The Praetorians

The video of former president Obama visiting the White House recently made clear that the current president is not really in charge. Joe Biden was seen staggering around the reception looking for anyone to acknowledge him. It was possible he had no idea where he was at the time. Biden’s increasingly deranged public rantings suggest he is reaching his expiry date. The question being quietly debated in Washington is when and how he will be removed from office.

The fact that this question has been normalized since before he was installed in the position speaks to how much things have changed in America. No one really thinks Joe Biden is in charge of himself or the executive branch. It is just assumed that he is a place holder who will be replaced in his first term. Every president represents a coalition of elite interests, but none have been viewed as a figurehead. This is a big change that in time will be seen as an inflection point.

There is plenty of speculation about the when and the how the real decision makers will remove Biden from office. Maybe they have a Lee Harvey Oswald in training, one of those Trump loving white supremacist from their mythologies. That would justify another round of state sponsored terrorism. Maybe they just force him out due to poor health in the hope of making him a sympathetic figure. Of course, who replaces him is another fun question to ponder.

That is all fun stuff to debate, but the question no one bothers to consider is who is making the decision on Biden? No one has provided a clear explanation for who picked him back in the primary. It was clearly not the voters. The party forced everyone to quit after the South Carolina primary, but how did that work? If it was just the party why did they wait so long? The timing suggests someone came to the aid of the party with new tools.

We got a hint of who is really calling the shots recently. The government of Pakistan has not been enthusiastic for the sanctions regime against Russia. Last week, some powerful Pakistani generals suddenly backed a no-confidence vote for prime minister Imran Khan in the parliament. Khan was wily enough to see it coming so he dissolved parliament before the vote and called for new elections. People who know Pakistan suggest he will win that vote and remain in power.

Everyone assumes the reason the Pakistani generals tried to topple Khan is they got word from America that it would be good for business. Aligning with America against Russia would mean new bribes and equipment. That promise could only come from the American military. There is little interface between the American political class and the Pakistani political class. There are close relations between the respective military and intel agents of both countries.

We only have to go back a couple of years to the color revolution against Trump to see the same finger prints. The lead in that caper was the intelligence community, but we learned that the top brass of the military was in the loop. General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said this. The FBI, CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee were at the center of the Russian collusion hoax and spying operation against the Trump campaign.

Currently, it is a handful of neoconservatives in the foreign policy elite who are running the war against Russia. None of the decisions thus far have involved anyone outside that narrow group. It seems rather clear that no one bothered to consult the financial class about the sanctions regime. No one in Congress has been in the loop or has bothered to ask any questions about it. The lack of debate or dissent is an important clue.

Another unnoticed clue is the highly coordinated mass media campaigns that have become a staple of American life. After George Floyd’s overdose, we were deluged from every corner with antiwhite propaganda. The content providers had a BLM campaign ready to go and the rioters were organized and ready. We have just witnessed the same coordinated media campaign on behalf of Ukraine. Where did the TV presenters get those Ukraine lapel pins?

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program early in the Cold War to manipulate the media. Half a century ago, the far-left activist Carl Bernstein wrote a long article on the collusion between the CIA and the mass media. Today the mass media is full of “retired” intelligence officers working as pundits. The point is that the secret police infiltrated the media long ago and continue to run it. The fifty intel agents who swore Biden’s laptop was fake agree with this.

Like the Q source that Bible scholars think is a written collection of primarily Jesus’ sayings, the people in charge remain a mystery. We can know they exist from the clues we can see. The common elements that exist in these various events suggest a common set of hands. Those hands come from the wilderness of mirrors that is the intelligence community. This community is like a miasma that permeates all of the ruling class institutions.

It is tempting reduce this to a handful of shadowy players who operate from a hidden lair, but in reality it is probably a collection of people. It is called the intelligence community because it is mostly an informal collection of people and institutions that come together for a common purpose. The change we have seen recently is that it is the intel community calling the shots, rather than the semi-permanent political elite using the intel community to remain in power.

In the fullness of time, the Biden period will be seen as the time when this shadowy group of figures became the Praetorian Guard. They moved from keeping the elites in power to picking the elites who will hold office. That arrangement was a disaster for the Roman Empire and given the situation with Biden, this arrangement is looking like a disaster for the Global American Empire. That said, there is no sign of a Constantine out there, so this is the new normal.

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2 years ago

There was not a color revolution against Trump. Trump is leading a color revolution right now. He has become Cultural Marxist #1 – what is the primary characteristic of a color revolution? — Belarus, Venezuela, and now the US — the claim that the elections are fake — this attacks the very foundation of ‘democracy’ — and who is leading that revolution — Slump himself — he is also the new Cyrus — the Israelis have commemorated him with a coin — who better to lead a color revolution in the US — and the idiot is still at it… Read more »

Reply to  Saggy
2 years ago

On re-reading – I see that there was a color revolution against Trump … the Russiagate hoax … but that was entirely a media affair and never really had any traction, so calling it a color revolution is a stretch …. Trump’s color revolution, OTOH, is a real populist affair and a real color revolution, bought by a large percentage of the hoi polloi, and directed by Trump, and it could devastate the country.

2 years ago

This is what I think will happen. The Hunter Biden laptop is finally getting main stream media attention. The main stream media was given permission to discuss it now because they need this story now. The laptop will be used to get Biden out using the 25th amendment or he will resign due to the scandal. Then Kamala will be President and select Barack Obama as her Vice President. Then she will resign or be impeached. Obama is now officially in his third term. He will select either Hillary Clinton as his Vice President or Susan Rice. I am leaning… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] There is plenty of speculation about the when and the how the real decision-makers will remove Biden… Maybe they have a Lee Harvey Oswald in training, one of those Trump-loving white supremacists from their mythologies. That would justify another round of state-sponsored terrorism. Maybe they just force him out due to poor health in the hope of making him a sympathetic figure. Of course, who replaces him is another fun question to ponder. […]

2 years ago

[…] April 7, 2022 […]

2 years ago

If you want to know the source of all this, look no further than the saying, “All roads lead to Rome.” Constantine was no savior, he was a melder of paganism and Christianity, as one wily in politics would do, to get a majority of supporters. Then he passed on the title to Pontifus Maximus to the psuedo-religious group that is now running the world from the bowels of the vatican. Don’t believe it? Just google politicians visiting the vatican, and see how many and how often they go for marching orders. And who’s the top promoter of climate garbage?

Professor Alfred Sharpton
Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

Like literally everyone else who visits this site, not a fan of Brandon. But that video should be watched in its full context, not just the 12 second clip circulating Fox News and all the normie-con sites. Brandon was looking in the crowd for some person to introduce to Obama and he was totally surrounded by people, so it wasn’t a good moment, hence the awkward shrug and wandering. It’s pretty obvious when you watch the full video. That doesn’t disinvite criticism for his obvious worsening dementia; but this moment was not the smoking gun everyone thinks it is. On… Read more »

The Archer
The Archer
Reply to  Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

Seems to me Occam’s Razor quite emphatically the opposite. It is self-evident that co-opting political and other important frameworks is the ultimate goal of any and all individuals who seek power since the beginning of time, be they Dr. Evil or otherwise. To cavalierly believe all such actors are incompetent or that none have succeeded to significant degree in this endeavor–while simultaneously recognizing the irresistible allure–seems wishful thinking at best. Thus, Occam’s Razor would appear to support an assertion that such is guaranteed to happen and likely has already happened, particularly when we have so many lines of extrinsic evidence… Read more »

Reply to  Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

Someone – left-leaning friendly – at that event took the video and chose to release it knowing how it would be edited and used. They – that one person in collusion with himself and the devil – did that act. It may be in fact a room full of self-interested parasites, I do not doubt that for one second, but it can also be a cabal of plotters sniffing sulfur hoping to steer an unwitting mass of humanity. It can be both. I think it is both because they need each other to accomplish their plans. An army needs a… Read more »

J s Lavendar
J s Lavendar
Reply to  Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

Read Rulers of America

J S Lavender
J S Lavender
Reply to  Professor Alfred Sharpton
2 years ago

Read rulers of America. Surely you do t think these super rich sit on decks of 200 ft yachts and play pinochle?

2 years ago

[…] Read the Whole Article […]

2 years ago

I don’t think it’s a total mystery who the “top out of sight” rulers are. I don’t know how they all interact and coordinate or who’s the “final boss”, but it’s obvious who they are and they do coordinate. The billionaires (public and more hidden), WEF/Bildebergers, owners of the media and big tech, owners of the banks, big pharma, military/intelligence-industrial complex, etc.

Gotta hand it to them, really. They’ve fucking locked it all down.

Aaron Russo on the Rockefellers:

Reply to  fakeemail
2 years ago

When the puzzle pieces all fit together to form a particular picture one has to wonder. Coincidence?

The evidence is mostly circumstantial. Could the puzzle pieces fit together in a different way? I don’t think so.

It seems pretty clear that the plan is to have us ruled by a totalitarian one world government. Is why they want to break up the family and turn self reliant white ppl into state dependents like they have done to black ppl. The intelligentsia – eugenics for us, a homeland, dysgenics for you, the browning of the west.

2 years ago

Ever walked into a Barnes and Noble? Endless books and products deifying B&M Obama. Along with Hilary and RBG, but especially the Obamas.

They’re purportedly the most admired, smartest, best looking, most saintly people in American history.

The powers that be have decided these are the figureheads, these are the peoples gods.

Reply to  fakeemail
2 years ago

Yup. The near direct pathway of thekinyun from that moslem indoctination school in Malaysia to the White House is pretty remrkable in its own right. His astounding accumulatioin of capitol during his eight years in office is nearly as much so. Broke cawlidge stoont (alledgedly at Columbia, but no one FROM there remembers him BEING there, funny, that, right?) to ten million dollar bunker/residence/communicatioin centre? along wiht island paradises in Hawaii and Martha’s VIneyard, both at near sea level when he’s stumping for global warming to inundate the planet in twelve mroe yers, a la the Swede brat, what’s her… Read more »

Joe Jach
Joe Jach
2 years ago

Z, please consider unpacking this from today’s post:
”Like the Q source that Bible scholars think is a written collection of primarily Jesus’ sayings, the people in charge remain a mystery. We can know they exist from the clues we can see.”
Thank you.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Because it is impenetrable

Reply to  Dreidachs
2 years ago

Dreidachs (and Joe),

Actually it is quite penetrable, by means of those 4 magic letters GIYF. (or these days probably the regular expression (DDG|B|G)IYF.

Literally the first entry from all three of the above search engines, in response a search of the first three content words “q source bible” goes to a Wiki article explaining enough to get started, and more.

Reply to  Joe Jach
2 years ago

Here ya go, here’s a brief statement of the “Q” hypothesis of sources materials for the Gospels of the New Testament. There is more out there, so take the initiative armed with this little lead in. Contextually, from Z-man’s post, you can see what he is driving at. More broadly, in consideration of his demurral to directly answer your question, I think that he wants us readers to develop critical thinking skills, and not to restrict our minds to only parroting the thoughts he shares. Remember the “We are all individuals” scene from Monty Python’s Life of Brian?… Read more »

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

So is it the consensus on here that the US actually has a deep state? I say nay because: 1. It requires a tremendous amount of organisation (more so than the actual government). 2. It takes a politically naive population (I mean really naive). 3. The actual government needs to be tied into it. To see how a real deep state works look to Thailand. I won’t describe that in detail here but an analysis could start with a search on ‘privy council’. There is no evidence of such a level of organisation in the U.S. nor could there be.… Read more »

Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

There may or may not be a unified deep state; but there may be several operating congruently and covertly. I am convinced there very much is a ‘jewish’ deep state, a corporate one, and one or several bureaucratic ones. They will act in unison or at odds with each other depending on the times and circumstances.

Slick Willy
Slick Willy
Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

Deep States certainly do exist in the West and have more bumfuckery going on than in the late unlamented Gen Prem Tinsulanonda’s compound.

The funny thing about the Thai situation (Which is fascinating… love the place and the backstories!) is that the academic Left totally admit that a Deep State (‘Network Monarchy’) exists there and you won’t get published much if you don’t sing from the same song sheet.

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

I see. So many people just believe that there is a deep state in the U.S. without any actual evidence that such a thing exists, like religion. The definition of deep state surely involves formal structure and organised, coordinated activity from the top right down to civil servants. All the examples cited come under ad hoc collusion, lobbying, and background shenanigans – that’s not what a deep state is. Same goes for the Jews, who are in a symbiotic relationship with the west – of course they network to influence government policy, but that’s not a deep state. There’s no… Read more »

Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

“The definition of deep state surely involves formal structure and organised “

Surely not.

Reply to  Anson Rhodes
2 years ago

IF there is no “deep state: managing the USA, then tell me HOW it came to be that, over the space of just a few weeks, the entire US and most of the world, came under precisely the same identical moslty useless or worse “responses” to a flu-like virus that was deliberately leaked from a lab in China and managed, all on its own, th penetrate nearly every known corner of the planet with a mild virus, the GOVERNMENT response to which, along wiht corporate and admninistrative entities, were all pushing an identical narrative, which did NOT do a thing… Read more »

J. B. Guud
J. B. Guud
2 years ago

There appears speculation on some other sites, and in a comment or so here, that Obama could potentially regain the presidency if certain machinations to remove Biden (and Harris and Pelosi) are followed.

How is that possible? In my admittedly weak grasp of the constitution it seems this is not possible.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  J. B. Guud
2 years ago

In clown world anything is possible, they still love Obama, I don’t know why, but they love him

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

Cause he be black.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 years ago

He’s The Great Half-White Hope

Reply to  Vajynabush
2 years ago

Very easy. Have him nominated as Secretary of State. Then disqualify Pelosi et al for malfeasance or treason, follow the chain. It should only take 3-4 months.
Who would not want a Nobel Peace Prize winner as SOS?
In the early US government, various position were filled by former presidents.

Reply to  J. B. Guud
2 years ago


Food & energy shortages. Inflation, rationing. Crime, murder, riots, burning & assorted mayhem. BLM, Antifa. Fictitious Covid resurgence.

Marshall law declared. Military coup. General JCS installs O as our new president.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  J. B. Guud
2 years ago

I am sure someone will try that but my guess is that Joe will resign in November when Republicans retake the house and Kamala will go with him This way when the native desire of the Republicans to cuck and grift takes over and no reforms or improvement happen, Kevin McCarthy and the other Republicans will be given the blame by the media. To be honest the GOP establishment doesn’t care, they are just there for money anyway Fixing this is maybe possible, maybe but it requires cooperation from griller-cons and the like and that lot being well Conservative is… Read more »

Reply to  A.B Prosper
2 years ago

“I am sure someone will try that but my guess is that Joe will resign in November when Republicans retake the house and Kamala will go with him.”

Joe resigns and Kamala resigns too???

No way Jose. Even so, then next in line is another bird – Pelosi, of the same feather. My bet good ol’fashioned Latin American coup. O becomes el presidente again, by hook or by crook. Who else is there? Keep your eye on Gen. Milley, who believes white ppl are our greatest threat.

Reply to  BeAprepper
2 years ago

Then who becomes VP? Why Milley of course.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  J. B. Guud
2 years ago

How can it be done? : 1. The Constitution has been cast aside by all branches; 2. All three branches follow after the need and demands of he Democratic Party; 3. There is only one Party; but there are two wings flapping – in coordination – for the needs and plans of the unnamed greater party; 4. There are two sets of laws: one for the chosen another for the ignorant plebes; 5. Laws and judges can be ignored by those in the right party; 6. The ongoing scamdemic should have told you all you need to know; 7. Numb-nut… Read more »

2 years ago

The power players calling the shots behind the scenes (be they intel or other) are not invincible, just ruthless. These are the same people that managed the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine. Their goal is to prolong the conflict as long as possible in order to maximize military funding, kill off lots of white alphas, keep the plates spinning and the middle class in the dark before making an abject failure with the final surrender and retreat. IOW, they always lose to the dirt people in the end. And that is the lesson that we need to… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

The intel community is probably the heart of the deep state and an obvious power center. It has many nasty tools in the box including blackmail, bribery, public libel and, in select cases, assassination. Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ was probably primarily about ensuring compliance through blackmail. I maintain that the WEF, high finance and big tech are also central to understanding how America and the West are governed. So an obvious question is how the spy world links up to the global jet-set. I don’t have a strong sense of that but the Clintons might be one link. Obama might be… Read more »

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Its not his kid so I doubt he cares.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  trumpton
2 years ago

She’s not Obama’s daughter??

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 years ago

Big Momma Michelle ain’t birthing no babies from his non existent uterus.

2 years ago

Sketchy memory, sorry. It might be Rosemead. Everyone knows J**s can’t drive.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Everyone knows J**s can’t drive. I can attest this much is gospel, having suffered in the passenger seat. A former mentor on the old Lower Wacker Drive weaving between cement and steel support pylons while shaving with an electric shaver in the rearview mirror, for representative example. It’s what made me an antisemite. J**s commonly pull into the passing lane and fly in formation with the truck adjacent. When opportunity presents, and after flashing lights, I will pass them on the shoulder, in their German cars (hah!l), my tires kicking up road debris which slams their paint jobs and windows.… Read more »

2 years ago

I must say, “And what exactly is Obama doing in the White House?” is one for the ages.

2 years ago

Where did the TV presenters get those Ukraine lapel pins? That’s easy, same place everybody gets everything in 6 to 12 hrs, even if it’s 500 miles away. Amazon of course… I personally haven’t used it in over 5 years. It’s tempting, but I’m still pissed about the bookstores and the clogged streets due to the monkeys parking in the middle of the street while I’m on my way to a real job.

2 years ago

“… that the current president is not really in charge. Joe Biden was seen staggering around the reception looking for anyone to acknowledge him. It was possible he had no idea where he was at the time…” I saw the video last night. It was quite sad, but perhaps for another reason than the one you’d immediately think. Right now, in my immediate family we have a relative suffering from progressive dementia. I could not help thinking about her (comparing her to Biden) while watching our President wander around in *his* home (White House), at his “party”, lost among the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Well they’re all sociopaths. Of course Biden is just a senile sociopath, so that should blunt one’s sympathy for him.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

That is a great anecdote; I wonder about the humanity (or lack thereof) of The People In Charge. It is terribly cruel what they are doing to this old man.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

The most wicked thing was that they didn’t even protect him by having him wear a mask.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Compsci – I’m getting old and just a bit crusty – but that got me as close to a tear as anything I’ve ever read on this site.

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

Thank you. I, unfortunately, am not as decent as the people I write about—so I have a tendency to get emotional as well when I observe these behaviors in others. There is a longing for a time well past, I guess, when such behavior was more commonplace and expected. I saw it much of the time as a child. My father, troubled and imperfect as he was, had it. I am here because of it, but I often feel uncertain I’ve succeeded in passing it on to my children. There are good people out there and they deserve better. When/if… Read more »

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Southern Utah is my home. Purposely chose a mostly Mormon very fine neighborhood. Play cards once a month with the 5 Mormon chubby gals, my way of keeping finger on the pulse of this state. 2/3 of Mormons in Utah are sheep (follow the prophet! re-elect Mittens!) But nice sheep who would care for a demented woman. The Huntsman-Romney-Cox cabal run this state. The prophet-the 3-the 12 are globalists in The System and ultimately don’t give a rat’s ass for Intermountain Mormons. My neighbor is jolting awake. Eyeballs are rolling. So is another neighbor. They may be fat sheep but… Read more »

2 years ago

Would this seem to imply that the botched Afghanistan withdrawal was intentional ?

A way to dirty up the Sleepy Joe so as to pave the way for his removal?

Those dead soldiers were just the necessary collateral damage for something far more important.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Falcone
2 years ago

Quite possible. The main thing was to be able to blame Biden for either the short- or long-term consequences. He’s the throw down president and all the extremely nasty but desired things will be done while he can be blamed. Throwing the border open is, long term, the worst of it but best example.

2 years ago

TRUMP=Daniel 11:19
BIDEN=Daniel 11:20
OBAMA becomes Antichrist=Daniel 11:21 onward

Reply to  Enoch153
2 years ago

Daniel 21: “… a contemptible person who has not been given the honor of royalty.”

Now that you mention it, Enoch, it IS a pretty good description of the guy.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

“but the question no one bothers to consider”

I think many of us have been trying to figure out who was installing Biden even prior to the stolen election. It’s been a running theme at places more mainstream places than here for quite some time.

Otherwise, fantastic column once again.

2 years ago

The fact that the military budget goes up every single year suggests that they’ve outsized influence.

Lose wars. Lose equipment. Crash ships and subs, burn aircraft carriers. Reduce enlistment targets.

The budget for decades has only gone one direction.

Follow the money.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Are there government agencies whose budgets go in the other direction?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

The Border Patrol.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

And ICE. And probably any service ( e.g., “gang units”) that primarily benefits law-abiding citizens.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

The patent office generates a profit annually and congress redirects its surplus to other agencies. USPTO’s effective budget floats backwards sometimes.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

21 trillion, gone. Any evidence of theft was in the world trade center, gone. And the offices in the pentagon, gone. Gold vaulted in the world trade center, gone on 9/10.

2 years ago

I didn’t downvote you, but adverb of concession phrases (which I would categorize “Not to be pedantic”) are offset with commas. Further, you would use a comma when introducing the quotation, as, in this instance, you are using “say” to introduce a quotation.
You knew what he meant, and most of us type casually here 🙂

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

Sorry – I had replied to the first comment at the bottom (Arshad Ali), but then it delinked them.

2 years ago

This is stellar realpolitik, as was yesterday’s. I’m not asking the Zman to head the State Department, I think he should REPLACE the State Department. ***** I compare this with Covid and Hollywood. We’re not seeing 4D chess, we’re seeing the Marvel Comics Universe combined with Days Of Our Lives, an evolving script of continuing storylines. A Hollywood soap opera is meant to sell soap. At Hollywood, every year, a group of 12 small hat financiers meet in Pasadena. They greenlight or redlight virtually every studio movie or tv series for the upcoming season. Yes, “they” really do send messages… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The old, trenchant South Park episode “Earth: A Reality Show” captures the characteristics of those running the show nigh perfectly:

Joe Schmoe
Joe Schmoe
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

And you know this how? This is the kind of comment that is not helpful. Is Hollywood our enemy? Sure. Does it push a destructive social agenda? Sure. Do Jews make the vast majority of business decisions in Hollywood? Of course. But is there actually a formal meeting where they plan out the messages that will be delivered to the masses this year? Doubt it. That kind of coordination really isn’t necessary when everyone shares the same worldview. More fundamentally, though — you actually have no idea if there’s a meeting like this in Pasadena each year. (Hint: there are… Read more »

Reply to  Joe Schmoe
2 years ago

I’m not a conspiracy buff myself, and of course Jews seem always “at the bottom of things” in these vast conspiracy rumors, but I believe there might some ring of truth about these rumors from personal experience. I’m skeptical, but have seen some things (smaller scale of course) that make me wonder. For example as a young student working through college, I had a menial job in a gas station. After a few weeks, I was trusted enough to close and open the station. One day, I was given the task of opening the station. The station owner/operator gave me… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

WSJ headline, “Jabbed and double-boosted Joe Biden is being seen not wearing a muzzle more frequently while meeting people…”

Three key upsides for the regime for when the most popular president in American history “tests positive”:
1. Biden formally incapacitated/ dead;
2. Everyone back to wearing face diapers;
3. Everyone forced to get extra shots “to protect themselves and others”.

Slick Willy
Slick Willy
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

The answer to Strauss/Jaffa is Girard… And by that I don’t mean his lily-livered cucking hide under the bed pathetic cope that Jesus Christ ended scapegoating. But Girard cottoned onto something very true about the human need for ritual casting out.

I say bring back scapegoating (which never went away) and get busy doing it locally; targeting the traditional scapegoats of storied times past. Time for some societal healing!

2 years ago

I have always assumed the CIA was the paramilitary wing of the Council on Foreign Relations

Reply to  Woodpecker
2 years ago

Well, yes, but the CIA wasn’t organized by the CFR. The CFR is descended from the Rhodes Society, WASP Anglos with Empire on their mind. It was organized by the small hats as an East India Company, a crown corporation. This was their in. Usefulness is how the advisors pitch themselves for inclusion. Once in, they observe the foibles of the ruling class, and scheme to usurp them. They’ve been practicing this strategery since before Ur became an empire. It always, always ends with the collapse of whatever civilization has let them in. Once the pillars are gone…they’re Sampson, all… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] ZMan points out that there is nothing new under the sun. […]

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Z’s hypothesis strikes me as very plausible, even probable. If he is right, however, we are left to ponder the mechanics of the decision-making and the executive body. Ultimately, the “intel community” must issue edicts about matters such as the anti-white campaign, the January 6 protest, Biden, and probably the Covid Caper. How are these decisions made? How many people are involved in the decision-making process? Is there any formal organization and hierarchy? Is there a single chieftan who binds the participants into a whole? Do these people meet, in the manner of SPECTRE, if only digitally? Is there a… Read more »

Andy Texan
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

To the question, what is the organizational system of the global conspiracy? Ian Fleming was pretty accurate in postulating an answer in the description of SPECTRE. Regions have their capos and the capo de tutti capos meet regularly in Switzerland or Mustique or on a mega yacht. Obama is a capo of the North America region and his right hand man, Valerie Jarrett helps to formulate and disseminate policy. Regional capos also consult with the main council (trillionaires and mostly unnamed pedigreed persons).

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

The real power of the IC is taking out its checkbook, a nearly unlimited checkbook, and just buying people through a complex network of NGOs. Heck, I’m sure books are being and have been written just on the NGOs in Ukraine. They operate world wide and most of their dark money comes from governments. Otherwise, in every other respect, the CIA is a total and complete joke full of spoiled daddy’s girl’s who went to Dartmouth. Imagine the student councils at Dartmouth or Bowdoin attempting to do anything constructive. Just move it to the D.C. area and all you get… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

But there are innumerable entities worldwide–not the least of which is the CCP–who have heavy wads to throw around. If it just comes down to money, why does the IC’s money produce its desired results when they are in conflict with other moneyed interests? In looking at Blackistan’s history from ca. 1965 to the present, and especially since the Passion of George Floyd, the social, cultural, and economic development is all in one very clear and coherent direction. In other words, there seems to be a plan, even if it is somewhat inchoate. To me, this pattern suggests that funk… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

JR Wirth certainly nails it with dark pools and NGOs.
Osteii, you’re asking la Cosa Nostra to open its books and show you the org chat.

That’s why Strauss kept everything face to face.
That’s why Bilderburg Hotel conferences were just a conspiracy theory for decades.

We don’t know what the 17 central bankers of the BIS discussed at an unmarked chalet in Lucerne for 30 years, only that they met there. (Its only marker was that was across from a chocolat shop. A scene straight from the X-files.)

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Perhaps the IC moves along the line of starlings: Birds of a feather (starlings) flock together. In the case of the IC – similar backgrounds, education, etc. A murmuartion of starlings fly together 100’s – 1000’s in whirling, ever-changing patterns. Scientists seem to think these are systems “on the edge,” meaning they’re ready to be completely transformed in an instant. Apparently the dynamic not well understood. The IC seems to operate in that way – no one seemingly in charge, no one signaling which way to go next – yet they move in tandem. A murmuration of starlings seem apropos… Read more »

Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

It’s worth a very great deal, thanks.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stranger in a Strange Land
2 years ago

I’m sure that’s part of the explanation. But at some point, final decisions have to be arrived upon, and somebody must disseminate them to agreed upon people. This means there has to be at least some level of basic structure. Without it, the IC could certainly influence, but it could not execute…in more ways that one.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
2 years ago

I’d feel sorry for Joe Biden if he wasn’t such an asshole Having a MAGA hat Trump supporter take out Joe or Kamala would be a really obvious move. but the normies would believe it 100%, and the 3 letter agencies have an army of dupes on the payrole to pin it on, my advice to any CIA/FBI undercover agents, if you have spent the last few years building up your fake MAGA profile stay away from Washington and never agree to meet your handler/paymaster anywhere near where Biden or Kamala might visit. its a trap. you will be the… Read more »

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

Eats, shoots, and leaves.

Reply to  Ted
2 years ago

Panda Assassin.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

TomA’s classic:
“A stairwell will do.”

I’d eye the windows, myself.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

How about a stairwell, a window and 100 lamp posts?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

C’mon. Joe is going to die with/from Covid when a new variant becomes the next shiny thing.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Yes, yes! I can hear the cover story being written even now. Afterwords, a week’s work of four-page spreads in USA Today, as they did with a non-entity like Ron Brown’s “plane crash.”

Always work coming and going, that’s what I learned as a busboy at Denny’s.

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

What about disposing of hunter. That problem goes away and you look like a jerk whenever you bring the issue up. Plus it gives Biden the sympathy for outliving his whole original family

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Joe Biden has at least one living brother, James. As well as son Hunter. However, since power is rarely hereditary in the modern world, offing them doesn’t really accomplish anything. What’s far more interesting will be what if anything more emerges from Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell.” It’s likely that copies of the hard drive are in too many hands for even the Dark State to quash them all. Here’s a conspiracy-flavored teaser on just that topic: In any event, the mass media is so corrupt that, even if a data dump of the hard drive became available with an… Read more »

Tom Bombadil
Tom Bombadil
2 years ago

‘this shadowy group of figures’
Hey, quit with the anti-semitisms, Adolf. 80% of the cabinet is the new 13/50, General Biff Tannen Milley excluded.

Speaking of, they were actually able to find someone worse to head the ATF than David ‘poses over still smoldering bodies of dead children’ Chipman. His ‘early life’ checks out, too.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

The thesis of today’s essay is seed for conspiracy theorists, indeed! Months ago, perhaps even before the election, our guys pondered how it was that both Biden and Harris had gone from dead last choices in their respective slots, to nominee for their party? That oddity was remarked at the time. Even before the election, at least in the DR community, Biden’s cognitive decline was well noticed. Now comes Obama’s recent White House visit. As I pontificated in yesterday’s (04-06) comments, in my knowledge, it is extremely rare for a former President to visit the White House, except maybe for… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Regarding “Fox News Doctored Clips of Obama’s Visit to the White House to Make It Seem Like Biden Was Lost,” I went and checked it out. They repeatedly used the term “doctored,” but it’s obvious doctored has devolved to mean “ended the clip where you wanted to end it instead of where we wanted to end it.” The extended versions are not that much more flattering to Biden.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

So now any event captured on video must be played in its entirety or it’s “doctored?” That’d kill cable and MSM news. Hmmm . . . (Always look on the bright side!)

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Keep looking for he WEF connections. I have seen good collections of the Canadian (over 100) and British (over 300) associates, but have not seen a good US list yet.
Ask any candidate or office-holder down to school board level, “Are you now, or have you ever been associated with the WEF?” Expect lies, watch the body language.
The affiliates get promoted with money, advice, and support. There are enough of them that a single failure is not important.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

But is there really just one Praetorian Guard. My concern is that there are a number of various factions running around, each controlling certain policy areas or vying for them. In essence, no one is really in charge. There’s likely a couple of intelligence factions – CIA and FBI who have different concerns. Then there’s the tech money. Wall Street. AIPAC and the neocons. The military. I realize that there’s overlap and coordination among these groups, but I find it hard to believe that they all operate as one group. Yeah, the intelligence agencies probably have the ultimate trump card… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

If DiSantis were to sit down with the alphabet boys and accept their “briefings” at face value, it would mean that he is a bigger fool than Pierre Delecto.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 years ago

Of course if he calls bullshit on the briefings and makes it clear that his administration will ignore alphabet recommendations, then a troubled young man will make him go away.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
2 years ago

“A bigger fool than Pierre Delecto “?

That’s a high bar to hurdle ;<)

James J O'Meara
James J O'Meara
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“For example, if the intelligence community is fully in control, why is Biden’s cabinet 80% small hats. Maybe it’s not just our intelligence agencies involved in grabbing power.”

Bingo. Even if the is a USA Deep State, it’s controlled by another country’s Deep State. (Since the latter is officially an ethnostate, members of that ethnic group are ipso facto agents of that state).

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  James J O'Meara
2 years ago

That’s their advantage, even at the shadowy Deep State level.

They play as a team while other factions of Deep State are, in the end, individuals even if they’re working with others.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Running, ruling and ruining America since 1913.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Outside of NYC/California/Texas he may have the largest population of foreign nationals/dual citizens in the US. That informs everything he does.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

Zman, in prior essays, has astutely likened this theater to the Kremlinology of our youths. Now we have to divine the intention of Obama’s visit (and the videos/photos) to the White House the way we would analyze the photos from the May Day Parades of old. (Who’s that new guy standing next to Andrei Gromyko?) I cannot help but think this is intentional misdirection. If no single person is in charge, no single person is accountable to the public for the many debacles now underway. This strategy keeps careers alive and options open for important cabals of insiders. For example,… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

“Today the mass media is full of “retired” intelligence officers..” – I read this too fast and read retired as “retard.” I think that’s more accurate.

2 years ago

“Maybe they have a Lee Harvey Oswald in training, one of those Trump loving white supremacist from their mythologies. That would justify another round of state sponsored terrorism.” This option must be incredibly appealing to them. Any and every chance to terrorize and destroy middle class whites must be so enticing. There is a video clip of an interview with the CEO of TriCon Residential, one of largest owners of single family homes in the US. Revenue increased by almost 80% last year and they have lofty goals. According to the CEO, they are providing a service to millennials who… Read more »

Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

When the SHTF the guys weighted down with the bright shiny brass are the ones you should worry about, not the schemers in DC so much.

Reply to  Melissa
2 years ago

“According to the CEO, they are providing a service to millennials who he claims are much happier not owing anything.” I imagine it’s things like this that will form the slow-boil erosion of private property rights. When 75% of your population thinks owning property is horrid, a crime, bad for the environment or just not popular then I’d imagine they could be mobilized in a ‘democracy’ to vote for a party that sought to abolish it. Of course, private property will most likely still exist… in the hands of the immensely wealthy and powerful. The other way, that is gaining… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Orange Frog: As dreadful as the GAE may be, its restrictions on private land use – outside of California and near certain ‘National Parks’ – are not nearly so onerous as those that exist within England. You retain tons of rules from the EU regarding almost everything. And anyone who genuinely wants to farm and make a living and/or profit from it in the US encounters lots of government rules as well. But the priority for the majority of Whites moving back to rural land and starting homesteads is to feed their families with healthy, natural food (along with more… Read more »

2 years ago

I know I keep banging this drum, but this is how stuff like WW1 happens. Yeah, Truckin’ Joe Biden is a figurehead, but figureheads matter. It is simply impossible for the leader of a serious nation to negotiate with anyone but his titular peer. It’s beneath their national dignity — which, again, is a real thing that really matters — but more importantly, even if you stooped to try, how do you know the flunky you’re talking to is the correct flunky, or the only relevant flunky? Back when intel agencies were professionals at anything other than screwing with domestic… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Great points! Fortunately I think Putin can call Merkel, Gerhardt Schroeder and Macron. For all their faults, they’re at least adults. The US people are truly terrifying.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Merkel’s out. Her successor, Olaf Scholz is a worthless socialist and is just aggravating the problems.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

> Fortunately I think Putin can call Merkel, Gerhardt Schroeder and Macron. For all their faults, they’re at least adults.
> Merkel’s out.

I don’t know about you, but I can sleep soundly at night knowing that the avoidance of a nuclear holocaust depends solely on the discernment of a closeted homosexual with a penchant for African migrants who is married to his childhood teacher.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

I’m not sure Macron is much better than Blackistan’s rulers. In fact, he’d probably fit in with them just fine.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

The “Red Phone” is mostly a movie trope, somewhat divorced from reality. I can only speak for what existed in the mid 1980s. I’m not spilling any State Secrets here; At the time “insiders” were at times given informal tours. Even during the Cold War, sometimes even the press were invited a peek at the War Room or similar. Those who worked with the “real” equipment were amused at the idea of a shiny red phone on the Presidents’ (or his counterpart’s) desk. The actual equipment used was ancient, 1960s or even 1950s vintage technology, in fact. No matter how… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Thanks for the info, but I trust my point still stands. If Vladimir Putin (and of course his team of linguists, comm tech specialists, and so on) said “Get the President of the United States on the horn,” back when he could get the actual US President (plus his team of translators, techs, and so on) on the horn. And even if Putin didn’t do it personally, whoever he delegated would, with ironclad certainty, be speaking with Putin’s voice, communicating the official position of the Russian government. And even if Reagan (or whoever, I’m being deliberately anachronistic) didn’t personally take… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

You have hit on the main problem and what makes nuclear war possible. There is no central figure to negotiate a way out. It seems quite clear there are many factions fighting over grifting and power tripping rights. Any alignment among the groups is accidental. Pouring more fuel on the fire is that the Russians can see as clearly as we can that the hook it out to snatch Biden off the stage. They also realize Kamala Harris is functionally retarded. Ditto Anthoney Blinken and Loyd Austin. It is like being assaulted by rival gangs simultaneously in the middle of… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

tl;dr: The Slim Pickens character in DR. STRANGELOVE now is Pajama Boy wearing a mask and uncertain what happens when his ride smacks the ground.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

uncertain what happens when his ride smacks the ground.

He needn’t worry … those bombs explode way above ground.

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

That’s the danger of a superpower going to full figurehead government. It wouldn’t matter if it was Ecuador or Denmark. Nobody in the official line of succession is a serious person.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Don’t pay any attention to Ben. My red phone looks *exactly* like this:

comment image?c=2

Vladimir says hi!

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

To continue the WWI analogy, all those diplomats and titled heads of Europe were not, significantly, calling for the assassination of each other like Potato Joe or Miss Lyndsay (funny how they agree on that). That also neatly dovetails with the ostensible trigger for WWI, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the next in line to the Habsburg throne, by the Serbian intelligence agency through Princip, and everyone knew they did it. Hence the entirely justified response by the Austro-Hungarians to go HAM on the Serbs. Today, diplomacy by assassination is a CIA specialty, as shown by Diem’s removal by bullet,… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
2 years ago

That’s the real takeaway from the Big Steal in 2020. Even if you wanted to negotiate with the Evil Empire, how could you ever take them at their word? No serious nation would have an election that contentious and not make an enormous show of auditing the results, for exactly that reason. Let’s go ahead and stipulate, arguendo, that 2020 was completely clean and totally on the level. You still have upwards of 40% (I think 40% was the official figure so you know it’s a lie) of people thinking, at minimum, that something really really fishy happened to Our… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

In a neat reversal of all the Mustache Guy (Slav Edition) propaganda Globohomo pumped out lately, what is at least a 9.0 on the Alanis scale is that to Master P and the Russians, “negotiating” with AINO is no shit exactly like negotiating anything with Mustache Guy, who never signed a treaty worth the paper it was written on to anyone.
Master P ain’t Lando Calrissian.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Severian
2 years ago

Russia has known for some time the US won’t keep any agreements. You don’t need to much Russian studies to know that “not agreement capable.” is outright venomous .

This colors any actions they take and combines nicely with the innate distrust of everyone nearly all Slavs have

2 years ago

The Neocons are deep imbedded with the intelligence agencies, especially in anything involving Russia, at least it seems like this. The only explanation why Victoria Nuland and her husband Robert Kagan are still making decisions on Russia.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chiron
2 years ago

I’m wondering when the Russians will show a public sign they’ve realized Nuland will not permit Zelensky to concede anything.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

A good way to tell the Russians have realized Zelensky cannot negotiate is when they whack him. Or the Empire whacks him. Either way, that man is death eating on a cracker.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

The Washington establishment will defend Ukraine down to the last Ukrainian.

John Bechtel
John Bechtel
Reply to  Chiron
2 years ago

Interesting to note that Kagan is Jewish, Nuland is Ukrainian Jewish through her paternal grandfather, and of course, Zelensky is Jewish. Life’s amazing coincidences.

Mr. House
Mr. House
2 years ago

“In the fullness of time, the Biden period will be seen as the time when this shadowy group of figures became the Praetorian Guard”

I think the inflection point you speak of actually occurred when “they” killed Kennedy.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

And RFK and MLK. All roads lead to the three letter agencies. Modern day Pinkertons.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

And perhaps the attempt on Reagan was a warning? From Poppy Bush?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

That was supposed to go through.

Reagan’s recovery was a very close run thing that surprised them.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Reagan was just as much of a neocon puppet as anyone else. It doesn’t make sense why they would do that.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

If you’re curious, you could always ask John Hinckley Jr. He has an active twitter account and he uploads his original acoustic songs on YouTube. Speaking of which, Jodie Foster still owes him a date.

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

Hinckley shot Reagan.

Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

That’s unfair to the Pinkertons.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Meh i doubt the strikers they shot in the early 20th century would agree.

In a way, the Great Reset is a return to the gilded age. How many of people crammed into company slums owned anything? Don’t yinz guys remember the company store? Do you really want to go back to that? We’re close now

2 years ago

I figured the “Oh goodness yes, Hunter Biden’s laptop is real” and “BLM bought this $6 Million Mansion with funds donated to them” stories appearing lately in “The Media” were battlespace prep for clearing the decks of deadwood and “useful idiots, comrade”. “That is all fun stuff to debate, but the question no one bothers to consider is who is making the decision on Biden? No one has provided a clear explanation for who picked him back in the primary. It was clearly not the voters. The party forced everyone to quit after the South Carolina primary, but how did… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

I also called JB for nominee in summer 2019. Admittedly this was before the primary season and the debates made me falter in my confidence, but the structural reasons for predicting it hadn’t changed. I did not correctly predict Harris as vp, even though the Indispensable Gyno-Blackness criterion had been telegraphed before she dropped out, so logically she was in the running. I underestimated the influence of N. California Democrats over the party because I’m a So. Cal. native and so assumed them to have the same combo of ditzy and “vibrant” as our local variant. Obama was the last… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

> The cost of support from African-American pols is our VP.

No, the cost of support from BIG TECH is our VP. Kamala’s only natural constituency is Satan-con Valley and the globalist Brahmin and Jewish oligarchs who run it now.

There’s not a single black person in this country who considers Harris to be one of their own. Blacks supported Biden *in spite of* Kamala, not because of her.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Ponder this:

The price of poker for Joe was he had to have a minority woman as Veep. It could’ve been Stacey Abrams. 😲

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Does black America consider Obama to be one of their own?

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

Obama probably did have the where-with-all and connections to get his toadies in for the Dem primary, but everything after that is above even his pay grade. The theory then would be that The Regime got Obama to help them out in that regard, to the extent that is actually the case.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 years ago

It’ been 9 year snow since Ed Snowden revealed the intel community spies on everything we do. Also the deep connections among the intel community and the tech industry. Technology only has become more powerful since then. They can blackmail anybody.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 years ago


And even when one gets to the man on the street, even after Snowden’s revelations… nobody cares. Because the present comfort level is too great to make waves.

No surprise there, though.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Two points. First, the Snowden revelation shows that most Americans are beyond redemption, and anyone waiting for the American populace to wake up is a fool. If that did not ‘wake America’ nothing will (but Biden’s laptop…lol). The other point is the potency of this deception and manipulation, especially when you consider deepfake technology. If they want to ruin anyone, all they have to do is make a video out of thin air *poof.* The population will believe it. This is particularly potent on a population that 1) Experiences their lives vicariously through videos (in many ways tiktok is more… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

Your second point is a very good one indeed.

Damn scary too.

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

The mainstream media was pretty effective in blocking the average American from knowing just what Snowden said. Only DR political junkies really know. They didn’t wake up because they never heard.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

The didn’t care. Snowden was an everyday word in the news. If they had the least bit of curiosity, they would look. Imagine if you took every American on the street, one by one, and shook them while giving them proof that every single online message they send is being monitored. Do you think a one of them would change? Never.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Something worth still considering is that there is a group around Biden that intends to ride him until the wheels fall off, and hates Obama and Kamala (especially after Obama didn’t reciprocate the slavish loyalty Biden showed when it came time for endorsements). That Biden is falling apart before our eyes doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t try to run him again (decomposing Biden still isn’t as embarassing as a healthy Kamala). From our perspective, in terms of discrediting a system that can only be used against us, either outcome (installing Kamala or keeping Biden) serves the purpose. I might lift… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

Biden is the good goy while Obama is a popular but ungrateful negro for Chosen elite, poor Kamala own her position by sucking it up, literally.

Joey Jünger
Joey Jünger
Reply to  Chiron
2 years ago

Obama speechwriter Ben Rhodes recounted a conversation he saw between Obama and a frothing at the mouth Rahm Emmanuel. Obama was going on about how evenhandedness was needed in the Levant, and that Chuck Hagel should be confirmed, even though he was a throwback to the “Arabists” of the Carter Years. Emmanuel finally exploded and said, “The Palestinians are not going to pay for your presidential library!” Obama seems to have the black pseudointellectual’s disdain for the Chosen, and yet he’s dependent on them financially, which probably only increases the resentment. Some Jews (the kinds who aren’t completely nihilistic and… Read more »

Reply to  Joey Jünger
2 years ago

I honestly believe that the Democrats are being sabotaged from the inside, the American jewish establishment doesn’t want people like AOC, Tlaib or the Somali lady as future leaders of the Party, maybe the current NYC black mayor or Buttgag but definitely not the squad.

This isn’t too outrageous as it seems, the same happened in the UK when Jeremy Corbyn took over the Labour Party leadership. The entire British media (including BBC and the Guardian, New Statesman), Labour Party insiders and big money people worked together to destroy him and the Labour Party along with.

Reply to  Chiron
2 years ago

The squad is the keep the Muslims happy . they are never going any where . but having them there as a token keeps them in the democrat party .

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

The video of Obama and his vice president walking around aimlessly were simply tragic. Even when Biden had his hand on Obama’s shoulder trying to get his attention, you could see Obama flinch just slightly in an effort to get away without looking as I’m sure he recognized the voice and knew it was Joe. It was subtle, but it was there. Obama has been the darling of American politics with Europeans ever since he showed up on the scene as EU political elites see eye-to-eye with Obama’s socialist and global agenda. Trump was the cold wet blanket that every… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

“…while the adults in the room tackle the real issues.” Heh. Let me know when they turn up. Real issues to these people are: Climate agenda, kick-the-can economics, lectures on how bad whites are, endless virtue signalling &c. I’ll know when a serious adult is back in politics, as he’ll take one look at the epic debt of our nation, and take drastic and serious measures to address it. Hell, he may even have the Jacobs to default and then clean house in, ahem, ‘other’ ways. I guess a serious man knows that his policies would cost people their savings,… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

And how did that video just “happen” to go public? Hm?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

Isn’t there a possibility that Scranton Joe is being kept under the influence of depressants as a team of CIA agents actually call the shots?

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

Of course Obama flinched. He didn’t want Joe to sniff his hair and blurt there is a puppy waiting in the Lincoln bedroom.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
2 years ago

Exactly, Karl. Biden is a throw-down president. Everything being done is desired and destructive, and Biden is the unwitting scapegoat. Few things shock any longer but that one does.

2 years ago

” That said, there is no sign of a Constantine out there….” It’s written that when Constantine the Great became emperor, he decided to build a triumphant arch. His main complaint was they couldn’t find the workman and craftsmen to build one as great as those of the past. In other words, the rot of the empire was so advanced that much knowledge had already been forgotten; a precursor of a dark age. At this point I don’t think anyone can save what’s left of the empire. We’ve been gutting crucial industries for the last 50 years, and when we… Read more »

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

“We’ve been gutting crucial industries for the last 50 years, and when we make that last swirl in the toilet bowl, no one will be around to figure out how to rebuild anything.”

Indeed. James LaFond has seemingly been doing some good first hand reportage of fellows he meets on his travels; the below link details to a scary extent the wastefulness and decline of the construction industry:

Reply to  OrangeFrog
2 years ago

Can confirm the truth of what LaFond’s Captain of Carpenters says.

Also, since I work a lot on old houses, I see how much standards have deteriorated. ‘They don’t build them like that anymore’ is very true.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

I think a big tell about the current state of GAE’s human capital will come when they attempt to staff the semi fabs that they are rushing to build in AZ, OH, and TX.

Personally, I’m convinced a lack of human capital in the MIC is why the West doesn’t have a strike weapon like the Kinzhal.

David Wright
2 years ago

I still haven’t had it adequately explained to me why Pope Benedict stepped down.

Reply to  David Wright
2 years ago

My impression was Benedict found out the homo lobby in the church had more power than he did and he couldn’t do anything about it. Maybe they threatened him and pushed him aside to clear the way for his Peronist successor.

Gunner Q
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Benedict could always have exposed them. He had the bully pulpit. It would’ve been the work of God if he’d started naming names then got assassinated by his personal guard on the spot. But that might have been the end of the Catholic Church. I suspect that like President Trump refusing to throw out the fraudulent election, Benedict was cognitively unable to destroy the institutions that had defined his life… even though he realized that they had been corrupted beyond redemption. Both refused to join Evil but couldn’t bring themselves to do what had to be done, so they quietly… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 years ago

‘The fifty intel agents who swore Biden’s laptop was fake agree with this.’

Not to be pedantic but since this is a trifle ambiguous, do you mean to say:

‘The fifty intel agents who swore Biden’s laptop was fake corroborate this thesis.’?

Apologies for nitpicking.