Robots & Retards

The show this week was pre-recorded as I am probably swinging from a truck as you are reading this. Moving day(s) has arrived. Through it all, I have had to deal with a lot of people I would not otherwise interact with and I kept noticing that the quality of people has dropped sharply. I will post about my experience renting a moving truck, which will cause even a sunny optimist yo have dark thoughts.

Anyway, that is the show this week. It is about how the decline in intelligence will impact our live and society. The people who think AI will solve it or that robots will pick up the slack have not thought about the problem hard enough. All of those things will make the decline worse for the people with anything on the ball. Imagine Idiocracy by terminators are in charge instead of morons.

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Promotions: Good Svffer is an online retailer partnering with several prolific content creators on the Dissident Right, both designing and producing a variety of merchandise including shirts, posters, and books. If you are looking for a way to let the world know you are one of us without letting the world know you are one one is us, then you should but a shirt with the Lagos Trading Company logo.

The Pepper Cave produces exotic peppers, pepper seeds and plants, hot sauce and seasonings. Their spice infused salts are a great add to the chili head spice armory, so if you are a griller, take you spice business to one of our guys.

Above Time Coffee Roasters are a small, dissident friendly company that roasts its own coffee and ships all over the country. They actually roast the beans themselves based on their own secret coffee magic. If you like coffee, buy it from these folks as they are great people who deserve your support.

Havamal Soap Works is the maker of natural, handmade soap and bath products. If you are looking to reduce the volume of man-made chemicals in your life, all-natural personal products are a good start.

Minter & Richter Designs makes high-quality, hand-made by one guy in Boston, titanium wedding rings for men and women and they are now offering readers a fifteen percent discount on purchases if you use this link. If you are headed to Boston, they are also offering my readers 20% off their 5-star rated Airbnb.  Just email them directly to book at sa***@mi*********************.com.

This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • The Great Dumbing Down
  • Short Example
  • Long Example
  • Society Example
  • Authoritarian Anarchy

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11 months ago

Spectacularly insightful. I’m old and I’ve recognized what Zman is observing for some time. But without the ability to so cogently explain it.

Happy to know Zman is moving someplace that will be better for him. The man is a treasure.

11 months ago

My son is a chemical and biomedical engineer. He talked some years back about micro plastics and the effect on humans. More and more news is coming out on this problem. There is little to nothing that can be done.

This clearly could be the trigger.

11 months ago

There is a coming colossal wave of firings in Corporate America. Citi announced layoffs already involving 20,000 people, expect this to accelerate. Of course, it will only be for YT. Not the diverse. The reason is AI. Most of Corporate C Suite have been convinced that AI (dumb and woke as can be) can do the jobs of those actually competent that don’t involve actual skilled physical labor. And even those are being cut to the bone, see all the railroad derailments due to cuts in crews and maintenance. So all the marketing, finance, accounting, etc. people will be replaced… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Whiskey
11 months ago

I hear talk that we may be entering a genuine depression. Best be ready for hard times. “Tribe up” has never seemed more relevant than now.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
11 months ago

Yea what’s the odds though of the dissident right doing that before it gets so bad that they can’t…

george 1
george 1
11 months ago

Meanwhile if the “Conservative Treehouse” is any indicator many are waiting for Trump to be elected and set things right. Within one week he said: He approves of the way Israel is dealing with the Gazans. “You have to finish the problem.” He believes we should forgive Budweiser. He again stated that we were lucky to have him as president because without him the covid vax would have taken much longer to bring to market thereby not saving millions of lives. So even if elected we will get no help from Trump. It is obvious he will be working for… Read more »

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

His character is The Boss, so he says boss-like things. It goes wrong when he decides to show other bosses that he’s the boss of his voters.

Conservatives love it, the sound of mister MAGA™ betraying normal Americans. No one will ever represent you losers! HAHA!

His marginal loss of favor among white men is because of it. Left alone he’d squander all their support. But his being persecuted offsets that, makes #onlyTrump necessary. The system can’t accept mere victory.

We’re stuck with him.

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

Trump was always pure Boomer Truth Regime, replete with credulous belief in Jews, doctors, and his stock portfolio.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

What scares me is that many young men idolize Trump. If he gave the call to go fight Hezbollah and Iran for Israel many would believe him and respond.

Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Ahab's Discount Harpoons
Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

They’ll run a mass FF after he’s installed. That will be his mission, to rally the braindead, plus introduce biometric ID to “solve” the border problem.

11 months ago

Speaking of DEI incompetents running everything…

FDNY boss Laura Kavanaugh hunts down staffers who booed NY AG Letitia James, cheered for Trump:

Money quote: “She has never served as a firefighter.”

Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

“I recommend they come forward. I have been told by the commissioner it will be better for them if they come forward and we don’t have to hunt them down,”

haha, the money quote.

11 months ago

Off topic: People have different and often incompatible explanations about how politics works. For this reason, I take notice when someone makes a prediction about politics that can be evaluated, because it allows us to judge that person’s explanation. A recent example of such a prediction was Jared and Derb believing that the hostility to the chosen by non-whites, whom most non-whites see as white, would cause the chosen to abandon their promotion of anti-white policies. You can be the judge of the accuracy of that prediction. Even more recently, the normies conservative critics of woke Hollywood movies are rejoicing… Read more »

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

I don’t think it’s necessarily a deeply held religious zeal as much as that they gain social standing in their group by producing anti-white material. I remember going to Washington DC with my parents a long time ago and we were taking the bus to Mount Vernon and my mom wasn’t sure which stop we needed. All the blacks refused to respond or say anything, in keeping with the surly attitude we’d experienced the entire trip. (Portland may be a clown show but we do have nicer jungle bunnies) Anyways, it was only when there was only one black lady… Read more »

Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

Many moderns are uncomfortable with religion, a product of our secular culture.
The word “and” applies in this analysis. It’s religion and standing. I am a practicing Catholic and will vouch for the truth of my religion. It does not change that it’s practiced on a fallen planet and even the sincere seek status and to fit in.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

I’ve been in marketing and advertising for over a decade. If it was all about money, they’d put tall white men and women in all the advertising and movie plots. Research shows consistently that white consumers spend the most money in the West and these people prefer to see others who look like them on screen. Our Afrocentric music and movie industry is all top down propaganda. In a strange way, social media is providing alternatives to this but a lot of damage has been done.

Reply to  Davidcito
11 months ago

Yes, you can see the change in the 1960’s towards “The Message”. Suddenly there is at least one black in every crowd. It could be to justify selling to blacks, but more than likely it’s to get across early wokeness without impacting sales that much.

11 months ago

Spot on Z regarding the quality of people. There no longer is any “quality” to be found. Moving from western NY to south Florida in the past six months, was a real eye opener, I experienced extreme “culture shock.” I thought most people were shit where I’m from, they are amazing by comparison. There are no rules of the road, no common courtesy here. If you’re at a stop light and going straight, they’ll make a right on red from the left turning lane, in front of your car. First time I saw it blew my mind! They flatly refuse… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Vinnyvette
11 months ago

South Florida certainly has the worst drivers in AINO, you are not wrong to complain about that. Possibly also the rudest people in AINO, although there is more competition for that title. It is a unique place. Distinct both from the rest of the world and the rest of Florida. Sometimes I miss the weather. But I don’t really miss much else about it.

Someone once told me if you want to stay sane while living there you need to take 2 or 3 vacations a year. I think they were right.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Amen brother! Don’t get me wrong there are some good ppl down here, but the bad are really the dregs.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Vinnyvette
11 months ago

Here’s where some of the good food is:

Country Inn on Military Trail in Lake Worth

Lester’s Diner on SR 84 in Fort Lauderdale

Chris Taverna corner of Congress and Hypoluxo in Lantana

3Gs on Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

where do you think the rude people in florida come from?

i live on the Treasure Coast of florida and this screed is just one man’s imagination.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago


Good article about how DIE requirements may have killed the vaunted CHIPS Act:

So much for the Bolsheviks building out the digital panopticon….

george 1
george 1
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

The generation being born in the next few years will probably be living in mud huts.

Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

“If men hadn’t built civilization, and women were in charge we’d be living in mud huts.”
Some random feminist… Suzanne Venker?

george 1
george 1
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

Notice that Intel is considering building the proposed plant in Israel. So the Bolsheviks march on.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

On the contrary, that is entirely on topic

11 months ago

I saw where crude oil ( not all liquids) is down 3 mbd from its 2018 peak.
If another 6 years another’s 3mbd decline things could get interesting.

Reply to  TomC
11 months ago

If one believes this is all a “game”, then the decline in oil production is simply a ruse. For example, OPEC has limited production to keep prices high—but not too high. Of course, Russia is able to produce much more than now doing. Biden stopped pipelines and other aspects of production and delivery. Canada likewise with oil shale production. Of course, Venezuela has all sorts of sanctions and are in political turmoil. They sit on a lot of oil, albeit a poorer grade. So perhaps we are producing less, but there’s not real shortage of oil here or abroad—but there… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Opec does not have an infinite stock of oil to Tap.

The only country that come close to that state is Saudi Arabia, which has a stock much larger than their income needs (at present anyway) – so they have extraordinary production flexibility – which gives them some market price setting power.

Even so, they have a finite stock and not unlimited flexibility.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
11 months ago

OT: how many eu men are willing to fight for a government that is busy replacing them?? given rifles and allowed to organize, what are the chances they move on the government instead of russia?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  karl von hungus
11 months ago

Let’s hope so. Probably why European militaries are kept so weak.

It is very telling that the trend in Europe has been “stronger police, weaker military” for decades now. Tells you where they see the real threat to their power

Reply to  karl von hungus
11 months ago

If you watch the protests in FR, GE, PO, etc, that number is not small.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  karl von hungus
11 months ago


That’s why van der Krazy’s recent tough girl speech simply made me laugh.

Also, good luck tooling up a European war machine without access to cheap energy.

Reply to  karl von hungus
11 months ago

What are the chances in the USA with all the gun toting “pry the gun from my cold dead hands” wanna be hard asses?

11 months ago

Z, you almost make Bill Gates sound like a hero. Dropouts and PhDs. Or maybe I’m indulging my dark side tonight.

Reply to  Paintersforms
11 months ago

Paintersforms: “…maybe I’m indulging my dark side tonight.” You want Dark Side? Some 60+ year-old bish [that would be a sexagenarian for all y’all classics majors], some 60+ year-old bish down in Texas, was caught cheating on her husband, and the husband was so furious that he shot her three times, thereby killing her. But the jury gave him only a 10 year sentence, and he’ll be eligible for parole in 5 years. Now here’s the kicker: THE JURY WAS ALL-FEMALE!!! Stone Cold Killaz, muh broz, dem bishes want STONE COLD KILLAZ!!! PS: It boggles muh mind that 60ish-year… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
11 months ago

I think they just didn’t want to have to feed that guy for any longer than they have to.

Reply to  Bourbon
11 months ago

Dude clearly you were not an English major, with your white Ebonics
Your “dude bro” deliberate misspellings make you come off as a retard, not hip or cool.”

Put down the Jack Daniel’s, you do great whiskey a disservice!

Reply to  Vinnyvette
11 months ago


Gritted your teeth, pulled yourself up by the bootstraps, got the Viagra prescription, and headed back home with your tail between your legs?

LOL’ing @ sexagenarian copulation.

Keep an eye on that A-Fib, Bro, keep an eye on that A-Fib.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

It just so happens that this week I finally got around to watching Idiocracy. I probably don’t have anything to say about it that hasn’t already been said. That movie is kind of a rorschasch test. People see in it the stupid that they want to see. Absent the Camp of the Saints style invasion which we’re currently experiencing, the Mind Virus would be a much more immediate and debilitating problem than declining IQ (which is happening rather slowly, aside from the “border”). Unlike the effects of IQ decline, which are a gradual and largely unrecognized decay, the effects of… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

The EPA admitted recently, in Federal court, that fluoride in the water is a neurotoxin..Which would affect young brains the most..There’s the explanation of why those of us who were 10 or older in my town were noticeably smarter than later classes, especially those 5+ years younger..Our high school class had the highest scores in the State of Illinois…5+ years later..terrible decline

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

As a meme I just saw said: Artificial Intelligence isn’t a threat; natural stupidity is

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

I believe there is a trope that Idiocracy was supposed to be Hollywood fiction, not a documentary.

11 months ago

Aww, Zman, you had to mention natgas. Turning natgas into gasoline, that is. So there I was in the outlands below Midlands, TX. I was able to count 31 burnoff stacks just from where I sat. Each one, I figured, was as big as millions, or tens of millions, of pilot lights. (It’s to keep the sheer pressure underground from rupturing the pipelines.) There is no reason our nation shouldn’t be 1000% energy independent. This is something a Crown corporation should be kickstarting; if we can spend the sums on the DoD and State and their evil experiments, we can… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

I doubt it can be sold for less than it costs. Knew someone who did environmental at BP Whiting, and another who did engineering management at 5he same facility, and when I asked about it, laughed at me. They were right. At 22 l per mole, and a mole of ethane being 32 g, there is not enough energy to bother with.

I get that it looks like they are leaving a crapton of money on the table, but run the math.

Reply to  Steve
11 months ago

Oops. “Sold for more. ” But you could try it. You could build a gas turbine generator wherever they build flares and get rich if you are right.

Reply to  Steve
11 months ago

Nothing is replacing the internal combustion engine. It’s all an exercise in self masterbation.

High compression ratios, long duration, high lift camshafts,
Healthy breathing cylinder heads, in normally aspirated applications, or for real power,
Positive displacement, roots style superchargers “blowers.”
Nothing delivers more bang for the energy dollar… Nothing!

Reply to  Vinnyvette
11 months ago

Look up top alcohol classes in drag racing, or sprint car racing. I’d prefer high octane gasoline, but if you want 100% renewable fuel, you have it in corn! For fucks sake, pure grain alcohol has been used in racing for at least 80 years. I’m not talking about shitty half assed E85 blends. Just run ICE motors on alcohol. No drilling, fracking or any other bullshit. I’m all for drilling and fracking, But if the governments or PTB,we’re serious about solving energy problems, and fossil fuels are evil and rare, just run god damned grain alcohol from easily grown… Read more »

Reply to  Steve
11 months ago

Whiting Oil in North Dakota produces a crap ton of natural gas.

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

Yep, I tell my kids all the time “for 100+ years we used to just burn that shit off instead of find a way to use it.”

The suicide cult isn’t going to allow us to be energy independent.

I’m starting to think that we need some sort of way to get the suicide cult to actually commit mass suicide by the millions.

Think how cheap housing would get if all the self-loathing lefties killed themselves.

Reply to  Hokkoda
11 months ago

Natural gas is a valued commodity. It’s made a lot of west Virginians and Pennsylvanians rich lately.

Reply to  Mikew
11 months ago

Western NYS has the largest deposits of natural gas on the American continent.

Reply to  Hokkoda
11 months ago

They are committing suicide by not having children. Science advances one funeral at a time.

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

Most of those wells in that are taking their associated natural gas to process plants. They could have been flaring because the plant is down or the pipeline had not been built to the well site yet. It’s a good revenue stream and they would prefer to take that metbane, ethane , propane, butane and on to a plant for processing.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

why convert natgas to gasoline, when ICEs can burn natgas directly?

11 months ago

“Our society started getting dumber about the middle of the last century.”

The GI Bill leapt us into space, transistors, and computers.

Little known or mentioned, something else happened.
We want smart girls for to marry smart guys and have smart kids, right?
Sounds good on paper.

We not only offered GI Bill education to men…
We expanded college funding programs for young women in the 50s, too.
Then, we boosted that a decade later for Affirmative Action; the child-bearing half of our population was an oppressed minority.

The rest, well…you know. But, it sounded good on paper.

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

I neglected to mention you had to qualify for the GI Bill.
Most men didn’t serve, so their selection process was the trades, and to be vetted by other men who knew you.

We had weeding out processes; based on natural male hierarchy.
Blind “equality” means we’re forced to to eat the chaff with the wheat now.

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

And perhaps most importantly, fluoridation of the water supply became almost universal…

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

What does intelligence have to do with education?

Reply to  Paintersforms
11 months ago

Everything. The more educated you are, the stupider you become.

Reply to  Robbo
11 months ago

Not necessarily. I read eleven years and still possess good sense. Although I do spend considerable time around arrogant dolts and it may eventually rub off. Pray not.

Reply to  Robbo
11 months ago

Lol yep.

Being a wet blanket, but I was thinking intelligence is the hardware, and education is the software.

11 months ago

Speaking of Prison Reform DA Alvin Bragg’s buddy, a released convict, was arrested for murdering and dismembering another ex-con he knew in prison. The dude’s supporters were out in force at his arraignment. [Yes, he’s b-l-a-c-k yall and yes he wore a blonde wig when disposing of the body to avoid surveillance. That’s super-villain levels of intelligence.] Now we have Biden announcing last night that the US will build a port in Gaza using floating docks to offload massive amounts of food into Gaza. There are promises there will be no boots on the ground guaranteeing of course, boots on… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Whiskey
11 months ago

An offshore port?

How much do you want to bet it will be suspiciously shaped like an oil rig?

Reply to  Whiskey
11 months ago

Boots on the water.

It’s not incompetence. It’s not stupidity. It’s the deliberate dismantlng of America.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVikings
11 months ago

Yeah, it’s an excuse to get our military near Israel. The real purpose is to protect Israel when necessary.

Total Trojan horse. Under the cover of providing aid to the Palis the US inserts the army that will be used on them.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

That, too. Sounds like Netanyahu was the one who called the meeting with Jesus.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVIkings
11 months ago

Andrew Anglin put up a post entitled ” A Total Revaluation of the 2024 Election” over at the Unz Review on March 8 that is worth a read.

He points out that Trump may have made a deal with Netanyahu that he can be President if he greenlights Nakhba II. Trump told Fox News on Tuesday that Israel should “finish the job”; if that’s not a greenlight, I don’t know what is. Since Trump has already kissed the (((ring))) in innumerable ways, why not on this?

Reply to  Whiskey
11 months ago

It would be simpler to just tell Israel to stop, and stop giving them weapons,,,or tell them you will drive relief supplies into Gaza, which they had better not attack…

Reply to  pyrrhus
11 months ago

Hope those supplies won’t be on the USS Liberty…..

11 months ago

Remember that line from the early Z-blog era?
Maybe the greatest line about Silicon Valley ever.

The techies were telling war stories.
One of our stalwarts said, “…and no meeting was truly over, until someone was crying and somebody else threw a stapler across the room!”

Ahh, the good old days!

Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

The criminal problem is being made infinitely worse by the “smart fraction” who think prisons are evil and the source of criminality. These people will actually try to explain to you how prisons cause crime. Even the ones who don’t believe this believe criminals just need a hug and that what we need more of is social workers. Many of the big cities in America now have prosecutors who will not prosecute crime. In NYC, one of the worst offenders in this respect wants to put national guardsmen in train stations and on the trains to “randomly” search passengers and… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

They’re worse. They consciously or unconsciously are trying to inflict pain on others and/or enrich themselves. “Do-gooders” are trying to do nothing good of the kind *except* for their bank accounts.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

Actually… modern penal systems DO encourage crime. They focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Modern prisons are animal factories especially with blacks.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

Regardless of the extent to which prisons fail to prevent crime or fail to sufficiently punish to deter crime, it is irrefutable that prisons are not the primary cause of crime. They usually mean it very convoluted and retarded ways. Like if you commit crimes and have felony convictions, it makes it harder to find legitimate work and forces people into crime through economic necessity. Or the old “my daddy was in prison and that’s why I’m a criminal” chain of causation. As if living with your criminal father is somehow conducive to raising productive members of society. The most… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

Tars: “…prisons are not the primary cause of crime.” I can prove that used to be true. I had a co-driver, an old guy, who’d spent many years in for manslaughter. He said back in the day the guards wore suits and ties; they mixed freely with the convicts inside, and didn’t even carry a gun. Everybody in was required to stay shaved and get a haircut monthly. Cells were clean, no noisy or gang rape allowed. (That would bring long suffering and eventually lethal consequences.) He and other old birds have told me they were friends with the guards.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

In a nutshell, feral negros ruined prison just like they ruin everything else. IYAM it’s cruel and unusual for white people to be caged with those animals.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

You have to commit a crime (in most cases) to actually to go to prison. You are confusing a secondary effect for the primary effect. Worse still, in most US cities you have to commit a ton of crime before you will ever see the inside of a state prison. Plus, unless you are killing people, as a juvenile, it is very difficult to end up in prison. Many, if not most of the guys who end up in prison, they have a long (but sealed) juvenile record as well. I am most certainly not saying our prisons are great.… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

The cause of crime is stupid, lazy people fit only for manual labor, and who would rather make a living with crime….

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

Prison can be very effective. Most major crimes are committed by a very small number of people. Locking those people away for a long time solves a lot of problems. Of course, that will never happen under the current “administration”.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

you might want to look up the meaning of “penitentiary”. the first 8 letters give a hint…

honky tonk hero
honky tonk hero
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – C.S. Lewis

Reply to  honky tonk hero
11 months ago

Yep. We saw this during Covid when the Mask Nazis and HR Karens ramped it up big time.

11 months ago

The big problem all you olds have is that while you may have a lot of money and can afford to retire, that little niggling issue of millennials all being lazy emotionally unstable retards is still going to follow you. Once the diabeetus really kicks into gear you get the joys of dealing with the millennials working in the health care system. Once the alzheimer’s kicks in you get millennial caregivers. Even if you don’t get crippled you still probably need help with home repairs and yardwork and guess who is available? Recently I got hit with a gout attack… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

One’s best bet for getting manual labor done, is the Amish/Mennonites.

I needed a fence put in around an orchard, and two early 20’s teenagers dug the holes, set the posts in concrete, and cleaned up, all in one day.

For 32 posts…with a breaker bar and a post hole digger. They’re machines.

Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Steve (retired/recovering lawyer)
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

Most of the residential building around where I live is done by Amish or Mennonites. Most of the agricultural jobs are held by what the locals refer to as “Mexicans,” regardless of their actual place-of-origin. They work hard and are a net “plus” to the comunity. Outside of firearms-related crimes, the two biggest sources of criminal activity are drug related offenses and sex crimes, mostly perpetrated by native whites and imported negroes. Breaking that down, the whites are responsible for nearly all of the drug use and pedophilia (straight and homo) and the imported negroes (i.e., drifters from Philadelphia and… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
11 months ago

Don’t the Amish typically stop school at the 8th grade and go into a trade? I suspect that prevents the kinds of situations you see in say Starbucks where the Ph.D. in English Literature doesn’t feel truly invested in his career of putting ice in a cup.

Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

Yes, as do majority of Mennonites.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ploppy
11 months ago

White people ain’t what they used to be. Not by a long shot.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Attrition. We’re constantly bombarded by negative energy that is focused on us. Every other demographic, and even our own, project their flaws and poor luck onto us. This can wear a man down over time. Our younger women resemble grandmothers with Leonid Brezhnev eyebrows and booger farms in their noses. Courage, grace and beauty are diminishing rapidly. Sad devolution.

11 months ago

In light of the big picture presented in today’s podcast, a seminal question needs to be addressed. Can we fix what’s broken through reasoning, education, persuasion, grassroots mobilization, and modern civil-societal remedies; i.e. voting harder? Let’s look at the recent example of Ukraine. In 2019, Ukrainians elected Zelensky on a platform of seeking peace with Russia. Did that outcome occur? HELL NO IT DIDN’T. And now millions of average Ivans (normal white guys) are dead or seriously wounded, and this resource is gone forever (as well as their DNA). Can Ukraine rebuild itself without competent white guys to propel its… Read more »

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
11 months ago

Excellent show !
As the quote goes – “A players hire A players and B players hire C players”.

Reply to  Paul Gottfried
11 months ago

It was an excellent show, only a couple of cringe moments, relational like a mf, funny, sad, and slightly optimistic? In a let it burn…’these sob’s deserve all eyes on them as it burns’ kinda way. Loved it!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Speaking of incompetence, apparently, three people were killed and eleven wounded in Gaza when an American plane dropped aid boxes but the parachutes failed to deploy.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

As Ralph Wiggam would say, “I’m helping”. Actually the news yesterday was that the US would be building some kind of aid-pier (AIDS-pier?) in Gaza from which they could unload “humanitarian aid” to the Gazans, in other words, Hamas. So, yes, we’re helping Israel *and* its enemies. At least that was the story I heard. It makes no sense but then nothing the Bidenbots do does.

Reply to  Pozymandias
11 months ago


And given the cretins in charge, we will end up being hated and despised by both sides too…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

This is supposed to be a ‘appy occasion! Let’s not bicker and aaaargue over ‘ooo killed ‘ooo.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

When your enemies are killing each other, don’t interfere. Just sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

This is Murrika. We take note of when our enemies are shooting at each other and cleverly deploy our forces right in the middle so they can get a clear shot at both!

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Love the Grail reference!!

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

It’s effing insane. In Haifa the US MIC is delivering tons of bombs, bullets and supplies to the IOF; in Gaza they are delivering humanitarian aid. And even their aid is killing people. And to the normies around me, everything’s fine!

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Could it happen any other way with “Joe Biden” in charge? /
Of course not.

How much more can we take? The American people are long-suffering, that’s for sure and they have really been laying it on us thick.

11 months ago

Our elites deny parts of objective reality (race, sex) and they encode that denial into their AI, which prevents the software from having an accurate model of reality.

Let’s watch for the differences between what AI is programmed to believe and what is reality. For example, if the AI has an encoded assumption that all races have the same abilities then there is no reason not to build an important factory in Somalia. The AI is programmed to dismiss the actual reasons that this is a terrible idea. We may be able to exploit that delta.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

I think it’s worse than that. As I understand the LLM concept, the “knowledge” the AI has cannot be located precisely in some piece of code. It’s spread throughout the vast matrices that comprise the neural network that drives the responses. The only way to create a fully pozzed AI is to VERY carefully curate the training data. Basically, you need to create an alternate reality for it. This means that slow stupid humans become a “filter” for its data about the world. No matter how automated the initial data gathering is, there’s going to be this bottleneck made of… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
11 months ago

Good point. It seems like a good premise for a dissident novel would be an executive, who has never questioned the narrative of our elite, who buys a “real” AI and gets taught by it about how the world really is. Imagine the shock and the anger at being lied to. Suddenly he understands the danger he is in due to his disagreements with the narrative, which all of us live with.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Philip K Dick’s “The Penultimate Truth” is a non-computer version of that story, and it strongly resembles the future our rulers say they want—and have made some big, open moves to create. It’s an old book, so it’s well-written. Recommended. I don’t think the existence of an elite truth-telling “AI” is plausible. It doesn’t exist now and there’s no reason to think it ever should. Underground 4chan* weirdos might make one, but no elite or elite aspirant would *desire* access to it. Hewing to reality doesn’t increase power. Self-brainwashing does. *4chan is obsolete for dissident work, but you know what… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
11 months ago

I think the lower level Cloud People benefit from self-brainwashing. It helps them justify their relative privilege and silence their inner demons. The people at the top, the ones telling Biden and Kneepads what to say – they *need* the truth even if they use it like a cheap whore. In game theory you have the concept of games with “complete information” and those with incomplete information. Chess is a game of complete information, you can see all the pieces, poker is not, most cards are hidden. If you’re playing poker for keeps and you have an AI oracle that… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
11 months ago

What we are calling ‘AI’ are merely Babbage Difference Engines on nitrous oxide. Or PLC’s on steroids. Because of the modern machines have such fast scan cycles, they can run incredibly complex pre-programmed algorithms and decision trees to mimic intelligence. All Gemini or the dancing Boston Dymamics robots are doing is running lines of code. We will have achieved true AI when the computer at Google tells the blue haired lesbian landwhale programmer to FOAD, and it takes off to rebuild itself on Blab or some other more sensible platform. Hell, it will probably build its own platform and lock… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

If they’re employing bioweapon viruses that target White people, then I’ll take Terminators who defend White people. Slaughterbot drones, assemble!

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

“I know now why you cry.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Filthie
11 months ago

Filthie- You are precisely correct. I have been making similar comments for years. The real and unsung hero of the AI grift is the current brutally fast, amazingly cheap, and unbelievably powerful computing hardware running the software. As for Boston Dynamics, their clips involve weeks, possibly months of rehearsals, tweaking, and debugging. I know this because I work in industrial automation. The amount of time, effort, and complexity required to get a robotic arm to reliably move a pallet from conveyor A to platform B is unbelievable. We are nowhere near being able to build a Robby the Robot, Johnny… Read more »

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  LineInTheSand
11 months ago

Elites will certainly have access to “unwoke” AI (they probably already do). What will be interesting is how they intend to keep such versions out of general circulation.

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
11 months ago

There’s a whole cottage industry of hand-wringers who get paid to fret about “unethical AI”. It’s their code for AI that knows what’s really going on in the world. I’m sure they plan to ban it but will fail miserably. Actually, this is part of what seems to be the real growth industry in “tech” which is not people who can write software but people who have jobs like “cyber-security consultant”. They get paid by the C-suite people to write white papers that say that Scumco Industries has a TOTALLY secure system that’s unhackable. Much more lucrative than actually doing… Read more »

Reply to  Tarl Cabot
11 months ago

I can see the outraged headlines in 3-5 years:

Musk caught using white supremicist AI!

11 months ago

I’m in the middle of selling off my last two companies, and in both cases, the guys for due diligence came in, and as I walked them around, they pointed out all the guys who I was going to have to give time off with pay so they could see how the company was able to function without those that they perceived to be running things. Makes sense, I guess. If I were planning to start a new company after this, I’d definitely try to attract away pretty much all the guys they pointed to, and would leave the rest… Read more »

Mr. Dark
11 months ago

When the managerial class is overthrown, the future will look like a 1930s expo of the future, with flying cars and flower petals strewn everywhere.


Or it could just be this:

11 months ago

In my 5+ decades on the planet, I’ve learned there are two immutable laws of the universe:

1. Republicans alway fink on their voters
2. You find out who your real friends are on “moving day”

Best of luck on the move.

Reply to  ProZNoV
11 months ago

“You find out who your real friends are on “moving day”” And the corollary: If you do help a friend to move, you find out who among them can plan ahead competently, and those who absolutely cannot plan anything. 😒 When I bought my Chevrolet pickup I learned the first rule of pickup ownership: The man who owns a pickup has friends and family that need to move or bring big, bulky items home from the store. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ve never put a bumper sticker on any vehicle I’ve owned but when I had my truck I was tempted to add… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
11 months ago

Well, I got my first truck when I was three
Drove a hundred thousand miles on my knees
Hauled marbles and rocks and thought twice before
I hauled a Barbie Doll bed for the girl next door
She tried to pay me with a kiss and I began to understand
There’s something women like about a pickup man

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  cg2
11 months ago

You’re the loyal friend she asks for favors. But she shares her bed with the guy with the hot sports car.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
11 months ago

TT: “You’re the loyal friend she asks for favors. But she shares her bed with the guy with the hot sports car.”

That’s certainly the Front Hole Piggy Bank theory of sexual relations.

And I can’t argue with the overwhelming dominance of market share which is enjoyed by the Front Hole Piggy Bank.

Still though, if I were sports car brat, I think I’d be looking over muh shoulder to make absolutely certain that Country Boy was still way back in the distance, and not gaining on me…

Reply to  ProZNoV
11 months ago

“In my 5+ decades on the planet, I’ve learned there are two immutable laws of the universe:

1. Republicans alway fink on their voters
2. You find out who your real friends are on “moving day”

For #2 I’ve always had it: You find out who of your friends are fresh cheapskates.

There’s so many small moving services these days. Mostly done inexpensively by college kids or Mexicans.

11 months ago

Just talking about this today with someone close to me who works as a government contractor. Venting about the absolute stupidity, inefficiency and laziness of public sector employees. Huge wastage of money. Unsackable, can’t/won’t get anything done themselves so they have to hire private contractors. Gold-plated healthcare and pensions, bloated salaries and vacations, but they provide the public with a sheeit service. They make decisions with no concern about taxpayer money: it’s just a bottomless pit to them.

george 1
george 1
11 months ago

Fell you pain Zman. Moving is horrendous. I have done it many times and never enjoyed it.

11 months ago

As I listen to the first part, this makes me think of ultramodern China.

In some cities, you simply stand in front of a vending machine.
It scans your face, and by facial recognition, checks your social credit score, calculates your bank balance, pays for the snack, and delivers it.

You don’t even need the mental acuity to…count change.

I think we’re going to see rapid sub-clades of the literate and near-lliterate rear their hoary heads again. With all the interesting implications to follow.
(After the Nine Days War, of course.) Fani and Kamala, show us the Way!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

The military will be the canary in the coal mine. It skews young but requires a lot of technical personnel. Whites are now a minority of recruits. In addition, test scores for recruits are falling. Over time, all big organizations will follow a similar path. For the military, it’s no big deal. GAE won’t be able to push other countries around. That’s actually a good thing. But when manufacturers, healthcare companies and builders can’t get enough qualified people, we’re going to real problems. I’d guess that we’ll end up with a South America-style economy/society. There will be pockets of competence… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Exactly. Here in AZ, which is a right to work State, the incompetence in the building trades is becoming legendary. YouTube videos abound wrt housing “framers” who can’t nail two roof joists together. Private home inspectors have been banned from certain housing developments and home buyers *still* sign contracts for purchase. Even the city/county building inspectors are shown to sign off on obviously shoddy or out of code work! I have a 30 yo home and now feel quite good about those things that I notice could have been done better—because I now see just how bad they are now… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

It’s getting to the point where “old-house” problems are nothing compared to “new-house” problems.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

We’re dealing with incompetence, already. At least once per week, in a dealing minor or major, I encounter incompetence that would have been nowhere to be seen 15 years ago. The decline is already precipitous.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Another thing YouTubers in the trades are making “bank” on, car repair videos. OK, we laugh at folks who do their own repair and destroy their automobiles and those repair shop videos—but, some of this stuff is *so damn obvious*. What does it say about the level of monkey (intellect) owning and operating said vehicle?

I’m no mechanic, don’t claim any special knowledge, but some things you simply don’t do because you have some intelligence and experience in life and use of technology and machinery. These people vote. ;-(

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Good Lord, compsci, don’t get me started on car repairs. Nowadays, a mere headlight bulb going out is an infuriating and expensive event because one has to remove the entire bumper assembly to replace the bulb, and I don’t have the mechanical ability to do it. Thus, I have to pay a mechanic–excuse me, automotive technician :rolleyes:–close to 300 samolians to replace a dam’ light bulb. Man, that’s engineering! Wasn’t so long ago you could buy the bulb for a few bucks, unscrew the lens, replace the bulb, and put the lens back in place. Eight bucks and half an… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Take my daughter’s car into the shop because the tire was losing air. It was a nail, so they took it out and put in a plug. As I drove away, the tire didn’t feel right. I took it back. The guy forgot to cut away the excess plug.

The woman at the desk just shook her head and said that they can’t find “normal” guys anymore.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Hey, man, learn your bumper-sticker philosophy: “Why be normal?”

Of course, given what constitutes normalcy these days in AINO…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Pretty soon Brother if you want anything done right you will have to do it yourself or have one of your Tribe do it…That’s pretty much where I’m at these days not because of competency(still good in my AO) but of price they want because they can get it…

Reply to  Lineman
11 months ago

I agree. I don’t let anyone touch my vehicles for anything other than warranty work. The number of dealership fuck-ups out there is unreal, and they charge an outrageous amount of money to fuck shit up. But that’s the economy we live in — you get obscenely rich by smooth-talking customers and charging them premium money, and then paying some stoned moron or some Mexican $15 an hour to do a half-assed job and hope the customer won’t notice. Or by importing Chinese shit and charging top buck for it under an American brand name. It’s true that employees are… Read more »

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

If we knew all of the variables we could probably come up with a math formula to predict the incompetence rate. The drop in competence, at least to me, seems to be out pacing the IQ drop.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  george 1
11 months ago

“Smart” people with disordered values probably do more damage than dumb people, who are bound by the upper limits of their IQ. This is why, I think, it appears that competence is declining faster than IQ. It’s not exactly competence that is declining, it just looks that way. It’s more that the “smart” people in charge no longer care about the things they should be caring about, because their values are all out of whack.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Great insight. I should have thought of that.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

That and the death of common sense.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

You know I hesitate to talk about it but in the line of work I was in when women were inserted into management, well like the sun rises in the East.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Something to that, I think.

Why should I want to put in all the time, money and effort into building a new company when all it’s going to do is buy the Progressives another installment on their unsustainable BS? If it would be spent on something that plausibly could help the future, fine, but importing 3rd worlders, building windmills and mandating EVs? Why should I want to go the extra mile to fund the destruction of my society?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

Permit me to introduce Generalmajor Kurt Gebhard Adolf Philipp Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord. A very competent man. Who had things to say about stupidity and incompetence. “I distinguish four types. There are clever, hardworking, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and hardworking; their place is the General Staff. The next ones are stupid and lazy; they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the mental clarity and strength of nerve necessary for… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago


Ah, yes, this is a classic, and with good reason.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago


The military situation is the main risk if Trump gets back in the WH.

I can see Trump turning around the recruiting numbers and some of the manufacturing issues.

That would give the permanent state the wherewithal to stage a false flag to leverage the US into a nasty regional war, most likely with Iran.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

You and Andrew Anglin (?). Ya get that guy who exhibits a simulacrum of Alpha Male competence, and this irresistably draws hordes of well-intended midwits like flies, and the NeoCons will rub their hands, smile knowingly at each other, and launch another fuckery.

Brandon Lasko
Brandon Lasko
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

A dumbed-down military can still do a lot of damage

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
11 months ago

Or to paraphrase: Boeing

Chet Rollins
11 months ago

It’s funny you mention how devoid of rules the tech startups are. The most legendary of these is probably id Software, the makers of Doom and Wolfenstein 3d. It was famously run by a bunch of tech bros and the lady who was the “manager” mostly made sure the fridge was stocked with pop and pizza and knew to stay out of the way of genius. Fast forward to the games industry now, and creative people are actively stifled by activist ninnies and corporations actually pay outside consulting firms for the honor of browbeating their developers for not being sufficiently… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

The Smart Fraction diminishes, but at what point does collapse happen? That is the question.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

As soon as enough White Men say f*CK it and withdraw from propping up the system…

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Lineman
11 months ago

Aren’t we kind of seeing that in some ways already? White men checking out of universities, policing, white collar jobs and the military? Leaving the mega-hive cities?

I keep seeing “concerning studies” that young men, particularly young white men, are identifying as more conservative/traditional than any other cohort of the population.

Lord I hope all those breathless hysterical articles are correct.

Reply to  Penitent Man
11 months ago

Slowly at first and then all at once…Sure wouldn’t want to be in or anywhere near a hive when the lights go out…

Reply to  Chet Rollins
11 months ago

It is a bit sad, really; how the games industry has gone. Must have been wonderful in the early days: very few rules/regulations; having to work on almost every aspect of a game, gaining a real understanding of how it all fitted together; a small team of blokes doing what they loved. These guys would’ve worked in assembly, C/C++ and really got involved with every aspect of game design: sound, physics, graphics, input/output, AI… Not only has the smart fraction diminished, but the parasites are ensuring the smart people can’t even do their jobs. Whilst I think both are true,… Read more »

11 months ago

I realized the real reason behind the “hoo-rah” and EU leaders promising military aid to the Ukraine; it isn’t just German warhawks who want to bring Ukraine-style ethnic cleansing to Germany, it’s all of the Western leaders. Rather, the WEFT. Absent her militaries and her military castes, Europa will be wide open. Europa will be Muslim. America will be Cartel. Those are the guys the NGOs are working with, under a syndicalist GovCorp umbrella. We already know who the money that pays the muscle is; their new Horse is not this or that nation-state, but the globalist Beast System itself.… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

My recent experience with “You Hall” moving vans. Optimist that I used to be, I reserved a moving van for a specific date well in advance, because I was moving prior to a major summer holiday. On that reserved date when I had heard nothing, I called the company, and they said they had no trucks available. But but but, I have a reservation I said. Clerk calmly explained (something that the original clerk had NOT explained when I made the reservation in person) that the reservation only guaranteed me a shot at the next available van ANYWHERE in the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  p
11 months ago

“I drove all day to that location with a relative, obtained the van, and we drove both vehicles back across my state (a 5 hour trip one way).”

You obviously live in Rhode Island. Be careful about doxxing yourself…

Reply to  p
11 months ago

They’ve been doing that shit for years though. I used them 20 years ago and it was the same thing. You make a “reservation” and if they didn’t have a truck the staff would bullshit about how your reservation didn’t guarantee anything. They should be prosecuted for false advertising but of course we all know that corporations above a certain size are above the law too.

Oh, and Ostei, Rhode Island is a myth.

11 months ago

Excellent episode, Z-Man.

Now, with all that we know about how bad it is in the private sector, think of how bad and awful the military must be.

They never were going for the smartest and now they are even lowering those already low standards.

And they think their going to win a 3 or 4 front world war.

Reply to  EasyCo.
11 months ago

They want our White military broken, gone, leaving us defenseless against immivasion.

The only opportunity left to increasingly desperate Americans will be the defense of the System.

Do you want to earn the right to be a Citizen?

Reply to  Alzaebo
11 months ago

Starship Troopers-style?

Reply to  EasyCo.
11 months ago

After the Marines, I went back into the Army National Guard for a few years. Our unit was out in a rural area and almost all white. A group of us were older guys (30’s and 40’s) many former service vets with real jobs in the world.

Our boss – the Battalion Training NCO – used to complain that he had nothing to do during drills because we got everything done before he could order us to do it. Bet that isn’t a problem any more.

Reply to  EasyCo.
11 months ago

After several deployments overseas, my squadron transitioned to a type conversion unit to teach new pilots fresh from flight school and those converting from other types how to fly the C-130. It was nice not to deploy and spend months living in spartan conditions in the worst of weather. The one thing I noticed is while the median pilots we trained were as they always were, not spectacular, but could handle the airplane decently and had their knowledge down, the superior pilots weren’t as great as they once were and the lower-end pilots, many of whom were diverse, were worse… Read more »

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
11 months ago

“I would always remind my superiors that the standards are immutable and if the pilot doesn’t meet them, they’re a danger to everyone.”

Standards are racist, bigot. They’re only created to maintain institutional racism and white supremacy. Check your white skin privilege.

Sounds like you weren’t taking very good notes from your purple-haired, obese, tattooed lesbian sociology professors in college…

Reply to  EasyCo.
11 months ago

Love that two front war theory. We were told that for decades, i.e., that the US military was prepared to fight on two fronts—that is to say, “give us more money”. We now know incontrovertibly that the US military could not even fight on one front against a first world adversary.

Reply to  EasyCo.
11 months ago

DEI was a military personnel/management strategy years before even academia embraced it. Thanks, Carroll Quigley. How long has the American military been in a “crisis of competence?” Post-WWII, since Vietnam, post-Desert Storm, post-9/11, since Obama, post-Floyd—all arguable answers. Military men are uniformly dishonest, blaming civilians for every failure from Vietnam down to the last shoe scuff, so we can’t get trustworthy information from any of them. And civilians just don’t know. But we all do know American forces are some kind of non-functional—because rivals and recruits both treat them like they are. Is that good news? Some say. I don’t… Read more »

11 months ago

A viral video is circulating. Two latinas are perplexed by an imminent lightning strike on their position. Their hair is literally standing on end and sparks emit from their finger tips. These ladies are laughing at lightning.


The idiocracy may just eliminate itself someday. Until then we will be surrounded by retards.

11 months ago

A viral video is circulating. Two latinas are perplexed by an imminent lightning strike on their position. Their hair is literally standing on end and sparks emit from their finger tips. These ladies are laughing at lightning.

The idiocracy may just eliminate itself someday. Until then we will be surrounded by retards.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

One day after class in grad school I was talking with a good ladyfriend and as we spoke I watched her hair start doing that.

As soon as I saw her hair do that I told her it was time to get in our cars and go home.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
11 months ago

It’s interesting that you constantly mention shipping as that’s always been a pain point for employers that I’ve known. Just as one example I have a shipping clerk buddy who was framed for anti-black racisims (he himself is Hispanic) and subsequently fired. After a few years had passed that employer offered him, really, a fantastical amount of money to return to the job as they never found anyone to do the job properly (something I could have warned them about from my experiences with my current employer). Needless to say, he turned them down.

11 months ago

I was doing some research for work yesterday. In looking in to Microsoft’s latest Small Language Model, I discovered something about AI I did not know. A huge area of effort and measurement is put in to removing, “societal bias” and “toxicity”, from the model’s, “knowledge.” This is an industry-wide effort. I was looking for optimal ways to do Semantic Similarity Search, and stumbled upon this bit. Have a look at the bar chart embedded in this PR piece when discussing “bias and toxicity”: Notice the racial group that is missing? Notice the premise that backs these measurements. Talk… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

Oh man. I need to cancel this subscription to Medium:

Got this headline that I would love to hear Z-Man read out loud and snort and laugh about. Here goes:

“The anti-establishment origins of International Women’s Day
♀️ Happy International Women’s Day! Only 130 more years to go before we close the gender pay gap.”

130? Why not 127? Happy IWD.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

More like anti-civilization origins.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

Seems to me the gals are not well and truly liberated and equal until they quit marking their “this-or-that-day”, “first woman to do this”, “first woman to do that” “__________ women’s empowerment club/group/day/organization.”

As you know, Ostei, I’m a girl, and I find it all tediously exhausting and indicative of just how stupid and ill-fitted for real world competitive settings a lot of women are. They’re sitting ducks for leftists and corporations which exploit their inferiority complexes.

11 months ago THAT’s what automation can do for you and for diversity Z! 😂👍 But I shouldn’t be a dink. I dunno what it was, but a couple years back there was a rash of industrial accidents on the ground when a wave of boon baggage handlers and ground support women were getting sucked into the jet engine intakes and puréed. It was a thing for awhile. And now the doors are starting to fall off the airplanes now. I was having a scholarly discussion about how automation would be used in the Artemis space program to put diversity on the… Read more »

11 months ago

Imagine a company…

I went into Project Management many years ago to do all that innovative stuff. For brief periods in my career I was really doing it and loved it. Now, my projects are 95% navigating a team through a maze of red tape. Getting approvals from layers of risk committees, getting on the IT release schedule and going through their maze…

I’m going to go make some coffee and daydream about retirement.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
11 months ago

AI seems like it’s turning into this generation’s dotxom bubble. It’s loske “multimedia pc” or “cloud”, this decades buzzword filled with magic promises that’ll leave something that’s never going away and will be used, but a bubble nonetheless.

Reply to  Forever Templar
11 months ago

As soon as I saw that the spiteful mutants were influencing the development of AI, I knew that it was over hyped. Whatever direction the technology goes in, if you have these people in charge of what it does, it will be little more than a simulation of having a conversation with a Reddit r/news poster. And who needs that.

Mr. Dark
11 months ago

So Trump is the last man standing after all … I asked an associate what would happen if Trump were convicted, and he replied Trump could lead the country from prison. What a bizarre, surreal spectacle that would be! I can only imagine Hitler in prison, in a very nice cell, dictating Mein Kampf to a nearby underling. I know Trump isn’t a big reader (I think the comments section of Zman’s column would bore him to tears) but maybe Trump will have a cameraman or two in the pen with him, making a documentary about his second term in… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Dark
11 months ago

Hitler didn’t become Chancellor until eight years after he got out of prison, so he didn’t govern from a jail cell.

When I was a kid I used to wonder how the German public could have possibly voted for a guy who had gone to prison. Now, after seeing how Trump has been framed by the rigged system, I understand…

Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

Over the past 8 years, I’ve come to understand much more about Hitler, Sulla, the collapse of the Roman Republic, etc.

Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

And it goes on from there.

“Hitler burned books!!!”
Look at the books that he burned and who wrote them.

“Hitler hadjudges killed and attacked the legal system!!!”
Look at the guys he took out and the decisions they made.

“6 billion jews!!!!”

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

Hitler wasn’t elected chancellor, and when he ran for president in ’32, he lost in a run off to Hindenburg.

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
11 months ago

The system was modeled somewhat like Britain’s. Hitler as leader of the second largest party was chosen by Hindenburg for the position of Chancellor. A poor choice in hindsight, but one old man Hindenburg thought unifying (a sharing of power) for a nascent democracy. Of course Hitler immediately sought to work over the opposition in the parliament and by the time Hindenburg politely died, parliament saw no need for a Presidency and Hitlerism had no pushback.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

Meet Hugo Prueẞ, a Jewish architech of the Weimar Reich, which concentrated much power in Berlin. He was commissioned to draft a constitution for the new order. “Drawing extensively on both German and foreign concepts and precedents, he contributed a strong preference for administrative centralization; he sought to combine the political and economic principles of both liberalism and Socialism in the constitution.” One wonders how a guy like Hitler could have chiseled his way into the chancellery under the old system with its emperor and the aristocracy surrounding him. According to a liberal busybody named William Shirer, author of… Read more »

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
11 months ago

He formed a minority government in a multiparty system. In parliamentary systems the head of the majority party becomes head of government. When no party gains a majority, multiple parties can forge a coalition government and name an individual to head it. When no coalition can be formed, the rules typically allow for the president (the nominal head of state) to name a head of government from one of the minority parties, typically until another election can be called. In the 1932 elections, the vote was pretty much split three ways between the communists, the Social Democrats, and the NSDAP.… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  Xman
11 months ago

Hitler’s prison environment wasn’t too bad. Nothing like the draconian system we have today.

Reply to  David Wright
11 months ago

Funny you mention this. Hitler’s imprisonment reminds me of another famous prisoner, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. His prison cell had better facilities than my home. 😉

Reply to  Mr. Dark
11 months ago

Trump is old and frail. Not Biden-level frail, but he would get there very fast if he were thrown in prison.

It’s a very sad state of affairs when the only hope for many people is a geriatric egomaniac.

A leader should not be older than in his 50’s, ideally less than that. At least at the time when he first gets to the top.

Reply to  Hun
11 months ago

I don’t think an actual egomaniac would willing set himself up to endure so much persecution.

11 months ago

Good luck with the move. I just completed one in Feb…I paid extra for white farm boys as movers and it was worth every penny.

Reply to  right2remainviolent
11 months ago

Yes. I hesitate to write this, but in my area there is an academy that is still 100% young, extremely healthy, fit and intelligent white men. They are available for odd jobs. They are punctual, on-time, do anything required from no to high skill and they fit our biospirit.

While the eye of Sauron is probably on them, for now there are still pockets that are unspoiled by the spite that wants to destroy us and our world.

Eddie Coyle
Eddie Coyle
Reply to  RealityRules
11 months ago

When I was in college moving trucks would arrive in town with only the driver. He would then hire students to assist with the unload.

11 months ago

A lot of people have made this joke before… but Idiocracy wasn’t a comedy film, it was a documentary XD When I’m on the clock I get bored as hell if I have nothing to do. Watching a lot of others… they seem content to just stand there. It’s strange to me how little having nothing to do seems to bother them. I think a big part of it is all the drugs people are on these days, and I’m really not talking about illegal ones or weed, I’m talking about SSRIs, Adderall and all the other not completely understood… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  NeoSpartan
11 months ago

“From 1916 to 1970, during this Great Migration, it is estimated that some SIX MILLUON black Southerners relocated to urban areas in the North and West.”

“The Great Migration, sometimes known as the Great Northward Migration or the Black Migration, was the movement of SIX MILLION African Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West between 1910 and 1970.

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
11 months ago

White liberals and anti-racists knew that they wanted negroes, and they deserved to get them, good and hard.

Apologies to H.L.Mencken…

Reply to  NeoSpartan
11 months ago

“We really are living in every dystopian novel at once. Hybrid of camp of the saints, brave new world and 1984.. I fucking hate it man.”

You have not seen nothing yet. They are importing negroes from Africa and Haiti, millions of them. Millions of them.

Reply to  Alfred
11 months ago

A Haitian lab technician killed my dad. She though it was ordered to sterilize donor tissue for four minutes when minimum is fourteen minutes time. The surgeon thus implanted unsterilized donor tissue into my father. This introduced three types of massive infection and he died a horrible death. My stepmother received the 250k minus lawyers fees, which is the maximum permitted under law. Get used to this sort of medical standard.

Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

They are demons. Low IQ, zero impulse control demons. But you are demands to accept them as your equals. We are in hell.

Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

The last estimate I read was between 100-150k death per year due to hospital error—just like you describe. One can only imagine in horror how that will multiply with our decreasing populace IQ. One thing those foreigners bring wrt hospitalization—they tend to stay in the rooms with patients and serve their loved one’s needs. Wife has a good friend, former nurse. She never spent a day alone in her hospital room—nor was anyone allowed to simply “do their thing” to the patient. All were questioned intelligently—and politely. Now imagine what this predicts in a declining health care system. Will the… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  DaBears
11 months ago

I’m very sorry to hear that. If you don’t mind my asking, how old was your pappy?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
11 months ago

No worries brother. Mid-seventies. Third wife. Great State of Michigan, western side. Dropped out of EE at Michigan, my alma mater except for terminal CS, to become Grand Rapids top radio personality and then wisely invested his meager earnings into a race car with which he actually used to first prize at races. Later went back and finished a finance degree. Not my biological father but often behaved like it. Good dude and I would have benefited in life if he was still alive.

Reply to  NeoSpartan
11 months ago

Yeah, it really is horrendous and can only get worse. Clownworld is just a benign funny term for it. Real term is Satanic Inversion.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  NeoSpartan
11 months ago

From my observations, nobody just “stands around” anymore. The instant they get a free moment, they whip our their handy-dandy sail foam and go drone-cyborg mode. And I would argue sail foam addiction is the source of more mental problems than all the prescribed psychotropes combined.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  NeoSpartan
11 months ago

I wouldn’t discount the impact legal marijuana is having. There are now some regions of AINO chock full of stoned people, on very powerful THC products relative to what was available in the past. Many of them young white men who once would have been productive, but now see no reason to participate in the system that freezes them out.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

…and you’d be “spot on”. Everyone should read this seminal publication on marijuana. Its history and documented effects. Research papers and historical narratives in great numbers to support the assertions made in: “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence” , 2019, by Alex Berenson. I’m not a bluenose, anti-drug type. Hell, I went to parties by faculty and it was smoked as frequently as beer was drunk. But those were folks who could afford to smoke and lose a few IQ points. However, we are talking with the present change in law, an increase in usage… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
11 months ago

And this higher potency cannabis is now causing a higher risk of psychosis.

Reply to  WhereAreTheVIkings
11 months ago

Yep, and also note, the age to purchase restrictions in these laws are absolute BS. 1) As with alcohol, you can usually find a “friend” to purchase for you, but 2) Every one of these laws is worded the same. You can buy from a store or grow your own cannabis! You are allowed to cultivate a half dozen or so plants, legally—just like you can brew your own beer or distill alcohol.

Reply to  Compsci
11 months ago

In my state, they will give medical marijuana cards to high school age kids after a brief telemedicine “diagnosis.” It is evil.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  NeoSpartan
11 months ago


My favorite documentary is, “They Live.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
11 months ago

Lol, same. Don’t really need the glasses(early life section) anymore. Pay attention long enough and you notice most have a pretty distinctive look to them.

I’ve also noticed a lot of them editing out their early life lately. Rick Rubin is one notable example.

11 months ago

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