The End Of Empire

Note: The Monday Taki post is up. The subject of it and today’s post is the rather bizarre crisis in Europe. Of course, Sunday Thoughts is up behind the green door for those needing audio stimulation. Much of it is about the situation in Europe.

The question that has not been given much consideration over the last few decades is how exactly will the Global American Empire end? All empires come to an end, but not all of them end the same. Usually, they dissolve into their constituent parts like we saw with the Soviet Union. This may or may not bring with it a spasm of violence, but the unnatural combination eventually returns to its nature. What makes each empire unique is its birth and its death.

Like every empire before it, the Global American Empire will end. This may be what we are seeing with the current crisis in Europe over Ukraine. Russia is well past the dissolution of the Soviet Empire. Europe has also evolved past the old arrangements made necessary by the Cold War. The only player stuck in the past is the Global American Empire, which is carrying on like it is 1960. We are now seeing the hints of the end for the American empire in Europe.

The starting place is the fact that the stuff coming from Washington is so bizarre that not even the Ukrainians understand it. The rhetoric has gone well beyond the normal sort of moralizing that has distinguished the American empire. Washington and now London have conjured a reality in which the Russians are ready to launch into Ukraine while the Russians and Ukrainians are happy to find a peaceful solution. The whole thing is making Washington look a bit nuts.

All of this happening against the reality that if the Russians want to invade Ukraine there is nothing NATO can do about it. If the Russians wanted to move onto Berlin there is not much NATO could do to stop them. Over time, the West would be able to rally and cripple the Russians economically, then roll them back militarily, but in the short term everyone gets that NATO is a paper tiger. It is also a pointless vestige from a bygone era that should have been scrapped a generation ago.

This is one entry point into the crisis. The Germans want to finish Nord Stream 2 and build closer economic ties with Russia. The Russians want to restore their ancient relationship with Western Europe. They will not accept the American conditions that they must embrace the religion of the West. There will be no rainbows and transsexuals in the Russian culture. There will be no scenes of Russian soldiers walking around in pumps claiming to be sorry for their ancestors.

The Germans and the French seem to be ready to make the deal with the Russians and begin a new era for both sides. The Russians can maintain their traditional model for organizing themselves and Europe will begin to normalize economic relations with the rest of Eurasia. This leaves little room for the Global American Empire, which is based on an assertion that there is only one moral way to organize a society. This potential new arrangement is a rebuke of the very idea of empire.

Another entry point into viewing the current crisis as a stage in the dissolution of the Global American Empire is in the reaction itself. Even the American media has lost track of how many times the Biden people have claimed an invasion is imminent. It feels like it is a weekly thing now. The State Department swears the tanks are revving their engines and then nothing happens. European leaders have to be wondering if the empire is losing its grip on reality.

The hysteria could very well be the only thing left. Again, if Russian draws the line on NATO expansion and takes over Ukraine, there is very little Washington can do about it other than make a lot of noise. The promise of crippling economic sanctions is as ridiculous as the rest of the bellowing. Europe needs to buy important stuff from Russia in order to exist. Germany and France will go along with superficial stuff to please Washington, but they are not committing suicide over Ukraine.

What we may be entering is a final phase of the Global American Empire in which conflicting realities create a lot of friction. One reality is that America’s dominion over Europe was always unnatural for both sides. In the Cold War it was seen as a necessity, so it was a tolerable contradiction. Those conditions have not existed for over a generation now and reality is reasserting itself. Western Europe will be dominated by France and Germany and Eastern Europe by Russia.

Another set of conflicting realities is that the heritage stock of America never wanted to be a major player in world affairs. The sales pitch by the imperial leaders was always based on this assumed reluctance. The Global American Empire was a necessity born out of war and tragedy. That necessity is long over and yet the managerial elite of the empire insists on maintaining the empire. Meanwhile the public is dealing with cultural and economic collapse.

There has never been a time when the average American has felt more divorced from his government than now. The guy the empire counts on to wave the flag and respond to war drums is not sure which side to support. This is one of those unspoken truths about this Ukraine affair. The reservoir of patriotism is now dry among the cohort of Americans who have always been the most patriotic. The response from these people over Ukraine is a shrug or maybe a wry smile.

This may be what the end empire is like from the inside. We will have spasms of bellowing and shouting from Washington, but the world will slowly crawl out from under the shadow of Washington. Meanwhile, domestic politics will grow increasingly untenable, with populist revolt replacing electoral organizing. The system simply stops working as the reason for it to keep working no longer makes sense. The end of empire is a million small breakdowns in the system.

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Anthony Wilson
2 years ago

“The End of a Empire” ? No, but a transformation of a empire. The US is in process of becoming the image of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13:11-18. What is coming to a end though is this earth. Get ready for His Return.

Reply to  Anthony Wilson
2 years ago

Hey, I hope ur right. But all that stuff about Jesus coming back and kicking butt. . .seems like pie in the sky.

My inner cynic prevents me from full faith in such an improbable thing.

Reply to  Anthony Wilson
2 years ago

After the way he was treated last time? Are you kidding? I’d be dragging my feet on that whole return thingy, as well.

2 years ago

[…] Posted on February 14, 2022 […]

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Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
2 years ago

It’s theatre. Mindfuck, keep the herd constantly stressed and restless. Schlomo bankrolled all sides in the world wars…do you think anything has changed? The bageljuice is now in the blood of billions of people…just keep em disoriented, fearful and lost till they hit the dirt. New world orders demand alot of death and suffering to feed the satanic beast.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
2 years ago

I think a great meme to get going is

“We are all Palestinians now”

It puts the spotlight on them without naming them. Plus it will get people thinking. And get the usual suspects squirming


Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

I have on occasion used that. Open minded like it.
Evangelical types, not so much. Ha Ha.

Also: Ameristinian

The Philistines, btw, were Aegean, ie Greek (Macedonian), ie European. Hittite leadership layer were also European.

2 years ago

A follow up on my other comment. It has been noted for over a year on the S2 Underground site that the various US States have been deploying the National Guards routinely for things like: school bus drivers, prison guards, hospital workers, etc. as things broke down under Covid-19 restrictions, quarantines, etc. The US National Guard is fairly big, robust, but even that has broken down with massive complaints, people quitting the Guard as soon as possible, appalling living conditions for the Guardsmen, and the inability to replace them long-term with a civilian workforce. Reportedly, anyone who can side-gig to… Read more »

Tommy jefferson
Tommy jefferson
Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

32% of Americans own guns. That is how the end will come. When voting doesn’t matter, when civil disobedience is criminalized, when speech is suppressed, at some point enough of the 32% will honor their sacred right to form militias and the tree of liberty will be watered with the blood of tyrants.

Reply to  Tommy jefferson
2 years ago

Those Americans really need to get in shape. I have never seen so many fat people.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  Gimmeabreak
2 years ago

Fat and soft. It is unbelievable how many Americans only vaguely resemble a human being.

Reply to  Tommy jefferson
2 years ago

Rest assured, the only thing your vote does is legitimize the state. Otherwise, they already have your new master sorted out for you. Politicians like Trump and Rand Paul are there simply to give you hope. Just a little hope, because your masters know that too much hope can be dangerous.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Remember back when Congress had to give its permission in order for the country to go to war?

Even Bush went to Congress using bogus WMD intell in order to justify going to war with Iraq.

Imagine if it was Trump who wanted to go to war.

2 years ago

“Reality” does not matter as much as other things: manpower, resources, the quality and quantity of both, the ability to manage and deploy both for power. Look at Trudeau. He bravely ran away, but now he’s crushing the Truckers in a coordinated movement. He’s declared Martial Law Light, seized the bank accounts of the truckers, canceled their insurance, seized all the donations, with state-sanctioned hackers leaked the donor database for doxxing firing, will imprison for years all the truckers at protests, and compels under force trucking companies to remove the trucks. That’s force, manpower, both deployed to crush the truckers.… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

Its going to get dicey as they also announced seizure of banks accounts/crypto/crowd sourcing under anti-terror laws for all those funding the protests.

They conveniently now have the names from yesterday’s obvious IA performed “Hack”.

So they seem to have decided to cross the line and, once they are over it, I can’t see how they can backdown without imploding.

Only 30 days to flatten the protest, so I guess they think they can move quickly.

If it works I expect it will be rolled out as the goto protest suppression in the west going forwards.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Canada has the same “choice” we have: Kill them all or they kill us—RIGHT NOW.

We’re not going to do it.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I don’t know how people will react.

People are saying that they won’t back down. I have a feeling they will when they face financial ruin. That said, people are very very angry right now and have no jobs to go back to.

Could definitely see at least some low level infrastructure things going on even if the main protestors get cleared up

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

It will take a while I think for many to accept that they are not in the country they thought existed, some never will. Many will think the courts will help. They will not. They are part of the state. Even if you think the law is clear it can be changed at will against you, especially if the govt thinks it will lose. I speak from experience when I say there is no level the govt will not stoop to in order to enforce its will, it will drag it out for decades if it wants and the courts… Read more »

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I thought the same thing for quite a while, but ultimately, A, B, and your money outside of A and B are all within the same system. Moreover, “we the people” are not citizens. The people are sovereign over their government while citizens are subjects of the government that rules over them. When you reside outside their jurisdiction, there really is no point in being subject to them at all.

Tommy jefferson
Tommy jefferson
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

It is never a good idea to fight people who feel they have nothing to lose.

Reply to  Tommy jefferson
2 years ago

Truck Fudeau.
And LGB.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Say, do you recall a certain blogger predicting thar crypto would get quashed if it truly threatened state power?

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Not only squashed but these crypto guys are paving the way for the government to go full electronic currency

Meanwhile the cryptons have this idea they are somehow outsmarting the government or at least getting around it

They’ve been played for fools, but at least some were smart enough to make some good money.

Reply to  Whiskey
2 years ago

The thing is, once a state’s rulers resort to a force model to retain control, the clock is ticking for them. Small “s” salvation will come through system failure, or it won’t come at all.

Reply to  Ivar
2 years ago

The ticks can be extremely long.

Soviet control lasted 70 years. China is still ongoing after 70 years.

when is that going to end?

You are looking backwards at a mentality that is vanishing. Conditioning can continue this internal acceptance of control ad infinitum it seems to me.

Huxley was entirely correct that blanket social conditioning will get people to love their servitude. You cannot throw off something you cannot see.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

one things for sure, pornography for the men (and women, I guess) isn’t going anywhere.

I think porn is 90% of the soma

2 years ago

I just hope it ENDS.

It’s time for a death of the “old gods” of America. Presidents, the military, celebrities, athletes, and super-heroes NEED to be done. God knows they’re long done as sources of any integrity, creativity, or inspiration. It’s all played out beyond words.

Lots of people are ready to get off the brainwashing train and back to a simple belief in God and Family.

james wilson
2 years ago

It is the fact that the dollar is the reserve currency of the world that fueled the explosion of innumberable government grifts from FDR to the present. Without the fatal act of 1913 there cannot even be the Great War and all it spawned to the east, or the Great Depression.

However legendary the hangover is to come, it is not to be avoided.

2 years ago

Completely OT, with apologies (time presses)- Friends, it’s the swabs. The nasal swabs. Milder variants are introduced to the vaccinated, producing antigens and a positive case count, leading to another rush to test, while declaiming “but it kept me out of the hospital!” The unvaxxed, swabbed at work, for travel, for admittance, can be thus blamed for both the latest outbreak and the vaccine injuries. Where are they catching it from? Touching doorknobs, hugging Granma, remember that? The good news is that the current vaxxes are wildly differing in individual response, but not the killshot. Slow, cumulative killers, so I… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Quacks infecting their customer base with a weird new ritual so they can sell snake oil and make political hay, in short.


“World-spanning WEF” baboons and hucksters, as if a bunch of United Nations type grifters were an all-powerful SPECTRE.

These “visionaries” are selling the sizzle on the steak, high on their own supply. They’re Musking themselves, and wrecking us with their screeching from the upper branches.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Dammit! So sorry.
The swabs are the vector of infection.

A document surfaced wherein TPTB posited that they could “vaccinate people without their knowing,” using the swabs- which means that’s exactly what they’re doing, nod nod, wink wink.

The Breakup War will continue-

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The way vape pipes are causing everyone to cough etc I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re being used to transmit the chinese virus or something similar

Pretty sure many of them are made in China

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

From the very beginning, Pfizer’s EAU application to the FDA openly admits that those who are vaccinated can readily infect the unvaccinated around them. Even more alarming, those who are infected by the jabbed can in turn infect those around them as well, including causing miscarriages. The powers that be want everyone out mixing with the vaccinated to accelerate the spread. Either way, they win.

John Flynt
John Flynt
2 years ago

It makes perfect sense why wokeness, the most christian influenced and patterned form of this post war consensus civil right ideology, became the most popular. The committed progressives activists descend mainly from New England protestants. They already have a hardwired affinity for a mutation of christianity. It didn’t have to be wokeness without them. It could have been a form of right wing color blindness. But that style doesn’t resonate with progressive activists and wokeness won out. And it ties into why a former integral part of liberal coalition is gravitating towards the right. With old liberals like Rogan, Peterson,… Read more »

2 years ago

Hey look at the bright side, maybe if it all comes apart we won’t have to get vehicle inspections anymore, pay taxes to public schools, or abide by the National Firearms Act. Downside: I’ll have to give my wife a VZ.61 with full-fun-mode just to go grocery shopping.

Reply to  RedBeard
2 years ago

” I tell you, my man. This is the American Dream in action! We’d be fools not to ride this strange torpedo all the way to the end.”

Hunter Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
2 years ago

What the clowns fear goes beyond Russia rejecting the current ideology. What they fear is Europe embracing traditionalism from the Russian example.

That happens and the Empire of Clowns is toast.

Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago


Russia has only gently resisted globohomo. They’ll reach “child rape is a human right” about six weeks after America does. For this minor slight our rulers are not only *prepared to accept* but *obsessively seek* nuclear doom.

Rational calculation has nothing to do with it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Here’s a good example of a Cloud Person who has completely detached from reality over the Ukraine situation:

Now imagine that DC is filled with tens of thousands who believe along these lines.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I know it sounds crude but the original hyperventilating message and followup seemed to have a definite sexual aspect to the tone.

Is it like some bodice ripper fantasy about Putin or something?

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

It had a leftist-QAnon vibe to me. Power cut! Internet out! INDICTMENTS UNSEALED/ TANKS IN KIEV!!! Uh huh.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“Take me, you shirtless Mongol! Take me!”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

She is getting some pushback in her replies. That is heartening at least.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Unfortunately for us, Beijing and Moscow are acutely aware of how psychopathic our Cloud Peeps are. We could end up collateral damage on behalf of greed and sodomy.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

“Here’s a good example of a Cloud Person who has completely detached from reality over the Ukraine situation:”

Almost every single one seems detached from reality. No wonder it’s called “twitter.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Ah. “Deputy director at the Atlantic Council”, “trying to nudge history in the right direction.”

Her twitter bio. A warmonger, gently nudging us towards war.

2 years ago

I saw some family members yesterday. A couple normies and one hard left. Someone made the mistake of bringing up Russia because it’s just impossible to have these conversations anymore and the hard left person that said politicians lie, this is the way it’s always been, it’s no big deal they’ll work it out. And I could tell that she just thought everything was completely normal, there has been no profound change in the world and anyone that thought there had been was just a foolish conspiracy theorist. I can’t even wrap my head around that because one of us… Read more »

2 years ago

One of your best. One major reason for maintaining NATO was the old British canard of “keeping the Germans down, the Russians out, and the Americans in”. White liberals are still more afraid of Germany than anything, and much of this silliness is merely an excuse to keep troops in Northern Europe. When the Germans flip on the Nordstream 2 switch, you’ll know it’s curtains for NATO.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 years ago

The reasons to keep NATO were pork, pork and pork.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Eurogas contracts, the Great Game.

Money, even the fake kind, reflects the energy available to a society. Its fuel.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

NATO had zero real purpose after 1991, other than keeping the Military Industrial Complex fed. The Sixth Guards Army isn’t going to come rolling through the Fulda Gap.

2 years ago

“The reservoir of patriotism is now dry among the cohort of Americans who have always been the most patriotic. The response from these people over Ukraine is a shrug or maybe a wry smile”. You could not be more right. I could care less what happens beyond gas going up and watching the actual combat on TV. I told my wife I’d embed with a Russian Armor unit as a reporter if they were stupid enough to allow that kind of thing. I will say this…..when Russian Mercs supported by a mixed armor force went up against dug in Rangers… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Me, too. LOL!
Me, too. LOL!
Me, too. LOL!
Is that enough?

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

What happened to you? You went from dick to nice guy. Remarkable change in personality.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Sid
2 years ago

It’s the latest thing, this identity change stuff.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

So all the Fed did at their triple super secret meeting in their Antarctic bunker was…

….announce a semi-believable inflation number that several independent pundits had already calculated on their own?

They couldn’t come up with anything good like immediate nationwide bail-ins to Fedcoin?

What a bunch of losers!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Pretty good breakdown exactly how fake and GAE the entire made-up Ukraine “crisis” is:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

This is why a domestic “boycott” of the elections would wreak so much havoc on the regime It denies them legitimacy not only domestically but worldwide. Look at how grasping and desperate they are for worldwide legitimacy as it is. Even Ukraine is taking a stand. Which I think is not a small thing, for a tiny country to be telling the world’s supposed superpower to go F itself. This can only lead to the rest of the world coming to the conclusion that this regime is a sad joke and shell of its former self. Now multiply that by… Read more »

Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Yeah but remember how when Hillary and Biden were campaigning, they’d get close in shots of the “crowd” to hide that it was only a few people who bothered to show up. You’d get the same tricks with low voter turnout. Fudge the numbers, pay a couple hundred blacks to stand in a poll line and cheer about their freedoms and film it, etc.

Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

No one will believe the fudged numbers As an aside, I was wondering how this would all turn out, the academic analysis of the 2020 election from the Business School case-study perspective. If the numbers are to be believed, Biden and his team ran the most successful campaign in American history, getting so many votes so as to dwarf all previous presidents including Obama the deity. So therefore you are going to have the top marketing programs and Business Schools in the country getting into the weeds as to how it was accomplished. I mean it was truly groundbreaking if… Read more »

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

“I don’t think they could hide the fact that they held an election and no one showed up.”

They couldn’t hide the fact that they stole an election. How did that work out?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Don’t vote. It only encourages them.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Canadian gov’t crackdown in truckers is going full tilt.

The Ambassador bridge is now fully open to traffic after local, provincial, and federal law enforcement cleared away the last protesters’ last night. They made 30 arrests but there is still heavy police presence at the bridge.

There is some sort of citizens’ uprising *against* the truckers underway in Ottawa.

True Doe is said to be about to invoke the The War Measure’s Act, effectively putting Ottawa under martial law.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

30 arrests?

That’s a weekend reverse sting on the West Side of Chicago.

Don’t make it a bigger thing than it is.

As for a “citizens uprising”, I’ll respectfully believe it when I see it on the ground.

If it was reported by MSM, it’s bullshit.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

“If it was reported by MSM, it’s bullshit.”

Very true, but it wasn’t. Comes from a man who lives in Ottawa.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Fair enough.
But what is a citizens uprising?

Are they gonna get mad?
Write a “stern letter”?

I’m not sure what individuals who count on stuff being delivered by people can do to said people.

But good luck to them.

If anyone wants to get an accurate pulse on the going’s on in Canada, check out “Viva Frei” .

He’s on multiple platforms.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

“Fair enough. But what is a citizens uprising?” That was *my* fault. To quote Horace: “Brevis esse laboro obscurus fio”: In trying to be brief, I became obscure. Here is what the guy said word for word: ” … fed-up citizens are organizing counter protests after three weeks.” Then he quoted the Toronto Sun: “Sunday was the day when Mr. and Ms. Ordinary Ottawa had finally had enough — and took to the streets to defy, unthinkably, their own police.” “It was a protest as much against Ottawa’s ineffectual and constantly apologetic police as it was against the truckers who… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

A man who lives in Ottawa–well, that clinches it.

Guns or Roses
Guns or Roses
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I live there. 50-100 maskies tops, brandishing the largest public sector union flag (which inexplicably has a gear in its logo) and the odd hammer and sickle. And they gathered far, far away from the smelly, racist, truckers and their supporters.

Strike Three
Strike Three
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
2 years ago

“If it was reported by the MSM it’s” bee ess.

On a related note, did you know that when you type “the zman” into Google it now presents (as the top result) a new magazine called The ZMan magazine. It is 100 % matzoh, covered in a layer of gefilte fish.

This can’t possibly be a cohencidence. Google is messing with you, Zman!

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Thing about Canadians is they are sort of the “golden retrievers” of North America. Say this having lived in Detroit, spent a lot of time in Ontario both for business and sports competition and worked directly for a Canadian COO at my old firm. They’ll take a lot of abuse, but cross a line and you’ve got a 120lb snarling fur missile on your hands.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

Things are about to become a bit more interesting. How will the truckers–and their supporters around the world–react?
How far will the gov’t go?
I’m told by somebody in Ottawa that the local cops are on the truckers’ side.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Never trust a cop. They lie most times if not all the time.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Chopper
2 years ago

That and they will do absolutely nothing, 99.99% of them, to endanger that sweet pension. This isn’t conspiracy. Life long friend is a cop, who says that he and his department won’t enforce unjust/unconstitutional edicts, etc. When I mention that would conceivably mean taking a stand where he would lose his pension eventually, he quickly changes the subject and gives some rationale about how it won’t come to that. He can’t answer my queries (“Well what if it DOES?”) on that point directly, because he knows he won’t risk that and we want to stay cordial with one another. But… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

The worse the better.

I would have bet, and lost, that Bastard Fidel would have gone full Tiananmen Square last week.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I expect TPTB thought they would drift off in the cold.

Seems to be changing gears now.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

The thousands of people out protesting have been doing so while a cold snap has hung over Canada for about a month. Ottawa is about 10F during the day and going to 0F or lower at night. Yesterday morning was -25F and there was an outdoor pancake breakfast and outdoor church service. These are extremely cold temperatures and we are still seeing thousands coming out on a weekly basis. Toronto/Detroit are a couple of degrees warmer. But it’s still colder than average there, and windy. The weather has been on the regime’s side so far. Next weekend is supposed to… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

So it looks anti-terrorism powers are going to be used against crowdfunding, crypto and freezing personal bank accounts. as part of the emergency act.

First port of call is the financial squeezing it seems to avoid obvious large scale force, wonder what reaction this will bring?

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

You can’t judge Canadians by what you see in Morontario or Queerbec. Albertans have more in common with Texas than we do with those guys. Turdo has enacted the Emergencies Act to clear the protesters. This allows him to (supposedly) save face and pretend to be a tough leader (stop that laughing, damn you!😉) But the provincial premieres are ending the mandates. The truckers are getting what they want, without having to murder the smarmy little faggot in the PMO. The premiers can pose as heroes to their constituents. We can call this a win, because that’s what it is.… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Congrats on regurgitating the MSM fake narrative. Do you work for CBC? 1. There is no “uprising” in Ottawa. There was a protest of about 500 masked idiots who marched around away from the scene on Saturday. Another group also blocked about 25 supportive vehicles by standing in a road. 2. You’re making the removal of the Ambassador Bridge blockade seem bigger than it is. The largest trade route in North America was finally cleared after 6 days. I don’t know why it seems like a such a defeat that the state would prioritize the re-opening of such important infrastructure.… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The martial law thing would be a red line. Hard to see it happening, but, Trudeau.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Seems you are going to find out now its been invoked.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I have to say I tend to go with Bartleby here. Especially because, in my understanding, Ottawa is full of the same lizard people as Wash. D.C. They were undoubtedly *never* on the side of the truckers. It just took them a while to run out of wineboxes, weed, and anal lube. Once they saw that those peasants were serious about taking a stand, they started crying to Mommy State to take the bad men away. I’m sure the average real Canadian is getting fed up with the roadblocks but most of them probably know that the Ottawa regime is… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Pozymandias
2 years ago


Tip of the ole chapeau for the line “It just took them a while to run out of wine boxes, weed, and anal lube”.

Five Times August should write a song using it;(giving proper credit of course).

Check out his stuff before Juicetube shuts him down.

Good stuff.

2 years ago

We’ve finally reached that critical mass of mediocrity (or worse) in leadership. To wit, the newly announced head of nuclear waste disposal is apparently a high heeled leather fetishist that like to lead his gimps around on leashes. And he’s proud of this and apparently believes his kink is a job qualification. And he’s not wrong, that’s the whole theme of Biden’s senior appointments. Over on the Congressional side we have a line up of barely sentient geezers hanging on to squeeze the last drops out of their various grifts. You can argue about guys like McNamara and his “best… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Something that gets overlooked is Russia is still rightfully pissed over Kosovo, which was such an important place for the Orthodox Church and the Slavic people. Severing it from Serbia was a criminal act and quite frankly less justifiable than what may happen in the Donbas. So there also is an element of payback here in some quarters.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Or that Stalin intentionally moved populations around in the 20s and 30s. Both to rid himself of the troublesome, but also to prevent ethnic minority “republics” from gaining any momentum away from Moscow. Now that is proving useful to Vlad since there is always a Russian minority that needs “protection” if that is politically expedient.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
2 years ago

“Germany and France will go along with superficial stuff to please Washington, but they are not committing suicide over Ukraine.”

The only difference between committing suicide with the Ukraine or NORD-2 and committing suicide over importing Muslims and darker ethnicities is the time line. They are both suicide. One is immediate, the other is generational. Like the difference between shooting oneself in he head or using heroin.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

What I find amazing is that Biden’s dipsh*t advisers didn’t read the joint China/Russia communique’ of Feb 4th. If we go to war in Ukraine, The Chicoms could just walk right into Taiwan. We obviously cannot fight on two fronts. In fact, it’s not even clear that we could fight on one front. The Europeans have to be looking at the Afghanistan/Iraq episodes and scratching their heads. Our standard Amurrica MO: meddle, threaten, invade, blow everything up, establish a puppet, raise the rainbow flag, thrash around for an exit strategy…. then, with the puppet’s help, screw up any hope for… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

>There are 41mm people in Ukraine. Can you imagine the refugee crisis?

The fact they’re white means they’re unlikely to be treated as “real” refugees, but what seals it is the fact that there are a lot of hot women in Ukraine, and anything that threatens to import a lot of hot women is a non-starter, for obvious reasons.

So there will be no refugee crisis from the Ukraine – women in the west will make sure of it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

I’d be willing to bet China has had hundreds of sleeper agents embedded in Taiwan for years and that they can execute a decapitation strike at any time.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

” … they can execute a decapitation strike at any time.”

That’s true of the States, too. A few men acting in concert could shut down the entire country for months, and the gov’t and nobody else can defend against anything like that. It’s *amazing* that nobody has done it so far.

Barging around the world for a century now, bombing and murdering, and now more than fifty years of open borders. It’s a recipe for disaster, and it’s astounding that we haven’t reaped that whirlwind yet.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Sure, except in the US the number is hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of sleepers.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Still have retaliatory capacity. Just like MAD. But as that capacity weakens, the probability of that whirlwind increases.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Why do Americans care about Taiwan?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

GAE cares because:

1) It’s an important geostrategic location that helps GAE monitor and bottle up the Chinese Navy (PLAN)

2) Taiwan makes enormous amounts of semiconductors for all of GAE’s high-tech war toys. US domestic production is a shadow of what it once was.

Steps are being taken to reshore production in the US. The trouble is that it takes years to bring a semi fab online. There are also a lot of questions if the US still has the human capital to staff such facilities.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago


I meant regular Americans. I guess the muh Taiwan demographics is similar to the demographics cheering for war over Ukraine.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Well, when you can’t fix a car, get a new appliance, have no cell phone (even a basic one) etc it becomes a local issue real quick

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

The US is unable to do business with a country unless that country is its bitch?

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Also, it’s the US government’s fault that things worked out this way, while the grilling crowd was cheering them on.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Given the $2 trillion of money spunked on every scam under the sun over the coof they could have relocated all of the US required Fab capacity from Taiwan for a fraction of that.

Each one costs something in the order of $2-3 billion.

Then who cares about Taiwan.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

IMO, its not so much the cost of the fab (which is quite high) but the cost of the labor. Taiwan labor is about half of US labor cost. Simply put, if we are organizing our economy based on cost of production — which is what we do now — it is much more cost effective to produce in Taiwan. Changing this impulse to manufacture abroad requires something bad to happen to the USA (dollar collapse?) or for our leaders to abandon our neoliberal capitalist economy.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Maybe so.

Does it not seem strange that all the US companies as the main consumers by volume of a fundamental strategic technology never gave much thought to sinking $billions and their entire manufacturing base into an Island a few miles off the coast of China?

I can’t believe they thought there was such little risk.

Some things are just fundamental infrastructure.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“Does it not seem strange that all the US companies as the main consumers by volume of a fundamental strategic technology never gave much thought to sinking $billions and their entire manufacturing base into an Island a few miles off the coast of China?” It is strange. But US companies aren’t really making these decisions. Rather, these decisions are made for them by USG trade policy. Companies have to play by the rule book given to them or go out of business. Commodification of chip manufacturing is pushing these industries out of US into lower cost places (now Taiwan and… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

If China invades Taiwan, do you really think we are going to stop buying semiconductors from China? Are we going to stop buying manufactured goods from China? Raw materials? Medicine? Will our companies and oligarchs be prohibited from doing business in China? Our elites have engineered absolute
western dependence on China and have profited immensely. The west facilitated china’s development as a superpower while simultaneously ensuring that we cannot survive without them. A cozy Russia/Europe/China axis will eventually emerge and we will be stuck with the detritus of open borders, cultural degeneracy, techno narcissism, and political corruption.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  BerndV
2 years ago

Yes, it is clear that, on the current trajectory, North America’s long-term future is a backwater Chinese colony meant to provide slaves, productive agricultural land, fresh water, and lebensraum for the Han people.

The spurious anomaly
The spurious anomaly
Reply to  BerndV
2 years ago

here’s an interesting thought, what happens to our rare earths issues with China when another Steve Jobs comes along and invents something that doesn’t require them, after all we are not static..

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Where did you get the impression that Americans care about Taiwan? Americans, sui generis, don’t know Taiwan from Thailand, and finding it on a map would be like playing ‘pin the tail on the donkey’.

Ukulele Rain Main
Ukulele Rain Main
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

>>There are 41mm people in Ukraine.<<

Wow… I had no idea Ukrainians were so tiny.

2 years ago

OT, but they are threatening violence to each other over at powerline blog. Bizarre, would like the take here. Tension between conservatives and neocons is happening.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

“would like the take here.”

“Conservatives” and Neo-Cohens fighting it out? Why would we need a “take” on this other than let’s hope it’s brutal and permanent.

tl;dr- not my problem.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  SidVic
2 years ago

“Bizarre, would like the take here.” First, the supercilious “Paul” betrays his ignorance and superciliousness by referring to “Adolph Hitler.” It’s Adolf, not Adolph. German, not Greek. Typical. These types know absolutely *everything* about Hitler, except, oddly, the guy’s name. Maybe it’s a case of Hitler Fatigue. Literally. And second, as I was reading the exchange between “Paul” and “Steve,” I was wondering whether anything could be more boring. And then I read some of the comments, and stopped wondering. The whole thing struck me as “old-maidish.” If they are starting to hate and despise each other, I can hardly… Read more »

2 years ago

“The State Department swears the tanks are revving their engines …”

I thought I heard tank engines revving, but it was just that grazing beast Nadler again contributing more than his fair share of greenhouse gas to global warming.

Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

um, sharts are gas when Nadler issues?
we can call is “makes walk funny” gas.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  bryanjb
2 years ago

I was *just* about to say that *same* thing!

2 years ago

The UK establishment and media is even more detached from reality than the US one, they behave like the British empire still exists or more likely they see the American empire as their own, it would explain how much they freaked out after the Afghanistan debacle.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Empires tend to die in pieces until one day, people look around and realize that it no longer really exists. The Western Roman Empire was falling apart for centuries before 476. Indeed, most of the periphery didn’t know or care much about Rome’s fall. That said, I think that the Afghanistan/Ukraine period will be remembered as one of the more important signs of the decline of GAE. Afghanistan clearly showed that we can’t impose our will overseas, even against goat herders. Ukraine is showing the world that we’re an insane bully, but just as importantly, that there’s no need for… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“Afghanistan clearly showed that we can’t impose our will overseas, even against goat herders.”

Depends on what our will was. I think it had more to do with how the CIA has been funding its own black ops since 1946 through the heroin trade, all of which–and more–is copiously documented in this fascinating and readable book:

2 years ago

“One of the many excellent uses of reality is that it can be used to test ideological and political theories. No matter how good the idea seems in the lab, the only way to know if it will work is to give it a go in the real world.”

Whenever I see this I am reminded of the apocryphal (I think) Frenchman who, when presented with a new situation says, ” Well, that’s alright in practice, but how does it work in theory”.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

theory and practice are the same in theory, but different in practice.

only had one (idiot) engineer ever suggest otherwise to me.

Felix Krull
2 years ago

The State Department swears the tanks are revving their engines and then nothing happens.

I bet the Russians are firing up the engines each night just to fuck with Washington.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Be even better if they all incessantly honked their horns.

Though, in this day and age, that might be a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

Be even better if they all incessantly honked their horns.


Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

It seems like the Biden people are faking the threat to later claim they stared down Putin. I’m not sure why Putin is playing along, unless he is already at the point where he sees Biden as so weak and pathetic that he doesn’t care what game they are playing, and is simply doing what he wants.

Felix Krull
Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

I have no idea what the Russians are up to,

Looks to me like both sides are playing the same game, trying to goad the other into doing something stupid – two whores winking to each other from across the street

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DLS
2 years ago

Putin is playing along because he’s mostly okay with the status quo. He has never struck me as a guy who would allow the perfect to become the enemy of the pretty good.

Risking any moves that might lead to war with NATO simply don’t add much value to his position.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

war is for when other options are exhausted.

the look of running out of options is clearly asymmetrical here, and everyone knows it.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

For all we know, this could be a Russian psy-op to make GAE look even more foolish. What better time than when the vegetable in chief and his woke minions are in power.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
2 years ago

“Western Europe will be dominated by France and Germany and Eastern Europe by Russia.”

And I still have not heard any sort of persuasive, based-in-reality-not-in-pronouns case from the regime as to why this should actually upset me.

2 years ago

Since Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are ALL pushing the “Russian invasion imminent” line, I assume just about all of normie-world believes it, which in some sense is odd, since every normie thinks at least one of those outfits is a propaganda mouth piece of evil. The funniest report I’ve seen was from MSNBC by a black body going by the name Malcolm Nance. He has this to say: “Ukraine is a liberal, progressive, democratic, western country with a very, VERY large economy…” Hmmm…liberal progressive democratic…let’s take a look. Transparency International’s corruption index ranks Ukraine 117th among 179 nation-states, in… Read more »

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  NoOneImportant
2 years ago

Never let the facts stand in the way of good propaganda!

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  3 Pipe Problem
2 years ago

Speaking of which, apparently “like America, Russia is a settler-colonial state” and “many Ukrainians very much see themselves through the lens of race when it comes to Putin’s revisionism of their shared history” and black Ukrainians “feel the trauma of the Kremlin’s aggression as much as any white Ukrainian.”

Words fail.

Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

When you google “black Ukrainian” you get a link to the wikipedia entry for “Afro-Ukrainian.” If you google
“white Ukrainian” you get a link to a cocktail recipe. Go figure…

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

80 IQ genetic missing links are not going to do much fact checking. Their not so distant relatives also believe in witchcraft and voodoo as equal to modern medicine. So its low effort to get them to believe pretty much anything.

Let’s hope this means all the nogs will go sign up to defend their oppressed brothas in Ukraine.

“Yo dawg, they still call them n-ggas Slavs right to dey faces! Let’s roll on ’em!”

One can dream…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Well, given the hit modern medicine has taken with the COVID fiasco, not so sure how wrong they are about voodoo and witchcraft being so far behind modern medicine.

Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

Iron Maiden – thank you. That post, I won’t call it funny, I don’t even know the word, was something to admire. That article is akin to the Vietnam Wall – a place where you go and quietly marvel at the enormity of the horror.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

It’s written not to convince blacks to rally to the cause but to give Whites a Candace Owens-type cover for their preferred beliefs.

Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

I bet the 1 black guy on student exchange in the Ukraine is as confused about this as you are.

2 years ago

> Germany and France will go along with superficial stuff to please Washington, but they are not committing suicide over Ukraine. I’m not so sure. Germany keeps closing down its power plants and doing whatever it can to lower the standard of living for its people while importing hordes of dusky biomass, along with the rest of the West. Is this not suicide? It may not actually have anything to do with The Borderlands of Russia but that doesn’t matter. The rulers of the West want to destroy their fiefdoms in order to Build Back Blacker. This may not be… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

It appears that precious few of the German *people* want to preserve Germany.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

True, Europe is committing its own form of suicide. But even crazy people like to stay warm in the winter.

Demographically, France is a decade away from locking itself into a very bad future. England isn’t far behind. Germany still has a chance but doesn’t seem to care.

It’s not just the American Empire that collapsing. It’s the Western European Empire which has reigned since 1500 that is falling apart.

2 years ago

“Over time, the West would be able to rally and cripple the Russians economically, then roll them back militarily,”

Nope…Russia is self sufficient in food and energy, and has important allies in Iran and China..It also controls numerous important smaller countries, of which Kazakistan is most important with its massive uranium deposits…NATO would simply disappear when the Europeans realized it was an expensive scam..

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

“Nope…Russia is self sufficient in food and energy, … .”

Russia has also divested herself of ALL US debt instruments. And they are proceeding apace with China to replace, or at least erect an alternative to, the SWIFT system.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

And just NOW are you getting to the truth of it, and why they must be destroyed. This is the shot across the bow that you *will* stay under the thumb of (((global finance))) or you will be destroyed. Simple as.

The thing that frustrates me the most about this situation is the endless theorizing about “why” when the truth is simple and old. Money and Blood-Libel the thing that also drove the European wars of the 20th century. Nothing new except the date.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

I got the impression from the article that tact was in relation to a (highly theoretical) Russian invasion of Western Europe and how that would be the GAEs only play. And yes, it’s much easier to kill such an overextended empire via a death by 1000 cuts, as GAE is beginning to (not) realize.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“making Washington look a bit nuts” A bit? D.C. is a paranoid schizophrenic that believes men can will themselves to be women and blacks are divinities. Quite frankly, given its nuclear arsenal and hapless but over-equipped military. D.C. is a terrifying crazy person. That aside, here’s my prediction, based on something from Zelensky himself yesterday: the Ukraine itself will announce it never will join NATO. This allows D.C. to save face although the Euros will know fully well this signals the end of the empire. After a few months, Ukraine will be partitioned by agreement and the Donbas will be… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

> Trucker strikes, not military adventures, are the future of the empire and those nations, primarily the UK and Canada, who continue to cling to it. Canada is going to be absolutely ruthless on the strikers, and a multitude will lose their licenses and be put on watchlists. Problem is, they are not going t be able to stop, and once you completely disenfranchise a certain percentage of the population, you get more aggressive actions by people with nothing to lose. Over time, they will be low-key supported by officials who either infiltrated that system or simply want competent people… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

” Problem is, they are not going t be able to stop, and once you completely disenfranchise a certain percentage of the population, you get more aggressive actions by people with nothing to lose. Over time, they will be low-key supported by officials who either infiltrated that system or simply want competent people to get stuff done unofficially.”

Exactly. It is well underway, and the license and livelihood-stripping will make it worse. Again, that’s the future whether it is economic or civic in nature.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The problem is that if you cancel the truckers you cancel the distribution system. I imagine the Trucking companies, knowing who they need to survive, wouldn’t even try to supply Ottawa.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

Well, there is a substantial element of Sikh truck drivers who might try to seize the moment to carve out more business. But how many of them getting shot with long guns would it take for that enthusiasm to evaporate. After all, after swooping in like vultures after the (predominantly) white truckers get savaged by Turdo and his regime goons could certainly get bad things to happen. Exercising a right to dissent, only to have your life ruined by apparatchiks gets up the blood of self-respecting men, and those aliens, clearly acting as their opportunistic scabs are asking for it.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

What I could see happening, if the convoy approach fails, is a certain percenatge of truckers simply refusing to service Otttawa. The Sikhs can swoop in and claim that market, and set whatever price they like. Let Ottawa experience Truckflation. $25 (Canadian) lattes.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

And thee are independence movements in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and they are*not* new.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Do you really think the latter will occur?

I see no evidence that this would be true. The very nature of the madness in the west is its extreme reality denial, and its top to bottom in the govt and officialdom.

I don’t think we have any real historical reference point about living in an NPC dominated society, but all indications are that its an all or nothing mindstate where its going to be more like the Aztecs mass human sacrifice theocracy than low level communist corruption.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

People with no loyalty to the State will do what they can get away with. As corruption and basic incompetency rises in the State there are more opportunities to skirt the system.

The age where you could count on the ‘silent majority’ to play within the system, even when it did not benefit them, is coming to an end. Moral browbeating isn’t going to work much longer, especially for potential elites disenfranchised by the System.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

I believe you are correct. It just seems like the empire is unbeatable until it isn’t. People don’t realize how much our systems rely on voluntary compliance. Even the tax system falls apart if people start actively skirting it.

The spurious anomaly
The spurious anomaly
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Canadian politicians appear to be very similar to early adolescents in their behaviors, teenage minds don’t have an “off switch” and they escalate bad behaviors and are unable to simply turn around and walk away unless stopped by an adult. Sooo, like their American counterparts, they will continue to fling poo and “get you after school” until we have a complete breakdown. At this point I just stack edibles and stay home.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

They would do well to put this trucker strike stuff behind them as quickly as possible. Breeding a bunch of road saboteurs into the maul of a self imposed trucker shortage due to one part of a stupid “vax” mandate seems wildly inadvisable. Yes they may be cautioned by the fact that the “right” never found a hill to be worth dying on, but still, there really are hills that are not worth dying on. (Witness too the Jannies still locked away in the gulag. The regime is right at this point to be legitimately afraid of those people getting… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet: Trudeau invoking emergency act and alternative donations website hacked and shut down:

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Wonder if Ottawa or D.C. hired the hacker?

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Seems a bit coincidental that all the funding account details were hacked, then the next day troll woman announces that anti-terror laws are going to be used against personal bank accounts used to fund the protests.

If you donated I would suggest moving money out of those accounts if you can.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Hence why intolerance of dissent is a sign of weakness. Once you kick large swathes of people out of your society (particularly productive people), you’re left with a smaller, less productive society, and as an added bonus have made it clear to dissidents that their best play is to voluntarily withdraw instead of complain, which only exacerbates that problem. If they had cut a secret deal, like they do for all their cronies, this problem would never have seen the light of day. Snobbery is no way to organize a society, but it is almost inevitable once a country teaches… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

They’re already scrambling for competent technical people.

I’m not even actively looking and recruiters are sending me 2 to 3 emails per day.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“After a few months, Ukraine will be partitioned by agreement and the Donbas will be formally annexed.” That’s a pretty interesting viewpoint. That *could* happen, but Putin has repeatedly turned down annexation b/c it would be an *enormous* financial burden on the Russian state. On the other hand, he is under a lot of internal pressure from people inside and outside his gov’t to annex the Donbass Russians. And there is an influential minority inside Russia that *still* wants to “join the West.” The “Atlanticists.” And they would *love* to see him out of power so they could take over… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

I doubt most progressives believe blacks are divinities. Progressives believe (1) blacks are their pampered pets and treat them accordingly or (2) are helpless infantiles and treat them accordingly.

2 years ago

First, the US president is a seriously corrupt vegetable that shits his pants. That is no trivial thing and the rest of the planet is fully aware of this fact. More importantly, there are no adults left in DC that could (even if they wanted to) force his ouster and it wouldn’t matter anyway because Heels-up is actually worse. The Cloud People are hard at work savaging the dying corpse of the US economy for every last bit of value before making their exit. So forget the strategic issues. It time to focus on the tactical remedy. The disease cells… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

As the expression goes, no country with gay parades has ever won a war…with the US being a prime example…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

The flaw there is the United States was losing wars before trannyism. I mean “losing” in the sense of victory rather than profit, the latter of which has been wildly successful for a handful.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

It’s funny that you say that, but if you think about it, America might be the first empire whose elites found it more profitable to lose a war than win it

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

“The Cloud People are hard at work savaging the dying corpse of the US economy for every last bit of value before making their exit.”

What does this mean? I’ve seen it at other websites, but nobody explains is. What does “their exit” mean?

“Yes, the Jackboots will form a cordon line and start rounding up the usual suspects, … .”

Who will be “the jackboots”? And how will they accomplish “rounding up the usual suspects”? I ask b/c I don’t see how that could be done, or by whom.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

I can’t remember who said it, but I think it may have been in this comment section: America is a corpse being consumed by maggots. Liberals are rooting for the maggots. Conservatives are rooting for the corpse.

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

European leaders have to be wondering if the empire is losing its grip on reality.

More like losing the grip of its butt. Emergency diaper change in the Oval Office … STAT … again !

2 years ago

One constant in the collapse of empires everywhere is that as the imperial government starts losing control over foreign territories, its elites become more debased and they increase repression on their own domestic population. This happened in Rome, it happened in Great Britain. The British example is probably a bit closer to home. Who can doubt that the Briton of 1900 had more freedom than the Briton of today? In 1900, Scotland Yard was not investigating it as a “hate crime” if one man said something disparaging about Pakis or blacks to another in the local pub. In 1900, London… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Britain no longer exists in a real sense, its just echoes bouncing around the present from the past.

The native population has been displaced in ts 2 largest population centers, most of its authority structures and there is no going back.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Britain is a bad joke with some good tourist attractions…

Reply to  pyrrhus
2 years ago

Which bitter and ,no doubt, highly successful ethnic group do you come from?

Reply to  Ataturk
2 years ago

I’ve never read a good comment which ends with an ellipsis.

You graduated from commenting on Twitch streams?

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

There’s always going back. I’m tired of this moralfaggotry that says a people can’t or shouldn’t take its lands back, or anyone else’s lands, if they have the will and ability. I don’t want a future where everything sucks because a few generations of whites were hoodwinked by you know who.

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

I am not saying you can’t change it, but it would require expelling something close to 5 million people off a tiny island, where the majority of the population are all in on their own replacement, and don’t even have a concept that just 50 years ago these 5 million did not even exist in the country.

I can’t conceive of a catalyst of a magnitude to change this.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

We are not all in on our own replacement. How do you know it’s a majority?

I think this is more wishful thinking on your part

“I can’t conceive of a catalyst of a magnitude to change this.”- This thing where some halfwit making windy boasts about the future does not understand something so therefore it’s not possible.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Given I lived there for most of my life and talked to lots of people about this I can assure you its most.

and the basis of your assertion is?

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

“I can’t conceive of a catalyst of a magnitude to change this.”


Hunger. Financial and economic collapse.


Not only will the autochthonous population *want* them gone, but they themselves will see little reason to remain in a cold, wet climate when all the gibs are gone.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I would also add that describing a thing is not the same as supporting a thing. I wish it was not so, but most NPCs are just too far away from this for it to be viable.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago


When I say I can’t conceive I mean in a real sense of something realistic occurring.

Scenarios which can provide an impetus of course exist, but would have to be so large as to effectively destroy the nation as a thing.

What would remain would be more akin to a pre-unified England in the early 9th century with warring kingdoms.

Even so, pushing 5 million out would require a bloody conquest which England has not seen in its history since the Saxon invasion.

Reply to  Astralturf
2 years ago

I emphatically agree. The world is permanent tribal war, permanent clan war, permanent ethnic war, permanent religious war, and permanent race war. Movement and displacement of peoples has been the norm since the beginning of human sapience. We have lived secure in a White Christian dominated empire so long we have forgotten lessons that need relearning, like the peoples inside the collapsed Roman Empire had to do after the end of the Pax Romana. Reality will pitilessly oblige those who would rather be extinct than not be nice. Everyone getting along and being nice to each other is a beautiful… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

Very close to the same with the US.

Edgy Civnat
Edgy Civnat
Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

UK has lost a lot of freedom but the idea that the US is some bastion of liberty trailing a long way behind is absurd. The US gave the world Political Correctness( upper middles class speech codes),Affirmative Action and Disparate Impact as an ideological framework to take down Western civilization. Oh, I forgot mandatory CRT and Transgender indoctrination in private and publc institutions. Cops mincing around in milgear, TSA molesting you at airports.99% conviction rate if prosecuted by the FED gov-43% in England and Wales if prosecuted by the Crown. Perp Walks are particular to the US too! Asset Forfeiture… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Edgy Civnat
2 years ago

“The UK is hardlty free but give it a rest with the US dragging-its-heels- behind nonsense.”


The drama in Britain is acted on a much smaller stage, that’s all, so it’s more noticeable.

Reply to  Edgy Civnat
2 years ago

Britain also has more accurate media (that is to say, ANY accuracy), and better internet privacy rules.

Johnny Anditmightbeasin
Johnny Anditmightbeasin
2 years ago

This reminds me a lot of those imminent attacks on Washington and state capitols across America on inauguration day 2021 that we heard so much about from the MSM. Unfortunately, half of America probably believes that those attacks were thwarted by our brave deep state. I don’t see how this will be any different.

My Comment
2 years ago

I don’t buy that people so easily change their self image. Our side had always provided the fighting men, hard workers and the grillers. Just because lunatics are running the country doesn’t make most people change their entire self perception. My guess is that when Russia does not invade, like they insist they won’t, Biden will claim victory and will be celebrated by his propaganda machine. Maybe even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. If, on the other hand, Biden’s controllers start a war with Russia, our guys will willingly fight it because their self image is of the hard… Read more »

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Yeah, I think z’s a bit too optimistic on the matter. I’ve engaged in some conversations (online and in person) about the Russia situation, and my interactions are quite different than z’s perception. Despite Tucker’s excellent anti-war pitch, most Normie cons are firmly on the side of “damn Russkies think they’re gonna push us around?! Amurrrica!” And the most common being “This is only happening because Brandon is in office. The world respected Trump! MAGA!” “You’re gonna just let the Russians push us around!!!!?” As I’ve repeated many of Tucker’s anti-war facts of the situation on why it’s none of… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

You should give them a blank map of Europe and ask them to point out the Ukraine and Russia’s borders.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

You are too kind.

Have them point out where Hawaii and Alaska are. It will be fun.

My experience has been the types The Greek mentioned are much smaller in number these days. They are around but nowhere as numerous and gung-ho as in the past.

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Yea, I don’t think the “rally round the flag” bullshit is going to work this time. We have seen this movie before.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Mountain Rat, I think this is one of the reasons the Olympics are failing this time around. Once you take out the flag waiving, it’s a bunch of goofy sports that wouldn’t exist if they had to rely on ticket sales.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

You’ll get a better reaction from Lefty because Lefty hates America and very much wants to see her as the bad guy.

Grillers don’t want to see us as the bad guy we are. They live in the past, a past that probably doesn’t (or ever) even exist. Ask a Griller what they think of Putin and then try drilling for specifics.

Propaganda works.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

How’d that work with the goat fuckers?

What;s the plan? Make the Chinee die laughing?

My Comment
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Agree with your points that it is 100 % our fault and too many Americans on our side of the divide get caught up in this anti Russia and anti Chinese propaganda. American men on the right who came of age before the fall of the wall seem especially attracted to the nostalgic component of a Russian and Chinese enemy. Things were simpler then. I hear about the genocide Olympics from them too. Since Jan 6, some men have become more disillusioned with the country but others seem to want to show that they are the real patriots and Biden… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Nope, all the lefties I know (and precisely NONE of the normies and dissidents) want Brandon to give Putin a black eye.

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

In which case the imminent destruction of the Empire, followed by the USA itself, will be classified as suicide…

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

There was a poll asking about support of getting involved in Ukraine by age. The only group that supported more than 50% were 65+. So, yeah, the ‘Merica crowd. The problem for the empire is a bunch of geriatrics waving the flag for war while all the younger people look in confusion just makes the optics worse.

Reply to  My Comment
2 years ago

Maybe, maybe not. Obama wanted to escalate in Syria, and the rank-and-file military revolted. Post Iraq, there’s no appetite for imperial wars outside of DC and its media boot lickers. It would be an extremely tough sell.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Plus, the Russians will actually shoot back. That involves risk. They may get injured or killed. They signed up for the free shit, not to get shot at!

God, can you imagine Tamika and her friends and the sweetie squad marching into Ukraine to face down the Russians? Jesus. It would be funny though.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“God, can you imagine Tamika and her friends and the sweetie squad marching into Ukraine to face down the Russians?”

Of course not.

They’d just get pregnant and collect benefits in comfort “far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife.”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Another factor is this could swiftly get out of hand and the Ruling Class suddenly would have skin in the game via either economic disruption or, worse case scenario, a nuclear war. The Ruling Class has not had skin in the game since ’45, and even then the Clouds didn’t have much.

This has the potential to be much more damaging to the United States than Afghanistan, and assumes this hasn’t happened already. The Paper Eagle barely can flap.

2 years ago

BTW. I doubt very much that the end of the GAE is near. For all its faults, it still benefits most of the world by providing peace and and a large sphere for prosperity. So we’re most likely living through a phase shift in the empire.

The Roman Empire is probably the best analogy for a number of reasons and that empire experienced a number of such shifts before it finally collapsed in the west.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

As Tacitus. wryly commented about Rome, “they make a desert and call it peace…”

2 years ago

Whats always struck me about the collapse of the post WW2 order is how everything regressed back to the old systems that existed…. pre white people.

China will be the middle kingdom, the most important country in the world.

Persia will dominate the middle east.

A Eurasian Russia will be drawn closer to the steppe.

The americas will return to a brown shithole.

Europe will be terrorized by Africans crossing the Mediterranean ceding more and more ground like Iberia and Balkans of old.

Turns out the bad guys won all the wars.

Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

“Turns out the bad guys won all the wars.”

except Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan. The good guys won those.

Reply to  Bilejones
2 years ago

We have to be careful, as dissidents, that we don’t slip into anti-americanism. Korea and Vietnam were communist aggression. Nationalist communists to be sure, but hardly allies to heritage America.

As for Afghanistan…. well the Taliban burned the poppy fields and put a stop to the Afghan version of homosexuality. Both things American GIs were forced to stand by and watch.

I prefer not to speak on it.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

“European leaders have to be wondering if the empire is losing its grip on reality.” Europeans leaders are just as stupid and culturally and morally bankrupt but, yes, the spectacle of the *obviously clinical* mental illness into which the hologram “Joe Biden” and that True Doe kid have retreated is pretty surprising. True Doe abandons his capital city, which is what happens when you lose a war. Then, it is at least rumored that he has fled from his country by taking refuge in New England. Then he makes a statement to the (so-called) “press” and, with his back against… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Understated in all this drama is that the various Green parties, but noticeably Germany, are all GAE plants(yuk yuk).

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Tykebomb
2 years ago

I had to google GAE, and even then I didn’t get it. I’m embarrassed to have to admit that it took half an hour (and a comment down-thread!) to get the joke, but I *finally* did.

Now I need a drink.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Haha, I assumed it was Gay American Empire until I read the Taki article.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

“The Russian Duma is considering annexing the Donbass either today or tomorrow (today I *think*).”

I checked on this (I know, I know!), and it *is* today that the Duma is considering *recognizing* the Donbass republics as independent, not annexing them (my mistake).

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

This *might* be Putin’s own plan. He’s under pressure internally to “do something” for the Donbass Russians, but he has turned them down repeatedly on annexation b/c of the financial burden his gov’t would be saddled with.

But *recognizing* their independence would kill two birds with one stone. It seems like a good idea to me. Russia could toss ’em a few Rubles now and then, but would not be permanently saddled with the financial burden that annexation would bring.

The Greek
The Greek
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I disagree with your take on Trudeau. His calling of the truckers transphobes doesn’t show that he’s disconnected from reality. He’s simply using the left’s most common weapon today. Any nutty policy they argue now, regardless of the subject, they say that opponents “don’t care about brown people, gays, are racist, homophobe etc.” It can have NOTHING to do with the matter, but they bring that old chestnut in to try and win the masses with their demagoguery. Trudeau’s usage is simply an example of using it a bit too transparently.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

“It can have NOTHING to do with the matter, but they bring that old chestnut in to try and win the masses with their demagoguery.” Okay. I don’t necessarily disagree with your take, and I can see what you are saying, but their attempts to “win the masses” with ludicrous and ridiculous cant just plain ain’t workin’, and that, at least to me, shows that they really *are* divorced from objective reality, because the *keep doing it.* Maybe b/c the Ministry of Truth functions as their echo chamber, they really have no idea how the vast majority of the population… Read more »

Mountain Rat
Mountain Rat
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

I think you are giving too much credit to the masses. The average sheep who gets his info from the mainstream media just accepts anything the people on the TV tell them.

I find it mind boggling how unthinking the vast majority of people are.

Reply to  The Greek
2 years ago

Someone at Sailers place coined a phrase I like:

“The three “O’s” BoJo, SloJo, and Trudeau. A nice conglameration of stupidity.

2 years ago

There’s an interesting parallel between the regime in DC and the entertainment machine in Hollywood. Both were once robust engines of creativity. That have run out of steam over the last couple of decades. Producing expensive flop after flop. Falling back to mindless sequels and reboots. And ever more ridiculous fantasies. People are just using them out. The Euros nor Americans are the least bit interested in their reboot of the Red menace. When Reagan was elected president, a lot of old time pols and their whores lamented that he was turning politics into show business. And they were largely… Read more »

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Politics has ALWAYS been about show business. The first of the blatant carnies was Blow Job Bill.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

“Politics is show business for ugly people”

is a trope as old as I am.

Or perhaps not, Follow the argument here.

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
2 years ago

The Empathy Cult is trying to replace Christian Love with a new central value, empathy. “Most people do care about others and about social welfare … this emerging narrative is most helpful because … this capacity to care … can be encourage, promoted and even taught. Love and affection, while possessing a social dimension, are deeply personal and hard to emulate at the societal level, but other qualities can be more easily harnessed for social good.” It’s extraordinary how top-down social control can be sold as intra-species collaborative empathy, but there we are. From this thread: Note too the… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

“One wonders what reality will have to say about all this.” We see it everywhere. “Leaders” and even entire governments utterly divorced from objective reality; their inability to control what comes out of their mouths, no matter how revealing it is of their mental illness; suicide as the 2nd-leading cause of death of Americans between 10 and 25; mental illness of increasingly bizarre forms (“trans-” this or that); an open attempt to normalize pedophilia; drug abuse at levels that would have shocked Timothy Leary; property crimes made lawful; non-prosecution for accidental shootings-to-death of some bystander or even somebody in their… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Agreed. Next 5 or 10 years. Max.

The dissidents are going to have to change their tune now too: Normie is off the couch, and he’s in Ottawa right now clogging the roads with his truck and blasting the air horns at the fairies. You woke him up guys – and now is the time for the dissidents to be at their best!

I know a Yesterday Man doesn’t look good in a Hitler Youth costume… but – Tomorrow Belongs To You!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

“Normie is off the couch, and he’s in Ottawa right now clogging the roads with his truck and blasting the air horns at the fairies.”

I am fervently hoping for a worldwide general strike on the same day or during the same week.

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

Turdo is desperately looking for some way to cave without looking weak as we speak. Yesterdy he called all the premieres in for a Sunday meet – and it looks like the play now is for the provincial premiers to throw the mandates out so Turdo doesn’t have to.

It will probably fly – people just want to go back to work so the pressure will ease for a bit.

Or, at least, until folks realize that the economy collapsed, and for a lot of them there will be no jobs to go back to…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

C’mon man!

“Existence as a Service,” is gonna be great!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Iron Maiden
2 years ago

More seriously, the author of that thread is 100% correct the people pushing the Great Reset are evil and should be hated.

2 years ago

“We will have spasms of bellowing and shouting from Washington, but the world will slowly crawl out from under the shadow of Washington.” i am also of the mind that washington will be the last to find out the empire is gone. usa looks like a weird combination between ussr & south africa, in the sense that the system is as obsolete as the soviets were in the last part of 20th century, yet at the same time it feels like it can carry on for a while kinda like south africa. It took a decade for putin to come… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
2 years ago

The soviet union was far more diverse than the US in terms of distinct cultures it brought together into one political entity. There was one subspecies that they were spared though. As we have found, there is no solution to that problem, the people are immiscible. Perhaps genetic engineering could have resolved it someday but we’ve run out of time. The regime’s current experiment of promoting voluntary miscegenation wouldn’t work and is too late anyway, they have run out of time too.

Reply to  tashtego
2 years ago

Adding that one subspecies anywhere always leads to ruin.

2 years ago

It’s been quite interesting to note the evolution of conversations with friends and neighbors. Immediately after the Biden insertion, the topic was stolen elections followed by complaints about high gas prices and laughing at the “I did that!” stickers at the pump. Then it was inflation/shrink-flation and Covid hysteria and now war with Russia. There is definitely a sentiment now of: “who the hell really is in charge and what the freak can be done about this madness?!”

2 years ago

Another possible scenario would be the absorption of US/Canada/Mexico into a western wing of the Belt and Road Initiaitve accompanied by retiring the dollar as the world’s reserve currency which looks to be happening anyhow. We may be entering a pre-Ricardo world of post-national mercantilism under Asian or more particularly Chinese hegemony. If so, what role will an anachronistic U.S. and Canada play? As the U.S, if not the Great White North,. becomes more demographically polyglot, what usefulness do we “bring to th table?” The Chinafication of the economy and a post-dollar digital currency/credit system seems not far off with… Read more »

2 years ago

Pelosi kinda let the cat out of the bag yesterday.

All the saber rattling maybe just a set up so that Biden van have a “win” by preventing a Russian invasion with his diplomacy and leadership – at least that seams to be the short term plan.

But I still think the regime and deep state are trying to reboot the Cold War as a long term play.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

Yeah, but they really screwed the pooch there, too. The German foreign minister told Brandon to take a hike, and the French premier is trying to play mediator. All Putin has to do is convene a meeting with those guys, but without Brandon, and announce that “the new face of Modern Europe” or whatever has successfully resolved the crisis. The clowns in Sodom-on-Potomac are so high on the smell of their own farts, it never occurred to them that something could happen without their input.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

So next week he is going to prevent Luxembourg annexing the low countries and the Alsace-Lorraine.

Another stunning victory for the steely foreign policy approach.

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

I half expect to see him come back from a European visit soon waiving a paper as he exits the plane shouting that he’s achieved peace in our time.

The whole thing is fake and gay.
A crappy 3rd rate movie.

Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

It would be more likely waving a piece of used toilet paper as he stumbles and falls down the airplane steps after mumbling about “peas in his dinner time”

Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

You see any Luxembourghers lurking about?

See, it worked.
He saved us again.
We don’t deserve him!

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Dinothedoxie
2 years ago

“All the saber rattling maybe just a set up so that Biden van have a “win” by preventing a Russian invasion with his diplomacy and leadership … .”

That makes sense. Thanks for the info on Pelosi. I didn’t know that.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Since the end of the civil war the Yanks provided most of the upper officer class in the military and left the fighting to mostly Scotch Irish as Senator James Webb wrote in his book Born Fighting. But now those white Scotch Irish and German midlanders are the “ white supremest” enemies of the new state. The heroes of the new state are the dancing negroes in the Super Bowl halftime show last night and the wigger Eminem. Somehow I don’t think these new heroes of the democracy will fight for the empire in some muddy plain in Russia or… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

Webb was writing CivNat nonsense. The Yankee elite in no way officered the post-Civil War military at the highest levels. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Pershing, MacArthur, Vandegrift, Marshall, Eisenhower, Gavin, Nimitz, King, LeMay, Spaatz, Arnold, Westmoreland-not a one was a “Yankee”.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

Patton, Vandegrift, Buckner, and Chesty Puller were all the sons or grandsons of Confederate officers.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

To Georgians and Carolinians, Sherman was a Yankee.

Trust me.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
2 years ago

So was Ike and Pershing
Kansas and Missouri boys while not technically Yankees.
They were culturally Yanks

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

The Kansas Jayhawkers and Red Legs were culturally Yankee. But Missouri had a fully functional Confederate gov’t.

And Quantrill.

And Jesse and Frank James.

And The Younger boys.

The largest number of battles BY FAR in the War to Prevent Southern Independence was in Missouri. By the end of the war, three counties in western Missouri were depopulated.

Then the James Brothers and other veterans who had ridden with Quantrill continued the war by other means, as partisans.

Excellent and readable book on all that (told by a Yankee sympathizer, but well worth wreading):

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

Eisenhower sure as hell looked like a Yankee when he sent in the army in Arkansas. Sure enough looked like he was A-OK with reinstating Reconstruction then. Did you forget about that one?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 years ago

if you remade Red Dawn today, the Russians would be seen as liberators.

given the American military has been intentionally poisoned with the vaxx, wouldn’t count on them being able to do much fighting.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Exactly that. When I saw those Russian paratroopers floating in to take over the high school* in the original Red Dawn, I thought “Damn, I can’t wait for that to happen, so I can go all Wolverines on their commie asses!” If that happened now, I’d be thinking “Damn, I can’t wait for that to happen, so I can draw them a map to the nearest GloboHomo depot.”

*In accordance with the timeless strategic wisdom of Sun Tzu and von Clausewitz: The key to winning any war is to invade the high schools first.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Liberators? Heck, yeah!
The first guy they shot was the black high school principal.

David Wright
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Watching the game yesterday with my son and all the pozzed commercials I told him I can’t wait for the Russians. How many more feel like us?

All the signs are there that the U.S. is circling the toilet bowl. Our chicken little government head cheese executive looks pathetic but still dangerous. How will the so called elites carve up the booty here when our empire dissolves. Will it match something similar to our Russian counterparts decades ago?

Right now I am listening to realistic strategies for my own economic survival. That ill wind is starting to blow real hard.