Reality, Politics And IQ

One of the stranger parts of fringe politics is the fetish by some who deny the accepted view of Ashkenazi intelligence. Long before empirical support for the claim was available, Americans assumed Jews did so well because they were smart and they worked hard, avoiding the vices that can lead to failure. For the last half century or so, psychometry has provided another primary cause. Ashkenazi Jews have, on average, a significantly higher intelligence than the rest of us.

There is a subculture within the anti-science subculture that denies this. Much like those who deny the reality of evolution, they spend their time picking nits at the claims by the HBD people with regards to Jews and intelligence. More often than not these are people who have only a superficial understanding of the material, but they are sure there are gaping holes in the Jews-are-smart argument. This post from a person calling himself Academic Agent is a good example of the genre.

The argument in that post is not original. Some versions of it have been kicking around for a long time among antisemites. For some reason, they cannot accept that their favorite enemy is winning because they are smart, among other things. Perhaps losing to a tiny minority of morons feels better for some reason. Here is a more sophisticated version of the same argument. Here is a much less sophisticated version of the same argument from Vox Day.

Putting aside the motivations for this line of reasoning for a second, the question at the core of it is what is the proof of Ashkenazi intelligence? The HBD people have been responding to these arguments against Jewish intelligence for a long time as well and it turns out that the answer comports with observation. Here is one that goes through the test data and here is an updated version from the same author. The person called Thuletide linked above has admitted his error here.

While the data supports the argument that Jews are the most intelligence ethnic group this leads to another question. What is the gap? This matters as the general claim is that Jewish success is primarily driven by a large IQ edge. Some have argued it is a full standard deviation, while others say it is closer to half that. Here is a post diving into that debate and the data supports the lower figures. Genetics is also pointing to a gap of roughly half a standard deviation.

None of this should lead one to believe that the only reason Ashkenazi Jews perform so much better than everyone else is intelligence. The fact is, IQ is roughly half of what determines life outcomes for people. Personality traits, culture and dumb luck all play a role in the success of a person. Naturally, this applies to groups of people. It is just that having all of the good behaviors is never enough. One has to have the right genetic stuff, so to speak, in order for the other stuff to make a difference.

If the parsimonious explanation for Jewish success is high intelligence, plus things like Jewish culture and clannishness, why are some antisemites determined to “debunk” the claim that Jews are smart? Again, if you think your enemy is a blockhead and your enemy is winning, it does not speak well of you. Logic says the antisemites should be embracing the Jewish IQ narrative, maybe even using it as a reason for excluding Jews from their proposed societies.

The most likely reason here is the need to think of politics in purely moral terms, which is what Carl Schmitt observed with the friend-enemy distinction. Friends and enemies are not determined by the facts of the various political positions. Those political positions indicate moral positions. Friends are the good guys, striving for the good moral ends, while the enemies are the bad guys, those who either seek to prevent reaching the promised land or have evil intentions.

Another way to see what is happening here is to look at the news coverage of a new book called “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy.” The authors have been making the rounds, peddling their brand of bigotry to the entirely sympathetic media figures interviewing them. Replace “white” with “Jewish” and these guys would be famous antisemites. They are making the same argument, just swapping out the ethnicities and their relative roles in the moral drama.

In other words, the reason the antisemites keep attacking the Jewish IQ stuff is they associate intelligence with good things, but they cannot allow their enemy to have good qualities, so they have no choice but to strip this from their enemy. The antiwhite bigots do the same thing, but instead assign what they view as negative qualities to their enemies, things like rage or closed mindedness. You cannot hate people you respect, so politics requires you to demonize your enemies.

What all of this points to is the impossibility of the diverse society. Those guys peddling their antiwhite act to like-minded media drones are telling us that they cannot live in the same society as rural white people. The antisemites are a bit more candid about it, as they have been marginalized for a long time. Even so, when they argue against Jewish IQ, they are saying that they cannot live with Jews. Repeat this with more groups and you end up in a war of all against all.

Putting the purely political, there is a larger different reason behind the IQ-denialism you see in posts like the one from Academic Agent. Intelligence as a biological fact strikes them as determinism, which contradicts their liberal conditioning. For most of human history humans knew the apple to did not fall far from the tree, so the idea of men having superior genetics would not be shocking. In fact, it is the assumption that is the foundation of inherited rule, the norm for mankind.

Liberalism, however, assumes both equality and malleability. In order to have a liberal society, everyone must be able to participate in it. This means everyone must have the ability to participate. Since we can see that all men are not equal in talents, the only acceptable explanation is systemic. This means a genetic basis for intelligence or identifiable human qualities is intolerable. If we are our genes, then the liberal project comes crashing down under the weight of biological reality.

Given that most of the liberal skeptics have liberal priors, it stands to reason that some of them will embrace views that seem to contradict their anti-liberal claims. That is what you see with the people arguing against Jewish intelligence. They are not necessarily antisemites or even anti-science. It is that that they cannot accept the fact that you cannot will yourself beyond the limits of your biology. They do not accept the Jewish IQ claim because they cannot accept it.

In the end, this is the great struggle of this age. On the one hand is the reality of the human condition and on the other is the liberal assumptions about the human condition, which are crashing into biological reality. What science is telling is that our ancestors were right about the human condition. The differences in people, individually and collectively, are immutable. That may be inconvenient for the liberal mind, but reality is that thing that does not go away when you stop believing it.

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4 months ago

Neither evolution nor high jew IQ is fact. In fact, both are myths. Only a low IQ person would propagate such nonsense. Or a reasonably high IQ traitor.
Either way, the author is full of krap and completely ignored the facts staring him/her/it in the face.

4 months ago

In general, I read that the chosen people were Christians, but the Jews somehow managed to seize power. And perhaps they are smarter because they don’t drink alcohol, but for example, people in Russia like to drink. This is exactly what the Jews took advantage of. And I also read that the Jews were originally a sect.

4 months ago

The argument is that there is no large N direct measure of g that shows Ashkenazi scoring higher. You didn’t provide one, so this claim is evidently true. The hypothesis is that there are other credible explanations for Ashkenazi success in specific intellectual endeavors. You also provided no evidence to the contrary. All you did was point a finger and mock. This is a very sleazy post. You have very clearly straw-manned the argument and your excuse is that you’re ignorant of the underlying data and can’t be bothered to do any research. You do this a lot in your… Read more »

Reply to  Natureboi
4 months ago

“ignorance OR mendacity”

Big Bazza
Big Bazza
4 months ago

Academic Agent is not a liberal and doesn’t deny IQ or heredity. He’s very aware of the JQ but not obsessed with them. His post doesn’t claim that they AREN’T more intelligent, just that the evidence for this official explanation is very weak. Maybe a waste of time though. I would bet that the Ashkenazim do have an IQ above 100, as stereotypes are generally true. There is evidence of selection for IQ over the last few hundred years, with them having all kinds of alleles which boost IQ at the expense of all kinds of genetic disorders and mental… Read more »

4 months ago

I don’t buy it. I think it’s as simple as the small and extremely clannish tribe tipping the scales in their favor through underhanded tactics like bribery and coercion. “The sudden emergence of jewish figures” Lines up a bit too conveniently with “the sudden emergence of stock exchanges and large banking conglomerates”. A big part is that is due to white naivety sure… (religious prohibitions against usury and the like) but that doesn’t prove jewish intelligence, it simply proves jewish immorality. And that cheaters have a distinct advantage over non-cheaters. It doesn’t take a genius to bribe people. It also… Read more »

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  NeoSpartan
4 months ago

Even assuming a Jewish advantage in average intelligence, the much larger Gentile population means there are many more Gentiles of high intelligence than Jews. If this advantage is not manifest in the actual social situation, than something else besides intelligence is determining that outcome. In any case, intelligence makes an enemy more dangerous, not less.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
4 months ago

I read the post. The point was that people who think like me have a bias based on moral principals that necessitate removing from our enemies the traits which we hold in high regard. It’s a valid argument, but I don’t buy it in 2024. The decisions they are making and have made are simply too self destructive and imprudent for me to believe that they are an intelligent race. An intelligent parasite would not kill it’s host. It would develop a somewhat mutually beneficial symbiosis. One that would benefit it more strongly, but one in which it would also… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpartan
4 months ago

If it’s necessary for to you to believe that a middling race of unscrupulous pawn brokers had to have been smart in order to dominate a society of naive but hardworking and moral Christians… You can think that. But I think it’s just a manifestation of another sort of biased thinking based on pride and a sense of moral superiority. I think that people who play dirty and have a morality based around subverting established ethical codes (Talmud) wouldn’t require superior intelligence to get where they are today. Chutzpah is enough of an advantage. Playing dirty and focusing on how… Read more »

Reply to  NeoSpartan
4 months ago

I would add anecdotally that I haven’t been especially impressed by the intelligence of Jews I’ve known in real life. The perception of them being especially intelligent hinges on them talking a lot and rapidly, but if you’re fast enough to follow it you realize they aren’t saying anything particularly clever. They’re an entire race of bullshitters and that’s why they dominate in fields that reward dissimulation and a loose attitude towards the truth.

The sad reality of life is that an aggressive pushy sociopath will get much further in life than a taciturn thoughtful introvert.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
4 months ago

“In any case, intelligence makes an enemy more dangerous, not less.”

Who is the enemy here?

Reply to  Gespenst
4 months ago

I think I should also say that people are often scared to oppose those who they think are inherently superior or have some secret ingenious 4d chess plan that we are simply too stupid to notice or understand. I don’t think it’s helpful or accurate to view the small hats as an 115 IQ race of ubermensches. Reality just doesn’t comport with that claim and it should be pointed out that that sort is of thinking played a big part in what led us to this situation in the first place. Trump’s trust in the Kushner clan certainly did him… Read more »

rolling J
rolling J
Reply to  NeoSpartan
4 months ago

I’m similarly minded regarding the trope of “Jewish intelligence”. I bought into that for years, but no more. All we are seeing is otherworldly strong in-group preference masquerading as intelligence.

4 months ago

Given that Askenazi Jews are primarily of European heritage — Germanic and Slavic — with a mixture of Persian and some Middle Eastern (apparently less of that than one is apt to think,) what’s the magic gene that supposedly makes Jews so intelligent? And IQ is hardly the sole measure of intelligence. When a group has historically been forced into certain roles and trades — banking, finance, education, the professions — it’s no wonder the group has developed those traits that correlate highly with what’s commonly called intelligence. Jewish Americans are intermarrying with non-Jews at a rapid clip, while Indians… Read more »

Reply to  imbroglio
4 months ago

Apparently the following is a True Story [not an April Fool’s joke; vidya at the URL below]:

Biden the Grouch: Joe says he was ‘stunned’ to find out the Cookie Monster gets smaller cookies because of shrinkflation – and slams companies for charging the same price for a bag of chips when you get a ‘helluva lot fewer’

Lugo Rights
Lugo Rights
4 months ago

“Putting the purely political, there is a larger different reason behind the IQ-denialism you see in posts like the one from Academic Agent. Intelligence as a biological fact strikes them as determinism, which contradicts their liberal conditioning. For most of human history humans knew the apple to did not fall far from the tree, so the idea of men having superior genetics would not be shocking. In fact, it is the assumption that is the foundation of inherited rule, the norm for mankind.” Of all the actors in the larger Dissident Right/Online Right space, I definitely wouldn’t consider AA to… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

I’ll yield my spot of the penultimate contemptuous disdainer of VoxDay to no one. AA is no VoxDay. But I don’t read his substacks and his youtube stuff just goes on and on. His books (the non Shakespeare ones) are excellent. You could do worse than to add “The Populist Delusion” to your Essential Knowledge catalogue. At his best, he’s the British version of Auron MacIntyre. (The need to constantly grind out and monetize new content constantly is tricky, as I’m sure you know. AA fails at this and “trying harder” doesn’t really work. Even a British accent only gets… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

I like putting his youtube show on and listening to it like talk radio. My only gripe with his opinions is that he makes the common mistake of British right wingers where they look at their empire with rose-tinted glasses and claim America is the root cause of all the preversions.

Reply to  Ploppy
4 months ago

I’m not in AA’s pay as a cheerleader, but I’d say that he does seem to have some good understanding of America’s past, and what has been lost. Look at his video on Tennessee Ernie Ford, for example. It’s sort of an elegy for what America used to be in some ways. He has a lot of content that I haven’t yet watched or read, but I’ve been rewarded by much of what I have seen. You’re onto something with how some British commenters blame America for “the perversions,” but I have to agree with them: Woke, DEI, mass-advertising/materialism,… a… Read more »

Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

Yeah but the Brits have been owned by the juice since Waterloo at least, and Israel is largely their fault.

Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

America has been an anti-white country from its inception. White Americans are the good whites because the sin of whiteness is washed away by the baptisimal power of American citizenship. “My ancestors left Europe for a reason”etc.

Alexander Hamilton boasting that the US would be the champion of Asia and Africa against the “cruel mistress” of Europe.

Mr Ploppy: Israel would not be a problem but for New York and LA’s involvement.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

I really don’t see much if any similarity. Granted, I agree totally with Academic Agent’s theory about ideology as post-hoc justification for the attainment and consolidation of power*, and that colors my view of him, but he has none of the malignant monomania and rampant insecurity that haunts the other guy (who, to be fair, has some pretty brilliant insights himself from time to time). The two also have different modes of argumentation and reasoning in their writing, and that far exceeds the stylistic differences between the British and Americans. The biggest difference between the two is Agent’s absence of… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Yes, Jack, I’ve gotten much more out of AA than from anything by VoxDay, who seems extremely bitter, negative, and obsessive. I’m sure he has done some good work, but…

AA has done a lot of real scholarship, on Shakespeare, etc., and it shows. It seems he was very well-educated, but his videos and writings mostly seem accessible, although a bit long sometimes. He advertises his for-pay trivium classes sometimes, but it’s not as obtrusive as some people out there.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

The similarities are there, of course, with the frequent Boomer-bashing and needling someone else prominent online to pick a public fight and so forth, but those are mildly annoying tics more than anything else. I might not have read AA enough to catch the analogy but it doesn’t seem to hold up.

Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

I would probably enjoy having a beer with AA, I probably wouldn’t enjoy having a beer with Vox Day.

Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

Vox day is an idiot. We all know. There’s a reason everyone trolls him.

Giorgio de Byzantine
Giorgio de Byzantine
Reply to  thezman
4 months ago

I’d always hoped AA would have Z on as a guest some time. Looks like that won’t be happening.

4 months ago

The Darwinian theory of macro-evolution only exists to make the world safe for managerialist technocracy.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Templar
4 months ago

Correct. And since Darwinian evolution never occurred, all of the HBD stuff is not literally true either, since it relies upon Darwinism to provide its OS kernel.

At best, HBD is just a metaphor for something else, a deep spiritual dissonance that exists between certain races and classes. But you won’t find any HBDers admitting this. They defend Darwinism tooth and nail, because they think that rejecting it means succumbing to the dreaded blank-slatism. They destroy metaphysics just to oppose a few silly slogans of late 20th century cant—an extreme case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
4 months ago

HBD depends on micro-evolution, which is an observable fact. Macro-evolution is not. Darwin’s observations of the Galapagos finches was an example of micro-evolution in action but the finches never became anything but a slightly different sort of finch.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Nuland’s replacement appears to be the sort of inoffensive bureaucrat that will make the perfect fall guy so they can rehabilitate her at a later date:

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Do they need to rehabilitate her? Ask 20 people on the street who she is and I bet not even 3 know.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

I’d guess 12 out of 100 would know.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

From what I can tell, nobody talks about her much other than the DR. Where she’s almost omnipresent. In what sometimes seems to me an astroturfed looking fashion. Like we’re being directed to see her as the villain so as to distract us from somebody else.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

12 out of 1000 would be a real stretch

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

I wish they would “rehabilitate” all these neocon scum the Idiocracy way. Send in Beef Supreme!

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

The word your looking for is “chump”.

4 months ago

This will interest our host

Invite her out to your new place

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

I’m pretty sure she didn’t want to dance with Kari Lake.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
4 months ago

I think higher Ashkenazi IQ is verifiable reality and my view seems to be well represented in the comments. But how this happened is not: how this happened. As I understand Jewish tradition tended to reward the smartest Torah students with better jobs in the various businesses in the ghetto and the prettiest girls. In other words a highly eugenic culture (and that was not a criticism, quite the contrary) Meanwhile what did mainstream Europeans do? They sent many of their smartest men off to the monastery where sex was against the rules. This is extremely dysgenic. One group rewards… Read more »

Bruce Hayden
Bruce Hayden
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 months ago

I think that the better explanation is that Jews, in Europe were restricted as to professions – merchants and esp money lending and the like. Numerical occupations. This was probably mostly a result of the fields that they couldn’t pursue, combined with those they were allowed to pursue (such as money lending, given the restrictions on Christians doing such). Success in these occupations translated into being more finally well off, and that, in turn meant more kids, grandchildren, etc, because they could afford more of them. Combine that with like marrying like financially, and the effect is compounded. Over half… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Bruce Hayden
4 months ago

Yours seems to be just a more detailed version of my argument

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 months ago

Entrance into the clergy in olden days was dictated more by order of birth than intelligence, nor were Jewish breeding practices particularly eugenic except in selecting for IQ above all else, as the defect-ridden Ashkenazi genome can attest (Tay-Sachs says “hi”).

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Templar
4 months ago

If Jews selected agressibely for higher IQ it is not strange that this happened.

The TS gene is recessive and one copy is thought to lead to higher IQ. A high price indeed for some having higher IQ

Reply to  Bruce Hayden
4 months ago

“…in Europe were restricted as to professions – merchants and esp money lending and the like. Numerical occupations. ”

i.e., coin-shaving, usury, pawnbrokerage..

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 months ago

Indigenous Europeans also engaged in intra-racial warfare for centuries that decimated their best and brightest. Yet when their nations were invaded by the millions in the last few decades, barely a peep (and, yes, this also applies to the larger Anglosphere).

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dodson
4 months ago

Oh yes we wasted millions of good men fighting the cousins just across the river so when they came from an ocean away, there was hardly a murmur heard.

Interestingly the same thing seems to not have had the same effect on the afghans

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
4 months ago

The most amusing explanation for Ashkenazi IQ that I have heard is that Jews and Gypsies are actually two sides of the same ethnic stock, The smarter ones claim to be descendants of the children of Israel while the left hand side of the bell curve claimed descent from the ancient Egyptians. Both groups behave in a more or less similar way, the first tend towards banking, the second are notorious pickpockets. The one control the pornography business, the other will happily sell you his sister. Of course this is complete nonsense, however, if you were to combine the average… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mike
4 months ago

There’s real sitcom material there haha

4 months ago

The same sentiment came up so many times, and I can’t figure out which this should be a reply to, so I’ll just put it here. IQ is a huge advantage when it comes to pushing numbers around in a spreadsheet or a general ledger. You know, the whole FIRE — Financial, Insurance, Real Estate. Now that FIRE is such a huge fraction of GDP, (and an embarrassingly large amount government or government mandated, which has many of the same rules about pushing numbers around) one cannot be surprised that even a small IQ advantage will have a disproportionate effect.… Read more »

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

We now have a Judaized economy.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
4 months ago

Precisely, and that is why it is such a nightmare for everybody except those at the top of the Ponzi Scheme. But ultimately, reality rears its unwelcome head, and confounds all of The Smartest Guys In The Room; it cannot be spun, it cannot be rehypothicated in an effort to pull their asses out of the inferno in the center of which They have placed themselves.

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
4 months ago

It is ironic that on the same day Victoria Nuland (and by extension the Kagan cult) “retires” from the state department, we get a post on Jewish IQ 🙂

Reply to  Paul Gottfried
4 months ago

My, my, isn’t it just…

4 months ago

You know what? Ignore my long post where I attempted to be reasonable. This alone is sufficient reason for hatred. Every. Single. F*cking. Time.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Yes. This is where the brutal incompatibility hits.

The chosen are naturally more sexually perverse than we are. Once they have power, they want to make the culture more comfortable to their proclivities. But, even putting morality aside, what titillates them disgusts us. Deeply.

Why is porn free? Why is incest and interracial porn pushed so hard? Because they like it and want it everywhere.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

The sudden “market” dominance of pseudo-incest porn is a perverse (yes) side effect of a current_year liberal obsession. In response to righties advocating various retvrns to tradition, feminists have become obsessive haters of heterosexual “age gap” relationships (of any sort). The average shitlib woman considers a forty year old man with a twenty-five year old wife a predatory pedophile—but an old gay man raping a prepubescent boy is not. What men desire in pornography, as in life, is young women. But Pornhub et al., at the “soft” direction of the American government, were forced to remove all signifiers of youth… Read more »

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Hemid
4 months ago

What I desired in life was a friendly, intelligent, nice-looking, and maternal female companion who would raise a family with me (which I got). I think that is what most normal men want. She is also about nine years younger, which was also okay.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I’m going to counter signal here. If dolls and animated or ai cp is what can stop sex offenders from offending, I see it as a lesser of two evils.

I’m not an addiction scientist so I’m actually curious as to what the literature on that is

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
4 months ago

You don’t stop something from growing by feeding it…

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
4 months ago

For the same reason nicotine patches do not stop the smoker, this will not work. Another big problem with your post is the reliance on an expert of addiction. Psychology is poison. Encouraging these sick creeps to role play their perversions will not redirect their energies; it will grow them. This further ignores the production of this horrendous material. Yes, I know you propose AI. Anyone with common sense, however, knows that the push is always for harder and harder stuff. This feeds that wicked, evil industry.
To wit: distribute these dolls. And kill everyone who takes one.

Dry End of the Titanic
Dry End of the Titanic
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Berg, Witz, Baum, Stein
Every single fk’n time

4 months ago

The blank slate is at the root of most, if not nearly all, of the problems with liberal democracy. While any society remains stuck in the blank-slate model, there’s little prospect of improvement or even a steady state. Paradoxically, most people agree that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in their personal lives (“she looks just like her mom”), they can’t deal with it on a larger, impersonal, scale. It’s a curious disconnect that’s characteristic of the current era.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
4 months ago

High intelligence is not an unqualified virtue. It depends on what the environment wants. As I’ve written here before, if I’m in a jungle I want Conan by my side and not Woody Allen. High intelligence works in civilised settings, where we’re looking at the capacity to assimilate written material or integrate a function by parts or understand a balanced binary tree. In these settings Ashkenazis and East Asians triumph. Assuming a Bell curve, even a three point difference in two populations means very disproportionate numbers at the high end. I think it was either J.P. Rushton or Richard Lynn… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
4 months ago

Ultimately, the difference in relative numbers at the high end is totally and completely irrelevant when they are 2% of the population. The number of Europeans will dwarf them at that end of the curve. In any case, it’s irrelevant. Intelligence alone simply does not and cannot account for the fact that 7 of the 8 Ivy League Presidents are Jewish, nor does it account for the fact that they are overrepresented in the student body of elite institutions by a factor of 10-15. Also note that the ONLY way it is acceptable to talk about IQ in polite company… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Mycale
4 months ago

“Also note that the ONLY way it is acceptable to talk about IQ in polite company is to talk about how much smarter Jews are than White people.”

You can’t. That opens Pandora’s Box of the IQ differences between whites and blacks.

4 months ago

I really think that Jewish IQ is higher than White IQ and have no problem with that. Have you any problem knowing that there are people smarter, prettier or better than you? If you do that, you are a poor man and you have low self-esteem. But IQ is not the most relevant thing. In any given field, there are more White intelligent people than Jewish intelligent people, because, although Jew are more intelligent, there are a tiny minority in the world and in USA. This does not explain the success of Jewish people, which is almost total: in finance,… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
4 months ago

The Church’s eugenics experiment in banning consanguineous marriages is an interesting story. The idea behind it was apparently to try and cut down on the amount of internecine warfare going on between the various clans and tribes of early medieval Europe, but the ultimate end-result, ironically, was to allow Europeans to create cohesive armies on a previously unimaginable scale (since the individual soldiers could extend their sense of trust beyond clan boundaries and cooperate with others who were not direct blood relatives).

Reply to  imnobody00
4 months ago

Ugh. See my comment below on selection bias. It is a categorical error to compare Askenazi (a non-randomly selected group) IQ to White (a much more randomly selected group) IQ. It’s like trying to draw some statistically meaningful conclusion by comparing a sample of apples to a sample of all other fruits. Are NFL players (a non-randomly selected group) faster than Whites? Are NFL players faster than Blacks? Than Asians? Than mammals in general? Are NBA players (a non-randomly selected group) taller than Whites? Than Blacks? Than Asians? You can’t draw any statistically significant conclusions from a comparison between a… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
4 months ago

Remember the White “spirit of adventure”.

Reply to  imnobody00
4 months ago

Excellent post. This has definitely been our biggest weakness. If there’s one thing we desperately need to change it’s our lack of identity and solidarity.

It does seem like things are finally starting to move in the right direction on that front though. Hopefully that will continue to increase exponentially and does not become “too little too late”. I think we have a decent chance, especially if economic and social conditions continue to deteriorate at the current, blindingly fast, rate.

Come on froggy, jump out of the pot! You can do it!

4 months ago

I don’t think anyone was denying that Ashkenazi goblins have high average IQs, the two main points of contention were denying the claimed 15 size of the gap and that the gap proved a merit-based explanation for goblin dominance in careers that lead to wealth and power. The 15 point claim would make the gap between goblins and men as great as the gap between men and orcs, and to my understanding was based on a cherry-picked sample group of private school students. The problem with using IQ as an explanation of how goblins are successful is simply that of… Read more »

4 months ago

The elephant in the room is that much of what makes Western Civ great is that it developed in a high-trust society, not a tribal society. Vastly larger demographics than what a tribe can deal with effectively. While large differences, like French vs. German required a smaller degree of inter-group trust, it was still massively more trust than one could extend to Africans or ME, or even Iberian peninsula natives. (Admittedly, the Iberians might be a special case — the Roman influences had been beaten out of them by centuries of Moor occupation.) Tribalism is an answer to tribal invasion,… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

“what makes Western Civ great is that it developed in a high-trust society, not a tribal society.” The theme of Tragedy and Hope is that Western civ is in crisis and must reform and reorganize itself around its foundational principles to survive. Quigley calls them ‘inclusive diversity’ iirc. This was a man of the old left, not a DIE man. The high-trust thing, I suspect, is very similar to his idea. I generally agree with him, yet imo DIE proves we’ve gone wrong, or too far. I think we’ve reached some kind of limit that calls for some old-school conservatism.… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
4 months ago

Different direction than I was headed. I was just getting at how Western society is based on being able to take a man at his word, maybe a handshake if it’s something really important That may be a part of some other cultures, but strong in a Christian culture, with His own “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” But high-trust does not work at all in a society where cheating is acceptable, even praised when done to a member of the out-group. Even allowing those individuals to interact… Read more »

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

It was a mixed blessing but widespread consanguineous marriage is a general negative for society. Unfortunately, the Church did not hold the royal families to the strict standard it held others, supposedly to help keep the peace in Europe. It actually had the opposite effect, with inbreeding not only weakening the royal lines but creating large numbers of people with plausible familial claims to thrones and titles with warfare among them the result.

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

California (where I live) is a glaring example.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Cheater can’t cheat if you don’t trust him— iow, if you don’t think he has some aspect of the truth that you don’t have, per the article. You cast the net too wide, you end up incorporating lies into the ‘truth’— inclusive diversity. We’re a bit too curious and credulous.

Idk, that’s how high-trust strikes me. Besides, I think, at least in America, we’re not supposed to be so trusting. Price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and all of that.

4 months ago

Every time this argument comes up it gives me the opportunity to refresh my mind on the numbers. Back of the envelope, generally taking the most unfavorable numbers for the majority population and most favorable for the minority of interest in US… 334,900,00 x 0.58.9 ~ 197,000,000. 31,000,000 above 115 4,900,000 above 130 295,000 above 145 7,600,000 2,400,000 above 115 547,000 above 130 53,000 above 145 Basic rule of thumb is there is an order of magnitude more Ws at a given IQ cadre than Js and therefore one can safely exclude IQ based merit arguments to explain overrepresentation in… Read more »

4 months ago

How do you fight an enemy who is smarter than you?

If you have more physical strength, you can try to crush them with brute force.

But can you win a game of chess against a smarter, better player? In such a situation, what is the best strategy? Probably: kick over the table.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

The best strategy is to not even play in the first place.

It’s why the Meek (the opposite of Jews) inherit the Earth, precisely because they refuse to play games and force everyone to act like adults.

When the music stops, when the games stop, Jews suffer horrendously.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

If the jews are smart, good for them. It’s really beside the point. There was a time in my life when I lived around, worked with, socialized with a lot of urban ashkenazi. From that experience I can tell you that nothing about White Rural Rage is new, novel, or unusual. I heard the same sentiments from them on a very regular basis, years before the Orange Man came along. They have always feared, loathed, and othered rural whites. That’s been their bogeyman since long before I was born. And that’s the issue. Not how intelligent they are or aren’t.… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Christian Zionisn among rural whites is so wide spread the modern Kulaks in America will probably invite the Checka into their churches to haul everyone off. The Christian Zionists in a lot of these protestant churches are very deluded into Scofield and believing the unbelieving Jews are Gods chosen people. Not all protestant churches but a lot of them.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

Yeah, it was a real eye opener for me, after being raised in a very zionist southern protestantism, to see what the ashkenazi really thought of us. It was then that I realized that, owing to the color of my skin and my state of origin, there was nothing I could ever do (short of a sex change operation) to gain favor with them. Part of my journey to the DR.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Our experiences are different, then. I’m a white guy from West Texas, and with virtually no exception, have always been treated very well by the Finkels. I’m not making a NAXALT argument in their favor, simply relating what I have experienced and noting that when we separate from them–as we must–I will feel a touch of wistfulness.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

It should be noted that I didn’t have this experience with them until I lived in a place where they were highly concentrated. Maybe you could say their true selves kind of come out more when they have the safety of the herd. At the same time, this didn’t preclude individual friendships

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

I don’t know about the reliability, but a number of polls indicate the age schism about favorability toward Israel also is quite pronounced even among Christian Zionists.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
4 months ago

I suspect it’s true. My senses tell me the same thing. People of my parent’s age are very pro-Israel. People my age are more or less indifferent, at least WRT the elders. There are just more pressing matters. People my kids’ age are overwhelmingly opposed, as I witnessed recently when the church elders decided to invite in a Jewish speaker to talk about O7 (?) and probably a third of the younger (less than 30 YO roughly) people walked out, and many have not returned.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Did you walk out with them?

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

No, like I said, I’m more or less indifferent. Jews are not my people, neither are Gazans. Why would I walk out? To demonstrate that I care one way or the other?

I was running the livestream, so I mangled the audio beyond recognition and garbled his visuals. All there was going out was a clear vid of him speaking, but the sound was worse than Charlie Brown’s teacher.

Better than walking out, even if I were so inclined.

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Would of been a good time to override the sound with sound bites of the Truth of what the jews really think of the goyim…Maybe wake a few more people up…

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

Again, indifferent. Even if I were so inclined, that would have been taking a side in something I have slightly less than no interest in. But if I were so inclined, I’d have probably done something like splice in some Hamas guy talking about why the paraglider thing was justified.

Get to a certain age and you realize people are going to continue to think whatever they think. True here as much as anywhere.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

I forgot where I heard this, but one of those Frankfurt guys, maybe it was Adorno or Marcuse, whoever it was, once said that after taking a cross country train ride, seeing all of the little towns throughout the heartland terrified him.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 months ago

The Frankfurt School guys lived in southern California- in goshdang Paradise! – and spent all their time dressed for Hamburg winters, kvetching and moaning about how being forced to live amongst sunny beaches and beautiful women was a hell on earth. I didn’t see any of them out picking lettuce.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Ironic that many Coen brothers films are veritable love letters to rural white America.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 months ago

I read the Bell Curve in 1996, and it was a solid book. I believed it then and I believe it now. And what did I see while I was reading that book? The top performers in my college math classes being the Hebrews and East Asians. There’s nothing wrong with that. None of those people can run a 40 yard dash in five seconds like a well bred knob head. Jimmy the Greek was vaporized from society for saying that. And that was in the 80s! Supposedly the pre-woke decade. None of them would have turned the ladies heads… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 months ago

So-called “wokeness” is just the current label for the Leftism that has plagued us since the 60s. It’s certainly nothing new under the sun.

4 months ago

There’s an important point almost hidden in there. Back when the dread “alt right” was a thing, the handful of American leftists who are serious people, inheritors of an intellectual tradition rather than partisans of the left-branded establishment, dismissed these suddenly newsworthy nazi characters as “racist liberals.” The events of 2020-1 proved this correct. The nerd form of JQ enthusiasm proves it as well, though not I think in the way Z says. It’s conservatism, the “Burkean” liberal kind. Hierarchy is presumed innocent. Jewish dominance, if present, is a calculable error. There is a divide among the racist-lib right, though… Read more »

4 months ago

“White Rural Rage” – it amazes me how the Jews, at a time when they are severely short of friends thanks to Gaza, attack one of their few remaining allies.

There’s a term for that (high IQ notwithstanding): JEWPIDITY.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

Paul Waldman is a Finkel. Not sure about Tom Schaller.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

RURAL is more or less “look, a squirrel!” People and tribes use the same weapons that worked until the day comes that they don’t work. Rural whites aren’t the ones conducting the ethnic cleansing of Gazans, and while most of them continue to support Our Greatest Ally, that number also is dwindling.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Rural=Kulaks and we all know what happened to them since they didn’t build Tribe and remained isolated and alone waiting for their knock on the door…Boggles my mind that they are using the same blueprint and we are going right along with it into our graves because of ego, pride, and selfishness…

Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

It is a curious move for a super-intelligent person to make. You have Krugman piling on. At the same time, you have Michael Moore’s incredible tirade. Apparently he argued that rather than bomb the Gazans the real enemy are white Christians who have been persecuting Jews for 2000+ years. My how far he came from the champion of rust-belt America. It was quite vicious what he is proposing – and quite remarkable given where the guns they would point away from Gaza and toward us come from. When 10/7 happened it was obvious to the intelligent that a gollum was… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

Moore’s been there a long time:

I suspect self-interest trumps self-loathing with him, too, since advocating an American Dresden carries no financial burden in his field.

Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns
4 months ago

While the HBD discussion is interesting and important, but it is also a distraction from a another pertinent issue: identity. The fact is that whether we like it or not identity groups exist. Why should any identity group allow itself to be ruled by another identity group which will be suspected of being hostile? How can two identity groups be on the same jury and met out justice for an inter-group crime that is satisfactory for both groups? The fact is that the concept of diversity is a failure in the abstract. You don’t even need to get into the… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Burns
4 months ago

“Why should any identity group allow itself to be ruled by another identity group which will be suspected of being hostile?” Because one identity group seems to have an inherent desire to be pawns in another group’s chess game. When I was in 6th grade and we were on a school trip, I played a game of battleship against an Armenian (Christian) kid. He started guessing several of my ship’s positions without getting any wrong. And that’s when I realized another friend kept looking at my ships and passing the information to the Armenian. This other friend was a Jew.… Read more »

4 months ago

I hope this starts a beef with the absolute genius that is Vox Day.

Reply to  Popcorn
4 months ago

The absolute genius Vox Day thinks he is, anyway.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
4 months ago

I’ve read the same thing about gays. Gay people have higher IQs and are clanish as well (see any industry in which they gravitate). This may explain why Tel Aviv is demographically the gayest city on Earth.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
4 months ago

And, I dare say, Finkels and heauxmeaux are the two most neurotic groups on earth. Does mental instability correlate with intelligence, or is there something else about those two groups that make them a little but nutty? (In the case of heauxmeaux, I’m certain their sexual orientation is itself a neurosis if not a psychosis.)

4 months ago

Zman – Seems to me you are conflating many things here – ‘intelligence’ as produced by genetics and measured by IQ tests, environmental factors, social mores, in-group preference, and minority-majority relations. Many other commenters have already raised these points and more; I shall try not to repeat them in depth but perhaps summarize. But you also start out writing about “IQ denialism” and then conclude with “immutable” human differences. These are two very different things. I know you are wise enough not to confuse “different” with necessarily better or worse, but you have also written quite pointedly about the legitimacy… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Cattle by any other name… Great comment. I am ashamed to admit that when I read that mind-blowing exploration of Rasmussen’s poll, WHO comprised the subject one percent did not occur to me at all but that obviously is key. Liberty, justice, conservation, and even concepts such as “free speech” truly are exclusively white phenomena. Politics, government and society at large reflects biology, and they all are starting to reflect its changed nature good and hard. The Foer piece was simultaneously infuriating and hilarious. It also is a white pill of sorts, is it not? The destroyers will be part… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

What you describe, 3g4me, is exactly of a piece with the clown nose on/clown nose off Jewishness of Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz. When speaking to whites, he’s very comfortable naming their faults with a self-deprecating pose. When the audience is black, however, it’s “let’s you and him fight!”

4 months ago

We have to look at ourselves for the answers. We have the resources. From the wheel, the chariot, the superior breed of horse, to global navigation to cathedrals and fugues to philosophy and law to sattelites to sub-oceanic cables to TCP/IP networks to global scale energy, transporation, communications systems to the hubble telescope to the periodic table of elements and on and on and on we are clearly capable. We need to look inward and summon the will to assert ourselves. We need to tribe up. Clearly other groups have avarice and are marshalling malicious intent as evidenced by our… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

Amen my Brother the only thing that matters at this point is the 14 words which makes me highly suspicious of anyone that wants our focus and attention elsewhere…

4 months ago

“the reason the antisemites keep attacking the Jewish IQ stuff is they associate intelligence with good things”

This is the money sentence. IQ can be deftly wielded in the fine insidious arts of lying, illusion, deception, and brutal and rabidly sadistic self-interest.

Reply to  fakeemail
4 months ago

And there’s more than just “smart” and “dumb” people. There are “dumb smarts” and “smart dumbs” and probably some others types out there.

Reply to  fakeemail
4 months ago

Dunning Kruger applies to not just dumbies, but also vicious assholes. They don’t know or think they’re assholes in the least; quite the contrary.

It’s the man with a love of truth or an ability to care who is the most abused by his conscience. Monsters think they’re superheroes saving the day.

The dynamics of humanity are quite tragic.

4 months ago

A morsel to contemplate today–what happens when all the FOTB illegals realize that these nice Americans won’t do a darn thing to stop them from grabbing your little girl off the street, shoving Aunt Mary aside in the checkout line, punching little Billy on the school bus, pulling Grandad out of his car at the gas station and driving away with his vehicle etc. If there are no longer any well mannered examples to show illegals that this is how to behave here, nor to force them to behave when they step out of line, they will never learn. So… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  p
4 months ago

You obviously have not noticed that this is the case already.

Reply to  p
4 months ago

p: You make the fundamental albeit common error of assuming that ‘teaching’ by example (and force) can somehow permanently change genetic nature. The classic myth of assimilation.

Hint: They will ‘never learn” because the vast majority cannot ever learn. It’s just not in their nature to be “just like us.” And for the rare few who might so manage – too bad so sad. Their home sh*tholes are not due to lack of people to teach them to be better. Genetics>culture>environment. You might further reflect on cause and effect.

Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

If the alternative is a thumping, they will behave-

4 months ago

I feel like parsing Jewish IQ is a distraction. The HBD/IQ crowd is very good at distractions. There are definitely a lot of intelligent Jews, who come out of the womb with an above-average IQ. Fine, but, in absolute numbers is it more than the number of above-average intelligent people of European descent? No way. So, the question is what happens after they come out of the womb. Well, they are also schooled in a rigorous legalistic environment which includes constant discussion about the superiority of their own people and the endless animosity of the subhuman cattle who are not… Read more »

Concerned Bystander
Concerned Bystander
4 months ago

My feelings toward Jews is a product of the discovery that Jews usurped the accomplishments of a heroic Founding Father, Robert Morris, attributing them instead to one of his minions – a Polish Jew named Hyam Salomon. They continue to promulgate this myth, despite it having been debunked by University of Pennsylvania historian Beth S. Wenger, herself a Jew, in her book “History Lessons: The Creation of American Jewish Heritage.” As recently as 2017, an article in Time magazine repeated the claim that Hyam Salomon left Yom Kipper services to assist George Washington in raising funds to help the starving… Read more »

Reply to  Concerned Bystander
4 months ago

I only vaguely alluded to it in my comment when I mentioned black inventors but seemingly every crowning achievement done by a jew has some story of fraud like this trailing it. This is a group of people well known for lying their asses off & rewriting history so I naturally view all of these allegedly brilliant jews with heavy skepticism. There’s always been a thick ever present cloud of pathological deceit surrounding these people so it seems crazy to me to suddenly ignore that & blindly accept mainstream sources when it comes to their intelligence & achievements. Thanks for… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  RVIDXR
4 months ago

There was or is an article up on unz showing everything attributed to Einstein was already known and published at the time of his publishing them. They had links to wikipedia articles of the papers that came out before his supposed discoveries. I had it bookmarked, but I cannot find it anymore. Perhaps it was wrong and they retracted it, I don’t really know. But he was entirely a creation of the media. It is no accident that just about every single American knows who he was. There are many, many, many far more important men than Einstein (even if… Read more »

Concerned Bystander
Concerned Bystander
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

I wonder if this is the article you are looking for.

4 months ago

Ashkenazi jews may have a high average IQ but how much of that high IQ is derived from jewish genes? You don’t see quadroons being hailed as brilliant africans the same way these heavily Euro mixed jews routinely are, it’s a lie by omission. Its hard to take the claim seriously when so many of them are obviously morons who only got accepted to ivy league schools & hold positions of power solely because of nepotism. Every facet of this claim seemingly has has an asterisk next to it the same way brilliant sub saharan africans do. Leftists always love… Read more »

4 months ago

“this is the great struggle of this age. On the one hand is the reality of the human condition and on the other is the liberal assumptions about the human condition, which are crashing into biological reality” I agree that this is the great struggle. Rarely have I seen it put so clearly in recent years, anywhere. We’re watching the western establishments, including governments, educational systems, and media, crashing upon those rocks of reality again and again, while they manage to drown the rest of us who warn about the rocks, and who point to where the safe harbour is.… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

AA has some brilliant takes. He had a thought-provoking piece recently that argued that all ideology is post-hoc rationalization to justify the powerful’s grip on society. That set off the Counter-Currents types who despite all the evidence to the contrary believe arguments and persuasion can effect change. It is a reminder of the line from Upton Sinclair about changing minds at the risk of a paycheck. Of course, Mao cut to the chase long ago.

I haven’t read the piece Z linked but will do so.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Yes, I saw that there was a debate or conflict between AA and Keith Woods about the nature of ideology and power. I didn’t follow it yet either but it might be interesting.

I enjoyed AA’s justified disdain in one video for the Iranian leftist revolutionaries, university-educated in Paris and elsewhere, who got outsmarted by the mullahs in the 1980’s. The survivors whined that this wasn’t how the revolution was supposed to go. AA said something like, “had they never read a history book, in all their glorified education?!”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

I highly recommend you check out the Woods/CC podcast on the subject. It is fascinating. I shouldn’t be so cynical, to be fair, because they sound like they really believe what they say and are very sharp in their rebuttal. Still, it is nothing but a more intelligent version of conservatives with charts and grafts convinced they will show the Left the error of their ways.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Thanks, Jack D, I’ll take a look.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Jack: One of many reasons (aside from being banned) that I stopped reading Counter Currents. Just as with people, I am fairly quick to jettison websites that ultimately waste my time. I’m too old to engage to useless mental masturbation. Either something works – as demonstrated by reality and history – or it doesn’t. Talking about it isn’t going to change that.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago


Intellectual salons can be great incubators of policy proposals before you get to the point where we are. Looooong before. Survival is first and foremost now. Even putting aside the LARP aspect of CC, the time has come and gone to formulate academic bases for necessary responses.

Reply to  1660please
4 months ago

Academic Agent’s book “The Populist Delusion” should be required reading by anyone who reads Zman. Fantastic take on why populism never works and why you probably don’t want it to.

“Prophets of Doom” is another great one. Summarizes the writings of great history-is-cyclical thinkers.

His real name is Neema Parvini. His youtube channel generally runs into the “too long” category, but his writing in the aforementioned books is fantastic.

(He’s British, but of Iranian descent. I don’t think he’s a fan of Zionists or the GAE American rainbow dido empire, at all.)

Mr. Dark
4 months ago

Israel, which benefits from its close ties with the West, has always looked north to Europe and West to America for its inspiration, its backside turned to the rest of its home region, Asia Minor.

Reply to  Mr. Dark
4 months ago

Apparently the Normie-Verse is panicking right now because no one can log in to their (((F@cec0ck))) accounts, and it’s Super Tuesday.

I swear the Council of the Sanhedrin must spend upwards of 95% of their time simply laughing at us idiot goyim.

Reply to  Mr. Dark
4 months ago

(((Victoria Nuland))) just resigned.

Something’s afoot.

Reply to  Bourbon
4 months ago

Whoa. That’s a big deal.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
4 months ago

She’s 62. By current regime standards, that’s kind of young to be “retiring.”

4 months ago

Imagine if the Gambinos said we’re just smarter!!!

4 months ago

Before I get lost in the weeds, I thought this was a discussion of authority, of its moral basis. Nope! It’s much more practical. Tribe up to win. ___________________ How, then? Myself, I’ve lost the will to live. My money is almost gone. How, then? By coming back into the real world. Any lifeline, any project will do. I’m going to have to…*gasp*…involve myself with people again. I have achieved hot water again, at least. Up. At ’em. Let’s take our first shower in 3 months, and actually put pants and shoes on. I am surrounded by miracles, and spring… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 months ago

Get busy living Brother…Tribe will give you a purpose to grow and succeed…

Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

“If the parsimonious explanation for Jewish success is high intelligence, plus things like Jewish culture and clannishness, why are some antisemites determined to “debunk” the claim that Jews are smart?” I’m unaware of anyone who thinks they don’t have a higher IQ than White people, just that it is probably not 115 and more like 106-108. “In other words, the reason the antisemites keep attacking the Jewish IQ stuff is they associate intelligence with good things, but they cannot allow their enemy to have good qualities, so they have no choice but to strip this from their enemy.” I really… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

importing 3rd turd world PHDs

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

If there is a more dysfunctional white society than Israel, who? Mental problems are highly correlated with higher IQs. I have suspected that Jewish society has an hysterical edge that erupts on occasion. We’re seeing this is Israel right now. These people are so smart, they’re going to get themselves destroyed.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
4 months ago

Because of the presence of lower-IQ Mizrahim and Sephardim, I don’t think the average Israeli IQ is remarkably high.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

Tars, my ethnic Russian friend in Ukraine cannot understand how her PhDs ethnic Russian friends continue standing strongly for Ukrainian side.
There is an Yiddish proverb on such high IQ people: “G-d put all cheese into just one ravioli”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Anna
4 months ago

Better still, God put all the kasha into just one knish!

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
4 months ago

“Personality traits, culture and dumb luck all play a role in the success of a person. ” You forgot nepotism. How “smart” jews are is irrelevant. It doesn’t justify their clear motivation for screwing up every single thing they set their eyes upon. The US was doing just fine before these people started arriving by the boat load. Is the US doing better or worse since letting these people take over our institutions? The problem with IQ worshipers is they blindly believe high IQ automatically equals high morality, honesty, and or integrity as well. And if Israel is so smart… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Mike Tre
4 months ago

> The problem with IQ worshipers is they blindly believe high IQ automatically equals high morality, honesty, and or integrity as well.

A low population group with high IQ along with extreme nepotism and neuroticism for outsiders will always wreak havoc with the host country. The only feasible solutions are to ship them to their own country or breed them out of existence. The latter is slowly but surely happening with the High IQ cohort with low birth rates and low intermarriage rates.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

Chet: Check the number of 1/4 Jews in Hollywood and Academia who are on record as spurning their Whiteness. Just like Mestizos such as Jessica Alba (72% White) and various mixed-race joggers. Intermarriage and interbreeding do not, historically, produce harmony. Ask the various groups of former Yugoslavia.

People naturally seek an identity and a home group – a tribe. For 99% of mixed anything, their tribe is non-White. There are a number of fairly prominent people in England with 1/8 Jewish ancestry. They don’t tend to concern themselves with the primacy and welfare of the heritage English population.

Reply to  Mike Tre
4 months ago

The US was doing just fine before these people started arriving by the boat load. For selected values of “fine”. It’s the same problem I have discussing things with right-libertarians. The Constitution of 1789 (or possibly with the Bill of Rights of 1791) is the right-libertarian wet dream. Most only want a little change here or there, and it would be “perfect”. OK, so how did it go from Libertarian Nirvana to imprisoning political prisoners (not J6 — good guess, but I’m talking the Sedition Act of 1798 and several other “Federalist” innovations), and more importantly, how do you prevent… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
4 months ago

…imprisoning political prisoners…

My enemies have struck again! Obviously, I had written, “imprisoning political opponents”.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

The previous comments about blacks from the cab driver in St Louis are true. As for Jews we can learn a lot from Solzehnitzn He was neither Philo Jewish or Antisemitic. Solzehnitzn was a proud ethnic Russian willing to praise or criticize the Jew as shown in his book 200 years together. Of course some Jews criticized him no matter what Solzenitzn did or his attitude toward them, we are just going to always have that aspect of our relationship with the Jews.with us. We need to focus on building. Build our thing as this one collapses. That is what… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
4 months ago

Amen Brother…

4 months ago

I believe the Azs are more intelligent but this can be matched with a healthy does of pure Celtic skepticism and suspicion. In this way we could live in a sort of cold war of tribal advantages.

4 months ago

It’s a real tough call, Z. Clearly the jews aren’t morons. How good are your figures? Or the “studies”? I saw Vox Day in your line up of references and laughed – he has his hands full studying comic books. He poses as a social influencer and he has limited traction with the cellar dwelling soy boys… are the other sources you listed as credible as Vox Day? If so…we obviously won’t have the knowledge base required for an informed debate. I don’t think we are even capable of conducting statistically valid studies anymore. It’s been that way for most… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Filthie
4 months ago

People who read comics vote. Kids who read comics grow up to be members of society and some will be in influential or leadership positions. There is a reason SJWs took over comics. People like to throw shade at VD for doing the comics, but he has influence in that world now. He’s helping create culture. There are probably hundreds of dissident books nobody reads. What is it with this silly attitude towards this stuff? We need a 100 more Vox Days in various sub-groups influencing culture in various ways. He’s also working in the opposite end of the spectrum… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 months ago

Tars: And I am not a fan of said blogger, but I have noted in the past that just because he’s an azzhole doesn’t make him wrong. I am more put off by his personalizing and monetizing everything (his own wikipedia, his own twitter, his own this and that fan club). It’s boringly solipsistic. And it’s legitimate to question his allegiance to White, Western culture when he constantly goes on about how unfair Whites were to his (feather) Indian ancestors. Boo hoo.

I prefer Lineman’s simple and repeated truth: Tribe up or die, White man.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

I don’t think most social media is financially viable other than smaller things like social galactic or even this blog. Yes, he has created all these projects, but they weren’t done out of vanity, they were done because he, like most dissidents was kicked off the mainstream platforms. Wikipedia is entirely run by SJWs. The publishing industry, especially in fantasy and science fiction is 100% SJW captured and run. Youtube is SJW captured and run. Twitter (was) and to a great extent still is run by SJWs. The comics industry is the worst of the SJWs which of course is… Read more »

4 months ago

Tribal People will always win, over isolated, atomized individuals… Tribe Up or Die White Man…

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Lineman
4 months ago

Tribal people….extremely tribal people, along with a high IQ, especially a high verbal IQ, is a formula for domination.

Whites are extremely smart, creative and innovative, which is a great starting point for gaining power in a multiracial society. The missing ingredient is high ingroup preference. Too much naivety and niceness. Tribal is where it’s at.

4 months ago

A few days ago I watched an interview of the two men who wrote ‘White Rural Rage.’ I had to laugh because these two gentlemen would not know how to function without rural Whites fixing everything.

It seems that these IQ tests do not measure intelligence, just how good you can take a test. I’ve mention before that I know a lot of high IQ, ‘brilliant’ people who cannot screw in a lightbulb, and not just on Saturday.

Reply to  NateG
4 months ago

Oppenheimer didn’t know how to change a flat tire.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  NateG
4 months ago

The two authors of White Rural Rage: Every Single Time. (I know….duh.)

4 months ago

No good. I’ve known too many Ashkenazis.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
4 months ago

No one who is numerate or empirical questions Ashkenazi IQ. The JQ, however, is about influence, not intelligence.

Even if that influence is arguably merited in certain respects, that does not necessarily make it desirable.

This post has the feel of CYA.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
4 months ago

What you don’t seem to grasp, is Jewish intelligence is a primary reason they are able to exercise so much influence. Their dominance in spheres of influence is because of their dominance of the banking system, financial markets, the media, Hollywood, academia, and most importantly “the law.” Jews practically invented big business and corporatism. The best, lawyers are almost always Jewish. If it were only a matter of hard work, or perseverance, whites mostly those of WASP descent would be just as dominant in the realm of law. The legendary “Protestant work ethic.” Jews aren’t just higher I.Q., “book smart.”… Read more »

Reply to  Vinnyvette
4 months ago

Better…at what, really?
Debt bondage? Fantasies?

Should I give rabbi my kids to fuck?
Because legalisms?

Reply to  Alzaebo
4 months ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Hiitting the sauce hard today?

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Vinnyvette
4 months ago

You forget unmitigated gall or chutzpah in your calculations, Sir. When you have that unbridled ability to sink to any low, to plumb every depth, and explore every perversion without retraint regardless to beauty, morality, ethics, truth etc… you have a natural advantage over those that do not. You do however create a world where you sit as king of a decaying, fetid and corrupted world. Cleverness juxtaposed against wisdom. Politics, justice, art and music, medicine, media, psychology and science, architecture, entertainment, philosophy, charity… the Chosen control and sit as undisputed kings of modernity. But kings of what? A modern… Read more »

4 months ago

Patent lawyer here. The profession pays well as does innovation. You would think the small hats would be well-represented as patient liars and inventors. That’s not the case here in the US.

Small hat g IQ in Israel is 94: https://www.worlddata dot info/iq-by-country dot php

Superior individual intelligence is not why small hats prevail disproportionately and that’s not sour grapes.

Reply to  DaBears
4 months ago

I think you had a typo: patient lairs should be patent lawyers. Maybe it was a Freudian slip…

We might know one another in the real world.

Reply to  Guest
4 months ago

It’s a joke in the trade. I tell my clients that I serve as their patient liar. We have worse ones.

Reply to  DaBears
4 months ago

Agreed. I personally believe its clannishness and culture, coupled with an intellect that is on par with our own. The figures I have seen show jews coming in less than a couple IQ points higher than whites or yellows. And of course, black IQ’s are what they are. Neoliberalism is only working based on artificial prosperity. Whitey is lazy and stupid because he can afford to be. He’s happy if the lights and heat are on, the plumbing works and there’s a good sportzball game on TV. When times are tough, the guns and jackboots come out and the jews… Read more »

4 months ago

The studies which conclude that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs than other races are all classic examples of selection bias in statistical studies, which renders the studies invalid. They compare a decidely non-random sample (Askenazi Jews) against a far more random sample (e.g., Whites, Americans, Asians, etc.). To use a software metaphor, these are GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) studies. Question: Why do all these studies limit the population of Jews to the Ashkenazi? Answer: IQ studies in Israel seem to show that the Oriental Jews in Israel have an IQ that is approximately 14 points lower than Ashkenazi Jews,… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
4 months ago

“ Why do all these studies limit the population of Jews to the Ashkenazi? ”

The Ashkenazi is the tribe that spread to Europe and then to America. The Sephardic stayed in the Middle East. Studies/stat’s outside Europe and America are therefore more difficult, not some sort of conspiracy.

I can’t remember any specific exclusion of the knowledge of a general lower IQ due to non-Ashkenazi presence. Indeed, just awhile ago I was reading an article illustrating Ashkenazi background in present Israeli leadership. The implication being that even in Israel there is a (success) bias being Ashkenazi.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

It was the Mizrahim who stayed in the Middle East. The Sephardim hailed from the Iberian Peninsula. If the latter ended up in the area ruled by moslems, it was due to their 1492 expulsion from Spain. They, together with an unknown number of conversos, also ended up in Latin America following Columbus’ unwitting discovery of the Americas that same year.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

There has been a fascinating amount of genetic mapping of the Ashkenazim. The short version is that they dramatically inbred with Europeans, particularly central Italians initially after the Romans expelled them, and this boosted IQ from what was typical for the original desert tribe. After a point they developed ingroup preferences. It probably isn’t wrong to say this led to a distinct ethnicity/race in many senses. In a way this is similar to the interbreeding of eastern coyotes with dogs that increased their size and made them distinct from the original western version, to use a very strained analogy. Much… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

Jack: I mentioned the other day a case of what I mistakenly thought was an Muslim in America killing another Muslim in America. Based on both names and physiognomy, it seemed fairly self evident. But later I read that I was wrong – it turned out to Muslim Arab killed Jewish Arab in America. I don’t see a great deal of genetic distance between the two.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  3g4me
4 months ago

Could have been separated at birth…

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I’m not sure I understand your comment.

A single study comparing a non-random sample (Askenazi Jews) to a far more random sample (e.g., White, Asian, etc.) is simply a flawed experiment. Multiple, repeated studies committing the same statistical error to draw the same flawed conclusions, which are then amplified continuously through the (((media))) is perhaps the best evidence of a conspiracy I have seen in decades.

Reply to  Guest
4 months ago

The studies you refer to could simply be an attempt to justify their preferred status in non-Jewish societies. You can see such struggles between Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in Israel itself.