Radio Derb August 16 2024

For those wondering about the transcript, it is located on Derb’s site. I could probably post it here, but I will have to check with Derb. He may want to have people come to his site for the written version. There are free transcription services I could use to put the transcript in the Rumble and Odysee version. I have not used them, but it might be a fun thing to play around with at some point.

Some have asked if this is the start of hosting the work of others and the answer to that is maybe, possibly, we shall see. The new version of this site that creeps toward reality will have the ability to create spaces for others to post their work. A dissident collective like the Daily Kos model could be a good idea or could be a terrible idea, so I am thinking it through very slowly.

This Week’s Show


  • 01m01s Instrumentally challenged
  • 05m38s Higher Ed news
  • 13m03s Educrat out
  • 23m21s Afghanistan, the Lesson
  • 31m51s No hiding place in the UK
  • 35m25s Fringe or cringe?
  • 38m54s Fly the DEI&SI skies
  • 40m42s Signoff

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Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
1 month ago

Z-Man, thanks for hosting Derb’s show…it’s mighty white of you! Radio Derb helped wake me from my conservatard coma.

1 month ago

Thank’s for Derb Z man. He is a good addition.

Last edited 1 month ago by WillS
1 month ago

Derb’s transcripts are orders of magnitude better than auto-generated transcripts. I wouldn’t use an auto-generated one, and Derb’s are easy enough to get to.

1 month ago

Thanks for hosting Radio Derb.

Re: Comedy in Great Britain is dead.

One of the best jokes I’ve heard all year was from the incessantly brilliant and genial Mr. John Derbyshire.
After learning of the destruction of VDARE by Latoya James, Mr. Derbyshire wondered if Peter Brimelow would require VDARE’s principal writers to line up and perform Seppuku at the final conference.

Reply to  Melissa
1 month ago

here here

The Wrestling Professor
The Wrestling Professor
1 month ago

Thank you for hosting Radio Derb. Perhaps his audience will grow because of it.

Forever Templar
Forever Templar
1 month ago

Can’t curb the Derb. God’s probably got host server on order, too.

1 month ago

Thrilled to see Radio Derb here Z. Further proof John Derbyshire is the Rasputin of the alt right… “You can’t kill him.”