The Revolution In The Clouds

An enduring question on this side of the great divide is over the motivation of the Cloud People as they go about their war on the Dirt People. Is there some grand plan behind the war or is it some weird instinctual thing? Are they motivated by base instincts like money and power or is it something spiritual? There is the “deep state versus emergent behavior” angle but also the simple question about whether these people have the self-awareness to grasp what they are doing at all.

For example, the war on Russia was launched six months ago and at the time it was clear to most people that the cost to the West would be high. The question was about the cost to the Russians. Given the dismal history of economic sanctions and the public utterances of Russian leaders, sober minded people saw the sanctions regime as a high risk and extremely low reward gamble. That quickly became an all risk and no reward strategy that was doomed to fail.

Despite the obviousness of it all, the West kept doubling down on the program as if they were on the right side of history. Now people are getting gas bills in Europe that are five and ten times normal. Europeans are posting their utility bills on-line as a desperate effort to get attention to the issue. For reasons no one has bothered to explain, Western media is not treating this as an important story. They are not grilling Western leaders on the situation or even asking them questions.

Are these people just so cut off from reality that they simply do not know what is happening in their countries? Is someone like Liz Truss so insulated from reality that she is unaware of things called electric bills? Since no one has bothered to ask her about the issue, it is possible she does not know. It seems crazy but staggering ignorance would explain why this is happening. The Cloud People do live vastly different lives from the Dirt People.

That does not explain the media silence. Scan the British media and you would come away with the impression that there is no economic crisis. It is all stories about the royals, local celebrities and childish political drama. The German media has bland stories about the latest ten point plan from the party. Those are stuffed in between press releases from the Gaia cult like this one. They worry that people freezing to death in their homes this winter could anger Gaia.

What in the world is going on here? The worst economic catastrophe to befall Europe in generations is being ignored. Is this a strategy by the Cloud People or are they just so cut off from reality they do not see this as a big deal? This lunatic from the German Church of Gaia wants to tax meat at a time of soaring food costs. Is this nut so ideologically blinkered that he does not see how this looks? Normal people will be forgiven for thinking he is a deranged sadist.

This is where another motivation creeps into the picture. Maybe what lies behind all of this is a seething hatred of the Dirt People. The reason they are not focusing on the crisis is they are showing restraint. In private they are laughing at the prospect of Dirt People heating their homes with candles this winter. Those shop owners going out of business gives them a sexual thrill. This crisis is the revenge of the Cloud People on the Dirt People for not dying off during Covid.

That last bit is further proof that vengeance may be the real motivation behind these abusive polices we see in the West. It was clear from the start that the Covid polices were something of a tantrum by the Cloud People. They made people humiliate themselves with masks and social distancing out of spite. The vaccine mandates now look like an attempted genocide. Deaths among the young and healthy are at frighteningly high levels across the West.

There have been times in history when the people concluded that their rulers were corrupt, stupid or tyrannical. In the furor leading up to the revolt the rabble-rousers would caricature the rulers as ruthless and vindictive. In reality, the rulers were either incompetent or simply unlucky. In order to properly revolt, the people needed to be convinced that their rulers were more than just stupid. They were bad people who deserved what was coming to them.

We may be experiencing the first example where a ruling class is evil, but the rabble rousers among the ruled cannot bring themselves to accept it. It is the mirror image of the revolutionary model where all restraint is lost among the ruling class while the people desperately try to maintain the status quo. The people at the top have all the money and power, which for some reason has led them to revolt against the system that makes their status as elites possible.

The other side of this revolution in the clouds is the placidity of the Dirt People in the face of this war of extinction. Perhaps this is what has driven the ruling class into a murderous rage. No matter how hard they try, they cannot rouse the people to defend themselves or their culture. The rage is not exactly at the people, but at the ruddy sunset of the West. Modernity has made the people so feeble; they can no longer defend themselves from predators.

Regardless of the reasons, the revolution in the clouds will continue until the Dirt People can be roused from their stupor or they simply succumb. One way or the other, the revolution can only end with the death of the Cloud People. Surely, they must see this, which means that is the ultimate aim. Self-abnegation is the highest virtue of the new religion and one way or another, they will achieve it. The only question that really matters is if they will take Western civilization with them.

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1 year ago

It’s strategy. The effects of any policy are the actual objective.

Its not the complete extinction of the Dirt people its a culling of the herd, as the Cloud Managers see it.

Probably at most 40% ~

And they don’t need that many dirt people and can always get more.

As for the DP, too selfish and cowardly to defend themselves, their children, their children’s genitalia. I see CPs point and find my countrymen loathesome in their cowardice, so DGAF.

1 year ago

[…] The Revolution In The Clouds […]

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
1 year ago

It is not apathy that enervates a response from us Dirt People; it is an understanding, whether conscious or unconscious that the consequences of open resistance or rebellion to the Cloud People’s agenda means an end to the orderly lives that we have been living. We do not want another rebellion because we want our children to avoid the pain and suffering it will cause. We still hope that our republican form of government, including orderly elections will right the ship of state. In this regard, we are the epitome of the American spirit, viz., an optimism that everything will… Read more »


In 2020, the elites said they were going to steal the election, they stole the election, they bragged about it afterwards, and they threw anyone who protested into a federal gulag. They’re going to do it again, of course they will. They’ve been laying the groundwork for a long time and today Biden is going to give a speech to outline the kulakization of White Americans. It is going to look different because rigging a bunch of local and state elections looks different from rigging a Presidential election, but they’re doing it.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
1 year ago

“Modernity has made the people so feeble; they can no longer defend themselves from predators.”
You said a mouthful! Several generations of soft living and materialism since the end of WWII has turned us silly, apathetic, and feminized. Surely today’s provocations are as severe as those that caused our distant ancestors to rise up in rebellion, right? I guess not.

Reply to  I.M. Brute
1 year ago

Just 9 meals. That’s all. No truck traffic into a city. No need for tanks or bazookas or fighter planes. That there is their achilles heel.

Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago


Just one city. Gomorrah on the Potomac.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

Maybe you can trade that link to normie to learn what link shorteners do.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

A Jew.

What are the odds??

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

Sodomite Jew…

1 year ago

Regarding the last point, about how it’s the placidity and weakness of the dirts that drives the clouds to keep attacking out of contempt: If you ever observe schoolchildren bullying each other, you can see this phenomenon at work. The child that doesn’t fight back is the one that gets picked on mercilessly with the approval of the crowd, while another child can be much more strange but if he’s good at either fighting or insulting he doesn’t get bothered nearly as much. I suspect that the sociopathic behaviors of children are a glimpse into how adults fundamentally behave if… Read more »

1 year ago

And please do try not to snigger. It’s so unladylike,

“Avoid Charging EVs”: California Grid Operator Warns Of Blackouts, Urges Energy Conservation

Reply to  Bilejones
1 year ago

I have a little list of “Schadenplannen” to profit from the pain of the Cloudies when the shitshow really gets good. One is to sell them (at a huge markup) gas or diesel generators mounted on a tow-trailer for their electric cars and hybrids. Maybe I’ll offer a discount if they agree to be filmed recanting their Gaian beliefs on my YouTube channel. Just the meme-ability of a picture of one of those virtue-mobiles towing a nasty, smoky fossil fueled power source would make it worth the effort.

Reply to  Bilejones
1 year ago

Also California:

We can use your “smart meter” to shut off your air conditioner, if you agree. (for now)

Not the rich, obviously.

Not the poor. They use crappy window units.

No, YOU. The shrinking middle class. Because we hate you.

REMEMBER: As California goes, so goes the nation.

1 year ago

I still don’t know to this day whether these people are complete psychopaths or just terminally stupid and arrogant. I like Z’s point, though, about a possible death wish. An interesting fact about these maniacs is that many of them don’t have children. It’s like they hate us, themselves and the gift of life. What is sure is that people need to wake up very soon. Maybe this winter will be the catalyst. It’s us or them!

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Stop right now with the question of evil or stupid. they are cleaver enough to get into these positions of power. We can see this unfolding clearly even with limited information in the midst of a complete media propaganda storm. they have much better data and information than we do. start fighting your Normalcy bias . we are dealing with an evil that is almost unprecedented. tyrants of the past killed selected groups of outsiders of people controlling land the wanted . these monsters are going to starve Billions to death in the developing world. they are going to crush… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Alas, it can be both 🙁

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

they are smart mother F’s , they got the upper hand to do this with planning . it didn’t come by accident . they are satanic level evil. right out of the book of revelation.

Mr. House
Mr. House
1 year ago

A question to Z’s readers:

I’m sure by now most of you have heard or watched the interview with zuckerberg on the Joe Rogan podcast stating the FBI told him to censor the laptop material. My question to you is: Why now? Why after two years does he finally admit what many of us knew to be true two years ago? And why did Joe only ask softball questions in his interview?

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

this is gloating by zuck. a “what ya gonna do about it , wimps” moment

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

Maybe, but that did that immediately after the election with that infamous time magazine article. Which essentially said “yes we did rig the election and we did it for you own good”.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Zucc must be surprised anyone cares (or pretends to). He made the same admission with less obfuscation during the last time he was “grilled” by congress. Unfortunately Rand Paul wasn’t given an opportunity to vote him a medal for bravery at the time, so nothing happened.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Rogan has cucked multiple times already so he’s shown he will play ball and is now trusted to handle regime propaganda respectfully.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
1 year ago

Isn’t this cloud people vs dirt people a rehash of the enlightenment?

Its that the wrong cloud people are in charge. There will always be better people. Its just that the these cloud people are possessed by demonic anti Christ philosophy

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hi - Ya!
1 year ago

But this time it’s the Enblightenment.

Reply to  Hi - Ya!
1 year ago

Go read John 8 while you still can. Nothing new here

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
1 year ago

Speaking of Ukraine, Ukraine’s oil consumption from its peak is down over 80% and this was before the war. It’s such a rapid economic collapse that it hints that Ukraine’s ruling oligarchs aren’t just looting the place, but actually want to genocide (again) the ethnic Slavs who live there. I’m not sure Russia knew this when it started this war of attrition. Germany in WWI didn’t know how much the atheist French elite hated their own Christian soldiers, and were willing to send them into a meat grinder long past the point of futility. And I have no idea what’s… Read more »

1 year ago

[…] ZMan takes a peek. […]

1 year ago

Cloud Person, so nebulous, a fog to hide the malefactors. The so called leaders. the Mcconnells and Bidens and Grahams. are just more of the same as the physical enforcer class. My Family vs your family. My Pension vs your pension. The pie is shrinking, slices of life are going fast, they are grabbing what they can. As the water rises, maybe you can stay above, perhaps even your children, but that water will drown our progeny sooner or later. But right now, the pseudo elites are doing what they can to grab for them and theirs. We know who… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

“Modernity has made the people so feeble; they can no longer defend themselves from predators.” – Human beings are human beings and human nature hasn’t changed since de Maistre was truth bombing the place over 200 years ago. What is modernity exactly that has caused a crystallization of the middle class in the face of all of this? The biggest difference between the pre 1930 world and post 1930 world is the welfare state, with its thousands of grants and programs. How would the stick of the Covid lockdowns had worked without the carrot of supercharged unemployment benefits and hundreds… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Excellent post, and I completely agree. That is why guess that you do not see the staples of the more… erm… obstreperous groups (e.g. McDonalds and soda and junk food – the stapes, not the groups) have probably remained flat. I do not know this, as I do consume them (the staples that is), but I can only imagine prices have not risen much, for if they had risen precipitously as veggies and proper cuts of meat, the summer of peaceful protest would have really kicked off for your reasons. I am guessing the subsidies will remain for those groups… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

I agree. They’ll demand it for sure. Old habits die hard. You have a good point. It’ll take (x thousand) home invasions for them to be disabused of those thoughts. The Summer of peaceful protest was never about food. It was a systemic muscle flex on white people. As a matter of fact many of the peaceful protesters could have afforded to miss a few hundred meals. But a time will come when these apes are really hungry. The’ll go right into any neighborhood that appears like a target. And in the end, we may even see random acts of… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

It’s all too easy to forget that, unless I’m way off, the majority of the protesters in 2020 were predominantly white Woke people.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

The first two days were all blacks looting Target stores, then it became all white wokies for the rest of the summer just destroying businesses instead of looting.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

This can’t be stressed enough. The worst of the worst are White/(((White))). They may be even more insidious since they can infiltrate more easily and possess far more intelligence, however demented they are.

And to narrow further, the majority were women, not all of them hideously ugly or even unattractive.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago


The Affluent White Female Liberals or AWFLs are an enormous problem for the entire Western world.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

jack is 1000000000% right

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

White people could effectively deal with this kind of local violence. The thing people know to fear is not the jogger but the army of big nose lawyers that will show up to lock you away for life in a jogger rape zoo if you protect your family from the jogger. Even outerparty state thugs can get the same treatment for following standard procedure arresting a dangerous felon.. A guy got life in prison just for RECORDING a white person succesfully defending himself from a murderous attack from the eponymous jogger himself. You think that sort of knowledge doesnt change… Read more »

c matt
c matt
1 year ago

The Cloud People do live vastly different lives from the Dirt People.

The Liz Trusses do, but does your average journalist get paid so well that these energy bills have no effect on them?

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

These “journalists” have no choice but to parrot the scripts they’re given, or they will be cut out of the loop, lose their jobs and end up begging on the street like Dirt People. The journalists have no useful skills. All they learned in school was how to network and kiss ass to powerful people. Their one advantage in life is that they can call up the secretary of someone like Truss, Newsom, Trudeau, Macron, Zuckerberg, Bezos…and the secretary will put five minutes with the journalist on the Important Person’s schedule. If they ever publish one single thing that contradicts… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

That’s what I asked down below.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

“Is someone like Liz Truss so insulated from reality that she is unaware of things called electric bills?” — Only conceptually. Money is nothing more than a concept to these people. Almost theoretical. Which is why they so breezily spend billions on foreign wars. Even in college these people never once really had to eyeball their checking accounts. The credit card just worked. Just add more of this “credit” to the system. These people also work at the central banks by the way. Their last words will be “more credit!”

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

People like Truss and her ilk are indeed insulated from reality. But only for the time being. They are going to realise that reality, like God, is not mocked.

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Germany is waking up real quick to the consequences of delegating it’s national energy policy to an autistic high school dropout 10 years ago.

I’d laugh, and say “F-them”, but we’re headed in the exact same direction.

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

Greta wasnt the one coming up with all that any more than Biden is really the president. Im sure you know better too but we need to stop giving the slightest oxygen to that kind of ridiculous framing

Yancey Ward
1 year ago

I would willing to bet that journalists and politicians get a different utility bill than normal people in Europe get. The corruption is probably that bad.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Yancey Ward
1 year ago

I’ve been wondering about this myself lately. Are we really living in two different realities. Whats funny about these “small bizs” posting their electric bill, wouldn’t the big ones with many locations be paying in the millions for electricity under these numbers? A real journalist would try and find that out.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

I saw one today from an Irish woman. Naturally she had a Ukrainian flag in her profile. She should be drowned like a sack of kittens.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I saw that one also, which is what got me thinking. Did you notice on her bill, the area that stated last months bill was blank? That is what got me wondering if its legit.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Wonder what “cause and effect” is in Gaelic?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

What a disgusting thing to say. Not about Hiberno-Karen but about the kittens.

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I think the first salvo, at least in America, of the war against white people (or Dirt People, if you will), was the inflicting of negroes upon whites. This was part of the so-called “Civil Rights Movement,” and its nec plus ultra was integration/desegregation. The archons of the aborning Power Structure, embracing their hatred and betrayal of their own people, understood that negroes were the antithesis of whites, not just culturally, but also aesthetically. Operating under the correct assumption that difference generates unhappiness, the archons realized that negroes were the ideal instruments to make the despised white people miserable. And… Read more »

Liberty Mike
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Temporally, the contemporaneous coverage, framing, and presentation of L’affaire Till supports your thesis.

The Power Structure may be smiling at whites in Wakanda, but no running water in Jackson sure brings a smile to this cracka.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Liberty Mike
1 year ago

All that will result from the disaster in the black-topia of Jackson is more blame on whites for the people of Jackson not having clean water. And guess what? The American left will eat it up as they always do.

We have reached the stage where simply existing as a white person is considered harmful to negros. There is nothing to stop every single issue affecting the sacred cows from being the fault of whitey.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Liberty Mike
1 year ago

If only They had been less niggardly maintaining Public Utilities 😈

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Liberty Mike
1 year ago

Tru dat Joe!

And to Ostei

With all due respect sir, the only honkies who are melancholy are soyboys in skinny jeans. The rest of us are doing our best to prepare for the coming shitshow.(already in progress).

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

This is the thing that is mot oblivious to most people about how absolutely intentional this is. In the UK the so called right GB news has made black presenters front and center so as through repetition to provide the authority association in the mind of the viewer, over and over. They have a guy in a CofE Collar and an afro giving speeches on how immigration must be reformed, and now pushing black politicians giving speeches as to how replacement migration is real. Its the same in the US with the new true republicans. The last conservative leader candidates… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Why do you guys get so worked up about this? It isn’t your culture as you all state everyday, so who cares who the psychos put up on the tv?

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Because it controls all the other aspects of culture I am forced to interact with.

In the street, in people’s interactions, in the stores, in the govt comms, in music in cars, on posters, on buildings, in work etc etc.

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Exactly! All of this. Plus, it’s destroying our society’s children.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Oh i totally understand that, but by getting worked up over it you’re playing into their hands. Why else would they shove it in your face so blatantly? They only do it to get a rise out of you. Why give them what they want?

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Bingo. That’s why I’m increasingly of the view that you might need to ban masks, ban testing and basically ban discussing it on tv.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Its a conditioning exercise of the general population that is the issue, not the irritation aspect.

I suppose that is a bonus for them, but I am puzzled if you think that is genuinely the reason..

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Yes i do, i think they want you to strike first to give themselves the moral high ground when they decide the need to crackdown next. Its kinda like how Lincoln tricked the South into attacking Fort Sumter, thus allowing him to say the government has been attacked and we must act! They’re a bully trying to goad you into a fight and they only do that when they think they’re going to win. Time is on your side if you’re against them because they’ll destroy themselves if you let them. As time goes on more and more people will… Read more »

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Perhaps you missed the sarc tag?

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

I go back and forth on that. On the one hand, don’t take the bait, on the other, they’re clearly begging for it.

I’m not sure why, but in my experience you can give assholes and psychos exactly what they want, and as long as you aren’t coming from a place of fear (or breaking the law of course!), it defeats them. That’s what I mean when I sometimes talk about indifference, and as I think you were getting at above, minus giving them what they want.

Iow it’s fundamentally about fear, about letting yourself be bullied.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Because the next stage is physical genocide? It’s not going to stop with TV commercials (or taking children to see gay sex shows).

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Yet, when you read through the comments on their Youtube videos, there’s no shortage of people “noticing”.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

and its why censorship has been so heavy handed the past few years and actually started in 2016. If 2016 was anything, it was a big middle finger to the ruling class. They don’t acknowledge it but they got the message, and it explains why they react the way they do. They know nobody likes them and use the media and social media to skew peoples perceptions that is the case.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 year ago

Theyre drawing down centuries of social capital and institutional legitimacy in petty displays of hard power.

One possibility is they think theyve got the thing sewn up permanently already so it doesnt matter what anyone thinks. Second possibility is theyre terrifically scared they dont. I think both in different measures actually.

Either way its a high risk and time limited game and reality has its way of bursting in when least expected

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Speaking of which, people like to trash the Wilson and Clinton administrations, but not nearly enough attention is paid to the piece of crud with the initials LBJ.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I’ve lived the reality of Section 8 housing dumped into an otherwise pleasant, affluent white suburb of Atlanta.

Ended with a pregnant neighbor getting carjacked in her front yard (with her husband…pretty sure that killed that relationship) and my own house getting the door kicked in treatment and house raided when no one was home.

Sure…we moved. But the beauty of Section 8 housing and infinite “immigration” is that you can only run so far, and so long.

Section 8: Coming to a neighborhood near you. Because that’s where the money/social justice is.

1 year ago

If the Cloud people are cornered by angry mobs and understand their end is coming, they would use some sort of Sampson Option and take everyone down with them. This is a very sick, arrogant group of people.

1 year ago

We have become the eloi – why I chose my name. I would posit further that, intentional or not, the silence in the media allows the average person to question their sanity and how common is the experience. By censoring media (especially social – where confirmation could be established), limiting the scope of what is reported to official party lines, the average person probably feels alone. It is akin to Winston’s wonder in 1984 regarding how many other people hate or love Big Brother. That isolation, that uncertainty fuels the paralysis of the few (or many – who knows how… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Still, the silence is what I expected when she told me the story
–Truths today are so horrible for the average normie to contemplate that their brain “bluescreens” whenever they are brought up.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

“the silence in the media allows the average person to question their sanity and how common is the experience.”

Exactly this, they want you confused and distracted.

Why are you still watching the tv anyways? Or movies or shitty music for that matter? Withdraw consent dammit.

I said it last week and i’ll say it again, you have to choose between what you believe and your 401k, your property, your friends, your family. What is more important to you?

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Acquiescence to forced silence was a major error of conservatively minded people all throughout the emergence of the new world order in our country. For people who purportedly believe in free speech, we imposed a gag order on ourselves long before having it imposed by force. (My pet theory is the advent of women voting, which split politics into male (con) vs female (lib), facilitated a lot of this. Males don’t really like debating women (in part because women fight dirty linguistically) and way too many of all of us, male and female alike, ceded the floor to the new… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Eloi: Even if your wife spoke out of ignorance, rather than defiant bravery, God bless her for speaking up for European heritage and civilization. Hope she doesn’t endure blowback. Hope she also now realizes just how cowardly most Whites are and will not trust any of them to have her back.

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

That’s a word that comes back to me again and again: Eloi. From probably the greatest short story ever written. We are indeed the Eloi, the natural products of the greatest period of prosperity and consumption in human history.

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

There’s a powerful scene in The Sopranos where Carmella goes to a shrink. He’s Jewish and there’s some mockeyphilia involved, but it actually fits in well with the characters. At any rate, when he finds out that Tony’s in the mob he immediately ends the session and tells her he won’t accept his fee because it’s blood money. He further explains that the only way to put everything right is for her to leave, “take only the children, what’s left of them, and go.” After Tony’s spent years in prison meditating on his crimes, his sins, only then will he… Read more »

1 year ago

Who decides? the WEF decides,and they have a complete CCP styled social credit score and surveillance system planed for the survivors of their current depopulation agenda. they are using lockdowns and energy prices to completely destroy all private business. that gives them total control of employment . they will use starvation and energy restrictions to depopulate and bring America in line once Europe is conquered . good luck to the cockroach eating inmates of the new world order

George 1
George 1
1 year ago

In the U.S. men seem to have been neutered. In Europe maybe not as many by percentage. It will be interesting to see if people freezing to death in Europe this Winter will start a Bastille day movement. If I was in the cloud club in Europe I might be concerned. However, as Zman points out, perhaps peak ignorance/malice has been reached and they really are oblivious.

In totally unrelated news the Military and Police in Germany will basically merge in October. Interesting times.

Reply to  George 1
1 year ago

Ah, just like Old Times preceding WWII when the local police were, in essence, nationalized so as to seamlessly become integrated into service to the autocracy. That is what is wanted for us here in AINO. A couple of years back here in southern NJ, there was an initiative to try to wrap all of our local police forces in Camden County into a county police department. The opening ploy was to point at the utter fecklessness and corruption of the Camden City Police, taking advantage of this circumstance to end that entity, and substitute a Camden County Police Department,… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

They’re nationalizing them for free. The list of rules, regulations, and expectations applied to all “peace officers” makes them defacto protectors of the Potomac Regime.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

We can thank the monstrosity known as the, “US Code,” for this, which was an important end run around the Constitution in the legal realm.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

I used to work in a law school library. I was the clerk of government documents, charged with intake and maintenance of (largely) federal documents. Every 4 years the entire US Code was issued in a newly revised edition. Brother, there were a lot of large, hardbound volumes to shelve with each successive edition. But the Code of Federal Regulations, the weaponization of the US Code, if you will, all of the rules vomited forth by the bureaucracy, interpretations and explications of the detailed admi istrative laws based upon the US Code, was embodied in a truly astonishing number of… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  George 1
1 year ago

To me, this is an anticipation of the revolt that may come when Germans are freezing to death. They are preemptively organizing to crush any dissenters with military violence.

1 year ago

I think it’s manifestly pure laziness masquerading as indifference

I am Sam Ram
I am Sam Ram
1 year ago

Why can’t the hostility and conflict between the cloud people and the dirt people go on for many more generations?

All my life I’ve heard, “collapses is imminent“. It never happens. No such luck.

Our side needs to think about how to build networks and institutions that defend dirt people over decades. And we need to talk about dismantling their sources of power, like the civil rights industrial complex.

Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Reply to  I am Sam Ram
1 year ago

My pet theory is that the advent of a total psychological war aimed squarely at our people is part of the issue. We, like the vast majority of other people on the planet, are used to war waged physically and are evolved to react accordingly. Consider our response to 9.11 versus our lack of reaction to a protracted war of attrition and corruption that is done via psychological and sociological methods, not physical ones. Which isn’t to say that physical war isn’t coming. It just suggests to me that some measure of care is being taken to not allow the… Read more »

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Iron Maiden
1 year ago

My county voted 70% for Trump in 2020. Two years later there are over 4000 new apartments either completed or under construction in my county of 100,000 population. I read where the number of illegals that have crossed the southern border under Biden’s reign is greater than the population of Ireland. I am expecting a new influx of government sponsored POC as Uncle Sam no doubt views us as an enemy stronghold.

Reply to  I am Sam Ram
1 year ago

the collapse didn’t come on it’s own , so they are making dammed sure it will .

1 year ago

Like Z says, the question is who decides. Well, who decides? What kind of people are they? How have they made it this far? What kind of families do they have, and what was the ‘family business’ that raised them up in the world?

It looks like rule by gangster to me, and others have talked about the ethnic mafias of the last century, dirty money going honest. Steve Pieczenik, specifically. I’ve never trusted the guy given his background, but I think he’s on the mark about that.

1 year ago

“ the revolution in the clouds will continue until the Dirt People can be roused from their stupor or they simply succumb.” I’m a bit more optimistic. Think of hammer forged steel. A piece of metal made stronger through repeated heating and hammering by the blacksmith. The hammering in essence driving out the soft and weak, leaving the remaining stronger for its intended purpose. This is what others here have said—until the pain arrives and is felt and the weak secumb, change will not occur. But it will occur. There are just too many Dirt People to destroy and the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Entirely true. They do need us more than we need them. A good example of this is the richness of 18th and 19th century classical music. Much of that music was based on tunes and themes from folk music.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

I was going to note that too. A group of Europeans who go through a winter knowing no guarantee of warmth, food, or employment are going to come out of that winter a different people than the ones who went in.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Spot on. Most ordinary folks go along to get along. But they too have their lines in the sand. When they start losing their jobs, seeing their families freeze and their kids die of easy to cure illnesses, they too will act. Even the frigging Germans!

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Germany is already in the throws of widespread protests. Our media is under orders not to report it as per usual but the push back has already started

Its still a fair way from protest to rotation of the elite BAMN

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

that is nonsense , their top “thinker ” posted this They can and will destroy the dirt people. they complain all the time that there are Billions too many of us . They may be wrong about what comes after they do , but they are counting on AI and automation. to meet their needs. the clod people are so few that 500mill people could easily provide all they need , just like the Georgia guide stones said .

1 year ago

Second-to-last paragraph appears to give some credence to “Leftism as virus” theory. It will eventually consume its host, extinguishing itself along with it, but not before infecting other polities. This rage against the Dirt is nothing else but nourishment to the virus.
As one Polish satirist of the communist era remarked in regards to intelectuals: They love Humanity and the Human, but the Human written in the upper-case, an idea that floats in the sky An ordinary human, being the shadow of that idea is at the same time its greatest distortion ,which angers the intelectual to no ends.

1 year ago

Occam’s Razor: the elite are unconcerned about what may exist beyond their lives. No vengeance, no self-abnegation, no emotion or attachment to any particular outcome. They simply don’t care. “Après nous, le deluge.”

Reply to  imbroglio
1 year ago

I am inclined to believe this. However, it doesn’t explain their fixation on destroying The Dirt.

Another angle is this: They have utterly failed to problem solve and lead. What looms is economic and energy catastrophe. They can’t face their own people. They have deep shame. Rather than face their own people, they replace them.

Not sure I buy it, but another explanation.

Bottom line is, how do we prepare for and navigate the long project of becoming the new elite.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

Another twist is a “shoot the messenger”, phenomenon. They believe in democracy so they say. What is a democracy? It is several things the only one which has value in my opinion is consent in a peaceful transfer of power. Of course, when you have a massive bureaucracy, power in reality never changes hands. So democracy is reduced to a popularity contest. What does that mean? It means The Cloud People and their bottomless vanity have to see and hear that they are disapproved of. Even when they win, they must stamp out those who do voice their disapproval at… Read more »

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

and dared to point out that they are wrong.

A.B Prosper
A.B Prosper
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago


Dirt people have lives that are in many ways better than what the elite have, happier, material pleasant and rooted in community. More important they are mostly secure with each other

The elite hate the idea that they are prosperous, bug eating being the sumptuary law of this century and any thing that decreases perceived status and inflict misery allows the elite to feel superior and reduces the in group friction.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  A.B Prosper
1 year ago

I think it was Rose Kennedy who said,”What’s the point of being rich if regular people can buy cars, eat a steak now and then, and go on vacations”?(or something like that).

Reply to  imbroglio
1 year ago

Agreed. They all go to the same elite schools where they are taught globalism and all the latest PC theories. That’s why they are called Cloud People. They are so high up, they don’t even notice us.

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

no steve, they consider us cockroaches in their butter dish. They not only notice us , they obsess about us in a good way .

1 year ago

The movers and shakers that determine the intermediate future aren’t morons. They are aware that the “renewable ” energy scam is pure propaganda. That’s why Russia is being put to the test. Many billions of recoverable oil lie mostly beneath its Asiatic surface. The Ukraine/Russia fiasco is an attempt to nullify Russian energy power for years down the road by making the country a client state/colony. If a few Krauts shiver through the night or the price for recharging the Tesla doubles it’s a small price to pay for controlling truly important energy access for the forseeable future. Even during… Read more »

Reply to  mikey
1 year ago

The Russians will not throw in the towel. This seems eminently clear, and any line of patter based upon that fallacy will come to grief. They see this struggle for what it is; a desire to steal their patrimony, and in aid of this goal, to destroy them as a culture and a people. This is existential, and as in former times, they will not surrender, and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to make it stick.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

One of the reasons that this enterprise is going on at this particular moment is that there’s a perception that the reign of Putin may be coming to an end. We can’t know who will have the hammer after him but he may very well be sitting in a limo behind the mortuary right now. His relations with the West may have already been established. In fact, Russia’s ruling class would be more powerful and wealthy by making an accommodation with the West rather than fighting it. The US has no shortage of enemies. Neutralizing Russia would allow the Yankees… Read more »

Reply to  mikey
1 year ago

You are a persistent troll, a besetting plague upon this comment board. Every once in a while you throw out something that makes some cheaply bought approval. But then, some legitimacy attained, you resume your underlying tactics of half-truths and sedulous injections of your favored narratives. It’s pretty transparent to me, and maybe also to others here. Why don’t you formally change your posting name to Wormtongue and have done with?

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

You’re displaying the same feelings as the “woke” crowd, who can’t endure hearing about things that make them feel unsafe. It probably is pleasant for some to never hear a disagreeable word but in the real world most don’t have every answer to every problem down pat. It’s tempting to feel sorry for you but that’s not an emotion that works around here. Grow some testicles.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

I am unclear on whom you are criticizing. However, I think one of the above commenters may have a point. While I harbor no ill will for Russia, and I’ll admit I know little of their internal politics, it’s a potential mkay might allude to: What if there is a “regime change” in Russia, whether orchestrated by Western skullduggery or an inside operation, that results in a GAE-friendly regime? It’d be a huge win for the GAE of course. And the new rulers in Russia become the new oligarchs, with the usual access to Western graft and perhaps their assets… Read more »

Reply to  mikey
1 year ago

China is not “our greatest foe” you don’t buy 2/3rds of you imports from your foe. all this drama in Taiwan is about is assisting Xi’s foes in the CCP election that is taking place inside the politburo. His rivals for power probably offered the west’s corrupt politicians some kickbacks if they would embarrass Xi.

Reply to  mikey
1 year ago

Back to reddit with you

Reply to  mikey
1 year ago

Sorry, but that will never happen. Putin is way ahead of them at every level. And Russia has a very long reach. If we start effing with other borders, Russia will hit us hard. They have made it very clear that for them this is a fight for their survival and they will do anything – anything – to win. And I agree with them 100%.

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

What the fuck-wits don’t realize is that Next-up for Russia are the hard-liners.
Russia is about done demilitarizing Ukraine and as an aside the West threw in the the demilitarization of Nato for free.
The World is re-aligning, the US’s Unipolar moment is over. Europe will be de-industrialized by next Spring and the Petro-Dollar is done too.
The US economy is hollow. here are the top Importers and exporters.

comment image

GDP is really Gross Domestic Spending. Nothing is produced here.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

One of my favorite quotes, attributed to Putin: “I will not live in a world without Russia, and neither will anyone else.” 🙂

1 year ago

“In order to properly revolt, the people needed to be convinced that their rulers were more than just stupid. They were bad people who deserved what was coming to them.”

I don’t think those two things are mutually exclusive. They are stupid AND bad.

1 year ago

Great post. There are a multitude of factors. The dam has not broke because the lower strata of the clouds are a) ignorant of reality and misinformed to the point of having a belief system that is sailing farther away from it b) assume no costs of the bad decisions c) live in a life-long bubble oblivious to any hardship I am sure we all work with these people. The debt financed tech/finance economy is the new middle, and they are living in an oblivion. When a crack forms in the sky, they think, “if only we could get rid… Read more »

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

The toxic Dirt-to-Cloud pipeline is a known disruptor that relies on urban midwits. Clouders of Dirty origin hate Dirts the most and are quick to sneer at every yokel inadequacy they dig up, because they remind them of their own lowly origins. Neophyte hates always the most.

Felix Krull
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

Don’t equate England with Europe. The continent is still +85% white and nationalist parties are polling at 10-25%, and in Europe, “nationalist” implicitly means “white nationalist”.

Not even Sweden is as far gone as America, not by several decades.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

Interesting. Then that has my prediction wrong. Is the idea here that European’s economic catastrophe kicks the hornet’s nest, and then they put a halt to mass migration?

Nothing would make me happier to be wrong that than happening. Thanks for the White Pill on Europe Felix Krull. I’ll happily swallow it and pray it isn’t blue.

Felix Krull
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

Is the idea here that European’s economic catastrophe kicks the hornet’s nest, and then they put a halt to mass migration?

I doubt it.

In most of Continental Europe (except Germany) nationalist parties have become (more or less) mainstream. If the power goes, the conversation will not be about immigration.

And the black pill is that every nationalist party in Europe is subverted by the globalists, perhaps with a few exceptions south of the Alps.

But the voter base is there.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

And not all immigrants hate whites or their adopted country. Many are quite conservative and hate all the ABC and Woke crap as much as we do.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
1 year ago

Thanks for the laugh.
Here are the European Debt to GDP as a %

None of them come close to the US’s 125%.

Europe is fucked and so is the US. Parts of Europe may be saved. I see no mechanism for that to happen in the US.

1 year ago

The hesitancy of the Dirt People to act in partially due to the Second Amendment. We live in the most heavily armed society in history. Dirt Men (many of whom and military veterans and have seen Fourth Generation Warfare in person) instinctively realize that a fight will be a brutal bloody thing. They keep giving the Cloud People a chance to back down.

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

I think it’s more like battered wife syndrome. The abused dirt people keep giving the Cloudies “just one more chance”, confident that they can be the ones to save their abuser, in this case by voting just a little bit harder.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I agree with Maxda.

We don’t want to take off the gloves.

[Recall that we Dirt People are all “Pro-Life”.]

But woe be unto the Cloud People when we do decide to take off the gloves.

Woe be unto the Cloud People.

“They were not easily moved,
They were icy willing to wait
Till every count should be proved…”


Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Bourbon: I’ll believe it when I see it.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

It’s math people. Even a small percentage of the Dirts make large numbers.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

The equation can change very rapidly when the box of second chances comes up empty 🤠

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

We dirt people stem from a line of belief in an ordered and lawful society. That is changing. Lowered White demographics, increasing minorities that never knew such a lawful environment. Not a good mixture going forward.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

That’s the thing about whitey. Once he starts shooting, he doesn’t stop until the problem is completely solved.

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

Maxda: “That’s the thing about whitey. Once he starts shooting, he doesn’t stop until the problem is completely solved.”


“You” – the other – do not want to be around when Whitey decides to take off the gloves.

But having said that, all of the info I’m receiving about the v@xxines indicates that soon the remaining “other” will be few and far between.

The known v@xxine data is now pointing towards a worst case scenario.

Children of Men…

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

When you get blasted daily, from all corners, with the message that you, yes you and all you white ppl, are racist, deplorable, knuckle dragging, sexist, low status, gun tott’n, bible thumping subhumans, then some of that has to rub off. You lose confidence. Guilt sets in. Maybe we are evil ppl. None of the charges have to be true, as once you are made to feel guilty, you are licked.

All this propaganda, agitprop, lies, is demoralizing.

Reply to  BeAprepper
1 year ago

This is a good example of simply what I don’t see in my “circle of friends”. I’m the quintessential “Boomer” stereotype and I’ve never felt any remorse for sins of the past as they say. Nor (gratefully) am I aware of any others who take such things to heart. Guilt because of my pale skin has never been a problem. Guilt because of personal actions is of course. Anecdotes are not data however. I simply relate this because somewhere deep down I wonder how I am immune to this “virus”? Dreaming I guess of how to market it if I… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

‘Quintessential Boomer Stereotype’ here (and not a bad screen name btw). If you do discover the secret – kindly advise.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

I’m immune to the virus too, Compsci, but many, the majority of my mostly white neighbors are infected.

Common yard signs:

“Black Lives Matter”

“Hate has no home here”

“No one is illegal”

Our local school board is controlled by white DIE masochists.

How to explain the virulence of this autoimmune disease?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

I used to believe that. I used to believe the dirt people had their limit. I used to believe that they could only be pushed so far. I no longer believe that. Tranny children is proof that there is no indignity they will not suffer, no abuse they will not suffer. Covid lockdowns is proof it’s not economics that will make them rebel. They are never going to fight. Men who will not fight for their children will not fight for anything.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

It took 700 years to retake Spain and finally expel the invaders and the subversives. We’re counting our supression as a people from what… the 2020 coup/Biden appointment? 1965 Hart Cellar? 1945? Stuff sucks now. Lots of stuff really sucks a lot, believe me I get it. But one of the virtues of our people used to be our ability to plan and persist long term. May not happen in our lifetime, probably wont in my opinion (judging from the degraded state of our youth)… but there a lot of space between not now and not EVER. Boomers are a… Read more »

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

“a fight will be a brutal bloody thing” That’s exactly what the Cloud People want to happen. They want to foment a civil war that pits citizen militias against LEOs and national guard troops in a bloody war of mutual annihilation. They want the good guys of both sides to kill each off and eliminate all the remaining alphas in society. This paves the way for the arrival of the jackboots to sweep in at the end and clear the field for a new tyranny. They want and expect this outcome. But what do they actually fear might happen instead?… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Something I think is more likely is a war among the elites. They need those wars with the proles/Muslims/Russians/etc. to keep themselves on the same page but rule-by-committee as they have it now with no transition mechanism to a more legitimate form of rule means that a ruthless apparatchik could easily seize power, unless of course it turns into a ruthlessness contest among the cloud people. This means we’re more likely to end up with a Stalin rather than a , but there’s an outside chance of us just ending up with a lot of dead “elites” and a reset… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Bang on the money; they want us to fight.

And that’s why they’ll never come for muh guns. We need them to kill each other off.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

” But what do they actually fear might happen instead? Getting picked off one by one spontaneously, unexpectedly, in ways never before imagined, and never knowing what hit them, and by means completely bypassing their mercenary guard forces, and then leaving everyone else standing around with a stunned look on their faces asking WTF just happened?” Two days since last call out and TomA is back again to publicly propose counterproductive lone wolf terror attacks and political assassinations. Youve proposed this hundreds of times already and no has bit so far, do you have anything better in your sack? The… Read more »

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Fuck off. I have never advocated that. You continue to make up lies and refuse to answer the simple questions I asked of you. Clearly state your objections to what I have actually advocated. Then give your better solution to what ails us. Get out of the big city, find save haven. Get fit, hone your survival skills. Survive the collapse. Don’t join a militia and get entrapped by the Stasi. Fight back smarter, not harder. What for the fog of chaos to act. My quote is an accurate description of what the Cloud People fear. That is reality not… Read more »

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

I think that’s overthinking it a bit. Most people aren’t suffering that much so far. Sure, they’re pissed off about the Covid crap and hear the vague rumblings about fuel shortages, but even if they are paying more for gas and food, they still don’t think it’s permanent. They suffer from that deeply comforting human habit called normalcy bias. This will change and the anger will grow as things do get worse. Here in Europe, where the fuel situation is more acute, it all depends on how bad the winter is.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“Are these people just so cut off from reality that they simply do not know what is happening in their countries? Is someone like Liz Truss so insulated from reality that she is unaware of things called electric bills? Since no one has bothered to ask her about the issue, it is possible she does not know. It seems crazy but staggering ignorance would explain why this is happening. The Cloud People do live vastly different lives from the Dirt People.” Indifference accounts for most of it. I will concede there is an element of sadism and an element of… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

The role of women and feminism in society is contributing to our malaise. There simply are not enough men with testosterone left to put their foot down on this nonsense and the older men among us keep one eye on the 401k balance and as long as that remains stable they can’t risk opposing any of the cloud peoples hostility to them.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

The 401K’s are not stable. They are all down. But even if stable, the goods your devalued $$$ buy is way up price-wise. So what came first—chicken or egg? Last report I’ve heard from an economist is that basically, all wage hikes in the last two years have been nullified and the minwage Dirt People are as bad off or worse than before. Now the ban on evictions has come to an end, and we are seeing more homeless. We had an eviction turn sour the other day here in Pleasantville—four people dead.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago


Did you also enjoy the convenient timing of Taiwan’s potshot at the Chinese drone?

It was almost as if the Fed ordered them to do so because they realized equities were rallying a bit on retail dip buying.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

The older men are useless. Old men do not fight and raise hell. If there were a general uprising, something I put the odds as close to zero as possible, it’s not gonna be boomer patriots with their AKs. Also, their pensions are going to drop and are already dropping as are pensions, especially state pensions (California pensions lost 29 billion dollars this year). They ain’t gonna do nothing. They will bitch loudly and vote much harder. When they try selling their RE assets, they’ll get less for them than they owe. They will moan and complain and vote even… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I always read my posts twice and always miss mistakes…

“Also, their pensions are going to drop and are already dropping as are pensions, especially state pensions”

Should read, Also, their 401ks are going to and are already dropping as are pensions, especially state pensions

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The Dow is still at what 32,000? That’s not dropping.
16,000 is dropping
There is a lot of wax left in the candle and yes the old boomers still think the candle can grow.
Make men hungry and their children hopeless then things can happen, until then?
We let the women, the vibrants, and the usual suspects carry on with the nonsense.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

G Lordon Giddy: Plenty of Millennials are hopeless. No chance to marry and have a family. No chance for a stable career. No chance to own a home of their own. No heritage to take pride in or pass on to their nonexistent children. Men are passively watching their children being neutered while they travel about in their motorhomes chortling that they’re spending their kids’ inheritance. They’re posting on social media like little girls about how proud they are of their tranny children. Fewer and fewer genuine men left. If the rape and/or murder of loved ones hasn’t roused them,… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I tend to disagree. Field work is a young man’s game for sure, otherwise why would we be drafting them? But in any modern army, the “tooth to tail” is something like 1 to 9. Yep, 90 percent in the rear supporting the 10 percent up front. So you can’t drive a damn truck, Tars? You can’t lift a few boxes into the back of a pickup and drive them somewhere? You have no knowledge of radio communication? Can’t sit still, hold a pair of binoculars and watch a zone for movement? In the field, I see mostly “old” men… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Raising hell is a young man’s game. But aside from that, it’s not going to happen anyway. We have no organization, no communications and we don’t even have precursors to these things. Any time 2 dissidents get together, we have to worry about rico charges. But, sure, logistics and other supportive roles can be done by women or old men. Training too. Most generals are older men. But in WW2, we had 12 million men in arms and four 4 star generals. Certainly to be fair, we will not be an army facing another army in an insurrection situation. It… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

“The other side of this revolution in the clouds is the placidity of the Dirt People in the face of this war of extinction.” I’m at a loss here. Europe and the USA have had different historical trajectories. Radical populism with real bite has historically been present in Europe — Italian fascism, German national socialism. Go back a little further and the tumult of 1848. A bit further back and the French Revolution. Because of this history European political leaders have usually been more circumspect in their policies and actions. They haven’t wanted to rouse the populist beast. From history… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

The Cloud people have retrench in the face of great danger here in the US. I’d argue FDR saved us from a French Revolution type event. Not that I like FDR, but he gave the people hope that the government was doing something for the Dirt People—weather optimally effective or not.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

It’s pretty hard to overstate how bad FDR was. Even a French style revolution might have been better. The central state would almost certainly be much smaller and weaker.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

You don’t like him, I get it. But the fact remains, there was a massive failure of capitalism which produced hoards of people on the street (we now call them homeless) and the private charities were unable to handle such demand. Mass migrations and people looking for work. FDR and his new deal kept capitalism alive. His was the voice that millions of Americans listened to on the radio weekly. He did not simply hand out money as the pol’s do today, but at least gave people jobs—even if make work. I used to walk on sidewalks stamped “WPA” when… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

“Not much different from what we see today, except the shoe in on the Liberal (really Leftie) foot this time.”

We also had vast reserves of oil back then which we don’t have now. That was the key for the good years after the war. Now you’re seeing what happens when the oil dries up. If we still had abundant oil none of us would be on this site right now or talking about the things we talk about. We’d be grilling 😉

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Something to consider:

Covid was a cover for economic collapse and to shield a blatant need to print money

Environmental concern aka global warming is a cover for resource depletion and a nice excuse for why the plebs will own nothing and like it.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

There are plenty of at least semi-valid arguments that FDR and Hoover did a lot to make the depression worse and to drag it out. But let me just grant you he helped some people during the depths of the depression. His build-up of the state apparatus, his expansion of the income tax to all earners along with weekly withholding, his stacking of the federal courts including all 9 SCOTUS judges by the time he died, getting us into WW2 on the side of the Soviets, his illegal arming of the allies before that, his unprecedented takeover of private industry… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

House, oil is but one of several fossil fuels. Gas and coal are a couple of others. Leaving the aspect of environment and climate change out, we used to be called the “Saudi Arabia of coal”. Our coal reserves were measured in centuries. The Germans and the South Africans used coal to produce fuel oil. We can do the same. Also, it we drop the paranoia wrt nuclear generation of electricity, we’d reduce the need to use fossil fuel extensively.

I guess what I’m getting at is that most of our shortages of “whatever” are government caused.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Disagree, Compsci. The Depression was not a failure of capitalism. It was a failure of the Fed and money supply- too much liquidity set it off, and too little supply worsened it, in addition to stupid policies like trade restrictions and wage controls. It could have been just another cyclical recession but the Clouds blew it.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

FDR was a spiteful cripple who connived with the bankers to spill oceans of his own peoples blood across Europe. But you want to praise him because of literal money fo dem programs?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

FDR was pretty bad, but then Lincoln, Ike, and a number of others could give him a run for his money.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

Not even FDR can compare with Lincoln. Lincoln fundamentally transformed the US from a republic to an empire and killed 600 thousand plus men doing it. Though I would agree that FDR, outside of Lincoln is in a class of his own in terms of badness.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

FDR saved the system. And after WW2 the state metastasized into what it is today. People have forgotten how much labor militancy there was in the ’30s.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

The media is the common hypnosis.

It has made all previous historical foundations in each different nation void. It has nullified history, identity and common roots.

It has spread its shadow across the west like a vast cancer and has consumed it.

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

I wish we knew who ran it, they seem like they’d have an awful lot to answer for!

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

Lop off the head of a monarch, and you might get a whole new bloodline on the throne. Lop off the head of a politician, and you just get another politician.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

As an European, it is the same as US. Comfort, brainwashing, virtue signaling. The difference is that Dirt People in Europe are left-wing.

Reply to  imnobody00
1 year ago

In my country, Spain, left-wing ideas have dominated the last 40 years. Mostly with left-wing governments but also with theoretically right-wing governments. Leftist control media, school, politics and the majority of people. If a crisis comes, people think the (dying) Church or right-wing people are to blame. The leftist government is going to defend them from the oppressor, who are the rich. When the vaxx appeared, Spanish people were the most enthusiastic people. They all vaccinated. The doctors (three in the family) were the most strong supporters on the grounds that “they were doctors”, although they were not experts in… Read more »

1 year ago

Western civilization is trannies fighting lesbians at pride events.
Long may it live

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

Viva la degeneración!

1 year ago

Are they evil, stupid, or greedy – the answer is always “yes”.

I continue to look on in amazement as Congress and the Administration pour vast amounts of money into the Ukraine. They all must be getting huge kickbacks. If they are evil and smart, they are using the ill-gotten fortunes to stock up a hideaway somewhere to ride out the coming collapse. More likely they are just storing it in offshore banks until it can be properly laundered for a ritzy retirement.

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

If the Congressman I listen to is being truthful, the monies sent to the Ukraine are waaay overstated. The monies are labeled under a single moniker, such as “Ukrainian Conflict Support”. But the monies are distributed to other efforts. For example, the last big package had $20B or so to replenish arms *already* sent to Ukraine. In other words, the money went directly to the US military, to let out contracts to our MIC. These weapon replenishments could also take years to fulfill as the production lines have been halted for some time and the parts are not in production—this… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

It is better that there are no production lines at all for the grift. Pretend factories, pretend shipments, pretend weapons.

Who checks that cares?

The money line looting flows with each layer taking their cuteven with no output.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

Exactly. Millions of lives could be saved if annual payments were made directly to Raytheon, Boeing, and the like, but what good is getting elected to office if you don’t get your cut? Maybe save back 10 percent for all the Big Guys.

1 year ago

And the (P)resident is set to deliver a speech tomorrow in which he demonizes almost half the country. Perilous times.

1 year ago

WEF lickspittle Yuval Harari explained what is going on. The “dirt people” (as you call them) are useless, ie. no longer have value to the Owners, and will now be exterminated.

We’re all kulaks now.

Reply to  Zek
1 year ago

Kudos for the Yuval Harari reference! Harari is so alien in his abject ghoulishness that one strains to even classify him as a member of the human species. He is soulless technocracy incarnate and seems like something that was shat straight out of the bowels of Satan himself.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

I’ve struggled to find sufficient invectives to hurl at Harari – yours is a good start.

Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

He’s Fuckerberg without the humanity and charm.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Zek
1 year ago

I read that book in the before times, and before my journey to this side of the divide. To paraphrase my remark to a friend who tried reading it as well, it’s interesting enough but there is an underlying “people sure ruined this beautiful world, didn’t they” theme to it. He agreed.

Psychopaths always reveal themselves one way or another.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Zek
1 year ago

I find this ironic because Harari himself is completely useless.

John Q. Publick
John Q. Publick
1 year ago

I’m sitting here in Croatia, and there is zero preparation or action taking place. I think this is the Slavic way, shrug the shoulders and react to stimuli but never take preemptive action. Oh well. My own Ohio Boomer relatives keep squawking about “soon” some line will be crossed. They will be lined up at the gas chambers someday saying the same thing about “soon”. Personally, I am following old Fred Reed’s admonition (is he still alive?) and just laughing at the world collapsing all around because there’s nothing to be done anyhow. Jan 6 was the day that something… Read more »

Reply to  John Q. Publick
1 year ago

I agree. I often think that if the J6ers had actually killed some congressmen, especially Pelosi, they’d be lauded as heroes by now. Instead, they went on a self-guided tour of the building and took some selfies and we’re still sales with the same clowns as before.

Reply to  John Q. Publick
1 year ago

What should Croatians be preparing for? It’s not like they are living the high life, oblivious to the reality. Like many other “eastern”-Europeans, they are used to hardship and are prepared by default, at least compared to western-Europeans.

Reply to  John Q. Publick
1 year ago

As a colonial subject from EE I think that any preemptive action will be taken through US embassies. Maybe new leaders will be promoted, or Ukraine will be “vietnamized” by shifting most of the support tasks to Europen allies. Certainly the military leash is being tightened as evidenced by latest grand plans in military spending and military service (Latvia restored draft and obligatory military service). Here the Cloud People are smaller in number and have a mentality of colonial administrators and criollos. To them, Dirt People are filthy peasants who lag behind in westernization and are too stupid to get… Read more »

Reply to  Puszczyk
1 year ago

Energiewende towards regular blackouts. Something the regular Germans believe only affects the poor countries they visit on vacations.

Reply to  Puszczyk
1 year ago

As sad as it is to contemplate, I think that the Russians are prepared to “de-Nazify” Western Europe should it come to that. They are, after all, just an extension of the traditionally framed Near Abroad, and under the current regimes they are proving their untrustworthiness as neighbors, something which cannot be be glossed over. I think that the Russians would prefer to merely disengage, cutting them loose, but the Ziocons/WEF autocrats who rule the roost won’t agree, wanting to wreak whatever havoc on Russia that they can in their unhinged fury. If this would be seen by the Russians… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

Plans for Ukropolin (as we call the potential federation of Poland and Ukraine in dissident circles) may be well underway. If Ukraine is reduced to a Western Galician rump state, such a federation wouldn’t be impossible and in some ways it already exists through direct military-economic pipeline to Ukraine. That would be used to directly involve Polish army into Ukrainian defense and draw retaliation from RF. Hopefully most of the neo-Banderists would be dead by then unless we’re ordered to save them. As a descendant of Eastern Borderlanders I can only shiver at the prospect.

1 year ago

I think technology more than decency has been the cause of inaction by the dirt people. This society is almost totally reliant on somebody else for all necessities, and those someone else’s are usually on other continents. The learned helplessness is an understanding that we cannot survive on our own, no matter how much boot strapping we do. It appears to me nothing extreme will happen until the complete collapse of the system.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Ronehjr
1 year ago

“Reliant on somebody else for all necessities…”
Spot on.

I’m a Globo finance/ law parasite, almost 100% dependent on the grid for heat/ water/ food pellets. Not happy about the situation, but I try to make myself and family as resilient as possible.

A lumberjack, miner or farmer is just as dependent. Chainsaws, Euclids and John Deere combines do not grow on trees nor are they powered by hard work, grit or bootstraps.

Reply to  Mow Noname
1 year ago

The people who can successfully live off the grid are few. The rest of us have to be prepared to survive in hope of some semblance of normal commerce in essentials returns in time. This may be a fool’s errand, but it’s the best we can do.

1 year ago

A lot of us Dirt People are well aware of the degeneracy and recklessness of the Cloud People. We’re just not sure if there’s much we can do to effectively foil such destructive lunatics. We’re also far too cognizant of what tends to happen to those who violate the secular dogmas of our time; the rewards of unabashed nonconformity will be paltry at best, nonexistent in most cases, and therefore rarely justify the considerable risks. Plenty of other Dirt People, however, remain blissfully oblivious to the maniacal farce all around them. Bread and circuses have them hornswoggled to a degree… Read more »

1 year ago

When the smoke clears in Ukraine, Russia will have won and the disease in Kiev will have been eradicated. But the price paid by the Ukrainian people will have been enormous. Likely upwards of a million good men (all age ranges) will have perished or been permanently disabled. And this loss of alphas will take generations to replace. The widows and orphans will likewise be permanently impacted by this loss. And of this happened because most of these men simply allowed themselves to be conscripted and sent to the front as cannon fodder in service to a deranged US foreign… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

“… this loss of alphas will take generations to replace.”

Ah, but think of the supply of mail order brides to be had…

(Sorry, I could not resist.)

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

I read somewhere that after a major war the next 2 generations have lower IQ’s because the females have a limited choice–sort of scraping the bottom of the barrel, maybe Idiocracy is the future..

Reply to  p
1 year ago

I’ve always had my doubts about that theory. If true, how would post-Middle Ages Europe have risen to such heights, even as its sons killed each other in multi-generational wars?

Reply to  p
1 year ago

Dutton once postulated that the abundance of beautiful White women in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic states was precisely because of the losses in WWII. Now Dutton is sometimes a bit out there and one often wonders if he’s serious, but his reasoning was as follows: Marriageable men were in short supply. And as such, those remaining were in highest demand for husbands and in turn, they selected for marriage the most beautiful of the women available after the war. The ugly ones died childless. The beautiful ones reproduced. Hence more beautiful women (and men) born than normal. Now I… Read more »

1 year ago

Most of things you mentioned, indifference to soaring energy prices and trying to tax meat are all about pushing the “save the planet” agenda. It will be easier to get people to accept green energy that is unreliable and expensive once you have made traditional energy use we take for granted unreliable and expensive. A surprising number of elites are true believers in this. Sure a certain number have also setup ways to make obscene profits once these schemes get implemented, but they really believe they are saving humanity. They of course don’t notice an impact from rising prices and… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

I see this insanity creeping into those around me. Many minds were broken in the last few years. Some go nuts, others just create a useless cope. Nothing will be the same anymore but I do hope people like us are part of a pushback and return to a more traditional order.

That said, this nation along with western Europe is irrevocably changed.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

his generation would be the last to die

He may not be wrong – there may simply be no generation to speak of after him. Gaia will be happy.

1 year ago

The torpor of the overall population is something to behold. Joggers are going bonkers, politicians are going bonkers – and nothing happens. People protest and march for the right to kill babies, mutilate kids who think they’re something other than what they are, or allow drag queens into kid’s classrooms. People believed covid to be an extinction level bug and then frantically lined up to be jabbed with an unknown and untested elixir. The media won’t report on things they don’t like (such as insanely high energy bills) and lie about everything else. Fake and gay dollars and euros flood… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

It will come down to foundational comforts. Is there food in the fridge? Is the HVAC working? Can I afford housing and gas? Enough people lack two or more of these, then la revolución. Highly noticing people like us can see the end, but for most Americans, things are fine. Costs are higher than normal, but otherwise everything works well enough. To a dissident, everything is going to shit, but to normie, it’s pretty much the same as 2002 but with smartphones and modest inflation. Things have to get much, much worse for normie before dissidents get what we hope… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

We haven’t had the Euro household energy bills yet. That happening here will be a tip off as to what happens next. If there is no more than whinging on social media then the end is near. If pushback happens all bets are off and the clouds better worry.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

The truly average normies I know realize that some fraction of doom has already struck, but they can’t read the situation. The blizzard of moronic horror is blinding and relentless.

Above-average normies have been told for decades that the average man is their enemy unto death, and now they not only believe it but feel it in their souls like a calling from God (or television).

One hears howling static, the other Radio Rwanda.

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Just the usual stuff that goes down when civilisations collapse.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

“The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.” – George Orwell Really smart people like Zman and others here spend a lot of time looking for a plot or explanation regarding the ongoing sh*tshow. I’m inclined to give up looking. The actions speak for themselves and the motivations, while intriguing, are somewhat irrelevant to our plight. The question of the day is, as Lenin put it: What is to be Done? I’ve been saying here for awhile that it’s going to take a General Strike by normies/Dirts to slow down… Read more »

1 year ago

I read this last night:
“Compounding the problem, such people influence those around them, who might still be genetically healthy, to behave in similarly maladaptive ways. These are the “Spiteful Mutants” of Dutton’s title. Their behavior is “spiteful” because it damages others without bringing any advantage to themselves.”

I may be that spite is the best/highest form of leadership they have to offer at this point.

David Wright
1 year ago

Look at Macron abusive plans for the next decade on his people. What happened to the yellow vests shouldn’t it hit defcon 1 now? There are many media people even in Europe who aren’t all that well heeled to endure the outrageous high energy prices and would be pretty much affected as others. Why aren’t they coming out against or allowing some truth to be said on this. Does ideologic adherence know no bounds? The hatred of dirt people explanation goes only so far. Many of the looney Left’s adherents are dirt people also, you know like useful minions. As… Read more »

1 year ago

I dunno, Z. Your guess is as good as mine.

Meanwhile, up in Canada, deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland has the sads because some impudent Albertan told her where to go and how to get there:

If you follow the links, one is a video where the odious cankle blossom says, “Canadians saved up too much money during the Covid scam, and the gubbimint needs that money to drive an economic recovery…”.

Whatever it is, it’s getting ridiculous. If they think people are going to quietly and obediently starve to death, I think they have another thing coming.

1 year ago

Z: “the simple question about whether these people have the self-awareness to grasp what they are doing at all…” If you posit that the Oligarchs [the reptiles in human skin suits] chose “these people” to be the actors and actresses playing the roles of ostensible leaders in Western societies, and if you accept that a huge portion of all NPCs [Non-Playing-Characters] lack an “Inner Monologue”, then it would be easy to come to the conclusion that the Oligarchs chose “these people” for the roles they play precisely because “these people” do NOT grasp what they are doing at all. When… Read more »