Trump 2.0

In the before times, Bill Buckley would claim that he could know everything about a man’s politics based on his opinion of Israel and abortion. These were clarifying issues that did not easily allow for nuance or ambivalence. If you had any politics at all, you had an opinion on these issues. To some degree it is still true, but the clarifying issue of this age is Donald Trump. You cannot engage in politics at any level without having a position on the most famous pitch man in history.

All politicians, once they become famous, evoke strong opinions. This is due to the hive mindedness of the ruling class. For them, the friend-enemy distinction has come to dominate every aspect of their being. They have imposed this binary mindset on the culture so everyone, even the least informed, feels they must have a strong opinion on everyone and everything that is in the news. These opinions are moral signifiers that users wear like badges to indicate group affiliations.

Trump is something different. His biggest fans can and often do talk about his many faults as a politician. They can list all of the failures of his administration, while also praising him as a man and president. Many have fallen into a cult-like trance, but most of his fans are clear-eyed about the reality of the man. Despite his many faults and failures, they remain loyal to him because of what he represents. He is the ultimate protest candidate for people not allowed to protest.

For dissidents he has mostly been an amusing bull in the China shop, creating havoc among the beautiful people. Lots of people on this side foolishly thought he was going to be a something other than Donald Trump once he got into office, so they are still a bit salty about Trump, but they did enjoy the show. Others saw Trump as a chaos agent who created havoc in the enemy camp. The demise of conservatism was underway, but Trump swung a wrecking ball through it.

Last night Trump made it official. He will be running for president in 2024 and he is the prohibitive favorite to be the Republican nominee. The usual suspects are now rushing out to play their role in the drama. Here is state media making sure the drones in their cult know that Donald Trump hates democracy. The yesterday men of conservatism are doing their same old act. Then you have the moral panic crowd promising to be as ridiculous as ever.

Many on this side of the great divide are not thrilled by this. Again, some are still salty over falling for the god-empower stuff. Others, like RamZPaul, think Trump is too old and want someone younger. Ron DeSantis is half Trump’s age and seems to hold most of the same views as Trump. Having a young and more predictable version of Trump has obvious appeal. DeSantis has also shown that he understands government and could possibly get something done as president.

The other issue with the reboot of the Trump franchise is that his act feels dated now, like a now out of clothing style. When Trump bulldozed his way through the primaries and then the Clinton campaign, it was hilarious because it was refreshing to see someone give these people the business. His name calling and snide comments are not as funny now. His targets are just as loathsome, maybe more so, but Trump’s attacks just lack the same punch as 2016.

American politics is not kind to second acts. Pat Buchanan had a great run in 1992 but was largely ignored in 1996. Ron Paul had a similar run in 2008, but his 2012 reboot was a flop. Ross Perot is another example. Trump stands out because he won the primary and the general election, but like his populist predecessors, he will face strong headwinds from an audience not fond of reboots and sequels. That and the GOP will call in their vote counters this time around.

That is the critical question for dissidents. Is it better that they steal the 2024 election from Trump or is it better that they steal it from someone else? What happens if the GOP assembles their dream ticket of Nikki Hailey and Tim Scott only to see the magic of mail in votes hand the election to Biden? That is the other piece of the puzzle that has been ignored. It now appears likely that Joe Biden will be the first zombie to top the ballot for a major party.

On the other hand, what if the GOP rigs their primary this time and they assemble their dream ticket despite strong opposition from the voters? Pulling shenanigans on DeSantis or someone else would not get much attention. If they do this to Trump, it will be a disaster for the party. Given the corruption and incompetence of party leadership, this is a very possibility. Keep in mind that Democrats did this to install Joe Biden as their nominee in 2020, so it a strong possibility.

There is plenty to chew on for dissidents with regards to Trump 2.0, but now the debate must shift from whether he should run to how best to take advantage of it. Trump made the call and he will no doubt spend 2023 barnstorming the country doing rallies and media events to keep himself in the news. As with 2016, this has to be viewed as nothing more than an opportunity to change some minds. Who knows? Maybe Kanye West will join him on the campaign trail.

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c matt
c matt
1 year ago

What happens if the GOP assembles their dream ticket of Nikki Hailey and Tim Scott only to see the magic of mail in votes hand the election to Biden?

With that team, the Dems won’t have to cheat.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Isn’t Trump declaring this early a hedge against the possibility of arrest by the feds until they toss out the laws entirely?

Trump 2016 was fun, but we’re never going back there:

All the ’80s imagery in that cut works because Trump is a creation of the ’80s. Also because, for everyone without TDS, Trump has some entertainment value, like the ’80s.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

No. Not even a little. The Government Party will rewrite that rule just for Trump. They will pretend they never had such a rule. When shown documentation proving that they’ve had a ling standing policy against this sort of thing (see also: Hunter Biden), they’ll scream “Disinformation! Racism!” Once charges are filed, when asked, they’ll reply “We can’t comment on an outgoing investigation.”

You know the drill.

The rules will change because they need to change to destroy their enemy.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 year ago

The exception is more interesting than the rule. The rule proves nothing; the exception proves everything. In the exception the power of real life breaks through the crust of a mechanism that has become torpid by repetition.
Carl Schmitt, Political Theology

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
1 year ago

First and foremost, to capture lightning in a bottle as Trump did is extremely difficult even once. To do it again would be nigh unto miraculous. Having said that, I voted for him the last two times specifically because he was the bottle in which I hoped the lightning of dissident politics and the dismantling of the power state could be accomplished. I got it mostly right, anyway, even though Trump was scattered and unfocused once he got into office, to a large degree the result of the attacks he experience from both the democrats and the “Never Trumpers” in… Read more »

1 year ago

Trump is who is available now, what there is to work with, its a long way to 2024 AND we have proxy war with Russia and possible war with China.

Xi and his cabinet appeared in military camouflage last week for the first time, a clear signal of war. Does not mean war , but signals war.

Finally the $600 Trillion in derivatives is now imploding on its way to exploding. The Derivatives is where they hid the inflation – no longer.

Its a long way to 24.

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

Yes. FTX drags down the Bankman-Fried and associates Clinton and Schwab, major Silicon Valley VCs and a host of media. This is egg on their face.

A swift unraveling is what we need. A slow decline gives them time to gradually suffocate us.

The Greek
The Greek
1 year ago

Trump and DeSantis split the populist vote of growing disillusioned republicans/whites and bloody each other up, and it paves the way for the RINO cuck ballot of Nimarata Haley and Tim Scott. You saw it here first.

Reply to  The Greek
1 year ago

DeSantis is intended to be the splitter candidate. The eGOP keeps talking him up, and they’re too stupid to realize that we know who they are. Trump will be able to unify Republicans by calling out the splitter strategy for what it is. Republicans in Wyoming figured this out and destroyed Liz Cheney by unifying around Hageman. Some dropped out and endorsed her Those that remained were the splitter candidates.

The same will be true in the GOP primaries.

The issue is how to defeat Democrat ballot harvesting.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
1 year ago

After the last 2 years….who in their right mind would believe in voting?

Reply to  Dennis Roe
1 year ago

The covid hysteria has taught me that the majority of Americans are not of sound mind. Folks actually believe whatever the current thing tells them to believe. Normies are oblivious and just amble along with the herd. They’ll continue to voooot harder if those influencers in their online networks profess to vooooot. The contrary position of abstention will hold the others. And neither will believe the fraud staring back at the from the reality behind their screens.

Reply to  Dennis Roe
1 year ago

People still believe its politics. That ship sailed decades ago. Trump is hated. blah blah. Its out guy, they think he’s a threat etc is no different than the normie view. It is a mass conditioning experiment where you are the subject and those you perceive as victims are just playing their roles to set up the conditions. Just like the apparent victims in the milgram experiment were fake. You were the victim, not the ones being apparently electrocuted in front of your eyes. The worse the apparent victim targeting, the stronger your attachment becomes. Especially if you engender free… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

Trump looks like a time bomb. You can’t be that old and that out of shape and not have something eventually give. Look at how many obese people disappear between 75 and 85. So ideally, trump is arrested, and the stress of the situation and hearing the clink of his cell, and processing it leads to some cardiac event at 3am, resulting in his demise. Given that the right wing has been washing from one conspiracy theory to another (many of them proven at least half if not completely true) over the past 10 years, this would top them all,… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Even if it was a real heart attack it would still be murder. You think that the jail staff wouldn’t be slow walking any treatment or transport to a hospital? Something that was treatable would become fatal because of neglect.

1 year ago

Trying to engage in politics at the national level as a serious reformer is a fool’s errand. The world has been carved up by the Eyes Wide Shut crowd, and if anyone seriously threatens that they’ll turn up dead, naked and hog-tied in the Pine Barrens. I predict that DeSantis won’t run, but will stay where he is and consolidate his power. It’s a far more attractive prospect for him – he’s actually making a difference, and enjoying the poop-flinging while swirling a nice cognac and deciding which woke citadel to storm next. Like a king. This ought to be… Read more »

Reply to  Cwenhild
1 year ago

Excellent comment. DC is done and, thanks to voting fraud, so are elections. The only hope is states’ rights and a breakaway movement. DeSantis needs to let Trump do his stuff and spend his energies fortifying Florida and carving strong links with other Red states for the coming debacle.

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

Thank you. I don’t know if you watch Timcast at all (bit of mixed bag) but the subject of a national divorce comes up often. Tuesday’s guest was one Daniel Miller who fronts the Texas Nationalist Movement ( There’s an appetite for this in some libtard quarters, so mighty oaks and tiny acorns, etc…

Reply to  Steve
1 year ago

I cannot believe those in power will relinquish any of their control. They want it all.

I foresee ruthless oppression directed at whites. Implementation of a national social credit system will be the next step even though current thinking is the covid attempt at this has failed. It will be established under a different guise such as the new cold war registration effort to take stock of America’s human resources and civilian firearms capabilities. Once that’s in place, a contrlled breakaway will be impossible.

Reply to  Cwenhild
1 year ago

Great comment and it’s reminiscent of feudal lordship, which means it’s emerged before and probably will again.

On a macro scale, the republicans will never win again if they don’t start using the mail in ballot strategy. I’ve been commenting about this for two years and conservatives instantly tell me it’s dishonest. I don’t think it’s necessarily always illegal, just so effective that the polls and surveys will always be wrong from now on. Covid was the black swan event that showed the dems how effective this is.

Reply to  Davidcito
1 year ago

Thank you, and I strongly agree about the historical aspect.

Those conservatives should watch the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode ‘In the Pale Moonlight’, in which Captain Sisko crosses the Rubicon. It’s a great lesson in how total war inevitably dirties everyone up.

(Season 6, episode 19)

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Report from MAGA-land: They’re talking about going all in on cheating themselves. Charlie Kirk recently tweeted “The rubicon has been crossed. I don’t like it, but its time to win. We will build the most sophisticated and aggressive legal ballot harvesting operation in America and never let this garbage happen again.”

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

They’re fighting the last battle. By 2024 the regime will have concocted another way to steal it. Schumer is out pushing amnesty today, perhaps they won’t even have to cheat with 30-40 million new foreign voters added to the electorate.

1 year ago

Charlie Kirk, who’s become noticeably more based since his humiliation by Fuentes’ groypers concerning immigration, etc., has returned to his own vomit in the aftermath of the midterms: “I don’t like it, but it’s time to win. We will build the most sophisticated and aggressive legal ballot harvesting operation in America and never let this garbage happen again.” So… while the Dems are running their warehouse operations on behalf of purely notional voters, the Reps are gonna do the hard slogging of tracking down actual drug addicts and the newly naturalized to persuade them of the wisdom of voting conservative.… Read more »

Reply to  ForlifeReally
1 year ago

I don’t see where Kirk mentioned trying to win the drug addict and immigrant vote in your quote. All he mentioned was aggressive ballot harvesting. And if somebody is of the opinion that peaceful political victory is still possible, that’s clearly the only option.

Reply to  catdog
1 year ago

This harkens back to TP-USA’s former distinction between *legal* and *illegal* immigrants, which is a distinction without much of a difference (when you tick the voter registration box saying you’re a US citizen, no verification required). Legal ballot harvesting, if there is such a thing, is not something that the Dems will be terribly bothered about. So, the Reps could be out of the running right there. But if states’ election laws really are enforced, and the voters really have to be actual people who just can’t be bothered to vote on their own, how likely is it I wonder… Read more »

1 year ago

[…] ZMan. […]

1 year ago

Trump is not the guy.

1 year ago

Now is a good time for me to apologize to our eminences, the Zman and Citizen Silly. They were having a private conversation about judicial eugenics, and of course I interrupted with a lot of foam-flecked blather and wild hand-waving. (I had not yet read Monday’s Taki and didn’t know what they were talking about.) To be honest, I’d been stranded in the freezing Arizona mountains for near four days. I was down to one candle and my last can of butane. So, I was thinking, umm, warm thoughts. I am contrite and will avoid such unfortunate spew. The silver… Read more »

1 year ago

Trump isn’t enough. He was WOEFULLY unprepared the first time and now is bordering on ridiculous especially if he thinks the vote-counters won’t cheat again.

He’s not enough. Voting isn’t enough. Something has to happen; don’t know what exactly.

1 year ago

Okay. In one of the outer rings of Circe America something very amusing happened today. Target announced that theft has reduced its gross margin by $400 million this quarter and will reduce it by $600 million for the year. I don’t think Target even features non-blacks in any commercials. Hard to tell, I only see them embedded in web pages and occasionally passing a corp shop window or bar with a TV. The CEO is a graduate of Kellogg Business school which yesterday announced that recent tech layoffs will not be required to submit a test score for admission. At… Read more »

Felix Krull
1 year ago

I listened to Trump’s speech and the energy of his crowd is definitely muted, even the professionals working the crowds with tactically timed “YES!” and “Right!” had problems getting the pot to any real boil. One exception was when Trump said this: But as I have said before the gravest threats to our civilization are not from abroad but from within. None is greater than the justice system, the FBI and the DOJ. We must conduct a top-to-bottom overhaul to clean out the festering rot and corruption of DC. The cheer started slowly but then picked up steam and kept… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

He is, of course, correct. But, this is coming from the guy who appointed Christopher Wray and Bill Barr.

Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Not so, amigo!

My bestie told me wakes up early each day dreaming of a new way to hate Trump.

To actually see his head explode might be the capstone of our 58-year friendship!

george 1
george 1
1 year ago

IMHO Trump just looks ridiculous at this point. He may be good for entertainment value but everyone knows there is no saving America now, at least not all of America. Trump doesn’t even look like he is a serious thorn in the side of the cabal anymore.

The political structure in this country is no more real that pro-wrestling at this point. It is a waste of time to pay attention to it.

Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Z: “It now appears likely that Joe Biden will be the first zombie to top the ballot for a major party.” I am not an historian of the Presidency, but Joe Biden is at least the THIRD literally brain-dead puppet of the Frankfurt School to have been installed and/or maintained at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The first two were Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Henry Makow used to contend that the Frankfurt School turned Woodrow Wilson when it was discovered that Wilson was having a torrid love affair with the wife of a fellow professor at P-Town, and the Frankfurt… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

(psst- LBJ’s granddaughter bragged about her Hebraic great-grandparents; LBJ himself was the staunchest of supporters.

I do know he was receiving $55,000 per month from at least one mobster as license to operate in the Baton Rouge-Dallas territory; without doubt he was selling license fees to other, err, political donors as well.)

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Yes. Old LBJ was president when the Israelis nearly sank the U.S.S. Liberty and killed a lot of sailors. He did nothing in response to that except cover up the atrocity.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Keep up the good work Anna!!

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Hmm, mob connections in Dallas? Good to have a mook like Jack Ruby to untraceably point in the right direction when he had a little clean-up on Aisle 7 to expedite.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Uh, no. The Frankfurt School was founded in 1923.

1 year ago

I am having a hard time seeing a downside to any of this.

But it is way, way too early to tell how to play it.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Trump blasted open that Overton Window in 2016 by putting immigration front and center as a campaign issue to great success. Even though it was an “ILLEGAL-NO, LEGAL-YES”, message, it still shook things up.

Even though Trump won’t do it, he needs to blow things up and cause pearl-clutching by making “race replacement” the issue. Tucker Carlson did it in a way, without the racial part, but everyone was able to fill in the blank. The ADL certainly saw Tucker’s remarks that way.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Ah. Le Tuck’s sudden disappearance during an election week with a crash of the FTX bluewashing machine and a Ukie false flag to boot, must mean he is off slashing gallantly at a horde of ADL zombie lawyers.

End Times Analyst
End Times Analyst
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Speaking of disappearances, whatever happened to Mark Steyn? He’s been conspicuously absent the past few months. Is he ill?

Wanda Sherratt
Wanda Sherratt
Reply to  End Times Analyst
1 year ago

He’s absent from Fox, but he does a nightly show for GB News – you can find it on YouTube. He explained that while he likes Tucker and gets on well with him, he didn’t like the way his appearances were being steered by the management. He was being turned into the comic relief, and there were getting to be a lot of restrictions on what he could talk about. Everything serious was becoming out of bounds. He basically bowed out of the guest host role, and now only appears occasionally for visits to Tucker’s show.

End Times Analyst
End Times Analyst
Reply to  Wanda Sherratt
1 year ago


Thanks for the info!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

The current politics, as we sit in late 2022 will not be the politics of late 2024. Just as the politics of late 2014 were shattered by the Trump victory of late 2016. This country will be on a long toboggan ride over the next two years. One that does down down…down. All kinds of desperation will take hold. People will be desperate for jobs (unlike today). People with home equity will be repeating 2007-08, 401Ks will once again be vaporized, etc. People tend to get more socialistic not less as things like this happen. They want to be cared… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Even though the GOP wants to believe otherwise (desperately), there’s no putting ¡Jeb! back in the tube. A squish ticket would lose every state, “white wave” or no.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Like they lost this week’s second Steal, this time when the Dumbs came back to snatch most of the swing districts, Congress, and local assemblies?

1 year ago

[…] Trump 2.0 […]

1 year ago

When I was in college, a friend of mine and I went to this concert by this great rock band that never made it huge, but were a national touring act. It was an awesome show, one of the best I’ve seen. A year later, the same band was coming to play at the same bar. We went and while it was another great performance, it wasn’t the same as the time before. The point of this anecdote is that this isn’t 2016. Trump isn’t a unknown wrecker. His act is staler than a month-old loaf of bread. I watched… Read more »

Reply to  dr_mantis_toboggan_md
1 year ago

“notice the GOP did nothing in Pennsylvania and Arizona to fix the mail-in ballots and other issues”

Worse than that. 10 years ago we had voter id and no no-excuse mail in voting in PA. Then there was a scandal in the state supreme court, resignations, Dems took over, threw out voter id. GOP didn’t appeal, years later GOP legislature passed mail in ballots.

Sea change so dramatic I assume GOP decided to sell out the Commonwealth.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Miss Lindsay offering up a national ban on women’s Second Amendment, abortion; giving us such luminaries as a Turkish carny and an addlepated footballer…

Man, that must’ve been a whole lot more than just thirty pieces of silver.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
1 year ago

I don’t know if Trump in office again will be good for America, but it will be great for Europe. Especially so he can put his big boot of reality up the arrogant, self righteous asses of our political elites. I would predict with Trump in office, the new “phoney” war in Ukraine will come to a screeching halt. Lines will be drawn and everyone goes home. Of course liberal heads will explode, but majority of people have tolerated this woke nonsense long enough and it’s reaching a tipping point. With someone like Trump, hopefully we can drive a steak… Read more »

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
1 year ago

Moldbug is relatively good at diagnosing problems and systems but terrible at suggesting solutions. His solution for Europe is great though.
Total American withdrawal & non intervention when the French and many other military coup occur. Show the right it’s possible to end parlimentery sham system to inspire other people to do so.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Idk that he can’t (or won’t) fix anything. McConnell/McCarthy/McRomney hate Trump. Biden/Pelosi/Schumer/Soros hate Trump. The purple-haired female she-harpies hate Trump. The LGBTQWTF types hate Trump. The smarmy fake-smart, horned-rimmed glasses types hate Trump. The (((people who are trying to genocide whites/Christians))) hate Trump. At this point all I care at this point is hating back all those that hate me.

Trump 2024: Because fuck you that’s why.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Mr. Generic: I did that in 2015. I even got (and wore) the t-shirt. Not interested in a re-run or same old same old.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

He can’t and won’t fix anything because he can’t and won’t win.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

All that hate for Trump and all he can muster is low black unemployment, I love Israel, and take the shot, it’s good.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Cheers to that!

The highlight of 2016 was when Trump blurted out that the Iraq War was a “big fat mistake”. You could hear the shock as jaws dropped across the audience in that primary debate. (SC I think it was.) And with that single phrase, the GOPe was blown apart by a populist sentiment no one previously dared utter out loud. Bushes went ballistic and neocons were on the defense for a change. Good stuff.

It’d be great if Trump was more Trumpish, but I’m also grateful for what he did smash/ still might smash.

1 year ago

“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome real estate developer!?!?”

To paraphrase literally everyone in the US.

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

If it’s literally everyone, why is he by far the hands-on favorite to win the nomination?

Reply to  Gaiseric
1 year ago

Fair point.

Not sure who to hold in more contempt.

The left, which is straight up evil.

Or the Trump-gonna save us (this time), 4 dimensional chess, God-Emperor-Cross the Rubicon wing of the right, which is too stupid to tie their own shoes.

Reply to  Gaiseric
1 year ago

JEB Bush was the hands on favorite to win the primaries in 2015. That is until Trump stepped in. What I’m saying is that the front runner position is not really meaningful until the field lines up at the starting block.

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

That’s a really apt analogy. Becket himself was a turncoat – a secular bootlicker of Henry II that, when installed, completely turned on Henry. Becket himself probably changed because of gross insecurity and vanity – he became devout to the Church to counter criticism that he was secular. In many ways it is analogous to Trump. He was an insider in Washington who, upon assuming another mantle, due to massive attacks, doubled down and was manipulated by his vanity. He originally wanted to ally with Russia and get out of Middle East, and attacks on him led him to double… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
1 year ago

I’m with Citizen of a Silly Country on this one. I’m totally disconnected from it at this point. The place I live, in particular, scarcely resembles the country of my youth anyways. My neighborhood looks like a UN convention hall. It is full of mud people, brown people, yellow people, hijabs, a general genetic slurry which the entire US will resemble soon enough. I consider myself an ex-pat living in the North American Globalist Kosher Bodega Economic Zone™ (God Bless NAGKBEZ!), temporarily. All my energies are currently directed at doing what these economic migrants are doing, but in reverse. I’m… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

what countries are you looking at?

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

A lot of White Americans are moving to Mexico. I suppose they figure they’re surrounded by Mexicans and corrupt government in America anyway, so why not?

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Hungary (Orban), Italy (Meloni) are my top picks largely due to their leadership. Italy is not -much- cheaper than the States and its Western Europe / EU so has some automatic globoh0mo, but I have blood ties there and Meloni scares the leftists enough they are painting her as Mussolini 2.0, that’s good enough for me. I’m not sure either will survive long term as part of the EU but they are years behind the US due to demographics alone. Secondarily to that, any EE country. Baltics (Latvia, Lithuania, etc.) and Balkans (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, etc.) have seen what ‘the… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

Check out Romania, the German Transylvania region is cool.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  SidVic
1 year ago

Portugal would be my recommendation. Quiet, dirt cheap, people are friendly, the weather is mild and yet still very much Europe. Very white, immigrants avoid it because it’s not a hand-out country. The language is a bit of a challenge, but it depends on how social you want to be with the locals.

Brandon Lasko
Brandon Lasko
Reply to  SidVic
1 year ago

Reply to Karl: Was just in Portugal. There are a fair amount of Pajeets in the major cities and the Algarve coast, and some blacks in Lisbon.

I very much enjoyed my time there. I’ll say one thing: While there are beggars in Lisbon, and much graffiti, there is none of the squalor that has been spreading like a cancer in American cities. We felt very safe there.

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 year ago

With you apex. A few years ago I moved to one of the most rural and (of course) white areas of the country. Can’t move out, but I have moved well within.

1 year ago

Testing, how come my comments are not going through or going to moderation

1 year ago

Drumpf has no chance in 2024, nor does any Republican, including DeSantis. The “Blue Firewall” in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin will never be broken again. Arizona and Nevada are on lock too. Mostly demographics, partly fraud pushing the Dems over the finish line as well. Look for NC and GA to go blue in 2024 – then Montana and eventually Idaho and Texas. The Republicans are managers of the Red states until it’s “time” for them to flip, at which point the switch from Red to Blue is made and that’s that. Even in 2016, Arizona took days to count.… Read more »

Return of MWV
Return of MWV
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Wisconsin could have been broken but the Mooga crowd chose to nominate a goober who lost over a “good enough” who would have won.

The legislature there is solidly R and would be happy to end ballot shenanigans if only they had a Governor who would sign off.

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

You know what else is a moral clarifyer? DeSantis planning to replace a statue of a Confederate general in Florida’s capitol building with one of a so-called “civil rights” activist. The 2024 presidential race has not even begun and DeSantis has already began cucking. He is not one of us.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

His running mate would be the Pajeet slut, who also has a similar background with desecrating Southern monuments and history, so it makes sense. The early missteps and the transparency of the puppetry, nay, the visibility of the strings, shows that even the thugs who run the totalitarian state are as stupid as every other major actor in contemporary American life.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Pardon my ignorance, but I have seen her referenced by title a few times? Who is she? (I mean her name)

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

The artist calling herself “Nikki Haley”.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Oh damn I thought you meant Tulsi

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Former Gov of S.C. She famously compared Trump to Dylan Roof. As to the “slut” part: go to the “moral turpitude” section of this article:

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

We are so appreciative of Governor DeSantis for putting up the Bethune statue said the Bethune Statue Fund guy. Yeah, but not so appreciative that, “our communities”, will vote for him. Va’s Winsome Sears immediately called for jettisoning Trump with a huge smile on her face. It was on behalf of Carlyle Group’s governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin. Surely that grave dance was done to clear the way for Youngkin to get Carlyle to sit directly in the Chief Executive’s chair in The Oval Office. I think if political ads and press conferences were like sports commercials it would at… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I hadn’t heard about the statue replacement. I haven’t trusted DeSantis anyway so this is pretty much a killer for me. Plus he has all the wrong people lining up behind him. If the slut is on the ticket that’s a deal breaker in itself. I’d sooner see the current whore re-elected.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Careful! He kissed the Wall and signed a toothless statute…and then went on to break up the Juice districts aligned against him.

He and Trump’s catfight is likely the strategy of: don’t be too principled to lie to liars. Subterfuge.

Sand in the gears. Holding the Red territories until they can be flipped blue still buys us time and brings our flock together.

1 year ago

I’m just finding it hard to care any more. It’s clowns everywhere you look, and being asked to pick your favorite clown. We deserve this. Let it all burn.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

It’s Revelation of the Method: the medieval mindset eschatological occultists running the show make their chicanery so obvious, their cartoon puppets and schemes so outlandish, that people will uncover “the secret” and revolt, doing the demolition work on their own.

Kabbalists on one side, Mason Magicks on the other. Occultism has once again seized the ambitious classes.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

To wit, this is why they reduce complex systems to a tiny set of factors; for example, the complexity of environmental systems is reduced to a carbon dioxide molecule, the complexity of social relations is reduced to skin color and sex. Mixing these few factors in alchemical fashion (intersectionality), the technocratic occultists of Machine Green and Marxist Engineering are attempting spells to alter reality. That’s the thing about occultism: it is not only base, but boggiling stupid. They dream no higher of frightening, or f**king, or feeding on other monkeys. Of physical immortality, status, power, and other such picayune visions.… Read more »

1 year ago

This essay beautifully articulates my feelings on the whole scenario. I don’t vote, but I enjoyed Trump in the same way I enjoy Musk: for the trolling. Trump is now dated, and his attacks on others now are simply spiteful and nasty, as opposed to the mirthful glee that used to inform his attacks. Of course, his change in demeanor is understandable – for seven years now they have been hunting in every aspect of his life to bring charges against him – that would jade anyone. I’m serious when I say he must be one of the most upright… Read more »

1 year ago

I would argue that the best way to view the upcoming Trump campaign is by whether it hastens the collapse or not. The Republican base is solidly for Trump and will only get more so over the next two years. Trump also appeals to a lot of people who rarely vote. But he has all of the DC/Deep State, RINOs, MSM, and liberal America arrayed against him. Nevertheless, the only way he can be derailed from the nomination is via a phony criminal indictment or serious shenanigans by the R leadership in the primaries. And either of these will just… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Lightning rod. Human shield.
Sand in the gears, by sans-culottes.

1 year ago

Gotta love that NR article bashing Trump.

They acknowledge: “Trump killed off the Clinton dynasty in 2016, nominated and got confirmed three constitutionalist justices, reformed taxes, pushed deregulation, got control of the border, significantly degraded ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and cinched normalization deals between Israel and the Gulf states, among other things. These are achievements that even his conservative doubters and critics — including NR — can acknowledge and applaud.”

But he criticized the RINOs, tweeted a lot and didn’t like all the 2020 election fraud. So no.

Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

It’s hard to put into words the amount of loathing I have for National Review, especially since it was one of my first main reads as a conservative.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

NR omitted that Trump also finished off the Bush dynasty. Interesting omission, huh? Mitch McConnell is the last avatar of the ridiculous nonsense they are peddling.

1 year ago

Another thing to consider is where the country will be in two years. Economic indicators are not painting a rosy outlook over the next 24 months. Inflation, cost of living increases, and the overall decline in almost all facets of American life could take its toll on the voters psyche. As Zman noted not too long ago, the red wave that didn’t appear at midterms might have been the best outcome, as this keeps the lumbering apparatus moving, thus speeding the system’s decline. While it will probably be entertaining, the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will not change anything.… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I read a summary of the speech Trump supposedly gave and he actually did the black unemployment routine, the I’m the best president of Israel routine and of course, the word White never came out of his mouth. Guess what favorite son-in-law was right there with him? He also spent time talking about how they have been stealing the election. He has learned nothing. I’ll probably end up voting for him in the primary, but only for the LOLs.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I agree with your exasperation over Trump’s fealty to blacks and Israel, but was Kushner there? This link says Javanka will attend:

I guess that Javanka was the single greatest cause for why Trump didn’t do more of what we want, followed by his adolescent desire to be liked by the beautiful people.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

“This link says Javanka will NOT attend”

Gunner Q
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Trump’s popularity with the Orthodox portion of the Tribe was a legitimate 100.00% by the time he moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Viewing him as the Zionist Tribe candidate, as opposed to the Deep State’s Globalist Bankster Tribe, explains much of his actions and statements, from continuing to listen to his son-in-law to his stubborn vaxx-boosting to his abandoning the J6 protesters to his latest speech. The real slogan was “Make the American Golem Great Again”. Meanwhile, DeSantis ALSO has demonstrated Zionist loyalties. There are theories going around that he was only pretending Tribe loyalty in order to deceive them… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Gunner Q
1 year ago

I forget the details, but I think he signed into law some BS about antisemitism or the anti-BDS thing.

I just don’t get the constant allegiance to Israel in so many American politicians. You want to be president of AMERICA, not Israel! It is infuriating. Like we exist to please their special country. You absolutely cannot serve 2 masters.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Web search “top donors to (fill in the blank) party.”

c matt
c matt
Reply to  RoBG
1 year ago

Now, now . . . remember you are not allowed to notice. It’s bad form.

Reply to  Gunner Q
1 year ago

But he did successfully deceive them into weakening themselves. He was able to break up their districts, and to fire the infiltrators in the ranks opposing him because they no longer had the focused support from said districts.

This is mastery of court politics. And to play the game, ya gotta be in the game. He is, he has demonstrated much-needed talent, and he delivers a lot of what we want.

Look at the vote totals. From ekeing it out to landslide support. We must have kingdoms that are not inherently hostile to our living there.

1 year ago

Seeing a lot of non-support from internet Rambo-Pinochets because Trump failed to “stop the steal”/”cross the Rubicon”/etc.

There never was, isn’t now, and never will be a pro-Trump (or “Trumpist” or populist or whatever) faction anywhere in any Western government—because he is *us.*

Coup accomplished, the junta summoned soldiers from far-flung “red” provinces to surround the capitol and point their guns out at the people. Not a single one refused.

It’s good that Trump’s running. We need to *see*. Again.

1 year ago

The GOPe leaked the announcement two weeks ago that they are going to rig the primary against Trump or, in the alternative, simply ban him from participating in the the GOP primary. I expect they will ban Trump from the GOP primary in the belief that his supporters will switch their allegiance to DeSantis in the primary, then to the GOPe candidate of choice. This belief is sorely mistaken. We rubes in flyover country are acutely aware that we have been systematically disenfranchised by electoral fraud implemented by the Democratic party in the 2020 and 2022 elections. It will be… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Upvoted because the scenario you laid out is optimum.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Personally I’d rather have a Democrat than any of the swamp monsters the GOPe would want to run. Hell, they might even give Liz an opportunity.

You do have to wonder what the effect would be if the GOP offered up a Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney and there was a record low GOP turnout.
This would utterly destroy local governance. That’s really the only important downside.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

While any politics at this point (for a long time, really) is pointless, the GOP grifters fully realize Buckleyite conservatism is too farcical to sell at this point. This is why they will rig the primaries if possible to nominate DeSantis. I would prefer the Pajeet and some black step-‘n-fetchit but you take what you can get. If primary rigging is off the table, the Republican poohbahs will undermine Trump in the general and possibly help with the fraud.

Controlled opposition is hard.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I’m all in for President Herschel Elizondo Mountain Dew Walker.

1 year ago

At least the Dems appear to know they’re lying when their MSM-mouthpieces repeat for the umpteenth time that the 2020 election was the most free and fair election ever. Trumpsters who say the election was totally stolen so we’re gonna run with him again in 2024 and vote even harder this time are simply delusional. If they actually believed what they were saying, why on earth would they expect a different result next time? 2016 only worked because the ruling elites expected a Goldwater-style blowout—Trump was just too extreme. Their pollsters happily confirmed that assumption. When Trump won the electoral… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  ForlifeReally
1 year ago

> The only (non-fake) opponent who stands any real chance in 2024 would be Jesus Christ, and then only if he was unwilling to be crucified.

Jesus had a pretty bad experience with democracy once before.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

They are for damn sure “giving us Barrabas”, right? On the rare days when I have to go in, I run from Grand Central Station to the office haha.

Reply to  ForlifeReally
1 year ago

Secession is the only viable solution. Make Florida a independent Red sanctuary statement de jure or de facto.

Can’t run DeSantis as they will turn him into cannon fodder. FBI & NYT already working on it

Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago

“State”. Escusi.

Reply to  WCiv911
1 year ago

Escusi? What kind of Gramscian, commie, subversive language is that? *eyes WCiv suspiciously*

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

WCiv, slinking surreptitiously away. Have i blown my cover?!

1 year ago

Watching trump last night was like watching sons of anarchy a few years back, it was literally the last show I watched on tv. I’m embarrassed by this fact today. I got the same feeling of embarrassment last night. I realized I was watching a make believe story about stupid bikers while wasting the time I have left. Same thing last night. You do have love the absurdity of the men in professional white long sleeve Business shirt sporting a very gay black leather vest with bickers for trump center rocks though.

Reply to  Panzernutter
1 year ago

My wife kept trying to get me into Sons of Anarchy. I thought it was too ridiculous for words. Throw in the psychotic leftist Jew male lead and the Jewess from Married With Children and I couldn’t even be in the same room when it was on.

Reply to  BerndV
1 year ago

Copy that brother

Reply to  BerndV
1 year ago

I actually saw some seasons of SoA. Really was a very good example of *amoral* degeneracy being taught to the people. Really, there were no values and no relationships that were sacred. All could be discarded for whatever was expedient in the moment. An excellent example of “defining deviancy down” as Bork put it.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 year ago

I will support Trump if, instead of constant rallies, he directs all his followers to relentlessly vote harvest in swing states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. Imagine having thousands of Maga people storming houses trying to get people to fill out the forms for Trump. Leftist heads would explode as the fourth Trump guy comes to their door and asks if he needs some help filling out his ballot. He’s a smart guy, and I’m sure he realizes the election is won or lost a month before the actual election with who has the better harvesting mechanisms. It’s just a… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

The DOJ will hold the Republican harvesters in jail for years awaiting trial. That will be the end of that.

Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

They won’t even make it that far. The left will have some of it’s favorite pets go a few days without their meds and then remove their choke chain and watch the bloodbath while one of these harvesters walks up to someone’s front door.
We’ll hear the usual things from the corporate media, “The cops knew about him/he/it/unicorn”, “Family was worried and informed the local authorities, to no avail. Sorry, he/him/it fell through the cracks and the victim should have known better.

1 year ago

There was a “Treehouse of Horror” episode years ago in which all the human-shaped advertising signage—from the Pep Boys to Vegas Vic, the Cowboy in Glitter Gulch—got up and started attacking people, Stay Puff Marshmallow Man-style. Lisa eventually figured out that the only way to kill the monsters—since they were living advertisements—was not to look. She even crafted a catchy jingle “Just Don’t Look.” The point is that certain monsters can be starved by being ignored, or killed by turning your back on them. Voting (as you’ve pointed out) is one monster slayed in this way. Not signing up for… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  joeyjünger
1 year ago

There was a “Treehouse of Horror” episode years ago

Try “decades” (1995):

1 year ago

“Ron Paul had a similar run in 2008, but his 2012 reboot was a flop”

The 2012 campaign was about spreading the message of liberty and by that metric it was more successful than 2008. I may be revealing my libertarian sympathies with this cope here but it stands to reason many ended up here because of the influence of these campaigns.

Reply to  sneakn
1 year ago

There is truth in this. I ended up here because Ron Paul was a non-interventionist who I discovered in ’05 or ’06. That led to the first logical explanation of how The Fed works to enable perpetual militarism, plus the phony debt financed economy. I ended up here because of the rabid discrimination as diversity push from ’12 to now that got way out of hand in ’20. I only came to terms with The Great Replacement a year ago. I think gently presenting info on TGR to people a degree or two away from us in our personal lives… Read more »

Reply to  sneakn
1 year ago

I posted a couple weeks ago in praise of Ron Paul. His excellence was in questioning dogma. Who else questioned the Civil Rights Act on the grounds of impact in governance? Through asking cogent questions and pointing out the pernicious effects of government, he has led many to this side. I am not a libertarian, but he was the one who pulled me away from conservatism by pointing out the flaws in their beliefs. I was always a race realist, but he helped me appreciate the issues with the legal instrumentation as opposed to the moral “right” of government. In… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  sneakn
1 year ago

I recall the ZHers at the time LOLing over the Obama win in 2012 because the Ron Paul supporters were (rightly) peeved that Romney/Ryan heavily rigged the convention against Paul. They made the case that their hand sitting cost the GOP the election and in a close-ish election it wasn’t very far fetched.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Zerohedge used to have a fantastic comments section. I get your point (that it was flawed back then), but it had a nice, dedicated, educated, diverse (intellectually) group of posters. It went downhill several years ago – and I still miss Boris Alotovkrap.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Main thing I recall from Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign was the blowback comment and thinking – the guy’s right, and the only one with the cajones to say it.

Reply to  sneakn
1 year ago

People need to understand that the inner parties choose the candidates. If the delegates choose the wrong candidates they change the rules on the fly until the desired result is achieved. The “R” team did it to Ron Paul. The “D” team did it most recently to Tulsi Gabbard. Now you would think the “D” team would have preferred her to first-round dropout, zero-support, Kamala. You would be wrong.

Return of MWV
Return of MWV
1 year ago

Trump 2024 seems as dated as an Ed Hardy T-shirt

Reply to  Return of MWV
1 year ago

It’s as dated and lame as sitting on a couch, wearing a large beard and a man-bun, browsing on your iPhone 5 while watching HBO’s new show Girls

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Speaking of dated and lame, are we getting to that point yet with the ubiquitous blackety-black TV commercials? Has black fatigue set in with the normie crowd yet? (I know, probably not….sigh.)

1 year ago

Reply ↓ We are in a tough spot. National politics are effectively closed. In Pennsylvania they can run a brain dead guy and have his tramp wife openly say she will in truth be the Senator. They can slap the country in the face with impunity and they do it and they don’t conceal their glee after each sweet follow through. There are several states where the state level situation is the same as the national level. There is no point. It is territory that is gone. Do you fight the school board, which includes the teachers, the curriculum writers,… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“but now the debate must shift from whether he should run to how best to take advantage of it” It is all upside. Trump never will win or be allowed to win, even if he could win. The Deep State openly would assassinate him if there even were a possibility he could claw into the Oval Office. As I have written in the past, I will vote for the first time in years for Trump not because I expect anything to come of it, but to both register dissent/disgust and to foment more chaos that further exposes the United States… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

You know Trump endorsed McCarthy as speaker?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

I didn’t know it. That doesn’t change anything I wrote, either.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Probably the best GOP candidate at this point is: a ____. Let the democrat run unopposed up and down the federal ballot just to show the SOB’s what we the people think of ‘our democracy.’

1 year ago

Good grief.

Trump has announced just after the midterm results in order to prevent any momentum gathering to oppose the mass rigging that has just happened. Seems pretty obvious.

It completely sucks the air out of the repubs to move forwards in challenging the results.

Just wait another 2 years and forget what you just observed. Mr Goldstein is here again in his shiny hat.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

What is 4d about it. Its straight forward on the basis of timing.

He is a stooge and he is playing the same 3 card monty.

Its like talking to people round a street card game and saying that guy winning before the other punters join is the plant and being told its 4d chess that the guy is involved.

People to update their thinking out of headline politics make believe and look at actual behavior and real world effect, of which Trump has suffered none.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

You are not even in the ballpark. Trump is a placed stooge and is a willing part of the overall scam club which is the manipulation. Its not tricky. As i said its 3 card monty. Politics as real is deader than disco. Writing about Buckley or Trump as a political outsider despite the last few years showing he just plays his part is like having a discussion with a hipster grey-beard uncle about woodstock man and how it was all so real. The entire public sphere is psychological manipulation through social and mass media to create and foster control… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

You are in the wrong paradigm of analysis which is why you cannot accept it. Its not politics, its conditioning as a process and only that. there is no 4d bullshit. Take the mid terms. The reason they drag out the obvious steals in some and ensure conceding in obvious frauds in others without challenge is precisely to make it obvious and engender helplessness and frustration which become a free floating anger and anxiety in the normie repub voters. They did not just lose, they were also huiliated as powerless. They could have done it quickly, and made it less… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

The 4d chess stuff is attempts to describe spiritual phenomena without a spiritual vocabulary. Not necessarily angels and demons, or whatever. America has become fully corrupt and dumbed-down. Events make no sense, things get worse. It’s the spirit of the age.

Reply to  trumpton
1 year ago

It sucks the air out of the properly inflated “forever 32 PSI” Republican tire?

1 year ago

This is all good. For Our Thing, the dream scenario would be the GOP flagrantly rigging its own primaries to hand the nomination to “Nikki” “Haley” (or whatever Yeb! clone they come up with), only to see her get crushed by Brandon. They won’t be making the same mistake with Brandon they did with Fetterman, so they’ll run the Katie Hobbs playbook — no, His Majesty won’t be doing any debates, or any events of any kind, or even answering questions. The mere sight of “Nikki” “Haley” begging and pleading to be allowed onstage to be browbeaten by some ultra-partisan… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

“The mere sight of “Nikki” “Haley” begging and pleading to be allowed onstage to be browbeaten by some ultra-partisan leftwing hack will cause all of us to laugh ourselves into a hernia, and might even do Normie a bit of good. The whole thing will be a giant middle finger to the very concept of representative government, and I for one couldn’t be happier.”

It would be awesome if that Pajeet were the designated fall girl. Maybe she could get some black grifter like Tim Scott to run with her. The worse the better.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

Did you know Rick Scott is black AND a Republican?
I’m so happy to vote for him: now I’m not a racist.

Reply to  Mow Noname
1 year ago

This is funny bc I am straining to remember the difference myself between Rick Scott and Tim Scott. They’re just that distinctive.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  WelcomeToCostco
1 year ago

Herman Cain sends his fondest regards.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Michael Steele, waving between his gigs over there on MSNBC.

1 year ago

Times like this try my long-term optimism, but so did Obama’s second term. Pretty clearly, the game is a grind, fits and starts in one direction. Things won’t change until the game changes.

At this point I’m 100% convinced it takes utter disaster to get white people off the couch. Plagues and collapse, these sorts of things. Even then, people seem to think it’s a show until it’s a matter of life and death. Oh well.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

We are going to have electricity and running water. South African whites makes that obvious. But I’m optimist and believe that it’s gonna happen.

Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

Lose electricity and running water

Reply to  Whitney
1 year ago

Both- we’ll have ’em 6 hours a week, like Baghdad.

1 year ago

Donald Trump is the ultimate political ink blotter test. Whatever you think about the man — good, bad, or indifferent — it almost certainly says much more about you than it does about him. I perceive Trump simply as a brand and little else. He epitomizes a 21st Century media environment of style-over-substance. It’s difficult to believe that he personally stands for anything beyond his own fortune and fame. Consequently, both those who love him and those who hate him vastly overrate his significance. They yearn for him to either be a hero (man on a white horse) or the… Read more »

Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

Heck, I don’t even have to ask anyone. I just invoke the name.

Invoke Him and get a sneer or a “yeck!”, then you are clearly my enemy.
Invoke Him and get an eye roll and an apology, then you are clearly misguided and not my enemy, but not my kind of guy either.
Invoke Him and get a thumbs up or a wistful smile, then you are clearly misguided and not my enemy, but not my kind of guy either. This includes Nick Fuentes.
Invoke Him and get an eye roll but nothing more, the you might be okay.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

You basically echo my own sentiments, Marko. Those who loathe Trump are almost invariably worth avoiding. Conversely, I tend to sympathize with many of those who love him, though I think they’re investing far too much psychic energy in the wrong guy. The presidency is primarily a ceremonial position at this point. American politics and culture have a certain momentum that cannot be reversed through mere elections. No single individual, particularly one as flawed and limited as Trump, will show up and magically reform the system. We either save ourselves or we go down with the ship.

Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

“Those who loathe Trump are almost invariably worth avoiding.”

I wouldn’t pigeon-hole everyone with that assessment. I know a number of people who loathe Trump because they feel he spent too much time catering to minorities for his four years in the WH and ignored the people who put him there.

Reply to  Wkathman
1 year ago

Wkathman: Very well said. At this point Trump is the White man’s Obama – people project their hopes and beliefs and perceptions on him regardless of what he says or does (or doesn’t do). I have said repeatedly here that I do not vote and I will not vote – that will not change. I allowed myself the weakness of false hope for Trump in 2016; I try not to repeat my mistakes. Let the blacks and mestizos and juice he’s championed vote for him. Will he repatriate all those numericans who’ve arrived in the past four years – let… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

“And all those people who apparently believe moving to Florida will be a panacea – they’re welcome to their Cuban and Haitian and Puerto Rican neighbors”

Don’t forget the juice! Between demographics and immigration, FL is miraculously defying political gravity. Suspiciously so.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
1 year ago

I’m not enthusiastic, but if he’s on the ballot, I’ll probably vote for him, assuming I bother to vote. I’m under no illusions he’ll actually do anything for me, but then, he isn’t likely to declare me a public enemy, either.

So, the upshot is, he’ll at least do me no harm, and he makes people I don’t like cry.

That may not be much, but in absence of any actual alternative, I’ll take it.