Gradually And Then Suddenly

The Brits are set to have an election on July 4th, ironically enough, and everyone expects it to be a terrible result for the ruling party. The Tories have been in power for a long time and have managed to break every promise they made when they gained power and make everything worse that they promised to improve. On top of that they have gone through a series of ridiculous people as Prime Minister. The current person in the job is an Indian little person who has never run for office.

The reason the Conservatives called what the Brits call “snap elections”, is the people who actually run Britain are worried about new right-wing parties. Snap elections are those called on short notice in some parliamentary systems. The logic behind it is that the ruling party can more easily rig an election when they are out of favor by limiting the time for the opposition to mount a campaign. Democracy depends on institutional skullduggery to maintain its legitimacy.

According to current polling, which is as fraudulent as everything else in the West these days, the Conservatives are at 21%, which is their lowest rating ever. This is why there is a campaign called Zero Seats. The argument is that the only way to break the corrupt system is to eliminate one of the two main parties. Since the Tories are as popular as rectal cancer, they are the best target. While unlikely, it is possible to see a scenario in which they become a fringe party.

It is not all bad news for the Conservatives. Their historic dance partner, Labour, is polling at just 41%, which is terrible given the status of the Tories. Like America, the game of see-saw the parties play says that when one face of the ruling class is unpopular, the other face is popular. Right now, in the UK, both faces of the ruling class are unpopular, which is why they forced snap elections. No respectable person wants to see a new party rise up and challenge the system.

Just in case, the regime has brought Nigel Farage back from America where he was committed to stumping for Donald Trump. Farage is now the leader of the Reform Party, which is the heir to the Brexit Party. He created that after he successfully led the winning side in the Brexit referendum. The party was created to force the regime to follow through on the referendum, which they did not do. It is one of the reasons UK politics are such a mess now.

The only reason any of this matters is it is a good way to see how the system adjusts to defend itself from public discontent. The British regime is just the mini-me of the American regime, so it is a microcosm of what happens in America. The scale is smaller, and the system is slightly different, but we see all the same tricks used by the regime to make sure it is always heads they win and tails you lose. One of those tricks is to co-opt discontent into an acceptably pointless channel.

You can see how it works in the program the Reform Party posted on Twitter, now stupidly called X, the other day. They put immigration at the top because this is one of the top issues that is rustling the voters. To the untrained eye it all looks good, but to the trained eye the fraud is quite clear. The point of their program is to not question the moral claims behind immigration, but to put a fence around that morality so the question is how to best manage mass immigration.

Look at the first point. “Freeze non-essential Immigration.” The only reason to have the term “non-essential Immigration” is if you have “essential Immigration”, which is a moral claim held by the people Farage claims to oppose. Who decided that any immigration is essential and essential to whom? Was it the bankers who actually run the country or was it the managerial elite who adopted it as a luxury belief? Who decides what is and what is not essential about immigration?

Here is another example. “All asylum seekers that arrive illegally from safe countries will be processed rapidly, offshore if necessary.” Logically, the UK should never receive any asylum seekers as by law and logic, asylum seekers go to the nearest safe country for temporary refuge while the home country is in turmoil. The UK is a set of islands bordered by countries that are stable “democracies” so there can never be a case where anyone seeks asylum in the UK.

The point of this weaselly language is two-fold. One is it is the natural obsequiousness that infests all Western right-wing parties. They have the slave mentality, which means they are always bowing and scraping before the people they pretend to oppose with regards to the moral claims of the ruling elite. The other reason is it tend to work as people just see the headlines and never think about the qualifiers. Owning the libs is a universal concept in Western democracies.

Of course, putting an entertaining clown like Farage up as the front man is a great way to distract from this reality. People are mad and lack the sophistication to understand the issues in detail, so Farage provides a vent for their frustration by pretending to be on their side, when in reality he fully supports the moral framework that is the root cause of their frustration. Farage and his Reform Party are what James Carville once called “boob bit for the bubbas.”

The genius of the trick is it will work. Reform is now polling within a few points of the Tories at 16% in the government polls. In other polls they are in a statistical dead heat with the Tories. If they overtake them, then the people angry at the system will claim victory for having knocked out the Tories. Meanwhile, gangs of Muslims are chasing their daughters through the streets. If Reform flops, then they can focus their energy on being angry at Labour for a few years.

For Americans, this should sound familiar. The usual suspects co-opted the Tea Party to become a subsidiary of the Republican Party. What could have been a threat to the system was quickly neutralized. The current populist groundswell has been slowly co-opted by oleaginous grifters who run around wearing red caps and talking about Trump like he is Orange Jesus. Meanwhile, Trump’s platform is now no different from what Jeb Bush was offering in 2016.

This may sound black-pilling and depressing, but the white pill in what is happening with populist parties all around the West is they are gnawing away at the legitimacy of the system by forcing these reactions. The dullards in the UK fall for Farage, but there are lots of people who have gotten wise to this stuff by watching him work. In the U.S., the Trump phenomenon has opened the eyes of many to the reality of the system, simply by seeing the system react to Trump.

In other words, the process by which a system loses its legitimacy is through its various mutations to defend itself from challenges. The number of people wondering if the system should be saved is a measurable number now, thanks to the struggle the system has undergone to defend against even mild reform. The same is true all over as people increasingly notice the unwillingness of the system to give an inch on critical issues like immigration and culture.

The old line from Hemingway about bankruptcy being gradually then suddenly applies to all complex systems. Failed populist uprisings and Potemkin opposition movements are the gradually portion of the show. With every failure to get even a tiny concession from the system, the system loses legitimacy. At some point, and no one ever knows when it will happen, the suddenly part of the show begins. In order to get there, you have to work through the gradually part first.

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Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
4 months ago


Happy joonteenff!

Always remember that all but 14 Republicans across the House and Senate voted to make joonteenff a national holiday.

Our people have almost no representation in the federal government. Just like in the UK.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

I know little about Juneteenth so maybe I’m way off base here, but isn’t it called “Juneteenth” because the blacks couldn’t remember when emancipation was, so dey wuz like, “Yeah, uh, June something-teenth.” It’s a holiday based on obliviousness? Imagine Our Independence Day being called “July-ish”.

Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

”Our” holiday is based upon ignorance—both 150 years ago and today as well. That should be the first aspect noted.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

It was designed to try and supplant the 4th of July, and just became a meme for black criminality. Even the hard leftists don’t care about it. There’s only so much astroturfing you can do in the popular consciousness.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

It’s also designed to ruin and supplant Memorial Day and the Summer Solstice.

Deviant month has the same purpose.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

It’s designed to ruin the pride month 🙂

Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

My standard reply to someone who brings up “Juneteenth” is to feign ignorance and ask, with earnestness: “That’s a gay thing, right?”

It always drives lefty up the wall. Especially when I insist I heard it was a name for the (obligatory) “pride” parade.

For additional subversive laughs, I ask them to tell me what it’s really about. 99 lefties out of 100 have only the dimmest idea.

Reply to  ChrisZ
4 months ago

My standard reply to someone who brings up “Juneteenth” is to feign ignorance and ask, with earnestness: “That’s a gay thing, right?”

In the spirit of the holiday, I’m stealing this.

Last edited 4 months ago by Federalist
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 months ago

I propose a new name for this august holiday–Boonteenth…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago


Reply to  ChrisZ
4 months ago

Oh, you mean Toonteenf…

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  ChrisZ
4 months ago


“That’s a gay thing, right?”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Speaking of Deviant Month, it looks like the Negro Felon League is now sponsoring a Gay Flag Football League:

Maybe the uniforms will be assless leather chaps??

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

Insane Clown World in spades. I feel like we’re all living in some sort of screwball comedy.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

Yes. The folks I know who are desperate to signal their fealty are off for the day celebrating what should be called NPC day. It was the day Union soldiers rode to tell fellow whites to stop fighting as hostilities had formally ceased. Some NPCs were laying around and got wind of the news. Logged into Fidelity and got the notice: “All major US stock markets will be closed June 19th in observance of the “Juneteenth National Independence Day.” It is only a matter of time before the Juneteenth is dropped and 4th of July is never referred to as… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago
stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

Written by one Bart Marcois (whatever that is). It’s so cliched one might think it’s satire. Otherwise, I’d sooner take advice from Bart Simpson.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  stranger in a strange land
4 months ago

Total RINO swamp creature, judging from his bio.

Reply to  stranger in a strange land
4 months ago

Bert’s dad Homer was the great American Philosopher who noted that the cause and the cure for all life’s problems is alcohol.
Do not mock his son.

Reply to  stranger in a strange land
4 months ago

stranger in a strange land: “Written by one Bart Marcois (whatever that is)” Today’s big news on the anonymous/pseudonymous front is the following: Wikipedia moves to bar ADL, claiming reliability concerns on Israel and antisemitism June 19, 2024 Wikipedia’s editors have voted to declare the Anti-Defamation League “generally unreliable” on the Israel-Palestinian conflict, adding it to a list of banned and partially banned sources. An overwhelming majority of editors involved in the debate about the ADL also voted to deem the organization unreliable on the topic of antisemitism, its core focus. A formal declaration on that count is expected… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Bourbon
4 months ago

Wow, thanks for that link. This is big given Wikipedia largely is an intelligence op. The IC has been more oppositional to Israel ever since the younger, more Woke types have started to move up its ranks. Woke, is there anything it can’t do?

Sir Hates-a-lot
Sir Hates-a-lot
Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

“The conservative case for celebrating black criminality and laziness”

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

Conservatives convince themselves that a loss is a victory.

‘I love this holiday. I remember when I first heard about it years ago, and thinking, “Why aren’t we all celebrating that?” It’s so very American, and a wonderful ending to another story where we, the people, paid with blood and national treasure to do the right thing.’

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
4 months ago

Paid with blood and treasure to create a permanent cohort of people who’s lot in society is to cost us a great deal more blood and treasure, perpetually. Yeah, that was the right thing, alright.

Bloody idiot.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

Soft leftists care very much about it! Closing the local bank for a day to worship blacks makes them feel even better than festooning the local branch with rainbows for a whole month to celebrate degenerates. Make no mistake, good whites likee some Juneteenth black loving.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

Juneteenth is pandering, sure. But it’s brilliant for Team D.

LBJ famously said of the Civil Rights Act “I’ll have those n******s voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Democrats actually cater to their voting base. Imagine that.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

You were right the first time. It’s pandering, not catering. If you talk to any normal blacks most don’t even know or care about Juneteenth, and are unaware it was even made a Federal holiday. If they had jobs, they’d be shocked that they don’t have to go in to work today.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
4 months ago

It’s catering to the retired women from NYC who moved to your town so they could show up at school board meetings to demand homosexuality be pushed on your children, because they’re better than you, hick.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
4 months ago

What’s a “normal black”? One of the faux black ‘middle class’? One of the magic 1/10%? Why would anyone want to talk with them about anything?

Reply to  Mr. Generic
4 months ago

My wife works for a big nasty tech company that shall not be named. She had off today. I think she should ask why they don’t get the entire month of June off for buggery celebration purposes. In the Middle Ages people supposedly had about half the days off for various saints feasts and remembrances. We sort of do the same thing but it’s different perverts and lowlifes instead. I “celebrated” by going to my Wednesday business networking meeting like every other Wednesday. We even have two Blacks in the group and neither of them mentioned it. Any guesses as… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

But in such an empty and retarded way. The last thing blacks need is another national holiday. I don’t even know how many blacks knew joonteenff even existed. I never heard of it until like 2021 or 2022. I live in a black city. You would think I would have heard of it.

Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  ProZNoV
4 months ago

And there’s never been a Juneteenth without a black on black mass shooting. One just happened the other day.

I actually first heard of 6/1x back in the 90’s or maybe even the 80’s on NPR.

Last edited 4 months ago by Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

As the original event occurred in Galveston, it had been a localized Texas day off for some time. No one else cared except in the history-revisionist mind of Kamala “Fweedom” Harris, the Pajeet Princess. If you recall the mood of the day, it was cynically ushered in under cover of night as an emergency tactic….“We’ll give you a holiday…..just please stop burning our cities down!” The solemn day, like every other day, is marked by Purple Drank, a twerkfest, and celebratory gunfire.

Last edited 4 months ago by orca
Reply to  orca
4 months ago

I’m getting old. In my day, they called it sizzurp.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  orca
4 months ago

As a reminder, this joke of a holiday originally was slated to replace Columbus Day. The sponsor of that aborted atrocity was the now-based-presenting Sen. Ron Johnson, Republican of some cuck-infested shithole.

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

My wife, no joke, looked at me last night and said, “Tomorrow’s a holiday? For what?” my 18 year old daughter was next to her so I laughed and said, “It’s in memory of a recidivist violent criminal drug dealer who died of a fentanyl overdose while in police custody.” Never miss an opportunity to remind your kids that whole thing with George Floyd was bullshit. Then I told them about the obscure regional story that supposedly the holiday is based on and called it “riot insurance”. When we got up this morning she didn’t miss a beat. Our office… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

I represent some black companies in the entertainment and adult beverages industries. (I was compelled to.) Today, the blacks are off work, BBQing and partying. Like most days. Our mayor just formed a reparations task force timed to coincide with the big party. You gonna pay for it, sucka, fo’eveah! is the prevalent mindset.

Latter Day American
Latter Day American
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

Still to this day, I associate June 19 with Garfield the Cat.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

I’m shocked Z produced an article today. Fully expected he’d be swiggin’ purple drank at a Soulja Boy concert with his old homies down at the Inner Harbor.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

The ferals never miss an opportunity to prove all of the stereotypes correct. In keeping tradition, they had a gun fight in central Texas celebrating their made up holiday for their idol St. Floyd. It’s not getting much play in the local media, but Abbot is now offering a reward for capturing the shooter(s). It’s laughable of course because the description released is “young black male”. CNN wasted no time in releasing a suspect description very early that matched a White man… of course, this was quickly debunked and the story got memory holed as soon as it was found… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

I’m happy to say I am working today. Obviously, this nonsense “holiday” was passed as the powers-that-be worked to further kulakize Whites after George Floyd died of a drug overdose (with the long-term goal of supplanting July 4th or Memorial Day), but I wonder how many Whites who supported it in 2020 now cringe at their support. Maybe I am naive but I do think that the past four eyes have been eye-opening for many, as black criminality has spiraled out of control, as you see multiple shootings every “Juneteenth”, as they realize that no matter what they say or… Read more »

Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

Somebody works at a large employer was telling me that last year a black lady was in charge of the company festivities at their branch. People were critical because she served watermelon.

Ancient Mason
Ancient Mason
Reply to  Lucius Sulla
4 months ago

I first heard of Juneteenth in 1976. I was the only white in a small office and everyone else was black. I asked what it was. No one could tell me anything about it except that it was celebrated with “red soda pop and watermelon.”

4 months ago

Happy Juneteenth, everyone. This is truly a date everyone on this forum can celebrate.

Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 – June 19, 1953) and Ethel Rosenberg (née Greenglass; September 28, 1915 – June 19, 1953) were an American married couple who were convicted of spying for the Soviet Union, including providing top-secret information about American radarsonarjet propulsion engines, and nuclear weapon designs. Convicted of espionage in 1951, they were executed by the federal government of the United States in 1953 at Sing Sing in Ossining, New York

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  Boris
4 months ago

60 Minutes aired that revisionist history or retcon segment with the Rosenberg offspring. They tried to build some kind of case, any case, to mitigate the overall perception that their parents were spies, turncoats, wreckers, Commie sympathizers, parlor pinks or any other degenerate POS category. F them.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Fed Up
4 months ago

60 Minutes probably thinks Leo Frank was innocent as well. It’s all the same with these people.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Generic
4 months ago

They may or may not think it, but they dam’ sure want every white person to think it.

Reply to  Fed Up
4 months ago

60 Minutes is probably the most Jewish program in the history of television.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
4 months ago

There’s the helluva lot of competition in that particular sweepstakes.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
Reply to  Boris
4 months ago

The Venona Documents released in the 1990s proved the Rosenbergs were Stalinist spies:

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jack Boniface
4 months ago

more than half those names appear to be jewish

Last edited 4 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

And the other half are Finkelish names that have been Anglicized…

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

Noticing is VERBOTEN!

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
4 months ago

The real reason they’re mad at Uncle Dolphie is because the puppet emperor, Stalin, was poised to conquer all of Europe.

Uncle Dolphie’s rushed Barbarossa panic attack foiled the launch of Stalin’s mass blitzkreig.

His alliance with the socialist dictator FDR’s New Deal regime, the genocidal Commonwealth imperialist Churchill, and the Chinese puppet Mao would’ve created the final victory, the Conquest of the Aryan sphere, and the creation of the Global Jewish Empire.

(They would’ve had control of our new atomic bomb, too. Uncontested dominion.)
Pre-staged by a global Depression…guess why.
No? So…when did we fight the Russians?

Last edited 4 months ago by Alzaebo
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
4 months ago

The purpose of psyops isn’t to break your opponents will; the purpose is to give them hope because hope prevents them from thinking rationally and acting to resist.

The purpose of fake opposition is to give the people hope that the system can be reformed.from within.

4 months ago

I was a little late reading this morning. We were up late putting fentanyl under the acacia tree in hopes that St. George would B&E to rob us at gunpoint. The kids were so excited they knocked over a liquor store. the Zero GOP approach has merit, mostly because I thought of it over a decade ago when the Republicans conspired with Obama on so many murderous policies. If 25M-30M voters stay home and simply opt out, the GOP would implode. They exist to keep us in line. If they can’t keep us in line, the Government Party has no… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
4 months ago

Several years ago the Conservative party of Canada went bellyup. It changed nothing. They were swiftly replaced by another conservative party dedicated to preserving nothing but the status quo. Political parties in liberal democracies serve the private agendas of their contributors and the economic elite and they will never do anything else.

4 months ago

“You can vote for change…you just can’t have it.”


“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

Last edited 4 months ago by ProZNoV
4 months ago

Farage proved that he is a fraud when he said that Pakis are compatible with native British. That was is 2016. He is probably an even bigger fraud today.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
4 months ago

>  The current person in the job is an Indian little person who has never run for office.

There was a poll about who the people wanted to be next prime minister after Boris Johnson’s resignation. He got something like 1% after an expensive PR campaign. In democracies, this means he has the mandate of the people and gets to be in charge through backchannels.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
4 months ago

Sunak is the “English” Kamala.

george 1
george 1
4 months ago

Regards Trump, I watched a recent video interview with Col. Macgregor. He was asked about the prospect of the wars being reigned in if Trump was elected. His response: “Considering the people he (Trump) is listening to now I am not sure anything will change”.

Reply to  george 1
4 months ago

So we’ll just continue to ignore the four years he was actually President and go with what random people say he will do if he is President again.

Got it.

Reply to  Heresolong
4 months ago

People keep looking for some superhero who can fix everything by doing stuff and issuing commands. They stick to this fantasy, so they reject anyone, like Trump, who has no magic to fix everything but can do some incremental good.

The perfect is the enemy of the good and, guaranteed, there will never be perfection.

Reply to  Gespenst
4 months ago

You’ll know them by the enemies they make. So yes, for that reason I’ll come out of retirement to vote for Trump. If he does nothing but flush those Leftists out into the open, it will be worth it.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Heresolong
4 months ago

Trump is more pro-Israel than Biden, has pledged to continue funding Ukraine, and, as President, killed an Iranian general because the Deep State told him to. There may be compelling reasons to vote for BOM in ’24, but foreign policy wisdom ain’t it.

Reply to  Heresolong
4 months ago

His four years as prez were sufficiently bad to be pessimistic about another four.

Reply to  george 1
4 months ago

So, if Trump is allowed to win, probability of fewer wars is greater than zero.

Any Uniparty pol chosen then probability of few wars = -0

Play the odds.

Reply to  WCiv911
4 months ago

Perhaps not. Biden has destroyed/exposed Trump’s hand. Trump can no longer bluster or threaten as he once did. American wrt military and economic superiority is a myth now laid bare for all the world to see. This is dangerous as Trump may move to even more extremes to get his way in international affairs. Trump has in the end a CEO mindset not a politician’s.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Trump is more inclined to negotiate and apply economic pressure to get his way, where Biden more inclined to apply military pressure. T is more aware how Woke ideology has weakened our military, while B thinks it has been strengthened it. Diversity is our strength, doncha know?

Just finished Lionel Shriver’s (The Mandibles) “Mania.”
Very funny, witty, satirical. She dares not talk about race, but she does write about Wokism & DIEism, well IEism actually. DIEism without the D. I would recommend both “The Mandibles”, and “Mania”. She writes with a flair reminiscent of Tom Wolfe.

Reply to  WCiv911
4 months ago

Again, what economic policies and bribes? Trump’s ship of state is bankrupt.

Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

Biden has destroyed US foreign policy. This is his legacy.

Reply to  rkb100100
4 months ago

And in the longish run that will be seen to be a great thing for Americans.

Reply to  george 1
4 months ago

His record as a pundit isn’t very good. He started in March 2022 forecasting the Ukraine would fall any day now and kept moving the end date back as the original date passed.

Reply to  Mike
4 months ago

Trump or MacGregor? MacGregor has never said the Ukraine will win, but rather lose. Never paid attention to Trump in that regard.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

MacGregor got over his skis early on re: his fatalism about Ukraine, predicting its rapid surrender. Maybe, like Putin, he mistakenly thought Western leaders were rational actors who would negotiate instead of flirting with nuclear armageddon. But that doesn’t invalidate his broader geopolitical analysis, which is pretty consistent with the dissident right worldview. I doubt he’s “one of us” but I put him in the Good Guy Camp.

Cymry Dragon
Cymry Dragon
4 months ago

Does it matter at all? Honestly, reading and posting makes us all feel a little better since we can commiserate with likeminded others, but it won’t make the difference of a piece of fly shit in a pepper pot. I will vote this November, for local issues like Sherriff and school board, since they haven’t fortified these for “democracy” yet (soon to come after a few elections where the correct choice isn’t made by the dirt people), but the rest of my ballot will remain blank, although I suspect that all blank ballot choices are marked “D” by the machines.… Read more »

Reply to  Cymry Dragon
4 months ago

Not me, I’m voting. And I’m voting the entire ballot. And I’m voting for Trump. Why you may wonder? Because it’s gonna be so much fun watching the leftists, the communists, and all the other weak minded elitists in this country go absolutely batshit crazy when Trump is sworn in. They’re going to go nuts and it’s gonna be absolute fun to watch.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 months ago

Think about your fun when Trump convinces White kids to die for Israel.

Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

I see no reason to expect Trump would start a war for Israel. I see plenty of evidence that the Regime fronted by Joe Biden is hot to start wars everywhere, so I’d give a nod to Trump on the no-war issue.

Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

He successfully negotiated quite a few bilateral peace treaties between Israel and Arab countries. When asked why nobody recognized his accomplishments advancing peace, he gave the best f.u. response: “Peace is the prize.”

Meaning, he didn’t give a shit about medals if there were no wars.

History is not on your side. Trump was collapsing the power of the Israeli lobby by taking away their issues by solving problems peacefully.

Reply to  Hokkoda
4 months ago

>History is not on your side.


Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Hun
4 months ago

The arc of history is long, but it bends toward Trump being the second coming.

Reply to  Hoagie
4 months ago

Hoagie. Your mistake is to believe that the people decide, when in fact Party apparatchiks decide.

I have no idea who they will choose, but of this i’m fairly certain: It will not be decided by a fair and honest election, nor will it be either Biden or Trump. A vote for Biden is a vote for that affirmative action hire and a vote for Trump will go in the trash bin.

4 months ago

Politics in the West is essentially a closed system, that violently excludes any newcomers trying to break into the club…It’s similar to Russia in 1900, and likely to meet the same end when it loses the next war…

4 months ago

There’s always been corruption in politics but in the last 60-80 years it’s gone into overdrive. Something changed over that time frame, and while it’s awfully hard to say for sure, it might have something to do with the usual suspects who wear small hats…

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

I haven’t written a “Letter to the Editor” for years now. What is the point? The fellows at work are goading me into writing an LTE about the outrageousness of swamping Maine with Africans. In the past, I would write the LTE in a mild and reasoned tone, attempting to persuade folks on the fence. Nowadays that is pointless. Those folks on the fence have no ability to change government policy. The regime does not care what they think. Never did. The situation at the border is not the result of anyone’s vote or voice. So this next letter will… Read more »

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

I think the time for writing to the editor is past. I think now is the time to become the editor – that way you can publish the stories filled with vitriol and that name the names of the ticket takers who are getting paid to replace the people of Maine with Africans.

I wish you the best and I know that you can do it. Carpe Deum.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

New England Yankees deserve whatever they get.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

Be sure and mention that if they desire to blacken Maine, they don’t have to look all the way to Africa – there are millions of negros in the American south whom they could transplant, thereby rescuing them from the racist clutches of the maga rednecks

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

When I was in grad school (1996-2000) I frequently wrote LTE’s to a major midwestern newspaper, and, surprisingly enough given the rightwing views they contained, the paper published most of them. If I was in my old uni’s grad school today and such letters got published, I would be expelled from the university, and I am not joking.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 months ago

My thinking as well. Are there any papers that will reprint such a letter, i.e., one that challenges immigration on the basis of race? Can a “we are not all the same” thesis be published in any modern MSM like a town newspaper? Much less a vitriolic one?

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

Zulu Juliet: Only Silents and Boomers read the newspaper these days. They all think that blackening Maine/AINO is the noble thing to do. Whatever your tone, you are wasting your time. Your letter will either go in the trash or be passed to one of the many volunteer notsee hunters to identify and dox you. Wear gloves when touching the paper and don’t put it in the mail within your genuine zip code.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

We are long past letters to the editor. The fact that you work with anyone still recommending ‘letters to the editor’ just reminds me that removal of myself from this landmass was the only winning move. These people are the majority, and they cannot be saved. Want to stop the Africanization of Maine? It will require fedpoasting activities, the kind that require brass catchers. That is all that is remaining at this point because it is the only language they understand. (Still don’t recommend, you WILL be made an example of) Do you remember that line from the Terminator? We… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
4 months ago

Apex – Most of Z’s commentariat appear to be comfortably ensconced within the system. Although they claim to be secret dissidents behind enemy lines, forced to hide their views from co-workers, neighbors, and even their own spouses, they are actually hiding from themselves.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 months ago

They won’t print it.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Happy news as Mother Nature sweeps away Brandon’s floating Gaza pier for good:

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Imagine a war with Russia/China/Iran/North Korea with these clowns in charge. I can’t even…literally shaking…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

AINO is Gambia plus high technology.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

An apt metaphor for US foreign policy if there ever was one. Meanwhile m/v Tutor (a bulk vessel) just sunk after a recent Houthi attack in the Red Sea. Apparently the USN can’t protect ’em all.

4 months ago

In Britain there were sparks of light with The New Culture Forum. They are openly talking like us and despite the lack of 1st Amendment they talk far more openly than we do. One of their young guys even accurately described the loss of habitat as ethnic cleansing and the anti-white pogrom in the military as ethnic cleansing. However, their main guy, Pete Whittle, is certain to interview negros about white erasure in film and tv and has the usual lineup of non-white proxies to make the criticism of the system not subject to cries of racism. Before it even… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

The question for France is “Do you want to civil war now, while you are still a singificant majority, or 30/40 years down the road, when you are a besieged and persecuted minority in a chaotic Afro-Muslim-dominated territory?”

Reply to  Jannie
4 months ago

Perfectly put.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  RealityRules
4 months ago

I was, like you, suspicious of Zemmour at first, so I subscribed to his email feed for a couple of years and read every message carefully and have concluded that Zemmour is the real thing. The Parti Reconquête is the real thing. Did quite well in the recent elections and they have withdrawn from the approaching races where they would take votes from nationalist candidates, which is almost unheard of, but in an email earlier this week, he made it clear that he and Reconquête are putting France ahead of party.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

Just another Zionist influence op.
Pretty funny, his wife is also a North African Jew, and Personal Life mentions how he recently knocked up his chief campaign advisor, who is shockingly also North African Jewish.
I wonder what proportion of the people running his scheme are Jewish?

Are you Jewish, or just a boomer?

4 months ago

I see Farage as the English Steve Bannon. He moves the overton window, says all the right things and is dissident-adjacent, and could be in a position of power if he wanted to, but instead he seems to lead movements only to quit after the fun is over, and retreat to being a podcaster/radio person, and then chase populist or democratic movements in places OTHER than his home country. I hate to say this because I like both of them, or could like both of them. Bannon’s stunts and unfocus is bringing him jail time, and the same could happen… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

With the present nature of political prosecution in AINO, it’s hard to believe Bannon would have faced any charges if he had the right friends

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

Yeah Farage might find himself being charged by the Crown Prosecution Services in England. If not, I’m sure there’s a Soros DA here that would be glad to initiate lawfare against old Nige and have him extradited.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Marko
4 months ago

“In a speech at Turning Point USA’s Detroit conference, Bannon bashed the legal cases against the former president and predicted, with certainty, that Trump will be sentenced to years in prison on July 11.

“They’ve turned the legal system. They’ve turned the legal system, whether it’s bankruptcy, whether it is taking away somebody’s law license, whether it’s de-banking, and they have the greatest president this nation’s had since Abraham Lincoln, … .”

And that is where I clicked away from that POS.

THAT is Steve Bannon.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

There is some degree of comedy in the UK moving left (at the ballot box) merely because, and for no other reason than, the UK’s right is so discredited and useless, while simultaneously the rest of Europe is moving right, and the UK probably would too if there was any “right” for them to move to. One wonders how the Brits who still vote Tory justify it in their minds, it seems unfathomable. Yet they exist, 21% according to this. Unlike with the “left” there is no mind virus or media brainwashing to explain it. It is like 21% of… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 months ago

There is some degree of comedy in the UK moving left merely because, and for no other reason than, the UK’s right is so discredited and useless…

The main reason is that the leader of the Conservatives is a Paki.

Of course, Keir Starmer visits the synagogue each Saturday because his wife and kids are Jewish – you don’t hear much about this because half of all Labor voters are Moslems.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
4 months ago

It certainly doesn’t help that the Conservative leader is a Paki, but the main problem is the Conservative leader is a…Conservative. George Galloway is an execrable person, as a preface, but a most interesting thing happened when he recently won a special election to Parliament as a third-party candidate. Galloway cobbled together a coalition of Muslims and working white class whites to defeat the Labour candidate, and the Conservative leader was angry about it. Imagine that. Sunak’s putative opposition party lost an election to a third party, and he was pissed off about it. You would think, if politics were… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
4 months ago

You have to wonder how much popular support the British state or the American one or probably any “Western” version actually retains. People in the (former) West continue to have relatively prosperous lives, but as is the case with welfare recipients there is a sense of entitlement to plenty now. I suspect much of the spreading totalitarianism is in anticipation of the day prosperity ceases to be, but even the police state likely could not contain the uprisings. The revolution the Ruling Class seems to envision and the one that likely would take place are diametrically opposed. Same as it… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
4 months ago

“The revolution the Ruling Class seems to envision and the one that likely would take place are diametrically opposed.”

I recommend reading Leviathan and its Enemies by Sam Francis:

He discusses that very thing as only he could do.

long time reader
long time reader
4 months ago

This blog has become a slough of demoralization and a claim regime that precludes any action other than whining from the sidelines. The system could collapse tomorrow and the day after you will find here an explication of how it fell for the wrong reasons, or in the wrong direction, or how the people who toppled it lacked the correct moral view, or were acting from impure motives, or demonstrated inconsistency, or weren’t good at math, or hadn’t read the right book, or were rude. Anything but something. It didn’t used to be like this here every single time. What… Read more »

Reply to  long time reader
4 months ago

There are “glass half empty” guys and “glass half full” guys. For example, I reread today’s missive and I don’t see it as a “half empty” black pill. I see it as a straightforward report from the forward lines, and I am the better for it. The comparisons to GB were insightful and useful. The aspect of Farage being part of the problem over there was of interest as he’s sort of their (GB’s) Trump figure. And I still like Farage.

Last edited 4 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I’ve come to be skeptical of the types like Farage. They’re good on TV, but I think that’s all they’re in it for. I don’t think Farage wants to or could run anything. I do like Farage, however.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
4 months ago

I’ve been at this site for many years and haven’t detected any change in tone, either from Z or the commentariat.

Reply to  long time reader
4 months ago

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the central theme is about promoting loss of faith in our institutions but a slow-build trust in techocratic ones. So there’s this funny two step between those two sides. A clear agenda. One day you get the one, demoralizing, another day you get the other, a sweet swansong.

4 months ago

Methinks collapse will preempt any political correction that may eventually evolve; and if so, then we may see a return of the Troubles all across the British Isles. If so, then the ensuing economic and existential hardship may be the only mechanism that actually reverses the invasion of illegals. Not even the Africans will stick around when turning the ignition key can be a death sentence.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
4 months ago

Things are even more interesting over in Germany, where the government seems hell bent on outlawing the “far right” AfD (Alternativ fur Deutschland) all in the name of saving democracy of course. While not a leading party, they are looking to straight up prohibit a party that appeals to maybe 10-20% of the electorate. It may not be the AfD specfically, but people are getting wounded and a polezi was stabbed to death by an Afghan (?) immigrant in Mannheim a few weeks ago. (I admit I only scan a few headlines, so I confess I may be wrong on… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 months ago

The young policeman murdered in Mannheim was trying to arrest a nationalist demonstrator–a German–(there were crowds in the streets), and the Muslim with the knife slashed and stabbed the cop, presumably just because he could. Point is … the cop was trying to suppress a German nationalist when he got stabbed and slashed by the New German. He died later in the hospital.

Hard to feel any sympathy. Lie down with dogs; get up with fleas.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 months ago

I’m certainly no fan of the Austrian Painter, but if somebody of his ilk took power in Germany and annihilated its current ruling class, I could only cheer.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
4 months ago

If people aren’t allowed to have their voice heard by civilized means, then they will make their voice heard by uncivilized means.

4 months ago

This is why I am totally unsure about what moves the regime will make to fortify the 2024 elections. Say what you will, every regime needs some basis of legitimacy. Kicking out poll watchers, boarding up the windows, and announcing the new shipment of absentee ballots just happened to have 100% Biden in just enough quantity to win him just the states he needed is not going to do it. Throwing Trump in a gulag for crimes they just made up is not going to do it, and even for the arguably legitimate crimes they could get him on, their… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Mycale
4 months ago

“Meanwhile, Trump’s platform is now no different from what Jeb Bush was offering in 2016.”

Retarded comment.

Last edited 4 months ago by MTV
Reply to  MTV
4 months ago

Even if true, I have more confidence that Trump would make a concerted effort to pursue the things on his platform, unlike Jeb!

4 months ago

>The point of this weaselly language is two-fold.

An alternative purpose of the weaselly language is to appeal to Normie and to not frighten the horses. Bearing in mind that only a tiny minority have crossed over to this side, everyone else needs gentler treatment.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Gauss
4 months ago

Average normie doesn’t pay this much attention, or if they did, they don’t follow the intricacies of such weaselly language.
You don’t have to word things so weaselly when they aren’t sophisticated enough to notice the difference.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
4 months ago

I was in the UK a couple of weeks ago and they seemed more interested to know what I thought about Trump.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Johnny Ducati
4 months ago

Actually, that makes some sense. The BFE’s president probably has more of an impact on Great Britain than the PM, who is merely a human foot stool the president uses to mount and dismount his steed.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago

Scheduling the UK elections on the 4th of July is a pure GAE flex and tell that little Rishi is going to take his billion and decamp to California.

Felix Krull
4 months ago

<i>Logically, the UK should never receive any asylum seekers as by law and logic, asylum seekers go to the nearest safe country for temporary refuge…</i>

That’s not quite correct, because the Dublin Convention contains weasel language too. It states that an asylum seeker MAY be returned to the last safe country they were in, but the government MAY also choose to process them regardless.

Milestone D
Milestone D
4 months ago

Essential immigration would be anything involving cheap foreigner doctors for the National Health Service, which as far as I can tell, is the only thing left that British people are allowed to be proud of anymore, even as it falls apart. cUcK Island was brought down by the allure of free government money, and quickly. The British cashed in their empire for free healthcare, and with it their self-respect. The Tory leadership, grifters all, apparently has no interest, or incentive, to actually *conserve* anything, and has managed to stay in power for quite some time simply by pointing at Labour… Read more »

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
4 months ago

RIP Azzmador

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
4 months ago
Diversity Heretic
4 months ago

There’s a dynamic similar to the one described the Z-man in the UK here in France. The National Rally party,, which is demonized as being “extreme right,” is really a slightly left of center party that has a platform of curbing immigration somewhat, but not really eliminating it. And mentioning remigration is like preaching heresy in the Vatican. France may end up with a majority in the National Assembly of extreme left parties, since the “right” is dividing and engaging in fratricide.

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
4 months ago

You are right about Rassemblement National, but Reconquête has already withdrawn its candidates for the upcoming elections from all races where their presence could divide and weaken the nationalist vote. The French right is not engaging in fratricide. Here is [part of] Zemmour’s press statement of the 16th: Pour la victoire de nos idées et contre l’islamo-gauchisme, Reconquête investit 330 candidats aux élections législatives.   Dans le grand combat qui s’annonce, toutes les forces de droite, sans exception, doivent impérativement se mobiliser. C’est donc avec le sens du devoir que nous allons nous lancer dans cette bataille cruciale pour la survie… Read more »

Bob Brodie
Bob Brodie
4 months ago

Honestly don’t care – still voting Reform.

4 months ago

I make a point of calling the service formerly known as Twitter X. It makes a nice delineation between what Elon runs and the bad old days that came before.

4 months ago

It was simple in the old days. What sold me on the Republicans back in my formative years was that they were pro-business, pro small government, pro-Israel, anti-abortion and anti-communist. Plus, my family was small business oriented and Republican oriented as well. Reagan made a lot of normal people money back in those days. That wasn’t a bad platform in it’s time and day. I’m still pro-business, but the Republican party is pro-globalist and I’m not really sure that a lot of business is what goes on out there anymore. It seems like everything centers around Wall Street, oligarchic enterprises,… Read more »

The Infant Phenomenon
The Infant Phenomenon
Reply to  TempoNick
4 months ago

“Abortion? I don’t care. Jesus had a chance to make it clear in the New Testament and he didn’t. Abortion existed in those days. If it was a big deal to him, he would have spelled it out in the New Testament.” It is spelled out in the Didache (“The Lord’s Instruction to the Gentiles Through the Twelve Apostles.” Commonly called “The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles” or even more commonly “The Didache” pronounced did-uh-key by English speakers. It’s the root of such English words as “didactic” from the first word of the title (Διδαχὴ). This document is contemporary with… Read more »

Reply to  The Infant Phenomenon
4 months ago

There you guys go again with the footnotes, loopholes and weasel words again, just like Jewish lawyers. WHY WASN’T IT WRITTEN OUT IN BLACK AND WHITE?

No skin off my nose if a stranger aborts her spawn. In fact, outside the context of a nuclear family, I encourage it.

4 months ago

Juneteenth = British Slave Trade

Nigel Farage = Royalist

Steve W
Steve W
4 months ago

Z man, your comment thread has been hijacked by the Bull Connor Appreciation Society. The NAXALT and IKAGO hordes will not allow any deviation from the Approved Line. Just to be clear, I spent my day ridiculing both George Floyd and “Juneteemph” — to black friends and acquaintances. My NAXALTs recognize the ruse. They know that a large proportion of their racial “brothers” are in fact feral animals. And they vote with their feet, just as “we” do. Fact: When the woke white progressives went after Uncle Ben, Aunt Jemima and even menthol cigarettes, the blacks I know were not… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
4 months ago

Based on the downvotes I get when I make perfectly reasonable remarks, I tend to agree with you about the skinhead types.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve W
4 months ago

Upon reading your comment, my Acme Bullshit Detector blew a 50-amp fuse.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Steve W
4 months ago

Hey! That’s weird! When I gave the comment an upvote, instead of showing an upvote, it just decreased the down vote by one from -3 to -2. What idiot thought that was a good piece of code?

Steve W. may have a written a great comment that one hundred and two people think is worth voting on- fifty upvotes and fifty-two downvotes, and all he and we see is two down votes. Fix that Z-man!

Last edited 4 months ago by Zulu Juliet