The Suicide Cult

Note: If you are interesting hearing me gas on about a variety of things, then you are in luck as I was on Coffee and Mike yesterday. Listen here.

There is a big NATO summit going on in Washington right now and the main focus of the meeting is what to do about Ukraine. Here is Biden talking about doing something with the wife of the NATO Secretary General and then calling him an “intellectual wigger” for some reason. Perhaps Biden thinks this will get him more support in the black community or perhaps he has no idea where he is, but that is part of the background noise of this summit.

The point of NATO, formed up after the Second World War, was to keep Germany down, the Russians out and the Americas in. It is just assumed that NATO is an American creation, but it was created by the UK and France. The Treaty of Dunkirk was signed by France and the United Kingdom on 4 March 1947 with the express purpose of mutual defense in case of attacks by Germany or the Soviets. The real purpose was to bind the United States to Europe forever.

This formula worked throughout the Cold War, as the Red Army sitting on the border of Western Europe was a daily reminder for why the so-called free nations of Europe needed to stick together and under the protective shield of America. The fact that it was highly unlikely that the Soviets would move into Europe was never considered, as the threat was simply too convenient. The Warsaw Pact was formed almost a decade later in response to the formation of NATO.

This should be ancient history, as the Soviet Union is gone and the Cold War has been over for more than a generation, but it helps explain the present psychosis that has gripped the NATO countries. For half a century, their identity and therefore the reason for their political and economic elites to exist was based in this fear of the Russians flowing across the border. What it meant to be European came to mean fear of the bear and the desperate clinging to the eagle.

In other words, European elites need the bear and the eagle, because who they are literally and spiritually exist between the two. Much of what passes for European diplomacy over the last decade or so has been an effort to poke the bear into being the bear again and telling the eagle that she is still that majestic eagle of yore. This is why the Europeans flew into action at the start of the Ukraine war. Their reason to exist had finally returned and there was cheering in every European capital.

The trouble is the eagle is too old to fly. Biden hosting what will most likely be his last NATO summit is emblematic of the problem. The America that beat the fascists and secured peace for half a century is no more. The arsenal of democracy, like old family heirlooms of a once proud dynasty, has been auctioned off to the highest bidder and like Biden, is a shuffling husk of its former self. Biden mumbling crazy things on stage is the perfect image for the current moment.

One cannot help but wonder how the alleged leaders of Europe can sit in their chairs watching this desiccated husk cling to office and not see the problem. An America that produces a leader like Biden is nothing like the America that produced the young and reckless Kennedy or the sharp and charming Reagan. How is it possible for these people to not see what is plain to anyone who looks? How can they possibly think they can and should tempt war with Russia?

Of course, the main reason is that the European elites are just as dilapidated and broken down as the American elites. Look across Europe and you cannot find anyone who would be allowed to shine the shoes of great leaders of the past. Instead, it is managerial functionaries who have been elevated into positions with impressive titles and no real power because they are obsequious toadies. They may as well be actors hired from the local circus.

In truth, they are actors. Europe, having been remade in the image of the progressive masters across the sea, has the same problem we see in American politics, which is a system that selects for people willing to read their lines. It is why you never find anyone in European politics who had a job in the dreaded private sector. That is a disqualifier on a resume, so the politically ambitious avoid anything that requires practical knowledge and instead work on their obsequiousness.

Amusingly, many of these so-called leaders claim the Ukraine war is an existential crisis, apparently thinking “existential” means “external.” Even more amusingly, they are correct despite not understanding what they are saying. The Ukraine war is the result of an inner conflict in Europe. To be European no longer has any meaning, so what is the purpose of the institution set up to protect it? The so-called leaders have no answer when asked, “why defend Europe at all?”

The proof of this is the steady invasion from the south. The people terrified of an invasion from the east celebrate mass migration. So much so that they are now rigging their elections to prevent any efforts to stem the flow. Keir Starmer’s first act was to welcome boats full of Africans to the UK. The unsaid truth at the NATO summit is the answer to the question at the center of Europe’s existential crisis is suicide. They will end the question of Europe by exterminating it.

Maybe in the end that is the final point of NATO. Just as the people who run imperial foreign policy would rather blow up the world in a nuclear Armageddon than see their ancient enemy prosper, the so-called leaders of Europe would rather see the end of Europe than think about leading an independent Europe. This NATO summit is Jonestown, and the leader promising salvation is a deranged old man who everyone hopes brought the Flavor Aid.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

This is the West all over: No reason to exist. What is America? What is Germany? What is Britain? No one has a concrete answer. Sure, there’s talk of democracy and Western values such as freedom of speech, but these are just words that no one believes anymore. We live in societies that have lost their purpose. We are not bound by ancestry, culture or history; indeed, our leaders work tirelessly to break us from those things. The West must find enemies because, otherwise, we have no reason to exist, which is why our leaders will never stop poking Russia,… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

NATO purpose: plant Rainbow flag in our sphincters and negrolatry.

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

i’m thinking they must’ve been forced(by their zio-overlords) to have anal intercourse with blackies to get their positions, that’s why they’re pushing rainbow flag and negro worship on us.

They’re spiteful we didn’t degrade ourselves like they did.

Last edited 3 months ago by sentry
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

The Rainbow flag crap is just a symptom of our theocracy’s emphasis on inclusion – which, itself, is a very feminine and Jewish way of thinking. Both women and Jews are terrified of being excluded so they made inclusion the focus of the subversion of white societies.

Other races aren’t so stupid or as easily tricked on this issue as whites. We either reject inclusion or we (correctly) get thrown into the dustbin of history.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Whites, especially Northern European Whites, rank as the lowest in ethnocentrism and are the most welcoming people in the world. Jews really found their sweet spot to conduct their plans to import foreigners.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Kind of ironic, that “inclusion” would be considered a jewish hangup when jews are the most exclusive of all others. Or is it a case of inclusion of me, but not of thee?

Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

Z-Man: “…a system that selects for people willing to read their lines…“ This is absolutely correct, but then immediately the only pertinent question becomes: WHO ARE THE SCRIPT-WRITERS WHO ARE WRITING THE LINES?!?!? Three days ago, VoxDay poasted a pseudo-essay about an essay by Alastair Crooke, over at Zero Hedge. VoxDay Alastair Crooke But the following are the “experts” whom Alastair Crooke chose to quote and/or reference in his piece: (((Emmanuel Todd))) (((Seymour Hersh))) (((Ted Kaufman))) (((Ron Klain))) (((Paul Wolfowitz))) etc etc etc And then if you look into Alastair Crooke’s own Wikipedia entry, you will see data… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Well said Brother…
To look inward would be to see the emptiness of what the West has become…
I think that applies to us as well…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Communities with a purpose – their people and culture – will emerge from the pointless multi-everything bazaar that is the West. It’s inevitable. The West offers nothing for the soul and, certainly, nothing for whites. Trust in the system is falling, faster than even I expected. That’s Stage 1. Stage 2 is whites trying to save the system, which is what we’re watching now. People like Rufo and Anton are trying to convince non-whites and Jews to embrace colorblind civic nationalism and to stop beating on whites. It won’t work. At that point, whites will face a choice. Live in… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Let’s hope so Brother I think it has to get much worse before that happens though so buckle up…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago


Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Z has said many times there is no going back so we must look to build a future based on what we have at the present with the past as a guide and part of the foundation.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

The past is what got us to this point. We should honor what’s good from our past and condemn what brought us here. One thing for sure, the future won’t be colorblind.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

The Russians have an ancient theory that Moscow is the Third Rome, meaning it is the third and final home of true Christianity. Rome and Constantinople both fell to the barbarians, and with Mehmet’s conquest in 1453, the mantle of the Holy See was translated to Moscow. That theory is debatable, of course. But what is less contestible is that western civilization itself has found a resting place in Russia. Over the millennia, western civilization has been battered and bruised, subjugated and weakened, but always managed to survive. The latest, and perhaps most mortal threat, comes from postmodern fascism and… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Putin has grown increasingly open about what your write about. It’s quite clear that the Russians understand what they face. This is why the West and our foreign rulers are so terrified of Russia.

Putin is offering an alternative, a country based on a people, culture, history and religion. The West offers materialism. Much as the Soviet Union couldn’t last if their people could see how people lived in the West. The West can’t survive if whites can see how people live in a country that whites and our culture.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Here, here.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

“Final” home of Christianity sounds a little ominous

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Christianity. Jesus is lord.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Contrarian POV: the Dark/Middle Ages were peak Western Civ, bookended by Rome and the Modern Age. Dark to whom, one might ask.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

What is it about the Dark Ages you consider to be an apogee rather than a nadir?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

From the standpoint of Christendom and European identity, I think it’s probably when they were strongest. On either side is globalism. Pax Romana, Pax Americana, commerce, learning. Less Roman, less American, less who you are. The top is fleeting and soon collapses. The momentum has already shifted. The way up is rough, but it’s up. Depends on your preference, I guess.

Gothic cathedrals are pretty cool, too 😃

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

Hm. A very tendentious interpretation of the early middle ages, but I’m not going to hassle you about it. This is a blog, after all, not a grad school history seminar.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Tendentious— granted. I think Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews are given too much credit for a civ they influenced but didn’t build, and I think the timing of the Renaissance isn’t coincidental, nor that the Reformation soon followed. Yes, I’m just a guy with an interest in history, but it seems to me that Western Civ is usually portrayed as almost ad hoc, a mishmash of influences, borrowings, and thefts— as if its people didn’t bring something solid, of themselves, to it. And it sticks out to me that the period when Classical influences were at their lowest, and when the… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Paintersforms
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

But the Greeks and the Romans/Italians “are” our people. You simply don’t have western civ without the classical world. Now you may prefer the primitivity of 600 AD to glories of 100 or 1500 AD, but the fact of the matter is that the stupendous achievements of the West almost all occurred outside of the early middle ages (500-1000 AD).

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

They were European, yes, but a different age and a different civ. And they had a lot of contact with Asia (Near East today) and Africa. I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but even the name Western Civ could imply separation from the East, and I’m very pro-Western. We seem to lose ourselves every time we go east.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Then consider that the Russians were subject of 75 years of comprehensive, Marxist brainwashing, and an internal migration policy that had exactly the same intention as mass migration has today: destroy the tribes.

If the Russians came back as The Third Rome thirty years after the yoke came off, I’d say we’re looking pretty good too. Our history and cultural heritage is a lot cooler than Russia’s.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

True, but their children aren’t a minority in Russia. My kids are.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

The path we take cannot and will not track exactly with the Russian one. Still, I do believe there is a roadmap to our survival and ultimate flourishing.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Americans will be the plurality ethnicity in the US this century out, and a spiritual revival fostering racial consciousness, will render the brown hordes insignificant, an annoying but hardly existential problem. People of European descent might be deracinated and decultured, but we have a deep, immortal roots, an almost inexhaustible fount of cultural power ready to be rediscovered and deployed at any moment. James Baldwin understood this when he stayed at a Swiss village somewhere in the fifties: he lamented that these semi-illiterate, superstitious peasants could claim ownership toa vast and rich cultural heritage that was entirely inaccessible to Baldwin.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

Yes, we can take some heart from Russia’s recent past. That said, Russia’s history and cultural heritage are pretty dam’ cool, too.

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

I mean, they’ve got the Rus and their name, but as far as I know it’s not a big part of Russian identity. Meanwhile, I hear Slav is the root of slave. Puzzling, from halfway across the world.

george 1
george 1
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Well said and I agree. The thing is I don’t think Putin ever envisioned such as role until recently. Now with every speech he seems to get more and more specific about the world as it is and he is spot on the vast majority of the time.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

How is injecting frigging Chinese Communist atheist troops into frigging Belarus supposed to help Moscow become the final bastion of Christianity?

Are the Chinese Communists supposed to be Crypto-Christians?

I can’t believe that the presence of Chinese Communist troops, directly in the heart of Northern Europe, isn’t the sole thing that anyone is talking about right now.

This is how you get Attila the Hun attacking Rome, and the Mongol invasion of Persia and Mesopotamia.

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

Oh FFS calling the Chinese communist in Current Year is like calling the Episcopalians Christian. As for it being in the name of the ruling party, you think the Episcopalians actually have ‘real’ Bishops. It’s just a ceremonial skin suit. Yeah, I’m a bit of a China Shill. But you’r just being a nutter when you start off on the Mongolensturm stuff. Digression: If you knew anything about the Taiping Rebellion (body count 5-10% of China’s then population and up there with the Great Leap Forward if not worse) you’d grok that Abrahamic religions are more trouble than they’re worth… Read more »

Reply to  Bourbon
3 months ago

“Chinese Communists” is the most out of touch boomer phrase in this discussion.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hun
3 months ago

Communism in general is so 1954.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

It may contain future for biology , but not religion.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Looking inward would also shine a light on the real enemies of the West: the people currently in control of the governments and financial systems of the entire West. Nobody gets fired, de-platformed, smeared, loses their job, gets SWATed multiple times per day, or sent to pay homage to a stack of shoes for blaming runaway inflation and a declining quality of life on Russia or China.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 months ago

“Nobody gets fired, de-platformed, smeared, loses their job, gets SWATed multiple times per day, or sent to pay homage to a stack of shoes for blaming runaway inflation and a declining quality of life on Russia or China.” Which is exactly why we blame Russia and China. It is the corporate MO. Look at how Disney and other corporations react when they release a bad product: You’re all bigots and hate us not because we lack talent, but because of the garbage we try to shove down your throats. What we have is some people who realize the corporate state… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 months ago

Actually it applies to everything: American moves to the Soviet Union, comes back, nobody asks him any questions, then he kills the president……. Thinking persons response: This is BS that isn’t what happened. Establishment response: You’re a conspiracy theorist! America runs a bubble from the late 70’s until current day, it pops for the first time in at the end of the .com “boom”. Suddenly two towers in NYC are rammed by airplanes, most of the hijackers are from SA. So we invade Iraq (they gots oil) and afghanistan (drugs for the CIA to move and right on Russias border)… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. House
3 months ago

We need to bring back proper good old-fashioned Girardian Mimesis. Just saying.

Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

Sans Girard’s Christcucking Copout about it no longer pertaining. A good old well-targeted scapegoating is just the ticket.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

could the bear be the savior of europe? with unchecked migration throughout europe it is inevitable white christian civil citizens seek relief from the star and crescent. i wonder does russia suffer from the same social upset we see in europe and west? sure, it is upsetting to think overall russian quality of life has surpassed europe. seems to me russia is maintaining some semblance of civility. am i wrong?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Citizen: Spot on. Rewrite a people’s history, denigrate their customs and traditions, flood and overwhelm them with aliens, destroy their religious faith, and shatter their communities. All the ties that bind a people – slashed and discarded. And suddenly they have no purpose in life as individuals or as a nation. Why work or accumulate wealth if it will be taken and given to strangers? Why hold to norms of behavior if there are no benefits to doing good and no consequences to evil? All the bases of individual and corporate identity – particularly the biological – have been destroyed.… Read more »

3 months ago

Well done Z – but this loops us back to the popular dissident stance that the system is producing slugs like Biden, the neocons and other turd brained rackateers when it’s exactly the opposite. There is nothing wrong with the system that can’t be fixed with the replacement of the Cloud People – and some legislative tweaks to prevent them from gaining access to the levers of power and gubbimint. There simply is no ‘system’ that can possibly work with people like these at the helm, or having a say in how things are run. People forget that this system… Read more »

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

“he kicked the jews out of his nation’s finances, he took good economic gambles, and simply put his own people and interests first.” And they have never forgiven him for it which is why they are willing to start nuclear conflagration because of the levels of sociopathy and long term grudge holding these tribal parasites possess. The current Ukraine setup with the lefty Kagan, Nuland, etc. joining forces with the Neocon right warhawks tells you that at the end of the day, it will always be Team J first before any other consideration. Be certain they will bring the entire… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
3 months ago

Neocons were never on the “right.” It was a fraud.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Probably. The Cold War masked the fact. Hence, people believed anybody who opposed the USSR was on the right. That was not necessarily the case…

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

“We also need some objectivity about the old Soviet Union…” I don’t see anyone saying different. The old USSR repressed Christianity in favor of the false religion of Marxism and it was Marxism fighting for hearts and minds that went around the world competing with Capitalism–whose inherent failures at the time were not apparent. They are now. Ironically, both the USSR and USA systems have similar failures, the overwhelming one being pathological egalitarianism, and its bastard step child—equity. Back to the point however, Putin seems to recognize such. He is no Marxist. One of his first efforts upon taking office… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Perhaps I misunderstood our esteemed blog host, C. There is a reason for slow kids like me to sit at the back of the class. Off topic but maybe tangential to our adversarial relationship with Russia is that in today’s world, the might of the superpowers is largely measured by economics rather than militarily. I am personally convinced that this is the only reason NATO is still around: it exists to provide a workaround to deal with Russia economically as well as militarily. The NATO countries have banded together to sanction Russia and kneecap their potential and ever growing market… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

No argument Filthie. I’m perhaps overreacting to (possibly) comparing Putin and the new Russia to the old USSR. My general thinking is—as has been mentioned—Russia may indeed be hated because it perhaps remains the embodiment of the last, or at least largest, White, Christian nation of the West. In that it is to be hated and must be destroyed.

Luther's Turd
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Deserves way more than seven upvotes. Russia’s Christian embrace is the basis of the west’s,and the Kagenites hatred.

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

The Soviets for all their faults were far less destructive to their own people than the west has turned out to be.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Sharrukin
3 months ago

In some respects, yes. But the West has yet to see the wholesale massacres of populations that occurred under Lenin and Stalin. So far…

Reply to  Sharrukin
3 months ago

I am not so sure. Stalin killed millions of his own people and far more jews than You-Know-Who. Our Marxists haven’t even gotten started yet.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago

Population replacement is the latest fad in genocide. This is why our rulers are worse than even the soviets

3 months ago

You can have a welfare state or you can have immigration. You can’t have both simultaneously. But America was best when we had neither.

Reply to  AnotherAnon
3 months ago

It should be Z’s Law: Libertarians are wrong. In the gaps where government fails to fund immigration via welfare or charity cutouts, businesses and churches step in and fund it directly. To all Western institutions—state, military, industry, and religion—the destruction of the West has infinite value. Economics explains nothing (except petty crime). Or, current_West exists in a temporary extra-economic bubble because [insert story], but reality (libertarianism) will reassert itself once Thiel and his pals become so rich and powerful that the rest of us, starving on bug rations in bug-hive prison cities policed by racial enemies who outnumber us by… Read more »

Reply to  AnotherAnon
3 months ago

And in that pithy statement you’ve pointed out the major flaw in Libertarian ideology. Just about every major Libertarian tenet leads back to the “welfare state” where it fails the test of reality.

Reply to  AnotherAnon
3 months ago

If you have a mercantile ruling class, as we have always had, then they see it as their prerogative to rape their working class as much as they can under law, and change the law to facilitate it. (very Jewish sensibility, it is the transnational point of view: right and wrong have no meaning outside of the tribe, only the law matters and have it changed as much as possible) [1] If the working class is getting raped, then they will support either a welfare state or communism. Our degenerate WASP ruling class, in a magnificent example of kicking the… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 months ago

NATO is a geriatric brand like Metamucil or Dr. Scholl’s. The younger people have no idea about it. They just know they have no good jobs, rent is through-the-roof expensive and all the pretty girls are on OnlyFans. Oh, and don’t go downtown unless you want to be jacked up by some migrant or vagrant. So this whole charade will end with the Boomers. There’s just not enough money to pay for it all and domestic concerns will prevail.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

‘Tis naught! ‘Tis naught! A healthy swaller o’ Milk of Magnesia will put us all right as rain…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Au contraire, my Learned Friend: Castor Oil is indicated.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zaphod
3 months ago

Don’t know about you, me ol’ mucker, but I loaded up on Doan’s Pills this AM.

3 months ago

Good morning, my riggas…

3 months ago

Maybe this is just the end stage of white guilt. People can throw around interesting essays and theories about why western Europe and the Anglosphere is destroying itself, but perhaps it’s simply white guilt, and a perverse reaction to what Joe Sobran captured so well in his great quote about “baffled good will”. When a people so thoroughly conquer the world, there is probably a bit of crying and boredom involved (like Alexander the Great) and then a wondering if we even deserve this good fortune, or put another way, whether we deserve to live apart in prosperity while others… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Marko
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Additional insult to injury is that the Anglos and Western Europe are dragging Eastern Europe down with them.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

There does seem to be a deep nihilism, close to a mindless death cult, that has gripped our country. I’ve thought that it might be a reaction to a loss of religion, and a deep self hatred that took its place.

Reply to  Major Hoople
3 months ago

There are a large minority of self-hating whites for sure, but I think widespread and vague collective guilt (exaggerated by the usual suspects) paired with the white (Christian) tendency toward charity and justice has made whites unusually susceptible to cultural suicide.

Reply to  Major Hoople
3 months ago

Most whites don’t think that race exists, sort of. I’ve heaa as rd this from their mouths, conservatives. They think western civilization can exist in any human. A woman I know conservative brand of Protestant, is running a “Christian” classical school. I actually got her to admit the white race does not have a moral right to survive. She thinks the white race will be annihilated through miscegenation and that’s fine cause there are no races.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

What is the origin of “white guilt”? Is it a naturally-occurring phenomenon, or does it take a coordinated effort from outside to get someone to hate their own ancestors?

Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 months ago

It’s innate to European peoples, and when they flourish, it gets meta real fast. Basically, whites think too much. We have some molecule that allows us to think laterally and ignore contradiction. It causes supreme advancement but terrible, civilization-destroying mistakes as well.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Nonsense. There’s nothing innate about it. It is learned behavior specifically arising in Western Europe from the political results of Europe’s internecine bloodbath of 1914-1945. It has nothing to do with genetics or war dead, and everything to do with Western Europe’s neuroses.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

It is always hazardous to exclude genetics entirely, but in the main I agree with you. Various epiphenomenal forces have been grinding down the minds of whites for decades if not more than a century.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Sense. Compare European civ’s writings starting from 2500 BC. They are autistic compared to the next-best, which is China’s. Look at Roman law…did the Sumerians or Persians or Chinese have anything like it? Nope. Then we took The Way and turned it into a fabulously overwrought thing called Christianity which ended up creating awesome structures, geopolitical frameworks, and even whole new languages. Did Islam do this? Nope. Then all the documents and writings that have been preserved and handed down for 2500 years because whites love to think and be challenged. Have the Chinese preserved their ancient shit? Indians just… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Heh. All well and good. But how does the Code of Justinian corellate with chopping off little boys’ schlongs and replacing them with naugahyde vajayjays?

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Genetics may have something to do with it, given the number and quality of the men killed off 1914-1945.

Reply to  Gespenst
3 months ago

Nah, because nations that did not participate in the wars and had zero or near zero dead men also went Clown World, and others that were totally decimated of men did not. Sweden was neutral in both world wars, had no men killed, yet is busily killing itself, as is Ireland, which was not subject to conscription in WWI and lost no men in WWII, while the Russians and various Slavs had tens of millions of men die, but Russia surely has not lost its mind even after “losing” the cold war. Germany is utterly gelded, but Hungary is not.… Read more »

Good ol' Rebel
Good ol' Rebel
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Then why the white “Indian peace” movement in the 1870s?

Reply to  Good ol' Rebel
3 months ago

Rebel, because railroads. The Indians were squatting on desirable land, with desirable resources, that Eastern banking interests sought to harvest and now had ready access to.

Lincoln was a Railroad lawyer, backed by those same interests, and their investment in railroads and large-scale industry made it possible and necessary.

The same as Ukraine.
The same as the “natural asset tokenization” that comes after the “digital dollar” being prepared.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
c matt
c matt
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Oddly enough, it did not seem to widely take hold until after the events of 1945. A certain White group was demonized for alleged atrocities against a “white” group and all Whites have been fed a steady diet of guilt ever since.

I don’t recall Vikings or Crusaders being particularly guilt stricken.

Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 months ago

White women in a prosperous country.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

Alexander wept, for there were no worlds left to conquer.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Is it true that Alexander went native to some extent, became Eastern and feminized, wore makeup and such?

Maybe my memory fails me at the moment, but I want to say the future Europeans saw Asia as feminine and decadent.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Paintersforms
3 months ago

There’s all sorts of rumor and innuendo surrounding Alexander–most of it stirred up by his enemies–including that he was a heauxmeaux. I think most of it is false.

Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

We went worldwide and took a big dose of Other. Now we’re suffering the hangover.

3 months ago

99 luftballons comes to mind. During the eighties, it was easy to be a German who was just a frickin’ leaf on a river going wherever the tides took them. The Americans and the Soviets were in charge and the Germans were a passive operation. In the late eighties, we got SNL and ‘sprockets’. Here we are now. Last week, I had done some reflection on what a trillion means. I think about numbers. UK, France, Germany, love them or not, there are still over 50 million people in each of those countries. 50 million limeys rolling over and showing… Read more »

Reply to  JaG
3 months ago

Senator Everett Dirksen: “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” 

Nah. Not 60 years later, imagine a national budget (?) of $7T dollars.

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
Reply to  JaG
3 months ago

The Brits did nothing in response to the mass rapes of thousands of young British girls. They have bent over and grabbed their ankles.

Reply to  MikeCLT
3 months ago

In every single town where the where “grooming gangs” operate—you can’t say “rape gangs” or Twitter will mark and suppress you, so now there’s no such thing as rape anymore—the police protect their criminal colleagues and arrest white parents and sometimes even the child victims, for not being part of the gang. Crime—offenders, police, and politicians—finally came out as an alliance, a unified front against the people. It’s always been that, but a pretense was dropped. Because the systematic sexual abuse of native children by foreign invaders is simply too important to mess around with, publicity be damned! [Anthem plays.]… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  JaG
3 months ago

That’s an interesting post. Do you suppose with Sprockets, Mike Myers was poking fun at the West’s burgeoning degeneracy as transmitted from America to Germany? Eh, maybe he was just trying to be funny. If so, he certainly succeeded.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

I think it was easy. Germans at the end of the 20th century were a punchline. From the Simpsons (Hellfish) to rewriting Tom Clancy movies. I’m not Nostradamus, I’m not in the habit of predicting. I have witnessed two idiots in an old Caprice paralyze DC and I saw two other blockheads scare the crap out of the greater Boston metro area with a bomb inside of a pressure cooker. There will be ‘cells’ in Europe. Since the continent is on edge, it’ll take a small push. A lot of us discuss ‘normie’ Americans. What of the normie Europeans?

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
3 months ago

Trenchant post. One of your best. “that produced the young and reckless Kennedy” I think JFK was a careful man. The senile old coot currently in office is reckless and feckless. “The fact that it was highly unlikely that the Soviets would move into Europe was never considered” Absolutely. The Soviets wanted a buffer zone. Operation Barbarossa was traumatic for the Soviets. Never again. Controlling Eastern Europe as a buffer zone was a prophylactic and defensive action. Just as the operation in Ukraine now is. But the West wants to portray a revanchist Russia. Biden, Scholz, Macron, Starmer, and Stoltenberg… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

The only time Russians invade Western Europe is when they go there to finish off their enemies who invaded them first like in 1812 or 1945. Other than that, Russian expansionism has always been directed East, as in 1904, or South, as in 1876 or 1914.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Correct, although Russia’s eastward expansion begain much earlier, specifically in the mid-16th century with the explorer, Yermak Timofeiovich.

Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

The Warsaw Pact was created several years after, and in reaction to, the creation of NATO in 1949-50.

I think the Pact was 1954, the East German Iron Curtain was started in 1961. In 1954, the Orient had seen us nuke Japan and attack North Korea, with the French getting pushback in IndoChina, the Dutch in Indonesia, the British in India. The West is seen as colonialists, that is, imperialists. The Communist sales pitch was liberation from the Western imperialist pig-dog capitalists.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Arshad Ali
3 months ago

Z got the comparisons mixed up there, maybe a legit mistake; reverse them and they make better sense.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

“Intellectual rigor.”
Not that Biden would know what that is.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

It is obvious Joe was trying to say rigor, but wigger is way funnier. I saw the story today that in 2022, Jill Biden had the Marine Corps Band write an entry song for her at events. After the Washington Examiner reported on it they dropped it after a few months. The writer thought it sounded like the theme from F-Troop.

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

They should have used the Imperial Entry theme from Star Wars.

Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago
Reply to  Pickle Rick
3 months ago

Thanks. I never knew the name of the music used at the circus. Now I know the name, but the circus is no more. Oh well, clown world will do….

Reply to  Barnard
3 months ago

Better “Yakety Sax” from “The Benny Hill Show”.

Reply to  Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

He’s dealing with a different type of rigor.

Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

Good one! and soon Joe will be experiencing the real thing….

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

I wonder what goes through Biden’s mind during a freeze episode. Does he realize he can’t move? Black out? Or not even notice—just a blip? There is a phenomenon of “sleep paralysis”—basically where one “wakes” up, but cannot move. One can see (move eyes) and hear, but is completely paralyzed. It’s happened to me twice in my life and was the most horrifying experience imaginable. It most likely lasted a few seconds, but seemed like a lifetime. The terror is indescribable, so much so I even discussed it with my doctor during end of life instructions. Being “locked in” is… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Compsci
stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

RE: ‘freeze episode’ – Joe might commiserate with Mitch M on that topic.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

I’ve experienced that a couple times. When it passes the relief is absolutely overwhelming.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

He’s mortified!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

Are you suggesting he’s a rigor of elections? ‘Pon me word!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
3 months ago

Clown world in a nutshell; I couldn’t stop laughing at the Biden clips. “I realized I was talking to your wife……extend your service…”

But you also know we’re one demented wigger away from canned sunshine going all over the place. Scary and hilarious, the greatest show on earth

3 months ago

Two big problems. First, Uncle Sam is stretched too thin. He can’t be everywhere.

Second, the “I” word again, immigration. Back when NATO was first fashioned, this is predominantly a European country. Maybe it still is, but with so many others in this country who have no connection to Europe, it’s a hard sell that they should put their lives on the line to protect alien peoples.

More unintended consequences from dumping the third world into this country.

3 months ago

Funny, I don’t recall Russia ever invading Europe in the last 200+ years. However, I do distinctly know of at least three European incursions into mother Russia – France, England and Germany – hard to believe, I know…

3 months ago

“The proof of this is the steady invasion from the south. The people terrified of an invasion from the east celebrate mass migration. So much so that they are now rigging their elections to prevent any efforts to stem the flow.” stockholm = rape capital of europe(cause of zio-globalists) + stockholm get bombarded by russians (cause of ziocons) => migrants leave sweden cause they don’t want to fight war against russia and welfare is gone. “They will end the question of Europe by exterminating it.” To save Europe you need to destroy it first. You can’t end globo-homo regime with… Read more »

Reply to  sentry
3 months ago

That is probably the danger going forward. The original Nazis came to power in opposition of the same people that comprise “Globohomo”…

Reply to  Filthie
3 months ago


Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ivan
3 months ago

The descendant of Poe’s Homocameleopard, no doubt…

3 months ago

Now Argentina wants to have closer ties to NATO.

This has a Peloponnesian War feel to it. Sparta and the Delian League lining up their allies before everyone dukes it out for a global hegemony.


Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

So Argentina is now a country in the North Atlantic? 😉

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Geography was never the Argentine’s strong suit…

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Hey, at least it is on the Atlantic.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

This reminds me of all those colleges that want to join the SEC. Even ones not in the south. They don’t realize how retarded sports has become and get opinions from a guy named Finebaum.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
3 months ago

It’s all about grubbing about in the money trough. Regional geography, sadly, is now totally irrelevant in college sports. And with it, the vast majority of traditional rivalries have been destroyed. When tradition butts up against greed, greed wins every time. But, hey, the free market…

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Just got back from BA a few weeks ago and I can assure you they cannot wage war on anything other than a steak.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 months ago

Well…if war one must wage…

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Millei is a clown, I was deeply skeptical about him from the start, nothing has changed that since then. He is a plant, a globalist who will drag Argentina down with him. Funny thing, NATO has the UK in it, so he has them as an ally. That should be real popular at home, they still want the Malvinas back. He’ll end up getting them in a war that they will lose fast.

Reply to  Mike
3 months ago

Let’s not forget Milei is a convert to Judaism. Surely that implies meaningful prior networks? Do any of us still believe in such coincidences?

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Milei(ovitch) is Chosen. Cuing up Argentina as a bolthole for his people, seeing how Ukraine ain’t working out as a revanchist Khazaria as originally planned.

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
3 months ago

That’s it! Absolutely, Jersey, WASPs to Paraguay/Uruguay, Chosen to Argentina, where the Perons and Kirtcheners prepared the way. Sheinbaum, Tenem, Lula, Maduro- South America is the future.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alzaebo
3 months ago

The Suicide Cult is making sure we are all dead first though…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Exactly. They’ll sacrifice the rest of us to assuage their collective guilt. Meanwhile people like us are asking why we don’t divert the majority of welfare money to outer space research. Let’s find a new home world for White Europeans and their descendants, so we can live in friggen peace for once.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

If we had the power to divert the money we would have the power to live in peace right here on earth…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

I stand corrected, you are absolutely right.

3 months ago

Justin Trudeau at the NATO Summit…

We now have threats from cyber warfare, resurgent authoritarian forces, expanding regional conflicts, and CLIMATE CHANGE.

Reply to  Nifkinsbridge
3 months ago

The managerial State and Climate Change were made for each other. The essence of CC is to blame a harmless man made gas produced by just about everything man does to make his life bearable. This of course needs “management”, regulation, and rationing. It’s a managerial wet dream of power and control.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Compsci
3 months ago

Global warming morphs to climate change which at some point morphs to ‘the boogeyman’.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  stranger in a strange land
3 months ago

When, in earth’s geologic history, has the climate been static?

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Never,of course. There is emerging evidence that our climate is directly effected by solar system and galactic level energy forces causing patterns and events we are just beginning to recognize. Many theories floating about, but none seeming to register with the co2 huffing establishment.

Reply to  stranger in a strange land
3 months ago


“Man can live without God, but never without a devil” attributed to G.K.Chesterton. The idea being that humans have an inherent need to identify and contend with evil, even as they reject the concept of God. It seems the new organizing principle when one turns atheist.

Reply to  Nifkinsbridge
3 months ago

The pushback is coming. Turdo is hated by his own party now, and Jagmeet The Pajeet thinks he will be the next prime minister.

Trump and Pierre both talk a good talk, but they are only stepping stones to a massive economic and cultural correction. The pendulum swings slowly – and then all of a sudden – very quickly…

Reply to  Nifkinsbridge
3 months ago

Climate Change is just the vehicle to try and eliminate us(Carbon)…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

… and replace us with transhumanist silicon-based lifeforms?

3 months ago

I don’t know if this anecdote matters, but I live in a place where most people are well armed and reticent about their personal affairs. And it’s a generally rural setting far from the big cities. Very unlikely to see much of the initial wave of chaos should things fall apart quickly. There is no “group” plan for what to do if things go hot. I think people will just follow their instincts. Our host now lives in rural West Virginia, so I imagine he has a sense of what would happen if the revenuers showed up in the hollers… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TomA
3 months ago

I learned a thing or two from Charlie, don’t you know/
You better stay away from Copperhead Road.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Europe has become an idea, kind of like America. But unlike America, it doesn’t have the magic words on the holy paper to define it. The European idea is more like porn, not defined but known when seen. Politically, there was no such thing as Europe prior to the wars of the 20th century; it was purely a geographical and perhaps racial distinction. Europe as a political entity was created by the GAE to serve GAE purposes, which it continues to do today. I’ve long held the view that the decline of the west began no later than 1914, but… Read more »

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
3 months ago

When it comes to intellectual wiggers, no one can hold a 40 to Z.

3 months ago

The wife clip means that NATOs chief executive is now a parody of a parody – it is almost a replica of an audition scene in Waiting For Guffman. Great post. Striking right at the heart of the matter. The “leaders” of three continents funding invasion to replace their own people have no business talking about militarily defending them. Someone give them the flavor aid before Biden goes from talking about wives to talking about their daughters. It would be appropriate for the New Rainbow Empire, though the monumental and catastrophic disgrace in our name and the memory of our… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

It isn’t funny anymore. Laughter and ridicule are no longer the proper tactic.
Hasn’t been for me for a long time Brother…I don’t understand why it is for others but I guess it’s a cover for their despair…

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Ironically, it’s also quite “Jewish”.

“The phrase “May God make my enemies ridiculous” is often attributed to the Jewish philosopher and theologian Moses Mendelssohn. The full context of the prayer…”

Lineman, I agree, such tactics seem to strike out on the above as well.

Auld Mark
Auld Mark
Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Too true Lineman, denial in the face of an oncoming hurricane. May there be enough of us left to pick up the pieces and start anew

Reply to  Lineman
3 months ago

Alinsky rule number 5: ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

My Comment
My Comment
3 months ago

I can’t help but wonder how much of EU behavior involves blackmail by the Chosen. Sure there is a lot of good idea boss, female style virtue signaling and general stupidity but if that special tribe was to give marching orders to the EU it would look much like it does now

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
3 months ago

The last paragraph of the essay would be a good answer to the test question: Define bat sh*t crazy in 100 words or less.

3 months ago

I can’t get over how the NATO SG reminded me of the actor who played Oppenheimer in the recent movie, and how appropriate that is considering they may get us all nuked.

And old perv power-moves Joe was pressed against him way too long. Weird.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stephanie
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

This is the best headline I’ve seen since the NATO Rebel Alliance/Russia Death Star thing

Putin Set Up Terminator-Style Skynet AI Network to Attack the U.S. (

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

comment image%3Fwidth%3D1280&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=41f206cde6f6a63537454623a344ab1a3c9c33a7a333f57a816bc72dbae48d17&ipo=images

“I’m afraid the Terminator-style Skynet AI Network [patent pending] will be fully operational…”

Last edited 3 months ago by Ostei Kozelskii
Tom K
Tom K
3 months ago

Don’t those two clips disqualify him. It was supposed to be a test of his acuity. Not a word associated often with Biden.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tom K
3 months ago

Bastard planed quite long time replace Biden with Kamala or Michelle Obama
Biden get the most popular vote at an election in US history was fucking scam and joke
TPTB choose candidates and a president who ever listen well to the Jewish capital, why bother to vote

3 months ago

There is no such thing as an intellectual wigger.

Reply to  NateG
3 months ago

Ackshually, if you remember and bring up any of the names from the period, gen x music journalists are still mad about the turn-of-the-century underground hiphop scene—”backpack rap”—because it was dominated by white literature nerds.

Rap being anything other than the dumbest garbage imaginable = media outrage. How strange!

(Conservatives are actually right about this, but…not quite.)