The Borg

I decided to call this show The Borg, after the fictional entity in the Star Trek universe, but I could have gone with Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone. The thing that this show describes is a self-perpetuating system. The purpose of Conservative Inc., and all nodes of the managerial ecosystem, is to maintain itself by defending itself from outside threats through assimilation and subversion.

The trouble with the self-licking ice cream cone idea is that it suggests the self-perpetuating system is benign. The United Nations, for example, is not actively trying to change much of anything. The damage it does is incidental to its existence, in the same way the damage done by the postal service is just the result of it not being particularly good at delivering letters and packages.

The Borg concept, on the other hand, is an aggressive entity. It sustains itself by seeking out and assimilating new life forms. The process by which it sustains itself is a constant danger to everything around it. Cancer, for example, destroys its host by replacing good cells with cancer cells. The death of the host is not incidental to the existence of cancer, but the end point of it.

This is true of managerialism in general and specifically true with regards to anything resembling an American right and Conservative Inc. The conservative ecosystem that forms up one part of the political class exists to absorb, assimilate, and subvert anything viewed as a threat along its assigned place on the wall. Since its purpose is to do those things, it has evolved to find causes and people to assimilate.

The minor controversy over Project 2025, a scheme hatched by The Heritage Foundation, is a good example, one used in the show this week. Its purpose is to assimilate what it can use from the populist uprising led by Trump, subvert his efforts, and snuff out anything that cannot be assimilated or subverted. Heritage is the Borg queen of the hive mind that is the conservative industrial complex.

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This Week’s Show


  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Skin Suits, Day Walkers & The Borg
  • Co-opting
  • Project 2025 (Link) (Link)
  • Agenda 47 (Link)
  • Conclusion

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The Greek
The Greek
1 month ago

Just a note on the perverse con inc subversion of Brexit. Brexit was a referendum/movement based almost entirely on the fact that Britons wanted to take control of their immigration policy and stem the tide of mandatory refugee resettlement outlined in EU policy. The conservatives reframed it that Britons wanted to leave the EU because it was too racist, and didn’t allow for enough refugee resettlement, and they wanted MORE. Hence the sheer tidal wave of the last 3 years. These people are pure evil, and we’re not voting our way out of this problem.

Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago

Marko: Instead of a flood of Poles (and I like Poles but they ought to be home working to make Poland great instead of taking jobs in England) they’ve just gotten more Pakistanis and Nigerians. Even if all immigration stopped tomorrow, the future for France, Germany, and England – like the US – is total population replacement given birth rates and age cohorts. Short of massive repatriation (and whatever bloodshed and/or violence that would require), there is no way our children are going to be able to avoid dealing with this. Voting is far too little, far too late, and… Read more »

Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago

I can’t help but notice the parallels between Brexit and Trump’s term.

It seems like addressing the problem of massive immigration was one of the primary motivations of both campaigns, if the not the biggest motivation.

But once Farage and Trump took the helm, it was as if immigration was mostly forgotten. What became most important was proving to the world that the conservatives love the blacks more than the liberals.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

When exactly did Farage “take the helm?” The Tories co-opted his movement in exactly the way Z described.

Greg Nikolic
Reply to  Bizarro Man
1 month ago

The problem with European-descended societies is they have succeeded almost TOO well. The water is clean, the traffic lights work 100% of the time and when they don’t there’s a friendly cop to wave you on by, the factories are churning out massive amounts of food and goodies (much of which is imported from foreign lands using Western know-how). Driven by natural human need to find safety in a world of scarcity, the 3rd world immigrant invites himself and his whole extended family to join him using liberal repatriation laws. The powers that control the West have long ago decided… Read more »

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
1 month ago

Don’t forget that the West is in many cases dislocating these third world immigrant families by creating unnecessary strife for them in their mission to reshape the world.

Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago

Why is there a j00 in the far LEFT of the picture of the Trump a$$@$$ination attempt?!?!?

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Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

Once Trump was up pumping his fist, he was pumping his along with everybody else in the crowd. So maybe he’s one of those jews for Trump. They exist.

Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago

The police are saying that the shooter is named, “Mark Violets”.

But my guess is that the shooter’s real name is a whole lot more like “Menachem Volet”.

VOLET is a very very j00ish name.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

Do you feel a little silly now, after running around shouting “J3w!”? I imagine that it felt good in the moment, but that you regret it now.

Don’t get me wrong, running around shouting “J3w” is one of the most productive things that we can do right now, but you’ve got to be accurate or you lose credibility.

Last edited 1 month ago by LineInTheSand
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 month ago

Oh, I doubt he regrets it.

Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago

The district attorney for Butler County, PA, is a j00, named, “Goldinger”.

Add an “F”, and you’d, get “Goldfinger”.

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Reply to  The Greek
1 month ago
  1. The sumbish ackshually has the audacititty to wear a phrigging GOLD TIE in his official county photo.
  1. Plus ghey-paedo-faced lilac-colored checkering to go with the gold.
joey jünger
joey jünger
1 month ago

I know you were using the Borg as a metaphor, but it still has me thinking about the actual entity in the “Star Trek” films. Probably because I just watched one of the less bad films, “First Contact,” which deals almost exclusively with the Borg. “Star Trek” has always been considered progressive—a notorious early adopter of the stunt casting that has grown to be so abominable of late; there were some heavy-handed lectures in there, too. But there was always, in the first iteration at least, an unapologetic strain of the pioneer spirit to it. Kirk was a white man… Read more »

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

First Contact was terrible. All the Next Gen films were bad, but the least bad was Insurrection.

Insurrection deals with a white utopia, where the astoundingly capable hwite inhabitants need to be removed so their ugly cousins can come and suck all the life-force from their homeland.

Then Picard shows up and gives one of his smug speeches about the removal of peoples. We need Picard again to stick up for white homelands!

joey jünger
joey jünger
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Relative to Blade Runner or 2001, maybe. Not relative to other “Star Trek” movies. No one is ever going to confuse Jonathan “Two Takes” Frakes with Kubrick or Scott, but the movie has good FX (especially on the Borg queen) and James Cromwell has fun chewing scenery. He’s one of those character actors always playing white authority figures—sometimes, horror of horrors—actual racists. But he is a pathetic lefty, of the flak-catching type Tom Wolfe wrote about in his famous essay. I’ve seen an interview with Cromwell somewhere where he’s literally weeping about Civil Rights.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Cromwell is very soft in the head. Seriously. I saw him weeping over pigs in conjuction with the film, Babe. May have even been at the Oscars.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

I’m probably the only guy around here who has never seen a Star Trek film or an episode of Next Generation. I do, however, rather like the camp elements of the original TV series. Generally speaking, pop culture from that era–mid- to late-60s–is pretty interesting stuff.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I have spent a lot of time lately (old age retirement does that) reviewing much of my early interest in TV. Hell, I remember our first B/W TV with a *round* projection screen. 😉 More often than I’d care to admit, I watch an episode of an old series and remark…”How the hell could you have wasted your time watching this?”, and of course lament the time spent in such which could have been better spent in more fulfilling pursuits. However, I agree. Watching old shows really does put into perspective societal progression (decline?) over the years. Especially apparent when… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

“I have spent a lot of time lately (old age retirement does that) reviewing much of my early interest in TV.”

You mean brainwashing. And yes, I’ve have also youtubed old shows i watched when I was a kid and it’s a mind fuck. I simultaneously think how different it was back then and also ask why the fuck did I think this shit was so impotrant and waste my time on it?! Youth is truly, TRULY wasted on the young.

Generation X is OWNED by Norman Lear, Gary David Goldberg, etc.

Reply to  fakeemail
1 month ago

and Sherwood Schwartz!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  fakeemail
1 month ago

Yeah, Gilligan’s Island and the Brady Bunch were clearly anti-white propaganda…

Reply to  fakeemail
1 month ago

If you asked me to think of memorable original Star Trek scenes/episodes I’d probably list the famous kiss scene between Kirk and Uhuru and that tedious anti-racist one with the two guys who were half black and half white but on different sides. I actually think the propaganda in that show was easier to spot than it is today because it was a contrast with the better value system of mainstream media at the time.

Today, everything is super ghey and the miscegenation is shoved down your throat in everything. How do you even show how progressive you are nowadays?

Reply to  fakeemail
1 month ago

Yep. Captain Kirk was Jewish. So was Dr. Spock. Never knew that until recently!

The old Star Trek episodes were actually quite good, but in hindsight now I can see the subtle leftist and Jewish undertones, especially in Patterns of Force, in which the crew beams down to a “Nazi” planet and Kirk kicks some Nazi ass.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Xman
1 month ago

a ‘Nazi’ planet? That sounds too subtle for me.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

The propaganda in the older shows is far more subtle and sometimes doesn’t even exist at all. But by the 1960s, pretty much all TV became propaganda. The same is true of radio, books and magazines. Some are worse than others, but virtually all of them have propaganda angles, sometimes subtle and sometimes as in your face as possible.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Yep. One despicable aspect of such shows as they progressed from the 50’s through the 70’s and 80’s was the change in the family structure depicted. Gone were the days of the intact family featuring a (White) hard working, but wise father figure. In came the days of the (White, Black, or missing) buffoon father figure.

And yes, there were notable exceptions, but they were just that, exceptions.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

They will probably start completely memory-holing all those old films and shows soon. I’m surprised they haven’t already.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tashtego
1 month ago

Didn’t they already do that to the Dukes of Hazard?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Maybe. I’ve never checked if it is impossible to get that show. There’s probably a tension there between some run of the mill Epstein islander owning the rights vs the more wild eyed genocidal fanatics wanting to eradicate even the memory of white Europeans. I know certain bugs bunny cartoons are gone. Unga bunga binga bunga

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tashtego
1 month ago

IIRC, the Dukes’ car, called the General Lee, sporting the Confederate flage on its roof and with a horn that played the first several notes of “Dixie,” caused some people to go scurrying for their safe spaces. For that reason–and probably a few others–it has been largely banned.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Tashtego
1 month ago

They don’t need to. People memoryhole the past. Few people under 30 will ever watch those shows. Slow-moving 1960s and 1970s shows — prior to rapid jump cuts — are unbearable to watch for people who’ve been raised with a smartphone. It’s immediately evident even to me, an oldhead, that it’s just a group of people in costumes standing on a stage talking to each other until someone tells them to stop. Usually with one or two cameras, max. There’s absolutely no sense that this is “real,” which is the key to generating impression, conditioning, and action upon us, as… Read more »

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

I don’t think a show has to be presented ‘realistically’ to be entertaining or worth watching, but you might be right that it holds less influence or propagandistic power.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

The late studio era thriller movies with outdoor scenes shot on location are like a window into a different society. “The Desperate Hours, for instance. “Anatomy of a Murder” is another, shot on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Devon Stack / “Black Pilled” talks a lot about these sorts of things. His streams are titled very vaguely though, so don’t expect to easily find anything specific.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I’ve never seen one of the movies, nor watched a single episode od any Star Trek TV show. Mothing against those who have, hell I was a big wrestling fan in a past life and still watch the mat classics, but Star Trek never interested me.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  KGB
1 month ago

I tried watching a few episodes as a kid when they first went into syndication, but I thought it was dumb. My older brother watched them on network TV and loved it and he had all the books too. I tried reading one of the books, and it was dumb too. The special effects were all dumb too. The dumb uniforms and automatic hiding doors were dumb too. I am a fan of sci-fi in general. But I cannot help notice the types of people it draws in. I don’t know how true it is, but I have always heard… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

I still find fascinating (as Spock would say) the depiction of modern technology in the first Star Trek series. Lot’s of blinky lights in vast arrays, but really no view screen as we commonly use today with icons. Indeed, with the exception of a single on/off switch/button, I left a computer room at my old department that did not support a single blinky light panel and accompanying mechanical switches.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

The “trekie” archetype and the incel archetype are basically the same thing. Poor hygiene, morbid obesity leading to being unable to do much of anything other than watch TV, smugness, and a tone deafness for others’ perspectives are the main characteristics of both. It’s probably just that whole array of noxious habits makes it virtually impossible to find a (consensual) sex partner. These types are at high risk of going gay or pedo or both. The juvenal nature of TV sci-fi probably also leads to the occasional presence of children at the few trekie social events. Star Trek can be… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

Nonsense. I was a Star Trek fan until my teens, perhaps never quite a “Trekkie” though. And as I matured (granted, it took a long time for that to occur) I never felt the inclination towards pederasty or homosexuality, unless you count that awkward weekend encounter with the scouttmaster.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

So you were in the Federation Scouts too eh? I always managed to be “sick” for Exploring Sexuality Day. At least back then they taught me to be a crack shot with a phaser and how to cook tribbles. Nowadays they just teach you how to surrender and to start a soybean farm if you’re marooned on an alien planet.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  KGB
1 month ago

WWF was the perfect primer for US politics and i thank my childhood friends who were into it and had parties which forced me to watch it.

Reply to  Mr. House
1 month ago

There are many times when I would like to whack some of our “leaders” with a folding chair.

John's Spam
John's Spam
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

“I’m probably the only guy around here who has never seen a Star Trek film or an episode of Next Generation.”

You are not alone.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Speaking of pop culture from this era, I watched The Graduate (1967) last night. Perhaps it is borderline pretentious to say any film is “important,” but if a movie can be important, The Graduate probably is. Set in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Berkeley in the second half of the 60s, it perfectely and slightly menacingly captures the time and place when America began going off the rails. Simon and Garfunkel’s hauting music adds to the disquiet of this film. I get the sense that The Graduate is pregnant with America’s armageddon.

Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Written, directed and acted by a fine stable of White men. Mike Nichols and Henry Buck in particular are credits to our Hibernian cousins.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

It’s one of the most Jooed up films of all time: Nichols, Henry, Lawrence Turman (producer), Dustin Hoffman, Art Garfunkel, Paul Simon. Now having said that, the film does not particularly cheer for the New Left and the counterculture. In some ways it’s actually a paean to innocence and traditional values. But The Graduate, almost inadvertently, captures the fact that something evil is wriggling to the surface at that time and place. Perhaps it’s my own ideosyncratic view of the film, aided by hindsight, but it seems to me that there is something foul in the air. But the scent… Read more »

Reply to  Bloated Boomer
1 month ago

Dustin Hoffman is a jew.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Once you realize everything the left says or does about the right is a projection you understand the game. But I have always considered the Borg as leftists. In fact the quintessential leftists since they have not only destroyed the individual but they have achieved destroying every individual they come in contact with. It’s enough to give a Democrat a woody.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Hoagie
1 month ago

Borg were written as an empty vessel entity that could be filled with the viewers’ personal projections. Nothing more; it’s lazy writing but enough for a constant primary villain and story archs. The near entirety of the Borg concept fell apart in First Contact when Picard had to deal with an individual crafted by the Borg to represent the Collective.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Hoagie
1 month ago

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…takes umbrage to this post.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

TNG was definitely Management In Space. The Federation and the Borg were rival Borgs. The bad one was forthright and the good one was hypocritical/self-deluding. The virtue of the Federation was in its proto-“West Wing” speeches, contradicted by its actions—all necessary. The lonely agony of the corner office! (Even a round bridge has a corner office.) The one kind of space entity the show had nothing to say about: normal Federation citizens. When later shows purport to fill this gap, they don’t. They’re about low-ranking Feds, i.e., writers’ “self-insert” complaints about being relative losers within the system, not external subjects/victims… Read more »

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Enterprise ended just as it was getting good, In the series’ final season (Season 4), Enterprise ended with the prelude to the Romulan War and the founding of the Federation. Enterprise’s showrunners were saving those two big events in Star Trek history for Season 5, but the series was cancelled.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

The last couple of entries into the franchise are downright insulting.

Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

Then you had the “right wing” villain in DS9 as the Dominion. The founders who un-apologetically viewed themselves as a master race and set out to conquer the galaxy.

Though the “founders” seemed kind of Jewish to me. Shapeshifters who prefer to infiltrate and dismantle their enemies from within before sending in their chattel servant races to militarily conquer.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

“The Federation and the Borg were rival Borgs. The bad one was forthright and the good one was hypocritical/self-deluding.” Quark: I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this. Garak: What is it? Quark: A human drink; it’s called root beer. Garak: I dunno… Quark: Come on. Aren’t you just a little bit curious? [Garak takes a sip, wincing as he tastes it.] Quark: What do you think? Garak: It’s vile! Quark: I know. It’s so bubbly, cloying…and happy. Garak: Just like the Federation. Quark: And you know what’s really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it. Garak: It’s insidious.  Quark: Just like the… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

I wonder about DS9 writers. They snuck in lots of right-wing / libertarianish stuff.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

DS9 was saved by the “prophets”, Bajoran gods. The main enemy they defeated was “the dominion” whose founders were shape-shifting space Jews who viewed all other races as servants.

These “Founders” even had an ancient persecution story which justified their revenge on the rest of the galaxy.

Last edited 1 month ago by ??what??
Reply to  ??what??
1 month ago

Ah yes, The shapeshifting “founders” story was that they lived among “solids” and then gotten kicked out of every planet they tried to live on. So they set up camp on a fringe rogue planet (space Israel) where they ruled the rest of their empire through servant peoples.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ??what??
1 month ago

The Quasarbergs and Neutronsteins, weren’t they?

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

I liked DS9 because they had obvious Space Jews (Ferengi), a fascist cop who would have loved to send them all to space Auschwitz (Odo) and the Bajoran/Kardassian struggle was pretty obviously the Palestinians and Israelis. It’s still remarkable that they got that stuff past the thought police even then.

Reply to  Maxda
1 month ago

My favorite episode is when Captain Sisko colludes with the Cardassian Garak to engineer an alliance with the Romulans when the Federation’s war with the Dominion is going badly. They use deception, illegal sale of contraband, and murder to achieve the goal. Sisko is abhorred by these tactics but decides that the alliance was worth it. It seemed like a slice of the way the real world works.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Dutchboy
1 month ago

“That’s why you came to me, isn’t it, Captain?! Because you knew I could do those things that you weren’t capable of doing?! Well, it worked. And you’ll get what you want: a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant. And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don’t know about you, but I’d call that a bargain.”

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

First Contact had to introduce a “Borg Queen” because the non-Trekkie movie-going rubes in the 1990s couldn’t understand leaderless villains.

Of course if we had a demented president back in 1994…

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

Not only did the Queen ruin the Borg as a villain, but the plot contradicted established Borg motives.

The Borg existed to assimilate advanced technology and they viewed primitive races as unworthy of assimilation.

So what was the point of going back in time to assimilate a pre-spaceflight Earth?

I absolutely hated First Contact, the people who seemed to like the movie are the type who just want phaser battles and don’t want to think.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

“Corporations”, an interesting take that at the time of its airing, I hadn’t considered. To me Picard was more of a diplomat to Kirks “Gunslinging sheriff of the old west” image, more polished if you will. I’m glad they fired the writers after the first season because the whole “avoid violence at any cost” theme of the show was nauseating. That and the new Enterprise, which I didn’t like because it reminded me of a piece of sculpture. The same with the bridge which I thought looked too much like someones living room.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Like how the progressives are always worrying Trump will utilize the DOJ to go after his political enemies!!! Projection is their number 1 attribute.

Reply to  thezman
1 month ago

Five minutes of Star Trek Discovery (Diversity in Space) and you’d want to destroy Earth too.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

comment image&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=16bc8559ba4519ce833d9884ae6223d19590c5c379541da1c040f8e2a0b510ee&ipo=images

The Death Star is in position, m’Lord…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

No entity is more clueless about the Left than the Left itself. This explains why Leftists can create a villain, such as the Borg, that accurately mimics the Leftist zeitgeist. It also explains why Leftists, as a matter of course, project so much. They simply do not understand their own ideology. For them, Leftist simply equals good, and that’s all there is to it.

Reply to  joey jünger
1 month ago

Z: “The Borg concept, on the other hand, is an aggressive entity. It sustains itself by seeking out and assimilating new life forms. The process by which it sustains itself is a constant danger to everything around it. Cancer, for example, destroys its host by replacing good cells with cancer cells. The death of the host is not incidental to the existence of cancer, but the end point of it.“ joey jünger: “The loss of individual ego, the assimilation into the hive, seems to encapsulate the beau ideal of what the left wants, or at least claims to want.“ For… Read more »

1 month ago

The thing about Project 2025 is that it encourages conservative civilians from outside of politics to fill out a form with all their info. The form is quite detailed since they claim it will be used for job vetting and secrecy clearance. The form also includes essay questions where applicants are asked to describe their personal philosophy and thoughts about the direction of the country. Now just imagine some ordinary guy fills in the forms honestly and sincerely. Suppose he gives certain dangerous answers in his essay questions. This data will not be extinguished after the election. It will live… Read more »

Reply to  IntellectualWigger
1 month ago

I don’t think Project 2025 is an op. I think the people behind it correctly understand the primary problem with the first Trump administration, which was a people problem. The Trump admin was staffed by RNC losers. They sought to correct it by building a database of capable people ready to work for Trump’s stated policy preferences and goals. Trump tried to do the same thing the first time around, he had a job website. The website was totally ignored by Reince Priebus when it came to job hiring. It essentially said “do not hire these people for government.” Also,… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

You’re probably correct that P2025 is not some devious scheme to entrap the ravening hordes of Blue-eyed Ice Devils. However, the BEIDs are also right to be suspicious. The Power Structure’s surveillance apparatus, after all, is very real and it is worked exclusively against people like us. Fifty times bitten, a hundred times shy.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Project 2025 needs to be put into context. It was not some super-secret thing concocted by some shadow people to implement the Handmaiden’s Tale. it was done by the Heritage Foundation, an organization that has been around FOREVER and is basically the default conservative organization in DC and has been forever. It has publicly available tax forms and one can see the funding sources. They put up the PDF for anyone who wants to read it. Hundreds of people contributed to Project 2025 including big businesses and policymakers in the past. if the glowies want to go after a bunch… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Just like the Republican party itself, the Heritage Foundation is part of the Power Structure. That fact will do precious little to soothe the jitters of those suspecting an arriere pensee.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Whatever the motives behind Project 2025, it will eventually be subverted by Con, Inc types. It’s in conservatives’ nature to be either cucks or sellouts–and I include most self-proclaimed MAGA champions.

Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Yes, to be clear: P20255 is not fake. But it has many possible uses as a catalog of unapproved people.

Last edited 1 month ago by IntellectualWigger
Reply to  IntellectualWigger
1 month ago

If you are White, heterosexual, try to keep yourself in good health, and have a desire to work hard and provide for yourself and a family, you have already outed yourself as an unapproved person.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Such folk, however, are passive enemies of the BFE. Once you go to the point of effectively publishing a non-Leftist manifesto, no matter how half-assed, you go from passive to active, and from the shadows to on the radar screen. Doesn’t mean Men in Black will knock on your door in the dark of night, but it does put you in the gun sights. And they can pull the trigger at their own discretion.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

I have two words for you: Heritage Foundation. The fact that it’s sponsored by them is all you need to know.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  IntellectualWigger
1 month ago

You sure do think good and rite purty for an intellectual wigger…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  IntellectualWigger
1 month ago

It’s curious how the Heritage Foundation all of a sudden became a Far Right/Nahtsee org. Up until about two weeks ago it was the boring, staid, establishment “conservatism” of the rinocons and had been for as long as I can remember. Now, practically overnight, it’s dangerous and subversive, a threat to “democracy.” So either….. somehow HF was taken over by “maga” while nobody was looking, or the MSM got the bat signal to rebrand it, and/or it is as you say, this is an op. Nevermind that nothing in Project 2025 would have been thought radical by anyone a mere… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

You want to talk dangerous and subversive, we’re talking about people who spent the last four years covering up the fact that they have a dementia patient as a puppet for their schemes. No surprise they rolled this out now. The document has been online since April 2023 for all the world to see.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mycale
1 month ago

Timing is everything with these people. One of the very few “news” sites I use is something called Market Watch. And one of the reasons I use it is because it has been basically apolitical. All that changed with Joey Depends’ public face-plant. Now Market Watch is pushing the anti-Trump message good and hard. These people are in panic mode and are showing their true colors. Not that I hadn’t suspected they were Leftists all along, of course.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I admit to one bias (of many I’m sure). But that one bias is never to do financial planning with a liberal planner. To me the two are opposite traits in personality.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Yeah, I just use that site to keep tabs on the Dow and my own MFs/ETFs.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
1 month ago

“I’ve never seen a man with the luck that Trump has …. “

truer words never spoken.

Reply to  Major Hoople
1 month ago

Nobody has that kind of luck. It’s scripted.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

It’s 5-D chess, man! /s

Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

It’s not 5G chess, it’s scripted. It’s a movie and the nuts and bolts of how they’re pulling this off fascinate me.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Nuts, indeed…

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

overly optimistic of human capability.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

Trump just won the election.If he survives. If you’re gonna kill the king, you have to finish the job.
Let the guessing of which agency green lighted this event begin!

Last edited 1 month ago by Bartleby the Scrivner
Sgt Pedantry
Sgt Pedantry
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

My guess: someone stole the spooks’ shot.

Z proven right again. Trump is the era’s Lou Gerhig: Luckiest man on the the face of the Earth.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I dunno if I’m ready to go that far, but the fist pumping memes will live forever

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

You got that right.
its 7:15 Central time, and every site has Trump on it, pumping his fist with blood on his face.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I have to give the man credit – he’s no coward. An inch from death, and he pumps his fist and yells “Fight!” And if the shot hadn’t missed – would the crowd – or the voters – have done anything other than peacefully protest or write a few congresscritters? I doubt it.

Reply to  3g4me
1 month ago

He doesn’t have to be a coward or a hero when everything is scripted.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Disappointing Nick…

Roof Korean
Roof Korean
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

“These photographers had better aim than the shooter” – /pol/

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

“Let the guessing of which agency green lighted this event begin!” Do any of you recall after 9/11 there was some video that you swore you saw, but as time passed, it got harder and harder to find? Things like the news reporter that reported the collapse of Building 7 BEFORE the event took place? Things like them saying “pull it” and then Building 7 magically pancaking into dust? Various other strange videos of people on the scene reporting hearing secondary explosions throughout the building? Allow me to show you the video you will NOT see for very long. The… Read more »

Reply to  Apex Predator
1 month ago

I respect you, but: weeks ago? Everybody has been calling this for the last eight years. Stopped clock, brother.

Bartleby is right: you go to kill the king you better kill him. And Sarge is right: this doesn’t glow. At least not yet.

Reports are the shooting was done with an AR. Only an asshole would use an AR for a shot like this.

Reply to  Vegetius
1 month ago

It was about 150-yard shot. That’s right in 5.56 mm’s sweet spot. Perfectly reasonable choice for killing a man at that range.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
1 month ago

Why wasn’t every rooftop within rifle range secured? I don’t claim to know what’s going on here, but to me this smacks of JFK’s assassination.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

And as you can see from the pictures, it’s not like there were all that many rooftops to consider. The very best thing you can say about SS in this instance is utter and total incompetence.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I knew the competency crisis was far-reaching, but sheesh! It’s really almost beyond belief, even in these ludicrous times.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

This guy shows the aerial view that clearly shows the rooftop the shooter used.

According to Grande, that rooftop was “outside the security perimeter” and thus wasn’t checked or watched. It’s astounding incompetence if true. Unless you want to get conspiratorial, which I really don’t but this kind of stuff makes that REALLY tempting. Sadly, I think this is just more evidence of that crisis of competency that we talk about here so much.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Two female SS on the crew.
When Trump started to slump when walking him off stage the one female agent couldn’t hold him up. Women do not belong as street cops, field agents, security guards, or combat military.

Reply to  VinnyVette9340
1 month ago

Not only that but you could see that they were in an emotional nervous wreck bubble and couldn’t overcome it, going to and fro, very upset, whereas the men may have some of the same feelings but they can overcome it and tamp it down to do what they need to do at the time. The women couldn’t and it was very obvious.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

I’ve read that the snipers that shot the would-be assassin WERE securing that rooftop, by sight from another rooftop, and were ordered that they could not shoot first. Probably by the SS.
Makes sense because if they started shooting the incompetent SS gun-fumblers might shoot them in a hysterical tizzy.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Question of the Week.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

That I believe is the lesson we are being taught. JFK was an inside job just as 9/11 was.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Apex Predator
1 month ago

For all sorts of reasons, the Power Structure attempting to kill Trump is far more plausible than it mounting a jumbo jet attack on the WTC and Pentagram.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

They’re both plausible.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

No they’re not.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

Shortly after the event I hopped in my wife’s car and was welcomed by one of the local taxpayer-funded radio stations playing “Who Shot Ya?” by Biggie Smalls, a song nobody has heard for almost three decades.

So, among the TLAs involved: NPR

More seriously, Secret Service seems to have pointedly waited until after the shots to take out the guy—who’d long been spotted by the crowd on the ground. Punishment for failure. If you want it done right… Soon.

Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

Oh, he was dead either way.

Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

That shot saved having the killer Jack Rubied next morning at the court house.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

T wins in a landslide if he can stay alive even though there will be major cheating – again. I don’t trust the Feds to protect him (JFK). He needs to hire his own security team. 

There should have been a SS guy on every nearby rooftop.

Reply to  WCiv911
1 month ago

He can always hire Blackwater, if we trust Betsy DeVos’s brother.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

Got a feeling they’re gonna try again before November.

1 month ago

Ben Shapiro that little… guy.

Z’s momentary pause for restraint made me laugh.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

I feel as if we are all lined up in a circular firing squad, screaming at each other for the same “crimes.” We are watching the death of a former nation in real time. I have no idea what’s next, but there is so much bad, dark energy out there.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

That dark energy has building for quite some time, and we keep asking ourselves how much longer it can continue. When will the whole ball of wax finally disintegrate? And yet, like Old Man River, it just keeps rolling along…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

It’s feeling awfully 1939-ish out there, and no bones about it. Something’s going to blow…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Filthie
1 month ago

I feel it’s just as 1859-ish. In the sense that when I was a kid (some time ago) it was hard to understand how it could have been brother against brother, but today, it’s easy to understand.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Here’s Bob Dylan’s existential take on flowing rivers. Link to lyrics; as poetry it’s somehow less painful than listening to him sing.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Never been a fan of Dylan, but I’ve got to hand it to him, his soundtrack for Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid–including “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”–is quite good. As a matter of fact, the special edition of that film (2005) is one of the better Westerns I’ve ever seen.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

My Three Sons was the last show made in innocence–at least the first season. I have been watching it with dumbstruck wonder, marvelling at the clean, White world it showcases.

Maybe seasons after 1960 became the usual propaganda/ engineering vectors, but the first season conveys morally sound, upbuilding plots and dialogue.

Anyone who sneers at the 50s, or repeats the tired old lies about how that era was not, ackshuallyyyyyy, an infinitely better world, can cram it right up his Brainwash hole.

Last edited 1 month ago by Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

Uncle Charlie was like a god to me…

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

Yep. I tire of being told by the savages who now pervade our society that these shows were not “reality” and that such never existed in real life. That the current generation—their generation—has simply torn the mask of hypocrisy off of society. So what? These shows revealed what we aspired to as a society coming off the Great War and into an era of prosperity earned by our forefather’s suffering. As said in the good book, “…we all fall short…”. The test is not in this era’s “reality”, it’s in whether or not we are a better society in their… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Uh huh. In today’s shows negroes are Plato, Shakespeare, Mozart and Newton all rolled into one, and deranged deviants are moral paragons to which we must apsire. And they want to talk about reality.

1 month ago

Somewhat OT, or perhaps not Borg like, there was a report released the other day and reported in the FT, on the failure of the Israeli Army to respond to an attack on a Kibbutz near Gaza on October 7. The attack started at about 6:30 AM, and calls went out to the Israeli Army. The Army took about 4 hours to organize itself and get to the outskirts, where they milled about and did nothing for another 4 hours until finally staging an assault on “militants” holed up in various houses. So about 8 hours to actually do something.… Read more »

Reply to  Whiskey
1 month ago

“…this is just like Uvalde Texas.” Not quite. The hesitation was on the part of the local command (Uvalde PD) and of course, underscored a failure to anticipate, understand, and therefore *act*. They were simply not trained in handling this type of criminal act–paralysis through analysis. The hostage situation was handled–quickly and appropriately–by Border Patrol officers who arrived on the scene, quickly discovered the paralysis, and took immediate action through their own initiative. Result, one dead perp and rescued hostages. In my old university we had the same situation even before this crap became fashionable. Our College of Nursing had… Read more »

1 month ago

Z, I can’t believe you brought up Star Trek’s Borg without mentioning the impact of the character 7-of-9, played by actress Jeri Ryan and her magic tits. Nary a red-blooded male fan of that era wouldn’t have given his left nut to join the Borg and “go where no man has gone before” despite the Borg’s evil ways. Moral of this story . . . an appeal to the amygdala always beats rational analysis in the cerebral cortex. It’s in the DNA.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

There’s some kind of corollary there to nerdy leftist bugmen going to protests hoping to get laid

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

“I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of poon.”

With apologies to the Stones.

Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

I never miss an opportunity to remind people that Jeri Ryan was (with the possible exception of Penny Pritzker) the woman most responsible for Obama’s political rise. Without her messy divorce from Jack Ryan, Obama would not have coasted to his Senate seat. Although maybe the “credit” should go to the L.A. judge who for some reason ($?) disclosed more of the divorce papers than either party had agreed to.

Reply to  Ponsonby
1 month ago

Jack Ryan was a literal cuck. Jerri Ryan divorced him because she didn’t to have sex with strange men while Jack fapped himself watching in the room.

The fault lies entirely with Jack Ryan.

Reply to  Ponsonby
1 month ago

Very true and as I recall, the Israeli hatchet-men Emanuel brothers (Ari & Rahm) we’re heavily involved as well.

Reply to  TomA
1 month ago

The world’s most important breasts. It was the leak of her sex-themed divorce filing that destroyed her politician husband’s image and made Obama’s career.

He’d been a treadmilling local failure for years because his handlers kept changing his identity. “Birtherism” was their invention. They pretended he was foreign so he wouldn’t seem like a standard-issue corrupt local. Black voters hated him for it. Then they forgot about that, just like they forgot they love Trump, when the tv changed its mind about him.

Obama’s biography has two fully separated halves. The cleavage between them is 7 Of 9’s.

Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

Yes. When he attempted to get into the US House of Reps, Bobby Rush crushed him 2 to 1, despite Obama’s heavy support from the White/Jewish liberal node of the Chicago political system. He won the White vote in Hyde Park but the blacks went heavy for Rush. Then at least, they knew a phony when they saw one.

1 month ago

converge: to come together and unite in a common interest or focus – Webster The shot at Trump is the convergence I’ve been predicting since Bill Kristol said on Fox prior to the 2016 election that if Trump were to win, they’d use impeachment. (Wish I had that clip, but I remember it) in any case, my point about convergences was that there would be a narrowing of options leading to attempts on his life. The Russia hoax never made it to impeachment, but they took two more cracks at it. Then the phony indictments. Then calls to kill him… Read more »

Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

Propaganda works too well. The average Democrat voter is far ahead of her representatives, who are regular hypocrites, calling “funsies” after their plot fails. But to Jane Onlyfans, the sight of Trump’s blood has heightened her lust to see yours. Normalfag social media is a wall-to-wall call for total you death. All the sexless soy golems and girls too young to have voted in 2020 demand to see not only Trump but every fascist (normal person) killed on television. And they don’t get banned for advocating mass murder, while you do for saying that an actress is goofy-looking. Maybe it… Read more »

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

Sunday morning in the Midwest, the day after Trump “fell down” and had to be helped off the stage by SS. The MM has no shame, but you already knew that. There is currently a photo showing the bullet in flight that was allegedly captured by a photographer on scene. Don’t know if it’s a fake, but I don’t believe anything at first glance anymore. Finally, Sky news had an American on, and they were recounting about the riots that would ensue if Trump was put down. I don’t believe that for one minute. Life is still too good for… Read more »

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I believe this is part of the movie. There’s a Q post on this very subject dated for July 14th, 5-year Delta.

You can scoff at Q as much as you want, but Eric Trump, husband of the head of the RNC and son of the former president, doesn’t appear twice on the number one Q podcast if there’s nothing to it.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Honest question: Do you still trust the plan?

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I was thinking how the bullet photo being taken/shared by a former WH press pool reporter makes it more, not less suspect. That’s just the times we live in.

1 month ago

“…the damage done by the postal service is just the result of it not being particularly good at delivering letters and packages.”

Did I just read a good definition of, or rather example of, “mediocrity”? I think so. Mediocrity is exactly what this country has strived for since it adopted as its highest moral value—the pernicious concept of equality.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Equality is achieved not primarily through sublimation–most people cannot be sublimated–but rather through hammering the gifted down into deformed lumps of base metal.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Exactly. Equality belief failed to elevate all to the same level, so now we seek to hammer down those pesky nails (Whites) that stick up. Of course, the concept of “merit” is diametrically opposed to such a process, hence my original posting.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

That’s a classic concept, Compsci. Classic.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

The pursuit of mediocrity is the main obsession of our elites. Outsourcing is a good example. Are Chinese manufactured goods on a par with those produced by the now-shuttered American or European factories? Of course not. They are at best poor imitations and often dangerous to those using them. It doesn’t matter. The elites just want something half-assed that looks and functions sort of like the real thing. They get to pocket the money that used to be “wasted” on well paid factory workers. The same thinking is why your company replaced it’s software developers with a bunch of mush… Read more »

Reply to  Pozymandias
1 month ago

In my old life, we had a (White) software engineer on staff. A genius if there ever was one. His job was to rework student (and faculty) programs written for faculty such that they could be distributed to other researchers in the field. These programs were written by both Indians and Chinese students, as those were the major races employed in the program. During my many years of interaction with him, we’d discuss such duty occasionally. When asked wrt the effort involved, he demurred. Stating only that the reprogramming/correction needed was limited. I inquired for further clarification. He stated flatly… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

These power outages in Houston are a reminder to live where the white folks are. I am sure that the enemies of all that is good, decent and true will allege or have already alleged that the Houston power outage is due to some failure of infrastructure/planning/governance, and blame Republicans. Being statists, they naturally look for top down problems that they think can be fixed with top down solutions. Let’s say for the sake of argument that they are correct in their diagnosis. I submit that even if that is the case, white people still would have found a way… Read more »

1 month ago

Star Trek is basically a concept of progressivism we all could have lived with. How to keep it at lofty speeches we could have just rolled our eyes at and moved on with our daily lives and not the gay black masses I have to shield my children from that is has become today is a topic for another day.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  redbeard
1 month ago

True. However, A ineluctibly leads to B. What appeared innocuous in 1966 proved, by 2016, to be utterly depraved and malevolent.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Heritage took a huge, albeit fleeting, severe hit when it went down the DIE Pike with its strong black woman affirmative action hire Kay Coles as director. She was a complete Bushie who embraced all the leftwing pablum albeit in the typical kinder, gentler fashion. On her disastrous way out, as I recall, Coles called her persistent critic Tucker Carlson a racist and misogynist. She apparently didn’t think transphobia applied. Heritage thus became too Con, Inc., for Con, Inc. and the money dried up. The organization then fully jumped on the Trump Train to remain relevant and, of course, able… Read more »

1 month ago

We are thinking along similar lines, Z. I did some quick fact finding on this project 2025 that all you eeeeeeevil conservative nazis are supposedly in on. It’s part of a bigger trend I am seeing over on the left. You and the rest of the fellas may have noticed it? It seems that scuttlebutt and traffic over on the left is getting more and more like Gab – but in reverse. The corporations aren’t owned by palm rubbing hook nosed happy merchants – but he red neck hillbillies that are extremely wealthy and extremely stupid at the same time.… Read more »

Mr. Blank
1 month ago

The “Project 2025” memes are hilarious.

I heard Project 2025 will replace all NPR with nothing but reruns of “The Z Blog Power Hour.” 🤣

Last edited 1 month ago by Wes_Fulton
1 month ago

The concept of a Borg queen never arose in the Next Generations series to my knowledge. I think it was early girl boss junk thrown into the later movies. The Borg as leaderless and completely autonomous is more like our real world apparatus today.

Reply to  redbeard
1 month ago

Good point. The Borg were the ideal “villain”, soulless and leaderless. But I guess Leftists of the time required a leader figure (an elite) to complete their fantasy.

Mr. House
Mr. House
1 month ago

This is an excellent read and gets across what i fail to say in my own words:

1 month ago

Here is a sobering thought, Zmen:

“The president is the sole authority for the employment of US nuclear weapons.”

Reply to  WCiv911
1 month ago

A great deal made about a document heavily redacted and illogical conclusions drawn, or left to be drawn. I’ve been through this before, and tire of doing it again. Let’s just view this in a logical manner on a few points: What happens if the President is dead or civilian command structure incapacitated due to first strike? We are powerless to use nuclear weapons? Of course not. The authorization falls to military commanders so designated and appointed in lieu of a recognizable civilian command structure. To not do so is a grave security failing that actually “invites” such attack. If… Read more »

Mr Lee
Mr Lee
1 month ago

A quick note about Amanda Milius. She’s the daughter of John (Dirty Harry, Conan the Barbarian, Red Dawn) Milius. Not sure how she got mixed up with this Project 25 business but she did serve in Trump’s previous administration in the White House and the State Dept. so her thinking she might have a job in his next administration wouldn’t necessarily be a delusional fantasy. She also directed the documentary film, The Plot Against the President, which I’ve heard good things about but haven’t got around to watching. The Astral Flight Simulation podcast has an interesting interview with her for… Read more »

1 month ago

Wild speculation, probably shouldn’t even say it, but I read the guy was 20 and a registered Republican, and I wonder if we’re past the phase of Zoomers whining about Boomers.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

A lot of Dems registered as Republicans during the primaries to try and help Nikki Romney.

believe nothing.

Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

“Nikki Romney!” That’s great. “Nikki McCain” may cut even deeper.

Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

Friend of mine said something similar, i.e., not a real Republican. Which could be true, or not. Otoh, Republican party politics is a snake pit these days, lots of uncertainty and mistrust. Something different in the air these days, especially wrt young people, imo, but I’m not sure what it is.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

The kids are starting to realize they’ve been screwed over. There’s a big shift in political alignments coming.

1 month ago

Off Topic: apparently someone got wind of a recent post of yours called “Ending Strength”. He linked to it on the Starting Strength website:

1 month ago

Quick thought while listening to today’s podcast. That Heritage playbook could be very useful both as model for how to be really effective in disrupting things as well as a negative list of who to exclude.

1 month ago

Borg to the left of me, Borg to the right…RESIST…there is only one Borg! Is that about it?
It just offers different fears or favors however it needs to in order to succeed.

1 month ago

Is it “Fwentays” or “Fwentiss”? I prefer Fwentiss

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

If you’re a white Anglo, the latter.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Forever Templar
1 month ago

Regardless, it’s the most effete-sounding Spanish name in existence. Its English analog would be Dinwiddie.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

If he hails from Castillian stock (as is likely), many moons ago an ancestor’s comparable name would sound much more impressive, something like:
Nicolas Antonio Cristobal de las Fuentes de Santa Ana Maria de los Dolores de Madrid y Torrejon

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

Ha ha. Very true.

1 month ago

My first contact with the term Borg was over at the late Colonel Lang’s blog about ten years ago. IIRC it was Andrei Martyanov who started using it there. Borg is a lot better than “MICIMATT” but basically means the same thing. I’m sure ConInc rates “node” status, whatever that means. I assume they are still using the term. But maybe not. I checked out after Lang died and the site was taken over by a borg-ist Ukrainiac who was just repeating bullshit from ISW. I’m not a homosexual, so I don’t know if there is more etymology to the… Read more »

1 month ago

[…] weekly podcast. Highly […]