Enjoy The Decline

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson supposedly said that a week is a long time in politics, and we have certainly seen that recently. The documents case against Trump in Florida has continue to unravel as the government had to admit that they faked those photos of documents lying on the floor. The Supremes just handed Trump a huge win in the case brought against him over January 6, which came after the other ruling from the Supremes on the other January 6th cases.

Of course, sandwiched in between the legal triumphs was one of the most shocking debate performances in history. Biden’s Captain Pike look was not just bad in the conventional sense of bad debate performances. It made people want to turn away as it looked like an act of cruelty. It was made worse by the reaction of the media and the chattering classes. They went rocketing off demanding a new zombie to lead the fight against Trump only to find they are fresh out of zombies.

Things are looking good for team Trump. He is up in the polls and his opponent looks like he will drop over dead at any moment. The regime media is melting down and fighting with one another, rather than attacking Trump. It was one of the unremarked aspects of the debate, but a critical one. The moderators had to put all of their energy into helping Biden, so they had no time for their usual shenanigans. Trump was able to coast through unscathed.

The trouble for Trump is the election is still months away. The polls are looking better now, but nothing like one should expect. This 538 simulation has it a coin toss, which means Trump is the clear favorite. You have to assume the people running 538 have their thumbs on the scale. Even so, the fact that Trump is not up by forty points over a man who is half dead speaks to the core issue. That issue is the problem of America’s demographic collapse.

Here is a bit of math to illustrate the problem. In the past election, the breakdown by race was in line with past trends, despite the shenanigans. That means the percentage of the voters identifying as white had declined, while the nonwhite percentage continued to climb, especially the Hispanic share. Whites were 67% of the vote, while blacks remained at 13% and Hispanics are now at 13%. Here is what the vote would have looked like if everyone voted for either Trump or Biden.

Trump Biden
Race Vote Share Win % Vote Pct Win % Vote Pct
White 67 58%         38.86 42% 28.14
Black 13 12%           1.56 88% 11.44
Hispanic 13 32%           4.16 68% 8.84
Asian 4 34%           1.36 66% 2.64
Other 3 41%           1.23 59% 1.77
        47.17 52.83

Biden got 51.3% of the popular vote and Trump got 46.8% of the popular vote, so Biden lost more votes than Trump to third party candidates and none of the above. It should not take a mathematician to see the problem. Trump’s nonwhite vote is just 18% of his total vote and the ceiling is extremely low. He can bump it up a little with the black vote, but blacks see Republicans as the white party. Hispanics see the Democrats as the free stuff party, so the ceiling there is probably 40%.

The main problem for Trump or any Republican is that the white vote is shrinking and shrinking quickly as the baby boomers begin to age off. In 2016 the white vote was 70% of the total vote and in 2012 it was 72%. In the 1980 election 88% of the voters were white which is why the claim that we are going through a repeat of the 1970’s is wishful thinking by old people. Regardless, the white vote will be even smaller this time, which means Trump needs even more of it to win.

    Trump Block Of Wood
Race Vote Share Win % Vote Pct Win % Vote Pct
White 65 65%         42.25 35% 22.75
Black 13 12%           1.56 88% 11.44
Hispanic 15 32%           4.80 68% 10.2
Asian 4 34%           1.36 66% 2.64
Other 3 41%           1.23 59% 1.77
        51.20 48.8

None of this is new math as it has been posted here many times, but the point is to explain how it is still possible for Trump to lose to a corpse. We are reaching a point where the only way a candidate representing the white middle-class can win the White House is if he gains the maximum share of the white vote. That maximum share is 80% as roughly 20% of whites suffer from high mutational load. These are the spiteful genetic defects we call the left.

Of course, there is a lot of time between now and November. The recent setbacks at the Supreme Court probably mean Trump gets jail time next week. In her dissent in the immunity case, Sotomayor spoke for the entire kook community when she said Trump could start randomly assassinating people once back in the White House. For kooks like the judge in the New York case, this means he must use any means necessary to stop the evil orange man from becoming dictator.

In other words, in a week the dogs will bark, and the caravan will move on from Biden’s death shuffle to Trump facing jail time. The regime media will have gotten the memo to stop talking about Biden and refocus on Trump. The fake pollsters will be churning out new fake polls, while the gremlins are printing off ballots. The point is the die is cast and there is no salvation at the ballot box. The most we can expect is some entertaining moments as we sink under the weight of demographic reality.

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Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
3 months ago

As we’re “sinking under the weight of demographic reality” the White man’s candidate, Trump, is pushing a plan to staple green cards to diplomas of foreign college graduates. Republicans really do refuse to see color, and are unwilling to grasp the reality of identity politics. Sam Francis got it right over 30 years ago by calling them The Stupid Party.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

The future of conservatism is nationalism, civic or otherwise. Not the “line go up” “shakes fists at lefty” conservatism that we know now. In Western Europe, conservatives will mean conservative Muslims in cities and native whites in the hinterlands (i.e. ethno-nationalist). Imagine a continent-wide Turkey (excuuuuse me, Turkiye) but with more urban blacks and the Kurds are all white. In North America, conservatives will be anti-liberals of all colors (i.e. civic nationalist). Imagine Brazil but with more A10 eye colors, and mestizos doing roman salutes. Anyone who comes out of the woodwork talking about tax breaks for the middle class… Read more »

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Marko: Civic nationalism is an oxymoron, an artificial creation imagined into existence by people like Israel Zangwill and his pretend melting pot. It’s either blood and soil nationalism for White Europeans or the mongrelized mixtures and caste of Brazil. You seem strangely fixated on this fever dream of a multiracial ‘conservatism.’

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Exactly. CivNat is a “cope” for people (Whites) who see their country dying through miscegenation and simply can’t accept such.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I wasn’t promoting or giving a value judgment to civic nationalism; just predicting that civnats will be the default form of conservatism here in North America, as opposed to Europe, which will be more overtly ethno-nationalist. And one certainly can be civic nationalist…there are lots of multi-ethnic countries round the world that are more or less united around a flag or religion, or a language. Even countries that are mono-ethnic have serious divisions if not civil wars. If everyone’s the same, then “the narcissism of the small difference” will kick in, and a couple generations later you might have a… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

More or less united with the emphasis on less.

Racially and ethnically homogenous societies are far more likely to but united, civil and unriven by sectarian strife than are diverse ones. Nothing could be more obvious. Therefore, the objective of whites in AINO should be to do what we can to weaken the Power Structure, coalesce geographically, and when the time comes, secede and form our own sovereign states. Participation in Civ-Nat projects only distracts us from the ultimate goal.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Unfortunately, AINO has one of the biggest and most powerful central government to ever exist. It has 2.87 million employees spread across hundreds of departments micromanaging nearly ever aspect of life, at least in an economic sense. Add probably over a million more in state, county and city employees. There are over a million armed police from dozens if not many scores of agencies. It collects enough data about all of us to reconstuct our lives should we ever become a target of the agencies collecting the data. This count does not include private and semiprivate people who work for… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

This apparatus is also increasingly staffed by stupid vibrants and deranged Karens. Just as is the case with the BFE’s military, its internal security mechanisms will eventually weaken and fail.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Trump is seriously oblivious to current reality and still seems to live in the 1980s….That’s why he’s such a good politician..his confidence is infinite because he doesn’t notice anything….

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Wolf: It’s not repukes so much as it is White people in general. Boomers and Silents pretend they don’t see race because ‘we’re all the human race’ and they’d like to buy the world a Coke. The under 50s have been schooled and policed and marinated in non-rayciss/anti-White thought of varying degrees. Even in those few majority White school districts remaining, they always vote for the black/mestizo/Asian girl to be Homecoming Queen, because they’ve totally internalized the media’s aggressively non-White standards of beauty. Zman identifies 20% of Whites as spiteful mutants; add another 50% as determinedly color-blind. I don’t care… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

3g4me, there is one and only important decision for you to make over the course of the remainder of your life: In the aftermath of the WWIII nukular exchanges, when the goblins come to steal your long-since-pre-prepped food supply, are you ready & willing to send all of the goblins to their graves? And did you remember to stockpile sufficient @mmμnition necessary for sending each and every goblin to its grave? Did you over-purchase on your @mmμnition to the tune of five or ten times what you will ackshually end up needing? Since the dawn of gunpowder, no soldier ever… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Not only that, but the Trump plan also benefits academia, the pulsating tarn of anti-white magma at the heart of Mount Doom. These fools on the so-called “right” really are clueless and hopeless.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Dunno about now but I actually read Trump’s DACA proposal from a few years back. It was astonishingly strict. If the prospective greencarder had so much as an unpaid parking ticket, no amnesty and deported forthwith. Of course, getting the courts to follow such a rule so strictly is its own problem, but (much as we’d like to see it) politically you can’t get away with zeroing out immigration, so I think Trump was doing the best he could with what he had, and counting on the fact that the Dems would think he’d given in when in fact his… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Barney
3 months ago

Republic party are not the stupid party, they are just treacherous pimp and whore
trump and republic clown have always been controlled opposition, stooge for the enemy

They can see the colors and betrayed their own because of social status

only option to the white people is either destroying America nor be extorted from America

3 months ago

I predict Trump loses — possibly even fairly and squarely. In the off chance that Trump wins, such an outcome will demonstrate beyond doubt that he is no serious threat to the establishment. Then again, the four years he already spent as prez surely proved that. The fact that he is still alive all but guarantees that he is wholly innocuous to those who actually call the shots. Trump is no more than a middle finger that his fan club enjoys wielding around. He provides nothing more than the satisfaction of ineffectual revenge.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Wkathman
3 months ago

It’s interesting as I’m hard pressed to think of any bottom-tier country where someone in Biden’s condition could pull out a win; even Robert Mugabe got pushed aside and he was a model of good health compared to Biden.
Communist countries come to mind though I suppose….

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

The closest analogy was the late stages of the Soviet Union, where they also kept Biden-type geezers locked in the basement.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

Joey Depends could be filmed smoking crack in an East St. Louis whorehouse while torturing puppies and baby seals and it wouldn’t make a dam’ bit of difference. Such is the degraded state of AINO’s electorate. It’s little more worthy of respect than Haiti’s.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Democrat party was once the party of the old South and white southerners remained democrats well past the time that it was noticed that democrat politicians had changed sides. The southern electorate were ‘yellow dog democrats.’ If the circumstances were changed, I’d vote for a yellow dog over an Obama (for instance). Well the spiteful mutants remain in the yellow dog camp.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
3 months ago

Abdelaziz Bouteflika was the president of Algeria from 1999 until 2019. In 2013 he suffered a stroke. He was, nevertheless, re-elected in 2014. His public appearances became increasingly rare and he was repeatedly hospitalized for complications from the stroke and other ailments. In 2019 he announced that he planned to run for a fifth term as president, but the announcement provoked such widespread protest that he resigned later that year. He died in 2021 at the age of 84.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 months ago

Interesting; so even “brownunist” countries are prone to that kind of thing.
I get communist countries which turn into glorified monarchies but in situations like Algeria, and Biden, it seems like the people actually running the show could rig the game to keep running the show. I mean, especially in the U.S. it’s not like the elections aren’t scheduled at regular intervals.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 months ago

Bouteflika means Buttafuoco in Arabic…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
3 months ago

I was actually in-country for most of Abdelaziz’ final term.

It was an open secret that a cadre of generals and the intelligence services were running the country.

Other than that, I had a beautiful apartment where many a good time was had.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Wkathman
3 months ago

“Owning the libs.”

Reply to  Tired Citizen
3 months ago

Tired Citizen: When half the population are NPCs and 75% conflate a screen with reality, ‘owning the libs’ equals ‘winning.’ Welcome to Klownworld, where the POX continually respawn.

Reply to  Wkathman
3 months ago

He provides nothing more than the satisfaction of ineffectual revenge.”

Like the old guy 3g4me mentioned yesterday. The guy who then committed suicide.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

Paintersforms: Precisely. He changed nothing, made no sort of point or stand, merely killed himself in despair. No different than the classic Boomer who asserts he’s glad he’ll be dead soon, so that HE won’t have to suffer as a hated minority, and he’ll gladly offer up his 2.3 kids.

Reply to  Wkathman
3 months ago

Nope. The Regime has decided that their fear of the potential of the Bad Orange Man to become A Serious Threat and grow a little orange mustache and put his boot on their necks while unleashing a white supremacist kristallnacht on Negroes, illegals, Rainbow People and anyone else means that a vote for Trump is a vote for civil war -initiated by the Left. It does not matter one bit that the reality of Trump is an ineffectual blowhard that is all talk and no action. They perceive Trump as a mortal threat, and their perception is all that matters.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

It’s not about Trump. It’s about the “left’s” refusal to cede or share power. Trump just happened to be the guy on the other side when this quality reached critical mass. If it wasn’t him it would have been someone else. Will be someone else sooner or later.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Right. Trump isn’t a revolutionary, but he does pave the way for a real revolutionary, one way or the other.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Wkathman
3 months ago

Regardless of who wins the only significant difference between them would likely be Trump being more pro-Zionist.

Happenings could come from unrest as a reaction to either’s election, but I think that’s rather unlikely too due to Leftists running the majority of society (so why wreck what you already control) and Conservatives being utterly feckless.

Reply to  Wkathman
3 months ago

If the Dems can ditch Biden, Trump is toast.

3 months ago

“The point is the die is cast and there is no salvation at the ballot box.” Yep. It is literally impossible for Trump to “make America great again.” America cannot be great if it is nonwhite.   The demographic death of the white race is probably irreversible, certainly in the short term. The institutional weight of the entire U.S. government has been profoundly anti-natalist for at least sixty years. The government actively promotes and encourages birth control and abortion for white women, and actively promotes and encourages anal sex between men. The Jewish Secretary of State Blinken literally stated the… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

What I am certain of is it won’t be great so long as it is controlled by an elite whose chief hostility is felt toward Whites.

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
3 months ago

Three facts prove the American you grew up in is over; (1) That Biden ever won in 2020. (2) That 3-letter Federal agencies were so easily weaponized against Trump. (3) That J6 citizens were arrested and prosecuted without any regard to their Constitutional rights. The German political party of the 1930’s and 1940’s has nothing on the current American Democratic party and the liberal media propaganda machine behind it all. The American political system today would make even Goebbels blush. America is not heading towards a fall like Rome. On the contrary. It’s gaining momentum towards a new Progressive 4th… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Karl Horst
3 months ago

Version IV is impossible because the multi-racial chaos precludes stability, which is gone forever. Far more likely here is a fusion of the Italy of many decades back with a Latin American junta–government dysfunctional and falling and reformulating on a regular basis, and tanks on the streets whenever the various tribes are going at it too badly to allow the caudillos to focus on graft. My hope is Europeans see the chaotic upheaval and the GAE has receded enough to allow them to distance themselves, gain independence, and begin to take necessary steps to avoid the same fate. There likely… Read more »

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Oh, stability is possible, even likely, just not pretty at all in the path it takes to get there.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

To bottom line it, stability could be achieved only if Juan and Co. liquidated the entire black population. The geriatric white Karens still have grip on power and will not allow for it. I think it’s politically impossible, although there is a final solution so to speak available. The not pretty path isn’t open yet and I don’t see a day on the horizon that it is. The scenario Karl laid out would be available, ironically enough, only in a country with a super white majority. The white semi-Leninists are vastly outnumbered now and hated just as much as the… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Jack Dobson: “The geriatric white Karens still have grip on power and will not allow for it. I think it’s politically impossible, although there is a final solution so to speak available.

It sounds to me like we need to “final solution” “the geriatric White karens“.

[No offense intended to 3g4me.]

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Karl Horst
3 months ago

The Covid Captivity was an exercise in raw political force that would have made Stalin blush. The fact that anybody still imagines this is America is a testament to the galloping obliviousness of AINO’s subjects.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Worse, it was backed by pure sheep-like obedience to authority, like a giant Milgram experiment. There were times in the past when whites would have told anybody exercising that kind of power to go fuck off — the Stamp Act Riots, the Boston Tea Party, the Irish Draft Riots. No more. Every Karen out there willingly volunteered to rat out violations of the covid edicts as if she were a Stasi agent. And it was authority that defied logic and science. If YOUR mask and YOUR so-called “vaccine” actually protected YOU from death, why should you care what I do?… Read more »

Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

People are supposed to live under authority. Any functional society has experts and leaders who need to be generally trusted and obeyed. The tyranny of Covid Captivity is ironically what happens when the rebellion is eternal. When the directions do come, they will be intrusive and almost absolute.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

All I know is that given Covid Captivity, the state has the ability to crack down on any number of degenerate behaviors. It just doesn’t want to. Kids struggle with p0rn, drugs, etc and it happens because our overlords could care less about it.

Reply to  Karl Horst
3 months ago

Niggra Nazis? We might as well just vote in South Africa’s EFF.

Well, we will anyways if Clyburn and Soros keep placing Reconstruction Negroids on our city and state benches. After somebody’s torn down the statues and rewritten the high school history books, natch.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Karl Horst
3 months ago

The fact that the FBI demanded all the security cameras be switched off during the Mar-a-lago raid tells you everything you need to know about our federal “law enforcement” agencies.

That should be an instant case dismissal by the judge right there, and the fact that they released fake incriminating photos to the press should put agents in prison.

It’s barely news though. Republicans refusing to hold hearings on this alone means they know which way the wind is blowing.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

I’m sure sternly-worded letters were issued in lieu of Kabuki hearings.

David Wright
3 months ago

Captain Pike look. Pure gold my man.

Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

Interesting. Almost 60 years since that show’s initial demo episode. Now that’s what Hirsch would call “Cultural literacy”. Kudo’s…

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I’m voting for Mirror Universe Spock and the Green Girl

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

“Let’s beam down to the planet so I can find an alien to fall in love with before the program is over.”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

Pike was the peak of Z’s humor…

3 months ago

Our forebears conquered a continent, and we’re selling it off. That’s all. That’s all they were, and that’s all we are. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip.

I’m still optimistic about the future. A new breed with a different outlook will arise by necessity, and history won’t share this generation’s delusions.

Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

We conquered the whole world, and the thing is, we did it without really even thinking about it. We were busy fighting each other, so we did it with one hand tied behind our back.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

The whole world? That must have been while I was on an all weekend bender all those years ago!

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

The Treaty of Tordesillas remains, for me, a monument to European panache. “This half of the world is ours; the other half is yours.” The Pope was down with it, and who else mattered? They made it stick too, at least until other European powers decided to get in on the action.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

I must be losing it, I read that as ‘The Treaty of Tortillas’.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
3 months ago

That’s how it turned out.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 months ago

What we’re seeing with the post-debate hysteria is the long-deferred Dem Party power struggle coming into the open. Biden was always a compromise candidate among the various factions. Now he’s a compromise cadaver. This has emboldened the other factions. So the game theory is: Fight now or agree to rally behind the corpse and settle the struggle later. Fighting now has an unpredictable outcome. Either strategy may allow Trump to evade Zman’s dire electoral math (outlined above) by discouraging minority turnout and necessitating another fraud, or outright outraging normies and making fraud implausible or impossible.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

Exactly. I suspect this is the reason Biden has yet to be sacked. Shanikas gwannabe pissed if Kamala doesn’t becomes dey queen (wait till they find out she’s married to a Jew), but the white fossils still want to cling to power and throw gibs at the coloreds of people. In addition to elections becoming nearly insurmountable for whites, the spoils fights among Dey Diverseatsea will make them impossible. The only voting that matters is with your feet, and while that’s an unsatisfactory solution, you take what you can get.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Jack: As you note, the ‘white’ fossils are clinging to power – both because they never relinquish it voluntarily, and because the majority of up-and-comers hot on their heels are POX. Forget Gavin Newsome – the blacks and mestizos feel they’ve waited long enough and now it’s their time. And that’s why the Jewish money-men are getting so nervous. They’re just now realizing that their $ and power cannot insulate them they way they thought – because quantity has a quality all its own. Whites in AINO are down to about 53% (and they are OLD), and Whites in the… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

They’re just now realizing that their $ and power cannot insulate them they way they thought – because quantity has a quality all its own. Just as the white parents who blurt out “my child was not a racist” as they mourn the latest young victim of vibrant savagery, Jews will proclaim “at least Edom is toast!” as the same monsters they brought here take their stuff and shove them into ovens. Whites have a pathological altruism gene, Jews a suicidal hatred one. As an aside, I would not be surprised to learn we already are a minority. It’s not likely… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

“Vote with your feet”, ok, fine. But at this point, where would you go? Within the last five-seven years a number of majority White states have turned into brown sewers. Again, where would you go?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

There are many states that are still overwhelmingly white. What’s more there are large sections of other states that are overwhelmingly white. Dieversity is unevenly distributed, at least for the time being.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Steve – Think county level at largest. Small towns, rural areas. Even there one is not immune; the rot is spreading everywhere but there are still some White enclaves in some unexpected spots.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Late to see this, but to add to what 3g and Ostei wrote, be certain to visit a place even with great demographics before considering it. All-white enclaves are magnets for cosmos and SJW’s…for reasons. Also, even though some geographically large counties seem to have bad demographics when you drill down there are expanses that are great; the question with them is how much political punch they pack in towns distant from the little to middling city where the problem is congregated. Harsh geography and weather are your friends, too, as is distance from military installations and the like. Likewise,… Read more »

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Go to the Vermont-NH-Maine tristate area.

Reply to  Xin Loi
3 months ago

Filled with massholes and NY Jews and Somalis? I think not.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xin Loi
3 months ago

Only if you can put up with piercings, green hair, BLM and “We believe” signs. Maybe you can, maybe you can’t. Far from ideal, but still better than living cheek-by-jowl with nuggras.

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

Sailer (I know, I know) had a good point with his “Coalition of the Fringes”: They need to be pointed at an external enemy to stop from tearing each other apart. (See the Pali-bros and a Certain Tribe, Vibrants! and Diversity) So now, one set of folks in the cities is PO’d a bunch of fence jumpers are getting “their stuff”, while another set of people is meeting the consequences of importing people that hate them into the US. Having a shambling husk as their “leader” who can’t pull them all together to focus on Orange Man Bad means the… Read more »

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Steve Sailer thought the right could win with a coalition of 60 percent whites, 40 percent Hispanic, and 20 percent black. I simply don’t see a way to get these numbers. He could get more Hispanic votes by being explicitly anti-black and hitting the law and order caudillo rhetoric hard, but the current leadership will die before doing that.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Sailer also argued that for the GOP to increase its share of the Hispanic and possibly Asian vote was to make the Dems the black party and make the GOP the not black party, not the white party. If Asians are still voting Dems after 4 years of Shitavious beating up grandma, they deserve it.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Not to mention exclusion from elite colleges.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Subcons may despise blacks, but they hate and resent Whites (and in many cases want to marry them, both to lighten their color and demonstrate their demographic and cultural ascendancy). Same with mestizos. This desire to look whiter does NOT equal valuing Western Civilization. The Asians have always considered themselves the sole civilized race, and their numbers and economic power mean they no longer have to pretend to be the model minority. The jungle Asians are a mixture of both – intermarrying to lighten their skin and having the numbers and cultural confidence to claim to be the best combination… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

The jungle Asians are a mixture of both – intermarrying to lighten their skin…”

Not sure about jungle Asians—as in who you are speaking of, but South Asians, as in Indians, yep. I comment here because David Reich’s book, “Who we are and how we got here…” has an interesting chapter on Indian origins and populations and their Caste system. In the chapter on India, Reich is very impolitic and actually sketches some images of the representative castes. Basically, the darker your skin color, the lower the caste you assume—or are assumed to be of. Who’d have thunk?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

It is thus everywhere. Which can only mean that everybody be rayciss!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Yep. In their own way, the Slants are just as obtuse as the Grillers.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I think they just consider it a case of perfection being an enemy of the good.
Why else would Koreans etc. start businesses in black areas? Vibrancy is just a cost of doing business, like not upsetting the Tribes that actually run things.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
3 months ago

Possible, I suppose. But, my god, what a price to pay. I’d just return to Korea.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

I could see 40% hispanic, but it would be an unstable coalition. 20% black give me a break!

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

The GOP would get more black votes by being genocidally anti-black. Paleos used to note, I assume truthfully, that Hitler got a higher percentage of the Jewish vote than Reagan did. Republicans have no appeal to any group that values hierarchy over “principle” (philosophy, religion, constitution). White men uniquely do not. Fairness is our idea of rightness. It’s not anybody else’s, not even white women’s (nor womanly-minded white men’s). The instant shift of the Asian-American vote to a negro-tier preference Democrats the moment Republicans began their campaign against “anti-Asian discrimination” (anti-whiteness that incidentally injures Asians) is perfect evidence. The smartest… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

What does the GOP offer beside Zionism and corporate tax cuts?
It’s a mystery of the universe that almost ANYONE votes for them.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
3 months ago

The fate of the Tories tomorrow is coming for the GOP, and for the same reasons.

Zero seats. Make it so.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

“…win with a coalition of 60 percent whites, 40 percent Hispanic, and 20 percent black.” Here’s precisely where a CivNat like Sailor (or VDH) fails to acknowledge reality. Sailor’s CivNat tendencies can only arise in contradiction to his purported solid understanding of HBD science. His coalition of races can be alternatively understood as a coalition of middle class people who are basically producers with something to lose in this new multi-racial society. In other words, tax producers, vs tax eaters. The percentages stated above are in contradiction to what HBD science would predict for percentages of tax producers in a… Read more »

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Have you read the details of the latest poll in California? One of the questions was whether immigration is a problem. 20% of Californians responded with “Yes”.
80% said “No, immigracion no es un problema.”

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

If you need 60% White, 40% latino and 20% black to win then you’ve already lost in the meta sense.
It would be better to figure out what victory looks like and then work towards that than win the gameshow where the grand prize is downing a bucket of faeces.

Steve is doing that classic sales trick where they plant the assumed goal of making a purchase, and then get you tied up thinking about how good of a payment scheme they can get you.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a booby prize.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
3 months ago

The figures you display are shocking. Probably many of the non-whites didn’t bother watching the presidential “debate”, and even if they did, didn’t comprehend the cognitive lack in Biden that was on clear display. Or maybe they don’t care as long as freebies are on offer from the Dems. Some kind of democracy can only be maintained in the US if the overwhelming majority of the population is white.

Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

In fairness, I didn’t watch the “debate”…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Wise Latina has already reached the average life span for a woman with type 1 diabetes. I’m sure she receives good medical care. Speaking of mud women, it appears not many (in the media) who are pushing for Joe to withdraw want to talk about the risk of alienating a certain portion of the left’s base by overlooking/disrespecting Kamala as his replacement. The wogs will never vote Republican, but sometimes they will stay home, forcing somebody to go to the trouble of harvesting their ballot. It was widely trumpeted in the media that negro women won the election for Biden… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Their interests are centered around only one thing. “Wut Dey gon gimme? We be black folks! Blackett black black!”.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

As one Negro I knew in the Marine Corps expressed about Bill Clinton that explained both his and to a lesser extent Trump’s appeal to Shitavious- “He a pimp.”

Go ahead and see how many times rappers dropped Trump’s name since the 1980s and compare that to how many times Chomo Joe got a shout out and the trend is clear.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

I really don’t care what his or Clinton’s appeal to the based negro is. They aren’t people I want having considerable sway in national elections.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

Well, that’s nice but right now, they do. So either we use them or the enemy uses them.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

It’s just playing by the rules the enemy wrote for you.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

Completely agree Forever Templar, these sort of insights belong in a documentary narrated by David Attenborough, an amusing distraction.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Clinton was a poonslayer. No higher honor can be bestowed upon a man.

So, our elections may devolve to a whyte wimmin party / black wimmin party? Not-whyte and Maga-whyte as the swing vote fringes?

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Clinton was a poonslayer. No higher honor can be bestowed upon a man. I should probably not publish this but I was visited by more than 100 women including local dignataries wives and coaches wives who were very beautiful outwardly and some raising children. According to a small hat self-appointed biographer through my early thirties, I am a member of the “Century Club” – I have supposedly physically experienced sexual intercourse with at least 100 women. I did. No dudes or animals or children. Once upon a time I was a ripped wrestler and rugby hooker who trained into the… Read more »

Anson Rhodes
Anson Rhodes
Reply to  PatentlyObvious
3 months ago

Georges Simenon claimed that he had made love to ten thousand women since the age of thirteen and a half. His wife said that the true figure was no more than twelve hundred.
Anyway, downvoted not for the philandering but for bragging about it, even anonymously.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Anson Rhodes
3 months ago

One of the axioms of masculinity is, whenever a dude tells you how many girls he ostensibly banged, divide that number by six and you’ll be getting warm.

3 months ago

I got copied this morning on a reply to an email from my octogenarian stepfather, from one of his similarly aged female friends. With the latest news about Biden and the awful SCOTUS decision, we need all the comfort we can get.  One typical viewer on Thursday night provided my favorite quote:  He said “Hell, No” with emphasis after Trump’s performance and “Oh,no” with a sad voice about Biden. I’ve sent more money to some good Dem candidates all over the country (while saving some for [omitted]), but I almost sobbed Sunday when we sang “America the Beautiful” at church. We have to keep… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Vizzini: Yes. People here seem to think they see signs of racial awakening all over the world, and thus there will be an electoral majority for even a nominally pro-White candidate. It doesn’t matter if it’s the US or UK or France. No genuinely pro-White man is going to be the ‘democratically-elected’ leader. Most Whites 50+ are color-blind civnats at best, and less than 5% of non-Whites will vote against one of their own race. And that’s not even mentioning the money men and that no rules apply when it’s a fight to the death. There’s just as much cognitive… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

And I dare say she’s a paragon of rationality by the standards of that lot…

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

“We can remind Republicans that Ronald Reagan was losing it mentally and still the country survived. “ Just can’t take this fallacy one more time. Seems to be cropping up with much frequency now since the debate. RR revealed to the world his diagnosis in a letter in 1994, 6 years after leaving office. Prior to that, he addressed the GOP 1992 convention nominating Bush I for a second term. RR’s speech then was the most moving and eloquent he made during his entire career. I watched it. It was RR’s “swan song” as it turned out to be a farewell… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

“We can remind Republicans that Ronald Reagan was losing it mentally and still the country survived. “ Just can’t take this fallacy one more time. Seems to be cropping up with much frequency now since the debate. RR revealed to the world his diagnosis in a letter in 1994, 6 years after leaving office. Prior to that, he addressed the GOP 1992 convention nominating Bush I for a second term. RR’s speech then was the most moving and eloquent he made during his entire career. I watched it. It was RR’s “swan song” as it turned out to be a farewell… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I feel like the media, who already hated Reagan for beating their boy Carter, amped up the senility barb in his second term as a form of revenge for Reagan absolutely trouncing their golden child Mondale.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Their generation has outsized influence and in part because of their outsized wealth to fund the political process. This is all very serious to them. Younger generations see two old men argueing about stuff that doesn’t impact them.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

The continued existence of liberal Whites, given the overtly racial and anti-White nature of Leftist politics, is one of the most mysterious aspects of today’s politics. It’s as though half the Jews in Wiemar were voting for Hitler into the late 1930s. Probably some of it is just a hold-over of the perception that the law and political establishment favors Whites from the time when it actually did. You would think that at least younger Whites would see what’s really going on today and yet the youth vote is probably the most brain-dead of all. Edited to add: Also, the… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Pozymandias
3 months ago

I would enjoy the decline but the boomers and the greats took all the houses, let a billion foreigners in, and saddled my children with massive debt so they can buy huge campers and dresser motorcycles.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  redbeard
3 months ago

Everybody knows. Gen-X and millennial spent decades at this point whining about it.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

Better to put pressure on people to change than to cut family ties. There is no world where the young can’t fuck the old as hard as they’ve been fucked. Be grateful for the whining.

Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

Hilariously, the Gen Zs who whine about this constantly don’t grasp the inevitable progression from;

Boomers are awful! (Boomers start to die off)

Now, boomers AND Gen X are awful! (Boomers gone, Gen X starts dying off)

Gen Z is …..

The Zman is 100% right when he writes about how pointless intergenerational warfare is. Every generation has its challenges.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Every generation has it’s challenges. Not every generation meets them well. The intergenerational warfare might be pointless, but it’s as real as open borders. Most people are living in a world where their elders are Peter Pans whom they can’t respect. It’s not great, but it is what it is.

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

I understand the complaint.

At the end of the day though, my father is a boomer who’s worked insanely hard, has sacrificed immensely both for his country (drafted) and his children and grand children and deserves ever g-damned thing he’s worked insanely hard for.

Gen Z whining about how “hard it is” goes nowhere with me.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Intergenerational warfare is useful to the rulers, which is why they created “generations” as some sort of “reality” starting in the 1970s. It’s also what I call the “Time/Life” effect of pop history; “the” Twenties? Flappers and illegal booze; “the” Thirties? Dorothea Lange’s grim black and white photos, Hoovervilles, etc.; “the” Forties? D-day and women at work in arms factories; “the” Fifties … you can fill the rest in. It is all bullshit, probably initiated in germ form by Edward Bernays, and here we are, “living it”. as if it really exists, this “generational” force. Now that the atomization is… Read more »

David Wright
Reply to  redbeard
3 months ago

I think I am developing tinitus with your repetitive high pitched whining.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

One of the issues is that at least Gen Z etc will admit they’re a pack of fa**ots, while Boomers have 0 self awareness. Boomers are much more Dunning-Kruger than my experience with older people.
A Boomer that will admit fallibility is rarer than hen’s teeth.

Another point is that the later gens are somewhat a result of Boomers’ behavior, Boomers don’t have that excuse.

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 months ago

I’m a Boomer and I don’t want to go back to the 1970s. How about the 1950s?

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

Nah, ten minutes of retro futurism and poodle skirts would be enough for me. Not to mention those tapered pants guys had to wear. Frankly, I’d rather go back to the late 1800s.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Forever Templar
3 months ago

I wouldn’t dig wearing heavy wool suits in July. Otherwise, I’m cool with returning to Victorian times.

Penitent Man
Penitent Man
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It wouldn’t be wool in summer, you would switch to linen for the hotter months. It would still be uncomfortable.

If the option was discomfort for a return to civility, culture and the dominant return of Our People… I am willing to wear Kevlar in summer.

Reply to  Penitent Man
3 months ago

Wool comes in a weight woven for summer. Older clothes are not that uncomfortable, in part because quite often they were either custom or customized.

Most people sweat more modernly because we are wearing plastics and our sleeves are too short.

Last edited 3 months ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Penitent Man
3 months ago

Amen on that Brother…

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

The Reagan 80’s were 50’s lite. I’ll take either.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

I wouldn’t trade growing up in the 80s and 90s in my part of the US for anything.

Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

How about the 1250s?

Not joking.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  btp
3 months ago

AD or BC?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

If we’re talking AD, I’m there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

I dunno. I’ve always fancied living in Nippur under the Kassites…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Boniface
3 months ago

Anytime in the past is preferable to the present. The country occupying this landmass is at an absolute nadir. But it can get worse.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

The country occupying this landmass is at an absolute nadir. But it can get worse.

3 months ago

I think Trump is going to win, because the Js are rallying behind him and throwing money at him. Sometimes it really is that simple. Is this a good thing for the country, absolutely not, unless he can keep them at arm’s length, of which I am very doubtful.

I also think Trump could get more of the black vote if instead of talking about black unemployment and the platinum plan he put up campaign posters with his mugshot in black communities. How many of them feel like they’ve been railroaded by prosecutors?

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Mycale: And such a ‘win’ would matter to White interests . . . how?

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

It remains to be seen. Likely, it does not. That’s the point, though, right? The decline is baked in. I was driving through a city the other day and at a red light, a mestizo kid and his mom tried to sell candy to me and the other drivers. This is third world stuff, and there is basically 100% buy-in that this kid is as much of an American as me. It is over. They will play their little election game, people will vote to signal consent to be ruled by these scumbags, and things will trudge on as they… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

” And such a ‘win’ would matter to White interests . . . how?”

less painful decline

Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

sentry: Perhaps less immediately painful for the 50+ crowd. I am more concerned with a future for White children. I don’t see that Trump helps that at all, especially given his desire to give all the non-White ‘college’ students permanent residency and citizenship.

3 months ago

It truly is a sad state of affairs. It’s to the point now that the only place where White votes hold any sway is at the local or maybe state level, and even that’s questionable as all politicians regardless of affiliation are in thrall of DIE and will NEVER cater to White interests solely. After all, we’re all humans and Americans and we all bleed red amirite? Whites in this former country in particular and pretty much everywhere are screwed. The future is looking darker and darker – both figuratively and literally…

3 months ago

It’s all rigged, the country is all ready long gone. If they allow Trump to win, that could be worrisome as well.

Reply to  Fakeemail
3 months ago

“the country is all ready long gone.”

That’s a blessing.

If country dies(for real), Declaration of Independence goes with it, starting with the saying “all men are created equal”.

Imagine a world where remaining whites don’t need to care about that crap.

Last edited 3 months ago by sentry
3 months ago

Fetterman was basically a vegetative hobo during his debates and he still won in PA. So I do not expect Democrats to abandon Biden in November. Do enough independents fear Biden more than they hate Trump? We shall see.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

As an aside, anyone heard Fetterman speak recently? I heard a bit of an interview and was amazed at the improvement in cognitive ability. If this was not a fluke, he looks good enough to hold his Senate gig for life.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Since he lost the goatee and grew the mustache, he looks like a different guy

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Does he still sport a hoodie encrusted with dessicated Spaghetti-Os?

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

Uh, I’m pretty sure, “vegetative hobo,” is a perfect description for at least 50% of AINO’s population.

3 months ago

Trump could start randomly assassinating people once back in the White House.

Heck, he did that his first term when he assassinated Soleimani and five others.

Obama assassinated more people than that. Probably Dubya, too.

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
3 months ago

Biden may have sent shock waves around the world due to his dismal performance, but I can’t imagine Democrats will abandon him just yet. At least not this close to the election. I can, however, imagine a Democratic ticket where Kamala Harris is pushed aside and replaced with Gavin Newsom as VP for Biden’s second term. This makes it easy for Biden to step down gracefully and with dignity allowing Newsom to take control as the new US President. Democrats and the liberal media will cheer both events with equal glee. This avoids any drama or embarrassment to Democrats and… Read more »

Reply to  Karl Horst
3 months ago

Not a chance Biden will push aside a black female VP to replace her with a pale stale male VP. That opportunity evaporated when Newsom replaced Feinstein with a largely unknown black female. The smart play for Newsom at that time was to offer the Senate seat to Harris in exchange for his appointment to VP, making him the heir apparent. The only way to get rid of Harris now is if a seat opens up on the Supreme Court. I can see Sotomayor agreeing to step down if Harris is promised her seat. This would be great fun. Sotomayor… Read more »

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Guest
3 months ago


1) Isn’t really black
2) Married a Jew
3) Made her career sending black men away for marijuana

In the party, she’s nothing. In the 2020 race she won 3 delegates.
Forget about her. When it’s time for her to go, she’s gone.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
3 months ago

Further proof that America no longer exists. There is no way Trump will be allowed to win. I have the same wish that I had in the 2020 fake theater exhibit. That Trump would somehow win so that the accelerants would kick off. Ballot boxes are meaningless like you’ve said many times. Cartridge boxes are what is needed.

3 months ago

At the root, this is about bribing gullible voters with free gibs paid for with fake fiat currency. Can that go on forever? Methinks not. When the paper money becomes worthless, the plates stop spinning. Then comes the riots, and you don’t want to be in a big city. Do we muddle-through for the umpteenth time? Perhaps. Do you really want to live in that world? Or would you prefer to just give up and become a techno-tyranny slave? The number of pathogens is relatively few. At least take one with you as you exit.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

Putting the “z” in demoralization while wearing the mask of realism. Not thinking seriously about what can be acheived via the ballot at the state and local level is lazy and defeatist. Especially given a nominally non-hostile Supreme Court. State laws are driving and accelerating demographic consolidation, the necessary precondition for re-establishing national sovereignty. How is this not obvious only 24 hours after a post on the failure of second order thinking? California’s law allowing the state to seize children from parents who refuse to go along with genital mutilation is a freak magnet. Tenneesee’s law authorizing the death penalty… Read more »

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

I’m awarding you a field promotion, Sarge. Congratulations Lieutenant Phantasmagoria.

Way to Oblivious the inescapable points re:demographics/tribalism so eloquently made by the primo posters such as 3g4me and Jack Dobson. Quantavi’ous sho nuff bees respeckin’ dat state politips n’ sheeeit! Utopia dead ahead!

3 months ago

Minorities are just the icing. Say Trump TRIPLED the number of blacks who vote R. Big whoop. Black Rs compose a little over 1% of the voters now, so that would add a mere 2 points. Badwhites are 42%*67%=28% of the votes. Just 10% of the badwhites is 3 points.

It’s the G–d– pinkos. The least you can do is help your neighbor understand what Biden did to you, and to your grandkids and your neighbor’s grandkids.

Or, alternatively, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaWU1CmrJNc&pp=ygUod2UgYXJlIHRoZSBwaXJhdGVzIHdobyBkb24ndCBkbyBhbnl0aGluZw%3D%3D

3 months ago

Off-topic but the East Hampton Star is reporting that a six-year-old girl was raped over the weekend. Coincidentally Biden was in the Hamptons for a fundraising weekend. I’m not saying Biden is the culprit, in fact my guess is that the perp is one of the many illegal immigrant groundskeepers employed by the summer people. Still, can’t help but shake my head at the coincidence.

3 months ago

Biden got 51.3% of the popular vote”

You must not have been watching TV that night.

3 months ago


I’m surprised more of you people aren’t on top of this. Sundance gets it (or maybe it was someone else, I don’t remember). Judas Goats have been sent out throughout the system to push the right buttons to make these things happen. (Helped with a little Jeffrey Epstein video, I’m sure.)

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Thank you for saying this. I say that phrase several times a day to several people I know, and they think I’m crazy. But it absolutely seems to be.

Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

Several normies I know have told me that everything seems so scripted to them. I tell them what I think is going on and then the light bulb goes on for them. Some people are starting to get it.

3 months ago

I couldn’t get Chat gpt to photo shop Biden’s face onto Captain Pike confined in his contraption but whoever does might become an internet star, Also Z, that was hilarious.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ray
3 months ago

That meme has been done, years ago. Probably in 2020 if I remember right.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

The recent setbacks at the Supreme Court probably mean Trump gets jail time next week.

Spoke too soon on this one, as did all of us. Now that’s delayed until mid-September. I have no idea what is going on anymore.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
3 months ago

Finally, finally, we see division in the upper ranks of the regime. Been a long time coming.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Actually, the SCOTUS has been showing a nasty streak of independence for quite some time. I don’t think it’s fully integrated into the power structure, yet. And the SCOTUS may be the only remaining bulwark against utter collapse and the consolidation of a Leftist hell-state.

3 months ago

The Zman outed the Kagan clan as the central nerve cluster the neocon Warfare spear. Sundance just outed the the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) created by Obama-Holder as the tip of the Lawfare spear. The Chevron decision stripped the Agencies of their arbitrary power…and lawsuits for damages without statutes of limitation are possible. The immunity ruling means the Executive is indeed the top cop and can’t be tied down anymore. What if MAGA populism here, in Europe, in the Commonwealth, represented something old, something new? If our chains are being severed, link by link, could we have a 50s… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Kagan, Cohen, Kogan, Coen, all variations on the same basis.

3 months ago

Much more weight than the demographics has who rules: the racial demographics of who controls the country.

3 months ago

Just trying to figure out which outcome would be more fun. Dunno. Guess it depends on one’s appetite for chaos. Personally, my preferences are U-shaped: 2020 levels are very bad, and total no-electricity levels of chaos are also very bad. But there might be a sweet spot in there somewhere in the middle

3 months ago

I had to look up captain pike and I still don’t know who it is.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
3 months ago

Captain Pike from Star Trek

3 months ago

Obama actually assasinated an American while in the White House, but the kooks don’t talk about that.

3 months ago

After the ‘debate’, https://www.270towin.com/ showed Trump in the lead by 3 electoral votes, with all the swing states in his favor.

I’ve never seen this site do that before. Today it’s back to showing them as undecided, but I think it goes to demonstrate the effect backing a zombie is having.

Mark Griffith
Mark Griffith
3 months ago

I have tried to subscribe but when I try to “confirm” my email it fails.

3 months ago

Time to pull the hunting equipment out of the closet full stop!

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

I’d recommend the 3g4me route. Separate yourself from the maddening mob and attempt to secure yourself and your family against the rising tide of diversity. This is not a call to living in the woods and total separation like a hermit, but simply finding a non-diverse community and weaning yourself off a toxic and declining society.

Go Amish!

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Compsci: I prescribe that sort of separation because most don’t have the stones to actually downsize and live in the woods. My husband and I are agreed that no one else we know could make it in the cabin-sized house we now happily reside in. Had to get my oven igniter replaced and the guy who came all the way out to our woods mentioned he bought lots of acreage when he moved here from Arizona 40 years ago at the pittance $173 an acre. Sold it to marry a local woman and lives somewhere in town, but envied our… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Ack. Just for the record, I am not up to your courage wrt getting out of Dodge. Respect.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Compsci: In all honesty, we knew the place was small when we bought it – but did so for the land, location, view, and other amenities such as the Generac. Plus at that time we had reason to hope to have sufficient funds to build a larger (ca 1800-2000 sq ft) house to our taste. That has not been the case, but we still have time and hope. Meanwhile, we have heat and a/c, hot and cold running water, etc. It’s just a good thing that my husband and I get along so well.

3 months ago

Trump is a lousy candidate now as he was in 2016 and 2020. Only his odious opponent allowed him to win in 2016 and his only chance now is the odiousness of Biden. Biden’s odiousness was not so apparent in 2020 and Trump’s incompetence in office (and some electoral sleight of hand by the Dems) caused his loss. If the Dems can replace Biden with a non-demented candidate, Trump will likely lose again.

3 months ago

Demographics isn’t destiny, however if one thinks they are then go Hitler or go home.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  vxxc
3 months ago

Demographics is destiny. But it is not necessarily irreversible. The Spanish reversed theirs in the late 1400s.

But to reverse it, you have to be ruthlessly determined. So yes, go Spanish Inquisition or go extinct.

3 months ago

I’m going to ask your forgiveness beforehand, but this link is so good it can’t be missed. Sundance directly names the cell that is the source of near all our electoral woes. The beating heart of the Revolution. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/02/jack-smith-lawfare-strategist-andrew-weissmann-apoplectic-at-immunity-decision-the-president-is-the-executive-branch/ Not long. Not Jews. This is pure managerial class mechanics. Why would I do this? I saw Thomas Sewell in a short Rumble bit, I think, some vid. He was being excoritated by some wobbly civnat about being just a bit too fashy for Australian tastes. Hard. Fit. Determined to be Not Nice, and defiantly not apologetic about being White. He… Read more »

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

Norm Eisen and Andrew Weissmann”

“Not Jews.” Uh, sure….

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Welp, Sundance will ban you if you bring that part up, most of his commentors are the “we’re all sinful sinning sinners, pray for the Second Coming” type.

Intelligent Dasein
Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Predictions are fraught with difficulty, of course, but if I were forced to make one, it would be this. I believe Trump will win, and he will win on DR3, thus proving that the establishment Republicans were correct all along, they just needed somebody with more street cred to carry out the strategy.

Now, whether you think this is a good thing or not is a whole ‘nother discussion, but I think that’s the lay of the land.

Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

“…Trump will win, and he will win on DR3, …” It’s more complex than that. Trump is running—whether plainly stated or not—as a populist candidate and represents, at least within the present Republican establishment, a takeover threat to the “same old, same old”. The “same old same old” Republican philosophy has been to put up the most moderate candidate that can “win” the general election. This was from the Reagan era strategy. Hence, the long string of “great Republican hopes” who get elected and then change nothing in Washington, albeit perhaps “slow” the Progressive assault on American values for a brief… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

comment image&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=26555b9b004e80607a778dc9cc3bab4cc7b215f7220a79e40dbb3c5dfe0b6cac&ipo=images

Heh, heh. There you go again…

Last edited 3 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Meet the new GOP, maybenotquitethesame as the old GOP. Dare I dream.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

I just saw a pickup truck in MAGA Texas flying an American, Texas and Israeli flag.

We are doomed.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Intelligent Dasein
3 months ago

Well, the old GOP will definitely spin it as DR3 saves the day. And to be fair, Trump gives them plenty of opportunity to sell it.