Election Narrative Update

Note: If you are looking for a way to do some good within the parameters of the system, then take a look at the Free Expression Foundation. This is what civil liberties groups are supposed to be doing, which is defending the rights of citizens. The organization is run by a stand-up guy who believes in the mission. They have volunteers, but fighting cases in court requires money, so consider a donation.

The next Republican debate is scheduled for this coming Thursday at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley California. According to state media, the same cast of characters is expected to perform at this event, with the exception of Asa Hutchinson and Doug Burgum, who they forgot to invite. Why this is being held in California is a mystery, as there is no chance a Republican will every win the state. For all anyone knows or cares, there is no Republican Party in California.

Putting that aside, the pre-coverage of this debate shows us that the narrative for the 2024 election is running into serious trouble on the GOP side. The script said that at this point, Trump would be out of the race due to the indictments. The party would have swung behind one of the zombies to stop Ron DeSantis, who would be desperately swimming to the “middle” in order to maintain donor support. Instead, Trump now looms over the whole thing like Godzilla attacking Tokyo.

The main flaw in the narrative was assuming that Trump’s support would collapse after the string of indictments. Because the people behind this stuff are lizard people from an alien planet, they have no way to read public sentiment. They are left to imagine how humans would react under certain conditions. Apparently one of their texts on humans said that humans naturally flee when the bad guys attack their champion for the crime of fighting back against the bad guys.

Regime media is now floating stories like this one in which various toadies wonder why their great plan failed to work. One of the lessons of the Ukraine war is that these sorts of stories appear when the regime finally comes to realize that their current narrative is no longer operational. It is something like the stages of grief. They are now in the acceptance phase of narrative collapse. Next is the bargaining phase where they search for something positive from the situation.

Another problem with the narrative is that Ron DeSantis was not able to play his role as the acceptable alternative to Trump. You may hate Trump with the intensity of a thousand suns, but it does not change the fact that he is the best street fighter the Republican Party has seen since Lee Atwater. He saw right away that DeSantis was a stalking horse, so he unleashed his supporters on him. As a result DeSantis has been dying a death of a thousand cuts.

One part of the narrative has held together. The script called for the great zombie army that is Conservative Inc. to rally to the banner of an approved option. After some fits and starts, they have managed to get this right. The one thing that you can always count on is for conservatives to do what the Left tells them to do. Nikki Haley is now the regime option in the race. She has broken double digits in Iowa, which is probably her high water mark, but that will be enough to make her the favorite.

That is the reason to watch the Thursday debate. Since Neocon Nikki has been anointed as the regime favorite, it means DeSantis has to go after her in order to revive interest in his campaign. Given how poorly he has done to this point, it is a lock that he does not do this and instead attacks Ramaswamy again. For his part, the King Cobra should be ready for Neocon Nikki to use him as a foil. Expect him to arrive wearing garlic as that is how you keep the neocon at bay.

Ramaswamy has turned out to be an enormous problem for the regime as he is a black swan in this story. According to official dogma, it is impossible for a brown person with an elite education to sound like Trump. Not only does Ramaswamy sound like Trump, he makes better arguments than Trump and he is willing to stake out positions that Trump is afraid to take, which are popular with normal people. They do not know what to do with him, so they will fling their poo at him.

Of course, they are falling for one of the classic blunders. The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this; never get involved in a poo flinging contest with an Indian. Ramaswamy has figured out that the race issue is losing its effectiveness with voters. That and it strikes people as ridiculous to call him a white supremacist. This gives him room to be the explicitly pro-white candidate while not being white.

With the narrative collapsing, the question shifts to what is next. The polling shows Trump is locked in as the overwhelming favorite in the early contests. What we know from 2016 is that Trump always does better than the polls, so it is fair to assume he will win handily if nothing changes. The script calls for the removal of Trump from the ballot, for the good of the country, so they can always play that card. Otherwise, they have to craft a new narrative to prevent the apocalypse.

The natural fallback position would be to put a pillow of Biden’s face and find a younger more plausible option for the other side. Gavin Newsom was the obvious choice, but he has removed himself from consideration. Presumably they threatened to charge him with raping people decades ago. That leaves no one. Given Biden’s declining ability to speak in public, we could end up with a general election where Trump campaigns in front of huge rallies and Biden does not campaign at all.

The ultimate fallback position, of course, is a rerun of 2020. This time Biden will top his eighty million votes in Pennsylvania alone. They have gone to a system of automatic voting that lets you avoid the hassle of filling out your ballot. This is a great benefit to the dead, who find this to be a big challenge. All joking aside, the lesson of 2020 is they can rig the election and get away with it, so the ultimate solution to narrative collapse is not who votes but who counts the votes.

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My Comment
My Comment
10 months ago

I wish that Trump could find a way to overcome voter fraud and get reelected.

I miss the days filled with talk of low black unemployment and Israel being our greatest ally. Now I can only dream of Durham being chosen again to investigate corruption. Maybe even Q would reemerge with Trump being back in office.

10 months ago

I swear Z, I don’t know how you continue pump out amazingly relevant and often irreverent content day in and day out. Your site has been a go to read I guess for at least five years now – to say nothing of your gab and subscribe star. You are truly a beacon of light and sanity in an increasingly dark sea of insanity. Many, many thanks.

10 months ago

The Uniparty is not united. You have people like Elon Musk, a 2020 Biden voter and donor, now seeing not one but three DOJ/SEC actions against him regarding a “secret plan” by Tesla to buy Musk a house. The aim being to force out Musk from Twitter, Tesla, and SpaceX. Bearing in mind that Musk has achieved what none of the other space companies or the Air Force can do: launch something like 70% (or thereabouts) of all space launches. Not even the DoD can protect him now. And with Blinken’s Two Front Nuclear War strategy, people and institutions with… Read more »

370H55V I/me/mine
370H55V I/me/mine
10 months ago

Three factors explain the total collapse of the Republican party in California: 1) The replacement of the closed primary for partisan office with the “top two” format, in which all voters may participate and the top two vote getters are considered “voter nominated” and advance to the general election. In most instances, those are both Democrats. When everyone can vote for every office, there’s no need to declare a party affiliation any more. The only party office elected at the primary is member of the party’s county central committee, for which party affiliation is understandably required, but like–who really cares?… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  370H55V I/me/mine
10 months ago

The old school Orange County conservatives I know bailed for Florida over 20 years ago. They could see which way the wind was blowing

Florida’s election results in 2020 and 2022 indicate the majority of the new arrivals are conservatives/grillers fleeing blue states. That probably keeps Florida red for another 10-20 years until the great boomer die off

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
10 months ago

What it really comes down to is none of this means a thing. No matter who got elected, no matter what seats get filled, no matter, no matter, no matter… Nothing is going to change with this corrupt, piece of shit former country. It is over and it’s never getting fixed. The only thing that is worth discussing is its destruction and what will rise from those ashes. We will never have representation in government, so unless normie is ready to grab his “gear”, get off the couch and sacrifice his assets, family and his life, things will just continue… Read more »

Reply to  Tired Citizen
10 months ago

Dude, every word in this echoes exactly my thoughts. Why I am named Elpi, because that is what I believe we will end up as.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
10 months ago

Amen, most tired of citizens – you are not alone.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tired Citizen
10 months ago

I’d be up there letting the world know that everyone is sick and tired of the low IQ apes ruining everything they touch.

Precisely why they would never let you near the mainstream microphone. You could tell your story on Gab though.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
10 months ago

“The main flaw in the narrative was assuming that Trump’s support would collapse after the string of indictments. Because the people behind this stuff are lizard people from an alien planet, they have no way to read public sentiment. They are left to imagine how humans would react under certain conditions. Apparently one of their texts on humans said that humans naturally flee when the bad guys attack their champion for the crime of fighting back against the bad guys.”


Reply to  Oswald Spengler
10 months ago

A few days ago, I was pushing a theory here, chez Z, that Globull Warming was a psy-op designed to vastly decrease the total number of parts in vehicles [Battery/Electric vehicles having vastly fewer parts than do traditional Internal Combustion Engine vehicles], and the reason the Oligarchs wanted to get rid of extra parts was because it meant the Oligarchs could then get by with vastly smaller labor costs [in assembling the vehicles]. And I was warning folks that the UAW was aware of this psyop – the desire on the part of the Oligarchs to slash labor costs –… Read more »

Flyover Citizen
Flyover Citizen
10 months ago

The last few days I’ve been seeing ads pushing Gop support for Ukraine, just proving that they never learn.
I was surprised to see it’s been out there for like three months on YT.
I hope the people who fall for it live far away


c matt
c matt
Reply to  Flyover Citizen
10 months ago

Ted Cruz: GOP support for Ukraine is necessary because it’s good for Israel. Can’t beat that!

10 months ago

Truly excellent analysis! And the humor only makes it more impactful. And the logical follow-on question is . . . what happens after the next stolen election? It will be so ridiculously obvious at that point that not even Dan Bongino will be able to deny the reality. Well, this is what the models say is most probable. First, and assuming Biden’s handlers haven’t already started WW3, all Western economies dive into recession and eventual depression. Second, crime and civil unrest explode in major cites all across the country. LEOs are overwhelmed and the National Guard is called out to… Read more »

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  TomA
10 months ago

2024 may well be the last presidential election year in an intact United States of America.

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
10 months ago

TomA: “…assuming Biden’s handlers haven’t already started WW3, all Western economies dive into recession and eventual depression. Second, crime and civil unrest explode in major cites all across the country. LEOs are overwhelmed and the National Guard is called out to quell the violence…” The LEOs & the National Guard are all v@xxinated. !!!!! THE V@XXINES ARE ABOUT TO SUBSUME EVERYTHING !!!!! “There are an estimated 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA in each dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine…..” — University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=187249 https://youtu.be/IEWHhrHiiTY We’re looking at worst case scenarios now. Purchase moar… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

Standard issue schizo posting

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
10 months ago

Trump as a “fighter” is a myth that should have exploded long ago. He is long on bluster and short on gonads. He let the GOP establishment play him like a fiddle and didn’t even have the gumption to fire people in person. He is probably the only GOP candidate Biden could defeat.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
10 months ago

Perhaps so, but doesn’t change the fact that JEB IS A MESS.

Reply to  fakeemail
10 months ago

you can never hate the bushes enough. W left office with a 28% approval rating . very discourging that almost a third of americans were that dump.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
10 months ago

You have heard about the steal haven’t you? No Republican would have won with the election fortification going on. For all his faults Trump would have won handily had the election not been fortifies against him.

Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

I fall in the middle of both these posts. 2020 was a complete work and Trump would have been elected if the election had been on the up and up. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a paper tiger who isn’t nearly the tough guy he’d have us believe.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
10 months ago

One thing you can’t deny about Trump, though–he’s got thicker skin than a triceratops.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

What are you smoking and get some for the rest of us. Trump was bluster but was totally domineted by what he percieved as publiic opinion . look at how rediculous he was in criticizing governor Kemp of Ga when kemp tried to open up his lockdowns. trump savaged him publicly for “making him look bad” . no turmps fragile EGO was his worst weakiness

Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

As Z mentions, Trump always “overperforms” his poll numbers. On election night 2020, until the code red was called, he’d more than closed the margin on what was universally predicted to be a 10+ point Biden win. Like the televised military coup that soon followed, nobody remembers this. Elections don’t matter, but the gap between known facts about them and what’s said about them does, because it reveals the regime mind. Relatedly, everyone who considers Trump an enemy, even /ourguys/, lies about him. Why is this necessary? How is the truth not enough? “He’s a cultural homosexual and prioritizes that… Read more »

Reply to  Dutch Boy
10 months ago

Dutch Boy: “Trump as a “fighter” is a myth that should have exploded long ago.” I dunno. Trump II doesn’t seem to be quite the nice guy that Trump I was. Just in the last few days… Trump’s Menacing Rosh Hashanah Message to American Jews https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/trumps-menacing-rosh-hashanah-message-to-american-jews/675367/ Trump Proposed Feeding Migrant Children to Alligators in Truth Social Post https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/trump-proposed-feeding-migrant-children-to-alligators-in-truth-social-post/ar-AA1h3rLQ Trump supports government shutdown as McCarthy, House GOP face new challenges in spending fight https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/trump-supports-government-shutdown-as-mccarthy-house-gop-face-new-challenges-in-spending-fight/ar-AA1h3nK3 I wonder if Baron taught his Dad about /pol/? Maybe Baron might even have sent his Dad over to Z? Trump II seems like he’s taking off… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

I voted for him twice. He always talks tough , then caves to pressure. How many times did he say he wouldn’t sign a budget limit bill without his border wall funded? I think 3 times, with the same bluster each time , same cave each time.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  miforest
10 months ago

Merely with his relatively inconsequential promotion stonewall, Tuberville has demonstrated more willingness to buck the system than Trump ever did

There’s been lots of talk that McConnell kept Trump in line with repeated threats of impeachment. I bet Trump sure is glad now that he caved rather than call that bluff. But it underscores Trump’s problem: He cares more about being president than he does about getting anything done as president. He ended up being like every other politician, just with different talking points.

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  miforest
10 months ago

I remember all the hand wringing from Congress including many RINOs when Trump asked for $5 billion to secure OUR borders. Zelensky wants $100 billion, no problemo.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
10 months ago

Lol imagine thinking elections are impacted by what the people actually want. The foreskin eaters will decide which two candidates you can pick from, and your vote will be cast for you by some stupid fat negress in all likelihood. As long as white people allow themselves to be told what to do by the child genital mutilating small hat people, all this will never change.

My Comment
My Comment
Reply to  Dutch Boy
10 months ago

Trump is a fighter during a campaign and when he is personally attacked. Otherwise he is a patsy for the Republican establishment.

10 months ago

The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this; never get involved in a poo flinging contest with an Indian.

Guys, I’m ded!

Reply to  btp
10 months ago

All that Pajeet my son stuff really makes you look at the Prince Pondicherry scene in Charlie and the Chocolate factory in a different light.

Reply to  Ploppy
10 months ago

Apparently there was a remake of Charlie and the Chocolate factory?

I only ever saw the version with (((Jerome “Gene Wilder” Silberman))).

Also known as (((Gilda Radner)))’s husband.

Roald Dahl was a notable & quotable anti-semite.

I figure they cast Wilder/Silberman as a means of humiliating Dahl.

Why Roald Dahl hated Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka

Roald Dahl: Inside His Anti-Semitism and Complicated Legacy

Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

Favorite (unattributed?) quote on the subject ever:

“Antisemitism is when you believe what your ancestors say about jews rather than what jews say about your ancestors”

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

With David Ignatius now in on the gambit, even normie can see that They are trying to push Biden out.

I’ve got 50 GAE dollars that say his replacement on the ballot will be none other than HRC herself. At only 75 years of age she is practically a youth movement compared with BOM and Tater Joe. And with improved 21st century election fortification processes, intransigent middle American resistance to Her is no longer an obstacle.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

How much of a sadistic psychopath is Gavin Newsom?

Hillary certainly didn’t blink an eye when she ordered the assassination of her former lover, Vince Foster.

[For any young betas chez Z, Vince Foster was the nice guy who always finished last. Dead Last. Moral of the story: Don’t be a nice guy. Be a jerk. A sadistic psychopath of a jerk.]

The Council of the Sanhedrin ain’t gonna fund your candidacy unless they can sense that you’re all aboard the White Genocide train.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

Her vengeance against the Middle Americans who scorned her will be terrible indeed. Hell hath no fury

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Bourbon
10 months ago

Only in the Washington DC area can a top government official “commit suicide” by blowing his brains out and yet get no blood on his shirt, no fingerprints on the gun (IIRC), have carpet fibers on his clothes, and a witness placed two strange men at his car where it was parked at Fort Marcy park. That was over thirty years ago, and the moral composition of our nation has not improved in the intervening time.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

I think it will be michell, if they remove him at all. they get a big kick out of rubing our noses in our powerlessness, so they may leave pedo peter in as a dog king.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

Biden replacement is Big Mike Obama.

Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Is there any presidential match up that would bring home to Normie that it isn’t his country any more? What if two Brahman females (Haley and Harris) are the respective Republican and Democratic nominees? What if two blacks (Obama and Scott)? The latter would be particularly hilarious as each sought to “out-black” the other. Would anything wake up Normie at this point?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Normie has been indoctrinated to believe that there is nothing worse in the world than a white Racist. Even most murderers are more favorably looked upon. Easily 3/4 of the population believes this. Probably more.

So if Normie is wake-able, it’s probably not by that.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

A white who says the “jogger word” is of far worse moral character than a jogger who murders a white and and tries to beat the rap by lying that the white called him a jogger.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
10 months ago

There might still be time to convince normie that we can go back to the way things were growing up, where you could use certain words among friends but you maintained civility in public. It’s like being a kid who uses the kind of salty language while hanging out with peers that he would never dare speak in front of dad. Now imagine that a complete stranger comes up to your dad 10 years after the fact and tells him that he once heard you say “fuck” – and your dad disowns you over it! Normal people can see the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Norm Griller would stand aside and applaud dewily as Big Mike and Kamaltoe gangbanged his granddaughter.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

sadly , nothing will . normie lets grown freaks dress up and show their elementary schol daughters their junk at story time. they also sit by smiling as the education establisent puts their son on permanently sterilizing chemical castration

Reply to  miforest
10 months ago

Im hearing a lot of talk about how normies “let” this or that happen. Ok fellow tough talking dissidents, what exactly are WE actually stopping from happening? A lot of regular people dont like any of this nonsense any more than we do. They dont have any power to stop it, nor does anyone here. They may or may not have an intellectual articulated objection to the whole program but that’s not everyone’s job. We’re all on the same ride here and none of us has access to the wheel or brakes. Maybe we can quit scapegoating and dumping on… Read more »

Reply to  NoOneAtAll
10 months ago

What’s the demographics of today’s school children and parents?

As much as we may want to blame “normie” or “grillers” for not doing anything, I think some on this side of the fence have forgotten things like Putnam’s old study on diversity. So why not a quick review: http://akinokure.blogspot.com/2015/02/weakened-by-diversity-succumbing-to-gay.html?m=1

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Lilly white Boulder, Colorado can’t get enough of the ghetto culture that Coach. “Prime” Deion Sanders has brought to their picturesque mountain community. I lived 10 miles from Boulder in the early 2000s so I know that it is full of left wing fruitcakes. Still it illustrates a fatal flaw that the majority of American Whites have which is the.obsession with sports even when their team is made up of hostile blacks that literally despise them. So no Normie is not going to wake up in time in any appreciable numbers to matter.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
10 months ago

Sanders beats three mediocre teams, one in double OT, and suddenly he’s Vince Lombardi, Knute Rockne and Bear Bryant all roled into one. The Regime Media just can’t get enough of Coach Super Nigger, and as the media go, so go the fans. Bloody idiots.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
10 months ago

The most destabilizing scenario is as follows:
1). A Kangaroo court convicts Trump, sends him to the slammer for 500 years.
2) Trump still handily wins the primaries.
3) Trump campaigns from jail like something right out of a third world country (which we are). Trump turns it into something out of Johnny Cash live from Folsom Prison, becoming “a legit gangsta” to the Jack-n-coke drinking peons.
4) The election is rigged like 2020 on steroids. It’s apparent that Trump won to all but partisans.

There’s a great chance of this happening.

Reply to  JR Wirth
10 months ago

I agree with all your points, but that is why I have to agree with Z on the removal of Trump from the primary ballot. I don’t know how, and I do not know it will, but it seems to me that they must remove him. Maybe not, but we will see.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

Keep in mind that it’s the Republican establishment that desperately wants him off the ballot. Perhaps the Democrats, and the Democrat judges are fine and dandy with Trump on the ballot.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  JR Wirth
10 months ago

I don’t think the Ds are capable of rational dispassionate strategery when it comes to the BOM. But if they were, that would make sense.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  JR Wirth
10 months ago

Ds may want him off as well. Trump off the R ballots means millions if not tens of millions fewer votes for the R ticket (whether just staying home, a write in, or third party). The Ds might not even have to cheat this time.

Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

I think they will remove him, thereby hastening the GOP’s trip down the drain chasing the Whigs.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  JR Wirth
10 months ago

This is why there is a frantic effort to remove Trump from a general ballot or to get the Republicucks to bar his nomination. The Regime doesn’t give a damn about domestic perceptions, of course, but still likes to LARP as The World’s Greatest Democracy. Foreigners see it as well, of course, the Regime is far more ruthless than intelligent/sane.

Reply to  JR Wirth
10 months ago

Possible for sure, but I think that the Federal courts, maybe SCOTUS, will intervene (if necessary) to prevent that scenario…if they don’t, they’ll become completely irrelevant, a dreaded outcome…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
10 months ago

The SCOTUS is the one factor everybody’s ignoring in Trump’s persecution. The court could well intervene and ensure he’s on the ballot. Of course, if that happens, fortification will still guarantee he won’t be president again, but at least the Power Structure will have to work for that result.

Jerome P. Tarpley
Jerome P. Tarpley
10 months ago

There will be a person forthcoming from the Democrat Party that is unknown but will be “the one.” This will fit perfectly into their modus operandi. They will bank on the fact that our “social media” culture is waking each day looking for the new savior and eager to accept this person. And by the time of the unveiling, there won’t be sufficient time left to attack, dig up dirt, etc. on this candidate prior to the installation.

Sound like fiction? Sarcasm? Of course it is — it could never happen.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Jerome P. Tarpley
10 months ago

Something very similar to that happened in France in 2017. Emmanuel Macron, who had been a Rothschild banker, and who had relatively little national exposure, suddenly emerged as the leader of a “new” political party and won the French presidency in 2017.

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago


Council of the Sanhedrin.

10 months ago

The latest pablum from a progressive guest on American Mind: https://americanmind.org/salvo/vivek-ramaswamy-and-the-woke-culture-war-on-hindus/ I really enjoy the honesty in the opening statement: “Vivek Ramaswamy and I have something else in common, which is that we are Hindu in America.” I have been using the phrase blacks in America to describe them. It is at least refreshing to get an admission from this Hindu that he is not American. On a similar note, Rawmasway’s statement on immigration was carefully crafted. His summary statement was to the effect, “Living in America is not a right it is a privilege.” What I took that to… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
10 months ago

Oh! Forgot to mention my favorite. That he complains about how American history is attacking Hindu/Subcontinental history in the guise of standing up for accurate history in America.

The racial headcount continues to intensify.

Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Nice. I see you introduced Judeo-Puritan at least as far back as 12/20. If you invented that take a bow as it is spot on accurate and a great play on the Judeo/Christian fabrication. Btw, election season in my locality. You can see from the yard signs that this is an ethnic/racial headcount. East Asians are pushing in hard and pushing out the once entrenched biggest advocates for TGR. A long, hard, bitter swig of one’s own medicine is coming fast and hard in the coming decades. Based on the businesses encroaching and the current yard sign ratio, there are… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
10 months ago

Several of my neighbors are Japanese, the only “good” (Euro-compatible) Asians. The rare yard sign is always for a different kind of Asian who’s ethically hostile to them. In present America they’re allies—increasingly with blacks and hispanics—against the rest of us. The last few decades’ push for an American pan-Asianism didn’t work out, mostly because Indians are repulsive to everyone, but the next-iteration “Global Majority” talk, because it’s in the language of conquest, is doing its job.

Reply to  RealityRules
10 months ago

Trump should consider putting Vivek on the ticket…Indians vote slavishly for other Indians, and that amounts to something…

Tony Dukes
Tony Dukes
10 months ago

The Democrat will win easily.

single women

Pretty much everybody not white.

Add to that about 40% of white people, skewed younger.

Game over

Reply to  Tony Dukes
10 months ago

Putting Vivek on the ticket would change some of that…

Reply to  pyrrhus
10 months ago

We have Indians in our community who usually vote democrat…that would change with Vivek…

10 months ago

Of course, they are falling for one of the classic blunders. The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this; never get involved in a poo flinging contest with an Indian.

I approve this message.

Reply to  Vizzini
10 months ago

All over SE Asia there’s an old joke which goes like this:

Q: You’re walking the rounds of your rice fields and you encounter a cobra and an Indian. You know you only have one bullet left. What do you do?

A: Shoot the Indian of course and take your chances with the cobra.

10 months ago

“ The main flaw in the narrative was assuming that Trump’s support would collapse after the string of indictments. Because the people behind this stuff are lizard people from an alien planet, they have no way to read public sentiment. ” What they can not understand—nor if they did, accept, is that Trump represents both the anger and hope of the (Dirt) people. There are only two ways now to “handle” Trump, assassinate him or attempt to keep him off State ballots through escalating the “lawfare” attack. So far the States attempting to keep him off the ballot are Dem… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Cue the image of R2D2 projecting a hologram of Bobby Mack Hawkins in a greezy CAT hat and flannel shirt, spitting Red Man tobacco juice and moanin’ out, “Hear me Donald Trump; you’re ma’ only dad-blaned hope.”

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Also remember, the Secret Service is required to protect Trump, even in jail…How would that work, haha?

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

If they do bang up Trump, It’s really going to piss off his Secret Service Detail.
They won’t do well in a prison.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Whatever happens in the election, the American people will lose. The government will continue to throw billions at left wing causes providing employment and money to their supporters. That is the purpose of this new idea of the “Climate Corps” It’s the “reward your friends” part of winning elections to punish your enemies and reward your friends. Every young kook with a degree somehow related to climate will get 6 figure salaries doing very little to nothing. Only the neocons ever did stuff like this with the GOP. The “faith based initiatives” under W come to mind. Despite having large… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

“ Despite having large majorities in Congress multiple times since the early 70s, the GOP never did anything to stop abortion” Precisely, but don’t stop with abortion. The GOP did nothing! Except possibly increase the MIC and reduce taxes at the expense of the budget. Here in AZ the push is now to eliminate the *extreme* MAGA candidates under the guise of luring back all those “IND” registered voters. It breaks down to the establishment, do nothing, “RINO’s” against the Trump MAGA people. The establishment GOP is so vile as to be joining with Dem’s to pass an “open primaries”… Read more »

M. Murcek
10 months ago

One of the favorite tropes of liberals is “teachers having to buy classroom supplies out of their own pockets” because the schools are so criminally underfunded. Now, as a hardcore capitalist, I support everyone’s right to flush their money down a toilet or burn it up in a fire. Look at the people who support the WNBA or much of what is called “the arts” today. However, as long as people will donate to candidates like Burgum, Hutchinson, et. al., I simply don’t want to hear, as the unnamed guy at the beginning of Heart of Darkness said, one “gah… Read more »

Reply to  M. Murcek
10 months ago

“I simply don’t want to hear, as the unnamed guy at the beginning of Heart of Darkness said, one “gah damn” thing about supposed public necessities that are going wanting.” Yeah, funny how cloud math works. We can’t afford to spend five billion for a wall on the Southern border, but we “can” afford to send untold billions to Ukraine to protect their borders. We can’t afford to give our own people heath care, but we “can” afford health care for illegals and their anchor babies. We can’t afford to forgive student loans, but we “can” afford tax breaks for… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

There’s a lot more to it. I’m imperfectly repeating someone else’s words here (probably Gary North): Politicians are deathly afraid of being labelled “insensitive.” Of course that was long before modern terms like “woke” or “virtue signalling” came into common usage, but the key concepts are as old as civilization. These people by and large have cushy jobs and nice benefits. Those can all vanish at the next election and/or if they anger their masters. Rarely will any of these take a stand on a hard issue: illegal immigration, funding foreign military adventures, dubious public health policies, why the poor… Read more »

Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

Heritage Americans are not Real Americans. It all makes sense when you get the categories right.

Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

Nope, the priority of an elected official is to be *re-elected*. Re-election of course being dependent on a set of elite “donors” and powerful interests. The elections are just for the rubes.

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Monarchy: as it was, so it shall be.

Reply to  Winter
10 months ago

Precisely…and the Republicans are up to their neck in this insanity…

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  M. Murcek
10 months ago

No, it’s just part of the grift. Any cuts or failure to increase budgets are applied to the most public facing aspect of the program. Like your local board of education could cut many workers without firing a single teacher or making teachers buy their own supplies or cutting extra curricular activities. But this would be an actual solution and would not require continuous increases in the budget. This is not how bureaucracies work. The central goal of any bureaucracy is to protect and grow itself. All of these credentialed “experts” employed by the bureaucracy like their cushy jobs and… Read more »

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Can’t wait for the federal government to “shut down” in a few weeks so our rulers can close the Smithsonian, national parks and give the bureaucracy an extra few weeks of paid vacation.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Mow Knowname
10 months ago

The leaves are nice that time of year in the nearby Shenandoah National Park. Or spend a week at the shore if you get a not uncommon Indian summer.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

One dirty little (not so) secret is class size bemoaning. Teachers just can’t teach class sizes over 30, so instruction suffers and more, smaller, classes must be made.

I still have my Catholic school grade school class pictures. My class had 48 students! I never was in a class that wasn’t packed. Now I admit the environment was different. The nuns would tolerate no shenanigans. We sat and paid attention. We were all White.

Increased public school costs against decreasing achievement is just another gift of DIE, but the point remains achievement is *not* a product of small class size.

Reply to  M. Murcek
10 months ago

I have worked in three different school districts. I am not saying it is not true in some places, but rarely do teachers shell out. School supplies are given in abundance, particularly for the SPED population. Our society has some sick obsession with turning teachers into some form of hero (I guess we are on the front line of turning out next generation bizzaro Ukrainian spokesmen..err. women). I was once in a local restaurant and some people I knew were talking to me about my job, and others overheard. A lady, whom I did not know, said to me, “Thank… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

Teachers going bankrupt to supply their little angels with school supplies, and hospitals so stuffed with Covid cases that thousands of patients are strapped to gurneys in parking lots in the Blizzard of the Century. Leftist mythopoeia.

Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

The one thing teachers will shell out for is copies of Dead Poet Society and Finding Forrester to play for the class when teacher has a hangover and needs to rest and keep the lights dim.

Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

Me too, when I was teaching…it’s not significant anyway…

Reply to  M. Murcek
10 months ago

murcek – agree and amplify. If you abolished public schools for two years, would things be that bad? I’m skeptical they would be. Parents can find a way to do it themselves or find someone to teach there kids that they know/trust.

Mow Knowname
Mow Knowname
Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
10 months ago

Chicago HAS abolished their public school system: 10% of the student body is white.
They just keep forcing the white people (and commercial property owners) to pay taxes for the system.

Reply to  Mow Knowname
10 months ago

this might be a cope but if all the lakefront people (which is where the white population mostly lives in chicago) left the city to go to the surrounding communities – would the city get its just deserts?

Because then there would be no more white people to squeeze for tax money. The only way they could do that would be to turn cook county into a super-municipality and abolish all municipalities within.

Reply to  krustykurmudgeon
10 months ago

Yes, it would be bad for some areas – it is well know that in diverse areas that crime spikes dramatically during the summer months. Now, authorities find cute ways of explaining this (people are outside more, tempers flare more in the heat), but the real reason: the youth are free.

10 months ago

I think they have to drop Biden no matter what. Consider that impromptu reenactment of “The Gong Show” in Hanoi — that goofy negress press secretary literally cut off his mic. Imagine being a national security analyst and the word comes over the wire: The Wakandan press secretary just cut off the Wakandan president’s mic as he, the President, was addressing a foreign nation IN that nation, standing right next to that nation’s leader. You’d expect tanks in the streets by nightfall in the Wakandan capital, right? No serious country could possibly allow that to happen. And since the only… Read more »

M. Murcek
Reply to  Severian
10 months ago

Yes. The Gong Show. Next up, The Unknown President, with a bag over (his, hers, their, its) head tossing confetti in the aisles.

I can hardly wait.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  M. Murcek
10 months ago

Gene the Dancing Machine would be an upgrade here to these clowns

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

“We’ll be right back with more, STUFF!”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

Hell, Charles Nelson Riley from Match Game ’76 and Paul Lynde from Hollywood Squares would make for a more legitimate presidential ticket than anything the Power Structure can conjure from the contemporary political morass.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

Match Game ’23 would replace Lynde and O’Reilly with “Leia” Thomas and “Caitlyn” Jenner.

Reply to  M. Murcek
10 months ago

“Oh Jaye P. Morgan, WHY did you gong Joe Biden?!?!”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Severian
10 months ago

Oh, I think other world leaders are well aware that DC is a clown show.

Their main worry in dealing with the GAE is managing its collapse without provoking it into a nuclear first strike.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

I agree, Geese. Other world leaders likely are terrified of the emotionally incontinent lunatics presiding over this rapidly dying empire. And they should be.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

If everything I’ve been reading about China is true or even mostly true, China is going to be more likely than the GAE to take the world to war. Banks are failing all over the place, including state owned banks. RE is collapsing (both figuratively and literally). The “Mandate of Heaven” is utterly collapsing with floods all over the country. High level purges are happening including in the military. China has blown up the largest bubble in history. It is also one of the most corrupt countries on Earth. It retains much of the communist structure it inherited from Mao… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Hmmm….I usually just scan headlines. Here’s one from Sep. 19: “Is China exporting deflation to the rest of the world?”


For the curious, google “ghost city China”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Is this a true bill, or is it regime media, agitprop?

(Ella Fitzgerald scatting in the background…)

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

From what I can tell, most of the regime media dutifully repeat Chinese propaganda. Most of the China specific reporters are on the take or at least in line with the Chinese line.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago


Those are all good points.

Personally, I really struggle with reporting out of China just because the sources in my feeds are lousy.

I mean, I don’t trust Pete Zeihan or China Uncensored any further than I could throw them.

That said, an actual Chinese collapse that took down the CCP would be better for the world in the long run.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

I take some of it with a grain of salt. Most of the bad news that comes out of China is propagated by people with an axe to grind with China. But their biases aside, the CCP really did stop reporting “youth unemployment” and they really do have an enormous RE bubble. Those ghost cities really do exist. There really are quite a few 1/2 completed buildings being torn down. Evergrande and other large RE companies really are missing bond payments. China really is enormously corrupt. They really do install fake drains and fake fire hydrants. Given all the control,… Read more »

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

“That said, an actual Chinese collapse that took down the CCP would be better for the world in the long run.”

I wouldn’t say that without a good understanding of what would pop up after the CCP went down.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

Even if the CCP loses the Mandate of Heaven, who steps in to replace it? The only entity that could maybe pull it off is the PLA, but in the end what difference would that make?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

KGB, the PLA is an arm of the CCP. China proper has no armed forces. Hard to imagine a PLA coup that would remove the CCP. That the CCP leadership might change, yes, but China will never go democratic as we understand it.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Even if that is the more likely scenario, Tars, China does not have a history of invading other countries, starting and funding proxy wars, and the like. The United States is well known to do this. Perceptions are, therefore, that China will not light the world afire and the United States will.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jack Dobson
10 months ago

Keep in mind that Mao tried to get Stalin or Khrushchev to start a nuclear war with the US because it was “inevitable” anyway. China was so insane with its collectivization of agriculture that Khrushchev basically cut them off, recalled all Soviet advisors and forced Mao to deal with Nixon instead. This is a country that declared war on sparrows. This is a country that had the “Cultural Revolution” These are a people who will staple plastic leaves to dead trees to save face.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
10 months ago


Add to that list the invasion of Vietnam, Tars, and noted. Still, all that happened in the relatively distance past, and the GAE menacing the world and actually invading countries is far more recent. Perceptions are reality quite often.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

I’m always reluctant to put stock in “China is DOOOMED!” stories. They’ve been out there for a quarter century now and their record at predicting the future tracks very well with the climate alarmists. Many of them are written by grifters.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

Don’t believe all the copeium that Peter Zeihan emits from his posterior. Do I really need to say anything about Gordon Chang’s track record? Look, I live just over the fence from Shenzhen and have done so for a good chunk of the last 30 years. The PRC has its economic and social problems, but I get no feeling that it’s about to go tits up. I was never a China shill and in fact started out as quite the sceptic… but those high speed trains and pristine subways have worked their inscrutable oriental magic on my prejudices. Even their… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
10 months ago

Meh, I can agree with much of this, but the personal freedom stuff? You’re talking about a surveillance state unparalleled in human history. Yes, I know the American government collects all kinds of data, but the systematic nature of Chinese surveillance is on a completely different level.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
10 months ago

You really should stop getting your news from the Western Press.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
10 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyed your piece this am. This is as close as I get to paying attention to anything politics in “America”. Quite honestly, I couldn’t care less about the clown show known as the GOP. As far as I’m concerned, nothing matters until the shooting starts…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tired Citizen
10 months ago

I’m not encouraging anything here, but a few days ago I saw a new-to-me meme: It has an image of Ben Franklin. I doubt he actually said it, but he’d quite likely would have agreed with it:

War is when your government decides who the enemy is.
Revolution is when you decide.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
10 months ago

Yeah, the provenance of that seemed dubious, if for no other reason than the vocabulary and grammatical construction. But I still liked it.

10 months ago

As stated before, I have zero interest in elections or voting. That being said, I do skim headlines. While some of DeSantis’ positions in Florida sound sensible, it’s a state filled with NY juice and Haitians. I feel immense sympathy for the heritage Whites who remain in the northern and central parts of the state, but would be satisfied to see the rest wash out to sea. And even if I had been somehow unaware of DeSantis’ endorsement by the Bush family (I wasn’t, of course), his recent championing by McCain’s spawn merely confirmed who and what he truly represents.… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

Well said!! That sums it up nicely.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

That’s great stuff, 3g. As an aside, the Florida panhandle/northern Florida are known as “LA,” an acronym for “lower Alabama.” The rest of the state is an alien place.

Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

“ Ramaswarthy, besides being a WEF creature who made his money on a fake pharmaceutical, is an alien religiously, culturally, and visually. ”

Yep, this is an important point that needs to be made—especially in this group. We all look for a “Superman” to save us, but repeatedly get a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In support of this assertion, I give you Obama.

Never again….

Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

“You asked for a miracle, I give you the FBI Ramaswamy.”

10 months ago

I don’t think they are indicting Trump to put him in jail, they are indicting him so GOP voters rally to him and he is the nominee. They know they can beat him. It seems to be working, no? Trump did a lot of good things as president but he also failed to do a lot of what he promised. I know the GOP establishment sabotaged him but they didn’t make him push his platinum plan and his push for criminal justice reform. That is the narrative for Normie plus Trump is not blameless for the Jan 6 fiasco. Normie… Read more »

Reply to  MikeCLT
10 months ago

I think your post discounts just how viscerally these people hate Trump. They want to see Trump humiliated – they want him to suffer the modern struggle session.

Reply to  MikeCLT
10 months ago

You’re giving the Juggaloes too much credit for intelligence. That sounds like a great plan but it requires too much planning ahead. Also you forget they didn’t beat him except for massive cheating. They’ll beat him again by cheating so why even bother to be that clever. They’re going to sweep both house of Congress anyway thanks to the feckless Republicans who don’t want to be in power. I get it though, you don’t like Trump so everything that happens you blame on him. He was what he was but he still accomplished more than anyone else had ever done.… Read more »

Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

MikeCLT ignores one very important point, who would be better than Trump? Not just for electability, but for *effect*! The current slate of GOP candidates and the GOP in general are basically the same old, same old. As I’ve said, I won’t be fooled again.

Better to lose and feel the pain of such immediately, than to postpone.

Reply to  Mike
10 months ago

I enthusiastically voted for Trump twice. I will vote for him again if he is the nominee. But I think he will lose if he is the nominee. I also think he will be unable to staff his administration with anything but crazies so he will be even less effective in his second term if he wins one.

Reply to  MikeCLT
10 months ago

In the aspect of poor choice in personnel I can concur. I hope he is a transformed man and this time listens to himself.

Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

A very entertaining way to start my morning, but one could just read the final paragraph to get the gist of the picnic. All the narraatives, debates, King Cobras, zombies, poo-flingers and neocons really don’t add up to sweet Fatty Arbuckle because the Power Structure, by hook and by crook, will have its way. The figurehead in the anti-White House will be a compliant tool of the Power Structure. This we know.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

The Republican primary is shaping up to be a battle between King Cobra and Nikki Tikki Tavi.

Reply to  Guest
10 months ago

Keeping with the Kipling theme, you’ve just described the circus act. Gehazi is the ringmaster.

BayouRenaissanceMan (good man, but bit of a NormieCon) loves to quote chunks of Kipling’s poetry… Bastard that I am, I keep asking him to do Gehazi but he won’t bite.

If anyone ever wondered why Kipling went out of fashion, I’d reckon Gehazi had a bit to do with it… not just the boring old ‘colonialist’ trope.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

Among the many contributiors at Unz, one (apparently inactive since 2021) is named Linh Dinh. I tried to label him “Fling Dung” but I don’t know if it caught on 🙂

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
10 months ago

Linh Dinh Jonhsonh?

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
10 months ago

Line Dinh, the essayist? I used to read him. He was entertaining.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Compsci
10 months ago

Lihn Dihn is a powerful and great writer. He is now on Substack. Something he wrote about growing up in Saigon really caught my attention. Linh wrote that although the war had raged all his life, it was more or less just a thing out there and the summer before Saigon fell everything still seemed normal and life was good. He constantly warned Americans that he saw the same shaping up here.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
10 months ago

Last time I read him he was hanging out and yukking it up with lowlifes in dodgy parts of Cape Town. Perhaps the Coloureds or Kaffirs ate him.

Celt Darnell
10 months ago

Another fraudulent election carries huge risks for them though. Already, a majority of Republicans — despite the best efforts of the media/academy/Democrats (but I repeat myself) — believe the 2020 election was fraudulent (because it was).

Having ALL Republicans and even some Democrat voters (meaning the WASPS who are still with the Party) believing elections are completely fraudulent presents a real danger for them.

If close or more than 50% of the nation believe this is a banana republic, what remains of civil society erodes completely. Good luck with that. They need the normies quiescent.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Celt Darnell
10 months ago

“If close or more than 50% of the nation believe this is a banana republic, what remains of civil society erodes completely. Good luck with that. They need the normies quiescent.”

Hence a (naturally) tanned and ready replacement population. The smart money is that doesn’t work out as planned, though.

10 months ago

A relative of mine who is of the boomer generation and was a devout fan of Buckley/Limbaugh has made some comments about possibly supporting Tim Scott. It’s the same reason she was fond of Carson and Allen West. Scott’s people should consider running an ad with an older woman in her living room. She could speak intently, looking right at the camera and say “Back in ‘68, a nice young black man held the door open for me as I was carrying my groceries. And that is why I am supporting Tim Scott for president.” She’s also noted that Bongino… Read more »

Reply to  Melissa
10 months ago

Melissa – when I’m bored or overly irate over some bit of news, I relax by playing a mindless game of free cell solitaire. Since I won’t pay for it I get blessed by ads. One they show again and again is shaky old White ladies being helped by gentle, loving, courteous black caregivers. That so many Whites envision this as Truth, rather than the reality of black ‘carers’ brutalizing and stealing from old Whites, sickens me. May they enjoy their future stay in extended care homes courtesy of their Haitian helpers.

Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

Wow. Not sure which would be worse: Haitians or Eritreans.
Either way, they are not ‘Visiting Angels’.

Reply to  Melissa
10 months ago

Haitians, Honey (well, it’s yer name innit?).

Always bet on the Haitians being worst possible choice and you’ll be able to retire young.

Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

As if by the time people are old, they will 1. Have a choice and 2. Why in the hell would you wish brutality on them?

Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

Hell, I’d be more worried about having you as my carer and you finding out that I didn’t vote the way you wanted me to. No better than a deranged and vicious Trump hater. Or maybe you are that. You sound like you’d delight in letting the Haitian brutalize an old person while you watched. So, you are worse than them!

Reply to  Stephanie
10 months ago

Sweetie, you sound emotionally distraught. I have a hard time taking hysterical women seriously. Go take your meds and have a lie down.

Reply to  3g4me
10 months ago

La droite dissidente a aussi ses Tricoteuses.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Melissa
10 months ago

I am a boomer. You are right. Many of them will never learn. The brainwashing worked. I have seen it my entire life.

Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Thank heaven Z-man follows the Republican race so that I don’t have to! I think that the more interesting race is on the Democrat side. The most likely scenario is the re-election of Biden, assuming he stays alive and reasonably sentient. A complete Ukrainian collapse, with mutinies breaking out in the Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian soldiers shooting their NATO “advisers,” might be the end of the Biden presidency. Another alternative is if Robert Kennedy, Jr. runs stronger than expeccted, à la Eugene McCarthy against Lyndon Johnson in 1968, triggering Robert Kennedy to enter the race and Johnson to withdraw from… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Whitmer is such a vicious harpy she makes Nikki outright pleasant. She is not a prime time person and will flounder worse than Desantis.

Even for dems, you need some star appeal to make it. Whitmer is basically your obnoxious aunt.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
10 months ago

To your point, this is why the DOJ/FBI had to intervene and remove Republicans who could have beaten Whitmer.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

My current picks:

Dems: Gov. “I’m not running for President” Newsom
Reps: Pence, a good errand boy, solid Swamp connections, not likely to rock the boat.

Trump and RFK Jr. run as independents, between them taking a substantial portion of the vote (a third, maybe).

2024 is gonna be lit. We’re screwd in any event, but at least it’ll be entertaining.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
10 months ago

ZMan: “They are left to imagine how humans would react under certain conditions”.
That one pithy sentence says a whole lot about the RepubElite and their detachment from reality problem.
One solution to said problem would be for them to summon up from his secret lair that all knowing swami and soothsayer – Karl Rove, who along with his little tablet & magic marker can diagram just how team R can win the sweepstakes for ruler of AINO (or better yet come in a close, but respectable 2nd place).

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
10 months ago

The debate is in California becuse it’s at the Shrine of St. Ron. Conservatives hold conferences there. It’s a beautiful ranch up in the mountains northwest of L.A. Visit it if you’re in the area. The shrine includes the highlights of his life. One is a display of his “appointing the first woman to the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor,” with a manniquin of her. Never mind she betrayed him and the Constituiton, for example upholding Roe v. Wade, reducing property rights in the Hawaii case and limiting the death penalty. You also can go inside the Air Force One… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Boniface
10 months ago

It will be hilarious when leftwing NPC’s vandalize and destroy the Reagan ranch like a Confederate monument on a college campus. Conservatards will still have their Constitution, though!

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

“Conservatards will still have their Constitution, though!”

The Constitution will be publicly burned as part of the ceremonies marking the establishment of the People’s Republic of Wokanda.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
10 months ago

Don’t forget her rationale for a “time-limited” affirmative action regime. Sure, sweet cheeks, that was never gonna happen.

10 months ago

[…] ZMan looks behind the curtain. […]

10 months ago

Of course, they are falling for one of the classic blunders. The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this; never get involved in a poo flinging contest with an Indian.

What’s your position on “Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mmack
10 months ago

Can’t speak for anybody else, but I personally have long been building up a tolerance to iocane powder…

Reply to  mmack
10 months ago

Now we vote, you from your district and me from mine, and we will see who is right, and who is dead.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  mmack
10 months ago

You catch Sec. Binky’s latest speech?

We’re on the road to a two-front WW3 that ends in global thermonuclear war.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

We’ve been on that road a while. So they made if official? Do NPC’s in D.C. and NYC realize they won’t have cell service after the nukes fly?

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

“Shall we play a game?”

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
10 months ago

I’m starting to the think this what Klaus Schwab and the planners at the WEF meant by The Great Reset. Little did people know they meant a reset to the Neolithic period.

10 months ago

“What we know from 2016 is that Trump always does better than the polls, so it is fair to assume he will win handily if nothing changes.” Trump will not win because he will not be allowed to win. The game is totally rigged at this point. Just yesterday New York changed its voting laws to make every voter in every election able to vote absentee by mail 100% of the time. Nothing screams F-R-A-U-D in flashing neon more obviously than that. Between the indictments, the trials, changes to the voting laws, and internal Republican Party rules, the DOJ and… Read more »

Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

Trump and family arrested for starters. Then a DOJ / FBI / CIA / et al wet dream: take care of the Trump family – Romanov style.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Xman
10 months ago

I’v wondered about that too. I hope Melania’ and Baron’s Slovenian passports are up todate. (I don’ think Ivanka and Jared have anything to worry about, however.)

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
10 months ago

Trump is a major CivNat. He should have left the country in 2020, and certainly should have gotten his wife and kids abroad before he ran again, but the man actually believes the Rule of Law remains a thing.

10 months ago

From one of the linked articles: “I’m sure the boogeyman white supremacist exists somewhere in America. I’ve just never met him. Never seen one, never met one in my life, right?” Ramaswamy said at a lunch hosted by the local county’s Republican Party. “Maybe I’ll meet a unicorn sooner. And maybe those exist, too.” Barely 24 hours later, a white gunman armed with a handgun and an AR-15 adorned with swastikas entered a dollar store in Jacksonville, Florida, and killed three Black people before taking his own life Isn’t this just a perfect coincidence? If Vivek keeps growing in popularity,… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
10 months ago

Well, the one law the Regime must respect is the Law of Unintended Consequences. So as a public service, I consulted the stock charts just now to see what the results of Regime Policy have been. 1) Obama – takes office when Smith & Wesson stock is $4. It was $16 when he left office. 2) Obama – takes office with United Healthcare stock at $28/share. He leaves office with UNH at $161/share !!! Obamacare in action haha… 3) Trump – takes office and 4 years later, the Chinese stock market is up 43% and performs exactly in line with… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

To paraphrase a line from The Sopranos, where did they get these candidates, the candidate museum?

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

“the SPR is dry”

The ONLY reason even the feckless and pathetic GOP didn’t wipe out the Democrats in 2022 was because Biden tapped the SPR and gas prices dropped. People vastly underestimate how much fuel prices determine political results. I saw this referenced very little in the post-mortems, possibly because the talking dolls on the tube are retarded. Of course, fortification of even local elections may make dissatisfaction irrelevant.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

That and a few large canvas bags of ballots lol….

The SPR caverns are lined with canvas bags 🙂

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

Don’t forget, “muh $1400 stimmiez from Unca Joe!!!!”

I openly heard middle-class whites bragging about this when I ventured out after that proposal was floated.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

> People vastly underestimate how much fuel prices determine political results.

This used to be the case, but these days elections are won more from tapping into the Strategic Ballot Reserves than the petroleum ones.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
10 months ago

I always liked, and still do, the lines from a song by the Psychedelic Furs back in the early 80s, “President Gas is tap dancing for the bankers, he’s a thief, he isn’t very honest, but he’s obvious at least”.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
10 months ago

I hadn’t thought of this song in ages. All these decades later … and it’s perfect. Thanks for the reminder.

It’s amazing how spot on the lyrics of theirs and similarly minded bands from late 1970s/early 1980s were. It’s actually disturbing how they’re even more fitting now, even after so much time has passed.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Biden takes office with 30-year fixed (national average) home mortgages at 3.74%. Last night the same rate was 7.59%.

Let’s see how long the economy can withstand this. By Election Day (if it actually occurs), my prediction is pain.

Reply to  Captain Willard
10 months ago

Elections don’t matter and probably haven’t for at least my entire lifetime. They only exist so the satanic tribesman who rule over us can say “oy vey, you VOTED for this.”

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

CNN told me that the claim the SPR was dry is a “Trump falsehood”.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Oil and labor costs are the key.

Inflation is the fly in the ointment to the whole financial system. If inflation comes down and stays down, you can keep the plates spinning for a while longer. If not, you have a problem.

10 months ago

Newsom knows he only has to wait for five more years. He is in his mid 50s and in good shape, and he will be a shoo-in for 2028. No need to be part of the pot stirring this time. I have said repeatedly, and I believe Z is now coming around, they will probably run Biden again. Why wouldn’t they? He does exactly as told, and his gaffes are easily ignored by the media.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

By 2024, we will have forgotten that Newsom banged his campaign manager’s wife and had a stormy romance with Peruvian Marching Powder. Newsom makes Gary Hart look like Mike Pence.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
10 months ago

Neocons “tolerating” crookedness? Har. You certainly have a wicked sensayuma this lovely Thursday morn.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

Don’t want to speak for another, but I think he meant it as, Dealing with the odious man himself. Can you imagine how awful interacting with that arrogant geezer would be. Biden isn’t even cunning, much less intelligent, and I am sure his disposition rankles them occasionally, the times they have to pretend to defer to him. Plus, he probably smells bad. Old man and poop.

Reply to  Eloi
10 months ago

You probably won’t see young children lining up to sniff his hair!

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
10 months ago

Funny stuff. To the degree the election is of any interest at all, it appears that outside of the Republican Party’s role as a faux opposition party, GOP establishment positions may have support only in the single digits. It would be interesting to see what percentage of the populace would support fully dismantling the United States government at this point. I doubt it is a majority yet but it may be north of a third. Regardless, lowering marginal tax rates is not going to send chills down the spines of Americans, and election theft will be met with rolled eyes.… Read more »

joey jünger
joey jünger
10 months ago

“Never get involved in a poo flinging contest with an Indian.” It’s no accident that in Jean Raspail’s “Camp of the Saints,” the captain of the “Calcutta Star” is called “The Turd Eater.” I recall comedian Bill Burr talking about his trip to India and marveling that a naked baby was not only walking around by himself, but managed to do a “number two” while strutting down the street, before fading into the crowd like Hannibal Lector at the end of “Silence of the Lambs.” I’m currently reading an astronomy book by an Indian woman and it’s clear they’re still… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
10 months ago

“Indians are a bigger problem than any other group, as they’re making a play to supplant Jews as the most fiercely nepotistic cohort in America….”

JJ… Will they succeed, in your opinion?

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Filthie
10 months ago

I don’t think they can succeed, because they hate themselves as much as they hate us for getting closer to the divine through science and exploration than they ever came. At least Jews—just by their proximity to that great illumination in Europe—got to bask in the reflection of that fiery glow. Indians were then (and are now) clogging their rivers with bodies and their streets with feces. They can destroy us, sure, but once self-hatred projected outward annihilates its target, it’s left with nothing but the self to destroy. Then again, who knows? If the current rulers can scapegoat Hitler,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  joey jünger
10 months ago

Excellent post. However, Bohr was only a demi-Jew.

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
10 months ago

I think the JQ is legitimate, but the “Jüdische Physik” (Jew Physics) and “Welteislehre” (Glacial Ice Cosmogony) of the Nazis were crazy. They got the Aryan roots in Iran correct, but you could figure that out just looking at the Indo-Germanic language family’s roots.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  joey jünger
10 months ago

> Indians are a bigger problem than any other group, as they’re making a play to supplant Jews as the most fiercely nepotistic cohort in America. I disagree, to some extent. First of all, everyone is nepotistic to some degree. Event he WASPiest WASPs will hire the owner’s son over a slightly more-qualified stranger. However, Jews are *tribalistic*, in that they don’t just prioritize the advancement of direct relatives, but rather any Jew. An Ashkenazim will help to advance a Sephardic Jew, and vice versa. Hindus, on the other hand, discriminate on the basis of *caste*. Brahmins will advance other… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
10 months ago

Maybe not white ‘genocide’ per se but they sure as hell are hellbent on replacing us in every decent field of employment, particularly tech and medicine. They’ve been very successful at that, for quite a while now. I’ve witnessed it firsthand in IT. Politics is the next arena ripe for infiltration, witness Ramasmarmy, Nimrata, ad nauseum. Stupid ‘conservative’ civ-nats can’t get enough of that curry-infested crap.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
10 months ago

I don’t know any Indian divorce lawyers.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
10 months ago

In my experience, Indian males absolutely loathe white males. As a result they usually will support all the woke anti-white BS.

Also many Indian females love to get with white males. This just infuriates the Indian male even more, especially since white females aren’t interested in Indian men.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
10 months ago

From the linked CNN article:
–Eric Levine, a New York lawyer and fundraiser who is backing South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott
–“I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to have an impact on this race,” said Frayda Levin, a Republican donor from New Jersey
I think I might be picking up on part of the issue here.

Walrus Aurelius
10 months ago

I guess that Mumbly Joe’s handlers are completely unwilling to cut someone else in on their power sharing agreement. Should we just expect Dem politicians to all be brain damaged from now on so they can take the fall but escape punishment?

Reply to  Walrus Aurelius
10 months ago

Hey, it sems to work for them.

10 months ago

The debate is in California because the people who run the GOP consider Ronald Reagan a deity and also because they like the weather. They take trips to the Reagan library like normies go to Disneyland. I would put the over/under on statements from Mike Pence praising Reagan at 19.5. I was going to write a joke about them asking George Stephanopoulos to moderate again, but when I looked it up they are using a woman from Univision named Ilia Calderon in addition to two FOX news stooges. According to her Wikipedia page, she won an Emmy in 2017 for… Read more »

Walrus Aurelius
Reply to  Barnard
10 months ago

It’ll be an opportunity for the more savvy among them to praise Reagan and use that as a precedent to talk about how “The Republican Party just *has* to get behind Amnesty again. Just one more time we promise.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
10 months ago

A little known fact about Reagan’s early life, which I expect to be revealed during this debate, is that he worked hand-in-hand with Harriett Tubman on the Underground Railroad. All the live-long day, by gawd!

Reply to  Barnard
10 months ago

I think I’d rather have the KKK guy moderate the debate. KKKguy: “Vivek Rama-whatever, despite being a dirty street-crapper, you talk more sense than all the other candidates on the stage, combined. If elected, do you promise to suttee the ever-living s**t of Nikki Haley for the good of the nation and the amusement of many?” Vivek: “Not only will I burn that b***h on a pyre of tranny-promoting pamphelts, I will defenestrate the other candidates and decorate every lamp post on I-95 from Maine to Miami with deep state swamp-dwellers, twice over.” KKKguy: “You got my vote, Aryan brother… Read more »

10 months ago

An interesting thing about Vivek Ramaswamy is that he comes from the Brahmin caste and the Brahmins consider themselves “white”

Reply to  FNC1A1
10 months ago

Brahmins consider themselves “white”

White, or Aryan?

Lol all the unmentionables beneath the surface.