Female Trouble

Note: The Monday Taki post is up. This week it is a nice companion piece to the regular Monday posting. With Halloween approaching, it is a good time to focus on witches and the trouble they are causing. That and it will sell a few books for Ed Dutton. For those with a soul, the Sunday podcast is up behind the green door.

Early in the Covid panic it was clear that some people were embracing the panic for reasons that had nothing to do with public health. The harridan assaulting people in the grocery store over the bizarre new rules was doing it because suddenly she had a purpose to her life. This was starkly obvious with the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who made herself harridan-in-chief.  All of a sudden, inconsequential people had purpose and meaning to their lives.

The infamous TikTok videos featuring chubby nurses in scrubs dancing around on empty hospital floors had a similar motivation. White women with mundane lives working in hospitals were suddenly “front line workers” in the war against the great plague threatening humanity. Most of the women working in hospitals just went about their lives but many suddenly saw themselves in a different role. They were no longer just faceless nurses doing menial work. They were heroes.

Of course, another big driver of the live action role playing was the urban legends being traded on social media. In the early days it was not uncommon for someone to claim she knew several people who died from the virus. Statistically that was like saying you knew several people killed by dwarfs. Even today it is rare for someone to know someone who actually died from Covid much less many people. Even so, it became a common sighting on social media.

For many people, Covid and the drama surrounding it quickly became the purpose of their lives, giving them a reason to get up in the morning. The Covid skeptic, in fact, was largely a creation of the people embracing the panic. The panic players needed a foil, someone at whom they could direct the lines “Don’t you understand that people are dying!” when on the Nextdoor app. The people happy to be left alone were dragged into the Covid drama to be the needed villain of the story.

You see this with the vaccination business. For as long as we have understood vaccinations, it was known to be a defense against you getting infected. If you got the vaccine you were protected. It did not matter if everyone around you was not vaccinated, because you were vaccinated. That was the point of the vaccine, but that has been changed. Vaccines are now a collective good so the unvaccinated can be the needed villain in this drama.

The latest turn in this weird game is a new phenomenon in which women are sure they have Covid but they keep testing negative. The women suffering from this new and dangerous malady in the war against Covid describe it as “spooky” because they really want to test positive, but they keep testing negative. What is clear about the women afflicted with this new plague is they are heavily invested in Covid. In their time of greatest need, Covid is letting them down.

What is going on here, of course, is something that has been happening in small ways for some time. We have an abundance of unattached females in the population desperate for attention. They jump on every fad in the hope of making themselves the star of some minidrama related to it. You can probably mark the Virginia rape hoax as the beginning of this pattern. A crisis invented by political grifters was made real by a couple of women desperate for attention.

It is tempting to blame this on mass media. Ten years ago, this Covid panic could not have happened as we have far fewer intensely on-line people. The SARS and Swine flu epidemics are proof of it. In those outbreaks, social media was still in its infancy and mass manipulation with it had not been mastered. Those epidemics were serious and required a public response, but they never become full blown panics like Covid, because the tools were not available to do it.

In reality, social media is a symptom. Stand around in public and look at what people are doing as they wait. You will see far more women banging on her mobile device than men, unless the area is full of mothers. The moms will be tending to their children and gossiping with the other moms. There are plenty of men intensely on-line, but it is usually directed at things like sports. For women, they are on-line for the drama and the growth of social media has been in response to this demand.

This suggests that the witch problem, as described by Ed Dutton, is not entirely a problem of selection and biology. That is, the potential for witchery is a constant feature of Western societies that can be unlocked under certain conditions. We have not been selecting for witchery, but rather creating an environment that summons forth the demon from the female population. The internet is turning into a doomsday device that summons exaggerates the worst elements of humanity.

Worse yet, history does not offer an easy answer. In better times, a round of witch trials and the liberal use of the scold’s bridle would do the trick. In this crisis, the witches have already taken control. That means the witch trials are of men who failed to properly compliment a female coworker who was feeling blue. She then goes to the head witch in human resources and the victim is dragged in for interrogation. Instead of witch trials we have warlock trials.

Of course, the hunt for invisible Nazis and white supremacists is another modern form of witch hunting, mostly led by women. You have a sprinkling of socially retarded males in the group, but the main players in the hunt for insurrectionists are hysterical females imagining themselves being ravaged by a Nazi. In the old days, the witch problem was quickly addressed, so they never got hold of the levers of power. Today, the executive suits are littered with brooms.

Putting all of that aside, what Covid has revealed is that we not only have female trouble, but we cannot ignore it forever. The madness unleashed over the last year is finally showing up in practical ways. Prices for essentials are spiking, car production has stopped due to shortages. Shortage of things are turning up again, just as the brooms are coming out for another round of female empowerment. There is a limit to tolerating this and that limit is rapidly approaching.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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2 years ago

Zman when people here Google Talia Lavin, Megan Squire, Becca Lewis, Heidi Beirich, and Marilyn Mayo of the ADL they will know how often women are the worst tattle tales, and most hysterical bat shit crazy leftists you will ever see.

2 years ago

It’d be interesting to anatomize/isolate the differences in the way women tend to moralize an issue vs. how men moralize it. I know politicians have been slicing and dicing the entire 20th C., just saying, it’d be good to have a score card to figure, “Senator X is pandering to 25-to-40 urban + suburban professional females with the sop to ‘pay gap’ and non-college flyover housewives with the sop to ‘revenge porn,’ so look for a mention soon of ‘green jobs’ to interest 30-something white-collar-clerical/academia males who don’t own trucks,” etc. It’d be a good first step to stop pretending… Read more »

2 years ago

“That means the witch trials are of men who failed to properly compliment a female coworker who was feeling blue.”

Or did compliment the female, while being guilty of being an unattractive or low-status male.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Remember Tom Brady’s three simple rules for avoiding sexual harassment complaints, from back when “Saturday Night Live” could still occasionally be funny:

1. Be handsome!
2. Be attractive!
3. Don’t be unattractive!

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

4. Understand the power of chocolate.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Yup, happened to me at a job. And they ban together. Three of them came in to say I harassed them.

james wilson
james wilson
2 years ago

Gretchen has an uncanny resemblace to Irma Grese.

james wilson
james wilson
2 years ago

“The good news in Dutton’s theory is that modern witches are creating a new era of conflict that will reward those who carry the genes for group fitness.” Since I am taking one sentence out of a paragraph I am taking it out of it’s context. But. At this moment the witches have created an era that rewards genes fit for rule by witches and discourages fit genes.

2 years ago

“We have an abundance of unattached females in the population desperate for attention.” Um, but a lot more unattached men seeking them out. The reality is that huge numbers of women are single through their reproductive years because they want to be. “Shortage of things are turning up again, just as the brooms are coming out for another round of female empowerment. There is a limit to tolerating this and that limit is rapidly approaching.” I’ve been saying this for years, but it never seems to happen. Perhaps when we have huge numbers of men for whom their efforts to… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

95% jabbed Harvard MBAs return to online classes after outbreak of breakthrough infections:


Gordon Gekko was right.

Most of these Harvard MBA types don’t add up to dogshit.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Watch for this as the first volley from the educational establishment this autumn. This gives clearance to consider limiting attendance at college sportsball events, one place where tens of thousands of white men can gather and do this:


Up until now I believe this had mostly been a southern phenomenon. The feminine regime will be concerned if this spreads to northern schools and find a way to eliminate this “dangerous, irresponsible gathering that has the potential to be a super-spreader event”.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Along similar lines, Penn State has suspended 117 students from classes for failing to get weekly Beer Flu tests:


Note that this includes online classes as well as in-person.

I expect we’ll be pouring Brawndo on our crops next year because it’s got what plants crave.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

When tens of thousands of white men quit gathering to watch Shitavious, Ladarius, and Ozamatazz Buckshank play negroball at State U and start gathering in the streets to shout “fuck Joe Biden” we might be getting somewhere.

Destroying sportsball is a necessity

2 years ago

Re the Taki column, well done. One gripe: you use the word ‘flaunt’ when I think you intend to say ‘flout’. Otherwise, props for conjuring the Kipling poem if with that bit of people losing their wits and blaming you in the process. This is typically female behavior.

I’m intrigued by what might happen to the MSNBC harridan in chief.

Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

Surprised the Taki editor (assuming there is one) didn’t catch the flaunting/flouting thing. I guess it’s all part of civilizational decline, including the decline in I.Q. Dutton and Woodley laid out in At Our Wits’ End.

Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

The word “flaunt” can permissibly substitute for “flout” when it means “to treat contemptuously”. Z-man used it correctly in the Taki article.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“flout” to me is almost emotion free; it describes a practical action, mostly. [masculine]

“flaunt” has more emotion behind it; you want someone to notice your flouting. [feminine]

Percy Glyde
Percy Glyde
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

No, “flaunt” cannot be used in place of “flout.” IF you are quoting a dictionary, then I have to ask what the front matter tells you about what you are saying. If you are not quoting a dictionary, then what gives you the idea that “flaunt” can mean “to treat contemptuously”?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I think you are flaunting your dissembling skills, but flouting standards of grammar 😀

Percy Glyde
Percy Glyde
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

No, “flaunt” cannot be used in place of “flout.” IF you are quoting a dictionary, then I have to ask what the front matter tells you about what you are saying. If you are not quoting a dictionary, then what gives you the idea that “flaunt” can mean “to treat contemptuously”?

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It’s a mistake so common it can’t be called a mistake anymore.

Like most things.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

That’s a regional dialect usage thing then. Always heard “flaunt” used more in practice.

2 years ago

I once had a woman down in my special place. She was doing her thing and for no particular reason I said bite it. So she nibbled on it. I said harder c’mon. So she bit lightly. I yelled COME ON really bite it! So she did and it hurt and I screamed and she started crying because she hurt me. True story. I had the teeth marks to prove it. She was the type that if she caused pain to any living thing it would shake her up. If some street thug was trying to rape her and she… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

Real classy of you posting that here.

Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

you just wanted an excuse to tell that story lol

has nothing to do with the woman being crazy,you were the crazy one in this case

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

Of all the things that never happened, that never happened the third-most.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

Second most: Frip had a girl touch his “special place.”

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

He has the record for most downvoted comment on Zblog.

Nice work

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Frip
2 years ago

that sounds like a frank zappa song

2 years ago

I’d give up my right to vote to repeal the 19th Amendment.

Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

Had lunch with a former supervisor last week. Talk of the Covid madness turned to how it’s mostly women’s fault. I said when society collapses, we’ll need to make sure when we start anew to keep the franchise from women. His response was that we lost the societal battle when we started allowing them to wear shoes. They were able to leave the house and got ideas.

Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

“No one should vote, especially women” has always been my position.

2 years ago

The angst in the comments is proof the male/female dynamic is at the heart of the troubles. Breaking the sex addiction is the first step. When you can say what you actually think and shrug off the hysteria, you’re on your way. When your buddies’ laughter turns to hyperventilation, you’ve struck the vein.

2 years ago

Many women are a given but I think men are down with the crazy also. I suspect it’s that people have lost the desire for privacy. When people have no desire for privacy they tend to think other people don’t as well. Which of course makes everything everyone else’s business.

For example, vaccine status. Why would anyone even care whether someone else has been vaccinated or not. I would note that the proudly unvaccinated also seem to have an unusual interest in other people’s vaccine status. As well as the opposite.

Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

There are a few reasons, but I finally had to get the jab recently. Still, as a matter of privacy and principle, when asked about it I still say that it’s none of their business. Also, I’ll usually add that it’s odd that they aren’t asking about my measles vaccine status (which is far more deadly to infants), or my HIV status.

2 years ago

In relation to the podcast on Friday. I will say that there is no legitimacy crisis as White women are ride and die with the Regency. There is no border/immigration crisis as White women love the replacement of their men. And there is no China crisis. As the plan for the Ruling Class is to sell America’s remaining heritage to the Chinese and move to Monaco or Switzerland. A horde of Haitian and African men swarming over the border? Every fattie’s dream. The ideal man is one with a low IQ, high impulsiveness, “diversity” and high tendencies towards violence. As… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Sometimes I doubt the meme that women were forcibly raped in ancient times when invaders conquered their village. It seems plausible they went along to get along, no force necessary. Just a cursory glance at modern warfare shows this type of behavior in them.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

“War brides,” have always been a thing.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Reynard
2 years ago

Call it rape, subjugation, or perhaps even “war brides.” Females being taken captive for reproduction (ok, the breeding is often an incidental 🙂 ) is a distressing feature of human history. Google “Ghenghis Khan Y chromosome” and you’ll discover why 0.5% of males worldwide have his gene(s).

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Hey whiskey, I can’t tell you how much I miss your blog.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

This is why you give no quarter to mudsharks and women shouldn’t vote.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Tangentially related, today I listened to Gad Saad interview Megyn Kelly and one thing in the interview was pretty funny. She said that if her husband cried during sex she’d ask for a divorce. Lady wants an Alpha.

2 years ago

Let’s not forget this transgender nonsense. This fad has ravaged my kids’ schools to the extent that the Crucible isn’t a play, but a how-to guide for these very online young women. It’s pure insanity.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alex
2 years ago

I wish we could. Recently the medical journal Lancet is in hot water because, apparently to pander to trannies, it called women “people with vaginas” on its cover, or some such idiocy. This is from a journal that recently cancelled a Covid origins investigation team because it admitted it’d be a potential conflict of interest having members who had relations with the Wuhan lab. Also notable for March 2020 editorial, again, at behest of usual suspects, decrying the very thought that there could have been a leak from the lab. I’ve never read a single article there. However, based on… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

It was worse. “Bodies with vaginas,” not even “people.” They thought they could smuggle in some Foucault cred by phrasing it so inhumanly, but everyone was just disgusted (except trannies, who’ve transcended that). I wish Foucault was still around to blast these sexless creeps.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alex
2 years ago

The YouTube channel, “Think Before You Sleep,” just did an hour long piece covering how trans activists are pushing straight men to date and form relationships with trannies.

I can remember being mocked for predicting this a few years ago at iSteve’s.

This didn’t surprise me because it’s the sort of coin-clipping exercise the Wokesters excel at. Anything to reduce Western men and masculinity just a *little* bit more.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Idiot normies are jabbed up, wasting time and money on sportsball, then beating each other down:


Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I’d like to suggest an alternative hypothesis: This is good. There’s nothing like getting socked in the face to reorient your entire perspective. There’s a reason Fight Club resonated with so many men back in 1999.* If they’re at all honest with themselves (I know, big IF) both the man who got angry enough to throw a punch, and the guy who caught it, have learned something very valuable about themselves. *Another example of the very clever boys in Hollywood making the exact opposite point of the one they thought they were making; one of the biggest own-goals ever put… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I’m surprised thst film hasn’t been quietly deleted by the controllers.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

In due course. In due course.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

It survives because it’s a also a metaphor for homosexuality.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Homosexuality as hyperbolic masculinity, like in the mythical very olden days. It’s nothing like today’s idea(s) of it.

The movie’s somehow so truly manly, women psychotically hate it. It’s decades old and Tinder bios still angrily demand that fans of it stay away.

So few things elicit that reaction, we should believe it and pay attention.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Great way to get subversive (masculine) ideas out there: give it a lame ending everybody ignores and start a whisper campaign that it’s secretly gay propaganda.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Worked for the Matrix also.

Great stuff happening in the 90s. I particularly enjoyed watching angry young men burn Woodstock.

Then 9/11, then the unmitigated disaster that was Bush, now men can have babies too!

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

What was really scary about Fight Club was the ending showing collapsing skyscrapers–two years before 9/11.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I am always somewhat dismayed by the amount of young men I meet who have never been punched in the face, even in sport. When I was a boy, my Dad bought me two sets of boxing gloves and a speed bag and my friend and I — I think this would have been 6th grade — said, “Hey, let’s box each other!” To two 6th grade boys that’s basically, “stand there and beat each other in the face until neither of you can walk straight.” We didn’t do that a lot, but y’know, schoolyard fights were a thing. I… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

I used to get beaten up pretty good by older boys. Never told an adult because you didn’t do that, never backed down from a fight because you didn’t do that either. I’d punch trees to toughen my hands up, thinking if I could get one good shot in, they’d think twice next time. Probably succeeded a few times, too.

Then I hit puberty and threw a guy who’d spit on me up against a wall, threatened to kill him, and I meant it. After that, people started leaving me alone 🙂

Looking back, I’m grateful for the experience.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

In my older middle-aged years, I’ve taken up ice hockey. I can’t tell you how invigorating those games are, especially the more physical ones.

2 years ago

If you want a disturbing sneak peak into the future and logical conclusion of this matriarchal society, watch the movie “Equals” with Kristen Stewart. It was filmed and released in 2015, before the “after times” and before the bad orange man. I don’t think this movie would be released today, and I’d be surprised if it doesn’t eventually get banned. It depicts a time when normative heterosexual desires and feelings have been genetically engineered out of the human race, and have essentially become criminalized, though treated as a pathogen that needs a “cure”. I’m sure that the leftist writers and… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

The thing I don’t get is, women have been bearing and loving children forever. How would they suddenly hate them enough to have them butchered in the womb, or to think they’re some kind of disease?

Something about it doesn’t add up. Are women that programmable? Is there no such thing as instinct for them? I have a very difficult time time believing it, yet that would appear to be the reality for a whole lot of them.

2 years ago

The ‘vid has replaced screeching about Orange Man Bad in giving purpose to their lives. Imagine if Trump hadn’t been the nominee and Hilary had won, what would the media have talked about for the last five years?

2 years ago

Yes. I will add this to make the comment longer.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

I get that. Why does it not let you post a short comment?

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

This craze unfortunately has much further to go before it exhausts itself. There are more single adult women in the US than married women now for the first time in US history. Out-of-wedlock births are a growing problem among white women. Government, pension fund and stock-exchange mandates for more women corporate directors means more DIE crap in big business in the future. So the wave is huge and has not crested. Thermodynamic laws govern the end of crises like this one. The delusions remain until the gas pump is dry and the store shelves are empty. The governing force of… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

“Out-of-wedlock births are a growing problem among white women.”

No births at all is arguably the bigger medium term problem. I have some hope that in the longer term, as Ed Dutton predicts, the more fecund religious sects like the Amish will dominate.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

The Amish are becoming inbred to the point of genetic defects, and serious ones at that. The Amish aren’t the future because they are not only inbred, but just as reliant on global supply chains as everyone else. The only difference is their selection of technology and tools.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Inbreeding is an issue. However, there’s forests, old lime kilns, excellent farmland, an abandoned iron mine, and most importantly, the knowledge of how to make use of them in these parts, anyhow. They’d do just fine. Cut out the cancer of suburbia and the rest of us would do just fine, too.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

The Amish are far better positioned to survive economic collapse than most White people. As things deteriorate, their rejection of modernity will look more and more appealing. They simply are not as reliant on global supply chain as everyone else, because they retain the skills necessary to survive using local resources.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

i will state for the record, my willingness to help the amish people, increase their biodiversity. phone first…

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

The end point is when they die off with no offspring.

Bu that’s 60 – 80 years down the road.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan is delightfully dyspeptic today. […]

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Most women don’t care about the truth. They only want to know what the rules are, no matter how stupid or evil they are. When society has decayed to the point Western Civilization has, and the rules change by the day, we have set up a feedback loop in the minds of women. Since women are not, by design, original thinkers, whoever controls the dispersion of “the rules” will have de facto control over women who will always follow the herd. However, changing the rules every day has a psychological effect on women. Their genetic need for “security” is threatened… Read more »

My Comment
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Yes. Liberal women are increasingly drugged up but they are OK with that. Leftist women are 2x more likely to be diagnosed with mental disorders. That is a feature of the system not a bug.

Women love dreams and attention. The crazier they get, the more drama and attention.

Rules change? What better way to get more stand and attention than to be one of the first to show obedience to the new rules? If the rules stay the same there is not near as much drama and chances for attention

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Amusing exhibit of insane females in command:

It’ll be interesting to see how acting Gov. Hovel or whats-her-name in NY will handle the incipient loss of about 20% of hospital workers (all at once?) come Tuesday 09-28. Granted, some military reservists are trained for medical, but I don’t see them just stepping in to fill the complex systems that are a hospital. Wonder how many the military will soon lose if they push ahead with the mandatory jab.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

A commenter over at Zero Hedge made the point that National Guard soldiers who have a medical background are probably already working in healthcare in their civilian lives and this is like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

and there you have socialism.

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Virginia rape hoax?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Mattress girl and her imaginary boyfriend, “Monahan Harridan” or whatever the preppy name was.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

That’s actually a different rape hoax. The Virginia Rape Hoax involved a woman who didn’t exist. Mattress girl actually made what is essentially a prono as a school project she had the nerve to call art.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Easy to get them mixed up, right?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Is this the one where the AW guvvner of Virginia pardoned seven Hutus who were executed for rape about 100 years ago? The Martinsville Seven, I think they’ve been dubbed.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

There so many it’s hard to keep track

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

And ol’ Virginny seems to be the epicenter. I guess that’s what happens when you’ve got virgin in your name.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

i will answer your question. rolling stone had a story about a girl who went to a frat party and was treated in a manner only slightly more extreme than the myriad porn videos so freely available (now). it turned out she made it all up, and was unstable mentally. there were some crazy details, like screwing in broken glass from a table, things like that. she also had an obsession with some boy, and tried to catfish him with this whole episode.

just like the recent rolling stone article on the coof – that was entirely made up.

2 years ago

Another phenomena along the lines of “undiagnosed (wished for) Covid” is “long Covid”. This has been for years known by physicians as “post viral syndrome”. PVS symptoms are weakness, heart palpitations, general malaise, prolonged recovery, etc. after a bout with a virus, e.g., flu. It has a small incidence and complete recovery is almost 100% after 90 days. The symptoms are a hypochondriac’s dream! However, search the Internet and you’ll find a strong, and growing population claiming Covid “disability” and demanding specific research into this aspect of their “disease”. Claims for compensation are sure to follow. Congress (IIRC) has called… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Long COVID sounds an awful lot like chronic fatigue syndrome. Another primarily female malady…

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I heard of long Covid months ago but just thought it ridiculous. Apparently a lot of other people did too since it vanished from the media. Now it seems to be coming back. Every day Covid seems to acquire a new superpower that sets it apart from all other viruses and even other coronaviruses. So now, there’s a new undetectable form of Covid that afflicts women – Ghost Covid. Like Dr. Strange it dabbles in the occult and moves freely between the land of the living and the dead. Science and Magick melded together in one gigantic inscrutable mystery. So… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Most likely “long Covid” is a chronic infection that was being suppressed that got a stronger foothold while the immune system was dealing with Covid. Lyme for example. Conventional docs are clueless on dealing with them and alternatives are iffy. Best defense is to take care of your immune system with real food, spring water and no recreational drugs. Get your walks in too. Not foolproof, but how many people do that?

Probably hits men more than women but we’re less likely to go to the doc.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Technojunkie
2 years ago

A brisk, 45-minute or longer walk is great exercise.

There is a compound called quercetin that helps the body with zinc uptake like HCQ and quinine.

Zinc is a key nutrient because it is a proven anti-viral.

Quercetin is found in foods like apples, onions, green tea, and red wine.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

young girls, they do get weary

Mike Poile
Mike Poile
2 years ago

Scold’s bridle, the new term for covid muzzles. For that alone Z deserves a pint. £3.85 dispatched via paypal.

Reply to  Mike Poile
2 years ago

It’s real and brutal. Needs to make a comeback.


My Comment
2 years ago

“There is a limit to tolerating this and that limit is rapidly approaching.” If this statement was true we wouldn’t be in this predicament to begin with. The future, sadly, is female as the feminist saying goes. All you have to do is look at Australia to see that we aren’t even close to no longer tolerating female hysteria. Sure a minority of men are fighting back but they can be stopped because as Berenson has pointed out 70 percent of the Australian population now is willing to give up freedom for safety. And younger men are even more amenable… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

30% of men can put a stop to this. Not saying it will happen before things get REALLY bad, but it’s a possibility. I think the wisest have mentally and spiritually, and probably physically, steeled themselves for the worst. The trajectory looks bad, real bad, but I don’t think it hurts to have some hope that things *could* turn around and enough normal people shall say, “our patience has its LIMITS!”

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

We need Heartiste back now more than ever.
Not “players”, but men confident to know that women are simply playing a game to weed out the losers.

Someone here pointed out, as their income rose, so did their imagined expectations, and a media driven competition as well.
I surely can’t compete with the beautiful sets and sculpted people on the screen.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Heartiste is still sharing his thoughts, not on a blog, but at Gab, under the moniker “King of all Nads.”

My Comment
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

I find King of all Nads to be a major disappointment. Gone is all the clever wordplay and scope of CH. Now it is mainly strident messages about the tribe that anyone could write. It was also disappointing to see him just fold the site when wordpress banned it rather than fight back. Now it is live but just a historical relic. For all of his Gab posting about fighting back, he sure didn’t fight back.

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

That’s because he was and is a poser. He made it abundantly clear that he wasn’t interested in doing anything remotely resembling work to stave off the decline, but rather to exploit it for short lived epicurean goals. In the end, he became what he chased.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Mr. Alzaebo,

Don’t sell yourself short. Out of the many invisible commentators on this site, you are easy one of the most beautiful.

But I certainly miss the Heartistes’ of yesteryear. The “Nads” on Gab is but an echo of his Chateau days.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

Well that is certainly undeserved- but deeply appreciated.

It’s also a kick in the nads, thanks.
Something both me and Heartiste could use right now. I’m letting the demoralization get to me.

Welp, screw that. I’m both envious and inspired by the Zman’s daily display of discipline. I’m grateful every day for all that I’m not taking advantage of.
I’ve got to get back up and get to it. So much still possible, and f**k the fear. The road ain’t easy but it’s the one we have chosen.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

For the love of Christ, does anyone see anything positive? The endless bitching is like the midget retards on the tv, relentless, send a check to Shlomo for a new scooter for Toby.

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
2 years ago

Not sure this female dominated society is unsustainable.

With AI doing all the work, I have a nightmare vision of the future.

The world will be a small number of men who control the machines that produce all the wealth.

The vast majority (90% plus) of the human population will be the harem for machine controllers with nearly all male fetuses being terminated before birth.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Sand Wasp
2 years ago

Sounds like the polygamous LDS offshoots in So. Utah/AZ. As the boys in the “family” become teenagers, they are forced out into the world with no help with schooling, work etc. There’s a single patriarch who controls all the women and his word is law.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

The best part of this whole mass Covid hysteria was home office. I have been working home office now for nearly two years. Now I can get things done since my colleagues can’t stop at my desk and waste my time. My boss doesn’t randomly call to bother me either. Online meetings on Skype are wonderful. I can put the entire team on mute and catch up on Youtube cat videos on my home PC. When they complained that my laptop camera wasn’t on, I told them it was broken and I’m not allowed to take it to the help… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

Funny. Those little victories against clown world by turning the clowns own honks against itself are indeed something to relish. There was a Simpsons episode (“King Size Homer”) many moons ago in which Homer got wise to the work from home option due to the “disability” of being too fat. He gamed the system by gaining weight and was soon enough indeed too fat to work at the plant. So fat, in fact, he could only wear a mumu. Which he quickly relished as it also eliminated all the fuss over getting dressed every day. His genius now in full… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

“You stupid bird! I never should have left you in charge!”

Great episode. Back when The Simpsons wasn’t a complete cop out.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

“Hey, Miss Doesn’t-find-me-attractive-sexually-anymore: I just tripled my productivity!”

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

I quit watching The Simpsons in the mid-90s, but I still maintained fond memories of the first several seasons thereafter. However, Devon Stack pretty much ruined the show for me.


a strongly worded message
a strongly worded message
Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

reminds me of the premise of the tv series “Lost” where the tank dweller had to press Execute on the ancient keyboard every 20 minutes or the world would come to an end..

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

Careful about that. It’s already a kind of outsourcing, not a big leap to nonessential.

Blue collar people can’t have all the fun, you know?

Gunner Q
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

“I guess I could take the piece of black electrical tape off the camera lens, but whatever.”

Per your company’s union contract with IBEW, only a qualified electrician may remove electrical insulation.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Women, being emotive and not critical thinkers, don’t think about supply chains. As a matter of fact they think “the virus” must be affecting auto plants so let’s go even harder on this. It’s the men who’ve failed in our society. The balless, “men without chests” as CS Lewis would say. They’re the majority of men, they’re everywhere and they’ve never once told women what’s up since 1952. So of course women run wild in their hysteria and imaginations. Of course, universal suffrage added gasoline to the fire.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

This is certainly the way the media always talks about everything – “Covid is severely affecting supply chains”. No, dumbass media persona, Coof particles are not jamming the transmissions of trucks, idiots like you spreading hysteria among the gullible (especially women, who are the overwhelming majority of the severely gullible) are forcing factories to close and productive men to be idled against their will.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Most women can’t imagine a world without washing machines, dishwashers, central heat.
I woke up the other morning, nip in the air and turned the heat for the first time this year, just to get rid of the chill. It made me so happy because I thought of all the men and women for millennia who woke up cold and had to light a fire. Mine came on with a press of the finger and a click

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

In a few homes I’ve lived in, it was traditional to welcome the cooling of autumn by building a fire in the fireplace,
often realizing too late we’d forgotten the “open the damper” step 😀

2 years ago

I am reading dutton’s book right now. He’s like Theodore Dalrymple to me he is aa super fun read with a lot of really interesting stories and I pretty much agree with everything he says and it’s just like having a perfectly agreeable conversation with someone

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

He’s fun to watch on YouTube—or Bitchute, but his writings are better to gain an understanding of his thinking. His video’s are a bit too fast for me and my hearing is not what it used to be. I’m not sure he always makes his case, but his ideas are provocative. I am certain there is no one pulling his chain, he’s an original—if perhaps too far ahead of the science at times.

Goetz v B.
Goetz v B.
2 years ago

Iceland’s parliament is now almost half female. That plus a few globalist agitators almost guarantees a mass influx of non-Vikings to that island gem.

Reply to  Goetz v B.
2 years ago

When you drive into Reykjavik from the airport the first thing you see is a huge mosque. Nuff said.

2 years ago

“Spiteful mutant” is the best phrase I’ve found for testing the bias of search engines and the overall informational decay of the internet. Even the least censorious sites give DEBOONKings priority over everything Dutton himself ever said about it. Knowing it doesn’t work anymore, I don’t often search for anything, but I couldn’t remember Dutton’s name, though I remembered his signature idea. Simplest type of search to get right. But nothing like “evolutionary theorist Edward Dutton’s concept describing…” was anywhere in the Google or Bing results. So I kept going down the list, all the way to the Russian and… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

You might want to give yandex a try. Google is absolutely worthless on many topics now. Youtube is just completely destroyed. You can’t find much of anything on youtube the search is so screwed up.

Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

Try neeva.com. It is a subscription search engine but gives you a 3-6 month trial. The news curation doesn’t include reputable sites like dailystormer but a search for “ivermectin” gives a solid 50/50 sample of COVID miracle cure / horse paste is for horses articles and sites. I say it’s worth a try.

2 years ago

The hysterical female problem seems to have been amplified by the fact that they are generally miserable, mentally ill, and lonely in modern society. It might even be a symptom of the bigger problem. I know quite a few women who didn’t really enjoy life much before the pandemic. Poor social life, no community, etc. They seemed happy to lockdown. It gives them a sense of purpose, as Z said, but it also gives them an excuse to be miserable and depressed, and think it’s normal. They weren’t really giving anything up except a daily commute to the office. They… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Failed in the past century* or two, not decade.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Women in Muslim countries are absolutely, stone cold, hysterically batshit fuktup crazy. Crazy crazy, like the men. Goddam stop looking to the ultimate in Abrahamic rape faggotry for anything.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Addendum: Wolgang Bruno nailed it: the evolutionary strategy of Islamic society is to force-breed male soldiers.

Their males are highly expendable copies of deeply inbred lines. Sexual psychosis is the driver of their zealotry.

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

I lived and worked on an archeological dig in Turkey many years ago and was exposed to the Muslim “mind”; the middle class, urban educated males were big sissies and lived at home with Mom til they were 35. The most normal ones on the dig I worked at were the guys from Eastern Anatolia who skillfully wielded pickaxes in the trenches and were perfectly pleasant as I made attempts to speak Turkish and communicate about the work being done. The city dwellers were the obnoxious ones, plus anti-American to boot..

Gunner Q
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“This kind of female lunacy just doesn’t happen in Muslim countries, for instance. Any woman trying this on her husband would probably get slapped down in most parts of the world.”

Pakistan went hardcore Vaxx-apartheid, the first nation to lockout people’s smartphones if they refuse the vaxx. Other Muslim countries have been cooperating with the lockdowns to lesser degrees. And Saudi Arabia’s royal family is notoriously feminist.

I do not see what you claim.

Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

Just because Pakistan got bullied into “implementing” some crap by the WHO doesn’t mean anybody living there gives a damn about it. The government can say whatever it wants; enforcement is basically non-existent. They’re not cancelling family gatherings, and Friday prayer is most certainly not over Zoom.

Zimbabwe is the world’s richest nation, flush with 1 trillion dollar bills. It’s a different world, in the third world.

Ram Founoul
Ram Founoul
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125…from somebody who was there 25…yes 1995 divorce…25 years ago, I can tell you nobody has to get hit or even be threatened to be hit. To banish the warlock for kids and riches, all the witch needs to do is mutter and scribe the abracadabra words “…I’m in fear for my life…” on the special preprinted TRO documents. As an aside, and ironically, its the police that first abused that “I’m in fear for my life” phrase when run through the no investigation police on subject shooting. Defund the police…I don’t care…I really never felt protected by them anyway.

2 years ago

Regarding Z’s Taki article, all I can say is that Rachel guy is hard to look at. My disgust response seems only to grow more acute.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

We have a recurrent thread of misogyny here at the Z Blog. 🙂 No matter, there is more than a grain of truth in such comments.

The final comment, about how things are falling apart, is the only thing I’ll comment on now. Is the limit really approaching? Do we really know how bad things will get? My feeling is that we are still falling, and just how far to the bottom, or how hard we’ll hit, is still an open question. 🙁

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Just be more nice and one day she will notice you.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

Be advised!
The Taki link will reveal an image of Harridan First Class Rachel Maddow.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

Yep our esteemed blog host should have included a spew or vomit alert on that one…!

2 years ago

I stole a portion of your scientific method, Z. I decided to check Dutton’s credentials out personally.

He’s a fascist and misogynist, of course:


And all of you are heretics!!! 🙂

It pays to check ya facts, A-HYUK, A-HYUK, A-HYUK!!!!

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

On the bright side, most of the Fascists had snappy uniforms.

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

Who says gays have the best fashion?

Mike Poile
Mike Poile
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Glenfilthie, while wikipedia is always right, in this instance it doesn’t go nearly far enough. Not only is Dutton all the things wiki claims, he is also a “Pathological Darwinist” (It’s something I just invented). I suspect that if Ed can’t find his car keys there’ll be a Darwinian explanation. Despite this, or possibly because of it his videos are hilarious watching and not to be missed.

2 years ago

Both the Taki piece and today’s post are, once again, outstanding expositions of a core societal problem that no one else is talking about, either on the internet or elsewhere. In essence, Z and Dutton are saying that burning witches at the stake was (and presumably still is) a societal necessity if we are to persist as a successful civilization. That ought to get Mx. Maddow foaming at the mouth shortly (her nickname is Mad Dog Maddow). A deeper problem that I think deserves more discussion is that most Americans still believe that we can talk our way out of… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Z is completely right of course, but given my proximity to The Hive… I am seeing plenty of men falling for this hoax too and I am at a loss to understand it. I get the kids or younger men – they are out to score points with their shitlib women and get laid, and if their women are shitlibs… they themselves are probably substandard flawed men to begin with. But the older ones…? I have seen pitched fights between men on the net over this idiocy too. Curiously I see a lot of common sense about this from the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

I played golf the other day and after the round, sat down for a beer. The other three have been vaxxed – one mostly for travel purposes – and was skeptical of getting the booster. The other two weighed in with with stuff like “what do you have to lose” or “the coof is much more dangerous” etc. I kept my silence as well as hid my incredulity…

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

My Mom is upset that I am not vaxxed. I pointed out all the cases where our elites and the media have lied to us. She said, “What is their motivation to lie about covid?” Here’s my list. Let me know if I missed anything. Sunken cost fallacy. When covid first appeared, it was better for politicians to be seen and doing too much than too little. At this point, they have gone down the wrong path but can’t admit this without losing lots of credibility. Big Pharma. Just like the MIC loves the endless ME wars, Big Pharma loves… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

On Zerohedge there’s a letter/post written by a guy/group called Spartacus regarding covid and the vax. Pretty technical but pretty good and detailed. Worth a read.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

It’s hard for many like your mom, and my mom to wrap their minds around the possibility of the media and institutions lying about all of this. I still don’t know exactly “why,” but “follow the money,” and bringing in electronic passports and currency, seem likely. Maybe it’s really about “The Great Reset.” The elites after all, have been openly talking about that. Anything more diabolical, like culling the population, is possible, but I’m not ready to concede that yet. But the war against ivermectin, the desperation to jab everyone, and the censorship of honest talk about adverse effects says… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

If anyone tells you “what is the motivation to lie,” just show them the stock price chart for Moderna from January 2020 to today. From under $20 a share then to over $400 today.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

I’ll second the recommended Zero Hedge Covid memo.

Gunner Q
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

@Wolf Barney, “…says this whole thing is more than what they’re telling us it is.” Two thoughts. 1. You don’t really know what they’re injecting you with. It might not be what they injected you with last time, or what they injected the other guy with. 2. The people making/pushing the vaxx believe there are too many people alive. What better way to ‘right-size’ the human race than the ability to mix killshots in with regularly-scheduled boosters? Say, a 1 in 20 ratio of killshot to clotshot? Especially when the media have already primed people to believe that healthy folks… Read more »

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

I had a similar response from two conservative men who said the vax will protect their children, since they cannot get vaxed. I was stunned. Of course, pointing out that kids are more likely to get into a car accident on the way to getting vaxed than they are to having even mild illness, just leads down the rabbit hole of how Delta is way more dangerous for kids. Pointing out that, no, kids who go to the hospital for something else are called Covid cases just results in blank stares.

Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

Watch the kids. When they get out of school and fall in with their gangs – the vast majority of masks come off. At this point, something else is going on here. I suspect pork barrelling for the most part, but won’t write off more nefarious and insidious intents behind this BS. I know for years around here, at least, the health nazis were banging on about yearly flu shots and maybe this is just the end game here. I might have been amenable back then… but not now. I don’t like the chit birds involved with this hoax one… Read more »

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

What you have to lose is you are playing Russian roulette with those shots.
VAERS already has 15, 000 deaths a magnitude more of severe adverse reactions.
Also, don’t do what evil people, that hate you, tell you do.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

To take a page from Rollo: You cannot negotiate desire. Or in a different context, the long con works when the mark believes he has hand. As soon as the mark believes he is persuading the artist to do his bidding, its too late. But to walk away requires the mark to admit he is a mark. And so it all unfolds, predictably. To right the inversion a man cannot persuade from his knees. The truth of our situation is harsh not just because it demands action, but because in advance of any action that matters every man must indict… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

A society dominated by females or female sensibility simply can’t last. Eventually, it will be taken over by a male dominated society. It’s just a question of when and how.

I have no clue what our path will be, but I do know that liberal democracy will fall along with female control of society. You can’t give women equal political power via the vote and maintain a male-dominated society.

The society or societies of North America will be much more conservative, male dominated and far less democratic. They’ll have no other choice.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“The society or societies of North America will be much more conservative, male dominated and far less democratic.”

Sounds like progress.

But unless Western Whites swell their sacks, that strongman could well be a brown or a black or a yellow. In our own lands, nonetheless.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Good very well be the case. Europeans and their diaspora were and are an amazing collection of peoples, but where as we were once as hardy as a weed, we’ve evolved into a hot-house flower.

But that hot house is breaking down. Either we find our footing again, or we are absorbed into tougher tribes. There’s no other choice.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Whitehouse Chief of staff, Sec of Homeland Security, Sec of State, Sec of Treasure, Attorney General (Dept of Justice, FBI), CDC, and many many more …

We are already under control of an off-white strong man.

The women, homos, trannies, browns, et al are just front me. Obedient bio-Lenin front men.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

There’s no evidence right now that white people deserve a homeland, or even want one. I wish everybody had our mindset but most don’t. In fact most white people think we’re evil for wanting a homeland. I don’t worry about general society or average white people. I focus on Our Thing and if somebody wants to come along that’s great. Story about the state of white people: I went on a first date recently. I learned about how she “partied” during an exchange in Australia (lots of dicks), drinks every night after work, and drinks in the morning “sometimes”. She… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Something like 25% of working age women are on anti-depressants. That’s pretty much a number you would expect for a complete dystopian hellscape. Like an abused victim with Stockholm Syndrome, these drugged up women will push for more and more dysgenic policies that will make the next generation even more drugged up.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

women have been on pills or some other drug, since such things existed. gin being known as “mother’s ruin”, laudanum for the blues, amphetamines and sleeping pills in the 50’s, etc etc. especially if they don’t have small kids to distract them from the tedium of day to day life.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Rolling Stones had already nailed it circa 1965: …she goes running for the shelter of her mothers little helper…..

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The signs of decline are everywhere. White working class dropping out, taking drugs and killing themselves. White middle and upper-middle class women latching on to Covid and/or BLM to give their lives meaning. White men looking around wondering what the hell happened to their world. It’s a society that has reached the end of the line. But there’s nothing to replace it with. The other side offers not but platitudes. Diversity, inclusion, etc. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s generally just a long bitch-fest against white men, which might make all of them feel good, but it’s not vision for the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

We’re in the period between the time when a group is publicly identified as targets for eradication, and the time when the machetes come out.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

how much did you tip her?

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

In my exceedingly small sample size, women take The Pill, which makes their brains “weird”, which means having to take some other pill to “take the edge” off. It’s not unusual for there to be a third “stabilizing” pill that they take as needed. It’s all in an effort of course for them to be able to LARP as men.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

I can see that. I took the pill for 6 weeks when I was around 21. I felt like it was my entry into adulthood but I hated how it made feel and stopped and never took it again. Maybe it helps explain why I seem to be so at odds with other women

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Why didn’t you excuse yourself from the table when it became apparent that she was a basket case? Instead, you slept with her? The best thing that could happen to most white women right now is to be completely ignored – particularly by white men.

A wiser man than me once said, “never feed yourself to a woman, you’ll only turn her into a man-eater.”

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

I agree, I am contributing to the problem of breaking down society. At the same time, if she didn’t get it from me she would go on another date the next night and get it from somebody else. And then I’ve gotten nothing, sitting there dick in hand. I don’t believe celibacy is healthy either.

Of course in previous generations I would probably be a married father by now but we live in a screwed up society.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

We are sinners, all. But seriously, DSYDIC. Easier said than done, sure, but it’s still true.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

She’s a crack whore. We are just well behind in defining the crack. She’s literally on drugs. Selling her sexuality to strangers online for attention, validation, and highly perishable resources from males doing the same. She needed a fix; you gave her a fix. The problem is that we don’t see her as a crack whore but as “normal”. As she sees herself. And we don’t see ourselves as enablers, merely observers of the fallen. In this we are both not just wrong in the assessment but in how we mist come to accept our part in all of this.… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

She gets depressed and can’t function because she goes into withdrawal.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Xanax is the hardest drug to get off of. Harder than heroin, opium, alcohol, you name it. It will either turn her brain to mush eventually or she’s going to find out the very hard way these drugs aren’t candy. It’s criminal they’re even allowed to be prescribed.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125: Sad story. What’s even sadder is that in another 25 years, she’ll be on the same path – no longer young and pretty, still hopping from bed to bed looking for ‘the one’ while claiming most men are dreadful, still taking antidepressants and various other pills, still working at some worthless cubicle job, and going home to a couple of cats. Friend’s work assistant just hit 50. She’s constantly dating online, sleeps with each guy the first night, nothing ever comes of any of them. She’s been on antidepressants since college. She has two cats. She no longer has… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The future is already here. White men form the hereditary serf class, with vibrant diverse men the ruling class. All with female empowerment and you go girl! stuff. Until the Taliban or Xi’s soldiers bring it crashing down.

2 years ago

Once again: the 19th Amendment was a huge mistake.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Yes it was and men allowed it to happen – maybe there was a generalized female decision to withhold nooky that weakened male resolve . It’s been downhill ever since and accelerating to “ludicrous speed“ in the last decade.

Reply to  UsNthem
2 years ago

Wyoming is considered a deeply conservative state; but it was the men of the 19th century Wyoming Territory who, craving that scarce nookie, included the right for women to vote as an inducement to draw the fillies to the corral. And today those tough cowboys have a state whose motto is “Equal Rights,” which would be an even greater joke if the state wasn’t over 90% white, and their sole Congress critter is the bull dyke lesbian daughter of a notorious neocon warmonger.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Civil War.

Federal Reserve Act : 1913.
Then WWI

Then 19th Amendment : 1919.

19th has made it worse, but it was just yet-another-mistake.

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

1965 Immigration Act
1985 Reagan Amnesty
1993 Nafta
2012 DACA
2015 Homo Marriage

After that point, I must avert my eyes…

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

“You can probably mark the Virginia rape hoax as the beginning of this pattern. A crisis invented by political grifters was made real by a couple of women desperate for attention”.
The genesis of the pattern might even go back further to when the Duke lacrosse team was not sufficiently punished for crimes white men did not commit against a defenseless black woman.
The pattern became fully ingrained when in 2018 the evil white male supreme court nominee was not banished to outer darkness for the crimes he did not commit against the helpless adolescent Doctor Blasey Ford.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

“…the helpless adolescent Doctor Blasey Ford.”

Now there was a face that looked as though it could have been improved by being crushed between the hulls to two supertankers.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

One quote that always came to mind, spoken, I believe, by Crow T. Robot, “she was hastily put together.”

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

“sperm ravaged visage”

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

It’s not so much Ford as it is those who gave her their “full throated” support like our esteemed Vice President.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

These unsufferable harridans take their toll in even reasonably stable women. given women are herd creatures, when they are surrounded by insanity, they will likely take part in it themselves. During the initial Covid craze, I lived life as normal outside of working from home which was forced on me. I went to the store to get pop, went to the hardware store for supplies, etc. Drove my wife nuts, as she thought I wasn’t taking it seriously. Then she got a light cold and accused me with red rage that I gave her Covid. Only one other time in… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Good on you, Chet. Good on you old son. Simply living our lives as normal (or as close to it) is the key. I was encouraged to work from home – but I did not. I never followed the ‘tarded restrictions unless was absolutely compelled (for example, on a plane, but even then I took that mask right off when the stewardess buggered off. They gave up on me.). Didn’t do the bullshit social distancing. Walked everywhere without a mask. Got into aggro early doors, so started avoiding certain places, because why create the hassle. Still, as normal as possible.… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Exactly. I can say I’ve lived a mostly normal life in the past year and a half. This seems to be what makes them angriest – normal people living normally and having fun. I kept meeting up with friends and family, I’ve been on dates, I’ve been going to the gym, church is operating normally (under the table now). I wear a mask in stores but that’s because I don’t see the point in starting a conflict in public. Grey man. Definitely still unvaccinated. Just because some random lunatic is yelling at me doesn’t mean I’m going to go into… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Yeah, the family situation blows at times. Had an aunt refer to herself as “A Covid True Believer”. The insinuation – of course – was that neither my father nor myself thought the scary China Flu was real. What boobs we are.

She was masked at a family function. Shame, as she’s a good woman. But a woman she be.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

When Covid was at peak panic last Easter, the family got together as usual. I asked one question before attending. Masks required?

The answer was no—and there were none in sight. Same Thanksgiving and Christmas. Family seems more concerned with parents (oldsters), but I’ve told them pointedly, “no masks”. Of course, they really got excited when we came down ill New Years, but that passed quickly.

You live according to your beliefs, or what’s the point?

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The Lovely Mrs. started succumbing to the stories last spring when the first wave of craziness reared its head. I was cautious, but when I started looking around and didn’t see bodies stacked like cordwood and started checking sites like these, I started reasoning with her. I’d ask her “Think about this: Why This? Why Now?” I’d point out how “conveniently” this plague appeared after the Impeachment follies. I pointed out the lockdowns, the masking, the work from home, the economy contracting, all of this was a bigger point than some disease. She started coming to my line of thinking.… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

A “surge in cases” can be a simple case of a positive feedback loop with a few scare stories in the media being the trigger. This is somewhat like that angry screaming feedback from a sound system that can start with a tiny rustling sound. Once people get a bit scared they rush off to get tested. Since there’s a non-zero false positive rate this inevitably generates “cases”. These are then dutifully reported in giant block letters “NEW COVID SURGE WILL KILL YOU ALL!”. So more Coof monkeys get more tests and there are more cases… The fact that this… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Going through my wife’s menopause has given me untold knowledge on how to deal with women’s insanity. Thankfully I did not need to draw deep on that experience with this present nonsense with her but definitely with many others.

I understand fully that most of them are just a few steps away of descending to this lunacy.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“Since then I’ve been proven right about everything , she has apologized profusely, and has removed her social media, and we don’t talk about it anymore.”

You have yourself a very rare woman. She’s a keeper.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

because she won’t do it again.

Norham Foul
Norham Foul
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Intuitively and Immediately, I knew the Covid was bullshit (not to say it can’t be amped up to a more severe bioweapon in the future). It little researches, and it confirmed it for me. Like WTC, it did not add up. It was full D up your arse propaganda from the beginning, and I told my significant that. She was distraught for her health and mine, and she emotionally blew up at me a few times as she genuinely feared imminent death. I compromised and told her I would go through the handwashing and hand sanitizing rituals. I also never… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet: Well done, Sir. Agree 100%. Women get away with what their men let them. Obviously I cannot judge anyone here who fears being divorce raped and losing his children, but a man must be the leader in a marriage and in charge of his own home. The rare exceptions are never supposed to be the basis for the rules. I’ve taken to telling women in public that I think women in general are stupid or nuts or evil. It really takes them aback – to hear an older, married woman say that she can’t stand being around old biddies,… Read more »

2 years ago

“Putting all of that aside, what Covid has revealed is that we not only have female trouble, but we cannot ignore it forever.” If you want to imagine an ideal future – imagine a large, masculine handing slapping the bottom of hysterical womanhood forever. Let it be our version of Orwell’s boot on the face. Many years ago, before I met my wife, I would frequent London’s publick houses, have a beer and read my book. Popular boozers tend to fill up quickly on Saturdays, so invariably I’d get talking to many people. A number of times it would be… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

It’s insane how many women don’t realize their fertility timeline. No, you can’t just have a kid in your late 30’s like you can in your 20’s. Even if you have a kid, trust me, it’s twice as hard dealing with a screaming 2 year old when you are 40 versus 25.

Also, I have no idea what these women spend their money on, but after all those years of working, they still don’t manage to pay their college loans.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The average girl will be out and about socializing and buying clothing items. They burn through the dosh.

True enough about timelines. It’s fine, I suppose, if one does this from 16-23. But let’s face it, the mid twenties are the golden years for family raising. If only biology was really a social construct, eh?

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

There has been some correction to the fertility timeline myth, but not near enough. The dumbest part is thinking they will still be able to find a man they will want to marry and have children with after 30. Their response to these failures as a result of their own poor choices is to blame men for wanting a younger woman with far less emotional baggage.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

If you are going to get emotional baggage—highly probably with a “used up” 30 something who could not land anyone up til that point—why not buy a model with less wear and tear? As many MGTOW folks have noted, men are peaking at that age, women are long in decline.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

” I have no idea what these women spend their money on.”

According to the dating profiles that I must peruse, they are all world travellers. All that money that should be going towards the down payment for a house is going towards selfies that they can use to brag about to their friends.

“What? You haven’t been to Africa? Let me bring up my instagram and show you what you are missing!”

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

it’s not just single women, it’s all women.

you just know whiskey is typing the moby dick of comments, for this post…

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Something about Crave-Crave-CRAVING The Diversity, no doubt.

2 years ago

“The moms will be tending to their children and gossiping with the other moms.” The number of young parents who take their kids to the park and sit there glued to a phone while the kid plays is staggering, based on recent experiences this summer, I would say it is close to 50% at the park. They are gossiping with other moms, but they are doing it online. The encouragement to produce higher education while studying nothing that has any value has also been a huge negative for women. This gets much worse as you get into graduate programs. Here… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

For the children who are still in the stroller stage, the mom’s/ nannies plop a screen in front of the little tykes.

Along with the masks, this is child abuse.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

We saw a couple walk by our house pushing a stroller with what looked like a two year old in it. She was watching a cartoon on an iPad.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

That is child abuse. Taking a two year old and stimulating/instilling short term attention span. Hell, it’s miserable when the granddaughter visits as no electronic anything is allowed in her life during these formative years. Must be working, she is four and reads and writes.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

That Alexandra Souverneva story, that’s all manner of craziness compacted into one person right there. Shaman Hiking from California to Canada Decides to drink bear urine because she’s thirsty Starts fire to “boil” said urine Gets caught in fire, uses cell phone to call for help Rescued, found with a backpack with some manner of drugs I’m thinking the drugs found on said shaman were a direct cause of the fire. “An attorney for Souverneva told her initial court hearing that she’d made statements to law enforcement that indicated a possible mental health crisis ‘or something to do with drug… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

timothy treadwell awaits his bear bride…

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

“The executive suites are littered with brooms”.

I gotta be honest, Z can sure write a visual.

I think I can sum up the Taki piece, and this one, in a few sentences, that we all have probably seen.

Hard times make good men,
Good men make good times,
Good times make weak men,
Weak men make hard times.

The upside is we’re in the last line of that collection, so the hard times that are coming/here, will produce the good men needed to right the ship of society.

Give your decedents the tools to develop good times.

David Wright
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

I visualize a bike rack for brooms outside the board room. Arranged according to status.

2 years ago

The final sentence of Z’s piece in Takimag today was a hell of a zinger — had me laughing out loud. Bravo!

David Wright
2 years ago

I’m keeping the women in my social sphere in check, you guys do the same. Agreed?

We even have Gretchen Whitmer on her heels.

Mike Austin
Mike Austin
Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

“Gretchen Whitmer on her heels.” What an unpleasant image.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mike Austin
2 years ago

i would bang her.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

You’d bang a lightly greased knothole in a tree, so old Gretchen would be a -big- step up karl ol’ buddy. Dare to dream…

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Who Dares, Wins

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Gretchen has an uncanny resemblace to Irma Grese.