On Patriotism

Most years the polling services and regime media outlets do polling on patriotism to coincide with the July 4th holiday. This year is an exception, probably because it is an election year, and the regime is at war with itself. Given that the numbers last year were dreadful, no one in the regime was interested in the topic. This was a good decision, given the intrigue swirling around Biden at the moment. No need to remind people that no one else is happy with their country either.

One exception comes from the New York Post, which had one of the young zombies from Conservative Inc. write a post about how her generation is not patriotic because the schools failed them. Seeing this sort of boomer-bait out in the wild is a bit weird if you no longer consume regime media. That post reads like something from the Young Republicans essay contest of 1995. There are few things more jarring than a young person who sounds like an old person.

Objectively, it is easy to see why patriotism is in decline. Most people define “patriotism” with the general happiness of the country. Right now, even those who doing well in the material sense are cranky about the country. Their leaders are buffoons, and the Dirt People continue to not know their place. The Dirt People, of course, are unhappy with the Cloud People for all the obvious reasons. You do not have to dig deep into the issue to see why patriotism is at rock bottom.

Of course, below the surface of those youth numbers lies the demographic reality that an empty vessel like Mx. Schlott is unable to notice. Most young people are not white and not only have no connection to the country’s past, but they have also been conditioned to hate that past as part of their identity. Import enough barbarians, arm them with the tools of cultural destruction and it is no surprise that they make war on the past of the host people and their culture.

It is tempting to hate the barbarians flooding into the country, but the fault lies with the rich people who run the country. The barbarians are just rationally responding to what they are experiencing in the process. They are invited in and encouraged to smash the place up, so from the barbarian perspective, why should they have any respect for the place they are encouraged to smash up? They are literally hired by the overclass to destroy the very idea of America.

Putting that aside, the root cause here is democracy. It is not an accident that the cultural and spiritual decline accelerated with the dramatic increase in the use of the word “democracy” in public discourse. Before this became a feature of our political Tourette’s syndrome, reformers talked in terms of returning to a past ideal, rather than pulling out a clean sheet of paper. Making war on the past was never part of the agenda, even for the cranks on the left.

Starting with the end of the Cold War, this changed. Along with the rise in the use of the word democracy, came the idea that what American needs is a rewrite. Clinton ran on the claim that America was desperate for radical change. This was despite the fact the country had gone through a great economic boom. Obama was even more explicit in his desire to fundamentally reorder the country, because in his view, everything was wrong with the “words on the paper.”

The authority for this program to reinvent the country was democracy, by which they meant the real will of the people. It might seem like people were fat, dumb, and happy with consumerism, but the new democrats knew better. What America wanted was radical change and that is what we have gotten for close to three decades. It is what Biden promises, despite having been in office for four years. Note the critique of Trump is that he wants to take us back to the past.

This is the poison of democracy. In order to win office, you must win a majority to your program, but to do that you must first get public attention. No one gets attention with a program of keeping things the same. Imagine a protest where the speaker calls, “What do we want?” and the crowd responds with “More of the same!” and you can see why democracy selects for change over stability. In fact, the only way democracy can work is as a race to find the most radical path.

Then there is the nature of the people rewarded by democracy. You see it in the interview with Mx. Schlott linked at the top. She has cultivated a disdain for the present, but also an indifference to it. This is the heart of the liberal who is sure she knows what needs to be fixed and how to fix it but cannot be bothered doing the mundane tasks that make society possible. Democracy loves the booshie snob with a head full of impractical, but fashionable ideas.

It is important to note that the issue with democracy is not the mechanics of measuring the general will on an issue. The problem lies with the assumption that everyone has a purpose, so collectively society has a purpose and therefore the point of democracy is to discover that purpose and then reorder society in pursuit of the purpose, even if it means trampling the laws. In a democracy, even the rules of democracy are fair game when seeking to move society towards its spiritual end.

Of course, this is why patriotism is impossible in a democracy. To be patriotic, one has to love his ancestors and their accomplishments so much that he is willing to sacrifice to maintain those accomplishments. This means the natural limits on men of the present is the accumulated wisdom of the past. You cannot have a program of constant change and a love of the past or even a healthy respect for your ancestors. Democracy hates the past and anyone who thinks otherwise.

This is why patriotism is dead. It is not the demographic changes or the material conditions that have killed our love of the past. It is the institutional hatred of the past that has become the state religion. In order to fully embrace democracy, one must not only break free of the past, but turn and face it like an enemy. Despite all the pretensions about the future, our lovers of democracy care little about what comes next, only the next round of ancestor hatred.

This may seem like a grim view of the present, but it is only through the clear lens of realism that an alternative can be formed. Conservatism failed to hold onto anything in the face of this democratic onslaught. That means what comes next must not be a defense of the past, which has already slipped away from us, but a new offensive built around a vision of a new future. What comes next will have to be built on the bones of the democrats, not on what they have destroyed.

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3 months ago

Women are both highly neurotic and hard wired to welcome invaders, who after all are the winners, while the home team failed or they wouldn’t be here…When women were given full voting rights in the US (in Britain, only married women 30+ could vote initially) the handwriting was on the wall…Lord Acton was right…they can’t be allowed to decide anything that matters….
The screaming can commence now!

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Amen brother! 👍

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Only White Landowning Married Men can vote let the screaming commence in earnest…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Only Anglo-Germanic landowning married men can vote.

How many of the country’s problems are directly downstream from deciding that mixed race peoples like Italians, Jews, and Poles were “white enough” to influence the political process of the country?

The concept of whiteness has been nothing but an unmitigated disaster for Euro-descended Americans, consistently leading to more and more dilution of our blood and culture. 20 years from now the same people who thought Kagans and Kozlowskis were white enough will be telling us that mestizos are white enough.

Reply to  Sub
3 months ago


Surely a semitic idea of whiteness, rather than the historical concept upon which the founders relied, derived directly from biology, would serve us better.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Sub
3 months ago

Fascinatingly, Italy and Poland run circles around the US in terms of a monolithic culture that still respects Christianity and the old traditions and ways. I have seen this first hand with my own eyes, so please, do go on with your hot takes… Doubly fascinatingly, you cleverly insert the most destructive parasitic tribe in history neatly between these two European cultures. Keeping the franchise to “Anglo adjacent” is what largely got us here I hate to tell you. New England Anglos were (and are) all too willing to work with your tribal chameleons to undermine our nation. Nothing like… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Sub’s thinking is exactly the reasoning given by our minority grifters as why “white” race should not be capitalized while “Black”, or “Hispanic”, should be. Hell, we even do this here in the group from time to time.

AP, your response is the correct one.

Reply to  Sub
3 months ago

Jewish hands typed this post.

Reply to  Sub
3 months ago

Italians and Poles are white men. Fuck you!
Old stock WASP’ puritans fucked everything up and still are to this day post 19th century.
And i have dutch quaker ancestors off the Mayflower, and on the other side off the boat from Italy. I know which side fucked this country up, and it wasn’t the Italians. How many Italian / Polish presidents vs WASP’s? How many congressman and senators? Yeah thats what I thought! Who allowed the jews in to take over? Who had all the political power to let them take over? Yeah that’s what I thought dumbass!

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

I like to tell people I’m 100% Axis powers ethnically. Half Italian, half German. Both of those were groups the Anglo-Puritans didn’t want in the country. So yeah, um… Fuck those guys and their gay little Mayflower boat.

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

I read your reply quickly the first time but then I slowed myself down and got it. My initial reading was only white lawn-mowing men should be allowed to vote. The more I think about it though, my reading should be the right one. If you’re so lazy that you hire mowing done, then you probably don’t have the proper outlook on life to make right decisions when you vote. And your kids and wife count as you for voting purposes. Sweating and frugality are pretty good indicators of voter qualification.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

As a married women I agree. Who was it exactly who agreed to woman’s suffrage? Hmm… The collapse of civilization is because of the disinterest by the men and the vain hope that the women will fill in the void. Women always had enough to do before we became “equals” or whatever. Complaining that women can’t make public decisions is itself a symptom of the problem. Of course we can’t. Now what? I see a lot of normal men who benefit from women in decision making/money making positions while they pursue dream careers/buy toys/etc. If a man is willing to… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Fair point. A lot of men are pathetic.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Since corporations and banks own most of America, my modification has always been that men can only vote if they pay more in taxes than they receive in direct pay or benefits. No government employee or contractor should be allowed to vote, nor should anyone on the dole.

and as long as we’re in fantasy land, any company bigger than a predefined % of GDP should be immediately broken up and sold. Apple, Google, Amazon, Blackrock, Boeing, etc.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

Love your second paragraph. Many of AINO’s corporations are richer and more powerful than a sizeable minority of countries. That’s too great a concentration of money and power, and we can see the damage these corporations do.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

You might want to look into Teutonic economic political theory ca. 1938.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

If we were strong, our women would respect us. We gave in to guilt. We let “them” turn us into atomized individuals. We believed that snakes could change their nature.

3 months ago

“It is tempting to hate the barbarians flooding into the country, but the fault lies with the rich people who run the country.” Just as I can hate the moneymen weaponizing the barbarians*, I can and do hate the barbarians themselves – and I have hate to spare. I remember what was lost, and I find Klownworld viscerally unlivable. I hate the ugliness and degeneracy and the evil, the death – with malice aforethought – of truth, beauty, and everything I love. *You do today’s muddy masses an honor labeling them barbarians. They are a mixture of the people who… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Too right, 3g. This odd statement of only holding our politicos to account is thrown around plenty. The statement always seems to be one of those ones that goes quite far, but then at the precipice withdraws itself: “see, we don’t hate all these non-white aliens!”. My personal view is that they simply are not compatible with our (former) countries ways. And this is, as Z notes, down to skin colour – pure and simple. When they look into the history texts of our (former) nations, they see no connection because, hey, it’s a bunch of whites! In my own… Read more »

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 months ago

Orange Frog: Oh, the savages understand. They understand your people and your culture’s innate superiority. They hate and envy you. They profane and destroy that which is inherently beyond their ken. Hate them back – and do not spare their spawn, which will take all that is rightfully your children’s inheritance, and delight in its destruction.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 months ago

With the possible exception of nuggras, I don’t hate them; I just want to live in a nation where they are not present. As you say, they don’t belong with us. And as I say, we don’t belong with them.

Diversity is as horrendously misbegotten a concept as any rulers have ever foisted upon their subjects.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

“I hate the ugliness and degeneracy and the evil, the death – with malice aforethought – of truth, beauty, and everything I love.”

Preach it, sister. The ugliness of it all is something I hate too. I hate the ugly art, the ugly cars, the ugly buildings, the people made ugly being covered in tattoos and piercings. I hate the ugly clothes. It is so pervasive one has to believe it is done deliberately.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

We live in an aesthetic hell. Diversity is part of that.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Until we want something new bad enough it will become a worse hell each day…Sad that our people can’t be proactive and always have to be reactive…

george 1
george 1
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

In the end the war, if there is to be one, will be fought against the barbarians. We probably won’t get a shot at the moneymen. The barbarians will be the ones attempting to directly kill us. So we best get comfortable with hating them.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Even among those who still claim to patriotic, I wonder how they really feel about a photo that accompanied the post Z Man cited. When patriotic whites see this, I wonder if they feel an aching sadness for the past or a deep anxiety about the future.

comment image?resize=1024,683&quality=75&strip=all

The photo supports my suspicions that my country has been intentionally stolen by those who hate traditional whites.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Crowhouse
3 months ago

Part of it is the want to win at all costs, too. Did they want to field a Canadian team, or did they want the bestest team ever? That gets you black athletes in most sports.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

In some sports, but not soccer. Whites still punch equal to or above our weight in soccer. When I see pics of Canada’s and France’s national teams, I suspect something besides athletic merit is afoot–so to speak…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Croatia’s all-Croatian team briefly beat everyone at the World Cup a few years back until, exhausted, they finally lost out to France’s well-rested squad of hand-picked African mercenaries.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Templar
3 months ago

And then Argentina’s wops knocked off France’s savages.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

?? Soccer as game is almost random. Sports with honest skills and solid rules involve reasonably predictable outcomes. Soccer has exactly zero of those, unless it’s a teenage boys soccer team against a pro women’s team.
Yippee, a random team kicked the behind of some random team. Whatever. Wake me up when it involves an actual test of skills.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Templar
3 months ago

Argentina’s heavily White team (with some Mestizos but no blaques) beat France’s >50% African team in last World Cup. So no, they are not better athletes. To Ostie’s point, the top 20 GOAT players skew >50% White. Not bad for only 8% of the population.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

A partial, but not perfect solution would be that to be on a nation’s team the player is a native-born citizen, no ifs ands or buts.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I’m surprised at the negative votes at my comment. It does speak to the level of love of sportsball. We do have integration because coaches/owners/fans want to win, more than they care about having a national/regional team. Africans sprint/run better than Europeans. We know that because we measure it. Soccer is sprinting after a ball in a very simple game that lacks advanced strategy. It’s an African game in that sense, so why worry about it? “Football” is the international sport because it’s dead stupid and anyone can pick up the rules. If you want a naturally white game it… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Wiffle
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Crowhouse
3 months ago

Are those pics of the PM’s cabinet?

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Crowhouse
3 months ago

Yeesh – the Mexican team is more White than Canada!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

And Turkey’s team is whiter than the Netherlands’.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

Good Lord! The two in the front look like kids. I guess they threw out the minimum height requirements along with everything else.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

Well, they had to line up the recruits in height order, so the front ranks feature smaller races, so things aren’t as bad as they appear at first glance.

3 months ago

Rikki Schlott has spent the past six months writing articles about how colleges need to crack the skulls of people protesting Israeli genocide, and how Jews on Ivy League campuses are the real victims. If she is patriotic about any country, it’s not the USA. In fact, you can go back to her archives in the NY Post and see just what a mess the conservative ideology is, and why it is going nowhere and will go nowhere.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Wonder how much she gets paid to debase herself. We are probably at a point where some of our guys on Substack get paid better than these C tier pundits.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

I am curious about how much our esteemed blog host makes too!

How about it, Z? Are you making enough money to outfit an army of disgruntled dissidents and patriots with arms and ammunition? Certainly your jewish cohort, Cornelius Rye – has access to better pricing with the military industrial complex?


Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

I jest, my dissident brethren! A jest!

Anyone familiar with the Great And Powerful Cornelius Rye of Blab would know that I refer to the absolute KING of dissident chit poasters. I’m surprised that he hasn’t shown up here himself to torment our blog host, to be honest…

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

C. Rye is an international man of mystery and can’t fully get my head around him. Certainly the go to fellow if you hate paying retail for watermelons.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Anyone who advocates giving Israel missiles and 2,000 pound bombs to drop on civilians should be deported forthwith…Zionist Schlott is no conservative….

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Anyone who advocates giving Israel missiles and 2,000 pound bombs to drop on civilians should be deported forthwith”

Well, if nothing else, that would cut AINO’s population in half.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

I hope the Russians and or Chinese assist Hamas in wiping Israel off the map!
Solves lots and lots and lots of problems. Foreign and domestic.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

The only downside I see is that they’re all going to end up here. The one and a half percent of the population we have already causes enough trouble. You really want to bump that up to three or four percent?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Are speaking of Palestinians? I agree that immigration has long been out of control. Nevertheless, doesn’t it seem strange that our overlords, that one and a half percent you speak of, would think it’s a good idea to import even larger numbers of people who have no love lost for the folk of the other religion just across the border? If our elite are really that stupid, I say let’s import the lot of “refugees” and perhaps they’ll have the balls to do what needs to be done, to rid us of a very large number of turbulent priests, as… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

They pulled the wool over our eyes. It was just a scam to get us to support warmongering on Israel’s behalf and tax breaks for (((billionaires))) so they could Hoover up all of this nation’s wealth. That’s why I’m wondering if green energy might not be a bad thing. If we lessen our reliance on oil, maybe we can wash our hands of that place and give it back to the Europeans.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Oil dependency is not really the problem. We can get plenty of it here if needed. The problem is we relied on oil control – i.e., the petrodollar – to prop up our fake currency. That appears to be coming to an end. Interesting times ahead.

Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

It’s a global market and we still have to protect it. If Europe and the US ever could become self-sufficient for the next 300 or 400 years, it would be easy to write off the rest of the world. Our own self-sufficiency is not enough.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

We need more Marge Schott and less Rikki Schlott…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
3 months ago

Not to mention more Buck Shot.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Got plenty of that.

3 months ago

30 years of cultural programming about how it was really blacks, women, feather Indians and exotic immigrants who bled for and built America instead of white dudes has really taken it’s toll on “patriotism.” Example: Roughly 800 black US military servicemen were KIA in WWII. About 400,000 total servicemen died. You can’t have a WWII movie or documentary without prominently featuring the black experience. Usually the theme is how awful the racism was. (Uh, maybe “the death” was much worse?) The silver lining is no one, black/white/woman/man is interested in dying for their country anymore. Patriotism is for nationalism which… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by ProZNoV
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

One of the greatest things about Saving Private Ryan is its blessed exclusion of nuggras. And as I recall, there was quite a bit of grousing about this from the usual suspects back when it was released. That may be one reason it didn’t win Best Picture.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

They did feature a faggot though so they really should of won best picture for that…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Lineman, I love you brother – and so please take this in the constructive spirit in which it is meant – and because I was an English major (also because people often inaccurately judge based on similar errors). Instead of “should of” which is indeed what it sounds like when spoken, it is actually the abbreviation “should’ve,” for “should have.” Please forgive me for sounding like a grammar notsee; not my intent at all.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Yea I do it all the time and most times catch myself but not always…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago
Last edited 3 months ago by Crowhouse
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Crowhouse
3 months ago

It’s been open season on Germans since 1914 at least

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

I see George Monbiot in The Guardian arguing for “rearmament.” It is to laugh. The women and the muds don’t want to fight for a country they’ve been taught is built on white supremacy. The men don’t want to fight for a country that has marginalized them. The country itself has deindustrialized. And Monbiot, in typical shitlib fashion, thinks whoever is in charge can just snap their fingers and make “rearmament” happen.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Jeffrey Zoar: ‘I see George Monbiot in The Guardian arguing for “rearmament.”

But re-arm with WHAT precisely?

Apparently so-called “moderin” navies don’t even have the sophistication necessary for stopping a Drone-Dinghy-Thingamabob filled with dynamite: https://www.businessinsider.com/sea-drones-change-naval-warfare-give-smaller-navies-edge-expert-2024-7

comment image

The weapons are becoming more deadly even faster than [almost] anyone can build the weapons.

There are Meta-Darwinistic phenomena at work here which could have horrifying consequences in the not-too-distant future.

A) Start with Classical Warships.

B) Then Gen-1 Drone Dinghies sink all Classical Warships.

C) Then Gen-2 Drone Dinghies sink all Gen-1 Drone Dinghies.

D) Then Gen-3 Drone Dinghies sink all Gen-2 Drone Dinghies, etc etc etc…

And there will be a similar technology race, beneath the surface of the water, where Gen-1 Drone Submarines take out all Classical Submarines; then in the air, with Gen-1 Drone Missiles taking out all classical Aircraft, and on the ground, with Gen-1 Drone Tanks taking out all Classical Tanks, followed by all of the above being recycled & repeated through Gen-2 & Gen-3 & Gen-4, etc etc etc…

Where the hell does it end, short of everyone being dead?

This is some seriously Meta-Darwinian sh!znat we’re talking here.

Seriously Meta-Darwinian.

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

It ends when we are all back to the stone age Brother what’s left of us that is…

3 months ago

It is tempting to hate the barbarians flooding into the country, but the fault lies with the rich people who run the country.

Well, yes. Of course it is the fault of those in power and those who are evil.

But I can’t stand most of the barbarians, either. Can we simply just detest both? Makes no difference to me whether the barbarians “know what they’re doing or not” – they destroy all the same.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 months ago

Right. I hate the barbarian’s whether they are standing on their turf or ours.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

That’s retarded. Let them be if they’re back where they belong. You obviously don’t have enough grey matter to spare to hate irrelevances.

Reply to  OrangeFrog
3 months ago

All the little country stores around me are owned by some pakis or some such now. They don’t speak English and their music is weird

“and we do not need interpreters when we go to buy and sell”

should have listened to ol Rudyard

Reply to  Hi-ya!
3 months ago

Hi-ya!, a coupla days ago, you were axing me what your Amygdala was.

Now have a gander at the following epic 2013 research paper, and see whether suddenly it all starts making sense to you:


Salmon Jones
Salmon Jones
3 months ago

O I’m a good old rebel, Now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care a damn. I’m glad I fought against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon For anything I done. I hates the Constitution, This great republic too, I hates the Freedman’s Buro, In uniforms of blue. I hates the nasty eagle, With all his braggs and fuss, The lyin’ thievin’ Yankees, I hates ’em wuss and wuss. I hates the Yankees nation And everything they do, I hates the Declaration, Of Independence, too. I… Read more »

Reply to  Salmon Jones
3 months ago

You fought against on who’s side? P.S. you black or ghetto white trash? We don’t speak ebonics in these parts.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Arrogant, ignorant, immigrant Yankee.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

typical dumb bitch!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Heh. She would bend you into a pretzel with one cerebral hemisphere tied behind her back.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

A couple of light weights. She can’t you can’t But i get a big kick out if you both trying! 😁

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

You lost the war Joanie reb! 🤣 Keep it coming, I live for this shit.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

And how’s that worked out for you, yankee? Enjoying the diversity winning that war foisted upon us all?

Reply to  Salmon Jones
3 months ago

Be proud you a Rebel ’cause the South’s gonna do it again…

The Charlie Daniels Band – The South’s Gonna Do It Again (youtube.com)

Reply to  Salmon Jones
3 months ago

Some of the responses to this make me think people might have had too many patriotic beers while posting. Holiday PUI, you know.

Steve W
Steve W
3 months ago

The Fourth is the closest thing we have to a holiday for whites.

Here in western NY the holiday is celebrated on the Finger Lakes with “rings of fire.” Everyone lights red flares at 10 pm, outlining the entire waterfront for miles with a red nimbus, accompanied (of course) by fireworks both public and private. Colossal amounts of beer are consumed, hundreds of cattle are slaughtered, butchered, and (yes) grilled. Flags fly from houses, docks, and boats. If not American flags, then Trump 2024 flags.

The Diversity? Yeah, not so much. All this in a “deep blue” state.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Patriotism, as Z has stated on occasion, is by and large a White thing. And it always has been. I found this out first hand while on active duty in the army.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

The Japanese seem pretty patriotic . . . to Japan.
The Israelis seem pretty patriotic . . . to Israel.
The Mexicans seem pretty patriotic . . . to Mexico.

I am beginning to sense a pattern.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Additionally, it’s more of a centrist and rightist thing, too. In that connexion it’s interesting to note that even after the transition of America to Leftist AINO, Leftists are still far less patriotic than everybody else. Their hatred of country is so deeply ingrained that they can’t abandon it even after they’ve gained absolute control and become the establishment.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
3 months ago

Patriotism – what a joke. My former country hates me so I now hate it back. I would much rather wipe my behind with the flag now than proudly display it. The country that flag represented is long gone never to return. All that remains is rubble filled with low IQ savages imported from foreign lands. There is nothing in existence that has the capacity to measure my hatred for these brown hoards and their masters. No pain or suffering they could endure would be too much for me to feel any compassion or sympathy for them.

James Proverbs
James Proverbs
3 months ago

I had to read it for myself, but the complete lack of recognition of self-taught hate is astonishing
Perhaps an odd metaphor, but I had the unfortunate chance to see the new “Little Mermaid” cartoon by Disney this week…and it is a shining example; it was never about being equal or having “representation” – it was about having the whip hand….and using it good and hard.

Reply to  James Proverbs
3 months ago

How did you end up “by chance” seeing the little mermaid? Did someone Clockwork Orange you into a seat at the theater?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Piss off, knucklehead.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Hurt the feewings Osti Spumante? 🤣

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

You epitomize the character and behavior for which ethnic slurs were coined.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

You epitomize why the 19th was a major mistake… 🙄😁😉

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Ah, but I don’t vote, sugarbritches. But you still verbally spew.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

How trite, how witty, how clever! 🤣

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

As an aside… having spent months in Italy proper recently, they are utterly pissed upon by actual Italians as well. That ‘Jersey Wop’ (Vinny the Vette driver) stereotype has done more to poison the well of this ancient culture than probably anything in recent memory. Utter embarrassment. The vast majority speak not a single word of their madrelingua excepting a few curse words and some Americano bastardized Neopolitan slang they learned from watching the Sopranos too much. These are the people who brought us the Roman Empire, Latin, Christianity, etc. reduced to a caricature of a fat hairy guinea eating… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Apex: I’ve traced my late mother-in-law’s maternal line back to the late 1600s and paternal line back to the early 1700s in Italy (have copies of all the relevant birth, marriage, and death records). Given the movement of people and invasions over the centuries, no way to determine if they moved from elsewhere or were descendants of workers on ancient latifundias. I doubt they would claim someone like today’s uncouth commenter as a product of their race and civilization.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

The commenter must be southern Italian. Guessing Sicilian.

Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

c matt: There are southern Italians . . . and then there are Sicilians. My late m-i-l’s ancestors were all from Campania – and she was as fair-skinned as any Nordic and had green eyes. Her grandmother was a redhead.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

As a descendant of in part Anglo Protestants, part of that is English culture. They teach themselves to hate papists and the Italians until recently were the “worst” of those, other than the Irish.
Then Jewish Hollywood is very happy to deflect criticism that belongs to them onto the Italians.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

I’m not from Jersey fuckstick

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

One wonders just *what* the English quality trade + solicitors and surgeons were thinking back when they billed their genteel clients in *guineas*…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Obviously you paid for a ticket to see the little mermaid… How cute! But not surprising! 😂

James Proverbs
James Proverbs
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Vacation > kid > cartoons on the tv = seeing the show.
i made a point to ask my daughter where were the white people and remind her that The Little Mermaid was white.
She mistakenly pointed to the Hispanic character and I corrected her.
The funniest thing was that Ursula was now a sassy Queen called “Tauntie” (sp?)
They have the reigns and it’s not a single white character allowed vs “representation”.
Vengeance rather than equality,
I make sure, when I can, that my girl notices.

Reply to  James Proverbs
3 months ago

No parent should allow their kids to see anything contemporary by Disney. You’re also supporting a company that’s shoving the LBGTQ agenda down everyone’s throats including kids. Disney is anti white male / pro DEI. You’re doing business with the enemy.

Reply to  James Proverbs
3 months ago

Avoiding the worst of the woke in movies isn’t nearly as demanding on parents as homeschooling—and it’s a lot cheaper. All the great animated features from the Disney Renaissance of the 90s are available in HD quality via torrenting, as are their earlier classics. Get a free torrent client and do a bit of searching for magnets online. For the paranoid, a no-log VPN for a couple of dollars a month will throw off the MPA. Homemade popcorn costs a fraction of what they charge for it in theaters (it’s how they make their profits).

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  James Proverbs
3 months ago

This is a point that is too often misunderstood. It’s not about equality or equity at all, and probably never has been. That is merely palliative rhetoric intended to keep whites listless and docile as they are dispossessed and marginalized. The true objective is the subjugation of whites and transferrence of all power to the Coalition of Freaks.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I think you are Intelligent Dasian under a second account. You sound just like him, lots of fluff, zero substance. You are what many call a “self styled intellectual.” I think you’re just a twat.

Who’s your prefered presidential candidate?
Been waiting six months on that one! 🤣

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

And you, my dear Bozo, do not meet the minimum IQ requirement to post at this site. In fact, you’re not within a standard deviation.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Not according to other astute commenters. I was a member of the national honor society from 8th grade on.
I merely prefer a “Trumpesque” no bullshit approach, instead of empty “self styled intellectual” wanna be’s like you.
I’m always kicking your ass on this head cutting thing here. Wanna prove you’re intelligent? Beat me once.
You are the beta’s beta…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

I doubt there’s a poster on this site who rates you any better than a moron. And at that, they’re doubtless overstating your intelligence. In point of fact, you’re nothing but a white nuggra.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

You’re nothing but a low IQ, bloviating, whiney bitch, fag…

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

ID is fifty times the retard ostei could ever hope to be. It’s not even close. The man’s in his own league of being a complete dipshit.

Reply to  Salmon
3 months ago

So Ostei is the #2 retard here…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

One silver lining in the black pill: That coalition of the fringes (“freaks” is quite apt, too) has a critical design flaw: it’s inherently unstable. Of course factionalism can be a problem in any group movement, or even a family. But the Democrats, a reasonable shorthand for the Deep State in this example, has taken the hare brained idea of being the champion of the marginalized to extremes. Now, this works to an extent, especially when the Other can be identified as Whitey, conservative values, whatever. And of course, Whites suffer. That’s inevitable, probably. What also seems inevitable is that… Read more »

3 months ago

I hiked a busy Laurel Falls trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park this morning. All I wanted was a nice hike through the forest with my family. I expected crowds, but that’s okay. What I did not expect was to reach the top where the falls are and see two south Asian fags standing up on the waterfall preening and posing for photos for 20 minutes. People just wanted to snap a few picks of the scenery and head back down. Instead, they stayed up there taking showers under the falls, one of them only half dressed. There were… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by hokkoda
Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

as I was reading your post, I couldn’t help but feel some satisfaction in knowing that there are others who share my level of disdain for these monsters.

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

“Asian fags standing up on the waterfall preening and posing for photos for 20 minutes.” This is the mixture of cultures. As I’ve been told, Asians, especially Chinese, travel as tourists to “take pictures”, not really enjoy/appreciate the natural attraction. They then bring these pictures back home to show off to their friends and neighbors. It’s more of a status thing for them, than for tourists from the West. My experience was similar. Wife and I spent a night in a motel where Chinese tourist bus stopped for the night. The “free” breakfast was mobbed by the Chinese, and of… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

It is fascinating to observe the cultural differences between Chinese & Japanese given their close proximity. Japanese would not be caught dead doing that kind of stuff.

Chinese, at 1 billion people, really are like a swarm of locusts. Pajeets are right there with them and with similar awful behaviors more reminiscent of insects than humans. Anyone that simply keeps breeding prolifically into the billions when you are dirt azz poor you pretty much are telegraphing to humans that you are more insect than homo-sapien, IMHO.

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Yes, but I wonder if it is a population density phenomenon. Japan is quite small for its current population. China has as much area as the USA. We’d need to run the numbers and do a bit of math. I won’t. Lots of conflation in the comparisons, but the observable fact remains. Heck, there was even a booklet published by the Chinese authorities for their people traveling overseas, the Nuevo Rich, on how to behave in Western countries and not embarrass the nation. For example, they had to explain that it was not appropriate to take a piss behind the… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

It’s not even that they should contribute. They aren’t us, and that’s enough.I think that’s the message of Othello. I wonder if Shakespeare predicted this crass meritocratic age. Othello contributed to Venice with his skill as a soldier, perhaps even leader. But he was ultimately targeted because he didn’t belong there, ordering real Venicians about, despite the senates love for him.

then he seduces one of their own, a Venician woman. And that was enough for the gods to send the great destroyer after everyone involved

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

Hokkoda: I share your contempt. Vile, filthy, alien people.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago


Last edited 3 months ago by Tired Citizen
Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Even if I despise our rulers, July 4 will always have a special place in my heart. There are few holidays in any nation that is as unapologetically jingoistic and in your face as today. You have loud fireworks, aggressive colors, and grilling massive slabs of meat, all to commemorate a group of men who essentially signed their death sentence to become a new elite.

America f*ck yeah.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

So you’re coming out of the closet as a “griller?” Ok griller!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Get out of here, Bozo.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Make me faggot!

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Both of you, knock it off. We have enough crap to fight over outside of this group to spend time reading this level of exchange.

It’s a distraction and coming from two regular high level commenters an embarrassment.

And yes, I’ve had my issues here as well.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

When Ostie Spumante backs off on the TDS and drops his “self styled intellectual” bloviating I’lll agree to a cease fire. I didn’t start this one.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

I disagree with you, but “Ostie Spumante” was pretty funny.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Use your God-given gift of discrimination, Compsci. This clown is anything but a high-level commenter. Far be it from me to tell Z his business, but he should be expelled. And I know you feel the same about a certain other poster who shall remain nameless.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Have to have others fight your battles for you? Super beta! 🤣

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

” . . . coming from two regular hi8gh level commenters . . .”
I think not. One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

You a lesbian or just a garden variety feminazi? 😉

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

We don’t have to make you a faggot

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 months ago

We don’t have to make you a pussy…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Recess for the third-graders is over in five minutes. You’d better start making your way back into the school, little Vinny.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

You can take the bozo out of new yawk/joisey, etc.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

You are example “A” as to why women don’t belong in politics sweetheart… 😉

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

No, women don’t belong in politics. Neither do boys whose mothers failed at instilling any education and manners in their sons.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Then get the fuck outta here. Typical woman talking out of both sides of her mouth!

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

This is war shrew. Marquis of Queensbury rules are off the table. See what I what I mean? You don’t belong in male spaces! You just keep proving my point for me!
Typical female bullshit.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

The Founding Fathers were a combination of extremely intelligent, moral and very courageous men…Americans are proving that we didn’t deserve them by destroying everything they created….

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

“The Founding Fathers were a combination of extremely intelligent, moral and very courageous men…” And what conditions surrounded and imbued such men with these time honored virtues? White heritage (intelligence), belief in God and training in His Word (morality), and hardship to be overcome through hard work and effort (courage)! Unfortunately, all of these conditions are now in dwindling supply in this nation, hence Z-man’s astute observation on 21st century American patriotism and why we can *never* simply return to the past. But we can, we must, use these virtues to guide us into the future—or of what use will… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I do not revere the ‘founders,’ as too many seem to. But I do respect some of them, and I upvoted you because I agree with the spirit of your prayer.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

3g4me. The Founding Fathers were of course human and therefore subject to human foibles as we all are. A few were even downright bastards in our 21st century understanding. We all “fall short”as taught in the Bible. Here is where I disagree with you: We as a race *need* our hero’s. If we are required to elevate somewhat failed men, then so be it. The “other side” makes their “hero’s” out of whole cloth. Joseph Campbell in his book, “The Power Of Myth” considers such founding myths as valid—even if exaggerated or basically untrue—because he considers such to represent what… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I’m relooking at Jefferson. I’m interested in Malones biographies if Jefferson and Brother Mobberly in his curse of Cham shows a great respect for Jefferson. A friend of brother Mobberly ….

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I would say you are forgetting one of the most important traits which our side lacks the most of and that is self sacrifice for the greater good…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Absolutely, but I was playing off of the direct quote of Pyrrhus so did not include all of the desired and necessary virtues.

As to self sacrifice, one need only look up what the Founders lost in their support for the Revolution. Unlike our “leaders” today, none went into the conflict poor and came out of the conflict a wealthy man, and some lost all.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Sacrificing others for the common good is an option, too.

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

You are on a roll today… 👍👍👍

Bruno the Arrogant
Bruno the Arrogant
Reply to  Chet Rollins
3 months ago

Well, not so much anymore. I remember it used to feature decorations of our founders, liberty bells and celebrations of freedom and other patriotic adornments, none of which have appeared to be in evidence for quite a few years. It’s largely deteriorated into Labor Day with fireworks.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 months ago

I predict that within the next…. 20 years or so, that fake holiday they invented after the floyd riots will supplant today. Businesses will start complaining about two holidays so close to each other, and the vibrants will start saying that July 4th wasn’t independence day “for them”, and the little hats will join the chorus, and conservatives who are already talking about how that day is “the 2nd american independence” will fold like a cheap suit. Congress will pass a law abolishing July 4th as a major holiday and President Ocasio-Cortez will sign it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

Is that a straight-up prophecy, or is it snippet from the Babylon Bee? Reality is so absurd that there is no way of knowing.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Would you be surprised if it played out exactly like that? I see memes being passed around social media mocking the Founding Fathers and July 4th. It’s already in motion. The spiteful mutants hate them and the country they founded. They want to define this country differently, built on the Emma Lazarus poem they defaced the Statue of Liberty with, and the Israel Zangwill play.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

No, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised. But for the masses who don’t grok what’s become of this country (Grillers being a prominent subset), it reads like parody. Only the DR and spiteful mutants know better. And they’re not quite ready to let on.

Reply to  Bruno the Arrogant
3 months ago

Yes, when I was a kid I used to live in a small, all white town. Went to the parade every year with vintage fire trucks rolling down the street, the local school sport teams would March even though school was out for the summer. There would be clean food trucks selling good food, not Mexican roach coaches.

The town had a fireworks display usually the weekend after because it cost too much to hire pyrotechnic teams to work on the 4th.

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Slowly, ever so slowly I see good men around me coming to this conclusion about our current state of affairs. The wildcard is Trump, those same men look to Trump for a life raft to not swim away from the sinking ship of liberal democracy. This process is going to have to play out further yet before the final realization of failure hits them. I genuinely hope Trump can reform something in the Leviathan but I already realize that reform of the current system has about a 95% chance of failure assuming Trump can even run the gauntlet. It’s going… Read more »

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Trump is probably our last chance, but if he gets in, he needs to escape his delusion that we’re still living in the 1980s….and stop appointing his enemies to important positions…

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

I wonder if our salvation might not lie with the lefties, to some extent? They have to be realizing that they have no answers or vision for the future, on some level…? Obviously the lunatics and mutants are never going to regain any sanity… but surely the more moderate liberal democrats have to be scratching their heads at this point…?

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

If history is any guide, and I’m pretty sure it is, the moderate liberal democrats will be purged from the ranks and the lunatics and mutants will get increasingly violent and blood thirsty. So no, our “salvation” will not lie with the lefties.

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

“I wonder if our salvation might not lie with the lefties, to some extent?” I have thought this for a long time, not necessarily the current left, but rather the pychological wiring that leads someone to become a lefty in the current environment. So a future generation of the “lefty” probably. Here is the hard truth. Conservatives are wired to be risk adverse and adhere to tradition. The current conservatives, had they been born in the 1700s would have been loyalists to the crown and kicked out of America into Canada after they lost the revolution. Most Republicans only revere… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  ??what??
3 months ago

That’s a good argument for being reactionary instead of conservative

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

If Trump reenters the anti-White House, it will be because the Power Structure wants him there. Heads they win, tails we lose.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

And the puppet masters would favor Trump why? Cough up some specifics to support this b.s.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago
  1. He is pro Money Changer
  2. He is a harmless CivNat
  3. He can be effectively hemmed in from too much Nationalism should it become an issue, and can be easily manipulated into steering any nascent Nationalism into safe spaces (e.g., wars for Israel)
  4. He would be a convenient Bag Holder should things go further south during his term
  5. He could be a pressure relief valve for NormieCons (not that they are much of threat anyway)
  6. Increase CNN ratings
c matt
c matt
Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

forgot to add:

7 Dragging Biden’s corpse over the line or other such election shenanigans might prove even too much for normie to take – so why risk it when Trump is basically harmless.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

That would be hard to believe with what has already been thrown at him to date. More probable he ascends without compromise. That of course simply means that he has a fight ahead even worse than the one he leaves behind.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I think there are signs the Power Structure is shifting toward containment rather than destruction of Trump. They seem to have concluded that the latter is almost impossible without full support from SCOAINO, and that it will be easier to cut deals with Trump and box him in so that he can do very little actual damage to the BFE while in office. And I suspect Trump is amenable.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

That’s not going to happen. It’s not who he is. Trump has some of the right attributes, but the wrong ideas. Though I will probably vote for him, I’m not looking forward to the daily announcements of black, latino, women and gay unemployment numbers. For 18 months we heard chanting build the wall and drain the swamp. What did we get? Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Tars: Then why debase yourself by voting? Honest question. I just cannot comprehend the motivation.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Because it makes all the right people angry.
Plus, in my area there are usually proposals to spend money and I love voting NO on all of them. Though it didn’t help, voting can really matter for certain local things, like Larry Krasner being the DA. He’s elected on an off year with low voter turnout.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

“Because it makes all the right people angry.”

Does kicking a hornets nest work out well if you just stand there like an idiot afterwards?

You either kill them or leave them alone. Making things you hate angry often backfires.

Since Trump is incompetent, he will serve to activate the left and cause us more problems.

You just want to take another lazy shot at the King and you don’t care if you miss and the King turns around and murders your whole family.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  ??what??
3 months ago

“You just want to take another lazy shot at the King” This is retarded. 1 guy voting “no” in a city of 1.5 million is not taking a shot at the king. Believe me, I get what you are saying. But it only takes 5 minutes out of my life (I live very close to the polling station) to make myself feel better and vote no about the city doing something stupid or voting against Krasner. You have the mentality of a slave when it comes to Trump. “Please don’t beat me master. I promise I won’t upset you anymore.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ??what??
3 months ago

A pretty harsh rebuttal, but not without merit, I must say.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  ??what??
3 months ago

I replied, but it never got past the scambot. It’s a simple act with basically zero cost. I totally reject the framing of taking a shot at the king. I’m one guy in a city of 1.5 million or one guy in a country of 300 million plus. It does sometimes have a posittive effect, like not getting approval for the latest money wasting scheme. It didn’t stop Krasner or the bag ban (it’s infuriating), but it didn’t cost me anything. It took only a few minutes to cast my vote as I live fairly close to the polling location.… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

<i>Though I will probably vote for him, I’m not looking forward to the daily announcements of black, latino, women and gay unemployment numbers.</i>

Year 2 of the New Trump Regime: “The Bureau of Labor Statistics has announced that, according to records going back one year, the trans unemployment rate in my administration is the lowest ever. Making America great!”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Otherwise
3 months ago

PS: “President Trump greatly values your opinion and considers you one of his strongest supporters. Will you make a contribution to his MAGA fund? Only one hundred dollars gets you a MAGA hat and a signed photo of the president shaking hands with Jay-Z and Bibi Netanyahu at the Wailing Wall!”

Last edited 3 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
3 months ago

Here’s an argument for independence, not at the national, but of the self.   Political action has its place, but it only works well in a well-functioning civil society. We still have that, to some degree, but its shelf life is very uncertain. Even in the best of times, conventional political action (by Joe Citizen, I don’t mean the elite) is at best a dilution of effort. The defeatist will say “your vote is irrelevant.” Even if it has some value, it’s a tiny influence on the overall outcome. A similar case exists if you volunteer in a campaign: Your… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Ben – Well said. Withdraw your consent from this debased travesty of a nation. Strengthen yourself, your family, and your genuine friends. Do what you can to assure your posterity will survive the deluge, with the wherewithal and self respect – to rebuild NOT AINO or muh democracy or the magic constitution – but a future for White children.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

People in 1896 needed to be doing these things. People in 1000AD and 1000BC needed to be doing these things. They are all good things to do. I have zero criticism of your list of things. Personal development and prudence for the future is well advised, in all times and places. There is no shortage of personal indulgence and giving in to the temptations of clownworld, even on our side. So this is a short list of excellent advice. But it is also a sign of the accused resigning to his fate and preparing to quietly meet his maker. We… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

I’ll say this for the left: I voted in Republican primaries many times, and occasionally get junk email from them (maybe twice week). I voted in a Democrat primary ONCE in my life, and I get a daily constant barrage of emails from them.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

If that’s what you can say for the Left, I’d love to see what you can say agin’ it.

Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

I last voted in 2016 for Trump. Before that I skipped 2012, and greatly regret my 2008 vote for McCain (despite my loathing for the black jebus, I should have just sat it out). When we moved I used a friend’s business address back in Texas for mail forwarding (and she then sent it on to me privately). I have donated nothing to anyone politically since 2016. I am STILL getting crap from the repuke national committee, Mike Johnson, the neocon think tanks, etc. They are all on my list for lampposts.

3 months ago

Oh my goodness. Look at the troops in that photo! (https://nypost.com/2024/07/04/opinion/gen-z-is-horrendously-unpatriotic-its-on-all-of-us-to-fix-it/)

All of the embedded images in that article are reason enough. The white erasure is near total. Look at the phsyiognomies of them. I think they photoshopped diverse and marginalized faces on that photo as they all look deformed. Even the Post needs diversity so badly they will do this.

When the entire society is blatantly erasing you from all of its imagery, not enough patriotism is the least of your problems. What I said earlier holds. Wow! Those pictures say it all.

3 months ago

a major problem with our democracy is that too many people vote. Dead people, illegal people, illiterate people.

3 months ago

Boomer bait, eh? I read Mx Schlott’s missive and gave up half way throug – and just shrugged. She sounds like the chicken headed self absorbed young woman produced by the millions by overly indulgent parents. Perhaps she’ll grow up in time and be worth taking seriously… although it doesn’t look good, considering the company she’s keeping… Up here in Canada it’s much the same. The only patriotism I saw on display were the pakies and chinks flying the maple leaf on their cars and some of the very old boomers that are clued out about what is happening to… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

Boomer bait, eh? I read Mx Schlott’s missive and gave up half way throug – and just shrugged. She sounds like the chicken headed self absorbed young woman produced by the millions by overly indulgent parents.

You left out our commie indoctrination system “public education and the university system.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Use of ‘Commie’ in current year is a sure marker of someone with zero information content to add to a serious discussion of present ills.

Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

Hey dumbass the united states is now a bastion of communist indoctrination / activity. The American left are the new “Bolsheviks.” If you can’t see that well… You’re a dumbass!
Words have meaning. Communism is a real thing. Look it up in a dictionary and learn something. In fact you sound like a commie! The irony.

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
3 months ago

France is a possible counter-point to this. While, yes, you have the invading hordes, France has retained a strong core of patriotism, which you can see in the youth vote.

They have a unique relationship with their revolution in that it was a violent collapse in the old order, but it has also been viciously defended with 19th century nationalism. It’s like how communism stored Eastern Europe’s social norms in amber that NATO is now destroying.

Reply to  Tykebomb
3 months ago

But De Gaulle has been out of power for almost 60 years, and the French now have to prove that they really want La Belle France, enough to throw out the invaders and close the pipeline into France…Leaving the EU is a necessity…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Tykebomb
3 months ago

The problem many nations would face, if there was a desire to return to a former state, would be what to do about the aliens (non-European stock.) No country I’m aware of even has the will to deport, much less halt the entry of, current migrants. Even if this could be accomplished, what is to be done about those who arrived legally? Their children? Their grandchildren? France has been accepting alien cultures the longest, perhaps. There are easily three or more generations of now native born citizens there who, for all practical purposes, will never assimilate into the legacy French… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

I realize you’re being tongue in cheek, but DON’T patronize those restaurants. Don’t support alien invaders economically in any way. Cook at home. Cheaper, healthier, and tastier too. A bunch of cookbooks are useful. A pox on immivader restaurants. And peasant mestizo food is NOT a ‘cuisine.’

3 months ago

This is the heart of the liberal who is sure she knows what needs to be fixed and how to fix it but cannot be bothered doing the mundane tasks that make society possible.”

This is simple female nature on parade. Society has become fem-centric. The feminine does not build and maintain structures. The feminine is chaos.

3 months ago

The Cloud People have perfected the use of modern technology to indoctrinate and maneuver the weak-minded and easily bribed cohort of our society. The “Narrative” is the archetype of this technique, but the tools are smart phones and internet social media. And make no mistake, it works. See Covid mask madness and mRNA vaccines as an example. But can this mechanism be hijacked? Can the 30+ million imported young male invaders be conditioned to storm the Bastille rather than sow chaos and violence among the Dirt People? It’s worth a try. Turnabout is fair play if you ask me. Kill… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

I’m on it!

Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

What do the Models say? Asking for a friend 🙂 Have you installed and configured your own (say) pfsense firewall/router and some VLANs at home? Have you ever fired up WireShark and dumped some traffic? Own a WiFi Pineapple, do you? Do you know how to construct an SQL injection attack? Know much about sentiment analysis, embeddings, and a passel of other stuff? Know how to go from analysing sentiment to *injecting* it in the right places? Some of our people are a bit clued in, but if you dig around online one of the big problems is that the… Read more »

Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

“Injecting” despair is one of their most effective cyber techniques, as demonstrated in your posting. The idea is to get the opponent to quit before the battle even begins. Despite DC’s ongoing attempt to win the war in Ukraine via propaganda, a bullet to the forehead will always win the day. You need to think tangibly and not simply rely on jargon.

3 months ago

We don’t have a homogeneous population anymore. I have nothing in common with some street shïtter from India. If I have nothing in common with the people who cohabitate with me within the same political borders, how can you expect me to be patriotic? Also I saw an interesting story about RFK2 complaining about Wall Street buying up single family homes. I’m just amused that the same people telling the public that it’s financially stupid to own a home and that you’re better off renting turn around and own those homes themselves. Yeah, renting is better financially … For them.… Read more »

3 months ago

Part of hating the past is hating Americans. Free riding on a civilizations institutions to get credentialed and then become employed in its industries won’t make patriots. Even without the industry of anti-American hatred purveyed by the American institutions, these people would not be patriotic in any significant number. Patriotism requires shared sacrifice not self indulgence. Of course the GWOT called for the warriors to sacrifice and the reasons given for it were brazenly violated in short order. That destroys patriotism amongst the only people who have feelings that can be stirred to acts of patriotism. It is simple. I… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

I love this country for the same reason I loved my parents. They were almost like gods to me as a child. When I became a man I put aside childish things and got to know them as people, and yes, let’s only say that I discovered that they were not gods, far from perfect, even annoying and ignorant at times, about certain subjects. In spite of all that I went on loving them and my heart broke when they died. They endured hardships in the 30s and 40s and built a life, which included me growing up in a… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Which reminds me. The native peoples of North America lost to the white devil because they were divided into a thousand “nations” and hated each other far more than they hated the invader. The conquerors exploited those hatreds and seized all of it, sea to shining sea…

Which is exactly what has been done to “us”, the “American People”. We are atomized and/or divided into small tribes aka grievance groups.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

The American native people lost when they allowed the first White settlers to remain. If one reads of the very first settlement attempts they were not welcome. For the first hundred years or so, trade occurred but only temporary encampments for that process. Then they were “encouraged” to get the hell out.

The first “permanent” settlements occurred when one tribe, in a weaken state, thought that an alliance with White settlers would strengthen its position among the regional competing tribes. At that point the game was lost, the rest is commentary.

3 months ago

After 9/11 the patriotism and unity displayed started freaking out the (mostly democrat) politicians and the media was lacking on divisive stories.

Guess they solved that problem. And good!

If I were to fly any flag today it would be the Appeal to Heaven flag. Otherwise, meh, I’m just hoping people don’t catch any woods or buildings on fire by being dumbasses or newcomers celebrating for the first time. Who knows. I’m glad many people have the day off work, that’s nice.

Reply to  Stephanie
3 months ago

Someone set the woods on fire back during the solar eclipse. Came too close to our house for comfort (although it did a great job clearing out the deadfall and underbrush on a few acres of our land). We will be watching the woods a lot more closely for smoke today, although there’s a reasonable chance of rain which would be a huge help.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Hopefully you have a good defensible space around your place Sister and a good fire suppression system

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Unfortunately, not yet. It’s on the very long list of things we hope to improve. This area normally gets tons of rain so it’s not usually an issue, but there were a lot of tourists in town that day. We are loathe to cut down any of the large, lovely trees that help shade our cabin. But the local volunteer fire departments are excellent, and we’re just a hair over 3 miles from the closest one. So just need to remain vigilant until we can purchase/make a good fire suppression system.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Drought is terrible here. All my steams are practically gone.

Reply to  Hi-ya!
3 months ago

We finally got a bit of rain after midnight last night. Not enough, although sufficient (along with my husband cutting the grass) that we had three enormous turkey hens (at least 3.5 feet tall) rooting for bugs out in the yard this morning.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 months ago

“It is the institutional hatred of the past that has become the state religion.”
This was a great essay on many levels. Here Zman lays out the great contradiction of our time. Modern democracy is deliberately about constant alienation from the past and confusion in the present. So it cannot be a unifying principle. Instead it’s just a wrecking ball. This suits the oligarchs just fine, as it great for their depredations.

3 months ago

That means what comes next must not be a defense of the past, which has already slipped away from us, but a new offensive built around a vision of a new future. What comes next will have to be built on the bones of the democrats, not on what they have destroyed.

What is that vision of a new future in your mind Brother…

3 months ago

”You cannot a program of constant change and a love of the past, or even a healthy respect for your ancestors. Democracy hates the past and anyone who thinks otherwise.”

Truer words were never spoken – well said. I’d say it’s to the point that you can’t despise the regime and our overlords enough.

Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Substitute Leftism for democracy in Z’s essay and it works just as well, perhaps even better. Beginning with the French Revolution, and continuing with increasing intensity through the Marxist period and now into the postmodern, Leftists have always held past people and societies in contempt. And that it because, in their boundless arrogance, they measure the past against their dismal utopias and find it wanting. If past people and societies were too stupid to see what is plainly best for humanity–transfigured reason and the murder of God, communism, deification of negroes and deviants, etc.–then they deserve all the scorn, mockery… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Antidotes are to be found in surprising places. The wife enjoys older movies and had one on the other day. I cannot remember the name of the film, but it takes place in NYC in the fifties and it’s in color. One scene shows the protagonist walking down the street attempting to woo Marilyn Monroe and my kids asked where they were. When I told them, they all said , “That’s New York City?!?” I told them yes and got the inevitable follow up, “What happened to it?” so I asked them, “Notice anything, or more to the point anyone… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Good show, mate. You’re obviously doing a good job of raising your young ‘uns.

3 months ago

Rubber will meet the road when the draft efforts come around. Ukraine, is their model but that place on the map (not even a nation) is not the US. Saw my local Fourth of July parade in my neighborhood yesterday. It was cute, neighborhood little kids (ages 5-14) parading around the neighborhood with e-bikes, bikes, scooters, etc. One older boy had a Gadsden flag, lots of little girls with stars and stripes butterfly wings (cute, they were about 6-8). About 99% White though the neighborhood is about 80% White. Organized by a lady with kids as a fun thing. Point… Read more »

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
3 months ago

‘It is tempting to hate the barbarians flooding into the country, but the fault lies with the rich people who run the country. The barbarians are just rationally responding to what they are experiencing in the process.”

Wasps, rats, pigeons, mosquitos are just doing what they naturally do as well, but it doesn’t mean we must exterminate them in order to live safer, healthier lives.

Mike Tre
Mike Tre
Reply to  Mike Tre
3 months ago

That should read don’t, not must.

3 months ago

The only unifying principle for being an American seems to be common humanity (at best) and inhabiting a border and being “documented”. Does that make a country? what am I suppose to be patriotic to? guess it could be an empire, something that manages many different peoples, but I don’t see how the us is a country or a nation. I don’t know what it is. But I hope I can be a small humble part of it’s destruction

Last edited 3 months ago by Hi-ya!
3 months ago

To be loved, a country (or person), should be lovable. The USA has not done much lately to merit lovability. There are various kinds of democracy. We have the liberal kind, with voting and elections. Such a system empowers the financial elite (which it was intended to do) and actually undercuts what might be called social democracy, wherein Joe Average has access to wealth and property and a large say in how his own affairs are run. That kind of democracy is the only kind worth having and is incompatible with liberal democracy.

Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

Countries, like babies, are loved because they belong to us. America in tatters is still to be loved.

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Babies are intrinsically lovable, countries are not.

Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

I see you’ve never raised a baby. 🙂

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Wiffle: I must disagree. If one of my sons were to suddenly claim he was a female and undergo surgical mutilation, I would love my memory of who he was, but I would utterly reject his unnatural and debased choices. He would no longer be my son, nor someone I could possibly love. Same for AINO – in its current, debased form it bears no resemblance to the nation of my youth. I cannot and do not love its twisted, alien, and ugly composition. America in tatters is no longer America – it is AINO which is to be loathed.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

So? Does America become beautiful by complaining how ugly she is? Do ugly babies become beautiful by harping about ugly they are? What you think of a mother who kept pointing out all the flaws of her children, rather than working on them? No. We love what is unlovable because it is ours or it is no love at all. I’m not talking about government forms, by the way. The republic is already dead. Whatever. I’m talking about the people. “He would no longer be my son, nor someone I could possibly love. “ He would always be your son, because… Read more »

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Again, strongly disagree. First, love is not mere sentiment. In the Bible ‘love’ is an action verb. Loving someone means wanting what is best for him, not accommodating or enabling his delusions. That type of thought is what leads parents – who often claim to be Christians – to join PFLAG to ‘love and support’ a sexually-degenerate child. Secondly, trying to understand and overcome mental illness with love is a fool’s errand. I thank God both my sons – although far from perfect – are sexually normal and this is not a choice I’ve been forced to make. Too many… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Yes, love is an action verb. That’s why as a Christian you would never stop loving your son. What I stated was the Christian theology of love, both of sons and nations. I can’t help it if modern hippies have commandeered the idea of particularly agape love for their own use. I said specifically that love did not mean indulging in what would be fantasies about being a woman. Love has to increase in that situation that I am glad you are not facing. More love is required to to offer kindness, patience, and prayer in that situation without enabling… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

A baby is your flesh and blood and therefore belongs to you and is lovable. A Country in a very literal sense is a social construct. A Nation is your extended flesh and blood and therefore lovable like a baby. America is a Country, not a Nation.

Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

America is becoming less of a nation and more of a country continually.

Reply to  c matt
3 months ago

I am part of a nation, which I love.

Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

It’s hilarious to me to claim that I’m part of an extended family and that I love it and that’s worth 3 net down votes. Too funny.

3 months ago

Excellent essay for the day. But really, you had me with, “bones of the democrats”.

Steve W
Steve W
3 months ago

Z man has argued in today’s essay that patriotism and democracy are incompatible. Let’s put it another way: You can have patriotism, or you can have democracy, but you cannot have both. Sound reasonable? (1) Right. Let’s sort out our terms and what those terms mean and don’t mean. “Democracy” is not a form of government; it defines the source of legitimacy for a government. We have a republic – an actual form of government – that requires people like representatives, governors, judges, county executives, mayors, and so on. In general these positions are filled by “direct democracy” aka voting.*… Read more »

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

If only the Russians had risen up and joined their German brothers.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

I think I remember z talking about only being able to vote where you were born or lived when you were 18.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Or put another way, he’s a closet technocrat. Yet another way, controlled opposition. How do you all not see it?

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 months ago

A good day to start a revolution to overthrow a tyrannical regime

george 1
george 1
3 months ago

Off Topic. Col. Macgregor on Judge Napolitano’s podcast on 07/03/24, said that he believed that the attacks of 10/07/23 were allowed to happen for the purpose of cleansing Gaza, the West Bank and probably parts of Lebanon of the current inhabitants.

Not news to us but it does show that pattern recognition is becoming a thing.

3 months ago

“To be patriotic, one has to love his ancestors and their accomplishments so much that he is willing to sacrifice to maintain those accomplishments.

This means the natural limits on men of the present is the accumulated wisdom of the past.”

Not gonna lie. The first one made me sit up and notice. The second one stirred me to the roots of my soul.

Aww shoot. Just read the final para’s. Bring it fookin’ HOME, baby!!

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

They hate us and they want us dead. They won’t get it.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

It really sucks to come to the conclusion that the best outcome may indeed be for Rome to lay waste Carthage, and you’re a Carthaginian living in Carthage.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

But who is Rome?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Probably Russia, by best guess. It just depends on how frisky we get.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Wiffle
3 months ago

Well, Moscow is certainly the Third Rome…

3 months ago

That means what comes next must not be a defense of the past, which has already slipped away from us, but a new offensive built around a vision of a new future

To paraphrase William Faulkner, the past has not only not slipped away, it’s not even past.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

So far I haven’t heard any fireworks in my neighborhood, which is a first. Around here they even shoot them off for Christmas, so making it through last night with none is astonishing. For that matter I haven’t heard any anywhere. I realize it’s early yet. I’ll keep you posted.

3 months ago

I don’t know, the headlines say one thing, but the numbers say another.
American Pride Remains Near Record Low

Extremely/very proud 67%

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  cg2
3 months ago

That anybody to the right of Trotsky is proud of this abomination is depressing.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Yes, but it’s probably a good idea to keep our thoughts to ourselves IRL.

3 months ago

Catholicism claims ONE Immaculate Conception for God’s son. Democracy claims Immaculate Caesareans. 
This is not sustainable. 

3 months ago

When I think of Fuentes, I think cat ears, and isn’t he the one who used a black light to see if anyone had sex during one of his get-togethers?

3 months ago

Z…You keep refering to the U.S. govt as a “democracy.” I don’t know how much of this is sarcasm “mocking the left,” and how much is in seriousness. I know you are too smart not to know the U.S. govt is and always has been a representative republic. You are always calling for no return to the past, but you never give an outline for your vision of a restructured U.S. govt. Do you prefer a monarchy? That is a return to the past on steroids. A strong man dictatorship? That is a return to the past, and in some… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Vinnyvette
Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Great point. I think they are on the “transgression treadmill” whereon they have to destroy stuff at a faster pace for the same dopamine hit.

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

Seems like a sound theory. 👍

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Awww, F**K. “it’s a Compistuptional Repubick” is the fkg epitome of half wit conservafuktards

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

Yes, a return to the 1820s, with only men of property voting and the State legislatures picking the electors, is essential…But that’s a hate crime…

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

How bout men sack up, take away what women and minorities have squandered with zero fuck’s given about what they think, or especially their fucking “feelings.”
I’m the most hated man in the blogosphere. But…I could give 2 fucks. I’m gonna break all the eggs I have to, to get the omlet I want.
That is the attitude one needs to have to accomplish anything. You don’t think the founders were hated by the loyalists who’s apple cart was upset? They don’t “get it” fuck em all!

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

Guess 3g4me is left out in the cold, and will be limited to hyper supersonic reeeeeing on the net. 😂

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

“…a return to the 1820s, with only men of property voting and the State legislatures picking the electors,…” All suggestions for political reform need to be grounded in the possible, not the ideal. For example, repeated suggestions of who should not vote perhaps misses/ignores the essential point of “why not”. So would the requirement of “men of property” produce better voters today? Perhaps. But what does men of property mean today? It was in the past a proxy for having a stake in the nation and the proven ability to work to successfully acquire a claim to direct its affairs.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

That’s a good post. I favor allowing women to vote, but in a system where blocs are weighted. Generally speaking, women’s votes would be weighted considerably less than men’s. This would allow them to feel they have a stake in the country without allowing their more pernicious traits to damage it electorally.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

The thing I cannot understand is the more the left has their way . . . the more miserable and radical they are. Same as the more the feminists get their way, the more miserable they are, and the more radical they become. It makes zero sense.

It makes perfect sense. What they want sucks and leads to misery, so that is what they get. Unfortunately dragging the rest of us along with them.

Reply to  Vinnyvette
3 months ago

You’ll never get it either. Ever notice the themes? Your US of A is dead. Crisis! Doomporn. Bitterness. Can’t even grill once a year on the 4th without getting mocked or turning it into a joke. This bright new future without democracy sounds just like a global techocracy but you saw what happened when they was slipped that directly into the themes with the “Linkedin conservatives” article. The audience didn’t care for it too much.