The 2022 Predictions

A clever way to make smart predictions is to start with the assumption that the near future is not going to be much different from the present. Current trends will extend out over the near term. On the other hand, if you want to get a lot of attention for yourself, you can make bold crazy predications that confirm deeply held suspicions. “Next year we see hyperinflation!” will get the gold bugs and Fed watchers excited. Everyone likes to hear that their dreams will come true in the coming year.

The trouble with either of those approaches is they are not motivated by the desire to figure out what may be coming in the new year. Sure, most things will probably be the same as last year, but so what? What matters is what will be different. Similarly, pretending the Great Pumpkin will rise from the pumpkin patch and finally deliver on his promises is just cheap theater. So, with that in mind, let us cut open the goat and read what the entrails tell us about the coming year.

The signs say chaos is coming for the political class in 2022. The administration’s half-hearted effort to tamp down the Covid panic will be met by shrieking from the Covidians and much of the media. This is where we start to see some deep fissures in the coalition as many are tired of the restrictions while others cannot let it go. This will lead to criticism of the administration from some on the Left and a corresponding bit of return fire from the inner party.

Adding to the chaos will be the collapse of all support for Kamala Harris. She never had a constituency in the party and the prospect of losing the House and Senate means they need to get a replacement done before the election. The fact is Biden is in rough shape so the question is who will pick his successor. The inner party will make this a central part of the fall campaign. They hope the new heir apparent will get their people energized and take people’s attention away from the economy.

The fall elections go poorly for the Democrats. They lose over thirty seats in the House, but the result is not a landslide as many whites sit out the election. The icy hand of demographics begins to show up in formerly safe republicans areas. The Democrats take the loss as an opportunity to force Joe Biden to resign. His deteriorating condition and his successor secured, leads to a coordinated push to have him retire from office after the new year, allowing his successor to run for two terms.

I will finally escape Lagos.

The instability of the imperial leadership begins to show up globally. Ukraine experiences civil unrest, especially in the east. The Turkish economy collapses and we see widescale protests against the government. Israel decides now is the time to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. Ethiopia collapses into chaos because Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed overplays his hand in peace talks with the Tigrayan rebels. As a result, east Africa collapses into famine and civil war.

I finish my book and I become more popular than Jesus.

Back on the home front, first quarter inflation comes in much hotter than expected, forcing the Fed to speed up their tapering schedule. Food prices show the biggest rise as the phrase “fertilizer shortage” enters the conversation. As the Fed begins to raise rates for the first time in a generation, equities decline 20% in what the media will tell us is a natural correction. Bitcoin will lose 50% of its value as governments tighten the rules on digital assets and their platforms.

The combination of Covid chaos and economic troubles will result in the first signs of right-wing unrest since the 2020 election. Fueled by anticipation of another stolen election, populist groups will organize public rallies in DC. The FBI, of course, will play their role but thanks to awareness of their shenanigans, these rallies will be full of people with cameras looking for FBI infiltrators. Finding the infiltrator will be the most popular internet game in 2022.

Everyone at Reason magazine will come out as trans and no one will notice.

Conservative Inc. begins to show some serious problems as the decline of their donor base begins to accelerate. Some of it is driven by the actuarial tables but most of it is the increasing realization that conservatism is just a money pit. This will correspond with an uptick in support for populist and dissident operations. Grifters like Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk to become more populist in their rhetoric. Even Trump will start attacking the conservative establishment again.

On the media front, we see a wholesale reorganization of cable news. CNN shifts to a pure news model, dropping their entertainment shows. MSNBC, responding the Tucker Carlson-ization of Fox, begins adding left-wing populist content, retiring many of their current personalities in favor of left-wing YouTube personalities. The collapse of conservative talk radio will accelerate as that audience ages off and people simply stop listening to terrestrial radio in general.

Happy New Year!

The crackdown by the oligarchs on dissidents has had the happy result of a proliferation of new ways to support your favorite creator. If you like my work and wish to kick in a few bucks, you can buy me a beer. You can sign up for a SubscribeStar subscription and get some extra content. You can donate via PayPal. My crypto addresses are here for those who prefer that option. You can send gold bars to: Z Media LLC P.O. Box 432 Cockeysville, MD 21030-0432. Thank you for your support!

Promotions: We have a new addition to the list. Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start. If you use this link you get 15% off of your purchase.

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JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

I see nothing wrong with these predictions. I will add that each month inflation comes in hot people will expect the Fed to act, and the Fed will rattle the cage rhetorically but never really fire the gun. Tapering at 15 billion is like giving back a penny for every dollar they’re printing. The only thing that will tamp down the inflation would be a deflationary asset bubble collapse, and that will be temporary as the government tries to catch the falling knife with ever more spending. I will go out on a limb and say that D.C. needs a… Read more »

Up and Atom!
Up and Atom!
2 years ago

How must this name be pronounced to experience its power?

With lively faith, with steadfast, unshaken confidence, with deepest reverence and devotion, for in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. What wickedness, then, is theirs who habitually pronounce this name carelessly and irreverently, upon every occasion! Such a habit is certainly diabolical; for the damned and the devils constantly abuse God and His holy name.

Fr Leonard Goffine’s THe Church’s Year on the Feast of the Circumcision

Brian green
Brian green
2 years ago

How did I stumble upon this cesspool website full of racists, whackos, and morons?

Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

Well, sometimes God tries
to steer the wicked onto the right path, despite them not wanting to go.. Hence, it likely is not a stumble.

Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

And please stay and post more often. It is important to know directly what the enemies of humanity are spouting so that one can react accordingly.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

Check your browser settings bro, I think you were still on before you refreshed in which case your comment makes perfect sense. 👌👌

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

That comment made my day LOOOOL But I have good news for your woke a$$. This year you get to meet Reality. And she’s not in a good mood lol

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

As Yo noted the Gods work in mysterious ways. Stick around, lurk and learn and if you have something useful to add. Do.

It might surprise you how nice, genuine and good people here really are.

Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

Get vaccinated, yo!

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Oops, not Yo, yo!
Ah geez

Get boosted, brah!

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

That is hilarious! Lol

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

I recommend that Brian get ALL the shots and ALL the boosters. Get both shots of Pfizer and Moderna and the J&J one. Then take a trip to a few other countries and get some of those exotic ones they have that you can’t get here. And you can go to Israel now and get a fourth bonus booster. Finally, make sure to get all your kids, pets, and onlyfans girlfriends vaxxed up brah! I hear some of them will get vaxxed on cam if you pay extra.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

your big jew nose smelled gold in here…comedy gold!

Norham Foul
Norham Foul
Reply to  Brian green
2 years ago

Awww Brian Green cared enough to comment. Brian, your toe is over the threshold.

2 years ago

>Trumpists will forget all about Trump
>Con inc. will move rights
Posted without further comment.

2 years ago

Zappy Zew Zear, Z!!!!!!!

2 years ago

2022 is the year Democrats regret flooding he country with illegals who fled Democrats in their home countries. Inflation is baked into the cake. There is no avoiding it. Social unrest is coming as a 20% increase in ribeye can be absorbed, but a 20% increase in staple foods like Mac n Cheese would throw a lot of families into poverty. There will be a recession, which the Government Party will try to fix with spending accelerating inflation. A upper-middle member or members of the Government Party is assassinated. Nobody will know who did it, and nobody will claim responsibility.… Read more »

Nullus Maximus
Nullus Maximus
2 years ago

I predict a major domestic terrorist attack on a social media company headquarters in the next 5 years. As it becomes clear that nothing will be done by the government about corporate censorship regardless of who has formal power, and as the problems of cancel culture accelerate, vigilantes will take matters into their own hands.

2 years ago

Z Man prediction: I will finally escape Lagos.

My prediction: Z will be crashing on one of our couches.

2 years ago

Happy New Year everyone. I hope my predictions are dead wrong: 1. Rapidly spiraling inflation and shortages, including widespread food shortages as Biden refuses to back down on the vax mandate and workers just walk out leads to wage/price controls and rationing. With a side dish of race based rationing (no limits for blacks, plenty for Whitey) and prices (blacks pay basically nothing, Whitey pays a lot). This is easy — TX and NY already limit healthcare to Whites in preference to blacks and Hispanics. 2. Because #1, a huge black market (no pun intended) springs up in everything, as… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Happy new year!

How did your 2021 predictions turn out?

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago


You forgot to include southern Illinois in your 8th point. Everyone south of Effingham considers themselves in northern Kentucky. It truly is a different world compared to Crook County.

From your mouth to Gods ears.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

AZ will join in this “soft secession” after arresting the leadership of the Maricopa Democratic Party.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

oh my god! i made it about a third in and had to bail!? how far did you get? jesus, it was like looking into the face of the medusa, from like one foot away…

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Doom and gloom may be cathartic, but it isn’t actionable. And all predictions are probabilistic, but there’s enough handwriting on the wall to warrant getting up off the couch and rolling up your sleeves in the present tense. No one person is going to alter the course we’re on, so the name of the game is to focus on what you can do regardless of the Crazy enveloping the Earth. You CAN move out of the city and into a safer haven (rural small town is a good option). You CAN start eating better and exercising more (shed some pounds… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

You sure that’s not just a little optimistic? lol This could be a movie script, Mission Impossible meets The Expendables, Electric Boogaloo version.

Brian Green
Brian Green
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Ridiculous and laughably absurd; you’re not living in reality. Nobody on this site is sane.

Tim from Nashua
Tim from Nashua
Reply to  Brian Green
2 years ago

Here, you will be offered the black pill, the red pill, and the white pill, but there is nothing short of Racial Reality that can counteract the blue pill you have taken.

Reply to  Brian Green
2 years ago

Brian, 2022 is the year we end racism and get back to normal!

Remember, if you’re fully vaccinated, you’re protecting others!

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Brian Green
2 years ago

(((Green))) huh?

Reply to  Brian Green
2 years ago

All posts by this thing with the handle Green need to be stickied Z. This is our enemy. It cannot be reasoned with. It has no empathy. No humanity. I will leave it to more clever posters as to how to deal with it. Any solution will be quite difficult.

Reply to  Brian Green
2 years ago

Brian, did you get the anally administered booster?? Experts say it’s up to 3x as effective! And 4x as tolerant!

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Ok, we’re ready, now give us the bad news

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

I predict!

My wife and I will completely devour the box of Fannie Mae Pixies we opened an hour ago, before the new year arrives.

Heroin never had such an effect on a person.

Time to tune in TCM for some black and white classics.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

It’s a “Thin Man” marathon!

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

Here is my black swan prediction for the next 5 – 10 years. from what i read, there is a good possibility of a new “little ice age”, and that the earth is already in a cooling cycle. here is an abstract : Since 1990, the Sun has been in the declining phase of the quasi-bicentennial variation in total solar irradiance (TSI). The decrease in the portion of TSI absorbed by the Earth since 1990 has remained uncompensated by the Earth’s long-wave radiation into space at the previous high level because of the thermal inertia of the world’s oceans. As… Read more »

walt reed
walt reed
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I can pull my 1970’s Global Cooling T-Shirts out of the attic.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

minus 32C where i am now karl
no wind
piece of cake

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Guest
2 years ago

pretty cold (-25.6F)! are you inside while commenting? :P. 80F and humid in Texas and Louisiana, today.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

well ya ok
lookin at the thermometer through the window
but still
its a dry cold

Reply to  Guest
2 years ago

“These scrawny beasts,” he thought to himself.

“These fools have never roused a sleeping grizzly from its den or hunted a polar bear…”

2 years ago

“The icy hand of demographics begins to show up in formerly safe republican areas” Unfortunately, this will most likely be the most accurate prediction as the “leadership” of the party would rather lose every last race than see another Greene, or Boebert fill the ranks. I believe McCornhole even said so earlier this year, something to the effect of “I’m perfectly comfortable being in the minority.” Most of the people I know are saying the same thing, “Why should we give them the majority? They won’t do anything to stop the left.” and the party itself isn’t helping it’s members.… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

Steve: I hope the GOP dies. Loses all funding, all support, every last race. Whites who believe in voting or the system need to be hit with a 2 x 4 repeatedly.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I guess we’re all uckfed then. The brown invaders – egged on by the tiny hat crowd – will have no problem using what our ancestors built against us. Whites collectively have no plan to combat this war being waged against us, so what’s left?

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

Well if you did come up with a plan and an organization to combat this, you would soon find that your group was made up of around 60% federal agents and/or fed informers. You would also soon find yourself in an 8×8 cell for the rest of your life. So, there is really nothing we can do collectively until FedGov collapses and cannot pay its agents anymore. Until that day all you can do is move to an almost-all-white rural area, find ways to help your neighbors and make friends. Lift weights, lose weight, grow your own food. Quietly talk… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

OT: just thought of something, on the road today: why didn’t they make a normal vaccine for the coof, like with the flu? why use mRNA technology, when it is so broken and unready?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

The mRNA stuff has been around for a while. Moderna has has a number of trials go bad because of the side effects, Vaccines were seen as a promising route to market (And mRNA technology, and Moderna in particular, has never brought a drug to market) because the side effects multiplied as doses increased- in number not just in size. Vaccines with their “one and done” history looked promising. The drive behind this is to get acceptance of the CRISPR technology that has been used in the genetic modification of crops, for use in humans.(It’s why Monsanto was snapped up… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

right, but have you ever seen this point mentioned anywhere else? have you ever thought of it? not being my usual mean self here, these are real questions.

to me, this is just like Sherlock Holmes case, The Dog that Didn’t Bark.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Coronaviruses mutate too quickly and complexly to be thwarted by vaccines. By the time you’ve made a shot, the virus it’s based on doesn’t exist anymore.

Every child used to learn this.

Also true of today’s non-vaccines. The “boosters” being mandated now are against a virus that literally nobody on earth still carries.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

exactly, this is the same as with flu shots; pick a strain (or three) and put out real vaccines for them specifically. new batch each season. why wasn’t this approach taken for Covid? could it have been?

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

One of the reasons I’ve never gotten a flu shot. Total scam, in my opinion.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

It’s my understanding that Coronovirus vaccines, even the traditional dead-virus type, have always been ineffective and/or dangerous, which is why we don’t have a vaccine for the common cold.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

IIRC, Merck tried to make a traditional vaccine (attenuated virus or some such), but then backed out because they came to realize the virus would mutate faster than they could make large enough batches to vaccinate against it. That is, natural immunity would occur faster than induced immunity.

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Didn’t seem to stop anyone else.

2 years ago


Roe vs. Wade will hang around. Barrett is a virtue signaler and untrustworthy with her vibrant mudling. Why not adopt poor rural whites? There’s tons around here that need good families.

I’ll lose my job at the Dept of Corrections. The clot shot isn’t mandatory yet, but I sense it coming.

Covid will continue but will be mocked and ignored by most. Only the zealots will keep up the charade.

A sex scandal brings down Joel Osteen. Been predicting that for years.

Scott Adams croaks. The shot destroyed his immune system. Look at him. He looks like a zombie.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  BluegrassMan
2 years ago

things have gone from bad to worse, for our poor Scott. Latest video from him, explaining how he is really ok, in fact, better than you are:

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Hahahahaha! Karl that is perfect!

Wilbur Hassenfus
Wilbur Hassenfus
2 years ago

1. Harris gets her full ten years. They knew what they were getting when they brought her on.

2. Conservatards will continue to lose and welcome their own replacement. This is because they’re fatter than Mexicans, dumber than Somalis, and have less survival instinct than a sponge. The FBI can’t outsmart the Somalis, but they’ll continue to easily outsmart the kind of moron who thinks Covid doesn’t exist.

3. The move to open borders continues, with minor halfhearted gestures at damage control.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Wilbur Hassenfus
2 years ago

When the economy doesn’t improve; when it just keeps grinding down, we shall see how many want to stay in a country where they will be resented by everybody and hated by most.

How many will stay when the gibs are gone? And I mean well and truly gone.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

that guy showed for a month or so, a few years ago. a D grade troll.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

A secret police(FBI) or DOD Office will head the new gov.

delmar Jackson
delmar Jackson
2 years ago

So, almost zero predictions in the comments on immigration. I guess being erased and replaced is just a hoax.

Reply to  delmar Jackson
2 years ago

My prediction is that there is a pause on immigration.

I always held that the only ones who could ever stop it would be the democrats. I think they sense it is going sideways for them.

Plus there could be some events that actually force us to shut the border or to get very serious about it very quick.

Less a prediction and more of a hunch.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

New game: try to find the white person

Wish I was kidding.
Most places I go, coast to coast.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Southwest Florida for 10 days straight being in public places I saw less than a dozen black faces. In DC I can’t make it to the end of my block w/o seeing 20.

I’m guessing the in-between places look that way too. The coasts are basically lost.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Tons of whites here in rural Florida. It’s like time stood still And people, still say “still” like “steel” Lots of blacks but they keep to themselves and don’t go to places I have been going to. Something to consider when looking at demographics in the rural south. Yes the data show lots of blacks, but unlike Los Angeles or probably most cities they don’t get up in your business and keep to themselves mostly. And small town or rural blacks aren’t the thugs you see in cities and are nice people. My guess is they hate the urban thugs… Read more »

Norham Foul
Norham Foul
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

In regards to “So, almost zero predictions in the comments on immigration. I guess being erased and replaced is just a hoax.” I think stopping illegal immigration is critical but furthermore I want them sent back. I don’t care if we have to do it the gentle way, that is pay them or their country of origin (out of defense budget) to leave.

“Lock her up” should be replaced by “Send them Home.”

Reply to  delmar Jackson
2 years ago

delmar: Because it’s too late. It was too late DECADES ago. Whites are a minority k-12, and younger they are the smaller their share. Add in White average age and death and birth rates versus the various mystery meats, and replacement has already been achieved – conservatards just haven’t figured it out yet. But keep harping on that magic border fence. That’s sure to turn the millions and their children and grandchildren already here into instant freedom-loving ‘murrican patriots. Like Nikki Haley . . . and Ben Shapiro.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

This is one of the few things that actually depresses me to think about. Let’s face some unpalatable facts here. Whites are going to be a minority in America. It’s a bit like saying ‘you have cancer.’ After the shock and the intense dismay if not grief, you get to the ‘so what to do?’ phase. Separation and secession seem to be the only options. But they require both a complete workover of culture and mentality and a collapse of the current regime (these may be two sides of the same coin). Hell, I’m talking myself into an accelerationist position… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Frankly, a collapse of the USA and/or the West sooner rather than later may be the only thing that can save and preserve the future of our people. The darker people over here can only exist because of the surplus thrown off by white society. A collapse that eliminates this surplus would leave the subcontinentals and muslims and Africans to fend for themselves, and they are not capable of this outside of tropical regions. Many would either perish or migrate back to their warm shitholes. Latinos are surprisingly resourceful and would probably carve out their own shithole region in the… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Moreover, there is likely to be way less ethnic violence than doom-sayers predict. Many immigrants came here because they believed it was easier than staying in their home country and fighting and/or working. If they weren’t lazy or cowardly, they simply would have done what needed done at home, instead of shirking. If they have to fight or work to live here, most likely they’ll just leave again, hopefully to Canada.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

The sooner things boil over the better for us. The odds, the demographics only get worse with time.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  BeAPrepper
2 years ago

“I concur” is too short for comments here. So, I concur.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

no, you are looking towards the past while you move into the future. in the recently deceased USA, whites were not a majority. in the countries that rise out of the ashes, it will be whites only. and the fukking cucks will at least be partially boiled off…

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I’m pretty sure whites are already a minority in this country in absolute terms, or else barely moving the needle at 50%. White on-hispanic share decreased from 63.7% to 57.8% from 2010 to 2020. Furthermore, non-hispanic white includes people from N Africa, ME, and Central Asia who are white but not in the same bio-cultural sphere. We could whittle “whites” down further but I’ll stop there. There are about 3M MENAs (~0.9%) in this country. Central Asia’s negligible >1M. And we know about 1.8% of the population are special people. Taking those out brings non-hispanic white down to about 55%.… Read more »

Reply to  delmar Jackson
2 years ago

My predictions re: immigration would be:

Immigration from Europe, China, and most Asian countries stops or reverses.

Immigration from Mexico stops.

Immigration from south America and middle east slows down.

A large number of “American” (((elites))) emigrate out.

The party is almost over, so the guests will begin leaving, only the dumbest party crashers will begin to start showing up now. The biggest upside of imperial decline means foreign grifters leave. If the federal government goes bankrupt and has to spend within it’s means, I’d imagine a lot of third world imports will begin to leave.

2 years ago

For discussion’s sake, I’m going to be a contrarian and say 2022 is the year the Left finally realizes Hillary! is a busted flush. She has done nothing but lose, going all the way back to 1993. It took them almost 20 years to ram socialized medicine through because she screwed the pooch so egregiously with Hillarycare. Had Bill not somehow been even worse with his trouser mishaps, her shenanigans at the Rose Law Firm would’ve damaged his administration almost as bad. She sent Sandy Burglar into the National Archives to smuggle documents out in his pants. She weaponized the… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

O’Bama or Herself! will be Kamala’s Veep. Until she resigns. And there’s a precedent in Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller. There’s prolly “a conservative case” for it.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

I predict that Hillary will start an obscene OnlyFans channel and make millions doing live sex streams for low T, progressive Zoomers. (I fear that my nephew may be one of them.)

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

While she does her show she will intensify the ecstacy by chastizing her viewers for their misogyny and carbon footprint.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

“Oh, your carbon footprint is SO BIG!”

Delmar Jackson
Delmar Jackson
2 years ago

I predict not a single official or public employee will serve time over the 400 billion dollars of covid unemployment money that was looted by alleged foreign gangs last year.

Reply to  Delmar Jackson
2 years ago

I would bet a large amount if not majority of that money found its way into the usual benefactors bank balances of all the other tax payer looting activities.

“Foreign gangs” is just a nice wrap up to dead end any investigation.

2 years ago

No prognostications about blowback from the poison jab? More & more is coming to light that the damn things are killing people.

Reply to  Boarwild
2 years ago

Boarwild: They’re killing primarily healthy young White people who’ve been the first to line up and get jabbed. And do you honestly expect all those devoted White mothers to admit they willingly offered their beloved solo child to Baal? That they deliberately poisoned them out of social signaling zeal? No way. Already the few who’ve protested have claimed they ‘didn’t know’ or ‘no one told me.’ And they’ve still proceeded to push for everyone else to jab their children. Most White women are still firmly on the Karen train, and they won’t ever get off willingly. They’ll leave their oppressive… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

“Most White women are still firmly on the Karen train, and they won’t ever get off willingly.” I certainly seems this way, but I don’t think it’s true. Rather, it only seems this way because the most vocal white women are leftists and Covidians whose views are amplified by the media and social acceptance. In contrast, reasonable white women are silenced by peer pressure and social media censorship. And let’s face it. Mothers who refuse to get their kids vaxxed aren’t going to brag about it on Facebook, lest they lose their accounts, or even worse, open their front door… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Darcy
2 years ago

sadly, very few mothers of any stripe, are holding back from getting their kids jabbed.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I know some avid anti-vax moms in my neck of the woods!

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I disagree. Know a lot of moms who have said little publicly (which is implied as consent) but privately are quite good with inkjet printers and paper cutters if you know what I mean.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Most White women are still firmly on the Karen train, and they won’t ever get off willingly. They’ll leave their oppressive White husbands before they’ll forego getting their children vexxed.

It’s hard to disagree with this. Going into stores the most dutifully face-diapered demographic are white women of all ages.

Karenism is an enormous problem. I wish I had a reasonable solution to solve it.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Women become Karens because men arent imposing a proper moral order on society. I don’t blame them for yelling at inconsiderate d-bags or apathetic service workers; dealing with those sorts is grating and makes the common part of daily life unpleasant. A lot of men are asleep at a lot switches, which is why so many things suck.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

plenty of mexicans and asians are jabbed too. it’s a world wide thing. look at poor israel (heh) they have handed every single one of their kids over to Jaal (see what i did there? :P). as well as all the adults.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Doug’s against mad mothers


2 years ago

“Conservative Inc. begins to show some serious problems as the decline of their donor base begins to accelerate.” On a somewhat related note. Salvation Army is currently broadcasting here pleas/apologies from the top “general” that their recent website “wokeness” was a mistake and that they don’t believe any race is guilty—or should feel guilty— for any past misconduct of their people…yada, yada, yada… A direct refutation of CRT. Further that SA believes in equality of all and that the SA has much charitable work to do and please send them donations (OK, he didn’t quite say that exactly, but that… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I used to always hit their red buckets @ Christmas, but after that asinine comment from the corporate wokster, I gave them all a pass this year. And I told a woman ringing the bell why & she admitted it was a horrible mistake.

Reply to  Boarwild
2 years ago

Boarwild: It wasn’t a mistake – it was what they believe. Their ‘apology’ is just as sincere as all the public figures who’ve been caught doing ‘x’ – merely for public consumption. Behind the scenes nothing has changed. Salvation Army has NEVER been pro-White and I’ve never given them a nickel.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

3g4me. Yep, I would have elaborated, but cut the posting short. The SA head honcho did *not* really apologize. As an old schooler, there are a number of things we were taught must be included in a sincere apology. One, the apologist must accept complete responsibility for his actions. This was not done. Two, the apologist must attempt to correct/redress the misdeed as much as possible. A refutation of CRT was not done, just an attempt to imply “that’s not what we meant.” (See item one) Three, the apologist must assure that the wrong will not be repeated. I’ve yet… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Yes, clearly a “non-apology apology”.

A “sorry that you feel that way” passive-aggressive response.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Checked their web site. Items # 2&3 of 16 functions prominently featured on page 1 are:

LGBTQ Support

Commitment to Diversity

They can protest mis-interpreted intent all they want. They are on-board and woke …

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Boarwild
2 years ago

but she didn’t leave the org, did she. so fuck her double.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Wait..are you saying blacks and Hispanics did not pick up the tab after Whites decided not to contribute to the Salvation Army? It looks like these natural conservatives would pick up the slack.

The cowardly, treacherous GOP soon will experience the same treatment.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Jack: Would love to agree, but then I think back to all the comments here by people who insist that not voting is willingly giving victory to whomever. Never underestimate the pathological altruism and stupidity of the average ‘murrican.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I don’t underestimate the stupidity, but the GOP has a special knack for it. I’m going to offer another prediction here that helps explain why I think this is why Whites will abandon the Republicans rather soon. The GOP will pick up quite a few former Hispanic Democrat seats along the Rio Grande next cycle precisely because those people are hit really hard by open borders. But instead of learning anything, the Republicans will kowtow to Hispanics by throwing the border open even wider ’cause natural conservatives. They will openly fellate Mestizos and have a few going around preaching in… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

nope. people stupid enough to get their kids jabbed, wil be more than upto the task of being stupid enough to continue voting GOP.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

“I’ve heard SA donations down 40% and still falling. Their begging letters send to me are returned with a simple: “Go woke, go broke” scribbled on them.” At one time, I might’ve felt guilty for smiling at this. Not anymore. The SA donations got me thinking…How many of these donations help our people, anyway? My guess is very few. The setup is probably similar to the tax code, where white people pay and other groups benefit. It’s funny that so many of us never considered this question until they openly disparaged us. “Why am I paying out when my people… Read more »

Reply to  Darcy
2 years ago

If one actually sat down and listed the orgs that receive tax and charity money net from whites then listed their activities in a second column you would

1. be shocked at the sheer scale of the grift industry
2. realize 95% of them are actively promoting and contributing to your destruction.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Darcy
2 years ago

i bet 80%+ of the donations go for salaries and benes.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I stopped donating blood to the Red Cross when they appointed Elizabeth Dole as head on $500k per year.
1995 ish I believe. I gave blood every quarter because I’d once needed a couple of pints, So that’s about 100 pints they didn’t get from me.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

By law, charities must pay out…3, as in three, percent of their take.

An East Coast take:
“Bob, they’re after me, hold my money for a while. When they come after you, I’ll hold yours.”

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

My brother, who is a diehard Trump believer, can’t help but express his dismay at the multiple emails he receives everyday from Trump allies shaming him for not giving more.

Grifters, all the way down.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

And what will this money go for? That’s the question a friend recently asked me after receiving yet another fund-raising text.

It’s a good question, because the GOP never spends it on things that matter. Stop-the-Steal, in particular, was nothing but a grift.

Like a dumb-ass, I donated to it. Seeing what they did with it (basically nothing) made me decide that I’ll never donate to these hucksters again.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

That is on of the huge problems with our side. Anyone soft peddling easy solutions has real opportunities to grift. The most recent example Jack Murphy ‘Conservative Influencer’ Jack Murphy, Who Teaches Men to Be Alphas, Is an Amateur Gay Porn Star Also nearly the entire mainstream right has a very similar world view to the Commies Dialectal Materialism The idea that the US or whatever passes for its prosperity is a European Derived Christian Nation with some enlightenment principles is our posterity is utterly alien to them All that matters is money and buying a cheap pair of shoes… Read more »

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Some of these org’s are so ridiculous in purpose, as to be apparent to any sentient being. Here’s an example. One particular local “Charity” was for a number of years collecting funds and other donations for *toiletries*. Yep, toothbrushes, soap, small towels, etc. for the victims of natural disasters. They’d then charter a plane to fly the crap to third world disaster areas. Had a friend who liked the idea. I could never convince him of the ridiculousness of sending toothpaste to earthquake victims who no longer even have a hovel to brush their teeth in. Then came 9/11 and… Read more »

Reply to  Darcy
2 years ago

Any “charity” that spends more than 5 percent of its annual revenue on administration and overhead is a corporate scam and its donors are chumps.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

White people are still the majority of the charitable donations, so of course they are going to still have disproportionate power when it comes to organizations like the SA. I have a feeling that if the woke liberal Christians who are currently ruining so many churches push things too far you will see a similar reaction there. I haven’t seen the numbers but I have a feeling the majority of the donations going to churches come from Whites. Would be a shame if those donations were to stop… With the demographic changes and Whites becoming a minority there could be… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Rando
2 years ago

whom do you think is moving out of the blue states? white people. none of the muds are moving an inch. the blue areas will collapse within a couple of years because of this talent and brain drain.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Sure, the collapse will occur—and is occurring—if you look at State budget deficits in those Blue States. However, the “muds” are free to move along with the Whites and *will* move to where the freebies are still plentiful. Sigh…

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Most non Whites prefer to live among their own kind and not among hostile Whites who won’t allow any one to employ them or given them a dime. We’ll get that universal attitude soon enough Here in California, though you’ll never hear it our ability to do big projects is almost nil now. Sure we can build houses well enough but its becoming harder to keep utilities running and do things like rewiring schools. I know a major multinational company name redacted who has lost nearly every engineer in L.A. as they won’t pay enough and frankly the people actually… Read more »

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

With the enviro-idiots running California, Mexican rule will be an improvement. Unfortunately, they’ll probably ship all the Blacks to Arizona. Asian-run Silicon Valley will be clean and prosperous but Whites will not be welcome.

Reply to  Rando
2 years ago

“Where de white wimmin at?”
-Clevon Little

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

can you give the general a message from KVH: fuck off and die you disgusting piece of shit. thanks! 🙂

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

It is with great delight that I watch all the altruistic organizations that I used to support die.

Not only are these ‘woke’ institutions worthless, but they spit on the ONLY people who volunteer. The ‘New Americans’ that they are so delighted to cater to NEVER lift a finger to do anything ‘for the good of the people’.

Volunteerism disappears when Whites disappear. And I will happily accelerate that process. Of course I will still volunteer, but it will exclusively be for MY tribe.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
2 years ago

I do wonder if 2022 will be the year when the people down below begin to take over the Republican party on a grassroots level….a spark to the tinder so to speak. Don’t get me wrong, I have zero hopes for democracy but I wonder if the insanity via the coof, trannies and blatant anti-white propaganda is finally waking normie up. Biggest sign of the times for me will be whether or not a stronk black womanz like gap-toothed Stacy down in Georgia managed to steal/win the governor’s race. White people in GA will lose their fricking minds if she… Read more »

Reply to  Basil Ransom
2 years ago

My hope is that an Abrams governorship will fuel the drive for secession by counties contiguous with FL, AL, and TN. America was founded as a federation of European states. It’s time to ensure that as many real Americans as possible have local self rule by returning to that model. It’s also time for the Georgian financial class and their cheap labor in Atlanta (an overflowing toilet bowl of diversity) to enjoy living together without the tax base and social capital of the rest of the state to prop up their grift.

Yancey Ward
2 years ago

The collapse of Turkey is also my big prediction for the coming year- it will flood Europe with refugees.

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
2 years ago

I predict next year will be a lot like this year. But different.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Yesterday, I cheated a bit by giving 10-year predictions, which will never be remembered or checked, so I’ll give my predictions for 2022, so I can see how I did next year. 1. Biden and Harris remain in office I’ll even go so far as to say that Biden makes it through his term in office. However, Harris “chooses” to leave in 2023 because . . . 2. GOP wins – but not huge – in the midterms The GOP takes back some seats but not enough to consider it more than a blackeye for the Dems. As Z says,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Hi CoSC, questions regarding predictions:

3. “If you keep govt bond yields at ~2%, federal revenues grow much faster than interest on the debt and you presumably can grow your way out of your debt.” Aren’t bond rates set by market and mirror (within few percent) real inflation? So if real inflation goes to 7%, market dictates bond interest must go to 8 or 9% too?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  acetone
2 years ago

Not anymore. The big buyers of treasury bonds these days are the fed, foreign investors (remember, foreign yields are even lower than treasuries) and mutual funds (mostly target date funds that are cost agnostic). The fed is effectively doing yield curve control by buying bonds from the market until it achieves its desired interest rate. Now, the fed doesn’t control the yields on corporate bonds but they tend to play off of the yields on treasury bonds, so they’re pretty low too. The fed has been telling the bond market that inflation was temporary, now it has acknowledged that it… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Re 6. China/Taiwan. Agree that nothing is going to happen. But nothing will happen less because of China’s patience and more because Taiwan increasingly doesn’t want to reunify. Taiwan is richer per capita, has a better quality of life, and doesn’t want to give that up. And Taiwan now has a model for what reunification looks like in Hong Kong. The model shows that reunification was favorable to China but unfavorable to Hong Kong with its loss of wealth and autonomy. Taiwanese polling now shows increasing interest in maintaining separation from China. This lean towards maintaining status quo and/or declaring… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Harris goes.
Clinton succeeds her.
Biden dies.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

It is interesting that Hillary has begun to get back into the news again. I just can’t believe that the Dem establishment is that stupid.

Yes, Harris is worse that Hillary, barely. But Hillary is worse than almost anyone else. It just shows how bereft of ideas and talent that the Dems are.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The mass diversity plan backfired pretty hard on all of the Left. The White Left, All for the Blacks , Liberal Latinos and assorted Lefty Asians are all incompatible with one another and as the perpetual 1968 crowd dies off, it breaks down into ethnic bloc voting The last push of the establishment to hold a multi national fake country together is “Conservative Hispanics.” weird enough. They are a real thing in my neck of the woods Trump flags, One America News, you name it . One guy was running FJB stuff long before it was a thing. They are… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

A rejuvenated White America could use minorities as an imperialist export. American minorities are supposedly proud of their heritage, but they’re VERY proud to be American vis a vis their cousins in the old country. Imagine ruling Mexico through repatriated Mexican-Americans and the proverbial third sons of white families who have the impulse for adventure.

Don’t think African-Americans would do as well in Africa but I’m very willing to try.

2 years ago

Happy New Years you guys! Z, I am wondering what the future holds for the real dissidents. Guys like yourselves, the folks here, the wanks and wits at Blab. I dunno if I should say this… but awhile back you said something and the rotten wood between my ears began to smolder. About libertarians, you said akin to “they just sit on the sidelines, pretending to hold the moral high ground as they snipe at the real players out on the field.” I’m sorry… but I am beginning to see the Dissidents in that light too. Do you think the… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

if you wanted to go surfing, what would you do at the water’s edge, to make a wave appear? that is the answer to your question. the thing about emergent systems is…they take time to emerge :). noone has to wait for the great leader, or a meet up, or anything else. every person is reacting and changing right now, not just one set or group. live *your* life in a way that facilitates the changes you want to see in society.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

If you wanted to go surfing you’d go to where the waves are not just to the nearest waters edge.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

exactly. and even then, you have to *wait* for the wave to appear. two seperate and necessary steps. you cannot conjur the wave when you want it, nor can people start acting out for change (on our side) until the conditions occur organically.

2 years ago

Here is my humble offering on the prediction pyre: I predict a LOT of clinical depression and real malaise in the liberal circles, as they find that the COVID hysteria will not really end. At least in the Blue Cities. These people, especially the ones in GOV/NGO/academia (and quite a few medical) really do believe in “ending,” and not the real-reality tour of neverending hotfixes, patches, mission creep (of the unstable complex system type)… These are the ones that came up to me in March ’20, saying, “Don’t worry! In a month or two, it will be like the Roaring… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Kestrel
2 years ago

I predict a LOT of clinical depression and real malaise in the liberal circles, as they find that the COVID hysteria will not really end. At least in the Blue Cities.

Watching these fools attempt to stay on the hamster wheel of compliance so they can attend sportsball and go to Broadway shows is going to be a beautiful.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

As you are wont to say, “You just love to see it”.

God grant that this be so; they’ve had plenty of time to ramp up the Pride, now is a good time for the Fall, and a great big one.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Kestrel
2 years ago

this is why the panic is ending, the fanatics have burned out their brains – literally. they cannot rage any longer, and are left with crippling damage to their cognitive facilities. going to be a lot of suicides in this group, even more than usual i mean.

Reply to  Kestrel
2 years ago

Sadly you’re right.

I know a boomer couple in their late 70s who are really depressed now. They keep whining that this isn’t how they wanted to spend their “golden years” and that they’re so tired of “this whole covid thing”.

They completely trust the media and the government and have been following all the rules. I do feel bad for them but at the same time they’re getting what they deserve.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

don’t feel bad for them at all. old people are selfish and don’t give a shit about anyone else. they just pretend to 😛

2 years ago

My predictions:

1. Male opposition to women in politics becomes more vocal and more pronounced

2. I finally get off my ass and go to the post office to send Zman the $50 I keep meaning to send him.

My other prediction

The USPS actually gets it delivered and doesn’t “lose” it (I.e. Laquisha doesn’t steal it)

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Re # 1 we’re gonna need a term for the growing numbers who think ‘conservative’ should mean 1850 and not 1950 mainstream positions. ‘Paleo’ doesn’t begin to cover it, they’re basically mid-20th century. ‘Jurassic conservative’ or ’19th century conservative’ don’t sit well in the mouth. Maybe ‘T-Rex-servative’ or ‘Saber-servative’ lol

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

people in the 19th century were very objective, so maybe we could call ourselves “Objectivists”?

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

I saw what you did there. If there is a hell Ayn Rand is bunk mates with Stalin.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

hehe caught me!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Ayn Rand, let’s see what she was all about. She marries at the fine youngish age of 24, to a guy she picks up, by obstructing some movie making or something. Later this cuck gives up his job so ‘she can focus on writing.’ It will surprise no one that this marriage produced zero offspring. Later she has an affair with a boy 25 yrs her junior, with hubby knowing about it. Class act. This was a high-testo frustrated broad going through life shit-testing the cr*p out of everything and everyone. In fact, her writings are so conspicuously anti whatever… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago


I normally never use the stupid parentheses but ((Ayn Rand)) ugh.

A nihilistic serial killer loving Eurasian Jewess however much we share a detestation for tyranny and a supposedly love for freedom is no model for a European society.

There is a reason Objectivisim was cribbed for the Satanic Bible , its a Satanic philosophy might as well come right out of the adversaries mouth.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Antediluvian Conservative might work.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

Ennie beanie
Chilli beanie

The spirits are about to speak;
Are they friendly spirits?
Let’s look!

I predict! (Say it like you mean it)

ZMan will be absolutely, positively, lead pipe cinch correct, that he will leave Lagos and finish his book in 2022.

Take it to the bank!
Bet the house on it!

As for his other predictions, I have no idea if they will come to fruition, but a boy can dream that they do.

Happy New Year to all, and to quote Robert Barnes;

Never in writing; always in cash.

2 years ago

Okay I’m going to make a prediction, everyone else did.

Covid is going to ramp down but then another virus is going to appear and all the same measures will go in place but this time faster because everyone’s prepped and if that one fades another one will appear and this is going to be a constant ratchet action until iworldwide total control has been achieved in the name of health or total collapse. I know it sounds grim but I think total collapse is the best case scenario for white people.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

The fowl-flu is making a comeback in Israel, and Candida auris has been detected in Oregon. Worth keeping an eye on l

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Biden just committed the DOD to building a rapid test production facility located in Wisconsin.

To be completed in 3 years.

This is never going to end. Ever.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

These things always burn out, usually within three years, for two very good reasons. First, by the time you notice an infectious disease is deadly, it’s too late to prevent deaths. The panic, therefore, is a delayed reaction and eventually people calm down and realize that the germ is here to stay and first round of death was inevitable. Second, economic problems rear their heads and force health concerns to take a backseat or be an individual matter. Essentially, there’s no point not risking getting the virus if that means you’ll starve. Now that inflation is coming in hot and… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
2 years ago

Emmanuel Macron will win reelection in France, defeating Vélerie Pécresse in the second round of elections. It is, however, possible that Pécresse will contest the election, due to mail-in and electronic voting used because of covid restrictions. If she does, the Constitutional Court will rule the Macron victory legitimate. Covid vaccination will be made mandatory and there will be substantial tax hikes later in 2022. Both Biden and Harris will be in office on December 31, 2022. 2023 will be the year to watch since Harris can finish Biden’s term and still be elected to two additional terms. She may… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
2 years ago

That Algerian Jewish fellow has no chance ?

I don’t think he’d be able to accomplish much but it would be a good sign the French are getting sick of globohomo, and that is something to build upon.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

He will split the votes with Le Pen and both will be eliminated in first round.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Hun: Pretty sad situation, really. Le Pen kicked her own father out of the party, changed its name and image to become more Juice friendly, and she’ll split the ‘nationalist’ vote with an Algerian Juice. Whatever happened to the Gilet Jauns and Catholic Generation Identitaire? Was it banned in France as in Germany? 2021 was a piss-poor year for White nationalists overall; don’t really expect 2022 to be any better.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Those 2 strike me as similar to the joke about the 10 Feds undercover in a 10 person militia arresting each other and about as real.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Nah, I like Zemmour. Can’t go wrong with a based Pied Noir. If he were to win (possible, especially if France has another big terror attack before the election) his would be the most right wing democratic government w/r/t immigration and cultural issues since you know who in 1933.

BTW, ignore all election polling with this guy. Zemmour will be so anathematized by the media that there will be few honest answers to polling questions prior to the election. If he is elected, it will seem to be a surprise.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

We shall see. I may be wrong.

The reason I am suspicious is precisely the very large amount of media coverage of the guy.
Like Le Penn who got lots of coverage and did everything to undermine herself seemingly.

Real opposition without backers in most of Europe, especially given the huge number of speech crime laws, get memory holed and harassed by the police not invited on 3 hours shows.

Le Comte
Le Comte
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Jean-Marie Le Pen likes Zemmour. Jean-Marie was always correct about the downfall of France re immigration.

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Zemmour is the shit, been hearing incredible things about his rallies from my friends there.
Elections are still bellwethers. And his election would be a huge legitimization of anti-immigration/anti-islamization in France.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
2 years ago

The last time Macron won, I recall seeing at least one news article mentioning shockingly low crowds to his inauguration parade. It made me wonder if the guy was truly elected or was simply installed through election shenanigans.

I suspect the latter.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Darcy
2 years ago

Macron was the choice of the elite in 2017 but his election was probably legitimate; Marine Le Pen just frightened too many people and came off poorly in the debate with Macron. An election contest between Macron and Pécresse will be much closer. (The policy differences between the two are difficult to measure with a micrometer, and Macron’s image as a competent manager is tarnished.) Because of that, Macron will be much more tempted to resort to electoral engineering (electronic and mail-in votes, in-person voting only by vaccinated people) to win, using Covid and the public health crisis, as an… Read more »

2 years ago

I think you went big. There are a lot of bold predictions in there. But the new game of “Finding the infiltrator” sounds like so much fun it almost makes me want to go to one of these things.

Happy New Year!

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago

Whitney: Won’t it be nice when the decent looking, reasonably fit White guy WON’T automatically be suspect as the infiltrator? Here’s to White men going GALT on the government and all its organs. Let them fill their ranks with nothing but POX and trannies.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Running that “fit” spin is how you get spotted, fellow domestic terrorist.

Reply to  Whitney
2 years ago


Now that the Establishment has given the Feebs the permission to manufacture evidence… infiltration may no longer be necessary…
Just like those poor Jan 6 “domestic terrorists”. Have a few beers too many, end up in an unofficial tour of the capital buildings… and into the can you go with no legal rights.

I predict somebody is going to get shot and seriously deserve it. Maybe a larger version of the Kyle Rittenhouse deal but with more players and more bodies.

2 years ago

“The collapse of conservative talk radio will accelerate as that audience ages off and people simply stop listening to terrestrial radio in general.” I hope not. The nicest and most beautiful radios ever made were AM only. Radios started turning into ugly plastic boxes right around the time FM stereo got standardized in the early-mid 60s. In Europe there is no AM radio anymore. But conservative talk radio has helped keep AM alive in America and I get to tune into the Grand Ole Opry every Friday night on 650 AM from more than a thousand miles from Nashville on… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

heh radios got *smaller* when the transistor came along, and replaced tubes. you should know that 😛

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Yeah, but they also got junkier and uglier. Don’t get me wrong, I like modern technology as much as the next guy, but the styling is nothing like the old style. They do make some “replica” radios of the old days, but they’re just so cheesy.

It wasn’t just transistors. By the mid 70s, 1/2 of the functions of a radio were in ICs. Today you cannot even buy a discrete component radio. I don’t use any modern radios in my house. They tend to be very choppy and unless it’s high end, the AM is just horrible.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

Radiojayallen and radioattic are a couple of nice radio sites.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

I think your attempt at sarcasm will result in a lower success rate when you review your predictions for 2022 this time next year. You’ll be at the Scott Adams level of predictive success.

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

But unlike Scott, he won’t claim his predictions were the best!

2 years ago

“I finish my book and I become more popular than Jesus.”

Does this mean lots of interviews/shill tour? You don’t do enough interviews. It’ll be nice.

2 years ago

Not a prediction, but rather my sincerest hope is that 2022 becomes the USA version of the Year of Living Dangerously. As soon as the latte shortage commences, Normie starts his descent into visceral madness and goes postal by first flopping on the floor spastically, then jumps up into a vortex of whining and wailing, and finally runs out into the street with a .357 revolver he’s been keeping in a shoebox in the closet (and has never fired before). At which point he gets gunned down by a 90 year old spinster firing a shotgun through her front window.… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

You’re watching too many “Purge” Movies.
Happy New Year and Screw ’22.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

TomA is being a Pollyanna again.

2 years ago

You are outdoing Derb with your cheerfulness.

Happy New Year and good luck in the North.

Reply to  MikeCLT
2 years ago

That feeling when “We are Doomed” is the best possible outcome!

Jim from Boston
Jim from Boston
2 years ago

Perhaps the chaos purposefully unleashed in 2020 — and very accurately predicted by Dr Turchin — will start to dissipate…

…either that or spiral out of control.

Funny how unstable complex systems, like the weather and human events, morph unexpectedly. Ha ha.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

My 2022 Prediction: Biden will die some time in early spring, and, in a panicked scramble worthy of an 80s sitcom, his handlers rig him up to a series of fishing wires and manipulate his corpse while a ventriloquist reads the words from offstage, somewhere in the wings. People notice that this Biden no longer struggles with reading the teleprompter and is no longer even prone to gaffes. They also shoot Biden full of formaldehyde, which improves his complexion and smell quite a bit. His approval ratings each Obama first term levels. Meanwhile, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Merrick Garland,… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Brain-damaged vaxx rage zombies, a nuclear strike to wipe them, setting off the Yellowstone caldera, which masks Chixculub striking Guam…and then the evil aliens arrive!

They go to the Wailing Wall first, of course. Wearing yarmulkes.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago


But the Nazis erupt from their secret bases in Antarctica and the dark side of the Moon to save the day!

And Oktoberfest beergartens with buxom valkyries shall serve the finest ales forevermore

2 years ago

Happy New Year Mr. Z! Wishing you the best in your move to more congenial quarters.

2 years ago

2022: when predictions of chaos and hardship come across as bullish lol.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

I’ve already thrown my hat in with predictions yesterday so it would be unsportsmanlike to hedge. But I’ll predict this: – Biden will not be replaced. B/c how do you replace Harris. Short of being impeached she can’t be forced to resign and she won’t. This is a slithering career woman willing to hand out BJs for gain. Is she gonna resign the technically second-highest perch in the federal government?? Dream on. – There will be serious, continued inflation in the US and probably the rest of the world. You can split hairs over when inflation is ‘hyperinflation’ and 2022… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

I think you’re right about all of these, especially the riots. I’m frankly amazed we haven’t seen Amritsar II: Electric Boogaloo somewhere in Europe (or Australia) already, and it’s all but guaranteed if the knockoff Westworld animatronic robot that the Media calls “Joe Biden” is forced to call out the National Guard somewhere. Can you imagine the fury some 5’2″, 200 lb. lesbian cosplaying as Erwina Rommel will unleash if some bread rioter keeps her from her venti haff-caff soy chai latte? She’ll nuke the site from orbit; it’s the only way to be sure.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

In the US things are just a tinderbox. Blacks are angry and all others are fed up with blacks. But contingent events are always hard to predict. The more riots, the more destruction, eventually someone will dump a mag then there we are. In Europe, spearheaded by Austria, they are pushing through compulsory vaccinations. Having forced jabs may just be the trick to turning the incredibly lethargic European masses into action, especially as rumors, most of them probably wildly exaggerated, about deaths from vaccines, grow exponentially. Europe also has the Muslim problem so there should be plenty of tinder for… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Muslims, even in Europe, also tend to keep a Kalashnikov handy whether it’s legal or not. Pissing them off by forcing them to accept the “Jew Jab” could be the trigger for some serious violence.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago

Muslims never seem to have trouble finding guns, despite European gun laws. “If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns” is not just a slogan, it’s experience.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago


The Ummah have all sorts of wonderful toys concealed in the mosques that have been sprouting across Europe like mushrooms.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago

Germany is the 3d printed gun capital of the world and despite what people think Europe caveat maybe the UK is easily armed up. I suspect guns and ammo are rather more common than most think. As for riots and protests and such, we aren’t allowed to the see them but they are huge. Problem is they are incoherent the Euros , Anglo Sphere and US to be honest have yet to be willing to understand they are governed by soulless monsters who need to go. Its understandable modern life is fragile and who the hell wants to run society… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

More like the Wilmington massacre, maybe?

Reply to  Connerton
2 years ago

Germany has never been able to feed itself.

WW1 ended when the Allied naval blockade introduced Team Kaiser Bill to bread and potato riots.

The Austrian street artist looked east for agricultural land to make Das Volk self-sufficient in food.

2 years ago

Why don’t we all face the music and realize that the U.S.A. and the rest of the world for all it matters, has already collapsed and the process is deepening as we go further over the event singularity. Most people just think every stupid thing going on right now is a temporary event. For example, my retired cousin is drooling over the prospects of buying one of those $90,000 pickup trucks. I said, “Why? You’ll never be able to get parts for it in a few years.” But those kind will keep right on rolling on until there’s weeds growing… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

> . I await with great glee at the prospects of women complaining about having to cook every meal, just like they did in A.D. 1933, if they don’t want to starve.

My favorite is people who insist they can’t cook because they don’t have an 80,000 dollar kitchen, while their great-great-grandparents cooked far superior meals to what they could ever do on dirt floors.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

People are insane. I glanced at a few minutes of the Property Brothers on a TV at the gym and this couple was renovating their kitchen for $150k. In these parts, you could buy a decent house for cash with that kind of money.

As for me, I’ve been amazed what I can do with a $70 air fryer. Those things are great. Simple, quickly, and evenly cooked as long as you leave some space and shake or flip halfway through the cycle.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Aren’t air fryers pretty much just a convection oven? I’d spend the $70 on an instapot, which, yes, is just a crockpot bred with a pressure cooker.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Yes, air fryers are just little convection ovens.

I’m cooking for one. I think in most of my use cases it makes more sense to use a small appliance like that or a countertop toaster oven, rather than firing up the full-sized range.

I also have an Instapot, and it’s pretty good. I don’t really use it for meat other than making pulled pork, chuck roasts, or beef stew.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

An air fryer IMO makes better food with the advantage of saving quite a bit on expensive fry oil .

Its a good purchase.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I’m a literal fossil as far as frying is concerned. I’ve got 2 cast iron deep fat fryers complete with baskets. One is a Lodge and the other is a Griswold. They’re at least 70 years old and you can cook French fries people would die for.
Then there’s my 500 lb. Garland gas range from the 1940’s . It has the most even baking oven I’ve ever had. You do have to light the oven with a match. I don’t think the $80,000 kitchen women would approve of it. They would probably blow the house up with it.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Coalclinker: Does anyone have any anecdotal data about restaurants having trouble sourcing reliable food supplies? We don’t really eat out, so I can’t say. One local grocery store bakery was out of product a few days ago (no fresh cookies or French bread) but the others were fine. Again, no real shortages here in DFW, but prices are sky high. I updated to newer model crockpot. I never joined the Instapot craze, although I do have a pressure cooker I’ve never used tucked away somewhere. Making lots of use of the vacuum sealer I bought 6 months ago and my… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

For you (and for any who grow any of their own food, or who plan to do so):

Baker Creek heirloom seeds:

And Green Generations, as the best source for paramagnetic rock dust:

because fertilizer prices are continuing to rise and, with it, food prices. And that’s chemical fertilizer. Paramagnetic rock dust re-mineralizes the soil and produces nutrient-dense food. Also, because paramagnetism converts ULF energy waves in the earth’s mantle into photons, you also get close to 100% seed germination if you use paramagnetic rock dust to germinate seeds.

Stock up now.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Infant: Thank you for the links. I will check both out.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I like the idea of heirloom seeds. Did you know that West Virginia and the Big Sandy Valley are where beefsteak tomatoes came from? The very first beefsteak plant discovered supposedly came up as a chance seedling in a pile of flood debris

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

My anecdotal supply chain report is that the Hy-Vees up here in Hawkeye land are quite well-stocked with most things, though the bottled water section was a little thin, which I believe is due to people grabbing extras for the incoming blizzard. There were tons of semis on I-80 in Illinois during the ride in here. Visually, that made it hard for me to believe there is a driver or truck shortage right now. The truck depots I passed seemed to have quite a few cabs and trailers in stock, but it was hard to judge their condition from the… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

My elderly mother loves those bacon cheese potatoes and “senior” coffees from Wendi’s. They have run out of both items before. I don’t eat out, but I do notice when the grocery stores don’t stock items I used to buy, for months at a time. I have an old Crockpot from the 1970’s. It actually has a heavy glass lid and the removable pottery liner that says “Made in U.S.A.” on the bottom of it. It does make good soup, but when I want to make that old Appalachian staple brown bean and ham soup, you can’t beat an old… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

how do you reconcile those rumors with the very real problem of finding enough workers? Can Walmart stay in business with half the revenue (because if you fire half your workforce, you lose sales capacity with them)? why not wait until they actually do something, before spreading fear porn? or if you really are shitting your britches, just keep it to yourself.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Perhaps they are really stupid enough to not care. The family members that run that outfit today certainly aren’t as sharp as Sam Walton was. Walmart is literally a monopoly of grocery stores and low end retailing. They have run nearly every family business and American made supplier out of business in every town they set up in. All monopolies eventually die, and in the not too far off future there will be towns with no stores left at all. It will all take decades to rebuild, one family business at a time.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

My primary and secondary prediction could be reversed based on the fall-out from the former. The first is the Covid climb-down proves exceptionally difficult. The Regime really wants to declare victory and go back to traditional graft and demagoguery. Several components are in stark opposition, though. The least important of these, the Karens, also are the crazier and more vocal. They may go to their graves, possibly by mass suicide and/or the Regime taking them out, but these types are never giving up their masks, their social media rants, and bi-weekly vaccines. The most important element, the WEF, has made… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Hint: she wasn’t, er, raped, exactly

2 years ago

No mention of the state audit results? Big miss, man. I think we almost have 2mm signatures now, so…

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

Is 2mm signatures enough? Wouldn’t 4mm be better?

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

You seem like the sort of guy who didn’t sign the petition. Very disappointing.

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

When did petitions achieve anything?

Reply to  btp
2 years ago

The Zman doesn’t waste time on magic beans.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet’s Predictions:
– White males will eschew the college path even more, for better or worse.
– White males will accelerate the fake minority game to the extent that colleges and companies will require video chat or photo id in their application. They will respond by checking the sexual minority boxes instead.
– A small cluster white women will start follow the men’s lead. More will follow once we get the moral framing down.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet: So let it be written, so let it be done.

2 years ago

Don’t vote. Let the Dems get 52 senate seats and keep the house. Then they will pass an amnesty that has 20 million new vibrants here almost overnight. That will show those dirty libs. Just whatever you do, don’t vote because somehow your anonymous casting of a ballot validates the system for … reasons. Meanwhile the new Americans will actually vote for politicians that want even more new Americans and on and on. Just don’t vote because our side has a secret plan.

Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

Sure. And all those newly minted republican senators and congressmen in the vote harder coalition are going to band together with the geezer cohort and show us all how things really get done when they’re in charge. They’ll round up all those greasy illegals and chuck ’em right back across the border, right? Just like every other time they’ve been in the majority. It’ll be the good old days all over again.
Oh, and they’ll proclaim the demos are the real racists…

Just a guy
Just a guy
Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

You think Dems are the only ones importing immigrants? Bush II set up a massive amnesty during his term. Currently, con inc is beating the drum to import tens, and possibly hundreds of thousands of Afghan “Allies.” They’re absolutely outraged that Biden is blocking the progress. Here’s a link from Shapiro’s site, but I know Glenn Beck has been on this boat hard as well. They’re begging, “Please, we must import all these Muslims.” Perhaps most depressing is the comment section, which absolutely laps it all up. The normies will jump at the opportunity to “Dunk” on Biden, while… Read more »

Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

No, you’re getting it all wrong.

“Don’t vote” is not a strategy.

“Vote Harder!!” is a strategy.

(Actually, “I voted twice” IS a strategy, but good luck with that)

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

and if you vote, what happens? i mean, given the 60M plus illegals already in the country, despite your heroic voting pogroms.

Reply to  WJ16
2 years ago

Option B: so many Republican voters stay home in 2022 that the government loses all legitimacy, and the GOP collapses because you can’t horse trade 12 Senate votes. I happily tore up my ballot and threw it in the trash last month. We can’t reform an illegitimate government by participating in the charade and giving it legitimacy. My vote in 2022 will only happen if the GOP runs explicitly on impeaching and removing the usurper, destroying the IC, and impeaching and removing most Federal Employees behind the Covid debacle. Oh, and unlimited subpoenas of FBI and DOJ lots of targets… Read more »

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

Everything you said PLUS ending the fed and expelling all dual-citizens from public offices. 🙂

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

My Predictions: I kinda think that 2020-2021 was the step down the staircase using Z’s analogy but now it’s time for a leveling off for a couple of years. The Dems will indeed suffer loses this fall and the Republicans will all act like Lindsay Graham at a gay bar and offer themselves up to the Dems globo homo agenda. Never the less the Dems will have a hysterical fit and hold out hope for 2024 which I predict is the next step down because the republicans will somehow win the Presidency back threatening the intelligence apparatus and setting off… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

I think it will be very hard to pull back on the COVID stuff, and not just because of the crazy left and the (((media))).

The entire medical-industrial complex has organized themselves around this new religion, and they have become the new high priests. They don’t want to relinquish this status. And COVID being minimized would call into question their self-proclaimed heroism.

This group plus the Davos-types intend to force their new sacrament on everyone multiple times (jabbing), and they won’t give up until either we’re dead or they’re dead.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Netherlands has already announced 6 (SIX) jabs towards 2023 and are spending billions on the vaxx. Canada and other countries are going the same way. Too many people are too invested in this – psychologically and materially.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Ontario is now letting nursing home patients receive their 4th dose.

All 18+ are eligible for the 3rd dose, and the government is begging us that it is of utmost importance to all get our triple jab. So we can go back to normal or something.

I’m expecting the definition of “fully vaccinated” to change soon to only 3+ doses.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

I’m gonna go with 2022 as, oddly enough, the Year of Living Coofingly for this reason. You and I may be sick to death of Covidism, mandates, and all the rest of it. That’s because we’re sane, productive (when not being forcibly idled) and have come up with our own reasons to keep the shotgun out of our mouths. Most people aren’t so lucky. Every society needs to offer the masses two main things – a moral order, and an economic system they can participate in. Traditional Western society had Christianity for the former and simple subsistence for the latter.… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

The Covid train is nuts. The Media/NGO industrial complex has found out that they cut the cords to the brakes and the sharp narrative pivots they’ve planted in the NYT and CDC have only galvanized the Covidians.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Very simply, if the money train dries up for covid, the Health Care Industry will stop. They are only onboard now because it is so heavily subsidized. If it starts costing them money, they’ll get over it real quick.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

The sickcare industrial complex is kind of terrifying.

In almost every metropolitan or micropolitan areas in the US, sickcare is always a top 5, usually top 3, and not infrequently the top employer in the area.

They know exactly why they refuse to talk about prevention, diet, exercise, and sleep.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Also, the sickcare industrial complex is a major employer of the darker people, especially darker immigrants, legal or otherwise. To continue the replacement of our people they need these make work jobs for our replacements.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

It’s been obvious for a ridiculously long time that the medical innovations* that actually increased life span in the West were made generations ago and that some things that aren’t even “medicine” played a huge role as well. Those things being the availability of fresh food in the off season, knowledge of the value of vitamins and minerals, and the advent of modern sanitation so that shit and piss wasn’t running in the streets. That stuff was also paid off generations ago and requires maybe $500/person/year to maintain. The other 9 quadrillion dollars worth of “medicine” is to keep us… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago

Antibiotics are a big one too.

But yeah, as you said, sanitation improvements are big.

I don’t overthink it, just stay active, don’t get fat, don’t drink excessively, don’t do drugs, don’t smoke. (80% of Americans seem to not be able to do this).

Antibiotics + better sanitation + basic health practices should be good enough to live into your 80s these days. Unhealthy people are living into their mid 70s now.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Everyone knows this stuff but the US population including the non Whites is aging. California is worried it will soon be a retirement aged state and that’s with massive immigration. This means a lot of sickness. Also a lot of people have bad DNA from bad breeding . I don’t think they even do basic blood tests anymore. This is why the push for immigration BTW, the migrant exporting nations are running out of people . Not India yet (its getting there) but our leader know the Indians will gladly replace them immediately as they did the Jews in Antwerp’s… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

It’s very possible the Flu World Order scheme just can’t work. It requires near universal compliance from the masses so that the dissenters can be tidily rounded up or left to rot with no access to goods or services. That means everybody has to go along with getting BOOSTED every 3-6 months with something that makes them sick. I just don’t think even a bare majority of people are willing to do this. Maybe 15%, the true believers, will do this but not even 51%. I think the idiots in charge actually believe in their modeling divination and the oracle… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

“Something like 50% in America are double vaxxed.” No reason whatsoever to believe these figures. Or ANY of their figures. ” … the stage is already set and new digital currencies will necessitate digital IDs and UBI / social credit schemes … .” ALL of those schemes rely TOTALLY on an UNFAILING supply of electricity. Which we don’t have. And aren’t going to. Nordstream II not approved by German Foreign Minister b/c “Russian aggression.” And Germany has gotten rid of their nuclear power supply. And JB shut down our oil pipeline. And fracking has run its course and is no… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

And without an UNFAILING supply of electricity, there ain’t gonna be no total-surveillance state. No digital “currency.” Precisely. This also means widespread QR code based jabport apps that call back to the server farms are untenable. And without fossil fuels, there cannot be windmills and solar panels. They can’t be manufactured or transported or put in place or maintained without fossil fuels. Innit amazing how, with all their pieces of paper, the watermelon death cult is simply unable to grasp this stark reality? There is not going to be a total-surveillance state. It’s just physically impossible. They literally don’t have… Read more »

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

California has a mask mandate for the next few weeks.

In big box stores a guy at the door enforces it and offers you a a mask if needed . A fair number of people just take them off inside or half ass it including staff.

Some places are utterly ignoring it.

Lots of regulations get passed and get ignored as they used to say in China, The Mountain is High and the Emperor is Far Away

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

Lucius Sulla: This x100000. Too many have too much invested. And you haven’t mentioned the teachers’ unions. And all of the corpocracy is on the masked and POXed gravy train. WEF and others are not going to just say ‘ok’ and go home when they’ve made so much progress.

Big question is when/if genuine numbers start coming out about the White children with heart disease, although the med books and websites have already been rewritten to show that’s always been a traditional child’s ailment.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Amazing how no one asks any questions.

A school for under 10s near me just installed a new defibrillator and no one thinks to ask WTF is this for?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

tOtAlLy nOrMaL!

Brought to you by Pfizer.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan peers ahead. […]

2 years ago

* Biden dies

* Democrats will rediscover Hillary

* Public discussion about merging with Mainland China will start surfacing in Taiwan and getting serious consideration

* Swedes will elect record number of non-Europeans into their parliament

* Another part of Ukraine will formally join Russia and the US will be unable to do anything about it.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

I never thought I’d say this, but Hillary would probably be a better option than either Sloppy Joe or Harrisite. At least she doesn’t have dementia.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Remember those videos from 2016, where Hillary was strangely shaking and stumbling or looking around like her head contained nothing but retarded farts?

Now 2022 is coming and she is still the same old cunt without any apparent health issues.

Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

Watch them bring the Lightbringer himself back as VP.