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2 years ago

Listened to the last three shows and part of this one today. Good shows, Z-man! Keep it up!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Obviously senile Pelosi glitching out at a press conference:


…and not a single patriotic praetorian to be found…

2 years ago

Z-Man nice interview and you should do more of those. However I’d take issue with the Left winning because they are relentless. So are the nuts like Richard Spenser. The difference is their nuts are the kids and grandkids of the Managerial Elite. Since the 1910s the Managerial Elite has been in revolt against White middle and working classes being able to have a decent standard of living and even worse having some say in running the country. What’s the point of being rich if ordinary people have nice things too? Bill Ayers was the son of the Chairman of… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Great show with RamZed , lol..

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Middle and working class people have / need traditional Christian morality and that holds down the perversion freedom of the bigshots

Spot on. Pervesion has always been top down….

2 years ago

Z Nice broadcast The Metzger takedown happened when I lived in Oregon. A couple of skin head goons drove from Idaho into Portland and picked some African refugee (I think he was named Mulageta Surow – or some such) and beat him to death on the streets. Some local do-good attorneys filed suit against Metzger because he filled their heads with shit and caused a crime 300 miles away. Based it upon the treacherous nature of his teachings/rantings. Took his ranch/compound. I always have waited for someone victimized by an enviro lefty to file suit against Al Gore. Hope it… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

is he the guy that sits next to Sascha?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I originally thought that Sacha was his daughter, but she’s that sly dog’s girl friend.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

she was really turned on during that interview, for some reason 😛

2 years ago

Nice show today. I used to listen to Ramzpaul a few years ago, but for one reason or another, stopped. I think he might still be in at least the semi-vote harder group, but not sure. Anyway, very enjoyable. Thanks.

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

He believes a bunch of forbidden things but fundamentally he’s a pleasant normal guy, and normal guys think elections are real-ish and even if not they have some signal value, that mass voting contrary to the government’s wishes is a meaningful protest, etc. He remembers America and loves it. I’m a generation younger so I don’t have much firsthand experience of it. I mostly know America from Christmas commercials, Beach Boys records, and ’70s movies about the ’50s. So I fundamentally don’t *care* if elections are real. He always will. It’s enviable.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

he’s ok, but overly concerned about the hebes. you aren’t going to learn anything you don’t already know, watching his podcasts.

David Wright
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Paul is good for the recently disconnected from the matrix. He shouldn’t have taken the early retirement because he wouldn’t grift so hard. If you aren’t a patron or superchatting him , you won’t get acknowledged.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Lolz, he replied to a 1$ chat. Hardly call that grifting. We sit around and bemoan the fact that our children/grands are being fucked (sometimes literally) and subverted. Yet we don’t support our guys. Sure, avoid the obvious charlatans, but Paul been at this a long time and is clearly genuine. While a little cucky, I like us having a nice continuum from normie adjacent to see-ya-Kyle types. If you reading Z and not kicking in >109$ per month to dissidents you a cheapskate. Hell, I might even buy a comic book from Vox and I hate the guy, and… Read more »

Honest Take
Honest Take
Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

The majority of non-superchats aren’t worth reading anyway.

Superchat: “Hey Paul, have you finished that biography of Jefferson Davis yet? What’d you think about it?”

Non-Superchat: “Hey Paul, have you finished The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion I sent you? Please give us your honest take.”

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

Chipping in 5 bucks once in awhile supports good writers and video bloggers like Z and RamZPaul.
We don’t have multi billionaires or even multimillionaires supporting our cause.

David Wright
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Not the point, i do kick in monthly to a few including this one. It would be as if Z only responded to members or financial supporters, which he doesn’t.

You are invisible to Paul as a non superchatter. That is to his own detriment.

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

So did I and I stopped watching him a couple months ago. I started noticing that his content became really similar to Republican twitter. He would go over meaningless partisan stuff, just news of the day events that no one will remember in a week.

I really don’t agree with Hannity or the talk radio approach so I just go for other things once I see it veering towards that direction. I tried watching this video but I gave up when he brought up the budget and good guy Tom Cotton.

Agent Orange Man
Agent Orange Man
Reply to  John Flynt
2 years ago

Since this is a weekend and Z won’t be posting any articles, and there aren’t many comments here, I thought this might be the time to post my long-winded rant against a National Conservatism article I read on The American Conservative. Enjoy (or don’t). *** The usual suspects are rebranding Conservatism. Now that the old con has failed, they need a new one that does pretty much the same things, but without all the negative press. Over at TAC, they’ve run this article in support of “National Conservatism”: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-only-path-forward-is-national-conservatism/ In short, the author tries “nationalism” without a nation. Appeals to… Read more »

Agent Orange Man
Agent Orange Man
Reply to  Agent Orange Man
2 years ago

As for what’s in the article itself, here’s my take: 1. “We must restore cultural sanity in part by means of the return of God to the public square.” American society is now much less religious than it used to be with no signs that trend will ever reverse itself; religious affiliation has declined by up to 40% since 1999 and continues falling. The religious talk from the “National Conservative” crowd is just that, talk. Nothing much will change on that front (they know that), but the rhetoric is a useful tool to divert growing Caucasian solidarity and channel it… Read more »

Reply to  Agent Orange Man
2 years ago

The idea of a Southern Orthodoxy is intriguing.


Agent Orange Man
Agent Orange Man
Reply to  Agent Orange Man
2 years ago

3. “Let’s review how we got here.” What got us here are the very policies once touted by some of National Conservatism’s champions (Rich Lowery), namely policies like mass immigration. Remember, these are the guys who justified it along purely economic grounds – muh GDP, muh Social Security, muh jobs Americans won’t do. They purged lots of people who argued the contrary. These people were also behind free trade, WTO for China, and they did everything they could to assimilate the Left’s many cultural revolutions over the decades. Now, literally the same people are telling us what we need to… Read more »

Reply to  Agent Orange Man
2 years ago

Given the choice I’d free the country of Jews before Moslem’s.

Agent Orange Man
Agent Orange Man
Reply to  Agent Orange Man
2 years ago

7. “To sacrifice the levers of power of the national government is to unilaterally disarm in the culture war.” Vote harder, basically. And vote for the same people who got us into this mess at that. Presumably, this is the solution to the problems he addresses. But the best way to seize those levers is through group solidarity, as Virginia just showed. That’s what inspires the sacrifice and long-term efforts required to achieve meaningful gains. The ADL and countless other ethnic advocacy groups understand this. Compare their success with Heritage, the AEI or any Libertarian group. One good way to… Read more »