Tribes Of The Right

Note: The Monday Taki post is posted. It is a theme I have explored many times, but that audience seems be a different audience from those here. The Sunday Thoughts podcast is up behind the green door. Lots of conspiracy talk and mild rant about the show trial taking place in Charlottesville.

If it was possible to hold a convention of people who makes some claim to being right-wing, it would be a quite a crowd. Polling consistently shows that about 40% of white Americans identify as conservative. About 20% identify as liberal. The remaining 40% probably lean proportionally. People who claim to be “moderate” are always left-wing, often far-left. On the other hand, people with no interest tend to live right-wing, so it is hard to know for sure how the undocumented fall.

Regardless, the right side of the scale is a crowded place, but there is not much agreement on what it means to be right-wing in America. For example, many of the gentry conservatives would not be caught dead at the same convention as many of the tribes on the Right. These are the people who listen to Ben Shapiro and think the worst people are those hated most by the Left. These are the people who voted against Trump because, well, that is what they were told.

Another group that would hesitate to attend a convention of the Right are the people generally referred to as normies. These are people who think the Democrats are the real racists and Israel is our greatest ally. They get mad over CRT because it is bad for black people and immigrants. They voted for Trump, even though he was accused of being Hitler, because they are sure that he does not see race. These are the civic nationalists who are the majority of the Right.

Just down the road from them is another large group that could be described as the Disgruntled Right. Most used to be in the civic nationalist camp, and most will vote for Trump in 2024, even though they have lost faith in the system. They acknowledge that America has a demographic problem and they oppose immigration, but they still hold out hope that reform is possible. Like the old paleocons, this camp tends to think the nation is headed for a disaster and possibly collapse.

Another large group that is getting larger, mostly drawing from the prior two camps, are the Religious/Traditionalists. These are people who were active in the social conservative scene, but now that it has been overrun with grifters from Conservative Inc., they are going to ground. These could also be called the Rod Dreher conservatives, although most would reject his goofy outlook. This group is looking to recapture an older sense of religious and traditional community.

Those three groups probably comprise 80% of the people who would call themselves right-wing or conservative. Polling does not help, as the polling outfits subscribe to the left-wing view of politics. That is, there are good people chosen by history and then there are evil people who hate history. Even so, the popularity of various figures gives an indication of the crowd sizes. A Christian/Traditionalist guy like Nick Fuentes will draw a big crowd, but not as big as Ben Shapiro.

The remaining 20% has used various labels, none of which have performed all that well over the years. White Nationalism is considered an epithet, mostly because ridiculous people claiming to be white nationalists played the role written for them by the Left over the last half century. Similarly, the term alt-right fell out of favor a few years ago when it became associated with ridiculous people. Both terms also suffered from a lack of definition that opened the door to shenanigans.

Even so, this tribe has persisted over the last 70 years. These people are what should be called the Revanchist Right. They persist throughout the West, so it is a phenomenon that transcends America. These are people who seek to return to some earlier period and have a do-over. They are not romantics, looking to return to a better time, even though they are inspired by the past. Instead, they seek to return to some prior starting point and replay history.

For example, there are revanchists in America who would like to return to the 1950’s and replay the civil rights battles. They don’t want to restore legal segregation, they want to relitigate how it was disassembled. Similarly, there are people who wish to start over from the beginning of the 20th century. They look at American participation in the two great industrial wars as a tragic error. Of course, there are some who would like to start over in the 1930’s and reargue the case for fascism.

From the perspective of political philosophy, the revanchists are the most authentically right-wing because they reject the product of left-wing progress. The conventional right-wing tribes always find some way to accommodate the latest innovations. They also embrace liberal democracy, which the revanchists reject. The revanchists of all types assume a hierarchical society, so they reject the egalitarianism of the modernity, which means they reject the foundations of liberal democracy.

The final tribe of the Right is the Dissident Right. They share many of the aims of the other groups, but they arrive at their conclusions for unique reasons. To be a genuine dissident is to reject the moral philosophy of this age, but also replace it with a moral philosophy rooted in the material reality of nature. For the Dissident, the mysticism of Julius Evola is just as ridiculous as the utopianism of Karl Marx. Philosophy is, for the most part, a form of escapism.

Biologism is not new, and it has been denounced by philosophy for its reliance on accuracy over aspiration but advances in the human science continue to boost the argument for a moral philosophy rooted in biological realty. Psychology, for example, has given way to chemistry in the treatment of mental illness. Evolutionary reality could one day be the antidote to the psychosis of the modern West. While by far the smallest tribe on the Right, the Dissident Right has a future.

The interesting question that perhaps underlies the panic of the Western establishment is where will those large tribes of people migrate to when they become disillusioned with the prevailing orthodoxy. Since the establishment only sees good guys and bad guys and the revanchists are all too happy to don the black hat, it makes sense why they fear the various bogeymen of the revanchist camp. Defenders of liberal democracy frame everything as democracy versus Hitler for this reason.

The bet by Dissidents is that realty still has some role to play in the life of the West and those disgruntled and disillusioned will at least entertain an alternative rooted in the natural reality of mankind. Alternatively, the various tribes of the Right will see that going backwards is not an option, so moving forward into a moral philosophy rooted in natural realty, however imperfect and incomplete, is the only option. In this regard, the Dissident Right is the optimism tribe on the Right.

The important takeaway from this survey of the Right is that the overwhelming majority of the people under a banner on the Right are still attached to the liberal order. They still believe they can vote their way out of the defects of democracy. There is a reason this point of view remains the most compelling. It offers hope. Reality and alternative fantasy have never held up well to the subtle utopianism of liberal democracy. That is a realty of the Right that Dissidents would be wise to explore.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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Eric the Red
Eric the Red
2 years ago

What label to you apply to someone who believes that segregation is the only moral solution to racial issues in the West, and who has a Christian-based moral philosophy to back it up?

2 years ago

there is clearly a purge in the inner party going on. Look at what happened t the golden covid boy Cuomo . driven from office and now facing a humiliating trial, perp walk and possibly a little jail time . lo the mighty have fallen.
These things don’t happen in a vacuum. someone above him wants his spot for THEIR minion .

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  miforest
2 years ago

Of course, it is typically white males that are being purged on the left

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
2 years ago

Better get back to the grand ballroom at the Assisted Living Joyously Center. They’re serving free ice cream for the John Wayne movie.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Dennis Roe
2 years ago

This was a reply to Hogie’s rant, ain’t supposed to be here. Fuck it. Chinese computers.

Wade Hampton
Wade Hampton
2 years ago

Good article by Pedro Gonzales on the Chronicles Magazine website that exposes Cato as paid shills for the open borders lobby. Named Cato shills include David Bier, Ilya Shapiro. No surprises, maybe nothing new, but I thought you’d be interested. Hope Pedro investigates Goth Fonzi next.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Not sure if anyone else here reads Market Ticker, but his Halloween post and the comments….holy crap….

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I read Karl everyday. That was an…interesting read. I wish I could agree with him that the fictional Jerex19 would take up arms in that way, but I think we’d need to see a lot more people dying from the clot shot for that to happen. Many of the posters at his blog seem convinced this winter will witness a large culling of the vexxed but I’m still skeptical that it will be that overwhelming. There’s the whiff of a doomsday cult surrounding such predictions.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

KGB: Agree. I don’t read Market Ticker unless someone provides links to a particular post. This was interesting but rather fanciful. Particularly re food shortages and death rate. Shortages seem to be happening primarily on the coasts (only a few things sometimes in short supply here in Texas) and the vax death rate, while significant and ridiculously high for a purportedly ‘safe’ vaccine, is not high enough for most to notice. Over a period of 5-10 years it probably will be, but the statistics will be utterly unavailable and Joe Normal won’t miss what he doesn’t know.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Well, their mankind-ending killer virus was a dud, so it stands to reason the jabs probably won’t cause mass death either. I also tend to agree with the idea there is an 85/15 or 80/20 distribution of saline placebos and mystery shots.

I don’t really think they have anything else in the biowarfare pipeline…if they did they’d have released it so their hysterical narrative antics weren’t so far removed from reality.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Wild Geese: Agree. I don’t believe they’re giving the same ‘vax’ to every person or group. They’re not trying to kill off the immigrants/blacks (who, of course, ironically, are the most vax ‘hesitant’ group). It’s all the young White guys who are getting heart disease and White girls whose fertility they want damaged. Not all, of course, but a significant proportion. Add in low birth rates and miscegenation and we’re toast.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

it was not actually Karl writing . karl has been very good. but he is naïve , he thinks facts matter to covidians

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

A somewhat surreal and depressing post. As usual, never boring or incoherent. I did find Z Man’s YouTube Doppelganger though. It’s Stardusk -Thinking Ape. They’re both not self described biological determinists but nearly everything else regarding their worldview is the same; save the individual and collective presuppositions. Every key word I can think of from- self awareness, biological nature, blackpilled, false premise, reality, etc. was touched upon. Perhaps I need to read more of the older archives. I still am not comfortable abdoning God and the need for his institutions (perhaps I am misreading this claim from the article?)… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] ZMan does some taxonomy. […]

2 years ago

That psychology has given way to chemistry in the treatment of mental illness does not mean that it has produced better results. Teenagers did not commonly massacre their classmates with assault rifles back before chemistry took over the field, and the number of obviously mentally unstable people (especially women) out there who gobble antidepressants like a kid pounding down M&Ms this day after Halloween has increased exponentially. Do you feel as though you are surrounded by fewer visibly crazy people now than you were in, say, 1989? Because I sure as hell don’t.

Gunner Q
2 years ago

“…Advances in the human science continue to boost the argument for a moral philosophy rooted in biological realty. Psychology, for example, has given way to chemistry in the treatment of mental illness. Evolutionary reality could one day be the antidote to the psychosis of the modern West.” This has already been done for millennia. People didn’t have antidepressants and mood stabilizers. They managed their emotional states the old-fashioned way, with family, friends and active lifestyles. All the drugs being used today from Ritalin to box wine, are because our technocratic Elites are feverishly engineering a world in which all humanity… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

Lucas covered the pill thing in THX-1138.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Looking at the news of the past week I’m just so appalled and sickened at the state of the world right now. Not just the U.S. but the world. The world won’t snap back to reality from an era like this without a foot of blood in the room, that’s for sure. In a way, the chaos they will eventually unleash will be a psychological relief despite the hardships of the coming years.

2 years ago

You forgot the “Men Among The Ruins” . We know this system has ALREADY crashed and there will be no going back. We look to build something new away from the obscene mess that the FUSA has become.
Not sure what it will look like – but can’t be any worse.
I long ago withdrew my consent to be governed by fools and liars (and pedophiles)

Reply to  johnmosby
2 years ago

Then just when you think we’re done subdividing—too late! I just founded the post-Ruins right.

We believe that everyone now living has always inhabited an abandoned world that’s incomprehensible to us, like a hermit crab in a faded Pepsi can. Our spiritual duty is to an ancestral mind we lack the biological capacity to imagine. Our earthly duty is to drive up the price of vintage logo Pepsi baseball caps.

Links to my SubscribeStar and Substack are at the end of the manifesto.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
2 years ago

From Taki: “The first virtual campaign has led to the first virtual presidency.”

That seems like a pithy way to define it. It’s like Max Headroom w/o the smart programming.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I can remember a few wags in 2007 stating Obama was merely a racial product aimed at civnat guilt over slavery.

They nailed it.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It was necessary for them to do as he sucking d ick at Occidental College in the early 80’s and then dealing coke on the campus of Columbia a few years later. And then likely being accepted at Harvard as an African student.

In The Mold of Yancy
In The Mold of Yancy
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

President John Edward Yancy, perhaps?

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

If you’re not a race realist, you’re not on the right in any meaningful sense.

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

No true scotsman fallacy? The majority of people on the right are not racialist today (or in the past). They are perhaps the most hostile group towards these ideas in 2021. The framework of the genesis of the Right in America from Northern industrialist capitalists to Coolidge -Nixon- Reagan- to modern Republicans never had racialism as a guiding principal. Instead the right often viewed itself as a champion and later bulwark against those forces. The last major strain of racialism in American politics was the Southern Dixie Democrats which died out in the 70s. Its an extinct ideology with no… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  John Flynt
2 years ago

Conditions have changed. If you wish to conserve Western civilization, which, to a significant degree has always been the right’s raison d’etre, you have to prevent it from demographic swamping. And to do that, you first have to face racial reality, which means acknowledging that race is a biological reality, and that this biological reality has produced profoundly different groups of people with radically divergent ideas of what the good life is and how to live it. Ignore race, pretend we’re just all the same, and we have no defense against white people being divested of our land and all… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
2 years ago

On Friday I opined on why it was very important to embrace ‘soft memes’. Because by doing so you bring front & center the monomaniacal lunacy of the modern leftist. When innocuous phrases can trigger ‘investigations’ it becomes clear to even the dimmest bulb you are dealing with a dangerous and unhinged cult. And like a train that is -never- late, hot on the heels of that proclamation- The NY Times which at one time was an esteemed publication but is now completely off the rail puts out an entire piece about it. Keep this hits coming boyos! More soft… Read more »

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

The Regime is going crazy over this “Let’s Go Brandon” meme. First they tried co-opting it with help from corporate America, now they’re trying to stigmatize it. State media (CNN) was claiming earlier that embracing it was like embracing ISIS.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

I prefer ISIS to CNN.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I wish ISIS would visit CNN.

2 years ago

Wow, in almost a year of reading this blog this is the first bad post I’ve seen. Many problems! Nick Fuentes types and white nationalists aren’t in the DR? Those groups don’t believe in biological reality and do believe in voting? You’re lumping Fuentes in with Dreher? I could go on but there are so many problems and I’m typing with my thumbs. Z seems to want to believe he’s in an incredibly small minority with a very narrow range of beliefs but many he’s excluded rightly call themselves DR. I’ve also been a little bemused with Z’s general materialism… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Query– If evolution has been completely debunked, what is your alternate theory on the divergence of species over time? I feel like there is a VoxDay angle here that is being unspoken so at risk of making yourself sound like a dirty plebian midwit, make your answer compelling… thanks.

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It’s always puzzled me how anyone could think Nick Fuentes is this great White hope of the right. He strikes me as uneducated, largely inarticulate, and foolish (he was involved in Jan 6th and bragged about it publicly). I think some on the right imagine Fuentes maturing into this great leader — maybe they think he represents the youth — but I personally suspect this is the best we’ll ever get from him. Does anyone know something about him that might change my mind? I’m not too impressed. Nick Fuentes pales in comparison to leftist radicals in intellect, in rhetoric,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Banana Boat
2 years ago

You’ve got a problem with the so-called “insurrection” and those who participated in it?

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Astralturf: Binary thinking. I don’t believe I’m the only Christian who believes, generally, in both Intelligent Design and micro-evolution (i.e. within rather than amongst species) and that whatever happened specifically, which may come to be satisfactorily explained by ‘science,’ happened in accord with God’s will.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

As a churchgoing person I can guarantee that the Christian Traditionalists will be the most disappointing of the groups, and the only ones to generally retreat towards this liberal fold rather than coming this way. The social gospel has become so engrained in even conservative denominations that Christianity will have to be taken down to the studs to get rid of it, much like a house that was occupied by a crazed cat lady for 70 years, the cat urine smell of the social gospel now penetrates into the subfloor and drywall, even in the rootless flash-in-the-pan megachurches. With all… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

The traditional Christian churches can play a role in our future, the progressive ones and most of the mega churches you are correct, they must be taken down to the studs.
Many of them have evolved into entertainment centers, all they need is the big screen from Jerry Jones’s Cowboy stadium and they would be complete.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

sad, yet true
The apostle Paul – work out your salvation has transmogrified to be entertained by your salvation

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

You really have NO idea what you are talking about. Just b/c you live in some nutty place where there are no functioning churches does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that there are in fact no functioning churches. Nor thqat those churches are full of nuts and freaks and devotes of the “social gospel.” In the city where I live, I know of four churches that ignored the ENTIRE hysteria and carried on as they had always done. ANd in a city of 600,000 and change, if I personally know of four churches that ignored the entire… Read more »

2 years ago

“While by far the smallest tribe on the Right, the Dissident Right has a future.”

Maybe. I mean it can gain converts but reproducing yourself matters too. If someone can tell me how I can find traditional, fertile wives for my sons without traditional religion, I’m all ears.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Agree – and I’m not religious. (Actually, that’s not really true. I’d argue that I have found my “God.” It’s my people. I am of them and they are of me. They were here long before me and, I hope, they will be here long after me. Etc.) For the DR to ever break out, we’ll need a religion, presumably Christianity. But, obviously, it can’t be a “We’re all God’s children” version of Christianity. We need Christian faith that intertwines God and our people. I wasn’t raised in the church so I don’t know whether that’s even possible, but looking… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Citizen: May I recommend to you the thankfully extant archives of a defunct blog, “Faith and Heritage”? Promoters of ethno-Christianity and kinism from a protestant perspective. Almost anything there is good, but I would begin with the 3 part series on ethno-Christianity (White European, African, and Asian) which begins here:

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

find a place near you that does the Latin mass. the women you meet there will be feminine in ways you haven’t seen in decades. It also really really make the current pope-NWO Chaplin very angry . he hates the Latin mass.

Reply to  miforest
2 years ago

Yeah the only ones we have are a Sedevacantist parish about 30 miles away and an SSPX chapel about 50 miles away.

You’re right, the women are feminine. The cover the heads during mass which used to be the practice of most all Christians protestant, Catholic and Orthodox.

2 years ago

Some of these names are just particular people on the right. Alternative right is Richard Spencer and Paul Gottfried. Paul moved away from it pretty early when it became obvious Spencer was a nutjob. It was obvious that the “alternative” was as much against the “failed” paleocons as it was against the necons. Gottfried had issues with the palecons although he now heads Rockford. Anyway, a bunch of people started using it during late Obama and early Trump but Charlottesville killed that.

Dissident right is John Derbyshire and the VDARE crowd. I guess you could call them the Bio-cons.

Reply to  cameron
2 years ago

cameron: Disagree. Alternative right was widely used (coined by Gottfried but embraced by many he would consider anti-semitic) up until Charlottesville. Derbyshire coined dissident right, but again, term is used by a broad group of people with the necessary but not totally sufficient belief in biological realism. VDARE specifically objects to this label because it chooses to focus solely on immigration and has challenged being labeled a ‘hate site’ in court.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

3g4me: Fair enough, I’m sure you’re correct.

It’s hard for me to disassociated these groups from the person who founded them or came up with the name.

I think Derb’s HDB is correct but I think he neglects culture. He’s right that culture isn’t a magical thing that appears out of the ether or whatever, and that biology informs culture but culture isn’t JUST biology. We need realism about biology and the mainstream greatly underestimates it – I just don’t want to see us make the opposite error.

Reply to  cameron
2 years ago

cameron: Agreed. And, while I enjoy Derb’s writing and hold no particular animus against him, neither do I venerate him the way some seem to. He is as human as the rest of us, and I think his beliefs are strongly influenced by his having a Han wife and Hapa children. He believes in HBD but only to a point, and is wont to liken ‘diversity’ to salt in soup. I think Whites have plenty ‘salt’ without any Han or anyone else.

2 years ago

“To be a genuine dissident is to reject the moral philosophy of this age, but also replace it with a moral philosophy rooted in the material reality of nature.” Now that’s an interesting statement. I generally agree with the thrust of it, but I diverge with the thinking that material reality is sufficient. There’s a reason why rhetoric will trump logic, or why people will resort to religious thinking in extremis, and it isn’t mere ignorance imo. Without writing an essay, isn’t it obvious that people are both reasonable and emotional, male and female, and so on? Or possible that… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Filler for the filter’s sake.

Right on.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

In conjunction with the material and the metaphysical is the traditional, and I don’t mean exclusively Christianity. Western civilization is a cultural and historical concatenation of almost unfathomable depth and profundity. I speak here mainly of literature, poetry, music, art and architecture, but also science and philosophy. In addition to Christianity, these structures are our roots in planet earth. As the West is subverted and undermined by the postmodern Left, it is our job as dissidents to counteract this demarche and to put these cultural barbarians to flight if not to the sword. This is an act of preservation and… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Absolutely. Our tradition strikes a balance between the two that has worked incredibly well for us. It must be preserved.

2 years ago

Most of us on the Dissident Right seem to have come here from the Conservative Plantation. It can seem blackpilling, but remember your own journey. The 2015 version of B125 would have slapped the 2021 version of B125 for voicing his beliefs. Most of us probably never thought we would be here, or even wanted to be here. I was fine with just grilling, surrounded in a country by “assimilated” immigrants who also “love Canada” and “share my values”. Diversity was inevitable; a natural process of life and immigrants are really hard workers 🙂 Obviously that has changed, through personal… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I wonder if there’s not a sweet spot with regards to age, where a race-realist can be most effective? The very young, Fuentes for example, can be easily dismissed as a radical with no life experience to back up his views. While the elderly are selfish bigots who have reached the stage of life where they have zero fucks left to give, hence they’re opinion can’t be trusted. It may be just the middle aged, the gainfully employed, who risk everything by “noticing” that are the most convincing — especially when they have the total package of being pleasant, fit,… Read more »

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
2 years ago

The dissident right’s biggest problem is that having identified the problem, we still don’t have any solutions on offer.

Assume Our Guys miraculously come into power tomorrow. What’s the first thing we do? I’ve listened to Mike Enoch rant about the Jews for hours, but I still have no idea what he wants to do about them, if given the opportunity.

Critiques are a lot easier to nail than solutions. Ask Karl Marx.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Controversial statement from the Z! I vote smiley face. Enoch barely hides his Marxism and the best way he does it is ranting against Marxism, but he still thinks like one. He’s pure poison and ruins his own brand. There are many TRS guys who would be a lot better off without that poison.

Just look at TJP. Give me a freaking break. They somehow manage to be a more cringe version of the Proud Boys. Golf shirts tucked into khakis and sweaty fat nerds trying to give Mussolini speeches!

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

That explains a lot. Thanks for explaining that

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yeah, but haven’t you admitted to being a libertarian at one time?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I know nothing about Enoch, and am nobody’s Marxist. That said, I think many of us on the DR are suspicious of untrammeled capitalism and sometimes critique it accordingly.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The Alt-Right was generally a response to the neo-con pro-war right, mass immigration and outsourcing of jobs, mixed in with the vast overrepresentation of J influence over the government, media and institutions. If Mike Enoch isn’t a dissident, then none of us are dissidents. I can’t think of anything about him that aligns with the current government regime. He can also be both a dissident and anti-semitic.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Wolf: I know almost nothing about Enoch and the current iteration of the website that used to be known as TRS- I read that daily during the runup to the 2016 election, but stopped when it vanished behind an invitation and paywall. Still, from what I recall, their beliefs were very much congruent with what we today call the dissident right.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yeah, z is too hard on Enoch. He is putting himself out there trying to form a party (NJP). It wouldn’t have to get very big to start swinging elections, to and from the GOP. This would give them leverage to move things our way. Only game in town as far as I can see. Not sure the alt-right has failed, morphed into the dissident label. We are still in the early days. Finally, conflating anti-semitism and racism with lunacy doesn’t seem warranted.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It means that he is placing himself in legal and potentially physical danger. I’ve sorta noticed a spate of killings of late that appear suspiciously like political assassinations. He has been doxed, fired, had his family destroyed. He survived the great purge, lost weight, got in shape, and appears to be prospering. He has learned from his mistakes and advised that people skip Jan 6. He is organizing his people and having some success with that. Why so cranky?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
2 years ago

The solution is the ethnostate. By hook or crook we create it and welcome those who will support it. We then live as a people according to our culture and customs, leaving everybody else the eff alone, and demanding that everybody else does the same to us. Hardly the US Constitution or the Communist Manifesto, but it is the crux of the solution.

2 years ago

Biology doesn’t care what you think about it. It’s not a sentient being that can be persuaded to change, just because you want it to. Fighting it or ignoring it is the same as fighting or ignoring gravity, and just as useless. Life has been evolving on Earth for about a billion years, and Homo sapiens for a few hundred thousand years. And DNA is the root mechanism of all reproductive life forms. And the different tribes of mankind are what they are because each evolved via adaption in a different local environment, and the traits that “worked” locally are… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Many of us are living in the wrong place, and also with the wrong people in that place. Scandinavians in Minnesota aren’t in the wrong place. Minnesota is similar to Sweden. Somalians in Minnesota (and Sweden) though, that’s a disastrous fit.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

That did not occur in a vacuum. And in both instances -how- did Somalians land in such climates? Pathological Altruism. Which Scandis suffer from perhaps the worst of any European people. They seem quite intent on eradicating themselves and very pleased about it. I don’t think there is any historical precedent for a people doing that. Better address the root cause rather than the obvious symptom.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 years ago

“Psychology, for example, has given way to chemistry in the treatment of mental illness.” With some exceptions, the chemistry solution also has failed. I know too many people made worse by the psych meds. Getting the blahs is just part of life, and you get through it with the help of religion, stoicism or bourbon.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

…or all three…

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Agreed. Psychology has its place, but professional psychiatry is largely voodoo pharmacology.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Peoples that evolved in the upper latitudes had to adapt to the deprivations of long cold winters where resources were scarce. As with bears who hibernate in winter, these peoples, of necessity, needed to significantly reduce calorie expenditure during winter and adapted via a “depressed” activity pattern in those months. The trigger for this “depressed activity” became low ambient light levels associated with the shortened daylight hours of winter. This proclivity is wired in DNA.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

It’s an error almost all righties share with “New Atheists” and the liberals who still describe themselves as liberals (not “progressive,” etc.) and largely inherited from them. When it’s time to insult psychology our guys always reach back to Freud et al. because (to those who got here via paleo/alt stuff) they’re exemplary Jewish lefty pervs and (to normie-cons and graduates of internet “anti-SJW” school) they’re unscientific/obsolete. The former, even if they’re comfortable with outright Jew-blasting, *always* adopt the rhetoric of the latter. It makes as much sense as declaring that CERN has refuted Heraclitus. We know better than to… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago

Religion stoicism bourbon music books and good friends.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

A bit late, but I wanted to commend Z for his Witches podcast. It was a very worthy double album.

Extremely useful lessons told with wry humor – a very tough combination to pull off.

2 years ago

Did Zman invent the “Amazon won’t pay for your local baseball team” argument?

I saw the exact phrasing on a local billboard this morning.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
2 years ago

These chaotic times just might shake things up quite a bit. The experimental shot mandates, supply chain issues, inflation, workers walking off jobs, flight cancellations, ubiquitous F*** Joe Biden chants, $450,000 offered to illegals, FBI investigating normal parents, wealth transfer to the rich and powerful, electronic vaxx passports, rising crime, voter fraud and more are making it obvious to all but the most dense that something is very wrong in Western society.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

and the same sort of chaos is going on in the prc, and in eu!? it really does look like world wide systemic failure; the world has gone blue screen.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The collapse is the cure, and the only thing that you really have any control over is your ability to survive the collapse and still be standing when the smoke clears. Everything else is just mental masturbation.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Wolf Barney: So very true. The CRT issue in the VA gubernatorial race has really blindsided many “normies”. This morning, the local conservative talk show host (Wmal out of DC) went on a 10 min. rant about “racism against Whites who created everything we enjoy in the West”. He went on to mention we have white men to thank for: modern medicine, space travel, the internet (Al Gore), etc. and that now our country actively discriminates against straight White men. He made no mention of a black friend following these remarks. I was waiting for him to say Jim Snow… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

Melissa, that’s very good news. You don’t hear that kind of talk on AM radio. We’ve always said here that we just need certain words and phrases to get out there in the mainstream to make a big difference, and the extreme antiwhite agenda of the left is making that happen.

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

This “good news ” line and “things are turning our way” have been said for the past 60 years. Not an ounce of progress has been made in that time.

The Right winning off issues adjacent to dissident ideas is not new. It is a dirt old tactic of theirs and I have no doubt the if CEO wins the VA governorship he will turn a blind eye towards CRT and continue the globalization and erasure of old Virginia.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

And don’t forget the granddaddy of them all–the overt hatred of whites by the Power Structure.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 years ago

Don’t forget tranny mania. That’s where we’re really getting into 2 + 2 = 5 territory.

2 years ago

I don’t know where I stand any longer. I spent too much time reading the Zman. He confuses me and when I read some of his brilliant yet terrifying commenters I get even farther into the fog. Don’t get me wrong, I find this entire blog interesting and insightful but as of yet it has only added to my political confusion not fixed it. Up until the introduction of the Red Chinese Wuhan Flu and the resulting BS scamdemic designed to help in the takedown of Trump I identified as just “conservative”. Yeah, I’m lily white, a Lutheran, and my… Read more »

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

Is Trump a SOB?

Who cares – all that matters is we know he’s OUR SOB!!!!

Enuff of this “nuanced” limp-wristed shit.

Reply to  Boarwild
2 years ago

Which policy of Trump persuaded you he was on your side?

The Platinum plan for Blacks?
The DACA deal to legalize millions?
The massive debt spending?
The warp speed poison BS.
The disbanding of the electoral fraud submission?
The pardoning of the rappers and fraudsters?
The complete failure to do anything about social media when he had any power?
The set up of his own supporters to get them jailed on Jan 6th?
The constant appointment of neocons and ex-Bush retards?
The amping up of the fake China coldwar?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

concern trolling as an excuse to gas on about your family. you aren’t confused, you just don’t see any easy outcomes for yourself.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

“You just don’t see any easy outcomes for yourself”.

What a keen grasp of the obvious. I’m pretty sure most, if not all who read this blog, and support it, don’t see an easy outcome for the coming sportiness. We bandy things back and forth, and hopefully, occasionally someone will find something useful in the banter.

As for fading about his family, it’s called “venting”. It helps one to not go completely bonkers.

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

I find myself in a similar position. And am afraid, my friend, that we are now in the situation the Seneca found themselves in in the 18th century,

New people are moving to our land, who reject our culture and seek to replace it and our people with their own.

Two difference are that we retain a technological superiority, unlike Indian peoples. But we also lack a collective will to self defense.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

And it’s not just the newcomers who reject our culture, but also the black people who’ve been here for 400 years, and now the political, academic, and corporate institutions who are increasingly and rapidly rejecting our culture, and even demonizing it and our people.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

The Handsome Lake solution, which is far better than Wovoka’s Ghost Dance, which is voting Republican.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

I would prefer to have been invaded the old fashioned way, rather than our people losing their collective will to exist and allowing themselves to be overrun. The indians fought for a long time, and well. Ultimately their side was far inferior technologically, and they did not understand the new world coming at them or the scale of European migration. There’s no shame in that, and it’s why they were respected as warriors (hence the team logos). Ironically today we have information about other cultures, their populations, and the threat of mass immigration. We also have great technology. But over… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

Take heart, your vote is still one lousy stinking vote. Most people hold their one single vote as if they had a Wonka golden ticket.

Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

A big part of the dilemma is coming to terms with the fact that you were played for a complete fool. This is extremely difficult for many people, including myself.
Yeah, I personally like the starship troopers paradigm of a limited, but meritocratic, franchise. I would also like for a discussion of humane eugenics to be on the table.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Hoagie
2 years ago

Better get back to the grand ballroom at the Assisted Living Joyously Center. They’re serving free ice cream for the John Wayne movie.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The normie right was best encapsulated in the “I just want to grill crowd.”. They wanted to get married, have a few kids, send them off to school, and enjoy an easy retirement when the kids moved out after high school or college. Now more and more of these guys realize the State is injecting poison into their children’s bodies, teaching hatred of the past, and is in the process of immiserating everyone and blaming it on their own race. The social network based on the myth of meritocracy has completely broken down. One of the most white-pilling developments is… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

When meat gets outpriced, and joe normie can’t grill his burgers or his ribs, and the powers that be start raving about the wonders of eating bugs, will he get upset or will he happily go back to grilling insect patties?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  nerfball
2 years ago

Judging by the wholesale rejection of Impossible burgers during last year’s panic buying, I’d say grillers have no interest in not meat.

Reply to  nerfball
2 years ago

Actually, Normie will go postal when there is a latte shortage and you’ll know the collapse has started when they start burning down the Starbucks as a rage against this deprivation.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

The Kirkland Signature Uprising of 2022 will be something indeed. When the gloat-cope of the suburban voter-grillers coasting on the momentum of their manicured paradise (relative to the terrible blue cities) finally collides with reality, the scrum for the last box of hot pockets will be something the historians will debate for time eternal.

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

I haven’t watched TV in decades now, but I might be enticed into watching a Netflix series that parodies a suburban Normie family. The plot lines are endless, and I love the motif of Harder-Voter-Griller-Wanker.

Reply to  nerfball
2 years ago

nerfball: I will literally starve before eating bugs, but yegods the price of ribeye steaks today! Absolutely astonishing. I’m actually contemplating ordering some of that Keystone canned beef chunks some people have raved about in online comments (out of stock at Walmart and being hawked at many multiples of the original price at Ebay, but cases are available elsewhere for a reasonable cost).

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Darned Right right. That was a very White Pill doubly so as its Twitter where it seems like Mao is considered ultra right wing.

Honestly what needed is a socially conservative, pro white (small letters here its not necessarily a purist racial movement) economical nationalist authoritarian movement.

2 years ago

Revanchist, A revanchist person; occasionally, anyone seeking vengeance.

First Known Use of revanchist
1948, in the meaning defined above

1926, in the meaning defined above

I can definitely see why this word came into existence. It’s said that a 10% muslim population will totally transform a culture. Lesson being, we don’t need everyone

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Muslims are able to effect change at the 10% level because they are willing to level the place or die trying if anyone so much looks at one of them cross ways and everyone knows it.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Anyone crying out for vengeance is ready to start burning everything down

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

If our guys did that, in essence becoming what our foes calls us or perhaps think we are we’d win.

Problem is it would destroy the material abundance that makes our culture pleasant to live in. That deters us considerably.

More importantly, the Muslims have an ideology the see as worth fighting for. We do not.

Our side seems to have the post WW2 neurosis about ideas beyond “muh vote” and a mortal terror that working to collective purpose will result in bad things being done.

Its true enough but it cripples building a foundation for action.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

And that is 100 % correct

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
2 years ago

I belong to a “Relious/ Traditionalist” group in the heart of liberal midwest bluestate megalopolis and it is growing. The Amish have NOTHING on these people: 5 kids seems to be the minimum cost of entry. Everyone homeschooled or non-diocean private schools. 19th amendment and college education for women is discussed. Having rampant crime, a tyranical bishop & diverse mayor helps keep everyone focused. If the future belongs to those who show up (and educate their own children), then the traditionalist Christian will be at the table. I don’t want to live under a Christian theocracy, but I’m already living… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

Within the last 5 years almost my entire social network went from ‘live and let live’ to ‘can I trust this guy to keep his cool in the trenches with me’. The hierarchy has been openly hostile to trads since the 1960’s, so we have a little head start on dealing with corrupt hierarchy than more secular people who just woke up to the fact that every institution hates them and now they need to organize. One of the largest trad congregations go to a Church in the worst part of the city, which is a sort of rite of… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

They also tend to be concealed carry and be very protective of their family and fellow parishioners.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

And when Brazilian evangelicals move into the area, are they welcome? And when Biden drops off a bus of Congolese in your city, are they welcome too? We’re all God’s children after all. Conservative Christian churches are good for white people. They provide guidance, structure and, most importantly, a place for singles to meet and have children. The problem is that as local demographics change these kind of places always get overrun. Suddenly there’s an extra Spanish service on Thursday nights. Suddenly a Congolese male is trying to marry your daughter. But it’s just fine, because we’re all Good Bible… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Amen, B-125. You left off the Catholic obsession
with abortion.

Be that as it may, my son’s understand that if they ever want to see their grandparent’s eyes in their children, they need to marry a blue eyed devil (sorry, woman).

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Those of us on the traditional side are trying to push the churches in the right direction. Aquinas was against open borders. The NT endorses nations (not empires), at least implicitly. It’s best to have some of us in the churches fighting against the leftist interpretation of Christianity, no?

8 children of mine who are 100% Anglo-German-Scandinavian. I just need good spouses for them.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

COVID caliphate.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

a fine post, as far as it goes, but i feel a companion post is necessary to fully discuss the topics at hand. that second article would of course contain the same analysis for the non-conservative part of the population. they will be evolving and wandering in their loyalties too. what i feel your essay does, accidentally, is highlight the inadequacies of the left vs right model of politics. all these sub-categories of the “right” are a strong sign your model is inappropriate to the problem it is being used to analyze; kind of like how climate change people explain… Read more »

2 years ago

Hope is the rocks on which all attempts to build a political philosophy rooted in biology. The fundamental contradiction is: If “biologism” (for lack of a better term) is true, then Social Darwinism (ditto) must be true; the former entails the latter. Which then forces the contradiction: If Social Darwinism is true, then Social Darwinism will, itself, produce all the problems of liberal democracy, but in a much more virulent form. Liberal Democracy gives Karen Twitter and TikTok; Social Darwinism gives her Aktion T4. The power to control reproduction will, itself, reproduce the kind of people who will abuse that… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

That’s the semi-black pill I see from even the most radical solutions: for as much as they try to mitigate the poisons from modernity they’re only a generation away from reverting right back to “form”. Look at China where Xi is bringing the full power of the state down to try and crush the POZ, but who thinks he will succeed? And even then if Xi died tomorrow who thinks his successors will continue the fight with the same fervor? I say semi-black pill because maybe it just is what it is, until isn’t. Humans in the coming ages, and… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

Black pill or not, semi- or not, it is what it is. There is a “prosperity inflection point,” for lack of a better term, and which all the evolutionary dilithium crystals reverse polarity. Consider the “Malthusian catastrophe” — one of the most important ideas in the history of biology, and it seems right, but it’s actually backward. It was backward in Mathus’s time, and he knew it — he was trying to help the poor not expand past the limit of their food supply, even as the rich, who had massive food surpluses, were breeding at below replacement… which not… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

The irony of Social Darwinism is that once you employ eugenics it becomes artificial selection instead of natural selection. The end state of Social Darwinism as historically practiced is Hapsburg chins and severe mental retardation. The mid-century Germans would have similarly ended up with a blonde blue-eyed equivalent of a Chihuahua. That said, natural selection doesn’t promote the sort of human that we prefer. The evolved human in the current Western environment is a short brown parasitic organism that pretends to be helpless in order to receive free resources with which to feed their teeming offspring. Take away that environment… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Severian, your fundamental condradiction assumes the that unit of social darwanism is the (sociopathic) individual. The contradiction resolves if the unit of social darwinism is the tribe, which it is, in fact.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Severian: If you haven’t already, read “Retrotopia” by John Michael Greer. A fractured future America, with various breakaway sections each choosing just what level of technology and taxation they’re willing to tolerate. Not race-based, but intriguing nonetheless.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

I think there is a large percentage of people in various right-tribes who listen to various grifters on AM radio could just as easily be listening to the Power Hour if they had permission to do so. They are normal people who don’t want to be dissidents. They don’t want to believe they are outside the mainstream. They don’t like what is going on, but don’t like the idea of being on the outside even more. This is why our rulers so jealously guard social media and sites like youtube. The large audiences are social proof they are not alone,… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Yes Tars you are getting at the nature of “attached to the liberal order” of most on the right: social status. The liberal democracy carries with it a status hierarchy that is similarly detached from nature, which is to say reality. This social status hierarchy is for all intents progressivism. Men on the right are kept by their deference to it. And its feminized orientation elevates their wives/daughters/mothers feelings and status atop their own so they are always operating from a position of de facto low status unless they embrace the buglife. For all of the urban bugmen of leftist… Read more »

Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

Screwtape: “To move against the hive is to risk, even destroy his social status.” I would argue that to move against the hive is risk his family. His wife and daughters jealously guard THEIR social status, which in many ways would be elevated by forcing the man from his home and family. I am continually amazed by what men will tolerate in exchange for sex. And who they’ll marry for the same reasons, utterly ignorant or unconcerned about what sort of women will be raising their children. Is it truly social and economic status that keeps Joe Normal in his… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Yes its one in the same. Thats why I see male status as subordinate to maintaining hers. His social-econ status is according to the feminized social order. His personal status can exist independently but is always below that of wife and kids, and conditioned upon them as you say. Another aspect of inversion. Men have no authority under this modern order, only responsibility per the State. The natural order is broken. So yes many men will even admit as much. “I can’t do x (or have to do x) or I will lose my family.” And living this lie, this… Read more »

2 years ago

This “biologism” with its nod to materialism and tribal preference as the sole measure of reality still sounds too philosophical. Consider the potential impoverishment of the great majority of Americans and others in the creation, going forward, of a pan-American peasantry: the breakdown of coercive government, including local government, with the mass of people, in a post-grid environment, being left to fend for ourselves in a myriad of ad hoc, possibly destructive ways. I have my issues with Rod Dreyer, principally that he seems to lack the will to draw the conclusions his Ben Op diagnosis, but consider that some… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Rod Dreher is awful. He wanted the January 6th protesters executed and even as late as February was hysterically criticizing parents who were allowing their kids to get back to normal from Covid lunacy, with a “this is why we can’t have nice things” comments. After that one though, I wondered if the The American Conservative slapped his hand. He has barely written about Covid on their site since, I spent a couple of months in Europe gushing over Orban. They took a hard turn against any Covid restrictions in the Spring. I support the idea of Christians building strong… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

That whole “black root” or whatever thing should cement Dreher’s fate as an object of derision. No one that obsessed with black penis should be anywhere near us. What a weird creep.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Dreher is a textbook coward. There is nothing else you need to know about him.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago


I suspect this will the the topic of great emphasis in his book. Whenever it is fit to print. I also suspect the Zman has broached this topic of biologism with John Deebyshire. I would be very interested to hear Derbs take on the idea.

2 years ago

The last two weekends were spent with two unvaxxed couples. While that aspect is absolutely encouraging, as there are very few that I know, they are discouragingly not racial realists and have no clue as to the reality around the country. Also totally on the sportsball/ vote harder wagon. I said, oh so your negros are better than theirs, right? They’d laugh it off and say something along the lines of, at least the kneeling is over, or there are plenty of Whites too, etc. I don’t know, both encouraging and discouraging.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

These days I tend to tell normies that I’m too busy to watch sports, but I do check scores and highlights.

That has passed muster with all the normies I’ve dealt with so far.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Not wanting to have young kids seeing the poz in commercials has been a significant factor for me watching a lot less sports. It makes people think when you mention it to them.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

It is human nature to want to conform to the prevailing norms.

You’re absolutely correct, but I think even the most cynical among us has been disappointed that it’s held up even when part of the prevailing norm is having girls getting raped in bathrooms by deviant criminals (with a thorough persecution of anyone who objects).

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

You can say “I don’t X because of the anti white hatred” and every normie nods their head. I find it very effective

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Whitney: I prefer your approach. It’s racially based, it’s true, and it’s phrased in a way that Joe Normal can currently comprehend and legitimately agree with without risking badthink/social ostracism.

Reply to  unNthem
2 years ago

Same here. These people are desperate to return to a “normal” that is destroying us.

2 years ago

The Virginia election tomorrow will be interesting test for those who still believe it is possible to vote our way out of this. It is obvious Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe would lose without a significant level of voter fraud. Even the polling groups that typically tilt for the Dems by 3-5% are starting to show Youngkin in the lead. Youngkin of course, will do very little to reform the state of Virginia if he allowed to win, but he may hold some of the worst aspect of the left at bay for a few years. Maybe the establishment left has… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

did you mean Durham is “now” digging into the Clinto operation? [instead of “not”]

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The Lincoln Project stunt was bizarre. Those people are so incompetent I could see them doing it thinking it would work. There was a left wing blackout of the story so those in the regime echo chamber only heard about on social media, where Democrat operatives were treating it as if it were real. If they run a fraud win the same way the ran it in 2020, showing up with a big batch of uncounted ballots in Fairfax county in the middle of the night, the GOP establishment is toast. The number of normies buying what they are selling… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The Obama faction really seems to be in the driver’s seat at this point.

Based on that I think they’ll let Durham harry the Clinton faction to a degree and indict some low and mid-level fish.

Woe betide Durham if he even breathes in the direction of the Obama faction.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

McAuliffe will win one way or another.

They don’t care about optics anymore.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  B125
2 years ago


His victory speech will be something like,

“We did it, now get busy Hispanics!

YT, we are going to strap your kids down and turn them into pincushions for Big Pharma and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it!”

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

which is worse – the clinton types or the obama types? I feel the clinton crowd was at least willing to throw conservative white people a bone while the obama crowd is much more ANC-ian.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I think there are three possibilities. My first impulse was that they might throw a bone to the right and not play to win this virginia election to placate those seeking election integrity in order to really pull out the stops in 2022 and 2024. Plus, they could also pull an Abrams and start whining about voter fraud (but phrased as “voter disenfranchisement”) after McAuliffe loses in order to have the “both sides do it” excuse and preemptively strike down any future voting safeguards. However, if McAuliffe wins, it will be important to note when the election is declared in… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mannecan
2 years ago

This is a really good observation.

I wonder if they will make the 4 AM step function in the cumulative vote total as obvious this time or if they will manage to disguise it a bit.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

The primary utility of a Youngkin victory will be to demonstrate the complete uselessness of moderate Republicans in the current political environment. If Youngkin takes the office not a single thing of substance will change in VA. Youngkin may promulgate some executive orders to address the issues on which he campaigned, but the orders be openly disregarded at the local level. Mask mandates will continue. Critical Race Theory will continue to be taught in schools, albeit under a different name. His term will be a humiliating failure and he will lose the next election by a wide margin. This is… Read more »

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  Guest
2 years ago

“Youngkin will lose the next election”

Virginia is interesting in that they have a single consecutive term limit for governor.

This makes them an instant lame duck on day 1 and removes most motivations for adhering to campaign promises.

2 years ago

So Zman are you sayin that the DR should give lip service to voting our way out of this while courting normie? Only to black pill them with the truth of our situation?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

are normies even part of the equation? i say they are the Maguffin of politics. Plus, they are a pain in the ass to be around, and you absolutely cannot count on them in any way. Grillers gonna grill…and not much more.

go after the 15 – 20 percent of the population that form the progressive cadres. they are quite gullible and hate being bored, so they are actually pretty volatile in their passions. i suspect the tom sawyer fence painting stratagem would yield good recruiting results 😛

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The most dangerous place in the world is the space between a Griller and their Big Green Egg.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I was thinking of basic normie cons. The right leaners who genuinely them voting harder will help. If not them, what group is most open to crossing the great divide?