The abrupt retirement of Victoria Nuland caught everyone by surprise as she was just recently in Kiev promising to blow up the world. Naturally, everyone assumes there must be a clever reason for her sudden departure. The statement put out by Anthony Blinken reads like the statements that come from ball teams when they fire a manager, which has led to speculation that she was sacked. Alternatively, some suspect she is just the first rat off the sinking ship that is project Ukraine.
As is always the case with regime-ology, the answer is going to be a guess from a set of possibilities, rather than a clear answer. In this case, Nuland is a senior member of the Kagan cult, by virtue of her marriage to Robert Kagan. The entire foreign policy establishment is controlled by neocons. Her now former boss, Anthony Blinken, is a neocon, and her replacement is also a neocon. Whatever the reason for her departure, it is not because the administration has turned on the neocons.
The place to start is with the reality of American foreign policy, which is not controlled by the political class but by three distinct parts of permanent Washington. The most important part is the foreign policy establishment, centered around the State Department, which is where the Kagan cult is based. They control the foreign service and the thicket of think tanks and quasi-academic outposts that recruit and develop those who will serve in the foreign policy establishment.
Nuland’s career is a great example. She started out working for Strobe Talbott in the Clinton administration then worked in the Bush administration. She got bumped up in the Obama admi8nistration where she ran Ukraine policy. She took a holiday during the Trump years, but came back when Biden was installed. Notice that the changing of administrations had no impact on her career. Note also that her replacement is also a protege of Strobe Talbott.
Next you have the military industrial complex which is based in the Pentagon and represents the interests of the military and the vast array of companies that make weapons for and supply services to the military. Their primary concern is to keep the flow of money coming from the taxpayers. If war is good for business, they are in favor of war, but if war is bad for business, they oppose war. Unlike the foreign policy establishment, the MIC is mostly free of ideologues.
Finally, you have the intelligence community. Like all bureaucracies, they have succumbed to Pournelle’s iron law of bureaucracy. Their primary concern is with maintaining the flow of money and avoiding political oversight. They are happy to help the Pentagon and the State Department in their endeavors, but always do so in a way that serves the narrow interests of the intel community. Like all intelligence services, this is the most cynical and calculating of the three.
Project Ukraine has always been a State Department operation. The Pentagon has gone along with it as it meant more money, but the events of the last two years have strained this relationship. The flow of weapons to Ukraine has drained the armories but has not resulted in new cash for suppliers. Similarly, the spooks have supported the project because a return of the Cold War is good for business. No one writes novels about James Bond spying on MAGA people.
Until now, the three legs of the blob that controls American foreign policy have been working together on Project Ukraine. They were happy to tell the political class what they needed to hear, at home and abroad, in order to get the political cheerleading they wanted for the project. Six months ago, the Pentagon told the pols that the great counter-offensive would smash the Russian lines. A year ago, the spooks said the Russian were in political disarray.
The events of the last six months have put the lie to all of it. The Russians have broken through Ukrainian lines and have the initiative everywhere along the front. Ukrainian losses have spiked higher as Russia gains control of the air space. We are now hearing Ukrainian leaders talking about evacuation of major cities this summer, expecting a major Russian offensive. Two years of grinding away at the Ukraine army is showing results and the tide is now turning strongly in favor of Russia.
The first sign of trouble was the stalled package of aid which House Republicans refuse to pass that would hand sixty billion to the Pentagon. This money would be laundered through Ukraine back to the Pentagon and then the arms dealers, but the MIC’s favorite political party has been stalling. The reason is the cupboards are bare, so the MIC is not going to get much from this scheme. The only reason the Republicans are stalling is they have the full support of the MIC on this.
Last week, the CIA planted a long piece in their favorite regime outlet, the New York Times, in which they made clear that they have gone well beyond what should have been expected with Project Ukraine. The article detailed all of the great work they have done inside Ukraine going back to 2014. Not long after, we get the leak of the German military plotting a strike on Russia. The source of that leak is probably based in Asia and could very well have ties to American intel.
That leaves the foreign policy establishment, which remains committed to the project for ethnic and ideological reasons. The trouble is they are now left holding the bag for a project that could turn into a massive political crisis. For two years the politicians were told this will be a huge win for the good guys. Instead, the bad guys are about to win, and it is putting the political future of the collective West in jeopardy. Losing the first global conflict of the 21st century will not go unnoticed.
That brings us back to Nuland. Given that she is part of the Kagan cult, which is a subculture within the greater neocon subculture, it seems unlikely that she was fired for performance, even though her departure is out of the blue. Further, she is a fanatic and fanatics see only that which supports their fanaticism. It is unlikely that she looks at what is happening and sees failure. At every failure in the project, she and the rest of the neocons have found reasons to plow ahead.
Instead, what this suggests is that things are much worse for Project Ukraine than anyone is letting on in public. Anticipating political panic in Washington this summer, the neocons have decided to stash the architect of the disaster in retirement, thus making it hard for the Republicans to subpoena her. This makes it tough for the Republicans to lay the blame at the feet of the White House. The new guy will be given some latitude because the Republicans are this dumb.
On the other hand, there may be some unknown unknown at play. In politics, people who suddenly retire do so for a cash grab or to avoid scandal. The fact that someone was able to put that recording of German officials in the hands of the Russians suggest there could be other material of a similar nature. It is not as if Nuland has ever been careful about talking about her schemes. It may be that she was caught on surveillance again, perhaps when she was in Kiev last month.
There is always the possibility that she looked around at the politics in Washington and decided that there was nothing more to gain. The neocon war against their historic enemy is a long-term project. It is a forever project and Ukraine was always just one chapter in the long story of their struggle. They could have decided that all the juice was squeezed from this lemon, and it was time to move on. She will return to the hive and begin plotting the next project for a future administration.
What all of this suggests is that behind-the-scenes things are far bleaker for Project Ukraine than has been revealed to the public. The game now is what we always see in managerialism and that is blame shifting. The CIA fired the first shot with that Times article and now the neocons are scurrying for cover. As always, the goal of this blame game will be to leave the politicians holding the bag. Perhaps Biden’s usefulness all along was to be the fall guy.
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Victoria Nuland is taking a much-needed break from the stressful work of blowing up the world. She plans to use her time off to catch up with her witches’ coven, attend black mass more often, and concentrate on her hobby: breeding show-quality vampire bats. She will return as Secretary of State for Gavin Gruesome’s administration.
Whether either a student or employee, seeking to change the iron law leads to condemnation as a “misfit” and ejected by ‘poor performance.’ Therein is truth, the “organization” functions by the Synagogue of Satan’s penchant of “religiosity of rituals.” The student and employee must fight back … fight back harder … reach for a microphone and cameras to speak out against the evils committed against humanity who refuse to practice the “rituals” inherent of the Synagogue of Satan, and thereby eradicate Satan’s evil on Earth. The alias NULAND’s were arrested by US Military and are by now at Guantanamo Bay… Read more »
The pajeet is the undertaker of a company. If you get a pajeet CEO, it’s over. If you study India you know that its a broken to the core culture. The even call it the “licensing raj.” Bureaucratic fiefdoms proliferate like dandelions after a rain storm. Needless hierarchies are established. Left to its own devices the company will soon have a temple that worships rats. Don’t be fooled by the “westernized” pajeet. The CEO of Microsoft, Nadella, can walk around in Steve Job’s old wardrobe. He’s wearing a costume. Probably bought it from his widow, but he’s no Steve Jobs.… Read more »
@JR Wirth — You comment is 100% correct. Thank you for speaking out against criminals.
Meant to post this in today’s column… Five important things happened this week that are related. 1. Trump won 9-0 at SCOTUS. And their ruling was really quite devastating AND SHORT. We may see a rapid end of the J6 and Documents cases. 5-4? Well, maybe presidents aren’t immune. 9-0 in a direct attempt to interfere in an election? Red alert. 2. Michelle Obama let it be known she is not running for POTUS, after #1 was announced. The timing was not an accident which leads me to… 3. Trump destroyed Nikki Haley 99-3 on Super Tuesday. The Sea Island… Read more »
It’s not hard to picture the big hebrews getting behind the Orange Man (I’m far from the first person to point out). He’s even more loyal to Israel than Biden. But they’re going to have a tough time selling Literally Hitler to their fellow clouds. Trump hatred is about the only thing that unites the “left” anymore. Probably the only thing that will motivate the fortification machine into action. And it’s questionable if the people at the top can control it.
If you go back and look at the bilateral accords Trump was negotiating, he was basically ending the for-profit war machines over there… I got into an argument with some Lib on a blog about how many peace treaties Trump had orchestrated. I got called a liar about 12 times before the retard read the links. Then I got one reply: “Oh. I had no idea.” You have to remember that Trump might be pro-Israel, but largely was defanging the entire mercenary war infrastructure at the same time. Ending the war machine over there kills the power of the Jewish… Read more »
People forget, with all the rampant antisemitism pervasive now, that it used be that if you wanted to get anything done that Jews didn’t like, you had to be kissing their backsides while doing it. I don’t want to side with either Israelis/Jews or Palestinians/Muslims (deport them ALL with their problems and squabbles), but if cooperation with Israel is the price to be paid to ensure a successful mass deportation operation, then that’s just the way it has to be. It’s an imperfect world. WAY THE HELL more Americans are dying than Palestinians, and we have been ethnically cleansed from… Read more »
Yep, I say it all the time. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, nobody wants that clan in their country. The Pali’s are troublemakers wherever they go. We let them in here, and they started storming children’s Christmas pageants.
Instead of turning Gaza into a tourist beachfront paradise, they stew in their stupidity and ancient hatred’s while their “leaders” rake in billions from their penthouse suites in Qatar.
Bringing them here is suicide.
They won’t be able to sell it to leftists, but it has already been sold to the people who really run things.
The Big Hebrews didn’t support Trump, they were and are threatened by him. It was the Little Hebrews that supported Trump, the Zionist types. e.g., his SIL and Netanyahu. The globalist hebrews didn’t like the idea of their religiously fanatic kin becoming dominant over them, which is why they continue to freak out over Trump.
It’s all Theater! Even a deaf, dumb and blind man can see that the whole system is rigged by a shadow organization.
Pretty good analysis but I think you are missing a key ingredient. nd overestimating the willpower of the current movement. What is becoming clear is that they are going to let Trump win but I don’t think you have spent enough time thinking about the why… I seriously doubt that the democrats are scared of “MAGA anger and revenge”. They have shit on MAGA people constantly and rubbed our noses in the 2020 loss with great glee since it happened. I empathize with why it’s nice to think that they respect us, but the facts on the ground do not… Read more »
@hokkoda — Victoria Nuland and husband Robert Kagan were arrested by Military and now at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) for Tribunal trial, sentencing, and execution for treason. Real Raw News (military-sourced) MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2024: Lloyd Austin (Russia’s Rod-of-God missile strike), Chikwe Ihekweazu (hanged), Rui Paulo de Jesus with six scientists (shot), Alfred Johnson (hanged), Michael Platt (hangs March 12), Arati Prabhakar (hanged), Tanya Skeen (hanged), Yulia Svyrydenko (hanged), Oprah Winfrey (hanged), Andriy Yermak (hanged). MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2023: 250 Covid genociding doctors (hanged), 34 NIH scientists (shot), Jerome Adams (hanged), Aaron Aranas (shot), David Axelrod (drown), Liz Cheney (hanged), David… Read more »
Mrs. Justice Steyn, in England, threw out Trump’s slander case against Michael Steele and now says Trump must pay Steele’s 6 figure legal costs.
Every. Single . . . It’s getting damned tiresome.
Indeed it is…
What’s more exhausting, negro fatigue or Hebrew fatigue?
Well, the first one wouldn’t really exist w/o the 2nd one, right? But! The first one is usually more in your face and immediate. The latter is only for those in the know and understand the nuance. In the end, it’s sort of a toss up I would say for me.
They both need to go – much sooner rather than later.
Lot of symbolic escalation on that front lately. Maybe Nuland’s career change will turn out to be part of it. Depends what’s next. The most notable recent every-single-time event, I think, because she’s a primary author of online conservative “discourse,” is a rhetorical change by LibsOfTikTok. She’s been easing off the homos and pedos and going hard on “white women” lately. She slid into it by blasting fag hag bluehairs, but, e.g., her objection to North Face’s new anti-white marketing campaign is that North Face is run by white people. What an odd thing to say! Remember when Libs was… Read more »
In the corporate world you see all the time architects of disastrous programs jumping ship after it is clear the ship willl sink.
There is the possibility that the tribe she married into no longer is all that concerned with their war against Ukraine and it is all hands on deck to help the Israelis wage war against Lebanon and Iran
The criminals are members of secret societies and their mercenaries who are steadily being executed by Military worldwide since 2017. You can find the names of criminals in my comment above (if not removed) and from military-sourced Real Raw News.
Looks like after they’ve killed off the next Ukrainian generation (“there’s no one left to marry”), they’re going after finishing off the Germans next.
More German hawks demanding direct action on or in Russia.
Morganthau’s ghost laughs!
You get your enemies to kill each other. Funding Nazis in Ukraine was a move with two end goals in mind.
you are correct, but don’t forget the poles. after their las election was “fortified for Democracy” they installed an PRO EU/WEF prime minister. they will be getting involved too.
Only to be expected. When Moustache Man was trying to get the Poles to cut it the hell out with oppressing East Prussia, they only farted in his general direction. Deep thinkers then, likely deep thinkers yet again.
The amplification and exploitation of ethnic emnity among their subject peoples is a primary tool of governance of the globalists. Poles are quintessential excitable midwits, seeing the superficial pattern and allowing themselves to be baited. It’s another damn tragedy. I wish they would wise up.
It makes sense to me now that we had Pollack jokes growing up (even though we had no Poles around) but no German jokes, English jokes, Romanian jokes, Irish jokes, French jokes, Italian jokes, etc. It was probably some residual cultural echo from the previous generation.
Apparently you didn’t have Pollack jokes in youth because either you didn’t have Poles living near you or you didn’t live on the east coast of America.
As the Devil’s Advocate, what if Her exit simply means the deals have been cut, the papers signed, and the former Ukraine is being parceled out? This might mean the sausage has already been made, time to wind it up in time for the election. Russia gets the industrial east oblasts with their valuable mines, and another year of war production boosting her and her BRIC allies’ economies. China, while Russia is tied up in the west, gets more illegal timber concessions in Siberia, and more Belt access through the Stans. Poland under Tusk gets Galicia back, and more NGO… Read more »
And more Lebensraum for New Israel, on the Black Sea.
I said prett much the same thing below.
This is indeed possible. I didn’t put it on my list below because I don’t think this US regime is capable of this level of sophistication.
Also, Romania has a Black Sea port already (Constanta) and they’ve been trans-shipping grain (and other things probably) out of Ukraine for quite a while now.
@alzaebo — Victoria Nuland’s departure from Europe means NO MONEY for Ukraine/Khazar and NO MONEY for Israel. Victoria Nuland and husband Robert Kagan were arrested by Military this week and taken to Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) for Tribunal trial, sentencing, and execution for treason. Read the military-sourced event at Real Raw News.
The Managerial Class is subject like all insect colonies to a series of patterns. They repeat endlessly with little variation. When a senior official in the corporate, sportsball, political, or NGO world has a serious scandal they “retire” in words used about Nuland. Nuland almost certainly got caught in Keeeeevvvvvv talking about plans to use the Ukranian intelligence to “kinetically solve” the Bad Orange Man problem. Her husband has basically called out for this. Francis Fukuyama in the FT called for basicallly a Fujimori self-coup two weeks ago. We know that most of the bug people are incapable of even… Read more »
@Whiskey — You’re correct. You can read of Military’s arrest of Victoria Nuland and husband Robert Kagan this week at the military-sourced Real Raw News.
There’s no MIC. The MIC was 1940-1945. There’s a demoralized and slowly walking away M and a barely hanging on I, that never approached its 1944 peak, whose pitiful remnants make combined less than half of what WALMART makes alone. Do your homework or STFU. It’s offensive to be accused of things others did and to be part of a non existent conspiracy. Truth is most of DOD, that is the Pentagon are Karens so old they make the DMV look young and hyper efficient. This would be the Complex part. The soldiers are competent but worn out and demoralized… Read more »
“There’s no MIC.
The MIC was 1940-1945.”
Bullshit. The term “military-industrial complex” was coined by Eisenhower, a five-star general, who warned us to “guard against” its influence when he left the presidency in 1961.
Do YOUR homework or STFU, pal.
Sounds like he cannot handle not being thanked for his service on a consistent basis.
Or he had a gardening accident this morning. Slipped and fell on a cucumber. Hey – it happens!
In another life, I worked at a hotel with a retired vet (submariner – 20 years). He was awesome. People would sometimes find out he was in the service, and they would say, “Thank you for your service.” Without fail, he would reply, pointing his finger for emphasis, “I didn’t do it for you – I did it for me!” The look on the guests’ faces was priceless.
When thanked, I reply with you’re welcome and advise them that I and my typewriter and coding machines raised hell on the enemy.
I seriously doubt that he “served” in the way we understand it
Have you seen Brendon O’Connell’s work on the Talpiot program, I highly recommend everyone dig into it. They don’t want that info out there.
So, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop, etc. don’t exist and work with the military?
You forgot the big gorilla: General Dynamic$
Don’t forget Raytheon!
“Truth is most of DOD, that is the Pentagon are Karens so old they make the DMV look young and hyper efficient. This would be the Complex part.”
Those are the ones who put those glowies in those rolled-up cuff jean shorts paired with too small t-shirts, aren’t they?
You’re at least right about it not coming to save us. But I dunno if anybody around these parts really thought it was.
As for an “industrial lobbyist/MIC person” who has cheerleaded the Ukraine thing, I’ll go with Eric Schmidt
OK, Buck Turgidson.
I don’t know about competent military men being despised, but for the most part, they are just pitied. Many got suckered into serving after 9/11 for a regime of lies and their time in service wasted.
Raytheon would disagree with you regarding no “I”. Their stock price has done quite well since February of 22. There is an MIC and they have been parasitic vampire squid wrapped around the face of the US tax payer. (H/T to Matt Taibbi)
Globohomo apologist is a legitimate career path which can be quite lucrative.
“the MIC is mostly free of ideologues”
Is this still true, at least in the uniformed, Pentagon branch of the MIC? What I’ve seen since Obama doesn’t give me much confidence. Maybe the corporate side is a bit less ideological, but the big brass and their minions?
Although they all have to swear fealty to the rainbow, the greater ideology is the six figure board seat which awaits upon retirement, and what it requires.
Which means the endless rainbow that will never get a white portion, hostility to white men, and already emerging racial quota systems.
I just finished reading the latest version of The Fourth Turning and if someone here could enlighten me in layman’s terms–do fourth turnings happen simultaneously worldwide, or does a fourth turning in one country precipitate a fourth turning in the adjacent one, like dominoes falling? I seem to recall that Mexico did just fine while American experienced the great depression in the 1930’s.
Use a bit of caution when considering theories of cycles. If there were such predictability to these things, someone would have figured out how to make a buck on it. So far, it appears the only ones who have done so are authors writing about their pet theory of cycles.
I’m open to the possibility that someone has figured out how to make a buck on it. It just isn’t me.
Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellas, Warburgs, all the usual players have figured it out, and Blackrock, Vanguard are their puppet organizations.
A little while back, EMJ was talking about a former Israeli PM’s musings on no Jewish kingdom lasting more than 70-80 years, or something like that, and it reminded me of the Fourth Turning. I don’t see Jews in my Cheerios, but I take it as evidence of how shot through we are with Hebrew notions of history, via Christianity, of course. Waiting for The End, and such. FWIW.
OT I mean, keep what’s good, and finish paganizing the rest. We got halfway there incorporating philosophy— the Greek and Roman Churches. We aren’t Hebrews, there are no magic ideas to make us Hebrews. I guess that’s blasphemous, but whatever. It’s pretty obvious the religion adapted to the nations as much as the nations adapted to it, and this recent effort to re-Hebraize it (Judeo-Christianity) is killing the thing. Jesus brought the sword, cut the umbilical cord!
He didn’t call them the Synagogue of Satan for nothing.
That was St. Paul, actually. Christ had some other choice descriptions of the scribes and Pharisees, who were basically the theological founders of post-temple Judaism (e.g., whited sepulchres, hypocrites, blind guides, full of greed and self-indulgence).
As boring old practicing Catholic, it’s funny to have non-believers (or perhaps partial believers) describe Christianity. The ancient Israelite religion grew and flowered and dropped a seed in Jesus. That seed produced a religion like the old one but also not quite the same. That also grew and flowered, particularly in the West. To the extent that Greeks were tracking down the truth, it’s there in Christian thought. The Greek brought reason to the party while the ancient Israelites were mostly going on direct revelation from God. Modern Judaism, however, is not the ancient Israelite religion. To the extent that… Read more »
Jews against Jews seems Jewish. For two thousand years— who’s the real Jew? To solve that riddle with the obvious answer is too much. Well then, here’s the cross, and here’s the empty tomb. I give up.
We are shot through with modern Judaic ideas of history. That is we progress without effort into a utopia and everyone is purple snowflake capable of changing the world..
Christianity notes generations but will not discuss necessarily cycles of decay.
70-80 years or 3 generations to decay is a modern observation. It has a great deal of evidence to back it up. 40 years is significant in ancient Israelite theology, or 2 generations. But then again modern Jews are not ancient ones. The only people to whom that modern confusion is even vaguely valuable to are the Jews themselves.
That’s actually a rather good question, since Fourth Turnings correspond with roughly the human lifespan; it’s especially pertinent in the globalized era.
Would a 4th turning cause calamity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo? How would you tell? I think that’s somewhat analogous to Mexico of the 1930s. The closer you are to the floor to start with, the shorter your fall. This shouldn’t be misconstrued to mean I’m a disciple of Strauss and Howe (or a naysayer). What they say is interesting.
Tony Shaffer just talked to the Duran guys on some of the same topics. They had some fun with the small praise Nuland is getting on the way out the door.
When they wrote “Girls on Film” they certainly didn’t have Big Nudelman in mind!
Believe it or not, when she was young she was pretty hot. Somebody posted a young picture of her next to a current picture in a meme on a different forum and it’s difficult to believe it’s the same woman.
She hit the wall like a Mack truck.
Is adrenochrome high in calories and fattening?
With the new 007 being a strong independent negress who don’t need no man, you’d think sending her after the deplorables would be the rather obvious move. The villain some “christian nationalist” mega church preacher who is indoctrinating women into having white babies, subverting their natural and proper inclinations to be lesbians or incubate mulattos.
We’re getting real close to the ides of March in “the most crucial election year ever.” Last time we were at that juncture, things changed suddenly.
“As always, the goal of this blame game will be to leave the politicians holding the bag.”
I think you meant “leave the taxpayers holding the bag.”
Sort of. I think it’s probably closer to the Monty Python skit, Blackmail.
“No, no, sir, it’s alright, we don’t morally censor you, we just want the money. Thank you sir, yes,….what? You…okay….Thank you for playing the game…”
Two sidenote’s about Nuland…
1. Nuland made an appearance on NPR back in the day, where she blithely discussed working on a Soviet far east fishing trawler in the 80s as an “observer”. Who does this? Why?
2. Circa 2016, In a Facebook post, a Russian woman described meeting fellow councilor “Vicky” at a Soviet children’s summer camp in the Ukraine around 1985. Vicky was took great joy at starving the children, and throwing scraps of food into the dirt, watching the goyim eat the dirty food. The Russian woman then engaged Nuland in a fist fight.
“Soviet fishing trawler,” used to be a polite way of saying, “Soviet signals intelligence gathering ship.”
Another interesting thing is that she apparently identifies as Jewish. But she isn’t. Her mother was an English Christian. Her father, of course, was Jewish, but as Judaism is matrilineal, it would mean Vicky is not.
Imagine identifying by choice as an oppressed minority. That’s bravery!
She’s the Jewish Rachel Dozeal, lol, or like a zealous convert, creepy either way. Who knows, but you’d imagine seeing what you wrought regarding Ukraine would be devastating to someone with a conscience.
Her possessing a conscience? Goodness, that’s a mighty big assumption.
As Jesus said, you will know a tree by its fruits. And with her CV of “fruits” to go by, that assumption is a non-starter.
Meh. She’s genetically half Finkel, lineal descent be damned.
She aspires to Finkelhood with the hysterical zeal of some sort of convert.
Aspiration trumps generation.
I don’t remember the name of the 10 minute video at this moment, but one fellow showed that the OT is a long string of broken lineages. Didn’t matter to the Hebrews then, or now. In fact, since I read the Bible as a political history, I say many passages are largely an argument by whatever winning faction at the time as to who could claim legitimate authority, that is, which flag-bearer was more equal than most, that whichever dynasty in power was rightful. Every line in the Book was fought over tooth and nail. Continuous English royal feuds have… Read more »
Yes, and their history has weighed heavily in the pan. It has been my belief that they stole the idea of one way, one time Universal History from the Zoroastrians who seem to be originators of that concept – subsequently transmitted down through the Abrahamic religions – after their long term exposure to this belief system. (I first saw this detailed in the work of the scholar of religion, Mircea Eliade.) But, to my mind, they seemed to have gravitated toward Angra Mainyu, the Dark Force, rather than toward Ahura Mazda, the Light Force; the demiurgic character of Yahweh does… Read more »
I crafted a reflective response to this comment, but it got hoovered into moderation land for no apparent reason. Keep an eye on this place in the event it ever clears and posts. Guessing it won’t as it said a few disfavored things about J****h, but we shall see.
Oops, my mystery word should begin with Y; was thinking like a German, whose J is equivalent in sound to our Y. This should demystify my 6 letter word now.
Ah, shoot. I missed what you said, Manny.
Her mother was a captured shiksa, like Ivanka or Chelsea Clinton.
The Genestealer Cult at work…
I am leaving this video of Gonzalo Lira on Victoria Nuland for relevance –—YDDIQ
He goes into the 100 year background of various people mentioned in the article.
sadly missed . a true hero
It’s the same everywhere.
The neocon war against their enemy? If it would be enemy then it would be Ukraine rather then Russia. Zman should know this. I know a lot of small hats and it doesn’t make a difference to any . Any more then indonesia or thailand.
Along those lines, although of course it doesn’t get mentioned, Israel has been neutral about Ukraine if not more or less predisposed toward Russia. Bundling Ukraine and Israel aid as has been proposed is somewhat contradictory.
Looks to me like they say they are neutral but do in fact support the war. They had Mossad agents helping Ukraine and they did send some weapons prior to the Gazacaust.
The way I see it if Israel was not in favor of the war in Ukraine then their operatives here (neocons) in the U.S. would not have been in favor of the war in Ukraine.
Just ask Ben Shapiro.
You get your enemies to kill each other.
How? By telling them what one grandfather did to the other grandfather.
By deception shall you rule, after all…
The profligate killing of Russians and Ukrainians is a win-win for the neocons. They hate both equally for different reasons. The secondary benefit of turning Ukraine into an economically destroyed rump state is icing on the cake. The only way this gets better for the neocons is to keep it going as long as possible. I listened to a podcast yesterday between Sam Harris and Bret Stephens. 100% of Stephens’ arguments in favor of continuing support and more involvement were based upon false premises and strawman arguments without any challenges from Harris. These people live in an alternate reality. I… Read more »
They are both delusional AND psychotic.
“No one writes novels about James Bond spying on MAGA people.”
Good one, zman.
How far we have fallen from how we thought things were to seeing how they actually are. :/ Wow, it’s bad.
This is most definitely not to say that they are not spying on MAGA people, because they most certainly are, and harrassing them unmercifully. In their own fevered brains they probably do consider themselves to be playing a role akin to that of James Bond, though.
Jehoshaphat Bondowicz and his gefiltefish-garnished martinis…
I’m having a bit of trouble reconciling two things you’re saying: 1. “The flow of weapons to Ukraine has drained the armories but has not resulted in new cash for suppliers.” and 2. “The reason is the cupboards are bare, so the MIC is not going to get much from this scheme. The only reason the Republicans are stalling is they have the full support of the MIC on this.” If the cupboards are bare, surely the MIC would get cash for manufacturing some more? Perhaps I’m mistaken but it seems to me that the Republican politicians are realising that… Read more »
It’s all just been one big grift to get the money while you can, you have four years to shear this sheep named “Joe Biden”. And none of them give a crap about the military or the US, in fact they hate them. Maybe some of them are realizing that now that their pot of gold came up empty.
And when the big guy gets 10% everyone wants their 10% for helping get him in office and helping with all their many schemes over these long years.
Total clusterfrack.
The problem is that the GAE no longer has the industrial base required to ramp up their output in the way Russia has.
There are multiple reasons this is the case. One good summary from Alex Krainer is here:
The GAE can add all the zeros it wants to the Project Ukraine spreadsheet. It won’t make a difference because it is not possible to print artillery shells, drones, tanks, and soldiers the way the Fed prints worthless toilet paper.
This. It’s the equivalent of trying to increase Food Stamp allowances to keep the blacks from rioting when shortages start–the additional money doesn’t make food appear magically. A big takeaway has been the West’s total inability to manufacture enough to fight even a difficult proxy war.
Krainer–dam’ fortuitous name for a ‘Kraine specialist.
Thumbs up for using “fortuitous” correctly, that is to say “by chance”.
> If the cupboards are bare, surely the MIC would get cash for manufacturing some more?
The MIC gets rich selling (and maintaining) the overly-complex “wunderwaffens” that look great in a powerpoint deck but don’t actually work on the battlefield. Ammo, artillery shells, and FPV drones don’t have anywhere near the needed profit margins.
Said another way: “Nobody gets a 5th bedroom on their Alexandria, VA mansion selling drones and artillery shells.”
Nuland’s departure is most likely due to one of two things: 1) she was covertly planning something even more insane than the Ukraine policy to date and got caught. Biden’s people decided to jettison her as a liability pre-election or, 2) Biden’s people have decided to replace Zelensky and the Replacement wants a new US interlocutor because he doesn’t trust the perfidious, meddling Nuland. So she took one for the team and will be on the Boeing board by December. I lean towards explanation 1, but I’m curious what everyone thinks. Fanatics generally get carried out rather than voluntarily walking… Read more »
Maybe a recording of her ordering and/or monitoring in real time the torture and murder of Gonzalo Lira for her own sadistic pleasure were brought to someone’s attention and while they didn’t care that much, that’s just too petty and evil even for them.
They may have even let that crazed Canadian trans spokesperson carry out the dirty deed. That wouldn’t be a good look if people found that out. Nor would it help their lgbt activism push. No, not at all helpful.
Thanks for reminding us about the tranny spokesman, therefore how short of a leash The Blob has on Zelenski.
Check out what her husband wrote back in November.
A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.
Toria wasn’t caught plotting something sinister but coaxed to get on with it. (Or she convinced herself.) So she’s planning a color revolution and coup d’etat for North America, but it’s too politically dangerous to do so within the Biden regime, esp. during an election year. Plotters need secrecy, and the prez and his handlers must have plausible deniability about knowledge of the insurrectionist plans, in case the plotters are identified and exposed—as they will be after the kickoff.
our color revolution in the west was 2020
True, but the Bolsheviks guaranteed that there would be no possibility of temporizing when they had the Romanovs murdered. Killing Trump would be driven by a similar calculation. I think that this would be a miscalculation, but these people, being insane and out of contact with the likely resulting realities, might just make it happen
Luckily, the plotters and schemers are stupid and most people, even if they hate Trump, are just plain tired of the stupid games, disruptive schemes and flat-out idiotic bullshit, it’s so bad that it’s become insulting to the intelligence of even the idiots! I think even their foot soldiers can only get riled up for maybe three days. Then they are tired of it, too. Besides, all the money is gone, and when they don’t get their 10%, the tables may turn on the plotters, then they will have to flee the country. (Which is why they are stealing all… Read more »
Hochul’s installation of the National Guard in New York subways backs up the idea of a domestic color revolution. That is, they are bear-baiting again, the Democrats are prepared to stop the certification and blame the MAGAs for it, ala 2020. They’re fortifying the election against MAGA turrists, side-by-side with the Mayorkas battalions from across the border. (Conveniently continued with Mexico’s new Yenta President in charge.) I suspect TSA at every BART station and Covid milicias at every supermarket might soon come back as a regular feature of everyday life, just as military police patrols are part of the regular… Read more »
Saw a meme over at WRSA:
– defund police
– bail reform
– DAs not charging felons
– police attacked by uillegals AND released
– violent crime spikes
– soldiers brought in for policing
It’s a formula.
This seems plausible; yet another way to get the “citizenry” to plead for The Regime to “fix it”, and away we go…
Multi-pass! Leeloo Dallas Multi-pass. I hope we have someone as cool as Bruce Willis to get us through.
given the risks incurred, the economic destruction sanctions have wrough on europe , and the deaths of 750K men women and children in ukraine , along with the crippling of approx 15. mil (both sides) caucasian christian men in this “project” , How could you even imagin there is anything out there that her owners would not condone? #1 is farcical. there is no accountability in that racket. ther are just players and scapegoats. look at the $400 BILION windfall ffom the wprld bank for the , right , people : blackrock and JP morgan . It look to… Read more »
I’ll vote for 2) because these neocons don’t run off acting on their own. They exercise power as a faction over long periods of time; the Destabilize Ukraine Project started at least as far back as 2014, with Cookies herself passing out treats in person to the Maidan coup crowds. We already know Grandpa Stinkfinger actually dislikes Zelensky, and we know factions in Kiev are restive about him, including the mayor of Kiev, Gas Princess Timoshenko, Zaluzhny, the ultra-nationalist Right and lots of lower tier military; Syrsky has been sacking his generals left and right to replace them with puppets… Read more »
My guess is that Nuland decided to leave on her own volition because she sees the funding for Ukraine drying up and the situation on the ground deteriorating. Better to get while the gettin’s good and leave some other hapless schmucks holding the bag when it finally implodes. At the same time, Israel is engaged in wiping out the Gazans and expanding greater Israel. It’s inevitable that the Gaza Strip gets annexed for Zionist settlement. Since Israel has always been Priority #1 for the (((neocons))) and that’s where the action is right now, I would expect to see her resurface… Read more »
if it was a money problem, she would have squeezed harder. no, this is something cataclysmic. a lesser screwup would have been dealt with by a lateral move.
wonder if zelensky’s limo getting rocketed yesterday, has anything to do with the machinations back in DC?
The Russians probably are the least of Zelensky’s worries.
Interesting take. Thanks.
I’d assumed the ugly bitch stepped down simply to avoid being held responsible for what happens next in the Ukraine )ray; sinking ship). You’ve definitely established there may be a myriad of factors involved.
I will say though, that if this summer is as good for Russia as you suggest, say something like 1944 was for the Red Army, things are going to get very interesting indeed.
Unfortunately it may be so in the manner of the Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.”
There are many signs that Russia is re-entering its traditional, “Red Army steamroller,” mode in preparation for the spring and summer campaigning seasons.
Yep. It seems to take them a couple of years to get their act together – then they start rolling like a landslide.
There is a saying:
The Russians are slow to saddle, but quick to ride.
The destruction of the Ukrainian military, and the depletion of their equipment and munitions has reached the point that the Russian Federation military is settling in to that apocryphal saddle. Onward to Odessa (Transnistria enters the chat), Kharkov, and whatever else the RF deems necessary.
Given the current state of European leadership, this time I’m fine with the Russians going all the way to Calais.
Wild Geese,
After Napoleon’s Excellent Russian Adventures, the Russians did see fit to show up in Paris, so there is precedent, n’est pas?
I’m going with the theory that Chubby Vicky, like Vichy Mitch and even the Wise Latina, Jumanji Brown and the the other robed clowns are beginning to scurry around and make contingency plans in case the BOM really does return. In Nuland’s case, it is out of sight, out of mind, since the BOM has a short memory and bigger fish to fry. Vichy Mitch will knife everyone in the back until November and then relinquish “leadership” so someone else can be left holding the bag. They’re all banking on if the BOM returns, he will be forced to play… Read more »
While I still expect Trump to be incapacitated in some form or the other in coming months, there is a ripe opportunity if that does not happen for some Cromwell wannabe to be his chief of staff and go scorched earth. Steve Bannon had mild potential and thus was quickly removed the first time. A more sober and quieter type, though, could pull it off if connected enough.
Trump needs a Machiavelli whispering in his ear
It’s curious that he doesn’t seem to have a semi-obvious Svengali behind the scenes “advising” him. A Karl Rove or Mark Hanna person.
karl rove helpred the dems steal the 2020 election by appointing Arron mishkin , a long time democrat insider as fox news election desk head.
Since we are equating Bannon to historic figures, I posit him as Rasputin; repulsive yet powerful.
The man would starve without a patron, is obviously a severe alcoholic, and compulsively alienates potential allies. And yet, there he is, because this is an era of fanatics.
Do you think that the King Cobra could pull it off?
The orange man had Mitch McConnell’s sister in law in the government. Angella Chao, a woman sitting on advisory boards to the Bank of China and whose entire fambly including McConnell’s wife is enmeshed in the CCP and in a particular faction of the CCP. The father was boyhood best friends with a major faction of the CCP. This fambly is how McConnell got the name “Cocaine Mitch” (trafficking cocaine, of course) She was running a dept in the government under Trump. It has been speculated she was killed by the CCP and did not accidentally drive into a lake… Read more »
Heh. I found this over at the Ace comment section:
They keep going until they’re murdered . . . err, until they drown falling off a paddleboard
Posted by: Elric Blade
Or drowns while taking an impromptu canoe trip on the Potomac!
Posted by: Zombie William Colby
Or drowned when her car coasts backwards into a creek..
Posted by: Zombie Angela Chao
You’re thinking of Elaine Chao, not Angela. Elaine is Mitch’s wife. She was in Trump and Bush2’s Cabinets. They are sisters though. It seemed odd that she was killed? then soon after Mitch bailed on the Majority Leasder gig.
Hrmmmmm. Well thought out. The only nit to pick is maybe your contention of fanaticism as a driver. I think I might disagree. Every single player in this debacle know EXACTLY what’s going on. They have to. Even pirates and buccaneers have to justify themselves to their superiors, and their word won’t cut it. When they say something is so, they have to prove it. They all know they are losing, and losing badly. General Milley slipped up once and accidentally revealed the truth. Even though he recanted, his treachery would never be forgiven. His only use to The Establishment… Read more »
Expect “the Ukraine? What’s that?”
There will be no need to explain or justify anything after a mildly wrinkled Kardashian announces she is transitioning.
Yeah, they’ll definitely try that. The problem is, these fools have set a snowball rolling down a hill and have no control over where it’s going.
A Russian victory will be seen by the world — and this includes both America’s enemies and allies — as an American defeat. The worst since Vietnam. There is nothing the US media will be able to do about that.
There will be repercussions for this and they will probably be more widespread than people realize.
I agree that the looming defeat in Ukraine will be swiftly forgotten. No one in the MSM ever mentions Afghanistan, and that was a 100% American war.
It will be studiously ignored in AINO media. But it will be far from forgotten in the Rest of the World; tectonic plates are shifting.
I kinda wonder if Miley “accidentally on purpose” spilled the beans, thereby cagily absenting himself against the time when whatever blaming goes on happens.
“No one writes novels about James Bond spying on MAGA people.”
Sounds like a good idea for a novel with James Bond as the villain.
With Blofeld as the protagonist and a leading member of the WEF? Disney can make that sucker.
Don’t you mean Le’Jameis Bondavious?
At some point, the bleeding of the American taxpayer will stop yielding results. Will we recognize in advance when it will happen? It appears that the pigs at the trough are seeking the corners in attempts to find the gruel. $34T and an additional $1T every 100 days… looks like a duck, walks like a duck… Let’s face it, the Republicans want war as much as the dems, so the apparent de-funding is obviously fake. The war was unlikely to collapse if the fraud could still drop its snout and yield $$$.
Something smells off.
The MIC likely has found a replacement in Africa or the Middle East that is more profitable and less likely to humiliate. It seems pretty apparent that the Afghanistan exodus only happened once the Ukraine project was greenlighted, so expect a similar retreat to a more “traditional” type of conflict that brings highly profitable democracy to Muslims and/or Africans.
I don’t know, it looks like even the Houthis give our military trouble.
The Houthis are on the verge of setting up a nice income stream for themselves as they develop a permitting system for their end of the Red Sea.
Blackrock will want a cut of that.
True, Jack. The upside of that arrangement is that Americans get to choose whether to pay the extortion racket that is the Houthis and Blackrock, or to get off our butts and start manufacturing and drilling here.
I know which I’d prefer.
Be rather ironic if the birth and death of the USN were bookended by demands for tribute from Muzzies.
Leaders of the Superdetroit of Africa are apeaking out against the holocaust in Gaza. Just like that they boosted their country toward the top of the color revolution menu. So there’s that opportunity for the MIC to exploit if the diplomats decide to attack the sickest man of core BRICS. Expect them to accuse the ANC of betraying the happy dream of a rainbow nation. Perhaps also it will become fashionable to talk about the long war against European South Africans. It’s a wedge issue useful in domestic politics of North America, too. In any case, the Boer will be… Read more »
“Sure, the Russians increased their territory, but they, too, have bled.” Demography is far more important to the Russians than resources, with respect to acquisition. Their primary interest in territory is strategic depth, to give their anti-missile systems greater time to defeat threats aimed at their cities. The rate-limiting factor for Russian effort is manpower, not energy or other resources of which they already have an overabundance. Maybe they will have 60-70k dead when this war ends. They have already gained more than 7 million new white citizens, most of whom are grateful for liberation. They will gain many millions… Read more »
“The SuperDetroit of Africa”.
Bravo, monsieur!
(“The least-well-kilned of the BRICS” – n’est-ce-pas?)
They will be forced into massive restructuring within the next 10 years. The nightmare scenario is a CBDC with a built-in UBI that will reach unprecedented levels of economic control. Honestly, I don’t think they can manage such a complex system anymore, so it will end up being massive inflation that will destroy what is left of the middle class while the rich ride the wave. Since the social spending is impossible to rein in, the cycle will just return in 20 years.
Then Krugman will still be there, telling us he’s never seen a better economy.
No doubt the imbeciles cannot impose CBDC due to dysfunction. Local jurisdictions and warlords may be able to implement barter and their own scripts, though.
If the rurals want to send their raw products to the cities, the main points of processing and distribution, they’ll need to carry a convertible internal currency.
Heck, they’ll need to accept Fedcoin just to get paid at the local grain silo, meat packing plant, or produce packing house.
Reverse this. If the blue enclaves want to eat, or have access to other goods, maybe they’re the ones who have to come up with a store of value that their suppliers will accept in exchange for life saving goods.
Universally acceptable stores of value, such as gold, rubles, and similar are needed to equip the military of the red zones with good technology. Prudence dictates this.
@ JerseyJeffersonian
I love your idea. “We accept payment from shitlibs only in gold or rubles.”
theRussians – got to keep those plates spinning, although the point at which they start crashing to the floor draws nigh
Might be Toria also was deep into the Russiagate Steele Dossier smear:
Don’t use her nickname, that humanizes her. She is a foul beast with no trace of humanity. Call her the fat sow or something like that.
“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Washington to be born?”
Funniest working theory is she’s being recalled because her special skill set of Color Revolutions is going to be needed again in Washington come November. The time to lay the groundwork is now.
She’s very, very good at it.
Try to act surprised.
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,”
One gets the feeling that we teater on the razors edge now, all it will take is the illusive black swan and we go back down the dark path of the first half of the 20th century. This time with nukes at the beginning…
Toria the Hutt; her true self reveals itself with age.
“Frau Pudendum”.
(C U Next Tuesday)
Can’t wait for China to take over. The West needs a breather from ru(i)ning the world. The US (soon to be North Brazil) can stay in it’s own sphere of influence on the American continent, while Europe could use the opportunity to cleanse itself from undesirable elements. Israel will be forced to come to some sort of peaceful agreement with its neighbors (haha!).
The neocons can try their luck in China. They will likely become part of their local food chain and the world will be a better place.
SinoWorld will be at least as brutish and bleak but likely is the future. It also may be much closer than it once appeared. Perhaps the stupidity and insanity will not be as bad but the ethnocentrism will be close to the same. Hopefully Europe is lagging behind far enough the United States to have time to take stock and recalibrate but there also is a stepping up of the destruction now.
The Chinese are not obsessed with degeneracy, nor ethnic replacement of Europeans. That alone makes them infinitely more desirable as world “leaders” than the US and the current (((western))) elites.
China’s primary interest is business. I can live with that.
And much of Europe’s problems have their origins in AINO. Pray for our brothers and sisters to figure this out and rud themselves of these wreckers.
Unfortunately, sir, you are incorrect. Someone quite recently did exactly this:
Apparently the plot concerns 007 taking on a bunch of “English nationalists” trying to assassinate King Charles. It’s a travesty that the executors of Ian Fleming’s estate insist on further sullying his reputation in print with hackery like this when the makers of the movies are quite capable of doing it all themselves.
“The only reason the Republicans are stalling is they have the full support of the MIC on this.” I am ashamed to admit I had not thought of this previously but it almost certainly is correct. This likely also explains the departure of McConnell, who has used the State Department as a piggy bank to funnel money to his literally Oriental wife’s family. As some may recall, when Trump was elected he announced State would be cut to the bone. This was due to its active role in trying to undermine his campaign. McConnell vowed not one cent would be… Read more »
Yeah, paper tiger for sure. Notice how we’re no longer hearing about our vaunted navy blasting the Houthis’s and Yemeni’s out of their caves and destroying their ability to interdict red sea shipping – LOL. In reality, they’re most likely trying desperately trying not to lose any ships themselves.
The news I’d like to see is Nuland “dying suddenly” of unknown causes, but I seriously doubt any of those turds ever took the magic covid juice jab. She’ll scurry out somewhere else like the roach she is…
The cliche of late is the Russians or Chinese sinking a carrier group with hypersonic missiles. The more likely scenario is Houthis boarding a ship and sodomizing the crew, with the worst aspect being that the latter is welcomed.
As Fletch put it, “Well, I’m not sure that’s even a crime anymore, there’ve been a lot of changes in the law.”
The odds of something bad happening to you from the jab don’t appear to be that high. They’re just higher than they would be if you never got jabbed. This guy got jabbed 217 times in 3 years and he appears to be fine.
If the Beeb reported it, then it means we will see an escalating cascade of delayed aftereffects. They’re getting in front of the story with this propaganda.
You are right, though, it wasn’t the killshot.
Neither was AIDS. VAIDS, what doesn’t kill you, simply leaves you wide open to everything else coming down the pike.
And if you want to get truly conspiratorial, the graphine oxide and sundry makes you a living transmitter.
Can we say 5G and the Internet of Bodies?
That is spooks making fun of you with occult shit. Be better.
Placebos and psyops galore.
My comment for bbc article.
“As for Nuland, she is a bureaucratic survivor as well as a war criminal”
In a world ruled by sane men, she would be in solitary awaiting trial for war crimes carrying the harshest penalty.
In a world ruled by sane men, Nuland would be home making coffee cakes and blintzes and planning for little Seymour’s bar mitzvah.
Or propped against the Macy’s fur counter honking loudly to the other waiting customers about her son the doctor.
A return to the Old Ways would be (relatively speaking) pure bliss.
“The new guy will be given some latitude because the Republicans are this dumb.” A faction whose goal is to preserve, and whose greatest fear is subverting a document that has been so severely subverted so long ago just can’t withstand all out war on all sides. This isn’t Alesia. It is some long forgotten skirmish where some tribe was surrounded on all sides and instead of picking up spears and axes they pointed to their stone tablets and frantically tried to persuade the spear and axe-wielding surrounding tribe to agree to the words. As they chiseled in a couple… Read more »
The term “neocon” is used 9 times by my count.
Other descriptive terms, not so much.
Mike Tre: “The term “neocon” is used 9 times by my count.” Z: “That leaves the foreign policy establishment, which remains committed to the project for ethnic and ideological reasons… Nuland… is a fanatic and fanatics see only that which supports their fanaticism.” =============== It’s such a shame that at this late stage in The Game, we still have to speak in code words, with hushed voices. What is the ethnicity? What is its ideology? What is the source of its fanaticism? And do Normies even notice any of this sh!znat? Or are Normies still struggling to grok the nihilistic… Read more »
You are talking about the victors of historys middlemen merchants, court jesters, tax enforcers ie puppets.
Real power is hidden. Follow the resources/true wealth.
I still agree with your message however.
Russia can have her neocons back.
I don’t think they will permit any such revanchism of Trotskyite thinking after all that they have had to endure from these “people”.