Politics After Principle

Note: Behind the green door is a series of posts about my recent journey into the heart of darkness, which is a sad way of saying the future. If you want to see the future too, fly a discount airline to Baltimore or Atlanta. You can sign up for a green door account at SubscribeStar or Substack.

For as long as anyone can remember there have been two competing views of how to engage in politics against the people we call the Left. One camp says that opposition must come from a principled group that does not engage in the same tactics as the opponent, in order to provide an alternative to the Left. Their vision of politics is the means justifies the ends, in contrast with the Left, who takes the view that the ends justify the means, or any means necessary to win.

The other camp points out that the Left always wins, so the “principle above politics” business is pointless. The point of politics is to win, which means gaining power, so any strategy that lacks that as its goal is a waste of time. Further, this camp notes that the first principles crowd spends all of their time policing their ranks rather than fighting the Left, which means endless purges. The people being purged are usually the most effective fighters against the Left.

The critique of the “first principles” crowd is an easy one as they stand in front of an empty trophy case with pockets stuffed with cash. Individually they do very well in terms of salary and social status, but collectively they have managed to do so little with so much that it is easy to conclude that it is a long con. Billions of dollars have flowed into Conservative Inc., but they accomplish nothing. The two conservative wins, abortion, and guns, we accomplished by outsiders.

This should be an easy case. If the means justify the ends approach is an utter failure, then we are left with the ends justify the means approach. People on the right tend to favor “no enemies to the right” as a slogan, but fundamentally it is the same thing the Left has preached for generations. When the goal is winning, you do what you must in order to win, even align with low-character people. The point of politics is to gain power and once you gain power you can have principles.

There are a number of problems with this approach, specific to right-wing movements in the modern age. The first is the Boebert problem. For those unfamiliar, Lauren Boebert is a ditzy female congressman from Colorado, who was recently seen getting felt up by a man not her husband at a movie theater. The usual carbuncles of Conservative Inc. were quick to denounce Boebert, who they see as lacking principles. Her behavior violates their principles, so she has to go.

The dilemma for the “no enemies to the right” camp is that no decent man wants to defend this airhead. Whatever utility she has politically is cancelled out by the fact that she is a dingbat and an attention whore. Even remaining silent on her is tough because the absurdity of it makes for easy jokes. Can you expect people to not make Boebert jokes in the name of politics? Can you expect people to defend this ridiculous woman when lefty friends make fun of her?

That gets to the other problem for “no enemies to the right”. The bad guys control the media, so they control the popular narrative. That means they can hold their opponents to a high standard. In other words, they can make their opponents defend all of their members and alleged members. On the other hand, any attacks on their members can simply be ignored. If you are in the game of winning the crowd against the Left, you have to accept this asymmetry.

Dingbats like Boebert are the easy problems. The really tough problem for the “no enemies to the right” camp are guys like Russell Brand and Andrew Tate. The former is a far-left comic turned populist gadfly and the latter is a pimp and pornographer, who attacks the feminist industrial complex. Both have big audiences and often voice positions popular on the dissident right. Tucker Carlson has been seen paling around with them and promoting them to his fans.

Coincidentally, both have been accused by the authorities of rape. Tate was arrested in Romania on sex trafficking claims. He admits to being a pimp and pornographer but claims to operate within the law. Brand has just been accused of being a serial rapist decades ago. He denies the claims. The usual carbuncles of Conservative Inc. were quick to accept the claims at face value and denounce Brand. Their instinct is to always trust the people they claim to oppose.

The trouble here for the “no enemies to the right” side is that both Brand and Tate are horrible people, even if you exclude the claims against them. Tate brags about things that will get him hanged if the Right is ever in charge. If there is a revolution from the Right, Andrew Tate will not live to see its second day. Russel Brand is a sociopath who will attack anyone to get attention. Not so long ago he was happy to attack the enemies of Left if it made him famous.

How can the “no enemies to the right” side defend Russell Brand when it is clear he would savage them if he saw a profit in it? How can they defend Andrew Tate when he should be swinging from a tree branch? The answer is two-fold. The first part is that while all politics is personal, it is also situational. The Brand case offers an opportunity to focus on the abuse of the law against political opponents. It is not about the odious Russell brand, but the grotesque abuse of the legal system.

In this way the “no enemies to the right” side can wear the clothes of the “principled conservatives” to both undermine their claims by holding them to their own standards and attack the behavior of the Left. This leads to the second part which is that a part of dissident politics is reminding dissidents that the point of politics is to win and gain power, not be the most high-minded loser. Sometimes winning means defending people like Russell Brand in order to damage the enemy.

The lesson here in all of this, especially for the “no enemies to the right” side who are new to dissident politics, is that principles of any kind assume a common end. This is why conservatism was a failure. They assumed the other side wanted what they wanted, but through different means. This was never true outside of the neocons who never relinquished their radical ends. In a world of conflicting moral visions, there is no place for the principled stand.

Carl Schmitt wrote, “The specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy.” In other words, the question central to politics is who is on my side and who is not on my side. There is nothing about the answer that should imply eternity. If Russel Brand is a useful ally, then he is a useful ally. When he stops being a useful ally, then he stops being a useful ally. In politics, allies are a bus you ride to the next stop.

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1 year ago

Seems to me we’re still stuck in a model – a political construct – that requires us to defend or oppose whatever Boebert was doing. The point I think being missed is that if she were to vote to end Ukraine money laundering funds and impeach Biden and defund and disband the FBI, nobody would care what she does at the movies. It’s irrelevant. Trump has been showing people how to ABANDON the structures that were put in place decades ago to block us. Four indictments? It used to take one to force somebody out. Taxes, sex scandals? All destroyed… Read more »

1 year ago

All the shit going on in DC and we are worried that a woman involved in a divorce let her date put his hand on her tit in a dark movie theater. Oh and she was vaping too. She is a ditz, but look at the right grab their pearls and faint at the left’s commad . would I defend her , yes , I would reply that what sh did did not cause one rdeath in Ukraine, syria,somalia , etc. and if my 6th grader can get life altering hormone blockers without my consent, then this is surely not… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

spellchecker drunk today , sorry

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

The problem with people like Boebert, whom I will now just refer to as “Booby” because it’s easier to type and funnier, is that she was *ever* pushed forward in the conservative movement. A lot of people on the Right will support women and blacks, in particular, because they think it’s a good way to blunt the obvious Lefty attacks against any White man advancing the Right’s agenda. They think it makes good realpolitik to put these people out there and will perhaps even refer approvingly to a message like Z has in today’s post to justify it. The problem,… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 year ago

look your reasoning is the way the alinski rules destroy us . If we do as you say, only perfect people can represent us. BTW it has come out it was her first date with the the gay guy. he clearly planned whrere to take her so that the camera would be set up. also , she brushed him off in the theater fairly quickly. I don’t give a fuck about who she is and what she believes, but as long as the dems can set somthing like this up and we go apeshit against the person, we are doomed… Read more »

Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

I blame the guy she was with. It’s so much easier to just put your arm around the girl and slowly snake your hand down to play with her titty on the opposite side instead of pawing at it in such an obvious manner that would attract attention.

Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

he is a gay democrat . probably the first tit he has ever touched in his life.

1 year ago

I have no doubt that bobert was being followed and filmed by the mudslingers who were hoping for just this sort of catch. It could have been either party. Her only problem is she is hetro. If she had been handled by a sturdy sort of gal , the world would never have known.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  miforest
1 year ago

We would have known, and she would have been celebrated.

1 year ago

Boebart’s a trashy trollop. Brand’s a fink. Every politician is a ghoul. Do you die a principled death, or live an unprincipled lout? It’s times like these I think back to Candide, and all I can think is “Let us cultivate our garden.” Nothing else one can do.

steve w
steve w
Reply to  Eloi
1 year ago

Well said, It can be fun to bounce around ideas that could lead to our salvation and ultimate victory, but really, it’s all pissing in the wind. We are a conquered people and our survival requires that we understand that, just as the French understood that in 1940. The question becomes: How do we stay ‘who we are’ while under the grip of a malignant ruling power?* Our task is to preserve, through enslavement if and when it comes, some tradition – in song, stories, vernacular – the ancestral connection. The English did it after the Norman conquest, which is… Read more »

Jerome P. Tarpley
Jerome P. Tarpley
1 year ago

“Conservative” and “liberal” are both phony descriptions. No one truly falls into either category. Sometimes people are hungry – sometimes frightened – sometimes dejected. These are conditions we all experience. But to say you are a conservative? Or a liberal? That’s horseshit but nobody realizes it – or won’t admit it.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
1 year ago

Maybe, the pols on both sides are really playing for the same boss?

The republicans are the designated losers in the fixed political game.

Good luck to the CFR if they think that they can conquer the world with a Mexican Army.

1 year ago

>The usual carbuncles of Conservative Inc. were quick to denounce Boebert,

The worst thing is, they don’t need to say *anything.* Just keep your mouths shut. Or give some variant “no comment.” There is no need to denounce anyone, particularly when that person is down.

Sadly, the meme about “the Conservative Case for…” articles is meme-worthy for a reason. Ditto wrt meme about Conservative Inc and Libertarian Inc existing solely to stab their friends in the back.

1 year ago

Buses and bus stops is exactly the right way to look at it. My stock response to anyone who suggests I should be outraged about any of this is: “Call me when they do something that the Left wouldn’t instantly rush to defend, with any and all resources at their disposal, if someone on the Left did it.”

Shuts ’em up every time.

Tom K
Tom K
1 year ago

The Alinskyist tactics of the left proved wildly successful in dismantling “principled conservatism.” Trump showed up and the left went apeshit. And so did “principled conservatism”. “Hey, he can’t say that!” Trump dealt the coup de grace to “principled conservatism.” Study Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. It’s the bane of every right-leaning public figure to be hounded for their every opinion. This tactic is the weapon the joownalists use in seeking or keeping power, and that is their only object. Remember, in Liberal Democracy, everyone must have an opinion about everything. In responding, every office-seeker or “influencer” should always… Read more »

Reply to  Tom K
1 year ago

The G0d Emperor is making news today:

Donald Trump’s Ominous Warning to U.S. Jews Sparks Horror: ‘Full-on Nazi’

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Tom K
1 year ago

Best bit I’ve caught re Boebert: after NR ran a long lament about how she and Trump or whomever will not be criticized by Republicans over sexual behavior, a NR commenter in reference to Boebert simply wrote “I think she’s hot.” That’s great. People are not about to take morality lectures AT ALL, as you wrote, from hypocritical perverts and especially people who fuel the mass murder of innocents as is happening in Ukraine and previously happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. NR is staffed by several people who are in a homosexual “marriage” and was a cheerleader for these wars… Read more »

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
1 year ago

In a 2017 special election Alabama, after overwhelmingly supporting Trump for President, sent Democrat Doug Jones to the Senate. The nice white ladies just couldn’t support Republican candidate Roy Moore. Moore had fundamentalist Christian views that made the country club set uncomfortable. He was attacked relentlessly by Mitch Mcconnell and the RNC. After many years in public service a sexual misconduct charge from decades before suddenly appeared. So instead of sending a Senator to DC that would have supported Trump’s agenda 100%, Alabama sent a hostile Democrat instead. Moore was a graduate of West Point and former Chief Justice of… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
1 year ago

Moore had a long, complicated, and very public political history in Alabama, thanks to which there were many Rs and conservatives who never would have voted for him for anything, long before the Hickory House hoax. From outside the state looking in it’s easy to get the idea that it was that hoax that sunk him, but most of his loss of support among Alabama conservatives happened long before that. However, that might have just tipped the balance between 51-49 one way and 51-49 the other way.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I am fairly confident that Moore would have been a strong advocate for Trump’s agenda. Winning is all that matters. Do the left wing billionaires really like, respect, and want to have any contact with the likes of Maxine Waters.? She is a fighter for the cause so she get support.

Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
1 year ago

Mitch macconnel and karl rove set up a PAC and financed and endorsed Doug jones , and they siced the mudslingers on Moore. He was cleard of wrongdoing after the election. I have no doubt that bobert was being followed and filmed by the mudslingers who were hoping for just this sort of catch. the GOP is just as much deep state as the kegans or chuck schumer .

1 year ago

” In a world of conflicting moral visions, there is no place for the principled stand.”

Except you don’t believe this. If you did, you wouldn’t spend your Zman time saying what you say and doing what you do. You want to compete for power on “a level playing field,” sell your soul and see what you get for it.

Lauren Boebert is hot. Some things in life speak for themselves.

1 year ago

The problem here is that we’re all assuming principles was a thing in the first place. High level politics is extremely competitive and you simply aren’t going to see any ethical people there, in the same way that you would never see a fat guy playing in the NBA. The “principles” that we’re talking about is just the capacity for politicians on the right to sucker the grannies and christf*gs with a song and dance routine about how moral they are, same as the song and dance routine the left uses to sucker brainless women and jigaboos about how moral… Read more »

Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

There’s something to be said for *not* being a ruthlessly utilitarian nihilist psychopath. 😆

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago

Outstanding comment!

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Ploppy
1 year ago


After seeing photos of her dress, I think that is a perfect appellation.

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
1 year ago

I guess we are all Schmittians now.

Or Yarvinians: “there is no politics without an enemy.”

1 year ago

Brand at one point was the Left’s most celebrated “ladies man” and Katie Perry when she was considerably younger and hotter went nuts for him, I think even marrying him. And now he’s disposable. This speaks to the utter feminization of the Left and Regime. Name one macho, “men want to be like him, women want him” figure on the Left/Regime. There isn’t one. There are a few aging hold-overs, George Clooney (old and grey), that’s about it. [Brand/Tate could not have existed as male-appealing figures even as late as the 1980s as they would have been out-competed by others… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

Weak white men are the cause of broken white women. As an assertive and fit white male I have great relationships with most white women. However, well over 80% of white men have no idea how you’re supposed to treat women properly. It doesn’t involve being “nice” at all times even when she is being mean to you. Even the independent career women usually melt around an alpha male. Women’s nature is another uncomfortable truth that we just pretend doesn’t exist in our modern society. I love women and treat them nicely. However, incels, Boomer jokes about hating wives, and… Read more »

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

BROKEN RECORD HERE… The aforementioned ascendancy of Femin@zi-ism is, as we speak, on a collision course with V@xxination Reality. As a very rough first order approximation, muh guess would be that leftist BattleKμnts will prove to have been vastly moar likely to have been v@xxinated than will have been their TradConMommy nemeses. All of the emerging v@xxine data continues to indicate disastrous outcomes. The only good piece of news was from the recent Italian study, which indicated that PureB100ds have NOT started producing Spike Protein [i.e. it appears that Spike Protein production is not “communicable” via casual contact – knock… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

If we are in fact headed for a vaxapocalypse, then the bottom line is many, many fewer white people, many more blacks, many fewer east Asians, and a second jewish holocaust much greater than the first one. The remaining whites may be more well adapted, but they will be few. Blacks won’t be any more fit to rule the world than they have ever been, but their relative numbers would suddenly be staggering. I’m unsure how the arabs figure into this. Or the mestizos.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Dead on balls accurate. Women don’t dislike deferential, weak men – they despise them, have a seething contempt for them. I have had the same experience with white women, especially wealthy, powerful white women. They want a man, a white man, to be a cavalier and claim them. That isn’t easy with all of the feminine crap. However, the hottest most crazy sex ever is when a woman is in a dingbat angry episode and you stay grounded but let her know that BS is unacceptable. She wants nothing more than for you to stand up for yourself and get… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

“If you can stand up to her insanity, you get the reward of banging the thot.”

Wow, where do I sign up?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Jeffrey Zoar: “Wow, where do I sign up?”

On any college/university campus filled with undergrads & grad students & post-docs & professorettes, and at any hospital filled with LPNs, RNs, RTs, PTs, OTs, PharmDs, and female doctorettes.

Also keep an eye out for bishes who teach K-12 [they simply cannot keep their underwear on].

The bigly horrifyingly existential problem is that they’re all v@xxinated.

In general, finding batsh!t-phμcking-insane Cluster-B chicks is rather easy.

But finding batsh!t-phμcking-insane Cluster-B chicks who are still PURE BL00DED is gonna be an he11uva lot moar difficult.


Cluster B

Nu Dog
Nu Dog
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

“Weak white men are the cause of broken white women”

This is at best incomplete.

There have been plenty of powerful masculine men who have advanced feminist policies, and raised poisoned daughters.

Your average Joe Six-pack with no power had no say in the social changes.

Reply to  Nu Dog
1 year ago

“There have been plenty of powerful masculine men who have advanced feminist policies, and raised poisoned daughters.”

Know the tree by the fruit.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Someone over at Severian’s place summed it perfectly:
Women will be as crazy as they are allowed.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

“We have a White women problem.”

Plus what B125 replied, among other things, including deflection from the 35 white women murdered monthly by black males. Women respond to strong males, which falls on us, to reiterate what B1 wrote. The tribal propaganda does target white women, but it would not be effective if white men stepped forward, and it is increasingly ineffective due to the “hate facts,” as Vdare called them, such as the numbers of white women murdered by blacks.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

Another thing that happened post 1945 was television. No doubt a key ingredient in the white woman’s changed outlook. Seems like a book length subject. The greater susceptibility of women to the “peer pressure” of mass media. Several books probably, were one to explore all the consequences.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Another thing that happened after WW2 is that the USA changed from being a nation where over 50% of the population lived in rural areas to a nation where over 50% of the population lived in suburban/urban areas.

I think that is a huge change that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough.

I.M. Brute
I.M. Brute
Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

I’ve been recommending this video for years:
I sums up our “White Women” problem very well!

Reply to  Whiskey
1 year ago

. . .and they hate, hate, HATE beta males!

1 year ago

[…] ZMan does a deep dive. […]

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
1 year ago

ZMan: “They assumed the other side wanted what they wanted, but through different means”.
That would make an excellent epitaph etched upon the tombstone of conservatism.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

I’m about as troubled by the Boebert incident as the left was by the homosexual prostitution ring that was run out of Barney Frank’s office. Which is a separate question from whether or not she was ever really our ally. I guess she votes the way we would want her to, more often than not. Yay, civnattery. What really pisses off the left is when good looking white women in politics aren’t leftists. Because they fear the charisma an effective good looking white woman can exert. Boebert could have the moral forebearance of a Sister of Mercy and they would… Read more »

1 year ago

Nonsense. Victory at any cost? Are you guys nuts? That is what the Left did, and that’s how they got here… dragging us with them. We need to define our terms – what does victory actually mean to you? Putting guys like Boebert, Tate and Whatshisface in charge? What kind of nation will people like that create? For me… I want a nation that looks like this forum right here: serious people. I want rules that apply to everyone and justice for the liars, cheaters and thieves. I want a fair marketplace where I can invest and do business. I… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

“I want rules that apply to everyone and justice for the liars, cheaters and thieves….(litany of good things/desires follows)” Yep, so did a I *once*. Alas, I played the game. Went to meetings. Spoke directly to candidates. Voted harder. Donated money. And what happened? Nothing positive of any lasting consequence. Next election cycle same old, same old. Slowly the Left installed its candidates and they assumed power/control. It did not even take a majority of the legislature as one “principle” of the old conservative Right (read Rep’s) was that of compromise and bipartisanship. The Left made inroads, the Right lost… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

Yes. By doing the things that destroyed our rivals? They weren’t always like this, C. Do you honestly think you can out-cheat guys that literally have pedophilia as a hobby? How is a conservatives version of Biden any better than the leftist one? Don’t put words into my mouth. I agree that the ballot box is a waste of time. If you’re serious about change, it’s time for the cartridge box. Anything else at this point is just theatre. So… if you want change, you’d better be serious about it, and have a meaningful vision of what victory is going… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

Raising our flag over the smoking husks of their homes. That’s when we can turn our attention to matters of civility.

Nu Dog
Nu Dog
Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

“I want a nation that looks like this forum right here: serious people.”

The numbers aren’t there for that to ever happen and I am going to assume that there is nobody on this forum with any real power.

That means either dealing with reality or being stubborn waiting for an impossible solution like the libertarians do.

Reply to  Nu Dog
1 year ago

The reality is that if you want to change things, necks will have to be stretched, bullets fired, and a whole lot of people need to die.

The Alt Right failed by hitching its cart to fags like Milo, Vox Day and Richard Spencer. I don’t like libertarians either… but at least they’re still on the sidelines. The alt right is in the garbage and that is where the dissidents will be if they repeat the same mistakes.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago


Your posts in this thread are much appreciated. You are speaking the truth and you should not be discouraged, even though others here might junk you for it.

The Alt-Right really was quite bizarre in its choice of spokesmen, and the DR likewise has a backlog of strange beliefs that still need to be exorcised.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

I don’t want to be still looking at my watch as the last white child is defiled by the scum that currently run our planet.

Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

Then you will have to play to win. There is no other way. The temperment and approach described in this post is that of the Claremont Institute. They will preserve the ideas and notions of the American Way of Life, but oddly they will never effectively and doggedly fight for it. And so, Tel Aviv dictates to an international group of think tanks what National Conservatism is, not Americans. Our job is to change that. We define what American nationalism is. Of course, when we do that, a lot of wasteful nation expropriating funding will go away and special relationships… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
1 year ago

Alternative: Establish and enforce our own spaces?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

Nobody’s talking about putting the “rightwing” freaks in charge. What many are arguing–and I probably agree with them–is that you use the freaks to advance the DR cause, and then, once they’ve outlived their usefulness, send them to Bikini Atoll to work on their tans. In theory, at that point, the sort of society you say you want, will be in place.

William T Quick
Reply to  Filthie
1 year ago

Excellent. A loss is still a loss, and a loser is still a loser. Shortly you will find your principles engraved upon your gravestone, as irrelevant then as they are today.

Sleep well. And soon.

David Wright
1 year ago

I’m sorry but the foolishness of you people posting your inane comments on this topic is too much. Right now this country is in a high state of alert looking for a F-35 fighter jet. Get outside and scan the skies and do your part.

Peanut Butter_Sandwich
Peanut Butter_Sandwich
Reply to  David Wright
1 year ago

Have they looked under the bed?

Reply to  Peanut Butter_Sandwich
1 year ago

You know where they’re going to find it, don’t you? That’s right. In the last place they look.

1 year ago

As with people like Candace Owens, Ramesh ponnuru or Vivek ramaswarthy, I couldn’t care less what Russell brand or any of them think about anything, especially if it supposedly involves “muh conservative principles”. I’ll never consider coloreds or far leftard White jackoffs as allies, period – grifters at best. Frankly, finding any of them as useful allies is a stretch, although stranger things have happened, I suppose. I’d much rather do without if at all possible.

Dennis Snyder
Dennis Snyder
1 year ago

You can criticize Russell Brand for past antics. But as of late, even if he is faking it, he is speaking pure truth while doing it. This is a good example, which is actually from the perspective of what used be known as liberalism:

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Tate is a mulatto degenerate who targets White women for exploitation and who lies about everything. I have no idea why anyone in our little section of the DR likes this guy. He is an example of the worst sort of ghetto rat.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

His appeal is to 17 yr old incels, not middle aged men.

Reply to  Cruciform
1 year ago

He’s approaching the black stereotype, among other things, young whites aspire to be. Figuratively and literally, a transitional figure.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

They grew up on rap and intersectional feminism. I used to work with a guy who admitted when he was a kid he wanted to grow up to be black. Counted blue mohawks at the gas station this weekend. The freak show is normie for the young.

Somebody did a number on these people. They’re strangers to themselves, and someday they’ll realize it. I make a point of telling them it wasn’t me 😆

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

They are being robbed of their culture and heritage and fed fake and degenerate culture. Where the hell are their parents?

If they are going to be shown black culture, they should get all of it, not just the stuff that looks good on the teevee. The meme of an “aspiring rapper” shot and killed is probably unknown to them.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

“The freak show is normie for the young.

It’s important for us old guys to remember that when talking with our descendants.

Reply to  Cruciform
1 year ago

Why does it matter that his audience is 17 yo incels as long as that audience and message promotes the general direction of the movement?

Again, leave you principles at the door, enter the frey, win, then pick them up again when you leave the arena.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

If our movement is that 17 year old White boys should aspire to be mulatto degenerates, what the hell are we fighting for? There are White WOMEN that do feminist redpilling better than Tate and without all the baggage and lies and drug dealing. Tate is not an imperfect advocate of our values and ideals. He’s a degenerate enemy whose values are diametrically opposed to ours even when they partially line up by coincidence. IMHO, Tate is an example of what has gone wrong with society, not a pushback against what has gone wrong. His very existence is an example.… Read more »

William T Quick
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Okay, Boomer.

Good you finally found somebody you can feel superior to.

You asked where the kids’ parents are. You’re their grandparents. WTF were, and are, you?

Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

“Why does it matter that his audience is 17 yo incels as long as that audience and message promotes the general direction of the movement?”

IMO, because Tate — like the nice people, and, erm, ‘ladies’ that make money on Only-frens … EXPLOITS this audience with fake ‘masculinity’ they can never obtain.

It is a grift that to me, represents a portion of the toxic culture, not an antidote.

William T Quick
Reply to  Larval
1 year ago

Nobody with half a brain is saying he is either. What he is is a potential weapon. But you people don’t think that way. It’s why you constantly lose to those who do understand such things.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

No negro/mulatto can be on our side. Period. To hell with them.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Politics make for strange bed fellows. I can’t think of any major modern political movement that did not use all sorts of “strange bedfellows” to reach its end goals. Hitler purged the SA when they served their purpose. Stalin got rid of “principled” commies after Lenin died. Mao and now the CCP have regular purges of leadership.

No nascent political group can initially afford to be subtractive. This has always been my major criticism of the DR and stated numerous times in this forum.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 year ago

My point is, negroes/mulattos, by their very nature, are not on our side. As DRs point out continuously, when it comes down to nut-cutting time, the negro/mulatto will always support his fellow negro/mulatto at the expense of his rightwing, white so-called “friends.” For the negro, his race is his universe, and we and our ideas don’t belong in it.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

The 5th law of thermodynamics

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Aye. When Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had their purges, those dismissed and those who replaced them were Teutonics, Slavs, and Han. Outsiders didn’t enter the equation.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

He’s a goddam Mossad agent

Old photo, young Tate in IDF uniform, by that certain flag

Pimps, remember? Look at that face. Ghetto Epstein.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
1 year ago

Horny grandmas in your area, looking to meet! (and run for congress.)

Press ‘H’ to honk.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 year ago

How “old” we talkin’ here? Still got some grease in the tube…or pharoah dry?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 year ago

Boebert is 36 last I checked.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

Thankfully, I know very little about Russell Brand or Andrew Tate. I’ve seen their names bounce around on the internet and I have a basic idea of who they are, but I’ve never sought out anything they’ve produced. They don’t interest me that much. That provides a good introduction as to why I am not motivated to defend them. It isn’t really a matter of principle. It is due to the fact that, by defending them, I would be accepting the idea that they actually matter. I would be validating the whole social system that elevates them into persons of… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

“It is due to the fact that, by defending them, I would be accepting the idea that they actually matter. I would be validating the whole social system that elevates them into persons of importance and gives them a platform. To me, that is not and should not be the object of dissident politics. The object of dissident politics should be to strike at the root of what makes people like Brand and Tate possible in the first place.” The object of dissident politics should be like all politics: winning. If Brand or Tate advance that goal, use them, if… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

This. No room for fainting couches, smelling salts, withdrawals from the admittedly vulgar and shitty world — not unless ending up sitting in Cuckold’s Corner with Rod Dreher appeals muchly. Learn from Lenin. And Mao. Very unpleasant fellows, but Winners. The instruction manuals for Getting Power have been written, tried, and tested. It’s just a matter of extreme and sometimes cynical pragmatism plus great patience for the long haul so that one’s organisation remains intact when the Old Order just needs the final shiv. Er shove. Ahem. I do wonder if the Conservative American mind has been so brainwashed by… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

This ain’t about us dinosaurs.

It’s about the young, and the world they will live in. Adapt or die, old man.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

American politics is a cross between a game show and “reality” TV poisoned by our degenerate culture. I don’t know about Brand, but Tate’s popularity in the DR is 100% around his degeneracy. The very same people cos playing being a nazi and a ridiculous racist on gab are fans of Tate, a mulatto degenerate targeting White women for sexual exploitation.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

“Thankfully, I know very little about Russell Brand or Andrew Tate…”

Throw in this Joe Rogan and you have three swarthy males that speak to their audiences at the level of a 5th grader. Whatever their collective reach, there really is no way to listen to them beyond 10 seconds without realizing that.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Owlman
1 year ago

I had never heard Andrew Tate’s voice until I caught a minute or two of that interview he did with Tucker. I was expecting something a little more masculine from the self-proclaimed male activist. From the moment I heard that nasally, unconfident whine, I knew he was guilty as charged. Russell brand, of course, sounds like a mezzo-soprano on helium. I’ve never listened to a Joe Rogan podcast, but the clips I’ve seen have him sounding very intrusive. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s an interruptive interviewer. Why bring a guest on the show only to not let him… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

I think this is the best post you’ve ever made here

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 year ago

Thank you. This post was based in a McLuhan-like criticism of the electronic surround, which is a subject I’m a bit more suited to write about. Perhaps I would be better received if I stuck to my element. I appreciate the kind words and the feedback.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

“The object of dissident politics should be to strike at the root of what makes people like Brand and Tate possible in the first place.” As usual, you missed the point of Z-man’s missive. The point was 1) to not allow the Left to distract you by pointing out these types and challenging you to “demonstrate” your principles by denouncing them or defending them. 2) to a lessor point, to use them when their positions injure your opposition and to abandon them when their usefulness ceases. Your response is essentially to “die with (principled) dignity” in the political areas. It… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
1 year ago

“For a dissident to think he can win the internet is like an early Christian thinking that he can stride into the Roman Coliseum, before a bloodthirsty crowd expecting a gladiatorial show, and give them a sermon on temperance, and expect to escape alive from their blows.” And yet, the Pagan Roman Empire was supplanted by the Holy Roman Empire after two centuries of underground churches springing up across the empire (Christian symbology has been found circa 79 AD at Pompeii). So, that Christian didn’t win “the Roman internet” at the coliseum, but Christians eventually won the “underground internet” of… Read more »

1 year ago

How are these people relevant to the “no enemies to the right” crowd? Brand always was a leftist and now is a “dissident” leftist. Boebert is centre-right at best and in reality is just an actor hired by a talent agency.
Tate is the most right wing of these three, but only if you ignore his porn business, and that’s really hard to ignore.

Reply to  Hun
1 year ago

Tate could hire Boebert to eff Brand and they could all make shekels. Their next act?

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Chimeral
1 year ago

“The Aristocrats”….

Reply to  Hun
1 year ago

Do they help us win?

Yes. Yes, they do help us win.

That i all that matters.

Reply to  btp
1 year ago

We never win anything so nobody’s helping, especially not these idiots.

Tate is an even dumber repetition of the mainstream message that the curative course for Western man is to End Whiteness in himself, and Brand’s brand is the lie that late converts are uniquely trustworthy. (“Even this fool who believed nothing but lies until last weekend agrees with us!”)

“No enemies to the right” means no enemies to the right OF YOU. It’s an admonition to relative moderates—Trump guys, for example—not to signal against extremist/vanguard/dissident weirdos, because if we have a future, that’s who’s going to figure it out.

Reply to  btp
1 year ago

A certain nameless individual once said that ex-communists made the best other nameless party recruits. This could well be the case with Tate’s followers. He hoovers up young white males disgusted with the gynocracy and the stacked deck so that he can make money off his grift. In no time at all the smarter ones are going to get used to the idea of being Beyond the Pale and many will drift towards this side of the river… And you know what the say about Converts. Rasputin helped the Bolsheviks just by existing. Mao actually had the cheek to thank… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
1 year ago

Rasputin was such a supreme genius that the Council of the Sanhedrin ordered Lord Rothschild to order the Secret Service Bureau [MI6] to order the S0d0mite Industrial Complex to ass@ssinate Rasputin.

The successful mμrder of Rasputin is one of the very worst acts ever to befall Western Civilization.

It’s on a par with the ass@ssination of Caesar.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 year ago

You cannot seriously believe that. Please tell me that my joke detector is defective.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hun
1 year ago

It’s a virtual certainty Boebert would have been on OnlyFans if that had been around back when she was young and struggling.

1 year ago


Was watching sportsball yesterday from American streams.

Every single commercial has very cringe “humor”, usually with somebody being singled out for doing something dumb. All of the “males” are uncertain and bumbling, even the POC’s (who make up most of the characters).

If that’s a look into the elites psychology it looks like hell.

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

“Was watching sportsball yesterday…


Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  B125
1 year ago

If you really like watching sportsball, go watch a HS football game in your area in person.

Every single person involved in TV sportsball program hates you. You are financing them.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

Tars says it better than I did.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Getthemoneyfromtheseskels
1 year ago

I dunno. I thought you said it pretty dam’ well.

steve w
steve w
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 year ago

I shamefully admit that I listened to – and enjoyed – the Bills/Raiders game yesterday afternoon. I never ever watch TV but doing chores in and around the garage on a Sunday with the ballgame on the radio is, for me, a nostalgic pleasure. It’s a regional broadcast and the guys announcing seem based to me. No propaganda, just football. No dreadlocks, no celebratory dances after routine plays, no offensive commercials.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  steve w
1 year ago

This should tell us something. For normal white men to enjoy professional football we must listen to rather than watch it.

Reply to  steve w
1 year ago

Ball games on radio! While working.

Nostalgic indeed. Nice. The old ways are the best ways.

Reply to  steve w
1 year ago

It’s the institution itself. How many white women and children were walking around WNY yesterday wearing clothes that professed their loyalty to a pack of ferals? Who were dumping money into a league and its sponsors that make very clear their hatred of whiteness. Who were supporting owners who mandated the vax to attend games (although in a wonderful bit of karma, Mrs. Pegula is now a vax-veg)?

You could listen to any number of things while doing work on a beautiful fall afternoon. Why choose the people who hate you?

Reply to  B125
1 year ago

Brought to you by Brawndo™, it’s got what plants crave…

I can’t reliably speak to what Hell looks like; but the resemblance between AINO and Idiocracy is uncanny.

1 year ago

The framing of today’s topic is that we are engaged in a war of words (narratives and critiques) and losing badly because the Right’s strategy is fundamentally flawed. That is old-think and we would do well to learn a lesson or two from the current war in Ukraine. The parties to this war began by using conventional tactics to inflict harm on the opposition in service to the goal of ultimate victory. For its part, Ukraine has been hurling “free” Western equipment and man-meat at the Russians and casualties be damned. In turn, the Russians are using an enormous artillery… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 year ago

If what you wrote was true, Russia would have already won. Instead, tens of thousands of men on both sides of the conflict are being slaughtered while the frontline barely moves. Meanwhile, Russia is replacing the native population with record numbers of non-Russian immigrants and the same fate eventually awaits Ukraine too.

1 year ago

Regarding principles vs. power, it dawned on me that part of the reason the “principled” conservaturds keep attacking our best fighters is because they have no power to attack anyone else. Without power, you cannot enforce principles. So the powerless side ends up having the constant infighting. The powerless can only attack other powerless people, and even then only with the help of the elites setting the moral framework within which those attacks occur.

Without power you can’t have principles, because you cannot enforce them on those who oppose you.

Reply to  Rando
1 year ago

Can be observed in corporate life, too.

Very often the big show of fiscal belt tightening will be aimed at the least able to defend themselves rather than the most profligate or most unproductive.

Fellate Up and Kick Down is just a fact of human existence. Reason 379 why real change only seems to happen during periods of collapse when Power is there for the Grasping (n., v.).

1 year ago

“For those unfamiliar, Lauren Boebert is a ditzy female congressman from Colorado, who was recently seen getting felt up by a man not her husband at a movie theater.”

Always good to see our leaders reach across the aisle.

I’ll show myself out.

1 year ago

Bobert is an easy case. She is the AOC of the right. Her cardinal virtue is that she’s banging hot. Her cardinal sin is that she’s dumb as a brick. She’s in the midst of a divorce so the fact that she’s out with a man who is not her husband is not particularly newsworthy, at least according to modern moral standards. The real problem is that the man she was groping is an Aspen-based Democratic party operative who served on both Obama’s campaign and Biden’s campaign, and purportedly is close friends with (((Adam Frisch))), who Bobert defeated narrowly after… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Thanks for the inside info. I found is hilarious that part of the “scandal” is Boebert was “caught vaping.” The horror, the horror.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Well, the adversary’s ability to use these weapons against Joe Normie remains effective, if gauged by their common use. It gets worse – in the ongoing defenestration of the degenerate Brand, the British slime rag Dirty Male, uh Daily Mail, runs headline about how the degenerate ‘forced his p&*^%$ down my throat…’ Knowing the visual of a “teenager” would horrify the Normie readers, checking in for the endless thong shots the rag offers up Daily. No mention, say, of the fact that June was an entire month “celebrating” that very act, between males. And simply extrapolating, same appendage ‘shoved’ into… Read more »

Reply to  Getreal
1 year ago

“ Well, the adversary’s ability to use these weapons against Joe Normie remains effective, if gauged by their common use.”

Hence the essence of today’s missive from Z-man. Our job is neither to condemn nor support Boebert, but rather to convince Joe Normie that such principles are a distraction to the cause. The Left has no such principles. Neither should we.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

This is Denver. She was vaping THC. Thus the outrageous behavior. It’s legal in Colorado, but still illegal at the federal level, and she is a federal representative. I have many friends in Colorado who are fedgov employees and they are all subject to random drug testing. If they test positive for THC they are fired. Bobert failed to uphold minimum standards. Bobert is a moron. If Colorado had a Republican governor I would be among the voices calling for her to resign so she could be replaced with someone bearing an IQ above 90, but (((Polis))) would appoint a… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

Yes and no, maybe?

Boebert (and AOC) are what you get when you push when you push women past their intellect and abilities. You take them out of their old mundane life, drop them into the fast lane…and the menstrual ones turn into sluts, and the menopausal ones turn into lunatics or psychopaths.

This is not a cut against women… most men will fail in that rat race too. As in all things, women will just fail faster, and usually with more dire results.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Guest
1 year ago

“Her cardinal virtue is that she’s banging hot.”
I think the word “virtue” is doing some heavy lifting here. If that is the best thing someone can bring to the table, don’t bother sitting down.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 year ago

True. And based upon the pics I’ve seen of the broad, her looks are wildly overrated anyway.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
1 year ago

I am hopping on that like the last chopper out of Nam

Westbrook Pegler
Westbrook Pegler
1 year ago

Boebert is manufactured and she was installed in office for this reason. She’s the only Republican I know of in recent memory who has won — not lost — a week-long recount. She was trailing significantly on Election Night 2022, and then, over the course of the following week, slowly made up the difference with mail-in votes. Her Democratic challenger chose not to challenge the eventual results.

Given how fanatically she is despised by the Left, that made little sense to me. She is more useful in office than out of it. Like several others.

1 year ago

One problem with both Tate and Brand is that people on the right will desperately latch onto a celebrity who says things critical of the left. You have seen this with others who then start bashing everyone to their right. Simon Webb posted a video over the weekend offering qualified support for Brand and saying he thought it was unlikely Brand became a vaccine skeptic solely to give himself the ability to claim persecution from lefties when these charges against him were eventually made public. Guys like this are useful only to the extend they don’t turn around and bash… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Barnard
1 year ago

Exhbit A: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The man’s a lunatic and conservatives are so desperate to have someone in their corner they latch onto someone who would put a bullet in them if they ran the air conditioning too long.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

The man has helped create a coalition of crunchy liberal moms and conservatives against Big Pharma. I have never seen pushback on the CDC’s insane vaccine schedule since he entered the stage, and it’s not a coincidence. He is also far more dovish. True though, his environmentalism is typical leftist nonsense, as well as other things.

If he’s throwing molotov cocktails at my enemies, I’ll encourage him. If he’s talking progressive nonsense, I’ll ignore him.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

RFK Jr. has really limited utility to the right. Beyond supporting his right to platform access, I wouldn’t do anything to help him achieve actual power. I want him to like you said throw bombs at the left, but people need to remember he comes from a completely disreputable family and reflexively hates the right.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

There’s something wrong with the guy, he reminds me of Jordan Peterson.

In his book, Kennedy all but says outright that he doesn’t believe that HIV causes AIDS and that the homo Armageddon in the eighties was due to (Fauci-sponsored) AZT, a drug, Kennedy alleges, that had proven deadly in trials.

Never mind whether all that is true or not, how come the usual suspects never use this against him?

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

If it is true, and the AZT component at least seems likely to be, they may be unable to use this against him lest it draw too much attention. To add to what I wrote earlier, there is limited utility to RFKJr. despite the fact he is a dangerous psychopath. Drawing attention to Big Pharma’s jihad against normality certainly falls into that category. But the utility is limited and people need always to bear in mind what a raving lunatic he is, even when right.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

{sigh}. Does RFK Jr. help us or hurt us?

Answer: he helps us because he divides the other side. Obviously. Which is why Biden has refused to give him security – Biden wants Kennedy dead.

Seriously, we could just look at the people our enemies want dead, and support them, right?

Reply to  btp
1 year ago

Exactly. The advice to “listen and do the opposite” should be the first reaction to anything the Left says/does/recommends.

1 year ago

Domestic realpolitik. Tito was “our” brutal communist dictator, Trump is our turd in the punchbowl.

Reply to  cg2
1 year ago

Trump is the turd in the Establishment punch bowl.

Celt Darnell
1 year ago

Lauren Boebert is just the right’s Alexandria Occasional Cortex (to borrow Heartiste’s nickname). She’s just entertainment to be kept well clear of actual power. I don’t see either Russell Brand or Andrew Tate as bigger problems. Peter Hitchens was right about Brand — he contributes nothing useful. And even if he did, can’t be trusted. He should simply have been used as a cudgel — any time he said anything that appeared to agree with the dissident right, he’d be referenced thus: “even your boy, Russell Brand admits…” And yes, if he can be used to undermine the “Me Too”… Read more »

Reply to  Celt Darnell
1 year ago

The enemy of your enemy is your enemies enemy. No more no less.

Reply to  Celt Darnell
1 year ago

“And yes, if he can be used to undermine the “Me Too” movement (more properly the Me only slept with Two, but I digress) go for it.”

The funniest MeToo thing I recall is when they were using #MeToo, until someone pointed out it could be pronounced “pound me too”. There is a billboard on a major highway near me for a sexual harassment law firm that still includes #MeToo in its ad. My wife and I laugh every time we pass it.

Reply to  Celt Darnell
1 year ago

Celt Darnell: Excellently and succinctly put. Use whoever helps hurt the left. Do not trust, embrace, or allie with him – as you so aptly put it, use him as a ‘cudgel.’ I despise the cuckservatard’s reflexive slobbering over every non-White putative White ally (Candace Owens, Clarence Thomas, ramasmarmy, etc.). I similarly despite the dissident right’s flirtation with Kennedy or Brand. Fling them at the other side. They are not allies, they are weapons. USE THEM. But then discard them and never, ever trust them. And, as Zman wisely notes, the only point of any of this is to gain… Read more »

1 year ago

Saw some videos of NYers chanting things like ‘Close the border’ and ‘Send them home’ (iirc) over the weekend. Fox News cutting away from a protestor saying NY is awake, etc. The crown is laying on the ground. Don’t need a sword to pick it up, but I’m sure even reaching for it would be too aggressive for conservatives.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 year ago

Picking up the crown is not who conservatives are. They will hand the sword to the Left, though, to kill the impure in their ranks. As for the incident you cited, much is happening organically that doesn’t require any assistance. If a terror attack or disease outbreak happens after the border was thrown wide open, there probably will be a violent reaction regardless of what we say or do, and this likely will be led by urban leftists against the Regime. It doesn’t get much better.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
1 year ago

” If Russel Brand is a useful ally, then he is a useful ally. When he stops being a useful ally, then he stops being a useful ally. In politics, allies are a bus you ride to the next stop.”

Exactly. Erdogan may be a cynical monster, but he is correct. Mass graves are filled with beautiful losers who thought their opponents were simply misguided. Darwin got quite a bit right.

1 year ago

“Just win baby!”
– Al Davis

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
Reply to  Neon_Bluebeard
1 year ago

Pithy. True, and validates the old Shakespearean adage about wit.

joey jünger
joey jünger
1 year ago

The first step in making distinctions is to recognize the difference between the real world and online. This sounds easy, but is very hard right now, maybe impossible for people born after a certain date. My generation—as Chuck Klosterman points out in his book on the 90s—was the last to really have childhoods and teen years before the net became ubiquitous, a given. What I think of Andrew Tate or Russel Brandt (or Tucker Carlson for that matter) matters a hell of a lot less to me than what my normie neighbor with two white kids who still believes in… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

Beautiful comment despite the graphic conclusion. People who think social media is real life have limited utility.

Felix Krull
Reply to  joey jünger
1 year ago

Look at Boebert the way the Dems look at Fetterman (or Biden for that matter) as the plague-ridden corpse you launch with a trebuchet over the wall of your enemy’s castle.


Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 year ago

…and it carries the Genghis Khan seal of approval.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Sexual improprieties are still the go-to blackmail method of the elites. They tried to get Matt Gaetz that way, Epstein Island was a massive sexual blackmail ring, the allegation against Trump were legendary, etc. For the longest time, the right has supported seemingly values oriented politicians like G.W. Bush, Reagan (ignoring his divorce), etc. Then a horndog like Trump comes along and throws it all out the window, acting like a high-status man in a pagan world, but gets voted for because even with all his improprieties, he doesn’t stab his constituents in the back. There’s a reason Traitors are… Read more »

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Barnie Frank’s basement bordello seemed excessive, even by the already-degenerated standards of that time. I don’t think anyone who voted for Boebert feels like this is a “Say it ain’t so, Joe,” moment. Trump’s win on abortion seemed to have shaken something loose for a larger cohort of normies. Politics should be transactional, even when it’s about morality, maybe especially when it’s about morality, as you might never get someone to agree with you, but can probably get them to trade horses with you.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

The Gaetz affair was something else. The Regime missed the king for once and made itself a formidable and effective enemy. I agree blackmail has lost its utility in a time when basically every sociopath seeking political office has a sex tape floating around and possibly leaked it themself for the publicity. Coupled with epic misfires such as the one against Gaetz, the Regime likely will return to the tried and true tradition of straight up bribery. I think we are there now. Epstein may not have killed himself, but his usefulness was drying up. That may explain the hordes… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Trump comes along and throws it all out the window, acting like a high-status man in a pagan world, but gets voted for because even with all his improprieties, he doesn’t stab his constituents in the back.

Doesn’t he? Maybe ask some of the J6 protestors sitting in jail how they feel about that.

Ghost of Lincoln Rockwell
Ghost of Lincoln Rockwell
Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

Trump may not have stabbed his constituents but he surely chucked them under the bus from day one. Other than serving as a lighning rod, Trump accomplished nothing persisting. Well, unless you are one of the sleazoids he hangs out with and pardoned or you love your “free” clotshot or traded big pharma shares. Make Jizzrael Great Again!

THE Vizzini
Reply to  Ghost of Lincoln Rockwell
1 year ago

Yeah, the list of sleazoids Trump chose to pardon is very sobering.

Reply to  Vizzini
1 year ago

True enough, he hasn’t vocally defended them. But legally there is not much he can do for them, unless by some miracle he can overcome the margin of cheating in 2024.

THE Vizzini
Reply to  DLS
1 year ago

As George Soros has shown us, there’s definitely nothing a multi-billionaire can do to support people in the trenches or jail. That would be crazy talk.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

Pomo heaumeau Michel Foucault, who almost certainly died of AIDS, infected God knows how many men in the San Francisco bathhouse scene in the first half of the 80s. And, even when he knew he had some sort of terrible STD, he refused to curtail his hedonism.

A great icon of the Left, Foucault.

Don’t hold your breath in the expecation that Leftists will ever hold their own to even the lowest bar of moral standards. Perhaps eschewal of morality comes so easily to Leftists because they really are nihilists whose only genuine psychological impulse is hatred of whitey.

Curious monkee
Curious monkee
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

To me this is a dividing line in the “dissidence”. I sympathize with Christianity and its sexual morals and I want them to be advertised as the norm. But I am not a Christian and seeing this infantile view of politics being used against them confirms to me I am in the right side. The reaction to the Boobert and Russell scandals is typical cuckstrianity. The left gets off scolding the right whatever cuskservatives do: they either agree to cancel Boobert and Crazy-brit regardless of how useful they can be or they admit to be “hypocrites” and then it seems… Read more »

Silver Wolfhouse
Silver Wolfhouse
1 year ago

“When he stops being a useful ally, then he stops being a useful ally. In politics, allies are a bus you ride to the next stop.” In other words, we might as well re-attempt a far right facist regime that serves whites. If winning and destroying our enemies is the only political solution, then who cares about principles, values and morality. I do get it Z, it’s your part of town versus mine, nothing has really changed all that much in human nature. So we can’t be left alone and have an apolitical society, nor can we just sit there… Read more »

Reply to  Silver Wolfhouse
1 year ago

If you will recall, Hitler was briefly allied with a homosexual deviant named Ernst Röhm. But once ensconced in power, Hitler had Röhm along with his brown shirt associates purged, and then famously went on to send all German sexual degenerates to work camps. He could not have risen to power without allies of all kinds, and he was canny enough not to scare the monkeys too soon. We need to remember this.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
1 year ago

Ernst “Scarface” Röhm became pissed @ Hitler because he thought Hitler was not implementing the true National Socialist revolution & was going to challenge him. During “The Night of the Long Knives” in 1934 Hitler moved the SS in to take care of business; the SS routed Röhm out of a Munich Hotel where he was with a couple of young boys (pedophile), stood him up against the wall & shot him.

Hitler knew he was queer all along but Röhm served a purpose until he didn’t.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Boarwild
1 year ago

The leadership of the Reichswehr (the German regular army) was very displeased with Röhm’s plan to integrate his Sturmabteilung brownshirt militia with the Reichswehr to form a new, revolutionary “brown army.” The army basically told Hitler either Röhm goes or you do. Getting rid of Röhm and the SA leadership was the price Hitler paid for the army’s support of the Nazi regime.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Silver Wolfhouse
1 year ago

Preaching to the choir there, bud. I don’t know if a fascist state is what we’re ultimately shooting at, but if fascistic tactics are necessary to obtain racial sovereignty and create an independent white state, then so be it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Arguably we’re a fascist state now; Mussolini defined fascism as the “merger of corporate & political power”. FB? Big tech? YouTube? Et al. All big corps are all in on the DIE platforms & covering/kowtowing to/for “Biden”.

We have Fascism now without the cool uniforms, great parades, & terrific music.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Boarwild
1 year ago

That AINO is a fascist state is not arguable, it is the stone-cold truth.

Reply to  Boarwild
1 year ago

That’s to say unless your idea of a great fascist parade involves strap on dildos and rainbow flags with B52s music playing in the background.

“Homofascism”. There I coined it.

Reply to  Sumguy
1 year ago

Indeed. The fascism w’r under now is of the limp wristed variety; nothing macho or Alpha mail about it.

Guess Who
Guess Who
Reply to  Sumguy
1 year ago

We all know homo is not the true prefix.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Boarwild
1 year ago

You gotta hand it to the denizens of Clown World. The Wokies can transform even a fascist regime into something that is fake, gay, and retarded.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 year ago

As far as I know, Boebert, Brand & Tate aren’t pro-White, which makes rejecting them very easy.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

Boebert got her start as part of a Israeli modelling firm. Not our friend. Like Z said though, the only good move is laughing at the left clutching their pearls. Do I want someone better than Boebert in that congressional seat? Of course. Let me know who he is and I’ll support him.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

People on the right in that district should be proactive. Boebert barely won in 2022, she will almost certainly lose to a Democrat this time. Good luck to them beating her in a primary with someone who isn’t an establishment goon.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 year ago

“Let me know who he is and I’ll support him.”

Key words: he, him.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 year ago

literally, precisely the opposite of the point being made

Reply to  btp
1 year ago

I think he means rejecting them AFTER gaining sufficient power.

Reply to  btp
1 year ago

I take it that he’s saying that once the “useful ally” thing has run its course, it’s easy to walk away.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  btp
1 year ago

btp: Not really. Considering B, B & T’s big flaws, as Zman points out, it’s a dilemma for our side as to whether we should use them or not. I simply added the fact (as far as I know) that they aren’t pro-White, which adds to the dilemma. I didn’t offer an opinion as to whether we SHOULD reject them or support and use them.

1 year ago

An interesting historical conservative is Otto von Bismarck. He brought in pragmatic programs to help Germans – e.g. healthcare & old age pensions. His motivation appears to be purely practical, the programs would actually benefit ordinary people and strengthen the country. That it undermined socialists was a bonus.

The lesson is that dissidents need to have a pragmatic approach to politics. Write the “principles” once you gain power.

1 year ago

Looks like Z-man is still working inside the mind of Michael Anton, with his latest in Claremont Review of Books — titled Modernity and its Discontents. No direct reference to that previous conversation, but it appears that that grappling match is still very much with MA …..

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  PrimiPilus
1 year ago

Anton has about come to grips with reality. It is difficult to make that final leap but he seems close. As an aside, he recently wrote THEY CAN’T LET HIM BACK IN, a very bright and insightful essay about why the Regime will not permit Trump back into office, and it acknowledges we are in a post-democratic West and the bad guys have won and likely will retain power until collapse. That’s quite an admission from someone who was a based but garden variety conservative until fairly recently. This fairly long excerpt from Anton’s review, which would not even have… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

Yes, Anton’s certainly sounding like a DR of late. But in his heart of hearts, is he also a race realist? As always, that is the final and most important hurdle to clear on one’s sojourn to reality’s eyrie.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 year ago

Race realism is a tough leap because the Left’s propaganda about “hate” has been wildly successful despite its transparent absurdity; John Derbyshire, I think, coined the term “hate facts” and that is the most perfect description of this phenomenon ever. If Anton or anyone else comes to terms with the reality not being a matter of opinion or the result of emotion, they can take that final step. If they can’t make that distinction, it is nigh impossible for them. My guess is Anton is very close. Horseshoes and all, of course.

steve w
steve w
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

I admire Anton and his writing: He takes orders from no one, the way ConInc hacks do. However, his ripostes to Z were infantile and ad hominem; they amounted to “pulling rank”. Happily, Gottfried made short work of Anton’s position concerning ‘natural rights’ in their exchange in The American Conservative. All that said, if Anton just flat-out went race realist, he’d lose his gig at Hillsdale etc., and would maybe be looking for a double-wide to live in. He may see himself as “above” Z man in the pecking order of right-wing influencing, but he ain’t no Tucker: He probably… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
1 year ago

@stevew: I agree with all that. Anton was flex deflecting with Z and that was annoying, but he is a highly valuable voice. He is dissident right for all intents and purposes. Admitting the constitutional order is dead and gone and war is being waged against Heritage America is the most important river to cross. As I’ve written here before, the real problem remains the white Puritans and their attendant madness and cruelty, and if they can be checkmated, all their weapons–racial and ethnic minorities, AWFL’s, whatever, become immediately irrelevant and a peaceful resolution, likely some form of separation, possibly… Read more »

1 year ago

“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.”
… H. L. Mencken