The End of Israel

One of the myths of the 20th century that is slowly starting to wither away is the one about Israel just striving to exist. Since the wars of the 1960’s and 1970’s, the narrative has been that Israel is this plucky democracy fighting for its existence in the midst of savage not-democracies. The line, “Israel has a right to exist” has been the company slogan for Israel Inc. for close to fifty years now. Over the last year this official narrative, like so many others, has started to collapse.

It is clear at this point that Israel is not the victim of aggression, but the primary instigator of conflict in the region. The assassination of the Gaza leader in Tehran, on its face, is an unjustified act of war. Ismail Haniyeh was not just the lead negotiator for Gaza, but the most dovish of the Palestinian leaders with regards to making a deal with the Israeli government. The only reason to kill him was to foreclose further negotiations over Gaza and to bait the Iranians into war.

The Israelis, the Zionist and their supporters in the West will claim that there can be no peace as long as Hamas exists, so they are acting in self-defense when they assassinate the people on the other side of the peacemaking table. They also argue that there can be no peace as long as Iran exists as an Iranian state, so they are acting in self-defense when they attack Iran. Currently, they are arguing for Israel to pre-emptively attack Iran before Iran retaliates.

What we are seeing is an evolution of that myth from the 20th century. The original myth was that Israel just wanted to exist and it was the Arab world that refused to acknowledge Israeli’s right to exist. All the Arabs needed to do was not make war on Israel and there would be peace in the region. Now, the narrative is that Israel must make war on the region in order to secure peace. We have gone from supporting the plucky underdog to backing the savage master.

It is similar to an observation by Christopher Caldwell regarding the programs that sprouted from the civil rights revolution. It was first argued that these programs must be supported because their beneficiaries are too weak. Now it is argued that they must be supported because they are too strong. We see this with Israel. Fifty years ago, the Washington political class supported Israel because she was weak. Now they support Israel because the Israel lobby is too strong.

The thing is though, regimes in serious trouble often go on the offensive thinking it will lead to some breakthrough or change the situation in some way. Armies that are beaten will often stage one last great offensive. Ideological regimes will crack down on dissent, like we are seeing in the West. The Israel lobby is proudly intervening in American elections, because it fears support is faltering. Israel seeks war with Iran, because is it very unstable domestically.

There is no question that the ground has shifted over the last year with regards to support for Israel in the West, particularly America. In the United States, where it matters most, unconditional support for Israel is now limited to old white conservatives, primarily located in the Bible belt. Everyone else ranges from Israel fatigue to outright hostility to Israel. The actuarial tables tell us that support for Israel among American is in a death spiral that cannot be arrested.

This coincides with the decline of the American empire, especially in the Middle East, where decades of intervention have exhausted the military and exhausted the American people’s patience with the topic. The days of the American empire dictating policy to the region are drawing to a close. This is why Israel is desperate to start a regional war with the Iranians. They think it will bring their patron back into the region, even though it is clear that this is highly unrealistic.

On the domestic side, an area that gets little attention, Israel has some profoundly serious internal divisions. This post by Alastair Crooke describes some of it. The current Israeli government is caught in a vice. One jaw is the reality of the situation with regards to Israel and the Arabs and the other jaw is that “an eschatological Right-wing cult now holds the majority in cabinet – and wields a vigilante militia ready to attack the military establishment, and the Israeli state.”

The ideological cross currents within Israel reflect the demographic collapse that has been underway for a couple of generations. The once dominant Ashkenazi Jews, these are the Jews of the diaspora, are now in steep decline largely due to their low fertility rates and the relative high fertility rates of the other groups, particularly the ultra-orthodox and the Mizrahi Jews. These are the Jews who never left the Middle East, and who hold an expansive view of greater Israel.

The result of all of this is a hyper-aggressive Israel that is seeking a big war with all of its local enemies and a hyper-aggressive Israel lobby in the United States that is aggressively interfering in elections. One result is the collapse of the old narrative where Israel is the plucky democracy in a world of antagonistic not-democracies. In its place is a new narrative where Israel is instigating the final conflagration to settle all of these outstanding issues for good.

What all of this tells us is that Israel is in deep trouble. The underlying reason for it is the country was born in war. Countries that are the creation of war tend to end in war because they must always seek war. For Israel, “normal” is the endless state of emergency, the constant fear of another attack. This dovetailed well with the diaspora fear of you know who jumping out of the history books. It has evolved to the point where Project Israel cannot exist in peace, so it must seek war.

How this ends is not clear. The geezers currently running Israel must eventually give way to a new generation, but that new generation is more war-like and vastly less sophisticated about global matters. On the other hand, the Arab world is young and increasingly sophisticated about how the world is changing. Can the Israelis figure out how to live in the new world or will they seek to take the rest of the world with them into the abyss of the dying old world?

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G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

It’s interesting watching the local St Louis mainstream media talk about the defeat of Corey Bush last night, they were openly talking about AIPAC and Jewish money on television.
The Jewish lobby of the past was more discreet in their power shenanigans the new face of Jewish power does not seem to care if people notice.
Well people are noticing, not good for the Jewish lobby as we go forward.
Which is actually not bad for the United States.

Stephen Flemni
Stephen Flemni
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Great username btw!

Reply to  Stephen Flemni
1 month ago

Speaking of All-Time Great User Names, has anyone heard from Whiskey recently?

I searched the archives, and this all I got for 2024:
“The Year Of The Fink”
January 29, 2024

In the remainder of the Z archives, the only other instance of the word “Whiskey” is from an old PJ O’Rourke saying:

Other than that, I’m not seeing anything else spelled “W-H-I-S-K-E-Y”.

I simply have to assume now that Barnea or Netanyahu must have called him up for some sort of Mossad or IDF duty.

I hope Whiskey’s still alive.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

pretty sure it’s only been a week or 2 since he posted

since he tends to post late in the day, it has a tendency to get buried by the new format, except for those of us who sort by new

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

I hope so too. It was always good to set your pessimism clock using his posts. I seldom agreed with him that things were quite that bad and hopeless though.

Reply to  Bourbon
1 month ago

This blog is an organism.

I’m very glad that Zman has allowed upvotes, but downvotes are even more valuable (Read. The. Room. + Reality check)

Whiskey is a bit feisty.

I like that.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

That’s great.

One of the Alt Right types once posted a Twitter meme with Stars of David superimposed on applicable CNN talent, and the network’s furious reaction to it was hilarious. CNN took to doxing Alt Right Twitter users immediately thereafter. The network had been deeply troubled for a long time (I’ve seen speculation it is financially propped up by the intelligence services), but that episode certainly didn’t help.

As an aside, many including me from time to time have knocked the Alt Right, but there is absolutely no denying it had a major effect and changed the conversation positively.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Jack Dobson: “One of the Alt Right types once posted a Twitter meme with Stars of David superimposed on applicable CNN talent

Here’s a mash-up of CNN, NBC and the J00 York Times:

comment image

Last edited 1 month ago by Bourbon
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

They were wise to replace her, (what a face, btw. Wow!), with a house negro. We can see the path forward for them. The pogrom of white men will continue. Now there will be a pogrom of black women who do not toe the line. There are no shortage of pets who will take the money and play ball. Look for Bell to be on a plane to kiss the wall and make any and all necessary shows of fealty in short order. Nonetheless, these kinds of maneuvers only lead to creating more and more enemies. Worse, it makes enemies… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by RealityRules
Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

Both Hank Johnson (GA) and the late Sheila Jackson Lee (TX) are examples of house Negroes used by the GOP to replace nettlesome blacks in the House. Johnson took out Cynthia McKinney, long a target of AIPAC. Jackson Lee was used by the GOP to get rid of Rep. Craig Washington, a Barbara Jordan-type Democrat in Houston who wasn’t willing to spend all of his time giving money to NASA.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Cynthia McKinney is an interesting character and actually quite bright for her kind along with the usual black BS. Her post-defeat rhetoric was turned up to 11 even though the propaganda organs tried to squelch it. From memory, she had choice words for Uncle Hank and the rest of the coloreds of people shucking and jiving for ol’ Marse Schlomo. Rep. Thomas Massie, a detestable guy in many ways but rock solid in a few that count, survived AIPAC’s attack on him and now lobs a few that land. Take note that while not many did, some outlets still amplified… Read more »

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Yes indeed. McKinney is quite bright and sui generis. Or at least, she seems to have some kind of family resemblance to 60s black radicals like Carmichael or others, who, for all of their revolutionary insanity, could sometimes espy the real power when sober (not only whitey).

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

What’s the line? They call us every name in the book, but they never call us liars. Something like that, right?

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 month ago

Exactly. Call us racists, but you haven’t called us wrong.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Jack Dobson: “Cynthia McKinney is an interesting character and actually quite bright for her kind along with the usual black BS.”

Last night, at /pol/, I saw an outstanding new nickname for our vice president:

comment image

If any of you have teenaged kids who work the innert00bz furiously [TXTs, dik-dok, insta-ho, etc] tell them [and all of their friends] to start referring to our vice president as “Kumswalla”.

e.g.: “Hey, did you see Kumswalla last night on the Rachel Maddow show? Total shag carpet scene, bro. Yeesh!!!”

Last edited 1 month ago by Bourbon
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Please understand that I’d be the last person to rise in defense of a Congressweasel, but in what ways do you consider Rep. Massie a “detestable guy?” You don’t have to name all of the “many.” Just give a few representative examples.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  JDinPA
1 month ago

Open borders guy, and I’ll just leave that there.

Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler
Reply to  Arthur Metcalf
1 month ago

Hank Johnson is an astoundingly stupid U.S. House representative. Johnson was participating in a televised House Armed Services Committee hearing on military deployments to Guam and told a testifying admiral that he feared that Guam would become overpopulated and capsize.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

Finally realizing that they hate us and want us dead and that the ballot box is a farce. This exact scenario is headed here. Who will have the courage to give up comforts to make the sacrifice?

not many, after all, football starts soon…

Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

Hi TC – Good to see you back. I want to give you something to think about. It is about how men and leaders comport themselves. This is a very serious situation for us. It is existential as you know. That requires us to cultivate our masculinity and to consider our disposition, our words, our posture at all times. Even this blog could be where more come to this side. Will they find uplift, confidence, properly expressed alarm mixed with the proper resolve and right plans and courses of action? Or, will they find affirmation and confirmation of despair? It… Read more »

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

From your mouth to God’s ears my friend.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

Sounds to me like a good cut of the jib for those who make up the backbone of those who must take charge again.

Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

Amen and well stated Brother…I wish more of our side had that foresight and knowledge that coming together physically is the next step in the process… We can’t expect changes without sacrifice and posting online only goes so far…

Greg Nikolic
Reply to  Tired Citizen
1 month ago

The newer minorities to America view the whites as a privileged elite, living off unearned proceeds. They see their situation as being similar to that of the underdog. In their viewpoint, everything they do is fair as it equalizes a tilted playing field which is anything but level. Cornered by life, confused by their choices and not a little frazzled, the minorities will lash out …
— G.N. (

Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

“Pray for our people of England. They are in great need, as are we.” Yes. And despite what some of the Anglophobes in these parts will say, there are still loads of good English who hate what their government is doing to them. Like in America, they haven’t had much of a voice for many, many years now. It’s partly, but not only, a class thing. Many of the people involved in the unrest are working class, but there are also many exceptions, with some middle-class types speaking out against the regime. The two-tier policing, along with the rampant crime,… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

From what I’ve seen, they are mad at the wrong people. Diversity acting diverse is not the problem. The cops following orders is not the problem.

The problem is the satanic managerial elite who keeps hostile foreigners in the country and making police do 2 tier policing. Their ire needs to be directed at them, not the diverse and cops. I’m certainly not excusing diversity’s diverse behavior or the order following cops. It’s easy to see why the actual British people are mad at them. But they are a symptom and not the cause.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

“The satanic managerial elite” is certainly the heart of the problem. But that satanic group uses the Diverse as their foot soldiers, along with Antifa and groups like Hope Not Hate. Just in the last few weeks before the murder of the little girls, the amount of crime committed by the Diverse was astounding. You can bet that Starmer is running scared, trying to wrap as much security around him and his minions as possible. As Dade pointed out, Westminster is already surrounded by physical security barriers. Much of the unrest is occurring in northern England. Places that were once… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

Quite. And this isn’t an either/or proposition. You take out the lowlife wogs AND the lowlife race traitors who imported them.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

The “Two Tier Kier” appellation is too perfect not to stick and negatively affect that man’s political future forever.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  KGB
1 month ago

Let’s hope so. The treasonous regime in the UK is no worse than its fellow globohomos in DC and the European continent and obviously Canada too. They are truly evil and they are genocidal. Against us

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Don’t forget Japan; full-stop globohomo there as well. They proved it only the past couple days, when after BoJ raised a measly quarter point and it almost brought down the entire Globohomo Empire financial system they promptly did, without any concern for Japanese people at all, whatever was required to backstop the whole globohomo edifice. Pathetic.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

I’m not excusing what they are doing. They can be dealt with after the root cause is fixed. They ALL need to be deported. ALL of the “Caribbean” Africans and regular Africans, ALL of the Indians and first and foremost, ALL of the Pakis. But these diverse people are not the problem. They’re just acting diverse. It’s what they are. That’s why they must go. They are not British, they never will be British. Hell, I, an American who has never even been to the UK am far more British than they will ever be. I have multiple English ancestors.… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

I’m not sure what else the English people can do at this point to act against that root cause which you describe, short of an outright, violent revolution. Probably most people in Britain who aren’t Woke are very hesitant to go that route, understandably. These riots and protests have been, I think, mostly organic and rudderless. You’re right that they might not get at the root of the problem, but I think these people participating in them see no other way at present. Did you see the footage of Starmer delivering flowers on behalf of the murdered little girls, with… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

It sounds like the UK is experiencing the same political upheaval that happened in the US from about 1970-1990. The traditional “working class” party was revealed to care more about degenerates and darkies than the working man. At the same time, the patrician “old-money” party (GOP or Tory) successfully wooed the working class vote. Eventually, the patricians finked on the workers as everyone with any sense knew they would. The result was a Uniparty working exclusively for rich oligarchs and multinational corporations. In accord with the general acceleration of everything though, the whole process in the UK seems to have… Read more »

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

What must be done cannot be spoken.

(Relax! I’m talking about an aggressive letter writing campaign. With scented envelopes.)

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

That “symptom” murdered three white girls. There needs to be a massive pogrom against the wogs to send a message to those who survive and to those considering invading our lands. If the Power Structure won’t staunch the flow of savages into our lands, it’s up to us to do the job ourselves, the nasty way.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Yea wish our side could grasp that before it gets that bad but it’s not looking that way…

Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

It is that bad in the US: do you not remember the Waukesha Christmas parade attack?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

9 or 10 children were stabbed, and 2 women.

Many more mass and violent street marches (riots) by the diverse attacking cars, people, pubs, with weapons, firebombs, breakage as whites were forced to flee or hide than the Southport “far-right racists”.

Police either did not appear, or actually ran in these instances.
If the wogs get ticked, a vibrant riot mob marches on the council hall or police station. Violence is the solution.
As Apex says, fear and pain is the only thing that teaches.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

As Apex says, fear and pain is the only thing that teaches.
It really is when you have only known safety and security to break you out of your normalcy bias…

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Didn’t the “officeress” attack the guy trying to defend the children and the then the murderer attacked the cop attacking the guy? Or was this a different incident (there’s so many to keep track of)?

I agree and posted as much here on past occasions. They have to fear either the law or the people. But the law has been weaponized and the Satanic elite simply do not fear ever being charged for anything.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

I believe you are thinking of a different attack – might even have been in Germany? – where a migrant attacked someone, a native intervened, the cop went after the native, then the migrant knifed the cop. Karma as they say.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  c matt
1 month ago

Thanks, C Matt. I remembered reading about it, but forgot it was Germany.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I agree. They need to go. I’m not saying they aren’t an enemy or aren’t foreign invaders. I’m saying the root cause needs to be dealt with first. Make no mistake, I support deporting every last one of them. Plus, it MUST be done to save Britain.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

First isn’t the issue. You get at the targets you can reach right now. And it’s much easier to touch the wogs than the archfiends who brought them here. That said, the greasing of any globoheauxmeaux elite will put a song in my heart, too.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Once you decide to do what is needed you must consider yourself already dead.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Spingerah
1 month ago

Forty years ago a Brit said, although in jest:
“Once that you’ve decided on a killing,
First you must make a stone of your heart.
And if you find that your hands are still willing,
You can turn a murder into art.”

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago


Reply to  Hi-ya!
1 month ago

Murder by Numbers….by the Police.. album: synchronicity..,.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  ragincajun
1 month ago

I hate Sting, but that’s a great song.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 month ago

Every post you make about the English has been hostile and a series of blood libels but when it comes to diversity…

Maybe their ire can be directed at the coalition of the ascendant which includes the upper middle class.

Reply to  1660please
1 month ago

They are really mad at the working class and the poors for noticing the abuse under Epstein and in the UK Andrew and Rotherham. They do like them some poor boys and girls to exploit and abuse and won’t give it up easily.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 month ago

And the English white working class doesn’t like these projects of mass immigration, trashing the history of the UK, Trans, etc. They voted for the Tories in 2019, hoping that the Tories would listen to their concerns. The Tories didn’t, and now the Labour Party shows that it’s an outright enemy of the working class.

As someone wrote in a recent book, people like Starmer in Labour and many of the Tory leaders are “anywheres,” with no allegiance to a nation. The working class are “somewheres,” with allegiance to their local communities and the nation.

Last edited 1 month ago by 1660please
Reply to  RealityRules
1 month ago

“While I don’t wish that as the catalyzing event, I pray that whatever form it takes, it comes soon. Pray for our people of England. They are in great need, as are we.” Yes, prayers are in order. “I suspect as ZMan has alluded to, it will be the first powerful person who has his daughter or son viciously stabbed and murdered and then visited by the secret police and offered a package in exchange for a public call for healing and reconciliation.” Elon Musk has already become something of anti-woke conservative family man, thanks to the transgender agenda robbing… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

It is way way more out in the open now. A lot of masks seem to be dropping

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Money primarily works to establish name recognition in politics. It doesn’t move public opinion that much. Bush, like all members of The squad was embarrassingly incompetent. By all appearances, enough urban white liberals have come to realize they should have required a baseline standard of competency when electing these pets to Congress to swing races against Bowman and Bush.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

The ability and willingness to talk about the Jewish lobby has been the biggest change in politics in a very long time. People are actually talking about how really runs the country for the first time that I can remember. It will be hard to put that genie back in the bottle.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

It is amazing to watch. The mad scramble to bottle up the internet failed and now the legacy types are walking on the wild side. My guess is overt association with Israel will be politically fatal in a few years.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 month ago

Hard to say. Money, blackmail and intimidation works. But, yes, once people start noticing that the man behind the curtain, it’s hard to pretend that he’s not there.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Sure, the bribery will continue but it will have to be under the table soon.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

“Money, blackmail and intimidation works.” Recall that Kemp in Georgia, solidifying the great steal, observed his daughter’s boyfriend’s (the son of a former GA governor) murdered in a massive car bomb. The lesson was for learned by many. The lead state investigator turns up dead 2 weeks later. The state investigation dies, and of course there was never any federal investigation. Terrorism ignored and unpunished is terrorism that will happen again and again. These barbarian monsters have been murdering for a long time. Some of the attempts fail, but a failed attempt still has an intimidation effect. The great industrialist… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Once you have to start paying people off, with roles, promotions, payments, shares … … it is the beginning of the end.

Another payment is always required to ever more people and in ever greater amounts. It also doesn’t buy loyalty.

Once you pay the Danegeld …

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

Every congressman has an AIPAC guy! The every single timers are the spawn of satan. I hope the noticing gets more and more intense.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
1 month ago

think i have the fix. lets move jews from israel to Hamtramck, Michigan. the Arabs in the u.s. can move to Israel. less dead people and much less expensive. the war stops the protests stop, its a win, win. not sure what to do about the temple mount. maybe just drop a bunker buster moab and nobody gets anything. oh wait, will the muslim just make every attempt to create unrest for the removal of free civil society? islam groundwork seen worldwide, to make the region unlivable for anyone but islam. yeah, maybe better to keep the war outside u.s.… Read more »

Reply to  pie
1 month ago

hmm, all the down votes. did i trigger our jewish and islamic commentors? i tell the bickering kids, if you cannot play nicely. well you know the rest. toy ends up in the garbage. i want to save the culture more than anyone else, but dang how many years and how many lives. not to mention the huge money and resources. it was a bad idea to move the jews into israel then and its a bad idea now. move the jews out and destroy the toy. sure the kids are gonna cry, but they will survive and move on… Read more »

Reply to  pie
1 month ago

not sure if its the jews or islam behind this, i do know the guy speaking is white.

1 month ago

If Jews stopped fearing and hating humanity they would cease to be Jews and would instead become truly human.

I would welcome this, but am not holding my breath.

Reply to  Vegetius
1 month ago

What is a falcon that doesn’t fly, or a lion that doesn’t hunt?

Reply to  btp
1 month ago

God meant them to be better than who they decided to become. But that statement is true of all of humanity.

Reply to  Vegetius
1 month ago

Their religion is based on a negative identity. “You’re persecuting me!” You will note that early Christianity was based on this theme, as well. And that’s because the early Christians were primarily Jewish.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

The early Christians were doused in oil and set alight as human torches. The early Christians were thrown into the arena to be torn to pieces by lions, tigers, and other wild creatures. The early Christians were crucified, drowned in barrels, tossed from high places, skinned alive. Many of these early Christians watched these things carried out on their dearest wives, children, and friends before suffering the same grisly fate themselves. Equating this with the persecution complex of the dreadlocks gang is a non-starter. Their religion is based on belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and they were willing… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

For a long time it wasn’t. We Gentiles did the faith good.

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

Nonsense. There are no credible sources for 90% of this persecution stuff. Read J. B. Bury’s histories of the period. Until Diocletian came along, Christians were largely ignored. But when Christians finally came to power in the 4th century, they cruelly persecuted pagans relentlessly.

On the other hand, millions of Christians were destroyed by the Jewish Bolsheviks, Genrikh Yagoda foremost among the killers.

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

The early Christians would tell you otherwise. The New Testament documents some of the earliest persecution. It appears that people who don’t want to accept a history that involves Christians being victims from day 1 discredit perfectly solid sources by objective measures. That I have to go find a specific author that will do editing of history for us is no great remark on the history presented.
Also, please look up Julian the Apostate. The pagans did come back to form and did plenty of persecuting on their own (again!.) He also encouraged Jews to rebuild the Temple.

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

There is nothing about early Christianity that was a pity party. The New Testament, a majority of it open letters by Paul, is the exact opposite. “I consider these sufferings nothing..”

Last edited 1 month ago by Wiffle
Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

That ending is a bit confusing, since the First were dissidents against the Sanhedrin system…the very connivers that Rome had made rich beyond dreams.

The first statement (true) seems to clash with the second.
But, on the other hand, their identity came from being dissidents.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Vegetius
1 month ago

Exactly. Jews have never wanted to just fit in. It’s not in their nature. OTOH, they hate, hate, hate to be called out. The worst thing that you can call a Jew is “Jew.” It’s not because they are ashamed but because it exposes them.

The worst thing that you can do to a Jew (outside of killing him) is ignoring him. As a pure middle-man people, they can’t exist without others.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

And it’s been damned hard to ignore Jews for the past fifty years or so. However, lately they’ve become far more cacophonous, both here and abroad – and more are starting to open their eyes and ears and take notice. Hopefully something significant will come of it, like removing them from all positions of power and influence in the west – though I’m not holding my breath…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  usNthem
1 month ago

They’re very good at what they do, but I’ve noticed that even they seem tired of pretending that they’re not really in charge. Look at Biden’s cabinet. I can almost feel them saying, “Look Goys, shut up already and let us run the show like we’re supposed to.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

I don’t blame the Jews. They’re only pursuing what’s in their best interests and they are good at it. I blame the dumbass whites for allowing this to happen.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

As always with humans, there is a lot of blame to go around. The Jews don’t get a free pass for being selfish, as the rest of us don’t. Yes, they shouldn’t have opened the bakery, yes we should haven’t eaten there. All of us had a role.

Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Do you also blame the dumbass Kulaks who “allowed” the Bolsheviks to seize power and murder them in vast numbers? These people are utterly amoral. They are of their father, the Devil, and so delight in murder, destruction, lies and corruption. By the time any of the hapless Whites you blame realized they were being attacked the war was won. Do you blame Jeffrey Dahmer? He was only pursuing what he perceived to be in his “best interests” as well. This idea that life is just a sort of meaningless struggle, and that might (or Satanic cunning and the corruption… Read more »

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

I don’t know if that’s the same situation. Protestant whites let them in the front door. They did all that despite what the history books say, so they have themselves to blame. I happen to think Northern European Protestantism is culturally superior in most respects to Catholicism (both Roman and Orthodox, of which I am one), but this is not one of the areas in which they excel. A little bit of tribalism and paranoia from whites would have served everybody much better.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

We can say that now, but even most of us here believed back then, and had to make the journey to this side.

What is this Abrahamic spell over our people?
Are we really engineered to be a slave race?

Reply to  Stephen Dowling Botts, Dec'd
1 month ago

P.S. Who brought blacks to this country? Again, another debacle caused by dumbass whites who couldn’t think two steps ahead. They just needed free labor. Kind of the same situation we have with the illegals, legal immigration and sweatshops in asia. Human exploitation is the American way. (Once they made slavery illegal, whites had to find other ways to exploit.)

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

I think 80% or more of the slave ships were jewish owned so I would say it’s the Every Single Timers again…

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Who brought blacks to this country? Again, another debacle caused by dumbass whites who couldn’t think two steps ahead. “

Jews mostly, although WASPs were part of it. Poor whites quite often were in almost the same situation as African slaves. Again, Mr. Eastern European you can find a country that is to your liking with all the smart people in it. You don’t need to bother with us plebs.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

That’s the puzzle, though. The entire Bible is a political tract chronicling how they got us to fall for it again and again.

We kept subliminating our history and identity to their distorted version. The runner-ups kept claiming they were first place, and still we believe.

Why? How? Thousands of years of this shit, and still we fall for it every. single. time. after incalcuable damage to us.
We try to turn it around and wham! it just bites us in the ass again.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

 The entire Bible is a political tract chronicling how they got us to fall for it again and again.”

The Bible is not that. The OT is a collection of face palms over the Israelite people and humanity in general.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Yes, they are tired of “just” influence and money and appear to be ready to just take over for the good of all of us. *ahem*

1 month ago

Israel’s death spiral is likely to last many years. Israel will slowly be absorbed by its surrounding population of semitic peoples who have been in the region since before there was air. The Brooklyn Jews and other obstreperous cohorts will bail first, especially any Jews holding dual passports. The process has already started. Look for the collapse of Israel’s economy to be the harbinger of things to come. All the Iranians need do is keep up the constant pressure without resorting to all-out war. Nature will do the rest.

Last edited 1 month ago by Epaminondas
Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

If you start to see emigration of Ashkenazi Jews from Israel to the US and other countries, it’s game over.

Opposable Thumbs Rock!
Opposable Thumbs Rock!
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

That’s what the American ships are for in that region, Exodus anyone?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

It’s not emigration quite yet, but there have been several instances of late where the planes leaving Tel Aviv before air traffic was shut down due to military conflict were packed to the rafters with dual passport holders. Israelis would not have done this at such scale even a few years back. Poisoning the well and importing hostile Muslims to mau-mau European peoples may have not been worth the sadistic rush, eh?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

And there’s a certain large European country involved in a war with Russia, which could become the “New Zion.”

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Hoping Argentine president Milei, a Zionophile, doesn’t declare Patagonia open to “resettlement” by that group. That could draw very unwelcome attention from the majority population.

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

All the Iranians need do is keep up the constant pressure without resorting to all-out war.”

Problem is internal as always. The ruling elite must maintain an image to their people. Too many (unanswered) “insults” and the people turn against their leadership. It’s a dilemma.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

They are forcing Iran to go nuclear. They don’t want to build a bomb and say it is anti-Islamic in their view, but a bomb is really the only way they are ever going to leave Iran alone. They likely believe, perhaps correctly that if they get a bomb, other non-Shiite Muslim states who don’t like them will also pursue bombs.

Reply to  Epaminondas
1 month ago

That collapse may be quicker than you expect. Their economy is in shambles with no end in sight and their best, most productive people are leaving or called up for torture duty. The absolute worst of them are still exempt and produce nothing of any value. Israel’s only hope economically is to become another Ukraine, totally depending on the West for everything. That isn’t sustainable for them or the West.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Here’s hoping Russia is tracking Israeli subs in case some apocalyptic nutjob gets the Samson itch

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

You know the minute Israel Samsons the world, all the Jews on social media will complain about the anti-semitism they are seeing.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 month ago

It may not be fair but small countries should not be tolerated to have nuclear weapons exactly because they might have to use them. And that ruins too much for everyone

Felix Krull
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

I agree.

And that’s why you guys are morally obliged to pay for Europe’s defense, because the moment Europe is left to fend for itself, you’ll have 20 new nuclear-armed nations.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

I’m in Europe myself but okay. I personally suspect that is the reason why the saner old hands in DC agree to pick up the tab. Same as in East Asia. A Taiwan, Japan, South Korea cut loose would go nuclear at the end of the week

More generally nukes are just a tricky conundrum. They are too dangerous for everyone and their mother to have. And they can’t be uninvented. But that gives the lie to all countries being principally equal. And it is dangerous to build complicated schemes on lies

Felix Krull
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Very tricky, yes.

Oh, well, bio-weapons will soon make nukes moot. They’re easier to build, much cheaper and much, much easier to hide.

Last edited 1 month ago by Felix_Krull
David Wright
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Thanks for the tip. Investing in bio weapons futures right now.

Reply to  David Wright
1 month ago

Well, Lockheed Martin broke out limit up from a stalled ceiling of 468 to 548 in two days.

Pro tip: Call options on the bird flu pandemic EUA

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Well there’s a silver lining to everything lol

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

That’s a new one: America is obligated to pay for the defense of the rest of the world or they will build nuclear weapons.

And what makes America more sane than all the other countries?

If I recall the line of argument correctly, “If Ukraine had nuclear weapons Russia would not have invaded”.

Seems to me if Lithuania, Sweden and Finland had nukes, Uncle Sugar could go home and mind his own affairs, that badly need attending to.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 month ago

Correct. MAD worked during the Cold War.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

But would it work with 100 nuclear armed nations? If Ukraine had nukes, independent devices without a US-controlled safety, what are the chances the war had gone nuclear by now?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

It might very well work. Rational self interest is not diminished by multiplicity.

If the Ukraine had nukes Russia wouldn’t have invaded, therefore the threat of nuclear war is otiose.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Rational self interest is not diminished by multiplicity. The more nuclear nations you have, the more fingers on the trigger and the greater the chance of a mistake, or a legit madman throwing the dice moments before the revolutionaries storm his palace. If the Ukraine had nukes Russia wouldn’t have invaded, Or they would’ve gone for a first strike. Putin already made it clear that Ukraine is an existential issue for Russia and also made Samson Option-noises. I don’t recall the exact phrasing, but it was along the lines of “if there’s no Russia, there’s no reason for the world… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Felix, Putin has stated more than once what Russia’s position is on first use of nukes. I saw him speaking on a video and the policy seemed reasonable.

Simply put, first use possible if invasion of Russian soil, or imminent danger of nuclear strike on Russian soil. All other options require response to nuke strike—other’s first use.

That does not sound unreasonable.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

imminent danger of nuclear strike on Russian soil

And if the homosexual Jewish burlesque dancer in Kiev had a functional nuclear button, with missiles along the Russian border, do you think Putin would’ve considered that a threat?

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Certainly, and that may have initiated a first strike if Ukraine threatened such, probably long before such was installed. Or Putin might simply have not invaded or kept the war level to non-nuke first strike to take out those weapons as he did to the Ukrainian Air Force. There seems to be an assumption/fear that war cannot be limited if parties have nukes, but this seems not the case in Ukraine. The quickest/easiest way to end the war would have been a total shutdown of Ukraine’s electrical grid, but even that was not attempted until two years in. There has… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

I’m pretty sure that imagining a few hundred gay Jewish burlesque nukes along the border was among the main reasons for the SMO. Really, Russia is wise to oppose NATO expansion anywhere near its borders.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

As I stated downstream, the potential of a mistake or a madman isn’t so great as to justify the BFE’s hegemony and all the misery it entails. There is a risk in anything. In this case, the latter is riskier than the former. As to Putin, he’s not a madman. World leaders make loud and unsettling noises constantly. It doesn’t mean they’re sincere. And I simply can’t imagine Putin running the risk of Moscow disappearing under a mushroom cloud just to make sure NATO didn’t take over the Ukraine. Attacking a non-nuclear Ukraine was risky enough, and victory there hasn’t… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

I didn’t suggest Putin is a madman, he’s one of the sanest world leaders alive today. But he won’t always be president of Russia. And I simply can’t imagine Putin running the risk of Moscow disappearing under a mushroom cloud just to make sure NATO didn’t take over the Ukraine. Remember, this whole alt.hist.discussion is predicated on the notion that Uncle Sam picks up his toys and goes home, leaving everybody to fend for himself. If it could be done with impunity, Russia would save itself a lot of grief and money if they just glassed Western Ukraine. And listening… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Felix_Krull
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

When both sides have nukes, Krull, there is no guarantee of impugnity. Quite the opposite. Rather difficult to mask a flock of ICBM tailfires.

And I don’t doubt the Poles hate the Rooskiis enough to launch nukes against them. But they don’t hate them enough to commit suicide in the process, which is exactly what they’d be doing by launching a nuclear strike against a vastly superior Russian nuclear counterforce.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

And I don’t doubt the Poles hate the Rooskiis enough to launch nukes against them.

I suggest we don’t find out.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

I quite agree, the more nuclear powers the higher the risk. It’s a bad problem

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

The version I’ve heard, and I admire is: Putin will not live in a world without Russia. And neither will anyone else.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Except, the jewish guy who wrote our response bible built in an inalterable “hair-trigger all out automatic first launch” for our thousands of missles, and that autonomous ELE response is in operation, by thousands of operators, to this day.

(I was reviewing an exchange at Simplicius by a guy who had spend years digging into the state of our nuclear readiness. Visits to sites, interviews, wading thru documentation, etc.
Our “insta-launch” readiness is hair-raising, and no, it doesn’t depend on that 2 to 6 minute window of the nuclear football.)

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 month ago

Alzaebo. Lots of folk talk, but know little. Believe nothing from unnamed sources. Our nuke deterrence was always designed and anticipated to survive a first strike, thereby solving the dilemma of ”use them or lose them”. As to leadership knocked out by a decapitating strike, that is planned for as well. As I wrote a while back we have two SAC generals in the air 24/7 who will control the whole show if Washington “lights up” someday. Albeit, our deterrence is aging, Obama signed a bill to inject $1T into updating our nukes—aside from national defense budget. The triad of… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 month ago

And what makes America more sane than all the other countries?

Nothing, but you already have nukes so we’ll just have to take our chances. Lithuania? Poland? Estonia? There’s no need to take that chance, as long as you pony up.

And it’s not new either, it’s how NATO has always worked: if you want to call the tune, you have to pay the piper.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

And is this periapt against potential nuclear war worth the insane and suicidal degeneracy the BFE imposed upon Europe? Personally, I’d rather take my chances with potential nukes than very real hordes of third world savages.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

NATO “worked” when it was a core of important countries confronting the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.

Now its a collection of inconsequential little countries telling the USA to use it’s money and nukes to defend them while they poke at the bear. Nuts to that. Get your own damn nukes with your own money.

We’ve got our own existential problems: Uncontrolled invasion by the third world and thirty trillion dollars of debt.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
1 month ago

NATO worked until Bill Clinton, with the Kosovo War, transformed it into an instrument of US imperialism and ripped up the UN charter in the process.

And it goes without saying that I’d love Denmark to have a few dozen nukes instead of buying F-35s.

But only as long as Sweden didn’t have any.

Last edited 1 month ago by Felix_Krull
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Heh. I’m assuming tongue-in-cheek there, Felix. The Danes and the Meatballs can’t possibly share an antipathy powerful enough to motivate a nuclear strike.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Yeah, but Felix is not representative of a typical Dane.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Making jokes about nuking Sweden is as Danish as rødgrød med fløde. I spoke to an Australian expat who had worked in Stockholm back in the early eighties, and he’d been having dinner with his colleagues when the subject of a Swedish nuclear weapons programme came up. “But”, the Aussie protested, “who would you nuke?” No hesitation: “Copenhagen”, they replied as one. So much for Russia… Just for the record, I love Sweden to bits. I’ve visited upward of fifty times on both business and pleasure and I just have to cross the bridge to Sweden to be back in… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

The Danes and the Meatballs can’t possibly share an antipathy powerful enough to motivate a nuclear strike. Yes, I’m just fucking with Sweden because patriotic duty, but consider this: Americans still get hot and bothered by a civil war that ended 150 years ago. Think on that next time you wonder why all these Mickey Mouse-nations in Eastern Europe – who share no language and only have hostile history to look back on – can’t just grow the fuck up and get the fuck along. It’s all good and well to look at a map and figure out how a… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

I’m well aware of Europe’s history of bloody internecine conflict, Felix. But all of that occurred in a world without nukes. These weapons are qualitatively different and completely alter the moral calculus of war–at least when the oppo has them, too. At any rate, were I a Euro it’s a risk I’d be willing to take if it meant that the BFE’s pestiferous meathooks were no longer dug into my flesh.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

Sorry, pal. All those “moral obligations” seem to lead to more and more violence and chaos around the world, especially in countries too weak to defend themselves against the US Godzilla. Not to mention corruption, bankruptcy, and decline here at home. Let the Europeans and everybody else around the world figure things out for themselves. Stop being lapdogs for the US and find some dignity.

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Are you saying that the US should have them?

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

A good chance they try. Striking Moscow could activate the Russian dead man automated system and thrust the entire world into a large exchange that would kill most of us. Russia very well may assign two of its best subs to tail Israeli dolphin class. The dolphin replacement class set to roll out in a few years have installed vertical launch tubes in case there was any doubt the turbo popeyes might not make it to Moscow.

No single person on a sub can initiate a nuclear conflict, not even the British enable this despite their rhetoric.

Felix Krull
Reply to  DaBears
1 month ago

There’s also a good chance it’s brinkmanship, the Mad Man-gambit.

Only way to find out is to bomb Israel.

Reply to  Felix Krull
1 month ago

I say it’s brinkmanship, a massive bluff as they always do, and that the Sampson option is a WMD fraud with no receipts.

The real Sampson option is to get the enemies to kill each other.
US/EU, Ukraini vs Rus, Muslim vs Euro, Persia, China, etc.

If Shapiro is the new Sec State, he’s Blinken II.
Blinken’s military shadow lobbying firm, WestExec, hired April Haines and Psaki and the like to ‘influence’ the revolving door, putting such creatures in the perfect spots to light the spark.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  DaBears
1 month ago

Since it is so obvious and the Russians are no fools one is tempted to assume that they are doing it indeed

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 month ago

Right along with the USN. With very strict ROE’s when it comes to launching suspected WMD’s via submarine.Dead boats tell no tales.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
1 month ago

“The Israel lobby is proudly intervening in American elections, because it fears support is faltering.” The intervention is in broad daylight — they’re not shy or coy about it. They have most US politicians by the balls. In contrast, the Chinese and Russians, who don’t interfere in US politics, are incessantly accused of interference. The Israel lobby in the USA is funded by Jewish plutocrats. Jews are the richest — and by implication, in a venal country like the USA — the most powerful minority in the country. And to a large extent these plutocrats march in lockstep. Israel was… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 month ago

That’s one thing that I’ve learned over the past few years. The organized Jewish community doesn’t act like a lobby, it acts like an extremely loyal ethnic mob. Their tactics go far, far beyond simple lobbying. They’ll use blackmail and intimidation, including physical, along with bribery to get their way.

Until some other group fights back with similar tactic, the Jews will run the show.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Good observation. With just what we currently know—not stuff classified as top secret—Israel has treated the USA arguably *worse* than the USSR did in the days of the Cold War. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

We won’t need a similar tactic, although we will need some people willing to be brave.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Toms River, NJ is a prefect example. The Monroe Woodbury, NY area also comes to mind.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Tribe Up or Die Brother…We either Come Together or we get Torn Apart…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

I prefer Rip Torn to Torn Apart…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

Either way it’s a bad ending for us wouldn’t you say?

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 month ago

In contrast, the Chinese… who don’t interfere in US politics…

That’s a very interestingly specific definition of “interfere” you’re using.

Reply to  Templar
1 month ago

Of course they ‘interfere’ and engage in the usual bribery and blackmail. I mean it’s DC. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to see @#$%ing going on in this planet’s largest whorehouse. But we’re talking an order of magnitude less interference than that of the Tribe. One of the interesting things about the Chinese and the Japanese (not that they really matter these days) is that they can look at the Tribe without our historical, cultural, and religious baggage. They know what’s going on and see it with clear eyes. They don’t talk about it in public because East Asians… Read more »

c matt
c matt
1 month ago

Since the wars of the 1960’s and 1970’s, the narrative has been that Israel is this plucky democracy fighting for its existence in the midst of savage not-democracies.

Hmm, I wonder what other false narratives they have pushed?

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
1 month ago

“The Israelis, the Zionist and their supporters in the West will claim that there can be no peace as long as Hamas exists” Actually, in the “American” Thinker, the “National” Review, the “American” Spectator, and their other cousins, the claim is frequently made that there can be no peace as long as Islam exists. This correlates with constant braggadocio about the enormous power of the US military to carry out exterminationist crusades against Muslim states, usually by “glassing” them or “making them glow”. “If we did it to Germany and Japan…” I’ve lately come to realize this to be projection,… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Xin Loi
1 month ago

tbf a couple hundred of those were hand picked stand ins for congress critters who didn’t show

Bizarro Man
Bizarro Man
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

Still an utterly revolting display.

1 month ago

For me, Israel fatigue began almost twenty years ago. Even then, it was clear that they had a vast network of official and off-the-books figures upon whom they could call to make sure the Big Players of the world gave them support. Many of these Israel activists were (and are), as we know, even alledged citizens in the Big Player countries. In any case, I see any support for these entities as fundamentally evil. It strikes me a bizarre today that, a person will vehemently side with some country/people just because various figures from ‘media’ told them. If you can’t… Read more »

1 month ago

Whatever happens, remember thot, Israel has nukes, its neighbors do not.

The idea that God is the ultimate real estate dealer seems ridiculous, but a huge number of US Christians with their Scofield Bibles can’t get enough of it.

in one way Israel is truly biblical: how they’re waging this war. Kill the women and children with double taps, bomb the schools and homes, rape the men in handcuffs and laugh about it when caught.

(Palestinians aren’t saints either. But with the Lancet estimating almost 200,000 dead Palestinians to Israel’s 1,000 in October, it just looks like barbarism. )

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 month ago

Well, it’s questionable if Iran doesn’t have them. Regardless, Israel is a small country. Iran can rain a lot of death and destruction down on the Israelis, likely enough to get them to back off.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

Iran knows it can absorb a few minor hits from Israel. They can just let the Israelis continue to piss off their few remaining friends. A counter attack does them no good compared to the damage Israel is inflicting on itself. Proof? The last Iranian “counter attack” was a feckless few missiles launched hours in advance with plenty of warning which inflicted minimal damage. Russia is doing the same in Ukraine. Absorb the small hits, let the US, Europe, and Ukraine burn through resources and wreck their economies, and grind down the Ukrainians until they’re no longer a problem. Or… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 month ago

I like the idea of pass a few rumors along to a bunch of paranoids, and you can get King Bibi hiding in a bunker at almost no cost.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 month ago

PAKISTAN. The Islamic bomb has existed for many years. The enemy of my enemy gets nukes also.

Reply to  foot in the forest
1 month ago

They are not as allied as all that, otherwise Israel would have never existed.

Left Coast Inmate
Left Coast Inmate
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 month ago

Why would you believe Leftist bilge in the Lancet? This is like when the medical establishment demands civilian disarmament, or never ending shutdowns due to Covid. They are just propaganda outlets making things up.

Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
1 month ago

Isn’t Lancet one of the journals that published a fake study claiming HCQ is dangerous and should be banned from COVID protocols? They left it up *just long enough* for the FDA to ban it. Then they admitted it was bogus and took it down AFTER the FDA sentenced people to death by ventilator.

Heck, I’m old enough to remember the phony “massacre of Jenin” all those years ago. Completely fraudulent. The Israelis have way overreacted, but reports of Gaza casualties are probably similarly overstated.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 month ago

You have it rightly, I think. For those interested, just google “Lancetgate” and let your fingers do the walking. I think it’s also called the Surgisphere scandal. A complete fraud from the get-go. It was such an egregious fraud that even “establishment” medical folk voiced objections. The paper was retracted in a matter of weeks. The incident is believed to have permanently damaged Lancet reputation. (The above from memory, so may not be 100% accurate.) Relevant to the comments about Gaza deaths: My first question would be what on Earth is a prestigious medical journal doing publishing papers that don’t have… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

If the Harris marketing blitz demonstrates anything, it’s that there is no platform that will be spared from the Left’s eyeball onslaught. Fortunately, there’s a knee in the curve where marketing starts to have the opposite effect. Bad products are the most overhyped products. Humans intuitively know this, even if they can’t explain it. its like that horrid chick-based Ghostbusters movie. The more it was hyped, and the higher the “official” reviews, the worse things got for it. People got quickly sick of it, and after a few days people got to judge for themselves. The film quickly cratered. Anyway,… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Left Coast Inmate
1 month ago

Isn’t it curious that Lancet hasn’t published similar “studies” on the “real” number of Ukrainian or Russian dead. The war has only been going on for 2 and a half years

1 month ago

Lord, I see You have allowed al Right-wing cult to wield a vigilante militia ready to attack the military establishment, and the state, in other places, and I want it for my people, too. Amen

Reply to  btp
1 month ago

No need for prayer. Jesus said it best (John 8:44)…

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

Seems pretty clear to me.

Reply to  btp
1 month ago

Blessed are the swordmakers

1 month ago

[U]unconditional support for Israel is now limited to old white conservatives, primarily located in the Bible belt. Everyone else ranges from Israel fatigue to outright hostility to Israel. 

I’m an old white conservative, though a continent away from the bible belt. Never supported Israel, unconditionally or otherwise. Long since passed through Israel fatigue, outright hostility after the Liberty attack and prefer not to state my present position.

Reply to  Montefrío
1 month ago

A million dittos.

1 month ago

I have been surprised at the lack of moderation among the Zionists that I know.

Nuke Russia, nuke Iran, nuke Lebanon, remove every single Palestinian from their land, etc. Anyone who isn’t fanatically pro-Israel is an enemy and must be killed. Any kind of suggestion, like maybe Israel should hold back on indiscriminate bombing of civilians, is immediately met with ridicule and self victimization.

Pretty dangerous mindset, the obvious answer is to not give them any weapons, money, or power. I have no love for Arabs and Muslims, but the Zionists are legitimately crazy and dangerous people.

Reply to  B125
1 month ago

Back when Churchill was writing essays, the Zionists seemed like the “good” people compared to communists. Fun times.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

In the early 20th century when the Zionists really got down to the business of settling up their own country in the Middle East, people (especially Brits) familiar with the area predicted that nothing but perpetual trouble would ensue.

They weren’t wrong

1 month ago

Look at what the Houthi have done to the mighty USN and that is the harbinger of what is to come. Jews are in command of the MSM (propaganda manipulation), DC politicians, abounding wealth, and the international banking system (Rothchilds). And yet, Hamas guerillas routinely pop out of holes in the ground and blow up IDF armored vehicles with seeming ease using homemade weapons. Netanyahu and his ilk are building bunkers for a reason. Mano a mano. May the best man win.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 month ago

History teaches that entangling alliances with small, belligerent states always lead Great Powers into big trouble. Athens had money and naval power too and still lost. The UK backed the Serbs; they never really recovered. We’re repeating this in Ukraine, Israel. The amazing thing is that our Jewish friends couldn’t accept being a powerful, prosperous minority here. They resented the hegemony of the WASPs. So they have pushed mass immigration and globalization in order to dislodge the WASPs and establish their hegemony. Meanwhile, all the brown types they’ve let in will be their undoing in the long run. It’s just… Read more »

Reply to  Captain Willard
1 month ago

I don’t buy this narrative that they are such super smart people. They take education and mental training seriously, that is their edge. It’s like an athlete. You may have God given talent, but if you don’t practice and train, you don’t make the most of it. The Jews make the most of their brains.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

No, the Jews don’t make the most of their brains. The Jews are clever by IQ and willing to cheat more than the average bear, but not smart. The willingness to cheat and lie makes them dumb with time.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

The thing that makes the Jews able to do what they do is they are good chameleons and very Tribal…

Reply to  Lineman
1 month ago

And you have whites asleep at the switch. They’ve hoovered up half the wealth in this country in the last 30 or 40 years and these naive whites think it’s all because they are super smart.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

I don’t buy that they are clever by IQ, but the cheating part you have absolutely correct.

Apex Predatpr
Apex Predatpr
1 month ago

They also argue that there can be no peace as long as Iran exists as an Iranian state, so they are acting in self-defense when they attack Iran. Currently, they are arguing for Israel to pre-emptively attack Iran before Iran retaliates.

comment image

Ostei Kozelskii
1 month ago

All well and good. Meanwhile, there’s this little racial upset in the UK.


Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
1 month ago

At the same time there’s increasing hostility for Jews in Israel, it’s also increasing in the West. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea in 1965 to leave the demographics alone, since so many Whites love Jews and Israel, and the imported Muslims hate them. An example that high IQ isn’t everything, since that was a major blunder.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Barney
Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 month ago

Protestant whites love Jews. The rest of us? Not so much.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

Boomer Protestant white love Jews. So too, do a conservative Boomer Catholic whites. (Yes, they exist.) It’s somewhat a generational thing, that has trickled to especially Gen X, the people who think most like the Boomers.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

I don’t know. Most of the Catholics I know are very zioskeptical. I don’t know too many who are part of what Pat Buchanan called the “amen chorus of the Republican Party.” They’re not loved by us as some sort of special pet proto-Christian like Protestants love them. You’re never going to see collection plates for Israel in the typical Roman Catholic parish.

Last edited 1 month ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

No, we don’t collect for Israel, but that doesn’t make us immune to the philosemetic culture we’re living in. It’s not “I don’t know”. My example is from my own regular attendance at Mass. I’ve had very difficult discussions on Jewish issues in person with Catholics. Even been banned a Catholic once for absolutely insisting that Jesus was not a Jew. Wholly blaming American Protestants because you can and board like this sucks it up is not correct.

Reply to  Wiffle
1 month ago

Mostly the first half of X in my experience, mostly for lack of anything better, and mostly half-heartedly. Hence the black-pilling they’ve long been known for, I’d guess.

I mean, at least boomers got to spend some time without the degenerate soul-sucking, and at least Millennials got to talk to each other on the internet. It’s really strange how powerful media and mass culture are, when you think about it.

Chet Rollins
Chet Rollins
1 month ago

Regarding the lecture you linked, I wonder sometimes what would happen in an alternate dimension where a man like John Mearsheimer advised out foreign policy instead of the lunatics we have now. There would still be wars and conflicts, as these will never leave us, but at least we wouldn’t constantly have the feeling the train is out of control, and at a certain point we are going to run out of tracks.

Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 month ago

We are currently being run by the characters in Entourage. Worse yet, I wonder if TPTB think of themselves as being in a movie, and this “movie” is giving their lives meaning and perverse thrills, in the absence of a Higher Power.

I even think some of these people want the world to end. They know, probably more than we do, how F-ed we all are. That they are damned because they have brought this upon us, and that we are damned because we have let them. Maybe they’re right, in a way.

Felix Krull
Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

They know, probably more than we do, how F-ed we all are.

Same reason why so many Cloud people are Commies: they know better than anyone how rapaciously unjust the system is.

Reply to  Marko
1 month ago

We are currently being run by the characters in Entourage” Perfect! Self-indulgent and childish to the extreme.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Chet Rollins
1 month ago

Might as well ask what it would be like if we had the Power Structure of 1954 rather than the current one. But 1954 is a galaxy so distant it can’t be detected by the Hubble telescope.

1 month ago

If the “British” Empire’s last act was the creation of the ME we know, may GAE’s last act be the West’s withdrawal from it!

1 month ago

Did Ariel Sharon’s stroke doom Israel? He was a hardcore military guy who eventually realized the Israel couldn’t fight it’s way out of their problems so he jumped started the peace process. 15 years ago Israel might have got a sustainable deal. Those bridges are all burned and time is very much not on their side. Iran clearly doesn’t want war right now because they’re getting stronger relative to Israel by the day. A few years of peace while in BRICS and allowed with China and Russia and they’ll be untouchable by Israel. Which is exactly why Netanyahu is trying… Read more »

1 month ago

Israel has been the chief parasite on the USA since Truman, against the unanimous recommendation of the State Dept, decided to recognize them..Reportedly, a suitcase with 2 million in cash had something to do with that…It’s been expensive…at least 2 trillion in US money..and as Dean Acheson predicted, has damaged the American relationships with many countries in the ME…But at this point, the US will have to say no..An attack on Iran would be disastrous, and the Pentagon knows that…and sending more trillions to our parasite-in-chief is not going to happen….Meanwhile, many Israelis have left the country, its economy is… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

The GAE can’t even fight a good propaganda war anymore. There’s no 21st century version of Chuck Norris and Lee Marvin saving the chosen ones from the intifadists. If you want zionism to continue, you have to make it cool with the younger set. They were successful doing so with my generation, but somebody in Hollywood subsequently dropped the ball. A place run by chosen ones, go figure. Crisis of competency perhaps. Maybe they thought history had ended and the agitprop was no longer necessary. There was Spielberg’s List, but implicit in the black and white production was that it… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Jeffrey Zoar
1 month ago

So this means the tail is done wagging the dog? I’ve had it up to my shit brown eyeballs with “the plight of the poor, down trodden jews, and Israel.” Fact of the matter is Israel is and always has been the regional bully. The only reason they could pull that off is U.S. military might and money. Israel is like the little wimpy, loud mouthed sycophant the bully always has hanging around, and the U.S. is of course the bully. Like the little punk in the leather jacket and green eyes in the movie Christmas story. This time around… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Vinnyvette
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago


Some extremely telling body language from Walz in the clips here:

The clip of his lunatic family is a bonus.

1 month ago

The internet helped inform people, especially younger ones, about the Israeli problem, but there are still a lot of people who have muscle memory from decades of pro-Israel brainwashing. The Christian Zionists are the worst. These people don’t even seem human, and act like a cult. There is absolutely no way to get into their thick skulls.

Unfortunately a lot of people, and I see this with non-whites, could care less about bigger things happening in the world. They are content with eating and reproducting and unless they are Muslim, don’t care about things in the Middle East.

1 month ago

It would be brilliant if Iran keeps talking about an impending attack on Israel then… does nothing. I suppose Netanyahu will poke them again and again to get the right reaction. I’d love to see the Israelis get set up and ambushed on the next airstrike on Iran. I’m sure the Russians are selling them the good stuff now.

1 month ago

Are you guys familiar with Baruch Goldstein? He was like a Jewish Jim Jones. What’s crazier is that his gravesite is a pilgrimage of sorts.

If those type of Jews can elect a pm at some point (think notorious ibg) then it will be curtains for Israel

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

We have reached a point where the Lobby isn’t even trying to hide it anymore:

1 month ago

Israel lied about themselves, quite badly. They corrupted the US military trying to fight holy wars, justifying the barbaric unjustifiable. Now they are like no harm, no foul dude, just the tip, when they show their true barbaric religion selves. Like you’re a punk, cuck, idiot, whatever. It is so over the line. AND they can’t admit when they are in the wrong! Like yes, we are trying to kill anyone who even dares to try to feed the Palestinians, yes, we will blow them the fuck up. They show you in every way that yes, that’s the policy, but… Read more »

Reply to  Stephanie
1 month ago

israel is not doing anything different than any other war zone. the jews need moved out and the islamic failure to be civil moved in. suitcase nuke the temple mount for 500 years of radiation and everyone moves on with nothing to fight for. maybe in 500 years the children can play nice. the christians in africa could use some attention, if you seek appalling.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 month ago

Whitney Webb says Palestine is where Israel tests its latest cyber-surveillance and data tracking products. A confined control population. Cyber is Israel’s most important legal export.

“just the tip”…of the iceberg, *snicker* *guffaw*

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
1 month ago

“Project Israel cannot exist in peace, so it must seek war.” No objections to today’s commentary, but I’ve been seeing of late a somewhat different take on the Israeli situation that I believe directly relates to our present situation in the USA. Israel is a country of people and (religious) culture that was planted within another country of different people and (religious) culture. (Yes, there were Jews in Palestine forever.) To me, it’s an “oil and water” type of situation. In short, race/culture/religion mixing and all the problems that stem from such. One must win, one lose—and be eradicated. It’s… Read more »

1 month ago

We’ve forgotten that 10/7 interrupted a color revolution in Israel. The International Jew™ was a few days away from establishing an American-style globohomo state there, the permanent victory of Tel Aviv over Trump Heights. It was the last chance for the European Ashkenazim before demography swamps them. They wanted Israel’s “diversity” ruled like America’s: tasked to Anglo-stein regime ends (sterilizing kids, etc). They lost. Hamas’s small victory that day, whatever its provenance, turned Israel into a regionally normal military state—representative of its increasingly regionally normal people. Our Israel problem remains, of course, but in principle we got a win. Israel… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
1 month ago

U get what you mean. Nationalism good and all that.

Them dodging a dose of their own medicine is not a win.

Reply to  Zaphod
1 month ago

*I* Get what you mean…

1 month ago

Excellent article. Your output has been tremendous.

1 month ago

Heard Biden, Harris, or Trump talk about getting the American hostages held by Hamas back? No? Me neither. How come?

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

I’ve nothing to say today except that I favor neither the Jew nor the Muslim whether in their own lands (or their former lands) or here at home. They’re not my people, never were, never will be. If they are not in my own nation taking up space and stirring up trouble, I have no animus against them any more than I’d have against any random person overseas whom I’d never met. Of course, the fact that I don’t avidly take the side of the Tribe means I must be an Anti-Semite® The second is the observation that the Jews… Read more »

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

The peacefulness was due to being a tiny minority in an Islamic majority country. The structure was closer to master and slave as the Christians and Jews had no political power, but rather paid for the privilege of living in such countries. One might note that such a situation worked in this country until after WWII when the White population became insane and adopted the policy/creed of “equality” among races.

Reply to  Compsci
1 month ago

Jews had a great deal more power and privilege than Christians did under Islamic rule. They kept their traditional money making occupations, which made paying the state off with their “foriegner” tax easy. It was 3 tiered system, with Jews comfortably near the top.
That’s why Jews and Muslims tend to work together against Christians.

Reply to  Ben the Layabout
1 month ago

I do not care who rules what part of the Levant. Just don’t send my tax dollars and our military there because one side has better lobbyists.

1 month ago

“What all of this tells us is that Israel is in deep trouble. … It has evolved to the point where Project Israel cannot exist in peace, so it must seek war.”

I used to listen to Dave Ramsey. I always found it interesting how people would call in with their financial problems and Dave always had some biblical passage to apply to their financial situation. It amazes me that the same wisdom is still applicable today.

I’m wondering if all this stuff about the end times is another example of biblical wisdom.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

All the stuff about the end times is what Jesus warned us against spending too much time on.

Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

agreed, nick. the wisdom of the ages is lost on deaf ears. even solomon the wisest of all is fallen. thinking a group of the most wise is the way to go with any signs of outside influence strictly forbidden.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 month ago

“Coffee and a Mike,” just held an epic 2h26m interview with Matt Bracken and Mike Yon:

Jank Willie
Jank Willie
1 month ago

“The assassination of the Gaza leader in Tehran, on its face, is an unjustified act of war.” The jews have been assassinating one Iranian general after the other without consequences, why now would the leader of a small foreign state provoke them to act? The fact is jews took control of Iran post WWII (like they did throughout the west), and is secretly working with the Israelis to destroy the Persians. This conflict goes back millennia, and it’s part of the jews psychopathic makeup, to hold grudges however. Watch the jews continue to murder Iranian officials with impunity. Jews control… Read more »

Reply to  Jank Willie
1 month ago

The one huge unnoticed fact, even though it’s casually mentioned as if it doesn’t mean anything:

There are 35,000 jews in Iran.
I imagine some of those lineages have been there for a very, very long time.

Iran was known as Persia until 1935.
It is a true nation, not some lines on a map drawn by foreign powers.
Where the Roman Empire ended, the Persian Empire began.

I see now the how and why of British-Indian agent Khomeini brought to power as a foreign puppet, courtesy of MI6 and CIA.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
1 month ago

More proof you are watching a movie. Isn’t this the agent who couldn’t holster her gun when Trump got shot?

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  TempoNick
1 month ago

I watched the video that has this screen capture, and I do believe it is.

Reply to  Bartleby the Scrivner
1 month ago

I don’t think I agree, to be honest.
Edit: oops, I haven’t seen the video, so I suspend opinion.
Or, it’s a signal that Vance is a possible collabo.

Last edited 1 month ago by Alzaebo
1 month ago

This article, by all current definitions of anti-semetism promoted by semites, very anti-semetic. Which is the problem with analyzing anything jews are involved in. The evolving hate that is anti-semetism always becomes a counter to whatever conclusion the analysis comes to. Which is actually a very good reason in itself to be anti-semetic.

1 month ago

What did you know, Iranian are useless coward
This is what you expect about colored race, big mouth and completely incompetent

no wonder Jews are so cocky about enslaving the entire human race

1 month ago

Z: denouncing Israel is all covered, go back and parse what’s important to you, and then what you actually know: America. You know America. You probably know Baltimore best. America is important to you, not Israel. And Foggy Bottom agrees with you on the destruction of Israel, in fact has all along. Foggy Bottom also wants your destruction, very much, what has happened the last 10 months put FB in a dilemma and fortuitously for Heritage Americans they couldn’t do both and became paralyzed. This does not mean Israel is our friend, nations and foreigners don’t have friends. It has… Read more »

Pip McGuigin
1 month ago

This post sounds like it came from Politico.