The Myth Of Meritocracy

Note: The Monday Taki post is up. Not related to the topic of the day, but a topic that is becoming more important every day. The Sunday podcast is up behind the green door and it is mostly about the struggles of Mumbly Joe and his crew.

Marilyn Mosby has been the State’s Attorney for Baltimore since 2015, despite the fact she has been under federal investigation for years. A federal grand jury indicted her last week on two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements on loan applications for two Florida vacation homes. Mosby applied for loans against her retirement account, exploiting a CARES Act provision for those hurt financially by the Covid-19 panic, despite never having been affected.

These may seem like petty charges, but as is often the case with public corruption investigations, this is the opening gambit in a broader investigation. Mosby’s husband has also been living under a dark cloud for years.  He is the current President of the Baltimore City Council.  The two of them owe the IRS over $45,000 in back taxes, despite making close to half a million a year from the city. Their lifestyle does not comport with what their financials indicate.

For her part, Mosby is promising to fight. She claims the charges are a plot by her political opponents and, of course, the invisible army of white supremacists that secretly control this racist society. The fact that Baltimore is 70% black and the political establishment in the city is 100% black does not matter. Mosby has been doing the rounds, claiming she is innocent and playing the race card. It is the usual theater of the absurd that has come to define city politics.

Public corruption is part of politics and it seems to be much more common in democratic politics. The salary for elected officials is low relative to the people who underwrite their political careers. Unlike all the other entertainment businesses, the stars of politics do not make the majority of the box office. It is the wealthy donors and lobbyists who benefit the most, so there is a natural resentment and a temptation to take a little more than what is allowed.

Compounding this arrangement is the fact that corruption is often permitted, if you are in the right part of the business. The Congressman who represents Mosby in Washington is allowed to trade on insider information, for example. He can take information known only to members of Congress, use it to front run the stock market. From the perspective of local politicians, this must seem terribly unfair, which only adds to the culture of corruption and the temptation to steal.

All that aside, Mosby is a good example of how the concept of a meritocracy does not hold up in a multicultural society. She is not in the job because of her sterling legal career or because she has done important things for the community. She was placed in the job because it looked good for her benefactors. In fact, this is the story of her life from grammar school to now. Mosby has been pushed along by the desire for salivation by members of the managerial elite.

Mosby was born and raised in Boston. Both of her parents were police officers and her grandfather was a policeman. He was one of the first black cops in the city, part of a program to boost the fortunes of black people in the city. She was sent to nice public schools as part of a program to boost the fortunes of black students. The METCO program is designed to get black students into college by placing them in predominantly white high schools outside the city.

Even though Boston has many colleges that love METCO students and New England is full of well-regarded liberal arts colleges, Mosby wound up at Tuskegee, a private historically black college in Alabama. Then by some miracle she wound up at Boston College Law. Despite graduating from one of the better law schools in the country, she could not find a paid position. Then by another miracle, she hooked on as Assistant State’s Attorney for Baltimore, a city with which she has no connections.

Mosby’s tenure as State’s Attorney for Baltimore, a position she has held since 2015, is charitably described as amusingly inept. During the Freddy Gray crisis, she often appeared disoriented at press conferences. She then declared jihad against the police department and over-charged the cops involved. The police department stopped arresting bad guys, crime shot up and the case against the cops collapsed. In time it may be seen as the peak of her political career.

The fact is Mosby should never have been put in this position. She is not qualified for the job and has no connection to the city. She was placed here because her sponsors thought she ticked certain boxes and she did not ask too many questions. Like Mortimer and Randolph from Trading Places, they thought they could make her a national political figure for reasons that had nothing to do with the public good. Merit had nothing to do with her getting placed in this position.

Defenders of this system will say that lots of white males benefit from connections and favors in their career. Private colleges, for example, give special consideration to legacy applicants, which is often affirmative for rich white people. Politics has always been a game of connections. You make the right friends who then help you along the way on the promise you will help them when the time comes. Mosby, some would argue, is just what is to be expected in a diverse democracy.

While true, it is not a defense of meritocracy or even diversity. In fact, it acknowledges that objective merit has no role in a liberal democracy. Instead, it is about the spring of democracy, which is morality. Those who champion the prevailing orthodoxy are rewarded while those who do not are excluded from the halls of power. Mosby was good for the new religion of diversity and inclusion, so she was handed the winning lottery ticket in the game of life.

In fairness, the ruling class of America does concede this. They are always going on about how success is the result of privilege. If you are born with the right characteristics, you get opportunities denied to others. The problem, of course, is this puts the lie to the foundation of managerialism. Rule by expert does not make any sense if the experts are just the product of random chance. If Mosby is the legal expert for the city, then what is the point of having rule by expert?

Mosby is just a minor figure in the provinces, but the entire political structure is built on this feeder system. Managerialism is supposed to select for and promote the very best, but instead it selects and promotes the most fashionable at the moment. Such a system cannot survive contact with reality for very long. When rule by expert becomes rule by bourgeoise social fashion, disaster is waiting to happen. It is why the future of managerialism is a city like Baltimore.

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2 years ago

Do you read Alastair Mcintyre? This recent set of material seems very similar to his critiques of weberian bureaucracy.

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

“Such a system cannot survive contact with reality for very long.” I would have agreed until recently – it’s tempting to believe the system will reset naturally, but you have to factor in the fact that western civilisation has become effete, gone soft – it may well have run its course. That dates back to Christ and the twaddle about the meek inheriting the earth but it really started the day women were given the vote. The result has been the inflation of control within the system. Too much, spread too wide, leads to meltdown. Authoritarianism is the crude way… Read more »

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

This is the problem with evolutionists. They believe in a cold, dispassionate universe, selecting for the superior, until it comes to the rest of life.

2 years ago

Totally unrelated, haven’t even read today’s take.
Just want to announce(brag) two of my three sons and I spent the day at the rifle range.
Spending MLK day at the range is one of our family traditions. We feel it is very important to hone marksmanship, shake out equipment, ammunition etc.. regularly however this day is. Especially important to our family, it’s our values it’s who we are.

2 years ago

Concerning meritocracy. One of my kids is a .01%er. He got got national recognition in the Duke talent identification program (tip). They give 7th graders the act and select the top %. The idea is spread out the scores of the top % so they can identify the really outstanding kids. The scores tend to stack up at the top when they take it as a senior. We went to the ceremony. Maybe 500 faces. About what you’d expect lot of white with considerable #s of Indians and East Asians. I did note one light-skinned black girl. Lolz, she looked… Read more »

Reply to  SidV
2 years ago

You are justifiably proud..
To me one of the best thing about having kids like that is you will not have to worry about them as far as them being able to take care of them selves other kinds of worry never ends. It would be a hellofalot less if we didn’t live in clown world.

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

Lolz, don’t be so sure about the worry. He sorta takes after me. If he slips up and utters the n or k word in the present environment it could ruin him. Also he came home from New Years with a black eye from brawling. I have inoculated him somewhat. I gave him a Jewish first name (think mordechai) and a Portuguese middle name Montoya. Our surname is an anglo occupational one. I also instructed him to check Hispanic at every opportunity. Actually it was funny, when his test scores came in, brandeis university started pestering the hell out of… Read more »

2 years ago

The television only portrays strong, independent wimminz. The real-life woman leans heavily on her male assistants. They proffer advice, describe things in an understandable way, and help her out of binds she got in herself. That’s how corporations with female CEOs are run. It’s how Queen Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great managed to sit in the saddle of their patch of the earth. Some of the advising men were even taken as lovers, all the better for the crucial issue of trust of the source of the information being given to you. A real-life woman would have no use… Read more »

2 years ago

American medical schools today are choosing students using the same criteria Baltimore used in choosing Mosby.

2 years ago

She’s where she is because she’s not White and because she’s a she. Just like Kamala.

2 years ago

I take a different view. It would appear that the very worst people are being promoted. It’s a reverse meritocracy, find the least competent person you can and put them in charge. Over, say the last 5 years, can you name one organization or public entity that hasn’t covered themselves in excrement? With the pandemic business alone, would you have ever suspected that the CDC and FDA was filled with talentless jerkoffs? The fact that the main prosecutor for that area commits stupid criminal tricks is not a surprise. As if no one was going to find out she did… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

I don’t know whether “BioLeninism” is really a thing, but suspect so.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Allen
2 years ago

“As if no one was going to find out she did those deals.”

Ass though it would make any diff if they did. “She didn’t mean to” was made an acceptable defense on 5 July 2016.

The Greek
The Greek
2 years ago

Off topic, but I’m sure the crowd here will appreciate it. In the news, Sandy Cortez has come out and said that she’s had the coof and how bad the virus was and how much she suffered. Coincidentally, this comes a week or two after she was photographed in Florida living it up without a mask. This, she had to show the true believers that she suffered for her sins and was punished. Thus, believers must remain vigilant! I mean, there’s little doubt that she never even got the virus, but has to do this to keep the faithful happy… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

“It’s really remarkable these days how much we’re lied to.”

And it’s even more remarkable how cheesy the lies are. They’re not even remotely believable.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan dispels some illusions. […]

2 years ago

Zman, excellent post at Takis. I was particularly struck by your accurate prediction that “The American Empire will not rest until the Rainbow flag flies over the Kremlin.” While many readers will think you’ve exaggerated for affect, I agree with your prediction and believe you made it in all seriousness. Recently read a somewhat heavy-handed short, satirical fiction set in real time, with ultimate villain “Rosos” (i.e. Soros) and the Han pulling strings behind the scenes, while female bureaucrats threaten businessmen with bankruptcy and keep files on everyone in the name of “harm reduction” during “troublesome times.” Nothing particularly great… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I also noticed that line and could hardly suppress a ‘Go, Vladi!’ reading it. We are faced with wickedness unsurpassed in the annals of human perversion. And I look forward to p*ssing on their graves one day, if you’ll excuse my language ma’am.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I’d say that’s a big difference between Z and Steve Sailer. Sailer notices things but either can’t or won’t connect the dots.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Take note of primary areas of purported concern. State Department officials have criticized Russia over LGBTQ issues but are oddly mute when it comes to China and most Muslim countries. It is particularly risible that many if not most of the criticisms of Russia are overt public policy in the United States, de facto is not outright de jure.

The Thing in D.C. has absolutely no moral, ethical or legal authority to criticize any other capitol.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Not so sure about the “no one going hungry” in the US. Inflation changes everything. It’s incredibly difficult to tame. The last bout of inflation in the 1970’s took decades to tame. 30 yr fixed mortgage rates over the decades: 1970’s (early) = 7% 1970’s (late) = 11.2% 1980’s – maxed out at 16.63% 1990’s (early) – 10.13% 1990’s (late) – 6.94% 2000’s – 5% 2010’s – 4-5% 2021 – 3.7% So tight money policies under Regan and Volcker reigned in inflation, but it was a decade of pain for anyone who needed to borrow money for a house or… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

The fact that interest rates were dropping doesn’t mean there was no inflation. The costs of homes, autos and education increased dramatically from the 70s straight through the 90s with no slowdown and beyond. They simply changed the way they measured inflation over the decades to hide the sausage. Everyone knew that even before 2008 most things were dramatically more expensive than they were in 1980 and wages had risen along with them, though not enough to make up for it on the high ticket items. Making money “more expensive” through higher interest rates had little to do with the… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

The payday loan places continue to pop up. Who owns them? What are their terms? I’m too uninterested to check. Plus, I already know the answer. Bad people and bad.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

“He has the government seed every private business with compliance officers, set up a force of private ‘citizen soldier snitches, control all movement and communication, ration food, and ultimately blow up Congress to prove the danger of right-wing terrorist wreckers.”

Food rationing is already a present reality. Those little stickers on grocery store shelves that limit “2 to a customer” — that’s rationing.

2 years ago

I was having a conversation last night with some hockey buddies (which could easily be code for a bunch of white guys…). We all agreed that history will show that one of the great crimes of our age was turning magnificent cities like San Francisco, London, Paris, etc, etc, into complete shitholes. Those places used to be beautiful in their unique ways and were fun to visit. For a great many, they were fun, exciting places to live.

Not any more. It is just sad.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

Not only fun and exciting but they were great places to raise children, which is something almost impossible to imagine today. All those lines of houses, like the ones famously pictured in “Full House” were normal homes for normal families. What were tenements a century ago have become luxury housing and the tenements made today are designed like college dorms and are literally made out of concrete and/or sawdust.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

San Francisco is in a class all ot its own when it comes to poopiness.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Let’s peel the final layer from the onion, if we dare, and make a profound statement. Mosby is as natural to liberal democracy as a fish is to water. Mosby isn’t the problem, democracy is the problem. One day humanity will throw off this vile, dysgenic yoke, and one will be able to drive from Anchorage to Buenos Aires, and Vladivostok to Lisbon, without passing through a single democracy. And the world will be better for it.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

JR Wirth: Yes, democracy is a core problem, but Mosby and non-White populations in White lands represent a separate and equally core problem, which would remain even without democracy.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Very true. But it was democracy that gave them both license and power, and it’s democracy that’s exacerbating this very demographic time bomb.

2 years ago

any of you guys familiar with Steven Pinker? You could argue he is the Christopher Lasch of the boomer generation. He wrote a book ten or fifteen years ago called “our better angels” which talked about how all the bad things that have historically plagued societies are at a historic low. But I feel the past few years have sort of exposed flaws in his thesis. Charles Murray wrote a book ten years ago about Belmont vs Fishtown and how Belmont has higher levels of marriage and lower levels of crime and drug use and how we should aspire to… Read more »

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Its hard for me to even want to consider Pinker anymore given he posted an incredibly cringe video of him dancing & celebrating when Biden was “declared” the winner. And maybe that signifies in a way why his thesis was flawed.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
2 years ago

well to be fair – a lot of people (or at least myself) thought that Biden winning would be a calming effect for the country. After all, there wouldn’t be Trump to kick around anymore and all the hyperventilating would go away.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Every day must be a pleasant surprise for you.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Respectfully, I have no idea why people really thought this would occur. There was no evidence to suggest it IMO.

Johny Tight Lips
Johny Tight Lips
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

I’d say we’re all familiar with Mr. Pinker.

“The blank slate is a myth, but I shall go on engaging with and pretending to live in my own little egalitarian world that has nothing to do with genes or DNA or IQ. Also, the soul is not real.” – Dr. Steven “Noam Chomsky is wrong” Pinker.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Johny Tight Lips
2 years ago

Would that be Steven Pinker or (((Steven Pinker)))?

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Neglect =\= lower maintenance.

2 years ago

My read on Mosby is a little different than Zman’s. Mosby is a younger Kamala Harris. Its true her Dad was a Boston cop etc. but I think her professional story perhaps went something like this: she was ambitious from the start but she was just working some low-level job when her looks caught the eye of some dirty old man black politician. That got her started up the ladder. Once she in the system, the media and the white elite noticed her and started celebrating her. She got linked up with the Soros money and then elected far above… Read more »

Reply to  commenter
2 years ago

Mosby’s dad was a bent cop (during a time when the BPD was knows as “the most corrupt police department in America”) who was fired for shaking down drug dealers. He sued for reinstatement but was ultimately dismissed for failing drug tests.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Cut and paste this to the “experts” at the Pentagon who think a conflict with Russia would be a good option. Including the shi t-for-brains who lost 70 pounds to run for President.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

It is hard to believe that our supposed rulers could be heading down a path of war over Ukraine.

But the more I study the years leading up to the Great War, the more I realize it is not only possible, but likely.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
2 years ago

I dunno, feels like the Georgian conflict all over again. NATO will wake up one morning and find out the “war” is already over.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 years ago

The issue is that the dummies in DC are like Travolta’s character in Broken Arrow and they’ll go nuclear saying,

“Eff ’em if they can’t take a joke!”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Now that GWOT has wound down the brass that survived Obama seem to think nuclear war is winnable. God help us.

2 years ago

Ah, Mosby (X2)… Used to be, there were no vibrants that went through this old mill party of the city (“Don’t go there, the KKK has their headquarters in that neighborhood” was a very common saying). Of course, we had (have) our own meth heads and pretty crime… The Mosby pair then started to sweep into the neighborhood regularly and frequent a high-falutin’ restaurant on the street. I used to run into their security detail. Then, Nick staged all sorts of videos in our alleys for promotion (which were clean and where he had to actually place trash to make… Read more »

2 years ago

People can talk about meritocracy or lack thereof in Democratic sh@thole cities and states all they want, but here is a basic fact. The United States is likely collapsing just like the Soviet Union did. We can exit the world stage either peacefully, or be mired in a civil war fomented by the crooks in our own government. Right now I would say a civil war has a high probability. But when it does go down, none of the “educated” and fake meritocracy scammers will have the the survival skills to survive an imperial collapse. They will likely simply pull… Read more »

2 years ago

Excellent point that managerialism sans meritocracy is doomed to produce sucky outcomes. I wonder if Burnham included diversity in his thought? If not it would seem to scramble the predictive power of his model… I suppose the managers that took over were an older stock and then they replaced themselves with vibrancy because they were already anti white. Regardless of what Burnham did or didn’t say (I don’t know), this is clearly something to keep in mind when we discuss our managerial class. I’m certain that Huxley and his caste of technocrats weren’t envisioning folx like The Honorable Justice Sotomayor… Read more »

2 years ago

There is be no clickytext in the article to the Taki post:

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

Likely nothing in it that hasn’t been said before. However, and perhaps it’s just the way the words were arranged on the screen, or my current state of mind – it really struck a chord in me. In particular – and all that the symbolism would represent: “The American empire will not rest until the rainbow flag flies over the Kremlin”.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

Yeah, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

The Zman is very, very good at his craft.

2 years ago

Great Taki piece. It’s interesting and important to learn about what is happening in Russia. I spoke with a gentleman from Germany who is visiting family here in the US. We spoke about Merkel and the recent elections there. He told me that his city is unrecognizable. His nephew recently had his coat stolen and they learned that this is not uncommon. Newly arrived immigrants are assaulting kids on the streets. The refugee welcome centers are inundated with donations of winter gear and food. It’s just easier to grab a German kid as he’s walking along and rip the coat… Read more »

Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

Western elites are destroying their own nations. Before COVID, whites kept grilling and chilling. They can ignore the diversity as long as they can keep the hedonism going. Now they’ve taken away entertainment (and in the case of the usa ruined it with wokeness) and we’re still left with the vibrancy. Dunno about Germany, but Canada is now experiencing mass white flight out of Toronto and Vancouver areas – barely reported on by the media (and “people” are fleeing for purely economic reasons, of course). I can’t tell if this is a hostile takeover, an NWO conspiracy, or just the… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Gen Z will be the first to live their entire lives inside this hellscape, as millennials were coddled but still had a view of a reasonably cohesive social landscape. It will be a surprise if Gen-Z ends up with a birthrate above 1.0, even with the added diversity.

The powers that be will double down by pushing more immigration and terrorizing parents with demands to propagandize and brainwash their children.

Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

German is what we would call in America a Democrat Sh@thole State.
Many of our states are that as well, and then there are many who don’t go with the program. That in itself is a good indicator of what side the states will be on, and what new country they will eventually take a part in its creation. Those poor Germans are so uniform in their behavior and outlook, the whole country will go down and there will be no place to go.

Unconcerned citizen
Unconcerned citizen
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

I’m not German but you are kidding yourself if you think Germany is as dissolute as Dem states.
Germany is still a functioning country which does not have close to the crime levels of American cities. Same with litter as well. There isn’t some physical law that says if the US is falling apart all European countries must be worse.

Although I will state the obvious and admit all western European countries are worse than they were in the ’90s.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

Yes the Taki piece was good. We have now come 180 degrees morally from the Cold War. How incredible…

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

“The bars and restaurants which were forced to shut down due to lockdowns have been converted into makeshift testing centers.”

“They” are harvesting everybody’s DNA.

2 years ago

“Mosby has been pushed along by the desire for salivation by members of the managerial elite.“

She’s a piker. The best example of the concept has got to be President Obama and his wife, Michael. Never has one with so little talent been pushed to such a great height in a democracy. To find something even remotely comparable, you need to look to an aristocracy.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago


Never gets old.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

I prefer “Big Mike” the most.

Reply to  Valley Lurker
2 years ago

Big Momma Michelle

2 years ago

I know METCO well. What astounds me is why Mosby didn’t attend (get handed admission to) one of Metro Boston’s prestigous colleges and, even more, why she couldn’t secure a lucrtative starting position at a Boston law firm given that B.C. law school was falling all over itself to promote its Black graduates while Boston law firms were saying to Black law school grads, “If you can walk and chew gum, we’ve got a spot for you.” We used to openly joke about it.. And why are they bothering her now? Nobody cares about these sorts of crimes. She must… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

“There’s gotta be more to the story.” The most obvious answer is there are certain areas off limits to everyone except the players, and banking and financial sectors loom large as off limit areas. Remember GameStop? The freaking FBI went out and investigated the kids who bought up shares and messed up the usual suspects’ short scam. Although one of the Bureau’s lesser sins in recent years, it was among the trashiest. Granted, there may be some Inner Party conflicts beneath the surface, but sometimes a cigar is a cigar. Mosby is not the right ethnicity to defraud banks without… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

It may be that she has some connection to Kamala.
This is either a warning shot, or an opening salvo, by the Hilario faction.

They’ll just give Nordstrom-Americans another holiday and pinkie-swear that Stacy’s getting her shot at a historical first.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Seems to me that if she went to an HBCU, she might very well be actually talented. HBCUs don’t have to load up with affirmative action diversity, because they are already diverse (diverse meaning not White). Although I recon it”s possible that with the regular universities luring away the talented tenth, HBCUs may be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

tarstarkas: “Although I recon it”s possible that with the regular universities luring away the talented tenth, HBCUs may be scraping the bottom of the barrel.”

It’s the latter. Without affirmative action, perhaps 2% of the noggers in college now would qualify on their own merits. Even with college today equal to a good high school 30 years ago, most of them can’t manage to graduate in four years or with a degree in anything other than ‘studies.’ If they attend a HBCU it’s because they were too stupid to even get offered a free ride anywhere better.

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

“If you can walk and chew gum, we’ve got a spot for you.”

Yeah, maybe you’re giving her too much credit.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

walk OR chew gum

Reply to  imbroglio
2 years ago

Having worked at one of the big “white shoe” Boston law firms, I can tell you they mostly hire from the pool of summer associates that have worked for them since they were 1L’s. If your grades aren’t good enough as a 1L to land a summer associates job, you should save your money. Or, I suppose, if you meet certain criteria, go in for political activism.

2 years ago

At least when this (former) country was vast majority White, progress of every sort was possible – even with nepotism etc., because smart people did get things done and got ahead. Now, with the degraded population, this is no longer the case and has been for a while. It’s obvious to figure that any jogger or mystery meat in an “elite” position outside of some athletics is absolutely an AA hire – entirely due to skin color, sex or what have you. And as usual, service and product quality fall off the charts – in a bad way of course.

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

A precondition of Meritocracy is a populace that values
talent, industry, and accomplishment as a collective good.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“When rule by expert becomes rule by bourgeoise social fashion, disaster is waiting to happen. It is why the future of managerialism is a city like Baltimore.” And the future of managerialism is large urban areas with predominantly dark complexions. What has always confounded me is why would the elite chose negroes over more productive and intelligent races. I mean, when you have very few of their number that can actually maintain a first-world standard, you eventually end up with a world of Idiocracy, a world where the buildings are held together with duct tape and bungee cords, where the… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Hasn’t it always been?

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

That statement stood out to me also: “When rule by expert becomes rule by bourgeoise social fashion, disaster is waiting to happen. It is why the future of managerialism is a city like Baltimore.”

I understand ZMan point, but disaster ‘waiting’ to happen? By most any standard I can think of – the waiting is over, it has already happened. The questions now might be: how much worse will it get, can it be cleaned up, and is anyone(s) out there willing to even try (let alone succeed)?

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

So far the elite have not felt the pinch wrt eliminating/reducing the White race in favor of minorities. They have money, and with money can obtain the dwindling reservoir of remaining (White) talent. Add to that the importing/supplementing with talented minorities (right side of the Bell Curve) and you produce a bubble that from the inside looks solid.

Everything however depends on the Critical Fraction. If the theory holds, then it’s just a matter of time until the conditions of decline break though their bubble. This may take many decades as we are witnessing in South Africa.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

A way to test that would be to compare Argentina, who’s currency collapsed in 2001.

At what point along the curve are they 20 years later?

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

The general problem is that the elite caste is inherently dysgenic. Their kids are stupid and unqualified to run things, but they have to pretend that liberal democracy is meritocratic, so they need a way to defend their status from high IQ middle class interlopers. Traditionally that was accomplished by denying educational opportunities to peasants, but that would screw up the college scam. So the solution they’ve come upon now is to replace the white middle class with people who can’t compete for elite status. Blacks and Hispanics are blocked by IQ, and Asians and Indians are too short to… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“Somewhere in their imagination, the elite believe that you can actually swap a White civilization for a black, or darker-hued, civilization and the end result will be the same.”

No, I think that these WEF people *know* that the only people able to stop them–to thwart their plans–are white European societies, which is why they have to be “neutralized.”

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Two things: 1. There are two levels of elite. The managerial positions and the ruling positions. Soros or Chuck Schumer would be an example of the managerial positions. No one really knows the identities of those that call the shots. They keep to the shadows. If TSHTF, Soros and Schumer might lose their heads. The rulers won’t. 2. I think they are a little less afraid of White European stock everyday. I think a lot of what they do is experimental and takes the form of “Let’s try this and see what they do.” “Let’s see how long they’ll wear… Read more »

Florida Man
Florida Man
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

Dude. Soros is a billionaire hedge fund manager. He does not work for somebody higher up the chain.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
Reply to  Florida Man
2 years ago

Yes he does. You know Soros’ name. I believe Orwell used the pseudonym Emmanuel Goldstein for the eternal bogeyman. Soros is one of them for the right, Trump is one for the left. You can also tell who is higher up on the food chain by how much they pay in taxes. Those with “real control” don’t have to pay taxes. They just tell their minions what to do, but don’t own things on paper. They control through shell companies.You don’t recognize this. Yet.

Reply to  Florida Man
2 years ago

it won’t let me reply to AWM but the new emmanuel goldstein is klaus schwab. Am I the only one who gets a weird cult leader vibe to him?

2 years ago

Today’s post is an anecdote about the systemic rot that exists within our system of government, and the concurrent demise of robustness that ultimately makes it terminally fragile. The Soviet Politburo collapsed for similar reasons, and did so at lightning speed. More importantly, this rot also exists within the Jackboot Corp that guards the Citadel. It used to be that you had to qualify as a serious bad ass in order to get accepted into guard units like the Stasi and HLS. But that hasn’t been the case for a couple of decades now, and today those ranks are mostly… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

The hard-knocks white guys are still around but they know better than to give an opinion about anything. They are not going anywhere but they also don’t run things anymore. Something similar is going on in civilian world: for example at companies where I’ve worked, the nerdy but reliable, honest white engineer (e.g. Clark Griswold) is still among us, but he is no longer likely to become top management. Just as the military is no longer run by fighting men, the business world is no longer run by technicians or loyal salarymen. There’s an overclass now of faux-expert MBAs, finance… Read more »

Reply to  commenter
2 years ago

Agreed, but the rot is real and the Citadel is much more fragile than the MSM will allow to be revealed. That is the valuable intel. Badmouthing the idiots infesting the managerial ranks is just venting (good for the soul I guess), but not really actionable.

Reply to  commenter
2 years ago

Not disagreeing, but the Indian situation is perhaps a bit more complex. India as a country has a lower IQ (83) than most others—yet has nukes, their own fighter airplanes, and any number of trappings of a 1st world country. How? Well they have a caste system and their higher castes are their brighter bulbs. But they represent only a small fraction of the population. Prior to the 21st century, and especially after the British left, India drove off its best and brightest who immigrated to capitalist countries where their skills were rewarded. India was mired after independence in fairly… Read more »

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

“Even though Boston has many colleges that love METCO students and New England is full of well-regarded liberal arts colleges, Mosby wound up at Tuskegee, a private historically black college in Alabama. Then by some miracle she wound up at Boston College Law. Despite graduating from one of the better law schools in the country, she could not find a paid position. Then by another miracle, she hooked on as Assistant State’s Attorney for Baltimore, a city with which she has no connections.” Speaking for myself: it’s generally considered that METCO is by and large a joke. Students are privileged… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

The difference is that there is still an overclass of old WASPs, lace-curtain Irish and successful (formerly) North-End Italians running Boston behind the scenes. Contrast this with Baltimore, where the old overclass has just given up and moved to Florida or out of Baltimore County. The aggressive Md. tax authorities even make rich Marylanders resign their club memberships, charity Boards etc. to prove they have left the state. It’s been a deliberate policy. So you end up with a “hollowed out” city with no white adult supervision. And things naturally go to hell from there. When things hit rock bottom,… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Detroit’s election of a white mayor was fascinating and of course completely under-reported.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

Imo the best hope of diversity is that it stokes Yankee provincialism into a conflagration. That would be a real wonder and probably America’s best chance. Whatever happened to the northern aristocrats? Where are the witch trials?

Don’t get me wrong, there’s much to admire about the South, but there’s not enough crazy down there 🙂

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

I’ve always wondered what goes through the mind of the hateful anti-white aliens like the mayor of Boston. I try picturing myself moving to Japan or Taiwan or China (not sure what exactly her country is) and complaining endlessly about “Chinese privilege” and how “we” need to fix China. Or getting elected (which would never happen) and start passing laws to increase crime and hurt the Japanese people. Just wouldn’t happen. Even if Japan had open borders for white people and large enclaves were forming there, I wouldn’t give a crap about what their own traditional ways are. Not gonna… Read more »

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

They’re wonderful neighbors by and large and make for a great student body to improve your quanatative test data. But they’re even worse then the pale faces when it comes to phony altruism. That East Asian initiative often wears off after two generations. A teacher at a school in Boston was nearly beaten to death and the DA and Mayor “No one but two c@cks_ck@” Wu actually claimed the student was ALSO the victim. Idiot.

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

Then they can be great neighbours and improve the quantitative test data of their own countries.

For me, they’re actually not great neighbours, especially once every single English sign vanishes at every mall and store, and all their houses are investment vehicles for foreign money laundering, fentanyl cash and God knows what else.

And their kids are anti white lunatics.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  B125
2 years ago


Fair enough. By what measure and compared to whom are they hostile to you and bad for your community?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

“I try picturing myself moving to Japan or Taiwan or China (not sure what exactly her country is) and complaining endlessly about “Chinese privilege” and how “we” need to fix China”

The only person to have done that to my knowledge is Doug MacArthur. Which illustrates a very important point; whites are being treated like a defeated people. In our own countries no less!! Give me Thor’s powers for two minutes and there’s gonna be a real show…[Shaking my head….]

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Lol, no kidding. MacArthur wanted to change the language itself to use roman characters instead of the kanji/hiragana/kaji tri-script written system the Japs use. There were signs the guy’s mental capacitites were diminishing prior to WW2, but that became unquestionable when he was prosecuting the war in Korea.

Nikolai Vladivostok
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

No, there is another:

He’s an American who constantly complains about Japan despite choosing to live there.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Ah, but there are foreigners who move to Japan and do just that – complain about Jap privilege if even indirectly. There were BLM protests here in 2020 (glow in the dark as the sun is bright, but it was also laughable the supposed turnout of 3000 people). Every once in awhile some gaijin, usually a woman, will melt down on Facebook over some thing they saw, and only saw because they went out of their way to see it.

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
2 years ago

For our friends: METCO is a program that places ~3K inner city Blacks and Hispanics (but not Asians or Whites) in thirty or so participating school districts in the ‘burbs. Selection to this program was always opaque. I’m sure it was just a coincidence that all the kids accepted had “connected” parents. /s Parents noticed and now it’s supposed to be by lottery. Then Covid happened. Time will tell.

2 years ago

“Mosby has been doing the rounds, claiming she is innocent and playing the race card. It is the usual theater of the absurd that has come to define city politics.”

Saw on another site she was doing the typical Diverse politician thing: Going to The Church. She should use Flip Wilson’s “Geraldine Defense”:

“The DEVIL made me do it, Honey!”

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Here in the Midwest we are waiting to see how quickly the $790 million dollar NFL settlement will be blown by the vibrants managing the city of St Louis. Covid money and now the NFL money has filled the coffers of city government. We are waiting for the BMW’s and Mercedes Benz’s appearances and the inevitable millions of dollars unaccounted for headlines.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

This sort of money is even worse than that. Throwing money at a crazed and useless population creates a multiplier effect of even more money being wasted cleaning up the destruction once the money runs dry. That 790 million price take will create several billion more in total financial losses from the city as a whole.

No worries though. They elected Cori Bush, and her sassiness will solve everything.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

The vibrants in Detroit turned Detroit from the “Paris of the West” to the “Lagos of the West” in less than a generation. The children of all those affirmative action union auto workers first screwed up the schools and then voted themselves into power with the worst of “African Dictator” level corrupt politicians. No amount of money can fix the problem. When I was born, my city, “Lagos on the Delaware” (Philly) was an economic powerhouse, though already in decline. By the time I was a teenager, it was bankrupt. The same is true across the United States. Pretty much… Read more »

Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

The house that I was brought home from the hospital to is now located on MLK Drive in the city where I was born. I was barely out of diapers when we moved.

Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

Philly is such a damned heartbreak. You can see how trim and beautiful those old neighborhoods used to be.

The white people who lived there weren’t rich, either, but they were certainly cultured.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

There is an old “suburb,” though still well inside of Philly not too far from me. There is a beautiful park with streets lined with trees and large 4 story mansions. Every single one of them is now broken up into multi-family dwellings and the park hosts drug dealers and prostitutes. Or all along “Germantown” Avenue, there were all these 3 story homes with store fronts and porches over top of the store fronts. What at one time was beautiful is now a ghetto and those porches are not even safe to stand on these days. Of course, there is… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Invest in tow trucks and repossession services. It has been documented when vibrants become flush with lucre, they still finance everything. The ending is predictable.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Open a Cadillac dealership, a car stereo/window tint joint, and a place that sells the tackiest, most ridiculous grillz, rimz, and vinyl tops.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Don’t forget Rent-A-Centers. Why buy an appliance or household goods’ when you can rent it weekly and pay 10x the actual cost of the item by the end of the 2-3 year contract. It’s the vibrant way.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  SwissGuard
2 years ago

I forgot to include a payday loan joint and rotgut liquor store with a big rack of menthol cigarettes.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Funny you should mention Covid bucks. Just this morning in my County, the morning radio jocks were reading the breakdown of the $200+ dollars the County has now officially spent of the Fed “relieve”largess. Top expenditures—example $3.1M—spent for a parking lot came up.

Ranking expenditures from most to least, by the time they got down to any line item even remotely related to Covid, it was for $500K for monoclonal antibody treatments. Basically the majority of the money has been piss’d away.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

> . Politics has always been a game of connections. You make the right friends who then help you along the way on the promise you will help them when the time comes My wife has two uncles who rose to elite status through marriage. One married a Chaldean woman that allowed him to make real-estate deals and contacts in their rich and incredibly insular communities. The other married a rich Jewish woman which increased his prospects several fold in the financial sector. These people live in lavish luxury, always have contacts willing to hire them, and have debutante balls… Read more »

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Even worse, the ruling class now actively destroys culture, arts and undermines productive traditional life. What charity they indulge in invariably comes with a stinger in its tail.

On a related note, the Grey Lady ran the ne plus ultra of toxic feminism this past week. As nihilistic views of motherhood go, it boggles the mind. In my best Hans Gruber voice, “I give you the NYT.”

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

“…the ruling class now actively destroys culture, arts and undermines productive traditional life”

That is exactly what it does. This system can’t fall fast enough.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Our older aristocracy—way back when—competed among themselves in displays of “civic virtue”. Today, they compete among themselves in wokeness—virtue signaling wrt the new “gods” of equality and equity. Having “mounted that tiger”, they dare not get off. They’ve in essence made a bargain by which they will be eaten last by their “pets”.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Nouveaux riche. It’s an old term for a reason.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
2 years ago

It’s inevitable that it comes to this with our local officials. There’s a great book worth reading called “Plunkett of Tammany Hall”. It’s the memoirs of a ward boss who ruled part of NYC in the late 19th century. His mantra throughout the book is “I seen my opportunities, and I took ’em.” But even a likeable scoundrel like Plunkett was able to distinguish between what he called honest graft vs dishonest graft. Plunkett thought graft was inevitable to politics but the end point of honest graft was that it enabled the politician to make a good living while still… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Basil Ransom
2 years ago

To borrow from Z, elected officials now are ornaments for the Ruling Class. So Plunkett now would an apparatchik living off gibs (i.e., today he would be Mosby), while the looting is conducted behind the scenes by the likes of Larry Fink. As for Mosby’s troubles, there has to be a reason beyond corruption and criminality. The most likely is she screwed with financial institutions. As you may recall from GameStop, even legal manipulation by non-Tribe members will get you a visit from their federal kapos. This is just a guess, and there may be more involved with Mosby, but… Read more »

Reply to  Basil Ransom
2 years ago

“But even a likeable scoundrel like Plunkett was able to distinguish between what he called honest graft vs dishonest graft. Plunkett thought graft was inevitable to politics but the end point of honest graft was that it enabled the politician to make a good living while still providing his constituency with core services that were the responsibility of government as represented by Tammany Hall.” In Chicago politics there is a phrase: “Pigs get fat, Hogs get slaughtered.” It’s a common enough phrase, but it means if you take enough not to get noticed, you can make a comfortable nest for… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Thanks for the trip down memory lane regarding the Strogers. I don’t recall ever thinking much about the old man, assuming he was corrupt like everyone else. Then Todd gets in, which was shady enough, but he laid bare how absurd the county government was due to him regressing to the mean from his father’s skills and smarts. They needed to get (I think) Preckwinkle in there to put a lid back on it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

That was a good call.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

She is the only possible end result of universal suffrage.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

First, your Taki piece was excellent. Further, it is important because the psychopaths in charge very well may bumble into a nuclear war, which will devastate those of us who are innocent right along with the ones who would richly deserve being turned to glass. It is terrifying, because in addition to insanity, the Managerial Class Westerners who are on this road also are quite stupid. This is the most immediate concern I have. That out of the way: “Mosby has been pushed along by the desire for salivation by members of the managerial elite.” Whether a typo or pun,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Good call. Put the earlier response in the wrong place.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
2 years ago

Legacy admissions are a fraudulent way of universities to prop up their old demographics without openly showing that their old population became liberal and failed to reproduce. It’s a way of covering up degeneracy, which is allowed because the most degenerate cities like San Francisco have the highest living costs and thus the highest nominal salary increases for graduates who move there. But in real terms so many university graduates end up childless, poor (after you correct for living cost manipulation in highly educated cities), and degenerate. Making legacy admissions a stupid racial issue is a limited hangout and part… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Anonymous Fake
2 years ago

Add to that the problem of genetic (IQ) reversion to the mean. This, of course bedevils the poor/black/etc. But also the white/powerful/rich. Even if two super-rich and/or successful gifted/geniuses meet and marry and have a brood of children, the laws of genetics say that their children will be closer to the norm of their race (presumably IQ=100) even if both parents were substantially smarter. The kids will tend to be at most, slightly above the mean. Of course, absent some calamity, the spawn will be guaranteed a comfortable life with trust fund, entre in to crony positions, etc. Oh yes,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Exactly, which is why legacy admissions are necessary for these types.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

This is the problem with credentialism and even things like awards. People come to mistake the credential for the thing and wear it like a cheap skinsuit. You see this at university and even high schools. You have all these social workers and “educators” pushing kids through because what they really need is that piece of paper. I once had a conversation with a social worker who told me we have to keep kids who are failing in school because otherwise they would starve because they rely on the district for breakfast and lunch. Hence, school is actually a day… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

“Hence, school is actually a day car center that issues credentials”.
I’m shocked. Can that really be true!?

Reply to  tarstarkas
2 years ago

The fallacy of the everyone must go to college to get a job is that—outside of government—you must be able to show an employer that you bring value to his business in excess of your salary. Once upon a time—not so long ago—the HS/college degree you held signaled to the employer your worth in excess of salary. Public policy, having flooded the market with worthless degree holders, has cheapened the value of *all* degrees held by recent graduates. (After your first job or two, formal education is meaningless to most hiring decisions.) Hence we commonly hear of “graduates” such as… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Yes, but if you have say, four children, then the odds of pushing out a “bright” one increases significantly. That one will be your legacy and the future heir to your fortune.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Genetic (IQ) reversion to the mean would go a long way in explaining Tainter’s collapse of complex societies.

Pampered dumkopfs would raise up dimmer darkies as no threat to their position, which is why AA is Tainter on steroids; the darkies don’t subscribe to such stupidity as “we’re all Americans!” and hire their own kin as no threat to *their* positions, so the ripple of stupid becomes a tidal wave.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Ben: that isnt the way genetics and breeding work. Regression to the mean requires random nonassortive mating. Plants and joggers do that, wasps with Ivy degrees do not.