Doomsday Approaches

The shadow that has hung over the Ukraine war is the fear that it could lead to a direct clash between Washington and Moscow. Given that both sides have large arsenals of nuclear weapons, conflict could lead to Armageddon. Compounding things is the fact that Biden cannot stop talking about nuclear war. Given his mental condition, this suggests that he is often in earshot of the decision makers, who may be seriously discussing the possible use of nuclear weapons.

The dynamic of the war thus far has been Washington poking Moscow hoping for a response, which it can use to justify escalation. First, they said that they would not supply Ukraine with Western weapons, then they sent Western weapons. Then it was long range guided missiles. Now we see modern tanks being prepped, with discussions about F-16 fighter jets on the agenda. All of these weapons transfers are intended to provoke a response from Moscow.

The proof of that is the fact that none of these systems can make a difference on the battlefield for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that the West has designed its weapons to be used in combined arms warfare. Alone, these weapons are not terribly useful and may even be a hinderance to the Ukrainians. The M777 howitzer, for example, is known for being maintenance heavy. Giving the Ukrainians these weapons just adds to their onerous sustainment burden.

Of course, the “cry out in pain as you strike” tactic is the regime default. This is used domestically and internationally. It goes back a long time. In his ongoing criticism of Washington with regards to the war in Ukraine, Douglas Macgregor likes to remind people that the Roosevelt administration did everything it could to bait the Japanese into launching an attack on American assets. They needed a reason to get into the war and that was viewed as the best avenue.

When you combine the psychological instability of the people running the war for the regime and the long history of provoking adversaries, the prospects of a nuclear holocaust start to look better or worse, depending upon your perspective. If the usual suspects stick to their usual patterns, it means they will keep provoking the Russians until they get the desired response. That desired response will justify some further provocation eventually leading to all out war.

The first question to answer here is what response from Russia would warrant a direct attack on Russia by NATO? The obvious answer is an attack on NATO. This is why the Poles rushed to the nearest microphone demanding war with Russia when the Ukrainian missile landed on Polish territory. The Polish president knew the plan and assumed it was go time. It turned out to be a Ukrainian missile, but the incident confirmed the thinking within the West.

Assuming the Kagan cult has concluded they need a Russian attack on a NATO country in order to launch their nuclear war, what would the West have to do in order to provoke such an attack by the Russians? That is turning out to be a tough question to answer, given what the West has done thus far. Russian people have been attacked in NATO countries like Estonia. Russian assets have been seized. The West even engineered the assassination of Alexander Dugan’s daughter.

Over the last year, the West has done a number of things that would justify a response, but so far the Russians have been careful to avoid the trap. The closest they have come to a direct retaliation was the missile barrage after the Brits set off the truck bomb on the Kerch Bridge in the Crimea. Given that the missile attacks on the Ukrainian power grid have continued, that may have been a coincidence. The missile barrage would have required advanced planning.

The fact is time is on Russia’s side and they know it. Every day this war goes on drains the West of vital resources. The Pentagon is already making noises about the Ukraine war harming its ability to deal with China. The war has also exposed the fact that Europe has let its militaries and arms production go to seed. Germany, France and Britain no longer have a military for all practical purposes. It will take them years to fix the problems, even if they find the will to do so.

If the Russian have a very high tolerance for provocation, then the question flips around to the other side. What limit is there in Washington? Where is the line that the people running policy in the Biden will not cross? Given that regime players have been gleefully talking about “de-colonizing Russia” for the last year, it is hard to imagine a red line that they would not dare cross. If you are bragging about your plans to regime change Russia, you probably have no red lines.

Now, there is another angle here. This could all be the result of a bluff that has badly backfired on Washington. The initial taunts before the war were not intended to bait the Russians into launching their operation, but were a bluff. The subsequent economic sanctions and arms shipments were a further bluff. Washington was telling Moscow that they were in it for the long haul and would stuff Ukraine with arms. The hope was that Moscow would reconsider and retreat.

It is entirely possible that the Global American Empire is facing a catastrophe in Ukraine because the Russians called their bluff. It is also possible that the Russia misread the signals coming from the West. Given the mistakes they made early in the war, it could simply be the Russians read things the wrong way. They not only did not see it as a direct threat to intervene, they assumed it was just the usual hot air. One side was bluffing while the other side did not see the bluff.

Either way, once things got going the regime seems to have fallen into a form of the sunk cost fallacy.  They invest in new bluffing strategies in order to save the investment in the previous failed bluffing strategy. At this point, the Russians know the limitations of the West in terms of time and material. The huffing and puffing from the West is seen as a bluff, one that can easily be ignored. Will Washington accept this reality or pivot to some desperate action?

That last question could decide the fate of the world. At this point it is clear that the Ukrainians cannot win. The death toll is staggering. The Russians cannot be bluffed or bullied, so what does Washington do next? Do they try one last desperate attempt to provoke the Russians into something foolish? Are there any sane people left in Washington who can step in and stop this madness? The fate of the world may rest on the mental stability of the crazies who started the war.

Regardless, it appears that the neocon scheme to de-colonize Russia is reaching a denouement in the coming months. Ukraine is running out of men to throw into the meat grinder and the West is running out of machines. The war will end in 2023, but how it ends is the question. Can Washington find some way to strike a deal with Russia that Russia will accept? Have the Russians concluded that no deal can be made with such untrustworthy people? We will know soon.

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1 year ago

[…] Posted on February 2, 2023 […]

1 year ago

[…] Doomsday Approaches […]

1 year ago

“Can Washington find some way to strike a deal with Russia that Russia will accept?” Signs are beginning to surface that the less crazy faction of Washington do perhaps seek that deal. Were I Russia I’d say: fine. We take so far as Odessa. You restore Nord Stream fully. That’s the deal. Of course all launched enterprises for the creation of alternative international institutions, an alternative to the dollar, and so on won’t stop. Neither will the cleansing of the Motherland from agents of foreign, hostile influence. Only the war will end. That’s what I would say if I were… Read more »

Reply to  jjsjsjnennennebe
1 year ago

The Kagans are behind it all – in other words the Deep State = those we are not allowed to criticise. Mrs. Kagan otherwise called Victoria Nuland. Who are the people of the Ukraine? Are they Christian? If so why are they fighting the other Slavic Christians? Are the being forced to fight their Christian cousins by Jews such as the Kagans? Remember Kaganvich who went to the Ukraine to steal ALL the food of the people so that they starved in their millions – it is called The Holodomor when literally at least 15 million human beings died of… Read more »

Reply to  Astraea
1 year ago

christians have been duped to kill each other by the jews for thousands of years culminating in both world wars

1 year ago

“Poles rushed to the nearest microphone demanding war with Russia when the Ukrainian missile landed on Polish territory. The Polish president knew the plan and assumed it was go time.” Little bit of nitpicking, but I’m afraid Z is a little bit off the mark here. I’m not sure what Z means by “Poles”. Support for war with Russia is in a fraction of one percent of general population, word “war” has a little bit different connotations in Poland. But to put it in a proper perspective, find a craziest liberal lunacy in America, and imagine someone saying that Americans… Read more »

profesor Zazul
profesor Zazul
Reply to  Polack
1 year ago

Swieta Prawda !

Reply to  Polack
1 year ago

“Poland preparing to invade Russia has been a trope in Russian propaganda for as long as Putin is a thing.” – this is an outright lie. Viewing Poland as a minor power trying to provide any necessary provocation for some major conflict was and still is the attitude.
“Poland invading Russia” – please, go look at yourself in the nearest mirror…

Reply to  Poslan
1 year ago

““Poland invading Russia” – please, go look at yourself in the nearest mirror…” I just shaved, and I really like what I saw in the mirror, but OK, I know what are you getting at. “Viewing Poland as a minor power trying to provide any necessary provocation for some major conflict was and still is the attitude.” Yeah, well, you phrased it better, I’ll give you that, although I don’t know how did you get so emotional, the only difference are details. Years back I met some guy in National banquet hall in Brighton Beach. He said he was a… Read more »

1 year ago

I don’t think the nukes fly for many reasons : 1A: it would interfere with their plans to starve us all to death. 1: china own most of america , and russia won’t nuke their partners stuff. 2: china owns a huge part of our politicians . they will not want their stuff nuked . 3: our military leadership is compromised. remember that metrosexual miley bragged after the election that he had told the Chinese he would warn them if trump planned anything against them. 4: Global finance holds paper on almost all the assets that would be destroyed 5.… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

What’s that you say? Nukes could hit the biggest and most diverse liberal cities in the USA? Say no more

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Davidcito
1 year ago

You had me at “everybody in DC”.

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

“1. they are old and have not been maintained.”

Good point. At this point, the techs who were capable of the never-ending maintenance are all retired or dead of old age. The money for maintenance is likely being spent on “new stuff” that will never be produced. The US defense budget isn’t spent to build weaponry, it’s spent to line the pockets of the producers, who don’t actually produce anything except Power Point presentations.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 year ago

in terms of improving fitness, would a nuclear exchange be a ‘bad’ thing?

fires improve the health of a forest.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

In this case I think probably not. If the nuclear exchange was Africa vs the Middle East that would indeed improve fitness, but that’s not what we have here.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

People who breed successfully in our most violent, ruined, and starved environments are pretty bad at everything but breeding.

What nature smiles upon and what we want aren’t much alike.

It’s a problem.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

it’s so much a problem, as it is a rule.

Mr C
Mr C
Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

Is humankind evolving into a parasite? Maybe we are the death throes.

1 year ago

Next to last line says it. “Untrustworthy”. Russians are paranoid enough. We’ve fed it for years by breaking commitments—mostly around NATO expansion—with Moscow. The “Mannerheim” moment has passed. Folks forget that when the Finns picked up the Continuation War with German help, they advanced to the original border then refused to budge. Despite Hitler and the General Staff threatening and haranguing Finland to advance to Leningrad via the “back door”, which would have resolved the siege in the German’s favor. In the postwar construct that made Mannerheim a “trustworthy” party. Finland remained intact, independent, neutral, but armed to the teeth.… Read more »

Reply to  SamlAdams
1 year ago

Same with Switzerland. They remained neutral and armed to the teeth. They were useful however in certain ways to both Allies and Axis. But the lesson was learned and strictly followed. Tend to your own affairs, but don’t be a pussy.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

And it looks as if the Swiss are about to toss their neutrality away. Not smart.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

The Swiss were among the last to give their women the right to vote. 1972? Something like that? Too bad. Half their electorate is incapable of understanding the concept of neutrality. Their weak minds aren’t hard wired for it. They’re unhappy unless in some kind of herd. They get involved in others’ business. Neutrality is a man’s concept.

If we do have a nuclear exchange it will be precisely because of busy bodies like Victoria Nuland. At least in the aftermath of nuclear winter we would have men in giant fur coats running the show again.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Russia holds all the good cards now in Ukraine. There is not much good reason for them to negotiate with people who have lied to them at every turn. In the short term they could save some Russian boys’ lives, while awaiting the GAE’s next gambit, once it has had a chance to catch its breath. Right now it is flailing. So the sensible Russian position should be to carry on and let it flail. If the GAE truly is being led by deranged people for whom nothing is beyond the pale, well, you can’t do much about that can… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I agree that those troops are, in part, there to deter NATO. But they’re also useful in spreading out the Ukrainian forces and making the slow grind job easier. If it’s easier to encircle strongholds due to fewer Ukrainian forces, you save a lot of men and then just pound the encirclement with artillery. Anyway, I agree that there’s no reason for the Russians to push a large, mobile offensive. Just keep doing what they’re doing but more of it. Put pressure in more spots, but use the same tactics. Also, the Russians would be stupid to agree to any… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

In large part the world’s trouble stem from the very fact that a century or more ago various peoples were allowed to literally go beyond the Pale 😈

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

Read “Two Hundred Years Together” by Solzhenitsyn and you will conclude that the Neo-Bolsheviks better known as the NeoCons are absolutely mad and without a shred of humanity but powerful due to wealth stolen by central banking and other nefarious methods. They installed the Biden Regime in a rigged election and own most of the so-called “leaders”, actually puppets, of the western world. The Russians who saw over 60 million of their population slaughtered by the Jewish dominated Bolsheviks under the former USSR understand very well what they are up against. And this time they will not lose…at least not… Read more »

Reply to  wdg
1 year ago

To add to your on target assessment of the neocons, yes they are insane, and arrogant as well. they have been running our foreign policy at least as far back as Bush the elder, and a reading of wulfowitz manifesto that the PNAC published shortly before they took total control under the Cheney administration tells one exactly why we are here today. Now they are doing whatever it takes to turn China into an enemy also partly because of the Chinese partnership with Russia, but also because the Chinese are rapidly overtaking the west’s control of the world economy. So… Read more »

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
1 year ago

I don’t think we need worry about all out nuclear war. Nuclear war isn’t profitable. Even if you’re a billionaire Rothschild type and have one of those fancy bunkers that can keep you alive underground for a few years, what sort of world would you be living in after you leave the bunker? Who is going to service your Bentley? Who will be preparing your seven course meals? Who will be cleaning your heated pool? Who will grow your artichokes, your avocados, your olives? Who will raise your Kobe beef or mix your martinis? And, stomping on all of those… Read more »

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
1 year ago

Hey ML, it’s always good when you swing by. I’m going to point out again that your reduction of everything to the profit motive causes you to misinterpret the world.

“I don’t think we need worry about all out nuclear war. Nuclear war isn’t profitable.”

I suggest that the tribe that mostly runs our media and government hates the Russian people as much as they hate the Germans. I’m sure you know about all of their Cossack folklore.

Hatred can overwhelm the prudent pursuit of profit.

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Surely they hate most of humanity. I have no doubt about that. But surely they are smart enough to know that nuclear war between their paid thugs in Washington and the Russians can’t possibly do “them” any good. All the gold in the world can’t buy you a comfortable life if several thousand nukes go boom. And you shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that every issue boils down to money for me, or for any other paleo-libertarian. I don’t read Reason Rag. But I did go to a Libertarian state party convention 30 or 35 years ago. I was… Read more »

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

So you think that hatred could motivate someone to make all of planet earth uninhabitable?

The Rothschilds and their fellow banker thugs may be extremely unethical, but their ability to accumulate massive wealth at the expense of the rest of us demonstrates that they are pretty smart.

Stupid crooks assault little old ladies to steal a purse. Smarter crooks rob banks. The smartest crooks own banks.

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
1 year ago

Mencken Libertarian: “But if nukes start flying, the cash flow stops. And that would be just so awful.” The Frankfurt School has an even bigger and more ominous threat than Russia right now. And that threat is named, “Jerome Powell”. ========== February 2nd, 2023 ‘Jim Cramer says his group of FANG tech companies have lost their magic’ ‘The acronym… first coined by Cramer, stands for Facebook parent Meta Platforms, Amazon, Netflix and Google parent Alphabet…’ ========== There are very few businessmen alive today who can remember tight money, which was the law of the land for almost a decade,… Read more »

Jim in Alaska
Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
1 year ago

I wish I could buy into your POV.

Such could only be be probable if you assume those making the decisions are sane and rational, however every day, ten twenty times a day, we see, hear, read proof they really and truly are Bat Sh– Crazy.

Mencken Libertarian
Mencken Libertarian
Reply to  Jim in Alaska
1 year ago

They promote crazy beliefs and behaviors in many members of the public, but that doesn’t suggest to me that our rulers are crazy. Their success in bamboozling the public decade after decade suggests they are quite sane, and extremely evil.

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
1 year ago

Things almost spun out of control during the Cuban missile crisis. There were also computer and radar accidents in the 1980s that could have gone sideways with the Soviet Union.

The movie Dr. Strangelove makes a good point that two nuclear powers in conflict represents a very fragile situation.

And I think the men who control the means of violence sometimes have their own ideas. They don’t always care what the Rothschilds think. I can think of a lot of big historical events that weren’t good for business but nevertheless happened because they were pushed by passionate people.

Reply to  Mencken Libertarian
1 year ago

That’s what Norman Angell said about the possiblities of a global conflict in 1914. National economies were so intertwinted that war was impossible. He may have been wrong.

1 year ago

3/4 thru this piece

We are burning our own food plants

Feeding chickens commercial feed that prevents egg-laying, because egg yolks block vaxx spike formation

Ffs, Russia doesn’t need to do anything when our own government is already killing us

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

yes! this . If you look at the alliance between the CCP and the russians, it makes a lot of sense. they CCP wants the american empire at their feet. Their hired hands in DC help the neocons get this going. america and the west give the russians an oppertunity to learn to destroy all our weapon systems . first , our artillary , a la 777’s then our HIMAR missiles . the russians learned how to find and target those batteries before they are used . now , out tanks . they are sending just enough tanks to to… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Link to PubMed
“Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2”

Link to News-Weak Outrage

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Here is the link to the January 2021 paper about chicken egg yolk antibodies Alzaebo is referring to:

They really do hate us all and want us dead.

1 year ago

‘The U.S. military has big plans for a port in Australia. So does the Chinese firm that controls it.’

If your declared future adversary controls the port, why select it for where you would want to put military assets? One can guarantee that a spy network is already in place to watch the activities of the US operations there.

Yet more proof that we are subjects of the Kingdom of Idiocracy.

1 year ago

the war ends when the west passes around the hat and it comes back empty. The patsy will be chosen at the appropriate time.

Reply to  theRussians
1 year ago

Not a bad prediction. Folks my age may remember Vietnam conflict. At the end times, Nixon (with Congressional support) proposed a Federal income tax surcharge to pay for the unending war. All hell broke loose and we were out of there in a year or two.

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Hmm… That sounds like a nice idea. In case some high level RINO apparatchiks are reading here’s my suggestion: pick some Cuckpublican, maybe one of the ones who keep joining Brandon’s gun grab efforts, and have him propose the “Ukraine National Salvation Anti-Racism Unicorn Fart Victory Tax”. He’s not going to get re-elected in ’24 and you can all grandstand while taking turns kicking his corpse. Besides, it’s time to ramp down the fake war on Russia and ramp up the fake war on China. Supposedly there’s some general going around saying that’s the New Spring Product.

Reply to  theRussians
1 year ago

I didn’t know that USGov spent $5 Trillion with a T on “covid relief”.

That wasn’t a revival.
They shut down the economy and then resuscitated a corpse-

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

Its been a corpse since 2008 (at least if you believe in an economy that isn’t centrally planned). They’ve been picking the winners and the losers ever since, covid was just more in your face. Kill small biz (can’t be controlled as easily) and bailout giant corps. Been the name of the game since at least the 90’s but you only get it in your face in certain events (08 and 2020).

Reply to  theRussians
1 year ago

I doubt the USA is will go bankrupt before this war is over.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Robert
1 year ago

ummm it already is, you just haven’t realized it yet. Does a non bankrupt society act the way ours does?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

Assuming that there’s no nuclear escalation, and that’s a big assumption with these DC people, as Russia wraps this up they should eventually be meeting Ukrainian officials somewhere in the world for “peace talks.” Some stalemate will be drawn up that has explicit wording about not joining NATO, etc. Everyone will go home and the war will be over. That’s when the civil war will begin in Ukraine as the Ukrainians begin to process what happened, and contemplate a ruined future in a smaller geography and “who did this to us?” The Zelenskyy regime, and it is a regime, could… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

i think the zelensky regime will fall before any peace talks. they seem to be in a precarious position even now.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

True. It could be that fragile.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

It would be great to see him and his wife get the Ceausescu treatment.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

But first make him give back his stolen fortune.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

that would be funnier than him playing the piano with his dingus.

Jim in Alaska
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

I think not, Buck Fiden and the uniparty will protect and support the guy who’s only claim to fame before becoming president of the Ukraine was playing piano with his penis. The money laundry must not fall!

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jim in Alaska
1 year ago

Here is entre for my pathetic joke. The world needs a music album with the artist standing before his instrument and the title of said album “Fully erect pianist.”

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Is a negotiated peace possible with people whose signature on a piece of paper is absolutely worthless? America’s word is absolutely worthless. So is Germany’s word. Frankly, so is NATO’s word.

Merkel, possibly an even worse “leader” than Hitler, openly admitted in public they signed Minsk 2 as a way of “buying time” to arm Ukraine. You cannot negotiate with a bad faith negotiator.

I suspect “unconditional surrender” is the only acceptable peace terms.

Range Front Fault
Range Front Fault
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Additionally, we have a deadly combination of Small Hat Neocons/City of London and sick Malthusians running shit. Remember Bill Gates 2010 video talking about vaccines will aid in reducing world population to ½ billion. Add in Paul Ehrlich Population Bomb weirdo and Obama and his crew using the Georgia guidestones as fantasy porn. These freaks are dangerously real. Couple them with Cossack crazy hoos and, well, total chaos/evil is loose that feeds on itself, attacks itself, eats its tail. They are not rational. I set in a supply of iodine tablets. I look around and take into memory what my… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

“In a couple years we could easily be throwing arms at Zelenskyy to save him from his own Ukrainian militia retribution.”

Whew! I can see that, thank you, Wirth. Let us hope so, better a wicked world than none at aĺl-

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

The Wagners have about 20000 troops basically trapped in Bakhmut. There will probably be no deal at least until those troops are captured or killed.

1 year ago

I have no respect for the Ukrainian men who allow themselves to be murdered in this conflict. Easier said than done, I know, but there is absolutely no chance I would ever fight in any Globohomo war. Many have been blinded and tragically given their lives for people who hate them and want them dead. Same goes for Poles, Balts, and Scandinavians. Ukraine is unfortunately a dead country – young (and middle aged) men dead, women in Europe and Canada, riding the carousel. Russia just needs to wait. Every day the USA becomes less of a threat. Every day, 5,000… Read more »

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Everyone is Hitler to a zionist.
The GAE, and most of it’s inhabitants, have all gone mad and cannot see their own insanity.
John Hagee is a dual covenant preaching heretic.
Evangelical zionists being some of the most blind, always in pursuit of their Schofield eschatology, they can never view the world outside their misguided belief.

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”
-John 2:22

The only sacred blood is that of Christ our Lord.

1 year ago

I was watching a sermon by the great John Hagee yesterday and he put it well – Biden is Chamberlain and Putin is Hitler. The installation of Biden into the “Presidency” was TPTB’s way of doing away with the few remaining hedges that protected America. I think that the sexual mutilation of children was the final straw in God’s eyes.

Trust Christ as Lord if you haven’t already.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

he’s a kiddy diddler, you can bet money on it.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

I always like to ask people like this minister: Do Jews need Christ?

Their answers are always entertaining.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Jeebus, what a fat bastard.

First impressions matter. If that’s his profile pic, you can be sure the in person version is much worse.

Hard to care about someone who won’t even care for himself.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

John Hagee is a false teacher who among other things, claims that Jews so not need Jesus to be saved. He even has said that Jesus did not ever claim to be the Messiah, in direct contradiction of scripture.

Just do a web search on “John Hagee exposed.” His heresies have been thoroughly documented by many.

Reply to  Rando
1 year ago

Word. The man is a total fraud and a shill for The Tribe. I followed him years ago when he attacked the Clinton Crime Family. But, in typical pig-headed Texan style, he has been blinded by the truth along with a lot of other “Evangelicals.”

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

You guys already gave away the store once.

So we supported you-know-who.
Did we prosper?

This is how we lost God: we put Another in His place.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago


LMAO! There are many high IQ posters at Z-Man’s site so I’m trying to puzzle out if this is a -very- clever piss take / troll or if somehow an actual dyed in the wool Evangelical somehow erroneously slipped from Breitbart forum to here. I want it to be the former but sadly acknowledge it is likely the latter.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

That makes something like 15 Hitler’s since the original iteration. So many Hitlers!

1 year ago

In the old days of cold war spy novel – and real – intrigue, the KGB seemed all powerful and acted worldwide with impunity. With the DC Junta seemingly insane, and Joe obviously a puppet, I’m wondering why someone under Putin doesn’t enact the Clinton doctrine? Hasn’t C_A had “heart attack guns” for decades? Obomba would be obviously SS protected, but would an epidemic of “Died Suddenly” amongst Jarrett, the Kagan Cult, Nuland and his support minions even be newsworthy in this Covid age? Would it change the course of the war? Isn’t that the best way to run a… Read more »

Reply to  wxtwxtr
1 year ago

Oh wait. Missed on that one. “Died Suddenly” amongst the unvaxxed Ruling Class would send up more red flags than a May Day parade on Red Square.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I believe the police state apparatus going after its puppet Biden is somehow related to the obvious factional war raging in the GAE over the Ukraine. Which faction want to pressure “Biden” is unknown. Klain splitting may have been the result of some Neocon from his Tribe telling him to flee. We also see more and more propaganda pieces finally admitting the obvious arc of the war; simultaneously the staple Putin is Hitler! screeds are disappearing. The Rand press release, which is what it was, took dead aim at Foggy Bottom. Look for the military to start being heavily criticized.… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Domestic policy is in the hands of people who eradicate academic standards starting in kindergarten and leave the children of the Heritage population in day care with psychopaths bent on crushing their souls. It is in the hands of people who abandon the majority population to psychopaths with a blood libel bent on their destruction. I was on LinkedIn last night. The latest virtue signal by CEOs is to hem and haw about how a people oriented company should not lay people off, blah blah blah blah. The institute a race and gender caste system in their own work force… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“The latest virtue signal by CEOs is to hem and haw about how a people oriented company should not lay people off, blah blah blah blah.”

Later this year you will have the pleasure of reading how, “akshually, we are different.”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Awkshawlee?, I like toduhlee ferrgawt tuh menchawnn? that like someone, like awkshawlee put a post honoring? the stunning and bra-aave? resignation of Jacinda Ardern. It was such like, such a total like totally awwsumm? tribute to how sometimes, when you are overwhelmed and like can’t like give anymore of yourself to the people? it is like an incredawbul gift to them to be all like humble and step down for someone who will give as much as you dawd. It was such a like rawd post that gawt like huge likes ya know? (This was best impersonation of how top-tier… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

I like literelee read that and thort OMG yore sooo literelee right.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“Do the Cloud People know the extent to which they are despised?” It’s unlikely. Hopefully, they won’t fully realize it until it’s too late (for them). It will be interesting to see what sort of bug-out plans the super wealthy have. Obviously, a lot of them have extensive bunkers, provisions and security, but staying in place with your survival kit just makes you an obvious target. I’m wondering if there are any significant redoubts they can relocate to. I have to imagine that with the extensive (and previously unheard of) resources that multi-billionaires have at their disposal, they are able… Read more »

Reply to  Outdoorspro
1 year ago

The mountain fortress is called New Zealand. They’ve been buying “hidie holes” there for decades.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Outdoorspro
1 year ago

In my more optimistic moments, I dream of it as a planetary wide game of whack-a-mole.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
1 year ago

I sometimes think Musk’s Mars plans are secretly just the ultimate version of this. The conditions there, just naturally though, are not much different from a post-nuclear war Earth.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Outdoorspro
1 year ago

Israel keeps flights coming as Jews flee Russia

Must be nice to have a backup country. After destroying South Africa many Jews left there for Israel. They have their own neighborhood called Savyon.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Outdoorspro
1 year ago

At some point the hired help will get antsy 😈

Age old not easily resolved issue.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

That would be known as a “reduction in force” in my book. I experienced it way back in early 2009. My employer kicked my ass out the door and never wanted to see me again … along with 20 others.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I’d say Big Brother is more likely to arrange missile attacks on Airstrip One–on us, that is, not on Russia.

We won’t retaliate if DC takes out some local competition like Chicago or San Francisco.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

There ought to be a sign over the entry door to the room where every dial turner, button pusher operates stating: If you play with fire, you might get burned.
(Or branded on their foreheads).

1 year ago

“Given that both sides have large arsenals of nuclear weapons, conflict could lead to Armageddon.”

Nuclear Armageddon, LOL. If it’s a limited exchange that takes out New York, Washington and Boston but leaves Moline, Dodge City and Dallas unscathed, what’s the downside?

Fallout Boy
Fallout Boy
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

There are maps and simulations on this ad nauseum. Every population center probably gets its own cluster of warheads and there are military targets everywhere else, particularly in the North Plain redoubts. The jet stream will spread lethal fallout over the entire northern hemisphere. Perhaps the far southern will be habitable. The 1959 film ‘On the Beach’ isn’t too far off.

Reply to  Fallout Boy
1 year ago

‘Alas, Babylon’ probably more germane.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

“The Day After”, I think. BBC made one around the same time called “Threads” (used to be on YT if interested).

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

No he’s thinking of The Terminator.

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Threads makes The Day After look like an after-school special.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Indeed. Threads was terrifingly plausible. It was a goshdang replay of most of history.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

There was a 1984 novel called “Warday,” written by Whitley Streiber and James Kunetka. Set in 1988-1993, “Warday” depicts a limited nuclear exchange between the U.S. and the USSR. The United States survives the attack but is reduced to a third world power (at best).

Reply to  Fallout Boy
1 year ago

Yeah, I’m familiar with the doctrine of “massive retaliation” and the possibility that they’d nuke EVERYTHING and only the cockroaches would survive. I just think it’s fucking hilarious how the left-wing nutjobs were continuously pissing themselves over the possibility of nuclear war with Russia from the 1950s through the 1980s when the military-industrial-complex was controlled by right-wing white men who wanted to kill commies. Now that the military-industrial complex is “woke” and controlled by queers, women, blacks and trannies, they’re totally willing to risk nuclear war with Russia on behalf of a Jewish comedian in “Keev” who supports gay rights… Read more »

Reply to  Fallout Boy
1 year ago

First, both the US and Russian nuclear arsenals are old and many warheads will likely misfire or have degraded yield, which is why many targets will receive multiple nukes. Second, civilian centers will get air burst detonations because it does the most harm to the greatest area, but results in far less ground surface contamination. Third, it serves no purpose to target an empty missile silo in the northern plains states (or elsewhere). Only large military bases or important infrastructure sites are likely to see ground impact. I don’t know what models you’re looking at, but large swaths of the… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

My guess is that the radiation won’t actually kill that many people but will simply lead to higher cancer rates over vast areas for years afterwards. I expect most of the deaths to be due to “diversity effects” in major cities when the lights, water, and food have been gone for a few days and then widespread starvation due to those wonderful “supply chain issues” we’ve all gotten used to. I mean, if we can’t get food from the farm to the shelf because of a nasty headcold, imagine how things are going to be when the distribution hubs have… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

Sadly, all those missile fields in the Dakotas, Montana, and Wyoming are considered, “warhead sponges,” at this point.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Why send warheads to unpopulated areas that have already fired their own warheads?
Nope, the Russians will target population centers.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Don't mind me
1 year ago

The idea is to attempt a strike before the missile leaves its tube or possible shortly thereafter launch while the rocket motor is in the air but hasn’t attained full proper flight path yet. The way I understand it is the silos would be hit no matter what in the off chance to neutralize them, but a follow-on salvo of war heads would detonate in a string of airbursts in the paths the American missiles would take. Guess the shock and heat disturbances done to the air would do harm to a missile.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Drop ’em in midair when they’re only a state or two away, eh?

Judas priest, this just gets worse and worse. We targeted Moscow and hit Springfield instead.

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

Xman: I was reading some of my doom porn fiction before bed the other night, and when first NY and then DC were nuked, I wanted to fist pump and cheer. In reality, of course, the spiteful mutants and their imported shock troops are spread throughout AINO (the opinion editor for a major Idaho paper is a NY lib import; Iraqi rapefugees conspiring and committing major insurance fraud in Washington state, etc. ad nauseam). The city of Dallas would be no great loss, nor most of the suburbs. Same could be said for almost any reasonably sized urban area in… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

Take out Dallas too. And Austin. Both are LA wannabees.

Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

A nuke on the Ukraine—say a concentration of Russian forces—will be retaliated with a nuke on the Ukraine, say their armed installations or perhaps a city. No one will go all out immediately. One can expect an extreme outcry from the world when the first nuke goes off in Ukraine. That’s the signal to de-escalate and talk peace as the value of “winning” the conflict has gone to zero, while the risk to losing is approaching infinity.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

There’s another issue too, perhaps *the* issue: both sides know the nuke numbers published by the other side are bunk. A madman in a western capital, who hates the native population anyway, may have no issue calling the bet with the thought that most if not all Russian nukes are little more than cardboard tubes to serve as a parade float. He might even be right, I mean, probably not, but still if it were left to him… Also though, the Russians might be right, and there will be no nuke war because no one is going to shoot one… Read more »

Al in Georgia
Al in Georgia
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

I’m not sure that our nuclear warheads will work. No testing since the 1990’s. The Energy Department lost the ability to make tritium. Everything is going to be ok.

1 year ago

First, there is nothing that an individual citizen can do to change the dynamics in DC, even when it becomes obvious that the Biden Administration is lurching toward a nuclear war with Russia. Don’t believe the Bongino bullshit about voting harder or calling your congressman; they only genuflect to their donors and handlers. Instead, use your time and effort to make yourself as survivable as possible. Get out of the big city (ground zero), find or create a safe haven far from primary target zones, stock it with essentials, and have a plan to get there on short notice. Following… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

From everything I have read (not hysterical click bait) I would agree. The majority of strikes would be airbursts producing relatively little fallout. Best as I can read it looks like if you are in an area subjected to such fallout you need to hunker down for 2-3weeks before things become safe enough to venture outside. Maybe I’m an optimist but I live pretty remote and I wouldn’t see more than 4 warheads within 1000 miles of me so the odds don’t seem that bad.

Reply to  AK49
1 year ago

The red zone around Chernobyl saw much much higher contamination than what most of the rural US will experience in an all-out nuclear exchange, and yet life still persisted there including plants, insects, and some mammals. If you’re not within the lethal blast radius and can quickly evacuate upwind or crosswind, your chances of survival are better than 50:50. Yes, there can be serious health effects related to thermal and percussive trauma, but both Hiroshima and Nagasaki proved that many will survive.

Reply to  AK49
1 year ago

The basic rule of radioactivity is actually right there in the word. If the “activity” of an isotope is high, its half-life is short. The worst stuff is actually gone in a few weeks but if you’re right around where it landed you will quickly get a lethal dose. A few years later though the same location can be rebuilt with no problems as was the case in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Yeah! Fur shure dude … I’m gonna buy some mules and then start cutting down some trees for a log house. Then when the harvest comes in we’ll be in high cotton!

Reply to  Danny
1 year ago

Yes, I know you intended that as fine sarcasm, but do it nonetheless. BTW, mules are a good choice. Good on ya.

1 year ago

The “Putin is Evil” Russia/Ukraine war was prepared for eight years following the Maiden Revolution by the U.S. establishment and the likely reason, in retrospect, for the hasty and embarrassing American withdrawal from Afghanistan months before the Ukraine war started. The war advanced numerous establishment objectives. First, it was designed to shift the focus away from a flailing COVID narrative without allowing any of the perpetrators to pay for false fear-mongering, such as Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and the plethora of doctors, nurses, scientists, government and media organizations that pushed it not just nationally but worldwide. 

 Second, it providing… Read more »

Vault Boy
Vault Boy
1 year ago

This is about the time that a sane country would stage a military coup to overthrow a broken government and avoid catastrophe. Since our own military has taken to wearing dresses, crashing ships over lover’s tiffs, and poisoning crews with jet fuel, I am worried.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Vault Boy
1 year ago

Lover’s tiff? Lol, what was that about? If it’s been major news, sorry, been off grid with the kids.

Reply to  Vault Boy
1 year ago

Look, Hitler survived to the last week of the war. He did not do so because he was liked. Zalensky is in a similar situation. He is head of a “criminal organization”, not really a Democratic country like the rubes believe. He has (behind the scenes) repressed opposition media outlets and imprisoned or exile opposition leaders. Even recently, he fired some of his provincial ministers under the rubric of corruption—but who knows, perhaps they were signaling a break from him.

Reply to  Vault Boy
1 year ago

comment image

We live under a coup regime now. They removed Trump so they could war without constraint.

He couldn’t have stopped them from disobeying his orders, obviously, but he could have messed with the money, and he’d be continually “off message.”

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

On the one hand, the MIC and Biden have committed so much American prestige to “victory” in Ukraine that it seems nearly impossible for them to back down now without severe geopolitical consequences. On the other hand, the whole world just watched us walk out of Afghanistan after spending a sum of money which makes the Uke aid seem trivial in comparison. So apparently, our MIC/Pres have a teenage girl’s emotional state and decision-making apparatus. Therefore anything is possible. The RAND report is obviously the Pentagon’s attempt to “nip in the bud” any plan to intervene directly or protract the… Read more »

Milestone D
Milestone D
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

I’ve sat in many, many wargames and helped write many, many think-tank reports, and I can confidently state that none of them have any impact at all, at least on the combination of hubris and self-righteousness that infects our ruling class. I don’t think that it is an accident that the same people who were scared out of their minds by a bad flu season are strangely ambivalent about the prospect of a nuclear war. At this point, I think the only explanation I can offer to explain why the leadership is so cavalier about taunting the other big nuclear… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Milestone D
1 year ago

The regime’s equanimity about the prospect of nukes flying adds to the sense that it’s just a bluff. Biden and Co. were around to see when Reagan bluffed in similar fashion. His political opposition was terrified too. But the Soviets were genuinely mystified and unsure whether or not Reagan really meant it. I suspect “Biden” is hoping for a similar effect.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

All the Russians have to do is pick up a phone and call China to see what their U.S. puppet’s next move will be.

Mike Austin
1 year ago

There was always tension between the US State Department and the Pentagon regarding the war in Ukraine. The recent RAND report brought this into full public eye. Briefly stated, the Kagan Cult at State wants to continue to flood Ukraine with all sorts of weaponry and mercenaries, believing that Russia will eventually agree to negotiate. The Pentagon sees the Ukraine war as a losing proposition and a dreadful waste of US resources that will be needed in an upcoming war with China. I doubt that State can win this argument even with the full cooperation of the 3-letters. A Pentagon… Read more »

Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago

Yeah, NATO sure is looking like the Delian League these days, isn’t it?

Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago

This is, in my opinion, why Elon Musk, who is a proxy for the Department of Defense, bought Twitter. The State Department crowd was fully in charge of Twitter before the acquisition. The Pentagon came to the conclusion that it could no longer afford the State Department crowd controlling the narrative on matters that ultimately fall on the DoD to enforce, particularly Ukraine and Taiwan. This is particularly true at a time when their traditional recruiting class (young, white men from the South and Midwest) are no longer willing to fight and die for the global American empire. Elon Musk… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

That’s an incredibly interesting suggestion. While not dispositive, Musk almost immediately started to rationally call for peace negotiations upon his acquisition of Twitter. I don’t use it or other social media but I gather prior to Musk’s takeover the war drums were banging constantly there. I do not discount there remains a tiny remnant of military brass and perhaps even some MIC types who have great affection for their countrymen. Still, the vast majority do not but they do not want to be exposed as a paper tiger and watch their grift dry up. Those would be the ones who… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

The Russians will not back down. The situation is similar to a a chess master facing a tyro who comes at him with a premature assault with queen, bishop, and knight. If the master keeps his cool, he can easily repulse the attack and go on to win. The one thing the master won’t do is resign the game. It’s not only Biden who’s brain dead but the neocon establishment. And their deep-seated problem is they’ve never been in a situation of sustained conflict with a peer, where judgement, patience, and delicate maneuvering was required. The incompetence of this establishment… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

Arshad Ali: My view at this point is the Russians are not so stupid and gullible as to trust any potential deal or assurances offered by the West. The Minsk accords? The spread of NATO? The continuing assimilation of nation after nation by globohomo? Why on earth would any sane people accept any ‘compromise’ proposed by chronic liars? Which the raises the question of how AINO handles the end of the Ukraine debacle – do they just take their toys and go home a la Afghanistan, or do they double down? As you note, nothing any one of us can… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

“I find it hard to ‘predict’ what choices insane and evil people living in an alternate reality will make”

This is dangerous at several levels, not the least of which is one false move by these nutcases could spark a conflagration. The Russians see the same madness unfolding over here that we do.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

uh oh, when losing at chess, tip the board over..

thomas mcleod
thomas mcleod
1 year ago

We are entering the post wiz bang military era that has reigned supreme for the last 50+ years. When a $10,000.00 missile can shoot down your $1,000,000.00 missile, cheap technology has leveled the playing field. Does anyone doubt, as an example, that aircraft carriers are now nothing more than a $13,000,000,000.00 target? Can the US military shift? They’ve done it before, but then again they’ve never been THIS clownish before.

1 year ago

Every time I look at DC, I think of that scene at the Do Long Bridge from “Apocalypse Now.” “Where’s the CO?” “I thought you were the CO!” “Man, there ain’t no f*ckin’ CO.” Acknowledging the likelihood of at least some wishcasting here (as terrifying as that is), I don’t think they actually have a plan, or ever did. The Kagan cult wants to bait Russia into war, but they don’t control the actual resources that could make that happen (Victoria Nuland can’t order a nuclear strike on her own authority). The Pentagon probably doesn’t want war, but they do… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
1 year ago

“Charlie’s idea of great R n’ R was some cold rice and a little bit of rat meat.”

1 year ago

Who among us can predict or influence the outcome in the Ukraine. Best spend your waking moments and brain cycles thinking about one selves and family. Here’s a primer…

If there is no war, you have learned some amusing trivia. If there is, you have a leg up on the un-prepared. Keep one of these under your sink, and when used, keep the dust off of it…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

We know the people running the GAE are insane based on Nuland’s trip to Moscow to threaten Putin directly. That incident was also a giveaway as to who is really in charge of the GAE.

That said, every indication is that the GAE is preparing Poland to be the next proxy in line to face down Russia to provoke them so NATO can invoke Article V.

The main wrench I see in that plan is that Poland may have a few hundred thousand bodies, but where will they source the gear and ammo to equip them?

1 year ago

I have watched a couple of videos of men being pressed into service by the Ukrainian army. The men had gray hair. I interpret this as a real shortage of fighting age men.

I think the Israeli bombing of Iran might be a further indication that the war is going badly for Ukraine. It looks like The US gave the Israelis the green light to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites if they also hit the drone factories that are supplying Russia. I’d like to see some analysis of this by those better informed than me.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Great! A Ukrainian Volkssturm. We all know how THAT ended.

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Due to the immense losses in the wake of Operation Barbarossa, in Summer 1941 the Russians did the same thing as the German drive neared Moscow, hastily assembling “worker’s militias” – raw, untrained, & largely older men – to throw in front of the Germans.

AH then loused it all up by taking his foot off the gas pedal.

Reply to  Boarwild
1 year ago

It wasn’t loused up so much as the Panzers and the infantry went as far as they were going to go in the icy cold of the Russian winter. Had Der Germans known of the panic in Moscow in late September/Early October 1941 and how easily they could have taken the capital, they’d have moved a damned sight quicker. That said your point stands. When losses rise anyone who can carry a weapon and aim it gets recruited and sent into battle, ready or not. The Germans wiped out an anti-aircraft unit desperately trying to defend the approaches to Stalingrad… Read more »

Reply to  Boarwild
1 year ago

The original schedle was to invade Russia a month or 2 earlier. But thanks to the Italians getting bogged down in the Balkans and Greece it was put so that Italy wouldn’t be embarrassed.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Al Stewart’s “Roads to Moscow” begins to sound even more prophetic..

Reply to  p
1 year ago

MMack – AH did stall Army Group Centre in their drive on Moscow to let von Runstedt – in command of Army Group South – catch up to them. This is why Guderian went apoplectic & wound up getting relieved. When the offensive was restarted it was too late; winter had arrived with a vengeance & the German logistical line was already well overextended & breaking down. Shame. That was the real “A-Team”: Generals Fedor von Bock (overall command of Army Group Centre), Heinz Guderian leading the armored spearhead, & Ritter von Leeb in @ Army Group North. They could’ve… Read more »

1 year ago

Macgregor is awesome. Dunno what to think about Ritter. According to his detractors, he’s a pedo. But given the Establishment’s penchant for framing and smearing it’s detractors this way…I dunno whether to believe it or not. Ritter has been a PITA for the Neocon war machine since forever. FWIW… he does have “crazy eyes” like you see on a lot of the more odious and obnoxious female politicos…

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

I think MacGregor has the correct insight at the strategic level, while Ritter thinks and operates most comfortably at the tactical stage.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

With what we’ve learned over the last few years, I wonder if Ritter wasn’t set up because of the trouble he had caused the neocons.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

If one takes a few minutes to look into it, The Colonel was “off message” and had to be dealt with. I don’t think at the time anyone knew just how corrupt the justice system was. I bet Ritter won’t make that mistake again.(not getting top notch representation, and believing the “truth” would set him free.)

After all, if TDS will kill political opposition, bogus criminal charges are nothing.

1 year ago

Will NATO come up with a peace deal that the Russians can accept? After the confessions by Merkel and Hollande that the Minsk treaty was a sham to enable arming the Ukraine, absolutely not…The Russians will proceed until they have destroyed the Ukraine’s army, wiped out the Nazis, and established enforceable borders…

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

The only peace deal I see if Russia keeps what they currently occupy and the Ukrainian army is completely dismantled, making the country a no-go zone for NATO and Russia. NATO has been too bad faith for any other agreement.

Zelensky will need to be sleeping with the fishes before that happens though.

Mike Austin
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

However the mess in Ukraine turns out, Zelenskyy is a dead man. And he knows it.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago

As Kissinger said: “To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal”

Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago

I think he will end up in Israel with enough lucre to last him a lifetime. I believe the whole point of the Ukraine operation was for the neocons to kill as many eastern slavs as possible.

I believe the neocons would prefer that the dead slavs be Russians, but Ukrainians will do. Zelensky no doubt hates eastern slavs as well, so he is the perfect guy for the neocons to put in charge in Ukraine and refuse any negotiations that could result in less eastern slavs being killed.

Once his work is done, he will be rewarded handsomely.

Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago


“I think he will end up in Israel with enough lucre to last him a lifetime.”

His parents are already there, set up in a new $8 million home

“I believe the neocons would prefer that the dead slavs be Russians, but Ukrainians will do.”

I think this is absolutely correct, and would add that I think that they see their Ukrainians Slavs as human cattle and now, one way or the other, their property is going to slip the leash. They would much rather the Ukies be dead than either be free or belong to someone else.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

i wonder if the russian plan isn’t to depopulate ukraine as much as possible? kill as many men as possible, before the country collapses, drive as many people as possible out of the country into the eu. one way to increase the russian population is to hand out land and housing, making family formation easier.

1 year ago

“60 Bradley’s loaded onto onto the Arc Integrity, left the port of North Charleston, South Carolina to be delivered to Ukraine “

It’s like the US is providing a target list to the Russian navy, begging them to sink it.

The real question is, “Will the Americans sink it, if the Russians don’t?”

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

Under the rules established by the Geneva Convention, is that not a legitimate target?

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 year ago

the russians want to practice destroying them . knowledge ids the best weapon.

1 year ago

Russia really has been patient. They know we are a collapsing empire looking for a way to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. So they have declined all the opportunities for escalation so far while grinding away in the Ukraine. Hope that continues. Our own collapse is imminent either way.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Hrmmmmmmmm. Astute.

The Chinese especially cannot afford to see its markets in America implode. Their economy is built on the same house of cards plan that ours is.

Compare and contrast with Putler’s economic model: they dispensed with the jewish banksters, tied the Ruble to the gold standard, and are forging a new empire with actual rules and stability. Comparing that mindset to that of Globohomo Inc… and theirs is the third most powerful currency in the world and they are beginning to turn nice profits…. So this only ends one way.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

China is locked into the GAE economy more than Russia is, much more. So they will feel the pain of an American collapse for sure. However, China is turning inward. They have basically stolen all they can steal, and copied all they can copy. They can now run a pretty decent civilization with what they took from the West. Furthermore, in living memory, Chinese remember poverty and suffering. What they have now is far better that what they had, even 20 years ago, so they can tolerate a backslide in living standards. But Americans are soft. They have been living… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

I’m not so sure about your last point. Blacks and Hispanics are suckerfish attached to white whales. As go the whales, so go the suckerfish.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Hispanics and particularly blacks are, if anything, softer in the ways that count. They are into their fourth generation of parasitism and have lost all memory about how to survive. Once the urbans cores out to about ten to twenty miles have been plundered they will revert to cannibalism after the pets are slaughtered.

I grant the same applies to many Whites but the disconnect is much less.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

I’m surprised we haven’t seen more incidents of wetwork surface, ala Seth Rich.

Or maybe they are hiding in plain sight, concealed in the background noise of all kinds of folks, “dying suddenly?”

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Argentina, Algeria and Iran have applied for BRICS membership. Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey Egypt and Afghanistan are expected to follow suit.
If all these countries become BRICS members they’ll comprise over 50% of the worlds population.
This has been in the works for a while.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

“the West has done a number of things that would justify a response, but so far the Russians have been careful to avoid the trap.”

Just to note, that Russian level of patience would have served the Germans and Japanese well in another age. Much as the tyrants of old just couldn’t help themselves, the Russian chess masters can.
As Z notes though, how about our tyrants, can they help themselves? Their redemption may come from the fact that even a tool like General Miley knows that there is no way for their schemes to work.

David Wright
1 year ago

This is looking more like a war on Ukraine by the U.S. The infrastructure is getting gutted more each day, tens of thousands of young men dying on the battlefield, and millions leaving the country. What then? Well, Zelensky has had talks with Black Rock about reconstructing the country after all of this. Sounds like the Soviet Union after the collapse and corrupt oligarchs taking over and establishing their governances. Lots going to get rich here just as it was then. That’s one way to explain this because it’s obvious the war can’t go well otherwise for Nato. Russia just… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

I thought the US was doubling down in Ukraine to protect the biolabs Nuland admitted to and all the investments that firms like Blackrock and Monsanto hold there?

Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago


Say what you want about Putler – he is a stone cold statesman and strategist. Were he an American politico rather than Russian… the Biden’s, the Clinton’s, the Obuttholes, and the Bush crime families would have been liquidated decades ago. He will not be goaded into anything – he will simply react to threats in the most practical manner possible.

This will not go nuclear. It will end with our leaders looking foolish and stupid, and frantically casting about for a new Current Thing.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

I can’t agree.

Our leaders are so dumb they will pull a John Travolta in Broken Arrow and shriek, “F ’em if they can’t take a joke!” just before they push the big, red button.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Well, to all appearances Our Leaders are a bunch of nihilistic wreckers, so you really can’t put it past them that this could be the outcome. As to the GAE warring on Ukraine, this is entirely possible. Consider that in times past Ukraine was a principal conduit for Russian natural gas entering Europe and thereby strengthening prospects for integration of Europe into the Greater Eurasian Project. MacKinder revisited, ack, can’t have that! The GAE has in times past presented as The Psycho Boyfriend; “If I can’t have you, no one will !. So considering what the GAE has already done… Read more »

Mike Austin
Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

They will need a scapegoat. I wonder who? My guess would be Biden.

Reply to  Glenfilthie
1 year ago

Hopefully Trump was our failed reformer Gorbachev, Biden our incapacitated Yeltsin, and some heretofore nameless worker bee our Putin.

Coup, looting… restoration? Don’t want be too optimistic, but, you know?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

The KGB produced Putin. The CIA produced Bush the elder, and more recently creaures like Comey. So we are SOL.

Reply to  c matt
1 year ago

Not a Putin fanboy, but he’s undeniably been good for Russia. If the USSR of his youth could produce him, I have to imagine something similar is possible here.

Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

Has anyone seen an online 2 or 3 minute commercial by the Ukraine called I think Ukraine 2030? It basically says that the country will be given the the likes of Blackrock to do whatever they have in mind for it. It puts a fig leaf of hope on what would be a WEF dream dystopian future.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

The shot callers(the ones who don’t run for office but control those who do), are evil, sociopathic psychopaths.
Decolonize Russia? Say what it is. They want the resources in that part of the world, and on top of it all, a bunch of straight, white Christians control it.

They will not abide in that!

As for striking a deal, the GAE can not be trusted. If Russia does “make a deal”, they will deserve the subsequent ass hammering that will be the result.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

Not going to happen…Putin would be removed from office if he tried…The Russian public wants blood at this point.

Mike Austin
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Yep. Putin is a moderate. If he goes, the firebreathers take control. If that happens, then Ukraine is finished as any sort of independent entity, and more than likely so are the Poles. Those tiny, pesky and annoying little Baltic states will be brought to heal. So will Finland.

Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago

Not so sure about Finland (sarcasm). Their prime minister must have Putin shaking in his boots.

Reply to  Mike Austin
1 year ago

I want to see the Baltics get slapped down so hard. They have been even more insufferable than the Poles. And that’s saying a lot.

Mike Austin
Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

There are ranches in Texas bigger than any Baltic state. Like you I would much enjoy seeing these noisome pests brought low by Russia. And the Poles? Let them try to exist in peace after Ukraine is turned into a sheep walk, and with Belarus and Russia as their neighbors.

These worthless nations have forgotten and basic rule of men and states: “Never piss in a well that you might need to drink from one day.”

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

after all those videos of russian soldiers being tortured and murdered, the ukes are going to be paying their pound of flesh for a long time.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

“As for striking a deal, the GAE can not be trusted.”

Forget the GAE thing – ask the red men how ‘trusting’ the Federals worked out. One solemn treaty after another. Indian chiefs making the long trip to the (then) imperial capitol for a photo op.

Before the ink was even dry, renege on so-called treaty. Grasp at more land, more resources. Eventually, red men end up in open-air concentration camps.

That’s before we even get to these modern camps, aka “Sun City”. The oldsters live in Camp Manzanar, and don’t know if CUS THERE’S POTTERY CLASSES and pickle ball.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
Reply to  Owlman
1 year ago

The Russians aren’t communists anymore.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Owlman
1 year ago

Memo to future red men equivalents: make decorations of your enemy’s body parts, after you’ve finished torturing then to death. Let a few escape.. Sends an important message.

1 year ago

What about the Rand report that came out a couple of days ago that seems to suggest some schism in the “elite” thinking on the possibilities (or lack there) of victory and perhaps getting out while the getting is good? Frankly, I can’t see the Russians negotiating with the corrupt, lying US government.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

It would be like Lucy finally letting Charlie Brown kick the football.

They just don’t have it in them.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

The MIC has enormous supply chain issues it refuses to admit, especially when it comes to integrated circuits going obsolete.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Yup, when ole shitpants hits the red button, instead of launching any nukes, it will just change the channel on his TV.

From CNN to MSNBC.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

An additional issue for the MIC is the allegiance of US forces once they see all the fancy equipment burning in fields in Eastern Ukraine. There has been *a lot* of effort put into survivability over the past two decades. If that’s shown to be a Potemkin Tank, the motivation of Mothers of America sending their kids off to fight is gone. Next step, draft.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

“In order to transform the military into a force that could plausibly match the Russians in a land war and the Chinese in a sea war, it would require a radical transformation of the American economy.”

It looks grim right now, but a multipolar world is the hope. The reality, too, if we’re able to survive this dangerous spot— and there are signs of sanity, hopefully just the beginning. Woke would still be a bizarre subculture, and the End of History still an amusing theory, if tptb still had to be disciplined.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

it would require an even greater change in the culture. and that ain’t happening.

1 year ago

Sobering words indeed.

Mr C
Mr C
1 year ago

First, I enjoy essays on this war because it strokes my bias against the NATO grift. So thank you. I do hope this ends sooner rather than later and with a light shone upon the corruption.

Second, can anyone explain why “the” is put in front of everything involving Ukraine? The Ukraine, The Donbas, The Crimea. Feels like The Ohio Stare University. Just curious.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Garblenock. I think I found the name for a stray cat that’s been hanging around my property.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

also a good name for a garage band

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

funny enough “the” is now on the woke chopping block!? it reeks of bigotry i guess…

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

I call it the Ukraine because it’s never been a real country. It’s an abortion made up off misfits who won’t try to get along with anyone.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

I’ve always heard that the Ukraine was a region for most of its existence, not a country, until recently. So it was like saying “the Midwest”, as it was just a region of the Soviet Union for most of the 20th century.

Alternatively, maybe it was named by Southern Californians who put “the” in front of all their highway names.?

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Mr C
1 year ago

“The” OSU reference is so funny;-) Love when I see a car’s
license plate bracket reading “OSU Alumni” or “Harvard Alumni” — which of course is plural, as if everyone in the car is an alumna/us!