The war that the Global American Empire has launched against Russia is just the beginning of a global war it believes will bring about the end times. That sounds extreme but the top foreign policy people of the regime are quietly talking about regime change in both Moscow and Beijing. The main focus right now is Moscow, but they also have Beijing in their crosshairs and maybe even New Delhi. They believe the war is the final phase of the end of history.
This sounds insane given that Russia has more than enough nuclear weapons to reduce the empire to dust. Despite this reality, the people in charge of the empire have the current figurehead demanding Putin be arrested for war crimes. This is a new reality that needs to be acknowledged. Joe Biden is not in charge of anything. That was made clear when Barak Obama visited the White House recently. Biden was completely ignored by everyone, including Obama.
Putting that aside, the Global American Empire seems to have determined that the next war to end all wars and usher in the end times will be a financial one. Their response to Russian defensive measures in the Ukraine have revealed this thinking. The Ukrainians have been begging for air cover, heavy weapons and even troops. What Washington has organized for them is a series of Twitter campaigns intended to cancel Putin and all Russians, along with an organized economic war against Russia.
In a way, Ukraine is the proof of concept for the empire. They are fully committed to an economic war with Russia that transcends Ukraine. What happens a month from now when the war is over? The Russians will destroy the Ukrainian army in the east and that will force a deal. Either Zelensky is killed by his own people or he flees. The alternative is Russia simply partitions Ukraine along ethnic lines and imposes the deal on Ukraine that matches what has been proposed.
Will these sanctions last forever? Will the West simply acknowledge reality and strike a deal with the Russians? It seems pretty clear that Washington will not allow Zelensky to make a deal with Russia, so what happens when the Ukrainians get tired of dying and kill Zelensky instead? Will his replacement be recognized? These simple questions make clear that this war Washington has launched against Moscow goes well beyond the events in Ukraine. It is a war of conquest.
There is another front in this war. Beijing correctly understands that they are also in Washington’s death pool. This is why they have backed Moscow and why they will probably look to join the fight sooner rather than later. The reason for that is they know the empire cannot win a two front war. Slapping sanctions on Russia will impoverish the imperial subjects in Europe, but not those in North America. A trade war with China, on the other hand, will hit Americans very hard.
China also has the long term objective of capturing Taiwan, which will open the way for China to being the dominant power in the region. Look at a map and it is clear that Taiwan is the Malta of the China Sea. Whoever controls it controls access to the Pacific and control of the sea lanes to Asia. As long as the Global American Empire controls Taiwan, China is a landlocked power walled off from the sea by countries financially and militarily tied to the American empire.
There are some questions that are unanswered at the moment. One of them is whether China would prefer a shooting war with America or an economic one. If it is the former then the only way to do that is to make a hard play for Taiwan. That would start with blocking access to the Taiwan Straits. This would force the United States to send the navy to open the straights, which would expose those ships to attack. This would give both sides reason to organize for war over Taiwan.
If it is an economic war, then the logical play is to openly and aggressively defy the sanctions regime on Russia. This would lead to sanctions from Washington, which would be answered with sanctions from Beijing. The Chinese could pick a range of strategically important products to withhold from the West. This would have a real impact on the imperial subjects living in North America. Imagine a shortage of clothing and vehicle tires or a shortage of car parts.
There are good arguments for both scenarios, but no one seems to know how China sees this war unfolding. They have certainly studied it. Back in 2013 the Pentagon learned that the Chinese have been studying the relative human capital between China and the GAE. To their shock and horror, they learned that the Chinese do not think diversity is our strength. The Chinese have also been studying Pearl Harbor, which suggests they are thinking about a shooting war as well.
China is not the only other front in this burgeoning global economic war. India has been hostile to the empire since the war on Russia started. Saudi Arabia has also been unpleasant about the sanctions regime. Most likely the pending Iran deal has been scuttled to keep Riyadh from changing teams. Then you have the global south, which will suffer first in this war. How the West keeps them from moving north en masse is a question no one seems to ask.
What Washington has done is organize the West for a global economic war against the rest of the world. It is a conflict of visions. China and Russia imagine a multipolar world while Washington demands a unipolar world. This conflict began and will end around the global economic arrangements. Of course, economic disputes often lead to military disputes, so that is always on the table. No one knows if Washington has thought this through, but we do know who will pay the price.
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“It seems pretty clear that Washington will not allow Zelensky to make a deal with Russia…” What is the basis for this claim?
It’s not apparent to you knowing the Empire’s wet dreams? Who else has a thousand military bases occupying so many foreign lands? Even their voting machines speak their goal: Dominion. But their intended reach is beyond this wormhole we live in.
Here’s a short opinion piece from Off-Guardian, a site I visit sometimes: I find the author’s arguments quite convincing. Even a year ago, many of us in the DR scratched our heads at why, after just over a year into the pandemic, the lab leak hypothesis had suddenly been rehabilitated and mention of it was not only re-allowed in the major social media, but also in the normal press. A similar case is made for the Hunter Biden Laptop, which was a verbotten topic from late 2020 until just very recently. Even leaving aside, as the author notes,whether the… Read more »
[…] April 6, 2022 […]
No, China neither wants nor plans to have a military action of any sort, up to and including actual war, with the USA. Why kill their best customer, and besides, their military is quite inferior, despite the propaganda it has been grinding out. It is much like the vaunted invincibility of the Russian Bear, which, when put to the test has been seen to be a paper tiger. No, China will continue to pose and threaten, and nibble around the edges militarily, but China will rather persist in its current economic war with the USA, which has been enormously successful,… Read more »
Steve(retiring/recovered lawyer)
Before you continue making “regime media” based statements about China, you may want to take a moment to read this article:
Some Things You Should Maybe Know About China
Given to me by a friend who’s a Marine Veteran in Wyoming who definitely knows ‘shit from Shinola’ where such things are concerned.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Does your Marine friend believe “that Mao never actually ‘killed’ anybody,” one of the assertions of the author to which you link?
What about Lincoln, WILSON, FDR, and Truman? How many were killed because of their treacherous deceit?
Moderator, can you deny this is true? The evidence speaks for itself.
You’d have to take that up with him, not me.
Also, are you ready yet to take women’s un-earned privilege of “voting” away, end their empowerment and end ALL welfare, both domestic and foreign, in order to save Western Civilization by re-instituting Patriarchy?
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
[…] Read the Whole Article […]
Sorry Z-Man. Both Milley and Austin have stated that the war in Ukraine will drag on for a very long time. The stated goal is to provide soldiers, including likely our own (see Biden’s gaffe revealing that the 82nd Airborne would be going to Ukraine after some had already been there) to fight Russia and destroy their army in attrition warfare. Putin had to go onto Russian TV and apologize for the deaths of conscripts in Ukraine and promise that it would never happen again. Which means he has basically 200,000 professional army soldiers, out of which he’s seen about… Read more »
Whiskey on, “..With Brandon/Austin/Obama’s purge of White guys the Army will be a hollow remnant and Ukraine will feature hollowed out demographics: Russia, Ukraine, the US all fighting. All while White men are more and more hated and more and more valuable as a resource able to get things done..” Sounds to me suspiciously like another ‘Brother War’, just like W.W.1 and “The BAD War” that were intentionally instigated by, ahem..cough, cough Talmudic Rothschild Globalist Banksters from THEIR ‘City of London’ headquarters, cough, cough, cough,… ‘Some Damn fool thing in the Balkans’…very much so..and given what the Globalist pedo Rothschild… Read more »
Claire Wolfe is a jewess.
You don’t say,….. I got that knowledge when she immediately ‘shoa’ed’ my attempted conversation about the history of the Holodomore and WHO was directly responsible for it (Lev Bronstein aka ‘Trotsky’ and his other recruited jewish bolshevist/zionist friends in Russia) and many other genocides and attrocities. Yes, she’s VERY quick to censor/ban anyone she deems is guilty of ‘promoting antisemitism/hate speech’ (wonder what she thinks of the adl running damage control for Zelensky’s ‘Azov Battalion’ because they’ve “not attacked Jews or Jewish Institutions and are numerically insignificant” or the fact that they’re funded by an israeli billionaire). Claire, since she… Read more »
Damn (((autospell))),lol!
“The US strategy is to wear him down, and then have ‘the Ukranian Army’ (i.e. Blackwater types wearing mufti) march to Moscow and overthrow Putin never escalating (they think) to nuclear.”
What is the evidence for this conclusion?
Totally off topic, but I have to give a BIG plug to Havamal Soapworks. If you haven’t given them a shot, you won’t be disappointed. One bar is called Activated Charcoal – pretty weird as it’s coal black, but has a great fragrance and will scrub the s*** right off you. Just placed another order – it’s good stuff – check ’em out.
now this is ugly and childish…..
Its what mean girls and fags do.
They keep trying to make fetch happen
That’s WHY, if one is REALLY serious about saving their culture and nation, one: 1. Takes women’s rights [voting] away. 2. Stops empowering women – NO job outside of the home; their proper role is that of duitiful wife and homemaker under the wise and responsible authority of their husband. Also, NO education past high school. 3. End ALL welfare both domestically and foreign. That’s how real problems get addressed and fixed. And, as an added benefit, birthrates WILL increase. Don’t say it won’t work..the Amish, Orthodox Jews and Moslems practice the above – and their birthrates are definitely above… Read more »
More like ‘Strap-On Wives’..especially given what’s been seen from such cucks as Jack “Murphy” (((Goldman))) and Will Smith (who’s ditchpig of a wife HAS/IS committing open adultery with his teenage sons friends).
Women will continue to be as out of control and outrageous as men allow them to be.
Think on that.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
I watched the tightening of the financial noose around americans’ necks for about 20 years now, with the passing of laws to make it harder for regular citizens to do banking offshore, tightening of bankruptcy laws, mass surveillance, discouraging cash transactions, various measures to make it harder to run an independent business, other things. Even the Swiss succumbed to the pressures exerted from NY and Washington. Perhaps, like the Saudi’s found in the 70’s, overplaying their hand, the incentives to break away from the now unreliable US financial system will result in alternatives that citizens could take advantage of to… Read more »
Globohomo is at war with Eurasia. Globohomo has always been at war with Eurasia. The thing is, the CCP knows how this story goes. They’ve read 1984 as well and they also know fully well the rulers of the Globohomo Empire are using 1984 as an instruction manual, the same way one of us might use a Chilton manual to assist with a car repair. So the CCP knows that one day, out of the blue, apparently for no reason and totally at random, the “narrative” changes to Globohomo is at war with Eastasia. Globohomo has always been at war… Read more »
I think its more like “brave new world” by huxley
A bit of both with a smattering of the Hunger Games and every other dystopian novel you can find.
My vote is “Killer Clowns from Outer Space”.
Remember, Huxley was an advocate of what he wrote about, not an enemy of it.
Feminism has also done great harm to both individuals and cultures/nations around the world..with the same backing and blessing of the Globalist banksters that support Globo homo.
That’s why taking women’s rights (voting) away along with ending their empowerment and ending ALL welfare both domestic and foreign is the solution.
A hard reset to patriarchy IS needed planet wide.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
I think a small piece of the puzzle may be the NetZero, Green New Deal, and anti-Russian LNG scams. The quants are stuck by sunk cost, momentum, and limited skillsets based on spreadsheets. The scams are not to “end” energy, but to create rationed scarcity. All the Masters of the Universe can envision is forcing high prices to their profit, like a Soviet mayor stealing the town’s heating oil so he can sell it on the black market. Financialization of politics may be their *only* tool, along with buying up controlling shares of media. They don’t mean any of it.… Read more »
Damn. Sorry, people, I am falling asleep, long night.
All I meant to say is that the American regime is squeezing the EU and Anglosphere for higher priced energy. They can’t see any further than that, or imagine the RICs doing anything to push it bsck.
Lifestyle shrinkflation,
Standard of living shrinkflation,
I tend to agree with this view of the folx in charge. When dealing with something that is impossible to “solve” anyway like the planet getting hit with a solar flare or asteroid even these supposedly flawless athletes of g as worshiped by the HBD crowd tend to shut down their big brains or go to sleep mode. Two articles come to mind, a Louis Menand literary piece, “Fat Man,” about Herman Kahn in the NY’er Mag and a Theodore Dalrymple column about his vacation home in Provence or whatever, basically wondering how things would function in a more autarchical… Read more »
“Elsewhere, someone made a great point to disprove centrally-controlled conspiracy. Like any religion, what they defend is not a coordinated plan, but instead a mutually held sentiment. This is why “facts” don’t much matter.” This what “intellectuals” believe. They tend to believe in evolution which is a completely physical process, has no evidence to support it (other than correlation), and takes away from the “intellectual”‘s fear of a deterministic outcome. All I’ve got to say is anyone that doesn’t believe in a centrally controlled conspiracy cannot explain how the Bank of England and Federal Reserve were formed. If you don’t… Read more »
In general I agree with what you have said, and you were succinct.
Who from the ogilophilies benefitted from the 1970’s stagflation?
When you know what is going to occur you can hedge your bets. The insiders go long and short depending on the direction the economy is going. Crash an industry, buy up the industries on the cheap. Start a war, invest in military manufacturing. Plan on precious metal shortages, buy up futures contracts. All part of the dialectic. When you control both thesis and antithesis you control the synthesis.
Yes, Russia and China have nuclear weapons, but Western attempts at regime change are not going to involve hot war. There are no Curtis LeMays in the Pentagon anymore. The American Empire is a feminized and gay empire. It may have women and trannies in the Marine Corps, but it sure as hell is not going to send them to engage in set-piece battles against the Spetsnaz. The new American way of war and regime change will be along the lines of a divorce: the woman will not merely engage in lawfare and attempt to take all your money, she… Read more »
The one down vote must be from rabbi Schlomo throwing a very used shekel at his schmendrik gopher, Huueschel to scamper over to the computer and push the ‘dislike’ button so Schlomo’s prints wouldn’t be on it to finger him.
Not surprised at all….
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
“Who controls the world today?”
Same folks that own/control “The City of London”, the federal reserve banks and other ‘central banks’.
The Rothschilds and their related and connected ‘fellow travellers’
that continually promote Globo Homo and Feminism across the planet via their equally owned and controlled ‘media/entertainment’ networks, “education system”
and their ‘corporate employees’ in the various ‘governments’.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Can the D.C. regime be replaced without a massive hot war? Ideally, in the best circumstances, it would be a Soviet style collapse. Practically a controlled implosion. But these people are so crazy and entitled who knows. The Soviet system never needed pollsters, even at its end. The crazies in D.C. are all about deflection when the going gets tough. As the going gets tougher and tougher for ordinary Americans, and purchasing power continues to vaporize, the blame game will only be stepped up on Russia/China boogyman. Crises will continue to be manufactured overseas so Americans’ crushed standard of living… Read more »
“Can the D.C. regime be replaced without a massive hot war?”
Our survival probably hinges on someone coming up with an affirmative answer to that.
This scenario has been modeled extensively and the results consistently reveal that a conventional grassroots rebellion yields enormous combatant and civilian casualties, largely because of the extremely high fraction of firearm ownership in the US. Add in that the spring has been winding tighter for several years now and the stored pressure of repressed anger is huge. The first line of LEOs to face this tsunami is in for a big surprise, and they are not the Bad Guys in this feud. The Cloud People desperately want to foment white guys killing off white guys in large numbers. But the… Read more »
To do that we’d need iron-clad stealth networks. And a public comments board is obviously not the place to organize that. Meat space, meat space…
TomA, the bad news is you’re asking thousands to commit The Perfect Crime.
The good news is we’ll have to wait for the fog of civil war. So, it has to happen, be ready for your chance and make the opportunity count, yes?
Take a few minutes to read up on the stories of Medal of Honor recipients. In almost every case, an ordinary GI stepped up when circumstances demanded extraordinary action and he found himself in the right place and the right time. That is all that is required. We are everywhere all the time. Step up when opportunity knocks. It can be as simple as a flight of stairs.
TomA, “..The first line of LEOs to face this tsunami is in for a big surprise, and they are not the Bad Guys in this feud. The Cloud People desperately want to foment white guys killing off white guys in large numbers..” Ok…ask yourself this, WHO is going to be sent as an ‘authority’ to come to YOUR door with THEIR amped up ‘friends’ to demand that you immediately grant them access so THEY can remove all your guns, ammo and everything else that THEIR bosses say that they confiscate with extreme violence on THEIR part with or without ‘resistance’… Read more »
And for those that either didn’t hear or see this, here it is from a year ago (and no, nothings changed regarding this..still quietly ongoing): Biden presses local officials to use [covid] relief money to tamp down on crime “President Biden on Monday used a meeting with mayors and law enforcement leaders to urge local officials to use federal money from the coronavirus relief package and do more to combat a nationwide surge in violent crimes. In what he described as a listening session about what is working in different communities, Biden also said more needed to be done… Read more »
Could the Soviet leadership cadre be replaced without a massive hot war?
Turned out against predictions the answer was a resolute “yes.”
But in our case I and tens of millions are going to insist upon bloodshed for our cadre. They have to die.
“But in our case I and tens of millions are going to insist upon bloodshed for our cadre.”
The Soviet Union falling when it did was an embarassing surprising for a lot of people where it shouldn’t have been. On the other hand, a lot of people have been predicting the American downfall…for as long as I’ve been alive, frankly. None of them have been right with their predictions beyond the basic “it’ll end sometime!!” Just saying, don’t get your masturbatory fantasies for revolution heated up, this empire could die off a lot slower than black mold.
As with you, Templar, who should not allow haughty abstention to delude you into believing sageness, wisdom, morality or even relevance.
My view has always been, the currency will tell the tale. The state of the dollar internationally and domestically will presage the outcome. Right now, even after all the hits and mismanagement, it’s still pretty stable. We’ve been very lucky that the Europeans decided to vendor finance all of Southern Europe by including them in the Euro. Never invest south of the Alps, only sit on the nude beach and relax. A Nord-Euro would be giving us a run for our money already.
JR Wirth: My husband quipped he’ll believe the dollar is truly being displaced when the drug cartels stop accepting it. Anyone have any contacts?
The drug runners like dollars partly becuase the US has never cancelled any currency.
Other nations do it all the time, so you can’t just keep the notes as they might pull them from under you.
Boy they are going to get a shock when the US moves to digital currency.
You would expect a huge flood of physical dollars iback into the system
If the drugdollar loses its status that will be akin to the loss of the petro aspect.
The end did come. There was a coup, enforced by continuing military occupation of the capital. They put it on TV. Almost nobody acknowledged it.
The avarage NPC/normie is still too comfortable, well fed and ‘happy’ to give a rats ass about what’s happening. As long as the shiny box keeps them entertained and [mis]informed..the food and gas is plentiful and cheap and they ‘have it good’, they’ll continue to accept shit day to day..doesn’t matter to them if it’s ‘Orange Man’ or ‘Mr. Magoo in Depends’..long as the good times roll!! Fact is, they WANT to be ruled – easier to live that way than take responsibility for their own lives and actions every day..that’s hard work! Add in most don’t ‘see a problem’..or… Read more »
True but the US hasn’t been a condition like this in any of our lifetimes.
Also a lot of people generally don’t think the US will end till the 2030’s . This has as long as I can remember been the guesstimate of most of the militia right and various tuned in people.
That it matches Strauss and Howe’s 4th turning to a tee suggests its a good estimate though sooner or later are of course possible.
Revolutions usually need a push from outside. The USSR ruble was already sanctioned then, not recognized in our system at the time, wasn’t it?
So we were the outside force. Maybe we’ll be repaid in the same coin, indicated an economic, not a hot war.
An economic war is not a war of conquest. Conquest means just that, not mere economic meddling. Blackistan has no plan to conquer Russia.
Regardless of Taiwan’s status, China is anything but landlocked. It has one of the longest coastlines of any nation, and one of the world’s greatest deep-water harbors in Hong Kong.
Terminology matters.
“An economic war is not a war of conquest”
It can be. The winner rolls in to take over in a limo, not a tank.
Even if Blackistan successfully collapsed Russia’s economy–highly unlikely–the Russians would never roll over and allow the enemy to occupy their land with no shots fired. Conquest would have to be military, and we all know that can never happen. Blackistan’s nipple-clamped purveyors of tranny worship, riding in on their Wiener-mobiles would be annihilated by tough Russian men fighting for their own blood and soil.
“Conquest would have to be military”
No it wouldn’t HAVE to. Coups, infiltration, blackmail, bribes…. Russia in the ’90s, Ukraine in ’14, all of Europe being b*tch-slapped around by the EU for 40 years, honestly America today. A-holes taking over countries is a dirty black art. And when salt-of-the-earth try to raise hell against this, you Jan 6 them.
Moran – I’d argue that the U.S. has had an operational 5th column actively working against the founding principles of this nation – at least – since WWI. One could probably make the argument it began before. I’m open to suggestions. That said, I’d say since – at least – the Obama Admin it has completely come “out of the closet”; they don’t even bother hiding who they are anymore, rather revel in it: BLM/Human Rights Campaign Fund/NEA/ADL etc. We’ve all known how the hard Left used to hide/cloak themselves in admins before – Carter/Clinton – but they’ve outed themselves… Read more »
That is color revolution, not conquest. And, as long as Russia is ruled by people like Putin who are on to Blackistan’s skullduggery, it won’t succeed in Russia. Russia has the ability to resist. And more important, it has the will that virtually every other nation has lacked.
“Russians would never roll over and allow the enemy to occupy their land with no shots fired.”
Unless GAE somehow succeeds installing a new Boris Yeltsin. That seems to be the goal, anyway.
Russia will suspend election before that happens and I suspect most Russians will breath a sigh of relief at that.
Also its very hard to influence someone who you have such tough sanctions on that they are not involved with you at all.
Some NGO shows up anyway ? Deported, gulag or shot
Russian has been seriously invaded twice in the last 200 years – they didn’t quit fighting and it didn’t turn out well for the invaders.
And–something Blackistan’s propaganda organs never mention–Russia has been repeatedly invaded by the West, but the reverse never happened unless it was a counter-invasion (Napoleonic Wars, WWII). From a historic standpoint, Russia has had far more to fear from the West then vice versa.
You could also point out that Russia has a massive coast line and a few large ports, yet year round access to the sea has always been one of their goals, if not for the Brits they would have liberated Constantinople
China will take back Taiwan eventually
Even there, Russia is not landlocked. Slovakia is landlocked. Kansas is landlocked.
But, yes, because a high percentage of Russia’s coastline is inaccessible for much of the year, the acquisition of warm-water ports has been a theme of modern Russian history. The same, alas, cannot be said for China.
The island chain of American influence from the Philippines to Japan is called the Pacific Shield.
American naval bases are there to contain Communism and its meagre navies, enforcing UN / US hegemony over global shipping and trade routes.
(That the 10th District Federal Reserve banks, Wall Street, Avenue of the Americas media capitol, and UN HQ on donated Rockefeller land all sit in the same city tell us where the Second Imperial Capitol, the occupation government seat of power, actually is.)
China neighbors Russia and they share an extensive land border we cannot disrupt. They are completely self-sufficient.
The multipolar world is well under way. Russia has already won its war – what remains is the mop up, which Zelensky/DC refuse to acknowledge and will sacrifice tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops for. Remember Biden’s “Brandenberg Moment”TM as Zman termed it? That was Biden trying to scuttle the peace talks, on extremely short notice. Yes, DC is that brilliant and “morally principled”. So instead of wanting peace, DC has shown itself to be sandbagging not only peace, but reality. The Russians are not hobbled by any fantasyland dreams. Kneecapping Russian POWs (whether it appears on Twitter or not)… Read more »
“And what exactly is Obama doing in the White House?”
Officially, advocating the latest incarnation of the Affordable Care Act which he supervised Potato Joe enacting via executive order. Which he obviously didn’t have to be there for.
Unofficially, yet publicly, he insulted Joe, insulted Joe’s dogs and got Joe to thank him for being the Real President In the Room in so many words.
The visit was a power flex. “Don’t worry, folks, I’m still the boss of the White House.”
Nothing like a good public PepRally of self-congratulations to celebrate permanent bureaucratic meddling with medical care. They were close to simultaneous orgasming over their ramrodded achievement of mediocrity. Glory Days!
That visit WAS a power flex.
May Mrs. Clinton never forgive it.
“And what exactly is Obama doing in the White House?”
Panicking, in full chunking their boxers mode. Trying mightily to put out the fire they’ve started before the POTATUS gets them all killed.
What a great catch. Epic!! What if Zelensky ain’t the only one eyeing escape hatches? Except, !! they hain’t got one !! No where to run!!
Maybe global warming finally flooded his 2 beach house mansions.
The only global warming that flooded anything of O’Homo’s was his husband Michael invading his backside and flooding his bum with a triple strength zinc enhanced liquid blast.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
A most pertinent question: “And what exactly is Obama doing in the White House?” I don’t follow the news that closely. But I did live most of my life (until about age 42) around DC. A former President visiting the White House is almost unheard of, to my memory at least. Very rare except at, say, funerals for other Presidents. Yes, as others speculate today, there are powerful forces acting behind the scenes. This has zero to do with a revision to Obamacare. Perhaps some type of signaling, however…of defiance perhaps, against the Clinton faction? If Obama is truly an… Read more »
“It seems pretty clear that Washington will not allow Zelensky to make a deal with Russia, so what happens when the Ukrainians get tired of dying and kill Zelensky instead? Will his replacement be recognized? These simple questions make clear that this war Washington has launched against Moscow goes well beyond the events in Ukraine. It is a war of conquest.” The only real attempts to negotiate peace have come from Paris, and possibly other European nations behind the scenes. For the Americans, the only acceptable outcome either is outright war with Russia or a permanent guerilla war in the… Read more »
> Imagine tens of millions of Americans without psychotropics for more than a few days.
That might actually be the first step towards fixing our problems.
Currently, masks are a pretty good identifier of potentially unstable people – but at least you can see them coming. Take away the psychotropics and one really will need to be on guard.
Once the hack fest is over anyway.
Imagine tens of millions of Americans without cheap imported stuff on the shelves at Wallywoild or other stores for more than a few days.
It wouldn’t just be the inner city pavement apes that WOULD be going full chimpout….
Just another reason NOT to live in or anywhere near ANY city.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
“The rational play would be to scuttle the Iran deal and make nice with India and the Saudis. The people on this side of the Atlantic are not rational”
Indeed. But taking one step back, if China is your main rival, your first two valentines should be Russia (resources and northern flank) and India (demographic mass to mach China’s). They long ago alienated Russia. Now they are alienating India, which is not too happy about China so should be open to American approaches.
How are they not setting America up for defeat?? Does Globohomo have a death wish??
What about japan? How will i get my 4runner when the dollar crashes?
They are basically Team Evil, Steiner’s three great sins Lust, Domination and Spite ride them like a skin suit.
So they won’t and can’t make rational or moral decisions simply because they lack the capacity for moral reasoning.
No one in power wants the Good, the True and the Beautiful and they actively recoil from them as you can see from Biden’s first act as President revoking a Trump executive order requiring attractive buildings of a certain style.
Because of Spite they can’t back down or back off as noted by sanctioning Putin’s daughter
‘(((Globo-Homo Inc))) is TOO big to fail!
But you and I and others here…aren’t.
Always keep that in mind. We’re just ‘groceries’ on the store shelf for THEM to pick up and use when THEY desire.
It will continue to be so until we develop parallel and unconnected culture and support system for us. Unconnected to THEM.
That, and TWRA!
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
As I’m sure most of the readers of this blog have as well, I did see the video clips of Biden stumbling aimlessly around like a sad, confused puppy while Obama waltzed around the room confidently drowning in adoration from the sycophants who attend such cloud people gatherings. I’m always seeing broader cultural messages in such seemingly trivial events. Sure, we can comment on the specific people involved and the dynamics of elite power structures in a formulaic way, but I tend to see what happened as a reflection of cultural undercurrents. Biden is symbolic. He is the clueless old… Read more »
That’s also why they are on a Mad Dash to get Trump on any kind of federal charge they can dig up, to prevent another run.
“The main focus right now is Moscow, but they also have Beijing in their crosshairs and maybe even New Delhi.” An extremely divided USA (340 mill), supported by a worse than lukewarm Europe (550 mill) taking on first Russia (144 mill) and later China (1,400 mill) and then, because the plate does not seem full, India (another 1,400 mill), this is more loopsided than Germany taking on Russia and the USA. This is like a tiger storming angrily into a herd of elephant bulls in musth (high testo ‘heat’ for male elephants where they are very aggressive). The predictable result… Read more »
Globohomo may just repeat Hitler’s mistake of taking on overwhelming powers at the same time. Globohomo will kill us, it HAS to fall. Is it too much to ask that it does not fall via Chinese ‘liberation’?? Between a rock and a hard place….. :-/ Maybe it’s time to read about Count von Staufenberg. He would appreciate the dilemma slowly emerging on the horizon.
Sounds like you’re still drinking the indoctrination Koolaide that the bolshievist/zionist parasite class has spewed forth since they won ‘The BAD War’. Here’s an intellectual antidote for that: Mike King, “The BAD War – The Truth NEVER Told About World War 2” (complete in pdf format): Also recommended is this documentary: Europa – The Last Battle (Full Documentary on Odysee) If you or others want a physical copy of Mike’s “The BAD War” and his other titles, they can be found and ordered from here: The REAL History Channel Discover the truth that the parasite class have… Read more »
Depends on the strategy. The people behind The Longer Telegram want to defeat China by subversion, focusing on the top of CCP leadership. Probably unrealistic, but they will try anyway.
I imagine it is subversion all around in their plan. But two can play that. China has been buying foreign governments, from Nepal and Sri Lanka to various African countries, for decades. They are not new to that game. Globohomo vs the CCP is really Satan vs the Devil. And we’re in the middle of that.
“Globohomo vs the CCP is really Satan vs the Devil. And we’re in the middle of that.”
(This deeply religious atheist slaps forehead. “That’s it! That’s exactly the spiritual dynamic, the earthbound Lord of Hell, that I’m talkin’ ’bout! Versus the Heavenbound, the Gate of white people!”)
Sorry, OT, so I’m whispering.
Moran: Not to mention the millions of 1st and 2nd generation Indians and Han with magic American papers. The vast majority of them don’t give a f**k about Ukraine – what’s eastern Europe to them? But involve their homelands (where many of them still spend all school vacation time and all still have enormous extended families) and we’ll all see much more clearly just how divided AINO actually is. And regardless of who has better missile technology, there is no question as to who has a larger cadre of patriotic and hard men determined to defend their country – and… Read more »
Exactly. We need to get rid of the current regime. While avoiding another foreign take-over. This increasingly feels like DRs are the guy at the poker table without any chips left. If the game ends up being settled just between various devils, the outcome will not be good for us. We need to get rid of the local regime post-haste.
I’m game. when does the party start:?
list of “right-wing sites”‘ which stands with Ukraine or with Russia (work in progress) UKRAINE -Cunter-Current -The Spectator -American Renaissance (they cowardly don’t speak about, SO they are not against Zelinsky) -American Mind (more or less) -American Thinker -visegradpost. -VDare (more or less) -trad-news -Affirmative Right -Richard Spencer, I guess RUSSIA -The american conservative (surprisingly) -site of JK Kunstler -site of Anglin -Identity Dixie -American Greatness (discretely) -Jim’s blog -substack of Moldbug -Takimag (very very discretely) -Unz review -Occidental Observer -Occidental Dissent -theburningplatform -greyenlightenment -neociceroniantimes -Keith Wood ********** I don’t follow ramzpaul, scott adams and many others, so I… Read more »
I think Brad Griffin does his best to emphasize neutrality and his displeasure at our involvement in a Slavic brother war. His articles do take to task ZOG’s role in instigating things, with a fair amount of historical context on why Russia is doing what they’re doing, but I do strongly feel that Brad is taking the position that I take, which is neutrality and nuanced. No it isn’t “big brained centrism”, because I’m not a centrist. I just don’t feel that I can dismiss Ukraine’s genuine desire to be a sovereign state, even if ZOG’s interests align with Ukraine’s.… Read more »
Who’s Brad Griffin?
Ramsey is anti-war (effectively pro-Russia), Scott Adams is pro-Ukraine.
Scott Adams is not even close to right-wing. On top of that, he is one of the biggest morons alive.
Scott Adams is probably closer to a globalist than anything. He regards business tycoons as the highest authority in any matter and uses a heuristic that the more money you have the more likely you are to be correct. He was only pro-Trump because he saw Trump as rich and successful.
Of course this type A philosophy hasn’t actually made him all that successful or happy in the grand scheme of things given he has no kids of his own and his trophy wife just dumped him.
Scott Adams voted for Hillary, didn’t he?
More on the Russia side, or at least the not-on-Ukraine/Globohomo side: Mark Collett, Red Ice, TRS guys, FTN guys, Felix Rex (Black Pigeon Speaks), Matt Bracken, Vox Day….
Zerohedge definitely leads ‘Vlad’wards
The Saker’s Vineyard has been essential.
Instapundit shills for the Ukes.
Robert Stacy McCain is pro-Ukraine
Thanks! Am Greatness is Taki, quietly trying to nudge Americans without inflaming the Darbyist evangelicals.
(For our foreign readers, Darby and Scofield were pro-Zion propagandists hired by Herzl types to influence American Christian sympathies when we started getting immigrants from the Pale from 1881 to 1924. This is also when one of them started what became the New York Times.)
Oh, mean ‘pastor hagee’ and his flock of ‘Trans-Van-Gelicals’ (they’ve replaced worship of Jesus and His Father with idolization of jews and israel)?
Those ‘evangelicals’?….
Yup, Trans-Van-Gelicals definitly fits.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Andrei Martyanov (smoothiex12) is a former Soviet military man with a blog and podcast. Obviously he is pro-Russia.
Gerald Celente is a curmudgeon and trend forecaster who is opposed to war in general.
The Duran has been pretty good, they claim to play it down the middle, but there is definitely a slight pro-Russia lean in their commentary.
Nonsense, listening to Steve Sailer I believe the Russians are losing badly. Sailer also informed me that the GDP line for Russia will go down, and that would probably make the economy gods angry. But seriously between Russia and Covid I no longer respect Sailer. How a man who made a living pointing out the lies of the media can swallow media lies on different topics is beyond me. His entire shtick has devolved into snark. I could easily foresee him writing another snide attack on Putin, right before the California infrastructure fails for good and he no longer has… Read more »
A guy whom you agree with then has an opinion on Current Thing you don’t agree with does not make him a lie-swallower.
Sailer’s decent the past couple of years has been hard to watch. I figured after the embarrassment of Covid that he’d pull things together a bit, but he’s lost his way again. Regardless, I was losing interest in Sailer well before Covid. At some point, I noticed that his whole schtick was to make fun of the bully by stating fairly obvious things. But for that to work, you need the bully, which is why Sailer never talks about how to take on the bully or how to create separate world apart from the bully. Okay, Steve, we get it;… Read more »
Citizen, I’ve read some of your critical comments at Sailer’s site, which I greatly appreciate. As a longtime Sailer reader and fan it’s disappointing that he’s still stuck in 2004. You would think he might get just a little bit angry that today, the attack on Whites is ubiquitous, and all he can muster is some snarky comments here and there.
Yeah, I get a bit harsh on Steve sometimes. It’s foolish on my part. He is what he is. It’s probably because he did help me on my journey to this side of the great divide, so it’s frustrating that he won’t move forward in his thinking. But what gets me angry is that he won’t choose a side. I don’t even care if he sides with Murray. Just be honest about where you stand. Instead, he sticks with making fun of how the NYT keeps harping on black women’s hair or how they can’t figure out why blacks don’t… Read more »
Years ago, I thought his Citizenism was a reasonable plan. I eagerly looked forward to his debate with Jared Taylor, who took the side of pro-“HuWhite” (haha) advocacy. Taylor ended up as the winner of that debate in my opinion. Even through years of more demographic change and increasing anti-white attacks, Steve still stubbornly clings to it.
I agree and would extend this to the whole HBD space. It is a good example of how all the facts in the world cannot shake some people from their faith in the system.
It’s stunning how Sailer clings to – and seeks the approval of – a system that hates him.
Citizen: Extend your doubts further: Would a ‘serious thinker’ have come up with the dubious concept of ‘citizenism’ in the first place, especially if he truly accepted the truth of HBD? And eternal snark in the face of serious cultural and demographic genocide is the mark of coward. Full stop. While we all make what economic adjustments we can given that almost all ‘national’ companies hate us, I do try to put my money where my mouth is when it comes to social/political writers. I don’t believe people ‘deserve’ financial support just because they might have had a reasonable thought… Read more »
I stopped supported Sailer a year or two ago. Now, I sent money to Zman and Paul Ramsey monthly and a few others here and there.
I also buy Alaska Chaga as gifts, especially for my liberal friends and family.
As to Sailer, I’m 99% sure that his views are the same as Charles Murray, not just on white identity politics but on most things.
What’s really sad about Sailer is that he still desires the approval of a system that hates him. At least Murray got a sweet think tank job out of his disdain for his how people.
It really bugged me he totally went down the covid rabbit hole. And being such a big “stats” guy, he’s never even broached the topic of mask and lockdown worth, let alone vax efficacy and safety – he’s completely ignored the mounting undeniable evidence – unforgivable.
Steve’s reputation as a stats guy was mortally wounded. He also couldn’t seem to understand the concept of a cost-benefit analysis.
It was all very weird.
I’m an occasional Sailer reader. Not enough to judge whether your critique is accurate. I will say in Steve’s defense though: Why must a writer take sides? Sure, we’d love for someone to apparently commit to the ideals of our side. As a student of literature, I have been introduced to various forms of discourse, even if I’m not smart enough to remember their correct terms 😀 One gambit is to appear as neutral and objective as possible, yet pick and choose various strengths and weaknesses of different views or facts. This in so many words, allows the narrator to… Read more »
“Why must a writer take sides?”
He doesn’t on inconsequential matters or matters that he doesn’t have enough facts.
On the matter of the survival of whites as a people, that’s pretty fucking consequential and Sailer has plenty of fucking facts.
Grow a pair and pick a side Sailer.
This has astonished me with a friend of mine that’s a normie con. He pointed out all the lies of the media with covid, and had his eyes wide open on it, but he’s swallowed all the Ukraine propaganda hook, line, and sinker. How can you go from seeing the media lying to you constantly on one topic, and then think they’re telling the truth on a different one?
What do they call that thing that scientist/author Michael Crichton came up with? You’re an expert on a topic and read about it in the newspaper, and you easily see the lies, then turn the next page and read about a topic you don’t know much about and believe every word.
Murray Gell Mann amnesia effect.
You could make the case that the Russians are losing, but only if you knew exactly what their real goals are
I think Putin wanted to take all of the Ukraine, but that looks beyond his reach now
I think the Russians will take a big bite out of the Ukraine, leaving behind a neutral rump state. Agreeing to this will get Zelenskyy killed and could start a civil war, in the end Ukrainian nationalists will end up feeling like total suckers, they may hate the US more than they hate Russia/Putin. And they can’t see this coming
You know, the Chechens didn’t become the ‘white jihadi’ infiltrators they were about to be. Putin put a stop to that.
The Israeli-created “Nazis” might be reduced to the status of Albanian gangs in Flint and Paris.
They’re currently slaughtering citizens who are trying to flee up the Russian humanitarian corriders, or staging MI6 false flags (Bucha), at Zelensky’s orders, so they might have an extremely short live span. Its all or nothing for them now.
Sailer is good at writing things that might — just might! — change the thinking of reasonable people who are sort of on the fence about crime, HBD, immigration, and related issues. Changing people’s minds is hard, and it’s even harder if you can’t come across as a reasonable person yourself. Sailer is good at coming across as a reasonable person, in part because he avoids freaking out over off message side issues like covid and Ukraine. As a result, actually has a certain amount of influence. Z, on the other hand, is absolutely great at writing things that reinforce… Read more »
JEB: Yet you can’t help but continue to read and return to castigate us unreasonables, your butthurt on full display.
He is still salty for having been completely wrong about Covid.
Off message side issues like covid and Ukraine – Seriously?
Sailer is useful for helping Normies accept racial differences.
However, Steve then tries to steer them toward colorblind civic nationalism and, most definitely, away from white identity politics.
Steve would have been useful in the 1980s and 1990s when whites still had a chance at preserving our majority. But that time has past, but Steve refuses to move.
“Sailer is useful for helping Normies accept racial differences.
However, Steve then tries to steer them toward colorblind civic nationalism and, most definitely, away from white identity politics.”
Can we say….controlled opposition/gate keeper?… and the late Mr. Rodgers thought you could.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Funny how we’ve recently started seeing stories about new Covid breakouts and new rounds of lockdowns in China. That kind of thing was Communist SOP during the Cold War to cover for big military movements (obviously it wasn’t a virus — the world was far, far less stupid during the Cold War — but they’d pull some “natural disaster” thing that didn’t show up on satellite). And who can blame them? Even if they don’t want to make a hard, shooting-war play for Taiwan at the present time, if I were advising Pooh Bear I’d tell him to put on… Read more »
Uh, Obama looked pretty in charge to me when I watched yesterday’s video clips from the WH.
I’m pretty sure I saw Val Jarrett in frame in at least one of the groupings Obama was leading.
But that’s the thing, and why it’s necessary to make some kind of official move — it is beneath the dignity of any country to negotiate with a private citizen. Biden’s a token, yeah, but tokens have real importance in the Great Game. World War I could’ve been avoided with a few phone calls… but nobody could get their equivalent on the horn, because a Kaiser does not talk to a lowly Premier or Prime Minister and there is no Prussian prime minister for the British or French to talk to. There has to be a name on military mobilization… Read more »
Wild Geese: They’ve been running things in tandem since Biden was installed. Jarrett in particular – vile anti-White c**t.
The dog that has not barked is the division among the oligarchs over China. That will hurt them, and while we/I attribute great power to our oligarchs, they have unleashed madness and irrationality. If this stops, they will stop it, and they seem to me to be losing their grip. Normally, that would make me happy, but under these circumstances better the devil you know, who is at least medicated. The Chinese are gearing up to shut down their trade with the West. What we will notice first is when Americans start to run out of PRC-manufactured psychotropics. At that… Read more »
There’s a lot of covid insanity in China right now. Lockdowns in Shanghai and other places. This could just be CCP being CCP, or it could be a cover for shutting down exports without being explicit about it. That way they can hurt us without triggering US sanctions.
Isn’t there a faction opposed to Xi based in Shanghai that holds significant power?
My take on the lockdowns there is that Xi is trying to show that faction who’s boss, once and for all.
I can’t be the only one who looks forward to China cutting off our supplies of vital materials. The great sorting out can’t take place until this happens. Necessity is the mother of invention and who cares if we need to let a million padded rooms bloom in the meantime? Two birds, one stone, I say.
Free markets (even disrupted markets) will not provide investment in creating new domestic supply if breaks are seen as temporary.
If there are no permanent tarrifs/ VAT / currency peg in place to protect the domestic market, then new domestic businesses will be crushed once international trade is re-opened.
Harley Davidson motorcycles is still a thing because Regan slapped a huge tariff of Japanese bikes.
I don’t think China has a coof problem that they think is real.
I just think they are seeing that they can add many percent to the already spiraling inflation to further damage the US and are just prepared to use the coof as the reason to do it.
It’s possible the video of Obama and Ole Shufflin’ Joe was released as one of the beginning moves in Biden’s coming defenestration. There’s a reason the NYT and the Post started talking about that laptop.
Agree, manc.
Kamala quickly announcing Obama as VP, when Potato has his covid-induced stroke?
Obama served 2 terms and is not eligible to be VP per 25th Amendment. But he wasn’t eligible to be President, either (clearly Kenyan), and the media won that for him, so yeah, it could happen.
Back to Z’s piece. I think at least part of what’s happening with Russia and China are ramifications of the Clinton/Obama internecine battle for who will be puppetmaster.
The Globalist pedo Rothschilds that own and control “The City of London” and every other ‘central bank’ ARE the ‘HMF’sIC’.
O’homo, Ropey Dopey Magoo with leaky Depends and all the rest are merely Kabuki Political Theater meatpuppets that perform
in (((THEIR))) show.
And that does include hiligula too.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
I hadn’t considered this aspect of things. Thank you for that.
Can anyone find a consistent strategy amongst the crazy quilt of Globo actions here? It just makes no sense. We’re waging a proxy war in Ukraine while crushing our energy industry while killing Keystone PL while begging Venezuela and Saudi for more oil. Meanwhile, we simultaneously threaten China, while the NBA and the Mouse make nice with them, while we force a delisting of their ADRs while Hunter Biden does big business with them and Wall Street looks to buy Chinese real estate on the cheap. And of course we threaten India while we bump the Visa program up again!… Read more »
I’ve no explanation to offer, but I do have some black humor to show that world politics is a Twilight Zone, is nothing new. Back in the Reagan 80s there was a political cartoon that went more or less. (All the incidents cited were factual, by the way): The USA is funding a China-trained Maoist “freedom fighter” (Savimbi) in a Marxist country (Angola), to attack oil wells operated by a U.S. Oil Company (Gulf), said wells guarded by Cuban troops with arms supplied by the Soviet Union. If any of that makes sense to you, there’s a high-paying job waiting… Read more »
China is a paper tiger. A trade war would hurt them as much as us, and nobody will win it. They are also propped up by running ludicrous deficits. 80% of the water that comes out of the rap in China is unpottable. 15 out of 20 of the world’s dirtiest cities are in China. Because Chinese families value males over females, they’ve been aborting pregnancies with female babies, and an entire generation of males are coming of age in China and will have no mates. The conditions are ripe for Mutiny On The Bounty in China. In addition to… Read more »
China is a paper tiger. I’m also unsure of China’s strength. Much is made of the US’s almighty untapped natural resources, lack of manufacturing, hemorrhaging of IP to China, incompetent leadership, epic dearth of social capital &c. But… What of China? What are her trade links? On what does she depend and how many hard resources does she possess? What is her capacity to make conventional war?* What of the state of her population? What of her neighbours? I could be talking out of my backside, of course. But if Brandon can have his handler’s opinion, then so can I!… Read more »
China produces oil, but would it be enough to sustain an industrial war effort? In theory they could buy it from Russia, and Russia could feed them, but are the Russians reliable allies? I wonder because, you know, WWII and the Cold War.
China and Russia are more reliable friends of convenience, I would not go so far as to call them allies, than are USA and Canada.
The US could make Russia and China allies if they push (as has been rumored here) for regime change in both countries. Nixon’s visit to Mao was the beginning of a strategy to separate Russia and China. This was working until the last couple of decades and the sand wars. Now with a growing recognition of the foolishness of depending on China for cheap manufactured goods and the possibility of weaning ourselves of the teat, does China have as much to lose as before? Why would China gracefully allow us to wind down imports while building up home production capacity?… Read more »
Over a billion people is nothing to sneeze at, especially if they’re mostly males, but I tend to agree China’s economic might is tenuous, though less so by the day, and iirc they can’t feed themselves. The economy would be a liability in an industrial war, but that isn’t necessarily how wars are fought these days.
I’d still rather not get in a fight with them, and if I were them, I wouldn’t go looking for one, either.
Depends on how the alliances break, P. I strongly suspect that if the war is limited to conventional weapons, WW3 will go the same way WW2 did. You would see unlikely allies during the war, and once it was over they’d all break up again.
Who will be the economic juggernaut in WWIII? History will not repeat itself here. In WWII, the US had idle capacity in industry (due to depression) greater than the Axis powers. We could start the war with perhaps 7 aircraft carriers and three years later wind up with 70 (figure approx.). Ok, we don’t depend on steel or aluminum production as we did then. It is as the say, the computer tech era. We build computers, not battleships. Unfortunately, that’s not true either as what, 80% of our computer chips come from overseas? China is a weak county? The strength… Read more »
Your China info is at least a decade and half old.
I stand corrected H.
The more vibrant shitehole countries have indeed overtaken China for dirty cities. The new filthy all stars are mostly black run and in places like Haiti and South Africa.
I would have thought that large scale industrial robber-barons could devastate an environment better than slovenly blacks… but ya learn something new every day! 😆👍
But getting back to the point… China is in no position to wage an war and neither is the US.
I agree with your sentiment, but I don’t see the Chinese people rising up against their leadership. We comment on here about our frustrations with docile normies, but they have nothing on the Chinese, who are the most compliant citizenry on the planet. In addition, the Chinese people have pride in their race and history, and they see that their government does as well, even if it is brutal in enforcing its control. We can only dream of leaders who look out for the interests of their people. We have always accepted a lack of national unity as a tradeoff… Read more »
The Chinese may well be the most compliant people on earth but when lopsided working arrangements finally snap they riot like Negroes. Six hundred riots a year, unreported.
It will be Biblical when the wealth the Chinese people have invested in literal castles made of sand melts away in the wind and rain.
I heard a comical definition of mental disorders recently that was “new to me.”
Neurotics build castles in the air.
Schizophrenics try to move into them.
“And so castles made of sand melt into the sea, eventually”
— Jimi Hendrix
China is very reliant on natural resources, much more so than anybody else, simply because of population. So they have irons in lots of pots (Russia, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa) and can probably withstand Western sanctions, at least with the daily needs. They’re going to miss that VSOP Brandy and sleek new BMW SUVs to show off, though. I do think they like being connected to the Western financial system because there’s a certain cachet to participating in it. Chinese love the Davos crowd as much as our hated globalists do. They admire people like Warren, Elon, and Bill. But… Read more »
Glen: The Han have been underliving the White man for centuries. Lack of potable water is not suddenly going to be a deterrent now. And White men are experiencing a far greater ‘mate’ shortage than Han men. Stop projecting.
“Either Zelensky is killed by his own people or he flees.”
I’m guessing with his background, there’s a bright future with Fox News.
Zelensky is no longer living in Ukraine. He is beyond the reach of “his” people. They are mere stage props.
I think his goose is cooked. Wouldn’t be surprised if the hit teams don’t take him out in the next year or two. It would be a wonderful way for Putin to give the American establishment the finger.
Especially if Putin does his signature move and Zelensky’s goose is cooked from the inside by alpha particles.
I pegged Zelensky to be gearing up to host a CNN world events show.
A third option is for Zelesnky to flee and form a government-in-exile while the Russians deal with whoever replaces him on the ground.
Such a deal will never be recognized by the “legitimate” government, thus making Ukraine a never-ending source of grief for Europe and an endless source of grift for Zelensky, who will be made an honorary US citizen.
This would be similar to Venezuela. The US recognizes Guaidó as the president, while Maduro laughs and maintains absolute control.
Semi-related question…
Why does Zelensky never dress as a statesman? He’s always in a t-shirt dressed like a slob.
Seems if you wanted to be taken seriously, you’d wear a suit.
Just another reason to dislike him.
Those are supposed to be military fatigues in order to make him look like a tough, wartime leader just taking a break from the front lines to update his lessers.
The look is intended for consumption by the SWPL class in Western nations.
Geese has it. Though wars probably have always had a psychological/ marketing factor as at least an important factor, this is the first social media war. His clothing is just the cheap marketing to encourage the view of him as “in the trenches” (of a studio 1000 miles from Ukraine). It has really irked me, too.
Got it.
He’s just fake and gay like his puppeteers.
Simultaneous with Zelensky playing shell-shocked war hero making desperate pleas, the average Ukrainian woman has collected a three-digit body count of starving, untrained, ill-equipped Russian soldiers just by one-handing an AK during glamour shoots.
In a gynarchy, all enemies must be simultaneously lethal threats and buffoonish clowns.
Yeah, but you have to admit Zelenskyy in uniform looks a lot better than Michael Dukakis in a tank. Come to think of it, only Bush II looked pretty good when landing (not really) that jet on the aircraft carrier. Otherwise, we’ve not really had much success with the Presidential “alpha male” look either.
to pretend he’s still in ukraine and its so hard
He always dresses for the part, like any good actor –
I’d prefer to see the Mussolini treatment, but that’s just me…
We dirt people have no real influence over the machinations of the Corruptocrats running DC, so it’s useless to focus any attention on politics. Despite the insane ravings of people like Carlson and Bongino, the coming election is not going to cure our ills. It will all just be a deceptive head-fake in which RINOs replace Ds and there will be some token show investigations designed to create an illusion of accountability. Nor can we stop the hurricane from coming ashore by shaking our fist at it and shouting “Go Away Bad Hurricane, Go Away!!!” The idiots that do that… Read more »
I’m still keeping an eye on the local and state elections. I’m thankful that during covid the FL gov. DeSantis ended the covidian hysteria early. I’ve been to blue states with endless lockdowns and am glad I don’t have to deal with it here.
The local sheriff also nipped the BLM crap in the bud, sparing us from suffering like some other places where deputies and cops actually kneeled before these terrorists.
National elections are pointless though. I’m seriously considering voting straight democrat for them just to try and rustle the jimmies of the Rino’s who think they are safe.
Same for me. I voted in our local elections yesterday, and we were able to put two conservatives on the school board. Keeping our local kids unmasked and free of CRT and tranny porn is a win. But this fall, I have a lot less enthusiasm for watching the RINOs bluster while knowing they will change nothing.
Barry O had five carriers docked together in Norfolk back in 2014.
Seems unimaginably careless from a risk management standpoint. Precedent set.
Serious historians argue that FDR hoped the Japanese would attack at Pear Harbor, giving the US a shot at global empire.
You can bet shadow president BO would love to see it happen again.
The psychopaths in charge of US foreign policy probably feel that the time to subjugate the Russians will soon come to an end and that it is now necessary to experiment with the approaches to achieve it. While time is always a major element in Western thinking, they can’t know if the cards the Russians are holding will win this hand until the Europe/Russia deal over hydrocarbons, pipelines and payments is resolved, likely not until next year. Since the US simply doesn’t have the wherewithal to heat the homes and energize the businesses of continental Europe, the US itself will… Read more »
I see the Czech Republic is sending some tanks and artillery to Ukraine – our tards just keep jabbing at the bear. And participation medal awardee, Milley is blabbing about a protracted action in Ukraine. It doesn’t matter how many Ukes are sacrificed, because it’s for the greater good of the GAE – and our “leaders” are always on the right side of history, don’t you know. As for the Chinese, they should just go ahead and make whatever move they’ve got in mind. It’ll be interesting to see what the tards do about that. On the other hand, they’re… Read more »
It does seem like the whole developed world has become fat, stupid, and insane.
The Czechs have a bit of an inferiority complex, being in the big shadow of Germany, so they are desperate to act like they have an empire and are so very much world class. Thus, they are often the second (after the US) to kick out Russian diplomats or to criticize lack of Democracy™ in China etc. Now they are sending tanks to a non-aligned country to fight a conflict that has nothing to do with them, because the war is drawing worldwide attention.
they’ll get theirs for this un-necessary involvement
I noticed the Shanghai insanity too. As I’ve mentioned in another reply I think it could be a way for China to constrict supply of goods to the west without prompting retaliatory sanctions.
“…participation medal awardee, Milley.” Nice. I like the Mark Steyn line – Milley is all medals and no chest.
DLS: I can’t post photos here, but I sent the following link to my husband with the tag line “Idi-Amin Americanus” and my husband had to ask if it was a real or a meme.
Wow. That’s just embarrassing. If a country is going to humiliate our leaders, the correct response is to wish them luck and tell them they are on their own. But I guess our “large-scale combat exercises in the tense region” are just too vital to our interests. The saddest part is I’m sure Austin was thrilled to double mask. He probably would have put on a hazmat suit if they asked him to.
Yeah that Shanghai bit is strictly inside CCP baseball. Could be anything, or multiple things. One rumor is that Xi is trying to smoke out opponents before some Commie Congress. To that extent it doesn’t even involve the people in Shanghai apart from the misery being foisted upon them. As far as their Taiwan plans they may be encouraged by GAE incompetence, but are also probably getting a pause for thought with the efforts Russia is going through to take Ukrainian territory right on their border, with a military better than China’s in just about every way. Adding in to… Read more »
The Covid craziness revealed our reliance on China for a variety of products; some essential, some not. A friend who works for a verternarian reported shortages of animal medicines. Just one of many products that no one probably realized were made overseas, and would dry up if the supply chain was disrupted for any reason. In the event of a trade war with China, who’s going to come out on top? Will the Chinese be able to find other markets for their products? Which nation’s population is better situated to endure deprivation? Which system of gov’t is better suited to… Read more »
I thought when Covid showed us how dependent we are on Chinese manufacturing for vital medical equipment and drugs, we might finally do something about it. But now we can see that either it is exactly how our leaders want it, or they simply don’t care beyond their own grift.
Should have: – told Boomers to have more (white) children if they want their generous welfare benefits to be funded – developed North American resources, especially oil – protected the North American manufacturing base, giving working class people jobs dignity and reducing reliance on foreign trade (maybe shipped some of the very least skilled labour to Mexico if absolutely necessary) – not demoralized the white working class that would actually do the fighting for you – not imported millions of aliens that at best are neutral towards your civilization Whoops, too late now, what do I know? The USA is… Read more »
An excellent ‘should have’ list.
One more should have:
– not meddled in the affairs of other countries too numerous to name
“– told Boomers to have more (white) children if they want their generous welfare benefits to be funded”
Boomers were the first generation told the opposite: there was a “Population Bomb,” title of Ehrlich’s 1968 book, and we shouldn’t have kids. Anti-natalism started big time in the mid-1960s, same time as immigration opened up with Hart-Cellar in 1965. That was the beginning of the Great Replacement. The Greatest Generation did it to us. Blame them. But they’re all dead now, and soon Boomers will be too. Young people: Have a lot of kids within marriage!
Quite true. I read the book, went to see him speak at the local university – and can even recall a high school term paper I typed up – circa 1970. Mush for brains at the time.
(((Paul Ehrlich)))
Your strategic analysis is interesting and well thought out. Whatever the objectives are for the gay empire I am still quite certain of the plans for the restructuring here at home. Most of this is quite obvious but the great reset or purge of white normal Americans is the one of the most important aims in all of this. We can see round two of the inflation surge moving quite nicely without any effort to address it. Culturally the demonic attack on everything good and holy pushes on. If they could regime change the world in addition to all of… Read more »
Today I browsed a number of pieces that asked questions like “What will WWIII look like?”, but whatever the severity, and whatever is in the Legacy MSM, people just don’t seem to care. Sure, we’ve got some dolts flying their Ukraine flags for the virtue signal win, but aside from that, I doubt anyone is enthusiastic for a proper war. If danger is close (and with the POTATUS, one can never be sure), there is quite a calm around me. That people even think this whole debacle worth a proper war over is bizarre to me. Regarding nukes? I think… Read more »
Tell those same idiots who are waving their “I stand with Ukraine” flags that they now must be drafted to fight and you’ll suddenly see a change in their attitude. I’m not going to lie though, the thought of sending bearded beta males, wearing dresses and pink nail polish, into battle and certain doom brings some solace. The GAE and it’s embarrassing, rotted culture is getting its first major lesson that Twitter isn’t reality outside the states and you can’t win wars by “cancelling” cunning adversaries on Twitter. All of this couldn’t be more deserving for this sorry excuse we… Read more »
Tired Citizen: Many of us share your disgust and rage and sorrow. As a friend texted this morning, the ‘daily drag’ gets harder in the face of the insanity that’s going on and the utter obliviousness of the average ‘murrican who goes on as if nothing has changed or ever will change in this best of all possible worlds.
Russia would never even consider attacking the US conventionally. There is nothing for them to gain that way.
It also seems a feat of impossible logistics.
I can’t really speak for the States, except that MSM outlets and some people on the ground are afraid of a Russian invasion of my home (England) – and also of the US.
don’t forget the third front in GAE’s war on all…their domestic population. already the army cannot meet recruiting goals because not enough people are willing to sign on with maniacs who openly hate them. as more and more people pull back and lay low, the GAE will be exposed as a new version of Custer’s 7th Cavalry, heading straight into defeat and disaster. my prediction is a second American revolution is brewing, hopefully with features from the French one.
Although somewhat dated I keep this article bookmarked: I doubt the stats have changed in a decade. Unless it’s recently changed, the military has resisted mightily any attempts to water down its minimal standards. Disasters like “McNamara’s Folly” from the 1960s still haunt them. If one reads other articles, by IQ alone, roughly 15% of Whites, 30% of browns and perhaps 45% of blacks are simply too stupid even for the Infantry or Marines. And, as sarcastic little old me likes to say, anyone who’s been in the armed forces knows that hurdle is not particularly high. Government, at… Read more »
I know I shouldn’t underestimate the hubris and insanity of our elites, but there is no way our woke military could win a war with China. Many of them no doubt believe the U.S. Navy would come out victorious in these battles, but there have to be some realists in the government who understand how this would go. In terms of the global south moving north, many of the elites seem unbothered by the prospect. There has always been a class like the Bush family who think this will help grind our middle class down to the level of peasants… Read more »
the smart play for the military is a coup d’etat.
Sometimes I think this is the only hope to avoid the worst scenarios.
Well, that and political assssinations.
I have no stomach for any of this.
Knowing our generals they would probably be just as bad if not worse. They are appointed by congress, after all.
The controllers are fine with the global south moving north because it serves the Kalergian plan to replace unruly Northerners with a docile, 75-80 IQ demographic that is easily controlled.
I wish them luck keeping the GPS in tune with that demographic.
They only reason for the apparent docility is because the nations to the south get to use the U.S. as a pressure release valve. If all the Guatemalans were sent back to Guatemala the place would not be quite so serene (to the extent that it is). When the browns in Florida start necklacing the natives where will they be prodded to move too?
I think Washington thinks they can just wage economic war. They have advisers on the ground in Ukraine, but they are operating as contractors to provide cover. Otherwise, the empire has been careful not to let Ukraine drag the empire into a shooting war. Presumably, they know this would lead to China attacking Taiwan.
“I think Washington thinks they can just wage economic war.”
Worked well in 1941. Until December 7th of that year.
And if Washington starts losing that economic war?
If the dollar loses sole reserve asset/currency status, America doesn’t just lose the dollar as a weapon; it will see all of its power greatly diminished.
A US with lower living standards and much less ability to fund its deficits will not be able to maintain a military this size. Not saying the US will no be a global power, but it will become one of several powers, which is a serious step down.
My fear is that is US will be unwilling to give up its role as the sole superpower.
The US Navy and Air Force would absolutely smash China in very short order. I think you underestimate the enormous technological gap between the two, regardless of having trannies at the helm. Much of Chinese technology is from stolen American blueprints and reverse engineered, without fully knowing how or why things are why they are. On the ground with actual firefights in brutal building to building urban warfare, well that’s a much different story.
True, assuming our carriers aren’t sunk by their long range missiles. They’re pretty big targets. And unless we base our USAF fighters out of Taiwan those have to fly from distant bases.
China doesn’t have to decisively win they just have to last long enough for our economy to shut down. They can also do a lot of damage via unconventional means too via hacking and downing our satellites with missiles.
china has no battle experienced soldiers or admirals . what do you think iraq and syria were for?
miforst: They were for tv ratings. We have no ‘experienced soldiers or admirals’ in charge of anything, just lots of political appointees with shiny medals.
” Look at a map and it is clear that Taiwan in the Malta of the China Sea”
I believe you meant that Taiwan IS the Malta of the China sea
Russia has food, fuel and commodities in general in abundance. China has manufacturing and population. I don’t see how an economic war against them is supposed to work. You can’t eat virtual green paper.
One one side, you have the coalition whose wealth is based on having food, energy, and factories, and on the other, the coalition whose wealth is based on producing superhero movies, iPhone apps, and mysterious financial instruments developed by clever Jews.
Whose fundamentals are in better shape, I wonder?
“and mysterious financial instruments developed by clever Jews.” Heh. Someone was explaining to me various ‘exotic’ financial instruments the other day. Each new ‘instrument’ proposed was just another way to skim off some other package that skimmed off a bunch of other debts because ‘trading’ and ‘market’. Borrowing and paying interest on the principal is understandable (although some might say that usury was a most Yiddish creation) – but the various ways that such debts are bundled up boggles the mind. That said, I wonder how the world would have panned out if massive financial risk taking were not permitted?… Read more »
They’re called, “derivatives,” for a reason.
The most famous example are probably all the vehicles that repackaged Z-grade individual mortgages into A+++, “mortage backed securities (MBS),” that led to the real estate meltdown in the 00s.
“I don’t believe Science – largely practiced by dedicated amateurs – would have suffered …” This is exactly correct. The development of classical physics, which laid the cognitive and institutional groundwork for modern/quantum physics, was substantially driven by European aristocratic patronage. Funding it was considered ‘high status’ among a crucial portion of the elites, so it was a kind of virtue signaling. Many incorrectly think that the proles are the only human cattle that stampede, but we are all social animals. The competition to get vicarious glory (and enhance feelings of self-worth) by funding the next Helmholtz was a stampede… Read more »
OrangeFrog—bingo! Moving zeros around on paper is *not* production.
“I don’t see how an economic war against them is supposed to work.”
Simple, you just assume their leaders are as effete and corrupt as ours, and can’t stomach minor inconveniences to their decadent lifestyles.
Way to go, Washington. Just when I’ve reached my Golden Years…
I hope that boomer take is in jest.
Why? These are my sentiments as well. I had hoped to die before the inevitable collapse, albeit if push comes to shove, better to have more senior Whites in the fray and less minority diversion.
Taiwan Straits. Riyadh.