The Idiocracy

Note: The Monday Taki post is up and it is related to the topic of the day. Sunday Thoughts is up behind the green door so if you do not have a subscription, get one. SubscribeStar and Substack.

For most people, travel has always been looked upon as the necessary evil, a thing you get through in order to get somewhere. That week on the beach in Florida during the winter means a day of torment at airports to get there. The trip back is extra miserable because you are tired from having fun all week. Experienced travelers, on the other hand, figure out the system and it becomes a habit of mind. You know how it works so you know how to make it work for you.

Before Covid, the thing I could see was that the system was simply overloaded at various key points. The security system, for example, had broken down. At some airports you would wait over an hour for totally disinterested TSA workers to process you through the system. In Europe, you would hustle from line to line to clear passport control, when the only actual check was a zombified worker looking at the millionth passport that day and waving you along.

Covid cured that by first reducing travel to the absolute minimum and then conditioning people to not want to travel. An overlooked result of the almost two years of stay at home orders is people got used to staying home. In overgrown metro areas like Washington DC, working at home is common. Business travel never bounced back because everyone is used to Zoom sessions now. Now, economic concerns have put a damper on the travel business.

You see this at airports. I have been on the road a a fair bit this year and the one thing I keep seeing is light traffic at airports. There are fewer flights, so they are just as full, but the number of people in the concourse is still below the pre-Covid days. The travel industry claims things are bouncing back, but they lie like everyone else these days, so I trust my lying eyes rather than their lying mouths. This year on my travels I have not run into the volume issues anywhere in the system.

I just returned from Nashville, which is a sprawling metropolis full of strangers from other stranger lands. That is a recipe for a mobbed airport before a holiday. In the old days, the Sunday before Thanksgiving would have been nuts and got increasingly nuts through the week. The reason is all of the newly arrived mountain folk would have headed back to where they belong for the long holiday. Instead, the airport was as quiet as I have seen an airport in ages.

On the other hand, something else is happening. At BWI on Friday I tried to buy a beverage at one of the shops and the non-English speaking clerk just said something that sounded like “no work” to people. The payment system was down, as best I could tell, so she was left to chase away customers. I was reminded of the scene from the movie Idiocracy where the heroes arrive at Costco. The great thing about that scene is you realize the system can stagger on a long time.

On the plane, one of the flight crew sounded like a satirical version of how a waifu would sound if it came to life. The other was a local girl, for sure. Her accent and heavy use of local slang was oddly amusing. There was a third person on the crew who was the greeter at Costco in the above clip. I got the sense that he was in training, but it could simply be that he was not allowed to work unsupervised. He liked tossing packs of snacks at people from a few rows distance.

At Nashville, the crew at the Alamo rental counter was another collection of extras from that frighteningly prophetic movie. There was no line but a mass of people waiting, so I knew right away they were out of cars. The three clerks just stared out into space like they had been smoking weed prior to my arrival. Finally, one acknowledged my existence and waved me over to his station. He silently processed my order and then grunted about the wait and pointed to the mob.

Ninety minutes latter I was handed a rental agreement by another silent type who pointed to the door. He was a tall white guy so I think he was American, but I never saw him speak to anyone, including the weed smoking fellow clerks, so maybe he was a mute or possible an automaton from Europe. They have those now. I then headed through the garage to the rental car area where there was another mob of people waiting for their rental car to arrive.

The local attendant was a black guy and judging by his accent I deduced he was a local guy, rather than an automaton from the very southern Europe area. He realized that his company was screwing these people, so he tried to make up for it by being extra nice and apologetic, suggesting he had a soul and cared about his work. It turns out that the main delayed was they were out of car washers. That was the bottleneck in the system and he said it has been a problem for weeks.

Now, I could see the check in lane. I could see at least a half dozen Alamo workers there doing nothing as there were no cars to check in. Sunday morning is when lots of cars arrive, but Sunday afternoon is when the cars leave for the week. There were, of course, the crew of zombies at the rental counter. No where did I see anyone that would be in charge of anything. What I was experiencing was systemic break down due to a collapse of the smart fraction in the system.

On the return trip I got to the airport quite early. I had booked extra time in the trip back because of what I saw Friday. I was imagining the Alamo crew running TSA and me missing my flight because of a three hour line. Instead, the airport was weirdly quiet, even for a Sunday morning. Having extra time, I asked the Southwest person if I could change to an earlier flight. I had checked on my phone and saw a flight I could get on that arrived in Lagos much earlier than my current flight.

She silently took my ID and stared at the screen for an uncomfortably long time, which did not fill me with confidence. She then said the only thing she could do was put me on standby, so I said no and expected to get my ID back. Instead, she said to me that I was no longer on my original flight. After some back and forth, I learned that she had cancelled my original flight first and then tried to book me on the new flight, without bothering to tell me what she was doing.

What I realized was the woman was not malicious or disinterested, but that she was simply too stupid to perform her job. She was clearly panicked by what she had done as she now had an angry customer in front of her. Since I have a million points with Southwest and belong to their club, I called customer service while standing in front of the woman and explained the deal. They had me hand my phone to the woman who then followed instructions to fix my flight.

I was now booked on the earlier flight and pre-boarded. Because I only use Southwest for domestic travel, I always get the A-group and usually top-10. On this flight I had been checked in as A1, so I guess they thought bumping me up to pre-board was the required compensation for the screwup. I could not help but notice that they then announced that the flight was overbooked and one person would be asked to give up his seat in exchange for a $500 credit.

In Lagos, I learned that my bag had been sent on a separate journey. I expected this given what had happened at the other end. I went to the baggage claim office and was greeted by a local girl listening to very loud hip-hop music. She silently tapped on the screen for twenty minutes and out popped a single sheet of paper with about fifty words of original content. That is right. She needed twenty minutes of concentration to enter my information into the system.

Like everywhere in the system, the thing I noticed was not the low quality of human capital at the front end. That has not changed all that much. Most frontline jobs at an airport are filled with people who show up. The real issue was a near total lack of supervision all along the way. There was no one riding heard on these people to make sure they avoided error. The 21st century has begun and the evolutionary process has changed and is going in the opposite direction.

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Promotions: We have a new addition to the list. Above Time Coffee Roasters are a small, dissident friendly company that makes coffee. They actually roast the beans themselves based on their own secret coffee magic. If you like coffee, buy it from these folks as they are great people who deserve your support.

Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start. If you use this link you get 15% off of your purchase.

The good folks at Alaska Chaga are offering a ten percent discount to readers of this site. You just click on the this link and they take care of the rest. About a year ago they sent me some of their stuff. Up until that point, I had never heard of chaga, but I gave a try and it is very good. It is a tea, but it has a mild flavor. It’s autumn here in Lagos, so it is my daily beverage now.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link. If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

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2 years ago

I have to give Z Man props for his apparent patience with all the bozos along each touch point in the system / journey.

Speaking only for myself, it strongly depends on my mood.

If i’m chipper & happy, then it all really does work itself out.

If i’m in the mindset of “these people are all morons, the system is gone and never coming back, and where are the Huwhyte people to oversee this mess?!”

I think there is some merit to the Law of Attraction.

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
2 years ago

So did you all expect the American Dynasty to last forever? Like the Roman Empire did? Oh, wait, let me think of a better example. The Han Dynasty? Nope, that ended, too, eventually. Japan under the Shogunate? Nah, bro. How about some Middle Eastern examples; Assyria, Babylon, Sumer, maybe Egypt? Yeah, Egypt! That’s the ticket. But all also ended, some rather abruptly, comparatively speaking. OK, well I suppose we should be grateful that we lived to experience the height of our dynasty, while we now hang on as best we can for the ride back down the hill. Civilizations, being… Read more »


Can I recommend
The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival (Sir John Bagot Glubb)

It’s quite short and very readable. He analyses a number of empires in Europe and the Middle East and finds they remarkable similar life cycles. All last about 250 years (10 generations). All start with explosive growth, continue through stages to wealth, then decadence and collapse, often being overrun by outsiders.

Where the US is now I leave to you to decide. (I am in the UK, we are definitely in the ‘overrun by outsiders’ stage.)

2 years ago

In a twisted sort of way this gives me some hope. It may be the eugenicists at the WEF etc have inadvertently run their project in reverse. The vaccines may cause miscarriages and infertility, thus selecting for independently minded refusenicks.

hamato yoshi
hamato yoshi
2 years ago

Of course, Chuck Schumer and the tribe have Ceaușescu mindset, to them gentile are nothing but number game

Designer of hart–seller act doesn’t consider quality of human being
so what, white people ask for it, white people deserve leader like Chuck Schumer

2 years ago

AmRen and Z Man:

The feckless Proud Boys make a surprising appearance.

2 years ago

Z: “She silently took my ID and stared at the screen for an uncomfortably long time, which did not fill me with confidence. She then said the only thing she could do was put me on standby, so I said no and expected to get my ID back. Instead, she said to me that I was no longer on my original flight. After some back and forth, I learned that she had canceled my original flight first and then tried to book me on the new flight, without bothering to tell me what she was doing.” That was awesome. Thanks… Read more »

Michael Wright
Michael Wright
2 years ago

For years my wife and I have been saying to each other every day “nothing will work right ever again”.

Reply to  Michael Wright
2 years ago

And we wonder why hispanics are gushing across the border. One way to amuse yourself is to watch how often frontline workers are completely disinterest in doing a job. TSA is the worst. But it is happening everywhere. It’s not just retail. Corporate America is filled with people pretending to work. A reckoning is coming. It won’t be pretty. What do we expect? Stupid people breed like crazy and smart people are largely barren.

2 years ago

Well the smart fraction might be working from home, and who wants to be in charge when you can’t fire people? Even if you can , you can’t find people who want to work. They want a check, sure. Not work. I had some decent experiences at Lowes last month if it helps, so decent if I hire again it won’t be from a job site but poaching other businesses employees. Job sites are a waste of time. I should mention I live in 90% plus white working class, and the good habits are the norm among all. History; integration… Read more »

2 years ago

Z – what was it like in Nashville. I’ve only driven through the place. TBH, it doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. Too many “woo-girls”.

Le Comte
Le Comte
2 years ago

Re menial task workers etc, I must say that my local Traders Joes has mostly white employees (looking very liberal) that are very helpful and pleasant.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
2 years ago

Now they’re about to change the regulations to have just one pilot for commercial flights. And on some flights it’ll be some Shanequa with diversity points just out of training.

2 years ago

LMAO 🤣 thanks for the chuckle

“Sam Bankman-Fried, a name no screenwriter would conjure because it is so on the nose.”

Reply to  Vxxc
2 years ago

I’m going to be using on the nose a lot now, and many variations of nose.

Not exactly going up against Cyrano De Bergerac.

Alexander Scipio
Alexander Scipio
2 years ago

Our rulers are on a non-stop quest against merit and for mediocrity. It’s what Affirm Act has always been about; it’s what DIE is about. Civilization cannot survive this – which is just axiomatic. But they don’t care. It’s another in a long list of reasons why Hoppe was right about democracy (“the god that failed”): it always eats the seed corn and burns the farm to ensure re-election today; it cares not at all about the future. It’s why hereditary monarchy probably is the best form of government.

Reply to  Alexander Scipio
2 years ago

Oh please. The ability of some people to avoid the tribal nature of our problems is stunning.

Sure. Our leaders wake up each morning and say, “You know what I really hate? Merit! I devote myself to destroying merit as an end it itself.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

When “our leaders” purposefully substitute dieversity for merit, that is a plan for destroying merit, whether “our leaders” are willing to admit it or not. And by the way, tribalism, when conjoined with relativism, aids not opposes the destruction of merit.

Mr. House
Mr. House
2 years ago
Apex Predator
Apex Predator
2 years ago

Topics like this and the corresponding reader responses do nothing but reinforce my resolve that I’m 100% making the right choice by being laser focused on fleeing for the exits of this slowly sinking ship. I am bright enough to understand my own ‘confirmation bias’ around this topic but even when you factor that out of the equation the evidence is fairly overwhelming at this point. We are a nation of utter retards and it is getting worse every year through a combination of massively dysgenic breeding and opening the floodgates to 80 IQ genetic mud creatures. Brazil Norté should… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Completely agree. “Utter retards” is simply the only adjective-noun combo needed to describe society.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

That hits it right on the nose.

The Hispanics hate them 👃too , however, not just joggers.

I don’t know why. Normally you have to know them first.

Also the Hispanics are quiet, but not stupid.

And they want to be actual whites, not fufus.

As usual plan Kalergi explodes in their face.

Reply to  Apex Predator
2 years ago

Best of luck AP, I’m sure you’ll get it done. We picked up a place outside the major population centers in our state a few years ago. It wasn’t particularly comfortable financially, but I figured we needed a bolt hole when the SHTF, which it will in the not too distant future. Hopefully, when the time comes, our multiple lines of retreat won’t all be cut off…

2 years ago

This essay very clearly illuminates what I experience all the time, most often several times a day, in my little corner of the Globohomo Empire. in line with the old saying that “the Devil’s in the details” this experience, by way of singling out the various details, describes it perfectly. It’s a good reminder that it’s not just me, being overly critical, cynical, cantankerous, etc. It really is this awful, far below par as the general rule, as standard operating procedure. This crap is fully entrenched at the broadest level and is everywhere going on all the time, even though… Read more »

Reply to  whatever2020
2 years ago

My son works for a large res a car company. He’s smart and hard working. He sees the kind of stuff described here all the time.

2 years ago

Yeah, but how was the Starbucks at the airport? Did you finish?

2 years ago

Similar experience for me flying through Seattle last year. Long lines, fat, surly Women Of Vibrance at the desks with no apparent management, “fast-track” check-in kiosks down en masse with apparently no IT person to fix them…a scary glimpse into our future.

Reply to  Tempazpan
2 years ago

That’s what’s going to be automated. Surly service workers who can be replaced by a terminal you wave your phone at…it’s already happening.

DGAF. You can get a job polishing the robots that took your job. I am passionate about full employment for all, except assholes with an attitude can rot.

And women shouldn’t work, because they ruin it.

2 years ago

Related: A local convenience store chain has installed a self check-out station. It’s actually pretty cool. You only have to sit your items down in a square area within the check-out machine, and then the camera system scans the items and gives you your total. There is still a clerk behind the counter, and technically they are still required to manually check you out if that is your preference. However, this sort of prerequisites that they still be attentive, perhaps offer to check you out if you wish, at least acknowledge that you are there. Instead, I’ve seen two instances… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

That hasn’t worked out well for Target. Between the first $1000 of merchandise free raiders and easily gamed self-checkout, they found out the hard way that while they loved 3rd world immigration, they forgot about high trust vs. low trust societies.

I guess that is something missed in the MBA programs.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Like board management cares.

They still get the bonus payments and if it all collapses get to move on to other similar positions until they have consumed the entire company capital, as do the other senior non function roles like HR etc.

They risk nothing. Shareholders and employees get stiffed.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

This the result of the removal of merit based hiring. Now all that matters is that you like to bang children, you have a beard and wear a dress or that you are part of the criminal race. Check those boxes and the standards are removed. Everyone I talk to recently has been noticing this, even left wing people.

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

No one wants to manage working class employees anymore. It isn’t just a job Americans are no longer willing to do, no one wants to do it. It is maddening, I have talked to people who have been in middle management of fast food and gas stations. Finding a reliable store manager is even harder than finding front line employees. The elites are so far removed from the problem, their plan is just to automate everything and hope the rest sorts itself out. I assume on the air travel side, they have stopped using regular commercial air travel and don’t… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Barnard
2 years ago

There’s been a huge increase in the number of private jets used the last few years by the elite. The same elite that lecture us about climate change and cows and nitrogen and eating bugs

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

As another “related” aside I’m currently visiting a friend in Texas and sitting in a “home style” country cafe restaurant with a name similar to “Granny’s kitchen”. I won’t be too specific or accurate because I don’t want to give the location away. It’s in a small town tucked away in the “old city” area by the railroad tracks. You get the idea. The place is decorated like you might expect, with all sorts of Texas longhorn, rodeo decor, quilts hanging on the wall, posters of Elvis Presley, Andy Griffith, all the stuff that screams “1950s White America”. The owner… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

In my neighborhood, there was a pretty highly regarded rock shop – you know, minerals, gems, fossils, that sort of thing. Well, a few years ago I guess, the original owner must have sold out for one reason or another. Now a Chinese couple owns it – they can barely speak english and I swear they haven’t changed a thing in the store – all the specimens etc., are where they were a decade ago – collecting dust. Several months ago, I found a chunk of what I was pretty sure was native copper. I went in to verify it… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
2 years ago

So did you enjoy your meal?

Reply to  Yo
2 years ago

I think there’s an old tradition where a man on death row is allowed a “last meal” request. Pretty much anything he asks will be provided him. I would imagine it’s the best tasting, most enjoyable meal imaginable, considering it’s going to be his last.

Similarly, a starving man on a deserted island would certainly enjoy every scrap of food he can find.

I’m allowed to enjoy a meal despite feeling sad that I see my heritage being ripped from me.

Yes, I did enjoy the food.

2 years ago

Reverse-Flynn-Effect + schools that teach nothing + universities that teach grievance studies = what we have today.

2 years ago

“…one of the flight crew sounded like a satirical version of how a waifu would sound if it came to life. The other was a local girl, for sure. Her accent and heavy use of local slang was oddly amusing.” Brings back memories. Waaay long ago in the good old days of regulated air fares, I joined the German-American club in order to cheaply fly a chartered Lufthansa flight to Frankfort from NYC. The passengers were Americans from all over the country—and of course, many were German and spoke the language. So the stewardesses, yes female—stewards were for ships, spoke… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I live in Appalachia — near the Ohio/WV border and even I sometimes have trouble with the accents. I’ve been at the livestock auction, the lumber yard or the tractor repair shop and literally needed a translator. I remember one time this guy was talking to the clerk at the latter place and I couldn’t understand a single word he said, but the clerk seemed to understand him fine. Not everyone’s like that: it’s mostly the old folks or the ones who live waaaay in the backwoods and don’t venture out for much. Another time I was at an airport… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

Ah, Maker’s Mark. I believe they came out–so to speak–in favor of heauxmeaux “marriage” a few years ago.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

No doubt. They’re owned by Suntory, a big global corporation, and all big corporations are globohomo.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Thanks for the latest entry to my boycott list. Have you seen the latest IHG commercial? First scene, well-dressed pulls up in a fancy Euro sports car where a subservient white male valet rushes to get the driver door as Mensch Trayvon swagger out. The scene right before my remote went through the LCD is an effete guy in jammies toasting his champagne in bed with his bearded lover with a bunch of other treats strewn on the sheets, desserts, fruit, etc.

All my Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza bookings are now in the past.

Reply to  Vizzini
2 years ago

“Strine” (Australian) is the hardest to understand, their ay sound is pronounced as I, so for mates, they say mites, and for weight they say white. The same for I, it’s pronounced oi, as in oi’ll be goin now Mite..

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

In all my trips to Germany, the most common language in use, second to Love, was Progressivism. But then Germans are pretty well equipped with English, as it is the globocommerce language – and the native tongue of Baywatch. So, stumbling with German quickly leads to that funny look on their face and then ‘in English please’. They have little patience for Rosetta German 1.0. Even better if you happen to learn German in Swabia or Bavaria, which the Berliners love to remind you is not proper German. Could be worse. You could be speaking French in the Alsace. Or… Read more »

2 years ago

[…] The Idiocracy […]

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Friends in the Orwellian named “hospitality industry” encourage me to complete all international travel in the next few years. What you experienced with car rentals and flight staff will spread soon enough to cockpits and air traffic control. It is hard to stay attentive while you are tending to chartreuse talons and prayer beads, apparently. Domestic travel has arrived at its predictable destination now. I have expanded my default car travel time from eight to twelve hours. Living in a hostile society, it is sort of comforting to know low skillsets mark most of its potential foot soldiers.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

As an addendum: the decline has been ongoing for nearly 40 years. As a young guy, I traveled and worked to and in East Asia and Oceania. The two primary carriers to that region then were Northwest and United. Northwest, at least, would use its shoddiest equipment within the lower 48, and upgrade to newer, shinier things to travel between San Francisco or LAX to Singapore, for example. The quality of the crew went up markedly on the leg between the West Coast and Asia as well. LAX was an utter disgrace and even the airport in Port Moresby was… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

My first wife was tarded.
She’s a pilot now.

2 years ago

So you have the smart people working at home because their work is so important it can be done at home. Let’s call it the crypto economy. Then you have the real economy, which is falling apart because of the dumbing-down and smart people doing the crypto economy thing. The crypto part, I’d wager, is that nobody can explain what real value there is to. I’d expect the crypto economy to be exposed as another scam, like the crypto markets are. Society is splitting between neglect and scammery. Neither is very smart imo. Kind of goes back to what I… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Paintersforms
2 years ago

Agreed. The physical basis of our civilisation is key — water supply, sewage, growing food, transport, housing, and so on. We need plumbers, electricians, technicians, and engineers. We can’t all be writing Python and C++ code, or trading in financial derivatives and crypto.

Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Just tried to renew my passport, and found out the renew online options is still more or less in the experimental phase. It says: “We are temporarily opening our online renewal service to new customers beginning on Sunday, November 20 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Thank you for volunteering and testing our system during this limited release.” In the Year of Our Lord 2022 the most rich and powerful government in the world hasn’t streamlined renewing a Passport online yet, it still being in essentially beta. I think of Twitter releasing 2/3rds of its employees and things actually improving, including… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

logically that would mean it was being run out of twitter itself.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet. It is no longer BC and AD. No. Christ is no longer the marker. It is BCE and CE (Before Current Era and Current Era). It is a nowhereville, bereft of cultural markers. I suppose that presents an opportunity for us as much as them. They clearly want to impose a new marker. However, this is the moment where maybe that sad sack from Judea is replaced with something more closely related to our history and pre-history. In the meantime, like the holidays, I will always say and write BC/AD as I always say and write Merry Christmas and… Read more »

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

“However, this is the moment where maybe that sad sack from Judea is replaced with something more closely related to our history and pre-history.”

The current year is -1 B.R., Before Ragnarok.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Christmas is celebrated around the same time as Saturnalia, with a feast and gift-giving, if not sacrifice 😆 Easter has its fertility motifs on top of the Resurrection, not to mention how it’s dated according to astronomy (astrology?).

Point being, the West is the merging of the Christian and the pagan, both of which pre-date it. We already have our own tradition, staring us all in the face.

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Time to watch the annual playing of WKRP “Turkeys Away” episode on YT. “as God is my witness I thought turkeys could fly”..Happy Thanksgiving all, and don’t forget the use one, buy one mantra, get the Easter turkey now..

Reply to  angelus
2 years ago

I still love that show, but it always brings to mind the episode where Venus teaches basic chemistry (the composition of an atom) to a “fella” using gang terminology. And of course the kid picks it up in a heartbeat when it’s translated into his language, because they’re blank slates who suffer from white bias in school. Of course, the live studio audience whoops it up as this hits them right in the feelz.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

They were doing this indoctrination back then eh? I remember the Family Ties episode where a good friend of Stephen’s from the PBS station, a black dude, moves into the neighborhood only to be harassed by some bigots (threatening phone calls, a breakin complete with illiterate graffiti (‘whits only’)). The guy was such a good friend that we never saw him or his family in any other episode.

Re WKRP I always thought Bailey was hotter than Jennifer. I love the hard rock closing credits theme song.

Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

I know that episode. Of course Alex is completely horrified by the racism in his community, because good little conservatives fall right in line with their progressive masters.

And yes, Bailey was attractive but Jennifer was a bombshell.

Publius Americanus
Publius Americanus
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

BCE = Before Christ Existed
CE = Christ Exists!!

Your Mom
Your Mom
2 years ago

I travel 2-3 times a month and can relate to this except it’s American instead of Southwest and Hertz instead of Alamo. At this point, despite me being at the upper tiers of their rewards program, it no longer provides me with any advantages. I get to stand in a special line but I don’t get special attention that theoretically happens for being at their platinum or five star loyalty programs. The only reason why I haven’t moved on is because the competition isn’t better. So I might as well keep accumulating meaningless points and get the occasional free first… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Alamo, National, and Enterprise are owned by the same company. Not sure about Budget.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

There are only three rental car companies in the west (I’m not sure about Asia).
Hertz, and
Fox (which is owned by EuropeCar)
Every brand you have heard of is owned by one of those three or is only in a few markets (Advantage).

The collapse is coming, however. New five year asset backed debt for these issuers has gone from less than 2% this time last year to 3.8% last spring to over 6% today. What can not continue will not continue.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

Nonsense. All of my asset-backed paper, regardless of coupon, is rated AAA. I plan to retire next fall, and nothing is going to get in my way. One of the visible contractions of commerce el collapso is that so much of the ‘diverse’ economy defined by perpetual growth is that its like a one man play in real time. There’s a huge production of money and little hats behind the scenes but it can be acted out under a dim bulb by a guy making day scale. Yet the actor is the only real part. The rest is in the… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Screwtape
2 years ago

Remember that ratings are always backwards looking. I was laid off from my ratings agency gig in mid-2008. Left plenty of “AAA” ratings in place because the year end 2007 numbers looked (and were in fact) perfectly fine.

Your Mom
Your Mom
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I have the Hilton Honors program and at the platinum level, I get a Nestle Pure Life water and a couple of Lorna Doone cookies. I get to park a little closer too but the spaces are usually full so it doesn’t matter. You are right that Hertz and Avis are owned by the same company. The last time I got a car, there was just one guy manning the Hertz desk and despite being in the Hertz Gold line, the guy treated it like first come first serve so I waited a good 15 minutes. I did provide some… Read more »

Reply to  Your Mom
2 years ago

Ah! Nestle water! Remember when The Left hated Nestle for stealing all of the water from around the world from poor indigenous peoples living nobly in harmony with nature? Isn’t it amazing that all they had to do was put a rainbow flag on the bottle, add a new stripe once a month, put black people in the commercials and they could, “steal the indigenous people’s water”, in perpetuity? Moreover, those activists can now drink unlimited amounts of Nestle water. Every last drop is keeping the white man’s oppressive knee off of the world’s neck. Yum! Yum! Guzzle! Yum! Yum!… Read more »

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

It doesn’t even have electrolytes.

Reply to  Your Mom
2 years ago

I stayed at a Hilton Double Tree this last weekend. They gave me a nice cookie and a couple free beers. Best hotel service I’ve had in ages, so that should tell you a lot.

2 years ago

From the Taki post: “The thing that pushes the story into the land of make-believe is that some of the world’s smartest investors were suckered into the scheme.”

“World’s Smartest Investors™”

In keeping with the theme of the day, “Don’t worry, scrote. There are plenty of ‘tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was ‘tarded. She’s one of the ‘World’s Smartest Investors™’ now.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Despite regarding work much as a garden slug might view an approaching salt shaker, Layabout has some familiarity with the working world. In most cases the firm posts its most attractive and at least passably competent hires as receptionists, counter staff and suchlike as they are what the public mostly sees. The less appealing are in the back office, the warehouse etc. So to summarize today’s pessimism, if my observation be generally true, it means that as bad as Z’s experiences in airports may have been, just imagine the cretins that lurk unseen: the convicted felons that handle the luggage,… Read more »

2 years ago

The smarter the technology gets, ie. Shiny gadgets doing the thinking for us, the dumber we get. Previous technological leaps spared us physical toil, which was not causing much intellectual devolution. I will see Z-man’s tale and I will raise even more idiocy with my experience with iirc Northwest Airlines. This was in the 90s when I loooooved to travel, checking in was so easy, changing flights ditto, I could carry on the giant turkey and champagne my employer gave all staff for Thanksgiving, flights always on time even when there was weather. So here I am having wrapped up… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  La-Z-Man
2 years ago

I’ve always hated plane travel. One of the first times I ever got on a plane was in the 90s. I got seated next to some 400 pound man whose body mass was spilling all over me. He coughed non-stop from Dallas to Philadelphia. I was down for a week and a half. Couldn’t even get out of bed. I was in my 20s then.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Inside every fat person there’s a thin person screaming to get out, most likely the original occupant of the seat beside you.

Reply to  Ploppy
2 years ago

Looking recently at old Perry Mason and Jackie Gleason tv shows, what we thought was terribly overweight then is now just ordinary looking..

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
2 years ago

Are you saying there were things before covid that could make us very sick for a week or more? How dare you spread the misinformation?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Something is definitely going on in the STEM labor market because for the past few weeks I’ve been getting 1 or 2 unsolicited recruitment contacts a day from my LinkedIn profile.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Yep, I’m beginning to believe we are experiencing proof of the “Critical Fraction” theory—or alternatively the ”Peter Principle”. We simply are running out of folk with the ability (IQ) required to handle even the most mundane jobs in a 1st world, technological society.

CF proof may be a bit premature as it’s confounded quite a bit by or poor education system and “Prajeev” imports, but PP seems to be apparent and is expressed at all levels, particularly the day to day interactions we all must encounter to live.

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

The Indians and Chinese are staying at home. There’s absolutely no value for them to come to the United States. Nor does the US lose any value by them staying in their home countries. The nonsense over the years that has been spewed that they come to the land of the free, and the home of the brave has been exposed as meaningless. Everyone knew that they came to get rich. Now that they can’t get rich here they stay in their homeland and not have to change their habits and customs. Oh they are still coming but it’s at… Read more »

Reply to  Yo
2 years ago

Yo: Perhaps in your mind or your locale, but they’re still pouring into DFW daily. Husband was the only White in the bank the other day. I’m routinely outnumbered at least 5 to one in the grocery store. They aren’t coming for Chinese-made ‘bling;’ they are coming for Whitey – and his women and his civilization, which they now claim they built. They are taking your children’s spots in higher ed, in jobs. They are running in elections to ‘represent’ you. They are determined to have it all.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

We’re getting the trash from around the planet, people who couldn’t cut it back in the home country. Literally Mexicans who couldn’t figure out the high-demanding lifestyle of being Mexican. Along those lines there’s that Taliban dude on alt-social media who was taking some grief about his fellow “countrymen” living in the U.K. and he was like “you don’t get it, they’re there because if they were back in Pakistan these people would be put to the sword”.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Yes, we are sending you the people that are at the bottom here. Mind you, with exception of the gangs, most of them are not a problem here. They don’t produce much, they are not given much. They figured out that, by moving to the States, they could keep on not producing much while receiving much more. I don’t blame them. Wouldn’t you take money if somemody gave it to you for free? Their duty is with their children. Americans get angry because they take from American children. But why should they care for American children more than American people… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Ditto for my leafy suburban paradise. Indians and Han.

That being said, my new next door neighbor is a white, American born plumber. His dog’s name is Remington “like the shotgun”.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

There was that college comedian, no idea his name, who got in trouble for his joke on campus about five years ago. The joke boiled down to: “All these women are taking gender studies and telling other women they need to become engineers. While don’t they stop lecturing and just do it themselves?”

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

“All these women are taking gender studies and telling other women they need to become engineers. While don’t they stop lecturing and just do it themselves?” Generic and worthless advice on the part of the women. More specific advice would be to take the math and physics options at high school, making sure they take calculus and mechanics in high school — preferably AP calculus and AP physics. If they haven’t got this background when they leave high school, they won’t be able to hack engineering courses (even if the engineering programs don’t specifically ask for a calculus or mechanics… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

Best piece of advice that I got but didn’t follow: As a 26-year old physics major, just completing my first semester of calculus, when the professor (an actual one) told the class, “If you are a math, physics or engineering major, and you found this class difficult, you should change your major. This was easy, compared to what is coming.” I DID find it hard, but didn’t change my major. It was a bad mistake. You are absolutely correct on getting the math early. It’s important to get the brain used to working in that way while it is still… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

@Wild Geese

Yep, same here. I’m an iOS developer and I get inundated with recruiter messages daily. What’s funny is it probably pains them because I am everything they hate. Straight white males who won’t fill their desired quotas. The truth is, they can’t find any black engineers. I’ve been at my current wokeness center, er, I mean company for 3.5 years and we have interviewed exactly one black candidate. Ironically, he was decent and he decided to take another opportunity.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

Jeebus, can you imagine being a black engineer (one who actually is good) in today’s climate? Talk about the world being your oyster!

Reply to  Outdoorspro
2 years ago

Have you considered your metaphor is racist? I mean – would a marginalized individual understand the Shakespeare reference. And, may I remind, pearl’s (the “glory” of the oyster) is white. You are simply reinforcing white supremacy. Bigot.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
2 years ago

You’re quite right. Outdoorspro should have said, the world is his watermelon.

2 years ago

Been thinking about knee replacement? Cataracts removed? Cruise around Tahiti?

Do it now!

Do it now before before they put a hip in your knee, operate on the wrong eye, or your ship springs a leak. Things are only going to get worse.

Reply to  WCiv911
2 years ago

WCiv911: Yup. This is why we had our 22 year old recently get laser eye surgery (he’s healing nicely, thank you). Same thing with a friend’s extensive dental work. Do it now before the last of the White professionals vanish, or their services are reserved solely for the diverse and woke and vaxxed.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Agreed. I’ve moved to a new city and am now looking for an old white mechanic to replace the old white mechanic I had in my old city. Pretty soon they’ll all be dead.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

It’s a shame that we—at least me—hopes to die before falling prey to such fears.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

You mentioned this in a thread previously. What I don’t understand is why would you send your 22-year-old who is just beginning life and who would benefit from accumulating cash at this point to get a cosmetic medical procedure which is not covered by insurance /and has the expected attendant surgical complication risks when eyeglasses are perfectly fine .

Reply to  Yo
2 years ago

Yo – eyesight surgery is not cosmetic. Glasses break; prescriptions change. They no longer make the lenses on site in the big box ‘vision’ stores like they used to. Precision lens grinding is not exempt from diversity and idiocracy.

And while he has quite a tidy sum saved up from working (he has few needs or wants, unlike his older brother) we paid for it; we aren’t ‘spending our kids’ inheritance;’ we are using whatever we can to benefit them NOW.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Yo
2 years ago

I’m with Yo on this one. Your son literally wagered his eyesight, even if the risk was small, for purely cosmetic reasons and for a correction that will only be for a limited time.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
2 years ago

Ben: While we recommended the surgery, it never would have occurred without our son’s informed and active consent. The fact his father and brother both had it successfully a number of years ago factored into his decision. He is also somewhat withdrawn and socially awkward and ditching the glasses has made him much happier and noticeably more self confident. And we don’t consider 25 30 years of excellent vision to be a ‘limited time.’

While we recognize the number of negative results (of anything) is not zero, we do not consider we risked his eyesight. YMMV.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  WCiv911
2 years ago

An older gentleman I deal with is going through some intense medical treatments. Although rough, it’s hard for me to feel any sympathy for him since when I get to be his age the hospitals will just give me a piece of charcoal to burn in my car for my “treatment”. We won’t even get to watch TV while we die like they did in Soylent Green.

2 years ago

Zman, this all fits with my comment last week about AINO’s ‘future collapse’ . . . happening NOW. This is constantly kept front and center for me in daily life in diverse DFW and reinforced by my online skimming. My husband has always verbally agreed, but personally experienced it this weekend in a way he’s hitherto avoided. Since things still pretty much work as usual in his job/field, and people follow the rules, regulations, and workarounds, he just subconsciously assumes the same situation applies in other white collar businesses. Quite a rude awakening. And he’s now fully accepted that none… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Did someone say “convention”? Here’s a darkly humorous social commentary by 70s punk rockers The Dead Kennedys: “The Prey.” Not a punk song at all, musically it’s more in the style of jazz.

honky tonk hero
honky tonk hero
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I was astonished to see how much Dallas had changed since I was last there in the early 2000’s. I was at a convention at the DFW Sheraton back in March and a fella from Arkansas whom I hung out with had his truck stolen right out of the hotel parking lot. Must have been pros to be that quick and brazen. They even had one of those retarded security robots roaming around the lot. Of course it was fired the next day, haha.

Nathan Cleburne
Nathan Cleburne
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

I’ve used USAA for nearly 30 years and can certainly tell that the quality has gone way, way down. They were one of the early pioneers of online/mobile banking and when it was first released, it was very easy to use and just a great product. The app now is a clunky mess and everything is hidden and you bounce around screens to complete tasks that previously were completed in one or two steps. Their app has all the markers of being outsourced to Pooland. Same with customer service. I used to could call and speak to some nice people… Read more »

Reply to  Nathan Cleburne
2 years ago

Nathan Cleburne: Every USAA ad (on tv, on their website) features diversity and stronk wahmen almost exclusively. When you’re on phone hold you are now forced to listen to black voices chanting “U-S-A-A” thump thump. Every live rep we get connected to is black, mestizo, and/or female. They demanded an additional multi-page letter (within five days of receipt) to further buttress our claim for a disputed credit card charge from a Patel motel that we did not stay in. When my husband considered a loan for paying off an auto lease, they informed us that due to ‘federal regulations’ we… Read more »

End Times Analyst
End Times Analyst
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

With some dismay, I constantly note that more and more interactions must be done online. Your questions or problems can’t be resolved by a phone call or — unthinkable today! — a face-to-face meeting. In so many situations you have to fill in an electronic form, not sure if you’re doing it right, or “talk” with a bot pretending to be a human customer service representative. Good luck if it hasn’t been programmed with answers to your particular concern. It hadn’t occurred to me before reading about today’s topic that the managerial class has designed a non-human interaction system because… Read more »

2 years ago

I don’t like to travel anywhere I can’t go in a pickup truck with a .357 under the seat. That means I don’t fly very much. I’m not afraid of flying, I like aircraft. I’m afraid of being completely at the mercy of the airline system and being herded around like an animal by very stupid, apathetic, and usually nonwhite cowboys. The push toward more “diversity” in the cockpit isn’t exactly a selling point for me either. I’ve only flown commercially a handful of times, and while I’ve never had any bad experiences — never lost luggage, never missed a… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Xman: This. Husband and I both flew a lot, domestic and international, for many years. His first flight was at age 6 months; mine at age 5. Neither of us fear flying and used to enjoy the convenience and little luxuries of travel.

Now, we share all of your concerns. The diversity in the airports and on the plane – and moving into the cockpit. Concern about maintenance. Placing oneself at the mercy of a system one no longer trusts. Covidiocy. Driving now sucks too, of course, and then there are those pesky rules about crossing state lines with firearms.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

There is a federal statute that says you can cross states that prohibit certain firearms etc as long as they are securely stored … locked case etc. Thus, you can’t be rousted if you’re crossing, say, New York with your trusty AR, as long as you’re headed across that state. Don’t have details at my fingertips, but it’s worth looking up.

Reply to  PrimiPilus
2 years ago

PrimiPilus: Thanks; hubby has already done that. One location he must travel to isn’t bad re firearms; the other is terrible. If it’s locked in a case when you need it on the road or at the gas station (both locations are a long two-day drive away), it doesn’t do you a whole lotta good. Same when out in an unfamiliar big city and you cannot concealed carry.

ann thompson
Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

… another thing – I hate mingling with all those ugly, dressed like ragbags, slobs out there; the airport, restaurants, concerts, the mall. What is the matter with people that makes them choose to look like beggars rather than civilized human beings taking pride in their place at the top of the evolutionary ladder …

Reply to  ann thompson
2 years ago

Uglification. Clothes, tattoos, speech, thought, art. music etc.

It interlock at all levels.

Reply to  ann thompson
2 years ago

Yep. I still remember when folks actually dressed up for an airline flight. I’m that old…. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I’m old enough to remember when you could simply walk into any airport and walk right up to the gate to greet arriving relatives or say goodbye to departing ones — or just to look at the cool airplanes twenty feet away outside the window — without running a gauntlet of tattooed, surly, armed government thugs herding you through naked body scanners and searching your luggage and demanding you remove you shoes and belt as if you were in prison, and even then ONLY if you have a “boarding pass” and three forms of ID and everything monitored from every… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Thank W Bush for that. Thank the Israelis for supplying all of the equipment that you pay for and the training in anti-terrorism to the TSA as well.

I suspect that someday, if the evidence emerges, we’ll have them to thank for the mass immigration undertaken while they were building their middle eastern ethno state.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

I remember when people didn’t go out in public wearing pajamas.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ann thompson
2 years ago

It is arguably the greatest irony of the postmodern West that as it becomes more technologically sophisticated it becomes more aesthetically and culturally primitive. The populace are a wad of hideous savages plucking away vapidly on devices that took three millennia of civilizational development to produce. The civilization will soon be on the ash heap. The primitivity will remain.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 years ago

Ostei: The old trope of monkeys on typewriters eventually producing Shakespeare has become the reality of pavement apes on sail foams producing ebonics and emojis.

Reply to  ann thompson
2 years ago

Ha! Ha! Ann Thompson. A while ago I was at a restaurant. Our server was beautiful, probably early 30s, southern girl. She was a top professional in her service, knowledge, genuinely friendly hospitality … After serving our aperitifs we were relaxing. Then, out came a hermaphroditic being carrying a tray. It came towards us, and I could see it was carrying our appetizers. As it drew closer, I could see that it, in addition to the obligatory long pointed glitter painted fingernails and arms full of prison etch-a-sketch quality tattoos, it had taken a blue eye color pencil and drawn… Read more »

End Times Analyst
End Times Analyst
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

I checked out the Virgin Atlantic commercial, which I thought I was prepared for. No. This is beyond pozzed (is there a word for that?).

The hell of it is, the passengers on an actual Virgin Atlantic flight are probably normal, nothing like the horror-movie characters in the video. So if the commercial has any effect on the flying public, it’s likely to make them think, Eeww. I’ll stay away from that airline.”

What a strange marketing philosophy: shoo off possible customers to show how fashionably decadent you are.

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Funny how everything always distills down to freedom of association, or lack thereof. Restore that right and suddenly we can put together an airline by and for white people. Or a car rental agency, retail shop, hospital…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

Never be allowed to happen. White people are the cause of all of the plight of black people, yet when we voluntarily want to get away from them, it makes us monsters. They all realize that without white people to build and run things, they can’t survive. This is why I openly hate them. They are parasites that prey upon every society they are a part of.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tired Citizen
2 years ago

This is true even of sub-Saharan Africa. Were whites, and to a lesser extent Chinks, to withdraw totally from that part of the world, it would depopulate and go back to bush within five decades. But, according to Leftist holy writ, irredemably rayciss whites leaving negroes to their own devices is a mortal sin. It is our duty to clothe ourselves in blackness to suffocate our whiteness.

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Indeed, being at the mercy of a system you no longer trust is awful. I get out of the rental car parking garage on to the road and breathe easier. Another poster mentioned the horribly attired. One thing I noticed was all the american blacks dressed like they were ready to play Emergency Basketball (EB). Basketball shorts, basketball shoes, t-shirt. You know, just in case, while standing in the TSA line, someone tossed a basketball into the throng, these guys are willing and able to play some round ball to save the day. African blacks were usually business casual, though… Read more »

Reply to  roo_ster
2 years ago

“One thing I noticed was all the american blacks dressed like they were ready to play Emergency Basketball (EB).”

Saw some black kids doing that very thing in the middle of Walmart a few days ago… they grabbed a basketball off the shelf and were dribbling it and chasing each other through the aisles while their mother ignored them.

Of course the white employees literally looked the other way…

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

Agree. I’d rather belly land in a pumpkin patch with a blindfolded White man at the stick than have to walk from one terminal to another in most major US airports. Getting on a plane these days is like parachuting behind Normandy but without your boys bobbing in the bay with full bandoliers. Situational awareness and make yer peace. I only arrive early at the gate as to assess which of the pox, mutants, and invaders I will have to vent with my sandwhich toothpick first should things get strange. But to Z’s point, the last few years just mean… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
2 years ago

“I’m afraid of being completely at the mercy of the airline system.”

The airline system, the healthcare system, the judiciary system, the university system. . .you name it! All are seeming more and more hostile.

2 years ago

Space travel will go the same way. In the 60’s, the Apollo astronauts had to be the best of the breed – academic excellence, top physical condition, acute situational awareness. All the astronauts had to be pilots, all had to be electrical and systems engineers, all had to be chronic overachievers. The mission parameters for Artemis are going to be much different. The vast majority of the effort will be run from Mission Control on earth. On board computers capable of incredible scan cycles, complex algorithms and advanced data acquisition will reduce the crew to little more than passengers. You… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

I know for a fact there was a basement full of colored waymins doing all the hard maffs to make it happen!

Reply to  KB_TX
2 years ago

I have a co-worker that believes that movie to be fact. He is actually an intelligent guy in his field. I told him actually it was the imported Nazis from Germany that got us there.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  wj
2 years ago

That sounds like a conspiracy theory to me wj. Why would Hollywood lie to me, I bet you have another intricate conspiracy theory to explain that too. SAD

Reply to  KB_TX
2 years ago

Strange. I had heard from a trusted source close to the matter that Popeyes delivery drivers had to sign pretty airtight NDA’s.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

I was wondering what the big deal was with Artemis essentially doing what the US did nearly sixty years ago. You have stated it perfectly. Alas, I fear the same diversity you speak of is behind the entire program with all the potential unhappiness that entails.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

Hmmmm…. now that I’ve turned my powerful intellect on the problem… no, we will never see an idiocracy. We will destroy ourselves first – or at least, cull the legions of unsustainable stupid people. Consider: for a time, we were seriously considering a nuclear exchange with Russia – over what basically amounts to an illegal money laundering scam run by a pedophile president and his crack headed son – and his closest fart catchers and sycophants. Kerry, Pelosi, Romney et al. They are all geriatrics suffering from varying degrees of dementia and/or moronacy. We may get lucky and survive the… Read more »

Reply to  Glenfilthie
2 years ago

“We will destroy ourselves first – or at least, cull the legions of unsustainable stupid people.”

Those who took the Pfizer/Moderna/Johnson/AstraZeneca shot seem to be voluntarily exiting the gene pool at an earlier departure date than normal.

And the sterilizing effect ensures that more of their kind will not be born.

2 years ago

This scenario of incompetents repeats itself nearly everywhere. Gas stations, supermarkets, big box stores, et all. These job functions used to be basic skill-sets that most 16 year-olds could master, yet now all we see are low IQ people in their 30s unable to perform elementary operations of business. How we haven’t started seeing Cholera breakouts and more lead exposure in water supplies is a small miracle. The link below is from the Tracey Ullman Show where she portrays a teenager starting her first job at a taco restaurant. It used to be a funny skit on a dysfunctional workforce,… Read more »

Reply to  ArthurinCali
2 years ago

Wasn’t it The Tracey Ullman Show that premiered “The Simpsons”?

Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

Why yes it was. They were short “bumpers” between the main skits before The Simpsons the series started for 1990.

2 years ago

Some time post-2015, Trudeau seems to have fired all the white staff working airport security. They are every flavour of foreigner, and most don’t speak English or French as their first language. There is usually one token lesbian white woman. The airport ground staff appear to be entirely Somali in many airports.

I’ve been questioning the fitness and safety of the whole system based on this alone. Most people don’t seem to be bothered though, they aren’t supposed to notice these things.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Yup. I have a buddy who flat out refuses to fly now. He had the same problem with blown flight schedules and lost luggage that Z did…and apparently it’s been going on for a long, long time.

I was shocked to hear Westjet has gone to the dogs.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Pattern recognition is a bi&%h ain’t it, read the book version of The Running Man by Richard Bachman aka Stephen King, there’s a section where the protagonist sees people slowly and subtly drifting into attack positions and goes on high alert looking for an escape route, that’s me every day walking to my car–eyes on a swivel all the way. The master door lock gets hit as soon as my butts in the seat, and I have a apple corer (it has a razor sharp tip plus serrated edges and a wooden handle so you can both stab and slash)… Read more »

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

Recently at Heathrow. Every security guard and customs agent is Pakistani. Had an off airport car rental. The airport shuttle came only once per hour, and it looked like ours had departed minutes before we got there. A shuttle stopped and we asked the driver to clarify if the shuttle/bus for our destination came once per hour. She was dressed like we were in Rajasthan as were most of the passengers. We needed a passenger to translate. We took an Uber to the rental car joint. Drove up and it was a Holiday Inn. It was about 1:15 on a… Read more »

Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

PeriheliusLux: A glorious civilization and nation brought to its knees. My heart breaks for the heritage English.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Mine too. I would share a story of just how badly demoralized and cowed the British are. However, it is a bit too personal for this forum. They are the kind of stories that a novelist spends a lifetime trying to invent – ones that are rich in irony and tragedy. Yet, they are way too real. I would add that they are not just the heritage, they are in fact the indigenous population. Yet another irony a novelist would search a lifetime for. The Anglo-Saxon diaspora in Canada, Australia, America and New Zealand perform land acknowledgements abrogating claims on… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  PeriheliusLux
2 years ago

Excellent, no TDLR, read the whole thing.

Reply to  B125
2 years ago

The humiliation ritual is internationale food court now. It used to be just the curdling aroma of Panda Express violating Cinnabons behind the Sbarro’s but now the pungent vapors of all the dark continents linger well past security. No need to go to India for that yoga retreat or Africa for that safari. Just book a flight from LA to JFK with a long layover in DIA or HOU. If you want truly authentic – and to make some friends in coach, grab the Combo #3 and eat it in flight.

Publius Americanus
Publius Americanus
Reply to  B125
2 years ago

BCE = Before Christ Existed
CE = Christ Exists!!

2 years ago

Nice. I arrived at the in-laws a couple of days ago. I don’t think the G-20 learjet is going down. When I see a tv screen, do an internet search, see a billboard or a magazine, my stomach now automatically goes into revulsion and my gut into a rage. They are the revulsion and rage of seeing The Great Replacement. My in-laws are people for whom money is status and status is money, even if they live in a way that they can’t afford. I entered a high-rise beachfront apartment and saw a, “Palm Beach”, magazine on the coffee table.… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

> They are and will carry on like it is 2019; at least until the Visigoths have had enough.

Friendly reminder that the Visigoths were high-IQ peoples who set up functional successor states to the collapsed Roman Empire in the areas they eventually settled. Have a nice day.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 years ago

That was the exact point of my comment. I believe it is the point of ZMan’s picture heading too.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RealityRules
2 years ago

When the SHTF, it will be the Cloud-adjacent hardest hit. At least we have experienced and prepared for what lies ahead. I get the anger, of course, but that level of delusion is not healthy.

2 years ago

Before travelling this Thanksgiving, make sure to stop off at Saint God’s Hospital for your sixth Covid booster. Bring a friend and you’ll get fifty FTX credits for the referral. Also, make sure to report anyone not wearing a mask as an “unscannable” and you’ll get a coupon for a full release latte at Starbucks. And remember: Brawndo’s got what plants crave, and many things are a threat to our democracy. Actually things are much worse already than in that movie. At least President Camacho could read what was on the teleprompter, and because he was all roided up I… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 years ago

I think what made a lot of viewers uncomfortable with the “semi-banned” film, “Idiocracy” was that while it was ostensibly set five hundred years in the future, it was too uncomfortably close to current reality to laugh at. There has been at least one sci-fi story relating to declining human quality — Kornbluth’s “The Marching Morons” comes to mind, which I recall reading as a teenager in the mid-’70s. There may be others. That you don’t want low IQ people reproducing is what was behind the eugenics movement of the initial decades of the 20th century. Or at least you… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

I just read “Marching Morons” in the last week due to a recent reference by Z Man. The story, written by C.M. Kornbluth in 1951, is an angry story about the consequences of dysgenics. It feels less like a work of fiction and more like a platform for the author to make his point. Finally, I can’t help but note that the author drops many signals of his membership in the tribe. “You were a blind, selfish stupid ass to tolerate economic and social conditions which penalized child-bearing by the prudent and foresighted. You made us what we are today,… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  LineInTheSand
2 years ago

You are absolutely right about Kornbluth’s Tribal membership. No matter, it’s a masterful story and relatively short. I recommend a read even if SF is not normally your thing. I’d agree that in general, most fiction incorporates at least some version of an author’s prejudices. Fiction is often allowed to utter truths (“gets away with” might be more accurate) unpopular (in a “free” society) or downright prohibited in ages of authoritarian censorship For those interested, follow LineinTheSand’s link and search for “Wait a minute”. This is immediately past the earlier quotes. In Kornbluth’s future the intelligent feel some compassion for… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

Arshad Ali: Read “Harrison Bergeron.” Says a lot in only a few pages.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

Okay, I’ll give it a go.

Reply to  3g4me
2 years ago

3g4me, exactly. HB is more closely on spot wrt our present situation. A mixture of high performance and low performance individuals is what we had three generations ago, prior to the Civil Rights act. Ignoring for now the influx of low IQ “immigrants”—we heretofore had groupings/pairings of like with like. If you were gifted enough to educate yourself at the college level, you were likely to meet and married another of your level. That there are innate differences between people, i.e., inequality, is anathema to the Left so now we have the “great dumbing down of the institutions”—public and private—in… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

“Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend, we were all equal in the end.”
— Pink Floyd

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 years ago

Zman: the drive from Nashville to Lagos in one of the nicest in America this time of year and it’s only 10 hours. You should have driven and caught up on back podcast episodes of Cotto-Gottfried haha….

I have a “6-hour rule”: If I can drive it in 6 hours, I’m not flying. If it’s a nice drive, it’s a “10-hour rule”.

2 years ago

The thing that gets me laughing ever time, is when that Pete guy Starts talking about what a great job he’s doing because he’s convinced 60% of the airlines to get you a free meal and a blanket if your flight is canceled. Nothing about the system being examined or changes being made to fix the actual problem. Hilarious

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Small signs of ongoing devolution in these parts:

This weekend, a couple with a young child at my storage facility who piled their possessions in front of the only elevator door as if no one else would need to use the elevator that day.

Ironically, this particular elevator has been on the blink for weeks.

At the post office, I attempted to buy stamps to mail some letters at the self-serve. It was out of paper so only e-mail receipts were available. Then, the machine failed to print any stamps whatsoever.

2 years ago

Interesting post as this year was the first time I actually had to fly somewhere in over nine years. The Lovely 🥰 Mrs. is a white knuckle “Death Grip” flier so if we can’t drive there in a day’s time, we ain’t going. Ironically enough, I had to travel for business as my client wanted all staff on site. So in August and November I’ve flown from Flatlandia, USA to Boston, MA, and then rented a car to drive up further into New England to my client’s HQ. Here’s my experience: 1) Airlines have reduced everything to the lowest common… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

We thought that traveling entirely by automobile would save us the hassle of an airport,.
The Interstates are so packed with trucks the inevitable accident happened up ahead jamming the roads, that accident was finally was cleared up only to encounter a long stretch of closed lanes due to construction.
There is more money for the Ukraine than improving our transportation system, we are fully in the looting phase now.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
2 years ago

I’ve taken to using less traveled Interstates, like the NY Southern Tier rather than the Thruway.

Heck, I’ve even returned to using two-lanes. You’d be amazed how little traffic is out there. Yes, it adds a bitvof time, but the entire driving experience is far less stressful.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I-86/Rt. 17 is always to be preferred to the Thruway. No tolls, no traffic, and the scenery is fantastic. I used to do the same thing when I lived in the Imperial Capital. On return trips to WNY, I would never, ever take the PA Turnpike. I’d head west on I-68 until I got to the two-lane Rt. 40, cutting through plenty of small towns in southwest Pennsylvania until it got you to Washington, PA, at which point I’d use I-79 to Erie. And even there, I probably should have taken Rt. 219 all the way through rural PA until… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  KGB
2 years ago

If you were in the imperial capital, KGB, why not just take rte 15 to Corning, then head west on either 86 or nw on 390?

There is of course 417 as well, the old southern route, now destitute with unproductive farms and ruined, demoralized towns such as Jasper and Canisteo. If you happen to be headed to Rochester, though, rte 21 n out of Hornell is a real treat. Absolutely delightful country.

Reply to  Steve W
2 years ago

Route 15 is a peach. I have driven it between Corning and Williamsport many times. What a gorgeous stretch of road.

Back in the 80’s we used to take Rt. 417 from Salamanca to Olean on our way to play hockey, not a long distance but I have fond memories of it.

And if you’re heading west, you should take Rt. 5 next time, instead of Rt. 20. From Silver Creek, NY to Harborcreek, PA, it’s a wonderfully scenic drive, with the lake one side of the car and vineyards on the other.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

I always take US 20 down to the PA line rather than get on that Orwellian surveillance thing we call the NYST. Which was supposed to go toll-free in 1997. Thanks, Pataki.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 years ago

Taking 96/96a down through the inter-lake region to Binghamton, via Ithaca, is one of my great driving pleasures as a western NY’er. Another, driving to Fort Drum via 104 and rte 3 to Watertown, along the east shore of Lake Ontario. It’s actually faster than the thruway and 81 (if you have balls).

2 years ago

The best part about flying coach is the cultural enrichment. Now some would say using an iPad/iPhone to listen to music and watch TikTok at full volume without headphones would be annoying to fellow tube-travelers, even rude, and possibly against clearly posted airline regulations. Thanks to the miracle of infinite high quality recording devices linked to a world internet, airline crews are terrified to tell these noble cultural ambassadors to put on a headset or shut the damn thing off. Might cause an internet sensation requiring (additional) cultural sensitivity training and massive fines. Disrespectin’ might be implied….can’t have that for… Read more »

Chet Rollins
2 years ago

One of the most shocking experiences for me was comparing airport experiences in different countries. My local airport luckily isn’t terrible aesthetically, but with only mediocre staff. The problem is you are always connected to another American airport that is a complete hellhole. Then you fly to Amsterdam, where everything is immaculate looking and completely streamlined, with competent staff and clockwork efficiency. Italy was efficient, even if the staff could be rude. Our airports I would put on par with the one I took out of Bangalore, India or Lima, Peru. If you flew into the U.S and just went… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

You think O’Hare is fun? Try Midway.

If you can get to it. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Flew out of both when we lived in Silly-nois. O’Hare FTW.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

True, we used to get stuck on I-55 trying to get to Midway.

I flew into and out of Logan this year for business. Did you ever have to travel through there and if so, what were your thoughts?

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Logan is awful to get in and out of. As big airports go I think the port itself is good. TSA being terrible I think strongly correlates to volume. I use TF Green from now on. Easy to drive to and from or take the train. No long lines, no TSA hassle. It’s like Manchester with a closer location.

Strange thing: Portland International in Oregon appeared to have the highest awards from TSA in consecutive years. Don’t know what that means in reality/practical terms.

Stephen Flemmi
Stephen Flemmi
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago


State Troopers: Yes

MassPort: Big Yes

Reply to  mmack
2 years ago

For the full experience fly into Midway and take the Orange line to Millenium Station and then the South Shore to South Bend.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Same with internet speeds abroad.

Same with cell phone costs abroad.

Same with restaurant service (esp in Europe…better service, keep the table all night, no tipping)

Americans who travel notice things.

(European hotels are tiny and the A/C sucks though)

Reply to  ProZNoV
2 years ago

PoZNoV: 35-40 years ago I found it ‘quirky’ that I had to specifically request ice water at all English and European restaurants. Now, unless we’re deep into White, rural AINO, we have to do the same here.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

“Even what we consider to be the third world is often better than the US.”

Morocco — in North Africa — now has high-speed rail.

The key metric is investment in infrastructure — new infrastructure and, equally importantly, maintenance of old infrastructure. The USA is lagging in both. It also, incidentally, does not invest in human capital. For decades the US ruling class has been looting and plundering — but not investing anything back. This is the neoliberal model. That’s why the much ballyhooed “Build Back Better” rhetoric of eighteen months ago was such hollow baloney.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

The Minnesota muslims at Minneapolis/ St. Paul certainly bring that friendly Mogadishu vibe to weary travelers.

Reply to  Mow Noname
2 years ago

“Inshallah”…coming to an airport near you.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

Chet, the airports in Lima and Bogota’ are way nicer than almost any airport in the US now.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

Likewise for Panama City, Santiago, and Buenos Aires. These are not large airports like O’Hare or JFK. But they’re well-maintained. There is no miasma of fear and paranoia. And the quality of people — passengers, customs and immigration people, ground personnel — is superior.

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 years ago

The airline industry started in the US. So the Airports are older than most other Countries, adding I diversity now is making it worse

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

O’Hare is the most soul-crushing place on Earth.

LAX and JFK are giant parking decks.

The entire Third World flies to JFK and clogs the baggage claim. Returning from Paris or London, you are far better off flying to Detroit, since the airport is the one thing that still runs fairly well in that misbegotten city.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Chet Rollins
2 years ago

“or Lima, Peru.”

What’s wrong with the Lima Airport? I was there in 2014 — perfectly fine airport, albeit with perhaps only one runway.

The airports in much of the rest of the world are head and shoulders over anything the US now has — e.g., Istanbul’s new airport.

Chet Rollins
Reply to  Arshad Ali
2 years ago

You’re right, it was incorrect of me to consider it equivalent to U.S. airports.

2 years ago

I imagine places where joggers are abundant are going to have more of these types of issues. But even in the relatively jogger free area where I live, the decline is becoming more evident. A new store I’d never heard of – CAL Ranch ( similar to Tractor Supply) recently opened. When I checked out, the overweight, nose ringed cashier was blabbing with a couple of co-workers. She looked at me, scanned the items, put them in a bag and got back to her conversation w/o saying a word to me. I don’t recall that ever happening before, especially at… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

“the overweight, nose ringed cashier”

I like to be friendly with clerks if they reciprocate. A problem that I’ve had for the last ten years is that some of them are too repulsive for me to look at.

Reply to  usNthem
2 years ago

try not pulling out any form of payment until they make eye contact and speak to you..

John Q. Publick
John Q. Publick
2 years ago

Here in Croatia, I am seeing a very concerning trend towards what I experienced in Egypt when the system broke down there. Trash is beginning to pile up in quantities that were unheard of before. I sense that there is a breakdown here, maybe just a nervous collapse because of years of unending crises. And the inflation is such that no one is working because their pay hasn’t risen to match the inflation so they are just, like you said, showing up. Lots of anger, frustration and exasperation in the air.

2 years ago

I have noticed it too and as these IQ-ly challenged folks have probably been terrorized into not making any kind of independent decisions, I find it easier to simply TELL them what they have to do in order to get through my transactions with them. It’s actually painful to me to watch someone tentatively picking out change slowly at the register while I have already calculated my return change amount in my head (and yes that’s why I still use the cotton rectangles, stickin’ it to the man). I also notice the words please and thank you are missing and… Read more »

Karl's BA Fries
Karl's BA Fries
Reply to  p
2 years ago

Body shop owner I met said he’s unable to find anyone willing to do the apprenticeship to learn the trade. Guy makes big money, but said he would have made double if he could find the help. His youngest worker is 50. “No one wants to work anymore.”

Lot's wife's smarter sister
Lot's wife's smarter sister
Reply to  Karl's BA Fries
2 years ago

it’s not that they can’t find labor, it’s the stifling government regs that prevent people who have made ONE mistake from ever ever being able to get hired again in their life…

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Karl's BA Fries
2 years ago

“No one wants to work anymore.”

What he means is that cultural attitudes have changed and young people are no longer willing to go through the slow and arduous process of apprenticeship, with the close attention to detail that that involves. Today’s cultural outlook is the diametric opposite of the kind revealed in Matthew Crawford’s “Shop Class as Soulcraft.”

Reply to  p
2 years ago

No one has ever wanted to work. He needs to pay well over $20/hr to compete with McDonalds across the street – and he needs to train guys.

I’ve offered $40/hr for untrained apprentice handymen and had no luck. Frankly, that’s barely enough to live in my metro area.

2 years ago

50 years ago, being the manager of a car rental operation at BWI would’ve been a solid gig with the ability to support a large family in a nice neighborhood.

Now I suspect it’s a chump job filled by some guy always looking for other work, another management position, and the pay is certainly not keeping the wife happy.

David Wright
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Seinfeld did a great bit on car reservations years ago.

It’s funny cause it’s true.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

Yep, soon enough it won’t just be that these are jobs Americans don’t wanna do [lol]; rather, there with be a surfeit of jobs the new American cannot do.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

I laughed at the recent headline “Layoffs mount, and Main Street still can’t find any workers to hire for open jobs.” So, they are simultaneously laying off workers and experiencing a job shortage?

They are being forced to lay off white collar workers yet can’t find enough laborers to work at poverty-level wages.

Reply to  thezman
2 years ago

If you are a competent white male with mechanical skills or can do math well and a good work ethic, you can do financially well in the future. The mass retirement wave of baby boomers cannot be filled by a lot of immigrants (no matter how “skilled” they may be) and a lot of young, white men (who are either lazy and/or unskilled).

What do the Chinese call it? “Wei Ji”? Disaster and Opportunity. There is definitely going to be both in the future.

Reply to  MartyEv
2 years ago

The young white guys who went into STEM and trades are making boatloads of money. Unfortunately, most white guys followed their guidance councilors and John Oliver type life advice, and ended up indebted and on drugs.

But yes, for guys like me things can be lucrative.

Reply to  MartyEv
2 years ago

Having spent my life in the technical side of the tech industry, I agree with your forecast with a few qualifications.

First, unless the economy crashes and forces draconian cost cutting in staff, you will be at the mercy of the HR department. If you say something unpopular online, for example, “men in dresses are still men,” then you become unemployable in tech, unless you are in the top 10% of your peers.

Second, you will be greatly overworked, 50+ hour weeks on average, and your work-life balance will suffer a lot.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
2 years ago

It may not be chump change. There is a high likelihood no one will take the job at a substantial salary. Congress, of course, wants to import more foreigners to do the jobs the non-American workers that have flooded into the country won’t do. As 3g wrote below, the collapse is now. While people claim, perhaps correctly, there is lots of election theft, people are too stupid and idiotic to count and work the polls, too.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 years ago

Absolutely. Here in the (once) great State of AZ, stories abound of the mistakes made at the polling centers by the controlling staff on duty—they simply do not know their job! And no, it does not “come out in the wash”.

Again, whether or not there was enough provable *fraud* in the balloting and count, their is no doubt that the system is corrupt.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
2 years ago

My favorite part was one of the Maricopa election officials proclaiming the count a remarkable success. Admitting failure is not an option in any realm of American life. I didn’t vote, of course, but if I had it would have been foolish to think it would have been tabulated correctly.