Enjoying The Mob

Note: If you are interested in hearing me gas on about a variety of things, then you are in luck as I was on Coffee and Mike Tuesday. Listen here.

The oldest argument against democracy is that it is essentially mob rule, which means it is susceptible to the terrible dynamics of the mob. Something excites the mob and the members of the mob compete with one another to show they are more excited than anyone else inside the mob. In his Lyceum Address, Lincoln warned that the mob is the antitheses of the rule of law, because inevitably the mob comes to see the law as a barrier between itself and its goal.

It is why ruling classes have always feared mobs. Mobs are fickle and once they get going it is not clear where or how they end. It is a sign of our decline that the Cloud People caught the democracy bug and they have been chanting the phrase “our democracy” as if they have a strange form of Tourette’s syndrome. Everything they do is in defense of “our democracy” while even the slightest push back is called a threat to “our democracy” which is always a signal to the mob.

The promiscuous use of mobs has been the main tool of the regime going back to at least the Obama years. The entirely fake antiwar movement in the Bush years might be the first use of an official mob. It was, however, in the Obama years that the official mob was perfected. The rape on campus nonsense set mobs of internet feminists upon the remaining white boys in college. Then we got the BLM mob, which unleashed a one-sided race war on the white middle class.

Cancel culture is another form of official mob. First, they unleashed the “me too” nonsense, which set mobs of digital lunatics on men who were accused of being too normal around the ladies. That moved to digital kooks chasing after imaginary fascists and racists online. Antifa can probably be viewed as the first digital mob to break into the analog world or maybe it is the other way around. Either way, like the antiwar mobs, it was a creature of the regime.

The thing about the digital mobs is they took what existed in the analog space, the media frenzy, and then democratized it. Instead of a gaggle of credentialed press people chasing a guy down the street shouting questions, the digital mob is internet characters filling up the timeline of the victim with accusations. The dynamics are the same, except now one does not need a credential. You just have to possess a weak mind and access to social media.

It is what makes the present crisis around Joe Biden amusing. The people who have profited from the mob are now being eaten by the mob. The great and the good are taking turns telling their favorite media actor that Biden is too old, too feeble or too narcissistic to be president. The same people who brought us the Russian collusion hoax and the Covid panic are now hammering away at Biden. It would take a heart of stone not to see the humor in this.

This has always been the problem with mobs. Once the mob forms up it keeps going until it either burns itself out or is snuffed out. The former only happens after they have tasted the blood of their victim. The latter happens when they taste enough of their own blood that being a mob is no longer fun. Since the White House is not going to start shooting media toadies, which would be a welcomed result, it means this mob ends with the head of Joe Biden on a pike.

This brings up the other problem with mobs. The mob exists purely in the moment, which means anyone in contact with the mob exists in the moment. The reason Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded a third is no one in the mob, including himself, could even think, much less act outside the moment. If Rittenhouse could have saw one step ahead before the mob set upon him, no one outside his family would have reason to know his name.

The mob chasing Biden is not thinking about what comes next. They can only think about the joy they will feel when Biden steps aside. The chaos that will erupt in the regime when suddenly they do not have a body to parade around as the official nominee is outside the event horizon of the mob. What if the mob forms up in favor of someone that turns out to be worse than Biden? What if the mob splits into warring tribes organized around the various parts of the regime?

No one can think about that right now. All that matters for the members of the mob is creating some new way to yell “get him” at Joe Biden. They sense that time is running short, so they have to put everything into it, or Biden will escape. Realistically they have until the end of next week to drag his corpse from the ticket. After that, the mob will run out of steam and the regime will run out of time to stage a fake process to name a replacement, so they will be stuck with Biden.

From the Dirt People perspective, this is all to the good. The more intense and grinding this mob fury is over Biden, the deeper the anger between factions of the regime after the frenzy is over. One of the ironies of the mob is the longer it goes, the more destructive it becomes of its own ends. That means the nastier this fight gets, the more the regime damages its own interests. With any luck the Democratic convention is an even more chaotic replay of 1968.

Of course, this is the lesson of democracy. Of democracy, John Adams wrote, “I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious, on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy, but while it lasts it is more bloody than either.” Maybe that is what this mob chasing Biden signals. The democracy fever that set in after the Cold War is now reaching its natural end point.

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1 month ago

We have “Tyranny of the Minority” in this country. Special interest groups given veto power over every aspect of our lives.

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Obama is leading that charge from behind. He told people that he wanted to bring fundamental change to the country. What he didn’t say was that his Commie ideas would ruin American society and tear apart the social fabric. His promotion of grievance mongering led to those Democracy-intoxicated mobs and mobettes that terrorized campuses, schools, downtowns and other public areas. Notably, his efforts didn’t find much traction when he tried to do that in a small town. His downfall will be shortly after Biden’s, as more veils get pierced, more whistleblowers come forth, more dirty deeds get exposed, more birth… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

Mob influence is actually a function of the New Left, and as such came to the fore in the second half of the 60s. The Vietnam War protests, race riots and so-called “free speech movement” were mob phenomena writ large. This is just one further item of evidence demonstrating that something in America snapped ca. 1965 and the reverberations continue, in many of the same modalities, to this very day.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Exactly, no 1965, no Obama mob.

Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

Dafuq is with the downvotes? Obama is a key man. He’s the damn CEO.
He doesn’t run the shop floor, he manages it.

Paul Gottfried
Paul Gottfried
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

I am downvoting you, because the mob is doing the same. I am living in the moment and do not care about what will happen next after you are pissed about downvoting.

Reply to  Paul Gottfried
1 month ago

Haha! Good one! Social proof is real

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Obama is the key man only to a generation/group of people that has never stopped loving the idea of black Jesus. The similarity between Biden and Obama is that the same group of people control each man.
They both want to be President in title without any desire to rule or get into the particulars of ruling. That want of the title is why Biden almost certainly will weather out the mob, unless the Clintons offer their solution.

Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

Agree, he wants to make his real father’s dream come true.
Frank Marshall Davis. communist card carrier & part time porn photographer.

Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

From your mouth, to God’s ears.

Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

Obama is an actor like Biden. The same people who run Biden ran him. I just don’t get this talking point that somehow Mr. Golf is some sort of mad genius running the world. He never was.

Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

The time to worry is when our Transportation Secretary is charging your behind.

Reply to  Fed Up
1 month ago

…and we shall call them community organizers, it’s something Obama started training across the country when he got into office. Some call them antifa.

Reply to  theRussians
1 month ago

Right should do this

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Man, have you called that one right! The minority has been running this Republic for the last 40 years. And all it’s done is taking the rights away from the majority and everybody else that’s not a member of their particular minority.

Reply to  Hoagie
1 month ago

So true, one minority that specializes in riling up other minorities into an anti-white, anti-West army: the Coalition of the Fringes, each demanding their special perks.

Hey hey, ho ho, Western civ has got to go- as Mssr. Z says, with no thought to what comes after.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Actually, I can think of a half dozen minorities that rile up the other minorities. The Jews, Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, etc.

Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

“With no thought to what comes after.” And that really is the biggest indictment of them as a group and why they cannot be allowed near anything of importance.

Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Kyle Rittenhouse had the right instincts, but his virtue was turned into a vice by clownworld. He risked his life and freedom defending the property of pajeets thinking the pajeets were part of the community. He did not understand the pajeets would throw him under the bus the second it became advantageous. Worse, he thought his own life was worth more than that of a child molester and drug addicts. We need to reach young people like Kyle Rittenhouse and make sure they understand their community is mostly gone and redirect their efforts into better activities. In better times, Rittenhouse… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago


The street shitters threw him under the bus in a heartbeat but KR’s intentions were good. He is a fucking hero.

Reply to  mikew
1 month ago

Intentions aside, KR was extremely lucky and very naive. He was untrained in tactics, the first rule of which is to have someone watch your back. He never, ever should have voluntarily ventured into a combat situation (which means riot in his case) alone. Let him be a lesson to *all* of us. Train with a group, venture out if necessary as a group. An individual is just target practice in a mob situation—a group is a force to be reckoned with. A fire team can be as few as 3-4 individuals. If you can’t muster that, stay home and… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Rittenhouse, as heroic as he was, should not have been in the mob that day. God used him to positive ends, but anyone with smarts stays out of the mobs.

Karl Horst
Karl Horst
1 month ago

“I court not the votes of the fickle mob.” – Horace

Unfortunately today’s mob is not poor illiterate plebs, armed with pitch forks and torches. Todays mobs are filled with college educated people armed with smartphones who are well organized and well funded by people like George Soros. 

Nothing cannon and grape shot wouldn’t solve.

“Ultima ratio regum.” (The final argument of kings) – Inscription on French Cannons, by order of Louis XIV

Reply to  Karl Horst
1 month ago

If I were to form a metal band it would be called Cannon and Grapeshot.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

How ’bout Phosgene and the Daisycutters?

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 month ago

“The democracy fever that set in after the Cold War is now reaching its natural end point.”
Democracy is now just a skin suit that the Oligarchs wear to bring legitimacy to Oligarchy. So the fever Zman refers to here is really just the growing need of the Regime to legitimize its depredations on the people. The less true democracy we have, the more they need to invoke its defense. The final stage will be the Regime just shedding the “democracy” skin suit and openly crushing dissent.

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 month ago

I hope they try…Americans have an amazing numbers of firearms and metric tons of ammo…That will trigger a breakup of the US, with Texas and Alaska the first to go….

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

“. . . amazing numbers of firearms . . .” —-Which will never be used. And 2024 Texas is nothing like the Texas of most people’s imaginations.

Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

My first wife was a Texan, I think I know Texas pretty well. Outside Houston, Dallas & Austin it’s a different story. Outsiders looking in, big cities get all the attention no matter the state.
Suggest looking at a county voteing map. Red vs.Blue. nation wide.
The massive corruption & lies distorts the story. Sooner or later the lids going to come off.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

You can have all the firearms and ammo in the world, but the refusal to use them renders it about as useful as 6 metric tons of used Kleenex. I am increasingly of the opinion that the Rulers rely on firearm ownership to function as a security blanket, lulling the proles into quiescence as they reassure themselves with their Dirty Harry daydreams. Allowing people to own weapons is a stroke of genius, really. They will accept any outrage, suffer any tyranny, comply with any absurdity– then they will shake their fists and mutter amongst themselves about their stockpiles of weapons.… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

I think you’re absolutely right that gun ownership functions as a palliative. However, I don’t think that’s by design from on high. The yella-bellied, lily-livered faggots running the west are terrified of the brisket-fed Grillers and their personal arsenals and would like nothing better than to confiscate all the guns and ammo. They have not, however, figured out yet how to do it.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Captain Willard
1 month ago

Isn’t it odd how one of postmodernity’s hallmarks is “methinks they do protest too much”? Our Democracy incantations in lieu of genuine democracy is a great example. But so is virtue signaling one’s niceness. The more people prate on about how good and sweet they are–truly a discursive curse of the age–the nastier society becomes. The apposite symbol of this era is a smiley face with gore-enmired fangs superimposed over a flamethrower.

stranger in a strange land
stranger in a strange land
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

…and (if I may) emblazoned with the words ‘Have A Nice Day’ in bold letters

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  stranger in a strange land
1 month ago

If I may offer a modest edit, “Have a Blessed Day!”

Latter Day American
Latter Day American
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

The Our Democracy fanatics all become Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown. Goodman Brown doesn’t really become a better virtuous person as he recognizes the hypocrisies and ugliness he sees in others in his night wilderness walk more than he’s willing to accept in himself too. His choice is either to become a Sandman/Contact Tracer against Hypocrisy and Racism or to destroy higher standards because he feels more comfortable with gutter mediocrity. The ol’ Eternal Puritan meets Brave New World

1 month ago

Realistically they have until the end of next week to drag his corpse from the ticket. After that, the mob will run out of steam and the regime will run out of time to stage a fake process to name a replacement, so they will be stuck with Biden. It’s unclear why there’s a deadline so near. There’s no special reason why the kooks couldn’t kick him out much later. It’s not as if they’re constrained by rules or logic. Whoever takes his place would still receive more votes than any candidate in history, proving that the last-minute substitute would… Read more »

Reply to  Gauss
1 month ago

The reason for the deadline is that Biden isn’t going willingly. Sure, if he was willing to step aside they could replace him at any point. They could find a judge to order every ballot in America be reprinted two weeks before the election and that all early votes cast for Biden count for his replacement. With Biden fighting it, it creates more problems for their corrupt process.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

I’ll expand on your points with my belief that we have seen a precipitatous decline in the competence of TPTB and their toadies from 2020 to 2024.

I believe this is a factor in their apparent failures to launch Beer Flu and Summer of Love v2.0.

I also think this massive drop in general competence is also a reason TPTB are going to find election rigging far more difficult in 2024 compared to 2020.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Many of those kids and grandkids of the elites who have to be given important government jobs have no experience with the idea of working for a living….and don’t want any either…

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago



My contention is that these brats are so spoiled and lazy that they can’t even be bothered to get up at 2 AM to drive a van filled with fake ballots to the convention center.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

It will be like Stacks dealing with the aftermath of the Lufthansa heist?

Reply to  pyrrhus
1 month ago

Charles Y. Lazarus of Columbus (not the one on the east coast who founded Toys r Us) was a department store scion. The Lazarus family was instrumental in building the company today known as Macy’s Inc. (the old Federated Department Stores). Lazarus was a sharp guy and the family was well-liked and well-respected around here. (Nobody around here bitched about them like we bitch about the Jews on these kinds of comment boards.) He was interviewed some time ago by the Columbus Jewish Historical Society so they could get some of his recollections down on paper before he croaked. One… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

There are warehouses of ballots with filled out for Biden that will have to be replaced. That takes time.”

Z-man, automation is the key here. Automate. I vote for Internet balloting. That’s the ticket…

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

I’ve occasionally proposed not only internet balloting but “fremiums” allowing you to cast extra votes for your candidate. The system would be only slightly more corrupt than the current one and would be self-funding. The result, complete dictatorship of the oligarchs, would be much more complete and consistent and would at least keep places like Baltimore, Atlanta, or Detroit from needing to be humored.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Who is “on the ballot” doesn’t matter, because you don’t vote for a candidate, you vote for anonymous people the candidate’s party has nominated as Electors.

The real election is in December, there are 538 voters, and whichever party has a majority will instruct their electors to vote for whoever they want the second Monday in December.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

I don’t think it’s Joe that’s not going willingly. I doubt Joe knows what day it is and what he might’ve had for breakfast. It’s a matter of Jill, who refuses to give up power.

As for the mob, since they’re all partisans, they’d think nothing of breaking the law to put their preferred zombie on the ticket. Just like they have no qualms with stuffing ballot boxes or any other illegal activities to accomplish the goal of protecting “our democracy,” (Newspeak for their tyranny).

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
1 month ago

Lucid or not, Joe would never willingly resign. Yes his family is pushing him to stay in, but he wants to do it as well. Of course the Democrats would break the law to replace him, but they need time to come to a consensus replacement and sell that to their voters.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

Mrs. Joe Biden wants the title of “First Lady”, not “Married to a dementia patient”.

Reply to  Barnard
1 month ago

They can always physically remove him.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

They could probably all quickly rally around a popular swing state governor except they are all white men except Whitmer in MI. But she has that dominatrix look that repels most normal men, even libs. The lady in AZ is dumb as a stump and speaks like a two year old.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

Yep. This is the rub with the Democrats. The one thing they cannot have is a strong White man in charge. I think this even creates problems for Newsom. The black Caucus will not have it. I suspect inside the Democrats there are a lot of tribesmen with thought bubbles of: ‘Oy vey! Our junior partners are really tough to deal with. Let’s make some calls and figure out how we can do some bribes where when they spend it right away it goes back into our pockets.’ They can’t have a strong White man, but they have the weakest… Read more »

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

Maybe Nimrata reemerges as a Democrat? She’d tick many of the right boxes, although we’ve already seen that she wouldn’t be able to deliver her home state against Trump.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

The smart move for the regime Dems would be to realize the jig is up with Biden, let him run, and try to preserve the fiction that “nobody knew” to maintain some legitimacy. Focus on down ballot races in the House and Senate (they can safely rig those because all the focus is gonna be on the presidential race).

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  manc
1 month ago

Hur going on the record about it 5 months ago torpedoes any “nobody knew” gambits. That’s on top of all the public indications of senility dating back to 2019 at least, many pointed out by the “right.”

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Kamala Harris is the reason it has to be Newsom.

She will run for governor of California.

Reply to  Gauss
1 month ago

But the fraud will be less saleable to the gullible public if your candidate can’t get on the ballot….

Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Gauss
1 month ago

With the Ohio time limit coming up they need to declare a candidate or risk having to break the system to get their way. It’s complicated for no other reason than regime toadies may figure that since “breaking” is officially on the menu that it’d be okay to break other things, i.e., they risk a cascade failure if they try to screw with it too much.

1 month ago

By refusing to step aside, Biden is effectively zooming through oncoming traffic quicker than Gene Hackman in the French Connection. And Obama, Schumer and the rest of the gang are on the back seat, screaming and clawing at the windows.

Obscene levels of entertainment

1 month ago

I gotta be honest here, I think a Trump victory is really the least fun option out there. A Biden galaxy-level steal with total chaos and maybe a carrier on the bottom of the Red Sea feels like much more lulz. But what do I know?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  btp
1 month ago

I’m waiting on the first salvo from the Biden camp of dirt they have on the people trying to force him out. Maybe they meet his price for resigning before it gets to that point, which would be a shame.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  btp
1 month ago

A Trump victory will bring on the Summer of Floyd II on November 8th. The mobs will be huge and the regime will stand aside and let it all burn.

In the sixties the Man would use teargas and truncheons on the mob. Now-a-days the Man just lets it burn, grooving on Whitey’s civilization being destroyed.

The thing is, Joey Diapers will have responsibility for law and order until January 2025, so that mayhem will be on his watch, not Trumps. That should be fun.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 month ago

Trump just disavowed P2025 for the second time. He has confirmed that “Nikki” Haley will get a job in his administration. He wants to staple green cards to diplomas. He supports endless genocide in Gaza and took Miriam Adelson’s $100 million. He’s talking about another corporate tax cut. This all adds up to one thing – Trump’s been brought into system. I am sure they offered him protection from prosecution and to stop going after his wealth in exchange for it. There would have been riots had Trump been declared the winner in 2020, because that’s how color revolutions work.… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

As I said a few days ago, either Trump will be barred from the anti-White House, one way or tuther, or he will be entirely emasculated and allowed to assume the presidency. You may be right that the latter scenario is now the more likely one.

Heads they win, tails we lose. Then again, it’s not as though the president is anything more than a symbol anyway.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Do we deserve anything else Brother…

1 month ago

I’d like to see a serious “right wing” mob to deal with the antifa fags (for example) once and for all, but the best we ever seem get are truckers blocking roads and honking horns. I mean I give them credit because they’re out actually doing something, but it needs to be a lot more intense than that. Of course with the state willing to bring hammer down on them, it probably takes a little more thought…

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

1m plus *rm*d Whites descending on DC and letting it all rip should do the trick. Also, making it 110 wouldn’t hurt either.

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

I thought for a minute I was seeing the Aurora Borealis, but it was just this guy glowing.

Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

Did you see what happened to the J6 protestors? Or to the Proud Boys in NYC?

A right wing mob would be what the regime wants and would be the height of stupidity.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

Seriously. I don’t understand how anyone at this point can’t understand that the only real choice for us is guerrilla warfare and people understanding in their hearts and souls that they are facing the ultimate sacrifice.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Whitney
1 month ago

Yes, but it would do a lot of white people a power of good to see white people take agency for a change, even if counterproductive in the short term.

Reply to  Whitney
1 month ago

There are literally 10s of millions of whites that still have massive amounts to lose. Why would they start a civil war when the vacation to Disney is coming up? Or how could they buy their next pristine F-150 that will never leave a paved road, if hostilities commence? 401k s , youth soccer leagues, dance recitals or whatever. White people stuff.

Reply to  Whitney
1 month ago

Or we pray and wait for God to create the collapse that is coming. There will be sacrifice enough to go around.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

Proud boys are feds. All these “groups” you hear about are feds. Its not like they’re going door to door in neighborhoods and handing out flyers. Ya know, anything grass roots. They’re all feds. Think about it: Have you ever been involved in something small that became popular? Or witnessed a band start small in your town and get big? How did they do it? Did success just appear over night, like barrack obama? Like antifa? Like proud boys? No, you would have heard about this new group who was shaking things up, when has that happened with regards to… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

There are two Proud Boys in a NY prison right now serving 5 year terms. They were attacked by antifa, kicked their asses in self defense, but no serious injuries. They were hunted down by cops and prosecutors in NY for basically a street brawl and given harsh sentences.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

uh huh and epstein hung himself in the cell and the video cameras just happened to not work………….

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago
Brandon Laskow
Brandon Laskow
Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

Wall Street Republican? Doesn’t he live in Puerto Rico?

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
1 month ago

You can’t be wall street republican and live in puerto rico? If you read bad cattitude enough, he makes some good points, but he will never ever touch the financial system with a million foot pole. Every problem we have is due to the financial system and the fact that criminals who will not hold themselves accountable when they bankrupt the country (that was what 2008 was, the debt didn’t liquidate because the debt is their power, instead it went on to the publics balance sheet to by them some more time). Ask him about 2008 and see what he… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Brandon Laskow
1 month ago

Was 2020 a pandemic or an economic crisis they called a pandemic? Look at the responses from governments, most of that crap was amped up 2008 response. 0% rates? Oh yeah that is how you fight viruses! QE(AKA buying .gov debt because they’d have to pay higher rates if the central bank didnt) helps fight viruses. I still stand by my initial reaction to 2020, it was just the natural continuation of what 2008 was, except this time China and Russia told us they weren’t going to play ball. So we got Covid instead and they mask that a war… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

Ask yourself this: How did they have rates at zero from 2009 until 2016 (i dont count the .25 raise during obamas last year in 2015) and hardly any inflation but assets? You do the same in 2020 and suddenly you get really bad inflation? Something changed from 2009 to 2020. What happened during those intervening years? Somebody was absorbing all the money printing from 2009 until 2020 that decided No MAS

Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

Yep. All the “Nazis” are 100% feds:

Interviews and newly unearthed records reveal FBI program to stage Nazi rallies



Left-wing mobs are allowed to operate with tacit government approval. “Right-wing” mobs are staged by the feds for propaganda purposes. In the rare instances where they are not they are ruthlessly infiltrated and crushed.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

Look at the recent elections in France and England, more evidence towards your point.

Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

Well, not if you don’t get caught. the essential failure of those guys is they did not imagine themselves to be criminals. They were thinking, “What would Jesus do?” when they should have been thinking, “What would Tony Soprano do?”

The next batch will not make that error.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  MikeCLT
1 month ago

WN 1.0 figured this out decades ago. The Alt Right re-learned the lesson the hard way in C-ville, although to be fair they did have a permit.

We may get to see how well the regime is able to handle small cells armed with the Columbine mentality in the event the US is drawn into a war against the Shias.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

Most people still have too much to lose.

For most, trying to cover the mortgage payment and the car note is still less stressful than logging into Minecraft.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

Honk those horns and then mow down Antifa/BLM mobs like Jerry “Snowman” Reed toting a load of Coors.

1 month ago

But this mob is as fake and gay in what stokes it as the other mobs. Something changed inside the regime and the debate was a pretext. The memo went out and the mob got its permission to begin. I heard J. Bagby talking with Heywood the other day and apparently in 2021 another black was shot in Louisville. The story surfaced and things started heating up. Then the media went silent and there wasn’t a trace of the story. They whip up the mob when they need to. The legitimacy of The Regime is falling precipitously as more scales… Read more »

1 month ago

The other mob that is a delight to watch is the anti-Israel mob interrupting college commencements and even gay pride parades.

However, it is clear that even they have a certain degree of regime approval… the same DA who charged Trump with 34 bogus felonies dropped the charges against the mob who seized a building at Columbia.

Nonetheless I am experiencing a bit of schadenfraude seeing the Left eat their own.

Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

The other mob that is a delight to watch is the anti-Israel mob interrupting college commencements and even gay pride parades

I’ve enjoyed seeing posts with pictures of Rainbow 🌈 Alphabet people holding up signs and banners stating “We Support Palestine!”.

All I can think of is “You DO know what Islamic people do to people like you in the Middle East, right?”

Reply to  mmack
1 month ago

Millennials will never criticize any person or people with brown skin, no matter what they do.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Maniac
1 month ago

And they will never twitch a pinkie to defend whitey.

Reply to  Maniac
1 month ago

Maniac: Which raises an interesting issue for the future. In Israel, as in the US, the boomers are aging out and dying off, and the whiter portion of the population is decreasing. Half the photos of the ‘hostages’ look – to me – just as brown as their Arab ‘captors.’ Just as AINO’s support of Israel will shrink along with the soon-to-be majority non-White population, it’s interesting to speculate on how Israel’s browning will change things. Jews in AINO are majority Ashkenazi, but they are also aging out and dying off.

Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

To tell the truth, I never really could think of most anyone I seen over there (Israel) as “White”. You put that many Jews together and you begin to notice these things when you view the crowd.

Reply to  mmack
1 month ago

Don’t kid yourself, Thursday man love/Friday mosque & all is forgiven. Just as every strip club south of the Mason Dixon line has Baptist parking in the back. “Strict” Muslim countries have more porn & homosexuals that than anywhere even San Francisco

Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

College students seem particularly susceptible to mob mentality.

I remember the college sexual assault numbers at the height of the scare – 25% or more of women were purportedly being assaulted.

Think about that. What parent would send their daughter to a place where one in four women were being assaulted?

No one believed it. But everyone had to pretend that they did..or else.

(real purpose was just to discourage and chase out young men…mission accomplished.)

Reply to  ProZNoV
1 month ago

maybe I’m wrong about white people, but I think most whites believe everything the tv says. What are they NOT gonna send lil Haley to college?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 month ago

Something about that age cohort. Even in the Middle Ages college boys were known to riot, even to the point of occasionally murdering a professor. Would that they do such a thing today…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

It is always meet to stoke the embers at the Leftist spit-roast…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Lay on more coal!

I say they should modernize.
They could use ovens.

1 month ago

Obama: “Welp, good ole Joe gave it a good run. Here’s Gavin…”

Hillary: “Um…about that…”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

Who else thinks they’re going to hang Brandon out to dry in tonight’s solo press conference?

No magic cocktail, no editing, just raw Brandon.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

“Look Fat! I beat Cornpop! He was a Bad Dude! Ate my uncle in WW2. Carried a rusty straight razor. Kids used to touch my hairy legs when I was a lifeguard. I beat Medicare man! This guy Trump, he’s a felon and cheats on his golf score. I asked Hunter my son, the one who died in Iraq, about Trump. He said “Dad, ya gotta stay in the race, I can’t go to prison!” Lemme tell ya man I gotta, uh, ya know, the thing.”

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

That’s definitely what’s going on

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

He was fine at the nato thing a few days ago, at least comparatively. He could do just fine tonight and that will be that

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Raw Brandon on toast, coming up….

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

No. He will be on 5x the meth and he will do a really good job, which will lend credibility to his claim that it was just a bad night. His performance will be sufficient to justify not stepping aside.

Quote me.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  btp
1 month ago


I’ll bet you a whole quarter on that!

james wilson
james wilson
Reply to  btp
1 month ago

30% of the victims of Parkinsons have no symptoms of shaking. I know well someone with this condition. Gait disturbance, short steps, arms do not swing, general rigidity, including the face. He has reached a stage where he becomes literally frozen while standing and has to be manually pushed ahead to break out of it. In his case the analytical brain is completely unaffected, while Biden has entered dementia. Parkinsons causes dementia in some and not in others. His may be entirely unrelated. Parkinsons can be treated in short bursts, and perhaps so to can Biden’s stage of dementia, but… Read more »

Reply to  james wilson
1 month ago

Parkinsons by my very lay understanding is a destruction of the nervous system except the brain. Or rather it’s dead last, if it affects it all. Dementia is a different animal altogether, with it first showing up as brain disease.

I have been assuming the need to talk about Parkinson is the need to cover for Biden while trying to explain away his behavior. They are not going to talk about dementia at all. It’s sort of the media trying to quell it’s own mob. Biden may also have Parkinson’s, but the issue is with his mental state is dementia.

Reply to  btp
1 month ago

Nope. He was awful

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

I’d prefer raw brandy, myself…

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

Well said that is exactly what happened tonight

Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

Hillary: “Um…about that…”

Many miles away
Something crawls to the surface
Of a dark New York lake

Reply to  mmack
1 month ago

Hehe good one!

Reply to  mmack
1 month ago

….and farts.

Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  mmack
1 month ago

Grandfather screaming at the wall…

Reply to  Sgt Pedantry
1 month ago

We have to shout above the din of our rice crispies. We can’t hear anything at all.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
1 month ago

I would much rather we were under “mob rule” than the fakest and gayest of all governments ever conceived: muh “representative” “republic”. I would rather we had no leaders than to have fake leaders beholden only to their paymasters (who’s true identities are kept hidden.) Mobs at least serve the interests of the mob. They respond to their interests immediately, instead of having to wait *years* between fake “elections” as the only way to address the needs of the people supposedly “served”. Lincoln warned that the mob is the antitheses of the rule of law If Lincoln is what “the… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. Generic
1 month ago

Agreed, quoting Lincoln about governance is beyond ironic. He was a bloodthirsty ghoul who racked up an impressive body count for nothing. Just because he couldn’t stand that the South rejected him.

1 month ago

“The mob chasing Biden is not thinking about what comes next. They can only think about the joy they will feel when Biden steps aside.” Boy, are they going to be disappointed. Supposedly Biden is telling the Democrats that if they remove him, he is going to tell the whole world, with documents to prove it, that Obamie is as queer as a three dollar bill, and “Michelle” is a well-endowed transy, just like the one Joan Rivers declared to the world, right before she died in a freak accident while sitting in the dentist’s chair. Joe Biden ain’t going… Read more »

R Hawkins
R Hawkins
Reply to  Coalclinker
1 month ago

TheUnited States has been over for a century.

Reply to  R Hawkins
1 month ago

1865 to be exact

Reply to  Ivan
1 month ago

1861 to be pedantic.

1 month ago

Funny. PCR has a similar article out today, also intensively quoting Adams.
To me, Friedrich Schiller nailed it:
‘Majority? What is majority? It is the nonsense. Reason has only ever been with the few.’ The Greeks drew the only correct conclusion: sortition. Among all non-idiots.

1 month ago

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it!
-The Joker

That’s our elites in a nutshell. Psychopathic morons who can’t see past the next day. Hopefully, it’ll be their undoing. I just hope they don’t take the rest of us down with them.

Diversity Heretic
1 month ago

The Black Caucus may be the barricade against which the mob breaks. Joe Biden will not resign willingly; he has known nothing since public office since he was 30 and is not inclined to give it up, simply because he performs poorly; when was he ever any good? Jill and Hunter have their own reasons for keeping hubby and Dad in office. The removal will have to be involuntary, but the Black Caucus seems fully on board in support of Joe Biden. That Black Caucus support makes invocation of the 25th Amendment process unlikely to succeed, even if someone had… Read more »

Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 month ago

Clyburn is one of those fossils leftover from the “civil rights” debacle of the 60’s. I saw him on an interview last week where the question was put to him regarding the younger black voters lining up for Trump. He was almost in a visible panic as he openly plead with older black voters to, “Make sure those young people understand what previous generations went through for them. Make sure they come back to the fold in November because we still have a long way to go.” TRANSLATION: I’ve spent my whole life screwing over Heritage White America and I… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

The tactical move here that most have missed is that Biden was wheeled into position in front of Trump as Public Enemy #1, at least for the time being.

This is a remarkable turn of events, considering where Trump was on January 21, 2021. We did not hear from him for over six months, I believe. And Trump has been very quiet lately as well, too. His TruthSocial ramblings do not reach 99.999% of people. He is keeping his mouth shut.

One wonders what the play is. Obviously they need all eyes and ire on Biden. Then what?

Last edited 1 month ago by Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

The tens of millions of young military-age males that have been illegally imported into the USA/EU are the future foot soldiers of the mob cadre that will envelope Western societies with extreme violence, largely aimed at the weakest components of the citizenry. This is an optimum strategy of the Cloud People because it generates a fervor for Jackboot imposition of “good” tyranny. But the models say that this menace can be redirected toward the elites themselves using the same high-tech indoctrination and motivation techniques that they are now using against us. Is there any reason this should not be done?… Read more »

Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

The most obvious thing about Our Regime is that it does not ever consider the consequences what it decides to do at any given moment.

Nobody in power is asking, “What happens next?” when one of their bright ideas pops up.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

Hope you can write propaganda in pidgin Spanish.

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
1 month ago

“With any luck the Democratic convention is an even more chaotic replay of 1968.”

If they have the information chaos is in the cards and unavoidable, the convention will be canceled outright. This won’t be strategic or proactive but due to personal fear and cowardice. This is not 1968. This is the Covid Class and it is Be Safe 24/7.

1 month ago

American antifa got its start in Minneapolis as the local punk scene police, suburban rich kid insiders beating up the normal guys drawn in by loud masculine rock music—which is fascism…if poor people like it. George Floyd becoming a superstar martyr had a significant “psychogeographical” aspect. In the ’90s antifa moved to Portland and Seattle in the luggage of migrant Minnesotans. And that’s where much of the rest of 2020—the media/propaganda event—happened, not coincidentally. The Great Awokening (or whatever) is the victory celebration of the takeover of institutional America by the late boomer/early X white urban “counterculture” (overculture with blue… Read more »

1 month ago

Thinking a couple of days ago about a counterrevolution against democracy, I found myself saying people want leaders instead of managers. I don’t know too much about Classical democracy, so I wonder if managerialism is an innovation. Kind of like managing a herd of cattle, you can’t order a mob around, but you can fence them in, drive them, give them incentives. The thing is, people aren’t as docile as cattle, so maybe managerialism was unwise in the first place, even if it worked for a while.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

Digesting the idea that self government ≠ democracy. We get together to discuss and work out issues, an ancient and native practice. We vote, usually to pick our leaders, but sometimes in referenda, to formalize arrangements and make them legitimate. Too orderly and legal to be mob rule, so I guess it’s not democratic? Maybe I’m dense, the terms seem ill-defined lol.

james wilson
james wilson
1 month ago

In the oligarchical State drones are disqualified and driven from office, and therefore they cannot train or gather strength; whereas in a democracy they are almost the entire ruling power, and while the keener sort speak and act, the rest keep buzzing about the bema and do not suffer a word to be said on the other side; hence in democracies almost everything is managed by the drones.

1 month ago

I think the media spent so much time lying over the years about what a good, decent, honorable man Joe Biden was, and how he stepped up to lead the country only in response to the horrible Orange Man, that they started to believe it. Hence why all the articles are framed the same way – “Joe Biden is such a good, decent, honorable man, who always put his country first, and he must do so again.” Except, of course, we all know that Joe was an affable and unintelligent crook with a thirst for power. He’s not going to… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Prefacing one’s statement with “Joe is a decent man” is sort of like saying “I’m not a Trump supporter but” or “I believe in vaccines but” or “I’m not a racist but”. The point is to signal fealty to the Clouds lest one be mistaken for a Dirt (the #1 fear of any Cloud or aspiring cloud). It’s probably not necessary in this particular case, but the habit has become permanently ingrained. You don’t really hear the latter much anymore, there is no wiggle room left, one cannot break with Cloud orthodoxy on race at all, in any way, without… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Ah, Decisions, Decisions, PeePad Joe or the KneePad Ho… What’s a Wokel to do?

1 month ago

I think trump has already got it. As someone in here I think said, they need him to get whites back to loving the military. Trump will also be effective in selling pro-Israel positions as being patriotic. or put it this way, if trump gets in then I’d wager there is a 90% chance that america goes to war for Israel and puts boots on the ground in Lebanon or maybe in Iran. I don’t see how trump makes peace with Putin given the muh Russia crap they’re going to tar him with again. He will probably load up his… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Sickening propaganda. But thanks for sharing !

Jack Dodson
Jack Dodson
Reply to  Falcone
1 month ago

As someone in here I think said, they need him to get whites back to loving the military.

That was me and possibly others and a huge concern. I had intended to cast a vote for Trump as a no confidence vote over his prosecution but decided against it due to his possible use as a Judas Goat to lure young white men into the service of evil.

1 month ago

Losers the lot of you: I’m riding with Biden 2024!