How It Ends

A little over a century ago, September 16, 1920, to be exact, a horse-drawn wagon packed with 500-pounds of dynamite exploded outside the headquarters of the J.P. Morgan & Co. bank on Wall Street. Thirty people were killed instantly and another ten died from their wounds. Over 100 other people were injured. The bombing was never solved, but everyone assumed it was done by anarchists. Anarchist terrorism was becoming common over the prior decade.

One consequence of the bombing was the federal government got serious about the communists and anarchists in the country. They rounded them up and deported them even though they could not pin the crime on them. The elites also gained a new perspective on immigration after this bombing. All of a sudden, letting anyone walk into the country was not so popular with rich people. Not long after, immigration was sharply curtailed, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe.

The incident is a good reminder of the reality of politics. Things that vex the people will be ignored until they begin to threaten the rich people. The bombing of the Los Angeles Times building in 1910 did not register with the ruling class, because the people running the country lived on the East Coast. The terrible impact of immigration on the working classes was considered a feature by the wealthy. When the reality of immigration landed on their doorstep, their attitudes quickly changed.

Another example from the last century was medicine. For most of human history the best medicine was money. Rich people avoided the general fifth of society and they could avoid what passed for medicine. More people were probably killed by doctors than disease as hospitals were disgusting and until the 20th century, germ theory was unknown to doctors. Avoiding hospitals and having a private doctor, along with better food and sanitation was what kept rich people healthy.

The 20th century started to change that reality. The rich and poor packed into cities which meant that disease loads were much higher. The Spanish flu, for example, hit all classes of people, not just the poor. It also struck young people, which made it even more frightening. Polio was another scary disease. It had been around since forever, but urbanization made it more common. Numerous urban  polio epidemics began to appear starting in the 20th century.

All of a sudden, polio was causing panic and civil unrest, as epidemics in major cities were reported by the mass media. Despite the fact most infections were mild and only a tiny number of people suffered long term effects, polio became a scary thing. One big reason for that is rich people were getting sick with polio. Unlike most plagues, this was not just a disease for the rabble. Polio was not sparing the wealthy. Just like that, finding a solution to polio became a top priority.

Public health is another good example of how the ruling class acts only when it serves their interests. Industrialization brought urbanization which brought disease to the doorstep of the rich. Unlike in the feudal order, the rich needed to be around the poor, who worked their factories and maintained their cities. Being near filthy poor people living in their own slop was dangerous, so the ruling classes set about improving public health and sanitation in the urban areas.

Politically, the ruling class of any society operates as Jeremy Bentham imagined all people would act if permitted. That is, the rich are motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain. Discharging their duties is avoided until not doing so promises more pain than pleasure. They are only ever moved to act on behalf of the greater good when they feel pain. This is especially true in liberal societies, which select for sociopathy in the political class.

Counterintuitively, it means that the only real way for people in a liberal democracy to get the attention of the political class is to threaten their lives. We saw this last January when a very peaceful group toured the Capitol. Within hours the city was turned into an armed camp. The same people who claim drug crimes are impossible to police and make excuses for black violence were suddenly able to find every last protestor and lock down the city for months.

This is something to keep in mind when wondering when the lunacy of the Covid panic will come to an end. Right now, it is great fun for rich people who are not required to play along with the loons. The politicians have to participate in Covid theater, but in private they think it is just a big goof. They take pleasure in mocking the crazies and their ornamental face gear. They think it is hilarious that the masses just go along with the ridiculous measures that serve no purpose beyond humiliation.

This nonsense ends when the ruling class decides it ends and that happens when the cost to them gets serious. Economic trouble is one obvious way the cost quickly becomes intolerable. That may be what lies ahead in 2022, as another round of Covidian theater craters a struggling economy. Someone taking a shot at one of these provincial politicians is another possible wakeup call. Organized resistance is unlikely, but a localized “event” is certainly possible.

Regardless, reason and reality are not going to end this lunacy. For the rich it is just an amusing game of human chess. For their servants in political office, it is a way to pretend their lives have meaning. Of course, there are plenty of stupid people willing to degrade themselves in order to feel like they are part of something. What puts the brakes on this dynamic is when the war comes home to the rich people. Until they start to feel the pain, Covid mania is a feature of life in the West.

It is an interesting lesson in the reality of democracy. Since democratic government selects for sociopathy, the result is a government that is far less responsive than allegedly autocratic systems. The dictator or king can be motivated by a sense of duty to his office or his legacy. Elected officials are motivated purely by pleasure and pain and they are extremely low in empathy. It turns out that democracy works only when the people are prepared to use violence.

This may be why democratic systems precede autocratic ones. It is not that mob rule becomes unreasonable, but that violent mob action becomes the only reasonable response to the indifference of democratic rule. The mob hangs their elected officials and the rich are suddenly moved to act by installing a dictator who will address the concerns of the masses. In other words, democracy is not mob rule but rule by sociopath, which is remedied by the strong hand of leadership.

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

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2 years ago

It’s just horrible. But… if a mob set Nancy Pelosi on fire… it would make my day. If Elizabeth Warren fell down 32 flights of stairs, rolled out into the street and got run over by a steam roller… I’d buy a round for the house! If an anvil fell on Barkie Obutthole…😂👍 But wishing harm on someone tempts the gods and with that karmic wheel… what goes around, comes around – at least for Dirt People. When a country purges its Cloud People en masse… really bad things tend to happen. I dunno if it’s the purging, or the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

The gods always make exceptions.

I’m confident that wishing death to Kamala or Hillary wouldn’t result in any karmac blowback

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

yeah it would. you can take satisfaction when they pass, though 🙂

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

they want your hate; deny them. find a perspective that allows you to maintain an even emotional state, despite their best efforts to unsettle you.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

They love our hate because it is a signal to them they are doing something right.

Indifference and mockery to their schemes are the most potent weapons.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
2 years ago

Rapid technological change improves the utility of genius, good or evil genius doesn’t matter. You just want Napoleon on your side. Republican (oligarchic) government saw its modern golden age when technological revolution was the norm. Democratic (monarchic) government, rule of random guys born into the nobility, is better when technological change is slow. No one wants a Napoleon at that point. The catch is, we now have slow technological change because we are already so advanced, so we now need to figure out how a neo-monarchy would function. North Korea without the crushing sanctions and the worst geopolitical position in… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Anonymous Fake
2 years ago

The NORKS have below replacement fertility though not as bad as ours.

If its underestimated , it may be around replacement but its still unwise to be on the verge of famine too.

2 years ago

If we enter a hyper inflationary period in 2022, that’s nooses and pitchforks for the Government Party. Producer Prices were up 9.6% YoY in November, and will easily break 10% soon if not already. Food price inflation is bonkers in meats, and WSJ reported today that Heinz is warning suppliers to expect 5-20% increases on common food items like the American staple Mac n Cheese.

Soaring inflation is a sure trigger for social unrest. Especially for staples like bread or Mac n cheese.

Just ask Louis XVI…

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
2 years ago

Kiddie livers in baby blood, with a nice chianti at the Kissinger Cafe.

2 years ago

This is something that needs to be sent to all our elected leaders, unelected bureaucrats, and heads of media and industry. Of course, anybody who did that would be canceled, possibly with extreme prejudice.

Sgt. Joe Friday
Sgt. Joe Friday
2 years ago

I was sure that after 9/11 there would at least be a pause of some kind pause in immigration, while the government figured out who was here, who was not supposed to be here, and in general made tighter borders and interior enforcement something of a priority. If for no other reason than to show the public something was being done. But nope, none of that happened. And it’s not like the ruling elite were untouched by the event. Barbara Olson was killed in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, and she was the wife of Ted Olson, a… Read more »

Sand Wasp
Sand Wasp
Reply to  Sgt. Joe Friday
2 years ago

Barabara Olsen is a minor figure, and at best could be claimed as a member of the “outer party” The true targets of the death jabs, could in fact be, the over-produced aspiring elites. They follow all the rules and orders in order have a shot at moving up the ladder. They need to be eliminated because when the economy implodes this over educated class will represent the biggest threat to the inner party. If a whole bunch of proles refuse the death jab , it doesn’t really matter. Although the proles are resistant to propaganda, they generally don’t have… Read more »

You all
You all
Reply to  Sgt. Joe Friday
2 years ago

What plane crashed into the Pentagon?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

to all the kiddies questioning whether polio existed:

1. polio existed, and it wasn’t DDT because people still get polio (but DDT has been banned like 60 years)
2. smallpox existed
3. the black plaque existed
4. influenza existed
5. AIDS exists
6. coof exists (it just isn’t that lethal as reported)

why not do a little reading before posting “theories” you pulled out of your ass?

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The black plague was a gift from the Nose poisoning the wells, The rest were the result of “vaccination”. Ain’tnothin new under the sun. Same shit, different day.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I think I’m the one that started the polio conversation on this thread. I in fact, said that it was a real disease that did paralyze people. But that the hysteria surrounding it was entirely media driven. Some googling led to to the claim that 1952 was the height of the epidemic. In that year there were 57,000 confirmed diagnoses, 3,000 deaths and 23,000 cases of paralysis – temporary to persistent. Out of a total US population of 157,000,000. So approx 1 in 3,000 people had a confirmed diagnoses and half of those had a serious health impact. So yeah,… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

uh huh

keep arguing a losing position, it makes for a good laugh. cause you don’t know jack shit about anything that happened before 2010.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

To your point, growing up as an X’er all the legacy news reels gave the impression that large double digit percentages of the country were on iron lungs.

2 years ago

The ice age farmer on YouTube has been warning that the WEf was planning a famine for us all. for a while , and the price farmers get for livestock has fallen even as meat prices rose 50% . that may be the bridge too far that cayuses the elites too much trouble to let it go any further. clearly they Chinese believe its coming , the are sitting on HALF the worlds total grain supply. . since they have 18 percent of the worlds population , that means the lower classes everywhere are going to face enormous hardship… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
2 years ago

miforest: I take what I read at Ice Age Farmer with a grain of salt, just as I take everything else. I also don’t trust any government numbers – not our own, and certainly not China’s. Fwiw, there is plenty of food on the shelves of the stores here in DFW, although occasionally missing or skimpy supplies of certain items. I noted a few small rib roasts at one store – they had been on sale before Christmas (1 per customer with an additional $30 purchase) for $4.99 a pound. Now they want $14.99 a pound. We’ll see if they… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Retail markups are 100%-300%.
With a few loss leader items at a substantially lower rate on sales.

So yeah, the grocery chain is capturing most of the price paid by consumers. They’ve got to pay for their prime real estate, employees, electricity and insurance some how.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

this is completely false. the grocery stores make nothing like that .

2 years ago

If I was president, all people traveling on private jets would go through tsa screening. It would put an end to taking off shoes and belts

Reply to  TomC
2 years ago

That would be funny. Especially if you made them queue up with everyone else in the endless security lines.

2 years ago

Fauci backing down on the quarantine period (10 days to five and maybe even three) and Biden backing down on a national lockdown mandate is evidence that business leaders have had enough. They got rid of Trump, now it is supposed to be business as usual. There is also the risk of people just ignoring lockdowns. The problem is that the Lockdown Karens are going nuts. China has locked down the city of Xian for no apparent reason, France is locked down. Australia. Austria. NYC is locked down and having big protests, arrests. An ex Raiders cheerleader, now a real… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

“I just heard on the radio the head of the Salvation Army apologize for his wokeness and deny that the Salvation Army adheres to a social dogma or wants people to apologize for their skin color. Remarkable as this story never hit the media, only conservative websites.”

Only cucks are stupid enough to donate to charities like the Salvation Army, hence suppression of the information and another reminder that churches, charties, and NGO’s are all corrupt and do not deserve one thin dime.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

They still have commitment to diversity and LGBTQ as 2 out of the first 3 guiding statements on their website.

So Fuck em.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

once they showed their hand, they were fucked. and look how fukkin’ surprised they are now! retards to a man (or tranny). SA will be extinct within 3 years, and all the staff will have to get real jobs.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

There’s still the Salvation Navy. It’s a good outfit, although it’s tough to get people to join as no one wants to sit in a row boat with a bass drum in their lap.

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

Yeah but I hear shore leave in the port of San Francisco is faaaabuuuulous!

Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago

“In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas.
In the Navy, you get buggered while on leave…”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

True, but they had to apologize in a desperate attempt to salvage the very brutal drop in donations and volunteering. Disney can go woke, they have enough cash and properties that will make them money that they can run a century losing money and never care. The Salvation Army cannot go woke as they essentially just ended. Little donations (most done by White people who don’t like apologizing for their skin color) and even less volunteering. That was real penalties.

David Wright
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

That’s a real stream of consciousness rant there Whiskey. Noy sure all relates directly to your main point.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

I have to stay under length limits to avoid moderation. But, over and over again real important people are finding out that there are limits. The Head of the Salvation Army will have to find real work as his organization is likely to not even exist next year. Fauci and Biden had their lockdown plans pulled. Very important people are getting killed in their mansions by BLM freed felons. And the price of getting rid of Trump is that Warren is on the warpath of basically eliminating most important industries and destroying the wealth of important CEOs (tied up in… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

That doesn’t surprise me at all.

I know MIC execs who think Killary’s loss to Trump was, “….a national, possibly global tragedy.”

That’s how far gone these people are.

Gunner Q
2 years ago

“Right now, it is great fun for rich people who are not required to play along with the loons. The politicians have to participate in Covid theater, but in private they think it is just a big goof.” I have seen the truth of this for myself. My work frequently brings me into Elite enclaves and they only care about the lockdowns when the cameras are running. Meanwhile, their servitors (frequently undocumented migrants) never take their masks off. Technically I’m a servitor, but I’m also a white man who acts like their peer, so they’ve never demanded I wear the… Read more »

Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

the problem is white people .

2 years ago

These people are highly vulnerable. They live in nice upscale neighborhoods, they might have gates, easily climbable, they might have cameras, who cares, wear the mask, they might have guns, bring your own. The wilding that we’ve seen in malls and jewelry stores recently, it’s going to start happening to regular wealthy people and their homes. There might be a few that get it and don’t deserve it but most of them do. This madness has gone on far too long

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

If I recall, the Seattle CHAZ no-go zone was dismantled a day or two after the protestors went to the mayor’s house. The mayor who spent a month coddling these psychopaths and defending their right to destroy the city. Get within spitting distance of Her Majesty’s home, though, and all bets are off.

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

And the mayor has access to armed security

John Flynt
John Flynt
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Wasn’t it after their border security murdered the black teen and shot up another one in a car.

The media, so obsessed with the Till case because they are just so pro minority lives, is strangely uninterested in the details.

You’d think Anitfa Chaz security were IDF troops in the west bank given the kids gloves treatment from the CNNs.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Whitney: From what I’ve read online, it appears the noggers are now routinely targeting CA areas like Brentwood and Beverly Hills. I fully agree that most of these folks deserve what’s coming to them – they need to own this. The same with the White woman who has apparently received death threats after her Mestizo neighbors filmed her asking them to tone down their raucous Christmas Eve party. Guarantee you she voted for and championed the cause of diversity and gimmigrants. The problem here is that these people are still not owning their actions, but rather fleeing the consequences. If… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

First, totally agreed since what follows plays off a subpoint you made. “The problem here is that these people are still not owning their actions, but rather fleeing the consequences. If you believe their comments (and anyone who does is a fool), the majority of the CA residents fleeing to Idaho and North Carolina and Texas call themselves ‘conservative.’ This means they might not believe in fully defunding the cops. They still endlessly agitate for political measures in their new home states that will result in the same dystopian multicultural chaos they left behind in CA.” Even putting aside the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

More small towns are instituting moratoriums on building permits, especially for multi-family units. The given reason is that all of the new building, traffic and general population is overwhelming the local infrastructures. Now, that is certainly true in a lot of cases, but even if not, it is a very good and believable excuse.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

That’s the only way to do it. What’s the point moving to a new town when it just gets built into little Mexico/India in 20 years?

Seen it happen in Canada many times, a small white town / city open up new subdivision construction and suddenly it’s swamped with 80% non white subdivisions. No construction happens in the town it’s just on plots adjacent.

So yeah, all construction needs to be halted (or 90% reduced) or you will just get paved over by the ever increasing diverse population.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I decided not to return to CA after finishing my four years in the Air Force. While I like living in Florida, there are still some things about CA I miss. Still, I’m very thankful to not have to deal with the covid insanity being pushed by Gov. Gabbin Nuisance. I see serious demographic trouble brewing in the future though. This state is made up of people who came from somewhere else. Be it Cubans, Puerto Ricans, New Yorkers, Alabamans, etc, we have a big mismash of peoples who have little in common with each other, and want different things.… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

3g4meL: One thousand smiley faces for you.

Alexander Scipio
Alexander Scipio
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

As a conservative who ex-filled CA, with the other 4 votes in my immediate family, we left BECAUSE of the loony politics and took our CONSERVATIVE voting patterns with us to AZ. I think it was VDH who recently wrote that most of those leaving CA we conservative, not prog.

Reply to  Alexander Scipio
2 years ago

I have found that a California conservative is much like a Canadian conservative. It’s all relative. What a Californian might consider to be conservative, actual, flyover conservatives would consider quite liberal.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

See my other comment, the mother in law (herself wife to a billionaire black music producer) of Ted Sarandros of Netflix was killed by a homie in a home invasion in Beverly Hills. Her sole security guard was of no use. The Piv, Jeremy Piven was home invaded, a Real Housewife, others you likely heard of in the Hollywood Hills, Beverly Hills, and even Malibu. Outside Zuck few of these people have large amounts of armed guards. Arnie the exception. Its extremely expensive save for the most uber-wealthy and there are few people really good at it. Zuck, Gates, a… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

It cannot happen enough. I look forward to the rape and murder of prominent people. Reap and sow.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

and dismemberment! it’s no good unless the body is desecrated.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

There’s no point in mutilating corpses unless you have some good puns to go along with it. That’s not a way to get a head in life, I guess he couldn’t stomach the violence, they always said I had a disarming personality, etc.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

It cracks me up how many gated communities in Florida are guarded by Haitians.

Most Americans know very little about 1804, although it was a huge factor in our being unable to avoid war.

When SHTF, Koupe tet, boule kay, anyone/

Reply to  Xin Loi
2 years ago

Xin Loi: Shades of South Africa. White farmers there still employ blacks (in many cases they are forced to) as laborers and security forces, and these same employees are the ones who either rape and torture and rob and kill the Whites themselves, or pass inside info to friends to do the same.

2 years ago

Once heard that when Britain deported its unwanted to Australia, the ship’s captain knew that the biggest threat to a transported woman who was going wild on the long voyage was to threaten to cut her hair off. That was good enough to stop them getting out of hand. The trouble was, once you cut a trouble-making transported woman’s hair off there would be no stopping her craziness. No threat could carry any weight after that. In short, the last thing the captain wanted to do was cut a woman’s hair off. I feel our elite are beginning to think… Read more »

Reply to  UKer
2 years ago

Because they are not stuck on a boat with you for the journey they are happy to cut your hair, shave what is left, tattoo your face and keel haul you for the duration of your voyage. Matters not to the hidden hand you don’t know who the movers are. Who is the real target if push comes to shove? Biden, Pelosi, and the other pols around the world? Get real they are he cardboard cut outs for the media that get to trough what they want while doing what thy are told. So who is it going to be… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  UKer
2 years ago

oh bs, they would have hung anyone making trouble. or just thrown them overboard. don’t have to do that very often to make your point stick. again, you do not know your history. the British (at that point in time) would hang a person for stealing bread:

“During the 18th century, the number of crimes that were punished by hanging rose to about 200. Some, such as treason or murder, were serious crimes, but others were what we would call minor offences. For example, the death sentence could be passed for picking pockets or stealing food.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

To add to Pure Blood’s comment, the prison system itself was established because the only actual alternative punishment was hanging. Prisons were seen as a reform.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

technically speaking, there is a distinction (perhaps only in the abstract) between a prison, and a penitentiary. Australia was a prison colony, the Brits had no interest in their salvation.

The policy of transportation, and harsh penalties for crime, made Edwardian England a true paradise on Earth – while it lasted 🙂

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  UKer
2 years ago

“The trouble was, once you cut a trouble-making transported woman’s hair off there would be no stopping her craziness.”

Oh really? I can assure you there are stronger ways, be it a woman, man or stone crazy goat. We’re pussyfooting this whole mess too much.

2 years ago

Z is right. The elites and those in charge are lazy, cruel, detached from reality, and spoiled. Their one weakness is atheism – and fear of death. They don’t care about facts and logic. Pleas on humanitarian grounds (poor kids masking in school!) makes no difference to them. Peaceful protests are meaningless. But they do care about dying, as we see with the COVID response and also the push for youth culture, corpses like Pelosi and Biden and McCain staying in office well past their expiry date. When dealing with a bully, the only way to solve the problem is… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I agree with you, the bully analogy nails it.
Some ideas and those who champion them are deleterious to society. Tolerance of massive drug abuse ” the homeless” sexual deviants pursuing children ” love is ageless” are just two obvious egregious examples. These ideas are supported & encouraged by the ruling class. They enjoy seeing “dirt people” suffering.
What is called liberalism today is libritineism. Those responsible are infected with moral cancer, surgery cannot be done with out blood.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I am not sure they are actually afraid of its people.

I hear that a lot, but it seems they just hate them and want them gone like a rat infestation.

Are you afraid of rats in your house, well sort of in a way about damage and hygiene etc, but its more like they just hate them as vermin.

Vermin need exterminating.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Just 10 years ago, this is how some in Australia dealt with bullies:

It’s sad that today, we have to assume that kid, now 26, is masked and vaxxed and only goes outside when the government tells him to.

2 years ago

Just a personal anecdote from my Christmas weekend. I live in rural Oklahoma and am not subject to any of the left wing lunacy I read about on this site. Most rural whites in Oklahoma are poor, but are down to earth people who are very unpretentious. What you see is what you get. My daughter and her husband (and my young grandsons) live in a upper middle class neighborhood in the Oklahoma City area. Oklahoma City is probably one of the most conservative cities in the U.S.A. I went to visit my daughter over the Christmas weekend and was… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
2 years ago

The population is already sorting itself out. Hundreds of thousands have fled California, Illinois, and New York (the top three) for Southern states (Texas & Florida are the top two). Richland County (Columbia), South Carolina has put a total moratorium on all new construction until they can upgrade infrastructure to accommodate the sudden increase in population. My daughter and son-in-law (in Richland County, SC) built their house 23 months ago, and it has already increased in value by $120,000. They will sell in the spring and move to the country. I went there for Halloween with my grandchildren, and my… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

What’s your advice to a younger, single guy? I agree rural living is better in general but I’m concerned about the inability to find a spouse or have a social life in those areas.

My plan is to try and get transfered to a smaller whiter city – better odds at finding a wife and has some stuff an urban area has but not as diverse or insane as a big city.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

This is my issue as well. The city is insane but meeting a wife and having a good social life seems hard in the rural areas. Seems the suburbs would be the best middle ground to do.

PGT Beauregard
PGT Beauregard
Reply to  Johnny
2 years ago

how about attending church? Or coaching little league?

Reply to  Johnny
2 years ago

I like to chime in whenever I see the comments drift to this topic. As a person who last fall escaped a corrupted city for the rural south, I would highly recommend you do not do the same, and instead find a suburban area with a reasonable commute, but in a different county, to decent sized city. I ran from Austin and relocated to a 2.75 acre spread on the F/G/L, and it kind of sucks despite my trying to make the best of it. The social opportunities are practically non-existent and it is a terrible place to find a… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

B125, that’s a good question and I don’t have a good answer. I will say that most of the career girls in the cities probably won’t make great wives. They have probably had sex with numerous men and are likely pretty damaged.

As Jonny said, maybe the suburbs is the way to go. Perhaps at a youth group at a conservative church?

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
2 years ago

A lot of the ‘conservative’ churches are pozzed beyond belief. I’m old and generally happily married, but if I was looking, I’d look somewhere that I was involved in an activity or work I already enjoyed or was interested in. For example, I’ve received a fair number of inquiries in the past 2-5 years at the gym as to my marriage and availability status. Local livestock store, horse competitions, get to know the moms who do canning or organize local events, etc. Get involved in the fabric of the community. Become friends with your neighbors and let their wives know… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I think you will find that in the rural areas, while there may not be as much “diversity” of choice for future wives or social scenes, the overall quality can often be quite better. Stay away from the career-minded women and find one that wants to have a family first.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Find yourself a God fearing Bible based church, and start attending. You will find yourself a good woman there if you are patient, and discerning. Ask me how I know.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

go to one of the Scando countries, or Eastern European ones. Your SMV will be much higher there, get a better quality chick. take an extended visit there, or maybe get work. forget Canada and the US, unless you want more of the same old shit.

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
2 years ago

I’m one of those who advocates standing your ground, although my stance has proven unconvincing, so oh well. I also had the circumstance of growing up in a fairly uncorrupted place that has become a battleground in the last couple of decades, as waves of people have fled the cities and now the suburbs, led by developers and chased by libs and vibrants. I am now convinced that racket will only end when the money runs out, because it seems most people will only turn and fight when they can no longer afford to run. Fwiw. I’m about ready to… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Yikes! Tobacco is not easy to produce. Have you ever harvested tobacco? Very nasty job. But I do wish you the best of luck, no matter what.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago


Yep I remember it from my childhood. Filthy plant and a ton of work to grow well and bring to market, but it’s the cash crop around here, and there’s no way I’m starting a dairy!

Not set on it, but it looks more appealing by the day.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

I’m in much the same situation, although California has passed a point of no return, is actively autophagous and will Cancel me on general principles before much longer.

I try to “watch for opportunity” rather than “try to escape”. The difference in mindset is, in my opinion, very healthy.

Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

Agreed. And I do expect California to turn a corner by the end of this decade. Goodwhites are fleeing in droves and Hispanics are figuring out they’re kind of white. Bay Area is what it is, maybe the state finally breaks up.

Stay frosty.

Alexander Scipio
Alexander Scipio
Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

SoCal native, 67. Moved to the Phoenix area in 2016 and don’t regret it at all. Close enough to LA to see family or go scuba diving, far enough away that it’s not CA.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Gunner Q
2 years ago

just like timing a market top..easy peasy. by the time you know it’s time, it’s too late. imagine the hit on your home’s equity once Prop 13 is lifted (not if, when).

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Agreed! I think there are many folks in pozzed cities who believe they’re going to ride into the “Rural South” and be greeted by a welcoming committee of dissidents ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work building a moral society! They will be disappointed. Bottom line: keep running and you’ll run out of places to run to.

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
2 years ago

I lived in eastern Oklahoma in the late 70s
I was young and the fishing was fantastic. Should have never left.
Your last line.. you may be on to something. Winners write history, maybe old pol pot could see something that was left out of the narrative.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

There is one except to the “winners-write-the-history” observation (that I know of): the Spanish Civil War. The losers have written that history, oddly enough.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Germany on the Eastern Front lost and “owned” the story for a long time.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Anewheretic
2 years ago

Talmud bankers cut off the funds, the ammo, the food , the fuel…. they did the same shit to Napoleon.. The small hat merry go round of destruction and death, for profit.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Right, haven’t ever considered that. Thanks

Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
2 years ago

I am a lifelong Oklahoman. And I can tell you that Oklahoma City is gone, gone, gone. I had an occasion to be downtown about six months ago and the storefronts, etc. scream woke. Audio from some invislble source exhorts you at every crosswalk. The whirling in their graves of the cattlemen and oilmen who built that place will cause a black hole. The only question that remains is how long they will allow the stockyards to keep functioning. I guess as long as the businesses that are across the street keep bringing in sales tax, the powers-that-be will look… Read more »

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

There are lots of places that are assumed to be “conservative” that also have been infected.
Sandpoint Idaho for example.
Sign leading into town, diversity and tolerance are our values we welcome all. Or some such drivel.
In the downtown area rainbow flags on many businesses.
These people are evil, they will never stop pushing until they are made to stop.

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Its like the end of the Invasion of the Bodysnatchers where he finds multitudes of lorries and buses being loaded up to ship the pods around the country, only they have already arrived and taken over in many areas.

Without smashing the TV/media complex and its domination of social signaling I can’t see how this is stoppable.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

funny, i don’t see how it is sustainable. i see it already breaking down.

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Sandpoint is now like Vegas. Hardly anybody there is from there.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Yeah, bringing the NBA team to OKC was a sign for me that the city was doomed. Seeing upscale whites screaming for a bunch of thug negroes who hate white people disgusts me..

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mis(ter)Anthrope
2 years ago

uh, only a moron would say “stay in the cities”. some young people here say stand your ground, but not (to my remembrance) in the cities specifically. my sense is most people here would be happy for the cities to burn, i know i would.

also, OKC has terrible crime stats!

Norham Foul
Norham Foul
2 years ago

The COVID fear campaign is nearing the end. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Two Headlines: “Critics slam ‘hypocrite’ Biden for claiming ‘no federal solution’ to pandemic after vow to ‘shut down’ “ AND “Biden says states bear responsibility for COVID resolution.” I take this to mean the fear campaign is unworkable, becoming unproductive, and the marginal profits are thinning. Furthermore, in advance, Klain and company know how the Supremes would love to force it on us, but it just may be a bridge too far result in the chaos and elite fear, the Zman blogs about here. It’s a no-go. Time… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Norham Foul
2 years ago

In my Deep South state, most of us have ignored the whole thing. Many churches ignored the whole thing, including mine. Our governors have not made headlines like de Santis in Florida has, but that’s because they have largely ignored the whole thing. you all may remember last year when Georgia, after shutting down for two weeks “to flatten the curve,” re-opened to the howls of the talking heads, but nothing happened. Everybody went back to normal, and that was that. What almost nobody seems to have grasped is that the whole stupid charade has depended 100% on the cooperation… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

The LA County sheriffs’ refusal has been the only pleasant surprise of the coof era so far. By the standards of liberty and justice and other American type stuff, they’re the worst non-fed police force in the country, yet they stood up for the people—a little, and incidentally to other considerations, but still. No one familiar with them would bet against them leaping at a new opportunity to crack prole skulls.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

Isn’t the LASD overrun with multiple Hispanic gangs that have cartel ties?

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Infant: I wouldn’t put any of your ‘unless’ possibilities as out of bounds. The WEF crowd is deadly serious about wanting us all miscegenated, chipped, bug-eating automatons. And while I’m not blaming any one individual or group, I found a post at Western Rifle Shooters (and I take all their stuff with a hefty dose of salt) very poignant and accurate: Everything that has been predicted about the Covid hysteria and dismissed as a loony conspiracy theory has happened. And every step of the way people have complied and retreated and set a new theoretical ‘line’ that will always be… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

It appears–appears–the WEF is getting told “no” at the moment, but it may be kabuki. They appear ready to pivot to Russia because ‘Murica!!! and a certain group of bitter parasites want to settle scores even if it means burning the world down. Here’s to hoping for a Gen. Jack Ripper with Tel Aviv on his mind!

Reply to  Norham Foul
2 years ago

The critics slamming Biden after his comments are mostly conservacucks who, as usual, are messing up. When Biden says, “there is no federal solution”, the correct response is, “there is no solution, virus gonna virus.” The correct response is NOT “omg look another broken Biden promise, vote GOP in 2022!” This just gives the left an opportunity to blame the GOP for Biden not being able to fix it, which they are already doing. Ιt is amazing how consistently horrible the GOP is at this sort of thing, almost like it is by design. Any politician or official who is… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

This! ^^^ This, this this! ^^^

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Joe Biden, Tenth Amendment fanatic. There has to be a reference to that somewhere in Revelations.

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

Mycale: Why do you eve give a f&&k about the GOP? There is NO political solution to ANY of this. Forget about party A and party B, or standard terminology of left and right. This is based on race, with class and money following closely behind. Stop looking to any politician or ‘official’ or ‘expert’ to save you or fix anything – it’s not going to happen.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

scaring normies away from the GOP shouldn’t be too difficult. once the GOP dies, the Dems will collapse and split.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Are you reading Bill James’ book Popular Crime Reflections? Because I am right now and that book has the two bomb attacks you mention in it. And although I had vaguely heard about the Wall Street bomb I had never, until maybe yesterday when I read about it, heard about the LA Times bomb. Freakish that two almost forgotten events I read about yesterday show up here. Anyway, maybe just a strange coincedence. I think you are absolutely on the money about democracy. I even think that the ‘peace-keeping effect’ of nuclear weapons is not because they are absolutely horrendous… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

“They take pleasure in mocking the crazies and their ornamental face gear. They think it is hilarious that the masses just go along with the ridiculous measures that serve no purpose beyond humiliation.”

This is probably literally true (private pictures from Boris Johnson’s Downing Street prove it is true in the UK) and strongly suggests elements of sadism. The sociopath problem of democracy is not a boogey man.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago
Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Thanks. What does he suggest putting in place of democracy? That’s usually where it gets tricky. But the current cr*p is so miserable that it is certainly worth thinking about.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

I haven’t read this, yet but the usual solution if one is given is an interregnum of Right Wing authoritarianism, a dictatorship of 20 to 40 years depending on how long restoration takes.

After that a limit franchise something like White, Male Christian Landowners and a much stricter system of public morality.

The actual stuff you have to do the policy is rather basic to be honest but it requires a kind of Right that that isn’t controlled by the money boys and exiles immediately anyone who thinks “Conservatism is an attitude” rather than set eugenic and pro civic polices

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

This really sounds like it’s on the right track.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Moran: ” (He) almost never says what he means. Because that would pin him down. This politician who feigns to be its antithesis is the consummate politician. He carefully says what he thinks you’ll assume he means. What he wants you to believe. His language is bombastically vague, full of freedom-loving hints that enrapture those who badly want to believe it. So much so that they allow themselves to believe it. Much is left unsaid and it is the unsaid which tells you the most. If you’ll listen to it. He leaves it up to his audience to think they… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

One hopes the current football chant of “Boris Johnson is a cunt” catches on in the wider population.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

What’s the equivalent of ‘Brandon’ in the UK?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Yup, snake oil and quacks, the lot of them.

2 years ago

Bellevue: Three Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America’s Most Storied Hospital by David Oshinsky. Being from NYC, I really enjoyed this book. It’s a good lite read for the down time of the holidays. It’s amazing how the medical field went from Anglo/ European, to juice, to Asian. I have 3 MD’s in my family, none of them could boil an egg. Truly 3 of the dumbest people I know. I’ve been realizing lately that the curiosity Gene seems to be slowly breading out of civilization in general. Unless of course you consider ( hey Alexa, how many cups… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Panzernutter
2 years ago

Average IQ’s are in decline, have been for probably a century., They’ll crash soon enough , its already happening in California as big projects become harder each year and modernity will eventually go with it.

Its not all bad, we’ll roll back to a more healthy tech and social base and will lack the knowledge to make things like atom bombs , and gain of function viruses which will make humanity much safer

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

The last US president I recall having an “event” was Ronald Reagan.

There was that one guy who tossed his shoes at GW Bush , but that was actually pretty funny and proved GW still had good reflexes. Had that happened today, I’m pretty sure FJB would have taken both to the face!

Question is, after the “event” with Ronald Reagan, were there any significant policy changes that affected the general public? Did the ruling class clamp down on the plebs by introducing any new legislation that impacted their constitutional rights?

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

I think there was no changes in policy because the ruling class was the group that wanted the event to happen.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

Speaking of Reagan, he famously said: “The closest thing we’ve come to discovering eternal life is a government program.” Enormous amounts of power, prestige, and wealth were created when the Covidians in state/local/federal government expanded their regulatory hooks and dictates to address Covid; great wealth continues to be amassed by Big Pharma coming up with ever more frequent (and expensive) preventatives and treatments. The Zman is right. Barring some personal risk or loss to our ruling political and corporate classes, Covid will never, ever go away. It has been managed to be a boon to their interests. Even if something… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

“Barring some personal risk or loss to our ruling political and corporate classes….”

Goes for any of their insane policies.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

“The Zman is right. Barring some personal risk or loss to our ruling political and corporate classes, Covid will never, ever go away. It has been managed to be a boon to their interests.” “Predictions,” as Dizzy Dean reminded us, “are hard to make; especially about the future.” Hard to say. But from what I can see–admittedly not much–governments at all levels, and the medical profession in general and the public health establishment in particular, and most of the churches, and the whole “education” system–in fact ALL our institutions–have destroyed their credibility for several generations to come. None of those… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Maybe that is what they had in mind regarding the new normal.

To reset a society it would be logical to break every institution’s function.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

The “education” sector of the economy is the largest and most profitable “industry” in AINO. (Including all its ancillary “industries.)

That is also the foundation of their powre–indoctrination of defenseless children. So although I concede that anything is possible where these psychos are concerned, I don’t agree that what is happening–the currently clear trajectory of events–is what “they” had in mind. They expected things to go much ore quickly. The roll-out of the whole charade was remarkably clumsy. They have overplayed their hand is all.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

The loss of respect, admiration, pride, and commitment to our institutions is becoming more and more evident. This leads to distrust, lawlessness, and anarchy. The bonds that once held us together are dissolving. Honor, bravery, your reputation, ha! we used to fight duels to save our honor. Things are falling apart because we no longer have a common interest. The virtuous man is a sucker. John Wayne and Clint Eastwood are the last of the dinosaurs. Good times, weak men. No use for a Dirty Harry anymore. Ask not, what i can do for my country, but what can my… Read more »

Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

This is just an observation.

But it is interesting how your 2 examples are actors playing characters in a fiction, rather than a real person in public life coming to mind.

I wonder what is the last point in the recent past the same comment would have referenced a real person in business or politics?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

Not in my lifetime Trumpton. The last heroic deed I saw was the Kenosha Kid and with much respect to Kyle, that was self defense not heroism

Truth is world dominance means no more heroes since there are no real challenges.

Its why even under the wisest loved by everyone most benevolent leader, heck one who was actually immortal, a world government would end up a self destructing hellscape.

Humans can’t adapt to large scale prosperity any more than Calhoun’s mice could . We can’t breed, we don’t strive. We must suffer, achieve a null state (like Buddhism) or die.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

As long as feminists, and the Fed’s counterfeiting, pressure young women into the workplace, schools will remain in place as babysitters.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Maybe they will become mostly female and POC only?

Sort of like universities are now, as they serve the same purpose.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Speaking of schools, c there’s one in my turn that changed their sports name from the barons to bruins, because Baron is too white. And they banned singing jingle bells because they said singers in black face originally sang it, and the inspiration for it was from slaves wearing collars with bells on them

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

I have long said that their ultimate goal was kids.
After they get age of consent laws eliminated what next?

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Lots of options.

Child sacrifice, temple prostitution, ritual cannibalism the historical practices offer lots of examples for reference.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

I think the events would be more local. Surely, there is an obnoxious school board that has allowed some tranny to rape someone’s daughter.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

there were no policy changes after JFK, RFK, Reagan, etc, etc. it’s already illegal to shoot the president 🙂

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

The Brady gun bill came out of that. NICS and all that.

2 years ago

“One consequence of the bombing was the federal government got serious about the communists and anarchists in the country. They rounded them up and deported them even though they could not pin the crime on them.” couple of questions: – are the elites willing to abandon their greater goal of demoralizing the white race when they could easily move to a different country? – is america’s elite still WASP cause if they are descended from foreigners they might rejoice whenever they see bombings & immigrants tormenting white neighbourhoods. – how long till elites decide to stop immigration before it’s to… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

My bet is the wasps and juice have a major falling out. And that we end up embracing the wasps again like old lovers reuniting. And let bygones be bygones.

Or maybe I’m just a romantic.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

it is possible, russians did it, now you have nationalist russia vs khazaria ukraine.

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

You have nationalist Russia vs khazaria USA.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

i guess it depends on which country do you see as being the colony, usa or ukraine?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I think that seems obvious from my above answer.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

The WASPS are all but gone. They mainly didn’t breed and the few that remain are Leftists are like Gavin Newsome who to his credit actually has 4 kids or Country Club filth. Frankly its good riddance to bad rubbish anyway. They’ve become too corrupt and lost the proverbial mandate of heaven long ago. We need a new ruling class but to get it means embracing the desire for power and some goals. I am not sure that this is possible, far too many of our people have this Thoreau like “leave me alone” ideal and little desire for the… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

The man running for president in 2024 who finally addresses how we could get all of Joe Biden’s illegal immigrant pals back out of this country will be merely very interesting to me, since as long as we have Dominion voting machines and mail-in ballots, globohomo will remain firmly in charge (I pray I’m wrong, and if I am, I will be shocked beyond measure.).

So far, all we are getting is gnashing of teeth about how terrible this latest version of The Invasion is. Not a peep about how to run them off.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

If they could steal the 2020 election, what the heck is the point of voting to change anything??

joe tentpeg
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

“Not a peep about how to run them off.”

‘Cuz they don’t want to. ‘Cept for a handful.

‘MIC? They’re a lot of ‘complexes’.

This one’s called ‘The Slave/Pedo/Drug Govt. Industrial Complex’.

If El Chapo can grease the palm of the President of Mexico with $100 million…is it stretch not to believe the cartels/chicoms/corporations can do the same with the ‘uniparty’?

It’s a simple switch to flip to run them off:

No benefits. Period.

No SNAP, free ER, public school, HUD, section 8, (Non) Earned Income Credit, etc.

But they won’t flip it.

Reply to  joe tentpeg
2 years ago

I’m waiting for one of the “handful” among the MAGA troops to prove his bona fides regarding immigration. Not holding my breath, though. The idea of exporting the invaders probably conjures the vision of a tongue-lashing from the mainstream media as well as the local librarians, as they design the graphics for “Diversity Month” on taxpayer-bought computers. Brings to mind the time I took my homeschooled children to the downtown library in the naughts and encountered a Berlin Wall of photographic exhibits celebrating “Gay Pride.” (How can you be proud about whom you screw? I still haven’t figgered that one… Read more »

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

I loved my downtown library as a kid and young adult. Beautiful architecture, huge historical/mythical murals on the walls of the main floor, with gorgeous wood staircases. I remember a sculpture of Romulus and Remus suckling the twins. I’m an old lady now, but about during the Patriot act stuff years ago, I visited and saw zero white librarians. The building was full of diversity thugs and homeless, but a bored looking older black woman “security officer” chose to search my purse. I’d been visiting that library my whole life, but I never went back.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Where I grew up was a smallish town in the north of England that was running to poverty.

The library however, was a fantastic Victorian building with a central interior dome like the british museum with wood paneled walls and huge shelves paid for oddly enough by Andrew Carnegie that was a joy to be in for many hours.

He paid for 2,509 public libraries around the world in big and small populations centers over 40 years.

I wonder how many of our modern robber barons have done even 1% of this?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

My guess is that what is going on generally is not visible. John Adams, in a letter to a friend years after independence, said that the war–the shooting and killing–was not the revolution; that the revolution had already taken place–in the people’s hearts and minds–before the first shot of the war was ever fired. I think that’s where we are now. It’s just not generally visible. It won’t be on TV, this sea change in the people’s heats and minds. But it’s happening everywhere now. The revolution is well advanced already.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

WhereAreTheVikings: You gave away the game by being upset specifically by ‘illegal immigrants.’ Any serious dissident rightist knows that magic papers aren’t real, and a beet planted in a potato field still grows up to be . . . a beet. And for those who try to claim the ‘illegals’ represent a good start – I disagree. I’d start with the brown, black, and yellow ‘legals’ who started coming and setting down roots and squatting out kids back in 1965. Start with the older and most established first. The newcomers will be far easier to dissuade.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

If I had my way, the 1965 immigration act would have never been passed, and illegal immigration would have never been tolerated. Fixed it for ya.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Depends. I’m not sure which Jenga piece results in the rest tumbling away of their own accord. Does deporting the integrated respectible ones really impact the favelas? Probably not, they have to see their own neighboorhood community impacted, not just someone from the nice part of town they never see or hear from; many such are considered Oreos or the equivalent anyway. Will require extensive legal changes first, though.

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

The “integrated respectable ones” are badly needed back in their own country.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

do like in europe and burn down any place they are living/staying in. plus people can start plinking 3rd worlders. i know i will once uncle sam expires..

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Simply because it involved either forcible removal of the people in charge and/or open ethnic warfare.

Its not that our society is too comfortable mind but getting Conservative people to vote for outright civil war is very hard short of utter desperation like the South and impossible without an ideology.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

The USA will not survive in its present form for another fifteen years.

The country has already broken apart–and not for the first time–and it remains now only to redraw the lines on the maps of North America.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

i agree, whichever groups will make it out alive & sane after a decade(more or less) of this woke insanity will probably choose to isolate themselves from the rest of the world.

All this woke guidelines have become too intricate & too insane, they have censored the human spirit like it has never been before, the system also requires a technologically advanced sociey while trying to limit the reproduction of native population & bringing in massive waves of savages. In what type of universe can this insanity work? It will break apart eventually.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

Yes, well, in my opinion, AINO has already broken apart. The population is now in the process of sorting itself out. There are stories now even in the popular press about the hundreds of thousands of people moving from crazy places to less-crazy places. But you are right: There will be several new countries in North America within the next fifteen years.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Infant: Pinky promise? I don’t want the USA to survive in its present form for another five years, let alone another fifteen.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

don’t worry, it won’t.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Eh, another 3 years would be nice for those of us still creating the next generation. 1st world Labor & Delivery will be missed…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

My original guess back in the oughties was the US would fall apart or go to civil war by 2035. Corona Chan may have sped this up or initiated it, I don’t know . That said none of us know exactly what to replace it with which is why Clown World persists by inertia. That old saw “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” fails when everyone steps aside and no one steps up. I can’t blame them, I don’t think life can get much better than say an upper middle class lifestyle in the US circa 2000. This… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I think we can expect the final crisis after two more presidential election cycles: 2032. People–most people–still haven’t figured it out. IT’s going to take two more cycles before most Americans are good and ready to give up the idea that their vote means anything. So 2032.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

That’s the general consensus I’ve seen from the various Actual Right.

2 years ago

I’ve long heard only heart disease and cancer kill more Americans than healthcare, and I’m inclined to believe it because of how sick and drugged up Americans are. Oil, banking, real estate, automotive, big tech— how often do the great industries end up making the market for their goods and services?

I wouldn’t be surprised if lately healthcare is making a run at the reaper.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan looks on the dark side. […]

2 years ago

I’m beginning to wonder if the polio epidemic of the early 20th century was entirely a media phantasm all along. Polio was a real virus that did rarely cause paralysis. But it only became a “pandemic” with widespread reporting by mass media. And was a perfect candidate for panic porn because it struck randomly, rich and poor alike (actually it seams to have hit the wealthy more than the poor). Perhaps even, the medical interventions made the disease effects worse in specific individuals. All of that is a real heresy in our science worshipping age. But may well be the… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Sadly the vaccine came to late for our “greatest” president.
I wonder if many people aped the current deniers, I don’t know anyone who has gotten polio.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

My cousin had polio. It was real. She was paralyzed waste down for months, but slowly recovered leg use—although her leg growth (length) was stunted as an adult. Doubly tragic as this occurred in the last great wave before first vaccine.

But regardless, this comment is just an anecdote. I don’t know all the stat’s as to how many were affected or the recovery rate. I suspect there perhaps are many similarities to the current Covid scamdemic.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

name one similarity.


Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Tough call on polio. I also don’t know anyone who’s had it, but I also don’t know anyone who’s not been vaccinated against it.

I think vaccines are real science. The problem is that, like anything else, once people are on the hook you can push inferior or even dangerous product.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

My dad’s high school buddy got polio and was crippled for the rest of his life and walked with a cane. I hear it was common enough for people to get wrecked by it, unlike covid.

David Wright
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Of course it was real and could be quite bad. As a boomer, I got the scarring first inoculation and then later got my sugar cube booster. Never got a vax sticker to proudly display though.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

My sugar cube booster was taken at the junior high school cafeteria when I was 3 or 4. Seems like 200 years ago on another planet.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

David Wright: Same thing – got the scar on my backside, and I remember going with my parents and siblings to the local elementary school one evening for sugar cubes. Didn’t really understand what it was for at the time.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Like most things it is a cost vs reward decision. A vaccine that 1% of people get a bad reaction from may be worth it to protect the other 99% from a *paralytic* disease. Likewise if the mortality rate of Covid was 5-10% rather than 0.05%, then extreme measures may have been warranted. Airbags are another interesting example. Initially it was estimated that each life saved cost 1 million+. Not to mention all the kids whose necks were broken. May sound callous but it wasn’t worth it. Come to think of it, what is the general $$ cost acceptable of… Read more »

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

Just goes to bolster a point I saw made not too long ago, that nothing is in response to the market anymore. Automobiles are the biggest example. Was there a big demand for air bags? No. Was there clamoring for vehicles to shut down at stop lights only to restart? No. Was there mass insistence for that obnoxious beep torturing me into putting my seat belt on? Huh-uh. And tell me this: were American women demanding that irons no longer get hot enough to work? Not on your life. The personal injury lawyers can take a lot of credit for… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Was there mass insistence for that obnoxious beep torturing me into putting my seat belt on?

In Denmark, car manufacturers get a rebate on the sales tax if they install the Beeper From Hell.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Amen! Try to find a match that you can actually strike!

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

I saw once back in the olden days that an improvement to a road that cost $250k that prevents one serious accident a year doesn’t get made.

Back in late 80’s iirc.

Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

SidVic: First mechanic I find when enough of the official apparatus of the State falls apart, I’m gonna offer plenty of beans, bullets, and bandaids to kill all the safety beepers and dash warnings in whatever vehicle I’m driving. And I am reliably informed by my idiot daughter-in-law that the ‘experts’ have now determined that children must ride in rear facing car seats until they’re two years old. Same as they must always sleep flat on their back on a hard mattress. And crib bumper pads will smother them, and taking them in the shower will cause them to aspirate… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Back in the olden times I took my car in and they said I needed a catalytic converter. Big$$$. I hemmed and hawed around and finally asked. “Can you just cut it out and run a straight pipe?” He sorta looked me up and down, and said “sure we can, why not?”

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Some vaccines are real science. Most modern ones are 50% marketing, 49% some pharma rep has a sales quota, and 1% “other.” For modern white middle class and up kids, the chances of dying from most vaccinated-against diseases are somewhere between “winning megamillions lotto” and “hit by meteor (for non-astronauts).”
Going through the process is enlightening. “Oh, no, the mmr doesnt stop measles transmission, and the mumps viral base is from the 1950’s and they had to roll it into the mmr to stop regulatory delisting due to inefficacy.”

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
2 years ago

Sounds about right. I’d say we’re definitely in the ‘I can’t believe they still trust us’ phase.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

My mother and a guy I worked with back in the early nineties both had polio as children in the ’40s. My mom had no visible aftereffects and the coworker had a bad leg and walked with a limp. However, both started to experience severe post-polio syndrome in their later years. Basically the alternate nerve pathways developed in response to the polio start to wear out, causing muscle weakness. My mom was eventually unable to walk without a walker and was in constant discomfort — the syndrome can cause chronic pain and sensitivity to cold. It’s a poorly understood syndrome… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

read were some poor bastard caught from his kid’s dirty diaper; the vaccine was not quite dead. kid was fine, dad caught polio.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

I know several older people, two who are cousins, crippled by polio. It was quite real, and to this day occurs in rare cases. Interestingly, the (effective) use of iron lungs to treat the disease was sometimes discouraged because it was thought to distract from the primary goal of the vaccine. Sound familiar?

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Germany has a long history of being anti-vaccination. The imperial vaccination law came into force in 1874 as a result of widespread smallpox infections across Europe, which killed tens of thousands of people in Prussia. Getting vaccinated for it became mandatory. The “Lebensreform” (life reform) movement picked up pace at the same time. Adherents believed in natural paths to strengthening the body, such as sunshine or special diets. The first vaccine opposition groups were founded in 1869 in Leipzig and Stuttgart — five years before the imperial vaccination law. The Imperial Association Opposing Compulsory Vaccination soon had 300,000 members.… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

The polio epidemic is likely DDT poisoning, with tonnage of DDT manufacture an exact mirror of the polio epidemic. The polio epidemic lead with iron lung fear porn, exactly as Covid-19 fear porn led the current virus/vaccine hoax.

Furthermore, 95 million Americans were injected or fed Simian Virus 40, which oncogenic monkey virus contaminated the polio vaccine from it’s being cultured in Green Monkey Kidney tissue.

IMO–vaccine theory and practice is entirely a medical and scientific fraud. Read Robert Kennedy’s book on Fauci and the 35 year AIDS hoax.

Reply to  jpb
2 years ago

Its a not all type problem.

Smallpox definitely was arrested via cowpox vaxes, as it came from bottom up observation of resistance.

Polio has strong evidence as you point out related to pesticides.

It would be difficult to perhaps split the scams from the real at this point.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  jpb
2 years ago

how the fuck does a vaccine work against DDT poisoning?!

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

why would you think that? did you do any research? do you know what an “iron lung” is? or do you think it was just a prop, like the “faked” moon landings?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Have you looked closely at photographs of the iron lung porn used by the March of Dimes and Jewish medical experts to magnify a pesticide(DDT) poisoning into an invisible viral epidemic? The objective was political power from the beginning. Go back and check out FDR’s election as the great white hope who conquered the dreaded polio virus. As for as your impertinent question—I have a 4 foot stack of books on the theory, practice, and history of the virus/vaccine/bioweapons grift, and I’ve read every word. You’ve must think the public health officials, scientists, and pharma companies give a damn about… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
2 years ago

A good example of the point made in this post is the gilets jaunes (yellow vest) movement in France in 2018. The movement forced a temporary rollback in fuel taxes because there was genuine fear among the French elites that they might be looking at a 1789 situation; French President Emmanuel Macron reportedly had the presidential helicopter ready to airlift him out of the Elysee Palace if the gilets jaunes stormed it. Sadly, the movement fell apart but it did frighten the elites temporarily. The demonstrations against the “health passport,” have never reached that level of intensity and I think… Read more »

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

When the George Floyd Mania got started, I could almost envision some toga-wearing, laurel crowned fat belly potentate saying, between mouthfuls of grapes, “I grow bored. Misreport an encounter between the Negroes and the dirt whites so that they may battle and burn their little cities for my vain disport and the amusement of my concubines.” That video where James O’Keefe blindsides Jeffrey Zucker always stuck with me. The little baldheaded homunculus waddling and smiling sadistically, but scurrying like a rat afraid of the light that had found him out. That Loomer girl ended up with no functioning credit card… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

The problem is that they are crazy enough and so immune to reality that they can’t really be cowed, warned, or threatened by the rabble, like ordinary rulers.

That’s because they’re not actually our rulers in the old sense of the word, they’re prison trusties: rule-enforcers and hall monitors rather than rulers. If they don’t play along, if they give in to the rabble, they’ll have all their privileges taken away and be down here in the general prison population in no time – the only thing they fear worse than death.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Seems despotic regimes always like to use criminals as prison wardens. I wonder why that is?

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Joey: Top notch comment.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

upvoted for use of “homunculus” a fantastic word! look it up if you are not familiar with it 🙂

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I’d say that we’ve reached the end of the line on a number of quantifiable things, i.e. this is more than just a “feel.” The United States and Western Europe have come to an end of a 40-year run where literally everything was in their favor economically, financially and demographically. In the early 1980s, the West had – purely by accident – set themselves up perfectly. It had four things that made it damn near impossible to fail: 1. High interest rates 2. Amazingly cheap stock market 3. Reasonably low debt 4. The Baby Boom – the biggest, most educated… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Falling interest rates for the next 40 years meant that debt became ever cheaper, … .” This is the crux of the matter. The low–and in some places even negative–interest rate environment for the past 12 or 13 years has destroyed all the pension funds in the world. Socialism is dead, and that is the purpose of the Great Reset and its handmaiden, Covid. Debts are unpayable and pension funds and governments and entire countries are bankrupt. So all debts are to be cancelled and everyone is to be put on a universal basic income disbursed in the form of… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Pension funds will never be able to meet their obligations. On average, they need between a 6% and 7% long-term return to have enough money. (Actually, not even that is true. Most are still under-funded even with that return expectation.) If you keep 40% of your money in bonds earning ~2.5% (investment grade), you need to earn ~9% annual on the remaining 60% to get to 6.5%. The S&P 500’s CAPE (10-year P/E) is 40! (It was ~43 at the peak of the Dot-Com bubble). The trailing 12-month P/E is 30. (The last time it hit that level outside of… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Citizen: “Or will you wait until they collapse the financial markets and cut your retirement savings in half, then devalue the dollar by 75% while reissuing a new digital dollar after seizing your bank accounts and sweeping them into new mandatory Fed accounts as they wipe out the entire middle class? . . . And on your dying beds you’ll wonder how it all happened so fast, as your children and grandchildren curse your very existence as you become not just America’s worst generation, but its last.”

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

This is a DR blog so no one should take investing advice from it, but I’d recommend getting at least part of your money out of dollars and maybe even going short the dollar. What does that mean? It means don’t own bonds, especially treasury bonds, which are effectively dollars. It means consider taking a 30-fixed mortgage on the house at these incredibly low rates and using the money to buy hard assets. I prefer farmland. Directly owned apartments complexes and trailer parks are pretty good as well. I’d also suggest using an ensemble trend following approach for your stock… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The purpose of the Great Reset is to cancel all debts and to force (us) into a so-called “digital currency” precisely because the “leaders” of the world could not–cannot–tell the truth about how they have destroyed pension funds, so they lied about it. Otherwise, they’d have been torn to pieces in the streets. So they collapsed everything and blamed it on a “virus.”

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

That 5 decades of low fertility is catching up with us and while Millennial/Gen Y youngsters are numerous for now, they lack skills and aren’t fertile. 44% of young people want zero children which means unless the Gen Z is super fertile population shrinkage is inevitable. This is why the rush for Latino immigrants , that and spite . South Asians have numbers but are smart and more nepotistic than anyone also the ruling elite doesn’t want to be replaced and Africans can’t be controlled. A lot of Africans are very Christian . I had the misfortune of having a… Read more »

J. Burns
J. Burns
2 years ago

Re: Biden – telling governors there is “no federal solution” on COVID; it should be “solved at the state level.”

Agreed, now let’s do that for…gun control, green new disaster, abortion, education policy – CRT, affirmative action, gender proliferation and all the areas the feds shouldn’t be sticking their noses.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

This perhaps was the best Zman essay of the year, as it explains perfectly the present dynamic in society. The problem is that the new oligarchs don’t share the same physical space as the peasants, unlike the oligarchs of yore. While the proles were stuck in airports over Christmas as flights were delayed/cancelled, the oligarchs flew privately (like Jeff Bezos, seen canoodling with that absurd bimbo in St. Barth’s), somehow evaded Covid quarantines the rest of us have to follow, and drove their yachts around the Caribbean. The lord of the manor of yore had to at least open the… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

And thanks to Zman for answering my question from yesterday: What’s the American male to do to end this madness?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

We aren’t ready for this but stacking bodies is the usual historical solution. Its tribal warfare though and utterly ruthless , no place for mercy pity, or let for anyone who is not one of yours. Before getting there though, you need an alternative order, no rehashing NSDAP or USSR and coming from an understanding that tradition is dead. Its doable but thus far no one has wanted to explain what must be done. I can’t blame them. Our Guys are as independent and stubborn as cats and even if someone laid it all out , they’d ignore it and… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

“Today, the lords do business over Zoom, fly on their own planes and never even have to share the same air as their serfs. This can continue indefinitely!” Germany has already shut down most of its nuclear power plants. Joe Biden wasted no time in cancelling the oil pipeline. We already have blackouts and rolling blackouts on both coasts. Even Texas, which has its own power grid, was plunged into chaos by a winter storm. The new German Foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, I *think* her name is–is now refusing to approve operation of the ready-to-go Nordstream II pipeline from Russia… Read more »

2 years ago

I thank Z for helping me to come realize what I always felt deep down but never really bothered to delve down deep into, and that is that democracy is ridiculous I have to wonder how many teachers and adults around me growing up also felt the same but went ahead mouthing the platitudes out of habit and plain old courtesy and convenience. For the pedants out there, yes I understand that we are a republic and not a democracy. But republic is to democracy is what a chastity belt is to a whore, or a face mask is to… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Mencken’s “Notes on Democracy” is a rich read on the subject. However, I have wondered how he would have reacted to the fact that it was the rubes who kept Hillary Clinton, whom he surely would have despised even more than he did FDR, out of office.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Keeping Hillary out of office.

The single most delicious thing Trump ever did.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Bartleby: That was never enough for me. And now as he pushes the magic vax to acclaim from Fauci and the media, I’ve come to despise him even more.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

he isn’t worth the effort. just leave him in the rear view mirror :). i have.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago


I will stipulate that he turned out to be an empty suit. That aside, someone had to sit in the big chair.

I think the fact that she was so verbose about how she worked for over 40 years to be president, made it satisfying that she had it snatched away the way it was.

She was/is a smug, evil person. Trump is a carnival barker.

I’ll take the carny.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Hillary isn’t dead yet

Imagine if Kamala was hit by a bus tomorrow, (or shot by a “Trump supporter”, they would make sure he had a red cap) who do you think they would make new VP

kamala should watch her back

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

hillary’s even more jumbo fat ass won’t fit through the white house doors!

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

I heard from someone with an anonymous inside source that Kamala has actionable information that could lead to the felony conviction of a Clinton… Lol arkancide.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Mencken always struck me as a man whose aim was to please the upper crust by reinforcing their dim view of the proles. I get where he was coming from, many an opinion including mine of them being not much better, but I have also seen the wisdom in many a poor folk and thus have a deservedly sympathetic view of them on those occasions when I see them as being right. Sometimes they just get it right. And with Hillary they got it right.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Mencken skewered the upper classes, too. Like most super-intelligent people, he really had no use for much of anyone except his immediate literary circle.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

was he down on the working class? i always took his comments as aimed at the:

Journalist and critic H. L. Mencken is often credited with coining booboisie, a blend of boob, as it refers to someone who cares too much about things and too little about ideas and art, and bourgeoisie, that French-origin term for the middle class.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
2 years ago

Hoppe’s “Democracy, The God that failed” got it right.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

For the pedants out there, yes I understand that we are a republic and not a democracy.

I never understood this dichotomy. You’re a democratic republic – no, that doesn’t mean one man, one vote, but democracy never does.

Maybe one of the pedants in here could explain why America is not a democracy?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

The Founding Fathers had no notion of social democracy. They wanted equality *before the law.* They wanted a legal system that would dispense justice to the poor as equally as to the rich. But social democracy–no. The American Republic was to be an aristocratic or hierarchical republic, with no notion of liberalized suffrage–let alone universal suffrage. It was intended to work along the lines of the old Roman Republic–with its Senate–where an organic ruling class; a naturally occurring ruling class (meaning landowners) would “govern but not rule.” There was to be an organic ruling class (landowners) whose members had a… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Well, thanks for the comprehensive reply although I’m afraid I’m still no closer to understand the distinction. Universal – or “liberalized” – suffrage is not necessary to qualify for being a democracy, indeed no countries have universal suffrage, since there are always age limits and such. Social democracy is more of a public fiscal model than a form of government – nobody every said “a republic, not a social democracy.” “Democracy” means this: do you vote on laws or not. “Republic” means much the same: rule by the people. It does not mean oligarchy or obligation to the commonwealth or… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I’ll concede that it is supposed to mean that, but not that it does mean that.

And of course you don’t grasp my meaning, which is why I suggested that you do some reading. A comment thread is an inadequate place for answering your question in the way that you seem to have expected. There’s not a two-paragraph answer.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

And of course you don’t grasp my meaning, which is why I suggested that you do some reading.

“Read moar books” is not an argument and repeating it doesn’t make it better.

If you can’t explain the difference between democracy and republicanism in a single post or two I suggest you don’t know what the difference is, and nothing you have written so far leads me to believe otherwise.

“Republic, not a democracy” is just a vapid slogan, it doesn’t mean anything concrete.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

there are multiple senses of the word “democratic”, and that is where the confusion comes in. but of course what the US is now, is somewhat unclear…

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago
3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

That the rich can, and often do, go to any lengths to have their cake and eat it too was described by a friend, a professional arborist and tree man. He dealt exclusively with the “East-side” clientele, where old money and quite a large contingent of nouveaux riches opt to live. He mentioned that the process of getting these folks to settle their accounts was laborious and exhausting, taking months or even years, with legal action often required. When asked why he didn’t expand his service to areas where blue collar folks– who were wont to pay their bills–lived, he… Read more »

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

The old money rich on the west coast are far more honorable. Thankfully. They pay on time and with kind words of gratitude for work well done.

My experience in the south was similar.

Moral of the story. If a China bombs NYC I won’t lose a wink of sleep.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

With one notable exception, all the rich people I’ve met were gracious, hospitable and – as far as I could ascertain – honest.

Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

3 Pipe Problem: That’s our conundrum in a nutshell. They hate us but we still enable them and their lifestyles because ‘that’s where the money is.” I realize Scripture says the ‘love’ of money is the root of all evil rather than money in and of itself, but I’ve been becoming more and more anti capitalist – not merely anti-corporatist – every year.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

It is a problem that AA and Heartiste (pbuh) addressed: society has devalued all measures of male smv status except the almighty dollar. Standing in the community, coming from a good family, being godfearing, or honorable, or having a good reputation – all meaningless in the modern sexual market. You either have a fat stack of cash (which you’ll lose 1/2 the time to frivorce) or you trick a woman’s lizard brain for short term engagements, or you are incel. When you make one thing the sole path to sex/relationships for men, you will get a perverted, demonic, destructive monomoniacal… Read more »

2 years ago

Unlike in the feudal order, the rich needed to be around the poor, who worked their factories and maintained their cities. ———-The dictator or king can be motivated by a sense of duty to his office or his legacy. So which is it? In feudal society the baron and his family were in daily contact with their subjects and knew many of them personally. They basically ate the same foods, celebrated the same holidays and lived in the same general squalor. As the peasants had obligations to the baron, he had responsibilities to them. The biggest change that came with… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

he didn’t get any christmas money because he gave his grandparents the coof, and they popped off.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  nailheadtom
2 years ago

“They basically ate the same foods”. uh, no x1000.

“lived in the same general squalor”. yes, everyone recognizes a castle is the same as a hut.

do you ever read a book?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

OK, bright boy. What was the diet of the lord of the manor and what was it of his peasants in 12th century in the area of Bourges?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  nailheadtom
2 years ago

Did peasants eat meat? Peasants ate very little meat—their diet was wholly based on what they could grow or buy locally. Their meals mainly comprised bread, eggs and pottage (made with peas or beans, vegetables, grains and small amounts of bacon and fish)—the original wholefood diet! Scarce meat was reserved for feast days and celebrations. What was the average diet in medieval times? The average peasant’s diet in Medieval times consisted largely of barley. They used barley to make a variety of different dishes, from coarse, dark breads to pancakes, porridge and soups. After a poor harvest, when grain was… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The Ruling Class has a Covid problem. The Biden bot announced yesterday that it is “up to the states” to deal with Covid and the virus suddenly is not a federal issue. While Fauci has called for mandatory vaccinations to fly, the Biden bot has said that’s not going to happen. And therein you see the split. Roughly a third to one-half of the Left has been psychologically broken by Covid. They cannot give it up. Their masters, on the other hand, have started to feel a bit of economic pain over it. The wealthy can afford anything but it… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d.”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Saying it’s up the states is something I interpret to mean Ruh Roh.

My sense is nothing good will come out of it but rather he’ll essentially deputize the states to grind the people into the dirt. And The feds meanwhile get to keep their hands clean while they do whatever else, probably try and bomb putin.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I suspect people are reading too much into that statement about the states. Most likely, the doddering old fool just went off-script momentarily. His handlers will ignore it and continue on with whatever they always intended to do. This will be happily assisted by a compliant press (including Fox News), that will memory-hole the entire thing.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

I hope so. Because otherwise I read it as he is going to let the states do the enslaving while he and his handlers busy themselves with Russia

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

That’s fine. You can’t have it both ways. Either we have competition among the States for protecting the rights and freedom of the people, or we accept the inescapable imprisonment of a massive Federal state.

In short, I would like to have the ability to vote with my feet.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

While that indeed may be the intent, the effect will be to accelerate the divorce of many states if not most from central authorities, which I view as one of the few positive things happening now. The Biden bot may have slipped up, but my guess is not. This is the exit Ruling Class’ initial exit from the Covid train. Vaccines and such still will be touted but with less intensity. I wouldn’t rule out a declaration of victory late next year, either. As for war with Russia, it would be a debacle and increase the estrangement of Americans from… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

No looking forward to war, but if the US only gets a nose bleed in a future conflict, then the possibility of a new mind set of the US population might be beneficial.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

One carrier at the bottom of the ocean ought to do it (sunk by enemy action, not the USS Diversity command team running it into a reef while seeking a consensus vote on if “port” and “starboard” are social constructs of the patriarchy).

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

By “the states” only one thing can be meant in this context: The High Sheriff of each of the 3000-odd counties in
AINO. Their position is this: “I’m going to destroy your lives for no good reason except a media event of extraordinary stupidity, but I want you to vote for me in November.”

We don’t have a national police force. Enforcement is local. Period. FedGov simply does not have the manpower to enforce any of their stupid dictates. That is entirely in the hands of LOCAL sheriffs. Period.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Only in unincorporated areas. In the city of Los Angeles where I live we are outside the jurisdiction of the sheriff and under the LAPD. Also, they can sic the bureaucracy on a business if they don’t enforce the mask mandates, etc. they can fine them and take away their business licenses. They can suspend liquor licenses for bars and restaurants, which is what so far has been the m.o. Plus they have the FTB, the state taxing agency, which makes the IRS look like mother Teresa. Any Californian will tell you, the last thing you want is the FTB… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

TPTB seemingly think things are about to blow and that animates the “eeeevvvvvillllll Putin” narrative and the Covid exodus. I’m skeptical but rooting for Angelinos putting the torch to the right place.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

only the blue states. of which there will be fewer and fewer – one way or the other.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

maybe all the coof heads will locate in a few states, and can have their own little utopia. before we wipe them out…

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Alternatively, the regime will leak humiliating stories to the press about inconvenient people, begin legal action against them or, failing that, cur off their mic. This is the 21st century, not the 19th, so the rules are different now.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

That would require abolition–not suspension–of trial by jury. And that is not do-able. Enforcement is LOCAL, even today, even in AINO. Period.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

They are ready to exit the Covid Train and move on to Climate Change or another way to grift.

If they’re ready to jump the Covid train, I doubt it’s because of money rather than the number and scope of side effects are much worse than we think.

You can fudge statistics only so far and a dead body is very hard to hide – they don’t want to be the last man holding a syringe when the scapegoating starts.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I think it all about the money and the assets the Ruling Class snapped up at fire sale prices, which are going to come down to Earth RFF with even minor interest rate tinkering.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

That’s going to be easy.

You just need a bit of messaging dripped through “the science”t o switch the target while keeping the behaviors.

Masks: co2 exhalation. Man that was a cinch.

Vaccines you can just wrap up the actual injections as a finished thing, but keep the passes and certificates which will quickly morph into climate passes (they are even already called green passes in some places)/

Tie them into energy usage, shopping behavior and you can spin the endless fearful sacrifice for many decades I would expect.

2 years ago

Generally speaking, peoples of European heritage are creatures of innovation, because that is what their environment required of them in order to survive and thrive. And that trait profile is of critical importance going forward. The fish rots from the head. The remedy will necessitate innovation, and the modeling is quite clear. They fear the bolt from the blue simply because they know it will work. And when it begins, emergent behavior will arise and instigate an exodus stampede faster than anyone can imagine. And in the end, less harm, pain, and destruction overall. One caveat, wait for the fog.… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

The movie “Ragtime” shows the J P Morgan bombing.

I was/am surprised the elite have intentionally destroyed so much of their own assets, during covid. They truly are insane.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

They have assets to spare.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

They bought on the stock market dip from the initial shut downs and have gotten even richer. Putting small businesses in a distressed situation also allowed them to pillage their assets and real estate as well. It is almost like they planned the whole thing.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

They also got Congress to write them a check to buy up as much land and houses as possible. All in the name of fixing the economy of course.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

Of course, it will work out like it did the last time there was a housing bubble. It’s damned difficult to profitably sell an asset to someone poorer than you.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Who said anything about selling. People need a place to live. If no Americans will rent it out than an immigrant family brought over from some hellhole can be subsidized by the public purse.

Thats the evil of these pirates. Every ounce of goodwill and charity is perverted by greed. We live in a strip mall being strip mined.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Why, it’s almost like elites aren’t actually omniscient, omnipotent, infallible beings. Could it be that they are human like the rest of us? Could it be that they are irrational? Who can tell…

2 years ago

“What puts the brakes on this dynamic is when the war comes home to the rich people.” The Laissez-faire attitude towards crime is boomeranging on The Rich and Powerful: “Beverly Hills residents arming themselves with guns in wake of violence” “Two Dems who support police reform carjacked less than 24 hours apart” “Oakbrook Center mall reopens Friday as police search for gunman after 4 injured in shooting; 2 in custody” The last one struck home as when I lived in Silly-nois, Oak Brook, IL was where the “Old Money” lived, and Oakbrook Mall was where they went… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

“Two Dems who support police reform carjacked less than 24 hours apart”

I have to admit that I got a kick out of that one. I love it when the “White people don’t do anything right, non-White people don’t do anything wrong” ilk get proven wrong.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Somehow, White Supremacy is to blame for their carjackings.

2 years ago

This is the type of essay that, in the Olde Days, would be reprinted and posted everywhere for the people to read and discuss.

2 years ago

My point and hope is the coming autocrat will be much more representative/responsive of/to the people than our current crew of dirtbag ruling psychos. We are in desperate need of a ruling class culling.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

We’re in desperate need of a natural, an organic ruling class to replace the fake, unnatural ruling class that arose from the cult of “education” and “meritocracy” and “expertise.”

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Maybe they will invade Russia and Putin will actually use all those precision targeting weapons, surprise everyone and actually bomb the houses of the politicians in each country first.

That would finish that in short time.

David Wright
2 years ago

I am surprised you didn’t quote Jefferson, blood of tyrants and all that. Maybe Biden’s statement yesterday that Covid will have to be handled more by the states shows a shift or movement to the next stage of our destruction. It boggles my mind that no nut or group has not acted violently like the government prods them to do. As far as the war on the working class, this can not end well. This is the only part of America that keeps the infrastructure intact, repairs things and unfortunately has the intelligence to expect to be paid reasonably for… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Heard the story of a man who was enormously successful and wealthy in his career. He got older, as everyone does, and his kids had no interest in taking care of him and he ended up in a home. The last few years of his life were marred with the indifference and brutality of the nursing home staff, even though this was supposed to be one of the “good ones”. If diversity continues, these rich whites will realize that all the money in the world will not make people care about you or even treat you like a human being… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

There are home health care agencies that provide a decent level of care at a high cost. The ultra rich can afford this, although who knows how much longer these companies will be able to find competent staff as well. The people who have the power to stop this craziness don’t end up in any nursing home, even the “really good ones” they turn their homes into their own nursing home.

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

I live in Los Angeles and know a number of people who use, and a number of doctors who work for, those “concierge” practices that make house calls, etc. They don’t really offer a higher standard of care, better doctors, the most advanced treatments, etc. They just offer more hand-holding. If you’re a bored rich housewife, your “concierge” doctor will spend a whole hour listening to you instead of 5 minutes. That’s pretty much it. Also, if you have an ear infection or whatever, the concierge doctor will see you immediately or give you a prescription over the phone. You… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

If you ignored your family in pursuit of money, you may very well suffer in old age—regardless of accumulated wealth. Your estrangement being your own fault. There is a balance, and you must find it. If you do, your children will make sure that your wealth provides the best comfort possible in your old age. I’ve not witnessed a single case with folks I know where this was not true, but I’ve heard of a great many where the children could care less and are simply waiting for “their” inheritance.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Rubber meets the road:

Would you rather be 65 and have $5 million in the bank, a wife and no kids?


Be 65, have 3 kids, a wife, and 9-10 grandkids who actually care about you but with minimal savings?

Asking for a friend. Personally I think the answer is obvious by your mid 50s, which is far, far too late to make the choice.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Here, in my town, Hispanics are the majority. They have all the pathologies that come with their station in life, but seem to still be known for family. Oldsters living with and interacting with children much more common. Family visiting in hospitals is like a 24×7 party. Maybe making minimum wage and being dependent upon one another has a value we’ve lost sight of?

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Compsci: I’m very hesitant to use Hispanics as a model of anything family related. Yes, Whites need to re-learn the value of community and interdependence, but in our own way. Hispanic ‘family values’ include a lot of large negatives, such as kids never achieving a sense of independence, refusal to take risks or travel or education but rather to remain home with Mama, and the ‘hangers on’ phenomenon one sees in Africa as well, where someone with a new job or doing well economically automatically owes his large extended family jobs and a share of the largesse.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The “good homes” are very expensive and are already full of POC who get paid to act like they’re white. The normal ones are just angry POC with a chip on their shoulder (old white people be rayciss).

Eventually only the extremely wealthy (Bezos, etc.) will be able to afford proper end of life care.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

I think he like many others of his ilk plan of having no end of life.