After Left And Right

Note #1: Behind the green door is a post about Gen-Z being raised on the internet and a post about failing up in managerialism. The Sunday podcast was cancelled due to Easter and nothing happening. Subscribe here or here.

Note #2: For those he need to hear my voice as much as possible, there is my appearance on the Killstream last week. I also recorded a show with a young YouTuber who asked some interesting questions.

Note #3: Some may have noticed that I did some experimenting with the comment system over the weekend. It was not without its bugs, so we are back to the basic setup for now. From time to time you may see things like this as I experiment with ideas for the new site that is in the works.

Over the last decade, “conservatism” in America has declined reputationally largely due to the failures and embarrassments of professional conservatism. Depending upon your disposition, the Bush years either sent the conservative movement over a cliff or exposed it for being nothing more than a financial hustle. There are other views of the failure of professional conservatism and all of them are right in their own way, but there is no denying that the Buckley project has failed.

As a result, the last decade has seen various efforts to create a “new right” to replace the Buckley project. Remnants of the alt-right went so far as to call themselves the “new right” for a while, but they had nothing to offer but new slogans. The Claremont collective has fumbled about trying to create a new conservatism, piggybacking on the populism of Donald Trump. Yoram Hazony has tried to preach a new form of nationalism to take the place of conservatism.

So far none of these efforts has made much progress, outside of creating some interesting debates at times. Most recently Claremont published a long essay on its main site attacking the contradictions within Hazony’s nationalism. On their American Mind site they posted a response from David Goldman, formerly known as Spengler in the Asia Times, coming to the partial defense of nationalism. Less rigorous minds have also waded into the topic with echolalic babbling.

One problem that all attempts to fashion a new right face is something Kesler touched on in his essay about Hazony’s nationalism. America is and always has been a multicultural country. Even putting aside the race issue, the thirteen colonies that came together to form the United States were composed of people with unique cultures and histories, which were often at odds with the other states. These differences pre-dated the colonies themselves, coming over from the Old World.

This presents an obvious problem for nationalism as by definition it assumes a common people with common ancestors. Nationalism is exclusive to a particular people, which cannot work when the people are a mixed bag of various people from different parts of the world with different histories. The story of the Tidewater is different from the story of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Framers understood this which is why they settled on a federal system of government.

As Samuel Goldman explained in his excellent little book, After Nationalism, what has held America together since the beginning is a combination of the covenant, the crucible and the creed. The covenant being a mission to build the city on the hill, the crucible being the shared struggle that binds our various people together and the creed is the statement of shared principles. To one degree or another, these concepts still turn up in our political rhetoric.

Early in his book, Goldman quotes the historian Wilfred McClay, who wrote, “Ties of blood, religion, and soil are not sufficient to hold us together as Americans, and they never have been. We are forever in the business of making a workable unity out of our unruly plurality.” This is the problem with nationalism as a defining force in America, but it also presents a problem for anything calling itself conservatism. Which is why the covenant, the crucible and the creed have shaped conservatism.

Like nationalism, conservatism is strongly tied to the past. You cannot have nationalism without a shared history or at least an overlapping history. Different parts of Germany may have unique pasts, but they share enough of a common past to feel a part of the greater concept of German. Similarly, conservatism seeks to preserve social order by maintaining historical continuity. Conservatives do not oppose change, but instead seek to contain new ideas within the framework of the past.

Central to conservatism is the notion that some things are too important to be put up to the scrutiny of reason. Questioning a tradition, for example, should be resisted even if the logic of tradition is no longer obvious. Conservatives assume that the shared habits of a people exist for a reason. Altering or abandoning the old ways risks unknown and unwelcome consequences, so change must be gradual and cautious. Traditions are the result of trial and error over many generations.

The specter that haunts conservatism, however, is who decides that certain things are not to be questioned? Traditions and customs do not fall out of the sky onto people, but are the product of people, a specific people. The reason they are traditions is they have been handed down to you by your ancestors. They are part of your cultural inheritance that comes from those with whom you share blood. Again, this is something the Framers understood as they debated the new Constitution.

What this means is American conservatism must limit itself to defending the political order as defined by the Constitution. Since that order allows for unlimited changes to the document itself, not to mention unlimited interpretation of the plain text, conservatism is committed to defending a moving target. It is why American conservatism has always been, as Robert Lewis Dabney observed a century ago, “the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.”

There is another problem for conservatism in America. The thing they wish to defend, even if they dismiss the centuries of innovation since its creation, is itself the product of the radical idea of the intentional society. The Framers started from the assumption that they could create the society they wanted because society is, as John Locke understood, the result of human labor and intention. Maker’s knowledge lets man create a society as he would make anything else.

If it is perfectly moral and possible to create a nation out of the wilderness, then it is perfectly moral and possible to recreate that nation, even create a new nation from the old, to meet the demands of the present. In other words, American conservatism must defend that which it claims to oppose, because what it defends is the radical idea that we can make our society into anything we choose. America is, after all, a radical experiment in self-government.

There is a way out of this that some conservatives proposed. Pat Buchanan, for example, argued that the Constitution was the result of British people living in the New World for two centuries. The final organizing document by the Framers was simply the only option possible for the American people. Defending the Constitution is a defense of the people and history behind it, not whatever abstract political theories some people claim as the inspiration for the Constitution.

That may be true, but it runs into that same old problem. The people who created that world and the political order that sprang from it are long gone, along with their sense of history and identity. That America was not just European. It was almost exclusively British and Protestant. America will soon be majority-minority and the founding stock is down to ten percent of the population. Defending something that no longer exists is no more possible than defending a moving target.

All of this brings us to why there will not be a “new right” that emerges from the wreckage of professional conservatism. There never was a right in America, at least not since the North conquered the South. Once the last bits of hierarchy were washed from the continent in the blood of the Confederacy, conservatism ceased to be a thing that could take root in the New World. America is and continues to be a radical experiment, a perpetual revolution seeking to reach the end of history.

This is not all bad news. Conservatism in America has always been a reaction to the peculiar ideology of progressivism which emerged in the 19th century. Conservatism sought to create an alternative ideology as an antidote to progressivism. The failure of conservatism may lead to a greater understanding that the antidote to ideology is not ideology but the anathematization of ideology. In its place there may grow a chemotherapy to the cancer of ideology.

This could be helped by the fact that we seem to be reaching the end of the ideological age, as what we call liberal democracy, but is the mature version of American progressivism, reaches its end. The last ideological states are all in a crisis, which has put the ideology in crisis. Just as failure anathematized the other great ideologies, the failure of Western liberalism may do the same for progressivism, perhaps opening the way to an organic organizing ethos.

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JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 months ago

At some point, I see cannibalism coming to this country. At least for a short time. Literal cannibalism and curb stomping.

3 Pipe Problem
3 Pipe Problem
5 months ago

JR Wirth’s dying mall. Great analogy. Taking it further, one of the most depressing and uncanny things is to watch the many YT videos of urban explorers traversing aforesaid abandoned suburban malls. Wonder if the robot historians will document our wasteland on this larger level?

5 months ago

I tend to think that what is coming next is a political Balkanization of the trad left-right order. I view a multiparty system as a good thing. Republicans are fracturing over Trump. GOP Senators are talking about switching parties or going “independent” if Trump wins. House members are quitting in an effort to throw the House back to Democrats. Several of the more traitorous Repubs like Romney and Pence have already said they won’t vote for Trump. As the GOP drives off its worst members, and staggers towards financial ruin, Democrats are in even worse shape. Biden is a nightmare.… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

One of the new “things” is the movement to allow illegal aliens to seize (White peoples) houses via squatting. Though its starting to affect rich people. LeBron is very upset as his neighbor’s mansion has been squatted, they can’t get him out, he has to pay for 24/7 security, and other rich people in the Hollywood Hills are very angry. Meanwhile Elon Musk not only will not get to Mars with Greater El Salvador, he won’t even continue Space X launches. Some of the military people are getting scared, realizing that both the Chinese and Russians are real enemies now.… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

Yep, Balkanization. Good example of how the two groups operate and the weird team-ups it creates.

Team 1: Local, small, independent, nationalist in the geographic sense, anti-establishment.

Private property rights are a big issue for group 1.

Group 2’a WEF motto: you will own nothing and be happy.

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

Is squatting a predominantly illegal alien phenomenon? In my Hispanic majority city squatters tend to be white homeless drug addicts..

Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

The squatting thing is really interesting. Squatting has been around for a long, long time and I bet it was common in the hippie days of the late 1960s and early 1970s. It also wouldn’t surprise me if it is common now, these are tough times, many states have insanely tenant-friendly laws, etc. All of the sudden out of nowhere, though, the media started to cover it. They covered it in this weird way though. Like, “look at this degenerate who is living in a massive house for free! It’s so easy for this degenerate to do this. It’s scary… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
5 months ago

It definitely has the feel of a coordinated operation. We’re also seeing stories about how the sanctuary cities can’t house all the illegals and homes. Solution? Tell people to squat and how to do it, using reports of squatting to train new squatters. Oh, and scare Normie by reporting how there’s nothing you can do about it, and you’ll get in trouble if you try to kick them out. A solid 60-70% of the general public would allow themselves to be bullied into allowing the squatters to stay. It’ll be up to the 30-40% willing to use deadly force to… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

>>>”who controls my life? Me? Or a committee?”

“Me” is not a legitimate choice. That’s the preference of bad lords and libernuttian boys who never wonder why Lew Rockwell and Black Leather Jacket Guy at Reason have so little to say against the self-evident goal of Psalms 2. In fact, why do guys who call their thing “Dissident Right” have so little to say against that shemitic political program? It’s like they are fearful cringeing dogs in cages.

5 months ago

My own take is that this is an old problem. One of various inter-related families who are insecure (their power relies upon them sitting in bureaucratic seats) and thus constantly trying to fend off various threats from people like them lower down the ladder. The Chinese have had their own issues with this type of situation, so too the Russians. The usual “fix” is a Big Man who takes over: Sargon, Caesar, Napoleon, Stalin, Mao (his Cultural Revolution), etc. All bureaucracies tend to get caught up in collective dynastic evolution, where the purpose of the bureaucracy is to advance the… Read more »

5 months ago

Thank you Z, here is a positive solution. “ The failure of conservatism may lead to a greater understanding that the antidote to ideology is not ideology but the anathematization of ideology. In its place there may grow a chemotherapy to the cancer of ideology.” I’m taking strong exception to the Founders being a radical experiment in self government, they had been doing so for 169 years by 1776 (start 1607) and they essentially made two Federations out of what existed. Nor was the idea of self government nor Republics new at the time, self government existed 500 or more… Read more »

5 months ago

Z has often discussed the distinct nations of America, which had their origins in the the different regions of England (described by Fischer in Albion’s Seed). But Americans tend to miss the fact that other European countries also have strong regional divides. (1) Spain has Catalans, Basques and Galicians, each with their own language. The only reason Castilian Spanish is so widely spoken at all is that Castile ended up conquering much of Al-Andalus, and their mercenaries, notably from Extremadura, then proceeded to do the same in the New World. (2) Italy, whose peoples are not all that dissimilar from… Read more »

5 months ago

In doing some research a few years back that entailed combing through old newspapers from the late 1800’s to early 1900’s, it was my impression that progressives and/ progressivism referred more to advances in technology and perhaps the whole idea of promoting the ideals of capitalism. You know, telegraph, electricity, automobiles, aircraft, radio, movies, television etc. The true curse of social progressivism probably didn’t truly kick off until the damned 19th amendment, which we’ve been heavily paying for these past 50 years in particular.

5 months ago

I have two bones to stick with your article. 1. I’m amused by all the Jewish names we see in these opinion pieces that try to reduce conservatism into some intellectual circle jerk. Nothing against the Jews, at least when it comes to this comment, I just don’t think Jews have the same experience as we goyim have. You basically have a group of people who demographically skew “over-educated bougie” trying to resonate with and set the code that people who span all walks of life have to live by. That’s one of the reasons conservatism has fallen flat. Conservatism… Read more »

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

I go further and say it’s not a country. It’s a dying mall. A mall with aqua and gray tile work from the 80’s. A Sbarro that’s been closed since 2001. Etc. It’s as dead as can be. A corpse with financial liquidity occasionally pumped in from the central bank. There’s nothing left. Imagine telling a 20 year old who hasn’t yet committed suicide to get in a uniform and defend this mall out of loyalty or honor etc., which is owned by some private equity firm thousands of miles away. We’re all mercenaries at this point. That’s what we… Read more »

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 months ago

Your mall analogy is a pretty good one, but you needed to work in one little nuance and that is the bankster slumlord who bought it at a foreclosure sale. The slumlord is there for one purpose and one purpose only: to milk every last penny he can out of that dying mall before he has to lock the doors and tear it down. He’s not going to remodel it. He’s not going to bring Ikea to the mall. He’s just going to milk it for every last dime he can get out of it. I’m not criticizing that business… Read more »

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 months ago

I once heard the current iteration of the United States of America described as a “bazaar with a flag.”

Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Zorro, the lesser "Z" man
Reply to  Oswald Spengler
5 months ago

I like the late-great-ModernHeretic3000’s description: “Open Air Talmudic Bodega”

Reply to  JR Wirth
5 months ago

paging Orange Julius: please pick up the White courtesy phone

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

I’m amused that you use the Jewish construct of the “melting pot” right after pointing out all the Jews that Z habitually (and counterproductively) drags into conversations about the future of white people.

Letting the future of whites be governed by dictionary definitions or anything else beyond self-interested survival is a recipe for blithering inaction.

The perfect philsophical formulation is impossible. Even if we had it, it wouldn’t get us out of this any more than voting will.

Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
5 months ago

I get your point, but I’m okay with “melting pot”. It was a melting pot of Hungarians and poles and Serbians and Greeks and Italians and Germans and Dutch, etc. … The trouble is when they get squishy with that idea and apply that to the third world. It was never that kind of a melting pot.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Your observation about pre-1965 diversity being all-European is an important point. I recently saw the pro-immigration propaganda flick ‘Cabrini’ in which the Italian immigrants were treated like animals, and the Irish immigrants complained about being treated like animals, and aren’t the Americans just bastards to these new waves of immigrants? Well, consider; If there was that much friction, discord and unhappiness with people of the same race and faith, who were practically neighbors in the Old World, how can one expect things to go well with these new waves of people from wildly different cultures and creeds? There is no… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
5 months ago

Throne and altar have been the ingredients of society for a long time, and where they are united (or at least not at odds), things seem to go best. It was not for nothing that a king would drag the rest of his kingdom along with his preferred religion. As you point out, pre-1965 America had these frictions even among relatively similar religious belief systems (generic Christians). Throw completely dissimilar systems into the mix, and how could you expect anything but trouble? At best, what you get is the present apathy.

5 months ago

Astute analysis, Z. “Conservatism” in the U.S. was the antebellum preservation of the agrarian Tidewater society. It was destroyed by the “Radical Republicans” during the Civil war. Conservatism was then redefined as the preservation of Northern, Republican moneyed interests, i.e. industrial “capitalism.” When the Progressives embarked on a global crusade for “democracy” in 1917, “conservatism” was again redefined by the Lodge-Coolidge-Bob Taft-Lindbergh wing of the Republican Party which coalesced around “America First” and a return to the Monroe Doctrine. One could argue that preserving the principles of the Constitution (even if amended) could be the basis for “conservatism,” but the… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

Leviathan government, yes. Imperial presidency? Don’t you see how the permanent government in DC controls what happens? Do you not remember Vindman testifying that he thought Trump should be impeached because he wouldn’t follow their orders?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Puppet emperor perhaps, but it remains the legal mechanism through which leviathan expresses itself. It doesn’t like having to take the mask off.

Christopher Chantrill
Christopher Chantrill
5 months ago

Roger Scruton in “Conservatism” defines conservatism as a don’t “go too far” movement. First against liberalism, then against socialism, and now against educated wokism and Islamic violence.

Thus conservatism has always projected something less than a totalizing political and religious world view. Unlike our lefty friends.

The other thing to remember is that every political state is a result of the unity following the victory of its young men in a war. Humans are divided until they have to fight a war. That’s why the US was united for 20 years after World War II.

5 months ago

“America is and always has been a multicultural country.” A slight quibble: we are and always have been a multi-ethnic country. multicultural =/ multiethnic The difference is one of demographic spatial distribution (aggregation) and local self rule. Multiethnic societies like Switzerland can be stable because each of their ethnicities has their own area where their children are taught their own culture in their own language. There is assured cultural and genetic perpetuation for all the ethnic components of the federation, so none of them feel under threat. That which binds them together is grafted on top (multilingualism being key). One… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
5 months ago

Yes. Their goal is ethno-genesis. Perhaps they looked at “Et Pluribus Unum”, thought about it for a long time, and then Paul Krugman cackled and laughed a deep and demonic laugh and said, “Yes! Perfect! I know! Out of many one. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Except there is no waking up thinking we are watching a good old fashioned 70s or 80s Saturday morning cartoon super villain.

These demons are alive and determined to breed their cattle.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
5 months ago

“Conservatism” is a fraught term these days, but it does have a vernacular definition that still has purchase with many ordinary people. It was never supposed to be the name of an ideology. It is just supposed to be the posture of the people who defend the interests of the core. “Nationalism” is an even more fraught term, but it has much the same meaning. The point is that people ought to recognize and honor a sense of fiduciary responsibility towards their own commonwealth. (I’m using the word “commonwealth” here in the sense that Nietzsche used it in The Genealogy… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
5 months ago

Trump is gross and tacky to me as a human being. He’s like some rich, fat, caricature you see in the movie. I’ve heard he’s fun to play golf with, but I wouldn’t want to have him over for Thanksgiving dinner. But Trump is the only man with the ability to smash conventional wisdom to bits. Just look at how far he has moved the Overton window on a number of issues just because of his big fat mouth. For this he has my undying gratitude and I will vote for him as many times as he is able to… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Trump did away with the Clintons. For cleansing our politics of those two swine, he has my eternal gratitude.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
5 months ago

I believe Victor Davis Hanson once commented Trump was a monster. A necessary monster capable of monstrous things no that no typical politician could even think of doing. Most Germans are not fans of Trump. They despise him for his character, or lack there of. But they are beginning to realize he was right about many of the things he was criticized for, or they laughed at him about. And they are amazed at the legal shit storm he has endured and weathered over the past few years. Given the number of absolute disasters Biden is directly responsible for and… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 months ago

It’s bizarre to hear a man with the political views of a Reagan Democrat described as a “monster”.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 months ago

Monstrous things? What monstrous things could Hansen have possibly been referencing? Good grief what handwringing – if only Trump was 1/10th what the left bills him as!

Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Nick Nolte's Mugshot
Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

As I have said before, I worked in Westchester county just north of NYC for five years in the 90’s. I knew a lot of guys with same personality as Trump. They were loud, brash, bombastic but most of them were good and honest men. I am from the south and I got along with them fine. I really don’t know why people despise Trump so much especially since he has been a popular national figure in America for at least 40 years.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Nick Nolte's Mugshot
5 months ago

He committed the unforgivable sin of getting between the left and power.

The deplorables he represented were supposed to have become a shrinking permanent minority, forever vanquished. The long dreamed of leftist rainbow utopia had finally arrived. The afternoon of Tuesday 11/3/2020, that was reality. A few hours later, it wasn’t. They reacted the same way any other spoiled child does when their toy is taken away.

5 months ago

This country was founded on Enlightenment ideas and we still live in an Enlightenment era. The Enlightenment contains within it this notion of “progress.” Conservatism is an ideology that stays that progress is bad but the Enlightenment is good. So, you can see the inherent conflict here, and it is one that conservatism has never been able to solve. It is why we got articles about the conservative case for Juneteenth last year. It is why conservatism is such a mess, go to Wikipedia and see what a disaster it is intellectually. That’s why it is dead. Something with so… Read more »

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
5 months ago

“Different parts of Germany may have unique pasts, but they share enough of a common past to feel a part of the greater concept of German.”

You might want to double check with the Bavarians on that one. 😉

It has been said the Bavarians only joined Germany after everyone else agreed to their beer standards.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 months ago

Agreed. Nation-states of any size are modern inventions pretending to be a common people. Prior to Westphalia, heck, before the Great War, the only way such large regions were held together was implicit or explicit empire. The Russian Federation is slowly morphing towards what the Constitutional US started as, but could not retain, a bunch of largely independent, home rule states with a few specific powers centralized. Be interesting to be able to live another century or two and see where Russia ends up.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

The United Kingdom is a perfect example. Made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, they’d all gladly part company and manage themselves.

Considering how the global elitists hate anything to do with sovereign nationalism, the more fragmentation in a given society the better.

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 months ago

It can be broken down even further. A common refrain in Liverpool is “we’re not English, we’re Scouse.”

Reply to  Karl Horst (Germany)
5 months ago

“It has been said the Bavarians only joined Germany after everyone else agreed to their beer standards.”

And having polished off a couple pints of Julius Echter weissbier over the weekend, I can attest that their beer standards are pretty damn good.

Karl Horst (Germany)
Karl Horst (Germany)
Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

Fun fact – The Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan is located at the monastery site since at least 1040. It is the world’s oldest continuously operating brewery.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 months ago

The anathematization of ideology was supposed to be the post-war consumer culture. Material gain was the last best hope for keeping the country together as ideologies battled out. And for a time, it worked. Americans were held together by walk-in closets and the bonus room with the skylight that no one knew what to do with. But that was dependent on financialization once we began living above our productive capacity. The whole idea peaked with plastic go-go boots and stayed afloat for the cold war. The deeper problem with a “new right” was exposed by the Patriot Front. Besides being… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 months ago

Economic prosperity barely is holding things together now. There are glacial, de facto separations slowly happening now. Imagine when that goes away. It will unravel quickly.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

On the Chains, some people used to do fantasy breakaway White America maps. Basically, it would be the Midwest and some states on the periphery. I’m not so sure that would be tomorrow all the way I see things these days. Yes, I live in the Midwest.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Chans. Google changed it on me.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

I keep turning off autocorrect and Google keeps turning it back on again. Let’s try this again:

On the Chans, some people used to do fantasy breakaway White America maps. Basically, it would be the Midwest and some states on the periphery. I’m not so sure that I would be too sorry about that at all the way I see things these days. Yes, I live in the Midwest.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 months ago

Boston arguably has more in common with Honolulu than it does with Pittsfield.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
5 months ago

The anathematization of ideology was supposed to be the post-war consumer culture. Material gain was the last best hope for keeping the country together as ideologies battled out. And for a time, it worked. Americans were held together by walk-in closets and the bonus room with the skylight that no one knew what to do with. But that was dependent on financialization once we began living above our productive capacity. The whole idea peaked with plastic go-go boots and stayed afloat for the cold war. The deeper problem with a “new right” was exposed by the Patriot Front. Besides being… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  JR Wirth
5 months ago

Southern protestantism, or evangelicalism as it is often called by the regime media, is still very much a thing. Probably more of a thing, in terms of a cohesive identity, than most of the other competing things in AINO. Because its “members” are more willing to suffer for it than your average northern shitlib is for “progressivism,” or your average mestizo for azatlan etc. Those folks, for the most part, just follow the money. Of which there is very little, if any, for southern protestants to follow, and hasn’t been for a long time, if ever. So materialism is not… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

I should have mentioned something about status. Being a southern protestant is a negative status proposition, yet they adhere to it anyway. So it will endure.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

Duly noted. And don’t forget to place a long bet on the Amish – in a little over a century if their replacement trend holds. Imagine America under significant Amish sway – that’d be an interesting long-term outcome to AINO – great crackup or not.

Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

The real problem with “Conservatism” is it has never been anything other than low tax liberalism in the US since the 2nd world war. Add in the “neoconservative” element and it’s low tax warmongering liberalism. It has conserved absolutely nothing. It has embraced, conserved and defended every progressive innovation. “Altering or abandoning the old ways risks unknown and unwelcome consequences, so change must be gradual and cautious” “If at all” should be added to this sentence. Most political change is awful with easily foreseeable consequences. It doesn’t help that progressivism has often been little more than foreign ethnic interests presented… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

What’s wrong with a world-view based on free minds, free markets. limited government, individual liberty, and material progress?

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

It’s all fake and gay. Plus, it’s empty rhetoric. Every despot of the last 200 years spoke of freedom and progress. Freedom is about as empty as hope and change. What is a free market, exactly? This is more empty rhetoric. There are no free markets anywhere in the world. Even if there were, I don’t want oligarchs. “Limited government” is another piece of empty fake and gay rhetoric. Furthermore, absolutely nobody wants what is assumed to be the definition of “limited government” The “limited government” party has had super-majorities multiple times over the last 80 years and has used… Read more »

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

It’s wrong when the free minds are trying to genocide us.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

Look all around you and you’ll see what is wrong with it. Now, you would say, but wait, this isn’t a free market and limited government. You would be right. It isn’t. However, that is one of the first problems. Those concepts are a gentleman’s agreement that amount to a power vacuum. That power vacuum was filled at the beginning of the 20th century. In short, there is nothing wrong with those things. However, the Founders saw the problems of these power vacuums and gentleman’s agreements and fluffed it over with well, it can and should only be possible if… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

I think we can use his term as the baseline for what lies ahead and as the basis of the necessary Friend Enemy Distinction we must adopt now.

In Camous’ terms are you a:

a) Enemy of The Disaster
b) Friend of The Disaster

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

OK. Well then, in addition to closing the border and ending all further immigration into the U.S., just what public policies do you guys want that would not be considered “libertarian” that would be practical?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

Well, if we’re sticking with a “democratic” governmental system, a radical reduction of the franchise would be a good and necessary start.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Who would you take the franchise away from? Would you propose it go back to only those who own land or some modern day equivalent of financial solvency? Perhaps the franchise should limited to those who file “schedule C” tax filings. That is, those who own their own business or are self-employed. Either of these are a good metric of competence and skin in the game.

How do you propose for the selection of political leaders for a “non-democratic” system?

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

* Peaceful Separation – presided over by us so one way or the other we get it. * Peaceful Repatriation – – See the repatriation proposals of the White Paper Policy Institute for a comprehensive plan. * An orderly debt restructuring where the pseudo-financiers get the worst of it. * A Full Accounting for The Great Replacement: – Government bureaucrats, NGOs, Churches who participated … … stripped of their wealth and permanent loss of tax exempt status – Highest level officials and funders extradited and put on trial for treason. Some would include: – Soros; Fink; Shapiro; Pope; Mayorkas; Biden;… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

I’m actually in favor of most of these.

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

I don’t see what you are seeing in this that is not libertarian. There are some fringe pacifists (in a fringe group, so a fringe of a fringe) who would agree that was not “libertarian”, and there are some aspects that they would handle differently, like shutting down public funding for most of the stuff you talk about, and punishing those who committed some actionable crime.

In many respects libertarians would be even more radical than your reforms.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

That’s my point. Most of what you guys advocate in here and other alt-right blogs are not necessarily incompatible with libertarianism as defined as limited government and increased personal and economic liberty.

I think you guys’ main beef with libertarianism is over immigration and free trade, particularly immigration. Certainly immigration needs to be reformed and brought under control. Countries that take advantage of trade with us, such as China, need to be dinged with tariffs or some other restraints.

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

@Abelard Lindsey, immigration is one thing libertarians have wrong. In a libertarian world, there is no such thing as public property or the conventional idea of commons. You are free to invite someone onto your property, but he can’t then go to the next owner’s property without his permission. Further, your invitation does not mean those intervening property owners must allow passage.

I don’t think that distinction makes libertarianism unworkable, but it does mean it won’t look anything like libertarians imagine it will.

Reply to  Abelard Lindsey
5 months ago

@Abelard Lindsey, What’s wrong with a world-view based on free minds, free markets. limited government, individual liberty, and material progress? Nothing on a local scale, where one can keep tabs on his oppressors (government). It might be possible on a larger scale if, instead of secret ballot, people chose their representatives as a matter of public record, and they agreed to be bound legally and financially for the intentional and unintentional consequences of the actions of their chosen agent. If your agent chooses to open the borders and as a result, welfare payments skyrocket, you, personally, jointly and severally, are… Read more »

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

There is merit to this.

5 months ago

Please excuse my daydreaming, but if there is an American renewal, I nominate the American Chestnut as its symbol. Once king of the eastern forests, laid low by an Asian blight. Around here, you can still find stump sprouts in the woods, the roots of ancient trees trying to grow back 70-90 years (iirc) after they fell.

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

Interesting metaphor.

The proposed solution is to alter the trees DNA through crossbreeding.

Reply to  Pretzel
5 months ago

3 methods I know of: 1. GM trees. Fastest, but no thanks! 2. Hybridization/back crossing to produce American trees with Asian genes for blight resistance. Slower, but you end up with hybrid trees instead of frankentrees. 3. Breeding trees that survived the blight and selecting for blight resistance in the offspring. Slowest, but in theory you end up with pure, blight-resistant American trees. I’m with #3. Ordered 8 blight-resistant seedlings last fall. Told they should be 70% resistant, which I take to mean 2 should die, 6 should survive, though infected and harmed. Doing it the hard but right way… Read more »

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

Under the spreading chestnut tree, the mighty smithy stands…

5 months ago

Possibly off topic but maybe related: What do you make of the rightwing president of Argentina, Z? If the Blabbers are to be believed – he just fired 70% of the nation’s gov’t workers. It is obvious that our elite leaders need to be culled… but so does the managerial class. The Argies are ahead of us and are in a state of collapse. I *think* they are vibrant and diverse as we are. Could they be an accurate harbinger of things to come for America? Also of interest is the state of the former left. All is not well… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Filthie
5 months ago

My understanding is they are not quite as diverse, and the diversity they suffer is of a different hue for the most part. They do have a significant tribal infestation but how powerful it is I am not sure. Doubt it is as powerful as AINO’s.

Reply to  c matt
5 months ago

Milei…Mileikowsky. one of the first things he did was scurry to Israel if reports were correct.

But we shall see.

5 months ago

Abstract versus tangible. Today’s topic is Big Picture complex and amorphous; hence difficult to wrap your mind around and figure out what to do. Do you pick up a long rifle and start marching toward DC? Or form an ad hoc committee of like-minded neighbors and debate political strategy in the hope of spawning the next Bolshevik Revolution? What is the pleb supposed to do in the face of Mass Insanity sweeping the country? When disease infects a host, an antibody does not concern itself with highfalutin principles or even the actions of other antibodies. It goes in search of… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
5 months ago

Tom… I can’t help it: I don’t think any recovery is possible until necks start getting stretched and skulls cracked. The parasites aligned against us are dug in, protected, and guarded by underlings whose well being is hitched to that of the parasites. If worst comes to worst, and they start liquidating the parasites…the job won’t be done until their underlings are dealt with too. A purge of biblical proportions will need to be done. It is clear at this point, that they are thinking of us in similar terms. Not to fedpoast… but the current order will never hold.… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
5 months ago

History can be instructive here. Many a great battle was lost when one side’s leaders were removed and the foot soldiers then broke and fled the field. The Deep State managerial class is largely composed of incompetent cowards who never held a real job in their life. It won’t take much to get them advancing to the rear or switching sides in a heartbeat. But more to your point; yes, culling is an important component of sustained cure.

Reply to  TomA
5 months ago

The Deep State managerial class is largely composed of incompetent cowards who never held a real job in their life.

A lot of the managerial class today is made up of women and historically they are renowned for switching sides and mating with the winners.

This probably explains why 80% of the divorces are initiated by women.

Reply to  TomA
5 months ago

“Do you pick up a long rifle and start marching toward DC?” It’s going to be a hell of a lonely march because none of the grillers are going to join you, and a hell of a lonely death when about 500 robocop SWAT goons from the DHS, the FBI, the ATF and the JTTF all get their dicks hard by doing as many mag dumps as they can into you — and your dog, of course. One need only look at how the poor J6 saps were treated to know what a stupid idea that is. Empires fall as… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

That quote was a rhetorical question, not a recommendation. No, I don’t recommend an armed march on DC. If you’ve read my comments previously, you know that I have an entirely different approach to making a difference, and it does not involve confronting the jackboots head-on.

5 months ago

I did make an honest attempt to read the links you included, Zman, but the endless qualifiers and asides and buts and therefores got the best of me. The Claremont piece (endlessly long) lost me early on. One of my criticisms of ‘our’ commentariat here is that it tends to be majority age 45 and up (if I am flagrantly wrong, please correct me). This leads to a tendency to repeatedly slip into past assumptions now proven false, and truisms taught in one’s youth. Yet Kesler dismisses that today’s “kids” condemn what they term “the uniparty.” Too few here are… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
5 months ago

Note to the Z: Gottfried and Goldman! Splendid. Note to 3g: you see, it was Goldman who helped me head down my own road. He stated once, as he did here, “we cannot know the meaning of life.” A polymath! A really smart joe like him! Still can’t answer the question? The What, the How, the Why? Can’t put it into intelligible words? Well, no. He can’t. That showed me the limits of even Goldman’s style of thinking. Since I had already met his God, the yahweh, that very question- “what is the meaning of life?”, and getting a similar… Read more »

5 months ago

The likeliest course seems to be “soft secession.” AINO will stagger on as an on-paper entity. Just as the Roman Senate continued to debate things and issue edicts to the far-flung provinces, even as the “provinces” were de facto independent of, and even hostile to, the imperial center, so will the DC idiots continue to issue diktats to the various Administrative Regions, who will comply or not, as local conditions dictate. Actual political disaggregation is simply too much hassle, and unnecessary — AINO doesn’t have the military force to hold down its territory, even if it had the will, which… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
5 months ago

That’s about right, and in many ways it is a return to normality. The glaring exception there is, as you point out, foreign policy, but with the teeming hordes how could it be otherwise? I anxiously await to see how Gretchen Whitmer responds to one of her key constituencies, the Palestinians, the Progress Left’s Holiest of Holies in its Pantheon of Color. It is a good bet her response does not align with D.C. even with her party in charge. The schism and fragmentation likely became irreversible with Covid, which was brought to a halt in part to staunch the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

“ I anxiously await to see how Gretchen Whitmer responds to one of her key constituencies, the Palestinians, …”

It will be interesting indeed. The Palestinians of all people are the worst wrt their assimilation and ideology. It’s not for nothing that they’ve been thrown—violently—out of every Arab State they’ve fled to. There is simply no place they’ve settled in sufficient numbers that they’ve not attempted to subvert and overthrow.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

This highlights the Left’s worship of the Palis, and inadvertently highlights many other current pathologies, including gynocracy and meaningless credentialism:

(I inadvertently used this is a response to you in the wrong thread earlier)

Charles von Butterworth
Charles von Butterworth
Reply to  Jack Dodson
5 months ago

Haven’t seen any lefties passing laws banning “anti-Semitic” speech, though. That belongs to Governors Noem and DeSantis, and soon, many others.

The Right is obsessed with Israel. Turn on Fox News between 7 and 5 pm, and it’s “Israel at War.” I don’t see the same on CNN or MSNBC.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
5 months ago

Haven’t seen any lefties passing laws banning “anti-Semitic” speech, though.

They don’t need to. They already own the courts, the banks, the socialist media, the media, the “academy”, the HR departments, etc. What more could they possibly need?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dodson
5 months ago


The point is you will see sacralization of the Palestinians on those networks. And, yes, Fox and Con, Inc., does the same with Israelis.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Dodson
5 months ago

That bitch and virtually every “colleague” she claims to be speaking for all voted for that piece of shit presently occupying the white house. So the hell with every goddamned one of them and their supposed principles.

Charles von Butterworth
Charles von Butterworth
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

That’s not good. We can’t have ethnic groups doing that. Sure hope this doesn’t spread to other groups in the region.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

Thinking ahead a few years, something Gretchen Whitmer hasn’t done, there will be no more Gretchen Whitmer having to worry about how to deal with her Palenstinian voting bloc. She will be replaced by a Palestinian to represent the Palestinian voting bloc. She’ll be fine with her Sauvignon Blanc and her kids will enjoy Burning Man and doing the New Age fad circuits. Then, they will awaken to their dispossession as like the Minnesota flag, the Michigan flag will be replaced. We aren’t so many years away from that now. It is then, that the North American powder keg will… Read more »

5 months ago

This is a great topic. There is a power vacuum and various people are racing to fill it. On the conservatism side the Jews are the most organized and so they are trying to define American and European nationalism from Tel Aviv on their terms, to suit their interests in Israel and its vassals. I suspect that within that camp they are arguing over the direction things should go. Should TGR (via mass immigration, iconoclasm, Christianity destruction …) continue on? How do you field an army that is capable and has the will and resolve if they fight for nothing… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

“Everyone has a right to be who they are and be free from, “hate.” ”

There’s that word, “hate” again. As meaningless through misuse as now is the word, racism. Hate is a term of art, meaning whatever I dislike.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

is article highlights the Left’s worship of the Palis, and inadvertently also highlights many other current social pathologies, including gynocracy and mindless credentialism:

They are in a real pickle here.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

(oops, that was supposed to be a response to your other comment)

Reply to  Jack Dobson
5 months ago

“So many of my colleagues feel betrayed. I write for myself but speak for many others,”

Sounds like the shitlib doesn’t realize it, but has been as betrayed as the Middle American GWOT cannon fodder was. At least the latter put on his kit and put his life in danger. Sounds like there is an opportunity for the shitlibs who are true believers to be confronted with that most unaskable of all questions. May scales fall from more eyes all over the political spectrum.

Things are getting interesting.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Compsci: God says “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated” long before either was born or had done anything good or bad. And this is God’s right and privilege – just as the maker may make a fine vessel for wine and another – of the same clay – for common use.

God hates. So can we. Those who refuse to hate evil are accommodating and condoning it

There are plenty whom I hate.

Reply to  3g4me
5 months ago

I’m not disagreeing, just saying that the Left uses “hate” speech as a weapon to suppress speech it does not like. You may hate as your morals and belief system dictates. Indeed, not to hate evil is a sin in God’s eyes.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

It is beyond that Compsci. It is a social credit mechanism of a tyranny that far surpasses that of China. It is because they define hate. They also define who is protected from hate. Most importantly, they define who gets to accuse others of hating and thus harming them. For all of his faults, Jordan Peterson understood that this is the endgame of the pronouns. It isn’t just an attack on free speech, it is a total destruction of the entire notion of justice. You no longer commit a crime that is tangible. You commit a crime that is invisible,… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Reality, no argument from me. Your depth of analysis reveals a shallow explanation in my previous comment. Thanks.

Reply to  3g4me
5 months ago

3g4me —

‘To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. . . [A] time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace’

(Ecc. 3)

This here ain’t the time of peace and love.

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

“easily usable by HAN descended people everywhere.“

Let the Chinese worry about the Han.

Reply to  Riher
5 months ago

Unless that was a little jokey comment of you, HAN surely stands for “Historic American Nation”.
Hey, I frowned upon reading that sentence too at first. But I figured it out. 🙂

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Riher
5 months ago

Yes. They can deal with the Han solo…

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

One absolutely essential part of the plan that is rarely addressed is a brutal analysis of what exactly led us to this point, and how to avoid at least that path to tyranny in the future. Unless we understand exactly what went wrong, and put in place as barbaric means as necessary to prevent it in the future, what’s the point?

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Agreed. However, that comes once we are in a position of safety. For now we get to the life boats.

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ bout. Thanks, RR, I’m all in.
Recovery time over, PTSD over. Let’s get back to it.

Goshdang, that day celebrating the empty tomb did something for me.
I could feel it. The healing. Thanks.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
5 months ago

This was a fantastic essay. I would just like to add the financial perspective, since I’m a financial guy by background and this perspective may be helpful. As much as the US was and is an ideological project, it was and is an economic and financial project. The logic and benefits of the marketplace, bolstered and indeed encouraged by the Constitution and the rule of law (all the way back to English common law), built America. Business always came first and still does. I would argue that the Progressive Project, if it would leave the economic project alone, could actually… Read more »

5 months ago

The end of ideology sounds like a synonym for the end of history. And this business of nationalism based on the blood of the ancestors is more wished for than real. “An organic organizing ethos…” Maybe, in future columns, build on that concept if you can flesh it out to be more than just a slogan.

5 months ago

Michael Anton, semi-Claremontonian, seemed at times as if he was willing to “go there,” into our circles to an extent. I was impressed, for example, by his “Unprecedented” essay at the New Criterion, which unfortunately usually worships loudly at the judaic altar. I think Anton’s essay had very high traffic numbers there, which is maybe a hopeful sign.

Reply to  1660please
5 months ago

If I might z— Which New Criterion? Thank you.

5 months ago

“Different parts of Germany may have unique pasts, but they share enough of a common past to feel a part of the greater concept of German.” I am not an American guy but I think the same can be said about America. The experience of fleeing England and moving to a new continent, the Protestant ethics, the fight against Indians and the population of North America, “the manifest destiny”, the War of Independence, the Republic, the XIX century… Mind you, I criticize many of these things. I think the Republic was founded on Enlightenment ideals and this was a mistake… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
5 months ago

The key issue for the English/Scots people who defeated Britain and created the United States was restriction of the power of government…Hence the original Constitution, put together by Hamilton and his Banker friends, was unacceptable to the people and the Bill of Rights had to be tacked on…Even then, Patrick Henry and the anti-Federalists attacked it as inadequate to prevent the same abuses they had suffered under the Crown…As a result, it failed passage in some States, and it was only after much finagling (and likely bribery) that our present Constitution was ratified…So the founding philosophy was one of restriction… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  imnobody00
5 months ago

This was largely true up until about ten years ago or so. There is probably more regional antagonism now than even before the Civil War, and that has been exacerbated by interstate migration wherein people of like minds have moved to be among people who think like them. The homogeneity is an illusion now and quite superficial. It likely isn’t obvious from the outside due to the cosmetic aspect, and increasingly I find Europeans have at least as many misperceptions of the United States as Americans have of them, which is something also relatively new.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  imnobody00
5 months ago

America has two tribes that are not only radically different from the other tribes, but who are also implacably hostile to them: Finkels and negroes. Then there are the myriad other tribes–whites, Mestizos, subcons, Moslems, various east Asian groups–who, while able to live together relatively peacefully, are still very different from one another, and do not fully trust one another. The only thing preventing these tribes from creating a bloodbath are the prosperity and comfort that enfold them all. Should those adhesives dissolve, you will see just how different AINO’s subject groups really are. And they will make the petty… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

“ Should those adhesives dissolve,…” As evidence of this, I would like to point to examples that have actually occurred in memory—citywide power outages. I had the experience of living through one of the first big ones in the 60’s in NYC. In a matter of hours, the ghettos were a no man’s land of riot and bloodshed. Other areas of the city were advised to shelter in place pending return of control. I magine a scenario of no return of power, therefore no food delivery. Hell, even *with* power on, LA descended into chaos with Rodney King verdicts and… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Katrina is the best recent example of what sudden collapse looks like. New Orleans got all the press, because it was the big city, but also because that was where the critical mass of feral negros were, who did what feral negros do when the constraints of civilization were gone, the whites having mostly fled prior. So it supplied quite the spectacle for media consumption.

However, a little ways to the east, the Mississippi coast suffered greater damage, with dramatically less subsequent chaos. Because many more white people.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

Also, after Katrina hit the Chocoolate City, a sizable cohort of the notoriously corrupt New Orleans P.D. either abandoned their posts during the chaos or joined in the looting and mayhem.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

I read a bit of an account during Katrina by a few of the Whites who had taken refuge in the Super Dome. Maybe half a dozen, maybe a dozen. There is a lesson there and it’s not “how stupid can you be”! The lesson was how quickly they found each other and “tribed” up. Even though a fraction of a fraction, just a few banding together were able to fend off those ferals looking for a fight. They bore witness to how things deteriorate over the days of “shelter” and how the ferals reacted as each feral looked out… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

Spent some weeks to a month there in Southern Louisiana that Oct 2005. Saw more than most (maybe all others) due to what I did. Same function in close follow-on storm. Yes to modeling potential.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Whites are not a tribe. Bipedalism is about all I have in common with a Progressive.

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  imnobody00
5 months ago

When you travel to European countries and read their histories you realize how much “diversity” actually exists in those countries that we Americans think of as unified wholes. Every area has its own dialect, often unintelligible to those from other areas. Occasionally. one can see the hostility that exists in some provinces to the central authority (e.g., the recent trouble between separatists in Catalonia and the government of Spain and the independence movement in Scotland). When we traveled in Italy a few years ago, I was struck by the marked local patriotism and disdain for the central government of Italy.

Reply to  Dutch Boy
5 months ago

Dutch Boy: I think most Americans are as ignorant as I was when I first went to Europe 44 years ago. I was genuinely surprised that the Italian au pair I met didn’t speak “Italian” at home – but her local dialect. I had no clue how pervasive this was throughout Europe nor how different and often incomprehensible the local dialects were to the student of the ‘official’ language as taught to American students. It’s not simply the different regional accents and expressions that used to be found throughout the US and the UK (and which are now dying out… Read more »

Reply to  imnobody00
5 months ago

If I might z— Which New Criterion? Thank you.

5 months ago

Samuel Goldman is an enemy of our people. He’s executive director of the John L. Loeb, Jr. Institute for Religious Freedom, an organization that basically exists to undermine the majority religious and moral consensus of the US. I would take anything he has to say about us with a grain of salt.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Vizzini
5 months ago

> Samuel Goldman is an enemy of our people.

You could’ve stopped there. We see his name and know immediately that he is an enemy of our people.

Mike CLT
Mike CLT
5 months ago

“echolalic babbling”

Well, one aspect of the Buckley project did not fail. 🙂

5 months ago

We’ve gone so far through the looking glass that actual cultural conservatism, not the Vichy Right version, is without a doubt radicalism now, according to the insane clowns running the circus that once was America. At some point, “conservatism” will have to embrace the fact that is now revolutionary, and act as such. That will have the effect of boiling off the Con Inc grifters as a beneficial side effect.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Pickle Rick
5 months ago

I’m noticing how even the Babylon Bee is struggling right now, as their readership is becoming far more radicalizing than they are capable of dealing with. The neocons that ended up at the Bulwark were boiled off fast, followed by the folks at National Review. Rufo was forced to made a quick change of course when he realized no one had the patience to deal with someone who wasn’t willing to say DEI was anti-white. I’ll give the Claremont guys some credit for pivoting and remaining in the national conversation, as they have made some interesting calls not many other… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Chet Rollins
5 months ago

Hear, hear. The instability offers many opportunities to exploit and is to be celebrated albeit not for the reasons those behind the upheaval would want. All power always has come from the barrel of a gun. Getting control of the gun become possible when there is so much distraction, too. Remington > Chesterton’s fence.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

The supply of tone-policing now greatly exceeds the demand for it.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

The Babylon Bee dust up was interesting. The fact that the site is overtly Christian and has been censored made Normies believe that it was on their side, even more so that the more obvious grifter outfits like the Daily Wire.

Finding out that they BB ultimately has the same morality as the Left seemed to really sting Normies.

The BB even used the same defense as the Left’s favorite “comedian” Jon Stewart: “Hey, it was just a joke. We make fun of everyone. We’re just a comedy site.”

It’s a nice sign that the Normies weren’t buying it.

Dutch Boy
Dutch Boy
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

The fly in the Christian ointment is Christian Zionism. It has made opposition to Judaization of America impossible.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

On the plus side Babylon Bee can be added to the pile of evidence for “why you don’t like the juice jump in front and lead your right-wing organization”.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

The moment you hear Babylon Bee guy’s voice you can tell he’s a shitlib who stumbled into being “conservative” somehow and it doesn’t really mean anything to him—but being a soyboy grotesque is fundamental.

Normie Republicans really do have no aesthetic sense. It’s not for staring at paintings. It’s for judging everything, especially people. If he looks wrong, sounds wrong, etc., he *is* wrong.

Are any popular conservative media personalities *not* sissy-voiced men or “bimbofied” women? It has to be a prank. These people are disgusting. And they all eventually prove it.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
5 months ago

The problem will always be the same: Conservatives TALK; the Left DOES.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Chet Rollins
5 months ago

> I’m noticing how even the Babylon Bee is struggling right now, as their readership is becoming far more radicalizing than they are capable of dealing with. This. The Overton window is shifting at light-speed and the average “conservative” voter is now far, far more rightwing than he has ever been before, much closer in attitude and ideology to the comment section here on this blog than they are to any elected official or “thought leader” on the right. This isn’t sustainable. Yes, I know that elections are rigged, the G.O.P. is controlled opposition, and Fat Orange Man is… Fat… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
5 months ago

Radicals don’t have face tatts, green dreadlocks and fishing lures in their faces. They wear gray suits, black ties, and fedoras, and smoke pipes filled with Borkum Riff.

5 months ago

We should advocate dropping the stale left/right paradigm, it no longer makes sense. A more useful approach would be to make the distinction between those who approach the world as it is, I call them pragmatics, and those who approach the world as they think it ought to be, I call them idealists.

Clarity of thought should be an goal of this side of the Great Divide.

Reply to  FNC1A1
5 months ago

Not a very good distinction. Take race. A pragmatic could point to blacks in his circle who are successful businessmen and raise well-adjusted children. Another could point to the ferals on Chicago’s south side. A third could point to a small number of ferals on Chicago’s south side that are the problem, and note that the majority there are either neutral or maybe even positive in terms of social order. A fourth pragmatist might argue that only a fraction of those neutrals really are neutral, as their community consumes a disproportionate amount of social resources. Who is correct? They all… Read more »

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Ideology and perception can lead to different interpretations, but reality is what matters. The differences you cite are of degree and have one commonality.

Reply to  Jack Dodson
5 months ago

Exactly. For anyone whose experience is A, it’s going to be a hard sell to convince him reality is NOT A.

“Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?”

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

Turn off the benefits, pandering, and government employment programs, and see who survives–?

Reply to  Steve
5 months ago

The crucial observation for your example of the pragmatists is that almost all of those blacks, whether upper class or feral, will come together to defend their tribe.

This means that even the most white-presenting, upper class black will say that George Floyd was murdered, that Michael Brown was shot while saying, “hand up, don’t shoot!” and that OJ should’ve gone free regardless of his guilt.

The crucial observation is that, in almost every case, racial tribalism commands more loyalty than shared values or religion.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 months ago

I don’t disagree. But as I said above, if one’s experience is A, its going to be hard to convince him reality is NOT A. Out here in flyover, there are a lot of people whose experience with blacks is limited to what they heard about BLM riots in the mainstream media, on the mainstream intarwebs (you know how often they identify the race of “youths”, right?) and the occasional times Walter Williams sat in for Rushbo. Sowell, Elder, Thomas, etc. seem to be more or less playing for the right side. Bongino, Hannity, etc. don’t go there other than… Read more »

joey jünger
joey jünger
5 months ago

I’m not sure the aristocracy died with the defeat of the South. I think that was just the end of the only aristocratic class in America that had the balls to call itself that. Power is still very much hereditary, but the Powers that Be and their minions will freak out if you talk about it. It still happens every once in a while, though, when some rube for a second-tier leftwing outlet with a high mutagenic load doesn’t get the memo. Some years back someone at HuffPo pointed out that all the girls on some stupid HBO show (“Girls”… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
5 months ago

Very well said. Every government is an oligarchy. Only the facade is different. Our facade is “democracy”, with lunatic clowns sent out to claim they represent us, while their back pockets are stuffed with oligarchy cash. But it matters who the oligarchs are. To our great misfortune, our oligarchs are jews. Hence, “our greatest ally” has become a creed. When I ask normies what Israel ever did for us, I get blank stares. Did they ever send a single soldier to one of our wars? Are they a great trading partner? Do we share a common heritage? No, the only… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

The 20th century finally seems to be dying. The century was dominated by Europeans, the European diaspora in America and Jews and by those groups’ various ideologies. As Europeans and Jews recede and other groups rise, the Ideological Age will end as well. These ideologies were always hot-house flowers the only existed so long as one of those three groups nurtured and protected them. The last of them – liberal democracy – will die with the Boomers. The Age of Demographics is upon us. This terrifies our rulers as they are designed for verbal acumen and debating the nuances of… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

I suspect we’ll pull a renewal, like Russia has. Ideology has been terrible for us. If it’s about demographics, that probably favors us, given all the racist evils attributed to us.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

We don’t have the demographic luxury of Russia. Given our multiracial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious society, I have no idea what system will emerge in this coming demographic age.

The best that we could hope for is decentralized system that allows the various groups to generally live as they want, police their communities as they see fit and have a lot of self-rule.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

Not saying it’ll be easy. The US probably ‘breaks apart’ like the USSR did. In our case, that might mean a devolution to federalism, maybe even confederation. DC is making itself irrelevant, so it’s finished. Centralized power was never in our DNA, anyway. Our demographics are unnatural— the most diverse money can buy— and will sort out.

We’re still a young, adolescent nation, not secure in our identity. Fell in with a bad crowd. Whatever. We’ll get it together in time. The thing that sucks is it will probably take more time than any of us here have.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

The federal government is becoming less and less capable of projecting power, and so has outsourced things to the Silicon Valley technocracy. The issue is the same as has hit Canada, that importing foreigners good with tech is not actually bringing forth a springtime of innovation, but just far more intelligent grifters. Ends up being, even with good skills, you still need a sense of rootedness and purpose in a people to their country to bring forth any significant change.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

“The best that we could hope for is decentralized system that allows the various groups to generally live as they want, police their communities as they see fit and have a lot of self-rule.” – Jefferson Davis (1860).

Reply to  Paintersforms
5 months ago

The problem for us – and I include Europe too – is that we have no shared beliefs. For all the horrors of communism, Russians were able to rebuilt because they still had a shared history, a surviving Christian faith and a massive strength of character. We have none of these.

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

I’m not sure about that. Russia was in very bad shape in the 90s, and still has problems, but they obviously had a remnant— and so do we.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

Yes. The rulers rode the tiger of demographic antagonism too long to dismount. Exhibit A is the unmanageable opposition to the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Most people do not care one way or another about the carnage, but the two factions at each other’s throats over the issue had to be held together in a coalition to keep the tiger moving forward. We can expect a lot more similar ethnic turmoil in the future, and Gaza will mark an inflection point not because of the horrific event per se but because of the uncontrollable demographic factionalism it exposed. Fifty percent… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dodson
5 months ago

Jews always take too long to dismount. Their confidence in their ability to ride the tiger has caused the destruction of many nations.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

Bingo. Future “elections” here will just be glorified censuses like in Iraq, complete with ululating, twerking and, if we’re lucky, purple fingerprints to prevent multiple votes.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
5 months ago

“Glorified censuses” is glorious.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
5 months ago

“Yoram Hazony has tried to preach a new form of nationalism to take the place of conservatism.”

Hazony has to be one of the most ardent Jewish Zionists around. He moved to Israel some years back with his wife and children and was (maybe still is) an adviser to Netanyahu. He’s a smart fellow and I like his books but he’s one of the tribe and one of the smartest and most articulate ones.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

>>The main trouble with his project is the mana contradictions that he can see but would like to ignore.

Did you mean “many” contradictions or “manna” contradictions? Both would work in this context.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Guest
5 months ago

“Mammon” contradictions.

The Psychic Plumage
The Psychic Plumage
5 months ago

Thanks for the hang on Saturday, Z.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
5 months ago

An amusing attempt to continue the conservative con is Freedom Conservatism; they actually call themselves FreeCons. It’s just a bunch of anti-Trump grifters and neocon interventionists like George Will and Jonah Goldberg.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

One could also call them “Con-Cons.”

Reply to  Oswald Spengler
5 months ago

and when one of them finally gives up the grift he becomes and ex-con.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
5 months ago

George F. Will is still living? Who knew?

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
5 months ago

Will always has been ludicrous, and it is kind of nice he lived long enough to see most people realize he is ridiculous.

Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
5 months ago

Do they still roll him out on ABC News Sunday? What a sight he must be. I haven’t paid attention to GFW in 20 years.

Hopefully he’s seeing and realizing what “conservatism” has done to his country, and also that baseball sucks now.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
5 months ago

The GrifterCons are the ultimate in negative identity. For better or worse, Trump gave them everything they wet-dreamed about for decades. Federalist Society judges, tax cuts, Israel fanboyism, a bigger military, more immigration (just, you know, the legal kind). But what did they do in reaction? They threw a temper tantrum and stabbed him in the back. They only wanted to talk, not govern.