
Note: I am doing a Q&A type of show this week, so if you have any small topics of interest, pass them along in the comments.

Between now and the start of Donald Trump’s debate with the CNN hosts on Thursday night we will learn the name of his running mate. Trump said that his pick will be at the debate, so it has been assumed that person will be revealed at that point, but Trump is being cagey about it. He has invited various people to stand around the backstage area during the debate, so maybe the suspense will continue. There is no audience for this debate, as Joe Biden is now easily startled by loud noises.

It used to be that the running mate selection was one of the first big tests of a party’s candidate because it spoke to the strength of the candidate. In 1976 Jimmy Carter picked Walter Mondale to balance the ticket geographically and to assure Washington insiders that he would not cause any trouble. Reagan did a similar thing in 1980 when he picked former CIA head George Bush. In both cases, the running mate pick suggested the candidate had enough insider support.

For establishment candidates, the running mate was about geographic balance or shoring up a party constituency. In 1988 George Bush had all the Washington support he needed, but the party base found him to be a bit weird so he went with Dan Quayle from Indiana on the theory he would win over heartland voters. In 2004 John Kerry picked John Edwards to add geographic balance and add some personality to a ticket featuring a man who appeared to be made of wood.

The running mate pick has lost its luster of late. No one remembers who Hillary picked for her running mate. He may be dead now for all anyone remembers. Trump picked Mike Pence, mostly because Pence is so boring. He was not expected to add anything to the ticket but serve as Trump’s emissary to the uniparty. George Bush II picked Dick Cheney because the people who picked George Bush II told him to pick Dick Cheney so he could run things from inside the administration.

The funny thing about the running mate job is it has always been the death sentence for a political career. Vice Presidents rarely go on to win the top job. Fifteen vice presidents went on to become president, but eight of those got the job when the president died or was assassinated. Only four of those won an election in their own right. It is one of the other rarities of the 2020 election. Not only did a man with dementia become the most popular man in the country, but he was also a former VP.

This may be about to change with Trump. Since he is limited to one term, his running mate will be viewed as the guy who inherits the MAGA movement and gets the Trump endorsement for running in 2028. We are about to have a great die off in both parties, so it will be a scramble over the next decade among the toadies and flunkies to see who gets to pretend to be in charge of things. Being a second or third banana is going to become a coveted position.

You can see this with Biden. His people picked a cackling simpleton as his running mate because it was seen as life insurance. Installing a moron like Harris as president is too much even for the psychopaths running Washington, so picking her as the VP meant no one was going to put a pillow over Biden’s face. That was a fine plan for the Biden family, but now the party is stuck with a guy who soils himself in public while staring blindly out into space during public events.

This is what will make Trump’s pick interesting. Has he managed to learn anything about his moment in the timeline? If he picks another stooge or someone dictated by the party, then it is another reminder that Trump is not a historical figure as in a man who is shaping history, but rather he is a feckless ignoramus who just happened to be swept up by the tides of history. If he picks someone expected to continue the fight, then maybe Trump has learned something.

Ten years of Trump says the way to bet is that he picks the worst possible option as his running mate, which would be someone like Glenn Youngkin. He is a less masculine version of Liz Cheney. He has Washington support, is loved by the neocons, and has deep ties to the economic elites. If Trump picks him, it means the regime has decided to let him win and then wear his administration as a skin suit. In effect, the populist rebellion will have officially died.

Of course, the main problem for Trump picking an heir is that his MAGA movement has zero institutional support. It is why every candidate in the primary was a zombie from the plant where they produce Republican politicians. The only guy who sounded like Trump was Vivek Ramaswamy and he was probably faking it. Then you have the fact that you cannot let South Asians anywhere near power in a white country. Just look at what is happening in Canada and Britain.

In this regard, Trump’s final big decision as a player on the political stage reflects the reality of the system. It is beyond reform, so that means there is no solution through the normal functioning of the system. You cannot vote your way out of the problems of democracy because the point of democracy is to prevent it. “Our democracy’ is a rigged game in which the house must always win. In the end, that will be the lesson of Trump and the populist rebellion that produced him.

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3 months ago

If Trump Were Smart, he’d announce he is choosing a literal Dirt Person, a white working class man in his late 30s like a carpenter or truck driver, with a quiet wife and normal children, not some Evangelical Christian lunatic, not a scumbag politician, not some lapdog general, and not some girlboss. That would probably frighten the Regime and Vichy even more than the Bad Orange Man himself, because it would force them to deal with a normal human, and it would be an indelible symbol and rallying point for White America, a propaganda gold mine for a real movement… Read more »

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Remember “Joe the Plumber”, the white guy who asked Obama an uncomfortable question on 2008?
His life wasn’t ruined at all and he lived a long, healthy life after that.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Ha. Wouldn’t that put the cat amongst the pigeons?

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Pickle Rick hit on something that Tucker and Sailer both gloss over. The people who read/watch both these guys are vastly more political compared to the real target of the Establishment. In other words, no one is picking on the white Mitt Romneys or Liz Warrens or even the Tuckers of the country – the establishment’s hatred is way more narrowly targeted at the white working class. Unfortunately, the white working class is too busy trying to keep dinner on the table to dabble in ideas. These are the people Trump reaches. To put it into left-speak, these people “matter”… Read more »

3 months ago

Best meme I’ve seen of Vivek vs “Nikki”:

”Two Indians arguing about how much money we need to send to Israel”.

If Biden’s choice of Kamala for VP proved anything, it’s that VPs don’t matter in the slightest. Neither do presidents.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

One of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen was when someone replaced the debate audio with two Indian drivers screaming at each other

“F*ck you!”
“No, no, f*ck you! You are f*ck!”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

If Biden’s choice of Kamala for VP proved anything, it’s that VPs don’t matter in the slightest. Neither do presidents. Anyone who believes elected officials have any power at all now is stupid or delusional. The whole point of “Biden,” whether the Regime intended so or not, was to emphasize the president is a powerless figurehead of the Ruling Class. It is why I smile any time someone suggests Obama, the ultimate Step ‘N Fetchit of the oligarchs, now is in control, something that wasn’t true during his eight-year performance, either. Trump unexpectedly won and that terrified the Ruling Class,… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

But, but muh constitution, muh bill of rights! Lol. You’re exactly right, it is a sad state of affairs. I always get a laugh out of an article claiming fjb made such and such a proposal or is taking this executive action, etc. Anyone who believes that, especially with this senile pervert is an absolute flipping idiot.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

For people who claim that “Biden did this” or “Bush did that”, I try and invoke a mental exercise: let’s say you, normie, decide here and now that you are going to be president one day. Now imagine what you have to do for this to succeed. You’re going to have to raise money, first and foremost, and play nice with certain figures in the establishment. That is the base requirement. If you don’t do these two simple things, you get ignored at best, professionally or financially ruined at worst. Then imagine you want to go higher. Now you start… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Still think this Republic can be saved by a good man in office?”

Not only can it not, as the old saying from Groucho goes (paraphrased), “…no men good enough for the position would run for it…”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

It is an axiom of democracy that no man who can get elected should. And that goes a fortiori for Our Democracy.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

As a corollary to that axiom –
if voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us do it (M. Twain)

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Yeah, the “Obama is running things behind the scenes” talk is hilarious. Even when he was president, Barry was a lazy actor who’d rather spend his time on the golf course followed a trip to the bath house than get involved with talking his producers and directors about the script.

Even a fired-up Trump wouldn’t put a dent in the Uniparty, and Trump, oddly given everything that’s being thrown against him, seems to be going through the motions this time.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

It’s a good point. I think Obama was a useful symbol for the people who were actually in charge, he got VERY highly paid to be that symbol, and I think he still is, and he seems to enjoy still acting as that symbol. Is he making decisions or is actually in charge, of course not, but he’s still acting in largely the same role he was when he occupied the WH. Unlike Bush who slinked away in shame and disappeared for a solid decade, Obama maintained a house in DC and is put in front of the camera whenever… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Important for the left and the rest of the world to believe that someone competent is in charge.

I think Barry thinks he’s running a shadow presidency.

Deep down, he knows.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

He’s at least a choke point. The foot soldiers don’t necessarily take orders from jewish bankers.

Jeb Bush Presidential Library
Jeb Bush Presidential Library
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

It’s the platform and promised transformations that Barry and ‘It’s Joever’ symbolize.

A Democrat candidate may be running for months for office, but in the last couple weeks, I’m wholly convinced a ton of voters are voting for Abortion(tm) rather than the empty suit:
All hail ¡The Current Thing! until the NEXT Current Thing software patch!

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Any names for who is actually “in charge” ?

Reply to  Spingerah
3 months ago

Nope. That’s one of the strengths of our sacred democracy. We don’t know who is actually in charge. Maybe the most visible glimpse we got was during the Trump admin when a literal Sanhedrin in New York City would be on mute during important phone calls from the Oval Office.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Spingerah
3 months ago

Garfinkle, Mayorkas, Yellen, Blinken, Klain, Schumer…

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Biden’s minyan (per E. Michael Jones)

Reply to  Spingerah
3 months ago

See the recent Pet Q and Ryan Dawson podcast and then hit Dawson’s other stuff. He names names.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Indeed..Obama banned gain-of-function research, and Fauci et al simply ignored the ban, and farmed it out to China and the Ukraine…As Ike once said, “When you’re a General and give an order, something happens…When you’re President and give an order, nothing happens.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Another factor, generally overlooked (especially by conservatives who can easily calculate the IQ of the son of a Kenyan politician and an American honeypot): Obama is very, very dumb.

As a fifty year old man, his favorite tv show was Entourage. He’s a basketball fan who can’t spell Syracuse. He was the president who “normalized” visible teleprompters—and using them, he mispronounced every word that was even slightly uncommon (“corpsman” most famously). Etc.

He can’t even run his mouth.

Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

One of my gym buddies grew up in Hawaii. His father taught at the Punahou school, and Obama was one of his students. Word was that Obama was stupid, lazy, and stoned for most of high school.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Best insight yet. One that needs to be heard more in “Normie” media discussion. Only major presentation I heard discussing such was the Tucker interview with Putin—and a damn foreign leader had to express it. In a sane USA, this would have made headlines. In the clown world we live in, not a peep. Why? Well, read Jack’s OP.

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Thanks. The number who realize this let alone who would read that comment is beyond miniscule. People seem to intuit they have no input into so-called popular government, but normalcy bias propels them to go through the motions.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago


Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Trump being Trump, he will probably make a dumb pick, or at least pick someone who doesn’t take any of the spotlight away from him and his monstrous ego. I’d say Youngkin because he is bland and demure and from a swing state but who knows? It really doesn’t matter much anyhow… there’s simply no way the Ruling Class will allow Trump to win again, even assuming that he will get enough votes to do so. Right-wingers blithely assume that Biden is toast, but I’m not so sure. Spend some time among some Blue-state shitlibs. They’re not voting for Trump.… Read more »

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Her only two qualifications were not being White and not being male.

Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

Well, she is “white adjacent” and come to think of it she might be male adjacent, too

Reply to  Zfan
3 months ago

Sorry, off topic. I was thinking of Nikki

3 months ago

The stuff Trump has been saying lately – endless support for Israel’s genocide, promising “Nikki” Haley a job in his administration, staple green cards to diplomas – tells me that he is trying to kill off the populist rebellion, that Trump is killing Trumpism. He probably made some deals to stay out of prison. To that end, maybe his strategy will be the reverse of what we have thought – instead of picking someone to signal to the regime, he will pick someone to signal to his base. That said, ultimately, it won’t change much. The fire he lit when… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

I think he got a taste for power during the first term. Not the same power as running a property empire, but of the ultimate power that (supposedly) goes with being POTUS. He’s done a deal with the powers behind the curtain: give me that “power” back and I’ll say and do anything you want.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

It’s crap but that’s what Trump served up in his four years office so there should be no surprise.

Carl B.
Carl B.
3 months ago

I hope Trump picks Tulsi just so we can watch UniParty/Media/Conservatard heads explode like cluster bombs on a Crimean beach. What fun.

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
3 months ago

The problem with inheriting the MAGA movement is that it’s largely a Trump cult of personality movement. Absent Trump, it’s hard to see how any successor could maintain the momentum. Charisma doesn’t transfer well.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 months ago

MAGA is just a cover for the interests of the white (and near-white) working classes in the empire proper. Anyone can run with. but no one does because they don’t want the regime to jail them.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 months ago

Disagree. Trump is just tapping into an anger and dissatisfaction out there. You can see others lining up to takeover. King Cobra wants it, so does JD Vance. Not sure if either can pull it off, but that dissatisfaction isn’t going away.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

You and Bruno are both right. Granted, the wellspring of anger is very real and it isn’t going anywhere. That said, without a charismatic figure such as Trump to give it voice, that anger will shout itself hoarse in the wilderness. The question is, is there another Big Man out there over yon horizon to receive the MAGA mantle from BoM? Possibly. But I don’t have a clue as to who it might be.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The US may at this very moment have its rough equivalent of a former soldier a failed painter nursing his mug of lager at the beer hall, thinking about the future.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

In Minot rather than Munich…

Andy Texan
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Hopefully. Someone young, well spoken and charismatic like Nick Fuentes. He’s 25 and a natural orator.

Reply to  Andy Texan
3 months ago

NF is too girlish & homeaux for the task. The Austrian corporal had stones and proved it on the field of battle during WWI.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Sadly agree. Things will have to get much worse before the people move from shouting to something more. In the meantime, no one is going to lead us out of this mess.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Yea I wonder how many kulaks went to their horrible deaths waiting on someone to save them instead of banding together with their neighbors…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Like so many, I can’t muster any emotion about this election. It’s become clear that we’ve passed some point. The donor control seems complete. Even the college protests (manned by people who hate us too) were put down with authority. They won’t be happening again. I used to think that Trump winning would be a fun poke in the eye to the system even if he couldn’t do anything, but, now, even that seems pointless. I’m not being black-pilled, just realistic. Indeed, I’m optimistic. Just as the Kosher Uniparty has solidified its control, the system is showing major cracks. True,… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

At least in the US elections there is still a chance that Trump will win and MAYBE do a few good things. In the UK, unless Farage finally gets his act together, there is even less blue water between the “opposing parties”. The choice is more massive illegal immigration of more illegal massive immigration.

Reply to  Robbo
3 months ago

Legal immigration is what is destroying the US.
Trump does love his Green Cards…

3 months ago

At this point in time I have accepted these facts: Someday we will be wiping our asses on Hundred Dollar bills as a side effect of America’s very own Soviet Union level extinction event. Also you had better have plenty of arms and ammunition, for the ballot box and jury box will be replaced by the bullet box.

I don’t see how our future can be much different. On the other hand, it would be a wonderful day when the lawyers and judges are afraid of the bullet box and the very act of showing their faces in public.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 months ago

“Someday we will be wiping our asses on Hundred Dollar bills as a side effect of America’s very own Soviet Union level extinction event.”

The fall of the Soviet Union was the best case scenario. If the American empire collapsed, I don’t think it would be so orderly. It was kind of a unique event in modern history.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Correct. The way Putin brought Russia back from the post-Soviet hellscape to where it is today is one of the greatest feats in modern history. We won’t be so lucky. The Russians, despite 70 years of communist evil, still share a common history and values, while Christianity came out stronger because of the oppression. We no longer have any of those. The best case scenario is some kind of split along ideological lines. However, that might not work either, and probably will involve serious violence.

Reply to  Robbo
3 months ago

Yep. Putin didn’t have a feral Negro population in every major city to contend with…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Coalclinker
3 months ago

I don’t think we will live to see the bullet box. I hope so, but unlikely. I tell like minded folks to wake me up when the shooting starts. That’s the only thing that will change anything. Everything else is merely theater to placate the plebs. Normie eats it up too, still thinking that Trump will get elected and fix it all.

3 months ago

I had money down on Kristi Noem from way back, but then she did that thing. If you’re short of quick hits for the Q&A, what are your thoughts on that? When it first came out that she shot her dog, I thought “She’s gotten a good talking-to from the Uniparty, and has decided to remove herself from consideration.” But upon further review… well, that’s exactly the kind of thing a chick who has been in the apple-polisher pipeline all her life would think makes her sound “tough” to icky Red Staters, right? I mean, isn’t that what you people… Read more »

Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

Just for the record: I’m sure exactly zero of that actually happened. I doubt she ever even had a dog, much less shot it herself, or even ordered it shot. It’s just something she thought would make her sound tough, so she had her ghostwriter put it in the book. But that’s the official public claim, anyway, or at least was, until the utterly predictable to anyone other than a Cloud Person outcome: That she killed her dog because it was dangerous and failed its hunting training.

Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

Noem’s dog story happened. She is a rarity in politics in that she did actual work in her family’s ranch and other businesses before entering politics. You are right in that her reason for including it was to make her sound tough to voters and she was completely tone deaf to how it was going to go over with them. I don’t think she was ever under serious consideration despite her affair with Trump advisor Corey Lewendowski. National interest in Noem died off quickly after Covid and being from a small state Trump will win easily does nothing for him.

Last edited 3 months ago by Barnard
Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Tough, or cruel? Here in my State such is not allowed for euthanasia. However, vet’s will provide you with a lethal dose in a syringe for an at home “put down”. Folks often take their “best friend” out to some favorite spot to enjoy the day before being put down. Now that, to me anyway, is “strong”! I’d have been moved with that tale much more than the one in her book.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Because it chased some chickens is kind of harsh iyam

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

you cannot have a dog that kills the neibbors livestock .

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Women who have had an affair judged harsher than men. That’s just life. I have no respect for that slut anymore.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Noem has also gone through so much plastic surgery on her face she looks ghoulish. From her start as Governor in 2019 she doesn’t even look like the same person. I think her political career is over after this unless Trump wins and gives her a job. Doubt she will ever be elected to another office in South Dakota.

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

I’ve made a similar comment on other pages that she isn’t aging well. Like Sarah Palin, she may be past peak hotness. Sarah, at least, used to hit it out of the park whenever she said something (and also her opinion pieces). I don’t get that Kristi has the same ability.

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

She looks rode hard and put up wet.

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Anyone who abuses dogs in an English-speaking country is making a bad political mistake.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

She was supposed to don a cowboy hat after the book was published and chew tobacco or something while campaigning in the UP of Michigan or the Blue Ridge of Virginia. I’m shocked they didn’t have her insinuate that she had to shoot a man just to watch him die.

Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

White people have an unhealthy love of dogs, so methinks the new sexual harassment/racism charge is the animal-abuse charge.

If you can’t convince people that you mistreated a lady or did a racism, you could maybe convince them that you were a terrible dog mom.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

One of negroes’ criticism of whites is that we care more about dogs than negroes.

Yeah. And why not?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Dogs versus monkeys? Not a tough call. 🤣

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Don’t insult monkeys like that. I’d take a monkey over a negro any day.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Your quip is well taken, but the reality is that we’ve spent trillions on the blacks—dogs not so much.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Yep. But not willingly. Apparently we’re obligated to ostentatiously cheer the pillaging of our funds in aid of the nuggras.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

At CPAC or TPUSA, the preference over dogs is the Conservative black guy. He’s more popular than anyone.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Yeah. But they’re a load of Bozos.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

The “dog thing”…it really marks us as chumps…it’s not the dogs, i’s the (twisted) dog people,

Reply to  rasqball
3 months ago

You’ll get to be my age someday and will find out a “dog” is the only thing that will give you the time of day. 😉

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

What’s that bumper sticker I see occasionally?

“The older I get, the more I prefer my dog to people.”

Something like that.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

I dare you to repeat that in front of my poodle!

Reply to  Robbo
3 months ago

Love my poodle mix, but she’s got a touch of crazy.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

I also thought that it’d be Noem. Trump would love to trot out a reasonably hot chick as his VP. She’d say MAGA things and then stand aside. She’s literally Sarah Palin 2.0. (I’m sure that she absolutely loves Israel as well.) But she (or, really, her handlers) screwed up.

But it doesn’t matter. Hell, Trump doesn’t matter.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Trump matters only to the extent he behaves like a free radical who destabilizes the power structure. Despite all his tough talk, he didn’t do this when he had the chance, and I doubt he’ll do it if he gets a second chance.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Yep. If I were a Yank, I’d vote for him just to give the Deep State the middle finger. That’s the only power we have left where voting is concerned. No single person can sort out this mess.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

You know, if she let her herself get bedded by somebody with a little class, I might not be as harsh as I’m being on her. But to let herself get bedded by some scumbag like Corey Lewandowski? I have no respect for her. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

I don’t care about the dog. They put down rabid dogs in the local gas chamber every day. What I care about is that she was enough of a cheeseball to let some political creep like Corey Lewandowski in her pants. And even if nothing happened, which I highly doubt after reading the accounts, the fact that she wasn’t smart enough to keep someone like him at arm’s length so that people wouldn’t talk proves that she’s a moron.

Reply to  Severian
3 months ago

The dog thing was very ugly, as a press event, but she’d removed herself from MAGA types’ consideration long before. Her state’s legislature passed the first mild tranny resistance bill, her corporate masters told her to veto it—trannies are more valuable to “business” than they are to trannies—and she did. Republicans who keep up with the news turned against her instantly and forever. I think Noem’s dog story isn’t about Noem, but part of the GOP’s “Shapiro Strategy.” No amount of establishment rage/persecution/lies can make Trump unpopular, so it’s up to other Republicans to remind voters that Republicans are repulsive… Read more »

3 months ago

Trump will pick a black guy. That will get him another 3% of the ever so important black vote and the libs will finally start to love him.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Ben Carson is rumored to be a candidate.

Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

I’m okay with Ben Carson. He’s a likeable guy and he would be better than some Pajeet. I doubt he could run this country if somebody whacks Trump, but nobody seems to care about that sort of thing.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

The question for us to ask about any Black VP choice, is what will he/she do if/when she/he ascends to the Presidency—either through election or death? WRT Z-man’s opinion, I believe a Black VP—other than the moron we currently have—is a very elevated step to further office. Ben Carson is *not* a moron, he’s a nice guy, but he’s never had political power. I simply do not trust Blacks with power over Whites—just as I don’t play “Russian Roulette”, nor recommend others do.

I fear the public has learned nothing from the Obama fiasco.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

The trouble Trump has is that nobody in the Republican Party is particularly likeable these days. Ben Carson is one of the few I can think of that is universally liked. I’m a die-hard Trumpist, early adopter on the Trump train, since August, 2015. If some Pajeet is his running mate, I’m withholding my vote. I’d be okay with Ben Carson though. It seems like all of Somalia, Bhutan and other places like that have been dumped into my area. That all happened under Zero, with Republicans sitting on their hands. Neither party can or wants to do anything about… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

The skull of the Griller is notoriously thick.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Dems are the real racists!!!! Take that, leftist!!!! You just pretend to like blacks, but we really do!!!!!

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

The worst part about it would be the endless shilling of dems are the real racists…… and so many people would buy it just for “the win”

We’re surrounded by cucks and retards.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Yep, and the swamp will order another million fake ballots in the swing states. I disagree with something Zman wrote the other day, that there is a limit to their ability to cheat. A party that will jail their opponents will have no problem with 200% voter turnout.

Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

200% voter turnout would be a great thing. It would finally reveal, even to the the biggest grillers and urban soy connoisseurs, that the system is totally corrupt. We would finally enter the despair phase, slowly turning into apathy (I doubt anybody would actually use their guns).

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

My sense is that 50% of the electorate would not understand a 200% turnout was mathematically impossible. 25% of that 50% would say math is racist anyway. Of the 50% of the electorate that do get it, 25% wouldn’t care. (not a scientific study)

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

They only need the 200% in Detroit, Pittsburg, Atlanta and Maricopa County. You know, areas where the voter registration roles don’t capture the marginalized minority voters, so 200% is not only expected, it is a good thing!

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

The only issue with that is the percentage of the population whose favor it works in, doesn’t care. In fact, they relish rubbing your face in it.

Reply to  DLS
3 months ago

A party that is willing to goad Russia into WW3 and support genocide in Gaza has no problems with completely transparent and over-the-top cheating. Believe me.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

It would tank his black-vote numbers. Symbolic supplication is “beta.” Blacks vote for hierarchy. Trump was their white king until 2016, when the tv said he was below Hillary. Now that it says he’s a CONVICTED FELON—like every man they know who might kick their ass—they kinda like him again. Natural conservatives.

3 months ago

The funny thing about the running mate job is it has always been the death sentence for a political career….”

Ah, yes it was for JFK.

3 months ago

Trump will pick a TPUSA-certified POC, or maybe a white woman who could shield him from the inevitable female harassment charges coming his way.

But whomever he chooses, the inheritor of the MAGA movement is Don Jr. He will run for president in this decade or next.

Last edited 3 months ago by Marko
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

I’m rooting for Baron. Tall, absolute Chad physgionomy, apparently quite smart, he lived in the White House and saw first hand what these creatures have done to his father. There’s a few hints of Augustus here.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Picking Baron would be very based, but unfortunately, one of the criteria for US presidents is to be at least 35 years old.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

35? I thought it was 65.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Not even the Soviet Politburo during its worst decline was as geriatric as the US leadership.

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

You know, considering how dumb a lot of us were about things when we weren’t as seasoned as we are now, I don’t know if old is such a bad thing. I think you need to have lived through things, and have things that you believed in and sounded logical at the time exposed as being BS to have the right touch to be a leader. How many of us were pro Israel? How many of us thought free trade was a good idea? (I did, though I thought unilateral free trade was stupid.) How many of us bought into… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Yeah, but now we have a face-off between an 81 year old and a 78 year old. One keeps forgetting to go to the toilet before he starts pushing and the other one is still lucid but very out of touch with the electorate.

Even if Trump were a perfect candidate otherwise, his age would prevent him from making any durable impact. He was too old in 2016.
Ideal age would be late 40’s / early 50’s with the ability to start some sort of a dynasty/hereditary rule.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Right. Experience is all well and good, but let us not discount the value of continence, both bowel and emotional!

Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

No. People in their 40s and 50s are still too dumb to sift through all the BS. Not enough life experience.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

And it will matter even less.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 months ago

You’re at your funniest when most cynical. I’m a Boomer who has fallen for the GOP tricks for decades, and will again, even though I know about them. But I laugh when reminded of it. It eases the pain. Soon there won’t be any pain because I’ll be gone as Goldwater.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

Perhaps in one nuclear mushroom cloud like the Barry before the other Barry?

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

Ditto but looking at what’s coming after us makes me suspect we will be missed. The Roman historian Suetonius speculated that the emperor Tiberius chose Caligula as his successor so that the Roman people would miss him.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

“Donald Trump’s debate with the CNN hosts”

I see what you did there. 😁You should have honorary British citizenship for your dry wit.

Mow Noname
Mow Noname
3 months ago

“Then you have the fact that you cannot let South Asians anywhere near power in a white country.”

We’ll get the next best thing: JD Vance, who is married to a sub-con and named his children Apu and Baksheesh.

Reply to  Mow Noname
3 months ago

Grover Norquist is another example. He married a Saudi woman and was one of the people whispering into W’s ear about the US needed to take in more muzzies from the ME.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

A question for the Z
Does Tucker Carson interviewing Steve Sailor mean that perhaps the lid is being opened ever so slightly to open discussions on race by normal white conservative people?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Sailer’s rise over the past six months or so is very interesting. Why has a guy who has been kept in the corner of the punditry dinner party – but, importantly, never kicked out – being allowed a seat at the table? It’s not an accident. Completely wild guess here, but I suspect that it has something to do with Oct. 7. Yes, Sailer talks about racial differences (similar to Charles Murray), but Sailer is also a diehard civic nationalist and, while he chides Jews for not having more noblesse oblige toward their goy peasants, he never questions their rule… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Sailers rise is no doubt totally unconnected to the fact that he’s recently discovered (He was an adopted kid) that he’s jewish.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Tucker exposing Steve Sailer to a mass audience will only have the effect of demonstrating to all and sundry that Steve is a kook and an idiot. This will accelerate when people learn that Steve is a pro-vax Kovid Karen and a rabid Ukrainiac—two regime-friendly policies which Tucker’s audience doesn’t much cotton to, and which Tucker himself has done a lot of legwork opposing. And, since Steve is the public face of HBD, this will bring the death knell to that particular piece of pseudoscientific nonsense, and good riddance to it. Steve Sailer is about to be destroyed by finally… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

I’m a kook too.

I like dogs, the Derb, Sailor, VDH and Zman.

Do I agree with them all the time? No, except for my loyal canine companion. They are all smart and make thoughtful contributions to our discussions.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

“And, since Steve is the public face of HBD, this will bring the death knell to that particular piece of pseudoscientific nonsense, and good riddance to it.” More non-sense from ID who has repeatedly demonstrated, even when challenged, that he knows nothing of HBD science. As stated before, Sailor is not a big deal in the field, as in nothing. Sailor is a commentator, not a producer of the science. Sailor is only a big deal in the small mind of ID. As the adage goes, “The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.” So it does with ID and… Read more »

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Compsci, I know your intent was to flame me here, but you’ve actually said something much more interesting than perhaps you even realize. Here we have somebody like yourself, a respectable member of the DR, just casually tossing it out that Steve Sailer is a nobody. I completely agree with that, of course, but it’s strange that up until recently, this would have been considered absolute heresy on the Dissident Right. I’ve been getting beaten up at the Unz Review for the last 9 years for saying exactly the same thing, and there we still have commenters who will tell… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Sailor is a legend in your (ID) own mind. Not in anyone else’s that I know about. Yet you continue to conflate him with someone who is authoritative in the HBD science field and therefore “speaks for it”. That is your problem. I couldn’t care less whether you disagree with Sailor on any of his musings, I simply cannot accept that you denounce HBD science and *use* Sailor as your proof that it is pseudoscience. This is a fallacy of reason. For a person who pretends to be an “intellectual” among us “wannabes”, this is quite telling. You have a… Read more »

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

You are the dumbest motherfucker on here.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

The wise choice would be to find deep stater that could keep the regime off of his and his family’s case after he leaves office. Mike Flynn came to mind, but he really needs some Saddam Hussein-type character who will put a bunch of swamp creatures up against the wall should the situation require it.

Choosing someone like…well anyone on the list that’s been pitched will show that he’s not serious, with picks like Tim Scott showing that he’s just carny trash that got lucky.

3 months ago

Trump probably was/is opportunistically riding a populist wave. If he deep-sixes it, though, I don’t think it’ll go away. People will check out, and things will fall instead of being reformed.

3 months ago

Maybe Trump was tipping his hand when he talked about giving green cards to foreign college graduates. Or at least testing the waters.

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

Yeah, that’s the ticket. Hand out citizenship to all those majors in faux disciplines.

Way back when, in another time and another war, I had a friend who taught part-time at the local community college. He remarked that he was told by the Dean that he should flunk none of the males in his class as they were most likely avoiding the draft through deferment (as both of us were as well).

Imagine how our poz’d “lower” ed system will react to this new incentive for IA’s.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Now that Trump proposed it, it will be an easy sell for whoever ends up occupying the WH. Probably don’t even need to sell it, just an EO will do.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

I would have no problem with it in an idealized application—a degree in a rigorous discipline with a job at graduation. However, the institutions are all poz’d. All Trump would be doing is buying into the lie of “college for all”.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

How about incentivizing white Americans making babies instead of bringing in more third world foreign detritus?

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

You know, there might be a method to his madness. I’m not saying 3D chess, but, that might be a back door to open up immigration to change it in the way we want. Remember what he said years ago, which was that we don’t need as much immigration from shythole countries.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

We have Canada’s example. They enacted the same policy less than ten years ago, and they’re a colony of India now—down to beaches closing because they’re swamped in “human” turds. In Canada.

The education system’s anti-whiteness and the Indian scam hivemind are highly synergistic.

Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

Yes. I was making a much-too-subtle joke about Vivek for VP.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

I believe once upon a time a foreigner who got a college degree here had to leave the country for at least 5 years before he could return and take a job. My, how times have changed

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Yep. We had a growing problem with foreign students in my last department—they’d never leave. They’d continue to postpone graduation so they could keep their student VISA and remain in the USA. They also had little incentive money-wise as they all were hooked up on student employment, which was legal to do. One student had been with us for 8 years in the graduate program! Finally, the new department head had to write a policy memo stating just how long each aspect of the PhD program was expected to take and those outside these parameters would be released from the… Read more »

Tom K
Tom K
3 months ago

I take it for granted that the USA is over. It cannot survive. If you’re taking suggestions for the Q&A, mine would be is do you think there’s any difference between Trump and Biden on the question of which one is less dangerous in the confrontation between the US and Russia.

3 months ago

 There is no audience for this debate, as Joe Biden is now easily startled by loud noises. I dunno Z, people might tune in to see what zingers Trump flings at Biden. Maybe they’ll tune in to see Biden ramble about rescuing his uncle from Corn Pop the cannibal. That was a fine plan for the Biden family, but now the party is stuck with a guy who soils himself in public while staring blindly out into space during public events. Borrowing and altering a line from Sev, I still worry the vote fortification to install Ol’ Joe for a… Read more »

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

>I dunno Z, people might tune in to see what zingers Trump flings at Biden.

Careful, we may see Biden flinging something back at Trump too. He has plenty of material for that lately.

Reply to  mmack
3 months ago

I’m going to be watching (on a livestream, most likely) mostly to see if Biden poops his pants. Or at the very least, to see if the newest drug concoction they cooked up for him works.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

It will be great if Biden poops himself and Trump immediately follows up with a mocking impression of Biden, with the slightly bent pose and confused look.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

I have to get my yearly check up soon. I might ask the doctor or PA or Nurse Practitioner or whoever it is this time for the meds that the president gets. Hell, my insurance might just give me a bale of Depends.

3 months ago

The GreenCard with AA degree announcement should lose him the election. I think a significant segment of the oligarchy is backing away from Biden and moving to Trump. Trump is also saying anything he thinks he needs to say to solicit their support. Effectively that means he will promise a continuation of The Regime with better PR/optics. You can see on mainstream financial propaganda outlets the big business oligarchy spinning mass amnesty and immigration as an orderly, legal immigration system to fill the hundreds of thousands of jobs that are going unfilled. Everyone who can should take the ZMan path… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
3 months ago

You are probably right that Trump will pick someone “safe”, acceptable to the men in gray suits, and known to be a “safe pair of hands.” For all his bluster and bravado, Trump is not really that radical a figure, at least on the domestic front. The sad thing is that in his position I would probably pick someone “safe” as well — these are the realities of power. Let us take solace in the fact that the legions of people who are backing Trump are not going away and the clamor for real change will remain with or without… Read more »

3 months ago

“Our democracy’ is a rigged game in which the house must always win. In the end, that will be the lesson of Trump and the populist rebellion that produced him.” That’s fine—unless you’ve not quite crossed over (mentally) the “great divide” here on the DR. Whatever demoralizes the “Normies” out there benefits us in the long run. Such may be too late, or not enough, but it’s of benefit if it changes perception of the process and one’s role within. As I’ve said for as long as I can remember and Z-man repeats, “You can’t win, you can’t break even,… Read more »

3 months ago

Youngkin will be his pick. Trump is having a rally this Friday in Chesapeake VA and Youngkin will be there. That’s when he’ll announce it.

Jeb Bush Presidential Library
Jeb Bush Presidential Library
Reply to  Boris
3 months ago

Youngkin’s “muh game plan”

3 months ago

it will be a scramble over the next decade among the toadies and flunkies to see who gets to pretend to be in charge of things.”

There it is.

3 months ago

The most hilarious part of the Dick Cheyney selection was that Cheyney made it himself. Tim Kaine’s son being a member of antifa was the most memorable part of his selection as Hillary’s running mate. After a quick search I see they have been able to keep him out of the news since his 2017 arrest.

Does Trump have any good options? I hear JD Vance’s name thrown around and he may be the best on the list, but isn’t a great choice either.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 months ago

“If Trump picks him (Youngkin), it means the regime has decided to let him win and then wear his administration as a skin suit. In effect, the populist rebellion will have officially died.” Bingo. It’s long overdue for private equity to have its own Vice President.
The surest way to win to is have all the bets covered and take the vig. If the Regime is smart, or has any sense of self-preservation, it will put up Youngkin and just co-opt Trump if he “wins”. They should have done this the first time and spared us the theatrics.

Tyco Haldeman
Tyco Haldeman
3 months ago

Who will lead?

I have in mind five people besides the host here. I haven’t met any of these people in person. Most but not all wave at least one red flag that people are aware of. But you have to start somewhere.

Kevin DeAnna

James Edwards

Greg Johnson

Padraig Martin

Jared Taylor


Reply to  Tyco Haldeman
3 months ago

That is an eminently reasonable list. Everyone in this thing will find someone on it to be unhappy about, which is always a good sign. At some point, we have to grow up. Until we realize that we can’t get everything we want, we will get nothing we want. I’d suggest Sam Dickson. But the point is to balance the factions, if that is even the word for the current situation. I am a big proponent of the “Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom” approach, but without coordination we get a lot of silos but no roses. For what it is… Read more »

3 months ago

Somewhat OT, it is getting interesting to see the Coalition of the Ascendant fire at each other. There was a big anti-Fa, Hamas riot against certain people on Pico/Robertson on Sunday. A synagogue was vandalized, cars keyed, lots and lots of people beat up, and various businesses that might or might not be owned by certain people vandalized. The cops did not show up for hours. Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post is out on damage control, alleging that the synagogue in question was “selling Palestinian land” — it was apparently a private conference (not publicized) on real estate investment… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

From 1971-1982 Bear Bryant ran the wishbone. The I was more of a Woody and Bo thing.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

I stand corrected. It was however, very boring. Essentially never passing the football when Al Davis in the 1970s with the Raiders and Madden had already shown the power of the passing offense.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whiskey
3 months ago

The passing game took flight–so to speak–with Don Coryell, Dan Fouts and the San Diego Chargers back in 1978.

3 months ago

“Then you have the fact that you cannot let South Asians anywhere near power in a white country. Just look at what is happening in Canada and Britain.” Look what happened in the eight years Zero was installed as President vis a vis immigration. He put his thumb on the scale and flooded this country with people from that part of the world. I can’t believe cucks would be so stupid to allow that to happen. The people who run this country are goddamned stupid. They have no survival instinct whatsoever. We’re being reduced to a minority in these idiots… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
3 months ago

Too bad Kari Lake is currently running for Senate, as she could be a good running mate. She’s an attractive female, totally onboard the Trump Train, is a charismatic speaker and is great at dealing with the media.

Reply to  Outdoorspro
3 months ago

Yes, but she drags the same baggage in “dislike” scoring as Trump does. Too much of that is what’s pushing back at Trump now.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Trump’s final big decision as a player on the political stage

Zman, I think that’s more prophetic than you know. Sentencing in 2 weeks. GOP convention in 3

3 months ago

You cannot let a South Asian into power in a white country.

Obama is essentially Indonesian.
Yes I accept his birth certificate, I also accept he’s Indonesian – Hawaiian.

3 months ago

For the Q&A:

What is life like for you in your new place? Are you finding good social circles? Is this a place to live your remaining decades out in peace and quiet or is there some other bigger vision. If so, and you feel like discussing it, could you discuss it?

3 months ago

For the QA, you mentioned in passing in one of your shows that you have owned exotic cats.

It would be interesting to hear a bit more about that, since it’s not something that one comes across everyday, the only instance that comes to mind off the top of my head is some boxer owning a tiger, but I’m sure that is something that was handled by flunkies rather than being an actual pet.

3 months ago

Question for the show: Iron Maiden vs Judas Priest? Echo and the Bunnymen vs New Order?

3 months ago

My question is- is there any hope for whites to make a comeback? I have 5 children and I am terrified of what they may have to endure growing up in this mess of a world.

3 months ago

Excellent Z-Man.
The Truth.

3 months ago

“he is a feckless ignoramus who just happened to be swept up by the tides of history.” I couldn’t have put it any better

Fred Beans
Fred Beans
3 months ago

I stopped listening to Mike “Half-Pence” the first time I caught him being interviewed on one of the AM radio talk shows. Whenever he came on I’d switch to sports talk, news, anything else. A more boring human I can’t imagine. No doubt why Trump picked him for #2. I can’t believe he had an ostensibly successful radio show of his own! How? Why?

Last edited 3 months ago by Fred Beans
3 months ago

Z, who do you think Trump should pick as his running mate?

Reply to  Federalist
3 months ago

I doubt he really cares. Is the clown going to slip on a banana or throw a pie in someone’s face? It’s all so tiresome.

Jim Farrow
Jim Farrow
3 months ago

In theory, Trump could run for two more terms.

Reply to  Jim Farrow
3 months ago

“In theory, Trump could run for two more terms.”

How? Please include your understanding of the 22nd Amendment.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

haha if he keeps losing the number is infinite.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Jim Farrow
3 months ago

Is there any limit?

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

You can only run with a chance to win. If restricted due to Constitutional limits, you will never be on the ballots for most, if not all States. In that case your chance of winning (really not a reality) is the same as the write in, “Mickey Mouse”!