Escaping The 20th Century

It is 2023 and middle-aged conservative pundits around the country are wondering if maybe today is the day when they bring back the sock tie. Perhaps break out that “Gipper” lapel pin they got in college. After all, it is high time that this country be reminded of the greatness of the Reagan years. Then they think better of it, as they do not want to ruffle any feathers. After all, that is not who they are. Conservative principle requires conforming to current norms.

A bit ridiculous, perhaps, but it is not far off. This post by conservative pundit Jeremy Carl on Twitter is a good example. Ronald Reagan has been dead for close to twenty years and he has been out of public view for thirty years. For the tens of millions of people who entered the country after Reagan opened the border, he is at best a guy in their history books, no more meaningful to them than the other long dead white guys responsible for the scourge of whiteness, they are told.

In other words, Reagan and the politics of his time are about as relevant to this age as those old clothing styles in the closets of conservative pundits. Reagan and his movement were a product of the 20th century, primarily the Cold War. What we call conservatism was just a radical approach to fighting communism. Note that Reagan’s lasting influence is all negative. Corporatism, open borders and a massive military are what he passed onto the 21st century.

It would be unfair to lay the present crisis at the feet of Reagan as he was a man of his time dealing with the issues of his age. He could not know that his military buildup would lead to decades of reckless and pointless violence. No one imagined that his economic reforms would lead to the financialization of the economy. Global capital with the reach we are seeing was unimageable in the 1980’s. The world “trillion” was an abstraction for most people.

Even so, it is not hard to make a case that in the long run, the world would have been a better place if Carter had won in 1980. The neocons would have been cut off at the pass, thus sparing the world of their senseless violence. We most likely would not have got the same currency, banking and regulatory reforms that we got under Reagan, so we may have avoided the blossoming of global corporatism. This is all speculation, but you can make an argument for 1980 being the inflexion point.

Putting that aside, conservatives are not the only ones trapped in amber. The people they pretend to oppose are also spending every night at the museum. After the Cold War, what we call the Left went back to put on their old 1960’s radical outfits so they could relive their salad days, but this time as the man. For the last thirty years it has been a revenge tour by the culture wreckers who thought they got short changed when they rioted in their youth.

It went unnoticed, but in the Obama years, it was if they were working from a list of slights they endured over the prior decades. The Iran deal was about avenging the “arms-for-hostages” issue. The Russian reset that everyone now forgets was about avenging Carter. When they were not revisiting past defeats, they were reviving old causes like black radicalisms and sexual liberation. Just like their conservative buddies, the so-called Left is trapped in the 20th century.

This weird dance through the halls of the museum of the 20th century is most obvious with the war in the Ukraine. This post by Thaddeus McCotter at American Greatness is emblematic of the mindset. The triumphalism following the fall of the Soviet Empire froze everything in place. No one on either side of the political class can think beyond the point when the West declared the end of history. Therefore, nothing can be allowed to change from that point in time.

Alexander Dugin has written about how the end of the Cold War was a disaster, which strikes most Western readers as sour grapes. It certainly was a disaster for Russia, but who cares about Russia? She deserved it for losing. Of course, what he meant is that the Cold War provided a moral framework for the world. When it abruptly ended, that moral framework ended with it. All of a sudden, there were no rules and what has followed has been chaos from the Eurasian perspective.

From the Western perspective, it has been worse than chaos. “If God does not exist, everything is permitted” is a common Russian expression. In fact, it greatly influenced the thinking of Nietzsche. For the West, the requirements of the Cold War filled the role of God, limiting the excesses of the ruling class. When those restraints were removed, what followed was an orgy of excess leading to the current crisis, made worse by rulers who are trapped in the past century.

Max Planck famously said, “Science advances one funeral at a time” and that may be what must happen for the West to escape the current crisis. As the geriatric class of leaders fades from the seen, they will take their antiquated worldview with them, leaving open the possibility for a new world view. Whether the West is governable as currently composed will be the defining question, but it will not be answered by those old men with their sock ties and Reagan memorabilia.

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1 year ago

To all the people crapping on Reagan here, you guys don’t know what you’re talking about. You son’t know what you don’t know. The general mood of the country in the late 70s was that the US was in serious and permanent decline. A lot more so than it is today. Think about how you feel like the country is declining and then multiply it times four or five and that is how “everyone” felt in 79. We’d lost a serious war less than a decade earlier after forty thousand battlefield deaths. We’d had a decade of high inflation –… Read more »

Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

And he lowered taxes and restored the economy in a boom that lasted through the 90s.

To understand the Reagan moment, you had to have been there; like in all things. Too bad it didn’t last. That time and place are over now.

1 year ago

Totally off topic: Scanning headlines before I shut down my laptop, and DeSantis (I an neither for nor against him because I have zero interest in electoral politics) backtracked on his earlier common sense take on Ukraine (i.e. it’s a border dispute with Russia and none of our business). He has now declared Putin a ‘war criminal’ and literally said Russia was a ‘gas station with nuclear weapons.’

If I did give a damn about elections, he would have lost my vote. I think he’s made his allegiance (and paymasters) very clear by making this u-turn. Turd.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

DeSantis stole that “gass station” comment from one John McCain circa 2014. You’re done, Ron.

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Well that is more in line with his career history as CIA torture lawyer.

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

All politicians lie.

If you believe that it’s OK to be white, hold to “old fashion” traditions, Christian values, and you want to get elected then you may not be truthful. The media hates you and will eat you alive.

Instead, focus on what they do, what they have done. Read between the lines. Take a chance. Maybe we can find a diamond in the rough?

1 year ago

There’s another kind of person that’s stuck in a 20th century time warp, and that’s the classic mid-century blue dog Democrat, pro-Union type of working class white voter. None of those attributes are bad in any way, shape, or form. If I had lived in the 1930s-1960s, I’d have been a blue dog Democrat too. I certainly would have been pro-Union (and still am to a degree). The problem is, the Democrats, and even most of the Unions, are antiwhite and anti-working class. As hard as that is to swallow, the big Washington based lobbyists in Unions these days are… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

FWIW corporations and unions are basically the same thing with different names and connotations. Capital and labor go together. Another fake and gay dialectic.

Captain Obvious, I’m sure, but I don’t recall ever hearing anybody point it out. Idk.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

This is a great post and very much based in reality.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

The Democrats particularly the leftist base of the party never forgave those white working class Democrat voters for leaving the party and voting for Nixon and later, Reagan. The left started really loathing the Dirt People/deplorables in the 1960s.

Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

I always wonder about my grandpa. He worked in a steel mill from the early 30’s to the mid 70’s. He was a part-time union rep, a Catholic, and a blue collar guy. Setting aside the perfidy of the Republicans, what on earth would he think of the Democrat party that he surely supported his entire life? How would he square his dearly held religious beliefs with the gleeful pursuit of baby killing and sexual mutilation? How would he feel about them selling out his industry and then importing millions of grunts to drive down salaries on the few jobs… Read more »

Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

These are my parents in their 70’s. I don’t discuss anything like these topics with them because I’d prefer to enjoy the time I have left them. I hold my tongue when they say things relating to issues of the day, but in fairness to them, it’s rare.

1 year ago

Mccotter may be misled about our goodness, but he does have a point , The fact that our rulers are evil doesn’t make their opponents good. China, cuba , and the old soviet union were awful places to live . China and Cuba still are . Putin is all in on the CBDC, and mandatory Vax . so he is not a freedom fighter. sad to say , I don’t think there are any good guys to root for .

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

Are you sure China is an awful place to live? It might be an awful place for you… Or it might not. But how do you know it’s awful? Who told you? What’s there (the tellers’ game)? See, I live on the Chinese periphery and have some experience of the place. Imagine high speed trains running on time without the Obsolete Farm Equipment making travel on them intolerable… Imagine no Trannies. Imagine the schools teaching your children to respect their parents and to love their country… along, of course with a few comfortable lies and historical omissions. That’s a threefer.… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

There’s something about living in a homogenous country that allows a Westerner to breath, even if that person happens to be one of the rare outsiders. You cannot believe how much you appreciate the silence that attends to subjects that, in the West, are sources of great friction and anger. Most of us just want our cultural overlords to STFU and leave us alone, and that’s attainable in countries like China. At the same time, imagine being seated on one of those trains next to some quasi-parvenu down from the country who still thinks it’s acceptable to expectorate, make an… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

You’ve just made a perfect case for homogeneous societies and the total elimination of immigration. I don’t care that China would be intolerable for me because I would never immigrate there or any other non-white nation. Likewise, the non-white world should stay effing put. Arguing which society is better is beside the point.

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

It’s possible that what we call political oppression is comfortable to them and what most of them would choose. I don’t know, but that’s my suspicion.

Sure, there a few Chinese who want the ideals of western democracy and individual rights, but they may be as much outliers to the general population as tr@nies are here.

Aside: As intelligent and orderly as the Chinese are, I always marveled at their unwillingness, at least the older ones, to form lines when a bus arrived in China Town in San Francisco.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

What’s even more shocking is the gulf between the Chinese and Japanese in these respects. I guess I know the historical reasons for it, but it still seems like they should have some cultural similarities based on their respective evolutions. We really should have stayed the hell out of WWII and let them sort things out for themselves.

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

I see the 50 cent army is here!

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

50 Cent Army? OK Boomer. Well I’m not Godfree Roberts or Larry Romanoff, I can assure you. By all means enjoy throwaway disparagement of a civilisation which has persisted through internal strife and foreign invasions for several thousand years now and is presently on the upswing as we Westerners are on the downswing. I mean if that’s your Happy Place. They have much to learn from us and we have much to learn from them, even allowing for the fact that we can’t be like them and have different genetic programming. And vice-versa. Some fantasised version of China has been… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

your first post? defending the system that provides a good life for 90 million CCP members at the expense of 1.31 billion 5th class subjects . As the resident expert here , explain the joys of the HOKU system that keeps the Chinese locked in a small area where they were born to live and work.

1 year ago

Remember when Margaret Thatcher invented multiculturalism (think “Greek Heritage Day” team-building funtivities) for a scheme to break the unions? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  DavidBrent
1 year ago

Are the Brit normiecons the same way about her as ours are about Reagan? I have wondered

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Every Briton I know comes from countless generations of unfathomable wealth, so they’re all communists—formerly party-line Soviet, now anti-“workerist” Trotskyist (neocon) champions of Our Democracy, rhetorically indistinguishable from, say, Tony Blair. (I’d have said Christopher Hitchens but they hate and reject him in whole for being anti-Islam.) The British conservatives I encounter out here on the tubes blame Tony Blair for everything wrong with England because when he was PM he talked like communists do now, and of course Thatcher did nothing wrong…because she sounded rather like Reagan, who did nothing wrong. Ironically, when British conservatives adulate Thatcher, they do… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Jeffrey Zoar: When I was there in the early ’80s, my flat mates (British middle class of the time) all detested Thatcher for privatizing companies and impoverishing them/the country. I was pretty ignorant of British domestic politics at the time, and just beginning my journey from left to right, so I didn’t have an opinion to add.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

“Are the Brit normiecons the same way about her as ours are about Reagan?” I’ll try and find them both and ask them.

Milestone D
Milestone D
1 year ago

One the first times I realized how much my political sense had shifted was when I caught myself wondering if it would have been better had Al Gore won in 2000. Admittedly, there’s got to be some sort of logical fallacy involved since Gore would have likely facilitated some other group of outrages, but that’s not really the point … my entire life, politically speaking, was organized around Democrats Are Bad yet here I was wondering if Gore would have been, if not better, at least less worse. The historical counterfactual that I often wonder about it what would have… Read more »

Reply to  Milestone D
1 year ago

Bush as VEEP was no “last minute decision.” Gipper had no choice.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

To say the least. That fix was in, and deep. The Bushes are long-time major players in the East Coast cryptocracy. It’s a club, you ain’t in it.

Nothing even faintly accidental or last minute about Bush’s VP slot.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Milestone D
1 year ago

I was under the impression that Rumsfeld was the VP choice before Reagan got talked/coerced into Bush.

Rumsfeld, being a much more charismatic figure than Bush, could have beaten Clinton in ’92.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Rumsfield was a neocon psychopath. God knows who we would have gone to war against. Probably everyone.

Reply to  Milestone D
1 year ago

I will never find myself in this position. The “lesser of two evils”, is ultimately, when you distill it down, the lesser of two evils…meaning Gore was more evil. Even if MOAR HARDER voting has always come down to voting for cowards who are afraid to grab hold of the titanic’s steering wheel, I can’t ever reason my way into thinking that voting for the Captain EJ Smith to steer me into an iceburg would be a better choice. I’d rather be the guy who chooses not to vote. Or vote for Trumplike candidates. “None of the above”. Gore was… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

A lot of times a president being an R or D is just a cover for allowing him to do things the other side couldn’t get away with. Only Nixon could go to China. Only GWB could expand Medicare. Only Biden could go to war in Ukraine. If it were an R president doing that the Ds would become the peace party again, just like the majority the GOP had at that time in congress would have denied Gore a medicare expansion.

Viewed through this lens, it doesn’t make one damn bit of difference

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

This is true. However, and boo me if you want, but while I will agree that having a behemoth military is bad, and getting involved in wars in far flung shitholes is even worse, I’m less concerned with those things, as long as we aren’t drafting people into a meat grinder situation, than I am about the decay of my historic culture, and the surrender of my homeland to globalism and 3rd world immigration. I realize the two go hand in hand in our current paradigm (big military and mass immigration), but I don’t think that is a necessary thing.… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

False choice, excluded middle, and “giant douche versus turd sandwich.” Take your false dichotomy and shove it. Neither side has ever even attempted to defend our interests, and they can all go to hell and die. Democracy is a con job, and they got you marked as a sucker. Stop being their fool, stop whutabouting and chasing the stick.

Reply to  Memebro
1 year ago

Good Ole Rebel…Are you retarded? Do you know how to read?

Nobody said I like Republicans. And I said very explicitly that I understand that they’re cut from the same cloth.

But that doesn’t mean I’m going to go vote for fucking Beto O’Rourke. So f^cCc you and your sanctimony.

Reply to  Milestone D
1 year ago

lets not fool ourselves into thinking that the figureheads from the uniparty actually sets the direction for the government . gore/bush? would not have mattered. Look at where mitt Romney is now and what he advocates and ask yourself what he really would have done diffrent than Obummer. It’s a big club and we aren’t in it.

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

If youre not seated at the table, then youre probably on the menu

1 year ago

“Even so, it is not hard to make a case that in the long run, the world would have been a better place if Carter had won in 1980.” Preposterous. Carter was just a standard lib who was all about shaming white people for using their heater and not giving enough gibs to blacks. Naive and best; a vicious prog in truth who would be all for Americans eating ze bugs. Look, the NWO took control way before Reagan. It happened at least at the World Wars and certainly at the outright coup that was LBJ/Vietnam/civil rights/welfare era. Reagan could… Read more »

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

I have a hard time thinking the CIA considered taking him out. His foreign policy views were indistinguishable from the CIA

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Several issues with your post. It is generally good and I agree with portions of it, but. TR wasn’t a success as far as I’m concerned, he was too eager to get involved with the RoW. Until him we were hesitant to do stuff like the Great White Fleet and certainly stayed out of European squabbles, He made it easier for Wilson to begin the destruction of the country by doing the Bull Moose wasted campaign. As far as Reagan goes, he wasn’t able to have a lasting effect on anything positive. His choice (forced) of GHW was terrible for… Read more »

Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

you forget what group of very powerful people wanted Iraq destroyed. nobody in the oval oraface would have denied them that.

Reply to  Mike
1 year ago

W’s succesor is Desantis.

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

DeSantis if elected will be Jeb’s first term. In other words, everything we his friends across the aisle get what they want while DeSantis cowers in the White House.

Jim in Alaska
Jim in Alaska
Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

I tend agree. None the less the thought exercise, if we’d turned that away instead…, worth the contemplation. What ifs, & could’a beens are useful as long as one realizes and keeps in mind that though you can’t change the past, there’s, of course, a hellofalot one can learn from it.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

‘Look, the NWO took control way before Reagan. It happened at least at the World Wars and certainly at the outright coup that was LBJ/Vietnam/civil rights/welfare era.’

Yes. The LBJ coup and following Identity/Civil Rights kickoff were final puzzle pieces. Then is was just a matter of fifty years to percolate it throughout the populations. And here we all are.

1 year ago

Reagan represented the ascendancy of all the worst type of conservatism. Sort of Breitbart amgreatness or the federalist wing of conservatism.

These guys are the ones who say things like conservatism Inc while not realizing that conservatism is the problem

It also tends to attract a certain kind of person I don’t like. Meanwhile the Ron Paul mises Rockwell types tend to attract a more interesting and even open minded type of person

1 year ago

In most college history courses there is a segment (or whole class) called “the long 19th century” which basically views the 19th starting at the American and French civil wars (post-1776) and ending at the close of WWI. I wonder if “the long 20th century” will reach into the 2000s much further. And what will end it.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Short twentieth century – 1914 to 1991

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Or is it 1945 – tbd

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The 20th century, and a halfway civilized government, probably ended 9/11/2001…

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

no , WWI led to the destruction of the entire world order at the time .

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago


I’m guessing you have also read Hobsbawm’s book, The Age of Extremes that covers the exact time frame you mention:

That said, I personally tend to agree with pyrrhus’ conjecture below that the 20th century really ended on 9/11/01.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I’m gonna cut Ronnie a little slack. Had he been able to construct his own regime (“if I were king”) just the way he wanted I think the results would have been a lot better. But that’s not the world he or we lived in. He had to deal with neocons, new world order republicans, mostly D controlled Congress, a morally deteriorating populace, and above all a corporate establishment that was beginning to embrace a mercenary ethos. Aside from which he got shot in the chest at age 70 which is not a small thing. His cabinet was infinitely more… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

An important mistake Reagan made from our viewpoint, was not appointing Mel Bradford (paleoconservative, anti-egalitarian, anti-Lincoln, etc.) to head the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and instead picking neocon William Bennett. This was a factor in the neocons gaining more influence and power in the GOP.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

This was in 1981, at the beginning of the Reagan years.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I agree, but Reagan also failed to veto a lot of bills that should have been deep sixed….

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Well put. The world will have no problem abandoning the GAE once its economic leverage ends as a direct result of its passive-aggressive mayhem.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

(response in wrong place)

1 year ago

That American Greatness article is utterly bizarre. It reads like it was written in 2002. McCotter literally talks about the “blame America first crowd” like Colin Powell just gave a speech at the UN. It simply ignores the fact that if there is any list of rogue nations on planet Earth, the USA has to be on top of that list, based on all accumulated evidence of the past 25 years or so. The disconnect between the conservative “leaders” and the peasants continues to grow. A lot of people are praying for a peaceful end to the American empire, come… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Not merely a rogue nation, but a rampaging piratical state bombing and slaughtering in the name of every species of criminality, perversion and depravity known to mankind. The Global American Empire is the new Evil Empire.

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

American Greatness is a retirement home for conserative dinosaurs. They still believe we can vote our way out of this and if we only read The Constitution (cue drum roll) very slowly to the lefties, they’ll all leave us alone to live our lives.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

“After all, that is not who they are. Conservative principle requires conforming to current norms.” I have to disagree with this. It is quite the confusing misdirection to assert that “conservatism” is simply a an attitudinal posture or gesture, and not an idea with any positive content. We can argue about what the content is or ought to be, but there is no doubt that the word definitely refers to something. The two contenders are classical liberalism (the “conservatism” of America’s founding fathers) and throne-and-altar traditionalism. I belong to the latter camp; thus, when I say “conservatism,” I at least… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

I fail to see how the reality of biology leads ineluctibly to natural law and thence to traditionalism. The reality of biology is that there are significant differences between races, and that, therefore, there needn’t be any natural law that comprehends them all. What’s more, it seems to me that traditionalism is an intention rather than a necessity. It really has very little to do with biology and/or natural law.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Putting aside your appeal to ignorance, the relevant query is: why do humans so readily firm hierarchical societies? If it’s in our nature, then you can pretty readily construct a system of law that assumes the hierarchical nature of humankind. Rights notwithstanding, a good amount of natural law has historically revolved around the privileges and duties of each hierarchical position, as well as the justification for this state of affairs. The US constitution is not the entirety nor the culmination of natural rights thinking, even if, say, Michael Anton would wish it to be.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Andrew
1 year ago

True enough. But if hierarchical propensity is the nub of natural law, natural law is a rather threadbare concept. There is far more to human society than chains of command, and there is tremendous variation in these other features from one cultural group to the next. What’s more, tribal hierarchy in the Celebes may well be so fundamentally different from the governmental hierarchy of Iceland as to render them different in kind, not just quantity. Natural law, alas, is natural only in the society that founds it.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Andrew
1 year ago

Andrew: Some humans form hierarchical societies, others do not. And you are question begging the form and nature of hierarchy (eg some eastern africans have a big man and everyone else, essentially a two-tiered system; does “hierarchy” require more than 2? Is that the same as the pre-modern english system of nobility? You’de be downright foolish to draw anything but the most superficial connections between the two). Certain Nordic groups and the early puritans were nonheirarchical democratic egalitarians – and that’s just within White protestant Europeans. Your premise fails upon inquiry, thus your conclusion of natural law fails. The point,… Read more »

1 year ago

[…] Escaping The 20th Century   […]

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The folly of “free trade” was obvious from at least the late 60s. From the late 60s to the late 80s, the American electronics industry was utterly decimated. The car industry suffered greatly in this time too. Once the US market was open to competition from Asia, it became impossible to compete with the currencies of Asia and the (lack of) regulations in Asia. Gutting American industry was a bi-partisan effort too. Reagan did not come along and start this process, he came along after it started and enabled ever more of it. It was George W Bush who let… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Yes. Whatever you call this current monstrosity–I lean towards “neo-feudalism” although the older version wasn’t nearly as harsh–deindustrialization brought it to fruition. There is some karma, though, with the Empire unable to win wars because of offshoring.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Bell Labs licensed the solid state transistor to Sony, in 1955. Masaru Ibuka, co-founder of the Japanese firm Sony, was visiting the United States when Bell Labs announced the availability of manufacturing licenses, including detailed instructions on how to manufacture junction transistors. Ibuka obtained special permission from the Japanese Ministry of Finance to pay the $50,000 license fee, and in 1955 the company introduced their own five-transistor “coatpocket” radio, the TR-55, under the new brand name Sony. This product was soon followed by more ambitious designs, but it is generally regarded as marking the commencement of Sony’s growth into a… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

That would have been fine if it weren’t for the export market. Instead of Sony and other manufacturers making radios and TVs for the Japanese market, they exported them to the US.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Ironically, Sony’s most profitable divisions in the Current Year are Finance and Insurance.

Denon is a Japanese electronics company founded in 1910 by an American entrepreneur that returned to American ownership in 2017.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Regarding Reagan and free trade, here’s a quote from a Pat Buchanan piece in 2016: “Ronald Reagan slapped a 50 percent tariff on Japanese motorcycles being dumped here to kill Harley-Davidson, then put quotas on Japanese auto imports, and on steel and machine tools. Reagan was a conservative of the heart. Though a free trader, he always put America first.”

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

And that’s why Harley has the same quality issues as the US car industry of the 70’s.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The car industry suffered greatly in this time too.

American cars from (at least) the mid to late seventies into the early eighties were crap, please stop waxing nostalgic about that. A credit to them though that they improved their game against Japanese cars built with the expectation that they would last beyond 30,000 miles (as opposed to the Brits who threw in the towel).

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

The 70s were a bad time for US automakers. Part of what made the 70s such a bad time was all the new regulations Nixon and California put on them. Not to mention the rampant inflation and recessions of the 70s. By the mid 80s, they caught up again.

For all the grief the big 3 get for the 70s, the imports were terrible too. I couldn’t even fit in one of them. My head would hit the roof.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

It’s interesting that American automotive aesthetics dropped off the cliff in tandem with quality. Hence, 1972 was the final year of the classic American automobile. Now the quality has rebounded, but the aesthetics remain rather bland and uninteresting.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

The diktats of the EPA mean Aerodynamism Uber Alles.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bilejones
1 year ago

That’s certainly part of it. But it is also clear that aesthetic sense in AINO has completely withered and died. Just give contemporary pop “music” a listen, if you dare.

1 year ago

A parallel view. At the root, we became too affluent for too long. This excess spawned absurd consumption, avarice, and degeneracy. We gradually became fatter, lazier, and stupider. And all the negatives cited in today’s posting are attributable to this reversal of the evolutionary fitness process. Instead of purging deadweight (as nature intends), we elevated it to ruling status. As proof, I give you Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden (not one of which ever worked a day in his life). Ditto for the octogenarians ruling Congress. And the beat goes on, and will go on, until… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Spot on. We can wrangle about who did what, and who would have done better, but at the end of the day, it’s the iron law of civilisations. They eventually get fat and complacent and die. There is no fixing the current system. It needs to collapse so we can start building something better to replace it.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
1 year ago

1. Two of Reagan’s three appointees to the Supreme Court were pro-aborts, O’Conner and Kennedy. 2. It was Carter who started the moralistic foreign policiy nonsense, as by ditching the Shah in Iran and Somoza in Nicaragua, two trouble spots even today. From the State Dept. history: “Carter refused to continue the past practice of overlooking the human rights abuses of our own allies, and was particularly tough on South Korea, Iran, Argentina, South Africa, and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). He also ended more than 30 years of U.S. political and military support to one of Latin America’s most abusive leaders—President Somoza… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 year ago

Carter was a sanctimonious prick, to be sure, but moralizing is as American as apple pie and burning Atlanta to the ground.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

In 2023, I’m in favor of both those Americanisms.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Ha! Maybe Sherman was psychic. Scratch that: he would have fought for the other side if that were the case.

Altitude Zero
Altitude Zero
Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 year ago

If you described US foreign policy today as a Hellish hybrid of the very worst aspects of Carter and Reagan’s policies, minus any and all good points, you wouldn’t be far wrong.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 year ago

Appointing SC justices who turned out not to be as conservative as hoped hardly distinguishes Reagan from other republican presidents. Any other republican presidents.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Yes, each and every one was an abysmal failure who turned coat and sold their country and its nations down the river the moment they finished the swearing-in ceremony. Damn them all.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 year ago

Well, Bork got BORKED!

Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 year ago

Damn! Its a cookbook!

Reply to  cg2
1 year ago

“to serve mankind.”

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

I’ve already read of the theory that the existence of the Soviet Union during The Cold War was a boon for the Western middle and working classes in that the mere presence of the USSR as a viable ideological adversary chastened the West’s elite and kept them (more or less) honest. The elites couldn’t simply run roughshod over the plebs if there was an alternative, even one as flawed as centrally planned Soviet communism.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

They kept their people poor for us! Just meant all that much more for the average american. Since they fell apart we’ve been going around the world and starting wars to keep other consumers of “commodities” offline.

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

There’s an echo of that in Clinton’s refusal to have Russia join NATO in the ’90’s- Russia was too valuable as an enemy to have as an ally.
To be honest, the US doesn’t have allies, it has hostages, Ask rke the Ukes or the newly se-industrializing Krauts.

1 year ago

I’m currently reading a fictional account of Newmerica, the first five years after Antifa/BLM are victorious and Bad Orange Man died escaping the attack on the White House (Blue Dawn by Blaine Pardoe). It’s a fatally flawed book based on that same 20th century nostalgia and civnattery, yet is tempered by a fairly accurate portrayal of the natural schisms in the woke non-White crowd. It includes a mystical reverence for the Declaration and Constitution juxtaposed with the incomplete dynamiting of Mount Rushmore by the numericans. Tits ‘n teeth is the head of the new national gestapo who schemes to root… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

“his dystopian future still produces plenty of electric power and cellphones and fuel for cars on the road. It’s a world of endless surveillance but no real physical want.”

Endless surveillance is the only thing close to reality there. The time of plenty is going away now along with the electricity and fuel.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Load shedding could put a real dent in the surveillance state

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

One would hope, but electricity will be rationed for everything else to maintain the surveillance state.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I’ve seen a couple of indications that there’s a movement afoot to deny the NSA data grinder server farm in Utah any utilities provided by the state.
Indolence prevents me from digging them up.

370H55V I/me/mine
370H55V I/me/mine
1 year ago

My own epiphany about the turning point came in 1982, when conservative NY Post columnist Ray Kerrison referenced a poll indicating that 76% of Nebraska residents were OK with their governor, Bob Kerrey, shacking up in the governor’s mansion with actress Debra Winger. Note this in conservative, rock-ribbed Nebraska (which is even more conservative today), and not on the Upper West Side, Berkeley, or Kalorama.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  370H55V I/me/mine
1 year ago

I wonder how different that poll would have been if she hadn’t just had a big hit with An Officer and a Gentleman, which is probably an even more depressing thought

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  370H55V I/me/mine
1 year ago

By 1982, the cultural and moral rot had been proceeding apace for close to two decades.

370H55V I/me/mine
370H55V I/me/mine
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Yes, I don’t dispute that, but I was just speaking about when I caught on. Two decades before that I was still in elementary school.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  370H55V I/me/mine
1 year ago

I know. I was just pointing out that the cesspit didn’t well up overnight.

1 year ago

“Even so, it is not hard to make a case that in the long run, the world would have been a better place if Carter had won in 1980. The neocons would have been cut off at the pass, thus sparing the world of their senseless violence.”

Let’s not forget that it was Carter who started arming Bin Laden and the other Islamic militants in Afghanistan in order to fight the Soviet Union by proxy. We’re still seeing the blowback from that today!

So I think the neocons were in, regardless (or even because) of Carter.

1 year ago

“As the geriatric class of leaders fades from the seen, they will take their antiquated worldview with them, leaving open the possibility for a new world view.” Unfortunately, the farm system is full of people who got their place by playing their elders’ game. The good news is they’re soft, only capable of exercising power as tyrants until the machine breaks down. We’re seeing both happening currently. There will be collapse, and then revolution by default— I’d guess not driven by insurrection but by the necessity of material conditions. However that plays out, Americans will be unsuppressed and unburdened, and… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

You’re right – Putin turned Russia around, which is why he is so hated by certain “Americans” currently driving our country off a cliff.

Reply to  Jannie
1 year ago

At least Putin replaced uncontrollable foreign looters with domestic oligarchs. It is easier to curb the excesses of localized pirates.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

I believe you underestimate just how processed the American populace is. Many tend to use the line that “[w]hen they get hungry, then reality will hit.” Is this true of drug addicts? Does a dose of reality fix them? Or does it make it worse. 75 percent of Americans (my estimate) are completely hooked on dopamine mechanisms. These mechanisms are powered and controlled by TPTB. As conditions get worse, the eloi will become only more dependent on escapism as the conditions deteriorate. America is a nation of sick drug addicts. They hope that a dose of reality will help them… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Eloi: They will eagerly comply – for the inflated moral superiority that comes with that compliance. Government gibs and bennies for snitching are, of course, an additional treat. There was never a lack of apparatchiks in the Soviet Union or East Germany, and even before the constant eye of big tech, China had plenty of women happily ordering others around.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Yep. New Jersey housewives during Covid put to shame their East German and Cuban block enforcer counterparts.

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

I’ve had a tendency to do that, yes, but I’m factoring it in from now on. People’s slavishness will never surprise me again lol. You’re right about drug addicts. Seriously, it looks like a lot of things are lining up. Military dominance is over, and (caveat: kind of dumb about these things) I can’t see money magic having more tricks to fend off a deflationary crash. Add Suddenly to it all. I think a lot of people will die, more will leave the country for greener pastures or be chased out by an angry remnant, and said remnant will have… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Probably some wishful thinking involved, but I can picture a lot of illegal aliens self deporting after GD 2.0 arrives

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Jeffrey Zoar: And I cannot. Even with a depression, America still provides better circumstances – certainly better criminal and/or guilt pickings – than most of their native shiteholes. Until things truly hit home (the severity and longevity of such a downturn), there will be plenty of nice White ladies, young and old, to share their children’s inheritance with aliens.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

3g4me, in the GD 2.0 I am picturing, few if any will have much of an inheritance to share with anyone. And that’s definitely not wishful thinking.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Things get bad enough, the US starts losing its grip on C/S America. Maybe China moves in, makes a sweet deal back home. Suddenly things look better.

Remittances are no small part of some economies. Globalism runs both ways. Drugs would be a sticking point.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

As can I. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that 3rd world immigration ratcheted up when America’s standard is of living rocketed past the rest of the world’s. People don’t uproot themselves for a nickel raise, but they might fit doubling their standard of living. If that standard reverses and declines, returning to their roots will look more appealing.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

GD 1.0 had voluntary repatriation of immigration rates as high as 80%. But, things have changed so much I doubt there is much substance in such a comparison.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

The Reagan era also brought with it a decline in the working class, they went on at the time about how prosperous the 80’s was was but in reality the prosperity was due to the financialization of America, actual wages remained stagnant. The 90’s and early 2000’s saw even more factories and middle income working class jobs moved to Asia the theory was they could continue to sell the products with higher margins back to the Golden Goose of the American middle class. Well now the white middle class is in decline and they think that they don’t need us… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

I think Reagan’s legacy will be the destruction of White America and the resulting destruction of the country. It wasn’t his intent, to be sure, but was the direct result of the economic policies he set into motion.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

That seems kind of like blaming the john for the hooker’s promiscuity. If he wrecked the country, it was because it wanted to be wrecked.

It was the worship of the almighty dollar above all, above country, that did it. Sending manufacturing to Asia makes more dollars, so it must be the right thing to do, yes?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

That wasn’t the work of the working class, far from it. Yes, the resistance against this pernicious trend was weak, but given the informational asymmetry, or even the ability to become aware of the scam being run on them by the Wall Street boys with their leveraged buyouts of manufacturing companies, in their active collaboration with the whores on the Potomac, you can’t lay the blame at the feet of the working class. Yes, the comfort first imperative was taking over, and that blinkered working stiffs lusting after that RV and the bass boat, so there is that. But the… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

Reagan did not sign NAFTA – GATT Bill Clinton did. Down vote for lying.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

I thought Bush elder got NAFTA rolling. Bill just got to ink it.

1 year ago

This post is thoughtful as usual, Zman. But I’d take issue with the assertion that the moral framework of the Cold War died with the conflict itself. I would argue that the moral framework survived the end of the Cold War—and *that* is the root of so many problems we face now. In retrospect, the moral claims emerging from the Cold War May have been untenable without the existential conflict to keep them in check. That’s because many of those claims were promulgated as part of the conflict: to draw sharp distinctions with the Soviets, and to justify the overall… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  ChrisZ
1 year ago

Great post. You said it better than I did here. That said, Carter’s “human rights” as a polar opposite to the USSR (then) was better than Biden’s “Anal Rights” agenda (today). We are clearly locked into to these Manichaean policy frameworks when something more nuanced and less expensive is required today.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

“Anal rights”. Yep. That’s where we are. Perverted minorities who will never be happy. No anus left behind!

1 year ago

“Reagan” – what a farce. To see the Repukes fawn all over him at their ‘national conventions’ – former Democrat, unionist, product of Hollyweird. First (recent) president with dementia. Open borders crook. Dumbed down his speeches so the 1st graders could get it. Sent soldiers on stupid military adventures just to get their beaks wet. I mean, the stirring invasion of Grenada! Remember Grenada! The scam known as the Iran hostage crisis. It goes on and on. The plastic, fake second wife. Ladies and gentlemen of the ‘conservative’ wing – I introduce to you YOUR hero, Ronnie. Plus his movies… Read more »

Reply to  JoeyHi
1 year ago


Every downvote is like free beer, with ‘beer’ measured in tears shed by still-blind ‘conservatives’ – Go Rino, er, Ronnie!

And don’t forget, a free “I Voted” sticker awaits you.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  JoeyHi
1 year ago

Yeah Joey, I agree that if Carter must suck it regarding Iran, Reagan has to suck it regarding Amnesty, which will end up being a bigger fiasco than anything that ever happened in Iran.

Carl B.
Carl B.
Reply to  JoeyHi
1 year ago

If you took the time to read Reagan’s writings and speeches you wouldn’t be so far out in Left field.

Reply to  JoeyHi
1 year ago

Numerous downvotes, yet not one rebuttal to the post on how bad Ronnie’s policies truly were for America. Kinda says it all.

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

Can’t speak for any others but my downvote wasn’t for the assertions made within his post but rather how they were phrased. And that goes for the “I love the salty tears of my foes” sentiment, too.

Reply to  ArthurinCali
1 year ago

You must be new to the internet. A very important rule to follow is to never feed the trolls. This asshat is posting in bad faith to pick an internet fight. There’s nothing to be gained by responding to him.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
1 year ago

I think Reagan would be appalled at what has become of his country, and perhaps even ashamed at the extent to which his policies contributed to it. He did live long enough to regret Simpson-Mazzoli. That said, Jimmy Carter was an idiot. It was the paleocons like Pat Buchanan (briefly communications director in Reagan White House) who were right all along. But it’s not like their vision was ever going to carry the day. They were too out of step with the culture, even back then. This has all been locked in since the Pill, when white women went off… Read more »

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
1 year ago

I can’t bring myself to believe that we’d be any better off had Carter won reelection. My suspicion is that things would be, if this even possible, even worse.

Much time is spent on this site breaking down the latent faults of liberal democracy and how it will inevitably bring us to the point we’re at today. In light of that, I fail to see the point in arguing over whether getting here quickly or slightly less quickly is of any importance.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I agree. Now, it’s certainly possible that the fascist fusion of state and economy would not be quite so advanced had Carter won, but the cultural horror, hard though it may be to fathom, would be even worse. Perhaps much worse. Of course, complicating the picture is the role corporate oligarchs are playing in further polluting the culture. Phillips 66 may be a greater force for evil than the 10 best-selling rappers combined.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

It isnt a question of this policy or that. The issue is that The Gipper and the surrounding lore is all just hopium pablum to suck you back in to arguing about how to fix that which cannot be fixed. If Reagan wasnt there as a pseudo-conservative figurehead, a lot more people would have realized the whole red-versus-blue system is a scam, and much sooner. The move to resist the system by the primary victims of the system was greatly delayed and hindered by the GOP 80s, and Reagan was the biggest bulwark of all against the awakening of the… Read more »

1 year ago

“The world “trillion” was an abstraction for most people.”

Back in the early ’90s, it must have been, I wrote an article decrying the enormous $3 trillion national debt. If present day me could go back to me then and tell him “$31 trillion” I don’t know how I would have reacted after I got over the white hot rage.

1 year ago

” Note that Reagan’s lasting influence is all negative. Corporatism, open borders and a massive military are what he passed onto the 21st century.”

Harsh but accurate.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Yep. All true. Reagan shanked us with his amnesty stupidity. Most do not understand how damaging that was. That legislation set the precedent for the “temporary Protective Status’ that was applied to uncountable groups from around the globe. It also, in effect, blew the lid off all of the numeric quotas for the various immigrant groups. As Reagan himself said “There is nothing more permanent than a “temporary government program.” Everyone who I point this out to says something like ” Oh Ron just made one error with that amnesty stuff.” Excuse me. That was no little error. That legislation… Read more »

Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Using those metrics, one could say that Carter (with help from Nixon) destroyed white America by formally recognizing China and setting into motion the final, utter destruction of our industrial base and our Main Street merchants, with all the attendant socio-political ills. Sure, some might say that it was a necessity of realpolitik but that doesn’t mitigate how profoundly detrimental our relationship with China has been to us.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Absolutely. The traitors cut the core out of America and sent it China. Now, among other excuses for war with China, they say Taiwan is a national security concern. This, they say, is because most of our semiconductors are made there.

Too bad! We should not have offshored our semiconductor industry.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

While his amnesty deal was unforgivable, if he hadn’t done it, then Bush or Clinton would have. Nothing would be different.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

SMH. Hey, if Jeff Epstein didn’t kidnap and ravage those 14 year olds, someone else woulda done it! Therefor Epstein did nothing wrong!
Gaahh. “The inevitability of sin” nonsense is just asinine. He is responsible for his sins; and failure to take responsibility for one’s sins means there is no repentance, without which there is no forgiveness. So if Reagan shares Zoar’s outlook, the gipper is getting boiled in feces by satan for all eternity now.

Reply to  george 1
1 year ago

Reagan reluctantly made a deal with Tip O’Neal for one time amnesty in exchange for “locking down the boarder.”
Then the dems refused to FUND it.
That’s a fact.
Re writing history does not change facts.
The video exists of Reagan explaining why he reluctantly made the deal.
It’s called YouTube

Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

This from the guy who famously said, “Trust, but verify”?

Pull the other one.

With way too many of Reagan’s rhetorical flourishes, we got great, thumping words, but then what?

He wasn’t helpless, he could have refused to sign off on budgets until the funding was there.

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

So your argument in defense is that he was hopelessly stupid and naive? So he was unfit for leadership at the outset, and really was just a halfwit dunce? Some hero, this stupid buffoon of yours.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Don’t forget the capstone: No-fault Divorce is California, from whence it inevitably metastasized.

‘No-fault’ btw means ‘no daddy’.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

Americans like clear-cut, Good v. Evil politics. “Evil Empire”…..”You’re either with us, our with the terrorists”…blah blah. We have always eschewed the slippery Talleyrand/Metternich/Tony Blair style of diplomacy/skullduggery as sorta foreign, fake and gay. This is why everything now has to be posed in Manichaean terms. “Putin as Hitler”….”gay rights are human rights blah blah”. It’s very difficult to get Americans fired up over heavily nuanced, distant issues. If anything, this was Carter’s failure. He had Neocons – look at Brzezenksi, the OG Neocon. But he also had doves – Vance, Andrew Young. He had technocrats too (Harold Brown). He… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Oh stop it. Carter never failed, the rabbit won.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Captain Willard: To repeat one of my comments from the other day, screw principles. Carter’s failure was not tragic, it was the natural consequence of his totally erroneous assumptions about the world . . . and I saw that even as a young shitlib. He was not attempting a nuanced foreign policy out of pragmatism or national interest, but out of vague do-gooder principles. He was the virtue-signaler-in-chief.

And I loathed his ugly old-man sweaters.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Yes, bad sweaters. I agree he was naive. Yes, he was a do-gooder and virtue-signaler. He was irritating. I agree that this didn’t help him. But I think he was pragmatic about China, got Israel and Egypt to make peace and made trouble for the Soviets where he could (Afghan./Poland). Obviously he screwed up a bunch of stuff. Unfortunately you and I are old enough to remember all of it :). I still agree with Zman that his failure was tragic, because we got 40 years of warmongering and MIC expansion in the wake of his failure. These “what if”… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Captain Willard: A gracious reply. Your final bargain – Carter for Biden – is a difficult one. Truly don’t know who I’d pick. Only true ideological difference was a matter of degree. And the neocons were not yet fully ascendant (or ready to flex their power) in the 1970s. Now if you’re talking about swapping historical time as well as admins, I suppose I’d rather have had Biden in the 1970s than Carter. He was still stupid and a liar even then, but there were still a few old White guys around to keep him in check, and they could… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Jimbo sure got over with that Shucks Ma’am Peanut Farmer shtick.

He’s a tricksy, two-faced globalista. My favorite was a decade back when he sat on the Board of the Global Elders.

Global Elders . . . LOL!! Oh yeah Jimmy, the world needs you, Winnie Mandela, and Gro Harlem Brundtland to be its Elders!

It’s like ole Neil and Stills and Graham Nash, sittin’ around with arms crossed, intransigent in the miasma of triumphant deceased nostalgia.

1 year ago

To yesterday’s topic, Pedro Gonzales swears he is not getting paid by the DeSantis campaign. This reads like he has left himself enough wiggle room that if he was getting paid by a rich donor to bash Trump and not directly by DeSantis people he technically isn’t lying. Pedro L. Gonzalez @emeriticus · 9h Yup. I get a lot of accusations of working for a campaign but I don’t, which is why I repeatedly said in the past I didn’t care so much about 2024 for different reasons. My income isn’t dependent on DeSantis or Trump. A lot of people… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

That’s happened since the first days of the republic. Davy Crockett was illiterate but was paid to allow his name to be listed as author on a diatribe against Andrew Jackson. What differentiates today is the multiple sources actually have diluted the effectiveness of the technique.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

It looks like they paid Williamson off in Twinkies and Kit-Kat bars.

I remember having several “back and forths” on Trump with Williamson on the NRonline site back when they still had comments. My feeling then was that Jeb Bush was paying him off to bash Trump.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

I heard that Kevin Williamson was the inspiration for Brendan Fraser’s character in “The Whale”

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Wow, I remember clearly. Has it really been that long?

Zman, you have been one of the most influential thought leaders (if not the singular most influential thought leader) in what might be considered the new right movement. Thank you. Stay low, and wait for covering fire to advance.

More Benjamins in tinfoil are due.

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

The amount of dumb rich money wasted… As the polls say, bashing Trump has no effect on his support. That’s because after years of practice no one has learned how, or gained the discipline, to thread the needle: How can I be anti-Trump without being pro-globohomo? The paleocons insist we reject Trump because he’s *been* rejected (like paleoconservatism) and the “alt right” just threw up their hands (Romanly) and became antisemitic neocons. Serious anti-Trump anons (and the one smart fed) on 4chan can say Trump’s a cultural homosexual who worships negroes and Jews and gays because they’re overrepresented on TV,… Read more »

William Corliss
Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

Gonzalez doesn’t go a day without several attacks on Trump. This indicates he has a quota to fulfill. He was never that focused on this sort of thing before.

I am a long-time Chronicles reader going back to the 1980s, and Fleming would not have allowed this type of politicking from his writers. The audience was too intelligent to be interested in this level of political mudslinging.

1 year ago

Seems there is a baby/bathwater problem with “the antiquated world view”. Is it possible to toss out “world view” through the actuarial dirtbath without losing some other essence? As in “who we are”.

Somewhere in there is the stretched canvas of White America upon which all the stupidity of prog hubris and boomer consumerism was fingerpainted. But that canvas remained in spite of all the clowns playing poker modern art.

I’m not looking forward to that point in the near future when I start missing the boomers.

1 year ago

I agree that the end of the Cold War was an absolute disaster. When the stakes of policy decisions was lowered dramatically, idiots replaced careful men. The idiots became unrestrained in the use of force and CIA shenanigans.

Russia has now recovered from the end of the Cold War far better than the U.S. The summit going on with China right now is about the future, which doesn’t involve us.

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

Twice this country has dealt with the aftermath of a sudden and profound existential change in its circumstances, 1865 and 1989, and both times screwed it up beyond belief.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

Russia is presently led by the strong men the hard times created, while GAE is being run by the weak men that the good times created.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Yep, except it is the people in both cases as well as the leadership.

Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

I’m of the view that there were two cold wars – the cold war from the end of wwii up until when Khrushchev stepped down and the second was the one during the Reagan years. The first one is what most people think of when they think of the cold war. The stupid duck and cover videos. When the cuban crisis was averted, Khrushchev steps down, and the civil rights/antiwar movements get started – opposing communism becomes less of an issue. It’s almost like Reagan was the original nostalgia marketing. Do you want to reboot the cold war of the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Truthfully, America and the USSR were enemies the moment the Bolsheviks took over. The US put troops on the ground in the Russian Civil War in the hope of reversing the October Revolution, and the Soviets began a massive spying operation–including industrial espionage–in the US directly their embassy was established here (note the Red Scare of 1919). The only real difference between 1922 and 1962 was bipolarity.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Yup, you can count on the fingers of one foot the number of Americans who know about the US Marines in Russia in 1918.
They’ve been fucking around all around the globe from about day one.

1 year ago

I’m not sure the class of leaders coming up behind the fading geriatrics is going to be any better. They may not have been infected by the politics of the latter 20th century, but they’re sure as hell steeped in the “wokeism” of the past decade or so. Perhaps their foreign policies will be less belligerent and confrontational but the domestic side won’t be. Regardless, there’s no reforming the federal system – a complete reset is the only way forward.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Yep. Look at polls of those under 40 and envision a world where they are leaders.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Look at the top-tier law school recent and looming graduating classes. Throw them in with the Obama-Biden appointments and we are facing a South African judiciary. At the same, national/presidential one-party rule will ensure they all get appointed. It is staggering and frightening. The second Democrat run city, New York was the first, just paid huge sums to St. George 2020 rioters. Incentivizing riot! A judiciary that calls that “restorative” justice. It will change us too. Electing sock tie guys can’t confront that. We will deal with it. We have to. It looks very different from the 20th century’s status… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Just compare the Carter Admin – man for man – with the idiots Biden has now. Carter’s people tower over Blinken, Austin, Yellin et al. And Carter still basically failed….

The next generation looks to be even worse! The smart young people are in the private sector, busily making money.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

“Just compare the Carter Admin – man for man – with the idiots Biden has now. Carter’s people tower over Blinken, Austin, Yellin et al. And Carter still basically failed…. ” I’m reminded of Tony Montana in “Scarface”, who gets killed killed as a consequence of the one time he tries to do something good. The motto of the film might be, “No good deed ever goes unpunished.” The same applies to Carter. He took seriously the idea of human rights and twisted the Shah’s arm to loosen the hold of Savak in Iran. The regime promptly toppled and led… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

The supposed egalitarian infected government here will never quit minding other people’s business to the detriment of their own. There’s no reforming the existing system.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

Yeah. 3G4Me made similar points upthread. I agree that he messed up badly. I guess my point was that those were complicated days and that he tried to be balanced. I agree that he was naive.

The Deep State, having gotten mistakenly gotten rid of Nixon, proceeded to get rid of Carter too. It’s pretty clear in retrospect that they have been in control since that day in Dallas……..

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

‘It’s pretty clear in retrospect that they have been in control since that day in Dallas……..’

Sadly, this is correct. The coup did not take place in 2020, but in 1963. The Executive was locked-up. Those elements have never been out of power since. The U.S. is a managed society.

America is a nation that still does not know the true reason for its founding, though the past half-century offers ample evidence. For Goddess Columbia had two sons: the elder was named Mason and the younger was named Christian.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

I beg to differ. Warren Christopher belongs in the same category as Blinken, people living in an alternate reality.
When they were putting together the ill-fated hostage rescue mission, Christopher warned the guys going that they will shoot any adversary in the leg, not kill them. Anyone who doesn’t will be held accountable upon their return. According to Richard Marcinko (Founder of Seal Team VI) in his autobiography, the brass made such a stink when this was proposed, that Carter told Christopher to butt out and threw him out of the meeting.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

“to loosen the hold of Savak in Iran.” Propaganda. Savak killed 500 jihadist agents whose gangs had butchered 20,000. The humanitarian Shah was was leading the Islamic Reformation. He was forming a peaceful six-nation Muslim trading bloc of non-Arab nations, larger than the Semitic populations, countering the grip of the petrodollar Arabs and their banker Brothers. The Aryan Persians were about to wrest back control of their civilization’s historic area of influence; Cloestes 1 would be avenged. Islam- a religio-political creation of You Know Who*, was near dead. Only grannies wore the burka, young women and men were attending college.… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 year ago

“Arab-Roman Nestorian Christianity

(Orthodox, non-Trinitarian: no balance of power afforded the Merchants, the “Father” in the Trinity’s political recognition of Merchant, City, and Province; that is, Merchant, Constantinian Roman, and Traditionalist Pagan suppliers.)

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Unfortunately, they may be smart, but many have zero knowledge of the things required to govern a nation and lead a civilization – even through good times. Worse yet, many have skills that are honed and work in a specific environment. That environment is usury, hype and negative interest rate driven, “scheming.” Clinton’s New Economy on the Information Superhighway dwarfs the damage that his predecessors In the end, nobody had the balls to face bankruptcy, get through the crisis and establish a more stable less militarized and financialized system. It may be that dealing with the severe race crisis and… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

I’m sorry, I place Warren Christopher in the same category as Blinken, living in a parallel reality. What he demanded of those taking part in the ill-fated hostage rescue attempt that ended in disaster – “If you don’t shoot your adversaries in the leg, we will hold you responsible when you return” – is sickening. From what Richard Marcinko said about the incident in his autobiography, when the brass putting together the op protested, Carter told Christopher to butt out and threw him out of the meeting.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

“He could not know that his military buildup would lead to decades of reckless and pointless violence. No one imagined that his economic reforms would lead to the financialization of the economy. Global capital with the reach we are seeing was unimaginable in the 1980’s.” I always liked Carter and never liked Reagan. But to be fair to the Gipper, this tendency towards militarization and foreign interventions had already been baked into the cake decades earlier, perhaps in the quadrupling of the defense budget in 1948. Military keynesianism to forestall another great depression, which was haunting the minds of policy-makers… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

Yes. The United States was born in military conflict. The Civil War laid the foundation for it to be a permanently aggressive state and the earlier Mexican War an imperial one. The country was a mistake at its founding as a secular leftist theocracy. It has produced many great things, to be sure, but those likely are offset by the evil it has done.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Most countries are born in military conflict. Hell, even Iceland was conquered.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

It’s a little more substantial than nostalgia or “MAGA in another guise”. If we want to consider ourselves a “people” we have to concern ourselves with not just where we’re going but where we came from. What ties us together as dissidents; what shared past motivates us? A clear majority of us feel a deep satisfaction when we think about living in a country that was optimistic, that was confident and cohesive, that not only didn’t hate us but to some degree valued us. We want to make that part of our positive identity. If not the Reagan era, then… Read more »

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

This thinking is on the right track. I assert that the positive identity must be formed by looking at the totality of Western Civilization. That totality must not even begin with the Greeks though they are a massive pillar. We must also understand our genetic origins with the WHG, the Yamnaya, Bell Beaker, Scythians … … Even our neolithic history is impressive. That doesn’t mean not continuing our tradition of objective views of history. Our people’s historians will continue the quest for objective knowledge. However, we will see ourselves as a people from the dawn of time. The first known… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

The problem was not ignoring the gathering storm in Europe, but foolishly joining in the fray.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“Note that Reagan’s lasting influence is all negative. Corporatism, open borders and a massive military are what he passed onto the 21st century.”

Brilliant, Z.

An estimated 20 million innocents have been murdered by the GAE since Reagan. Add to the mix the deindustrialization of America and millions of deaths of despair, the United States is on par with Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia as far as the death toll. Given the USA is the only nation that has ever used nukes and seems geared to do so again, it likely will surpass both of those states.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

The Carter years were abysmal. Stagflation, his blundered Iran / Shah / ayatollah fiasco. His creation of the Dept of education. I could go on. Z forgets that the Reagan years were good. Economically, socially, a feeling of relief, optimism and wellbeing was restored post Carter. I watched the men in my family who had lost their steel plant jobs under Carter, rebound economically. I won’t dispute all of Z’s criticisms of Reagan. But I think it begins to go off the rails with George Bush the elder. “No new wars,” “not raising taxes” etc… Reagan built up the MIC… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

Whether it was forced on him or not, Reagan was responsible for Bush I, too.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Reagan never wanted Bush as VP. He was pressured by the GOPe He tolerated him.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

I agree with your assessment of the economy under Reagan. I too have many people in my family who are in the trades and they all say the same thing, “There was so much work under Reagan, we actually had to turn it away.”

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

History judges our leaders by results, not intentions. Temporary financial gain, a boom time of a few years, at the expense of long term penury and decades of oppression was not a good deal. By his fruits you shall know him, and Reagan was rotten. I was going to be short… Sigh. So this is why we youths loath the boomers. You traded a couple years of good times for the bubble & bust economy, immigrant flooded, white-men-need-not-apply world of the late 1990s to the 2030s. Every year your menfolk prospered was traded for a decade that my cohort suffered… Read more »

David Wright
1 year ago

‘All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;”

It seems the decline is an inexorable force and no matter what we do their is an inevitability to it all. Of course after that the rebirth or rebuilding is part of it all also.

As for Reagan I was as big a supporter as any but somewhere in the late 90s I conceded that he probably did more harm than good. Sigh.

Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

Never understood why so many Conservatives deify him.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Because he is CivNat G. Normiecon’s John F. Kennedy-an icon for a lost world that exists as a romantic dream of youth and a symbol of What Might Have Been.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 year ago

Right, they had good lives during the 80s and the world made sense to them. It is nostalgia for a lost world.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Reagan certainly talked a good game. “The nine most terrifying words, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

He said he was a proponent of smaller government, yet the the leviathan grew during his two terms.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

“He said he was a proponent of smaller government, yet the the leviathan grew during his two terms.”

What we should learn from the Reagan and Trump administrations is that Leviathan grows irrespective of who the President might be. The vote-harder crowd plus many dissents seem not to have noticed this.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Conservatives are stupid and easily fooled.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Unlike todays leftists who are f*****g brilliant?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Hoagie
1 year ago

Same lack of insight and reasoning, to be sure.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

> Never understood why so many Conservatives deify him.

The same reason we deify Fat Orange Man: Reagan (and Trump) have been the only presidents in our lifetimes that actually loved the USA and openly spoke positively of the American people.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

In Trumps case he punches back at the left twice as hard as when they take a swing at him. My favorite moment during Trump’s presidency was when he had that meeting on camera with Pelosi and that vile scumbag Schumer regarding a possible govt. shutdown.
“Go on Chuck, tell the American people why, the camera is on, you have a live audience, go ahead, tell them.” and all Schumer could do was stare at the floor and squeeze his hands together, hoping the meeting would be over and he could crawl back to his office.

1 year ago

From the McCotter post: “if the Left understood human nature, they would not be leftists.” Left and Right aren’t useful terms now. The D.I.E.’ing of America, which seems to be what the “Leftists” are stumping for, is a strategy for self-advancement at others’ expense and seems quite human nature-y: idealism as a tactic. Jim Kunstler is worth keeping track of. He’s been talking about what the shape of things might look like following the long end of the Long Emergency. For the American peasantry, which will be most of us, a pre-industrial way of life for which some are now… Read more »

1 year ago

History will be kinder to Jimmy Carter, and harsher to Ronald Reagan than our current crop of pundits. Carter was not the first, and certainly not the last, populist to be sabotaged by his own administration.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

The neocons would have been cut off at the pass, thus sparing the world of their senseless violence.

That, and the other items, are maybe a smidge optimistic.
It reminds of me of overhearing some show my wife was watching and a character exclaiming that “it was just like Doctor Mengele”. The Cult of the Mustache Man (which, alas, incudes a lot of people who are not Jews) is the only thing holding their in-group together apparently, so the 20th century must never be allowed to die.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Yes, but no group seems as stuck in the 20th century as the neocons. They seem truly baffled by the changing world. Politically, culturally, economically and militarily, Europe and the US were at the center of the world in the 20th century, and given their influence in those regions, so were the usual suspects. That’s fading – quickly in the case of Europe – and the tribe doesn’t know what to do. China, India, Russia, really the whole world is moving on. They don’t want to confront the West and neocons, they want to be able to ignore us. For… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

It boils down to Neocons hate people outside of their tribe and barely tolerate their enablers. Killing out groups gives them joy and near-sexual relief. They are sociopaths with nukes.

Yes, the world has passed them by so they have decided to take it down with them.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

The world is definitely passing them by. I think that the neocons just assumed that they’d do to Russia, China and India what they’ve done to the US, Europe and many other countries. They figured that they’d spin their financial web by getting them into debt and reliant on dollars. When the dollar goes up in value and crushes their ability to pay those loans, the bankers get the assets. Rinse and repeat. Instead, we went into the debt to China. But the neocons figured that we fine because the debt was still in dollars and trade was done in… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago


Over the last two or three years, the Neocon attitude toward China drastically changed. I imagine that was after Xi told them to piss off. They truly thought their tribe would be the middlemen for the Middle Kingdom.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Jack, I agree. Something changed. Xi purged the more globalist members of the party and started to move toward a more domestic-centered economy. He also made the bankers take a lot of the hit for the real estate bubble. The tribe was always going to have hard time doing to China and Asia what it’s done to the US and Europe. Asians are very ethnocentric and protective of their culture. Even the Japanese who are heavily reliant on the US have never allowed the tribe to have any direct control over their media or banking. There was never going to… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

One thing I think Rothschild may have been mistaken about (at least for non-western cultures) is not caring about who makes the laws if you control the finances. I could see Xi or Putin taking the bastards’ money and when they demand turnover of assets upon default just giving them the middle finger by nationalizing everything.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I’m not so certain the tribe is bewildered. This could be paranoia and lack of people to spitball with. However, looked at a certain way, it looks like preventing the losses from usurious lending, and turning Europe and the US into vassals through third-worldization. It looks intentional. Putin’s masterful ascension to power and ingenious trickery followed by his purge to get Russia back onto a more solid footing may be what historians look back on as the master maneuvres in the post cold war era. Euro/American historians may not, as our new, “historians”, are already too busy dismantling our history… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

The Neocons basically are nihilistic proto-Marxists with staying power. Uprooting them would have required extreme measures people would not have tolerated at the time.