Gradually Then Suddenly

There is a famous exchange in Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises where over drinks one character asks another how he went bankrupt. The reply is “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” Often this is misquoted as “a little at a time then all of a sudden” which sounds better than the original. Hemingway was famous for his economy of language, which did not always serve him well. Even so, it is probably Hemingway’s most famous line, even if most people do not know the source.

The main reason it is a famous line is it is true in the narrow sense of business, but also in the broader sense of life itself. Things do not suddenly fall apart all of a sudden for no reason at all. In fact, the expression “no reason at all” precedes all of the big lies because nothing happens for no reason at all. The big events in human history are the slow buildup of little things then all of a sudden, a lot of history seems to happen in a short period of time, to borrow another famous expression.

This is something to keep in mind while following this story about an FBI whistleblower’s claims regarding the Biden family. According to Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. James Comer, this whistleblower has presented to them documentation showing the FBI has evidence of a pay-for-play scheme run by the family of Joe Biden while he was Vice President. The allegation is that Biden sold his influence to a foreign entity in exchange for cash to the Biden family.

For starters, this is not a new claim, but coming from two politicians not known for rocking the boat changes the nature of the charges. Joe Biden has been dogged by corruption allegations for a long time. He is worth tens of millions despite never having had a job outside government. That and he bragged on the campaign trail about extorting personal favors from the Ukrainian government. He got a prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold an aid package.

Next week there will reportedly be a hearing at which the current head of the FBI will be asked pointed questions about the specific documents Grassley and Comer cite in their letter to the FBI. Most likely Christopher Wray will lie and stonewall at the hearing, refusing to acknowledge even his own existence as a way of telling Congress that he is above the law. This is one of those gradual things. Gradually, the bureaucracy refuses to acknowledge the authority of Congress.

Those paying attention know the FBI is America’s most corrupt organization. They tried to overturn the 2016 election by running an illegal surveillance operation on Trump, then engineered a year’s long coverup of it. Holding black mail material on Biden may actually be worse. That is the real story here. They also have Hunter’s laptop, which they tried to hide and still refuse to acknowledge. Why would they need all of this dirt on a sitting President?

This is one of those gradual events. In isolation, the FBI shenanigans during the Trump era could be written off as partisan zealots abusing their power, but when you add in this stuff you suddenly get a different picture. What emerges is something like a praetorian guard controlling the most important offices in the system through blackmail, extortion, and espionage. The question that should follow is who else are they blackmailing with secret material?

Another gradual moment is the great leaving alone the media is giving to this and the other whistleblowers who have revealed corruption in the FBI. If such revelations happened in the Trump years, the coverage would be wall-to-wall. We would know the name of the whistleblower, as the press would have made her a star. The reputation of the media is very poor, but most people still trust it. This sort of bias is what will eventually lead to the total collapse in trust.

A glimpse of what is coming can be seen in the Tucker Carlson drama. Fox News Channel has lost half their audience since they fired their most popular host, but the collapse is not just about Carlson. It is the final straw, the one break in trust that on top of many others is what finally does it for these former viewers. Gradually, then all of a sudden people realized that Fox News was a scam, run by grifters who privately mocked the people in their audience.

Of course, the Joe Biden story is itself an example of the gradually then suddenly phenomenon in our politics. For half a century he was nothing more than an affable dimwit who represented the interests of the credit card companies. Everyone in Washington knew Joe Biden was a stupid man, but he was likable and generally regarded as an honest man. Sure, he told outlandish lies about his life, but no one thought he was taking bribes.

As with everything else in the 1990’s, Joe Biden appears to have gone from affable dimwit who was mostly honest to a man who walked around Washington with a list of prices for the services he could offer. Those two grifters from the Ozarks set the ball in motion for everyone. If their corruption was allowed, then why not a little influence peddling in the Senate? If that is okay, then why not sell insider information in exchange for stock tips?

This is how we find ourselves with a corrupt buffoon in the Whitehouse, held hostage by a secret police relying on blackmail and extortion. All of those small steps here and there down the path of corruption eventually led to that all of a sudden moment on election night in 2020. Half a century ago when Joe Biden was in his prime, no serious person imagined him in the White House, unless he was on a visitors pass, but all of a sudden, he is president.

In the fullness of time, we will experience the great all of a sudden moment and the usual suspects will swear it was for no reason at all. In reality it will be the result of those many gradual changes that began with the decision by official Washington to invite the Devil into their world. After that, it was one small compromise here, another there, until there were no rules at all, just naked power. Then all of a sudden, no one had any reason to trust anything, and Hell followed after it.

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1 year ago

I listened to the Z Man interview with Patrick Casey and I have a question. In the beginning of the interview, Z Man dismisses the idea of natural rights, but later in the interview, he speaks passionately about the need to present our complaints and demands as moral claims. Don’t the same objections to natural rights apply to moral claims? If a belief in natural rights is specific to northern Europeans, doesn’t each evolutionarily distinct group of people then have its own morality? If so, shouldn’t we expect that non-whites will not feel compelled by our moral claims? Conversely, wouldn’t… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

‘Even the white people on the Left want this, but instead they settle for the perverse morality of the ruling class because it is the only option.’ You believe that the feminist white women who spearheaded — and now staff — the U.S. Politburo/Deep State want to share your morality? Really? You are saying that the tens-of-millions of white women at forefront of the Feminist Takeover the past fifty years are ‘settling’ for a perverse morality imposed upon them by the ‘ruling class’? That is simply not true. White women, very much willingly, LED the inversion of the moral order… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

ray, I respectfully disagree. “That is simply not true. White women, very much willingly, LED the inversion of the moral order over the past century. They are NOT the passive victims of a perverse morality imposed upon them by mean elites. Modern white women ARE the ‘perverse morality’.” Most women have little agency or ability to think for themselves. One of their strongest urges is to align with the winning team. I’m told that up till the 1960s, women were more conservative than men, and that women were the most ardent supporters of moustache guy. Since WW2, the winning team… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

LITS — ok maybe I misunderstand your position. Or maybe we disagree. I will try again. ‘If you’re going to bring up early feminists, I suggest that you check their ancestry first.’ I did a pretty extensive study of the roots of U.S. feminism and general pagan revivalism a few decades back . . . had to use university libraries mostly, the net wasn’t much help then. And I would suggest that you are incorrect to state that white women ‘instigated very little’ of the modern Woke-Fem Politburo. In fact, white women were and are the diseased beating-heart of American… Read more »

1 year ago

“What emerges is something like a praetorian guard controlling the most important offices in the system through blackmail, extortion, and espionage.”

*Let’s nor forget murder. Thinking of Antonio Scalia here. Very suspicious.

My Comment
My Comment
1 year ago

Gradually then suddenly is also how the censorship is being implemented. You see this both in the US and Brazil after the natives became restless and voted for a man deemed bad by the good and smart. Trump in the US. Bolsanaro in Brazil. Now Lula is dropping the gradually and going for the suddenly by trying to pass a law banning all online disinformation. In the US they have put the gradually on steroids and have been working on the suddenly. Fortunately they picked a buffoon to be the disinformation czar and there are still pockets of states working… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
1 year ago

The one positive thing about this whole scam known as the United States is that the day is coming when you will wipe you ass with $100 bills. And the United States will be nothing but a failed paper tiger controlled by people who will all have an appointment where sooner or later they’re lined up a brick wall somewhere.

Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

Hopefully, our side will not be against that brick wall.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
1 year ago

They have 1,000,000 firearms combined with the military and collective police forces. Their domestic “enemies” have at least 450,000,000 firearms on tap. The logistics are not on the Bolsheviks’ side

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

It’s not the number, but the number willing to use them.

Reply to  Coalclinker
1 year ago

Willingness to revolt against tyranny happens gradually then all at once.

1 year ago

‘In reality it will be the result of those many gradual changes that began with the decision by official Washington to invite the Devil into their world.’ Washington’s been claimed-and-conquered footstool of the Devil since inception. A combo of spiritual power and mass Christian values and culture held evil back until the pagan/goddess revolution of the mid-to-late Sixties began the final erosions, the ‘falling away’ in Biblical terms. A Managed Operation, to be sure. The District is named after pagan goddess Columbia, simply a stand-in for the late Paleolithic and Neolithic Great Mother that dominated the Old World. Columbia’s personal… Read more »

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  ray
1 year ago

Republican government ultimately means being ruled by those hungry for power, not those born into it. The results we have now, and are obvious. And Presbyterian elections, vs Catholic/Orthodox apostolic succession, are the source of the rot. A monarch might be evil, but 400 years of monarchs wouldn’t be.

The more conservative modern governments have more democratic civil services, more representative of ordinary people than the American swamp. Ordinary government workers go “elevated state” (think opposite of deep state) and reduce the power of psychopath politicians. But nothing beats a king.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Anonymous Fake
1 year ago

While that’s all true, the quality and character of the people is still more important. It wouldn’t matter what kind of monarch you put in charge of Haiti

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

That is the essence of wisdom right there.

Anonymous Fake
Anonymous Fake
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

400 years of decent kings could make Haiti into a new Singapore. It only takes 10 generations to tame a fox. Human behavioral differences are trivial in comparison.

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  ray
1 year ago

It sounds rather far fetched until you begin to examine the particulars of the design, architecture and decoration of The District of Columbia, including the choice of the word “Capitol” for the building housing the seat of government, the symbolism of the plan of The City of Washington within the District, the arcane symbolism to be found on our currency and much more. The painting on the dome of The Capitol–The Apotheosis of Washington–is replete with symbols of ancient religions and the gods thereof. The very elevation of George Washington to the status of a god is itself quite revealing.… Read more »


‘ . . . until we find ourselves now largely a country of pagans with Christian trappings.’ The vast majority of U.S. citizens — certainly including Christians and ‘conservatives’ — have no clue how and why America entered into political existence, nor who guided its ‘progress’ before the official founding. The strange and terrible truth is that America was planned and created to serve as a ‘pillar’ or podium or footstool for the use of the elite’s chosen deity: the Great Goddess or Great Mother of the ancient world. Our globalist rulers hew to goddess cults. It is a dire… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

It should be no surprise to anyone if they push Joe out prior to 2024. The fact that he, of all people, is there in the first place is evidence enough that they can install whoever they want and produce enough votes for them. Likewise they can discard them once they’ve outlived their usefulness. However they arrange it, the regime media will supply a veneer of legitimacy. Joe is supposedly, so I have heard, against putting US troops in Ukraine openly. Thus, they will have to find somebody who is ok with it. Have already found them, I am sure.… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

The surprise is that he has not been pushed aside.

I was expecting it would come around December-January of this year, but I did not expect Democratic net win in the U.S. Senate the preceding November.

It is either a troubling, gnawing symptom of Fortification Of Democracy, or a frankly disqualifying commentary on the vice president (who may just be that Leonard Cohen “Everybody Knows” public figure exemplifying Current Year).

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  PeriodicTableOfSurprise
1 year ago

Not to ascribe omniscient powers to them, but if they have indeed planned to dispose of Joe, then they will be neither early nor late in doing so.

1 year ago

“The question that should follow is who else are they blackmailing with secret material?”

My question is: Who is behind all this, driving it? Wray is a lackey. Who’s calling the shots?

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 year ago

Big Jim,

It’s all speculation, and there can be multiple centers of power, but my guess is that the people who control the media are the most influential because they literally dictate the morality of almost everyone. It looks to me more like the politicians dance to the media’s tune, not the reverse, for example.

I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to investigate who has controlling influence on the media.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 year ago

Some of the wealthiest oligarchs in the world are the owners of media empires. It’s obvious who is the main driver.

1 year ago

The Devil was in DC way, way, WAY before the 90s, Biden, and Clintons.

The near entire goal of the federal apparatus is to weaponize the lowest, worst, criminals against the decent so as to drag everyone down to the state of stupid, terrified, drug-addled, and dependent while the criminal state/ruling classes enriches and entrenches itself and furthers its reach.

To poorly riff an old Paul Harvey routine: If I were the Devil, I would write the history that makes me a hero and the good and God as the villains.

1 year ago

I know this is irrelevant to the article’s point, but I prefer Hemingway’s “Gradually, then suddenly.” I think that phrase has far more punch than the wordier “a little at a time then all of a sudden.”

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Agreed. Hemingway better writer than Z.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

Oh yeah? Did Hemingway ever write anything about Xirl Science?

Advantage Z. 😏

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Pops Hemingway wrote ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’ which definitely is about Xirl Science. Of the interpersonal sort.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  ray
1 year ago

Yep, that was the short story was very instructive.

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

For those, like me, that take the reading recommendations from Z’s commenters seriously:

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber also has a few things to teach us about the Fairer (sic) Sex.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Yes. Hemingway’s account rings true to me. Here is a man down on his luck, maybe a bit in his cups; his statement is completely accurate, and extremely terse, as if he finds it an event painful to revisit.

1 year ago

[…] Gradually Then Suddenly   […]

Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

But what does the FBI want? What are its aims? Assuming it is the eminence gris controlling the FedGov node of the Power Structure through blackmail, what’s its agenda? More wealth? More power? The complete hegemony of anti-white ideology? If Z is right about this, it behooves one and all to essay a thorough analysis of the FBI itself, what makes it tick, and what motivates it.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

I tend to believe the FBI wants what the Senate wants. I’ve said before that the Senate is the real “deep state” hiding in plain sight, pretending to be dysfunctional and divided and happy for you to see it that way, pointing fingers at the executive anytime there is blame to be placed. The FBI protects the Senate and is an ever present threat to the executive. That’s what it’s there for. The Senate can pull on the FBI’s leash anytime it wants to.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Perhaps they just want, as most people, to continue following their view of the world. All of their actions are easily explained when you no longer consider it some insidious conspiracy of a few and recognize the chicanery is widespread as a natural result of two things: progressive beliefs and the power to impose them. I am sure most of them just believe like the average lib fruitcake. They are speaking truth to power, as that odious saying goes. There is no overt, stated goal. Just the desire to live in the world as they view it, and the tyranny… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Hm. The FBI as the Cornell Sociology Department, but with guns and way cooler shades. You may well be right.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

And khakis!! Don’t forget the khakis!!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Same reason the juice makes sure every politician in dependent on campaign funding from them: the ticks stay in power as long as the people that are supposed to actually have the power know they’ll die if they try to pull the tick out.

1 year ago

Never underestimate the Stasi. They are a behemoth that will kill you if need be. Just ask the young mother holding a baby in her arms at Ruby Ridge. The moral of this story is that no one should ever trust a Fed, and its best to avoid them at all costs. But it’s also important to recognize that this criminal gang will not fall to reputation damage or even a housecleaning should a strong president get elected. The Senate controls whoever is selected as a replacement Director, and that process will forever be corrupted. Only a Deep State insider… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

There was a story of some anti-Semitic flyers in Atlanta and the Feds sending down a goon squad to investigate it (it looked like the pamphleteer had put them into sandwich bags weighed down with corn to make sure they stayed where ever he put them). That guy could probably single handedly bankrupt the government by making them repeatedly spend thousands of dollars to investigate $5 bags of anti-Semitic corn.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

I smell a campaign to force the University of Nebraska to change its mascot from the Cornhuskers to something less hurtful and more socially responsible. The Blintzkrieg, mayhap?

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Surely he moved over state lines after DeSantis signed that bill outlawing anti-Semitic sandwich bags. Wouldn’t want to run afoul of that carefully crafted, and vey necessary, bit of legislation, would you?

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

Signed it IN ISRAEL no less.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 year ago

The fact that DeSantis did the signing IN ISRAEL actually made me wonder a bit. It seemed a bit like taking your mistress to the kids’ big soccer game. Even if everyone knows you’re cheating it’s not good to advertise the fact. Of course that’s probably the real message. RD is married to the neocons, not the American people.

Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
1 year ago


“RD is married to the neocons, not the American people.”

Yes, emphatically so.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Yes, the Taliban beat the Empire in the way you describe, but there is another aspect.

The Empire DOES NOT CARE if it wins wars. Winning or losing is besides the point; it’s the racket, it’s the MONEY that counts. So sure, hamstring troops with insane rules of engagement, send them door to door like dupes to get blown up. They don’t care; just keep the grift going.

I get the queasy feeling that the Empire will tell it’s tranny army to use FULL FORCE if and when internal “white supremacists” make a peep.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

The US can’t occupy worth shit. They only succeeded in Japan and Germany because those countries were full of law-abiding hardworking Japanese and Germans. If the US decides to do Pink Dawn in Bumfuckville, Florida and the locals just start putting bombs in the roads it will be exactly the same as Afghanistan: 20 years of research opportunities for new designs of prosthetic legs and adapting truck nutz for our soldiers so they don’t feel like less of men for having had their goolies torn off by an IED.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

If the locals in Bumfuckville are white, rather than put mines in the road, they’ll offer up their tushes to the Mauve Tranny Battalion.

Valley Lurker
Valley Lurker
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

If the locals in Bumfuckville are white, the ZOGs rules of engagement will be very relaxed compared to what they were towards the sand people.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

The genetic makeup of the conquered was one factor, but another, I believe (at least) equally important factor was leveling the place first. Which provided an example of how resistance would be dealt with. Leaving the people destitute, hungry, and dependent, with no alternative.

Regime change via invasion/occupation doesn’t work as well if you try to be too nice about it. You can’t win hearts and minds. You have to crush hearts and minds.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  fakeemail
1 year ago

For the goatherder wars that was true, but now that it has provoked a nearer peer it must either prevail or wither

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Since we haven’t really seen what Russia is capable of yet, I’m thinking that we may just be near peer to them. After all we have no idea how good their stuff truly is, especially air defense, their front-line fighters and especially their missiles. I’d be willing to bet that the T-90 may be better than the Abrams.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I vote wither. This is of course anecdotal, but the other night I was watching the food network show “chopped” where they’re having a cook off between the four branches of service. First up was the mighty Air Force. The four representatives were a female black, male black, male mystery meat pacific islander and female flip – just what I think of when I think US Air Force. The guest judge was some fat obnoxious female negropotomus. None could competently manage time or had any serious cooking skills – despite that being their military role. Now obviously these aren’t front… Read more »

Old Prude
Old Prude
Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Fast like a cockroach. Slippery like an eel, and sneaky like a rat. My recipe for success in any endeavor.

Reply to  Old Prude
1 year ago

Never let them see you coming or going. Every janitor is an invisible man. And don’t get me started on the apprentice electrician who everyone ignores except to make fun of. Nurse, what’s in that syringe?

When you destroy all social trust, the sky is the limit.

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

Hi-tech beats low tech. What beats hi-tech? Low tech.

1 year ago

Joe Biden was always going to be the “write two letters president” where he would be used to pass moronic things that further the state religion. When their stupid policies backfire, he was always going to be the fall man. No future as he is 80+ and no actual ability to mentally defend himself. The next step is to appoint some sort of woke but competent person like Gavin Newsom to take over. He will keep pushing the Overton Window while advancing the rainbow flag and BLM flags. It was more or less planned with Biden in the first place.… Read more »

Reply to  Yak-15
1 year ago

Sundance over at Conservative Tree House has argued that this was the case. Use Pedo Joe as a figurehead while backstage it was the third term of Obama, complete with his apparatchiks (for instance, Susan Rice, who merely coincidentally suddenly resigned…timing is everything), to pick up where he left off in the destruction he fostered. Then, when dictated, give Joe the hook, either through a forced resignation, or through impeachment (with feigned horror at his transgressions [about which they would profess no knowledge] from the Democrats whose votes would be needed to shove him out), and then on to the… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

Jersey Jeff — I also assumed that Barry Soetoro still runs White House operations.

Reply to  ray
1 year ago

On whose behalf. Someone let the community organizer rise up, made him Senator, and lets BLM/BS run the street and cultural wings of conquest. He isn’t doing this on his own. He has no resources on his own. They could deal with BLM and the rabble of, “community organizers”, very quickly and harshly. He too is someone’s stooge.

It isn’t Oprah and the BET mogul who are funding and planning this with Barry out front. Though, if that were the case, wouldn’t that be … flabbergasting.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

He rode the wave of Bush Derangement Syndrome into the WH. That was the first time I noticed the mind virus. “Change!”….. “Hope!”….. The Americans I used to recognize had suddenly become alien creatures. It was supposed to be Hillary. He usurped. Not so differently from how Trump did in 2016, really. Then, consider, just bear with me a moment, the possibility that he is a pretty sharp guy who knew how to consolidate power once he had it. All the easier to do with a not just compliant but fawning media establishment. And has held onto it ever since.… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

‘He too is someone’s stooge.’

Yes, Obama is a tool, but a powerful and cunning tool, not to be underestimated.

Ann Dunham and Barry’s real daddy were Subud cult insiders, and evidence suggests that Barry was groomed for the presidency since childhood, at minimum.

Ann Dunham likely was a CIA asset. The forces that shepherded and empowered Barry operate at global levels of influence and are trans-generational. I do not believe those elements are finished utilizing Barry but have only begun.

1 year ago

Regarding the future of Fox News, here is their presentation of the “conservative case for transgenderism,” soon (suddenly?) to be followed by their abject surrender on all related issues: “Conservatives need to understand and accept that the trans community is not going away. There will be, going forward, a small but significant number of Americans who claim to change their gender, and a much larger group who accept those changes wholly and at face value. “Since neither side can fully convince the other on the basics of the trans issue, the question becomes: What can each side tolerate while still… Read more »

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

“Americans have a right to live as any gender they choose so long as it does not interfere with the rights of anyone else.”

I used to believe that.

But it’s not true. And these people are erring into considerable Sin at the behest of Satan. And to normalize it, entertain it and encourage it is also Sinful.

Once these “Conservative” folks recognise this, and the trannies do to, then real healing can begin. Until then, it is just one more capitulation of “Conservatives” to Satan.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

Along with the freedom of association (“why should I be forced to associate with trannies?”) they also never have an answer to “how is this good for my people?”

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

Yes, there are some things you can’t throw into the pile of “individual rights” and that which a sane and healthy society simply cannot accept. When it comes down, it’s either their way or our way.

There is no mushy middle of insane people going about their insanity and not interfering and destroying everything around them.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

“Americans have a right to live as any gender they choose”

…as long as they’re in a mental hospital.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

The most interesting aspect is the gatekeepers think they can split the baby on this one and they cannot. It has them worried because that is how the Left always has prevailed and this is the time half will not be accepted.

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

From the article: “Progressives can hold fast to their belief that gender is a matter of personal knowledge rather than biology without insisting that everyone accept it and while admitting that there are serious concerns about fairness and safety.”

Progressive response is “no”. Now what? That’s why conservatives never, ever win and progressives always win. You have to draw a line in the sand and say this unholy madness is unacceptable and can never be agreed upon in any form. And at that point you realize the fundamental problem – can we really coexist with these people?

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

“You have to draw a line in the sand and say this unholy madness is unacceptable and can never be agreed upon in any form.” [Emphasis myne].

Indeed. That is exactly what must be done. And what each of us must do, in however trivial a matter. When we see Evil, we must: recognize it and counter it in some manner.

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

Mycale: Even more important: Do we WANT to coexist with these people? My answer is a resounding “NO.” I absolutely love that I do not have to see anyone other than my husband unless I choose to leave our land. And even then, I deal solely with White, rural, Christian Americans.

Tolerance of and compromise with evil is . . . EVIL. Same fatal path this former country first embarked upon. Same “individual freedumbs” siren song. But most people never learn.

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

3g4me, Most certainly. A couple of weekends ago, we took our sons to a farm that is also an outdoor play area. I was outside with middle son, and returned to the cafe area to find my wife talking to a woman. Turns out that this woman had ‘migrated’ from Chicago along with her husband and child. My GoodWhite siren went off immediately. It hit overload when the professions of the duo were revealed: Her, an employee of the BBC; Him, a university lecturer. On the way back home, my wife remarked about these folk, saying that the lady seemed… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

OrangeFrog: Good on you and your wife for remaining vigilant. “Nice” originally meant “ignorant” or “foolish” (I’m with Chaucer on this one). Those Chicagoans may have changed continents but they merely exchanged one leftist hive for another. Tons of people like that (found one here a few years ago – from Rhode Island); all are best avoided.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

Any American living in the UK, unless he’s there as some weird condition to receive an inheritance from a kooky old brit relative who died, is a Leftist. There’s just no other reason to go there now. What’s happened to your country is very sad but I don’t need to see it in person. In fact, this is why I will often abruptly turn off a video on YT or a podcast too. “Elsie, a young American woman living in London…” Nope, nope, nope. I don’t need to hear about this silly little bitch and her reasons for crossing the… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

You can tell yourself that but it doesn’t mean it’s true Mr Poz.

Your country seems much more far gone than old Blighty.

I’ve noticed this with American rightists;always predicting the end of Europe but the catastrophes seem to happen in the US. Demographically ,politically, and culturally the US is in the vanguard of all this.

It’s the inverse of the Tom Wolfe quote about the dark knight of fascism.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

Actually you’re right about the demographics Europa. I was thinking more about the stupid “slice of life” stories we get here about some American (usually a young woman) who goes to the UK. They always present these things as some great revelation that we ‘murrican rubes are supposed to marvel at. It’s like listening to some preacher tell a story. You know the story isn’t really about what it’s about.

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

NoOneImportant: “David Marcus, Fox News.” Every. Single. Time.

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

“Conservatives need to understand and accept that the trans community is not going away.”

Yeah, we understand that the murderer, rapist and pedophile “communities” are not going away. That doesn’t mean we have to “accept” them.

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

First they asked for my tolerance, and I stood by and said nothing.

Reply to  NoOneImportant
1 year ago

“Americans have a right to live as any gender they choose so long as it does not interfere with the rights of anyone else.”

“BAKE THE CAKE M**********RS!!”

We’re somewhat past the thin edge of the wedge. Surely no-one’s falling for it this time?

1 year ago

Hmmm… Emperor Maxentius drowned in the Tiber.

Isn’t there a river in our capitol city?

1 year ago

You can tell a lot about a person’s value if they say things happened for no reason. Here in our state, I’ve been trying to privately warn the politicians to stop the spending spree before the economic crisis hits full speed. With every new bit of info, a bank failure here or the sudden evaporation of funding for a major project there, they say, “that’s nothing, it happened for no reason at all, it happens all the time, this is fine.” Even when I accurately predict the next step, they refuse to listen. Not one of them wants to hear… Read more »

mr dithers
mr dithers
Reply to  luber
1 year ago

As always, history turns on a dime. There’s always that last straw, for want of a nail etc., Some little action not paid attention to, and the whole jenga collapses. Bud Lite is a good example, Pearl Harbor, any number of obscenely stupid decisions by those in charge. And yet the wonder is that most of them responsible for those decisions never suffer the consequences of their actions, they go whistling blithely through their lives accumulating wealth and power. They don’t understand the level of rage they provoke because no justice or punishment accrues to them personally. I prefer to… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  luber
1 year ago

This bank thing is worrisome. The dollars involved are way less than 2008, but the regime has burned through all it’s “powder” it could use to address the crisis. Now it looks like they’re corks being swept along by the currents, because that’s largely what’s happening. I’m naturally a pessimistic and a perpetually wrong doomer so I discount m own opinion, but I don’t see how they get out of this without locking the system up behind a “bank holiday” for a week to try and fix this when it suddenly starts sliding on them (“try” being the operative word).

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

The only question is whether they nationalize the banks openly, or secretly. They’re already doing it secretly. Guaranteeing all deposits, no matter how large, is nationalizing the banks. But as usual there is a lot of pretending not to notice going on.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Nationalizing won’t stop it beg because the problem is also offshore non-banks. And the size with that factored in dwarfs the 2007 crisis. I mentioned in another thread but the person misunderstood: eurodollars, not euro.

Just set your watch: official rates will be near zero by end of year. Mass unemployment. The only thing that can stop this is a war with China that shuts down global shipping lanes to keep prices up. I surmise that’s what covid was actually about and the war with Russia, trying to hide what started in 2019 in repo.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Luber
1 year ago

official rates will be near zero

There’s not much they can do in that regard without blowing up the currency due to inflation. Also, how many times will Congress be able to bailout the FDIC?
The Fed didn’t start hiking rates because they thought it was good policy, they did so because they didn’t have a choice.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 year ago

Putting Biden in charge was just the Regime flexing on all of us. I know I’ve said this here before, but it bears repeating. Zman ascribes this to corruption and rot. Maybe. But I’m ascribing it to seriously powerful Regime, unafraid of any backlash, putting a known senile old fool in charge and daring anyone to object. So maybe we have some Praetorians plotting to replace Uncle Joe with a Claudius-like figure who turns out to be competent. Or maybe the flexing gets even worse and they put the Courtesan veep in charge. The plot to oust Uncle Joe could… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

I agree with you. There is evidence to corroborate – albeit circumstantial. Joe Biden is post-America’s Boris Yeltsin – the buffoonish, drunkard they propped up in post-Soviet Russia. Who are they. Well, they are the same they in both cases – American financial plutocrats from the Wall St./Ivy League-economics-dept complex. It is the exact same people. Putting up Biden is a very clear message: “We can stand up an egregious stooge. He is one of your folk, but we can get him to denigrate you and make you a second class citizen. We can get the entire media apparatus to… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Yes. It’s exactly the same psychology as when Caligula made his horse consul: “here, plebs, grovel before your new equine overlord!”

As Doctor Dalrymple noted, propaganda is about the humiliation of being forced to embrace absurd propositions, viz “this demented old gangster is the leader of the free world”. It robs you of dignity and saps your morale.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

Yes. Tater Joe is an in-your-face psyop, not a president.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

I think he was sending a message to the entire Senate.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Agreed. It is the same dynamic with trannies.

Something may have gone wrong with the plan to replace Biden, though. It seems too coincidental that this scandal over his well-known bribe-taking has emerged only after he announced his plans for re-election.

We need to neither underestimate nor overestimate our enemies here. They are ruthless and control everything, but they fuck up routinely as well. It is something that gets lost due to their obvious and overwhelming power.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Absolutely Jack. Maybe we get a Claudius (a longshot), but more likely a Nero. Or maybe it’s the “year of four Emperors” and we have a total open brawl that gets out of hand.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

I completely agree. I always have to say that people are assuming Biden is being replaced. You can go to the comments two, three years ago, and find that the majority said he would be replaced in months. I have long said he will not be. I still say that. If they wanted Joe out, they could do it. I see no push for that. I think he will be president again, and I think the Hunter stuff will come to nothing. Which inspires more awe: People who lie and sneak behind your back, or those who rub your nose… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

The sadism element cannot be overemphasized.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Well, if you ever examine the artwork they seem to love (of horrendous child abuse – just look into it), I would say that is exactly what they enjoy. I do not think many here truly understand exactly how wicked they are, and how they flaunt this – especially their love of abusing children. They plaster their houses with it.

1 year ago

Joe Biden spent 35 years in the Senate as an affable boob at best and a corrupt, sleazy grifter at worst. He had no principles, no morals, and not much competence. Certainly not the sort of guy you want in power, but not the worst either. He really didn’t do anything except glad-hand and feast off the material benefits he gained from his office. He was chosen by the Barack operation for exactly this reason. It’s worth noting the current crop of Democrats are much, much worse than Joe Biden. Oh, they are corrupt, sleazy grifters to be sure. Oh,… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

“He had no principles”

I beg to differ: Cash Up Front is a principle.

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

Ten percent for the big guy!!

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
1 year ago

“As with everything else in the 1990’s, Joe Biden appears to have gone from affable dimwit who was mostly honest to a man who walked around Washington with a list of prices for the services he could offer.” I remember in the beginning of the first Obama administration there was a crappy ‘shop meme of Biden in a wifebeater washing a Firebird Trans AM on the Whitehouse lawn. Lovable yet creepy uncle thing going on. Was this guy an affable greasy guy even back in the ’80s? Whenever I see his picture I feel like he wants to sell me… Read more »

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Just watch his performance during the Thomas confirmation hearings, the bizarre questions, the leering expressions. He has always been a 3 alarm four flusher and all-around creep.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I hate to be so shallow but Biden had hair plugs.

It is all you need to know about him.

Reply to  KGB
1 year ago

I remember when he dropped out of the 88 presidential run because he stole Neil Kinnock’s speech , almost word for word. My naive mind assumed he would go away in complete humiliation, never to try national politics again.

Reply to  WJ
1 year ago

He was the subject of Johnny Carson jokes for his clownish lies. I thought that was the last we’d hear of that idiot.

Reply to  WJ
1 year ago

Ar least Spiro Agnew went away, and stayed away. But not Joe.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
1 year ago

Spiro Agnew had a sense of shame.

Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

“Affable” was never my impression. Even before his dementia set in, he was always one word away from flying into a rage. There are more than four decades of film of him threatening to fistfight his constituents.

1 year ago

Twenty years ago, GI Joe from middle America was called to go fight them there so we didn’t have to fight them here. In the most middle of middle America you now find little Mogadishu and smallworld Somalia. The call to prayer goes out starting at 6am and happens five times a day – decrees the all Muslim city council. The small town downtown businesses and churches fly the Flag of The Occupation Regime. Some fly a pirate flag with the pirate and sword in rainbow colors. They post long screeds about how abortion is crucial to the health, well-being… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

RealityRules: Brilliant comment. And unutterably tragic.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“Trayvon Martin, he who got what he deserved when he viciously attacked a man nearly to death. Now he is in the Smithsonian in an astronaut/NASA uniform…”

Geez, I thought you were joking. I should have known better:

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

BTW, found while browsing around criminal Trayvon, I found this. It will turn your stomach how the Wapo presents the attacker as the victim. His hoodie is also in the Smithsonian:

This is no longer my country.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago
Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I can’t wait until the cinder block thrown by Damian Williams at Reginald Denny’s head is enshrined at the Smithsonian.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Oswald Spengler
1 year ago

They could not find the original, but a replica is being fashioned and will be placed in the Smithsonian’s entry foyer before the end of the year.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Pretty soon they’ll have woke monks guarding reliquaries containing the holy bones of fried chicken eating by beatified negroes.

The holy drumstick of St. Floyd.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

O, brother May’Nardius–let us consult the Book of Chitlins…

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

I wonder if they have “Astronaut Purple Drank” in their gift shop now.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

> The thing is, this didn’t just happen. This has been coordinated. Sure the tailings are just the chaos of momentum, but something highly organized created the cesspools of momentum.

The good news is “gradually then suddenly” applies to noticing as well.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 year ago

The broad exposure and subsequent non-suicide of Jeffrey Epstein somehow figures into this, I think, perhaps significantly. Everything has unraveled quickly since that seldom-mentioned, always present scandal. It is obvious even to the thick that Epstein was running an extortion racket for and against the powerful, likely at the behest of the FBI and so-called intelligence community. Before the corruption became so widespread and pathological, the typical D.C. boogie would have been to offer up a sacrificial lamb to take the fall. The lamb ultimately would make bank after a short stint in Club Fed. Now that so many hands… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

Agree about Epstein but both you and Citizen below are talking about battling factions emerging. They are not visible yet. I fear the status quo could continue indefinitely.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

With the disappearance of the rule of law and the pie shrinking due to a number of economic factors, digital warlordism is inevitable. We see outlines even now, I think, with the looting of the financial system, particularly banking, as the middleman faction tries to plunder as much as quickly as possible and the old school, old money Puritan faction trying to preserve the value of its wealth. Powell vs. Yellen, to oversimplify. I get your point, though, and sometimes it seems like this will go on for eternity and at other times it seems like collapse might happen the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

I believe it took a trip to Epstein Island and committing a video-recorded felony with a minor to become a political “made-man”.

Those videos unlocked the doors of power, and kept those in power under control. The FBI has them now.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

“The FBI has them now”….. It’s very difficult to disagree with that conclusion

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Maxda
1 year ago

That might have been the original intent, though it really seemed like their scheme tended to drag people into it who were perfectly okay with it (I mean, can anyone really picture Clinton (either) saying “no sir, I will not be a party to that, I have standards!”).

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Once it’s accepted that the system is corrupt and you only gain power and wealth through grifting or by playing hardball to control a part of the system, i.e., the grifters work for you, you’ll inevitably start getting various factions competing to gain power. You’ll also start to get politicians who realize that they control enough people with guns to turn on their donor masters. “What good is your money if you’re in jail or dead.” Of course, at some point, the people with the guns realize that they’re the ones with the guns, not the politician. Maybe, we’re heading… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

The FBI see themselves as the Praetorian Guard.

The may be right.

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
1 year ago

I’m reminded of the spinning plates act, if they start a few too many plates spinning (corrupt officials and coverups), all of a sudden they can’t keep up and all of the plates come crashing down.

1 year ago

i only remember the tail end of the 90s and the conventional wisdom in hindsight is that bill clinton moved the party to the center and that it was obama who moved it back to the left. Am I missing something?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

It wasn’t Clinton’s politics – which were middle of the road – but his and Hillary’s morals that changed Washington. They were and are grifters. Washington accepted them. This gave tacit official approval of grifting, so others followed suit.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Yup, it’s the same dynamic you see when your boss constantly cheats the rules, so his underlings follow suit. And the Clintons were so blatant about it there was no plausible deniability.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Does anyone remember Cokie Roberts going thermonukular on the David Brinkley show, because Monica Lewinsky was an UNPAID INTERN ?!?!?

Moast all PUA analysis of the burgeoning new Age-Of-Consent laws holds that the Wine Aunts loathe & despise their younger-hotter-tighter competition.


PS: I’ll be damned – I checked her wiki – and poor Cokie died of breast cancer in late 2019, just before the onset of COVID.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

1943-2019, talk about hitting the generational lottery

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

It’s hard to believe now, but the Republicans had such momentum back then that Clinton had to declare that the age of big government is over.

All of the Republican complaints about overspending and overtaxing actually had serious purchase back then with the electorate.

Then W became President and spent more than anyone before him, the Republicans didn’t object, and everyone eventually realized it was just cheap talk.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Before Bill Clinton, the democrats were openly hostile to businesses, especially corporations. That hostility pushed them into supporting disparate “right wing” groups opposed to the democrats.

Clinton made peace with the large corps and brought them into the democrat-left coalition. People at the time thought that meant he was making the party more centrist, less left wing. Maybe that was the case for a while.

Long term, all it did was remove their funding and organization from the “right” – leading to the situation today.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

Yes. This was arguably the biggest change in American politics since WWII. NAFTA had a lot to do with it also.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 year ago

Ross Perot warned us.

Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

maybe it explains the change in places like Dupage county illinois. Used to be a republican stronghold and Clinton himself never came close to winning it. In the last election, Biden got 58% of the vote there.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

As I related on a Z post from a month ago, a trip up to Naperville, IL, in the heart of DuPage county, yielded an eye-opener: “Election time is in the air in Silly-nois and the election signs sprout from the ground like dandelions. I notice the signs as I’m driving along and unnoticed by me, so does M’Lady. At one point as we’re driving through Naperville, IL, she turns to me and asks “Have you noticed anything, um, odd about the candidate signs here and down by our cousins?” I reply “Sure, 75 – 80% of them are either… Read more »

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

i think dupage county is still 70% white. So maybe the white voters that live there are not the same type of whites who lived there 25-30 years ago.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

krustykurmudgeon: Try 65% per 2020 census, so today probably 62-63%. Barely above tipping point. Very fertile soil for 17% Asian population.

Anything below 85% White and the place is doomed in the next decade. Population replacement is real and is accelerating. Most people have no clue just how fast Whites are aging and dying out and how many children the yellows and browns crank out fast to cement their claim on what they now openly proclaim is ‘their’ country.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Per La Wiki, as of the last census DuPage is 63% White, 13% Asian, and 15% Hispanic or Latino. So there’s been a shift and if you add in A Certain Demographic at 5%, you’re at roughly 1/3rd of the county being From Other Places. A key is the County Board is Democratic 11 to 7. Your point of “So maybe the white voters that live there are not the same type of whites who lived there 25-30 years ago.” is definitely the case. Folks who can afford to, like M’Lady and I, left the Collar Counties years ago. The… Read more »

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

As 3g4me hints, once you account for the 25-30% of Whites who are shitlibs, anything below 85% White is dangerous. 70 percent of a 70% White area is only 49% of the total vote.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Anyways I feel you have two types of white flight. The first is in prole areas. Like I don’t know how familiar you guys are with the la area but you had places like Huntington park bell gardens Montebello etc that were full of the shitkicker types. In the 70s, they all died off and moved out and we’re replaced by Mexicans. Then you have somewhere like dupage county or pockets of northern Virginia where there is some white flight but it isn’t as dramatic And you have Asians and subcons moving in. I’m not sure which is worse. Asians… Read more »

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Despite “Hillarycare”, yes Bill was an economy-first centrist who balanced the budget & reduced welfare. Of course the roaring economy helped him greatly. Maybe this was my youth & inexperience talking, but politics got real nasty during this time. That’s when news became “infotainment” and when the GOP started using government shutdowns and supreme-court picks as a weapon. (I know, I know, Robert Bork, yadda yadda, but it takes two to tango.) Republicans & their voters HATED the Clintons. I was a normie lefty, like many teenagers, and I did not understand the anger. I thought the GOP were being… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

marko – obama second term was when i started becoming suspicious of the left. Although even to this day my attitude is more “let’s just humor them and things can all go back to normal”.

Like why can’t we have the nice all-american boy, who also happens to be liberal. Like Walter Cronkite, RFK Sr, Earl Warren, Jim Garner etc were all liberal but they at least gave buy in to the system. All except for RFK were from prole backgrounds. I’d rather have them than Katie Porter.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Obama’s job in his first term was to normalize and institutionalize the insane illegal actions and abuses-of-power undertaken by the neocons in the Bush White House. The wars of choice, drone bombings, warrantless wiretapping, mass surveillance, color revolutions, persecution of whistleblowers/real journalists, etc. All this stuff was used as a cudgel by the left in the Bush admin (rightfully, it’s horrific, although for them it was obviously not about principle), but Obama came in and put a nice happy brown face on all of it. Once that was done, he was able to set his social engineering revolutionary operation into… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 year ago

That was the dynamic. The “Biden” regime has been Obama’s third term; his people had everything to do with getting Joe past the primaries, and they have gotten the right to govern because of this.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

You aren’t remembering the Clinton Supreme Court nominations correctly. The patron saint of crazy cat ladies was confirmed 96-3 and Breyer’s vote was 87-9. As for your last paragraph, I always thought it weird how you young lefties ran around for screaming “Bush is Hitler” and then said nothing when your lord and savior Obama increased the number of drone strikes on little kids birthday parties in the Middle East.

Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

“I know, I know, Robert Bork, yadda yadda, but it takes two to tango.”

Bork was actually advanced as a nominee during Ronald Reagan’s presidency and featured Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Drunky, Joe “Hey Fat!” Biden and Teddy “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy smearing Bork’s reputation.

They had so much fun they rebooted the movie as High Tech Lynching: The Clarence Thomas Story in 1991.

William Corliss
Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

And Bork was targeted not so much for what Ted Kennedy said about him, but for his role in the Saturday Night Massacre. It had only been fourteen years, and there were plenty of folks from Watergate still in the DOJ and on Senate staff — not to mention working throughout DC — with a taste for vengeance on Bork for firing Archibald Cox and forcing the resignation of Elliot Richardson and Bill Ruckelshaus on Nixon’s orders.

Reply to  mmack
1 year ago

i kind of wonder if the biden administration is considering giving the “epstein” “or “mary pinchot meyer” treatment to one of the people on the supreme court? Hearing about it in the news makes it sound like a bat signal that they are.

William Corliss
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

You got a few downvotes, and I’m not sure where you’re coming from here, but I would remind the younger folks on here that the Clinton campaign in 1992 *was* pretty nasty. The American Spectator and David Brock took direct aim at the Clintons for a year-plus, not to mention Rush Limbaugh and others who constituted the conservative media apparatus at the time. There were rumors about Clinton trying to renounce his citizenship during a trip to Moscow in the early 1970s while he was at Oxford, for example. And you had Gennifer Flowers and others taking aim at Clinton’s… Read more »

Reply to  William Corliss
1 year ago

Yeah I don’t understand the downvotes. I was a teenager and a normie lefty. Like 80% were and are. Maybe people here think Republicans were the good guys in the 1990s? They were shit then, and are shit now.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

I downvoted you for stating that Clinton was a centrist, when in fact he was a leftist who was forced to the center. Reduced welfare and balanced budgets were things he never would have done on his own. They were forced on him.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

It’s because you forgot to eat this:
I thought the GOP were being hateful squares, stuck in the past.

Reply to  William Corliss
1 year ago

isn’t david brock the media matters guy? Interesting how he flipped

Brandon Lasko
Brandon Lasko
Reply to  Marko
1 year ago

Obama’s woke leanings were pretty obvious from his radical background. They came out with the Skip Gates incident early in his first term, but really came to the fore in the 2012 campaign with the thug who would have looked like his son, if he had a son.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Since the 80s, selling out has become its own morality, the new center. See libertarianism, de-regulation, big tech business model, etc. Clinton found religion in ‘94.

Corrupt politicians are nothing new. The conquest of nation by commerce is.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

Clinton was forced to the center by the Republican majority which took over Congress in ’94. He was as far left as he could get away with. With a D majority on the hill would have been much farther.

Not that Republican majorities cure all ills, or even any ills, but for a couple of years in the mid 90s there was a well spring of civic duty in the party.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Election day 1994 is when the media, which has a higher percentage of spooks in it than CIA headquarters does, turned fully and permanently against the average American—known thenceforth as “angry white men,” etc. TV had been a 24-hour all-hands campaign against voting Republican for the past two years, and we resisted it. So our fate was decided.

1 year ago

It’s been a bit disheartening to watch friends who were ardent Trump supporters until very recently. They turned to Tucker Carlson and he provided a glimmer of hope for them.
I think there are so many who are more lost, confused and discouraged than ever.
I’m grateful for Sports, Culture and Other Stuff and the comments section.

Reply to  Melissa
1 year ago

Melissa: People who seek others to do the hard work and be their heroes will always disappoint you. Most people are naturally passive and would much rather follow the herd and be taken care of than forge their own path. “My leader.” “My social security.” “My my my my my.” Anything except “My responsibility.”

Reply to  3g4me
1 year ago

Great point, very true.
It’s almost impossible for people to navigate through the madness and have at least a small understanding of how/why it’s happening. Times are getting tough.
There is no voice for the dirt people and no savior.
I live around many of the forgotten and abandoned. Maybe they’ll be the ones to emerge from the rubble.

1 year ago

There’s a reason Sundance refers to the “intelligence”department as the fourth branch of government – they run the show, both domestically and internationally. All the the politicians, especially presidents, are mere faces and figureheads for public consumption. They have no real power of any kind. When you think about it, you really wonder if there’s any way out of this mess. I suppose most governments around the world are similar (except most don’t have nuclear weapons as well as tards with itchy trigger fingers) – even kings can be corrupted by the security apparatus and ever growing cancerous bureaucracy. Is… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

There’s a reason Rome hates Constantinople:

Reply to  usNthem
1 year ago

The U.S. is an intel-cryptocracy, has been for many decades. Some of it blatant and overt — G.W. Bush and his Bonesmen — but most still hidden, the taproots of the Deep State.

Rule by intel has been the case in the Anglo world since the reign of the witch Elizabeth I and her satanic counselors.

Neoliberal Feudalism
1 year ago

All of society is built around draining public trust though and *converting the sacrificed trust into dollars and power for globohomo*; that is the machine that runs the world. Tucker did this personally as well, being silent when the 2020 election fraud was ongoing.

How does one create institutions that put trust at the forefront when it goes against every incentive structure of society? Such organizations ultimately gets corrupted or bought out.

Trust in the medical field was eviscerated during fraudvirus, trust in the military is declining as well but still has a ways left to fall.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
1 year ago

> Trust in the medical field was eviscerated during fraudvirus, trust in the military is declining as well but still has a ways left to fall. In he last five years I have met maybe two medical professionals younger than 30 who weren’t either incompetent or woke psychopaths. The absolute worst are elderly care staff. You can tell they just wish everyone in their care would just die already, and sometimes they help accelerate the process. The collapse in medicine is going to be insane to witness, and the boomers without children who will take care of them will be… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Chet Rollins: “In the last five years I have met maybe two medical professionals younger than 30 who weren’t either incompetent or woke psychopaths.” Back circa the GHWB-41 era, noticeable percentages of the interns were badly “off” psychologically. I have family members who remained in the medical edumakashun bidness these last few decades, and they all agree that the psychopathy amongst the interns is now endemic. Stay healthy and stay the he11 out of the medical system. We are all descended from millions upon millions of years of hominids who somehow managed to survive without any medicine whatsoever. The leading… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

And stay the hell out of “retirement” facilities. My mom died in one, and one of my aunts will as well. I had any number of clients who were basically incarcerated in them during the covid scamdemic. Further, many, if not most of the employees are coal black joggers. Assuming I don’t stroke out and have no say in the matter, there’s no F-ing way I’m going into one of those places. If things are closing in on something like that, I’ll take myself out one way or the other.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

what about the stereotype of the doctor as a fun loving guy on his second (or higher) wife with a sports car? I assume that’s only the surgeons?

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
1 year ago

That is my primary care clown.
I would like to have a good veterinarian treat me.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 year ago

Early 70s friend of mine is a retired veterinarian; once head of my former state’s veterinary professional organization. He said there was a sharp demarcation point where he looked out across the group and noted that most new vets were female. It’s been going on for a couple of decades, according to him. Didn’t ask how many had green or pink hair …..

Reply to  Neoliberal Feudalism
1 year ago

“How does one create institutions that put trust at the forefront when it goes against every incentive structure of society?” Heh. Well, you could start by having a racially unified people with some sort of culture in common. In addition, you’d probably want to keep the number of people in this society below a couple hundred thousand. Can’t do much about that now! I’m reminded of the civic-mindedness of the generation of (pretty much white) people who are now between 50 and 75. These are people who voluntarily cut the communal lawn, turn up to clean algae out of the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

Social trust indeed requires a monoculture and racial homogeny. You still can have an intact Britain even at this point if people come around to admit this and are willing to do nasty things over the next few years. The United States as a unified entity is done and a lost cause, hence the accelerated looting.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 year ago

“You still can have an intact Britain even at this point” Ah, I’d love to believe it, Jack. I really would. Good Olde Anglolande getting her mojo back. But: whilst we are – according to some census a couple of years back – still eight-five percent white, we have so much rot. I’d say we have a good couple million salt-of-the-earth whites who’d back a strongman and are riled up as Hell; but the rest? I just don’t know. Like the US, we have a phenomenal problem with GoodWhites who seem to be very numerous in the most powerful institutions.… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

I still believe those few million are enough. They have to harden themselves and it will require leadership that is as yet not apparent, but it’s not hopeless.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

Lack of Christ is why England is failing. It was once the greatest Christian nation – and the greatest nation on earth.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

The United States is spent as a polity and as a people. Britain will have the advantage of seeing what happens to us here–unless that is suppressed, which is highly possible.

You are absolutely correct that GoodWhites are problem, or at least 80 percent of it along with “Whites.” The mystery meat folks are tools and weapons.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
1 year ago

I’m reminded of the civic-mindedness of the generation of (pretty much white) people who are now between 50 and 75. These are people who voluntarily cut the communal lawn, turn up to clean algae out of the local pond or have “Neighbourhood Watch” signs in their windows. These people are still highly numerous, but from a generational perspective, the sorts of civic activities done by these folk just will not be done by younger generations on any scale. Over the course of 15 years, I coached my kids’ Little League teams and ran our town’s LL softball program. In the… Read more »

Reply to  mikeski
1 year ago

mikeski: Those Milennials and Zs spent their entire lives in daycare and after-school care and organized activities. Their parents entirely outsourced their upbringing. They’re simply repeating what they know and what they were taught. I will never forget how I was roundly attacked in my bible study group when I bemoaned our search for affordable health care so that we could have another child. I was the sole stay-at-home mother in the group and all those ‘Christian’ women immediately justified why they ‘had’ to work and how their children were providing “salt and light” to their daycares and public schools.… Read more »

1 year ago

Is it plausible to blame it all on Clintons? Nixon was taken down from the inside, and Kennedy didn’t kill himself, so to speak. More likely, the people running this country got old and lazy and decided to outsource work to small-time grifters.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Woodpecker
1 year ago

Before the Clintons, public figures were encouraged to avoid even “the appearance of impropriety”. After, they sought only to maintain “plausible deniability”.

They were still corrupt, of course, but less blatant about it.

1 year ago

> If such revelations happened in the Trump years, the coverage would be wall-to-wall.

Wall-to-wall? Floor-to-ceiling more like. You’d need breathing apparatus

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

I’m no fan of what the Democrats have become and I suspect our crowd here leans to the Republican. However, lest anyone believe they are sacrosanct, permit me to give but two historical counter-examples. Feel free to downvote me if you like. 1970s: Watergate. This one almost surely involved Nixon. 1980s: Iran-Contra: Happened during Reagan years. It’s possible Reagan himself was not in on it, but it’s a fact (at least, as I recall the news items) that the CIA was illegally smuggling guns into Central America. It’s kind of hard to deny when one of your guys gets shot… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

“Grumble if you like; my point is that neither party is above suspicion.”

That’s what everybody here has been grumbling about since forever – hardly need to tell us this, old son!

The Contra affair makes for pretty interesting reading, however.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

Watergate — Bizarre since Nixon had the election in the bag. This was like the Globetrotters getting caught stealing the game plan from the Generals, and about as consequential despite the decades of feigned outrage over it. Iran/Contra — I never had much of an issue with the “Contra” part. Reagan’s sole focus was defeating the Soviets and the Ted Kennedy Congress didn’t care if the Soviets built a naval base down in Cuba v2. The “Iran” part always seemed weird though, and probably doomed us to our future adventures because Saddam realized he was getting played. In either case,… Read more »

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 year ago

Yes, the Clintons were a turning point in that their corruption served no larger purpose than to increase their wealth. Also that it was so brazen, their lies weren’t even plausible.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

I don’t deny that Republicans Can Be Dirty Too. I was born and raised in Silly-nois. We threw Republican Governor George Ryan into prison, there was former Speaker of the House and felon Dennis Hastert, and Google or Bing William Hale “Big Bill” Thompson, considered perhaps THE most corrupt mayor in Chicago history, if not US History. That said, let’s ask the key question here: Did anyone involved in the commission of Watergate or Iran-Contra benefit financially from their activities? As in, at the time the illegality in question occurred. Discount for a moment the books that came from the… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 year ago

The CIA being in the cocaine business is neither a secret nor a “conspiracy theory.” It’s just another of those things that’s right out in the open that people choose to ignore.

1 year ago

It’s been widely reported for a long time that Senators spend a majority of their time in fund raising, up to six hours a day every day.

If that’s even remotely true, there simply no way that it cannot lead to systematic corruption over time. So yeah Biden may have started out as a relatively honest dunce. But year after year of “fundraising” with threats and quid pro quos, slowly pushing the boundaries and not even realizing that was happening because all of his peers were doing the same thing – almost has to lead to epic corruption after decades.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

There’s also the fact that senators, congressmen and even their staffs are paid off after they leave office through various means – board of directors, consulting for various organizations, speeches, etc. It’s all obviously pay back for help they provided when in office.

Is it a grift if it’s official policy?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Indeed, Citizen. Indeed.

In fact, this was one of the things that struck me, even as a younger man, about the people in politics. They always seemed to stick around, and nothing seemed to stick. Of course, there was the occasional patsy, but that was par for the course.

I’m amazed I bothered to vote for “the lesser of two Evils” for as long as I did. Still, the “right-wing conditioning” that commenter B125 referred to some days ago sticks hard. Old habits and all that.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 year ago

Those “perks” are not payback for a job well done. They are pay-offs to keep their mouths shut in the future.

1 year ago

Rumors have existed for many decades, going back to the 50s and 60s, about the FBI holding blackmail material over politicians. The vector of their acquiring that material was the “background” checks that every national political figure had to go through as part of their vetting. Originally it was just about protecting their budget and turf and J Edgar Hoover’s peccadilloes.

Any public figure that mentioned such rumors was labeled a conspiracy nut and exiled off the national stage.

Good Ole Rebel
Good Ole Rebel
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

We all know that the FBI being “political” and employing dirty tricks is nothing new. But in the 1960s and 70s they were operating against commies, black-power activists, anti-war types — all “bad guys” in normie’s eyes. Now they’ve flipped the script and normie is the bad guy.

Reply to  Dinodoxy
1 year ago

Yeah, the Female Body Inspectors were rotten from the start when that sanctimonious pervert Hoover managed to sell his dream of an American Secret Police to Wheels in 1935.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 year ago

Plus one for the correct expansion of the acronym F.B.I!

Reminds me of a T-shirt that my boozy uncle got me for my 10th birthday… me mother wasn’t impressed.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
1 year ago

Pickle Rick: “sanctimonious pervert Hoover”

Got any URLs to substantiate that allegation?


c matt
c matt
Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

Yes, that sanctimonious charge is a bit harsh.

george 1
george 1
1 year ago

Great article!! I would add the Bushes who took the scam on the road in bigger ways than ever before and set us on the police state/war machine path.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 year ago

The praetorian guard is the spine of the US deep state. There are other actors involved, of course — MIC, finance, media, the monopolies. They are the nucleus of the empire and everything revolves around them.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  thezman
1 year ago

If only the Big Guy was our Romulus Augustulus.