One of the curiosities of this age is that no one ever asks the simplest of questions when faced with a social justice warrior. That question is “Who says?” Given that our society is drenched in moralizing, it seems like a good question. After all, any demands about what you ought to do have to come with a moral authority. The reason you must do something or not do something is because X says so.
What makes this even weirder is the taboos are not passed down to us from some ancient source that we no longer remember. The prohibition against making crossdresser jokes was made up a few years ago. The taboo on noticing things about group behavior dates back to the last century. It seems logical that people would want to know by whose authority these things are now taboo.
Maybe that is why the taboos proliferate. The explosion of things that are now prohibited or required is a form of squid ink. Keeping everyone busy sorting through the latest rules keeps them from asking this basic question. The reason for this is there is no adequate answer to this question. The moral code of what we call our democracy rests on nothing more than an empty space where God and tradition existed.
On the other hand, maybe this is just the natural end point of the process that got going in the late Middle Ages. The search for a rational explanation for normative claims like justice and equality has led us to the madness of this age. Since reason cannot be a moral authority, we have created something like the Krebs cycle that throws off novel taboos through the destruction of inherited traditions and customs.
It could also be that humans are moral animals. Common morality is what is needed to hold a large society together, so extreme selection pressure has been in favor of those who naturally assume there is a moral authority for a moral claim. Perhaps most of us are bred to never ask who says? Those who lack this natural instinct and dare ask this question end up thinking about it on the fringes of society.
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This Week’s Show
- Who Says?
- Authority
- The Physical World
- The Moral World
- Macintyre
- A Godless Religion
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Who says so?
By whose authority?
They have two answers to those questions.
First: Everyone says so. It’s part of their common sense. The consensus of their peers.
Secondly and more personally.
They hear voices.
Their pocket idol says so.
Their “phones” provide continual instruction from the crowd and from the ultimate fount of wisdom – Google. They unquestioningly google accept everything that google tells them.
It is profoundly irritating that they think of themselves as bold, independent thinkers when their opinions are literally dictated to them. It has been one of the great surprises of my life that a person can have a high IQ and almost no ability to think independently.
LiTS: “It has been one of the great surprises of my life that a person can have a high IQ and almost no ability to think independently.” You have to ditch the narrative of your deductivistic reasoning, clear your mind, start all over from scratch, take a trip down the Astral Plane, and absorb just enough of the insanity of human psychology to not be driven stir crazy yourself. Nothing makes sense until you start to analyze it in terms of Passive Aggression, Social Ladder Climbing, Virtue Snivelling, Psychopathy, and an utter inversion of the classical religious experience. Furthermore, it… Read more »
“I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.”
— Michel de Montaigne, 16th century French statesman and philosopher
ON-TOPIC, Jack Cashill just published a monster new analysis of Joe Biden’s subconscious:
One theory as to where Joe Biden got his fake names
September 17, 2023
By Jack Cashill
That theory yields precisely the psychology which John le Carré endowed in his ur-traitor, “Magnus Pym”:
And it fits perfectly with Biden’s known potato-n!ggery and his seething white-hot resentment of all things Anglo-spherical & Christian.
Anyway, I don’t wanna give away any further spoilers; stop whatever you’re doing right now and go read Cashill’s analysis IMMEDIATELY !!!!!
Hey Z, “After Virtue” was written by Alasdair MacIntyre, a 94 y.o. Scottish philosopher and convert to acatholicism; and not Auron MacIntyre, a much younger employee of The Blaze and a disciple of Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug). Two very different men.
Yeah i realized my flub after the show.
Yet another example why Z would never be elected to public office, let alone be a good politician.
Admitting a mistake and moving on is not allowed. If only Orange man would admit he screwed up the Covid hoax. His credibility would be off the charts.
Let’s play – Who Says. Who says nature cares about anything? Is nature a personal agent and purpose driven? Who says you have the correct definition of nature at all? Is nature purely material or is it a creation and a supernatural production? Who says various ‘laws’ are constant since many kinds of well attested miracles defy ‘math’? Who says there isn’t a Natural Law? And that ‘rights’ are not simply a result of many living creatures moral nature that resents wrongs done them, and insists it ‘ought’ not be allowed to stand? People don’t say I have a right… Read more »
The internet is starting to fill up with youtube videos of clean-cut young men attending an SJW event and pretending to interview some wayward lass holding a sign and eager to defend the “cause du jour.” He then asks a few common sense questions leading inevitably to a hypocritically insane response by the young lady. He follows by pointing out her error in logic which leads to an emotional meltdown followed by a physical assault. The best of these videos show a cop standing by in the background and watching by with a smirk on his face. This is the… Read more »
Do you have any examples to share with us?
Apparently not…
Even if you are not a person of faith , watch this . they are talking about events that cannot be be denied . . covid was just the beginning , and the program continues .
Tucker got fired not for single specific thing, rather because he asked those kinds of questions. Nobody else asks them.
Maxda: “Tucker got fired… because he asked those kinds of questions…”
Anonymous Conservative had an excellent piece today about “Cabal” already having staged their first attempt at assassinating Bobby Jr:
Like Tucker, Bobby Jr has been asking the forbidden questions, such as the nature of COVID’s interaction with the ACE-2 receptor in various ethnicities…
I swear there was an article written some time ago that specified the NYT was a front-runner in creating fake accounts on their comments section to direct discussion the right way. Can’t find it now.
The bulletproof way of knowing if a comment is either a bot or a mindless leftist is when you read it and it has the fake NPR Smart Person cadence that undiscerning people will mistake for intelligence even when they are talking nonsense.
The TV announcer voice cadence is undefeated. When people hear that, it’s the Voice of God.
The current system rests on a solid foundation of these kinds of neuro-linguistic tricks. There’s obviously something to them because even I feel something compelling when I hear that TV announcer cadence. They’ve really found something deeply primal here and they use it well to keep us in line. For me, though, I’ve noticed that my deep primal response to this cadence is not obedience but smoldering hate. I’m sure there are people who don’t feel compelled to obey by that cadence but also don’t feel hate or much of anything. Perhaps in normal times most people are in that… Read more »
I wouldn’t say entirely. They also assassinate problematic ppl as well.
The entire woke monolith is built on something I keep coming back to, that I call “presumption of abundance.” That is, if the exceptional economic state of the GAE were in fact permanent, and not exceptional, if material abundance in perpetuity is guaranteed, which it is commonly believed to be, since nothing else has been known in living memory, then what possible argument can there be for not indulging every absurd idea? There’s no downside! We can create whatever utopia we want, and the ubiquitous chain restaurants, the HugeMarts, the good roads, the reliable utilities, the easy travel, the world… Read more »
Largely agreed but Elon Musk is illustrative of the counterargument. He has abundance, to put it mildly, but a luxury belief has cost him his son’s manhood. There is a downside, even with abundance.
What are you referring to (the son’s manhood)? I know he has a son with whatever wackjob disc jokey girl he was with (I think), but is there something else occuring?
His son Xavier is “transitioning” to become a female, “Vivian.” This explains a lot.
This is the question of whether the current abundance is something like the 4 cylinder engine in a Model T or more like the V-12 you might find in a Ferrari or other supercar. The ruling class is betting that its the former. You can pour in watered down drip gas, kerosene, jet fuel or alcohol and gunpowder and it will still sort of run. This is what the swarthy hordes they think they can replace the White masses with are. If they’re wrong and abundance is more like a carefully tuned supercar engine, then it may seize up if… Read more »
As long as there is a sufficient percentage of whites and east asians then things kind of work, but conditions degrade as that percentage diminishes. And if it gets low enough, things fall apart entirely. i.e. South Africa. But it can kind of muddle along in between that lower extreme and the upper extreme of the traditional west, i.e. Brazil. Although it remains to be seen how a place like Brazil will fare when the GAE’s economic system is diminished and its wealth is no longer spread around the globe. One shudders to picture South Africa in that scenario. You… Read more »
The system isn’t going to run just because we have the sufficient number of Europeans and Asians in our population. Those numbers must be in a position to affect change. Asians in general, are not collectivists. They will, in the overwhelming majority, conform to the system they live within and make the best of it for themselves. This has been a tremendous strength for them as they moved in at the financial and opportunity apex of the post ’65 post American globalist system. When it starts coming apart, will they keep with the make the best of it approach, or… Read more »
When I said things will still kind of work if those percentages are high enough, I should have put more emphasis on Kind Of.
The main 2 points I was trying to express were A. Societal function and dysfunction is more of a sliding scale than an on/off switch and B. It’s heavily influenced by demographics. Of course you have some percentage of whites who are dead weight or counterproductive, the spiteful mutants etc., but these broad truths remain.
It’s not news, or a coincidence, that small homogenous white and east asian countries have been stupendously successful and stable.
Hey JZ, Good discussion. But kind of working is anarcho tyranny in the situation where the Asians pursue what boojy life. You’ll still be able to work for globo-homo, maybe live far enough away from the worst dysfunction… Of course, that 10% will diminish to 9, 8 … over time. I don’t consider that kind-of working, especially if since part of a European’s definition of working is, it is only worth it to me to pursue the status quo when the BS is underfoot but ankle or knee deep is too far, because underfoot will someday be ankle deep. Asians… Read more »
One aspect to mention that exasperates SA’s race to collapse are racial (meaning White) exclusion laws in employment. All sorts of laws dictate how many Whites can be hired in proportion to Blacks in any profession/industry. I heard that even Black managers beg for exceptions to be made in their divisions as they have no competent Blacks to handle the work.
We’ve not reached that point here, but AA will certainly play such a role before we collapse as well.
Compsci mentioned it, but competent whites to some degree are being shoved aside even now. Many if not most large cities are dysfunctional, and other complex systems are on the same trajectory. SA “kind of” works in the sense of, say, sporadic public utilities, which also is starting here. The stunning aspect is our demographics albeit to a lesser degree of late are still a mirror image of South Africa, and most of the wound is self-inflicted. That part could stop but the appetite for fantasy overides the reality of dysfunction. If the Clouds become inconvenienced, things might change but… Read more »
Speaking of self-inflicted damage, Germany has surrendered itself completely to Gaia-worship and turned in its advanced economy card at the front desk. It’s like watching a first world country turn off its lights – forever (or quite some time anyway, decades at the very least). There’s some first-class nation wrecking.
Curses, foiled again!
Since my favorite question is “Why?”, I see the dratted Zman has asked a far more satisfying and practical question: “Who sez?”
Zounds, Zman! I shall have my revenge!
*glares, shakes fist*
Who says? Ultimately the guy with the longest, sharpest spear.
What a slog; bring back Xirl Science!
As someone in an indoctrination mill, the answer to the question is clear: “We are doing it [whatever that may be] because it is right [in the sense of righteous].” Now, I know the immediate response: “By whose authority?” This is where I segue to my longstanding point: the death of inductive reasoning. A powerful mechanism exists in society, one which implants whatever belief TPTB wants into the minds of the proles. This mechanism is unchallenged by observations of observable reality (where inductive conclusions find their genesis). The cause of this tool’s efficacy are multitudinous (addiction to phones, dopamine feedback,… Read more »
Well explained. It reminds me of housebreaking a puppy, to be honest.
The Law of Club and Fang is where I’m inclined.
Web comment:
“Heads on pikes write their own jokes.”
That’s great and being stolen.
Eloi: “This is where I segue to my longstanding point: the death of inductive reasoning. A powerful mechanism exists in society, one which implants whatever belief TPTB wants into the minds of the proles.” E, to the best of muh knowledge, the problem here is not the Proles [indeed, the Proles of muh acquantaince all REFUSED the v@xxines], largely because the Proles tend to trust their own instincts, rather than being mesmerized & hypnotized into submission. The problem here is what Z calls, “Managerialism”, what Anonymous Coward calls, “Cabal”, and what I call, the “Passive Aggressive Industrial Complex”. Human personalities… Read more »
Tl;dr: hive mind. Even bees emit pheromones. I only describe the method through which the new Thing is accepted. If you thought I meant it as a logical proposition, I do not. I also note the chicanery of “people are born with their personalities fixed – including personalities that change.” I know what paradoxes are. This may be. But it is also noncommittal. Your point also ignored the unnaturallness of what is visible. What we see is an intense self loathing that cannot simply be explained by managerialism.
And pro tip warning- seriously? Get off your high horse. Fey comments like that are stuff michael anton posts
This is what happens when you let them control the frame and rhetoric. They frame any criticism of any Jewish person anywhere or Israel as “Antisemitism.” Antisemitism leads to the holocaust. Your criticism may be perfectly valid, but to address the criticism is to lose the argument. Instead of accepting the criticism as being in good faith, they re-frame it as “Antisemitism” and sympathy for the nazis and the holocaust. Instead of discussing how much money we send to Israel, we’re talking about Hitler and the Nazis. Or the crime problem when it comes to a certain group. When they… Read more »
“That question is “Who says?””
Musk is learning the answer to that question as we speak.
Netanyahu’s visit with Musk is both a flex and a panic move. Truly unbelievable, that.
Not really. Netanyahu is despised by the same people who hate Musk. All those protests did not happen on their own, they were paid for and organized by the Deep/Derp State. These are the same people who were able to mobilize those big protests (but only in Tel Aviv not Jerusalem) while at the same time installing Joe Biden, who has single handedly undermined their legitimacy. Musk is not our guy, but he is one of the leaders of the pragmatist wing that wants actual results instead of matching purity spirals and corrupt/decadent acts. Bibi, Bezos, and a few other… Read more »
Why the meeting?
Next question: who pays for it?
Get names of people, not shadowy organizations.
Follow the money.
“Who says?”
“By whose authority?”
This raises the question of emergent vs. controlled behavior, and the area where I disagree with you the most. Yes, emergent behavior accounts for much of it, but there is a great deal of control. Realizing this also can feed the monomaniacs, we do have to acknowledge that often the crumbs are being tossed to the ducks by someone.
The Question of Caesar’s Wife, and the President’s Son, is instructive. In Caesar’s time, his wife had to be above suspicion. In order for him to wield power, he had to be perceived to be a moral person of a moral family. Above suspicion. Caligula and Nero tried to invert that as a measure of power, “see I am above those mortal rules as a GOD!” and for a while they could make stick but not for long, done in by their own elites. Now we have the President’s Son, who has to be seen as the most immoral person… Read more »
Xi and Putin: cool people & badasses playing the role of bureaucrats
Joe and entourage: losers and weaklings playing the role of degenerates (what they imagine to be cool people).
One aspect of modern culture that has become more and more apparent is that degenerates are not cool.
In previous generations you had the Hunter Thompsons, Cheech and Chongs, and Timothy Learys that sold degeneracy as an edgy counterculture. It worked for a while, but only because the media portrayed a strawman of contemporary culture as consisting boring squares.
Few people think potheads are cool now, and the new degenerates like trannies is more of a terror campaign to accept than something subtly propagandized.
Trannies definitely are meant to terrorize and control. I just read that Nashville elected one to its city government yesterday. Who needs Leninism when the masses voluntarily comply out of fear?
Don’t sleep on Xi.
He’s a bit soft around the middle now, but the dude did spend a few years in an out-of-the-way hard labor camp when it appeared his political career was over before it started.
As for Putin, go listen to his anecdote about what his grandmother told his grandfather as she bled out from a German bullet.
Yet, the fruits and nuts leading the GAE believe they can out-tough people from these backgrounds.
For those of us who revere the Western corpus of knowledge and wisdom, postmodern Leftism’s almost complete absence of authority and intellectual roots are arguably its biggest failings. Realistically, the people pushing this crap can go back no further than the 1960s to find any intellectual–let alone cultural, traditional or religious–basis for their deranged assertions and taboos. Thus, pomo Leftism’s basis is only decades old. The justification for Western traditionalism, on the other hand, extends literally millennia into the past. It’s really no contest. Who you gonna trust? Somebody whose intellectual support derives from a pack of gibbering, French, postmodern… Read more »
“postmodern Leftism’s almost complete absence of authority and intellectual roots are arguably its biggest failings”
Correct. And given how quickly the delusion du jour (almost hourly) changes now, that only will get worse. The Winston Smiths cannot keep apace. This along with modern Leftism’s suicidal impulsiveness*, to the degree that differs, is its Achilles Heel and reasons for optimism.
*I go here too often, but the presence of nukes makes this different: yes, the Soviets, but they were not attained until Stalin, fortunately. Our Lenins and Trotskys have them, unfortunately.
Au contraire, modern leftism can trace its roots all the way back to an ancient reptile that told the woman that if she disobeyed she would certainly not die but rather be like God. Theyve been at it in one form or another basically since then. Then cover stories come and go but there is always the central promise they are chasing
Ah yes, the Reptilians. They just keep seeping in with their crazy stories. We must pump harder or the minnow will be lost.
This dovetails with what people are saying already in the comments, but does anyone feel that the left sort of has a “terrain earning system” mentally where once they detect it they will end the conversation block you accuse you etc. So for instance talking about black on black crime will set there alarm off. Not because talking about it is racist but because they think it’s something a racist hiding there power level will say. So on a weird way, they are actually creating a situation where someone will say “you’re never going to debate me, so I’ll just… Read more »
We must be more disciplined than that. We were grilling when they were choosing and taking all the ground. Have some crime stat graphs ready to send them. AmRen just released an analysis of NYC 2022. It is ugly. Aside from that CounterCurrents just released a talk by Greg Johnson about how to converse about “Diversity.” It is along the lines of: Diversity is a euphamism for fewer white people. Why do you want fewer white people? What is wrong with white people? Are you not white? What will happen as your children and grand children become a smaller and… Read more »
Facts don’t make a difference with the left. Using unapproved facts is a sign of your being a heretic. After St Floyd’s ascension to Heaven, Instagram banned FBI crime dtatistics
To even be aware of the black versus white crime statistics shows that you have racist impulses.
I’m pausing the podcast to comment.
The people with high IQ, many times, DO think the rules/laws don’t apply to them.
Cause they’re smarter than you.
The people with high IQ dont nesessaringly have common cense . Descartes set up his metaphysic such—- animals have no souls so they dont feel pain. You can kick the dog all you want and if the animal howls its like an alarm clock. alarm clock makes noise but it feels no pain. This was the father of modern philosophy and a genius mathematician. As regards to moral claims they are programmed thru the smart phones in everybody,s pockets. Gays cannot get married in Moscow . This is a reason to risk nukes flying
A problem in many societies, including ours, is that in many instances the rules (and laws, and morals, and…) DON’T apply to the elite, the priveleged, the Inner Party. Examples of this abound, I won’t need to belabor the point.
Please note that I am by no means saying that anyone should be above the law, only that many are above it.
“Common morality is what is needed to hold a large society together, so extreme selection pressure has been in favor of those who naturally assume there is a moral authority for a moral claim.” Not only that but it’s possible that specific moral codes that are adaptive have survived selection while others are extinct. That doesn’t mean there is a universal moral code any more than there is a universally adaptive body type or skin color. This raises the question of whether Wokery is somehow adaptive or simply another evolutionary dead end. The decline of the GAE suggests the latter… Read more »
Indeed…But the current woke moral code (which, admittedly many of us simply ignore) is so dis-functional that it can’t survive…The people adhering to it simply don’t have enough children to perpetrate this insanity for very long, and if they manage to get the whole country to obey it…the USA will collapse, demographically and functionally…..
Exactly. This is why transgenderism advocates resort to violence, and why the Woke jihad against Russia is so very dangerous. They probably cannot sustain it but very well might light the world afire as a result.
“Wokery” is a recrudescence of iconoclasm.
There are three kinds of wokesters.
1) those who are true believers in the cause.
2) those who go along to get along and avoid the bullying behaviour of the true believers.
3) the cynics who created it, who know it’s BS and use it as a weapon to attack their religious and political enemies.
The curious thing is how the woke believe they are iconoclasts, yet simultaneously, theirs is the regime’s morality. This isn’t necessarily the dichotomy you might think it is, but to not be so, it requires an admission that it is a revolutionary regime, which we don’t seem to be getting.
There’s nothing so herd-like as the avant-garde.
I place this in nomination for Paradox of the Day award.
Let’s all show-off our purple hair, face tackle and tattoos to show how individual we are.
The phenomena we group into “wokeness” thrive at the intersection of sociopathy and obedience, so that’s what it “selects for”: sadism aimed downward, desperate approval-seeking aimed upward.
Increasingly it also prevents its victims from breeding.
Unlike Enlightenment liberalism, that adds up to a normal, precedented, proven, Darwin-approved strategy.
” the intersection of sociopathy and obedience”
Brilliant. It also is permanent infantilism, which includes always seeking approval.
Another one of these, huh? I think I’ll pass. The phrase “moral code” does far too much work in the Z-Man’s productions, which allows for a great deal of equivocation and confusion. If you really want to start making sense of the social dynamics around you, you should learn to distinguish between the following concepts: Religion, myth, natural law, positive law, and “that’s just life (i.e. culture). 1. Religion. That which pertains specifically to the worship and service of God is religion. Without going too far into the details, it can be seen that things like rites and dogmatics belong… Read more »
“Whenever he gets on a roll about “moral code”-this and “moral code”-that, he is really talking about positive laws, especially those he disagrees with.”
Absurd. Much of the moral law is not now and never has been codified, much like the phantasmic natural rights you believe exist in the ether, which at best are cited as bases for constitutions and positive laws.
All laws and rights are the result of forces of arms, and moral codes usually depend on what amounts to peer pressure.
The feeling of peer pressure is a passion, not a law. Social pressure may enforce a law (or a nonlaw) but it cannot make one.
If social pressure conduced automatically law, the n the true law, sans particulars, would be, “I am obliged to do whatever I am pressured to do,” which is, of course, not a law at all. This is simply a definition of tyranny.
It is true that, in actual life, men may have a tyranny imposed on them, but it is not true that they are obliged to accept it as legal.
Your main error, one you make repeatedly, is in thinking that all there is to know on this matter was in that intro to philosophy course you took as a freshman decades ago. You insist on recasting what I say in those terms, because you are wholly ignorant of the vast body of knowledge that lies outside the very narrow scope of that one college course.
Well said. I think he has a lot of confusion about the legal code and enforcement as well. Anglosphere people emphasized natural law/rights and openly stated it had to be based on a highly moral and single people. Self governance was not just related to law, but to the moral and behavioral code of a noble people. Positive law/rights are fine, but the people who usurped us took advantage of natural law to introduce a positive law. The basis of that positive law was anti-white, anti-American wealth redistribution and racial dispossession. It was created not to seek just arbitration and… Read more »
This is a strange claim to make, since you are not really in a position to know anything about my life. But I do know my own life, and I know that the substance of your claim is ridiculous. Pigeonholing others without evidence is solipsistic, and you’re accusing me of being ignorant? Just what exactly is this vast body of knowledge I am unaware of? I hope you’re not about to tell me “HBD.” The shoe is really on the other foot, here. If you were aware of anything other than your own invented facts and stipulative definitions, you would… Read more »
All law is to some degree tyrannical*. We mostly accept this to maintain and enforce order. Westerners once tended to want more flexibility and at one time avoided the codification of those things in life that did not really intrude on order. Those days are gone, obviously, and the appetite for tyranny has increased. And, yes, social pressure is or can be tyranny, too.
*No, this isn’t an argument for lolbiterianism but the rationale behind what we once considered limited government.
Here’s a very relevant Bible passage about the perils of questioning authority:
Matthew 21: 23-27.
This is a good jumping off point for framing and rhetoric. Because all of these moral claims come down to framing and rhetoric. When they decide to tackle their rights to have “relations” with children, it will be framed as the rights of a child to bodily and sexual autonomy and NEVER from the point of view of the adult. That’s the key. This stuff is never framed as what it is and always framed from a sympathetic view. The same is true of the rhetoric. Their rhetorical tricks always leave the target with a sympathetic view of whoever they… Read more »
Great thinking Tars. They do look at it from the point of view of the child. However, it is a Satanic inversion of that point of view. For them, the child is liberated and free to experience and explore sexual pleasure. Even thinking and writing that makes me feel ill from head to toe. The framing is totally wrong. The child is vulnerable and even nature has not made it ready for the sex act if it is pre-pubescent. Moreover, the child must develop to live and relate to its peer group in terms of sexuality and reproduction. That person’s… Read more »
We will be told that if we don’t let young children have anal sex with grown men, the children will commit suicide. So anyone opposing pederasty is evil and wants kids to die.
“by who’s authority”
Unless you put these cunts in their place they are the authority. Engaging them in rational conversation doesn’t do shit.
Yes, and nothing is more fun (at least for me) than dressing down a Karen and forcing her to walk off with tail between her legs….
Where I come from the word “cunt” is gender non-specific.
“Dressing down a Karen” is basically like picking on the retarded kid.
I’m splitting hairs here, but it does give rational people the rationale to put them in their place. Of course, rational people need to have the stones for it, first, and that’s the more fundamental problem.
“Of course, rational people need to have the stones for it, first, and that’s the more fundamental problem”
I see it as THE fundamental problem.
The issue is primarily one of power. When the SJW’s have the authority it means they have the power and if they agree with any your opposing views then they have in effect ceded some of that power to you. As we should all know, an individual or group in power is not very likely to give up any power especially to those they deem inferior.
Another reason to not engage with them is they would rather be comforted by lies than hurt by the truth.
Liberalism (SJW-ism, whatever) can’t exist without the False Consensus Effect, and I think that’s where all this ultimately comes from. You can push False Consensus through the standard institutions — Media, Academia — but Social Media is an entirely new force multiplier. The Massively Online are online 24/7, so what looks like hundreds of posts — and therefore an overwhelming prevalence of an opinion — is really only one or two lunatics egging each other on at 3am. Before Social Media, they had to push their opinions as truth on the retail level. You had to go to college to… Read more »
I guess that would be a good reply:
Q: “Who says?”
A: “Everyone”
Sure I could pick it apart and ask “Who is this ‘everyone’?”, “Is this ‘everyone’ always right on everything?”, “Who told them?”, etc., but, I’ve already lost, quantity having a quality all it’s own.
Since “everyone” now means “all my Twitter pals,” that’s right. I agree that this false consensus, as Severian called it, accounts for about 99 percent of the current madness. Social media is the most feminine thing ever and the digital matriarchy has consumed society writ large.
Where I’ve “struggled” with this is with close minded acquaintances who think the empire has morality on their side in the Ukraine-Russia war. I’ll ask “Who says? The guy on TV who sniffs little girls at photo-ops?” and I’ll get back…weird answers. The short version is that since the empire defeated Slavery, Jim Crow, Hitler, and Tojo that it’s moral claims will always reign supreme.
Ha. Russia got rid of serfdom before America did slavery. Russia never had Jim Crow–not that there’s anything wrong with Jim Crow, wot. And Russia probably had more to do with defeating Hitler than did the US.
Without the Soviet Army, there’s no way the US could have defeated Hitler without the atom bomb…That’s why such vast amounts of money were poured into the Manhattan Project…
Web comment:
All that stood between you and communism was the WEHRMACT.
and the German Freikorps
p.s. Imagine my rage when I found the Rape of the German Women was organized as a form of Morgenthau Planning.
How many of those close acquaintances even know who Tojo is? My experience is that those on the Nuke Moscow train believe Trump and Hitler, to the degree they are different, are the only evil men in history and the only ones they can name.
“Who says?”
Quite simply, the ones with the power to destroy you (or at least make life uncomfortable).
Social status discomfort is the greatest weapon, or rather own-goal, of the whole conflict.
What passes for the right will avoid any and all discomfort of actually embodying any aspect of the conflict.
They find biblical reasons for holding their tongues. They find practical reasons. They find utilitarian reasons. Economic reasons. But it all traces back to the comforts of their social standing.
The great divorce will never come as long as both sides subscribe to the same social caste system.
“The great divorce will never come as long as both sides subscribe to the same social caste system”
Precisely. They are enemies; they merely disagree on means and methods.
*aren’t* enemies. O Friday lol.
“The great divorce will never come as long as both sides subscribe to the same social caste system.”
Bingo. Peer pressure enforces compliance far better than guns and ammo.
True, but begs the question of who are these people and their real numbers. Rush Limbaugh had this problem early on. His (Leftist) detractors flooded his show sponsors with thousand of e-mail threats and complaints designed to alienate his sponsors and remove Rush from the airwaves. Rush fought back by hiring a tech savvy company to investigate the source of these “complaints”. His sponsors were under the impression that there were large swaths of listeners being alienated. However, what was shown by investigation was that there were perhaps a dozen or so activists who were responsible for 90% of the… Read more »
Yes the power of pluralistic ignorance social proof is massive. Especially in the post-social media epoch. Us badthinkers encounter this constantly even among dirt people who reflex their anti-racist proofs at every opportunity. But the striver cloud class is pozzitively presumptuous that their views are not just reflective of the current moral apex but that anyone they would share time with or even like personally would naturally be the same. Orangeman thru Covid has been an absolute wrecking ball in this regard. I’ve burned a wide swath through the sheeple and progs in my life by merely making it known… Read more »
Yes. Those who control the media agree on all the taboos and they can act in concert to impoverish and exile you. To ask Z Man’s question, “By Whose Authority?” is all that is required to be crushed. That is why they never have to answer the question.
Further, our long run of affluence has led people to believe that they can have a comfortable life if they just don’t challenge the media’s moral consensus.
“Further, our long run of affluence has led people to believe that they can have a comfortable life if they just don’t challenge the media’s moral consensus”
Or is it rather “led people to believe they have something to *lose* if this s**tshow stops? Affluence makes cowards of us all. 🙁
I live in a community with what I would call progressives and many would call “woke”.
The truth is that people in this community do ask these questions. The primary question is “How do you be a decent human being?”
They would say that the authority for “SJW” ideology is that it attempts to give society a healthy ethical framework.
Whose health? Whose ethics?
From what I understand the health and ethics of humanity and society.
I don’t want to speak for them but that’s what I get from my conversations.
Yes, Line, good and honest reporting from behind the lines.
Thank you, Howie.
We look like savages to them, don’t we?
I live around these people as well. And, yes, they simply believe that their views are good and correct. That’s their authority, at least in their own minds.
They believe that they are on the side of angels.
When we question their authority, they are quite honestly confused. It’s never dawned on them that they aren’t the good guys.
For your average left-of-center (LoC) person, I believe authority just comes from an ambiguous sense of “human decency” borne from religious and political figures through time that appeal to the LoC person, which is then married to a belief that human history bends towards progress. As if you replace God with History.
I don’t think they even have a concept of authority because to the modern left authority is a bad word. It’s more “consensus” than authority. Even though consensus is used like a weapon which may as well be the fascist boot.
They’ve never been too chary of citing Fauci as an authority to justify the Covid Captivity.
The only consensus that concerns Leftists is an intramural one that they can then impose upon recalcitrants without.
To echo Z, who defines a “decent human being” and why do these people get to impose that definition on the rest of us?
Why does the white liberal get to define what a “healthy ethical framework” means?
Their morality isn’t my morality so why do they get to impose it on me? By what authority do they do this?
Is their morality based on nature? Nope. Is it based on ancient writings that our people long ago agreed upon? Nope. They are simply demanding that I live by their rules for no other reason than they say so.
Aye. Best way to be a decent human being is to hate and betray your own people (whites), destroy their civilization and countries, and give them to half-literate savages.
Well done, old chap, well done.
I did not downvote you, but this is overgenerous, to say the least. Most of those people can’t tell you why they believe what they do because they are hollow automons regurgitating slogans and platitudes. They easily will do a 180 when that is pumped into them. Their moral code is consensus real or perceived.
“Trump is Hitler”
“Black Lives Matter”
“Get the jab, it’s safe and effective.”
“Save Ukraine!”
“Free Tibet!”
“Free Tibet”…poor, poor Tibet. I wonder what Richard Gere is up to these days.
Interesting thing about Tibet, it’s not Tibet anymore. The Chinese basically have swamped the native Tibetan population with immigrant Chinese.
I feel their pain….
You guys who downvoted or argued with Howie are killing the messenger. He’s right that white liberals have an invulnerable sense of self regard that derives from their belief that they are unquestionably a good person. And you’re NOT! If you asked my liberal friends why they think my beliefs are wrong, they would say that, although I am a good person to them, my beliefs are selfish and hateful and that I misinterpret changes for equality and righting past of wrongs as attacks. I am unwilling to be a good person like them and surrender my privilege. And all… Read more »
You seriously have liberal friends? It’s hard for me to comprehend how a dissident could have a Leftist friend, unless you simply agreed never to discuss politics. I have no Leftist friends, although there are numerous Leftists in my extended family. I am estranged from many of them.
Some friends I’ve had for 20+ years before we cared about politics. Now we avoid the topic as best we can.
It’s not easy. Liberals are so used to having their beliefs constantly reinforced that they can’t imagine that others don’t share them. Most recently, one blithely referred to Putin and Musk as evil. It is beyond his wildest powers of imagination that anyone might not agree.
Try being a DR type. You can’t find an ally. Just had dinner with an old friend who is a die hard Rep *and* Trump supporter. We shared *no* common ground or view of the political situation—except to agree we’d vote for Trump in the next election. 🙁
But really, like a reformed alcoholic, it’s getting easier for me to listen to the “same old, same old”. Day by day as they say.
My time in the US military has helped me get very good at asking, ‘By who’s authority?”. Way too often I’m dealing with someone who “quotes” some regulation, but is really just making stuff up or repeating something heard elsewhere. I absolutely love asking them to ‘show me the reg’. In today’s internet age, if you can’t produce it, it doesn’t exist. It’s also great training to make new NCOs find the answers to the ‘who’s authority’ questions. It helps them understand who has what authorities and what their own authorities are. Yes, I know, the modern US military is… Read more »
It’s not futile, because you’re doing your effing job and your job isn’t to save the military, but to stand as an exemplar to those who fall under your leadership.
The US Army NCO creed:
“I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my Soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers, and subordinates alike. I will exercise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage.”
“ …the modern US military is a joke, but some of us old-timers are still trying to teach the young ones the right things.”
Hang in there. If the SHTF, your experience and knowledge will be needed—and those needing you will not be a joke.
I run into this a lot at work and especially back when I was teaching. People just assume they can’t do this or that because they think it is taboo. I’ll often ask, “Says who?” And if it seems reasonable, I’ll let them do it. This is common for parents who just obey whatever the local school administrator tells them. The school might claim they have a rule against taking two math classes in one term. The parents have a bright kid, and math class A is not a prerequisite to take class B. So why not let the kid… Read more »
“The tranny thing is starting to create real problems.”
Quite so. I often think back to my early years at the university. There were trannies in abundance, but they were on the fringes and “politely” ignored. Perhaps that was the essential creation of today’s problem, they were ignored! Soon they began to think their mental illness was normal and should be enabled?
A simplistic explanation from a reformed academic, but one that keeps coming to mind as I navigate through today’s degeneracy aka modern society.
this might be a cope but if you simply don’t talk to a tranny you don’t have to worry about mispronouning them. So you’ve effectively stripped them of there power.
Throwing fat guys off a tall building (especially Kevin Williams, Jonah Goldberg, etc.) is a physics experiment I could really get behind.
It’s for SCIENCE, damnit! Trust the science!
Science class:
“Which falls faster, a fat guy or a ton of feathers?”
There’s only one way to be sure. Drop ’em both!
Just use tranny logic and tell them you don’t believe in gravity. Just like biology, if you don’t believe in physics, the physics obeys your wishes. Throwing them off a 10 story building not only won’t harm them, they’ll be celebrated as a hero!
A somewhat related joke:
The SJW fears not asking “who says?” because he knows that what the corporations say, the media say, the govt say, the colleges say, the banks say, the people who use force and burn down buildings and commit street crimes, etc. . .THAT’S WHO SAYS!
Our current madness is surely a descendant of the New Left from the 60s who where self-styled fighters of authority and conformism. But they were always screeching inversion moralistic tyrants and it becomes clear now that they are in power. Talk is useless; we’re LONG past good faith discussions.
Perhaps most of us are bred to never ask who says? Those who lack this natural instinct and dare ask this question end up thinking about it on the fringes of society.
I too am a natural contrarian. This is something all dissidents should be conscious of. Am I in the dissident space because so many people aren’t?. If we were on a different timeline and the American regime were somehow nationalistic, race-realist, and God-centered, would I be the dissident guy who’d be questioning or opposing nationalism, racism, and God?
Our answer may frighten us to our very core…
I wasn’t bred to never ask “who says,” I had it whupped out of me.
And to your point, yes I seem to have been counter-culture all my life.
“If we were on a different timeline and the American regime were somehow nationalistic, race-realist, and God-centered, would I be the dissident guy who’d be questioning or opposing nationalism, racism, and God?”
Not necessarily, I think. Maybe in that ideal world you’d find your niche and be pissing people off in your sphere over smaller issues. One thing I noticed in myself and many contrarians is they ultimately like some ordered system to belong to.
Hmmm. I’m guessing I wasn’t the only one here who was at one point voted “biggest complainer” in his class?
Class clown, as well.
Socrates was the first—and perhaps ultimate—“contrarian”. He was executed.
He is remembered for such contrarian behavior 2500 years later. His dialogues are required reading for all budding philosophy majors in the Western world. I really can’t think of a more appropriate role model and mentor. No moral failing in being a good contrarian.
Socrates was the first subversive revolutionary, calling into question all the time-honored traditions and social mores of his day and perverting the youth with the mind virus of “reason”. He is the last person a person on “The Right” should hold up as a role model.
Aren’t *we* calling into question all the time-honored traditions and social mores of our day by perverting the youth with race realism and alternatives to liberal democracy?
No. Race realism is the time-honored tradition. Anti-white racism is the hideous innovation of comparatively short stint.
I’ll attempt to explain why Socrates would make a good role model for the Right or even the DR. Socrates simply challenged the rationale and reasoning of those who approached him and claimed to be “knowledgeable” or in his day, “wise”. Since these people were not really wise, it was a simple—but often lengthy—process to expose these people by showing the inner contradictions in their thought processes/beliefs. The assumption being such contradiction indicated error or falsehood of understanding. Today I see all sorts of people in authority and positions of influence who are not “wise” as Socrates would define. They… Read more »
I, too. I never understood the appeal of organized religion because it seemed to me even as a child that people went to church for many reasons, few of which had anything to do with the love of God. I was always the one to speak up, embarrassing to adults as I was because I could see that they were phoney, and ask but why is it that way, and what if we did it this way, or why can’t I just walk across the hall and ask the SVP my question, why do I have to go up 10… Read more »
That’s a good question. However, I for one, am not a natural contarian. I was, in most respects, a patriotic American conformist until America was replaced by a postmodern Assyria.
I’m of the mind that if the majority is doing it, the action is elsewhere, which often leads me into contrarian positions. But I’m a dude, so ultimately masculine, and I think that constitutes a hard dividing line. So I’m not so uncomfortable treading boundaries. FWIW.