Peaceful Separation

How best to govern a diverse population is a part of the subtext of public political debates in America, mostly because no one is permitted to debate the orthodoxy on immigration, so America gets more diverse every day. This is treated as a novelty that only the best minds in the managerial elite can tackle. In reality, humans have been dealing with diversity since the first human settlements. It turns out that there are only five solutions to the problem posed by diversity.

The most common way of dealing with the problem of diversity is also the oldest way of dealing with diversity. That is for the dominant tribe to subjugate or even eradicate the alien tribes from their land. The people of one place finally get the upper hand over the people adjacent to them and wipe them out. Alternatively, the main identity group in the newly formed society compels the minorities to adopt their identity. Wiping out diversity is the oldest cure for diversity.

The trouble is it rarely works, especially when you are dealing with large numbers of people in tight communities. The Israelis are trying to drive off the Arabs in Gaza, even going so far as to deliberately massacre civilians, but they are no closer to pushing out the Arabs than when they started their genocidal campaign against them. Even with modern tools, it is extremely hard to remove a large population. It is possible, but in this age, even the Israelis cannot get away with it.

That leaves the four more civilized options. One is to simply keep the various identity groups apart to reduce friction. This was common in the northern cities of the United States into the 20th century. The old neighborhood system that is romanticized today used to be rigorously policed by the authorities to make sure blacks were not going into Italian areas and vice-versa. Keeping the peace meant keeping the groups as separate as possible from one another.

In the South there was a soft version of segregation. Diversity primarily meant blacks, who were systematically segregated from whites in largely symbolic ways. Blacks and whites could share public spaces, but had to maintain separation, even if it were mostly symbolic like riding in the back of the bus. This performative segregation was to reinforce the notion that the two races could never mix. Segregation became a habit of mind, rather than physical separation.

Both of those effective and popular systems were overthrown by the managerial elite in favor of the chaos of the present. This system does not have a catchy name, like segregation or Jim Crow, but proportionalism will do. The system of rights that had been the basis of America society was abandoned in favor of egalitarian ideals to which the elites make exceptions in order to achieve what they arbitrarily see as a proportional outcome among the various tribes of America.

The growing tyranny that must come from such a system is what is driving the academic debates about the civil rights revolution and the rear guard action to hold the line against DIE programs in the institutions. Of course, the people responsible for this disaster are not interested in altering course. They are especially uninterested in the fourth option which is to not manage the diversity at all. This was the way America managed diversity through most of the 19th century.

A good example of this is in this interesting post about an old house by one of the professors in that linked video. He bought an old farmhouse and got curious about its history, so he did the research. It turns out that his house has a diverse history that reflects the way diversity was managed in early America. Basically, people were left to sort themselves out as best they could, which generally meant peaceful separation when peaceful cohabitation was not possible.

As pointed out in that post, who people are, in terms of their primary identity, is how they live, and no amount of downward force can change it. This is why the path of proportionalism as practiced by our tyrants must lead to that first and oldest option for dealing with diversity. They are trying to wipe out whiteness, by which they mean white people, through a campaign of cultural genocide, along with the importation of nonwhites in numbers no society can sustain.

The trouble is that wiping out even a small minority is difficult. Purging America of “whiteness” when most of the population is white and determined to live as they prefer, in the teeth of the cultural pogroms, is impossible. This brings us to the irreconcilable contradiction that lies at the heart of the current crisis. For the ruling elite to remain the currently constructed ruling elite they must continue with proportionalism, even though it must fail and lead to their eventual overthrow.

What all of this points to is both a solution to the current tyrannical regime and the challenge of diversity. Because whites will remain the largest population and will increase their self-segregation in response to their shrinking majority and the cultural assault on them from the elites, the racial tyranny must collapse. Put another way, the old solution of self-sorting, the habit of frontier America, will be the rocks upon which the racial tyrants will be destroyed.

This may seem overly optimistic, but the reality is the current regime is fighting human nature, which is undefeated in fights of this sort. Ideology, and the racialized politics of this age are ideological, is hostile to human nature. Communism did not fail due to technical errors. It failed because it was inhuman. The same is true of the racial ideology of the managerial class. Peaceful separation is the natural state of Americans, and it will be it natural order again.

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3 months ago

We are the authors of our own misery. Why are there so many blacks in Africa? Because whites feed them and they breed like flies. Whites set up hospitals and clinics for people that believe in spirits, curses and witch doctors. So more is fed to them, and the result is more blacks that need to be fed. An old stubfart blogger named Kim du Toit became a radioactive pariah and heretic when he penned a screed entitled “Let Africa Sink”. And 20 years later – here is our own esteemed blogger repeating the heresy! 😂👍 But…they’re both right. If… Read more »

Paleo Ontologist
Paleo Ontologist
Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

Sailer had his Most Important Graph up for years, that Africa population hockey stick.
NGOs look at that and salivate over the liberal-mandated grifting opportunities being handed to them.

The above example echoes the baleful free market, open borders, wishful thinking of the Insulated Useful Idiots found on college campuses, often with tenure. The canny ones wangle grant writers to keep the dough rising, for research.

Reply to  Paleo Ontologist
3 months ago

The most important graph is *only* important because in presumes the fleeing hoards of Africa will meet little resistance from the Western nations. This is a valid fear and a good guess. However, a closure of the borders to such is not an impossibility even for a shrinking West, and the African hoards will never be able through force of arms breach a determined West. There just isn’t the IQ power. The problem of a growing Africa will solve itself in a couple generations—tops—if Western aid stops and refugees to the West are halted. Harsh I admit, but the alternative… Read more »

Reply to  Paleo Ontologist
3 months ago

The problem with Sailer’s graph, and in general, is that no nation in Africa can feed itself, so all this growth is dependent on food imports from the first world…mainly Russia, the US, Canada, and some countries in South America…Those exports will not continue indefinitely, as the West continues to destroy farm land and impose restrictions on it because of the Global Warming fraud….So the whole system is going to collapse at some point…

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

What’s ironic is if you have any black friends, they keep telling each other that everyone is trying to depopulate Africa. I wish that were true. We literally quadrupled their population with free shit.

Reply to  Paleo Ontologist
3 months ago

Z: “The most common way of dealing with the problem of diversity is also the oldest way of dealing with diversity. That is for the dominant tribe to subjugate or even eradicate the alien tribes from their land… Even with modern tools, it is extremely hard to remove a large population…”

Filthie: “Let Africa Sink”

Paleo Ontologist: “Sailer had his Most Important Graph up for years, that Africa population hockey stick.”

Was this not precisely the purpose of the MRNA V@xxines?

To murder and/or sterilize 15/16ths of the world’s population of 8 Billion hominids?

comment image

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Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

I poasted the wrong Moderna picture; I meant to poast this one:

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Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

This is right on. google DES Daughters. they were the female children of women who took the harmone based drug DES to relieve morning sickness and reduced miscarriages. it was shown not to be effective. however, the female children of women who took it were born with defective eggs and were sterile. but nobody knew untill 20 years later when they started trying to have children .

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

I too subscribe to this dismal theory; I’m not sure if it has an official name but civilizational collapse will do for now. It may be worth noting that Whites too will take huge damage in the big crash, if and when it comes. The present world is unsustainable, and that would likely remain the case even if population grows slowed to zero, which I’m pretty sure it hasn’t. As noted, the poorest places breed prolifically and the only reason they aren’t already visited more than they are by war, famine and pestilence is due to aid from the rich world.… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

“..opportunity to rape the poor nations for whatever natural resources and other wealth that can be stripped from them.”

That’s a tired old trope. It takes two as they say. There is no “rape” without connivance of corrupt elites—certainly since the end of colonialism. Additionally I would challenge anyone to point to a “poor” country that has been raped to the point that their “natural resources” have been extinguished. Rather what we see mainly today are bunches of 3rd world countries with great resources that are squandered through ignorance and greed—but not our ignorance and greed, theirs.

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

 Kim du Toit

du Toit was also an anti-apartheid activist in his younger days and refuses to disavow that. He left his fellow South Africans behind to suffer the effects of what he pushed for. He’d seem all red-pilled about Africa, but he’d never take the side of Whites in their own country.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

True. I don’t consider him a dissident in the way we understand the term. He’s always been an old Boomer that can sometimes peer into the workings of the Matrix, but will never see the big picture. If you were to point all that out to him, V… the response would almost certainly be cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy. Nevertheless, he is one of the first to challenge the black/Africa narratives of the time by speaking the truth about it. Not defending him…but for me…I think of some of the things that I used to believe and just want to die… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

I remember that guy! I was not aware of the essay that torpedoed him though, so thank you, now I have something else to read today.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

Q: What do you get when you feed 500 starving Africans?

A: 5,000 starving Africans.

george 1
george 1
3 months ago

My first instinct is that the article is overly optimistic. However as bad as it is we are blessed with ridiculously stupid and violent proxy enemies. Everyone can certainly see that now.

An immigration attorney I once worked with quite a bit one said regarding the merits of immigration: “George if it comes to to all of them or none of them, I prefer none of them”.

3 months ago

Peaceful separation would be ideal, but I wouldn’t count on it. Our managerial “elites” are hell bent on shoving their proportionality ideology down our throats and seemingly nothing other than probable bloodshed is likely to dissuade them.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

The bloodshed is inevitable, hell it’s already happening. Do you see any signs of reality being accepted? Come hell or high water they’ll cram that square peg in there…

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

The sorting is the acceptance of reality. Disregard the platitudes about “content of their character” as someone seeks out “better schools.” People know and are responding.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

If bloodshed ensues cause of famine or something, that’s a good thing.

The groups with the most rural people win, that’s always been the case.

This means whites and mexicans come out on top.

Minnesotan somalis and indians, they’re fucked.

So are the african americans.

The only question is China.

Chinese will be able to take over if they wish to do so.

Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

There is something atavistic and primitive in you Americans. Always with the external bogey man… It must be some kind of talisman with you guys. Come the collapse, you’ll cry tears of joy when your local warlords (e.g. the future Baron Haywood of Impalemall, IN) strike deals for food and fuel with the Chinese and Russians for whatever natural resources and scraps of this and that you have left post conflagration. Just stick to worrying about which of your fellow (haha) countrymen you need to worry about. Them durned furriners are somewhere down in the third order terms and can… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

food, water and shelter. it is the primitive recurrence seen and all that is needed to survive. we have it and lots of it. california alone grows 80% of the worlds fruits and nuts. i grew up poor in california, but never hungry. i could walk any alley in my neighborhood and eat my fill of strawberry’s, oranges, mandarins, plums, apricots, avocados, almonds ,walnuts, etc… it is literally rotting on the ground daily. just a matter of walking the alleys and pick what is hanging. when the earth serves up this kind of cornucopia, people tend to stay and fiercely… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

“Peaceful separation would be ideal, but I wouldn’t count on it.” In exactly three decades, the locale I live in changed due to fedgov policies. Aided and abetted by locals, slum lords, corrupt law enforcement and their ilk. We buy a house in a bucolic setting, albeit one hour from a major city. Still, country, local Main Street, all the trappings. Quiet. First come the illegals. A horde of them to such an extent that Main Street now features Spanish as the first language and we avoid ‘going through’ what is now a barrio. Then came the Section 8 housing,… Read more »

Reply to  Cruciform
3 months ago

They are parasites and when does a parasite ever care about killing the host…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Exactly, it just finds another host.

Reply to  Cruciform
3 months ago

This sounds an awful like the Village of Brewster, NY.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

I gather Brewster is feeling a bit punky…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

I just looked at the demographic change in Brewster from 1990 until today. Incredible. Hispanics are now 61% of the population. It looks like they simply moved in and added to the existing population, which jumped by 38% from 1990 to 2000 alone.

It looks like the future of America right there. Once the old whites in that area start dying out and others move out, it’ll start tilting toward 70, 75% by 2030. Basically, by 2040 at the latest (50 years) it will go from an all-white village to a small all-Hispanic town.

GONE. In just five decades. Gutted.

Last edited 3 months ago by Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Cruciform
3 months ago

Cruciform: This sort of demographic change is happening everywhere and it is all by design Just returned from a quick visit to the big city we abandoned a year ago. The pace of change – all negative – is staggering. Half the stores and restaurants closed; the other half are full of diversity – and yet I read of massive credit card bill delinquencies. Friends’ neighborhood used to be majority White – now they are one of two White households in a block of 15. Their friends in a $700k house a few miles away just had Blackrock lease the… Read more »

Abbe Faria
Abbe Faria
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

Don’t you worry. Radical, VAST changes are coming soon, and the diversity problem will be whisked away, almost as if it never happened. We who survive it all will have *much* more basic concerns to deal with every day.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

Yes, that’s an excellent observation. From one viewpoint, in the old days (e.g. before the massive legislative juggernaut that was Civil Rights) individual groups had far more freedom of association, which is simply another name for peaceful separation. To be sure, it was often accomplished by legal means like the Jim Crow laws. Yet much of it, perhaps most, was simply private groups asserting the freedom of exclusion in their private affairs. (Legal discriminations like racial covenants in deeds or other legal contracts are a middle ground between those two extremes, in my view.) If a private club, the owner… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I started in Rotary right around the time women began making inroads into the corporate world. Of course, Rotary (along with most of the other significant service clubs) were male only. Well, that just couldn’t be cause the gals wouldn’t have access to the “old boys network”. So the yammering began and the organization folded up like wet paper bag. It’s going to take a lot of testicular fortitude to roll all that crap (and more) back.

Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

The Elks Club says, “hello!”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

Personally, I’ve always been parshul to the Racoon Lodge…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Except for Joe Fensterblau.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

The separation part is inevitable. It isn’t peaceful now.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

There will be separation. The questions are when, how, how much area and where, violent or peaceful, etc. So much is unknown, but nature and reality says living together in multi-racial, chaotic, tense, low-trust, society will not and cannot continue.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

I wish I could believe that. It hasn’t been working for decades yet nothing much changes. Things just get worse and worse, but the band plays on.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

A couple days ago Tyler Zed, a sort of dissident-lite YouTube guy based in MN, was talking about Greater Idaho. That’s the name the counties in Oregon are taking as they try to secede from Oregon and join Idaho. Tyler seems to think this thing could actually happen and speculates that if GI happens there will be a lot of similar movements in the Red parts of CA, CO, etc… I certainly hope he’s right. The problem, though, is that the high taxes that are listed as perhaps the main complaint from the rural counties get funneled almost exclusively to… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

But the power structure is steadily weakening. There will come a time when it won’t be able to shove anything upon anybody. It is then that that racial separatism with formalize.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Yes, the internal collapse of empire is slow and hard to see from the inside. But Rome lost control and so will the US Federal government.

Just T. Outloud
Just T. Outloud
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Is the ongoing Gaza model an early dawn yet green light for future forced seperation/annihilation/exportation of those that cause so much harm to certain America identities?

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 months ago

People who couldn’t get along with their European homelands, or those seeking adventure, came to America. People who couldn’t work in early colonial society, or those with dreams of land, went West. Those who wanted to avoid ethnic rivalries congregated to their own ethnic conclaves in the city. When ethnic conclaves in the city were destroyed, they retreated to the suburbs. Now the suburbs are under attack, every small town is introduced to diversity with Section 8, and the government is confiscating all the frontier land they can. Whites have always run to just be left alone, and now there’s… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

The US is so rich with oil and agriculture, it’d be a shame to just cede territory to Hispanics and blacks, but maybe somewhere down the road it’s just one big mine, farm, and oil rig, a vassal state owned by European Imperialists again. We work from home in Europe and the robots and day laborers here do the manual labor. Every woman I know dreams of living in Europe. They can’t explain why…

3 months ago

Let’s hope so. But I do not see this happening in the next decade or two.

Additionally, I am not sure blacks want separation. As you have said, blacks define themselves in opposition to white people. They need to live near or among whites.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Well said. Without access to whites the true ability of blacks to only destroy will come to the forefront.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Moreover, almost the entirety of their middle class is wholly dependent upon racial wealth transfers taken from whites. Of course, this will put more strain on the proportionalist system. De facto reparations are being paid now. First LaGuardia and now JFK will be enhanced/expanded and no white men are eligible for contracts – not a penny. Boston is going to pay reparations. A town in PA just pulled a NY JFK with several billion. It won’t be long before non-blacks wonder why they are paying reparations and then begin to demand the lion’s share of the spoils. The same is… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

Somewhere in that crowd are men who have had enough and make plans to go up to the cockpit and sort things out.

It will have to get a lot worse before that happens because damn this seat is comfortable, the beer is still cold and being served, and they have a window seat and it’s a beautiful day…

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

“The American Negro” by E. Frazier was published in the late 1940’s. It’s really interesting to read his quite open account of black promiscuity, illegitimacy and crime from slavery through the 40’s.
The conclusion he draws, though, is that blacks will have better outcomes once white people overcome prejudice.

Reply to  Melissa
3 months ago

One reads these early writings from folks out of intellectual curiosity and some historical observations pre-woke society, but one should ignore all such theories of cause and effect and solution they present to their reader. They’ve all been tried and *HBD science* has come into its own with superior theories of cause and effect. Solutions to correct human biology is not yet quite there, but the understanding of where the problem lies is the most solid understanding we’ve had to date.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

How about we don’t try to solve it at all? Our supposed big brains can’t seem to let go of the “I can fix it” problem. Private charity by individuals, okay. Beyond there, God has plans for His world that we’re not privy to.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Melissa
3 months ago

Personally, I don’t give a shit about negro outcomes.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Sure, that’s fine. My reference is to the fairly standard trope of “bigotry and prejudice” for all the ill’s of Blacks in the USA. I give those “ancients” a pass, because they knew no better. Today, to say such things is *willfully* ignorant—not “well meaning”.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

They define themselves by the baubles built and created by the Blue-eyed Ice Devil: sail foams, Escalades, basketball, electrified music, watches, etc. They have no interest in returning to mud huts and carrion. But in time, they will have no choice in the matter.

3 months ago

Not possible in a world where blacks have the legal right to murder Whites. D.C, Lagos, and Birmingham did not become black Hellscapes through cunning, but through state-sanctioned violence. Whites were driven out of their historical neighborhoods through violence and those neighborhoods became exclusively black. Peaceful separation is, in fact, wildly optimistic.

Reply to  btp
3 months ago

They became that way because the managerial elite doesn’t let us fight back.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
3 months ago

*Shrug* — you say ‘managerial elite’ whereas I say ‘the Tribe.’ The Tribe controls the key institutions and so sets both the domestic and foreign agenda. Both to the detriment of white people. Imperial collapse internationally and domestically will bring about some kind of reset. But I’m clueless about what the contours will be.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

The great thing about the Israeli / hamas debacle and the shrieking pussy hats on college campus’s is the tribes grip on being the moral high priests as Z man would say, is beginning to slip. Hopefully its just the first domino to fall.
Sad thing is it should have been white men calling jewish power straight up, not shrieking blue haired, batshit crazy women.
But alas, white men have handed everyone the keys to the kingdom.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Yep. A lot of the cucks going on about anti-Semitism really are criticizing anti-white racism but don’t have the balls to do so explicitly, at least yet. The Hamas fanbois, on the other hand, are attacking Jews only because they see them as white. The dominoes are falling indeed.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

It will be interesting to see how the Jewish strategy of importing new tribes, so they can band together against a future Hitler of the white tribe, will play out when the new tribes actually see them as the worst subset of the white tribe.

Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

That’s where their pride does them in.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

I see the managerial elite system as simply a tool of the Tribe. The managerial elite is mostly just human cattle stampeded in whatever direction the Tribes media/edumacation system points them. I learned at Unz about another book that was part of the erased resistance of our forefathers to Jewish rape of America: “The Iron Curtain over America by John Beaty (1951).” That was also where I learned about Henry Ford’s “The International Jew” (1931). Yes, it’s not all of them (Unz is Jewish, and doing Godly work), but it is consistently some of them wherever they go. Faction balancing… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Horace
3 months ago

Yes, that makes sense. The Tribe has set up a structure where worthy white cucks can be promoted to NCO rank. But always contingent on continued good behavior. Macron and Schulz are NCOs.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Horace
3 months ago

All respect to our host, but I’m starting to think Unz’s American Pravda series is the best thing on the internet. Shame that most clown world attention spans aren’t up to reading anything that long.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

I agree. I print them out so that I can grok them in fullness. They often run to 30 or 40 pages.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Absolutely. Magnificent.

For instance, I learned last night that “Ukrainian” Nikita Khrushchev’s real name was Solomon Pearl Mutter, married to a Ukrainian Banderite wife.

Also, that the former name of “the Borderlands” or “the Plain” was New Serbia and Slaveno-Serbia until 1750.

The good news is, the Unzes are the heirs to a previous vanguard such as Gottfried and Irving. May they prove to be the new elite to overthrow the old, amongst their own as we must ours. These acorns, we must shelter and succor.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

I’m assuming this is a joke. Khrushchev was no Finkel.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

That was the claim. Here are the full paragraphs. “All those who consider Ukraine to be a real country are simply ridiculous. It is no longer ignorance but a pathology. I have already said that at the time when the Serbs founded two provinces where is now Ukraine (around 1750) – New Serbia and Slaveno-Serbia, Ukrainians did not even exist. It would be fair to return those original names soon and to replace some meaningless, so-called ‘Borderland’ (Ukraine). Ukraine was created by Lenin, who we know what he was. Do we know who the ‘Ukrainian’ Nikita Khrushchev, who succeeded Stalin,… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 months ago

The separation of Whites fleeing diverse areas has mostly been conducted in a way to avoid being thought of as a racist. Typically it’s “we’re moving to a better school district.” Recently a friend in Minnesota told me about a proposed new housing development in a mostly white, outer suburb of the Twin Cities, Lino Lakes. It’s called the Madinah Lakes Project, and features a big mosque at the center of it. If approved, Lino Lakes would have a large number of Somalians moving out to their nice white suburb. There is a lot of opposition to the new development,… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Wolf Barney
Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

‘Better school district’ is code for less minorities.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

And even more accurately, fewer negroes. The Hutu is the nec plus ultra of dieversity.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

In the Twin Cities, diversity mandates for new construction are enforced by the Metropolitan Council, which was formed in the ’60s/’70s to facilitate the construction of the freeway system. The original idea was to form a multi-county governance structure that could override local zoning laws which might interfere with the construction of the freeway system. It was successful for a few decades, but as per O’Sullivan’s law it eventually was taken over by the political left. One of the powers granted the Met Council was management of the water systems for the metropolitan counties. Now, any developer in these metropolitan… Read more »

3 months ago

There are huge headwinds to a formal policy of peaceful separation. Of the biggest are absolutely moronic opposition leaders: These guys have been doing a series on how to take back California. At this point, using Anglo-Saxon values, ideas and gentlemanly persuasion to take back California to an American region is no different than trying to do the same with Guatemala. It isn’t going to happen, yet they are going to waste pen, paper, time, money and energy on this stupidity. While they are writing this series, blacks in California’s legislature is accelerating/escalating formal plans to give blacks reparations.… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

I agree with everything you said here. I’ve often been looked at as a doomer because I choose to live in reality. There’s no fixing this, and there is nowhere to go. When you have this kind of evil there is only one solution, and one solution only. Until White men are willing to sacrifice all and elect for that option, it will only get worse. You are not changing their minds or fixing them. They must be “removed”.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tired Citizen
3 months ago

Being from the northeast, a former steel city, I was surprised how integrated blacks were driving through the south for the first time to Florida in the late 90’s. I was always lead to believe (falsly as it turns out) in the north blacks were more free to integrate, and of course the southern rebels would keep things segregated as best they could, even under the feds forced integration. Well its the exact opposite. The southerners have been living side by side with large swaths of blacks for centuries. They are acclimated to it. In the north east, blacks and… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Rural WNY/Southern Tier is a beautiful place that, God willing, will be freed from this madness in our lifetimes. It’s still salvageable.

Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

Amen brother!

Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

No, it’s not salvageable. New York is a lost cause. Completely. Rural New York may be white but the legislature is controlled by Negroes and Jews from New York City and it has an insufferable left-wing whore for a governor.

But Vinny has a valid point. The north and the Rust Belt is extremely segregated. I live in a small town that is so white a Southern Klansman would think he had died and gone to heaven here.

Twenty miles away in the city… it might as well be Africa.

steve w
steve w
Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

It’s why I am staying. This is where I grew up, it’s where I plan to die. It’s a beautiful region, as you say. It’s Trump country too. Living outside of Rochester, I can drive in any direction to a bordering state, or Canada for that matter, without going much out of the way, avoiding the Orwellian surveillance of the Thruway (originally to have been toll-free by 1997 -haha, joke’s on us, I guess, thanks Pataki), through delightful and varied countryside, interspersed with historic little towns, and nary a “What We Believe” sign to be seen. No end of Trump… Read more »

Thomas McLeod
Thomas McLeod
3 months ago

If have a friend that grew up in St. Louis. He went to the community college in Forrest Park. He is of Austrian descent, he was friends with all the Italians, went to church with all the Italians, and worked with the Italians. He couldn’t get an apartment on “The Hill” because he wasn’t Italian. I don’t know how it is today, but “The Hill” was a nice safe place in a sea $hit. As an aside, I was designing a large infrastructure project for a White suburban town and had to hold public meetings (stupid government contract). Public meetings… Read more »

Reply to  Thomas McLeod
3 months ago

I live within a small school district in a wealthy neighborhood. I use such arguments regularly. It is a very simple problem of running the number of how a couple hundred section 8 housing units would produce 400+ student in a district of 2000 or so students. From there some percentages can be produced. There are studies to show a decline in school efficiency/function/quality/safety when the minority enrollment tops 5%. 20% is a death knell.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

‘Students’ = thugs needing a holding pen (‘school’).

Reply to  Thomas McLeod
3 months ago

I grew up close to the Hill and was in high school when the desegregation orders came down from a Missouri judge in the late 1970s. The black northside schools and white southside schools were forced to mix through a bussing program. Of course, chaos ensued, and white families moved out of the city and into surrounding counties in large numbers. The city population has dropped from 470K prior to desegregation to 277K today. The racial makeup went from about 50/50 to 12% white today. This backs Zman’s point, and shows that segregation will always re-emerge once the liberal do-gooders… Read more »

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

If I know of someone passing through East St Louis on I -55, or 64, I tell them never to get off the interstate – no matter what. Assume that is still good advice?

Reply to  stranger in a strange land
3 months ago

Yes, and that will still be good advice 100 years from now.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
Reply to  Thomas McLeod
3 months ago

Along these lines Anglin once wrote that ‘affordable housing’ means nogger sh!thole. Section 8 is the death knell of any pre-existing community.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

Even landlords eventually pull out of section 8 after a few (bad) experiences. However, they are replaced due to loan incentives and low income housing requirement to get permits. sigh.

3 months ago

I think the failure of multiracialism is very likely for a number of convergent reasons. First is the fading memory of the historical events and the literal death of the generations that created, for the first time ever, social engineering on a global scale. Namely, Mustache Guy’s 1939-1945 racial bloodbath, which created the dominance of racial “reformers” who used WWII as a club to beat race realists without mercy in the postwar era. This led directly to the end of formal colonialism worldwide and formal segregation in the United States. The “Civil Rights” movement could not have taken the form… Read more »

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Hitler was right regarding the Sudatenland.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

I hope you’re right. Unfortunately there are still too many people who see continued African failure as proof that racism is worse than we thought. It’s so pervasive you can’t even see it because it’s everywhere.

3 months ago

From Zman’s lips to God’s ear. The rising tide of immigrant mediocrity, coupled with the genocidal sense of entitlement unleased by the egalitarian lotus eaters, has stripped American white men of the fruits of their civilization-building efforts. If we are to enjoy peace once again, majority rule and universal suffrage must end. Apartheid now, each neighborhood and then town or city in turn. Redlining, sundowner laws, preferential hiring and business deals, social shunning and free association. All the old tools need to be employed, but latently rather than by explicit measures. Every effort by the Feds, the NGOs and the… Read more »

3 months ago

One group I can think of would starve if they were separated to live alone.
They would have to grow food themselves, and that would be like slavery or sumting!

Reply to  mikebravo
3 months ago

Kinda like a group claiming they were holocausted because they were made to work…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Worked to extinction!

Oddly, during the years they were being extincted, some 6 million of them appeared in the US, UK, Canada, USSR, and Plucky.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

I forgot South America, Mexico, and South Africa. .

Of the 750,000 travel vouchers to Plucky offered by the British version of the Havarra Transfer program, 250,000 went unclaimed.

500K from one country. The others that did go went somewhere, or changed their name, but not all Little J wanted to carve out a colony in the howling desert to benefit Big J.

The colonization of Palestine is eerily similar to the Puritan migration in its politics. I wonder if that’s the why of the affinity between Puritan and Marrano or Converso. A cultural identity, reinforced by assimilation.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
3 months ago

James Madison had the solution to this problem in 1787. He discussed “the mischiefs of faction” quite eloquently in Federalist #10. His solution to the problem was to create a federal system of diverse states and a central government of strictly limited and enumerated powers. Unfortunately the federal government that he created became the monster that ate the Constitution. Under Lincoln, the federal government, in search of a reason to kill Southern white people and destroy their political power, decided that Negro slavery gave it the moral justification to do so. The federal government has used forced racial “diversity” and… Read more »

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Good article,
Although my observation at this point in time is that the suburban peasant has not yet arrived at seperation being a viable option.
He needs to see more white people replaced and denigrated in his media watching, a few more George Floyd burn downs of his cities,and more section 8 housing and catalytic converter thieves in his neighborhood.
But we are on our way.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Civ Nats need to feel the burn before they wake up. Especially the soccer mons. They will not leave go of their color blind utopia no matter how much white blood is spilled, no matter how many of their daughters are gang raped, pimped out sex slaves, or how many are killed.
They need to feel the sting on a personal, intimate level. I have zero sympathy for them.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

They need to feel the sting on a personal, intimate level I think that pretty much applies to anyone not just normies…I know quite a few people in the dissident sphere that still live around blacks because they haven’t had an incident with them…

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

The clearest window to the future is the present.

The normal human reaction to witnessing violence, humiliation, etc., done to his people is to submit to it—as the statistically average American man is doing.

The “warrior”/woman reaction is to join in it—as cops and HR ladies are doing.

Resistance is rare and strange. Only rare and strange men consider it.

3 months ago

Got a joke for you all.
What word do you never want to say to a black person that begins with N and ends in R.


N.S. Palmer
3 months ago

“Yes, people with vastly different cultures and belief systems can get along. It does happen. But the opposite is much more common. As Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok observed in a talk to representatives of international organizations: ‘I have asked my ministry this and I will pose the question here as well. Give me an example of a multi-ethnic or multi-cultural society in which the original population still lives, and where there is a peaceful cohabitation. I don’t know of one.’ If you’ve got social division, then deal with it as well as you can. Avoid doing anything that would… Read more »

Reply to  N.S. Palmer
3 months ago

You could kind of point to Singapore as the exception, and maybe Malaysia as well, although the native Malays have hiring preference written into the nation’s constitution.

Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

I visited Singapore several times during my imperial service. Singapore is majority ethnic Chinese. It was MUCH nicer than the state in which I grew up (b/c no blacks, of course). It’s been a while since I paid attention to it, but the governing authorities did not have a passive ‘live and let live’ attitude. They kept a FIRM proactive grip on ethnic tension. If the ruling Singaporean Chinese have abandoned that attitude and allowed themselves to become a minority in their own country, I expect you will find GAE fingerprints on the transformation project.

Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

Singapore would seem to be a “benign” dictatorship of sorts. The competing three minorities assigned their “place” in that society—but I’m no expert here, except to note I’ve heard of grumbling there too.

As far as hiring quotas go, SA seems to have done this to their detriment. Reality dictates the need for meritocracy, not equality.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Note that the Asians, being race realists- that is, not having a Bible- do tend to keep a very firm and realistic grip on ethnic differences and hierarchy, even as those sub-ethnicities are readily acknowledged.

As examples, many dialects in China whether under Mongol or Han rule; the Khia, Viet, Montagnards in Vietnam; Khmer Rouge, Jeune, and Verde in Cambodia; Hmong in Laos. And of course, Malay in Malaysia.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

There’s nothing about Bible ownership that prevents race realism. Europe’s medieval development of nation-states is about self segregation. The Bible only suggests that everyone on the planet has access to Heaven. How we ought to live as a group in a fallen world is different.

Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

KGB: Incorrect. Spent two years there and the Han were firmly in control. Given that was 30 years ago now – if the younger Han think they know better than Lee Kuan Yew and want to try the chaos of equality, they will be swamped in short order. The Malays have their own nation with their own bumiputra; the Indians have Hindustani preferences in their own lands. In my time there, there were tokens of each but the majority had their own niche (lower-skilled jobs) and knew their residence was at the pleasure of the Han majority.

Din C. Nuttin
Din C. Nuttin
3 months ago

Has anyone noticed how Cloward – Piven explains what has been happening?

3 months ago

However the political and territorial separation takes place, I’ve always felt it will be necessary for the coastal leftist shitholes to continue their existence. The only reasonable way to get the brown horde out of our hair will be to cut off all gibs to non-whites immediately and completely. Having leftist enclaves as neighbors will provide Yadier, Pablo, and even Barkevious with an obvious solution to their sudden lack of funds.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  KGB
3 months ago

That’s happening now. All the leftwing fury about “Red States” not expanding Medicaid and so forth is the result of what you described. Even without the handful of bus transfers, it was inevitable that the “migrants” would end up in places with lots of gibs. Red State politicians tend to be greedy cowards, and there is an upside to their greed in this instance.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

This is as old as when I was young. In NYC and other major metro areas in what we now term Blue States, Blacks were moving from the rural South up North and collecting welfare immediately. If I recall they were backed up by the Courts when States tried to establish residency requirements before eligibility for such welfare payments.

3 months ago

How do you separate from the white libs? Take floyd or Rodney king. 2 gibs who broke the law, on drugs, resisted arrest. I see 2 criminals who put themselves in their situations and are totally at fault, end of story. Libs see precious victims whom must be avenged by country wide riots, looting, and killing and state forced reparations. I see illegal invasion, the lib sees redress of colonialism and vibrancy. I see race and iq or sex, the lib sees social construct. I see poop hole sodomy, the lib sees true love. I see obscenity, the lib sees… Read more »

Left Coast Inmate
Left Coast Inmate
Reply to  Fakeemail
3 months ago

These people are a suicidal death cult, they have been brainwashed into believing these concepts and feel righteous believing in them. It’s possibly genetic, but it’s certainly an outgrowth of the Enlightenment and Christianity.

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
3 months ago

The “Enlightenment” is an anti-Christian movement. At best current social ideals/assumptions are an outgrowth of the now dead Enlightenment principles. What I see repeatedly repeatedly online is the assumption “We can fix any social problem we want”. That’s still a man centered view. When we ask the question: “What does God want?”, we have a different view of it entirely.

Last edited 3 months ago by Wiffle
Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

While I agree it would be near impossible to completely eliminate “diversity” getting rid of the vast majority of it would not be difficult. Blacks are here to stay, there can be no getting rid of them. But most of the Central and South Americans would be fairly easy to get rid of. They walked here. They have foreign identities and citizenship. Walking back to Mexico or Venezuela just isn’t that difficult. The idea that these people will not leave if we got serious about their being here is a preposterous lie told by the ruling elite in order to… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

If Alvin Bragg, as a local county prosecutor, can enforce federal election laws, why can’t a local Texas prosecutor enforce federal immigration laws? Of course, federal judges will play it both ways and not allow this. But I can think of a lot of ways where local prosecutors can make examples of illegals, for example by charging them with local crimes and detaining them for years without trial. Perhaps enough to scare them into not coming, or even better going home.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

The problem is both parties support the status quo. There needs to be a change in attitude among the elite. The population mostly supports shutting down the border and repatriating a lot of these criminal invaders. I think this is largely because the elite get the benefits and we pay the costs.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

The Salvador Option: bring the traitor judiciary to heel and then place every single white with a facial tattoo in protective custody.

3 months ago

I will add as I wait for approval, that there is a laboratory of peaceful separation. Its called Hollywood. Hollywood used to make all sorts of TV shows and movies. Believe it or not, dudes like Stephen J. Cannell used to make a good living out of male oriented TV shows. You might even have heard of one of them: the A-Team. TV used to be balanced out, half oriented towards women, half towards men. I did a fairly exhaustive analysis of the Fall premiere hours based on Wikipedia and stars, my own memories, and that of various family members… Read more »

3 months ago

The diversity will demand to control weapons of mass destruction and delivery means. Do whites accede or reserve exclusive rights? What recourse for whites if foreigners are invited to occupy diverse territory with WMD? Control waterways, farmland and other resources? Nuke plants?

Peaceful separation could only work out well if the parties are, and they remain, reasonable. The diversity is not and it couldn’t sustain reasonableness. Not as its leadership envies the ascending white civilization.

Peaceful resolution isn’t a realistic prospect.

Reply to  DaBears
3 months ago

This encapsulates the demographics involved.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  DaBears
3 months ago

…The House passed the budget just after 2 a.m. Wednesday morning. Despite having the majority, Democrats still had to solve some infighting before they could pass the bill. While the governor and state Democrats applaud themselves for passage, state Republicans call the budget a partisan nightmare for taxpayers…
Is that not par for the course in IL politics – Chicagoland against downstate? (This also seems to be analogous to the Beltway vs flyover country).

Reply to  DaBears
3 months ago

Yea it’s a false hope to keep everyone docile until they are extinguished…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago


The competency crisis rolls on as the Gaza floating pier is broken up by high seas and winds:

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

Sometimes we can only cheer incompetence.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

“Incompetence to the rescue!”

Never thought I’d hear that one. God throwing sand in the gears proves that God is on our side. God, as they say, is one of /our/ guys.

3 months ago

“Because whites will remain the largest population and will increase their self-segregation in response to their shrinking majority and the cultural assault on them from the elites, the racial tyranny must collapse.” Not sure this conclusion invariably follows the premises in today’s missive. Cultural—which is really what it’s all about for the typical White—assault continues and will continue as long as we live in the same country/society as the minorities that drive that cultural decline. Separation entails not just living out of sight of non-Whites, but living in a community that reinforces White culture—and there is a ‘White” culture regardless… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Z’s essay today strikes an optimistic tone, to me at the least. Nevertheless, perhaps a bit too optimistic.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 months ago

The sorting underway proves your point. Throwing open the border has accelerated the process, and attempts to confine the vibrancy to areas without what is perceived as enough of it are all but impossible. “You stay where the bus dropped you off!” the diverse migrant is berated. “You stay where we dropped off the diverse migrant!” the white man is warned. Of course, diversity flows toward the urban setting with the most gibs, and whites congregate into increasingly segregated and removed redoubts. Everything old is new again. To bang my old hobby horse, the white Puritan who drives most of… Read more »

3 months ago

This is about the most peaceful solution. Which is why I’m not hopeful for it.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 months ago

This is a theme in Tom Wolfe’s four novels, shown in the title of his last, “Back to Blood.” Where I live in California, the whites are being driven out to other states (except for the very rich), while the others form their own communities: East LA and Santa Ana are Mexican, Glendale is Armenian, Diamond Bar is Korean and Chinese, etc. The homeless are everywhere and growing in numbers. Our governor could be your next president.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

That’d be bad enough, but even more to be feared might be a former Attorney General and Senatress from your State.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

I think Willie Brown’s former adulterous would actually be better than The Hair. You’re getting the same anti-white policies either way, but at least you wouldn’t have the slick veneer to charm suburban white women. And she put the lie to the saying that once you go black you don’t go back, more accurately translated as once you go back we don’t want you back. But she went so far back she married a Jew.

3 months ago

Iirc, the frontier was officially declared closed in one of the late 19th century censuses. It was, of course, closing long before the authorities said so, which could’ve been a cause of the Civil War. Without the pressure-release valve, somebody had to take over. Post-reconstruction, Yankeedom worked OK. Post-WWII, the frontier mentality made a fake and gay comeback, thanks to the automobile and radio/TV. Probably inflation, too. Not a true frontier thing, because travel and information kept people tethered. It’s probably not a coincidence that westerns were so popular then, or that rugged individualism is so popular with people of… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
3 months ago

Anyway, are the “elites” acting on their own initiative or is someone else dictating their actions to them?

Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I agree with Z. Peaceful separation it must and will be, but with the proviso that the separation will take the form of the ethnostate or ethnostates.

Derecha Disidente
Derecha Disidente
3 months ago

This seems to be your spin on Uncle Jared’s video of a couple of weeks ago.

It seems to be the only way forward is the only way out.

3 months ago

Lots of blood and treasure will be spilled before that happens though, so better be prepared for that…

3 months ago

I disagree Z-Man. Ask the Rohingya, or the Chinese in Indonesia, or the Tibetans, or the Uighurs, or Whites in South Africa, or the Parsees in Zanzibar (as Sailer never tires of pointing out, Freddy Mercury’s family had to flee there during the purges) about Option 1. It seems to work pretty well. Indeed the future of White people is most probably most being terminated with extreme prejudice, the rest fleeing. Wealthy and powerful people want this and they get their way. Per Sailer in TakiMag quoting Sheluyang Peng in American Affairs, Woke anti-White is the Post Christian love child… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

Well shit, if Steve Sailer said it, it must be true.

Damn Chads ruined the AWFLs! It’s the women! No the Christians! Damn Protestants!

Gosh darn Cathedral!

If these brown Catholics and their crypto-Communism would just leave the Longhouse we might just get somewhere!

Now, check out these based IDF swimsuit models, and buy my book from Passage Press, goyeeeeeeem.

p.s. Chicoms.

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
3 months ago

The “Cathedral” was coined by a Jew who liked to shift the blame entirely to Christianity for the decline. The Cathedral is the term for the bishop’s parish, a Catholic building. The evil ones were part of the cathedral, with the hyper individualism of Protestantism to blame. Not all Catholics are brown and most of Europe was Catholic until the 20th century, including France and half of Germany. The brown Catholics exist because the whites Catholics existed first. The philosophies behind Judaism and Protestantism are similar and produce similar cultures. The only meaningful push back in the Western world is… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

I don’t know, Z-man; I’ve seen the future on the big screen all my life and the future is diverse: Star-trek, Fire-fly, Star-wars, Masters of the Galaxy…Oh wait, there was one with only white folks, but HAL tried to kill Dave in that one.

Oh, and, one other where Bruce Dern is sent adrift with a green house of plants and a wee robot.

So, there it is: Either embrace diversity as our strength, or we’ll never make it past Jupiter.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

My glimpse of the present/future was watching the homo white male CEO of Apple supplicate to the disdainful fat negro “mother nature.” Taking in this zeitgeist, I conclude that we are going on to the bitter end, whatever that entails. I’d rather buy a Korean phone.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

Here are some of the latest losers cranked put by the gulag known as NYU:

I like how they all look 40 because they are filled with fat, disease, and mental nonsense.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
3 months ago

NYU graduates versus “End Wokeness,” eh? Sounds like a Jewish intramural spat to me.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

To spell it out, End Wokeness is a jewish op.

3 months ago

“Peaceful separation is the natural state of Americans”

That hasn’t been true since the 1950’s.

Generally when I see someone focused on peaceful separation, I see someone who doesn’t have the psychological makeup to free oneself from his chains.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

By what metric is it more segregated?

I find your claim impossible to believe. In a 90% white country, by sheer chance alone, you would be more likely totally surrounded by white people.

I’m sure you could find some strange statistic that supports your claim if you ignore everything else. I wasn’t around in the 1950s, but from my own lived experiences I’m sure as heck less segregated than I was in 1980.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Here’s my observation from growing up in suburban Chicago. As a kid I would go to the high school basketball games and later play, and essentially all of the suburban teams in the Northwest/Western suburbs were completely white in the 70s, with the exception being the older cities like Aurora, Joliet and Elgin, which had poor sections of town. But generally it was suburbs white, half of Chicago black. In the 80’s that started to change, with blacks trickling in here and there. In the 90s and 2000s there were quite a few more blacks on the basketball teams, making… Read more »

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

I grew up downstate. High school grad early 70’s. Watching the IHSA bball tournaments (a big deal back then) would bear out what you stated. Every now and then a small white hs down state could compete with the Chicagoland schools like Proviso, Marshall. Dolton-Thornridge, et al.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Where I live, a lot of that is rich private schools recruiting blacks to play on their teams, and is not necessarily a trend for the overall population.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Schools are a good example of a “type” of segregation, but that’s because Whites—and others—have been driven to private alternatives such as home schooling and charters. This of course leaves minorities with the “free” or government alternative. My city is a national example of exactly that. We had the *last* school district in the nation under the *longest* court desegregation order—40+ years! It was finally removed/lifted (last I heard) after a successful challenge that there were *no* Whites left in the system to enable the court mandated desegregation. 😉 Housing and living arrangements might be another story. There still seems… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Look at public schools, which are a great proxy. Tons of reports with lots of data. As predicted, you are offering me a strange statistic that ignores the “enriched” lives that all these children will experience in the workplace, at the store, public parks, and everything else. I would also suspect that the statistics look narrowly at the black/white divide and does not include all the Changs, Pejeets, and Gonzales that white children have to go to school with. I’m sure the rate was near zero in 1950 outside of California or Southern Texas. Even if you are right about… Read more »

Dr. Dre
Dr. Dre
Reply to  Tony
3 months ago

Don’t worry about the Pajeet offsprings’ education: they’ll be occupying seats in the best independent schools and paying for it, too. No DIE/AA scholarships needed for this crowd. They just take over, many of them as physician$ in a community. They’re not picking grapes. BTW they’re also happy to run for office, some even seeing themselves as US Senators! At the very least, watch as they run for school board;-) Nervy bastards, aren’t they?

Reply to  Dr. Dre
3 months ago

They are ugly, hirsute, and they have foul BO. Whatever the weather, the men wear sandals exposing their cutaneous horns. They are as ethnocentric as juice and easily pushier. They are a plague on all the lands of the earth.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Housing prices are through the roof around here, and so is diversity. At least by local standards. All I can think, your tax dollars at work!

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Tony
3 months ago

Even the Lefties are making Z’s point.

the funny part is the whites who scream the loudest about racism live in lily white communities far from diversity.

Occasionally, they’ll adopt some diversity. Or maybe a couple people get through the gates and improve the school basketball team. And they’ll pat themselves on the back about how tolerant they are.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

Those who champion diversity the loudest are those who can most afford to avoid it.

Reply to  Tony
3 months ago

I believe Zman is correct if confined to white/black communities. The recent Hispanic diversity is more integrated.

Reply to  Tony
3 months ago

Culturally, it is wildly segregated.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
3 months ago

knowing the deracinated , lgbt loving, self righteous whites I run into, they have been more successful than i would have hoped.

3 months ago

Im no fan of communism but it “failed” because the US signed absurd, losing trade deals with 90% of the world and provided free military favors with their promise to not trade with the USSR, and it still took forever. I agree Communism is as inhuman as birth control but they both can threaten to destroy nature

3 months ago

There can be no separation as geography doesn’t negotiate.
There will not be peace until there is a winner who is sane.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

This was really good. I have to applaud Z-Man for giving a succinct and accurate overview of the racial political problem in America that does not once mention the B-word. This proves that the Dissident Right can grow up and move beyond HBD, which is essential for it to get off the fringe and into the mainstream discussion. This is exactly what’s needed, and a lot more of it. I endorse every word. Coffee bought.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Spoken as always without one example of where an understanding of HBD negatively affects the movement in any way. Again, the challenge is made: How is a scientific basis of Human Diversity a detriment to the DR?

I certainly can think of the counter example. If HBD does not exist, then everyone is equal. If everyone is equal, then separation of the people into enclaves of “likeness” is unjustifiable outside of human prejudice. Which means basically, not much reason for the DR to exist or most of the discussion in the commentary.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Not only does separation become unjustifiable, but enforced equality must also then be justified. Because what other explanation than racism could there be for disparity of results?

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

DLS, what you wrote is so stupid that it defies explanation. If you cannot think of any other possibility besides HBD and “racism” that would explain a disparity in social metrics between different racial groups, then you are pretty dim. Neither is it the case that “forced equality” is justified even if racism existed. There is such a thing as freedom of association. People are free to include or exclude others from their societies, based on any reason or no reason, if that is the prudent thing to do. It seems like you’ve absorbed a lot of Sailerite propaganda and… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Intelligent Dasein, I think you missed my point, which is that most leftists believe racism is the cause of racial disparities and forced equality is the solution. Most on the dissident right understand this is what leftists believe. On a personal level, I assume you are not a leftist troll or a child. Therefore, I suspect you may be suffering from a borderline personality disorder. Your anger, name calling, and belief that you should have the power to control who speaks on an internet comment section are classic symptoms. I did not downvote you and I say this without trying… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

Thank you for your concern. That was kind of you. I hope to be able to explain myself more comprehensively in the future.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

There’s nothing wrong with HBD. There is an issue with HBD alone to try to explain everything. The question that highlights the weakness is as follows: “Would you send your kid to a bad school?”