomorrow. That may involve piano wire and lamp posts.

Whatever it involves, we will win because we have no choice.

Reply to  Bill Johnson
3 years ago

Bill Johnson: Sadder still for the young people who do not support this madness, or those too young to even understand. I have a newborn grandson and I will not sit and lament the passing of the culture I was privileged to grow up in. As I’m an old lady, refusing to comply with the narrative most likely will mean my death, but I’ll be damned if I will quietly accede to his subjugation and slavery.