Plot Twists

The French and Russian revolutions are probably the two most important events in contemporary Western history. They have been studied from every angle, but they continue to be studied by scholars. One reason for the enduring interest is these events still cast a shadow over the present. The constructs that arose from the French Revolution are still with us. The great divide between East and West as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution still haunts the world.

Another reason for keeping these two great revolutions in the front of the mind is they are examples of how a ruling elite can bring about its own demise. The violent end of the regime was made inevitable by regime actions. The French king could have plotted a different course, but he made every mistake available to him. The Tsar was in a much more difficult position, but he had plenty of warnings about what was coming and he could have prepared accordingly.

These two revolutions are as much about ruling elite error as the social and political movements we associate with them. If the French king had been a bit more prudent it is possible the revolution would not have happened at all. If there were betting odds on such things, regicide would have been the longest of long shots on the board prior to the start of unrest. Most of the people pushing for change prior to Lenin seizing power were hoping the Tsar would help with the process.

The compelling feature of these events is that the major players seemed blind to that which should have been obvious. The forces of change and the defenders of the status quo operated like two black boxes. Neither side could see inside the other, so they were left to guess about the motivations behind the observed actions. Inevitably, they assigned the worst motives to the other side. Killing the sovereign, thereby killing the system he represented, was easy when he was seen as evil.

We seem to be seeing the same dynamic form up in present day America as the ruling class operates by motives that baffle those outside. The raid on former president Trump by the FBI is the latest event without an obvious explanation. A feature proudly celebrated by the American political class for a long time is that Americans do not criminalize politics like other countries. The losers of elections are not jailed and former officer holders are not persecuted.

For two years the political class has been waging a war against the former president and his supporters for reasons that continue to baffle. There must be a reason as there is a reason for everything, but no logical reasons make sense. Again, we look at our political class and see a black box at the center of their actions. It is what motivates them but what is going on inside is a mystery. As a result, we are left to speculate as to their motivations and that always leads to dark motives.

Like the ruling elites in the two great revolutions, this ruling elite seems to be obsessed with finding the worst option. The right answer in the aftermath of the 2020 election was for Washington to be reminded of Jefferson’s timeless question. “And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” The right response was “to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them.”

Instead, we have pogroms. This raid on Trump’s home not only raises questions about the motives of the administration, but it colors the January 6 events. An organized war by the deep state against reformers is a narrative that explains both the persecution of the protestors and the attacks on the former president. Even for those highly skeptical of the “deep state” narrative will start to come around. It also helps explain side events like the attacks on Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes.

In those prior revolutions, a logic took over that naturally led to the conclusion that the system was the problem. It was not just the polices that emanated from the system, but the system itself that was the problem. In Russia and France, the man at the top was the personification of the system. A point was reached where anything the king said or did was viewed through this logic. The trust between the people and their sovereign was irrevocably broken and the end became inevitable.

One strange difference between the current age and those revolutionary ages is the roles are reversed. In 18th century France, it was the people at the top defending the old order and the people challenging it. The same was true in Russia. In America, the people at the top see themselves as the revolutionaries and the people view themselves as the defenders of the old order. A big part of this crisis is the ruling class mocking the history and tradition of the people.

What makes it even more bizarre is that if the ruling class is successful in discrediting the old system, the people will no longer have restraint. It is the lingering trust in the system, the desire to vote harder, that prevents January 6th from spreading to every state capital in the country. These efforts by the ruling class to burn it all down can only lead to one end for them. The FBI raiding Trump’s house convinced a lot of people that the system is now too far gone to save with an election.

It is a good example of how history can be a guide, but the parallels are never perfect, so we are left to feel our way through things. Lenin knew his history, which is why he quickly had the Tsar and his family murdered. He knew where his revolution should end so he moved quickly to the closing scenes. On the other hand, despite their study of history, none of the Bolsheviks saw Stalin and his terror coming. Even when you know the script, it is sometimes hard to accept the plot.

Perhaps that is what is happening in the black box at the center of the Cloud People society that seems to control their actions. Perhaps inside it they are feverishly hoping to write a new ending to an old story. Their actions, however, are the main plot device of that old story. The harder they work to create a new narrative, the more their actions seem to confirm the oldest of narratives. The great plot twist they think they are fashioning is that there is no plot twist to their story.

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2 years ago

Americans do not criminalize politics like other countries. The losers of elections are not jailed and former officer holders are not persecuted.

Yes. But this time, actually, for the first time election results were turned upside down. The FBI raid is part of what naturally follows a thing like that.

2 years ago

I found this quote at the end of an article at The Conservative Tree House. The article discussed the responses amongst Republicans to the raid on the Trump residence. This quote, from the vexed time of the American Revolution, seems have been adduced by the author of the article due to its having telling, interrogative relevance not only to the normies of that time, but potentially also to the normies of the present day. “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Zerohedge had a pretty good article about older workers, say 55 and above, propping up the US economy:

This piece seems to agree with a lot of the reasoned conjecture and gut feelings we’ve shared here.

I’d imagine the situation is pretty similar in Europe.

2 years ago

Looks like Rod Dreher just put down his knitting to express his shock at the effects that the Great Replacement and escalation in anti-white racism post St George of The Holy Overdose is having . Very interesting data points/anecdotes coming from CPAC.

High humor to watch him shriek in horror and prattle on about what people see with their own eyes is a conspiracy.

Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

That’s a necessary reminder. We easily forget that though our strongest enemies are “leftists”—but that’s not really a thing; there are only *partisan Democrats*—our worst enemies are “normie cons” and libertarians (aka, partisan Democrats).

Order your lists appropriately.

Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

I skimmed the Dreher article. To be fair, his main point was that the newly radicalized whites are understandably angry. He cushioned it with a bunch of “I disagree with them” fluff. But his main point is that the D-Right saw it all coming long before everyone like himself.

Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

His solution: “Again, read your Arendt.”
Yes, master! Igor obeys!

Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

RealityRules: I’ve never been a Dreher reader or fan and thought I couldn’t think less of him than I already did. But I clicked on the link and read his drivel – I didn’t count precisely how many times he shrieked “radical” or “radicalized,” and I don’t talk to enough people to be able to truly tally whether Joe Normals are awakening, but anything that unsettles the staid is a good thing.

2 years ago

Six years ago: Ukraine had already been teed up. It was thought by many the Hilary would prosecute a war against Russia. Russia et. al. was weaker. US was stronger. Both the liberals and the conservatives were united in Russia/Putin hate. The revanchists could possible have reestablished their USSRtopia. Or set forth a movement to break off more and more chunks of that land. But now, they can only stew in their ancient hatreds broth, at what could have been. They’ll keep trying, trying for millennia after epoch. — The Trump failure was, I think, a two way street. He… Read more »

Reply to  Disruptor
2 years ago

my infernal hatred for the gop party was ignighted by watching trump supporters attacked and beaten by gang bangers and thugs as the police looked on in 2016 . the rest of the GOP candidates did nothing about this . It was clear then that not only did the “gop” hate their base, they despise them eenough to enjoy seeing them beaten and possibly killed . I voted for trump and some local office holders in 2020, but I have been done and over the DEM/GOP drama .

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

The Trump raid isn’t a sign of strength. It’s a sign of weakness and lashing out. The regime has always been the regime. The same ghoulish J. Edgar Hoovers’ of D.C. have always been there, trying on new panty hose under their desks and jack- ing to weird sh. t. The difference is nepotism. The current crop are direct descendants of the FDR class of 1933 that was the first occupation of D.C. Sure, the progressives built the platform, but this is FDR’s machine. And it’s run by the children of the children of the first party bosses. They don’t… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Not a sign of strength?

Any Democrat could call the cops and have you killed today.

“But I’m smarter than them!”


JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Hemid
2 years ago

If they were running the place the way a country should be run, the way it used to be run, we wouldn’t be discussing this. There wouldn’t be issues like this popping up in the first place. Your hyperbole aside, the last few years have proved that the machine is malfunctioning and they’re using hard power in place of soft power, which is cheaper and far superior. It’s like office managers who pat themselves on the back for solving crises in their own offices when good managers don’t have them to begin with.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

I have lived in two distinct sections of the country the past 3 years. I see absolutely no sign that the average person actually would ever do anything but be perfectly obedient to the system. I only have my own experience, but I see no indication of any weakness on the side of TPTB.

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

The machine is not malfunctioning. It’s doing what they want it to do. You guys keep looking around and seeing “crises,” or you say the country isn’t “being run well,” or you see that the US military got chased out of Afghanistan, and you think that means the Left is losing. They aren’t losing. They don’t care about the collapsing economy, or famines, or Germans freezing this winter, or homeless camps, or jogger crime, or the US military. They are still grabbing loot and stashing it away in their secret accounts, and they will soon take their loot and retire… Read more »

Reply to  Pete
2 years ago

This is correct , Our WEF overlords are consolidating their Ownership of everything .
small business is still being completely destroyed, they are using corporations to enforce their ideology . they are running the farmers out o business and will buy up all their land. Then we will be good and truly screwed . landless starving peasants are not a powerful group.

Mr. House
Mr. House
2 years ago

Remember last year when the Dems wanted to give the IRS access in realtime to any deposit or withdrawl from your accounts over 600 dollars? How long before they propose that again? Its funny, if anyone should have to show minimal amounts of money moving in and out of their account it should be the politicians.

Just another example of upside down world or clown world.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Mr. House
2 years ago

Sounds like a great reason to do the minimum at work and avoid engaging in any sort of commerce if the taxman is just going to steal everything.

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
2 years ago

Actually, the nobility in France was mostly in favor of the Revolution, because they had been stripped of power and status by the conversion from feudalism to the absolute monarchy of Louis XIV & Co.

Hi -Ya!
Hi -Ya!
Reply to  Christopher Chantrill
2 years ago

yes, Mr Man is no historian. I don’t think any revolution is “from the people”

The English “reformation” was top down.

Reply to  Hi -Ya!
2 years ago

Martin Luther was English?
Your hostility to the English allows you to convert people’s ethnicity after their death!

2 years ago

[…] Plot Twists […]

Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Most normal people are bewildered by the Power Structure’s obsession with Donald Trump. They are left to blindly grope into the black box Z describes. The motives for destroying an obstreperous but essentially harmless politican are tenebrous, to put it mildly. I don’t know the answer; none of us do. But I can speculate until speculation, too, begins provoking FBI assaults. It seems to me that the danger Trump represents is that of narrative rupture. When Trump speaks of African scheisslochs, women allowing famous men to snatch them by the snatch, and when he robustly defends rather than condemns white… Read more »

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ostei, it seems the left and all the tentacles of the NWO are going for all the marbles. Perhaps this is the beginning of”when push comes to shove”.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

That’s likely part of it. There is also the “pour emcourager les autres” aspect of it.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

If you truly, honestly believe in “word spells” and “narrative makes reality,” then Trump’s Mean Tweets (r) actually were a material, serious existential threat to TPTB. If you take our enemy literally: words are actual violence, so Trump was an incredibly effective violent attack on Who We Are Democratic Rules Based Values. And these people think you can stop a Ruskie infantry brigade by tweeting, so I think their beliefs are sincerely held.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I think they are just petty fanatics. Trumps tenure PROVED change is ineffectual. His complete impotence is proof that there is no threat to the system. General Milley, with that C#$#sucking lips and expression of his, is still there. I don’t see fear of Trump – they openly taunt him. That is the opposite of fear.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

You’re looking for change in all the wrong places. Policies and laws are of little concern. What is at issue is changed minds and attitudes. If and when that happens, the Power Structure is in big, big trouble, and they know it. That’s why suppressing Trump is top priority.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

I addressed that in a previous comment. The average person in no way would undermine the power stucture in any way. Gogol wrote “The Overcoat” in 1840. How much worse did that system get under the Marxists? Meet the new boss…

Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

I should also add the peons had little to do with the politics of the Russian Revolution.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

The average person, no. Average people en masse, yes.

2 years ago

Great article Zman. Slammed in my day job so will only leave these two quick comments: First, I highly recommend the Revolutions podcast by Mike Duncan for anyone seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the French revolution and the Russian revolution. Duncan is product of modern academia so his work is colored by his leftist leanings (his elevation of the Haitian revolution is modestly embarrassing), but he does good work. Second, as I reflect back over the past twenty one years, I have developed a real appreciation for how unbelievably prescient Osama bin Laden was. To paraphrase Sun Tzu,… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
2 years ago

“He lit the spark that destroyed America in just over twenty years without firing a shot.”

If you’re referring to 9-11, fewer and fewer people believe the official narrative that Osama Bin Laden masterminded the attacks. I’m among those people. And yet, twenty years ago, I actually believed what our government told us.

Looking back, it seems almost quaint.

Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

Boy howdy. How could I have been so stupid- but then, I also believed that my favorite Austrian painter was the bad guy, too.

Watching Dubya at the black kiddies’ school in Florida while their voodoo lady teacher recites the chant, “Kite Hit Steel Plane Must”,
she was using the children to cast a spell. Look at the smirk on Bush’s face when they are doing it. He knows!

Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

Whether or not you believe that al-qaeda engineered the 9/11 attacks, it is pretty clear that they (and their closely related ideological fellow travelers) were a force to be recconded with: 1st attack on the WTC; bombings of the US embassies in east Africa; the bombing of the Khobar Towers; the bombing of the destroyer in Yemen. This led up to a declaration of war upon the US. In seeking a rationale for the declaration, this article from 2004 posits that the real thrust was directed toward the muslim world, and in drawing the collective thinking of the Umma toward… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Winter
2 years ago

And here I thought it was the Jews….

I’m so confused.

Reply to  Guest
2 years ago

I wouldn’t say OBL “destroyed” America…America isn’t destroyed, it’s just ruled by and ever-more populated by numbskulls. What he did is give an opening for {insert nefarious foreign actor here} to use the American war machine to eliminate personal enemies. OBL did probably hasten our demise as a world police power, even though “he” “attacked” us at the apex of American power, and would not have expected things to fall apart like the have in the last 20 years. But the actual demise of the USA can be blamed on the fetishization of immigration.

Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

Actually our idea of America is destroyed. We can argue how it’s been done but it isn’t coming back in its old form. I miss it but time now to move on and create something we can keep this time.

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  Mike
2 years ago

Franklin said America was already formed well before the revolution but nobody had actually stopped to think about that.
Now that America has been unraveling longer than it was advancing it’s only through the latests decay that people are getting squared up with the degree of decline.

2 years ago

I think it might have been mentioned here before, but in the event that someone missed it: It’s the Jews.

Reply to  Vegetius
2 years ago

Ha! Yes, and no. It’s the fat tail- the fat tail that manifests much more strongly in some genomes. That fat tail first either destroys its own society, then moves on to others, or is kicked out, also then moving on to others. The fat tail you’re referring to purged itself of its moderate White-interbred majority, while using its own acquired White characteristics to increase its grip on the horse it rode. That White horse has taken this fat tail to the top of the world, but beware! It is eyeing the potential of a world of suitable nonwhite vessels… Read more »

2 years ago

How DeSantis struck back:


I could see governors like Heavy D and Kari Lake declaring Sanctuary. Here’s to hoping that dissolution might be like the ethnic ‘Stans of the former Soviet becoming independent, with only a Chechnya or two.

2 years ago

[…] ZMan explains it all to you. […]

2 years ago

I’d argue the political class has been waging war on Trump and his supporters for six years – in ways that used to baffle, but not so much anymore. The ruling regime is corrupt, illegitimate and evil. They don’t even care about the optics or what us dirt people think about their antics as displayed by the Trump raid. It seems like there’s no step they’re unwilling to take in the furtherance of their agenda – black box reasoning and all. It’s going to be interesting as hell to see if they’ve got the stones to seriously try to job… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

“the political class has been waging war on Trump and his supporters for six years.” No, they have been waging war on Americans since 1865. Civil War, WWI, the Fed, WWII, Civil Rights, open borders, welfare and onward. . .always the temperature rising on the frog in the pot. Well, the water is boiling and the frog is belly up. They have total control and there’s no more need to even hide what they are or what they’re trying to do. I wish I knew what comes next or how it all plays out, but none of it will be… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

Has Trump ever defended any of his supporters who endured violence on his behalf? Even once? Publicly? Prior to his election? After his election? The answer is no.

Reply to  RoBG
2 years ago

It is have been observed by Ann Coulter that getting too involved with Trump is a career destroyer that leaves him unmoved.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

As I followed the events yesterday, I noticed the official statement from Miss Lindsay Graham, the regime’s official bottom, touching on something. “No one is above the rule of law.” I can’t stand orange man. I consider him to be the most disloyal man on earth. Part of the reason for our current situation is his total failure on every front. However, this one line from the clown Graham encapsulates everything. Rule of law Miss Graham? The law that so rudely came down on a thousand D.C. people who’ve been plundering the place for years? All the insider deals and… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

“I noticed the official statement from Miss Lindsay Graham, the regime’s official bottom, touching on something. “No one is above the rule of law.”

Obviously Graham never heard of Hillary Clinton.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Wait, does Lindsey Graham have actionable evidence that could lead to the arrest and conviction of Hillary Clinton?!?!?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JR Wirth
2 years ago

Seriously, I expect Graham will commit suicide in the near future. He will do incalculable damage in the meantime.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

The question is will he take his little lady bugs with him when he does?

2 years ago

The Regime behaves like it is illegitimate. I’ve been watching the speeches he gave on the international stage. They are really good. He went straight into the UN and to capitals across Europe and asserted the primacy of the nation state. He said without equivocation that his office is a privilege and is based on service and accountability to the people who elected him. He set the order straight – America is a nation state and all nation states’ first obligation is to their own citizens. The elites hate his guts for this. They have a project that they are… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

As Freud said: “a cigar is sometimes just a cigar”. I see no capacity for anything above Level 1 thinking/planning from this regime. It stumbles from disaster to disaster. Pete Buttplug is obviously one of the smarter people in it and he is manifestly incompetent as an administrator/planner. The creepy Garland (AG) is obviously the only other Class A intellect in this gang. He is clearly behind the Trump raid/harassment campaign. But it appears to be a standard intimidation tactic, just like the Giuliani/Stone/Navarro/Bannon harassment, which Garland is obviously behind. There is no 3D chess/black box here. This is more… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

like this?

from the Dean Martin movie “Five Card Stud”

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

The only possible 4d chess reson the ruling class are doing this is to set Trump up as fake opposition again, and send people down the same dead end as 2016. Unlikely, and this probably gives the elite too much credit.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Garland usually doesn’t give interviews. The only time I heard him talk is when he did a sit down with Lester Holt. He has sort of a voice tremor and seems like a mild mannered guy who could be your next door neighbor. Definitely not some Blofeld esque villain. Otoh he is, genetically speaking, a Bolshevik and him indicting trump can be his “lion king” moment where he avenges him not getting on the high court. It could also be that he’s a Robert Mueller type figure in that he’s someone with a reputation for being a straight shooter and… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Maybe because I’m a partial genetic Bolshevik myself, my immediate impression of Garland was, “This could be the most evil man who ever lived.” He’s the members of my family who hate you and want you slaughtered + invincible ambition. As I probably said here when he was appointed: He becomes, given *any* opportunity, our Beria.

We’ll see. Again.

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

He spit on veterans returning from Vietnam, that tells me all I need to know about him. In addition to which, isn’t his real last name “Garlitsky”, or something to that effect?

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

Garfunkel, I believe. And I second Hemid. Garland is a type, that dangerous mix of extreme personal timidity combined with overwhelming but suppressed anger and open self regard, capable of deep evil.

Reply to  Steve
2 years ago

That’s a bold statement. Garland would only have been a teenager (b 1952). I think the name btw was either garfinkel or garfinkel.

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

It’s people like Garland who are the worst, appearances deceive. Look at the people involved in the unpleasantness in Europe about 80-90 years ago. Some of the absolute worst of them you could drop into DC today in a nice suit and you would think of them as harmless functionaries of fedgov. They’re not, I believe they thirst for blood and revenge.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

I love that you used Pete’s last name as “Buttplug.”
That is most excellent.
(I do the same.)

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

“Creepy Garland (AG) is obviously the only other Class A intellect in this gang. He is clearly behind the Trump raid/harassment campaign.” There’s an oxymoron in there somewhere.

2 years ago

“ Again, we look at our political class and see a black box at the center of their actions…” Oh, I dunno, Z. You and the rest of the pundit class seem to have them figured right out. For me the intent of their actions is abundantly clear; the intent and doings of criminals and gangsters are almost intuitively obvious at this point. Everything is fake. That which is not fake – is gay. Their intent is to bankrupt you the citizen and accrue more power and wealth to themselves. The individual lunatics are obviously unpredictable, but the current establishment… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

i think the rot was well along in the early 20th century, when good whites gave women the vote, voted for prohibition, and voted for the income tax amendment. or even in 1865 when the nigs were allowed to stay. point is the societal rot has been going on for a long time.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Yes indeed, but everything went accelerating downhill after the Civil Rights era and immigration reform of the early 60’s. The effect was to put a limit on White population numbers with respect to total US population numbers/proportions and unleash a 5th column of Blacks within society. There may have been any number of altruistic reasons for these actions, but the effect is basically the same.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Impossible to disagree with anything you say. The Dems cannot afford to lose, because it they do, they hang. That means they will go all in to wreck the whole system. They have no reverse gear and are willing to go to war (Hey, Nancy!) to protect their power and accomplish their aims. Elections will change nothing.

2 years ago

a summary of who our conquerors are: there are a lot of good links there too.
“The Great Reset“, “Reset The Table“, the plans and blueprints for the manipulation and control of entire civilizations as we have known them. Economic and monetary systems, farming, food production and consumption, medical services, health care, marriage, children, careers – every single aspect of our lives is to be re-ordered under the direction of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum , Rockefeller Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and cooperating governments around the world.

Reply to  miforest
2 years ago

The Face Dancers are among us.

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Nice “Dune” reference!

Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Better yet, the Shadows.
They feel that by kicking over the anthill, the ants who survive will be better, stronger, and will rebuild a stronger anthill.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Alzaebo
2 years ago

Knocking over the ant hill didn’t work out so well for the protagonist in in the SF novelette “Sandkings” by George R. R. Martin (ca. 1980). This was made in into a so-so adaptation for the 1990s “Outer Limits” 😀

2 years ago

The analogy with the French and Bolshevik revolutions isn’t as germane as the War of the Three Kingdoms, 1639-1653. Prior to this battle for the British soul, the Puritans, who despised Catholicism with murderous passion, made up by far the majority of the immigrants to the northeastern seaboard, carrying with them the Cromwellian concepts that exist to this day. Following the death of the Lord Protector, Charles II was invited back to assume the leadership of the Stuart dynasty. Cromwell’s head was exhumed and publicly displayed on a pike for 18 years. The influence of the New England Puritans over… Read more »

Reply to  mikey
2 years ago

I don’t see the parallel to our current situation.

The closest parallel is the Spanish Revolution, except that we don’t have a Franco.

Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

I meant to say the Spanish civil war

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

But at the start of the war the Spanish didn’t have a Franco either

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

Yep, there is always a Franco in the wings waiting to be called upon.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

True. There are often no perfect solutions, just “least worst” options. Franco, for all his faults, was by far the least worst option for Spain when the choice was him or a rabid Moscow-owned communist regime that would have built gulags on the Costa del Sol and dragged Spain into WW2.

Reply to  (((They))) Live
2 years ago

Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

Been thinking the same thing for a few years now. Republican Spain under the Popular Front. No Franco in view though. Yet.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  mikey
2 years ago

this was an early topic for Zman. not sure when he last mentioned it, but it is central to his early posts here…

Reply to  mikey
2 years ago

We are living in a multicultural, multi-religious, de-industrialized, free-trading, degenerate shopping mall subdivision. I can’t see anything of the puritan ethos about that. Not to excuse puritans of their excesses, I simply don’t see the connection. I hear them called judaizers, yet the JQ strikes me as more of a Catholic thing. Like they go together, almost. The mafia connection of the 20th century, JFK, Oswald murdered by Jacob Rubenstein, Biden and his cabinet, etc. Blamed for diversity, yet New England was historically and still is one of the whitest parts of the country, and arguably the least hospitable to… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

A WrongThinker™ that was deplatformed last year, ModernHeretic3000, had the funniest encapsulation of what you are describing regarding the place where we live that currently wears the United States as a skin suit:

The North American Globalist Kosher Bodega Economic Zone 🙂

God Bless NAGKBEZ!

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

He was kicked off Blogspot almost a year ago. Has he not resurfaced anywhere else? Search engines turn up nothing.

Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

The theme underlying revolutionary institutions is gangster culture. The idea of our tribe ascendant, while taking territory covertly. Of remaining ourselves amidst a sea of others while building a stronghold.

The ancient American philosopher, Zman, entered the hall of the immortals when he posed the eternal question: “By what authority?”

Why, by ourselves. Our identity is our authority.
We must learn, or remember, who “we” are.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

It’s one thing for the regime (trademark Z) to throw some nobodies from Jan. 6 into a dungeon cell and leave them there. The regime controls the microphone, so who’s going to know outside of DR types.

It’s quite another thing to raid Trump’s house. That is the peak of stupidity. What’s amazing is that a group of Biden’s handles got together in a room and decided that this was a good idea. Think about that. Now think about what they’d feel comfortable doing to Joe Normie.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

The White House is claiming they didn’t know about until they saw it on Twitter. Pressure should be put on Biden to either fire Merrick Garland or resign. They can’t expect any foreign leader to even pretend to take him seriously after this.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Makes a lot of sense with one theory, but not saying it is MY theory: it’s a runaway train about to derail, no one is or can be in charge, and the 1st class passengers are just looting the liquor cabinet and mail safe until the crash comes…. No one knows anything, same as the “antirussian” economic sanctions that caused a us recession and made russia rich, same as the stable and safe withdrawal from Afganistan, “transient inflation,” etc etc. This is toddlers playing in a car rolling down a hill, not some criminal conspiracy with shady masterminds in a… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

Yeah, it’s never a good idea to create a martyr.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  manc
2 years ago

Yes, this was a very stupid move on their part. Completely unnecessary.

Shows their arrogance.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“ It’s quite another thing to raid Trump’s house. That is the peak of stupidity.”

Stupidity? Premature judgement.

“So you don’t like it? What are you going to do about it?”

“But it’s unconstitutional! Unfair!”

“Sure, and your point is?”

Every week we see another outrage. What difference does it make?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

I wonder what their next move is? Either they go full in and arrest Trump and declare martial law to “safeguard” the midterms from a “white supremacist” rebellion, or they memory hole the whole thing by moving on to the next distraction.

2 years ago

Both the French revolution and the Bolshevik revolutions share at least one thing in common: the average citizen suffered horribly, and died by the millions (the French by wars, the Russians by their own government policies). The Spanish Civil War was no picnic either.

All to replace one set of ruling elites with another.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

If it must happen then, let it be of the French variety. At least it was glorious for the nation, Bonaparte was a hero for the ages, still revered by the French.

Not something squalid, like the Bolshevik terror with no heroes and no lasting accomplishments.

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

Not to compare numbers, but from what I’ve read there were plenty of civilian casualties in the French Revolution as in mass executions—and I’m not talking Madame Guillotine either. I’ve read of entire barges of “counter revolutionaries” being filled and sunk in rivers to save on effort and bullets—that sort of thing.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

In Nantes, on the Loire river, in a vicious reaction to an uprising against that ridiculous man-eating revolution that had happened in the Vendée region of western France.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Ann Barnhardt currently has re-posted her excellent presentation from 2012, up today (8/9/22) on her website

It is told from a uniquely Catholic perspective, but still worth watching.
It highlights how La Vendée was the true Catholic heart of France and rhe very last hold-out against the revolutionaries who wanted all vestiges of The Faith to be eliminated.

AND remember folks, words matter.
A counter-revolution brings us back TOWARD God, whereas a revolution does the opposite, as discussed here, regarding France and Russia.

2 years ago

Many of us have been wondering what the lead up to the final end and demise of the United States would be like, and I figure it has begun. Strike One is the Government raiding Donald Trump’s house, soon to be followed by indictment and arrest. Strike Two will be Congress passing a law where the tens of millions who own firearms that can shoot more than 10 rounds will become criminals if they refuse to comply. Strike Three will likely be the elections coming up this November. I personally think voting is a joke, but there are still many… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Without state backing, I don’t think civil war is really an option. You cannot fight without organization. The US has a huge standing army of cops and controls even more law enforcement assets than just cops. They control a huge propaganda machine. They have a huge surveillance state making electronic communications near impossible.

But I must admit, I thought prosecution of Trump was extremely unlikely and this raid may very well be the beginning of the process of prosecution.

One thing is for sure. The cucks will use this as an opportunity to grift.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Indeed. The civil war already happened, and we lost. Our side is too demoralized, disorganized and compromised to fight back. We’re seeing the aftermath now.

Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

The fight is only beginning, and the incompetent and corrupt government of a country undergoing a Soviet Union Level Collapse cannot succeed if its nation no long exists within the next 10 years.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

Agreed as to the short term, disagreed as to the long term. The Regime over time will be ground to pieces and then collapse. But as things stand now, they have won a Pyrrhic Victory.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

“our” side is too tiny to be anything but the peanut gallery. at most we are 5% of the population.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

That’s 2% more than the number that beat we Brits in 1775

Reply to  catdog
2 years ago

Cave men beat the vaunted US.
There is a machine shop in every other garage. Millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition, Massave amounts of raw materals and a lot of pissed off smart capeable experenced people.
Pretty sure uncle vlad would love to get some payback & just might drop a few supplies here & there once the party gets started.
Even broke dicks can kick in
Tic tock tic tock.

Reply to  Spingehra
2 years ago

The scenario you’re dreaming of will never happen. Here’s what will happen: Some right-winger will decide to get kinetic and blow something up and hurt somebody. Instead of taking this as “the signal” as he hoped, the rest of the right will rush to twitter to denounce him, call it a glow-op, and moan about how this hurts their election chances. There will be a J6 commission v2. You will get audited, you will get gulaged, you will eat the bugs. Your guns and ammo will never be used. That’s the beginning and end of the civil war you guys… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

The imperial collapse of the United States is pretty much a certainty. The only question is will it end peacefully like the Soviet Union did, or will it end in an orgy of violence that makes the French Revolution or Bolshevik Revolution look like a 5 year Olds tea party.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

I feel passive aggressiveness is the name of the game. Do you see the left having the stomach to do a “clean sweep” of a family of seven like they did in 1918?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
2 years ago

Sadly, yes.


Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

When the Soviet Union collapsed, it was of government not of people. Russia—White Russians anyway—were still a people with something in common. We are not. Those Republics (ethnicities) of the SU broke off where they were not closely linked. Yes, in some cases there was war, but basically an agreement was made between staying and going their own way.

Russia was the big player and retained the bulk of the territory and lands—but they were a people, not a diversity experiment. Some have attempted to draw the “new” nations on a map of the “old” USA. I’m not optimistic.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“ Without state backing, I don’t think civil war is really an option.”

That is why the elite are using master diplomacy to make absolutely sure no foreign enemies might benefit from an internal revolt.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

> Without state backing, I don’t think civil war is really an option. You cannot fight without organization.

That’s where you’re wrong, bucko! A civil war here won’t be armies in the field fighting each other, it will be civilians going around gleefully murdering other civilians, all over the country. That’s why it is so important to stock up on guns, ammo, food, and water.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

The beginning of the end of Yugoslavia was dumb-dumb grifter-commie ruling class drinking their wine, dancing and fornicating in their Dalmatian coastal villas one night, then the sun rising on their multicultural ruled classes shooting each other to death in employee parking lots, the kill lists having been decided some time before. We are in the list making phase, and it will probably last years more. Given that the republic CANNOT be saved, time is on our side while the regime further discredits itself both with normie American and with foreign regime partners abroad. This is still the phase where… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Horace
2 years ago

Need to learn from the Ruskies and Chinks. Our timing, not theirs.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

“One thing is for sure. The cucks will use this as an opportunity to grift.”

That, right there, won today’s Internet.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Depends how many on the Federal payroll will side with the government. There may be splits in the armed forces.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

We already had one set of blatantly corrupt and fixed elections, and the regime showed no qualms about using that to further their ends. I do not see how another one will change anything. I also fail to see how this continued loss of trust in the legitimacy of the system will translate to the ruling elite holding power, when the ruling elite have open contempt and hatred for those who are losing trust in the system. They simply do not care. If anything, they take glee in the idea that Heritage Americans feel they are being ruled by a… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

They won’t ban guns that can shoot more than 10 rounds. They’ll just make anyone who says anything that they don’t like or who is a member of a group where any member has said something that they don’t like a “domestic terrorist” and thus not allowed to own a gun.

Virginia’s AG laid it all out in bill to fight white nationalism. It failed to get passed, but it had plenty of backing. It’ll get passed sooner or later.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

New York just passed a law in defiance of the Supreme Court requiring that a judge review your social media history as a condition of getting a handgun license.

Presumably to root out “white supremacists”…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Herring’s bill would provided money to create a state police unit to monitor social media of individuals and groups. If any person wrote anything considered to be a hate crime, he’d lose his right to own a gun. If you’re a member of any group where any member was convicted of hate – again, hate crime can be saying something considered harmful to other groups such as wanting to limit immigration or discussing black crime rates – you also lose your right to own a gun. The bill also wanted law enforcement to step up infiltration of potential white nationalist… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

“If you’re a member of any group where any member was convicted of hate”

Convicted of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Judas priest, that convicts all dissent, everywhere.

Reply to  Coalclinker
2 years ago

Unlikely that there will be vast armies of blue and grey in the pending civil war. Since we have morphed into a banana republic, the conflict will probably be carried out as they typically are in third world countries. Small scale actions, political assassinations and the like. The greater part of the masses are docile sheep and will change their allegiances according to their stomachs or fear, the latter of which is always a powerful motivator. However, in the spirit of the French Revolution, it would be a treat to see the tumblers carrying the Cloud people to the “National… Read more »

2 years ago

Stalin’s brutality had been acknowledged by Lenin before, Robespierre’s and Saint-Just’s dictatorship should’ve alarmed them about the Revolution eating its own children Reading memoirs of pre-revolutionary figures reveals how detached were the elites. Aristocrats fighting for privileges, weak Tsar falling prey to his courtiers and wife, on the other side liberal extremists envisioning democratic republic, Black Hundreds propagating total Russification of the multi-ethnic empire, Socialist Revolutionaries spreading terror and peasants hoping that Tsar was going to give them land of their own. People like Sergey Witte could only watch helplessly as they were sabotaged from both directions. Maybe the modern… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Puszczyk
2 years ago

Constantinople was razed -by the French – about 250 years before it fell. supposedly the damage they did to the outer walls was never fixed, and was part of the reason the city fell to the ottomans.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

What were the engineers responsible for maintaining wall detained or liquidated by the French forces? If it’s the same event I’m thinking of, it was cladsivak case study in the conduct of clandestine warfare; specifically crippling a critical hard to replace asset in case you needed to come back again.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Forever Templar
2 years ago

*classical. Effing phone.

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Yes and before the 4th Crusade French-Venetian sacking of Constantinople, the Varangians simply left because nobody could pay them. Previous emperor fled with the money, crusader-supported pretender didn’t have any left in treasury and then the Latins were massacred by the Orthodox. The payment was thus stripped from the city itself. Afterwards it was a period of constant strifes with final restoration under Nicaean Empire in 1261. At that point the Eastern Roman Empire was just a shadow of its former self. It had no resources to fight on multiple fronts and internal politics remained as rotten as they were… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a fairly nutty leftwing professor in college who had his own theory about Ronald Reagan’s motives. Reagan had started off as center-left in the Screen Actors’ Guild before finding it rife with communists, at which point (according to the standard narrative) he swung the right. My professor was convinced, however, that Reagan was actually in sympathy with the communists and deliberately pursued a rightwing policy as president in the hopes of driving the hoi polloi into the arms of a leftwing revolution. Nuts, sure, but I think it does actually work as a bit of projection on my… Read more »

Reply to  joeyjünger
2 years ago

Poast of the day… if not the entire week…👍

JR Ewing
JR Ewing
Reply to  joeyjünger
2 years ago

“When he’s not around, that lightning will have to go somewhere else.”


This is a big part of the “stand with Ukraine” nonsense. It’s a lot of unrequited Trump hatred that is being projected at someone who they’ve been told is Trump’s secret buddy.

None of them actually care about Ukraine, they just hate Trump and therefore feel obligated to oppose Putin.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
2 years ago

It’s impossible to run a country with a majority of the people hopelessly cynical to the system without ruthless death squads. All this is doing is making people think like Russians, with stone cold cynicism towards their government and finding any way to cheat and skirt the Regime to get on with their lives. Technology can only go so far, even when manned by the enemies of the American People, and your random terror raids are only going to deter your average person so much before a breaking point is reached where they have nothing to lose. The only way… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Does make the BRICS alternative reserve currency interesting. Doesn’t even have to be a true reserve currency if the BRICS just start using their own for trade amongst themselves and any outsider (US) who wants to play. BRICS is like what, 60-70% of the world population?

The thing that might derail them is a Forbidden Philosopher Dunkirk Moment – a gesture of magnanimity that bites them in the ass.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“The only way to keep the Republic going on paper is, paradoxically, is if Governors like DeSantis barred federal agents from enforcing their laws in his state and turning Washington D.C. into a Potemkin village that makes decrees no one listens to.” This is happening now. States need to put federal agents under 24/7 surveillance, along with their spouses and children, both for their safety and the safety of that particular state’s residents. Despite the supremacy clause, administerial officers under some situations can be charged at the state level. I have written this in the past but it is particularly… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

this isn’t a black pill at all. well maybe for the donald. this is anti-soma for normies. i bet the herd is stirring uneasily, sniffing the wind, even now…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

My guess is they go back to grilling.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

…….Hence the hiring of 80K more IRS Agents with guns.

Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

No more IRS agents are needed. The taxes of every wage earner are withheld and already in the digital possession of the feds and the states. All bank accounts are visible and available to the IRS. These facts make the situation of resistance far more difficult than it was in pen and pencil 1789 or 1917.

Reply to  mikey
2 years ago

They need the agents to wipe out small business owners and the self employed. Catch you screwing up your estimated taxes, or audit you and demand receipt proof of every single business expense.

Once it’s functionally impossible to write off expenses unless you have an army of accountants and lawyers, then the only businesses left will be the megacorps owned by the regime.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

“The process is the punishment.” Something we’ll be hearing and saying a lot more in the near future, I would wager.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

> The only way to keep the Republic going on paper is, paradoxically, is if Governors like DeSantis barred federal agents from enforcing their laws in his state and turning Washington D.C. into a Potemkin village that makes decrees no one listens to.

This. I’ve long believed de facto nullification is our last, best hope at having a peaceful solution.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

Agreed, except it probably won’t be peaceful. I suspect several Red states will breakaway, but the DC psychopaths won’t let them go peacefully. That’s when the fun starts.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 years ago

“In America, the people at the top see themselves as the revolutionaries and the people view themselves as the defenders of the old order. A big part of this crisis is the ruling class mocking the history and tradition of the people.” And the people at the top are right — they are revolutionaries. That revolution — an ongoing one — was ushered in around 40 years ago. Different terms are used to describe it — finance capitalism, globalism, neoliberalism — but they all refer to the same themes of destroying local cultures, local customs, ethnic bonds, the ascendancy of… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

Many people have stated how Communism and Capitalism are different sides of the same spiritual coin, and it’s getting to the point where Capitalism might be more destructive to a people.

As nasty a these states are, in fifty years, North Korea will still be Korean, but white America will likely be diluted to oblivion.

2 years ago

Looks like Trump 2024 is not going to happen.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

On the contrary, this solidified his nomination. It’s not about Trump the man anymore, but Trump the symbol.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

disagree. he’s done and was so long before he was out of office. you know who Trump is? he’s the coked up executive in Die Hard, that thinks he can talk Hans out of doing what he is going to do. and now he knows who Hans really is…

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

And people who vote won’t care. What people care about is that a hopelessly corrupt government is attacking political enemies. He’s a martyr. His competence has nothing to do with it. Like I said, Trump the man is immaterial, and Trump the symbol is now supreme in the mind of voters.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

trump’s sole function now is as a heat shield for de santis. trump will be taking all the flak, while de santis goes about building a machine for 2024. covid was/is Trump’s iceberg; he’s not coming back from that.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Trump the symbol is correct. The anger of the attack on Trump is real. DeSantis will have to come to terms with Trump. To fight against him will cause a GOP defeat in 2024. As much as DeSantis seems like the alternative to Trump, he’s run the same political dog and pony as so many others who have geared themselves for POTUS election from the Governors chair. Nothing he’s shown I have confidence he’ll continue after election. I certainly hope I’m wrong, but have been burned for my entire life. Like it or not, Trump is in the drivers seat,… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

It’s cute that you think voting matters.

Secondly, boomer conservatives have been staring at screens featuring heroic, incorruptable FBI agents for the last 50 or so years. If the FBI arrests you, they have a good reason.

Third, Trump simply will not be allowed to run again.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

When asked for a response to the Biden Administration’s raid to his MAL home Trump was reportedly heard yelling “Yippee ki-yay m***** f******.”

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

T may win the nomination, but never the WH.

– we don’t have honest elections anymore

– Justice Department will disqualify him for “crimes”

– various and sundry, by any means necessary.

They have too much to lose. Power & money and the exposure of their corruption, bribes. Sooner that Hunter Biden becomes President.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago


If the regime actually manages to trump up some charges that stick he’ll be barred from running.

And yes, my terrible pun was completely intentional.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

That actually may be the key to winning 2024. Trump is literally made into a “bloody shirt” to be waved by his (Trump’s) designated standard bearer, which could be DeSantis.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Trump the Symbol solidifies the comparisons being made between him and the Warhammer 40k Emperor of Man back in the day.

Since we can’t rely on Trump not to immediately start licking Israeli sphincters once he’s elected, perhaps the solution would be to mummify him and use him as an icon to rally the people around.

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Oh no! How will America survive of it doesn’t reelect an all-talk, no-action politician to bloviate about “draining the swamp” while not doing a single thing to drain it? Whatever shall we do?

Reply to  Drew
2 years ago

Grill and chill!

Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

Only if they whack him.

2 years ago

“The FBI raiding Trump’s house convinced a lot of people that the system is now too far gone to save with an election.” But not Dan Bongino. He will come to your house and beat you if you refuse his entreaty to vote harder. And he will do this in subservience to his mantra that only “peaceful” political debate is permissible in a civil society. And the irony and hypocrisy of his words vs. actions will be completely lost on him. And this is a vitally important lesson as regards the jackboots that guard the Citadel. By necessity, all jackboots… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

I see the downvotes on this comment and know the truth of what I feel in my bones: Fear is a strong motivator. People know in their hearts the truth of your words but swallowing that final large black pill is medicine to bitter from the Boomer Copium Sniffers here. I see it all across the interwebz today with outrageous shyte like this– “This just proves how scared they are. They lashing out because they know they are about to lose! Hurr durr, muh terrified radical leftists”. There are only 2 explanations for posts like this: 1) Fear- You know… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Sadly, you’re right – at least for now. But every FBI raid, every firing of a guy for not bending the knee, ever teacher telling your kid they suck for being white pushes Joe Normie a bit more in the direction of pushing back. Armed rebellion? No chance. Small things that undermine the system? Yes. The regime’s demise won’t come at the hands of a revolution, but more like the fall of USSR or even the Roman Empire. A slow death caused incompetence at the top which gradually loosens their grip until nobody follows the system, even the guards. I… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 years ago

That’s correct. The system grinds to a halt, or at least a slow death when the gears begin to slow down. The old adage, “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.”, comes to mind. That is a form a resistance, passive resistance. It works, but it takes time.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Thanks for the personal testimonial. It should matter, but likely will not. Words do not change people (nor down votes), only the environment can do that. Normie will stay on the couch until he has no choice but to get up or die. And I do not write these words in the hope of changing any minds, but rather to offer potentially useful information that may come in handy down the road for the survivors of the collapse. Tens of thousands of good men are dying needlessly in Ukraine because they think they are fighting the good fight in the… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

Agree. People will only push back when they have to. We’re not close to that point. But I will argue that each of these indignities wears away at Joe Normie’s belief in the system. Does that mean that Joe will fight back against the system? No. But it will matter that he doesn’t belief in the system because the system will get less and less competent. I’ve said for awhile that our rulers are right around their peak power. They’ve inherited a very good system and institutions still mostly staffed by competent whites. Those systems and institutions still have the… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Generally true. Anyone doubting the essential sheepishness of the average human need only think about how they behaved these last 2 years. However, you forget one fact: food and sustenance. When the normies lack these, even they are pushed to revolt. The Russians under the Soviet regime may not have been happy with things but most had jobs and a full belly – quite an achievement for those times. What happens in the US when food and fuel prices really go through the roof, when the effed up supply chains break down even further and people start seeing their kids… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
2 years ago

The irony is, his own book shows how voting harder is futile.

Andy Texan
2 years ago

The revolutionaries have fired on Ft Sumpter. Presumptive leaders of our side need to beef up security with ex Seals and the like. How can anyone believe that elections will leash their security services?

2 years ago

Our current elites do not know history. If you gave most of them a list of ten names, five from the French Revolution and five French Formula One drivers and asked them to identify which group each name belonged in, I doubt most of them would do better than 50%. They truly believe Obama’s “right side of history” line and think whatever they do puts them on it. Their cartoonish view of history allows them to focus only on certain events and ignore everything else. They are the good guys who will win in the end and their opponents are… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

US elites are mostly a bunch of senile morons. Both, the political and the billionaire class are too old to function properly. And the new generation that would like to replace them consists of aces like Buttibitch and AOC.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hun
2 years ago

The quality of human capital is plummeting everywhere in the US.

The universities produce nothing but lazy, entitled, woke garbage.

Children and adolescents have had two years of crucial development destroyed by idiot coof charades in the government schools.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I’d not get overly concerned with the “loss” of schooling due to the Wuflu. Whites, especially on right hand of the curve, will make it up. Minorities would never have achieved such levels anyway.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Bernard: That guy Alain Proust – he was excellent as Robespierre’s right hand man. J.P. Sartre really knew how to handle a car in the corners.

Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

Their astonishing arrogance is their fatal blindspot.

2 years ago

Fear makes people do crazy things. Trump just mopped the floor with the blood of establishment candidates. By next week, 8 of 10 House members who voted for impeachment will have been eliminated. In Arizona, Lake just showed people that you can beat mail in ballot fraud if you win 70-30 or 80-20 on Election Day. She is now openly calling the regime illegitimate. The fever doesn’t break until people like Wray swing. That guy is 100% corrupt. Unfortunately, there are still too many Mitt Romney traitors which means we don’t have a true opposition party in this country. There… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

Obviously the Left will remove pieces first. They are doing so now via the corrupt DOJ and FBI.

As for DeSantis, never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

I don’t know. It would take some time for the CIA brainwashing to pivot their wind-up toys from school shootings back to assassinations. Their “black ops” guys aren’t as competent as the ones in the movies.

norham foul
norham foul
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

Witnessing the lame media-fueled Russiagate and the two impeachment hoaxes, I remain surprised at these soft measures to remove Trump rather than the final measure, as reserved for a couple of Kennedy.’s? Why is that? What security force does Trump use to physically protect himself from the ruling elite that would seemingly instead him murdered than have to do the showtime workarounds? Is Mossad a Trump Protector? Is Trump in on the show, just a deep state actor cast as the antagonist we know? I am confused; deep state operatives have zero inhibitions and a thousand ways to remove those… Read more »

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  norham foul
2 years ago

They could wack Trump, have Liz Cheney chair the 2022 version of the Warren commission, say the assassin acted alone and normie would go back to sleep and start planning the cookout for this season’s Super Bowl party.

Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

Lake in AZ will be interesting. Coming from AZ, I am wondering if there are enough Conservative Whites left to maintain the governorship—a State-wide election. Otherwise, the State is pretty Blue. Also to be mentioned is that *no* significant changes to the corrupt election process has been voted on in AZ. The State lefties are free to fix the ballot for their particular candidate as the were in 2020 when they turned it for Biden.

Reply to  Hokkoda
2 years ago

That’s the problem. We can overcome the inevitable massive voter fraud in Nov, but what do we end up with? A corrupt, complicit GOP with scum like McConnell, McCarthy and Graham in charge. That’s why it will come to blunt force.

2 years ago

The one thing you leave out is how these events follow the old “Hemingway bankruptcy rule”. “Gradually, then suddenly”. Things are fine, then they are not. And anyone two weeks before the revolution would have said “the peasants are restive, but they’ve been restive before”. I think Crapweasel Wray dissing the Senate “because I’ve got to catch a plane”—then heading off to his vacation home in a government Gulfstream catches the Cloud People vibe in a single snapshot.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

A lot or maybe even most of the elite/regime hatred of Trump is status anxiety; he made them look ridiculous and humiliated them in 2016. The last thing these guys can have is the plebes laughing at them or worse questioning things.

Felix Krull
Reply to  manc
2 years ago

They’re not afraid of Trump – he’s a washed-out show host – they’re afraid of his voters, the people who rose like a tsunami at even a slight whiff of white identity politics.

Immigration politics is political steroids; in European countries, being an immigration hardliner gives you 15-20% of the votes right out of the gate, but since curtailing immigration is against globalist law, other parties will consider you a cheat if you take the steroids, a rogue who’s stealing their lunch.

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Indeed, Felix.

Whilst I haven’t observed or followed UKIP for a long time (not even sure if it still exists), at one point, during – I think – the 2010 election, where they were openly talking about the problem with immigrants, they took four million votes.

In that time, it made them the third largest party, trouncing the hilarious and delusional Liberal Democrats. I guess it’s just a matter of keeping up the momentum, which no party seems to do for various reasons.


The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

I think both you and manc have points.

In the US it’s been obvious for years the Cloud People have hated the Dirt People.

To me, the over the top Cloud reaction to Trump indicates they do detest the man on a personal and individual level.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 years ago

Farage had a dispensation from the ban against immigration politics because his job was to take voters from the British National Party and render them harmless by corralling them in a single-issue party that didn’t threaten the Westminster balance-of-power and had no chance of ever winning a Brexit referendum anyway. And even Farage never spoke in terms of white identity and rarely about immigration. His voters had to fill in the blanks themselves. Farage was in fact pro mass migration, he just wanted to kick out the Poles and let in Nigerians and the Pakistanis instead, because muh Commonwealth. Just… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Saw that…I prefer “junta”, but clearly he can’t use that. If DeSantis can scale, he potentially would be far more effective. Wouldn’t be surprised if a “kill” order goes out on DeSantis. I’d improve my advance security team if I were him.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

well, who knows what faction is backing de santis?

Reply to  karl von hungus
2 years ago

Trust nothing at this point.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

No doubt there was a cost/benefit analysis done on assassinating Trump, and there most surely will be the same with DeSantis. I’m not as glum as others here, although the justified fear is there. We will start to see Death Squads doing the Lord’s work soon now. Some may be false flags but others will take note and work independently. We greatly overstate the bravery of the fascist Junta, and each time there is pushback (outside the dismal 1/6 riots) the Regime backs off. The Cold Civil War is about to transition to hot. My guess is the Regime initially… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  SamlAdams
2 years ago

DeSantis needed to be vetting Florida State Police to find guys loyal to him with military experience when he took his public stand against the regime’s official coof narrative.

Here in NY state I won’t be the least bit surprised if there are more ‘incidents’ with Zeldin, especially if he begins to gain any real traction.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Makes me wonder if his office is being bugged/wiretapped. If the Dems are scared of him, that’s probably what they would do

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Movie suggestion, The Lives of Others.
Excellent and more and more familiar

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The Stasi had an archive of scent bottles of suspected dissidents, little pieces of cloth with the guy’s scent on it.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Just look at how many purple-haired nose rings have worked tirelessly, unpaid, poring over January 6th footage in order to identify and dox their fellow citizens.

(((they))) live
(((they))) live
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

LOL and I’m the worlds biggest cynic

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“Yet, the regime is clearing a path for him by attacking Trump.”

Filed under “things that make you go hmmm….”

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I like reading your stuff, but have to take exception with being dismissed as using “circular reasoning.”

Choosing not to take anyone, let alone a politician (FFS) at face value is prudent. More so on the basis of what has gone down in the USA these last years, and yesterday.

Bit of a fail, there. But no worries, the USA is the land of the Participation Trophy and we have a winnah!

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

What you’re preaching is common sense. And I mean the kind of things I taught my kids if they encounter weirdo adults offering candy. What you imply is you want to trust politicians. Trust them to do what? Lie to you? Abuse you? Hell, get your ass off that loop and grab your trophy and come be a star cuz that’s what you are, because, son, they already do that.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

The “grab them by the pussy” tape gave them a false sense of security, it would be interesting to know how early the Hillary team heard the tape, I think they sat on it for months maybe a year

To be fair to them, that tape would have killed any other candidate

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

DeSantis is not who he appears. Be extremely cautious about him. Note he chose his PERSONAL Twitter account to send his message yesterday, not his OFFICIAL account. And what was his message? Essentially it was, “Tut tut, what a shame.” If he had instead, using his official account as Governor of Florida, to send a message indicating that he would use his executive authority, and encourage the state legislature, to immediately commence actions intended to severely curtail the power & authority of the FBI and DOJ within the state of Florida, such as suggesting terminating all state cooperation with said… Read more »

Reply to  I.M.
2 years ago

Or, perhaps he sees Trump as a rival and is willing to let his enemies clear a path for him.

Reply to  I.M.
2 years ago

It’s prudent of Desantis not to rush to stick his head in a noose for the sake of Trump. Trump’s usefulness is long past.

Reply to  I.M.
2 years ago

There is no way the regime is going to let “Trump, but competent at governing” become President. It just isn’t going to happen. I of course am not the first person to say this. It would have been much better for DeSantis and the country if he decided to remain in Florida and turn it into a bastion of the old order and limiting the reach of the Feds. Had he done that, he might be remembered as a hero of whatever future nation we have. Instead, the best case is that he goes down as yet another compromised figure… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
2 years ago

DeSantis may or may not be sincere in his conservative beliefs. He barely won his election. His track record? We’ve seen this before with governors who seek the highest office in the land, they begin to tailor their actions to buff their credentials for the next election. Is DeSantis different? Hard to tell. What always happens is that a few local, but nationally noticed actions taken, as with Covid, and the people anoint them as their new savior and “just” the medicine needed for the conservative cause. Of course, when the election is held and they assume office, the reality… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I have been considering, and referring to the caball that refers to itself as “Joe Biden” as a regime since the falsified and stolen election.

It gives me some bitter satisfaction to accurately characterize the cabal in exactly the same way the foreign policy establishment characterizes any country’s governing consensus which they consider illegitimate. In your face, MFers.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“The regime should fear DeSantis much more than they hate Trump.” And yet Trump is being harassed by the FBI/DOJ, DeSantis not so much. Why is that? “They know how to neutralize Trump who does not appear to have learned a thing while in office.” How do you know Trump learned nothing? He had no support from the Democrats and no support from the Republicans. Lack of Republican support surprised him, I think. Next time, if it happens, he will be better prepared. “DeSantis knows how to govern. He understands how the system works and how to attack it. he… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Trump’s only value is as a symbol to stir the masses. If he gets back in in 2024, I can already see the lousy appointments of DS creeps and harsh text messages instead of actions. DeSantis is much more effective. The question is, should he stay in Florida and continue turning that into a launchpad for a different America, or should he run for DC? Personally, I think that DC is gone and no conservative Potus can change anything there. The rot is too deep. If and when the break up happens, it might be better to already have a… Read more »