The Road To Renewal

Imagine a candidate for president who was a popular governor of a big state with an impressive list of accomplishments. He cut taxes, took on the education rackets, ended affirmative action in state hiring, cut government jobs. On top of that he was a cutting edge leader in the fight to defend your right to bear arms. In the present crisis, you might say such a candidate would be a blessed relief. That is the sort of guy the system needs right now to restore order!

Of course, that governor was Jeb Bush. It has been a long time since anyone had a reason to care about Jeb. Most people now remember him for meekly saying “please clap” at a New Hampshire campaign event. It could also be Scott Walker, the former governor of Wisconsin, who also flamed out in 2016. For that matter, it could also be George W. Bush, who had a solid run as governor of Texas. He turned out to be the worst president in American history.

Those old enough to remember the Cold War will also remember when people said that the best candidates were governors or generals. The reason was that they had real world experience managing large complex organizations. As candidate, they could speak to people with an air of authority. Legislators, in contrast, always sound like members of committee. Governors, of course, had practice working with legislatures as an executive, which is good training for president.

People no longer think governors are good candidates. In the 2016 primary, Trump had little trouble with the governors. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both sitting senators, gave him the most trouble. In this cycle the governors will have a tough time of it if they manage to even get out of the gate. DeSantis is the only one with any traction and he is more of a meme right now than a real candidate. Given what is happening, he may do the smart thing and not bother to run.

The reason that governors have lost their appeal is that the voters liked governors when the big issues were not in question. During the Cold War, there was a ruling consensus that controlled both factions of Washington. They agreed on the big things, but disagreed a tiny bit on the small things. Therefore, the standard for president was someone who could be a steady hand on the tiller. The ship was mostly fine and the course was decided. We just needed a good captain.

When the Cold War ended, that consensus ended too. There was a void at the center of American politics, so people were left to cast around for someone to fill it. Bill Clinton was the new generation, the embodiment of the Kennedy quote. Then it was George Bush with his new brand of conservatism, which quickly turned into a messianic vision for reordering the world. Then we got Obama and his post-racial message, which ended with the beginnings of a race war.

This is why Trump won in 2016 and why Biden won in 2020. Trump came to symbolize the frustrations of white people after two decades of abuse by elites. He was a clenched fist aimed at the jaw of Washington. Biden, of course, was the answer, a moral nullity, as well as a husk of man. He was selected by Washington because he was the best defense against the mobs and their Trump fist. In both cases, the candidates were merely instruments, rather than genuine candidates.

It is why DeSantis has no chance against Trump. A moderate Republican governor with a solidly conservative record would have been ideal in 1992. He may have been a good choice in 2012. After all, Romney came close to knocking off Obama. In this age of madness, no one is looking for the steady hand, because the ship is on fire and being boarded by savages. What people want is a warrior that strikes fear in the heart of the enemy, even if they do not realize it.

Donald Trump, of course, is not that warrior. He has always been a civic nationalist, who trusts the system. Events, however, have cast him in the role, which is why he has struggled to find his footing. On the one hand, his supporters want him to burn it all down and on the other hand, his opponents act like he is trying to burn it all down, while he is desperately trying to make a deal to keep it from burning down. He bounces between the two poles, enraging both camps.

Men who have been to prison say that they became different men at the moment they heard the cell door close the first time. Anyone who has been inside a courtroom knows that even with the best results, it is a transformative experience. You are subjected to the pure power of the state. It is where the power of the state is clear. One has to wonder if Donald Trump, standing in a Manhattan courtroom today, facing life in prison, will have such a transformation.

Even if he is too old to see it or too afraid to acknowledge it, the spectacle itself is opening the eyes of many people. This is not about Trump, but about a system that no longer works as intended. Instead, it has become a weapon in the hands of bitter, deranged fanatics. A system that can so easily be perverted to destructive ends is no longer worth defending. That is the new consensus forming up as we see the system destroy itself in these rage panics.

It is tempting to dismiss it, but look at the comments in this Army video. The strongest supporters of the military now fill the comments with derogatory messages. Sure, many of those negative comments are probably from goofballs with free time, but most are normal people stating what is now said among white people every day. The last trusted institution is now an object of ridicule. The core support for the military is now in collapse, because the system itself is in collapse.

The lesson of 2016 was that the time for moderate men with moderate views like Jeb Bush or Scott Walker had passed. The end of the Cold War brought the end to the Cold War political consensus. What is needed is a new consensus and that is made by immoderate men. If that fails, then it is made by those who survive the even less moderate mobs who clear the field of the moderate men. Today’s events are just another step along that path.

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1 year ago

Well, Kelly just got absolutely annihilated in the Wisconsin race. This is a harbinger of things to come. Not to get caught up in the moment, but this was brutal. I guess at some point the grifters on the Right are going to run out of false hope to sell their side. This should be the top story of the night, not some fundraising ploy by Trump.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
1 year ago

well this explains a lot. pic of president of estonia and her “son”:

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

I literally can’t believe what I am looking at.

I assumed that after the elites forced homosexual marriage on us, that pedophilia was the next stop. I guess I was preparing myself for my Mom to call me and tell me how wonderful Elton John and his 15 year old boyfriend look together and isn’t it beautiful that love is love.

But I was unprepared for that photo. I’m not a believer, but I can’t find a better word than “Satanic.”

William Corliss
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

It’s not her son. I looked it up, and the dude in the dress is a trans activist who was there to receive some kind of award and spew nonsense about the evil nuclear family. But he’s not her son.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

Based on the outcome, it looks like this is just the latest pro-wrestling type angle to keep the normies fired up.

The (photoshopped) Trump mugshot T-shirt is already available for $36 on his site.

MTG has yet to post any merch.

Hi - Ya!
Hi - Ya!
1 year ago

Sniff… I’m one of those goof balls, sir!

1 year ago

We are seeing in the farce of the trial, playing out, the emerging system. At the top will be blacks, being black, as the urban warrior caste with various big men in charge of the cities and likely nation. Think Bragg at the top and his street warriors like Jamaqui’ running the street. Next down will be various “migrants” who will take up high positions, requiring some ability (like counting to four without fingers or toes) and they will be a mixture of Indian, Chinese, ((())) and various Latin American peoples. Next down will be the hereditary middle managers, the… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago


Another Whiskey classic.

“They run pretty much most blue cities”.

Luggage testers are obeying stooges who do what they are told.

There is a reason (I think it was Alexander the Great who said it), that,”The blacks take to slavery like no other race”. But it goes to one of the main rules of survival; avoid cities, (which are just organized crowds).

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

No doubt some kind of escalation in Ukraine is coming, since that is the only option the GAE has. Every day that the war goes on and Russia lives is a signal to the world of the GAE’s weakness. To back down would be a catastrophe from which the GAE can never recover.

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

How sustainable? it’s not sustainable at all. These various aggrieved identity groups can’t maintain their hierarchies on a college campus (see how they all devolve into infighting and petty fiefdoms). They can’t maintain it in big corporations (see how all the big tech companies are now stepping in and cleaning house of all these activists). They can’t even maintain a Soros grift with unlimited free money attached to it – see how the leaders of BLM stole donations and bought houses in White neighborhoods with it. That’s the point, these people are completely incompetent and know nothing. If this pyramid… Read more »

1 year ago

What is our military going to do after we run out of Ukrainians? Are we going to drop in the 101st Trans division with the rainbow parachutes?

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Tumescent
1 year ago

The 101st Transexual Division: The most FABULOUS division in the United States Army ever, dahling!

Reply to  Tumescent
1 year ago

They’re going to kill us.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

“They’re going to kill us.”

Thanks for the reality check. That the janissaries are disgusting, disposable foot soldiers is a feature, not a bug. The GAE and its MIC component understand the purpose of the military now is mass murder of civilians, foreign or domestic, rather than “winning wars.”

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Hemid
1 year ago

I’m gonna white pill your comment if you don’t mind. Check out “heyjackass”, a crime aggregating site. Chicago has 2.4% of its shooting victims as white. Most of the offenders are luggage testers. That means most of the victims are black, with around 19% Hispanic. Which means most chimps are put down by other chimps. Was it in “The Prince” that Machiavelli said to don’t stop your enemy when they are making a mistake. They’re genociding themselves.

While it’s not always possible, avoid the groid and you will avoid trouble.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

They breed quickly, down there in the dark…

1 year ago

How many Republican voters have asked themselves what or who comes next after Trump?Regardless of how you feel about him, his days are numbered. He is on the way out. Trump did indeed destroy the older and corrupt GOP, but failed to replace it with anything substantial. Not only is the cupboard left bare, but the Left is more embolden than in the Obama days. I can’t help but think conservatives are soon going to find themselves roaming in a political desert with no end in sight.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

Trump is going nowhere unless they kill him. He’s just hitting his stride.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

“Trump is going nowhere unless they kill him.”

I have no doubt they are evil enough to do exactly that. (cf. Epstein, Jeffrey)

William Corliss
Reply to  Xman
1 year ago

And American whites — like yourself — will sit and take it, sucking on your thumb and thinking about the Republican Party.

I’ve heard the same thing for the last two years from several middle-aged white conservatives I know. “They’re gonna’ kill Trump,” they say, sit back, crack a beer, and take a sip. These are the victories of the American male. Predicting things and remaining seated.

Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

It’s not the Republican voters’ job to gameplan the next five-to-ten years, it’s an impossible job to predict the future, and the GOP isn’t going to care. The GOP has never cared about what the voters say. Trump won just because he talked about the same things voters have been talking about for decades, like immigration and crime. Any Republican could have done in the past, oh, three decades, but they are institutionally incapable of it. Six years after Trump won the White House, in late 2022 the GOP showed just how much they learned from him by… striking a… Read more »

William Corliss
Reply to  Kevin
1 year ago

This is such a concern troll type of post I’m surprised so many didn’t pick up on it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 year ago

The judge isn’t even American, and has spent his entire time on the North American landmass in lib-sewer NYC, neven holding a real job:

It appears as though Teflon Don’s number may finally be up.

1 year ago

The funny thing is that both sides understand in some way that something is very wrong with the current system. But neither side can put their finger on what is wrong. So they point fingers at each other. We have become a nation of “pooh slingers”. When a substantial portion of a populace has to drug themselves just to get through the day, maybe it’s time to question the founding principles of this country. Instead, both sides don’t really do this. Conservatives are especially guilty of this. If we just went back to the fundamental principles everything would be alright… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  mderpelding
1 year ago

This is one of the most vapid comments I have every read, on any subject. The next time you have nothing to say, jut say nothing. Don’t write a paragraph of words that nets out to nothing and has negative utility to boot.

Both sides do NOT think there is something wrong with the system (and phooey on you for making them morally equivalent, by the way). The other side loves the current arrangement which allows them to parasitize and dominate. They ARE what’s wrong with the system.

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
Reply to  mderpelding
1 year ago

“When a substantial portion of a populace has to drug themselves just to get through the day, maybe it’s time to question the founding principles of this country.”

Maybe it’s time to question moving far away from the founding principles of this country.

1 year ago

All correct, Trump wants to be the Schoolhouse Rock President we deserved, or he thought we deserved. He wants to make a deal that can’t be made and NIXON COULDN’T make, and Nixon was a MASTER of truly far reaching Strategic Deals. As it happens toppling the Republic and replacing it with One Time Only Could It Work Fortified Democracy means you lost the Republic’s Army. They could in theory get another- but what of the warrior demographic still there in millions? We’re generational, there’s 14 million GWOT veterans, our families, our kin are police – we’re just walking away.… Read more »

Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

To add; you can get rid of the Army you’ve got and they are, you can in theory replace it, what do you do with the Army that left in disgust? It would be suicide to act against it, it might be fatal to leave it idle and bitter waiting for a real leader to assemble it anew?

As one of many, had we one of our own as leader he’d merely have to say “Fall In.” We know what should be done.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Vxxc
1 year ago

A tranny can pilot a drone to bomb dissidents just as well as anyone else. Probably more willing to. But the days of foreign conquest may well be over.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

“A tranny can pilot a drone to bomb dissidents just as well as anyone else.”

Honestly, I have my doubts. Then again, I have virtually no experience to base my doubts on, but I imagine the trans mind has to be a very disordered place.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

From their comfy chair in Nevada, it’s just another video game

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

The tranny can’t press the button to bomb the dissidents because some bigot dead named them/xe/xir the day before and them/xe/xir are too traumatized to function.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago


Based on the screaming demand I’m seeing for technical help in the automation and defense spaces, I have to wonder if the government and military aren’t also scrambling to find technical people.

These technocrat dummies running the GAE really don’t seem to grasp that neither oil nor people are fungible.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

a tranny just might use the drone on the nearest women’s swim meet (instead of the assigned target).

1 year ago

Re: the comments in the Army video. The NYPost is flogging Liz Cheney as the Republican candidate for president ( The comments run the gamut from “LOL” to “Hell no!”

Reply to  RoBG
1 year ago

I doubt even the feds are so stupid as to fortify our democracy so that Liz Cheney is the Republican nominee. They need grillers to maintain some faith in the system.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Either they are so detached from the reality on the ground that they thought Jeb’s endorsement would be good for DeSantis, or that was a deliberate attempt to scuttle him. I’m going with the former. Which means, yes they are that stupid.

Lugo Rights
Lugo Rights
Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

This is an important point that often gets overlooked. People having faith in the system keeps them compliant and productive so that they can be efficient tax cattle. There are at least some limits, theoretically, to their stupidity.

Perhaps I’m an optimist though.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Lugo Rights
1 year ago

I was thinking they would rig elections so GOPe candidates win and the regime can continue to do the charade of “two parties” despite demographics.

Reply to  Anonymous Frog
1 year ago

Nah, it’s like playing with your kid. If you don’t let them win, they’re never not sore about it. And now that the participation trophy generation is beginning to occupy the halls of power, you won’t see anyone in the Cloud willing to take a strategic loss.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Anonymous Frog
1 year ago

There may come a day when they want to do that, but as we have seen, the left cannot accept being out of power. And they are now well trained in election fortification. How do you just turn that off?

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

She’s being positioned to lead the party that replaces the GOP when “Trump’s party” is outlawed. Biden in one of his whisper-threat dementia moments said that would happen before the 2024 election. The plan seems to be running behind schedule. No idea why. They could just say it on TV and it would be done, like how they made Biden president.

1 year ago

In general a moderate can be a positive influence in his state and do a lot of good. That’s why they always look so good in the state office. Yet that same moderate, as President, is destroyed and co-opted by all the various forces before he even makes his first campaign speeech. DeSantis and Abbot are proud and embarrassing shills for Israel, but it doesn’t really matter in their states (outside of some token legislation that even they know is unconstitutional), whereas it becomes a huge problem as the chief diploment and commander in chief. i think even that warrior… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Z: “DeSantis is the only one with any traction and he is more of a meme right now than a real candidate.”

Anglin poasted an outstanding DeSanctimonious meme last night [baby DeSanctimonious sitting on granddaddy Soros’s lap], but this moarning, Anglin’s DNS name is failing to resolve in a TOR browser.


The JIDF must be saturation botnetting Anglin’s host yet again.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Okay, Anglin’s back up this evening.

Here’s the Soros/DeSanctimonious meme:

comment image

And here’s a bonus Meme meme:

comment image

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

“What is needed is a new consensus and that is made by immoderate men.” The problem is that there is no consensus. The population of the country is divided into three camps that will never agree. We’re at the stage of a marriage where everyone just wants out. White liberals and white conservatives simply have nothing in common. Their worldviews, cultures and beliefs are impossibly different. Non-whites will never have a culture similar enough to whites, so they’re also on their own. White liberals have hated white conservatives (especially Southerners) for a long time. Non-whites have also hated and/or despised… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

We’ll know when Tucker Carlson is the object of hate for the pre-emptive condemnation as Hitler that he promised whoever rises up and advocates for whites. He will even do that given that we are a minority and discriminated against.

When the gatekeepers are hated, say when his comment section is lit up like the Army’s recent ads, you’ll know the temperature is sufficiently hot.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

We’ll know when we see our GrillerCon neighbors start to cut off ties with liberal neighbors (and, maybe even, family members) and be very clear about why.

White liberals already do this all the time. But white conservatives cling to this idea that they can convince the other side.

When you see white conservatives walking away from white liberals, you’ll know that the world has changed.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

No Biden cabinet member has been kicked out of a restaurant yet. Still a ways to go

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Do any of Biden’s little muppets ever go outside the Libsphere though? I’m not sure what incident you might be referring to but I suppose some Trump cabinet member was kicked out of a restaurant by some shitlib restaurant owner. Trump’s people though were often forced simply by geography to visit hostile territory and the businesses therein. Do any Bidenoids ever try to get a meal at a diner in Podunksville, SC? That seems to be one of the things that’s changed. The Left doesn’t need to pretend to care about flyover country anymore so they don’t experience the hate… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

“ How long will white conservatives stay passive? I think that we still have a long way to go, but they are much more aware than in the past. And hate always starts with awareness.” White conservatives, the only group to recruit as you note, are fence sitters. They will remain fence sitters until the spark is struck that eliminates passivity and forces them to reveal choise (via action). Even if 80% would choose the DR camp, they will remain passive until that time. I personally don’t think it’s a matter of time until passivity abates, but that of a… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Agreed. But the growing awareness that society doesn’t like them will make it easier for them to jump off the fence when things start to decline.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

“They will remain fence sitters until the spark is struck that eliminates passivity and forces them to reveal choise (via action). Even if 80% would choose the DR camp, they will remain passive until that time.” Agreed. We don’t know the time line but it seems to be advancing to that point. It seems to be doing so quickly. One thing I have noticed about True Believers of any strike is that once they are disabused of their fantasy, they make for very nasty opponents. Most Normies will be too fat and worthless to do much, but a lot of… Read more »

Biden Memory Coach
Biden Memory Coach
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Whether due to lack of confidence or insanity or both, the Regime has set into motion things that will undo it eventually.

What things?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Add your comment to Z’s Post and the title of it could easily have been “The Undiscovered Country”. Whether from a “Star Trek” perspective defining the Future… or Shakespeare’s take on Death… both seems fitting.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

For myself, my racial hate rankings have White liberals at the top spot. I would never socialize with them or tolerate them at any kind of gathering I was organizing. Then again, I’m not a griller and never regarded them as redeemable. I’d let in a few token Blacks or Mexicans though on a case by case basis as it were. If I were *forced* to admit White shitlibs I might make sure to also let in the most obnoxious and criminal Blacks and beaners possible and then watch the festivities from a well fortified position. Enjoy the diversity shitballs,… Read more »

1 year ago

why did trump even surrender himself? why not just stay in FL?

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

why does the moth seeks the flame – karlfuscious

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Civnat to the bitter end

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Trump wouldn’t miss this for the world. It’s going to win him the nomination.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

How? He has no control over the proceedings.

He’s just sanctioning their criminal tryanny by showing up.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Fakeemail
1 year ago

Trump is a true believer CivNat. The case has no legal legs, so he just assumes that it will be thrown out at some point.

Of course, he doesn’t understand how the country has changed, but this is what he believes.

He also believes (correctly) that by following the process and winning, he locks in the nomination. In Trump’s mind, he’s in zero danger and this indictment gives him the nomination.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

I dont see how he could believe there is zero danger. And I don’t see why he’d legitimize their authority by turning himself in to such jackals. Seems like a reckless risk.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

If that’s the case, Trump is more obtuse than he appears. He knows the Power Structure stole the 2020 election; how could he not know that they’ll railroad him in the courtroom?

Trump will spend his final years rotting in a dungeon, and nobody will lift a finger to spring him. Turn about’s fair play, I suppose; Trump didn’t do dicksquat for all those political prisoners who went to the mat for him on J6.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Politics, @Fake. It would have made his protector, his political rival, look good.

Howard Beale
Howard Beale
1 year ago

“On the one hand, his supporters want him to burn it all down and on the other hand, his opponents act like he is trying to burn it all down, while he is desperately trying to make a deal to keep it from burning down”- Best characterization of Trump I have seen yet, Z. Nice work.

1 year ago

“It is tempting to dismiss it, but look at the comments in this Army video. The strongest supporters of the military now fill the comments with derogatory messages.”

My personal favorite was: “If you don’t do your part Botswana may not have a drag queen story hour!”

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
1 year ago

Great post. I totally agree. Given Trump’s failures on nearly everything that mattered. Profound failures, leaving hundreds to rot in a D.C. dungeon, among others, I think the best way he can redeem himself is by being a sacrifice. A perfect sacrifice for our side. During this Holy Week, that Manhattan Courtroom can serve as Pilate’s Palace. Rikers Island can be the new Golgotha. Last night was Trump’s agony in the tower. Only Trump isn’t the type to turn to God and ask for his will to be done. He is is own god, so he can sit in the… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

The Passion of Trump. I like it.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

Ann Coulter needs a line in this play. “Are you not God? Save yourself!”

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

I am unable to refute your assertion that NY libs are in fact the shittiest people on earth. I would rather be surrounded by west coast libs than the NY variety. That’s how bad they are. I would even rather live in a stew of vibrancy as the lone white man. Or as I used to say in my south florida days, “I’d rather live next door to a thousand Cubans than 10 NYers.”

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

100%. Mordor is full of insufferable children.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

West coast libs and east coast libs are cut from the same cloth.
Your comment is a non sequitur.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
1 year ago

And nobody out-Libs a Southern Leftist. They’re from the part of the world most tainted by the greatest moment of villainy in the history of the cosmos, the enslavement of the sainted Hutu. And to cleanse themselves of the contamination, they must clobber everybody over the thinkpot with their Leftism incessantly.

But really, all Leftists are utterly vile, are they not? You might as well be debating whether you’d prefer amoebic dysentary, anal cancer or septacaemic plague.

Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

He can be a martyr. He probably doesn’t want to, but it’s his one chance to, perhaps, change history. The sight of Mr Trump being strapped into Old Sparky would cause the scales to fall from the eyes of a lot of folks.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  MBlanc46
1 year ago

Trump probably doesn’t even know who Lech Walesa is, but he is effectively Lech Walesa now.

wendy forward
wendy forward
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Lech was dealing with relatively civilized people–I lived in Poland when he and Solidarity were underground and never got the sense he was in the kind of danger that Trump is in. Jaruzelski was not anywhere as close to as scary as our PTB are.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Or Sakharov or Gandhi.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

he is more like Fagin, in Oliver Twist, waiting to be hanged.

Former Wise Man
Former Wise Man
Reply to  JR Wirth
1 year ago

Only Trump isn’t the type to turn to God and ask for his will to be done. He is is own god, so he can sit in the cell asking himself why his worshipers weren’t worthy of him.

“God is my co-Pilate.”
— Trump tweet, 2/24/2024

Former Wise Man
Former Wise Man
Reply to  Former Wise Man
1 year ago

Sorry, let me try that again.

Only Trump isn’t the type to turn to God and ask for his will to be done. He is is own god, so he can sit in the cell asking himself why his worshipers weren’t worthy of him.

“God is my co-Pilate.”
— Trump tweet, 2/24/2024

1 year ago

Trump’s staring at close to three dozen felony charges. Seems like a lot. What are the odds of the bastards not dragging the trial well into campaign season?

Gunner Q
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

And there’s still a sealed indictment waiting. Whatever is really going on, I don’t think he groks the fullness of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s not a joke when your name is Trump. Those dozens of new “felonies” are misdemeanors for business practices that were bumped over the line by claims of conspiracy to other, not-yet-named crimes, from what I’ve been told thus far. It’s so fake and gay. “We indicted you on hush money to a whore… and, um, other charges.” “Okay, I’ll turn myself in, but no handcuffs, mug shots, fingerprints, prison uniforms or autographs.” “Done! By the way,… Read more »

Brooklyn Dave
Brooklyn Dave
1 year ago

DeSantis needs to stay in Florida and continue the job he is doing there. On the other hand he needs to distance himself from ZOG and the ridiculous hate laws they are trying to pass.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Brooklyn Dave
1 year ago

I don’t know if he can ever wash off the Bush stink that’s on him now

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

There’s so much bullsh*t in politics that I doubt anyone would really notice the smell.

Reply to  Brooklyn Dave
1 year ago

He’s already signed one of those anti-BDS laws. Nobody has challenged it Florida so far, but everywhere there have been challenges the laws have been struck down as anti-1A.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Brooklyn Dave
1 year ago

He just went to Israel to kiss the wall and ask permission to run the vassal government

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

The roots of much of what is wrong date back to the “cold war consensus” post war period.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

These problems date all the way back to the Civil War, soon to be known as CW1, when Lincoln turned the government into a tyranny….That passed, but the handwriting was on the wall…

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 year ago

Yes, this is true, but incomplete. Congress passed a “public accommodation” law in the late 19th century and the courts struck it down as blatantly unconstitutional and an attack on property rights and freedom of association.

Now, rather than protecting a defending against growth of state power in the most evil ways, the courts are now the engine of destruction.

Much of the evil has come directly from the post war courts. The “civil rights” stuff, the gay marriage stuff, the abortion stuff….

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Correct. The establishment wanted to “out left the USSR” in competing for influence with African and Asian third world nations.
Brown as a Cold War Case

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

Great essay.
A good summation of our situation, putting Trump up on charges just reinforces what must be done at some point in time.
The other side is playing for keeps.
Whomever comes along in our people’s future must also play for keeps.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 year ago

otherwise it will be strictly ‘would like a cherry on top of your Banana Republic?’

1 year ago

Right. The Cold War society we all grew up in (even people being born now), lost its reason to exist 30 years ago, has been running away since. I was listening to Jay Dyer and Col. MacGregor’s son yesterday. There was the idea that the people running the machine don’t know what it takes to run it. I wonder if the problem is that the machine needs to go, but nobody has a good idea of what to do next. Personally, I’d be building for a multipolar world, but the leading idea seems to be collapse into techno-feudal Wakanda, which… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

The big problem being that Wakanda is fiction, and in the real world always turns into South Africa or Zimbabwe….

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

“beat the commies”
USA and USSR drafted a joint plan to invade and liberate apartheid South Africa in 1950s. The New Dealers were COMMUNISTS. The cold war was simply a competition to see which brand of delusional Rousseauian leftist would rule the world forever (they believed):

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

To be fair to Mr. Trump, he gets a lot of flak from the right, especially from the DR, for having been unable to do impossible things. He could have tried harder, spoke better, organized more effectively, yet the impossible, trying to work within the structure of our once constitutional republic to commandeer and redirect an openly hostile federal bureaucracy, remains impossible. Our formerly constitutional republic, to function as such, required people who were able to share power. People who could accept losing elections, and follow orders from their ideological opponents. There is nobody like that remaining on the left.… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

the phat fukker could easily have pardoned the j6 people. he deserves everything he gets.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

I couldn’t agree with you more.

If he could have, and didn’t, do anything to mitigate the situation, then he is truly an obtuse individual.

One doesn’t need “advisors” to make proper decisions to do the right thing.

Julian Assange could not be reached for comment.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 year ago

He may even be looking forward to prison. He’ll be able to help release incarcerated black criminals from within.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

maybe he’ll write a book “The Art of The Struggle”?

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

“We really have some tremendous soap here. Trump soap is the slipperiest soap you can find. You just can’t hold on to it!”

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

To: Ploppy.
Good one.

I was referring to his having pardoned black criminals.
He was almost as proud of that as he was “lowest African American unemployment!”numbers.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

lol I read “help release incarcerated black criminals from within” entirely differently

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Look, no intelligent supporter thought Trump was going to bring the 1950s back. That said, the man did more to block his own policies than his enemies did. There was no reason to fall out with Sessions, or bring Kushner in, or put his brain-dead daughter in charge of anything, and yet he did. Sure, completely draining the swamp was impossible, but letting his supporters sit in jail is simply unconscionable, and it’s his own fault for that.

Reply to  Andrew
1 year ago

A lot of people still think Jan 6 was a terrorist attack. My ex marine buddy in the midwest said ‘i’d kill every last one of em’ the day after it happened. Even the boomerservative buddies of my dad think it was an attempt to overthrow the gov by a militia or something. I can only imagine what trump’s terrible intelligence agencies were telling him.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Andrew
1 year ago

“Look, no intelligent supporter thought Trump was going to bring the 1950s back.” I doubt anyone did, intelligent or otherwise. I didn’t, though I voted for him twice. Mine was more a protest vote than expecting anything from Trump. Furthermore I — like a lot of people — expected my protest vote to be futile. I was amazed when Trump won by a whisker in 2016. For voters like me it goes beyond Trump. We voted out of protest and desperation for Trump. The key point is that the system is broken at every level. Humpty-Dumpty can’t be put back… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

From a race-realist standpoint, trump’s the only politician in decades to say things like ‘mexico’s sending rapists,’ ‘if you don’t like it here, why don’t you go back to your old country,’ and recommend a muslim ban. From an execution standpoint, he knows the boomerservatives well, and gave them what they wanted: tax cuts, 400 miles of wall, and a booming economy via reduced regulations. I was one of those people who didn’t even think about race until trump’s enemies called us all nazis. That was his greatest achievement. Blacks, latinos, feminists, even asians, liberals, gays, and trannies all showed… Read more »

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

“Our formerly constitutional republic, to function as such, required people who were able to share power. People who could accept losing elections, and follow orders from their ideological opponents.”
This literally never existed. After Washington died and was unable to serve as sovereign (king) aka a decisive authority to resolve fractional disputes the feuding between Jefferson and Hamilton was intense.
Republics only work in small political unit like Geneva or Venice because the external threats force the ruling class to remain united. Without external threats the USA has lurched from one delusional leftist project to another.

1 year ago

I feel people like this are actually more dangerous than the homeless knife wielding lunatic on the street

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

The judge is scarier and not atypical.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

When you look at what is coming out of the law schools today, we are just now getting a wee little taste of what is to come.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Long-time practicing attorney here. Exactly this. I am approaching retirement age. I attended a top-tier law school decades ago, when the Marxists were just beginning their takeover of the institution. The takeover was complete within five years. I am horrified by what I see happening in law schools today but it was completely predictable decades ago, and in fact I predicted it. There is no negotiating or reasoning with these people. This ends in violence, with the losing side side in camps. Our side is losing now, badly. Their side is miscalculating badly by indicting Trump. The memes write themselves–Joe… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

do you think the birth rates of conservatives vs liberals will make a difference in coming generations? that’s the only way out of this IMO and it’s 75 years down the road

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

The Trump indictment shows how reckless and impulsive these types are. It also shows them to be very, very dangerous. It is why I have been genuinely concerned they could be psychotic enough to ignite a nuclear war with Russia.

Some attorney friends have suggested to me that the Anglo-American tradition of loyalty to the client first has disappeared and it is now loyalty to the Apparat first. Do you think that is that true? If so, the bedrock is gone completely.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

^ No, the only path out of this is if the Right starts copying blacks and muslims and minecrafts the police into avoiding contact. Then the Regime is only stuck with heroin-addicted street thugs and these east coast Jewish cat ladies with which to defend themselves, and it becomes a simple matter of rounding all the leftists up into camps, extracting all the viable organs to sell to the Chinese to pay off the national debt, and processing the remaining material into quality pet foods.

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

If that allows the left to control the supreme court then good. The fedsoc types remind me too much of Greg marmalard or Doug neidermeyer.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

If you want just a small window into the mind of your average woke lefty woman, this is truly a must read. “Jury of your peers”? LOL! The 7th amendment is dead & buried. Woke cat lady, Tyrone, Shaneequa, Juanita, and Pajeet Patel are –not– your peers. Other than the brainwashed lefty lunatic white lady, they are scarcely even the same species anymore. These are the people who are going to judge you? Right… All of DC, and I would speculate most every other sh-tlib lefty enclave is like this. This is why, in spite of the horrendously unfair financial… Read more »

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

“After the five-week trial ended, Ellen took it upon herself, with the help of a lawyer on the jury, to persuade hesitant jurors to find the defendants guilty. Ellen credited the attorney on the jury with “helping” her sway the outlier jurors their way.” Jeezus Christo! What half-assed defense attorney let an attorney past Voir Dire?!?!?! I’m NOT an attorney (I am married to one, and welcome your pity in the comments 😏) and even I KNOW to bounce an attorney off a jury. Because what happens is EXACTLY what happened. “Oh he/she’s a lawyer, we better LISTEN to him/her!”… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Seriously, the one time I got kind of excited about it because I made it to jury selection and then I got bounced once they realized I understood what “beyond reasonable doubt” means. I think the woman who replaced me responded to all her questions by talking about her grandkids.

wendy forward
wendy forward
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

Kyle Rittenhouse was the last lucky defendant.

Reply to  wendy forward
1 year ago

Only because a sane judge presided over the case.

1 year ago

As a country, America is now a depreciating asset. There was a time when it was a Lamborghini fresh off the lot, but now it is on its way to the junkyard. In terms of patriotism, America is already in the dark ages. I wish it wasn’t the case, but there is no denying it. Republican voters are desperate and grasping at straws for any sliver of hope. Unfortunately, things will get worse before they get better. Just my two cents, but 2020 was the year the voting bubble broke.

1 year ago

It’s kind of depressing to think what this place could have been sans blacks and their little hat handlers/cheerleaders. Truly someone of decidedly immoderate temperament and completely immune to feminine style moderation is needed sooner rather than later.

Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

“One wonders what might have happened if the British colonial authorities had allowed the colony complete sovereignty and if it had ultimately become a nation-state. Such a state, based on a clearly articulated exclusivist group strategy, might have been extremely successful. Composed of a highly intelligent, educated, and industrious citizenry, and with a proneness to high fertility and strong controls promoting high-investment parenting, it might have become a world power.”
Kevin MacDonald on Massachusetts bay colony

1 year ago

I disagree with the point that this is a system destroying itself. This arrest seems to be an exercise in demonstrating power, not the thrashing of a system falling apart. I believe too often people believe that the exercise of power is the signal that the system is failing. Perhaps the naked exercise of power, as nicely described in the courtroom, is the establishment of legitimacy (such as it is) for the new age. People keep saying, “This will be the thing.” But, from my perspective, each degradation of the white populace only leads to further acquiescence. Sure, grumbles appear… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Well put but I disagree in part. Even though today’s insanity also is irrational and deranged, what the Regime is doing here is not a sign of a confidence. The flex is a needless, counter-productive circus. But, yeah, people who are well fed and not immediately threatened will not revolt. Why would they? It seems, though, that housing, food, and personal security no longer are guaranteed for the long haul and some of that, starting with energy, is actual public policy. The mounting humiliations will explode when those are gone. Much of what is happening is an attempt to pre-empt… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Where will they direct that anger? To me, the natives will feast upon those in proximity (the white devil), not the people responsible. A generation with no critical thinking ability will not be able to focus; they will thrash about in proximity. Then the white devils will beg for security from the very bastards that caused that. In famines in the past, people become inert. Now, I may be ignorant of an example, but in most modern famines, the population simply starves while the elites keep their guards fed. I am thinking of North Korea, China, and India. Hell, the… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

“Firther, who says it has to get to quite that point. Why are all these elites buying farmland in America? Maybe they will give you just enough to live in exchange for complete compliance.” Intentionally or not, it is the endpoint of current policy. The elimination of fossil fuels will make fertilizer and sufficient production basically impossible. De-dollarization similarly is undermining the United States’ so-called “services sector,” and coupled with the hollowed-out industrial sector that means consumer goods also will be hard to get. There literally is no way out now, and to be clear, I do not look forward… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

But climate change controls are for the proles, not the elites! We won’t have cars, but they will have planes and yachts. They will still use fertilizers and fossil fuels, but we will be taxed for the privilege — and controlled. And the Holodomor is the perfect example: Ukraine was part of Russia for decades afterwards.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

@Eloi: The elites depend on a vast army of apparatchiks and mercenaries, and those are the ones who will feel the pain along with those not directly part of the system. That’s the Achilles Heel. Also, there will be no Red Army at the elites’ disposal to restore lost ground. Yes, they would use biological and chemical weapons as necessary but those are a two-way street. Just as nukes have made every nation a peer, these hideous weapons achieve factional parity despite other disparities. We aren’t talking about rational people here, again. We can hope so, but all evidence suggests… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

But the domestic warriors do not need to take on China or Russia, they only need to be willing to terrorize the average white person. They have demonstrated that they are extremely willing to do so. Let us face it – the US is not going to be invaded by a foreign army (except the brown faces). The woke mob is the perfect tool for the current moment.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago


I don’t think the Woke Mob could survive if a state guard or even citizens ready to go full bore. I was referencing the functionaries of the State, though, to be clear. At some point, and that could be soon, the central government will be unable to support them. Yes, they would get first dibs on food and energy but that will be limited to what is available. My guess is the elites plan to bug out long before that point.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

well said Pangloss! how you can ignore all the signs of systemic collapse is a testament to the human capacity for fantasy.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Concerted, coordinated demonstration of power over half the population is far removed from a systemic collapse. Those Chinese struggle sessions were really a sign of weakness, right?! I think if you work with young people, you will see that the AOCs and Powers That Bes are INCREDIBLY effective at indoctrinating the youth – they have secured the future. Sure, growing pains – we see now. But the slavish adherence to the system has been effectively built into the system since the Boomers, and the youngest generation is by far the most dependent. But to say I live in fantasy is… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

The indoctrination has been wildly successful but the indoctrinated are largely useless. Yes, they can be very dangerous, but unlike the Red Guard these are very weak foot soldiers and have never known deprivation. I strongly suspect that once hit in the jaw they fold and fold quickly. The same probably applies to the system. It is about to be put to the test and we will soon know on that point (there is an economic implosion unfolding).

white dog
white dog
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

I am watching the tv series Lucky Hank with Bob Odenkirk, post-bettercallsaul. The characters are ludicrous, whiney and entitled, but seem to think they know it all, and I am hard pressed to tell whether it’s satire or this is really a reflection of their world.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

The system is both united and increasingly incompetent. So on the one hand no one can reform it, but on the other it cannot save itself from itself.

1 year ago

Most Americans are furiously burying their head in the sand trying to avoid the obvious demise of USA Inc. Japan is now buying Russian oil with rubles and both Saudi Arabia and Iran are now selling oil in currencies other than the dollar. The plates are wobbling and may drop at any moment. The French have had it WEF flunky Macron and are burning the place down in anger. Will fat-ass normie take to the streets here? Yes, as soon as his belly is empty. And Brandon is banking on the Hail Mary Pass of a Ukrainian offensive victory to… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

TomA, i see a time when the negro masses have outlived their usefulness, and they are loaded on the trains (instead of letting them burn down the cities). History isn’t linear, and you should know that.

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

“Using his delicate boxcar technique…”

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

LEO’s will be ordered to crack WHITE skulls!

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Tune in tomorrow.
Same Bat-time
Same Bat-channel.

1 year ago

In the lead up to the fun times of the Civil War, from 1859 to the spring of 1861, state governors, both North and South, were absolutely key to how the final breakdown happened. The secession winter of 1860 was not led by a singular Southern national figure, not John Breckenridge, the Southern Democratic nominee for President in 1860, certainly not Jefferson Davis, the man who became President of the Confederacy. It was a coalition of the seven Deep South state governors. The state legislature of Texas had to literally remove Governor Sam Houston from office to secede. Lincoln, while… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 year ago

It has been interesting to watch formerly squishy Tennessee getting into this groove. It has publicly sanctions and may be about to expel Negro legislators from its state house for starting a violent riot last week. There is no way in hell the national Republicans would do such a thing.

This split between state and federal legislators is a very positive development.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 year ago

The US Army video: Being on the outside of mainstream politics for many years, one of the most encouraging things I’ve seen is reading the comments on youtube videos of various subjects like this one. Others include videos the ADL puts out with local newscasts horrified at flyers distributed showing one group with vast disproportionate power. Some are videos which show diversity or fatness or antiwhiteness or something in a positive way. The comments today are always 90 percent or more of ridicule and laughter. This is good, because I can remember not that long ago being frustrated reading comment… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Con, Inc., has been disabling comments for some time. National Review, for example, did so during the 2016 election. Z writes from time to time we were trolling the NR comments but that’s not exactly accurate. It was more like Nick Fuentes’ 15 minutes of usefulness with the Groypers asking Con, Inc., questions that exposed its fraudulent nature and impotence. NR’s competitor, Am Greatness, is starting to limit responses for the same reason.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Shutting it down. More worrisome than Trump’s indictment I think, is Douglas Mackey/Ricky Vaughn locked up for ten years for ridiculing the establishment with funny memes.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

The Mackkey conviction brought into stark relief the exact nature of the American state.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

our very own Horst Wessel 😛

kvh kvh kvh

1 year ago

Completely off topic, but another poke to stoke the fire of racial enmity. Naturally, you have to read to the bottom to get a more likely version of events. The Jim Snow Tax collectors are out in force. Reminds me of that video where the black guys sucker punch the white dude at a fair and killed him, and they got off because they claimed he said the wicked word….

Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Fargo flipping North Dakota. It really is close to no country for White men. Practically nowhere free from infestation…

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

Not only that, confront the Sacred Cow / Numinous Negro at your own peril. You are ALWAYS wrong, even when you are not… “He called me a racial slur”. Your word against the word of a deity. Whether you did or not doesn’t matter, in the mind of the lefty lunatic, you did so anything that happens to you afterwards is justified. And they are well aware of this now which is why they are getting far more aggressive. I stood up to a loudmouth brown guy who needed it many years ago. It only cost me 7 years of… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Locking up a populist leader in a time of inflation and rampant debauchery? I’m sure such a scheme has worked out fine in the past, right?
(Of course I suspect this is why GAE is terrified to let any dissidents back out of jail and eventually scrapes together enough charges in front of a friendly court to send everyone away forever).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“Even if he is too old to see it or too afraid to acknowledge it, the spectacle itself is opening the eyes of many people. This is not about Trump, but about a system that no longer works as intended. Instead, it has become a weapon in the hands of bitter, deranged fanatics. A system that can so easily be perverted to destructive ends is no longer worth defending. That is the new consensus forming up as we see the system destroy itself in these rage panics.” This is spot on. For a time, the deranged fanatics had considerably more… Read more »

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

if trump were a true patriot he would light himself on fire in front of the court house. being a fat carny, he will try and talk his way off the gallows (un-successfully). he will not live to see 2024.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Yep, but I’m glad the State is doing it because it (a) further repels the international community and (b) shows Normie what is what. If the Regime were sane it would make damned sure BOM was not at risk. The Regime is crazy, of course.

There could be a convergence between Trump’s vanity and the State’s malevolence, though: BOM could post bond and defect to Russia and set up a government in exile. It would be freaking hilarious but we likely will be deprived that good laugh.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

now that would be truly epic! he should have done it before he went to NYC though. he is in the spider’s web, for good.

1 year ago

Operate America for the benefit of Americans. Bring the troops home from the 500+ overseas bases. Invest in Americans. F### the rest!

BTW, I am a Canadian and prescribe the same medicine for Canada, although we may need to burn down the whole rotten edifice.

Reply to  FNC1A1
1 year ago

FNC1A1, as an American, I’m curious why you see the USA as salvageable but not Canada. I’m more pessimistic than you because, even if we did the things that you listed, our elites still have the dispossession of traditional whites as their highest goal, and that goal is non-negotiable.

Our elites can only be dislodged by means that I can’t discuss here.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

“Our elites can only be dislodged by means that I can’t discuss here”

not true, they are dislodging themselves via open borders. think AINO 2030 is going to be old white people calling all the shots?

Reply to  karl von hungus
1 year ago

Darn those “old white people calling all the shots!”

Once the hordes let in by open borders have served their purpose of crushing traditional whites, the non-white elites will control those hordes without remorse.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Among other things, Canadian culture is far more deferential to power structures than American culture. Rebellion isn’t in our history nor even in our nature. Even protesting here tends to be calm and low key. The trucker convoy that hit Ottawa last winter was a tremendous exception to the rule. And don’t think that Canada’s elites aren’t also all-in on white replacement. We’re importing close to a million residents a year now mostly from east Asia and from India. No, Canada is lost, lost, lost. We are complacent, we are apathetic, we are risk averse, we are not productive, we… Read more »

Reply to  I.M.
1 year ago

Canada as a nation is completely finished. Canadians as people are still doing okay, though. We have a very low race mixing rate. Our white birth rate is higher than the USA if you remove mixed babies to white mothers. Also our east and south Asian imports have extremely low birth rates, especially those born in Canada. Unlike the USA which has high fertility Hispanics. Their assimilatiom os very bad too. If immigration were halted today, Canada would immediately stabilize and demographics would get better over a few generations. Not so in America. They’re swamping us in 10x the immigrants… Read more »

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

I happened to catch part of the late game on HNIC a couple weeks back. I think the Oilers were playing.

My God – it was “Pride Night” for the Oilers, and that backstabber Ron MacLean and the others were wearing their rainbow flag pins.

Furthermore, the guy calling the game was a towel head that could have been an Osama Bin-Laden look-alike. Love to see that thing lace up a pair of skates.

They’re just overtly poking Heritage Canadians in the eye now,

1 year ago

“… and why Biden won in 2020…”

Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.


Shrinking Violet
Shrinking Violet
1 year ago

W was the worst president ever? Yes he sucked. But worse than Biden?? Not sure about that.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 year ago

No doubt Bush was the worst, but that comes with an asterisk. “Biden” has a couple more years to incinerate the world in a nuclear holocaust. He still could grab the ring.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Maybe, Jack, but until Biden does that (which is very possible), Lincoln is by the far the worst POTUS ever. He murdered more Americans than all the other 45 presidents COMBINED.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Boris
1 year ago

Yeah, I probably neglected Lincoln because he is the avatar of bad presidents. Agreed totally he is the worst barring a “Biden”-led nuclear war.

Reply to  Boris
1 year ago

My thought as well. Wilson was also pretty awful, as he bungled us into one world war and set the conditions for a second. Bush is a lot like FDR, who set up a welfare system for white people. It may have seemed reasonable at that time in history, but then LBJ came along and turned it into a shitshow. Same with Bush. The Patriot Act may or may not have been reasonable after 9/11, but it took Obama to turn it into tyranny. But Bush was the father of it.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

The Patriot Act was just the formal legalization of an inevitable surveillance state. Inevitable because once the tech existed….

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 year ago

Outside of Lincoln it’s hard to find a president that was worse for White people and their interests. The Obama admin might have hated Whites more (a big *might*), but they were also epically lazy.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

I don’t know if you can call him the worst, but Lyndon Johnson presided over the Civil Rights Act and Hart-Celler. That’s significant, and puts him on the short list of worst ever.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

And Nam, which LBJ never believed he could win, as the tapes of him from 1964 revealed. And the Great Society giveaway programs.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 year ago

And massive welfare for the so-called great society

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Lincoln wasn’t anti white or pro black, he was anti confederacy. Get a grip.

Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 year ago

Biden is not an acting executive; he is in Stage 4/5 dementia. So it’s not possible to talk about Biden as a “good” or “bad” President. Otherwise I agree, the Biden Politburo has accelerated wokeness, opened the borders, and sparked inflation. The only thing that can be said for them is they haven’t got us in a nuclear war or collapsed the currency. Yet. Jorge Arbusto staffed our national security bureaucracies with ideologically deranged neocons, greatly enriched and entrenched the MIC and accelerated the Great Replacement of us by his sister-in-law’s relatives. He also put a lot of weird non-profits… Read more »

Reply to  Anti-Gnostic
1 year ago

My guess as to Biden’s condition is mild cognitive impairment with little reserves.

Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 year ago

Agree. Bush as the worst prez? Not even close. Start with Lincoln, then FDR, Wilson, and LBJ. This is at least the second time Z has cast Brush as the worst. Z, should open and read other than state approved history articles and books. Bush is in running for the fifth worst, but is tied with Cliton, Obummer, and Bite-me. Of these Obummer wins because of his racial hatred toward whites and the country whites elected him to run. It was here Obummer ushered in the idea that the US must be brought down to the level with the rest… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Shrinking Violet
1 year ago

It almost always seems the current occupant is the worst. Oddly, though far from the best, Trump was the only one in recent memory to buck that trend.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

“What is needed is a new consensus and that is made by immoderate men.” I doubt there’s any to be had. The emerging era will be one of fracture. The expiry date of the USA as a national entity is in the past. Fracture, confusion, mayhem, secession, internecine conflict, and various kind of collapse all lie in the near future. But be of good cheer — this is not the first time this has occurred historically. The collapse of empires in antiquity, the collapse of the Bronze Age, and so on gives us clues to what to expect and how… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

Unfortunately there are a lot of small hats on the right side of that bell curve.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

Jews. Quit circle talking.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

It’s not so much intelligence as ruthlessness and, to use their own quite apt term, chutzpah. And tribalism on steroids.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 year ago

Agreed, but this will be the first time an empire has collapsed while armed to the teeth with nukes and under the spell of sickos who would use them.