The Eloi State

Note: The weekly Taki post is up. It ties in with the post this week. Sunday Thoughts, the weekly podcast for the elect, is up behind the green door. If for some reason you did not notice it, I was on with RamZPaul Saturday and you can listen that here.

A truth learned from the study of economics is that competition between suppliers tends to create better products and services. Better in the economic context does not always mean more innovative or better quality. Sometimes the better product is simply more cost effective than the alternatives. The Wintel computer was never the technologically superior option, but it was the most cost effective. Competition often arrives at the solution that is merely good enough.

On the other hand, when companies or industries are able to shield themselves from competition they tend to decline in quality. The prices creep up as the quality and selection declines. The domestic car makers in America experienced this in the middle of the last century. By the 1970’s, their cars were silly and unreliable. Competition from overseas forced them to compete and that made for better cars. Competition is the economic equivalent of accountability.

The time traveler in the H. G. Wells novel The Time Machine observed that “It is a law of nature we overlook, that intellectual versatility is the compensation for change, danger, and trouble.” A corollary is that responsibility and a sense of duty is the compensation for accountability. A natural consequence of accountability is a duty and obligation to the rules under which you operate. When you are held accountable for your actions, you act in private as if the world is watching.

We see this in the whole “go woke, go broke” meme. The fact that none of these woke firms go broke is the important piece. That is the reason corporate America is rushing to embrace the most absurd things. They know they will never be held accountable for their actions, so they have no duty to the rest of us. The people who made the perverted Twix commercial did it because it costs them nothing. Mars is a massive global enterprise immune from the marketplace.

The tech sector is the most obvious example. They have spent decades colluding with one another to suppress wages and deny people their civil rights because they never have to worry about consequences. They may compete with one another at the fringes, but in essence they are a cartel with monopoly power. It is not as if you are going to build your own internet. The market forces we think should exits to hold these firms accountable no longer exists, so they do as they please.

This has been true of politics for a long time. The CIA put out a report in the late 1980’s claiming that the Soviet Union is getting stronger due to the massive success of the Gorbachev reforms. A few months later the Soviet empire collapsed. No one was ever held accountable. In fact, it is fair to say that the power of the Soviets had been overstated for generations. No one was ever held to account, so this was pushed aside with the other lies and blunders.

More recently, many of the same characters were involved in selling the world on the great Muslim threat. The West was turned into a police state because the Muslims wanted to impose Islam-o-fascisms on us. Trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives were spent on a problem that never existed. Since no one would ever be held accountable for the result, not one felt a duty to be right. They just made up whatever would benefit them at the moment.

Even closer to home, there was a local election last week that got national attention as a referendum on the parties. The Virginia governor race was a big success for the Republicans, who immediately used their new political capital to fink on their voters and support the other side. They did it because they know they will never be held accountable for it. Politics is now entirely immune from the marketplace of ideas, so there is no accountability and therefore no responsibility.

We see the same thing in the media. For half a decade they sold the Russian conspiracy hoax to the public. The recent indictments shows that they knew it was a lie when they were selling it. Everyone involved knew it was fake. No one will resign in disgrace or offer a tearful apology. They simply laugh and move onto the next hoax they are told to peddle. There is no shame because there is no accountability. What are you going to do, build your own mass media?

The lack of shame is perhaps the final stage. A reckless disregard for duty can still elicit shame, even if the person knows they will never be held accountable. Once this lack of accountability is normalized, morality collapses. Without morality, there can be no shame, which is what we see with the media. They are shameless because the people in the media no longer possess the normal moral coding. If they have a moral code at all, it is based in a disdain for the rest of us.

The central question posed by The Time Machine is whether life can go on without struggle and if so, should it? The two halves of future humanity, the Elois and Morlocks were scarcely human. They had reached a point where they had conquered the necessary conditions of human civilization. Once struggle had been eliminated, the skills to win the struggle atrophied. What the time traveler observed was not the apex of humanity, but the end of it.

A similar question can be asked about the collapse of accountability. Can a society survive when the people in charge of it are no longer responsible for it? The climax of the Enlightenment project appears to be a world in which the people at the top have finally been insulated from all accountabilities. Oddly, they are the Eloi ruling over the Morlocks, feckless children oppressing what they view as the lesser beasts. Is this the apex of Western civilization or the end of it?

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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3 years ago

I have been reading Z rather obsessively for several years. Nothing like it on the webs. Anywhere. This one was, again, outstanding. I have been through fully leftist secular college, an MA, *two* high-level PhDs (in the humanities, believe it or not) and am a professional academic, pretty well known in my field and well-published. I am 27 years into my teaching career. I run a study abroad program and live in Europe for a large part of the year. I have done very advanced work in Critical Theory and was taught and mentored by very famous scholars in that… Read more »

Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
3 years ago

Please do a rant about covid restrictions, vax passports, mask mandates, Australian tyranny unhinged

Basically how this is a completely insane way to live

In short, the insanity of techno fascism

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
3 years ago

OT: governor haircut (cali) is down with side effects from the jab. not seen for 11 days since taking it. here’s hoping he gets his ticket punched.

Reply to  karl von hungus
3 years ago

Karma’s a Hillary.

3 years ago

To use a British-ism, it truely is the end of Responsible Government. Now, if anything goes bad, our leaders in politics or business can just word an empty apology and go right on doing what they were doing. Sure, maybe you need to swap around a few low-ranking staff and redefine a bit of terminology to cover your ass, but that’s all too easy these days.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

Whitepill in the Rittenhouse persecution:

The star witness for the prosecution just admitted he pointed his gun and advanced on Kyle first:

The defense is responding by bringing up Grossenkruetz’ FB post claiming he regrets not plugging Kyle.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Rittenhouse is doomed. George Floyd cousin is threatening to fix jurors if no conviction.

Rittenhouse likely convicted all counts less than an hour.

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

Sorry wrote dox not fix damn auto correct

Reply to  Whiskey
3 years ago

How is that not “jury tampering”? That’s a felony, is it not?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Boarwild
3 years ago

Not if a negro is doing it.

Reply to  Boarwild
3 years ago

Boarwild: I’ll take “Naifs who still believe in the Rule of Law for $1000.”

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Boarwild
3 years ago

Tom Woods had a guy on his podcast with a book about secession. He said one way to start separating is to set up our own kangaroo courts and start administering the justice we don’t get/

Dag, but thats “doing something”…. never mind!

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

The terribleness of the states presentation isn’t shocking at all, in the sense in a sane world the case would not be being brought. They’re playing the hand they were dealt – its a terrible hand that should have folded early.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
3 years ago

Having a good friend who is an attorney, I have listened to a number of her rants about this subject over the years. One of the things she mentioned to me a while ago is the fact that those who go to work for the DA’s office fall into one of two categories: 1) They graduated from a law school that is not well known – e.g. The Brooklyn Academy of Law, as opposed to Harvard, or Fordham and didn’t do that well there to boot. 2) They have designs on going into politics and this is the best way… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Steve
3 years ago

There is some truth in those statements but I think its reductive. Most ADA’s want the benefits or have a righteousness that drove them to law school. They tend to adopt the states morality as their own, even when they have misgivings, which is the scary part. Movies about high profile prosecutions while dramatized do tend to get this often correct. It can be the same in private practice, its the nature of the beast, but it seems less pronounced.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Doesn’t matter. I think I’ve mentioned before that I used to have a job that involved reading a lot of criminal court transcripts. No American prosecution is even remotely competent. I’ve never seen a case proven—not even close. Often I couldn’t even deduce from the testimony what the criminal act was supposed to be. All guilty. 100%. Not-guilty verdicts are very, very rare. The truly guilty plead out, and the rest get railroaded. Every jury wants to convict, and if the defense’s “narrative of the case” doesn’t *force* them not to do it, they do it. If Kyle’s judge doesn’t… Read more »

james wilson
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

This is a crucial yet undiscussed point. I expect that juries are crucially different in this new age of social media, not because they have been made stupider, which they have, but because those who have not been made stupid can be easily identified on the cheap without an extensive investigation. Even a poor prosecutor in a show trial is never going to let me or anyone like me on a jury. You only need one and it is clear we are getting none.

Hudson H Luce
Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

I’ve tried six criminal cases to a jury and won on three, the first case, fresh out of law school and the bar exam, and somehow never having been in a courtroom where a criminal case was being tried during all of that. it turns out that to be convicted of drunk driving in the state of Kansas, you have to be on the roads of the State of Kansas. Being parked on a sandbar in the Kansas River with the engine running, firing a .30-’06 at the evening’s whiskey bottles does not count… The second trial ended up with… Read more »

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Hudson H Luce
3 years ago

sniff! White pill!

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

Sadly, you are right on both the case at hand, and juries in general.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

I’m not following the trial, but by inference I’m guessing the witness admitted pointing (and firing?) at defendant. Apparently this individual did not receive very good counsel about the consequences of admitting to committing serious crimes while under oath. May it work to his detriment. 🙂

3 years ago

The relationship of the Eloi with the Morlocks is similar to the relationship of a mouse with a mouse-trap. Both are too stupid to understand why the food is free.

Reply to  SwissGuard
3 years ago

Why, so are vaccines!
So. Grateful. *sob*

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Damn, I forgot the latest:


DeSantis replies:
“The OSHA Rule was made under the guise of “grave danger,” yet it took two months to draft and won’t go into effect for another two months.”

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

Safe and effective, too!

3 years ago

Don’t forget domestic auto Mfg’ers. had a lot of government & union meddling; did that improve their vehicles or make them safer?

Reply to  Carlos
3 years ago

The US Auto Industry got hit by a perfect storm of: – Governmental regulation – Oil shocks – Foreign competition In a short period of time in the 1970s, and it really hasn’t recovered from it. Per your Q on Governmental regulation, actually yes, EPA regulations helped make cars cleaner and more fuel efficient. People forget that prior to the 1970s cars just dumped their exhausts straight out the tailpipe or a crankcase blow-by vent. Newer cars smell like rainbows and flowers compared to some classic cars I’ve been around where you can smell gasoline fumes from the tailpipe. Cleaning… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Bob Lutz’ book Car Guys vs. Bean Counters has some good, if highly biased insight about what went wrong with the executives and middle management at GM during the era under discussion.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

If I listed out every crappy car platform and make and model GM built from 1970 on I’d crash Z’s site. 🤦‍♂️

I figure in my lifetime GM will be bought by the Indians, Chinese, or end up in that weird-ass Stellantis conglomeration.

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

OMG! You are exactly right. I went from a Vega station wagon to a Honda Accord sedan.

Amazing difference. The Vega”s hatchback weld actually broke leaving me to jury rig it with vise grips to get home.

Now you couldn’t GIVE me a GM product for free. Long term cost to them measured in 100s of thousands of dollars as the Japanese have furnished my family with our rides for decades.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Can ignore #4: poorly engineered cars made poorly.
Management would (successfully) blame the unions, but for some of those vehicles (as you note) they weren’t going to be good even if the plants hit it out of the park on quality (in fact, if management is phoning it in, why would the plants bother?).

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

True. The Chevrolet Vega and the Ford Pinto were “built to a price point” and they showed. The story goes that a simple tank shield, longer fuel filler neck, and better sealing gas cap added to the Pinto would’ve solved the fire issue that plagued the car but Lee Iacocca was adamant the car rollout the door at $1,995. So in the calculus of manufacturing they were left off. The Vega was even worse since between the horrible aluminum engine that burned oil and shook so badly that bolts holding the carb to the intake would shake loose, the too… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

no, they found communications at ford, saying it was cheaper to pay off the lawsuits from fires, than recall and fix all the existing pintos. so that is what they did.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

People bitch about fooreign autos, but it’s hard to overemphasize how shitty almost anything coming out of Detroit was at the time.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 years ago

Agreed. I slag on the Pinto and Vega since they were Ford and GM’s attempt to “Push ’em back into the ocean!” with foreign car makers. So the cars were going to go toe-to-toe with the VW Beetle and the first generation Hondas, Toyotas, and Datsuns. And they failed miserably. But lots of the “Bread and Butter” cars The Big Three made (Midsize, Fullsize, Sporty cars, etc.) were wretchedly built. My uncle’s Ford Granada that slowly fell apart after he bought it new would be one example. And new cars showing visible rust in the fenders, doors, and hoods/trunklids after… Read more »

Jason Knight
Jason Knight
3 years ago

(This is a comment on the Taki post). Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical “Hamilton” will make sure everyone remembers the Maria Reynolds affair for years to come. Will anyone actually glean the significance of a politician confessing to a sex scandal because of his morals? Probably not. The show has some spectacular music in it, but it’s absolute propaganda trying to justify immigration, just like Miranda’s previous musical “In the Heights.”

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

He has a cameo in The Sopranos final season as a bell hop. Its where he should have peaked if not for his talent for propaganda that makes white liberals feel good smelling their own farts.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

The music is well produced, but that’s not saying much. The modern musical is so formulaic as to be predictable to the modern leftist moron with money to burn. Hamilton is no different.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jason Knight
3 years ago

i that Hamilton was crap, in every regard.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

A prime example of the (literally) ill effects of stifled competion by government monopoly is are most, if not all, of the current medical products authorized against COVID-19. To obtain approval for an emergency use authorization (EUA), there must be no other approved treatment available. For the manufacturer, getting the EUA has two benefits: in the first place, is that once approved, it is a de-facto monopoly market as long as the EUA holds; second is the extra, near total indemnity against any legal liability whatsoever for its product. Perhaps the regulations as originally written were done with high purpose… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Ben: I don’t believe the issue re Covid treatment lack of accountability is competition, but rather profit. The ‘vaccine’ manufacturers are raking in billions (not to mention all the Chinese paper mask makers). There is nothing intrinsically moral or good about competition. As Zman notes, these multinational companies are theoretically competing with one another, but how does Coke or Pepsi’s marketing or target market differ from one another? They both aim at the younger cohort which is over 50% non-White. Many of people’s taste preferences are set early (Mexicans put soda in baby bottles) so for whom are they ‘competing’?… Read more »

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Coke and Pepsi are owned by the same crooks, blackrock and vanguard. It’s a duopoly like lowes and home depot or republicans and democrats… it’s all the same shit, run by the same assholes.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

Updated R&D cycle for l’âge de coof

1. Invent a product that, while currently useless, could be useful in some kind of crisis or emergency.

2. Use government, corporate, and media cronies to create exactly that crisis.

3. Profit!

If you use this strategy think of me and toss me a few billion or 1/100 of a Bitcoin, whichever is worth less.

Reply to  Pozymandias
3 years ago

The electric car business model.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 years ago

The rollout of the CoVid vaccines reminds me a lot of the ramp up of the mortgage crisis that blew up in 09. In both cases a dependable system had been built up over decades that had many fail safe points with a bias to stopping the process. Both were relatively safe and ponderous, inhibiting innovation and moving slowly. In both cases reforms weakened key fail safe points in the name of speed and innovation and created a culture of risk taking. Which quickly led to people taking further short cuts and even open fraud, with little concern because the… Read more »

3 years ago

I believe this to be true based on personal experience . No civilization could possibly survive this level of basic dis-functional madness.
” 29% of younger Millennials (ages 18-25) are counted as having some type of mental disorder. Overall, 54% of those surveyed acknowledged some degree of emotional fragility or even mental illness.
24 out of every 25 Millennials (96%) lack a biblical worldview.
75% say they lack meaning and purpose in life.
Only one-third claimed to believe in God.
39% of younger Millennials ages 18-24 year olds identify as LGBTQ. ”

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

“39% of younger Millennials ages 18-24 year olds identify as LGBTQ.” That number, UNDOUBTEDLY, is skewed by the “bisexual” category, where young women, especially attractive ones, are increasingly bombarded with social cues that positively reinforce behaviors that get them attention. 20 years ago, it was the drunk girls at the bar who theatrically made out with another chick just to turn on all their guy friends. Now with this generation it’s the girl and her 3 or 4 “bisexual” friends who all want to have a shot at the same guy. They effectively and willingly become a harem through which… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

This is absolutely true in my experience, I don’t think enough people are aware of the forces from above and within the peer group for all these younger women to be bi. And few guys at that age will turn down that sort of arrangement for obvious reasons. And all the women, they’re all advertising their mental disorders when you speak with them, and its not hard to guess at a connection between the two.

curtis sallee
curtis sallee
3 years ago

In all this, I keep thinking that what we are seeing is a move at the societal level toward a secular God. This would mean the need for a universal devil. The last way for humanity to evolve out from its undesirable traits by forced refinement as all other attempts having failed.

3 years ago

The (white) middle class will be crushed. The elites are telling you that meat isn’t healthy, is bad for the environment, and that you shouldn’t be eating it. Milk is racist of course so check your white privilege before you complain of price increases. House prices are skyrocketing and it’s illegal to build single family homes in many places. Suburbs in places like Texas where they do build, are all full of third world aliens (usually Indians) who fraud their income and live 20 to a house – not a great place for a white person either. And of course… Read more »

3 years ago

Fascinating posts today, thank you. Regarding Taki: It’s encouraging to realize that the truth will become more exposed and will ultimately prevail with the collapse of society. I have no idea what the context is from those hilarious clips of mouth breathers in the media introducing themselves with : “I am an Asian woman. I’m wearing a red shirt and my pronouns are…” At some point on of these lunatics is going to have a meltdown confession: “I am a white man with a beard. I read at a first grade reading level. I eat my own mucous while binge… Read more »

American Citizen 2.0
American Citizen 2.0
3 years ago

The pandemic had me glued to the tv daily because I wanted to get news and keep up with information on the rapidly changing situation. I now realize that the media is actually the problem. They don’t really share “information” in the olden days way of trying to inform you about something relevant. It’s all designed to manipulate people. In short, the accountability and shame you mention aren’t going to be something they show on tv at all. Especially now that women and minorities are mainly lording it over everyone that they are on tv. In other words, the whole… Read more »

3 years ago

I know I sound like a broken record, but the reality is that we have been too affluent for too long, and that addiction has atrophied our robustness to the point where we are now a majority parasite population. Most Americans wouldn’t last a week if tossed naked into a wilderness and forced to survive on their wits & muscle. The puss-filled chancre that is DC is largely a reflection of the manufactured dependency of a parasitic electorate; who now must sell its vote for another dollop of government gravy in order to survive. And this descent into decrepitude will… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

No democratic government does what its people want. Even Science™ has figured that out. In a society as state-dominated as ours, the people’s collective flaws are almost entirely a “reflection” of the state’s crimes against them. Always remember Franklin’s (and Nietzsche’s, and Twain’s, and…) insights: charity buys resentment, and weakness draws hatred. The blacks and immigrants who make up the majority of welfare cases don’t think that their money comes from the government. They know it’s stolen from regular white people who have no say in what the government does. That’s why they hate—and rob and rape and kill—”white trash”… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
3 years ago

I think you’re making a “chicken and the egg” argument, but I would suggest that it doesn’t really make any difference. We are where we are and we have to confront the problem nonetheless or die off. And as for being “defeated”, I beg to differ. When average folk get genuinely hungry & cold (and Normie can no longer buy his latte at Starbucks), things will get real in a hurry. Most will take to the streets in protest or rioting (herd species tend to stampede when threatened), but some will “work the problem.” And the problem is both knowable… Read more »

Nop Cme
Nop Cme
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Case in point might be an independent action by the governor of Florida. He knows the shipping of the illegals is wrong. He bellows about it in the media. No state in the union is better positioned to find the illegals, shove ’em on a ship leaving Jacksonville or Miami and send the islanders to a Caribbean hub like Haiti and the others to a central American hub…pick the country. Get on, enjoy the buffet, get off.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Accountability comes from the barrel of a gun.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Not necessarily. Think outside the box.

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Okay then, the barrel of a 155MM Howitzer.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

All power comes from the barrel of a gun or a howitzer, drone, robot dog, whatever. Only power gives real accountability. If you had power and you were willing to use it, globo-homo would vanish like the fetid mist they are. Still out there trying to stink up the place but a trivial problem. Start teaching CRT to minors or using in advertising ? Enjoy a decade of forced labor. Problem solved. Corporation to big to fail or getting too much power ? It gets AT&T’d out of existence. Be like Xi. Problem is Gen X especially (the last fairly… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

Gee. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

Ostei: Force/power + will = victory

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
3 years ago

“We see the same thing in the media. For half a decade they sold the Russian conspiracy hoax to the public. The recent indictments shows that they knew it was a lie when they were selling it. Everyone involved knew it was fake. No one will resign in disgrace or offer a tearful apology. They simply laugh and move onto the next hoax they are told to peddle.” I’ve been seeing more of your comments indicating that you do believe there is a conspiracy operating that rules the world. Then I see a comment like this: “It is the genius… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

The West really has created the Muslim problem for itself via bombing them, then importing them, then giving them infinite free stuff. We have also bought far too much of their oil when we should have taken it outright. In a way, the West’s behavior with regard to Islam is similar to and as dumb as the behavior toward China in that nothing backwaters were built into credible threats via the short-sighted stupidity and largesse of the West. That said, it does remain that Islam is a supremacist ideology who’s followers would be happy to eliminate Western cultures given the… Read more »

3 years ago

“A similar question can be asked about the collapse of accountability. Can a society survive when the people in charge of it are no longer responsible for it?” Of course it can, slave societies can be quite enduring and democracy is a slave society. “A citizen has a right to be free & happy, he must have five slaves.” Solon about democracy but when it comes to migrant invasions though, haven’t heard of africa & south asia pouring into ancient athens, women weren’t liberated & permited to act like crazy witches & kids weren’t crippled by strange medicines & anti-european… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 years ago

According to Ed Dutton, intelligence has declined about 15 points since 1870. The Industrial Revolution starting c. 1800 made life much easier. Infant mortality dropped from 40-50% to 1%. Smart people were more likely to use contraception. Religion, which gives people hope for the future of their children and themselves, declined. Around 2200 average IQ in the West will be about 85. Society will collapse into smaller, more religious, warring units. The robots and AI won’t save us because there won’t be enough smart people to tend to them. See his “At Wits’ End.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

AI has been vastly overestimated.

Just look at the AI-driven house flipping that Zillow shut down after it lost them $400 million over 94% of the contracts it touched.

You just love to see it.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 years ago

i wonder if the other big companies buying houses indiscriminately are in a similar situation as Willow; i.e. under water on a big chunk of their portfolio. seems like all these companies were kind of circle jerking each other into buying properties at higher and higher “valuations”. Willow has like 7000 properties in the Phoenix area alone. what if they all gak up their portfolios at the same time?!

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

We are being replaced – and not just by non-white immigrants. Amish and other sects are growing very rapidly. Evangelicals and conservative Catholics have quite a few kids too. It’s hard to extrapolate into the future because we don’t know what retention rates will look like, etc. Amish and others are small but when the general population has a low fertility rate and they have a high one, the difference can appear pretty fast, ie. a century. I suspect Evangelical communities that keep out the poz might have increasing influence on large portions of whites. As the secular world becomes… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

The stat is a bit spurious as the fertility rate will decline but the fertility rates being what they are in two centuries most of the US population will be Amish .

In theory the future belong to the super devout and a few super natal types.

I’m OK with that , breed or be eliminated. Says the guy with no kids.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
3 years ago

The thing about Amish is that the 350,000 today almost all descent from an initial group of 200. Which means they are much more inbred than the average white.

I’m not sure if it’s possible for them to not be tribal. That amount of cousin marriage usually leads to more clannishness, and they’re pretty much bred that way.

100 years is a long time. At some point they might just genocide them because they’re white.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

Other groups have White level fertility. American Hispanics aren’t interested in the genocide of Whites . They want to be them and are doing a decent job of it. I live in Cali and while trust can be an issue, race relations aren’t even chilly. Just tepid to warm. Its probably the most common mixed race and frankly no one cares. Black fertility is well below replacement Asian fertility is lower than White Some Amerinds wouldn’t mind payback but they have even lower fertility and poor health The Pacific Islanders are at replacement though. Maybe they will retake Hawaii from… Read more »

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

B125: The issue with such smaller, concentrated groups (whether based on religion or whatever) is inbreeding. I know the Amish move people around when certain genetic diseases start cropping up, but when you’re starting with a limited number of people and a certain % is constantly boiling off, it’s a constant problem. The hasidic Juice are heavily inbred – just because they test for genetic diseases and prevent marriages that would result in afflicted children doesn’t change the overall inbreeding (there are more individual carriers of these diseases with one gene, not two, and they’re still horse faced). I don’t… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 years ago

Curious. Nietzsche said a lot, but (indirectly) might confirm Dutton. He was down on European (German) culture and liberal democracy. He thought it bred a tame, domesticated man. His famous dictum “God is dead” was not so much to spread atheism, although he was one and detested Christianity. Rather, he meant it in the sense that by the late 19th century, Europe was modern and religion’s role had waned, largely supplanted by democracy. The West’s high valuation of honesty, reflected in rigorous science and philosophical inquiry would, he thought, finally lead to the dissolution even of institutions — decadence and… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The 60s was supposedly a similar time to today. You could find many headlines in the 60s indistinguishable from headlines of today. But despite all the appearances of society coming unglued, she held together and gave us the 80s and the 90s which was something akin to political stability. The question is, can society pull a rabbit out of its hat once again? The late 70s to the 2000s was the elite effectively consolidating the “gains” of the 60s and early to mid 70s. I’m sure the adults of the 60s and 70s thought the elite had gone nuts and… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The country was 85-90% white in the 1960s and 1970s. Today, whites are down to ~70% with white kids a slight minority. Every year millions of non-whites enter the country.

There’s no silent majority left to right the ship, so, no, society won’t pull a rabbit out of the hat once again. Different population, different outcome.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Astute observation. When America was White it acted like it was White. Now it’s acting like some crazed group of unaffiliated multicolored retards. As the mix darkens so do the prospects of a recovery or better yet a New Dawn for America.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hoagie
3 years ago

Our future is browner, blacker and bleaker. 🙁

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Citizen: Sorry to nitpick, but the % of Whites in America is a personal hobby horse. If one is referring to non-hispanic (i.e. European) Whites AND excluding Juice and Iranians etc., Whites are down to perhaps 55% (it was officially 59% per the 2010 census). Seventy percent White would be an amazing improvement.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I also don’t think purity matters as much as you think. a bit of this this or that, other than African is of little consequence . Many Latinos are very socially conservative Trump types in my neck of the woods at least I’m not advocating for it mind you but its manageable. Its also reversible though if and only if society can be fixed. if you want a different demography, you have to work for it. Everyone knows what is required “White Sharia” or something akin to that enforced at gunpoint Problem is no one wants to take charge of… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Yes, I agree with that too. A lot of mestizos get counted as white. Though, to be fair, surely at least some of them (Mexicans/Cubans etc) are not mestizos and are truly white Europeans or if not pure European, have extremely high European admixture and only a small portion of Amerindian.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Your point is well taken and not wrong. But these percentages are not even. The percentage of non-Whites is heavily skewed young, while the leadership class, largely older is mostly still either White of Juice. Whatever you think of our small hatted friends, incompetence is not one of their flaws.

I hold out hope things can be resolved peacefully and without major disruption. There is really no way to prepare for what some people think is coming.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

Personally, I feel like the ’80s and ’90s were ersatz echoes of the ’50s and ’60s in many ways.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 years ago

The lunacy in the US ca. 1966-76 was the staging ground for today’s madness. CRT, for instance, is simply an acute form of the anti-western views–heavily informed by postmodernism–from that earlier period. And it didn’t disappear in the 80s and 90s only to suddenly recrudesce a few years ago. The poison was surging through the arterial system the whole time, toxifying every cultural/educational institution in the country. The economic prosperity of the 80s and 90s simply papered over the the irreversible internal damage that was occurring. All of which is to say that the “silent majority” of the late 60s… Read more »

The Booby
The Booby
3 years ago

“More recently, many of the same characters were involved in selling the world on the great Muslim threat. The West was turned into a police state because the Muslims wanted to impose Islam-o-fascisms on us. Trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives were spent on a problem that never existed. Since no one would ever be held accountable for the result, not one felt a duty to be right. They just made up whatever would benefit them at the moment.” And now, the Republicans are screaming that the Democrats take a harder line with Russia in Ukraine! Of… Read more »

The Booby
The Booby
Reply to  The Booby
3 years ago

“…only to put the West on a war footing with China and Russia.”

Damn, that was obviously supposed to read “China and Iran”.

Reply to  The Booby
3 years ago

The Booby: If they’re Whites like the ‘hero’ killed in the Afghanistan pullout who left a pregnant black wife, they’ll be no great loss.

3 years ago

“On the other hand, when companies or industries are able to shield themselves from competition they tend to decline in quality. The prices creep up as the quality and selection declines. The domestic car makers in America experienced this in the middle of the last century. By the 1970’s, their cars were silly and unreliable. Competition from overseas forced them to compete and that made for better cars. Competition is the economic equivalent of accountability.”

Silly and unreliable is being polite. That said GM and Ford have pretty much given up on building cars, and focus on trucks and SUVs/CUVs.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

There’s practically zero benefit in selling cars now. The profits are razor thin and there’s a huge amount of risk. Trucks, on the other hand, make massive returns.

The big auto manufacturers are working on autonomous vehicles with Uber-like services, as selling individual cars is pretty much untenable now.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

And now GUVs – Gay UVs.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

I made a post on another site about the decline and fall of the Cadillac brand and I realized that with the Cadillac Cimarron, a pathetic attempt to turn a J Body Chevrolet Cavalier into a BMW fighter, GM was avant-garde on being “Fake ‘N Gay” as commenter and blogger Severian likes to say.

Old School GM could hide the fact the original mid 1970s Seville was a stretched and pulled Nova (X Body). They just mailed it in on the Cimarron. 🙄

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

mmack: But now even those trucks and SUVs are increasingly hybrids, and there is a massive government and industry-wide push to phase out the internal combustion engine. Thus the crazy spike in used truck prices. We may just bite the bullet some time next year and buy anyhow because the supply is fairly fixed and they aren’t going to get any cheaper (unlike housing costs which bubble will burst at some point in the next 2-4 years).

3 years ago

Z, I read your post at Taki’s and the mention of Alexander Hamilton reminded me of another sex scandal from 1960s Britain, the Profumo Affair. TL/DR: UK Secretary of State for War John Profumo has an affair with a “bit o’ crumpet” named Christine Keeler, who was also seeing a Soviet Naval Officer on the side. Word leaked out about it, Profumo declared his innocence in the House of Commons, then the police came along and “‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello, what’s all this then?” and found out yes, he was having an affair. Profumo confessed he’d lied, resigned, and PM… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

UK Secretary of State for War John Profumo has an affair with a “bit o’ crumpet”

I fucking love English!

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 years ago

“‘E wuz out shaggin’ birds, ‘e wuz!” 😁

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Contrition? For what? Government figures bathe in mendacity. The issue was really his patootie’s simultaneous relationship with a Soviet. As if, like the flap over dope Erlic Swalwell’s dalliance with Chinese super spyette Christine Fang. every male, upon ejaculation, lights up a cigarette and starts jabbering state secrets to his bed mate.

Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

Interesting, that. Evolution tells us that the secrets should be spilled pre- not post-coitus.

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

mmack: Not to take away from Profumo’s contrition, but in all honesty, how much did he earn as chairman and then president of the ‘charitable’ organization? I don’t know if it’s as bad in England as it is here, but that normally commands a very comfortable mid-six figure salary.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

O/T slightly, regardless of scandal or the woman’s stupidity , dating a red equals no brains the famous 1963 of Christine Keeler backwards on the chair is one of the sexiest black and white photos ever taken.

3 years ago

Accountability to the Truth before all. The rule of man is a conduit of a higher order, not a construct of his own making. That is the inversion at work. Time machine had the savages ruling the beautiful ones. But this was still according to the natural order. It was the Eloi, livestock oblivious to the reality of their own experience, who were largely disconnected from their natural world living in an artificial cloud. Molochs harvesting from them what was needed for their survival. Now our cloud Eloi do not rule us Molochs by reason, as an extension of what… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The price for lack of accountability is low trust and eventual collapse. To focus on several things you mentioned, the Russia collusion hoax has caused me and many others to believe the weapons of mass destruction debacle (this one is huge) just like the claim of Soviet economic supremacy before it were deliberate lies, not monumental intelligence community failures. Who ever again will trust the claims about the United States for the necessity for war? Long-term, of course, the Eloi cannot control the Morlock. More than a critique of capitalism, TIME TRAVELER is a meditation on hubris and destruction. This… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

The whole point of the Cloud People thing is to be utterly untethered from moral, biological or thermodynamic Truth. Karl Rove was oddly prescient when he said “we create our own reality”. This has become the guiding ethos of all Cloud types. The lying is a public profession of faith in the new “morality”. All that’s missing is the little red books. The Coof and Trans stuff are a rejection of biology. Conjuring paper money and credit out of thin air and pretending Unicorns and Fairies will deliver vital goods, BTUs and services is a rejection of thermodynamics. It only… Read more »

3 years ago

Maybe there’s some accountability. The malevolent, attention whore governor of California has not been seen in public since his booster shot which, of course, he had the media record.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Is it cruel to wish harm and death upon your enemies, especially via the method they attempt to harm and kill you? If it is it’s perfectly natural, but I’m not sure even a saint would be troubled to see someone so vile and treacherous as Newsom get hurt by his own medicine.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It is natural to hate ones enemies. Cruelty is just a side effect.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

It’s moments like that when realize “I really am a sinner, aren’t I”

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

But there for the grace of God go I.

Reply to  Rdz
3 years ago

But hopefully not Newsome.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Copied and pasted from Gab; SABO SABO @SABO 3h · · Edited LATEST IN THE RUMOR MILL … Breaking: Not sure if you have heard this yet, but Newsome has contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome from the booster apparently. This is why he was not at the climate summit. He is in hospital and has cancelled everything on his calendar for the month. Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder that attacks the body’s nerves. Sometimes presents itself as Bells Palsy. Typically presents itself as a progressive heaviness and weakness in the arms and legs and later on difficulty with swallowing… Read more »

Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

It is my most fervent prayer that this be so. Lord, please smite our enemies and drive them before us.

“Yea, though the Hindus speak of karma…”

Clark Griswold

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

Don’t look now but Circleback Psaki has also gone AWOL for several days now…

David Wright
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

Don’t get your hopes up, it will turn out he took some nice little vacation somewhere.

Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

No, he canceled his trip to Glasgow for the woke prom. And I hear he was in the running for prom queen

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Whitney
3 years ago

You kidding – those are probably just saline injections

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

A twit like Newsome is most likely a true believer. He’s almost surely in the dark about the ever-growing body count from the clot shot. Dollars to donuts he got the real McCoy.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

Unless, in their dark calculations, he (and she) were no longer useful.

Who knows what backbiting and skulduggery is going on in Hell? Maybe his contract had run out, and the Devil came to collect.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“If they have a moral code at all, it is based in a disdain for the rest of us.” Exactly. That is their morality – hatred of Bad Whites. Our current rulers show no remorse for lying about anything and everything because they look at those lies as part of a larger, almost holy cause. Lying to defeat an evil enemy requires no guilt. The question is whether a society can survive when the rulers hate the people upon whom the society needs to function. Feudal lords certainly disdained their own peasants with whom they often had no cultural or… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Feudal lords certainly disdained their own peasants And how, exactly, do you know this? In feudal times aristocracy was born to aristocracy and peasants were born to peasants. The feudal lords had serious responsibilities to their peasants. In exchange the peasants had their own duties. It was a simple fact of life. No one sat around wishing for a new capitalistic state to emerge and shatter the chains of feudalism. In fact, the aristocrats lived lives not that dissimilar from their charges. They ate basically the same food, lived in similar squalor and discomfort, and believed the same superstitions. Lords… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  nailheadtom
3 years ago

Largely true. However, the nobility ate meat much more frequently than the peasantry, had far greater access to luxuries such as spices and wine, and being on average more intelligent, took sensible precautions during times of pestilence, which reduced their mortality rate compared to the peasants.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

And because the rulers have no compunction about lying to us and harming us, I no longer feel honor-bound to obey the laws and rules they have set forth for society. Principle, for the first time in my life, no longer matters to me. This is the sort of liberation, I believe, Leftists have felt ever since the French Revolution.

3 years ago

“More recently, many of the same characters were involved in selling the world on the great Muslim threat. The West was turned into a police state because the Muslims wanted to impose Islam-o-fascisms on us….” ———————————————————————- “What are you going to do, build your own mass media?” ————————————————————————— Blab is up and doing well – for now. The rude jokes alone are worth the trip. As for our own internet, we already have one. I am a regular customer of the Z Blog and other crime thinkers and nazis. I want my own community too. I hate blacks and want… Read more »

3 years ago

You are correct that people aren’t about to build their own internet, but a person or persons can think up something even better to replace it. In my youth street corner phone booths were thought of as being wonderfully convenient. Who knows that the next chapter will bring.

3 years ago

It has to be close to the end, but what is out there that can truly finish this farce we find ourselves living in? There’s virtually no accountability for anything anymore if you’re one of the beautiful people – though if a dirt person, look out. We all keep wondering if reality is ever going to make itself known again – if so, I wish it’d hurry the hell up.
On another note, wtf was that commercial all about? Holy s*** batman…

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

It will finish itself. It’s already starting. Gas is going through the roof, Covid is putting everyone out of work, and the shelves are emptying out, and inflation gave everyone a 5% pay cut. You can’t run a country like this.

Everything is about transition. Trump is a step along, as were the actors in the Virginia election. None of this would have even been remotely possible during The Buckwheat Administration.

Somebody is going to get shot soon, and they will deserve it. Z would be better off having said that ‘nobody is accountable… for now…”

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

I have no faith in the white middle class. They will do whatever they think they are supposed to do.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Talked to an American (Republican) on Friday night who said the USA needs more immigrants, because most of them are Cuban and most vote Republican.

If the white middle class does do something, I have a feeling it won’t be due to anybody currently involved in mainstream politics.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

He was probably well heeled man with nice big house and nice German car back home and lives in a lily white zip code.

I know guys like that, stupid fucks who don’t read, don’t think, got lucky on some investment or something and thinks they got it all figured out. They get all their news from Hannity and talk radio. They still think it’s 1985.

Luckily they are in minority and are not representative of the white middle-class who is exposed to vibrancy on a daily basis.

Inquiring Minds
Inquiring Minds
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Historically, how have middle class citizens responded to the scenario unfolding before us? Do we have any examples of a successful approach specific to this class of people?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Inquiring Minds
3 years ago

I have never heard it described as such, because communism was purportedly classless, but the East Europeans toppling the Marxist governments largely would meet that description. People like Havel and Walesa would have to be viewed as middle class in this regard, but I would argue that’s what they were.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Inquiring Minds
3 years ago

“Historically” the Middle Class is a flash in the pan and a quite recent phenomenon. Our Betters would like reversion to the mean of the ultra-rich and shockingly poor which is why they are have taken off the brakes on brown importation. They want Brazil Norte -badly-. The only equivalent of a middle class historically that I’m aware of were guildsmen, tradesmen, etc. but they were really more like the Upper Middle Class of today in that they had a direct link to nobility because of their high skilled labor. That true ‘American Dream’ style middle class is a wholly… Read more »

Reply to  Inquiring Minds
3 years ago

Jack Dobson, Havel wasn’t middle class. He was an alcoholic puppet of his western donors and had nothing to do with the overthrow of the regime. The commie regimes in Eastern-European countries were toppled by the kids of communist functionaries who studied in Moscow’s MGIMO. They realized that the existing regime wouldn’t allow them to become filthy rich, so they destroyed it. Many of them later became oligarchs.

Reply to  Inquiring Minds
3 years ago

What a great question. That’s the 3.5 Trillion Dollar question.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

While quite disdained, the White middle class served as an intermediary between the Eloi and Morlochs, an aspirational relief valve, if you will. Now we have Muslim submarine commanders crashing the Empire’s crown jewels into underwater mountains, illiterate university professors who teach African art studies, and hysterical women physicians bungling a relatively benign pandemic. As the White middle class erodes and disappears, the buffer between the Morlochs and Eloi disappears. The United States would be well-advised to invest in gulags since the D.C. jails are insufficient, but who will design and build them? The collapse only will accelerate because the… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Sailer has a post up about a bike lane showdown between a minor Cloudling and a Morlock:

The Clouding’s naivete is confirmed when he presses on whining as the Morlock appears to reach for a pistol.

Also, the Cloudling hitting the car is not cool. That’s like touching a man’s horse, and only one step below touching his woman.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

That’s the thing. It seems like the people who would have been physicians 30 or 40 years ago are now surgeons where it seems the demand for competency is the highest. That’s not to say though that all physicians are bad though. Iftpu have a white male one like me you’ll be alright

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

The Wild Geese Howard- I am -quite- familiar w/ that exact spot. It is a busy exit ramp off the I-395 expressway in DC. Now that DC has been invaded by shitlibs they think that their Karen haranguing can be done to anyone. That video is a perfect example of Eloi/Morlock interaction. I’ve seen similar vids in the past and it –clearly– demonstrates the alternate reality that lefties live in. It is all avocado toast, fair trade coffee, sustainability, and bike lane rights in their world. And when a straight hood n-gga shows up he provides the RealTalk™ they so… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Yes, ironically, democracy might have been the best thing to ever happen to the ruling class.

The greatest trick the ruling class ever pulled was to convince the world through democracy that they no longer ruled.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Do you feel Zman many might sense something is wrong, as shown by polls showing a great majority say the country has been heading in the wrong direction ever since Bush was president, however they don’t know what to do. I think this is why guys like you get asked so often what can we do? We see what street protests or demonstrations get. The elites just have way too much power than they deserve. Scott Greer also argues states rights work less because the federal government has made so many of them dependent on it

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Wollin’s book, Inverted Totalitarianism makes a lot of good points about how Western societies have neutered their people.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

There are several elements at play that keep whitey on the reservation. One, the lie that Democracy works, the other being the illusion of wealth via stock market and housing. the fear of the police and Woke mafia. There is also a lot of stupid ones who actually believe the GOP as well. They are beyond redemption. Thankfully most of them are old and dying off. Once people lose their fear of the police and city officials with their magic badges then it’s game over. It’s that fear that holds them in thrall. In the movie “V for Vendetta” there… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Yep the system will fall. Declaring war on whitey, creating a two tiered society based on the jab, runaway inflation, being invaded by millions of 3rd world savages, corporate America shitting on the people that actually hold it all together is suicidal. Because it’s nationwide.

And yeah eventually we will see whites having a “Falling Down” (great movie please watch it) where they just say ‘fuck it’ and go hunting because there is nothing left to lose.

And when that starts, it won’t stop. Because the system no longer offers whites anything but a kick in the teeth.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

This is why I’ve become a vaccine evangelist. I want every Democrat, every cuck-Republican, every ball-less wonder gushing about MLK and screeching “but Mengele!!”, every prominent Chew, and as many dusky darkies as I can get to take the vaccines. For the women who abuse their own children in order to get one up on mine, I earnestly, soulfully look them in the eye and say, “My god. You are so right, and I was so wrong. Really, we should make sure and take every booster to keep people and our kids safe.” The apple don’t fall far from the… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

RWDS working through lists.
Local, local, local.

Reply to  usNthem
3 years ago

we’re toast . all of us . ” 39% of younger Millennials ages 18-24 year olds identify as LGBTQ.” from . if you break it down by race, I would bet it is 50% of white males and 60% of whit females in that age group . My experience is much less in other ethnic groups.

Reply to  miforest
3 years ago

These are meaningless surveys conducted for a “news” blurb to fill empty print space or air time or perhaps simply to demoralize an intended audience. Not really science or nascent truth revealed.
If one wants to separate trendy responses from how these millennials really are/behave, then one asks indirect questions such as, who ones friends are, who one dated last, one’s spouse, and so forth, then classify respondents accordingly. You won’t get the same numbers I’m sure.
But that they responded so affirmatively does probably indicate an increasing acceptance of such deviancy, but not necessarily the practice of it..

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

If you are correct , I will be happy. but among friends of my 20-something kids, more of the females have married each other than have married men.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

> If they have a moral code at all, it is based in a disdain for the rest of us. We have a weird, inverse morality where old ladies with barely two pennies to their name are harassed by billion dollar media corporations for being terrible people for supporting Trump or not getting the vax. The online rage-heads, desperate for a taste of that power, then pile-on her. Then in the very next tweet they’ll tell everyone how much they care for the poor. People have an innate sense that any older appeal fair play is long gone, and going… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
3 years ago

several of H G Wells’ stories are apropos for today’s bizarre world: Time Machine, War of The Worlds (progs are the bacteria that brings down the Martians/Western civ), and of course, Island of Dr Moureau (coof, Fauci, etc).

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
3 years ago

Lovecraft’s, “Nyarlathotep,” and Chamber’s, “The Restorer of Reputations,” are two more pieces with some interesting forward-looking elements.

Reply to  karl von hungus
3 years ago

“Throughout his novels and social treatises since the beginning of the present century, H.G. Wells presents a fundamentally socialist doctrine of reform.”
The Socialism of H. G. Wells in the Early Twentieth Century, William J. Hyde,
Journal of the History of Ideas
Vol. 17, No. 2 (Apr., 1956), pp. 217-234 (18 pages)
Published By: University of Pennsylvania Press

David Wright
3 years ago

After reading this, C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man seems more pertinent.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  David Wright
3 years ago

I originally didn’t like “That Hideous Strength” because I thought it was too ham-fisted. Ends up being it was right on the nose with regards to our medical-tyranny.