One of the stranger things to come from the collection of sub-cults that make up the modern Left is the concept of stochastic terrorism. In the hands of the believers, it is not so much a concept as an incantation. They chant it online in response to anything that contradicts their beliefs. On Twitter, for example, they believe that if enough believers chant it in response to a tweet they do not like, the gods of on-line moderation will strike down the offending tweet and maybe the tweeter.
Taken literally, it is a meaningless expression. The first dictionary definition of stochastic is random and the second is “involving chance or probability.” The word comes from the Greek word “to guess” and has been used in various fields to describe a range of probabilities within a process. Terrorism, of course, is the use of violence and fear to achieve an ideological aim. Taken together, stochastic terrorism would literally mean random violence to achieve a political aim.
As is often the case, it has two meanings in the cult of the modern Left. One is the purely emotional definition, which is always the primary one. Stochastic terrorism is anything that upsets the user by disconfirming her beliefs. Someone posting crime statistics, for example, is accused of stochastic terrorism because crime statistics contradict left-wing beliefs about society. The phrase is simply a way to mark someone as a heretic or blasphemer.
Just as Eskimos allegedly have many words for snow, the modern Left has many ways to identify a blasphemer. The logic behind the claim about Eskimos and snow is they spend a lot of time around snow, so they have to master the topic. Similarly, the modern Left imagines itself surrounded by demonic enemies trying to hold back the tides of history, so they invest their time in studying those enemies. The result is a long list of words to describe the eyes in the darkness.
In this case, there is a larger meaning behind the incantation. What is meant by the phrase is that people posting unapproved things on-line are setting a range of possibilities by injecting the heresy into the system. Some unknown percentage of people exposed to the heresy will act on it. Some unknowable percentage of those people will commit an act of violence. Posting crime stats will eventually result in a white man killing a black body.
In other words, if a causal link can be imagined between speech and action, then the link is as real as if the speaker commanded the actor. We have quickly moved from the entirely implausible to the probable and then to highly probable. In the mind of the believer, what follows is the inevitable. You posting a graph about crime stats on Twitter will inevitably lead to violence against black bodies, which means you are the cause of crime against black bodies and therefore a terrorist.
This strikes normal people as insane and it is insane. It is another bit of evidence to suggest what we think of as the modern Left is a form of mental illness. The believers are in an imaginary war against imaginary enemies. Instead of walking down a public road, ranting and waving their arms at an invisible entity, they are on the internet harassing normal people just trying to have a conversation, in the belief that the conversation is part of a plot.
This is certainly true of the people on Twitter, which is something of a bug light for the mentally unstable. Mass on-line culture draws in the unstable looking for structure and they find it in the many subcultures. The institutional Left has weaponized these people as a defense against public scrutiny. Wherever normal people gather to talk about what is happening in the world, these weaponized crazies try to prevent it. They have been tuned to think normal people are the cause of their misery.
Further upstream, there is a logic to this idea of stochastic terrorism. The managerial elite struggles to justify their position, so they conjure these ideas as a way to legitimize their defensive actions. If unapproved thoughts can lead to unapproved actions, then their censorship actions are justified. They are not censoring speech. They are protecting the vulnerable from potential violence. No matter how improbable, they must prevent your words from causing the next 9/11.
This fits a general pattern with the American Left. The structure of their thought is to act on the hypothetical, rather than the actual. Look around at the range of issues popular on the Left and all of them are based on a firm belief in the hypothetical. It is possible that climate change is caused by humans. We do not know, but we have to pretend we know and act accordingly. We do not know if racism is a real thing, but we have to assume it is and make war on it.
This gets to something else about the American Left. They firmly believe they can immanentize whatever they can imagine. They create a mental construct, like what is behind the stochastic terrorism incantation. The construct is that speech leads to a range of actions. Then they leap from this model of reality to believing it is reality, more real that observable reality. Rather than interact with the real world, they operate within the constructed world as if it is reality.
This is how entirely novel ideas become bedrock truth in a an instant. Ten years ago, a man in a dress was a crossdresser. Then someone produced an alterative reality in which humans are assigned a gender at birth. Note the replacement of the word sex with the word gender. The former is used on living things while the latter is used for inanimate objects like pipe fittings and electrical connectors. The misappropriation of language is integral to their world building.
Once you cross from the biological reality of sex to the conjured reality of gender, the imaginer is free to reinvent humanity. The man in a dress is another gender and people can choose their genders. Reality becomes a video game where the player can create any character they like. It is a form of escapism, but this alterative reality quickly supplants actual reality for the player. Overnight, normal people find themselves around people who are sure biological reality terrorism.
The question is why now? What has gone wrong in the West leading to this epidemic of delusional madness? Is it a novel parasite that leads some people to slip from the bounds of reality into these imaginary worlds? Is it new at all or just an old part of the human condition we used to control? There is the possibility that mass communication has allowed these deranged people that have always been with us to form up in ways that were previously impossible.
It is hard to know, but what is clear is that these people are much better at conjuring alternative realities than the world is at defending reality. This increased ability to conjure alterative realities and then act on them means the odds of them conjuring a cataclysmic reality has gone up. Put another way, the longer they are allowed to freely create alternative realities, the more likely they are to conjure one that ends in the destruction of the West.
That gets to the universal of the Left. They project onto the world the things they hate about themselves or fear they may be doing. The emergence of stochastic terrorism as an incantation suggests that at some level, they sense their repeated rolling of the dice on reality must come up snake eye eventually. In other words, their very existence will result in some random act of destruction. If the death cult that is the Left rolls the dice enough times, they will get their wish.
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this is a great read if you like philosophy or history It compares the materialism in the aztec worldview with our modern worldview. it really is a great read.
I’ve often speculated that a Tucker producer reads this website because there is an uncanny overlap often with what Z posts and what appears on that show.
So what did we talk about tonight? Stochastic terrorism. LOL! You have a much longer reach than you may realize Z. Any Tucker bois lurking here, your secret is safe w/ us bros, keep that VPN up and browser cache clean!
Matt Walsh and Ramzpaul talked about it as I’m sure others have.
Not too surprising as a lot of us read the same memes and scour twitter.
The thing about Tucker is the wannabees like Paul are sure they are influencing him. Nothing against Paul btw.
The blue wave crowd is constantly shoving “racist” “fascist” “Nazi” “White Supremacist”, “KKK” into any even vaguely politically charged issue. I originally thought this was mainly a form of subconscious liberal Overton Window control. If you comically overreact and scream “bloody Nazis” over something minor like a border fence, then it really limits the parameters of the possible and you lock in getting something close to what you want. Liberals also do it because they enjoy s*t testing Conservatives (how dare you call me a racist! Did you know what party enacted segr…). But it also looks like it’s just… Read more »
Every day, a new and novel analysis!
You’re making it impossible for me to keep my trap shut. Dagnabit!
This is exploring the elements of an emergent phenom of new conditions, for sure.
I vote to add in the mindset of a new technology itself: the computer industry.
Concepts such as clouds, networking, etc. have most certainly influenced my religious thought, whereas the old Father-family model could not satisfy.
Remember, grandads, when you had to get the kids to help you do something computer or phone-wise? They cottoned to it intuitively while we old stuck-in-the-muds couldn’t figure it at all.
In short, Gamer World, not Clown World. They think they can adjust the parameters of the Game.
In his “Witches” book, Edward Dutton suggests that a principal evolved reason for dealing so harshly with the spiteful mutants whose names filled the witch roster was that maladaptive behaviors are indeed often contagious. Stomping out the vector prevents the healthy from falling ill.
As the article hints, it is almost certainly true that the true-believer leftist degenerates have found a force multiplier in social media, a super-vector that has spawned pandemic-level contagion of maladaptive behaviors with R naughts that would have the typical CIA spook waking up on wet sheets.
This is probably the closest thing to a “white pill” I’ll ever say: Social media, and algorithmic/”feed” media in general, was *far* better at multiplying our force than theirs. That’s why it was destroyed—or, really, destroyed itself, since it was a government project that initially backfired. They cut chunks off until it became a video game for women, as observed below. You can’t properly search for anything anymore because if you can, we win. Your YouTube recommendations are all corporate crap or videos you’ve already seen because if you’re given actually related videos (“the rabbit hole”), we win. Almost all… Read more »
“ The question is why now? ” It’s the women, stupid! 😂👍 Seriously – if you’ve ever been married, or had liberal women in your family, they are immune to logic and common sense. They think with their emotions and are therefore prone to manipulation by any form of flattery. Ancient Greek and Roman lore is rife with the idea of manipulating women through their vanity – and they in turn manipulate and betray their men. Women are the fearless defenders of queers, trannies, and pedos, who are the hapless victims of bigoted old ways of thinking in their narrative.… Read more »
Your comments, and building upon something Z says, is worth this anecdote: Pre-2020, I used to be moderately active on social media (mainly Facebook, a holdover from my several years as a genuine, if somewhat middle-aged, university student.) I was introduced to Twitter by a co-worker at our non-profit; she was entertaining but a certified nutjob (I’m not sure her diagnosis, but she was on a few meds.) I gave Twitter a couple tries and it was just too stream of consciousness for me.
Well now that you mentioned it Glenn there is something to this female craziness thing. I just starting to notice myself, hmmm.
Look up the source of the word hysteria.
Absolutely hysterical but true.
“Twitter, which is something of a bug light for the mentally unstable” – F-ing A! Thirty or forty years ago, news, err, I mean propaganda was doled out subtly by seemingly sober minded (or at least looking) liberal anchors and journalists. Now days, the nightmare of social media has allowed the loons, tards and women to aggregate and spew their vitriol and hysteria, literally to the world. As for the supposedly sober minded on that side of the aisle these days, forget it, they’ve all gone bats*** crazy – top to bottom – everywhere. There can be no measured discussion… Read more »
Yesterday I thought Kamala was a mush brain.
Then I read Zman.
Today I realize Kamala’s babbling perfectly expresses the nonsensical present. She’s leading the Greek chorus of hysterics in their Spirit of the Age.
Biden is back in the basement.
We may see President Cackles sooner than we thought.
Bring on Kamala! She’ll be the best advertisement against Affirmative Action we’ve ever had. These political hacks are all puppets anyway, so what difference will it make in terms of policy? Might as well have somebody in there who inadvertently confirms a great deal of dissident philosophy.
And if Kamala is “brought on” – may she bring Ms. Jean-Pierre along with her. That will truly be a hoot.
“Is it new at all or just an old part of the human condition we used to control?” I favor the latter. The Nazis, the Soviets are obvious examples, but there are many others.The fact that you can think something that differs from the party line is a threat because someone may, in fact, act on it. A: I think climate change is a bunch of bunk. B: I agree. Then B goes out and buys a gas guzzler. It’s A’s fault! B wouldn’t otherwise have bought a gas guzzler. You know what they say is the funniest joke ever… Read more »
Great post on something about which I knew nothing ….. something I experience often when encountering the mental creations of our delusional creative and cognitive classes.
I do think the last sentence is incomplete:
“If the death cult that is the Left rolls the dice enough times, they will get their wish.”
Unfortunately, if the current pattern continues, it’s US who will get their wish.
“What has gone wrong in the West…?”
It’s obviously intentional. One of the first steps was the emptying out the mental hospitals and “celebrating” instead of treating the insane.
That, and elevating the morons and midwits to the level of academics, which created a moron army that metastasized throughout society. Ordinary people failed to predict this. Instead, they dismissed the burgeoning moron army as people who would be cured or curtailed by reality when they entered the job market. They failed to appreciate that the midwits were able to shape social conventions in the job market to suit their ideology.
>”If unapproved thoughts can lead to unapproved actions, then their censorship actions are justified.” Well sure, but this is nothing novel to 21st century SJWs. Back in the 20th century, Eastern Bloc communist governments justified hauling dissidents away to gulags on the basis that their words could lead to a counter-revolution. In the 17th century, the church justified burning people at the stake on the basis that their words could lead to another 30 Years’ War. Same old thing, really – if the people in charge let those who have been cavorting with Old Scratch parrot his words in the… Read more »
The problem is the church stopped burning these people at the stake. Their fears were well founded. Look at what their “free speech” has done to Western Civilization!!!
They start propagandizing us from the time we are old enough to comprehend a few hundred words.
You know, not so very long ago, I would have bridled at being labelled a stochastic terrorist, just as I would have taken umbrage at being called a racist. Nowadays I couldn’t care less. Frankly, a high percentage of Leftists are monsters, and they daily perform acts of unadulterated evil. If it takes so-called “stochastic terrorism” and racism to send these archfiends back to the pit from they sprang, so be it.
“Frankly, a high percentage of Leftists are monsters, and they daily perform acts of unadulterated evil. ”
Indeed. Extremely high. They use leftism as an excuse to justify antisocial behavior and turn it from a vice into a virtue. This is also why such a high percentage of them are antisocial in other ways, not just their political violence and destruction.
Just think about how they have turned targeting children sexually in public libraries from an evil crime to a virtue!
Turning CHILDREN into TRANNIES by MUTILATING and STERILIZING them. . .and then telling us all to smile about it because it’s a good thing, it’s beautiful, its empowerment, it’s progress!
That’s some Joker level shit there. . .
Whenever I try to connect the dots of where we’re going it always leads straight to wholesale murder and cannibalism. . .ie HELL.
I frankly know very little about the Chinese or Russian governments, but I would support their takeover without reservation if they get rid of this tranny/pedo/gay anal shit for good.
Russia and China are collectively a hell of a lot saner than the West. They’ve both been through their Crazy Years and have burned off the self-destructive underbrush. They’re both more or less OK (absent Western fire-starting) for longer than any of us here will ever live. In the long enough run, of course the Wheel will turn again. That Being Said™ I have to bet on the Chinese. They deeply grok Dynastic Cycles of rise and fall and chaos and order, plus periods of Barbarian invasion and rule. They can roll with the punches and have always bobbed back… Read more »
Just to further elucidate on the cruelty of the thing here.
Only your worst fucking enemy would castrate you, change your sex, and make you thank them for it.
The fucker would be like: “now you may thank me for affirming your true self. Bitch!”
Call sign for when CWII kicks off: stochastic
“Les sanglots longs des violons de l’automne blessent mon coeur d’une langueur monotone. Tout suffocant et blême, quand sonne l’heure, je me souviens des jours anciens et je pleure.”
Oops… Wrong Kickoff! Disregard the above.
“The Gefilte Fish is Zaftig… The Gefilte Fish is Zaftig.”
Climate “change” is a good example of an alternate reality the left has continually conjured up for over 60 years. What started with a Jane Jacobs book has morphed through major plot changes every 2 years to today’s “climate” hysteria. Yesterday the Senate passed a bill to subsidize retooling the entire economy in order to meet both “environmental” and social justice goals. Hopium for our former nuts-and-bolts real industrial base (such as it has already been hollowed out already).
Have been in a business that effectively makes bets on weather related outcomes (note did not say “climate”) for a long, long time. Headline? Once you adjust for value-at-risk, inflation and demography changes there really is no measurable impact. Record hurricanes? Well, pre-satellite, we missed a lot of them since quite a few occur initially outside of established shipping lanes—and that was how you got reports pre-1960. Wildfires—again look at acreage burned historically—but in the past nobody was dumb enough to live in those areas and overgrown timber was regularly logged to clear the fire load. Drought? The reason those… Read more »
You sir are an “historical terrorist”. 😉
A “stochastic historical terrorist.”
Stochistorical terrorist?
If you actually listen to what is said, what is actually being said is not really what the climate freaks think they are saying. Land use is a decent portion (1/3, IIRC) of the warming. I actually wonder to what degree all of the paved surfaces and rooftops are contributing to increased temperatures. They absorb more of the sun’s energy and heat up to very “unnatural” temperatures and then radiate that heat into the atmosphere. Also agriculture. Then there’s like a 3rd of the warming which is modeled based on “positive feedback,” such as melting ice to reveal ocean which… Read more »
If you just had honest computer models, and took into account that we are still coming out of a little ice age, there would be no concern at all. But every variable in every model is biased toward showing warming.
It is always bitterly cold at airline height. This is because there is nothing much stopping heat from radiating out to space – the highest clouds are about 25k feet, because water condenses and precipitates out when cold.
2/3rds of the heat leaving the planet is due to CONVECTION, a mighty NEGATIVE feedback which continuosly raises warmer gasses to an elevation where there is little to stop heat from radiating outward.
Junior high school science concepts make AGW farcical. But like so many of our society’s worst problems, honest discussion is thwarted by well paid fanatical propagandists.
I think people forget how long they’ve been running this scam the difference now is they have near total power and the general population becoming absolute drooling retards who swallow propaganda w/o hesitation. We should all be eighteen shades of red right now by simply stepping out our front door for a few seconds. The Hole in the Ozone Layer® was going to see to that lickety split. That was, what, about 1985 or so? And like magic, its gone, as if it never existed. Not to mention the sheer scientific illiteracy of ozone, a gas, being some rigid shell… Read more »
The ozone thing is a bit complicated by the fact that the main region of concern was the Antarctic. In the winter that continent is almost totally cut off, atmospherically, by the circumpolar winds. Ozone (O3) is created when UV light ionizes neutral oxygen (O2) high in the atmosphere. It also absorbs UV light itself. CFCs and other things catalyze the reverse reaction O3 –> O2. In the dark polar winter the sun isn’t creating new O3 but the catalysts are still there destroying O3. The fact is that there likely always was, and always will be, a region of… Read more »
The ozone thing was real, it was also just easy to fix by using alternative chemical propellants and being more careful with fridge disposal.
The climate crap nowadays is a problem because according to our masters the only solution is to eat cockroaches and strip mine all the lithium from the Earth for batteries for the holy electric cars, coincidentally enriching the politically connected battery and cockroach farming industries.
No, the theory of the depletion of the Ozone layer by CFCs was absolute rubbish. The paper that the entire theory was based upon was so shoddy that chemists and chemical engineers still laugh about it to this day.
The entire Montreal Protocol accord of the early 90’s was about one thing only. Dupont’s patents for the early (i.e. effective and good) CFC refrigerants were about to expire. So Dupont lobbied to have them banned so they could make bank with new “eco-friendly refrigerants”…
As a side note, the native Irish language has a multitude of variations of “drunk” , and one word for “sober” – to be not-drunk. Point well made, Z.
“The question is why now? What has gone wrong in the West leading to this epidemic of delusional madness?” I wonder if the answer can be found in G.K. Chesterton’s observation that “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in everything.” In line with this, many commentators, including Z, have suggested that the ‘new religions’ of climate change and radical egalitarianism/”anti-racism” have come to occupy the vacuum in the human psyche formerly filled by traditional religion; with the same fervency of belief, feelings of in-group solidarity, imputation of supreme importance to one’s beliefs (“unless… Read more »
“Twitter, which is something of a bug light for the mentally unstable.”
If only it could be a bug Zapper—
Which is precisely why we must re-Establish Christianity as the state religion. You can disestablish the Church, but the people will just establish their own (Satanic) religion.
Why does this insanity appears now? It is the ultimate consequence of the Western history. A) This insanity is made possible because the modern religion has no real dogmas (I use “dogma” in a wide meaning as any belief that it is mandatory in a religion). In a traditional religion, a dogma such as “God created man and woman” is a bulwark against insanity. With a margin of error (jihad in Islam), the dogmas of religions differ in the spiritual realm (is Christ the Son of God as in Christianity or is Christ only a prophet as in Islam?) but… Read more »
> When everybody ends up accepting the trans ideology, we have incest, polyamory, pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism, trans-species and trans-racial in line waiting for the next turn. The madness will intensify.
The slippery slope isn’t a fallacy so much as a law of Nature.
“The slippery slope isn’t a fallacy so much as a law of Nature.”
Tell me one time when the slippery slope has not happened.
The slippery slope is a rhetoric weapon to try to fool conservatives about the next step of the Leftist project until they are ready to implement it.
We have to be constantly on guard against slippery-slope arguments because if you accept one slipper-slope argument you have to accept them all
For example, the cause of gay marriage was insane but not as insane as the trans cause. But the day after the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal, all the energy was transferred to the trans cause. As I have said, a cause that has won is a dead cause so if you want to get the material and psychological benefits of fighting for a cause you must have a cause that has not won. After gay marriage, all the causes that had not won were insane causes. They adopted the trans cause, but it could have been sex with… Read more »
I don’t think most leftists put that much thought into it. They are just shallow people who can’t see the harm in going along with pretending Richard is a girl if he says so.
I’ve posted a similar idea here from time to time. The usual way I formulate this is that secular utopian ideology is very appealing to sociopaths as an easy path to power not because each successive “cause” succeeds, but because they all fail and yet no one is ever confronted over this. Racial integration failed to bring social harmony and in fact led to unprecedented strife and a crime wave that’s still going on today. This doesn’t really matter though because the people who made money and gained power as race pimps are now comfortable old men hiding in their… Read more »
Sorcerer’s Apprentice foolery, or Leftist death cult dice-rolling, to use Z’s metaphor: Of course it’s pure conjecture what could lead to a complete die-off, or at least a true catastrophe (defined, let us say, by mankind returning to really-no-shit prehistoric conditions). Large scale nuclear war is a decades old favorite, going back to mid-20th century. The H-Bomb turns 70 this year. I nominate genetic engineering gone wrong for Boogeyman. This genre has been widely explored in science fiction and perhaps in more serious writings. The Covid-19 pandemic was almost surely the result of an engineered virus. Whether accidentally or deliberately… Read more »
Word spells and witchcraft. Oogly boogly. Very feminine and weak. Not as weak as the masculine, apparently, which is supposed to keep it in line. It’s why I’m losing interest in politics. This is a pathetic state of affairs. In my small life, I point this out to people, and most get upset with me, because they understand the implication. Go away, Bad Man, I love my fear and misery! One friend I get into this with calls it thanatos. We’re declining to a crash, nothing to be done. I see no reason why a crash is inevitable, then again,… Read more »
Stochastic Leftism.
This started with the accusation that refusing to call a crossdresser a woman would end up with that person committing suicide. They equated words directed at a person with being the reason the person offed themselves. Bear in mind, it’s basically the same 40% suicide attempts whether the guy had his dick cut off or not, and they are going to do irreparable harm to young sexually confused teens who would have grown out of it after puberty, but in their minds it’s the right wing meanies who are driving masses of crossdressers to suicide. It’s a mix of true… Read more »
“This started with the accusation that refusing to call a crossdresser a woman would end up with that person committing suicide.”
True. And it landed on refusing to call a crossdresser a woman a crime punishment by impoverishment, banishment and soon to be death.
Started with trannies? Psh. Think this is new? Walk into a Popeyes on your nearest MLK Blvd and just say “n*gger.” Nothing else, just walk in a say one word. See what happens (buy life insurance first!)
There’s a lot of money to be made in biomedical supplies as well, billions. The Pritzker clan (including that tranny colonel) have a biomedical institute they’re running out of Illinois. They’re going to get rich(er) through contracts. The same way Lockheed gets rich with missiles, they’ll be making money off every graft and removal.
Submitted for your approval: Exhibit A: an Australian (of course) woman who does “food science” videos on YT posts a rambling rant about how people have been posting videos showing how to use high voltage electricity to burn attractive fractal patterns into wood. Apparently a few people have died from being shocked while doing this. She’s furious that the YouTube Stasi hasn’t deleted these videos but did delete her video attacking them. Exhibit B: Another woman posted a gigantic rambling screed on Quora today about a veteran who died of Covid “because he refused to wear a mask” (nevermind how… Read more »
[…] ZMan turns over a rock. […]
Transgenderism has been around a long time, if you count hermaphrodism. Jakob Grimmelshausen, of Simplicissimus fame, was obsessed with the topic. I know Romans regarded intersex people as divine curses, which anyone who’s had to deal with trannies can understand. The Plains Indians had their Berdache, who, like the Roman trannies, were considered magic, though it was supposedly good manitou rather than bad. Despite all the mockery heaped on Alex Jones complaining about things in the water “making frogs gay,” we are seeing some really weird dimorphism within individual animals. It’s gotten all the way up the chain to endotherms.… Read more »
Hey, you think Blacks are dangerous? Wait until you run into a hemaphrodite polar bear! Seriously though: it’s a legitimate concern. Women have been entering puberty sooner and sooner, a change which many suspect is caused by chemicals in the water. As to how that might relate to the changes we’ve been seeing in human social relations— women’s desire to compete with men rather than cooperate with them, the denigration of masculinity as “toxic”, and the celebration of every form of sexual deviancy and gender dysphoria as if they were harbingers of a marvelous new age of freedom— another good… Read more »
Modern wahmen have been gobbling birth control pills for the better part of 60 years now and it the numbers are astronomically high with most girls going on the pill in the early teens and generally not going off it until menopause or at least late in life. Estrogen and Progestin are -very- small molecules and do not completely metabolize. So millions of women are pissing these outs 24x7x365 into the water supply which is then filtered but NOT for these hormones as they are not caught in most filtration systems. You are, literally, slowly transitioning to female and have… Read more »
Add in ubiquitous use of soybean products.
For just about any other environmental critique the regime adherents have an excuse loaded in the barrel, but it’s telling that they do not for this, at least so far as I’ve seen. It’s like no one wants to investigate, or even talk about, the river of estrogen pollution because the truth would be way too uncomfortable.
I think this is true about the everyday left wing footsoldiers, but I’m convinced the people behind the scenes, those ‘upstream’, know exactly what they’re trying to accomplish and are acting deliberatetly towards those goals. As for outcomes, though, it’s going to be the Sorceror’s Apprentice all the way down.
‘ Theodore Dalrymple’ observes how totalitarian political regimes such as the former Soviet Union humiliate and psychologically subdue their populations by forcing them to affirm what is obviously untrue. He suggests that the more a person is forced to do this, the less able they are to distinguish truth from falsehood, and to stand up for what they know is true. It strikes me that the same could be said for the insane woke dogmas of the left: the more people are required to refer to a “trans woman” as “she”, and to pretend that he’s actually “a woman trapped… Read more »
“… Twitter … is something of a bug light for the mentally unstable.”
Pure genius.
I also thought
“the perfection of video gaming for women in the form of social media” from Wild Geese below was pretty good.
“When a man stops believing in God, he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” – G. K. Chesterton Whether God is real or not, I have come to realize that human beings cannot believe in an overarching objective reality if they do not first believe in God. Today, Zman writes: “Once you cross from the biological reality of sex to the conjured reality of gender, the imaginer is free to reinvent humanity.” Ultimately there is no reality, biological or otherwise, in a purely secular society. Reality is optional. It is whatever different individuals want it to be. Such… Read more »
“….. human beings cannot believe in an overarching objective reality if they do not first believe in God…… Ultimately there is no reality, biological or otherwise, in a purely secular society. Reality is optional. It is whatever different individuals want it to be.” I don’t think I understand what you’re claiming here. Could you expand on your comments; provide concrete examples of what you’re talking about? Why and how is “belief in an overarching reality” contingent on belief in God? What do you mean by “there is no reality, biological or otherwise, in a purely secular society.”? Or: “Reality is… Read more »
If there is no omniscient God to define what biology is, who are you or I to define it in any perfect and objective sense? You and I are mere humans and thus greatly limited in our capacities to understand objective reality. Aside from one whose knowledge is limitless (God), who among us humans is qualified to claim a grasp on each and every minute detail of what objective reality actually entails? How can we ever confirm that our ideas of reality will prove airtight in every single hypothetically possibly situation? Who are you or I to say what such… Read more »
Not too rambling. In the first place, you are touching on issues that far wiser men than us have debated, without much resolution, for thousands of years. Here are just a few observations that I believe are valid: Believer and non-believer alike live in the same physical universe. Did God create the universe (and, whatever would necessarily follow, such as decreeing what the physical laws of that universe shall be)? Perhaps He did, but isn’t this universe ( = objective reality = Nature) going to operate by those same laws for believer and non-believer alike? Of course it will. The… Read more »
Here’s a simple example/exercise. assume there is no God or Christian morality. Now, call yourself (and act accordingly) Jenna Jameson, the big tittied 23 year old version, for the next 6 hours. Is there any harm? Did you “pick your neighbors pocket or break his leg?” Are there any actual repercussions to this bizzare and mentally ill behavior to you? Probably not. So why not do it, assuming God is not real? The whole of the law is do as thou wilt; it doesnt matter if your actions are batpoop insane, if you are and atheist materialist, most bizzarre and… Read more »
Thanks for amplifying what I was getting at and doing so far more succinctly than I did. Even when “bizarre and irrational whims” lead to “actual repercussions,” such as physical or psychological pain, or even death, how can a human who lacks higher authority classify pain and/or death as objectively bad? Sure, I SUBJECTIVELY consider pain and death bad, but how do I know that I am OBJECTIVELY right about that? How do I know that the masochist who prefers pain or the murderer who causes death doesn’t have superior values to my own? In what am I rooting my… Read more »
It’s actually worse than just an epidemic of cancel culture. Parasites are paranoid because they have to be that way. They have no real defense if the host one day decides that enough is enough and it’s time to get rid of them. But in a society in which the politically powerful get to command the actions of law enforcement personnel, their best defensive strategy is to finagle their way into political power, convert LEOs into jackboots, and then use them to squash any threats to their bloodsucking. Which is why the Stasi will send a platoon of jackboots to… Read more »
It won’t change until somebody begins putting bullets in the back of their head. Grandma is old and expendible.
Amusingly enough, the Bakuninites — the Left-est of the Left — really did believe in something very close to “stochastic terrorism.” They didn’t call it that, of course, because they were merely twisted and evil, not twisted and evil and pretentious, but there it was. I hate to throw a black pill out there so early in the morning, but the fact that the Left is obviously a cult suggests a longing for martyrdom. We like to joke that “a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged,” but I’ve seen Leftists without number crash at warp speed onto Reality’s… Read more »
I disagree in part. The Left does pay attention to those costs it cares about. If those costs represent loss of perceived moral superiority, they act as a brake. As things stand now, the Left’s more outrageous beliefs and actions are cost-free and viewed as the height of ethical and moral existence. Remove that, and the madness doesn’t disappear but it slows. There always will be morality kamikazes among them. The trick is to reduce the supply. It is really hard to shame these people, but it has been done and still can be done. For the more marginal adherents,… Read more »
> There always will be morality kamikazes among them.
There used to be a place for Moral kamikazes that benefitted society. They’d be nuns or priests that, while being unpleasant scolds, did useful things like teach children, minister to the sick, and gave alms to the poor.
If the United States turned into a theocracy overnight, a good percentage of the leftist crazies would be entering a monastery within the year.
“If the United States turned into a theocracy overnight, a good percentage of the leftist crazies would be entering a monastery within the year.” Change a few words and phrases of Jonathan Edwards’ SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD, and it would be any Critical Race Theory text today. Excerpt: “They deserve to be cast into hell; so that divine justice never stands in the way, it makes no objection against God’s using his power at any moment to destroy them. Yea, on the contrary, justice calls aloud for an infinite punishment of their sins. Divine justice says… Read more »
You miss the point. “Sinners” is trying to make people aware of the fleeting nature of life in order to make them repent from their sinful ways. Edwards absolutely was interested in saving people. Now, you may say lefty is doing the same, but I disagree. Theirs is a hatred – Edward’s was doing it out of compassion for a wayward flock. Look into his biography to show he was not just yelling “hell hell hell” and threats. I personally do not believe in hell, but his motives were much more altruistic than the left.
They are incapable of shame. The only thing that works on them is “outgrouping,” and only for a specific value of “works.” Before he became a raging Q-tard, Anonymous Conservative had a lot of useful things to say about the “amygdala hijack.” I’ve done this myself. I have never, ever won an argument with a Liberal, but I have caused one to utterly melt down, to the point where it looked like he was having a stroke (the party host nearly called 911). I did it by relentless mockery. Leftie started getting all self-righteous, expecting the crowd to go along… Read more »
I may in fact have conflated “outgrouping” with shame. I’ve seen that sort of thing when a leftist has not kept apace of The Current Thing or the current officially mandated take on it. Maybe I misinterpreted their isolation with shame. I’m certainly amenable to the idea they are incapable of shame. That corresponds with what Z accurately describes as “mental illness.”
Yeah, the Great Sorting underway does put a target on the Non-Left Territory. It probably is unavoidable and the question becomes how to handle it.
We saw it in real time a couple years back. I forget which late night bobblehead it was — Jimmy Kimmel, maybe? Anyway, just that day the catechism had changed. I forget what the topic was, but he made a “joke” about it that would’ve had them arfing like seals just the day before, or even just that morning… but by that evening, the word came down, so you could actually hear the crowd gasp. Anyone else remember that? It was really something.
I do remember that example! Spot on. It was (I think) Steve Colbert, because he looks the most like a Thanksgiving Pilgrim cardboard cut-out, of course.
The topic was James Comey. He had gone from Villain of the Day for hurting HRC with the email scandal to Hero of the Day after being shitcanned by Trump for going after him. Colbert (or whoever) got a near-scowl on his face and informed the audience You Are Wrong. They hesitated and then went from booing to clapping.
To me, today’s Left has the same energy as the People’s Temple.
It follows that they would desire martyrdom.
Unfortunately, they also want to maximize the number of us they take with them.
Liquidating the heretics is part and parcel of their murder-suicide impulses.
“It is hard to know, but what is clear is that these people are much better at conjuring alternative realities than the world is at defending reality.” This always has been true. The world, though, used to make it very costly for those who conjured alternative realities. Without a threat of violence or any repercussion, that brake is off. If the brake were to be reapplied even now, the supply would start to recede into the background. Case in point: transgenderism and children. Westerners always have accommodated weirdos to some degree or another. Cross-dressers might be tolerated, for example, but… Read more »
Yes, the West has been so rich and so powerful for so long, and has been able to insulate us from some of the baleful effects of reality, that we have raised at least three generations of people who believe, with increasing conviction, that reality is optional. But the West is in decline, and reality always reasserts itself, one way or another, which is what we see happening right now.
“That gets to the universal of the Left. They project onto the world the things they hate about themselves or fear they may be doing.”
The biggest and most violent terrorist organization in the world is the U.S. Government.
The biggest and most violent terrorist organization in the world is the U.S. Government.
Its kind of ironic that the left recognized that decades ago, and the normies and right dismissed the idea as kookie. Now things have flipped.
When some lefty I know starts repeating the mantra of Trump and Russia I’ll respond with something like “maybe the FBI was right about MLK too” or “Kinda like how the CIA got us into Vietnman”.
Short circuits their brains – they literally stop in their tracks and cant respond.
This shows how contemptible the left was and is. They were absolutely right about the FBI and CIA, but now that they are persecuting the left’s enemies, it’s all hunky-dory. I, as a reality based person, acknowledge I was wrong about defending these corrupt institutions, and that applies whether they are persecuting me now or my enemies in the future.
It’s still in early drafts, but they’re coming up with a Trump variation of the slavery / Southern Strategy narrative: “The parties switched sides.” Something like—
So rightly fearful were the military and intelligence and corporate America and etc. of the danger posed by Trump and us (called “Trumpists” or “White Christian Nationalists” in the drafts so far), they put all their heads together and switched from falsely waving the flag of Our Democracy (for profit, etc.) to righteously “fortifying” it (for justice, etc.).
If we have grandchildren, they’ll all believe it.
That’s an excellent observation. Of course, one of the simplest explanations is that the Left took over the government. Some will blame the Marxist “march through the institutions,” which can be part of it. But it may be as much the simple fact that the young adults of the 60s simply aged into jobs in positions of power. As Z says (?) the Hippies used to be against “The Man.” But now they ARE “The Man.” In other forums (probably re Covid-19 issues) someone noted that in another “ironic” way that things have “flipped.” Then, it was the Left that… Read more »
The statement, Those that can get you to believe absurdities can get you commit atrocities , comes to mind when talking about the crazies mentioned here. If they can inflict or infect you with their mental illness then they further advance the societal destruction whether that is their purpose or not. (Most don’t even know what they are doing). Technology and instant communication platforms are definitely an accelerant here. It’s like going into the cuckoo’s nest and giving marginal power and voices to the inmates. Then the mass of dimwits just go along and accede to the new “normal”, while… Read more »
Instant mass communication, combined with “spiteful mutants” reaching a social tipping point, and the pile of sand grains that is civilization goes boom, fall down.
Bingo. Spiteful mutants reached the tipping point in a society that no longer weeded such out. It not just that the society failed to proactively get rid of them, but that in its abundance allowed them to avoid Darwinian elimination and propagate.
I feel like the perfection of video gaming for women in the form of social media was the real tipping point.
More canny analysts tried to warn people about the leading edge of this as it appeared on Tumblr. Sadly, they were right.
The question is why now? What has gone wrong in the West leading to this epidemic of delusional madness? A confluence of factors. The final stage of the liberal enlightenment, social media causing cognitive overload, American hegemony eliminating any external threats, post modern capitalism creating a post-scarcity reality for a large percent of the US population. Liberation from reality was always going to be the ultimate end of liberalism. Human minds evolved to function in small social groups. It is incapable of operating in an environment of interacting with tens of millions of others. Before the 21st century the threat… Read more »
“It is hard to know, but what is clear is that these people are much better at conjuring alternative realities than the world is at defending reality. ”
I think a large deal of it has to do with the fact that most people only operate in abstraction these days. Most of them work on a computer jiggering numbers or some such, and they have no idea how the job they perform effects anything. Fake jobs, fake reality, the further we get from reality, the stronger their ability to believe in non reality gets.
“Fake jobs, fake reality, the further we get from reality, the stronger their ability to believe in non reality gets.” Agreed. One reason Normalcy Bias is so strong is because Normies have virtual worlds in which the Lie is the Truth and everything still works great… no matter how many vaxx boosters they accept. So long as they want to believe the Lie, they can believe the Lie. Which makes me wonder about the Great Reset’s destruction of power plants. The very worst move that the plutocrats could make is turning off the power, because then people will wander outside… Read more »
Do leftists like movies more that normal people? I believe they do. They tend to confuse reality with scripted versions of reality presented in the form of movies/TV/theater. When you point out that reality is far more bizarre and complex than what they are consuming, they don’t care. It’s the script that counts. The narrative. Reality be damned.
When people on the right are enthusiastic about a movie, they will say things like, “It’s a really good story”, or “it’s really entertaining”. For a lefty, they say things like “It’s important”.
I don’t think they like movies more, but they attach much more to the movies they do like. Hell, they don’t even have to like it, it just needs to “convey a deeper truth”, or “speak truth to power”, etc.
“speak truth to power”
But now they are the power. They control the military, police and intelligence agencies, but they are the powerless fighting against invisible unicorn white supremacists in the video game in their brains.
People frame reality by way of their accumulated experiences.
For the last fifty years or so, people have lived their entire lives saturated in electronic media. The hours viewed per day steadily escalated during that time to the point that it now dominates every waking hour.
So, for people today, their electronic experiences are more real than reality itself. Worse, as time marches on the people who matured before such immersion are disappearing. our entire culture is one of people for whom media is more real than reality.
I love movies and resent your comment, you good sir would have a better understanding of the regimes propaganda if you were an astute critic of movies. Heck the coronavirus was like a badly written movie, making the BS stand out all the more! 😉
Having said that, since somewhere around 2015 or 2016 movies have become unbearable or at least any recently made ones. Last really good movie i watched in the theaters was in 2019, once upon a time in hollywood
Leftism makes a lot of sense if you think of it as a “fandom.” Since they’re all social rejects, they can only “bond” with other social rejects… which is almost, but not quite, an oxymoron. They’re too “quirky” (let’s be generous) for the ordinary give-and-take of group social interaction, so their bonding takes the form of obsessive nerd slap fights. What comic books and Dungeons and Dragons were to high school losers in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, so things like Harry Potter and The Handmaid’s Tale are to the Current Year. Harry Potter appeals to them because they, like… Read more »
Always thought Harry Potter was secretly racist. Muggles need constant protection and patronization from the superior magic people. Replace “muggle” with a few letters and . . . .
Leftists definitely like children’s cartoons and movies way more than a normal adult should. It’s even at the point where the manchild affinity for that stuff has produced childish cartoons with added perversion to appeal to them, like that Big Mouth show that was supposed to be about puberty but clearly inappropriate for a 12 year old. So these 35 year old soy wojack guys are watching cartoons about adolescents discovering their genitalia, ew…
I kind of chuckle at the attempted “highbrow” appropriation of “stochastic”. On a practical level use it on regular basis to simply understand a range of outcomes, where one variable is known (say number of seaside mansions in the Hamptons) but the other, hurricanes, is largely unknown and random. Don’t let the climate folks fool you, we can barely predict the weather, let alone model a entire climate at the appropriate grid square resolution. But these disaster models are only accurate when taken out to 50+ return periods. Which is useful, but not day to day or year to year… Read more »
If the loons would have just stayed in the Jim Jones cult they could have just killed themselves, but they are widespread now including a former CIA boss Michael Hayden who now thinks Republicans are one of the most dangerous terrorist coups in the world.
This does not end well.
Are you ready to be an American kulak?
Dunno, but you’ve got one hellacious movie or book title there. Run with it!
3 Pipe-
Thank you for the kind words.
Unfortunately my comment above is lifted from the title of a Revolver News piece.
I attempted to link that article in my comment above, but the spam filter flagged it.
Same experience the other day attempting to post a link to Revolver News.
I think “American Kulak” with some manner of Zeemanian logos might be a big merch seller. Wonder if it’s copyrighted?