Little Revolutions

Revolutions come when people suddenly realize that everyone else is privately thinking the same things about the current arrangements. Most people tend to keep their grievances private. Complaining is boring and considered bad form even in the worst of times, so people tend to keep their grievances to themselves. It is when they begin to notice that everyone else has similar complaints that the cascading effect turns complaints into demands and then into rebellion.

It is why the corporate communists who dominate the official social media platforms like Twitter are more deluded than they seem. Their entire public life is nothing but a litany of complaints, shared with other miserable wrecks on-line. They literally know everyone who shares their grievances, as they are all in the same groups. The only awakening that will happen from their endless griping is that the rest of society will realize that these people are nuts and need to be pushed back to the fringe.

A version of that took place a couple of weeks ago when Douglas Murray was assigned the task of purging Pedro Gonzalez. Murray took issue with Gonzalez making sport of various internationalist types on Twitter. Gonzalez was doing the “physiognomy is real” thing where he posted pics of the people he was mocking. Murray responded with, “Mr. Gonzalez spent his holiday weekend bringing what many have worked hard to relegate to the gutter into respectable conservative circles.”

This is an old stand-by for the neocons. Starting in the 1980’s they have slandered anyone who opposed their sociopathic agenda as anti-Semites or racists. The fact that the favorite tool of neoconservatism has always been the favorite tool of the far-left is not an accident. Despite their claims, the neocons were never conservative. Theirs is an ideology of the Left. They imagine a new world order where they sit atop as the moral arbiters, using extreme force to impose their will.

That incident was not all that interesting, but what is interesting is that few people bother to notice and those who did mocked Douglas Murray. His own comment section reads like satire cooked up by the anti-Semites. Many had to be trolls having a laugh at the expense of the geezers. On Twitter, Murray was mocked as a relic from an age in which people were still fooled by neoconservatives. Gonzalez just laughed the whole thing off as the rantings of an old man.

While a tempest in a teapot, there was a time when a bigfoot chattering skull like Murray could have someone thrown into the void this way. Bill Buckley was used this way back in the 1990’s when Bill Kristol forced him to denounce Buchanan. This trick worked thirty years ago but today it gets little more than a shrug. What people did notice is that it did not work. The ad hominem and guilt by association stuff is no longer the super weapon it was thirty years ago. The world has changed.

It is not just that these tactics do not work it is that they increasingly sound like the rantings of old people complaining about the world changing. This column from George Will before Christmas is a good example. His quill pen act was effective into the Bush years, but now it seems anachronistic and a bit ridiculous, like a man wearing a denim jacket with “disco forever” spelled out in rhinestones on the back. It reads like something that should have been written 40 years ago.

The tattered look of these old tactics also reveals the general shabbiness of the arguments behind the name calling. Will’s claims about individualism are pure nonsense and his claim that nationalism is collectivism is ridiculous. How did this man get through high school with such nonsense in his head? In other words, the datedness makes it easier to see that these people were never smart. Neoconservatism, like so-called conservatism, was a tactic, not a set of ideas.

It is not just among the chattering skulls that we are seeing a change. All of sudden, without anyone noticing, Gab is no longer the bogeyman. Hundreds of right-wing pols have joined and legitimate political players like Rasmussen have joined because they see that is where the crowd is going, the crowd they need to survive. People have noticed that the biggest players on the planet tried to destroy Torba and his company, but he simply refused to buckle to them.

Of course, this change in attitudes reflects the growing divide in society. Half of the people who voted for Joe Biden support internment camps for dissidents and house arrest for the non-complaint. Behind every double mask is someone who would volunteer to be a camp guard. One of the causes of revolution is that there is always some portion of society willing to support the regime. Disordered minds seek the order of the bloody fist imposing its will on society.

Those people, the fringe crazies who have been allowed to run free in the public square, are a fixture in human society. A central part of every human society is maintaining the rules that define the society. This means keeping the crazies under control and away from the levers of power. That is, perhaps, what we are beginning to see with these recent events. People are rejecting the moral claims of these people and living their lives in spite of them.

There is a great scene in the movie Braveheart in which the main character captures the leader of the kings guard. He looks down at first, as was required when addressing a superior man, but then he looks up into the man’s eyes as an equal. It is a great scene, because it reflects how control is exercised and broken. It seems that many are now willing to look moral scoundrels like Murray in the eyes and give them the treatment they so richly deserve.

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Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
3 years ago

Murray was simply making a point about decorum and good taste. I’m with him on that completely. Perhaps it’s a British thing. Takimag has long made fun of people’s faces and it’s always been childish and worthless. I assume it was Jim Goad who started it. I rest my case.

What’s with the insane over-reaction? From what I see, it’s characteristic of the right to be able to criticise each other fairly, and characteristic of the left to respond by taking offence and screeching. Sorry Zed but this piece sounds like the latter.

Reply to  Anson Rhodes
3 years ago

Indeed, it WAS Jim Goad at Takimag who displayed photos of ridiculous people with the passage “people who look like THIS.” Not in the best of taste, but “childish and worthless?” Hell no!

3 years ago

Bill Kristol did this to a lot of good conservatives. Ron Paul was so vastly superior to Kristol on foreign policy yet Kristol did everything to subvert him. Now Kristols temper tantrums do not work so well in the Republican Party. He foolishly thinks the Democrats will welcome him now.

3 years ago

THOSE photos were all Gonzalez could come up with regarding physiognomy? Let me quote the witch-woman from Robert E. Howard’s “Worms of the Earth”:
Do you blench at so small a thing? Stay and let me show you real fruits of the pits! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Image search “Dr Henry Morgantaler” (noted Quebec abortionist). I dare you.

3 years ago

The great Heartiste would have gone even further.

Rather than merely pushing the crazies to the fringes, he would have “exiled” them to the “cold, snow wastes.”

3 years ago

Murray is a smart man and a very intelligent writer, I’ve really enjoyed his work over the years. Over time I’ve thought of him less as a conservative and more of an intelligent Tim Pool. I wasn’t shocked to hear about his article on Pedro Gonzales, just disappointed. I’ve heard he’s spiked some stories too, that might make “them” look bad.
Academic Agent discusses Douglas Murray with a panel in his last Unpopular Opinions youtube show

Reply to  Willy
3 years ago

Academic Agent show was interesting. Thanks for the suggestion. Guys in the show (brits?) seem very familiar with Murray. They were not sympathetic to Murray’s attempted cancelation of Gonzales. The piece you reference regarding Pedro/Murray starts at 39:30 here.

If I were to do a who/whom analysis on Douglas Murray, his homosexuality and atheism make him a suspicious messenger.

3 years ago

Somewhat off topic: I don’t recall seeing this earlier but can’t imagine how I missed it – maybe it got lost amidst all the other noise and outrage – but Biden increased the gibsmedat army’s food ration by 25% last October. Keep an eye out for it to increase again this year.
Did everyone else see this and I somehow passed it by?

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

News to me, too.

Witch trials or collapse. Time for us to pick one 🙂

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
3 years ago

What’s too bad about this is Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe was a surprising important book for me in starting to more fully embrace bad thoughts. Hardly The Turner Diaries but for wavering normies as I was, good starting point for sure. Not surprised about who he is but still a mild bummer.

3 years ago

What a sorryass incident. Both Gonzalez throwing monkey poo and Murray hysterically overreacting. Big loser is Claremont, backing lightweights. Gonzalez is supposed to be in the idea/wordsmithing business. The only thing I’ve heard him say that’s original is his idea that Mexican immigrants will someday ally themselves with the white working class. It’s not a theory I’d put any money on, personally, as I see no evidence the Mexican middle class would turn down the welfare state for their relatives’ sakes, even if they are no longer in need of it personally. But that’s neither here nor there – I’d… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
3 years ago

I’ve hated George Will for decades. His phony-baloney stilted, pedantic speech pattern from 1962 radio ads…the tortoise shell glasses. Just a complete phony. But D.C. has always been full of them. They’re actors for the regime. Just as the regime has late night comedians, which can never be funny, the regime has sock puppet commentators like George Will or that c word Peggy Noonan, which is the female version of the Will sock puppet. Everything about them is contrived. Every word from their mouths is a Russian nesting doll with another lie beneath each shell. They’re fading away because the… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

“His phony-baloney stilted, pedantic speech pattern…”

And please, his blathering, along with that hag Kearns-Goodwin, in that leftist nerd’s “Baseball” mockumentary….

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Back when I was in high school the school subscribed us (the students) to Newsweek and George Will was about the only thing I would look forward to in that rag. That’s where con men like him can excel: young minds full of mush looking for something, anything, that isn’t rabid, insane leftism

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 years ago

I must say that even as a youngster I was put off by their pendantic pretentious affectation. Even though I didn’t know what those words meant at the time.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I have one good thing to say about George Will. He used to write Thanksgiving columns about all the ridiculous things that happpened during the year and they could be pretty funny. He once wrote, about some of the first ‘affirmative consent’ laws in Cali that he was wondering if the legislators that passed those laws, had ever had sex. But I haven’t read those columns in years and I don’t know if he still does them. Or now fills them with lectures on how ‘collectivist’ or ‘racist’ or ‘bad, very bad’ we are.

Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

I too used to be a George Will fan, but I drifted away—until today’s Z-man column. Wow, Will’s column in the WP is so much word salad. Unreadable to my current self. Whatever lies in the future, it won’t be led by George Will. He speaks to the dead and dying, but has little to tell the current generation.

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

IIRC, George Will lost his mind over Ronald Reagan back in 1980. Claimed he was some kind of right-wing extremist and threatened to leave the republican party should he get the nomination (sound familiar?). Do we really want to trust a man so easily given to hysterics?

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

A lot of that going around. I’ve had trouble finding “I’m not white, I’m Jewish!” videos of late. I know I watched them. Perhaps, I’ve become a delusional paranoic? Hard to tell.

Banana Boat
Banana Boat
Reply to  Sid
3 years ago

I remember watching a video on YouTube a few years back where a Canadian journalist talks about the possibility of a second American civil war. During the course of his speech, he relates a telling anecdote about republican pollster Frank Luntz. IIRC, Luntz privately told the journalist he thought the USA was doomed and he was considering buying a get away home in New Zealand, as were many other American politicians. Strangely, I can’t find that video anywhere despite repeated searches.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  JR Wirth
3 years ago

Every grown up white man sporting a bow tie should be disemboweled.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
3 years ago

Its an affectation from surgeons not wanting to trail their ties on sick people and academics who are just stupid cocksuckers.

3 years ago

I doubt anybody here remembers the second world war. But the level of unity the country had back then, even if the ultimate goal was for a bad end, was an example of social capital. We could have used that kind of social capital for COVID.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

“We could have used that kind of social capital for COVID…”

We have it. Instead of sheeple sending their sons off to die by the tens of thousands, they march around in snout coverings. Instead of not batting an eye when the government internet Japanese-Americans, as propaganda vilified them, they vilify the ‘un-vaxed’.

Same people. Same sheep. Different date on the calendar.

Reply to  Toadyouso
3 years ago

“interned” the Japanese-Americans…

Reply to  Toadyouso
3 years ago

When they get done with non vaxxxxxed, the term will be “interred” if they get their way.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
3 years ago

Perhaps an example of Social Capital, but also an example of “trust”. Hell, we had such until Vietnam. I remember hearing over and over about how we were “winning”, but that got stale after a few years. Toss in the Civil Rights Act and the influx of minorities and here we are. Social Capital lost in a sea of mistrust.

3 years ago

Pedro is one of my favorite people writing and commenting for our side. I always thought Murray is one of these guys who think they’re 63% smarter than they are. His longwindedness stinks of pedantry. Also, if this column is representative, the man is thoroughly unreadable.

We’ll see if Pedro appears on Tucker again. If so, and especially we never see the precious Murray on again, chalk up a win for our side.

Bob Brodie
Bob Brodie
Reply to  La-Z-Man
3 years ago

At first I read that as: “his longwindedness stinks of pederasty”. I can’t figure out whether I misread it or you made a typo!

3 years ago

Plus 100,000 points for yet again pointing to the mask as the ‘Totalitarian Tell’. And I mean this seriously. In all my nearly forty years on this Earth, I’ve never seen such a hive mentality from so many. And with such a visible indicator. As usual, round my way, the most fastidious maskers are white women – middle class, mainly. Working class whites of both sexes tend not to be as concerned. But man, do those middle class white women love their masks. Also, various organs, all keen to get with the New Order, have been releasing articles like “Study… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

Not sure most upper class people are fully onboard with the COVID agenda either, surprisingly. Mainly for selfish reasons though (can’t travel or spend money at fancy restaurants). They’re all vaccinated though and don’t really fight back against the insanity.

It’s basically tyranny of the midwits, controlled by the top 0.001% elites.

Use this opportunity to figure out who you can trust – and it’s more evident today than it’s ever been – and never forget.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  B125
3 years ago

From what I’ve seen, the upper class ignore the COVID restrictions when not on camera.

Reply to  c matt
3 years ago

Yep, and I suspect the higher up in the hierarchy, the less the Covid restrictions affect you and your lifestyle. You see these people shopping in Walmart? Do they have problems with child care or in-home schooling? Did they lose a job? Hell, they don’t even use the same medical facilities/care you and I do. I had an experience some time ago with a high level hospital and their concierge “service”. Long story short, I was informed as to how they treat their “special” customers. They literally will close off floors, schedule treatment and diagnostics in the dead of night… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

What the study really meant is that masks make ugly people look less ugly, if they have decent eyes.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 years ago

The Moo Mask is a levelling device. With all wearing masks, the beautiful woman is brought down to the level of the homely, and the homely elevated to the level of the beauty. What could be more amazingly egalitarian than that?!

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 years ago

The masks are Satanic, just like the pyramid and all seeing eye on your dollar bill. It’s a process, fuck em over, take all they got. Written clear as day in the talmud.

3 years ago

I’ve read this blog for years. Sometimes it’s even good. I’ve read George Will’s columns since the 1970s (although not so much lately). You can find reasons to disagree with things the man has written through a lifetime of opinion journalism, but no serious person with even the most superficial familiarity with his work would suggest the man is anything less than highly intelligent. In the post and the comments alike there’s no effort to engage with any of the points made in Will’s linked column. There’s not even any indication of an understanding of what those points are. Instead… Read more »

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago


Then I suggest you conduct a simple search in the bar above for “George Will.” Are you a regular listener too? The topic has been brought up previous as well.

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

First, he’s using a picture that has to be 40 years out of date. Second: “So, at the risk of allowing a wish to be the father of a thought, a plausible prediction is that in 2022 the current fever of racial thinking will break, for two reasons. One is that such thinking has become something fatal in politics: boring. It is now a recycling of predictable boilerplate about “systemic” and “structural” this, and “unconscious” and “intersectional” that.” This is simply breathtaking in its stupidity. And we are 1 paragraph into the story!! This shit did not pop us last… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

Will says some sensible things about the progs but then he claims that ‘national conservatives are collectivist’ and ‘against individualism.’ For starters we are too individualistic which is why we have a hard time coalescing around anything except opposition to leftist wokeism. Secondly, he is attacking the people to his right, the people who oppose America becoming more like Brazil or Europe more like the former Yugoslavia. He does this for nefarious reasons, so that his lords and masters are happy. He is the ‘inhouse conservative’ to prove how ‘tolerant’ and ‘openminded’ they are. This shows signs of stupidity because… Read more »

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

He don’t engage with my side, I don’t engage with his. And you can shog right off with your boomer-tier engage-the-arguments nonsense

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

Will may be intelligent in the academic sense, but he lacks humility and an appreciation for the real world. He never questions his beliefs nor does he ever do an audit of their success or failure on the ground, where it counts. If he did, he would have changed his opinions long ago. As to this article, he claims that racial identity politics and policies will magically fade away this year because they are “boring.” What a genius. The fact that bashing on whites (notice that Will never talks about which group is demonized in our society) has worked for… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

I suspect Will was one of those who believed the Left would stop playing the race card if we only elected BO.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

Beisbol been bery, bery good to Jorge.

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

You stumbled into the wrong saloon boomer. Go cuck elsewhere..

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

I have found George Will insufferable ever since he was featured on the Ken Burns “Baseball” series. His commentary was often nearly as grating as that offered by Mario Cuomo. Obnoxiously heavy on the virtue signaling. Will epitomizes an unfortunately popular brand of conservatism that readily grants ninety percent of the progressive agenda in the vain hope of preserving the remaining ten percent. To not recognize the strategic imbecility of such a stance negates whatever academic intelligence the man may have. P.S.: Will exhibits a high verbal IQ, which can be extremely misleading. All the highfalutin eloquence in the world… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

Speaking of not transforming nonsense into sense – he’s a die hard Cubs fan.

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

An old buddy of mine grew up on the South side of Chicago. I asked him who he rooted for in baseball, and he said “White Sox, of course.” I asked him if he’d ever been to Wrigley Field, and he said, “Yeah, it’s a real nice place…if you’re a faggot.” Being a nice guy from a nice place in Los Angeles county, I have always known that it’s okay to like the Angels and the Dodgers at the same time. But apparently, in Chicagoland, the rules are different. How this all applies to George Will, I leave that to… Read more »

Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

Grew up around Chicagoland and became a White Sox fan via my late father being a fan and taking me to my first baseball game at the original Comiskey Park. In Chicago and the ‘burbs, Cubs Fan/Sox Fan is non-negotiable. You are one or the other. Like being pregnant or dead, you are, or you are not. Your LA story reminded me of when I was still single and living in the Chicago suburbs. A female friend of mine who moved to Chicago from New York called me up one Sunday morning with an offer of a free game ticket… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

I also grew up in Chicagoland and have been a Cubs fan all my life. White Sox fans hate the Cubs with a passion. Cub fans consider the St. Louis Cardinals their number one enemy. We also don’t like the Sox, but that’s mostly because of the Sox fans. Many years ago, I did enjoy going to the White Sox old ballpark, Comiskey Park. That was a man’s place, with lots of drinking and the smell of cigars in the air. Wrigley Field was more family-friendly back then, except for the bleachers, which was full of young adults, and a… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

In another lifetime, I had the good fortune to be able to volunteer For both Sox and Cubs games, doing traffic control. We worked till the first pitch, and then got to go in and watch the game till the 7th inning stretch. The long and short of it, Wrigley Field is, and always will be, a dump. Comiskey is a world class property. The downside is it’s located in a horrific neighborhood. The best part was at Comiskey, I could sneak into their dugout and sit behind a camera man and watch the game. It’s freaking fast! On more… Read more »

Reply to  Strike Three
3 years ago

I never expected a Sox/Cubs thread to break out in the Z-Man comment section. I had season tickets at Comiskey the year they had the All Star Game (2003, I think) up near the right field foul pole. The Friday game agains the Cubs was a night game, and the number of fights on the concourse just in that area was crazy. They stopped having the games against the Cubs at night for some time after that, as I presumed the South Side guys got loaded up after work (or just took the day off) and got salty against the… Read more »

Reply to  Wkathman
3 years ago

Around that same time, Will wrote a very prissy and starched column about the moral depravity and generally unfunny “humor” on display in the show Friends. He was particularly taken aback by what he felt might have been the first ever premature ejaculation joke on prime time TV. Everything that he wrote, however, was true, and I relished the thought of the Karens of that era getting butt hurt that their televised cotton candy was being disparaged by such a typical pin head.

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

Forgive me for being blunt (and I assume that you are not George Will acting through a pseudonym), but pompous erudition is not the same thing as intelligence. And an intelligent person would understand this distinction.

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

No, I mock Will—if mock is the word—because he no longer speaks to the people that are important, and that makes him an ineffective has been. No one considers him “stupid”, indeed I was once hoping to send off-spring to his alma mater, Trinity College, but that was not in the cards. You seem to be in love with his lengthy and pedantic verse, fine, but in the world of text messages, Twitter, and YouTube, that won’t cut it. Z-man’s style is “where it’s at” to have any effect—and of course it also helps to move on from being a… Read more »

Reply to  JDinPa
3 years ago

Throughout the Clinton, Bush II and Obama years, Pat Buchanan and George Will were the only two conservative voices in mainstream media, and I read them all the time. I kept waiting for Will to lend that extensive vocabulary of his to an article excoriating our leaking southern border. It never came.

3 years ago

The internet isn’t just about yakking and cerebral analysis of the yakking of others. That part is just sport (think NFL) and distraction. Conversely, the British tabloids (which are now easily accessible via the internet) are a great source of grassroots news that really does have an impact on pleb conscience and anxiety level. For example, recent news events include an incident in which a middle-aged women is brazenly (and with malice) pushed from behind (sneak attack) by a random assailant onto a NYC subway track in front of an oncoming tram. In sunny California, an attractive (and educated) young… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 years ago

What a very stupid comment. The British tabloids are nothing of the sort. They are control mechanisms not news. I am amazed you cannot see this. Most of the editorial staff are upper middle class. They work from a restricted dictionary and target reading age to ensure the masses don’t get exposed to too many concepts. I have first hand experience of working inside these orgs and this is how the editorial meetings are run. They are written in the same buildings that the “broadsheets” are, and have very strict editorial direction in tandem with the other papers, which is… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

Then why is it that I can daily find USA news such as referenced above in the Brit papers and not a word in the American MSM? You can call it mind-control trash if you like, but I call it actionable intelligence. And it’s better to be trashy & alive than ignorant & dead. Feel free to walk across our open southern border and teach our MSM your British version of high-minded reporting.

Bob Brodie
Bob Brodie
Reply to  trumpton
3 years ago

You didn’t address the crux of his argument that British newspaper’s websites are a source of inconvenient news for the people in the US who like to bury these stories. Would you prefer this news didn’t get out? That’s the implication of your reply.

3 years ago

Douglass Murray said “His odious game-playing—which is now everywhere in our culture—is not violence, but it is a kind of proto-violence. It is playing at violence. It is threatening to go there. ”

This is coming from a guy who wrote a book called “Neoconservatism: Why We Need It” He is an advocate of one of the most vile and violent political movements in American history. Him and his buddies advocate we invade countries around the world to install our horrible form of government on the benighted savages of the world. He is truly nauseating.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Legitimacy is a function of brute force and morality. Both the Dems and GOP used the accusations of racism or ant-Semitism as a moral cudgel to force whites to lower their eyes to the elite. (I joke to myself that whites are like Monty Python’s knights cowering before the Knights Who Say “Ni.”) But many people are waking up to the emptiness and hypocrisy of that weapon. Indeed, they’re realizing that not only is the other side not more moral, it’s evil and wants them and their people destroyed. This greatly undermines the elite’s legitimacy, forcing them to use more… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“This greatly undermines the elite’s legitimacy, … .”

Like … oh, I dunno … building a concrete wall around the White House, just for a minor example.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
3 years ago

Building a wall around the White House is a huge sign of weakness and lack of moral authority. Every time the elite has to use tangible/physical methods to maintain its legitimacy, it’s a sign that it has lost some of moral authority. As much as I hate the idea and certainly don’t want to volunteer, we need martyrs. We need white people to see what happens to those who oppose the elite. The Jan. 6 people languishing in jail both scares whites and pisses them off. Seeing a co-worker passed over for a promotion for some black chick causes anger.… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

“The elite’s whole game relies on whites playing ball”

OMG. That’s it.
That’s the new “It’s OK To Be White”.

Positive identity.
We remember who we are, now, and remember our natural power.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Citizen- You’re dead-on about needing martyrs at some point. The other side realized this long ago: “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part! You can’t even passively take part! And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop! And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Black disfunction (willful failure to voluntarily comply w the rules) rates of 3-5% or so results in Baltimore and Detroit levels of crime and corruption. 7-10% disfunction resulted in the mafia ruling Sicily. Imagine if 15% of Whites in AINO followed suit.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
3 years ago

“Mr. Biden, tear down this wall!” — Ronald Reagan, Twitter, 2026

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 years ago

Banned singing in church, banned dancing at nightclubs, triple masking, convoluted “social distancing rules” allowing contact with only one other human, etc…

These are not the edicts that a strong, stable, and competent regime would be making, lol. This is coming from the mind of deranged, mentally ill cat ladies.

The only thing keeping them in power is the fact that they control everything.

Reply to  B125
3 years ago

CNN ran an article over the weekend about how the unvaxed are being locked out of their societies, particularly in Europe which has much stronger measures and deeper compliance, at least officially. The article presented itself as even-handed at first but by the middle of the third or fourth paragraph it was obvious that steam was coming out of the ears of the soyboy who wrote it. Throughout he peppers the article with “experts”, the same experts who have been disastrously horrible this entire time, about how really this 5%-8% of the population is screwing things up for everyone and… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Mycale
3 years ago

Quote: ” At one point he even said, well the pain could be over for these guys if they just get the shots.”

Meanwhile it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the shots don’t work, boosted, triple-vaxxed are getting sick, while the people in charge desperately try to keep injecting people.

The elites, with their frantic push for needles in every arm, really walked right into making normies distrust the whole system.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 years ago

I pointed out to someone the other day, that officially NYC (80%+ vaxed) has both a vax passport and mask mandate, which together do not make any sense whatsoever. If the vax did what they said it does, then there is no need to mask, and if masks did what say it does, then there would be no need to mask. The virus would quickly run out of people to infect and places to go with even one of these useful measures in place. Of course neither happened in NYC, they had a massive case count surge like everywhere else,… Read more »

3 years ago

Regarding that Rasmussen poll. I find it fascinating that 5 years ago, these same people would have been glued to their TV and Twitter accounts up in arms over a Dateline, 60 Minutes or 20/20 episode (are those still shows?) where some HIV positive kid, or some such, was being harassed by the local flyover state school system because of concern from parents. They’d send in busses of protestors with cardboard signs to ensure the kid with HIV was catered to. Granted, HIV and airborne viruses are different, but the moral dilemma isn’t. In fact, the moral peril of forcing… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

Memebro: This is all motivated by the same false doctrines of equality and inclusivity. And far more than a quarter of ‘society’ is fine with this – I’d say 95% of women and at least 25% of White men, and 99.9% of non-Whites in White countries feel this way. I’m going to rustle some jimmies here but I think it’s more important to speak the truth. If your child is deathly allergic to peanuts – I am sorry for you, but that does not mean that everyone else in every other part of society must then give up peanut butter.… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

all of that plus…
“Behind every double mask is someone who would volunteer to be a camp guard. ”
These people are terrified of freedom, they are looking for anyone to tell them what to do, just to escape their anxiety. It’s their version of patriotism, they will wear their medals proudly.

Reply to  theRussians
3 years ago

“they are looking for anyone to tell them what to do, just to escape their anxiety.”

And the fact that it’s a manufactured anxiety, in the midst of plenty. Very true, and very interesting.

Note the pure projection, too, leading to that ridiculous meme, “mass psychosis formation”. As if the Germans had not experienced the most destructive culture war ever waged in their time, yet they still responded in the Whitest, most valiant attempt ever to rebuild, renew, and improve.

(Side note: the N Party banned vaccination mandates being pushed by a certain group of doctors!)

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Brilliant description of what a well adjusted (sane) manly society should look like

Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

Could not agree more, 3g4me. As I read your posting, I recall many of my early experiences in life. Yes, I was laughed at, bullied, fat, and a poor athlete. So were others and often worse than me. But I survived and thrived. What I did not like then, I try to avoid now in my behavior.

The world is an imperfect place, and people are “fallen”, but were the heck did so many people grow up to think that they—as imperfect people—could perfect humanity? Perhaps it was my early Catholic upbringing, but never did I seek to do so.

Reply to  Compsci
3 years ago

I was sort of a weird, nerdy kid. Thank the heavens my mom, especially, would tell me to stop being weird. It makes me think of all of these kids today where parents tell them that whatever they are is fine, and that’s a huge part of the problem with them being so dysgenic.

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

It’s not equality, hence it only appears to be a “double standard.”

When They say “We just want blacks, hispanix, gays, women to have equality with straight White men, just be fair” what they mean by “equality” is not “an equal playing field” but “swap them out of the existing hierarchy.”

“Hush now, honey. It’s a new woild! Ain’t nobody gwine hafta be a slave all dah time no more! Weez gwine tah take toins!! And guess whose toin it is now!?!” — Firesign Theater on Reconstruction.

We Hate Everyone
We Hate Everyone
Reply to  3g4me
3 years ago

I read this the other day as I was reading Democracy in America for the first time, and Alexis de Tocqueville writes:

“there are no surer guarantees of equality among men than poverty and misfortune”.

I’m convinced they are fully aware of the damage being done though their self created scamdemic, and through it intentionally bringing us all to the point of poverty and misfortune for the greater good of their “merciful and inclusive” god, the almighty “equality”.

Reply to  Memebro
3 years ago

The CDC was reluctant to allow gay men to donate blood for years because they knew full-well that their degenerate lifestyle made them walking Petri dishes. Looks like they’ve fallen prey to The Woke too.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

Good column but I’m stuck picturing in my minds eye George Will wearing a denim jacket with “disco forever” spelled out in rhinestones on the back. Groovy.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
3 years ago

My son likes to say “that’s cringe dad” when I allude to such horrid

3 years ago

“Half of the people who voted for Joe Biden support internment camps for dissidents and house arrest for the non-complaint. Behind every double mask is someone who would volunteer to be a camp guard.”

This is what happens when you let cunt run things.

3 years ago

The “quill pen act” description of octogenarian George Will is priceless.
Will was a competent essayist, run through Harvard and appointed scribe of the Beltway Nomenklatura. Stale ideas indeed!

Reply to  Bannock
3 years ago

His erudite compositions piqued my interest for a time, but alas his anachronistic brassbound tracts, in the end, disappointed my innate prejudices, as I graduated to more promethean screeds such as Zman’s.

Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

Bill Buckley, is that you?

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  Marko
3 years ago

And Vox Day, apparently.

Promethean is as Promethean does.

Reply to  Stephen Flemmi
3 years ago

Nah, infant phenomenon is teddy spaghetti’s sock puppet.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

The most contemptible thing about ‘mainstream’ conservatives is that their lack of outrage at what the woke crowd is doing. If your first concern is to seem ‘decent’ and to mind using ‘restrained language’ when confronted by wholesale state coercion as seen in the Covid circus, unexplained claims of mass death in Western countries (Indiana, Alberta, others emerging), open promotion of pedophilia or feverishly looking for signs of ‘anti-semitic dog whistling’ when your own people are in the crisis of the millennium, you are not decent, trustworthy, honorable or loyal. You are worse than useless, you are cover for the… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Moran: Bravo!
Resubmitted because too short – I trust you know I mean serious acclaim for a brilliant comment.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

You mention Indiana, a place of particular importance to me. While I don’t doubt your claims, can you include some links?

I’m fairly neutral on the vaccines. I think the real malice is in the mandates and not in the vials. Not that I think they are necessary by any means, I am inclined to think they are more of a placebo.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Mr C
3 years ago

Placebos don’t give you tremors or a stroke.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mr C
3 years ago

I have now twice tried to give links and received an ‘error, appears to be spam’ message, deleting the whole shebang. Maybe there were too many links? So here is just one

3g4m, thanks, appreciated

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
3 years ago

Thanks for the link. I’m familiar with some anecdotes around strokes, etc and I am inclined to believe these do occur, post vaccination, at a very low rate.

To the link you sent, it is a poorly written piece with all the trimmings of of sensationalism. Particularly the bold section headers after each paragraph or so. This has the effect of refocusing the reader and taking them down a path.

While I’m not happy about vaccine mandates, this piece ain’t convincing me Indiana is experiencing higher death rates.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mr C
3 years ago

It is not the piece that should tell you Indiana has higher death rates among 18-64 yr olds, it is the source, the CEO of a life insurance company, OneAmerica. There is a video of that zoom meeting somewhere (assuming it hasn’t been taken down) where he says it and it is easy to verify, using LinkedIn etc. that he is in fact the CEO of OneAmerica. That gives him very significant credibility in claiming to know about mortality rates in Indiana. That’s the real story, not a perhaps hastily written dissident post.

3 years ago

A while back, I remember someone, it might have been Peter Brimelow claiming George Will hasn’t written his own column for a couple of decades. I wonder if he is even reading his own column now? That one ran on Christmas Eve, Will probably figured no one would notice.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

I think it’s the same with Douthat. If anything shows the insane rise of managerialism and consensus management, it’s the fact many of the most prestigious columnists are literally just committees

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Is that why it didn’t make any sense? I couldn’t make hide nor hair of whatever he was getting on about.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 years ago

That’s not your fault. This is George’s opening paragraph:

“Prophecy is optional folly but an irresistible end-of-year temptation. So, at the risk of allowing a wish to be the father of a thought, a plausible prediction is that in 2022 the current fever of racial thinking will break, for two reasons.”

It reads like a parody of Victorian prose. The opening paragraph would fit in with a non-fiction version of the Bulwer-Lytton contest.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Not the “dark-and-stormy-night” caper, surely!

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Bullwer-Lytton website:
“Since 1982 the Bulwer Lytton Fiction Contest has challenged participants to write an atrocious opening sentence to the worst novel never written.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

I think this happened to Paul Craig Roberts. At least his ghost writer has mastered PCR’s style.

Father Time catches us all.

Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Will, suddenly waking up in an easy chair at 10am:
“Intern! We must make haste, as I have a column due in the morn!”

Intern: “What what? Shall you dictate or shall I presume to write it on your behalf?”

Will: “Do presume. I will return to slumber. And fetch me my Cubs blanket!”

Intern: “On what event shall I ruminate, sir?”

Will: “How Madison is still relevant to the goings-on in Khazakhstan. Night night.”

3 years ago

“How did [George Will] get through high school with such nonsense in his head?” I don’t think for a second that he actually believes any of it. It is civilization destroying nonsense. He hates us and wants us to be believe it so that we destroy our own civilization for him. #### “This means keeping the [fringe crazies who … are a fixture in human society] under control and away from the levers of power.” This is yet another manifestation of “diversity is NEVER a strength.” Every society, including homogeneous societies, has some crazies in it. They are people who… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Horace
3 years ago

They had George Will pegged decades ago:

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 years ago

This phenomenon is what you’d expect after two major discontinuities: Trump and the Social Media Wars. The Trump wrecking ball really left a vacuum in the “mediasphere”/narrative on the Right. So it’s pretty natural that there’s a scramble to gain market/mindshare to replace him. The revanchist old-line wing is trying to reassert its authority, but the young aren’t listening and the old (like most of us) have finally wised up. The Social Media War drove everyone to the right of George Will off of corporate social media. This was a calculated decision by Silicon Valley: it was easier for them… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Some right-wing anons have attacked Gonzales because they know that higher ups are only using him to dish out dissident talking points because his being clearly Hispanic gives them a cover against the racism charge.

While likely true, and likely true there are far sharper commentators, one can’t help but respect he can throw some pretty effective punches and doesn’t buckle. His willingness to forego the fake respectability that has plagued conservatism for literally over a century is a breath or fresh air.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 years ago

Pedro Gonzalez is working for Paul Gottfried at Chronicles. I seriously doubt Gottfried feels it necessary to use Gonzalez for cover, I have been reading his work for a couple of years and think it is solid. One of the interesting things about his dust up with Murray and Weiss was that they tried to get him fired from the Claremont Institute which hardly pays him anything and didn’t even mention Chronicles where he draws most of his income from. His theory was they didn’t want to bring attention to Chronicles. He had a good column on MLK yesterday.–king/

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Barnard
3 years ago

Interesting. Thanks for the clarification.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Of course, Murray and Weiss are sexual degenerates like (((Murphy))). Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

Morality is the right concept. When the John Goldman thing happened there was an array of usual suspects-adjacent guys such as Tim Pool and that huckster lawyer Tim Barnes or whatever that came out to defend or deflect for Goldman. What they seemed to not understand about the outrage is the simple concept of morality. Why should we countenance or trust someone as morally bankrupt as Goldman? A lot of people like to pretend you can be a weird sex pervert in public but otherwise an upstanding and moral person, but it’s human nature to distrust a man who publishes… Read more »

3 years ago

The one thing these clowns like Murray have in common is that none of them are the ones being told to lie back and think of England. He also probably thinks the economy is just fine, and though the rubes are a little slow on their deliveries he’s managing to keep his very important life on an even keel. “Well, I never” is about his speed.

Reply to  Allen
3 years ago

I may have been wrong all along but I used to think the spectator was decent media and would visit quite often. I just realized that I gave them up some time ago, probably the same time period that I’d had enough of shapiro.

3 years ago

It’s something in the air. The Dilbert Guy had a melt down the other day coming to terms with the fake vaccines. The guy made ‘cognitive dissonance’ a houshold phrase – and it looks like he suffers from it in a big way these days…

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Scott Adams is a textbook case of what happens to everyone who is too extremely online. Whoever Shelly is, she’s likely laughing as hard as the guy who took down Jack Murphy with a 10 dollar superchat. Being an internet rando who takes town an internet celebrity is what a not insignificant percentage of people dream of.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Ben Garrison’s take on Clot Adams is hilarious perfection:

Reply to  Glenfilthie
3 years ago

Re: Scott Adams and his rant. As commenter and blog host Severian likes to point out, lots of things today in Clown World are “Fake and Gay”.

From a link at American Digest, things just got “Faker and Gayer”.

Vox Day, The Greatest Internet Genius In The World You Midwits ™ weighed in on Scott Adams:

You must really see the video at the link. I will not post it here as Z man might leave Baltimore, find me in Flyoverland, and beat me to death for such a transgression.

This passes for discourse in America.

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Snort! That was hilarious.

You know you’ve hit rock bottom when “God-Emperor, Trust the Plan, 10,000 secret warrants, 27 D-chess” former online pickup guru-guy riffs on you and he’s not the one who looks crazy.

Adams main problem is he made his podcast fame talking about Cheeto; the pandemic/vax/mask stuff was interesting but now is just stale. He can’t say anything particularly edgy or he’ll be booted of Twitter/youtube.


Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

One of Vox Day’s books touts him as “the bestselling political philosopher on the planet.”

Oh, that dude’s precious!

Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

SA Kramered himself

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
3 years ago

Adams’ flip-flopping on this issue has been so bad that VD, even with all his…uh…quirks, wins by default.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 years ago

When Buckley used the execrable dullard Kristol to purge Buchanan, it was especially rich. Buckley himself was accused, not without reason, of anti-Semitism. Given the Marxist leanings of so many Jews of the era, it was a charge that could provide street cred to someone who claimed to be on the Right if exploited properly. Times changed, and Buckley’s Manhattan neighbors gave him the cold shoulder over the anti-Semitism knock. So, being the perfect conservative, Buckley publicly used a Jewish nitwit to destroy Buchanan largely to exculpate himself from past statements and writings. It became a National Review technique frequently… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Jack – it might be a little harsh to say Buckley was a fraud from the start. I think he lost his way after the Cold War and the Berlin Wall fell. He just couldn’t come to grips with the pace of change in America and he wanted to be liked. This is just an explanation; I don’t forgive him for the Buchanan stuff. Plenty of people made plenty of mistakes to get us to this point. Trying to stay on the A-list and the Manhattan cocktail circuit was a important thing to the Old Right. The new generation realizes… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 years ago

Good point, but the less-pronounced tics were there with Buckley from the start. Those tics became tremors.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

*Russell Kirk, although Will very well may have been in a Super Chat with someone identified as “Kirk Russell.”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

George Will, whom you mentioned, always was a closeted man of the Left who was familiar with Kirk “Russell and whose wife was a corporate whore who depended on open borders and cheap labor to supply ConAgra.”

Presumably his 2nd wife. I remember walking past his Chevy Chase home c. 80s, seeing the “Dump the DH” sticker on his Volvo. “Mr. Propriety” had just dumped his 1st wife (and son). But designated hitters! Heaven forfend!

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

Bari Weiss- a fat lesbian tribal type that we will have to look at for years and years. The conservative embrace of her is even more disturbing simply for her saying a few things not totally insane. She is still a rabid neocon that wants to attack anything that remotely threatens Israel. She detests Assad and anyone that doesn’t embrace his head chopping enemies is obviously a Russian stooge.

3 years ago

On the one hand, Disco Stu doesn’t advertise. On the other hand, I would wear a denim jacket with “disco forever” spelled out in rhinestones on the back until it fell off my body, so… there’s that. In fact, since we’re now getting The Carter Years, Clown World Version — with extra special bonus fake and gay!! — it’s time to revisit some of those supposed late 70s fashion disasters. I for one really liked that “deep earth tones” color scheme they liked. The San Diego Padres’ uniform, for instance…

Reply to  Severian
3 years ago

That happened 25 years ago, or so. Youth culture having mercifully died after grunge, it’ll probably come back around. I remember wearing tube socks, finding my way as a young hipster. Not as fondly as I’d like to lol. Still have the dark brown corduroy bucket hat I bought in high school. Never getting rid of that one, I tell you.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 years ago

HA! Sundek boardshorts, the short ones.

3 years ago

I think you meant Disco Stu…

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
3 years ago

Ah, it’s people fighting to maintain their precarious position on the top of the pyramid. People like Murray got to where they were with the full approval and promotion of the neocons so they’re not about to bite the hand that fed/feeds them. The Neocons won the war for Conservative Inc and they’re not about to let it go without a fight. PG has stuck his spear in with the Chronicles crowd who don’t have power and never will. This struggle is going to be a war of coalitions like all the wars that have come before it. The question… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Basil Ransom
3 years ago

No one wants a coalition with the Neocons now, and for good reason.

Basil Ransom
Basil Ransom
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 years ago

I disagree. 98% of the GOP wants to stay in bed with the Neocons and their deep-pocketed donors. The reality is that they still have power (possibly not as much as before) and will continue to utilize it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Basil Ransom
3 years ago

While the Russia psychopathology bears this out to some degree, Republicans know it is a career-ender to be too attached to Neocons. But, yeah, they will take the money.

Reply to  Basil Ransom
3 years ago

Neocons do not ally with anyone, they co-opt. They are in the process of co-opting the dirtbag and establishment left right now, with excellent success. CNN and NYT are basically the mouthpieces of the CIA, and they managed to turn neocon icons like Dick, Liz, and W into lefty darlings. Obviously the GOP conservacucks still loves neocons, but as the article points out, a lot of people are tuning out this carnival and do not see the Republicans as representing or fighting for them. The DR will always be very suspicious of the neocons that go way beyond ideology, and… Read more »

3 years ago

Quote of the day.

” Disordered minds seek the order of the bloody fist imposing its will on society.”

I’ll be using that.

Reply to  Bilejones
3 years ago

that is a great bumper sticker

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
3 years ago


Any chance you would be willing to go on the Academic Agents channel. I realize you’re low key about these things but I figured due to your willingness to take interviews on this side the divide and he is now in this camp, why not?

Also, couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t mention the biggest grifter/fraud of the Murray-Gonzalez spat: Bari Weiss.

Reply to  thezman
3 years ago


AA is a reformed libertarian – just check out his newer videos or his Telegram channel:

He has said some spicy stuff. His streams are second to none and I’ve often thought you’d make for excellent guest on Cigar Stream. His circle is pretty high brow and I think his audience would benefit by being exposed to some Zman.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  Astralturf
3 years ago


Astralturf is correct. In all fairness he sounds like a Persian British version of you now.

Johny Tight Lips
Johny Tight Lips
Reply to  thezman
3 years ago

@Z Got it. This man isn’t just another “good guy” in Massachusetts ya dude parlance. He’s taken his lumps, was doxed recently and has taken to task many people he was previously sympathetic too and explained how they fail to mend realistic means with attainable ends. Plus, the most important part- he was fair about it and did it by and large honorably. He’s been on a big Evola tear and is a big advocate of Gottfried, Derb and Kirk. He recently did a stream ripping into the Tory right, Douglas Murray and had a metal head historian on to… Read more »