Whenever the downward trend in Western intelligence gets discussed, the focus is always on the right side of the curve. America is no longer able to get to the moon because NASA is full of diversity, but it also lacks the smart guys it used to have to solve the necessary problems. In other words, the West is no longer able to make these great leaps because the decline in human capital has reduced the number of geniuses that are always needed to make those leaps.
At the heart of this line of thinking is the assumption that a society can only be successful if it is moving forward toward something and expanding in terms of material prosperity and cultural progress. This may be true, but it is one of those assumptions that has been handed down so many times that no one remembers who made the original claim or why they made it. Why must the economy always expand? Why must humanity expand its domain to the stars?
One reason to ask those questions is to think about the other side of the bell curve that gets neglected in these discussions. What happens to a society when the supply of stupid people increases? The model of societal intelligence is always a smooth normal distribution, so when the number of smart people declines it means the number of stupid people must increase. The curve moves left. What is the impact on society when the curve moves beyond some critical point?
The easy answer is Somalia. East Africa has some of the lowest averages IQ’s in the known world so it is used as an example and a warning. Without the interference of the more developed countries of the world, East Africa would quickly move back to a lightly populated land full of pastoral people. The societies of East Africa would look like what we think the world looked prior to agriculture. Life for the people who lived there would be nasty, brutish, and short.
There are a number of problems with this line of thinking. For starters, the West is not going to suddenly drop thirty IQ points. It is a process. According to Ed Dutton and others who have tried to quantify Western IQ decline, every ten years we are losing about one IQ point. Put another way, we are about three hundred years from reaching the level of East Africa if nothing changes. The fact is Western man was never at this point and will never decline to that point.
More important though is the fact that people do not live on the smooth bell curves preferred by those who like modeling things. Model makers are the sort of people who like a tidy universe, so they move back from reality as far as they need to in order to get a model of the subject that is neat and tidy. Smooth normal distributions make for aesthetically pleasing graphs, so it is assumed that everything that needs to be measured will result in a normal distribution.
That is not how intelligence works in daily experience. Instead, it is like a weird set of stairs on which people are various IQ groups stand. The people who are in your IQ group are the people you see every day. The people a step above and below are people you will experience less often. The people several steps above and below are people you rarely encounter. When you do encounter them, you do not notice until something happens the requires intelligence.
For example, when an averagely smart person stops at a sandwich place for lunch, he may run into a low IQ person working there. The guy tasked with keeping the floors clean and stocking the shelves might be a dumb guy. The shop itself is run by a smart guy and he has people mostly at or just below normal level, but he has a few guys a step or two below that for the menial work. If it is a sole proprietorship, then the owner is probably a step above the average person.
This is where to think about the decline in intelligence. In many jobs like this, the owner used to depend on people from the normal step to do the work. Many were young in their first real job. Many were part-time people. These jobs were designed for people at or close to the average IQ of the West. The few people a couple of steps below were supervised officially and unofficially by the normals. Normal people served the normal customers close to their level.
Now, when the curve moves left, the supply of people who can fill the jobs at the sandwich show will also decline along with the supply of guys who can build rockets to take people to the moon. Sure, many of the jobs can be staffed with people a step or two down the IQ staircase, but something else happens too. The demands on the guy running the place and the remaining normal people increases. Suddenly, customers of the sandwich shop experience smart fraction theory.
This is where that staircase image is important. The confusion at the sandwich shop resulting from an overloaded smart fraction means the people on that large average step make direct contact with people several steps below them. They suddenly have to deal with people with whom they lack a common understanding. Assumptions about things like timeliness and efficiency are missing. All of a sudden, lunch becomes a safari into an alien world of incomprehensible ineptitude.
For all of human history, as far as we know, the people of sub-Saharan Africa existed like people everywhere. The typical African lived his life on one of the steps on the IQ staircase, rarely experiencing anyone beyond a step above or below. Then Europeans arrived and the African was suddenly confronted by people several steps above the experience of the average African. Europeans did not just have better stuff. They had an alien and incomprehensible way of thinking about things.
The West is now experiencing the reverse. Through generations of dysgenic cultural policy and mass migration from the global south, your typical European is like the typical African centuries ago. Instead of people with magical abilities to conquer nature, the normal person is experiencing people lacking the basic ability to function in even the most basic jobs. It is not that the sandwich shop is disorganized, but that the people working there are too stupid to be organized.
Roll this out across society and European people are not only experiencing a decline in their own IQ, but they are experiencing people with an IQ several steps below them on a daily basis. Intelligence suddenly moves from the periphery to center stage for the average European person. This means it becomes even more acute for the people a step above them for whom the experience is even starker. Most Europeans are about to go on safari in their own societies.
Just as contact with the West has permanently changed the identity of sub-Saharan Africans, this new process will change Western people and society. If you cannot run the sandwich shop along Western lines due to the decline in intelligence, the guy running it must find a new solution. The dilemma of the sandwich shop owner will play out across that vast middle step on the IQ staircase. The people on that step will have to suddenly recognize the staircase itself.
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“If there is no God, everything is permitted.” Dostoyevsky, wrote that in 1880 in The Brothers Karamazov.
Largely in response to socialism, nihilism, and atheism infecting Russian culture.
“…there is nothing new under the sun” Ecclesiastes 1:9
And here we are.
Helen Dale and Lorenzo Warby on Substack have called this “internal colonization” by the welfare state. The base premise is the underemployed and excess Elites that were previously employed in Colonial Administration colonized inward with welfare states, while the cream of same colonize upwards into NGOs, the UN, the EU.
Both are Australian.
Australia is about to get a good dose of Diversity via Aboriginal Voice being factored into all laws.
This is coming as quite a shock to them.
So far I’ve resisted teasing them about giving up the guns.
Yeah – they ran successful “Sandy Hook” operations in both Australia and NZ. In the case of the latter, a debunking analysis exists on some web page; in NZ it is a criminal offense to even share the URL of that page.
The other matter to consider is all the young people are pushed and enticed into college, which is why it’s tough to hire smart young people.
Never mind sandwiches, HVAC apprenticeships start at $50 an hour.
But no, COLLEGE!! Cuz pussy, alcohol, freedom from parents, parties, drugs.
If the banks didn’t finance Animal House and the college party movies they should have- funny how those movies coincide with college loans, debts and price inflation.
The Kosher sandwich has many layers…
Thirty years ago, while living in Munich, I was not impressed by the intelligence of native Germans in their twenties. Perhaps I was only meeting people in streetcars and grocery stores, not knowing how they did in school.
When the Germans had professions (what they wisely termed the trades) if you ask about that you’d meet an actual real expert, who can and did apply their expertise daily.
No, really, try locksmith.
That’s why the English destroyed the Germans, they couldn’t compete. We of course helped.
WW3 just went hot as the GAE hammered Russia’s sole warm water port at Sevastopol:
Nice knowing everyone.
My prediction: Russia will do what they always did – send some retaliatory rockets and drones on targets in Ukraine, make some noises about satanists and eventually move on. They don’t want WW3 (obviously).
Agreed, but the difference here might be that they actually start hitting targets where western “advisors” are. It’s a pretty open secret that NATO advisors are in certain locations giving the Ukrainians their ISR. The Russians have said they know these locations in the past. They’ve Sabre rattled about hitting them, but have never really followed through. Maybe this time is different.
They have been doing that, Russia hasn’t hit any high-level delegations but they haven’t been shy about blowing up any foreign combat “wagies” and their advisors.
You can see a special case of this in Eastern Europe, whose smart fraction has to a large degree emigrated to western countries. This helped the western countries partially offset the negative effects of the dumb immigrants arriving from across the Med. But the flip side is that Eastern Europe is continuously drained of their best and brightest and that in turn causes widespread low competence in many areas from government services to private sector. Some of the countries are unfortunately starting to import people from south and south-east Asia, which will only add to their problems in the long… Read more »
[…] ZMan points out some inconvenient truth. […]
Just a thought on IQ: maybe it’s better if female IQ doesn’t go too high? The higher it goes, the more likely for extended education, believing the idiot box, and frantically squeezing out a kid at 39. It used to be that a young man who was a lawyer or doctor would chat up the cute receptionist or nurse who was a shade or two dumber and they’d have kids. Now lawyers marry lawyers and doctors marry doctors. Maybe too much IQ causes more autism? I don’t know. But if I had to choose between a high IQ/high earning doctor… Read more »
Increasingly its latter waiting until 39 to have a kid. Think of someone like Ainsley earhardt on Fox.
It would seem counterintuitive that increased female IQ would lead to greater belief in the idiot box, yet here we are. I am pretty sure it’s true. The female mind works differently (is motivated differently) from the male one. Perhaps higher female IQ sort of doubles down on the female traits it already possessed.
It’s weird, but it’s a pattern I’ve noticed. The bigger and badder and more professional and driven and intellectual LARPers they become, the more they self-medicate with TrueCrime stories, Netflix 50 Shades / Vampire Porn, Zombie movies, Memememehowitaffectsmeeeee and vicarious emotion stirring online articles (have a look at Apple News feed if you can bear it — 100% managerialist female target audience).
Women are women. They’re coded to do certain things and think (debatable) and feel in certain ways. C-Suite Karen needs an ever bigger dose of the girly stuff to compensate in her leisure time.
To be fair, it is not just high IQ women who follow the idiot box (or “Science” or what have you). High IQ folks often trust sources (i.e. authority) that they presume to be trustworthy because, hey, they’re (supposedly) high IQ like me. Wisdom, knowledge and intelligence are related, but not the same thing.
The problem is that you want high IQ genes for your kids, and it’s hard to relate to other people that are much higher or lower IQ than yourself. You start running out of things to talk about, whenever you think of something interesting you want to talk about they can’t understand it or don’t have any interest in it. I had this very same experience gravitating away from my friends as they only liked talking about the cape shit movies, while anything i was reading about was either met with disinterest or would cause an SJW spergout so I… Read more »
The idea that a wife is supposed to be one’s ‘best friend’ and debating buddy is quite newfangled. Greeks had it right. Wife for eugenic (*) breeding and running household, slave girls for fun, hetaira for when you wanted to shag a bird whilst getting all meta and ruminating on the Thucydides Trap or the finer points of Pindar’s metrical style. You want reasonably high IQ genes for your kids. Not ultra-high. Do you want to have to contemplate having produced physiognomies like Curtis Yarvin in your golden years? Part of surviving the coming collapse will be letting go of… Read more »
I don’t care about my kids’ social status, I want them to be able to experience reality as a fully sapient being.
For some of us men, we cannot seem to manage living with female non-peers in terms of g IQ. I’ve dated gorgeous women and lived with a few, and my wife of 20+years is a very pretty Irish Catholic blonde with blue eyes, but I personally could never live with a woman on a daily basis if she only possessed average intelligence. Less than 115 would drive me out of the home PDQ. I am fortunate because my sweetie and I occupy the same sd and we found one another through another similarly-situated couple. Our pairing happens to work for… Read more »
Dunno man, the most trad women I see are shockingly smart as these things run. I think youre mistaking high status for high intelligence, as every midwit knows correlation causation etc… High IQ people TEND to be high status and high stattus people TEND to say and believe whatever lets them make their Taho payments. High IQ people that dont care about any of this are just the type to reject the system and its works wholesale. There’s nothing pathological about being smart, thats mostly a myth we absorbed from (((movies))) where the smart guys were the unattractive unmanly socially… Read more »
As Roissy/Heartiste noted, “Diversity plus proximity equals war.” People are getting a good heaping dose of exposure to those of different races on the lower end of the bell curve. And they are not liking it. The law and culture and social norms now exalt those of low IQ and high vibrancy over White dudes of average to above average intelligence. Along with power skirt girl bosses. There is not a single straight White man who does not fully realize his life is utterly worse because of this; and resents being passed over in every opportunity: career, financial, romantic, social… Read more »
Plus, now I know without a doubt what my Virginia Confederate ancestors fought to prevent. It took 10-12 years to thoroughly destroy my American patriotism and reignite Rebel and Appalachian atavism in me, but I have to keep mum in public. Richmond and Atlanta and Charleston belong to sodom throng and tide of color. And yet I still abide.
The real mystery is why white tribal identity disappeared for a few decades. It’s not as if its recent flowering is a completely new development. A century ago white tribal identity was omnipresent. And then it just…. went away
It was machined out of us by a decades-long (and ongoing) postmodern miseducational and propaganda onslaught.
Yet here we are, immune to its effects.
However, the jab uptake numbers (among other things) demonstrate such an appalling susceptibility to the mind virus, that it reinforces the idea that control of the propaganda organs is really all that matters. With it, you can mold 3/4 of the people to your will. And without it, you are virtually helpless at any scale.
You actually believe those jab numbers? I think they they were lying out of their teeth. Just like unemployment is 3.5 right now and then you get a stat like this:
for EBT:
FY 2019, full year: $92.5 billion
FY 2022, full year: $192.23 billion.
Federal budget in 2019 was 4 trillion plus
since 2020 its been 6 trillion plus
2020 was a virus released by the two largest debtors in the world: US and China to keep the game going a bit longer
Mr House, I do take the jab numbers with a grain of salt, but my anecdotal supports the reporting that roughly 2/3 of folks took it. Especially white people.
My experience is close to exactly the same as Mr Zoar’s, above. The official number of jabbies in this Midwest state is something like 75 percent, and 75 percent of the people I know, got one or more Injections of Maim.
Been wondering if the Enlightenment fetishists were so sure Constitution and Reason would integrate/uplift all the races along with the tech and food achievements,
but now comes The Great Disappointment,
and lots of goodwhites, Left/Right/Center are still blindsided and in denial.
Too much of The West really believed they could achieve earthly paradise with minimal input from The Almighty, only to be met with Dat Phat Twerk of Babel
The response to that so far is Harvard setting up a program to study the twerking
Well… white tribes killing each other by the tens of millions in two needless fratricidal wars between 1914 and 1945 had something to do with it…
The missing magic ingredient is that there is still no downside for a White defecting in any given situation and throwing his fellow tribesmen (sic) under the bus for temporary advantage or personal survival. Eventually this will need to be handled with ostracism (or much worse) so that it becomes intolerably worse option to defect and heroic option to stand with the tribe. If gonna be a tribe then need to adopt tribal morals and ensure everybody in the tribe knows penalty for defection. Same penalties will need to apply for gratuitous virtue signalling, too. Classic case just happened in… Read more »
“Why must the economy always expand?” Indeed; always need expansion and growth and make more cars all the time. Who does this benefit? Obviously, just those at the top who want endless supply of cheap workers and consumers. I always felt a proper society would control its population, certainly its border, so as to maintain strong wages, affordable homes, less traffic, and just more general elbow space and mental well-being. “Why must humanity expand its domain to the stars?” So, the moon and mars can be littered with 7-11s, billboards, reparations marches, weed shops, porn addicts, and bum tent encampments.… Read more »
The answer of why humanity must go to the Stars was rather effectively answered in the first season of Babylon 5, where the late actor Michael O’Hare says it is so Shakespeare, Mozart, Beethoven, and Dostoevsky survive the death of the Sun. That mankind’s heritage is so valuable and precious it must be preserved by spreading to the stars.
This was written in the mid 1990s, it seems like a thousand years ago now. But that was the Hollywood answer not so long ago.
At one time people were proud of Western civilization. Even Hollywood people.
Humanity will destroy its greatest creations long before the sun gets a chance to do it.
Today theyd say “its important that aliens hear about the struggle of gay, trans, negros.”
It would be funny if the first alien species humanity encounters among the stars is extremely based, and doesn’t give a damn about the various members of the coalition of the permanently aggrieved.
“Risk. Risk is our business. That’s what the starship is all about. That’s why we’re aboard her. “
Economy expansion: My guess is because the big money is in speculation and trading rather than holding equities for the dividends (if any). “Growth” raises the stock value.
Economies gotta grow in part, because (almost) no man anywhere ever said “You know what? I’m satisfied; I don’t need any more.”
No, the typical human is closer to the sinister humor of “The Simpsons” evil rich man Montgomery Burns, who says (approximately) “I may be the world’s wealthiest man, but I’d trade it all for just a little bit more.”
“I always felt a proper society would control its population, certainly its border, so as to maintain strong wages, affordable homes, less traffic, and just more general elbow space and mental well-being.”
Exactly. I’ve nothing to add but this is so worth quoting.
I have a handful of observations loosely related to today’s post which might be of general interest. 1. Concerning the advance of civilization and its accomplishments, it is important to remember that outward advancements of any kind—whether they be technical/scientific in nature, or in the fine arts, or what have you—are not the primary phenomenon. Outward accomplishments are the derivatives, or the daughters if you will, of spiritual accomplishments. The spiritual is necessary to answer the question. “why?”. There must be a strong and abiding mythos that provides the “why” for great deeds. Why do we send men to space,… Read more »
“Brevity, is the soul of wit.” – Some Old Guy Named Bill.
Aye. The only essay on this site I’ll read is one written by Z.
If your essay’s tend to be longer than your blog host and tend to have little to do with the topic de jour, perhaps you should post on your own blog and attract your own audience rather than feed off of the work of another, i.e., your blog host.
Ha. And Mom always said I was just stupid.
Guess old Bill was more of a “Do as I say not as I do” sort.
I might read your lengthy posts if they were consistently divided up into much smaller paragraphs.
I suspect readership has nothing to do with the postings. More narcissistic than practical in nature done to amuse oneself, rather than enlighten others.
Wonderful analysis in today’s missive, Z-man. One comment wrt your “step” analogy and the decline in IQ. You make the assertion early on that at the rate of decline vis a vis Dutton’s hypothesis, that the West will take 300 years to reach Somalia levels of *measured* IQ. Yes, that is correct. However, it is not correct to assume we will take 300 years to reach the level of Somalian *disfunction*! Why? The reason is simple—IQ measurement is *not* an “interval level scale”. It is a “rank order scale” or measurement. That is to say, the functional difference between an… Read more »
TLdr: the quality of the decline from Germany level to Poland level is a lot faster and noticeable than the Poland to Rhodesia decline. The decline in society’s functionality will be sudden and then slow.
Don’t soil the name of Rhodesia, the breadbasket of Africa, and a high functioning society carved out of a jungle by confusing it with the zombie nation Zimbabwe which exists today where it once stood.
I read this article differently. It seems to me Z said the IQ of whites will never decline to Somali levels, but unfortunately, the importation of Somalis and other Very Dumbs will swell the left side of the bell curve, increase societal dysfunction, and compel averagely intelligent whites to make a reckoning with this lamentable development.
This is true as well. Both sides of the coin are real (and decidedly negative). Thanks for filling in the other side.
I would argue that the main test of societal survival is the ability to fix things that are broken or dis-functional..As Paul Theroux has documented, in black Africa, things don’t get fixed, and people don’t even seem interested in trying…In our society, the people who can fix things correctly are primarily white males, with some assistance from Asian and Mestizo males, and they are being persecuted…We are already seeing signs of serious disfunction…Many of us think that indoor plumbing will not survive for more than a generation or two….
Dysfunction is the correct spelling.
It’s amazing how isolated you can really be. I live deep in the black belt, but I rarely speak with any blacks. I work with just one. Everyone else, barring exactly one asian and one hispanic, in the fifty plus man company is white.
The only sign of increasing dysfunction is when people ask that I pick up food from a fast food restaurant and I sit for way too long for the White manager to corral the workers.
This, thankfully, is what the majority of us experience. However, as we saw with the Florida Condo Collapse a few years back some folk are *not* so lucky. We all know about the collapse, but relatively few know about the years leading up to this collapse. Starting at the very beginning of design and construction there were lapses in judgement by architects, engineers, and builders leading to an inferior structure doomed to eventual failure. Then during the period of existence and decline, there were many inspections and visible warning signs missed/ignored of pending building failure. Then “sudden” collapse, which really… Read more »
Compsci, you’re leaving out (((THE REASON))) for the Florida condo collapse.
There’s been a ton of whitewashing of historical websites recently, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the original source material, but if you spend some time searching on keywords such as “Levitt & Sons” and “building codes” and “concrete slab” and “particle board”, then you’ll start to piece together an understanding of (((the phenomenon))).
BTW, 9-11 was (((the inverse phenomenon))), where it made financial sense [for (((the sadistic psychopaths))) involved] to level the buildings, as the means by which to force the goyische insurance company payout.
Not denying there wasn’t corruption at many points of the process from beginning to end. It is interwoven throughout the narrative with incompetent eve. Corruption and incompetence (IMO) go hand in hand with lower IQ. However, I wished not to confuse and lengthen the story for my point.
Those who do not associate corruption with lower IQ should research for themselves the “true” story.
I was not surprised by that collapse. That was from the era my father affectionately called the “toad shit and wax paper” construction era in FL (he was a developer). Add to that the natural tendency of condo associations to minimize association charges and bingo…
The overt open-borders policies of the Biden Administration have accelerated the invasion of low IQ foreigners into the USA. Ditto for Europe. At least 10 million new illegals have entered since 2021, and the actual number could be much higher (no one is really counting). And these people are not bringing productivity with them; just the opposite, they soak up federal aid, work menial jobs and export cash back to home countries. We are now on a crash course for national bankruptcy and Biden is pushing down on the accelerator. This crash is going to happen long before anyone notices… Read more »
And yet Rhodesia and South Africa have not completely descended to the Ooga Boots caveman levels, despite a financial, government, and economic “collapse” compared to 1st world status. “Collapse” is a misleading misnomer.
Your are joking right? South Africa and Zimbabwe (what’s with your spergy insistence on calling it Rhodesia?) are indeed getting towards ooga booga level.
There was a trillion dollar bill in Zimbabwe, it didn’t buy a whole lot…
South Africa’s infrastructure is experiencing global collapse as electric and sewage systems are failing. This all occurred in the span of a single generation.
Not sure if you are genuinely confused or shilling for Africans, but in either case, you are wrong.
He’s not shilling for Africans. He’s making the point that it typically takes much longer to reach a collapse than many people believe. Ergo, AINO still has quite a ways to go before “the plates stop spinning,” to use an old warhorse of a metaphor.
Yeah, I can grant that at this point in time “collapse” is perhaps too harsh a word for SA. I’ve admitted myself that the timeline for collapse has surprised me wrt SA. But there are tremendous problems that keep getting worse, such as rolling blackouts of the power grid with no end in sight.
What do you call a country with no electricity?
A country with irregular or nonexistent electrical power is incapable of running the pumps needed for the operation of toilets. But there still must be a place designated for taking a shit, even if it is only a hole in the ground. Wait, I’ve got it; you characterize that country as a shithole country…
TomA: “And these people are not bringing productivity with them; just the opposite, they soak up federal aid, work menial jobs and export cash back to home countries.” They’re bringing ANTI-productivity with them, which is to say, PARASITISM. =============== TomA: “We are now on a crash course for national bankruptcy and Biden is pushing down on the accelerator.” As much as I loathe and despise that worthless God-confounded potato n!gger, the only way I can imagine him being even ever-so-slightly intellectually involved with the illegal immigrant invasion would be if it involved a residual seething hatred of Christianity, combined with… Read more »
Perhaps your comments refer to the USA only? Although I don’t follow the news closely, it’s my understanding that Ireland is 100% on board with the great replacement goals and welcomes Africans and other aliens to the Emerald Isle. Not all the natives are happy with the state of affairs of course, but in Ireland/UK/EU they have even less rights than we do here, and even to speak wrongly about such matters can incur big fines and/or prison time.
LOL. Yes, in the US you can opine about anything without fear of economic sanctions( losing your job) or imprisonment!
Owen Shroyer begs to differ.
Thank you BonBon, I’ve never heard Potato Nigger before.
I shall now poast here as Potato Jogger, as I know WordPress is sensitive about bad words.
Vxxc 🥔☘️🏃🏿♂️
Roman Law would be a step up, they have eugenics.
🇺🇸 doesn’t have Christian based law, it went through Legal Positivism and now straight up looting by the yids. This is ending though.
Any above-average man can calculate the specific paths of the Voyager probes—after one man sees a unique gravitational opportunity coming in a rare planetary alignment. If such practical visionaries still exist, the system is immunized against them. Engineers are drones. NASA’s “leaps” ended in the ’70s. It just grinds on repetitiously, dissipating momentum. SpaceX will never catch up to where “we” were back then, not only because the state will thwart it, but because *we* are not those people. Our long-term fate is more important than our everyday problems—like how we can’t even make a good fast food hamburger anymore—but,… Read more »
This piece reminds me of my youth where I’d spent pretty much my entire life being the “dumbest person in smart class”. Every so many years I’d take a standardized test that put me in the top 80-90% of test takers and I’d imagine it was some sort of fluke as everyone I knew was either smarter than me, or lazier than me. It probably wasn’t until my late 20s that I had any appreciable contact with the other “steps” and figured out who the other 80-90% of test-takers were. Our elites are malicious, yes, but also, they have no… Read more »
A wise person (my major prof) said to me, “If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. In short, you learn nothing of importance from your inferiors.
Or you’re an underachiever.
You meant to write “your.”
Don’t mean to be the grammer police but you are (you’re) is right.
If your implying I’m an underacheever, you may be write…
I was making a joke – about being intellectually inferior: i.e., not the smartest in the room while pretending to be.
Eloi, I got it. Not all humor is lost in this group. 😉
Then why are you here Compsci?
There was NO questioning that I was a Lake Woebegon kid (above average) yet a LONG way from being really smart/ genius. I was so excited, back in the day, to score a 29 on my ACT. It was high enough to get me into flagship state U: mission accomplished. …so, being proud of myself, I started asking my group of friends, “how did you do”? and received, in the following order: Friend 1: “oh, I got a 32” Friend 2: “got a 33” Friend 3: “36, yea!” Friend 4: “34” Friend 5: “32” Friend 6: “darnit: I scored a… Read more »
I’ve shared before: When I took the SAT (about 1978) my overall was 1280. Of several categories, my reports says I placed in about 92-95 percentiles. OK, not too shabby. There were no full ride offers, but I was offered a partial tuition at a SPLAC. Also family paid the rest. Problem: I was that underachiever. I’d discovered the drug culture by 10th grade and my three semesters at two different SPLACs produced GPAs in the 1.x range. Clearly, my lack of success was nobody’s fault but my own. I did straighten out and eventually got a BS, but it… Read more »
This is true about the elites, they only dimly realize the rest exist.
That they are actually smarter or elite in any sense… not what I see.
I hope we do not send any people into outer space again. It would be horrible if an astronaut radios, ‘Houston, we have a problem,’ only to be answered by someone with a thick Indian accent, ‘Hello, this is Brent from NASA support, what is to be the problem?’
And just imagine how hard it’s going to be for NASA astronauts to get their hands on Target gift cards while in orbit!
Seems like India’s space endeavors are going quite well these days!
Maybe Brent will be the one calling NASA Support instead of vice versa.
From “Try SCE to Aux” to “Thank you, come again!”
Brent? Heh. More like Rajakrishnan.
“Have you tried turning the capsule off and on again?”
I thought that sounded familiar. Probably British, i.e. not Animal House but Upstairs/Downstairs.. “Staircase wit: 1. Thinking of an idea or course of action too late to use it effectively, or the tendency to do so.” On a totally unrelated note, there is (or was) a sort of “urban” legend back in frontier days where a mysterious stranger comes into town and is able to build a “hanging” staircase which defies gravity in some local VIP’s mansion. I have personally seen some of these marvels which are still holding up well after a century and a half. Building stairs is… Read more »
But software can’t fill the gaps, which one must do to understand…
Then by choosing Doer instead of Professional Managerial Class striving for elite one isn’t the decider…
So the Decider * has never done and doesn’t know…
The lament of America by Ipuwer
I’ve noticed that driving is becoming increasingly fraught with peril. Red lights mean nothing where I live. When you have a green, you really need to wait three seconds before moving, and even then, after glancing in every direction several times. And this is just driving around town. I stay off highways as much as possible. One thing that normal whites don’t think much about is driving. They just assume that they can drive where they want, when they want, and everyone else is more or less following the same incentives and behaviors on their way to and fro. The… Read more »
Driving around here is getting dangerous. I now wait at stop lights for a few beats because I have seen too many urban youth fly through red lights. A big part of it is the knowledge that they will not be stopped by police. The cops just want the pension, so they are not rolling the dice on a traffic stop.
Here there simply are no cops. The staffing has been reduced to 1980 levels! All police are too busy handling crimes of violence, rather than patrolling and issuing tickets. We also got rid of those obnoxious red light cameras a few years ago.
TBF, I don’t think *anyone* really liked the red light cameras. Fun sport trying to figure out legal ways of defeating them, though.
The people who invented red light cameras and who approved them should be arrested and sent to prison. It’s just another part of anarcho-tyranny. The criminal class suffers no consequences for their bad behavior because they won’t enforce the law against them. It’s just another way to fleece what is left of the law abiding public.
“Pension slave” is such an accurate term.
The first time I drove a car in Mexico I was astonished. They had all the trappings of a modern transportation system, stoplights, stop signs, etc, but no one paid the slightest attention to any of it. I was young and stupid and thought it was hilariously fun.
That’s why they have those obnoxiously-sized speedbumps called topaz everywhere. They know that no one will obey the law unless they are FORCED to by imposing the alternative of damaging your car.
Civilization is aggregate behavior, not stuff. Aggregate natural (unforced) behavior is directly downstream from aggregate genome.
Indeed. And “stuff,” by the way, includes constitutions.
I’ve mentioned this a while ago, but there’s a (perhaps apocryphal) story that Chun Doo-hwan, who ruled South Korea as a dictator for most of the 80’s, was receiving military training in the States earlier in his career. Late one night he was driving back to his barracks and came across a red light in the middle of nowhere and ahead of him was another car. He witnessed that car pull up to the red light and patiently wait for it to turn green, despite there not being another vehicle in sight. He came away from that experience humbled by… Read more »
Well, it won’t be here. Waay long ago when I was a young teen working night shift in Phx, I had to drive home regularly at 2-3 a.m. The area I drove was dead quite with no traffic and roads miles long and straight as an arrow. I could see three or four intersections and their traffic lights in front of me as I drove. I could also see the lights were green for me, and therefore red for cross traffic. In the distance I would often see a car slow—but not stop—for the red light and cross in front… Read more »
Ages ago, I recall an article about a smaller island of I think, Japan. There weren’t even any roads. But the safety conscious government had supplied a “practice” pedestrian crosswalk complete with signals, so the residents could train in case they had to visit a real city.
I’m surprised the article did not mention how stronly western white females are attracted to violent low IQ men. Plenty of other web sites note this, as a very strong correlation in North American and Europe, of low IQ children are produced. Modern lefty German women are known for trolling the immigration offices for low IQ brutes to take home, and own in the same manner they would a large smelly dog. Andrew Anglin’s (banned by almost all western centers of poltical and corporate power) websites actually take on this unpleasant, but factual issue.
Hybristophilia is very real and a major driver of certain demographic problems. Forbidden topic, in our gynocracy, of course.
Also many normal decent men are too weak and afraid and instinctively shy away from the topic. Braver souls will still tend to come out with “Not all…” when it’s Yes All — normal distribution applying of course.
Jon Westling: “Bad doctors in a decade because of poor medical school admission decisions, you say? Why, they’ll just change the rules and start looking for smart doctors again! Why worry about all that? What’s wrong with you?” At Free Republic this morning, the following article was simply fascinating: ========== Family says they saved dad’s life by sneaking him Ivermectin during 200-day hospitalization https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/4181754/posts =========== In addition to the article itself, the kkk0mments by the Freepers are simply outstanding. It’s scary/terrifying to witness the ubiquitous uniformity of the absence of curiosity & skepticism & eclecticism in the 21st Century medical… Read more »
I had read it too. Very good article.
US system is different because medical study is a second degree. So there’s always been winnowing for compliance and systematisation before any student gets accepted into Quackery 101. When I were a young feller in Australia, you got into medical school straight out of high school. What you needed was to be in the 99th percentile of academic results. Bang yer in. No interviews, no nothing. Automatic acceptance. Then winnowing on ability to handle the material and the grind. But nowadays, it’s also requires a first degree and satisfying a jury of one’s feminist and queer peers that one is… Read more »
Between the reluctance to pull over vibrants lest their traffic stats show “disparate impact” and my state’s wholesale licensing of illegals that should not be allowed to drive a donkey cart, it’s a war zone here.
That is the very definition of societal collapse. People think in terms of grand dysfunction, but it is at the granular level, such as the inability to drive on public roads, where it manifests first and vexes the most. There sometimes is a social component along with an IQ component, too. Using driving as an example, highly intelligent Italy to cite a quick example is hell on earth as far as car travel due to cultural reasons. Granted, the roads are superior to, say, Ghana, due to the intelligence differential, but the danger due to road rage is similar. Where… Read more »
Where I live people still stop for red lights, but stopping at stop signs is entirely optional. Consequently, driving in residential nabes is now considerably more hazardous than highways despite the dramatic speed differentials. These days I drive through residential neighborhoods as little as possible. I’ve seen too many cases of people shooting through stop signs at 40 MPH without even checking the intersection. Getting T-boned by some stoned nuggra
or Kaylee on her sail foam would be double plus ungood.
I’ve lived in countries with kamikaze driving cultures, both in the Third World and in Asian countries with a fatalistic indifference to chance encounters like traffic accidents. It is more dangerous than in orderly countries, but not by an order of magnitude as you might expect. Jon hints at the reason: if running red lights without looking is common, those going through green lights will slow and check. It would be suicide in the West to pull a sudden U-turn in heavy traffic but in other countries, surrounding drivers are used to it and anticipate it. Same with motorbikes driving… Read more »
Jon you’re just now dealing with Driving with Diversity? Ye have had a charmed life.
The moon shots stopped because it was a prestige program in the Space Race with the Soviets. We won. It was expensive. Then the 70s hit and the federal government had to shift priorities to the practical. They also canceled the SST in 71. The Space Shuttle — they called it a Space Truck — was pieced together because Nixon wanted to keep the money flowing to the companies and workers before his 72 campaign. There are enough smart American engineers to do it today (maybe not in 10 years). Musk could do it. But there’s no will or money.… Read more »
Arguably a big issue is that they did the moon shot before the technology was there to properly support it (something seen with many early inventions by the Chinese) and trying to pay for a war in Asia while also dragging an underclass of people up the wage scale at the same time was a huge drag on the economy. Were it just interplanetary travel perhaps something would have come of it.
Or not, maybe, as Musk is punching the launch cost down about as much as can be managed and it’s still expensive.
The Space Shuttle might be an example of both decline and last hurrah of our engineering ability. Remember the Space Shuttle was to be an advance in technology and a more economical reach into space. In the end it was proven too complex to keep flying safely and as such, never economical. It proved cheaper to buy tickets on the Russian space vehicles. The first failure was shown to be the fault of flight engineers not understanding the stated/known limitations of the most simple of components, an “O-ring” connection in the fuel line. The second due to failed heat insulation… Read more »
The flight engineers, at least the ones at Morton-Thiokol, understood very well the problems with the O-rings (which weren’t part of the fuel system) and pleaded with NASA the night before to scrap the Challenger launch. It was the politicians running the space agency who overruled them and killed 7 astronauts.
I can not agree, but I do understand where you come from and the (bad) nature of political decisions. No politician/administrator pushed the launch button. The technical staff did. Had they simply refused to comply or complete the launch prep’s or threatened their superiors with exposure, the launch would have been scrubbed. The “one-man veto” rule I believe was instituted afterwards and the public revelation by Richard Feynman wrt the O-ring situation. Now whether Feynman simply stumbled/revealed a fact already in common knowledge I can’t say, but it seemed no one at NASA was talking about it seriously until Feynman’s… Read more »
I seriously doubt Musk could do it. That idiot destroyed the launch site a few months ago. NASA told him what would happen. He either didn’t care or thought he was smarter than them. His proposed solution is even dumber than his stupid mistake that destroyed the launch site. He’s talking about putting a million people on Mars in a self supporting city and doing it by 2050. I don’t know if he is a crook or an idiot.
But why have people live on Mars? Why not put a million people on Antarctica – it’s more convenient, there’s air, and it’s even less chilly than Mars. Unless Mars has the fountain of youth, there’s no reason to be there much less live there.
Not to mention impossible with current technology and probably never feasible at a reasonable cost no matter what tech we are using. The challenges are absolutely immense and we cannot overcome them using current technology. Assuming foods will even grow there, just trying to grow that food will be an enormous challenge. After all, we have never done large scale indoor farming without soil or air or insects and in a lower gravity environment with 44% of the sun’s brightness even with a perfectly clear roof. I agree with you about Antarctica. At a minimum, we should have a self-sustaining… Read more »
You could write a list of “prerequisites” for a successful Mars colony as long as your arm.
For example, when we went to the moon, we had at least one run around it just to see if it would work with a human populated capsule.
Similarly, we have no understanding of the effect of such a long trip upon human occupants on a 9 month voyage to Mars.
The list of unknowns is endless—and definitely longer than the list of current exploratory research to aimed at answering such questions.
N-words can’t loot an outdoor store and hijack a plane to Mars to do over your joint. That’s why Mars. Plus you do a bit of eugenic selection about who goes to Mars… and exposing (Greco-Roman sense) the mishaps just means shoving them out the airlock.
Although I do wonder if Mars is a sleight of hand and Musk really wants to go fetch some asteroids back and Rule the World. Nothing you can’t do with a few asteroids at your beck and call.
Also if Musk is 2SD to the right of me (entirely possible), what understanding of his true motivations could I hope to arrive at?
Sell the sizzle, baby!
Tars Tarkas: “He’s talking about putting a million people on Mars in a self supporting city and doing it by 2050.”
Maybe Musk intends to send a million ADL donors to Mars?
Envy is nearly as useless as playing the stock market TT.
Musk is moving us in the right direction on several matters.
As the new pan-Asian hegemons coordinate the coming colonization of North America, they may find it distressing having to manage lower IQ Americans of European and other descent. “They are not good for much,” says chef Ding Ling, “but properly schooled, over a period of time, they can become sufficiently adept at preparing rice and noodle dishes for lunch here at MacMuShu’s.”
A 1% decrease in mean 100 IQ (assuming a 15% std) results in a 20% decrease in the percent of the population with IQ over 132. Do the math in excel.
Computers, the internet, google and AI add add least 5 IQ points, an effect that does offset the impact on the right tail cohort. Still.
It’s hard for me not to imagine Latin American favelas where elites live behind walls.
Think of all the Ukrainian and Russian women who have been denied suitable spouses, they will marry, but whom? I read somewhere that every major war drags down the following generational IQ by so many points because females have to mate with the remaining dregs. Lower IQ means everything becomes more difficult to accomplish so we have the diversity ball and chain we have to drag through life while trying to get things done. But nature throws a spanner in the works every once in a while, like producing a genius from a favela, think Good Will Hunting, it’s inexplicable.… Read more »
Dutton had an interesting theory about the dearth of men after WWII and the reported beauty of Russian and Ukraine women. His conclusion was that the best looking of the women were chosen by the few (lucky) remaining men, while the ugly women remained childless. The good looking women bred good looking daughters and “viola” here we are today. Of course, Dutton is also part actor on his YouTube videos so this perhaps is tongue in cheek. Being a man myself, I suspect I’d have no problem doing my patriotic thing and entertaining a “little on the side” for God… Read more »
better ask a brazilian how whites react to high levels of diversity.
they get tanned, become obsessed with big butts and dance on the beach all the time.
In short, they become superficial asf, that’s what vibrancy gets you, that’s why white iq scores are in decline.
if society reaches critical levels of black diversity like in south africa then whites need to become farmers and band together to survive.
There was that story of some weirdo trying to raise a human baby with a monkey and, tdlr: if you raise a baby with a monkey you get two monkeys.
Are you talking about Dr kellog, his baby boy and a female chimp named Gua?
Brazil is kind of weird in that respect. Yes, there is a kind of racial stratification à la apartheid, but there are regional differences. In Bahia, the “Black Rome” in the Northeast, Blacks are higher up the scale, business owners, etc. while in the Teutonic/Polish far South (Santa Catarina) you will see the favelas populated by Whites with blond hair and blue eyes. The country is just corrupt and badly run, period. Whites hog most top positions in government, but you wouldn’t know it from the state of the roads.
“Dumm fickt gut”; an old German expression that means the dumb fuck well. Can’t add 5 plus 6, but look at the size of that ass, tho!
Our liberal betters always assured us that we would uplift them and never entertained the idea that they would lower us.
The White Brazilians I know are coining money and working long hours.
This is an amazing thread. Anon explains Africa
The Russians in Joburg? Yeah, that’s a classic!
The stupidity is almost impossible to believe. I understand the getting shamed into wasting money by parasitic family members as a cultural problem, but the fertilizer story was just insane. Like in that Simpsons episode where Bart keeps touching the cupcake and getting electrocuted.
Sci-fi often depicts aliens coming into our world with some level of technology that we not only cannot understand but cannot comprehend. Imagine if benevolent aliens took over the USA and built an alien city to their standards somewhere in the midwest. It would be so much ahead New York and Miami and Los Angeles in living standards, prosperity, etc., it would draw people of all over to live in it. Then one day the aliens decide to leave. Well, chances are it would not be long before the city just becomes another American city. We can’t maintain the alien… Read more »
You do not have to travel abroad. Jackson, Mississippi, illustrates the phenomenon quite well.
Cairo, Illinois
East St. Louis
The Der Siegel article was an interesting read. This paragraph in particular caught my eye: “For the fiscal year 2021-2022, the auditor-general found that 219 of the country’s 257 municipalities did not have clean audits. In countless cities and municipalities, the infrastructure, administration, education system, health system, sewage and garbage collection are all subpar or completely dysfunctional. In many places, not even the trains are running, while some regions are forced to go for days without running water.” This is typical of post-colonial Africa. These systems were set up and maintained by whites. To the extent that Africa has sea… Read more »
The article also said that something like 15% of the bureaucrats in one province are illiterate. This is so eye-opening on so many levels I am somewhat surprised Der Spiegel put it in. If it’s 15% for political appointees, it’s obviously much higher amongst the general population. So we are talking about a citizenry where it is not just that they, say, cannot understand how a sewage system or electrical grid operates , but they cannot even pick up a book and read it. That is how large the gap we are talking about is.
The intelligence gap between whites and sub-Saharans may be greater than the gap between sub-Saharans and border collies.
This why I chuckle about South Africa being included in the BRICS coalition – seriously? Brazil is laughable enough, but SA as it’s currently being run and by whom? ROFLOL.
RIC will be running the show, the others are for resources.
Incredibly enough, however, by African standards, South Africa is Germany.
“… when Africans take over a country filled with stuff they do not understand. I wish it were not so, but it’s all right there.”
No disagreement, but we seem to look/describe the problem (as in the above quote) as a simple one of intellect. Lot’s of things—behavior things—get tacked on with low IQ and race differences. The White race was the first to combine a high intellect with useful behavioral traits to produce the advanced, technical civilization we’ve become used to.
I am genuinely curious about what the Somalis, for instance, or the Haitians who have poured into the country thought about their prospects once here. They are patently too backward, the majority of them, to contribute to a technologically advanced society. And there are only so many janitorial jobs to go around. What did they expect to do once they got here? The cynical answer is that they heard the streets are paved with gold, i.e. the great, benevolent master, Uncle Sam, would cradle them in his loving arms and simply give them the good life that they heard is… Read more »
“What did they expect to do once they got here?”
They didn’t expect to do anything. They were imported to places like Maine, Minnesota and North Dakota because those places were too white.
Go to Walmart at 10 pm in Grand Forks, you’d think you were in Mogadishu.
Much of the importation was committed by the Lutheran Church, against its own parishoners.
Lutherans, those irrepressible do-gooders from the upper Midwest and Rust Belt. They were on the front lines decades ago during prior slaughters of cities, when the Catholic menace was in full force.
Their latest windmill is whitopia, where all the people are, well, something that they can’t comprehend. Not just above average, good looking or whatever.
“Go to Walmart at 10 pm in Grand Forks, you’d think you were in Mogadishu.”
Or, as I like to call it, Wal-Mosque.
They think the same as their domestic counterparts: some white guy will pay them. clean up their mistakes, and their worthlessness never will be pointed out. The vice president of the United States, for God’s sake, is a good example. Her staff complains that she has not been “positioned for success,” which simply means a white guy has not done her work, cleaned up her mistakes and her incompetence has been noted. This is a luxury belief of a rich society. When things go bust, people will revert to their former modes, which in the vice president’s case was a… Read more »
She was scan example of why you should be skeptical of “high skill” immigration
*is an not was scan
> “high skill” immigrant
> “natural born citizen”
One of those things is not like the other.
“And there are only so many janitorial jobs to go around. What did they expect to do once they got here?” Suck on the government teat. I keep hearing they are giving all these fake refugees 2k Dollars a month. This is above the average social security payment for an American retiree. The question is, why is the government encouraging this? They know the IQ numbers. They have to know the aliens are making every problem we already have far worse. Our infrastructure is falling apart and at least in some places resembles the third world. But instead of fixing… Read more »
“The question is, why is the government encouraging this?”
The most benign answer is religious belief. It requires faith to believe this will work out because the plainly observable facts indicate otherwise.
Every hominid that goes into the US represents x thousands of dollars(welfare). They don’t include the illegals in the population numbers but include their dollar “activity” thus sustaining or increasing the GDP per capita figures.
Yes, every bureaucrat that adds another case adds another client to her patronage. Has nothing to do with votes or lol GDP.
I don’t think they consider IQ. Or, if they do, it’s something that every fiber of their being works to squash that naughty thought.
These are people who genuinely believe that Juan, François, Chang, Bongo, and Rajesh are no different than their ancestors who came by boats through Ellis Island. Because of that projection and treating any doubts about their new “peers” a sin, it makes this invasion so much more damaging.
Pretty the Somalis figured they’d run all kinds of welfare and tax fraud scams, courtesy of productive white taxpayers.
They are practiced and sophisticated scammers. Their culture selects for it. Hell, our culture selects for it. That’s the answer to the question, of what they expected to do once they got here. Even the “good ones” who work regular jobs, have scams on the side, and benefits in their families and clans, on a level that you can’t begin to imagine. The scale of the benefits that they received, the various programs are so multitudinous that most of them, will never have been heard about, to the avg sucker, urrrr, I mean taxpayer. One such program is assistance in… Read more »
Fast food places are now filthy. Mud and garbage and paper towels are strewn all over the floor. The places stink like rotting corpses. If this is how the customer facing portion looks, how does the back look? How is the hygiene of the workers? For me, McDonald’s is now reserved for road trips. And maybe once every 3 months when I get a craving and am temporarily too weak to reject it. Tim Hortons is a no-go zone completely. Last time I was at Popeyes 3 years ago some Arab youths were harassing some Indian women. They kept looking… Read more »
This shift, where bright young teenagers were shut out of these jobs, happened in the 2000s. I remember the rhetoric about how the minimum wage needed to go up because people could not live on these wages. The obvious retort – that you were not meant to live on a part time job at McDonald’s – was just shut down as racism, or classism, or whatever, just like all retorts to elite bromides. At the same time, upper/upper-middle class people decided their children were too good to work at a mall or at a fast food restaurant, better leave it… Read more »
Poor kids don’t want those jobs, because they lead absolutely nowhere (where are they going to get hired in 2024 with “McDonalds, 2019-2023” on their resume — this isn’t 1962 and some middle-aged white guy takes a shining to their gumption and can-do attitude), and rich kids don’t need them. These jobs *are* the end of the road for most people. I can tell you’re from an older generation of whites because of your presumption that they’re not meant to be permanent jobs. That was the case long ago when smiling white kids said “Welcome to McDonald’s!” in commercials in… Read more »
That’s why I take my business to Whammy Burger.
It goes back even further than that. I can remember during the 1984 Democrat convention that speaker after speaker asserted that the only jobs the Reagan economy had created were “burger flipping jobs.”
Good advice. Along with wealth accumulate skills to allow independence. As for eating at McDonald’s, the filth and squalor will be followed by food poisoning in the near future. Avoid such places.
Visit college towns to observe a subset of the youth impact on service jobs. You will encounter surly, stupid people uninterested in anything but their phones and amusing themselves to death. Others became obstacles to living out their best Me-ness, so are barely tolerated. A customer could grow to dislike that type of youth, well before seeing the suggested 20%+ tip. Business owners have to tolerate them because of the lack of interest in filling those positions. Rock, hard place, just don’t expect acknowledgement or awareness. [Makes you appreciate family-owned even more, where there is skin in the game and… Read more »
It needs to be noted how much society benefitted from having a deep bench. The old saw about the guy who started in the mail room and became CEO said more about the quality of mail room employees than anything else. If the mentally talented are running the lower tasks then that’s a load off of the upper tiers while also making sure the smaller gears of the machine run smoothly.
The rich goyim will breed with the rich and powerful Jews and the poor goyim will breed with the negroes or die off. This ends the White race.
“America is no longer able to get to the moon because NASA is full of diversity”
NASA did not get us to the moon, private companies that promoted based on merit got us to the moon. Those very same private companies, with the exception of SpaceX, no longer promote based on merit. The people capable of doing this work still exist, but they are being discouraged and marginalized by our education system. Why not sideline these people, after all they are White males and they are the enemy.
But you are so wrong! Sha’Meequa, Da’Neekwa and Mar’Teaka got us to the moon. I saw it in a movie.
“At the heart of this line of thinking is the assumption that a society can only be successful if it is moving forward toward something and expanding in terms of material prosperity and cultural progress.” Reminds me of Nietzsche’s definition of life as a will to power: “… it will endeavour to grow, to gain ground, attract to itself and acquire ascendancy—not owing to any morality or immorality, but because it LIVES, and because life IS precisely Will to Power.” Which is where I break with him, because that sounds like a decent definition of cancer to me, while I… Read more »
This may all be part of the elites’ master plan to immiserate 99% of the population, leaving abundant goodies for the remaining 1%, but plans seldom go flawlessly. The models show all the bad consequences falling on the unworthy nobodies, but it will be impossible for the rich to insulate themselves from discomfort in a complex technocratic world. And it’s only such a world that will provide them with the sort of life they value. It’s all very well to snicker that the common people will be living in unheated hovels, eating weeds and bugs, but I doubt that Bill… Read more »
“Just as contact with the West has permanently changed the identity of sub-Saharan Africans, this new process will change Western people and society. If you cannot run the sandwich shop along Western lines due to the decline in intelligence, the guy running it must find a new solution. The dilemma of the sandwich shop owner will play out across that vast middle step on the IQ staircase. The people on that step will have to suddenly recognize the staircase itself.” One of the workarounds is automation — indeed it was employed in the world of “Idiocracy” as well. A new… Read more »
My child is looking at colleges and noticed the University of Iowa’s Actuarial program requires a 2.5 GPA.
I had to point out that the 2.5 GPA was not for him, but for the diverse applicants.
You should probably encourage him to learn a trade instead.
Depends. If he’s got the IQ to smash (not just coast through) an actuarial degree, then that applied maths, stats, modelling experience could well set him up for life in any scenario short of Zardoz. But if it’s between studying say “International Business” and learning a trade, then trade FTW. Should not be looking to re-create Orania in the Former USA. Will still need number crunchers in whatever is to come. Won’t need too many MBAs though. FWIW, Orania is best option for the Boers because they’re (sorry, but not sorry, just the facts ma’am) the Dumb Left Behind Fraction… Read more »
2.5 for negroes, 2.8 for Hispanics and Muzz, 3.1 for Orientals, 3.75 for whitey.
There’s a growing lack of competence across the board, and finding good, honest, competent tradesmen in general – from mechanics to IT guys – seems to be getting harder. Which means that good, honest, competent, skilled people are already becoming more and more scarce and more and more valuable – and richer too, as they command increasingly high rates.
My go-to AC tech (who I pay in cash, natch) has so many work requests he has to turn people down – and he’s set to retire this year.
Your comment goes back to one of mine. There is more to competence than a simple IQ score. Behavior characteristics are big as well. As IQ declines—for whatever reason—so to often follows behavior decline, e.g., conscientiousness.
Folks often retort to criticism of going to college with “learn a trade”, but the problem is not blue collar vs white collar, it’s a decline in human potential into either path.
“America is no longer able to get to the moon because NASA is full of diversity, but it also lacks the smart guys it used to have to solve the necessary problems. In other words, the West is no longer able to make these great leaps because the decline in human capital has reduced the number of geniuses” I agree that NASA lacks enough smart guys now. But with the greatest respect to our host, there’s no evidence the number of geniuses in the West has fallen. At the risk of getting completely flamed here, I would suggest that our… Read more »
“there’s no evidence the number of geniuses in the West has fallen”
The geniuses are not being trained for and put into productive genius-level slots. Such neglect is characteristic of decaying and collapsing civilizations.
Yes that was my point. I should have articulated it better though.
Also too many parents throwing money at their child’s “future” in professionals sportsball when they’d be better off learning a trade or studying medicine.
Problem is the idea of going to a hedge fund after graduation is goal of these smart fraction kids from age 15 or so. It’s not just financialisation of everything diverts them away from more civilisation ally useful pursuits — it also utterly corrupts their outlook and morals.
You could pass a law tomorrow requiring every hedge fund quant to go work for NASA and Musk tomorrow for FREE and they’d still be a net negative because they’ve been warped into the Wrong Stuff.
And that’s still not to deal with the dearth of good engineers and materials science guys.
Exactly. Finance has consumed too much of everything.
Interesting. Humour me, if you will? Old South Africa was a bountiful country with just a handful of whites running it. They have national average IQ stats that will make ours look like a Utopian pipe dream. Say what ya want about blacks, apartheid, and all the lefty hogwash – but that was essentially the way of it. Their colonization history proves that you can build a country with a nation chock full of idiots. A handful of Boers settled the nation with muzzle loading rifles pitted against superior, almost overwhelming numbers of hostile black savages… just as America did… Read more »
I agree that this is outcome is possible assuming we have enough young white men tough enough to bring this vision about. My observation is that the feminization of young white men is reaching a tipping point. Maybe hard times or war cures it but that’s my biggest concern, are there going to be enough young white males not feminized to get us back on track?
Indeed – we are all headed for that Darwinian meat grinder, whites included. The evolutionary pressures on the blacks and the stupid will cull our failed liberal social experiments too. But consider – our feral blacks will be hardest hit by orders of magnitude. I posit that in a collapse, the blacks will prey on each other first – pestilence, tribal warfare, starvation will sweep them out to the evelutionary curb at exponentially higher rates than whites. We are already seeing this in Africa and black-run cities in America. Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit would be smoldering craters right now were… Read more »
A hard rain is gonna fall
Go on Blab, and you will see chit poasters also pushing the white virtues; work out, get in shape, prepping, self improvement, etc. I’m not sure that stuff is very helpful. It seems terribly narcissistic if you ask me. Those twenty hours you spend in the gym, would be put to much better use by campaigning to purge the local school board. We’re not going to win by wrestling the enemy to the ground and neither are we going to survive by retreating into subsistence farming. We need to take back the cities, the schools, the universities, the entertainment industry,… Read more »
Weight training is a must for any young (or even old!) man. You don’t need twenty hours a week: three to five can be enough if you push hard/intense and know what you’re doing. Supplement with aerobic and outdoor activities (martial arts & rock climbing?) and it’s a good base.
“We need to take back the cities, the schools, the universities, the entertainment industry, the banks, the courtrooms and the factories.”
That may be possible in Denmark. In AINO, it is not.
Keeping yourself fit and healthy is not just for swinging a battle axe. It makes you less dependent upon the government and more resilient in bad times.
Don’t know about your neck of the woods Felix, but here standing in front of a school Board looking like a stereotypical old White guy ranting is not a good look.
Our host chose a sandwich shop for a reason. Diamonds are still successfully mined in South Africa, and the phenomenon you noted takes place: Lawrence Anteeebaqua is on the board, gets paid, and does nothing other than be photographed as the black face of the company.
Electrical generation for the plebes, on the other hand…
Sitting on top of a load of diamonds doesn’t hurt: Botswana is almost Wakanda. Various assholes like to hold it up as being what Africa should be. What they don’t tell you is that under the surface, Botswana is in effect a subsidiary of Anglo American Corp (i.e. DeBeers). If a resource-rich country isn’t too messed up, it makes sense for big business to run it well in conjunction with the national government. If a resource-rich country is a total shit hole then it makes sense for big business to keep it that way and ally with Warlords –> DR… Read more »
My observation is that the feminization of young white men is reaching a tipping point.
It is depressingly instructive to see how Gab’s “parallel economy” is guys selling each other soap, shampoo, herbal tea, dietary supplements, ointments and organic granola like a bunch of hippies. The site is littered with cat videos, gardening tips and cupcake recipes.
In some ways that’s still a step up to IRL low-end communities where people try to scrounge out a living by selling each other junk. And actually along those lines my first thought was of Dollar General which took that concept and commercialized it.
If you’re ever in the States Felix we’ll hit some local flea markets, your despair meter will find new heights!
Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the initiative, but why are they all selling this faggot stuff?
I want a white plumber that isn’t there to case my house or rape my wife, a mechanic that isn’t going to jew me out of unnecessary brake fluid changes, I want a white babysitter network in my area.
I don’t want organic honey or thyme-scented bodywash.
Felix. Get a grip. Yes, you NEED soap. Men that are skilled in combat, tradecraft, and leadership use soap. I’d hope that you do too. You can buy soap from Globohomo who fake, gay, and hates you and wants you dead. Or you can buy from a dissident that supports you, sympathizes with you and shares many of the goals and values you have. The only catch is the dissident soap merchant is gonna cost more. Sure, YOU may not want to smell like lavender after a shower… but what about the old lady? What about your daughter? The dissident… Read more »
They may be serving a market of Low IQ minimum wage dissident snake-handling holy-rolling glossolalic Whites… but they’re our Low IQ dissident Whites. Gradually, some of that stock can be improved. Must not be abandoned to the other side.
Glass Half Full.
Yes there’s enough men
Something that springs to mind reading this is the crazy lesbian lady who destroyed the ISS toilets, botched a routine repair, lost her tool box in space, and drilled a hole in the space station to force NASA to take her home.
We can do great things, even with lots of dumb people in a population, but they have to be kept far away from anything important, and can’t even be given ceremonial tasks. They will find a way to wreck everything.
Do you have any links to the Space Dyke, Chet? Not that I am doubting you – I just want to read it and gloat! I just never heard that story and would sincerely love to see the details! Race realities will be even more crucial in space where the margin for error is virtually nil. The human animal was never meant to exist in such environments and I will bet dollars to donuts that diversity will be the first thing pushed out the airlock if the program insists on sticking to it. I will bet odds that the first… Read more »
It’s a wild ride. Devon Stack had an episode on his Blackpilled channel with more documentation too.
She was the cause of the meme: women do 100% of space crime.
How the heck did I miss this story? I had heard about them decommissioning the ISS and wondered why but it was never really explained that it was some crazy lesbo damaging everything.
NASA should spend a few billion developing a Space Vibrator so that their AstroDykes don’t need to pull this kind of crazy shit.
Next task for the Invisible Figures, yo!
Smart Fraction Theory—mentioned by Z-man—indicates/estimates what is total number of “smart” people needed to supply a society’s demands. It does not however *distribute* those people into various support functions (jobs) within a society. Therefore, I can certainly appreciate the Mars Rover efforts, but image deficits in other technological development and support efforts.
Nature goes with what works. For now, stupid people are more adapted to the environment that dumb people. Just as more religious/conservative whites are having more babies than liberal whites.
Humans are interesting because can change our environment so drastically, rapidly changing who’s best adapted. Declining IQs will rapidly change the environment again. As to who’s best adapted for what’s coming, I have no clue, other than I’m pretty sure that it won’t be liberal whites so there’s some good news.
Wait till these low IQ shits start running your local utilities companies. It’s already begun in big cities. No plumbing. No electricity. No HVAC. It’s going to get interesting.
About ten years ago there was a power surge or something that knocked out electricity in San Diego, Phoenix, and a large part of the Southwest. It happened during summer and several people died becuase the power was out for so long on one of the hottest days of the year. The excuse was that during construction, some truck ran over some power lines, causing a chain reaction. It was a cover story/lie. I found out years later what really happened was some diversity hire pushed a wrong button at some power center, setting off the event. Yes, things are… Read more »
as the average IQ of a society goes down, so does its carrying capacity in terms of population levels.
how do you explain ostensibly intelligent people making very stupid decisions? e.g. Dutch parlament shutting down farmers.
Shutting down farmers to build megacities for migrants!
That’s evil not stupid.
I’ve also noticed a steep drop of what I’d term “fund of knowledge”. People at all IQ levels simply read less and absorb less basic information. They’d rather play games on their phones. Or just endless yap about nothing (weekend Amtrak experience). Lot of that generalized knowledge is helpful in daily problem solving. It simply ain’t there. Always told my kids, the one budget that is unlimited is the one for books. And thankfully all are readers. My youngest went through a phase of reading musician biographies and also learned that drug abuse usually doesn’t have a good outcome, that… Read more »
“People at all IQ levels simply read less and absorb less basic information.”
No dispute about this. You’d almost think there’s a conspiracy to bring this about.
“Bernstein’s book on the pot industry”
I must second that recommendation. This book is perhaps the best on the market as it *cites* and reviews pretty much all the scientific literature on the issue as well as history. As more and more a states and now the Fed’s are deciding to legalize pot use, we should be afraid, very afraid. (And yes, I was known to blow off a few IQ points in my youth with faculty. What I didn’t know is that it had such an affect as I had such to spare.)
She listened to it and put on during drives to and from practice—the British/Indian research was a new one to me. I stopped taking anything but NSAIDs since spent 20-30 having to pee in a cup without prior notice for a sports governing body. Didn’t miss it at all. The psychosis inducement was a real eye opener. Explains a lot of what I saw while still volunteer Fire/EMS.
Maybe a paradoxical effect of the previous-generation (pre-“Trust and Safety,” pre-“algorithmic,” etc.) internet: It really did offer a fair fraction of the world’s history, knowledge, and artistic production to everyone at no cost—as if you already owned an unimaginably huge library—and that’s *exactly when* almost everyone stopped wanting to know about those things.
Now you can’t find them anymore, or even an old YouTube video whose exact title you remember correctly, because Brexit and Trump. But the clampdown was unnecessary, except to satisfy the petty sadism of the Women In Tech™. We’re self-clamping.
At least as much as in the sandwich shop, I experience this decline in calling customer or tech support. It seems like 20 years ago, you could count on the person helping you over the phone to be reasonably intelligent and a native english speaker. Today, there is huge variation. You may get someone whose words you have trouble understanding. Or you may get someone who is just too dumb to help you or who is too lazy or indifferent. If I get someone who is obviously dumb or lazy, it is usually more time efficient to just hang up… Read more »
“Is your computer plugged in? That is very much a common mistake.”
“If I get someone who is obviously dumb or lazy, it is usually more time efficient to just hang up on them and then call back and hope that you get a better employee.”
I do that as a matter of course. It works.
I was thinking on this, this morning. Time was in the early eighties that technology had left women at home with too little to do, but now my wife has to spend so much time on the phone sorting mundane problems out with low-caste Indians/blacks that time for regular chores gets shelved.
“Most Europeans are about to go on safari in their own societies.”
As a resident of Lagos, perhaps you should write an instruction manual. It would be a best seller.
“Use Enough Gun”— Robert Ruark
James Lafond already has written extensively on the subject. I even contributed. https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4285
I believe the answer to the question, “Why must the economy always expand?” is that it’s the way (perhaps the only practical way) to reconcile the two values undergirding America: Liberty and Equality.
If the economic “pie” is static, then “take what you can get” and “to each his fair share” are contradictory and mutually exclusive. But if the pie is always getting bigger, then both principles can reasonably coexist.
Entitlements have created such massive debt there is no way to pay them without unsustainable growth. Mass immigration is a Hail Mary pass hoping more people equals more GDP, and stave off collapse until they are dead.
The NYC extra “immigrant” experiment has been illuminating…I don’t think the PTB are capable of shutting off the pipeline.
Saw a great clip from a NYC “angry Jewish mom” furious that unlimited “migrant/refugee” children flooding into schools. For her kids, she needed ID, current utility bills, and CURRENT VACCINATION RECORDS.
Not so for the new “Americans”. There’s a giant green statue, for god’s sake!!!
Funny, but sad.
Reminds me of the Clausewitz quote:
“Everything is very simple in war, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine”
This morning’s local fishwrap in the hinterlands of upstate NY has an article quoting local landlords (possibly hotel owners) who say they are getting daily calls from NYC officials telling them that they will earn $120 a night per person from the NYC coffers if they will house invaders. Our county is one that passed an emergency measure making it illegal to house or transport illegals and the county executive is adament that anyone who grabs at the filthy lucre will be prosecuted. We shall see. But it goes to show you how despicable these people are. It was easy… Read more »
It’s about to get Muy Caliente in places like Chicago where Vibrant migrants are being dumped off in Diverse neighborhoods: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2023/09/07/dems-in-south-side-chicago-are-getting-a-little-racist-over-the-illegal-alien-issue-n2628128 “We are at war, people,” said one concerned citizen while a woman was incensed that people who have never lived here are being overly compensated while their needs in the community have fallen by the wayside. “We need to be taken care of first and foremost before anything else happens here,” she added. . . . “I don’t want them there,” said one resident at the meeting. “Take them someplace else or send them back.” Oh my! The Diversity… Read more »
“We need to be taken care of first and foremost before anything else happens here,” she added.
Yes, they need to be taken care of alright, because they’re incapable of taking care of themselves. And that’s a wee bitty problem…
> Saw a great clip from a NYC “angry Jewish mom” furious that unlimited “migrant/refugee” children flooding into schools. For her kids, she needed ID, current utility bills, and CURRENT VACCINATION RECORDS.
>Not so for the new “Americans”. There’s a giant green statue, for god’s sake!!!
Oi vey! The huddled masses are displacing the wrong people!
Everything the Powers that be have set in motion since the 1960s has taken on a life of its own, that is all they can do. They nudge towards outcomes and collect on the chaos.
Chet, this is in illogical—unless one accepts some sort of absolute equality of people. Low IQ sorts do nothing for the GDP as they are tax eaters. If we wanted to bring in productive (in the GDP sense) people, we’d stop illegal immigration and open up a scored immigration system—regardless of race quotas. As legal immigration now exists, we don’t do this to the extent we need even with H1b VISA’s.
“Why must the economy always expand?”
As I understand it, being an economic ignoramus, it’s that it must expand because of the money system. The money system requires the economy to expand at least nominally or it starts violently shrinking through deflation.
I don’t think falling IQ will be a problem for long, active eugenics will soon take care of that, either by egg sorting or by a gene therapy.
In fifty years, you will be able to dial in your offspring’s IQ – at least tweak it half a dozen points to the right. And even simpler: you’ll be able to dial in skin color, a jab that’ll probably be the only zygote therapy to rival the IQ-shot in popularity, and height, of course.
Ten generations from now, there’s be nobody on this planet but us Scandis.
This is the wild card, I’d agree.
And it’s not science fiction. They’re already part of the way there, and they can get a fair amount down the road with existing technology. It’ll just take some time to map things out.
In ten years or so, they should be able to give parents odds of which of their ten fertilized eggs should do best at various attributes. No guarantee for one couple but over thousands or millions of couples, those odds pan out.
That’s just another reason for our enemies to keep pushing black-White race mixing everywhere. (google “happy White woman” and click images)
They’re already part of the way there, and they can get a fair amount down the road with existing technology. Yes, we’ve already wiped out mongolism in the Western world by selective abortion. An acquaintance of mine turned thirty with a bedpost full of notches, no ring on her finger and alarms going off in her head. She bought two mail-order pregnancies, got two boys by a tall, blond STEM PhD. She’s somewhat above average IQ herself and has a STEM degree as well. One of the boys is smart like her, the younger one is scary smart, I figure… Read more »
My point is that scientists are already mapping the genome. They’ve found markers that correlate with all kinds of things, including IQ though they don’t talk about it much or, laughably, say that the market correlates with “educational attainment.” Even if they don’t know why a certain market causes something, they know that when it’s there, you generally see some attribute. Might not even be directly related, but it still helps. Birds flying south don’t cause spring, but it still tells you that spring is coming. My point is that you don’t actually need to have the technology to change… Read more »
My point is that you don’t actually need to have the technology to change an embryo’s DNA to change the world.
Yes, you don’t even need techno-cucking, and it’s not sci-fi. It’s probably routine with the beautiful set already.
I’m quite surprised – suspicious, even – that Ed Dutton never brings this up, he cannot be unaware of this factor.
At last I saw, GWAS wrt IQ had isolated over 2k genes related to higher intelligence. Down syndrome has one defective gene. Hence, Down syndrome is easy to eliminate via abortion. Yes the prospect of fertilizing a number of eggs and then giving them a score for likelihood of superior intellect and other traits is possible, but the technique is far from economical due to the cost involved of securing eggs, testing, and then the loss involved in implantation. However, this just in. There is now a way of producing “gametes” from the mother’s own cells instead of robbing her… Read more »
This logic will tend to improve the stock of the elites, but it will do nothing for the plebs. The 1% (0.1%. 0.01%?) can all be perfect physical specimens with an average IQ of 200, but that won’t do them much good if the 99% that subsist outside the walled compounds are sliding even further in depravity and dragging the infrastructure along for the ride. At some point there will be coercive limits on populations. Heck, it’s already happened, with China decades ago with their one child limit. Or even worse, a more haphazard solution will be imposed by a… Read more »
Mark my words–
All these super specimens, not conceived of Penis and Vagina, aka natural sex, will have less grit and less vigor. They will be more and more reliant on artificial methods.
Who will the actors and actresses for television commercials, then?
No worries, we’ll still have AI-generated diversity on the telly.
Next big thing. An AI app/program that will generate personalized porn for my enjoyment. Who knows me better than me? 😉
The Chinese have no qualms about eugenics. The Koreans would make themselves look Scandinavian if they could. The Japanese would make themselves robots if they could. Meanwhile, Euros tend to favor ethics and procedure, and then there’s the ever-present fear of admitting that white racial features tend to be desired, as well as a European/East Asian/Jewish IQ. If East Asians make a breakthrough in gene alteration, then imagine a future of our new overlords: blonde Asian people with high noses and blue eyes and 150 IQs. While actual blonde people with high noses and blue eyes are fighting with Africans… Read more »
Such taboos will crumble with lightning speed once the first designer babies roll off the conveyor belt in Asia. Back when, people were horrified by the first in vitro fertilization, that became a trivial procedure within a decade.
Sperm is already a big Danish export article, with virtually no moral kvetching. Too bad about the upcoming gene therapies really, because I sort of liked the idea of Danes conquering the world by remote-raping every woman on the planet with turkey basters and having the husbands pay for the privilege.
I don’t ever recall anyone outside of fruitcake evangelicals tossing a fit over IVF. It shouldn’t be practiced like it is, but the public outrage you describe wasn’t there.
It was a fairly big deal here in Denmark. I wasn’t very old but I remember both the first IV baby and the worried lab coats on state television talking about literal, industrial baby factories.
But yes, everybody soon calmed down and the same will happen with egg sorting and gene editing.
I don’t like the idea of sperm banks. Feels like the feminist ideal of “alpha fux, beta bux” to me. Don’t think it’s good for society.
You sold me. The future is Viking once again! Skol!
Actually there is a precedent for this. When the Roman Empire was collapsing, it made an opening for Northmen to overrun the swarthy Mediterranean races. In time, Swedes were running the show in North Africa. There was a lot of bleaching going on, for sure.
Perhaps the current brown & black tides will be ultimately repulsed by Danish test tube babies. Europe shall be bleached again!