Zero GOP

For as long as anyone can recall, the offer from the American political system to the typical white person was a choice between a party that wants to harm you and your interests or a party that will work to prevent it. It was never explicitly stated this way, but it was always the subtext to Republican Party marketing. Vote Republican or risk being subjected to the tender mercies of the Democrats.

Note that the Democratic Party did not market itself this way. They did make wild claims about the Republicans wanting to do things like bring back slavery or roll back women’s rights, but they were always couched in the assertion that the Democrats were going to advance the goals of their supporters. The choice was between progress and regress, never stasis as with the Republican messaging.

Since the end of the Cold War, this dynamic has become grotesque. The Democrat Party invents increasing bizarre goals it seeks to achieve, things like letting men in dresses chase your kids around the park, while the Republican messaging has become feebler and more subservient. Republican messaging has been reduced to “Vote for us so the man in the dress chasing your kids is not a racist.”

It is clear that the people in the white working and middle class no longer have any options at the ballot box save for one. That option is to abandon the party that claims to represent their interest and thus abandon a system that mocks the very notion of representative government. Zeroing out the Republican side of the equation is the only way to break the cycle of madness.

That is the show this week. A big part of it is about how the system works and why there is no voting your way to a better result. The two parties, in collusion with the donor class, have rigged the game in such a way that voting no longer matters, other than to confirm to the parties that the rubes continue to be fooled. Negating that last part may be the only peaceful way of initiating a reform cycle.

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This Week’s Show


  • The Argument For Republicans
  • The Slow Death
  • The Math Of Congress
  • The Math Effect
  • Zero Seats

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5 months ago

I try to point people to the example of former Representative Steve King from Iowa. That guy was very mildly pro-White and his own party pulled out all the stops to destroy him and replace him with some empty suit normie. The GOP itself has declared that there is no place for being pro-White.

Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 months ago

“We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” — Steve King

Put another way:

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Reply to  Vizzini
5 months ago

Wow, great quote. He is a funny guy. I’d never heard of king until I saw him speak at amren. He’s very folksy but he made everyone groan with a comment about color blindness and Mlk

Reply to  Vizzini
5 months ago

Exactly Right… Come Home White Folk…

Reply to  Lineman
5 months ago

Right so I mention Trump publicly called out anti white hate, on a pro white site, the place runs for their crying towels and safe spaces… 😂

Bbbbbbbbbut Trump!

Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 months ago

Yeah good guy. But he isn’t Trump. They can’t destroy Trump, harder they try, the more they fail.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Meh, I think I’d wait till all the facts are in before I go that far.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

They’ve already destroyed him. There’s no way they will let him win this fall — unless they plan to make him the fall guy holding the bag when it all goes sideways.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

They don’t need to destroy Trump. He will destroy himself. With his big mouth and empty promises.

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

Name someone better. If nothing else, his big mouth took the gag off our mouths to discuss the issues important to us. He moved the Overton Window pretty far to the right on immigration, war and a whole host of other issues. Name another president other than Reagan who was able to do that.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

They can’t and they won’t. They won’t even answer “If you could wish upon a star,” who would you have as president? Nope. Someone will be president whether they like it or not. So they’ll put their heads up their asses and pretend that the presidency has zero affect on them. Like a child covers his ears when mommy yells at them. If I don’t see it or hear it it isn’t real! None if this invalidates Z’s point about the lesser of two evils vote. None the less, as it stands, There will be a president and one will… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Nonsense. The power structure is far more important than the prez, and the power structure rode and will ride roughshod over Trump even assuming he attempts to govern more sanely than Biden.

steve w
steve w
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

It is true that we know the emperor Majorian (457-461) mainly through all the nice things Gibbon said about him. But let’s just go along with Gibbon here and agree that Majorian was one of the “last Romans”, doing his best to reverse the decay of the Empire. It didn’t matter, because when the real power at Court – Count Ricimer – decided that enough was enough, he had Majorian killed. The last “western” emperors after Majorian were playthings of the “deep state”, until Odoacer decided the pretense was no longer necessary, and declared “loyalty” to the “Roman” Empire then… Read more »

Reply to  steve w
5 months ago

steve w: “the real power at Court – Count Ricimer – decided that enough was enough, he had Majorian killed. The last “western” emperors after Majorian were playthings of the “deep state”, until Odoacer decided the pretense was no longer necessary, and declared “loyalty” to the “Roman” Empire then seated in Constantinople.” The Hive Mind of Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder. The exact same thing had happened to Flavius Aetius, who had been similarly murdered by Valentinian III, a few decades prior. On its own terms, and on its own turf, Passive Aggression is simply omnipotent. That was Constantine’s genius, to… Read more »

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

Hey fuck face. Trumps big mouth put anti white discrimination on the table.
He broke “the” glass ceiling.
Did your big mouth do that?
He had the balls to say what no one else will. But of course you can’t relate to that.

Bob Loblaw
Bob Loblaw
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Goodness. Can we not have this place turn into Breitbart or Zero Hedge?

Reply to  Bob Loblaw
5 months ago

Can we let go of TDS?

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

So since you boys don’t want to call a cease fire, and we are supposed to be on the same side… I’ll be bringing my Breitbart / Zero Hedge game daily.
Fight trolling with trolling.
For the record I have not ever been a commenter at either. They’re morons.
But… All is fair in politics and war. See ya Monday!

steve w
steve w
Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

Well, he’s had a big mouth and made empty promises for years. And yet, there he is, the best-known political figure of our time. The only thing that will destroy Trump is death. He’s one in a million, I have to give him that.

Reply to  steve w
5 months ago

Did someone actually give Trump credit for something?
Anything? I must be hallucinating like Ostei Spumante. 😂

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

You have all the acerbic wit of a sponge.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

But I never spout low T “word salad.” I have decimated you with nothing but acerbic wit.
Ya cool pussy hat sportin bastard! 😉
Bring it, I’ve got all day…

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

His jefa has been giving him a hard time, and not just with the Braun strap-on.

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

¿Por qué eres tan upset this weekend? The election is still seis meses away. ¿Es una mujer pecking at you again?

Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
5 months ago


Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 months ago

Pro-white, LOL.

The GOP is the party that burned Atlanta to the ground, issued the Brown v. Board decision, and sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock High with bayonets fixed to make sure that white girls had the “constitutional right” to mudshark with the colored bucks sitting next to them in class.

Reply to  Xman
5 months ago

This is me, pulling at my collar. It’s that bad isn’t it

Reply to  Arthur Sido
5 months ago

The GOP itself has declared that there is no place for being pro-White.

Yep! Except for Trump!
He is now officially “on the record.”

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

Z man In relation to the Israel issue you left out one important piece of the puzzle making this whole thing in Washington function. Christian Zionists. I deal with them in my life as a christian, some of them are loved ones and close relatives and there are millions of them across the United States. They are totally blinded by the idea that ” Gods people” the jews, cant possibly be wrong, after all everything that happens that is related to Israel and the jews just means Jesus is coming back sooner. Its a huge problem in the United States… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

The same.

They’ve forgotten the eschatology of their movement which originally promoted Zionism: it would lead eventually and inevitably lead to Armeggedon (that’s bad) and the return of Christ (that’s good).

It’s a twisted variant of the Ulta-Orthodox Jewish “if we’re clever, we can trick God and beat him at his own game.”

It also didn’t exist in Christianity until the 1900’s.

Ultimately you can’t blame outsiders for subverting your faith. Jews don’t allow this, neither do Muslims. I don’t know how this gets fixed, but voting ain’t it.

It’s a spiritual crisis.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
5 months ago

In a span of less than a century, white people went from being the toughest people on the planet to the weakest, softest, most pathetic. And the failure to safeguard Christianity against subversion is a clear symptom of the weakness.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

And here’s where we get to start defining Christianity. Mere Christianity (Jesus is lord) has been tried. Now we have trannies teaching 1st graders how to put in cone-domes.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Indeed. I’ve thought of this a lot lately. All I can conclude is that we are genetically ill equipped for abundance and prosperity. To the White person this is the equivalent of fentanyl to an addict. We as a people need to struggle, without which we become insane and die.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Could be. And something tells me we’re going to get our chance to struggle again here pretty soon…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Oh are we ever good and hard…Got Tribe…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Christianity didn’t fail Europeans. Europeans failed to be Christian. The process of being tough to being us now is in lock step with that failure to try to be Christian.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

Nietzsche and perhaps others make a pretty good case that it was Christianity that brought down the Roman Empire and perhaps did the same to Western Europe centuries later. Hint “being tough” is highly relevant while religion not necessarily.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Quoting “National Review.”
The RINO talking points headquarters?

Like I said this site has been infiltrated by RINO’s!

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

It was the best link I could find without a paywall. I may not be a skinhead, but I am anything but a RINO.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

In a span of less than a century, white people went from being the toughest people on the planet to the weakest, softest, most pathetic.

Oh the irony… What you just described here is you!
See the word “Trump” run for your pussy hat! 😂😂😂
Zero self awareness. But I’m here to help a brother out.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Pffft. I’d chew you up and spit you out on a bad day.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Chew up and spit out… Who would you have as U.S. president. C’mon debate pro.
Only pussies deflect and obfuscate.
You “Can” chew me up and spit me out? What’s holding you back? I’ve been spanking your ass all over the place.

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 months ago

You can bet that Christians are going to try and blame someone else though, it’s a lot easier to blame ol Scratch than look at reform.

The religion seems to have lost its ability to correct course somewhere in the 20th century, whether in regards to Zionism or homosexual pedophiles in the clergy.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sub
5 months ago

Like every other institution in the West, mainline Christianity began to be colonized by the Left in the second half of the 60s, and by sometime in the 80s, the conquest was complete.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Mainline Protestant Christianity, but there are reasons for it. There’s only a recent and surficial infection into the Catholics.

Reply to  Wiffle
5 months ago

Recent, yes, but I wouldn’t call it superficial, even though Catholicism is certainly less corrupted than mainline Protestantism. Attempted colonization by the Left is still a major problem.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Templar
5 months ago

Yes. There is this certain Pope…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

There is this certain Shakespearian wanna be.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Yep, now explain how this a**hole got into the position of Pope! John Paul was said to have nominated most all the Cardinals and it was always said he was appointing the most stalwart conservatives imaginable given his background under communism. Benedict was said to be carrying JP’s water wrt conservatism in the church, but he was not around too long to appoint/elevate many Cardinals—conservative or leftist. Benedict tosses in the towel (why?), then Francis comes about and disrupts/steers the entire church left (how?) Not that I’m a caring Catholic any longer, but something doesn’t smell right. Bring back the… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  ProZNoV
5 months ago

We in the dissident cummunititty call it, “The Scofield Heresy”, and for our nation to survive, it must be deconstructed with extreme prejudice.

Reply to  Bourbon
5 months ago


Off topic, but this new WordPress format is completely & utterly unreadable.


Paragraphs are getting mashed down into strings of sentences, and the entire shebang looks like the product of sheer psychotic lunacy.


Is there any possible way to revert to classical WordPress, or has WordPress completely banished the classical format?


I can’t stare at this mess for much more than a few minutes without starting to feel schizophrenic myself.




Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

Most Christian Zionists are staunchly pro-life, so somebody needs to ask them just how they can support Jews when Jews are out there esaying that abortion is a fundamental value to their religion. They’re not even hiding it – they’re advancing court cases on this doctrine and aligning with the “Satanic Temple” on this very thing. They won a case in Indiana saying abortion is fundamental to their religion.

How can there be “Judeo-Christian values” when Jews value killing babies in the womb and Christians hold life to be sacred? This needs to be talked about.

Reply to  Mycale
5 months ago

Problem with that, M, is that it’s one of those Wrong Questions. It would require thought to contemplate – the wrong kind of thought…and the only result could be a wrong answer. There will be no voating our way out because it’s impossible to reason our way out.

Latter Day American
Latter Day American
Reply to  Filthie
5 months ago

To add another mischievous Wrong Question to the pile—and I’m not sure how committed to this I am personally—:
“How does 9/11 square with ‘I will bless those who bless Israel’?”
Like I’m not even asking this with any conspiratorial presumptions.

The modern state of Israel gains direct and active ME interventions (US/Euro/Aus) that line up with Israeli interests…but has this really been a blessing for America? and has this really been a curse for the more disinterested Russia?

Reply to  Filthie
5 months ago

It’s a problem, certainly, but not necessarily an insurmountable one, just speaking from my own experience as a former Christian Zionist useful idiot who did indeed begin contemplating WrongThink…

Reply to  Mycale
5 months ago

It would funny if it weren’t so tragic. The Leftist nuts support a group that would kill their beloved “queers” without a thought; the crazy Christian zionists support a country that is a leader in promoting “gayness”. The whole world is crazy right now.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

Judeochristian= pseudochristian

Which of course makes it a perfect descriptor for the now firmly Christian Zionist GOP.

Time to bring back the Marcionite “heresy”.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

They’ve been taught, “the worse it gets, the better.” Each violation is sure proof that the Lord’s coming is close at hand. Like Paul Muad’ib cries when his mother tells him the sisters gave the people something to hope for: “It’s not hope!” Communism is secularized Jewish eschatology; they simply took the God part out to make it universal. Our militant Christian friend Ray has it right, this is a theology of the ancient mystery schools, not solely of Judaic tendencies itself. The thing is, Semitic brains are particularly prone to this kind of kabbalistic (magical) outlook. The late, murdered… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
5 months ago

It was a good analysis until we got the standard and incorrect atheist talking point.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

God’s chosen people my ass…if they were they’d be better looking.

Reply to  manc
5 months ago

That’s…pretty much what they’re kvetching about, since forever.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
5 months ago

The CZs are one big reason that the GOP supports Israel unconditionally. You are quite correct about the CZs attitudes. My late father’s family is full of them and they are diehard supporters of Israel. They are also an example of the fact that there is nothing new under the sun. CZ is a species of the Judaizing heresy, which was the first heresy the Church had to deal with in the first century AD.

Reply to  Dutchboy
5 months ago

For whatever good Sundance over at The Conservative Treehouse has done, it is all undone by the commentariat over there, quintessential “Christian” Zionists. They remind me of that scene from Monty Python’s Life of Brian where he tries to get his erstwhile followers to accede that they are all individuals to which they all declaim – in unison – “Yes, we are all individuals” in their sycophantic trance.

Can barely stand to visit there anymore.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
5 months ago

That’s how I feel about InstaPundit these days. It’s like five stories a day about the Jews.

5 months ago

Every time I see Mike Johnson I think I’m looking at a lesbian

I called him Rachel Maddow’s lesbian twin sister on some message board and upset the normies lol

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Falcone
5 months ago

Once you see it you can’t unsee it

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

The 1980s (and the 1950s) called and they want their tortoise shell glasses back.

Last edited 5 months ago by TempoNick
joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Falcone
5 months ago

The news gelding Joe Scarborough—h/t Matt Taibbi—has gotten marching orders along with the rest of them to compare him to Winston Churchill. I’m frankly all Churchilled out (just like I’m all Lincoln’d out), but Churchill at least could grow facial hair, never went so far as to adopt a black son, and endured his country being bombed.

I always go back to what Bukowski said about Americans. “The problem with these people is that their cities have never been bombed.”

Reply to  joey jünger
5 months ago

Churchill may be the most overrated guy in history.

Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

Perhaps, but he got it right wrt WWII—in that it started a couple years too late, which cost Britain dearly

Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

He was wrong about everything except in 1940.

Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

Pat Buchanan had Churchill’s number.

Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

Churchill was the death of the British Empire. He egged on WW II and was as responsible as Hitler for all the deaths in the war. He loved the bombing of civilians in Germany and wanted to kill them all. He weakened the empire and and cost them everything.

Reply to  Mike
5 months ago

spot on, mike, total agreement

Reply to  Mike
5 months ago

How did Churchill start WWII? He called the shots wrt failed appeasement policy and had the allies moved against Germany prior to any of the territorial annexations, the war would have been over before it began. Hell, it could/should have been over when the Rhineland was remilitarized against treaty. Hitler/Churchill were no saints to be sure and Germany had much reason unite Germans outside of Germany, but that’s beside the point. The point is simply, Germany could have been stopped before Poland was invaded and the world a better place. This Churchill was correct about.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Germany got completely shafted at Versailles. The Allies were complete hypocrites. Wilson held that all people had a right to “ethnic self-determination” — then he dismembered Germany and create Poland out of what had been Prussia. Not only was Germany geographically partitioned, but it was disarmed in the face of the Jewish/Soviet threat. Who was supposed to guarantee the borders of the new Germany? The League of Nations. Since the U.S. (rightly) failed to join, that meant, for practical purposes, that Britain, which had just defeated Germany in WWI, was going to defend Germany. The entire thing was a complete… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Is the world a better place now that Germany lost? At least we aren’t speaking German, amirite?

Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

Yes, massively so, and worse than that his gross blunders going back to his stance on indiscriminate admission of alien peoples to Great Britain going back to his earliest political stances (Enoch Powell wept…) have been hidden. Read the article over at Unz Review, entitled Beaconsfield Revisited by Morgan Jones to this point specifically.

Primi Pilus
Primi Pilus
Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

Enoch Brown

Reply to  joey jünger
5 months ago

Plenty cities in the south were bombed during the Civil War

Reply to  Falcone
5 months ago

The Krauts have a word for him:

A face searching for a fist.

5 months ago

At the national level, perhaps. But I do encourage people to keep voting in state and local elections. Especially for offices like their local elected sheriff. Washington may pass increasingly bizarre and oppressive laws, but it’s your local sheriff who decides which of these mandates actually gets enforced. A dirty little secret is that federal law enforcement agencies are small and don’t know the territory well, so there’s little they can do without the cooperation of local law enforcement. Become ungovernable.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  AntiDem
5 months ago

If you are already voting local, it would be nice for the federal races if we could coordinating a write in for Caligula’s Horse.

Reply to  AntiDem
5 months ago

I would argue that if we’re voting state and local, we’re doing so with the express purpose of destroying Republicans. If one of them sticks their head up, it gets the hammer.

Reply to  AntiDem
5 months ago

You assume that the voting process is fair. Some areas perhaps, but here no. The machine that fixes Federal elections is *exactly* the same as the machine that fixes the local elections. As I would refuse to gamble at a crooked Roulette table, I refuse to vote when the party line encouraging the “get out the vote” is, “Beat the Cheat!”.

There have been any number of bills passed—and vetoed—to fix obvious flaws in the current voting process. Why?

Give me a break…

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

The machine that fixes local elections does so in deep blue cities, not out in the heart of red states, which is where state and local elections matter most.

Reply to  AntiDem
5 months ago

I am not aware of any State where the vote for a State office is relegated to a rural area as vs an urban area. Yeah, there are County wide elections like for Sheriff, but it seems to make little difference. One of the most contested races here—for State Attorney General—rested upon a smallish County and a box of *uncounted* votes within that county. Courts would not allow them to be counted, so the current State Attorney General “won” by a couple hundred votes.

5 months ago

These are absolutely wild times to live in.

We have the CCP talking on Chinese state TV about how the US govt is controlled by Jewish people using their Christian Zionist golem, and Speaker of the House Ned Flanders decides to underline the point in bold ink hy passing a bill forbidding the shabbos goy across the heartland from reading parts of their holy book out loud.

Any time you think it can’t become more of a circus, clown world says “hold my beer.”

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Sub
5 months ago

This is what a conquered, third world nation looks like. People love to say “import the third world, become the third world”. AINO is full on third world.

5 months ago

There seem to be two things that will cause a Congressman to lose his seat:

  1. Cross AIPAC
  2. Cross the CIA

In that order. I used to think #1 was just tin foil hat stuff, but after reading “The Lobby” by J. Mershimer and seeing what happened in Congress the past couple of days, it’s hard not to go down the rabbit hole.

(I vastly preferred the old saw about how to lose a Congress seat “Get caught with a live boy or a dead girl”. That used to be dark humor, now it’s hopelessly naive.)

Reply to  ProZNoV
5 months ago

They’ve become more inclusive: It’s now

A live boy and a dead girl and a goat

Reply to  Bilejones
5 months ago

Hey now that goat and I have an open relationship

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

To put an anonymous face on Z’s description of how candidates are vetted, I know a woman – we’ll call her Sarah because I think Z hates Sarahs – in very Dem area of Northern Virginia. Sarah was always way into politics as most progressives are. She volunteered for campaigns, helped organize events, etc. This was step one in the vetting process. The Dem machine got to know Sarah and her views. This is hugely important. They want true believers. They don’t want to just to control you with money, that’s too dangerous. When her kids got old enough, Sarah… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
5 months ago

True story. Last legislative session, a Dem from the Indian reservation voted for a water bill sponsored by the Rep’s. I heard him explain on the radio his reason and the benefit it would have brought to the reservation. The Dem party has a rule, ‘you vote as we say…period’. Corollary: our Dem Governor vetos every majority Rep Bill passed (140+ vetos first term in office—more than all prior governors *combined*). Obviously, this new Dem Rep was not told this on his first day in office. 🙁 Here’s what happened, and to this day I don’t understand *how* this is… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Compsci
5 months ago

Madison Cawthorn rocked the boat and got run out of Congress for saying things he wasn’t supposed to say.

Reply to  Maxda
5 months ago

Cawthorn has a girl’s first name and was indeed caught with a live boy.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

“Zeroing out the Republican side of the equation is the only way to break the cycle of madness”

Even if we could shut down the GOP and start a new party, the new party would be full of and financed by all the same people.

We don’t need a new party, we need a new elite.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

We don’t need a new party or a new elite. We need a new country.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Or a new culture. One produced by hard times.

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

We had a pretty good culture after the Depression. But now that they can print money at their whim, not likely to have one any time soon. (Not that I would want one.)

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Agreed Brother…

5 months ago

I guess word is still out on whether or not Trump actually supported the grotesque $95 billion gibs package, but he is on the record as supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza and he is on the record as telling people to “shut it down” with regards to the protests of said genocide on college campuses. So, what that says is, at the very least, Kushner-types still have a place in Trump’s inner circle, even if the man himself has been pushed out. It goes without saying, as long as they have a place in his circle, the White man and… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
5 months ago

I don’t know what to make of it. On the one hand, we serve as Israel’s “army on call” and he said he’s against stupid wars. On the other hand, he keeps sucking up to the Jews. Is he just softening them up for some eventual bad news? Who knows anymore.

Reply to  Mycale
5 months ago

…he is on the record as supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza and he is on the record as telling people to “shut it down” with regards to the protests of said genocide on college campuses.

Where/when did he state as much?

Reply to  Mycale
5 months ago

Where is your presidential candidate who is NOT going to support Israel? Who is he / she?
what ya got?
What have any of you mouth breathers got?
What’s your alternative.

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

What have any of you mouth breathers got?”

Is that really necessary?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
5 months ago

He’s a double-digit IQ imbecile. He can do no better.

5 months ago

In support of this thesis is Counter Currents’ interview with Judd Blevins. The Zero GOP option was discussed. Given the cuck levels of the OK RINOs this seems like the only option. What is worse is the brazen incompetence of the GOP. It is the GOP that has rushed around and legislated, “hate-speech”, laws into existence and done so on behalf of a constituency that votes 85% for the other guy. It is an own goal of epic proportions given that these laws will be used to root out and punish the real enemies of The Regime – The American… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

on behalf of a constituency that votes 85% for the other guy”

Yup. This is what I find very distasteful about all their Israel-simping. This is the very definition of cuckery. Why are they doing political favors for the Jews when they won’t even step up and do anything for their own base?

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Money; Media; Primary Challengers. Any candidate who doesn’t take the money and play ball will find themselves in the next election without any money and with a primary competitor who has the money. You’ll probably face a lot of accusations and controversies that will compound your problems.

Reply to  RealityRules
5 months ago

Yea sad that our side doesn’t want a seat at the table…

My Comment
My Comment
5 months ago

The call for not voting is too simplistic. At the federal level voting is a farce but I would vote for someone like a Matt Gaetz in Florida. He is not going to succeed at changing anything but he puts forward saner positions that normies need to hear such as with the Anti Semitism bill. At the local level, voting can make a huge difference especially with Sheriff. During the Covid hysteria Sheriffs were far more likely to buck the insane rules than police chiefs. There is also no reason why people don’t closely monitor their school board and vote… Read more »

Reply to  My Comment
5 months ago

DeSantis has done great work in Florida.

Reply to  Jannie
5 months ago

I upvoted you becsuse you’re right, and you went from 15 up votes down to 8. Which means the commentariat is loaded with anti Trump and anti DeSantis self styled intellectual light weights.
Someone will be the president in 2024. It does matter. Especially foreign policy where the president has considerable power. Ukraine / possible WWIII. So these intellectual lightweights can only be pro Biden democrats.
None of the Anti Trump anti DeSantis trolls here will answer a simple question.
Who would you have be president given the choice?
Nothing but crickets!

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Why does it matter?

How did Trump’s last presidential term differ substantially from any that have come before?

Did he build that wall?
Lock her up?
Drain the swamp?
Withdraw from overseas garrisons?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sharrukin
5 months ago

Vinny donated 20 clams and got a MAGA lunchbox from the Trump campaign and now thinks Trump considers him his best buddy.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

You wear a pussy hat, word salad princes… 😉

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

You either have the spelling ability of a kindergartener or you’re diplopic.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

kindergartner LOL

Reply to  Sharrukin
5 months ago

Who would you have as president?

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Someone who doesn’t grovel at the Wailing Wall in Israel.

Reply to  Sharrukin
5 months ago

Is there such a person in American public life today?

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Sharrukin
5 months ago

You might as well wish for a unicorn. You won’t be getting that, either.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
5 months ago

More evidence that opting out of the system is the only way to go.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

You eliminating the presidency by hiding under your bed sucking your thumb sporting your pussy hat Ostei Spumante?

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

You do realize, of course, that you’re the only one laughing at your sub-moronic japes.

Reply to  Sharrukin
5 months ago

Let’s a try a name. You won’t because you can’t.
back up your big mouth.

Reply to  Sharrukin
5 months ago

Who’s your better candidate?
Trump provoke Russia into war? Trump shoving EV’s down your throat with taxpayer paid subsidization?
Trump economy or Bidenomics? 10,000 boarder jumpers a day? The level of stupidity and gaslighting here takes stupidity to a new level.
Before I check out, I’ll ask for the 1000th time. Who’s your candidate?

Reply to  Jannie
5 months ago

He has, but didn’t he also start this, ‘it’s illegal to criticize Israel’ thing?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  My Comment
5 months ago

Agree that local voting can matter. However, if you read my comment, you’ll see that the donor class and the party organization gets its hooks into people earlier than you might think. But, yes, it’s definitely possible that local elections or even state elections (depending on the state) could matter and voting could actually be worthwhile.

Reply to  My Comment
5 months ago

Again, you assume the process is fair. As have been said, “…it’s not the vote that counts, it’s who counts the vote…”

joey jünger
joey jünger
5 months ago

Years ago I read a little noir gem called “Criss Cross” in which several sleazy people put together a heist job. One was an ex-con, another was a sleazy cocktail waitress, and “the mastermind” was a quacklike doctor who claimed he could cure baldness. Every couple chapters there would be a bit of comic relief, with the doctor giving the same poor middle-aged schlub a new vial of tonic that was basically just snake-oil, dextrose and saline with some food coloring, to rub on his head. The novel ended not just with the heist unraveling, but with the still-bald guy… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  joey jünger
5 months ago

Do you remember the author?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Tom K
5 months ago

I would imagine he’s talking about this

Tom K
Tom K
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago


5 months ago

Back in 2012 I called it the 25,000,000 Project. It wouldn’t take every GOP voter to destroy the party. It would only take a committed 25,000,000 to simply sit things out. The system would implode. You cannot reform a corrupt system by participating in it. The logical thing to do is to delegitimize the system by withdrawing your consent. Their entire business model is built on the fraud of competing parties and agendas. That’s why the hit the ceiling over the J6 protests. Those protesters rightly questioned the popular legitimacy of the government by demanding something simple and obvious: a… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

Not that I disagree with you, but to accomplish all that would require a coup d’etat with the support of the military. I don’t think we are remotely close to being able to accomplish that.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Baby steps. I don’t think getting the military to mow down the gates at Langley would be as much of a stretch as you think.

The CIA by and large isn’t Americans. The military is. Sure, we have bad people at the top of the military. Take them out, then invite in all the people who were driven off by the woke garbage or the vaccines.

I don’t think it would be all that hard.

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

I might note the large number of coups from which a *Colonel* took over the reins of power, not an officer of flag rank.

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

That is what the OAS conspirators thought. De Gaulle crushed them. The smart bet is that the Military will happily put you into work camps as long as they and theirs are A-OK. No one in the military feels much connection or value to civilians outside their immediate family. And that gets less the longer they are in. Its an all volunteer military. They want this regime.

The military will fight. For the Regime.

Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

The military will fight. For the Regime.

Right, that’s why the regime is so interested in developing combat robots. Because they have every confidence in the military…

Reply to  Templar
5 months ago

A large part of the hype over AI is that some people in the elite realize that their DIE hires can’t do the work the Whites used to. To them, the LLMs and machine learning came along just in the nick of time to let them keep pretending that their anti-White policies will not lead to Idiocracy and massive systemic failure.

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

You cannot reform a corrupt system by participating in it. “

Precisely. All you do by voting is to lend your consent to the process. This consent is then used to continue the corrupt process.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

You know, it might be interesting to try that. Give the Republicans near zero votes just to see what happens.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

I would be willing to bet the GOP would suck the FBI on us for “election interference” by encouraging people not to vote. So just tell people to write in random names, or their own.

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

I guess we could write in large letters, “This process is Bullsh*t!”, and submit a “spoiled” ballot. It would have to be considered free speech, right?

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

One major difference between the parties is the extent to which Democrats reward their friends, reward their lunatics and punish their enemies. Take NPR funding for example. This is by far the most progressive reasonably mainstream media outlet. They just recently fired someone who wrote an op-ed about how ridiculously 1 sided NPR is. You can download any funding bill and do a search on it for 000,000 and it’s just one long list of leftist causes. 10 million for this group, 5 million for that group…. To the extent the Republicans do this, it’s their donor class and not… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

And education. Fed gov paid one county in charlotte 50mill to hire private tutors for 2 years.

right has to hold their nose and reward their clients

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

When it’s all said and done, the climate industrial complex will go down as the greatest waste of money and resources in world history

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

When it’s all said and done we will all be dead so will it really matter?

Reply to  Lineman
5 months ago

“When it’s all said and done we will all be dead so will it really matter?”

To the descendants of those of us who have offspring, it will matter.

To the dead-enders who never got around to reproducing, it is of no concern

Reply to  Gespenst
5 months ago

Meant they are trying to kill us all off our children as well with their bullshit and if they succeed it won’t matter what history shows…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

The climate garbage is sickening.

The Chicoms have an 80%+ marketshare in 11 key climate technologies.

In partnership with our government, they are looting us dry with the climate scam alone.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 months ago

Trump is anti “green new deal” 😉 Oh but “flawed.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago


I agree that Trump is the best candidate we’re going to get at this point.

That said, my main issue with his first term is that he didn’t rely on his own business experience and instincts when it came to staffing his administration. He also needed to do a better job showing loyalty the few reliable staff members he did have.

I don’t think I’m being too unfair with these points.

5 months ago

My only quibble with today’s show? The assertion that things can’t get worse. The argument in favor of GOP Zero – the delegitimization of the current system – is that things not only can get worse, they’re about to get much worse. WW3, shooting in the streets, famine level worse. people are looking for a way to get involved that won’t make them a target of the police state. Nonparticipation, like the Bud Lite boycott, is how you do this. Refuse to participate. Although they’re trying hard to jail Trump for non crimes, for the most part sitting in your… Read more »

5 months ago

I don’t like this new upvote/downvote system.

The smile/frown system was better for gauging the communities’ overall attitude.

By seeing the total votes each side, you could tell whether or not an opinion was splitting the forum.

Under the new system, a controversial comment with an equal number of up/down votes is indistinguishable from a vapid, but inoffensive comment that is being ignored by the readers.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Darkbeer
5 months ago

The automatic sorting by most upvotes is also an issue. Sorting by new is better.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Darkbeer
5 months ago

There’s also a glitch. I’ve given a few downvotes that have been tallied as upvotes. I suppose there are still bugs to work out.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

What I’m seeing on my IPad is a response delay of sorts hitting the buttons. Could be me and this damn Ipad, but it causes me to double hit a lot and then wait for a response. I don’t see this delay when typing a message, only when hitting a button for a vote or to expand a message—that’s assuming the button senses a hit, sometimes it seems nothing happens at all.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

AI didn’t trust that you were really committed to that vote.

Were you? 😉

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephanie
5 months ago

Well, there are a few chads hanging from my monitor…

Reply to  Darkbeer
5 months ago

Yes, this, a thousand times yes.

5 months ago

 …when I consider the extream corruption prevalent among all orders of men in this old rotten State…I cannot but apprehend more mischief than benefit from a closer union. I fear they will drag us after them in all the plundering wars which their desperate circumstances, injustice and rapacity may prompt them to undertake; and their wide-wasting prodigality and profusion is a gulph that will swallow up every aid we may distress ourselves to afford them. Here numberless and needless places, enormous salaries, pensions, perquisites, bribes, groundless quarrels, foolish expeditions, false accounts or no accounts, contracts and jobs devour all revenue,… Read more »

5 months ago

I do wish people would stop spouting the nonsense about Clinton’s “Budget Surplus”
The National debt has gone up every year since Eisenhower.
If you owe more money at the end of the year than at the beginning, there was no surplus.

5 months ago

A realistic vision of redemption and rebirth with minimum harm. The elites continue accelerating the bust out and rob the country blind while printing infinite fake money and sending inflation through the roof. Then one day, interest on the mega-trillion dollar debt starts a vicious cycle that collapses the economy. Chaos ensues. Rather than play the game of pleb-on-pleb violence leading to a jackboot fueled imposition of techno-tyranny, an enlightened cohort of the population decides to focus on the root of the problem (as clearly identified in today post). The pathogens must go, which is the parachute they have been… Read more »

5 months ago

Btw, Clinton was responsible for the war in Kosovo. It’s easy to forget.

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

Right. I was just listening to the part where Z says “Clinton never started any wars”, and I literally screamed at the blue tooth speaker, “Are you kidding me?” Clinton was the first POTUS to use NATO as an offensive weapon. He was the first to begin pushing NATO eastward. His fingerprints are all over the current debacle in Ukraine. And this is not even counting his domestic “wars” against rural whites at Waco and Ruby Ridge, which have only intensified in recent years. Please, Z.

5 months ago

Well Z… you were right after all, and I was wrong.

But dissident detachment from the current system won’t break it. It’s cartridge box time.

5 months ago

Problem with our political system is we assume the politicians are in charge. But the system has six ways from Sunday to get back at politicians who don’t cooperate (to paraphrase Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer referring to the intelligence agencies). President Donald Trump provides numerous examples of this. Better to think of such politicians as the neighborhood pimp. They strut about flaunting their luxurious lifestyle and talking big; but they don’t run the neighborhood. The voters, who are the whores in this analogy, are apt to blame the politicians prancing about in front of them for the pain they’re… Read more »

5 months ago

What’s always bothered me most about voting, the reason I’ve never done it*, is its humiliating disproportion. This week the government made it illegal (I guess?) to object to the behavior, past or present, of its rich criminal friends. A proportionate response from the people would be to build an unprecedented number of ovens. But all we’re allowed to do is wait a few months and pick one from a list of politicians all wholly owned by the same criminals. And our votes won’t be counted if the criminals don’t like them. The moral, mathematical, and practical political arguments for… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
5 months ago

Funny comments here today, esp. by Joey Junger and Marko. For now at least we can jest about our degenerate overlords.

5 months ago

So the plan is we throw open the gates to power to the barbarians who will grant citizenship to 50+ million foreigners, enact confiscatory taxes, expand the judiciary with unga bunga judges to rubber stamp it all and then enforce DIE at all levels at the point of a gun. And after all that is done we can rally the troops to initiate a cycle of reform?

Have you really thought this through?

Reply to  MikeCLT
5 months ago

“The worse, the better” is a damn risky plan. We had better ask ourselves what happens if it doesn’t work.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

And whether the kicker is wearing Larry Mahan ostrich skins or Justin Roper snake skins.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

Would you (Whites) rather be pimped by someone who beats the crap out of you if you don’t bring him a fixed amount of money every morning (the Democrats), or one who tells you he really cares about you but he’s a little short this month (the Republicans)? Same result.

Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

I come for the racism, I stay for the zingers!

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MikeCLT
5 months ago

Everything that you wrote is going to happen anyway. Voting GOP won’t stop that train. It won’t even slow down the train. You’re offering a false choice.

Reply to  MikeCLT
5 months ago

The 50 million foreigners is what the “not voting” people fail to consider. Without that outside influence, it might be a good strategy but if Biden stays in, then this flood we have experienced over the last 3 years will accelerate. The open borders maniacs are quite serious about it. Not just relatively benign Mexicans but Sub Saharan Africans, Haitians and millions of pajeets. Those newcomers will not be impressed by our lack of voting. And there is a difference between Trump and some of the GOP and the nuts in the Democratic Party on this issue.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  mikew
5 months ago

Trump may possibly be different, but the ultimate result will remain the same. With Trump or without him, the border is finished.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

boarder jumpers under Trump vs Biden? C’mon run the hamster off the rails with a fat juicy lie / going off on your usual goofy tangents Spumante.

Reply to  MikeCLT
5 months ago

Yes, it’s called acceleration! Only when things get unbearable and people feel they have *nothing to lose* will change come about—and even then it’s doubtful. Your solution is the “same old, same old”, which is why we are here at this low ebb. Something along the line of the definition of insanity comes to mind here.

Last edited 5 months ago by Compsci
Delmar Jackson
Delmar Jackson
5 months ago

Florida voters elected DeSantis to be governor by only a few thousand votes over the black democrat commie DEI mayor later found high on drugs with a male prostitute. Sometimes voting is better than we imagine. It’s OK to stop believing but it’s not good to stop voting.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Delmar Jackson
5 months ago

DeSantis, while an effective governor, is about the worst campaigner I have ever seen. Which helps bring into focus one major flaw in the American “democratic” model: Too many voters are brainless morons who are more persuaded by style than by substance. Caring more about what a politician says (or how he looks) this year than for what he has done for the past 20 years. Or 50 years. And steered into that “conclusion” by a media complex that wants them to see it that way.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

The sea of absolute morons in society that continually vote against their interests is the single best argument in favor of a highly restrictive, limited franchise.

Sadly, I don’t think it is possible to return to that condition in the current system.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

Carlin said it best: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Yes, I know he was a liberal puke, but 70s era liberal pukes sometimes pointed out, quite astutely, problems with society. The issue, often, was that they misunderstood the solution

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Eloi
5 months ago

When a leftist hears that Carlin quote, their mind’s eye sees only white people in trailer parks

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

In the leftist worldview, the average white denizen of the trailer park deserves to wallow in abject poverty because he is lazy and willfully ignorant. The average black ghetto dweller, on the other hand, does not deserve to be destitute because he is deprived of an education and job opportunities because of white racism and lack of government funding.

Last edited 5 months ago by Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

Exhibit Number One, Pat Buchanan; being correct on oh so many issues, but shivved consistently by the GOP.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Delmar Jackson
5 months ago

Wailing Wall Ron?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Yes, but that craven display probably won him enough votes to win the governorship. Sad, but likely true.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
5 months ago

No man willing to debase himself should be running anything, let alone a state. AFAIC, that’s as bad as donning a sundress to suck up to the deviant demographic.

Reply to  Delmar Jackson
5 months ago

It’s OK to stop believing but it’s not good to stop voting.”

if the process is fair, rather than corrupt, possibly. There lies the rub. Florida has corrected a great many process errors in their elections. This is not the case in my State. I refuse to partake in an election process riddled with potential points of fraud—which were arguably put in precisely for that purpose.

When will you stop voting? When the opposition candidate gets 90%+ of the vote as in Russia? Answer that question for yourself.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Interesting how Florida suddenly “became” a right-leaning state once Beverly Snipes in (((Broward County))) was removed. What a coincidence!

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

When the opposition candidate gets 90%+ of the vote as in Russia?

And here I thought that the highest percentage of the vote that anyone has ever gotten in a post-Soviet Russian election was 88%…

Reply to  Templar
5 months ago

You’re probably right. I just remembered that the three opposition candidates got like 3% a piece. I could have looked it up, but was not too far off.

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

Maybe you’re thinking of Comrade Xi’s “elections.”

Reply to  Delmar Jackson
5 months ago

And Ron DeSantis is as phony as a $3 bill. We need to put the fear of God in these people. They need to hear us say, loudly and clearly, “We are happy to let you die, traitor.”

Reply to  Hokkoda
5 months ago

“Delmar” ??? Ok brotha!
Whos your governor… “Delmarkys” ?

5 months ago

Zippy made the point that even if you’re vote “counted”, the process of voting has made it so the normal man is putting his mark, his seal of approval on the system, and thus all the system does. He calls it a formal cooperation with evil: “Voting in mass-market universal suffrage elections is necessarily an idealistic act: it literally, in principle as the kind of act it is, cannot be a pragmatic act. It is literally irrational, an act which goes against right reason, to vote for President (or other national office or mass market referendum) under some pragmatic “vote to limit… Read more »

5 months ago

Every one of the “Christian Zionist” assholes should be told to read up on the Kohl Nidre’

5 months ago

If we don’t call ourselves conservatives, but something else, like dissident, how do we define that? How do we defend it?

Reply to  libdis
5 months ago

Paleo, dissident, alt-right, it’s all kind of the same. Basically it’s anti-Dem and anti-cuck (Dem Lite) at the same time. Most of their priorities are not only NOT what ours are, but their priorities are getting more offensive and annoying by the day. Israel! Israel! Israel! Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!

Last edited 5 months ago by TempoNick
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  libdis
5 months ago

The lack of a concise, accurate and pithy term for what we are is a hindrance. And I mean that.

Reply to  libdis
5 months ago

At some point, we just have to say “White Nationalist.” People like Z Man think that this is poor tactics, and it may well be, but at some point, we have to say what we mean.

We want homelands for whites. Just like Israel.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
5 months ago

Skinhead is catchy, too. But that’s how they made alt right toxic. Maybe we could reuse America for Americans.

Reply to  TempoNick
5 months ago

Which Americans? I don’t think that we can equivocate forever.

Jack Charlton
Reply to  libdis
5 months ago
5 months ago

Another zippy quote “In my view it is those who choose to vote who have no right – or at least a much more attenuated right – to complain. They have personally endorsed the governing consensus and the process by which that governing consensus is made legitimate. Someone who refuses to personally endorse the governing consensus in a concrete act has greater right to complain, not lesser. Someone who refuses to work for Planned Parenthood has a greater right to complain about abortion Someone who refuses to fight in an unjust war has a greater right to complain about the unjust war Someone who refuses… Read more »

Reply to  Hi-ya!
5 months ago

If that’s the only thing you are doing though, you are still just as defeated as those who are continuing to vote for people who hate them…We have to be doing everything possible to get out from under their influence and control of us…

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
5 months ago

I remember when it was a fad for candidates seeking office to pledge to only serve a term or two and resign. Then of course the winners would be convinced by their “colleagues” they had to stay. Maybe one or two kept their word to quit. I wonder if there was an accounting of which representatives flip-flopped.

Reply to  Fred Beans
5 months ago

Indeed. Read about those Federal elected during the early start of the country. The offices of Congress paid little, the travel to the Capitol was long and arduous, the work unrewarding, and the local housing conditions terrible. Those who ran for office did so as a *civic duty*, but also as a loss in personal wealth. No need for term limits. 😉

Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

We need to bring back the Spoils System.

5 months ago

Zero seats in the US is a very, very bad idea. In the UK it might not be bad, but in the US it will be very, very bad. Zero seats means the express train to the Hillary! Plan for “re-education camps” for White people. With all that implies. Nor is there any way to “reform.” Let us be honest. There is not. Nor will there be peaceful separation. Let us be honest — will never happen. No, we cannot vote our way out of trouble. Whites will be forever forward, in all countries including European ones, a discriminated fifth… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

On the contrary, I think peaceful separation has a chance. Primarily because AINO residents, to include the “leaders” and the military, have become too soft, meek, complacent, comfortable and titty sucking to fight against it.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

The most capital mistake is to underestimate your enemy. Someone like Jabba the Hutt want to be Victoria Nuland may be obese and stupid, but her will to have you dead is iron. And people like her command a vast, expanded “covert” army of CIA “contractors” (basically ex Spec Ops) and so one very well versed in training paramilitaries. They have an unlimited supply of third world mercenaries who like hurting and killing people and will do it for free much less pay. They need White guys as both objects of mutual hate of the Coalition of the Ascendant (gays,… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

Those things are already in the plans for us. Look at what the enemy did in Australia during COVID, and what New York is currently doing to Trump. We’re already there, dude. We need to stop pretending these people want anything for us other than death and prison. I see no value in the GOP approach which is the exact same thing the enemy wants, just slower. What’s better? Concentration camps in 15 years or concentration camps in 15 months? Maybe we need to break the abusive relationship and delegitimize the government. They’re already getting everything they want, and we’re… Read more »

5 months ago

Betcha BDS gets extended to the Dems first. Good times all around.

5 months ago

As I said behind the green door, what this barely recognizable country needs posthaste is a white hot cleansing fire to allow the shoots of sanity, common sense and rationality to surface again. This place has stage four metastatic insanity ruling the roost…

5 months ago

Democracy is Scatology as Tautology. 


Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

In the last minute of the podcast talking about how systems move easily to something really ugly, while true is never really appreciated by the right, either the mainstream “right” or even the dissident right. If things got ugly and the balloon went up, we are far more likely to get the soviet union and a lennin or Stalin than a Thomas Jefferson. The “right” is completely delusional with their AKs and think they can win or will win a “civil war” While there are no shortages of small arms or ammo on the “right” side, there is virtually zero… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

The Chinese system is not broken, nor special to the Chinese. If you’ve no other recourse to buy food or pay rent, you will work for those items—even if in a time gone by your physical effort was considered worth more than simply a meal and a cot. In the great depression, lots of people worked for a meal and a spot in the barn. Our system, the “welfare” State, is what’s broken as we have people who consider themselves better off not working, than working, and employers are force to pay wages in excess of value of the worker.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

There were also a lot of Americans paid with promissory notes during GD 1.0

Figure the odds of getting anyone to work for that now

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

The point I was trying to make is that people imagine that if the gov runs out of money, state actors will stop acting. Like the PD is going to go home if they don’t get their full paychecks. Not only do they have to eat, but this is what they do every day. It’s their lives. They’re not going to just refuse to go to work. Even if they did in large enough numbers, they would very likely be ordered back to work. IMHO, welfare is not a problem compared to government employees and people only employed because of… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Tars Tarkas
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

In the Soviet Union it took about a year of not getting paid before the cops stopped showing up

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

Tars, you need to go to the published stat’s, albeit there are myriad ways of calculating just who is on welfare, and we might disagree just what is “welfare”, the Fed stat’s proudly announce over $1.2T spent in 2022. The total number of government employees—Fed, State, Local—is less than 22M. Fed—and State and Local—employees don’t amount to a hill of beans in welfare state expenditures, although the level of waste they represent is huge compared to private enterprise.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

I submit that no AINO leader or potential leader possesses either the will or the means to crack down like Lenin or Stalin. Their fear of casualties prevents them from winning any war anywhere, let alone here. The military is not even capable of occupying its own country, assuming it had the will, which it doesn’t. The people of Boston and SF Bay are not going to send their sons and daughters to fight to conquer Mississippi. Or vice versa. The scaremongering about the regime organizing an immigrant army is ROFL ridiculous. They couldn’t organize a bake sale. But a… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago


Totally agree about the DIE regime clowns trying to organize an immigrant army.

Any drill instructors and camp commanders foolish enough to try would be murdered on the first day.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
5 months ago

They already have a million plus man standing army which is very well trained and equipped. When you count everyone, there is already over a million cops on US soil. Unless it was state on state war on home soil, it would be the cops.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

State, Local, and Federal LEO’s stand at about 900k. You might define them differently, but standard is firearm and arrest authorization.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

On the contrary, they were successful in Ukraine using the same tactics, also Georgia, Armenia, Poland, Ireland, etc. They put “enough” local leaders on the payroll, at much higher pay than they could elsewhere. They recruit the bio Leninist worst of the worst to commit awful things. Then they use the chaos to install the New World Order led by some pliant too. It is the Color Revolution playbook and one well known and very effective. What it cannot do is run up against an industrial near peer state that can push a lot artillery and manpower up against it.… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
5 months ago

You left AINO 2020 off your list of examples. We’ve already seen the best they can do, for 4 years running now.

Tars Tarkas
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

You’re making the same mistake almost all conservatives make, which is to assume a “civil war” would play out between patriots and the military. The ONLY way that happens is if some of the states get in on it and declare independence from the federation. This is highly unlikely IMHO under any foreseeable future.. I don’t think this is how anything remotely resembling a civil war would look like. It wouldn’t be against the military, at least not primarily. It would be against the cops. That’s not to say extra bodies cannot be brought in from the military under specific… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 months ago

As I envision the states drifting apart, I envision their cops drifting with them. A process, not an event. The federal government possessing the technological means, but critically not the will, to prevent it. I’m not futurecasting. This is a process already underway.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 months ago

The States are the key. As they resist the Fed’s, they have the authority to enlist their citizens into a militia. That is the key to a solid and enforceable break away.

5 months ago

Clinton started the war in the Balkans. Europe is still suffering the effects.

flashing red
flashing red
5 months ago

Schrodingers cat on data collection–suppose you have- not a cat, but a hand grenade, in a shoebox on the top shelf of your closet. The hand grenade can be deadly or benign, until the box gets opened no one cares. As long as no one opens the box and takes the pin out, you are perfectly safe. The data may have been collected/stored about your hand grenade, but until a fedgov human has a reason to notice that, and dispatches another fedgov human or two to do something about it, you are still safe and the box is still both… Read more »

5 months ago

Nooo, don’t kill Big Bird.

5 months ago

[…] weekly podcast. Highly […]

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
5 months ago

As I have observed before, you have one vote left to you granted by the US Constitution. You will want to think long and hard before exercising this vote because of its massive ramifications. VOTE; 308 & FREEDOM

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
5 months ago

G0P is a good idea, but 0 looks so close to O that GZP or GØP will be better. G{}P also could raise awareness, or at least anger crapservatards when they have it explained to them. Not so good is your axiomatic premise that “There’s no way you can prove a negative” (40:50). We hear it and read it again and again, year after year, from European Americans—who will deserve to be shit upon by the Party to which they pay taxes until they don’t deserve shit. You remembered your mathematics and other studies, though, so you contradicted your impossibility… Read more »

Drive-By Shooter
Drive-By Shooter
Reply to  Drive-By Shooter
5 months ago
5 months ago

This one is interesting: ”Suppose we are contemplating doing act X in order to block a big evil E, where X is not intrinsically evil but doing it involves remote material cooperation with evil.  A proportionate reason to do X obtains when (1) X is reasonably effective in stopping E without being excessive, and (2) stopping E does not produce evils and disorders graver than E. Folks tend to make a reasonable case for (2): that is, they make a reasonable case (lets stipulate, in case you disagree) that McCain winning does not produce evils and disorders graver than those which would… Read more »

5 months ago

“It is clear that the people in the white working and middle class no longer have any options at the ballot box save for one.” Trump! Trump just came out and said anti whiteism is a problem, and he’s going to take on anti white discrimination, by enforcing existing civil rights law. Effectively killing DEI. It doesn’t mean he is the great white hope. If he wins at the ballot box, he probably won’t be seated in the oval office. The beauty of Trump is he throws issues on the table no other politician will touch, no person in the… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  thezman
5 months ago

ZeroG0P would be one hell of a shot across their bow. I thought this would be the year to make explicity white demands en and for the good of the nation sieze, break or sink the GOP that way. But it turns out that ZeroG0P is a much better idea. Peacefully break off the GOP with an Only Trump message and then see if we can work with whatever is left in the Green Zone. If they are unreasonable and continue to fck with us, be prepared to say: bring it. Then see if they do. Most of the events… Read more »

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Trump is about 4 years behind the dissident space, and about 2 years ahead of the normie space. Even Charlie Kirk was going on about ant-white bias in 2020; Trump just picked up on it now. That just means that the peasant griller will now use “anti-white” casually in conversation at the dinner table. It’s a W, and DEI is not long for this world. Trump already has one foot in the anti-MIC pool; just wait until he criticizes the Israel lobby (which he will, in about 4 years, saying “I love Israel, but…) and then we’re going to get… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
5 months ago

Yep. Perfection is the enemy of progress. Trump is late to the game so he’s useless right? He has the weight to throw around Rufo and Bongino and their ilk don’t. Trump puts it on the map nationally. So you stick to your TDS guns RINO!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
5 months ago

I think that’s a bit too optimistic, but we need more optimism around here so I gave you an upvote. Enjoy it in good health…

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Trump, at best, is a relief valve. A very flawed one too. His real priorities are: being seen as The Big Boss, doing as much as possible for Israel and appealing to blacks.
At the same time, he is great at rallying and uniting the nutcases on the left.

Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

Sick of the “flaws” trope. Who else you got? Always looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

True believers deserve all the abuse their leader throws at them.

Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

Tell us oh mighty sage soy boy… Who do you have as a better option to Trump? He doesn’t need the office of president to be an effective battering ram.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Anybody still locked into electoral bullshit ain’t too bright. Trump isn’t saving you. Nobody attempting to function within the current electoral system is saving you. Wake the hell up and get a clue.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Trump’s not a Superman, but he is a disruptor that magnifies the worst in the Leftist opposition for all to see. For this he gets my vote, and he would be the only one to get me to the polls again.

Contradiction of my prior posts, yes! Reason, I want to see how they (Leftists) overthrow his (apparent) ascendancy to the office.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

It’s a tradeoff, I think. Your reason is the only reasonable one to vote. OTOH, even voting for Trump will be taken in most quarters as assent for the system to govern us. Like I said, a tradeoff.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

I preempted you by stating “not the great white hope.”
He put anti white on the table. Period! He did the heavy lifting period!
Work on your reading comprehension K brother?

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Two more weeks!

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

Then Hitler 2,0 left it to the states. You know that crazy little thing called federalism!
Now lie some more like the lefty “whoops” no left or right, my bad… troll you are.

Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

Yes they do. How you liking that ass whipping Biden is giving you? It’s just too easy! 😂

Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

He just addressed the anti white sentiment in a speech. So how is he kissing black ass? The only national level politician to do it.
who else has said a peep?
I’ll be waiting.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Uh huh. Then he gets in the anti-White House surrounds himself with rappers and pardons criminal nuggras while allowing the J6 victims to rot.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

To the extent they were railroaded for drug crimes, I was all for it. That war is lost and no sense in continuing to punish people for something the majority seems to do anyway. (I don’t.) I don’t think too many other crime categories were given a break, though.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Hey… Osti Spumante you are one of the “self styled intellectual light weights” from UNZ. You and The un intelligent Dasien, or whatever he calls himself.
The guys who spout a lot of none sensible word salad, but never actually say anything. What I have often referred to as the crazy lunatics at Unz. Well, I’m sticking around this time!
Bring on the crazies… and the clowns! 😂

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

Trump did not surround himself with “Momma Harris.” 😉 Wanna go for two?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

You mean “corn pop?”

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

“…he gets in the anti-White House surrounds himself with rappers and pardons criminal nuggras while allowing the J6 victims to rot.” I suspect he’ll pardon the J6er’s like he is purported to have said. But my main disagreement is that there is substance and there is show. Invite all the minorities you want to the WH. Pardon a bunch if you want. This is typical political theater. We have to see what substance he brings to the show. He successfully closed the border once, can he do it again? Can he drive those IA’s now here out again? (doubtful) Can… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
5 months ago

I didn’t see where Trump said he’s pardon the J6ers. If he did, good for him.

As for theater, all I can say is that theater IS substance. Imagery influences people. It is often the most potent form of propaganda. And everybody on the DR has seen what 50-plus years of anti-white propaganda has done to us. Trump’s very prominent negrophilia simply feeds into the postmodern Leftist zeitgeist. And that’s the last thing white people need from their erstwhile savior.

Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

Hey Attila, lefties unit and rally if a man pees standing up. They will roll the way they roll if any non D holds a public office. Care to dispute that?

5 months ago

The Z Man blog has become infiltrated with leftist / RINO trolls. That’s ok I love slaying trolls. 😉

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Go away.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 months ago

my ears are ringing someone call? 😂😂😂 I live for the battle. I’ll be here day in. Day out. Bring your B level A game! 😎 Now go to your safe space!

”Go away…” Having yourself a good cry?

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

You haven’t figured out yet that left and right politicians are simply performing before different audiences?

Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Can you be any more out of touch than this?

Reply to  Hun
5 months ago

Can you be happy that the most prominent person in politics publicly spoken out about anti white hate? No of course not. Because………
Trump said it.
Now tell me about out of touch on a pro white site Attila.

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Go and iron your MAGA hat.

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

Pull that pussy hat out of the closet, take off the dunce cap, park the pussy hat on your pussy ass head! 😉

Reply to  Robbo
5 months ago

Don’t own one. But I’ll wear it with pride if you buy me one robbo cop.
Deal? 😉

Last edited 5 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
5 months ago

Breitbart servers down?

Reply to  Tumult
5 months ago

Mother Jones went belly up, so here you are? That the best you’ve got?