Trouble On The Edge Of Empire

In the end phase of an empire, there are two political dynamics. One is the intense, internal politics among the ruling class of the empire. These are the people fighting to hold onto the power of the empire, but also fighting with one another to maintain their slice of the shrinking pie of benefits. The other politics are on the fringe where the beginnings of alternative power centers grapple with reality and the decreasing ability of the empire to provide necessary protection.

For the American empire, one of those fringes where politics is happening as a result of the decline of the empire is Europe. The Germans, for example, have had a set of local elections that were all bad news for the provincial rulers, which in this context is the coalition government led by Olaf Scholz. The parties that make up the ruling coalition of Germany did poorly, and in the case of the Greens catastrophically bad, in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg.

Worse yet, the winner, in the public relations sense, was the hated AfD, or Alternative for Deutschland, which came in second in Saxony and Brandenburg and won for the first time in Thuringia. The AfD gaining support is a disaster all by itself, but doing so in Brandenburg is a fascinating development. This is the base for the SPD, and they needed shenanigans to prevent the AfD from winning the election. The CDU threw its support to the SPD to block the AfD.

Another bit of subtext to this is that a new party of former leftists, in the German sense of the word, has created an anti-immigration party around Sahra Wagenknecht, called the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance or BSW. They came in third place. That means two anti-immigration parties are surging. On top of that, the Green Party appears to be losing all of its support everywhere. In Brandenburg they failed to meet the minimum threshold to gain any seats in parliament.

Of course, the German political elite is not taking this well. As we see all over Europe, the parties that pretended to be ideological opponents for years have come together to thwart these outsider parties. Germany, for example, has been ruled by the “traffic light coalition”, which would be like the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Greens forming a new coalition to fend off the Constitution Party in Congress. It gives the game away to maintain control of politics.

This is the same thing we saw in France over the summer. The anti-immigration party led by Marie Le Pen surged to the lead in the first round of elections for the National Assembly, so all of the other parties teamed up to prevent the Le Pen’s party from winning an outright majority in the second round. Of course, the parties in this grand coalition to stop mean words has immediately started to attack one another because the only thing they have in common is corruption.

As in Germany, the bit above the waterline is the immigration issue, but beneath the surface there is a bigger issue. The political elites of Europe no longer look like European political elites. Instead, they are these weird, cosmopolitan citizens of the world types whose success is pegged to their slavish loyalty to an international economic elite centered in London and New York. There is an alienation rooted in their transnational transactionalism to which the locals are reacting.

Of course, immigration is the tangible manifestation of this. Immigration only makes sense if the immigrants are a net benefit to the locals. This only works in boom times when everyone is feeling generous. It is not boom times in Europe, but the immigrants continue to pour in, which suggests there is another reason behind immigration enthusiasm among the political elites. This is where the sterile, technocratic alienness of the political class comes into play.

It is not just in the heart of the EU where this “us-versus-them” cultural dynamic is turning up in practical politics. Italy has quietly started to limit immigrants while not offending Brussels. The Italian economy relies on transfers from the rich, intelligently managed economies of the north, so the Meloni government has to tread carefully in order to avoid regime change. She has managed to remain popular, while quietly addressing the immigration issue.

At the other end of the EU, the Nordic countries are experiencing something of a revolution in thought on immigration. Denmark has been quietly hostile to immigration, but now Sweden is becoming publicly hostile to it. The Swedish government is now paying immigrants, even those with citizenship, to leave Sweden. This is an enormous change in attitude, as Sweden was the most fanatically pro-immigration country in the EU just a few years ago.

Something that may be working in the favor of nationalist parties and activists in Europe is the lunacy in the Anglosphere regarding immigration. Vulgar simpletons like Keir Starmer are a warning to the continent. Despite having support from just one of every six British voters, the Starmer government is aggressively waging war on the natives on behalf of the immigrants. What is going on in the UK and America is proof that those “far-right” parties are right about what lies behind immigration.

All of this has been helped along by the proxy-war against Russia. After the effects of the initial gaslighting wore off, Europeans started to notice that their political elites were far more enthusiastic for Ukraine than their own countries. They also noticed that their political elites were happy to sacrifice the welfare of their people for Project Ukraine in order to curry favor with Washington. The American empire was happy to inflict misery on Europe if it furthered their petty fights with Russia.

Where this has left Europe is as a collection of provinces that no longer enjoy the protection of the empire but are governed by a provincial ruling class that enjoys the financial benefits of empire. The growing awareness of this reality is causing the clodhoppers of Europe to revolt. The continent is far from breaking free from their Anglosphere masters, but the politics of Europe are opening the gates to parties and politicians who will seek liberation from empire.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

The mask coming off is the theme. A little push back forces our rulers to reveal themselves. Trump unmasked the GOP as nothing but the Washington Generals of politics. The Oct. 7 protest unmasked American Jewish control of academia and politics. The war in Gaza unmasked the Israelis. The pushback in Europe is unmasking their leadership as nothing more than shills for GAE. The world is waking up to the reality of the West. It’s why most of the world wants to break away. Now, you’re seeing that same feeling inside the West. And once the mask comes off, it’s… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

The Washington Generals analogy is 💯!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

All true, but they aren’t even bothering with the mask at this point. Americans fully realize they live in a garbage tier dictatorship now, for example, and the Regime just ignores their awareness and continues to go on as before. Material comfort is staving off any actual resistance, so why be worried?

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
2 hours ago

True. The make-up of the Biden cabinet was the coming out party. Now, we have Harris, who literally nobody believes would be in charge. No one is hiding anything anymore.

King Kong
King Kong
Reply to  Jack Dobson
47 minutes ago

Yes, sadly, it appears only a massive market crash will get the fatass suburban normies off their couches.

Reply to  King Kong
29 minutes ago

If the problem is the “fatass suburban normies”, a market crash won’t faze them. For the most part, their net worth is entirely equity in their homes. Why should they care if Berkshire-Hathaway takes a dive?

But when housing values drop…

Reply to  Steve
6 minutes ago

The more likely scenario is going to be property confiscation, not a crash. “Hey, you’ve got 5 acres just outside city limits. Here’s 37 Haitians you must allow to homestead on your land.” If you fight back, they arrest you and take the land and auction it to Blackrock.

Taxing “unrealized capital gains” is just another way to confiscate property based on some bureaucrat’s definition of value. Not far behind: massive government over valuation of real estate to steal more money.

I don’t think we’re as far from property confiscation – targeting bad-thinkers especially – as people might think.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

The aliens are not “immigrants”. I get so tired hearing the misuse of this word. If they are not here (or anywhere) legally they are illegal aliens

Reply to  Ivan
1 hour ago

No, they are invaders. An army of population replacement. And yes, this includes the black/brown/yellow ‘children’ too.

Reply to  Ivan
51 minutes ago

Yep, we need to not fall into the Leftist trap of using their (changed) terminology for describing their malfeasance. IA’s melding into immigrants. IA’s children being described as “dreamers”. As Orwell understood almost a century ago, if you define the terminology of the argument, you inevitably win the argument.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Compsci
35 minutes ago

Anyone who accuses anyone else of “racism” is evil and an enemy

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Ivan
48 minutes ago

They are brought here to push whites into minority status. Simple as that. That’s the entire plan. Always was from our real rulers. Now, a lot of stupid white business owners wanted the cheap labor. A lot of white women wanted to feel morally superior. But one group always wanted to make whites a minority.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
13 minutes ago

You know who else wanted cheap labor? Southern plantation owners. There has always been a subset of powerful whites whose rank greed runs roughshod over any loyalty they may have for their own people.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ivan
15 minutes ago

Unfortunately, many of them are here legally. They have been imported by the ruling Pit Fiends to torment whitey. In a sense, they’re cultural mercenaries.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 minutes ago

I don’t think that is true. TPS has very specific requirements, most of which do not apply to the Haitians.

The fact that the Biden administration broke the law in granting TPS does not make the declaration “legal”.

See, for instance, Temporary Protected Status (TPS): Who Is Eligible? | Nolo

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
36 minutes ago

I don’t think the current system will ever regain legitimacy. But they might not go peacefully either. And unlike Brezhnev they have been so kind as to fill up the West with the third world.

3 hours ago

“Mass immigration is war” Martin Van Creveldt…But now the European patsies are starting to notice that the place is being run entirely for the benefit of 3d world invaders, and not at all for the tax paying citizens, who can be robbed, raped, and/or murdered pretty much with impunity…
History reveals that this ends with one side or the other being wiped out, or pushed out….

2 hours ago

The voting shenanigans will work as long as the various green/socislist/globalist parties command 50-60% of the electorate. That majority allowed France to slow dow LePen. But that majority is shrinking in terms of the locals…propped up mainly by the immigrants they’re rushing to import. Here at home, Ohio is too red, so 15,000 Haitians get dumped in a small city. Their only purpose? To terrorize the locals and create a new base from which to launch vote fraud. The solution to a collapse in popular support is to import a controllable minority. So far, the importers are winning. But Sweden… Read more »

Last edited 2 hours ago by hokkoda
Reply to  Hokkoda
2 hours ago

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how many locals ‘wake up’ to the reality of replacement immigration. The only numbers that matter are demographics. Fully 1/3 of Swedish residents have at least one parent born abroad. None of the third-world immigrants are willing to accept a generous payment to leave – White women and life-long welfare are powerful inducements to stay. Europe’s White birth rate is even more abysmal than AINO’s. If 51% of a native White population of even 70% becomes even moderately anti-immigration, it will still be outnumbered (and out armed) by the immigrants and the White globalist traitors. AINO’s… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
43 minutes ago

Exactly! Forget about Sweden (for the moment) look at what happened just here in the USA with our Black population after the Civil Rights Act in the early 60’s. What were the numbers…10%, 12%? The lid came off and the here we are today, just with the dysfunction of that smallish segment of the population. Now add in “our” new immIgrants—South of the border—adding at least another 20-25% non-White minority—and we are screwed, permanently.

Reply to  3g4me
4 minutes ago

Offering to pay people to leave is just doing nicely. The question is whether the Swedes have the guts to no longer ask nicely. I don’t think anybody would have guessed they’d flip this far. But it turns out that raping their daughters was a bit much for them to stomach…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Hokkoda
1 hour ago

I’ve no doubt Roddenberry intended that line as a dig at civilized men.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

He and his writers were good at skewering pretty much everyone.

the Cloud People episode, for example.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
9 minutes ago

I’m not so sure. At the time that episode was produced there were still many Leftists who believed in civilization, although the tide was most assuredly turning.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
2 hours ago

For Sweden to go from self-declared Humanitarian Superpower to paying foreigners to leave in such a short period of time is remarkable and very whitepilling. Maybe it’s true that the white man is the most generous and welcoming…until he’s not.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 hour ago

But the immivaders don’t want the payoff – they want a wealthy, orderly White society to rape and pillage. When Sweden starts forcible mass deportations, let me know. Until then it’s just posturing and theater to soothe the natives.

Felix Krull
Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

Yes, it’s a publicity stunt. A few handful will go home: a few bits of meat they can throw to the malcontents, dog treats.

Reply to  Felix Krull
30 minutes ago

You must, at least, apply “carrot and stick”. Here we used to call it, “souring the milk”. You must make life unbearable to those “immigrants” that do not conform to the norms of the prevailing society. So for example, you cut off welfare immediately for those who are non-citizens. You immediately deport all noncitizens who are convicted of a crime, or for that matter simple “vagrancy”. So on and so forth. The voluntary deportation payments are not made to such people, so they run a risk with staying. You can also use a schedule of diminishing payments to further encourage… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 minutes ago

The problem with the publicity stunt is it makes a discussion of sending them all home – without payment – allowed. The water is spilling over the dam.

Felix Krull
2 hours ago

Great column.

The political cordon sanitaire-strategy was pioneered by the Swedes, with their (publicly announced) “December Agreement” of 2014, when all the other parties in the Swedish parliament agreed to never vote with the Sweden Democrats in a vote of no confidence, effectively giving the government dictatorial powers.

Sarah Wagenknecht is an establishment spanner in the works of AfD, a Spielverderber. There’s no way she’s legit.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Felix_Krull
Felix Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 hours ago

One way to manage the anti-immigrant voting block, is to fracture your managed oppositions into several parties, like AfD/PSW. If AfD gets too big, their voters are going to expect delivery on the promises, but if you’ve got two or three “anti”-immigration parties, none of them will be big enough to be held to account. In 2015, the Danish People’s Party became the biggest party in the winning coalition, a position that traditionally gives you the pick of the prime minister in a coalition government. Did the DPP do that? Lol, they chivalrously declined, not only the PMO, but cabinet… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 hours ago

Classic re DPP. Thanks. I don’t know if you are familiar with Three-Card Monty, and it is rare to see it here any longer, but it obviously served as the model for the fraudulent political systems. As I mentioned elsewhere, they really aren’t bothered at all that the fraud is increasingly recognized, which indicates a great deal of confidence, warranted or otherwise. I suspect warranted as long as the prosperity continues.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
1 hour ago

But at some point, you need to step up to the plate. If you never participate in government, your guys will never get the experience needed to wield real power. The clown aspect is common to all European natpop parties, it was the same with Farage: he ran UKIP as his own personal press agency, staffing it with cronies, incompetents and Tory infiltrators. Farage also habitually violated rules #1 and #2 in public relations: never let the camera catch you with a cigarette in your and never let them catch you holding an alcoholic beverage. DPP sent their top vote-magnet,… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 hour ago

I dunno, the people running things now have decades of exp. and where is that getting us?

Reply to  Felix Krull
2 hours ago

Precisely – it’s ALL theater. No one who chooses a career in electoral politics is legit.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Felix Krull
1 hour ago

Hasn’t the governing Social Democratic party been able to undermine the anti-immigration parties by becoming much less immigration friendly itself? Did the success of the DPP have a role in that? Germany recently announced “border controls,” (mostly useless, I know) because of the success of the AfD and BSW. Can anti-immigrant parties at least influenced other parties in the direction of greater immigration restrictions, even if they are not in the government?

Felix Krull
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 hour ago

Hasn’t the governing Social Democratic party been able to undermine the anti-immigration parties by becoming much less immigration friendly itself So they want the voters to think: they talk tough on “islamists” and “illegals” and “criminals” and “failed integration” and “spousal abuse” and “forced marriages” and “Danish values”, but they never suggest we even lower the immigration rates, in fact they never talk about demographic numbers at all. During Mette Frederiksen’s reign, the curve for residency permits has not budged in the slightest: they take in less asylum seekers and chain migrants, but have thrown open the gates for international… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Felix_Krull
Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Felix Krull
52 minutes ago

Kind of depressing, since my daughter and son-in-law plan to relocate to Denmark next year and my wife and I will likely follow. But we’re coming from Germany and France respectively, where the situation is even worse.

Diversity Heretic
Reply to  Felix Krull
2 hours ago

If the SPD forms a coalition with BSW in Brandenburg, I guess we’ll get a look at how the BSW behaves when it’s in a position to at least participate in a government.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
3 hours ago

What’s most interesting about the AfD’s recent success is its strength among the youth, especially young men. This bodes well for the future. That said, German politics is in utter turmoil. What’s shocking is that the SPD’s careful cultivation of Russian relations – a hallmark of the SPD since Willy Brandt, continued all the way through reunification and Gerhard Schroder – has been chucked in favor of Globohomo. We’re watching decades happen in years in Germany. Its chaos will have profound impact on the rest of Europe.

Diversity Heretic
2 hours ago

One other factor that might be influencing opinion in Europe is the fact that Russia is winning in Ukraine and Israel isn’t winning in the Levant. The vaunted American military technological superiority is being proved to be illusory, although it is still dangerous. The Russians, Hamas, and Hezbollah are showing that resistance is not futile and even the elites in Europe are starting to take note; the elites in countries such as China and India have been aware of it for a while. Russia has also proved that it is possible to withstand US and European financnail sanctions–the West has… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Diversity Heretic
1 hour ago
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

Coming soon to your local diverse hellhole.

Reply to  Spingerah
1 hour ago

Coming soon to your “safe suburb.”

2 hours ago

Ukraine is the bellwether. Winter is coming and it won’t take much to bring down the rest of its utility infrastructure. That means another flood of emigrants into the EU and the double whammy of high energy prices and social welfare costs. Servicing sovereign debt is at the breaking point and de-industrialization means there is no way to produce your way out of financial disaster. Without a major war, the only option left is to unleash the illegals and foment civil conflict. Then hope the plebs demand tyranny to save themselves. Better for everyone is the lamppost solution sooner rather… Read more »

3 hours ago

Black pill time. Unfortunately I think all this hoping and awakening is moot. Europe is lost. Immigrants (I don’t call them “invaders” because they were invited in) are more fecund, more resourceful, and more chauvinistic than the native populations. The few and proud native Europeans (God bless them) are not enough, and even if they got the spirit of Arminius en masse, they would have to do something that even the most hard-hearted dissident shitposter can’t do: locate all the brown and black skinned people, and force them into vans and trains and planes and get them out. The immigrants… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Marko
2 hours ago

How much will immigrants like White society when the spigot of gibsmedats is turned off?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Wolf Barney
2 hours ago

A good guess is the Regime plans to more aggressively strip mine indigenous Europeans and Heritage settler populations to stave off the anger of gibsmedat “migrants.”

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago


Get ready for 99% tax rates on anyone making over 10k euro and -20% interest rates to loot savings accounts.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 hour ago

A White society – even without generous gibs – is STILL a million times more stable and comfortable than their homelands. And the pickings are easy. They aren’t willingly going anywhere. And watch the news for headlines about ‘murkans (brown people with magic papers) desperate to leave Lebanon. And meanwhile half of Israel already lives here, and subcons are pouring over the Canadian border.

Reply to  3g4me
23 minutes ago

So maybe before the next round of Obama-phones go out, we ask Mossad for some advice?

Reply to  Marko
2 hours ago

I completely agree. To be fair, I realize hope, far off like a distant horn, motivates our fine host, Z. I appreciate his content (I am a Green Door lurid voyeur), and I recognize that optimism generally motivates more than pessimism (Schopenhauer excepted), so I try to avoid posting blackpills every day. But our youth just do not have this in them. Not even close. And, they have been corrupted by the influx more than I believe most realize. The future is dark (literally and figuratively).

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Eloi
2 hours ago

our youth just do not have this in them

They are the ones resisting, particularly in Europe. Whether that will matter is another thing.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

How are they resisting? I’m not being a smartass, by the way. Voting for a party does not equal resistance, in my book.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Eloi
1 hour ago

It starts with voting and realizing the futility.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

It is the young males that realize they’ve been sold a sh*t sandwich. But what do they have to fight for? Their women have abandoned them and sided with the enemy. The old motivators of defending hearth and home no longer apply.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

True and that was the goal of dispossession, but revenge and anger also are tried and true motivators.

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  3g4me
1 hour ago

Not just a shit sandwich, just a few days ago a guy applied to 100 jobs. Once as a man and once as a women. He was asked in for an interview 9 times more as a women. From my own corporate working exp. i will say that about matches my exp. The guy yesterday who asked “Awww shucks why you so down on women?” Because they know they’re being given unjustified advantages, know its wrong, and lap it up and drown in you in man hate in the process. Ten years ago i’d say it was a fair bet… Read more »

Reply to  Mr. House
18 minutes ago

Not denying your anecdote, but what was the job qualifications being asked for? For example, a woman applying for an engineering job is rare as can be expected and I’d suspect normally would garner more interviews.

Also interviews are not offers. Back when I interviewed folk, we were tasked by HR to explain why we had not interviewed more of the traditional “underserved” (read Minority) population. We were less beat up about rejections however as that was still left to our judgement as content experts in the field.

Reply to  Mr. House
18 minutes ago

Why fault them for that? If HR offered you a similar advantage over others, wouldn’t you take it? Why isn’t your anger focused on HR? They are the ones pulling this sh*t.

Reply to  Eloi
2 hours ago

I generally like to point out silver linings myself, and to despair is a sin. But if all the European nationalists win big in the next 5 years, do they take their platform to the ugly logical conclusion? Or do they do what the abortion-obsessed do in this country, keeping a moral issue from actually being solved just so they can get donorbux and a chance to be righteous on TV?

Reply to  Marko
1 hour ago

Blacks and browns are not built by evolution to survive the brutally cold winters of our ancestors. Take down the national infrastructure for electricity/heating and they will either leave or die. Yes, its a harsh solution, but effective nonetheless. And if they choose to stay and fight, they will soon learn that winter warfare favors the Slav. The White Death is a real thing.

Reply to  TomA
1 hour ago

I did not consider that. That is an excellent idea. To assure victory, without being inhumane, I would also put forth legislation declaring all non-Euro foods HARAM so if the immigrants wanted to stay, they’d have to bundle up AND be forced to eat pork cutlets, pirogies, cabbages and sausages WITHOUT anything more than pepper and salt.

That would at least drive them down to the Mediterranean. Then the Italians/Greeks/Spaniards would have think of their own repellents.

Reply to  TomA
1 hour ago

But right now they’re doing just fine in Maine and Minnesota and Sweden and even Iceland. I’m all for taking away their gibs and heat and electricity – but the there will be an outcry on behalf of the cold, hungry alien chirren. White women literally lavish more love and care on dogs and blacks than they do their own kids (if they even have them, which is becoming more rare every year).

Reply to  3g4me
14 minutes ago

“…there will be an outcry on behalf of the cold, hungry alien chirren.”

Good. Makes it easier to figure out who goes on the list. Thinking about it, maybe move them to the front of the line of whatever solution is chosen. The fewer social justice harridans, the better.

Reply to  TomA
48 minutes ago

Based on my own observations of blacks and browns in Chicago, Michigan and Alaska, I must respectfully disagree. They are quite capable of surviving cold, harsh winters without much infrastructure or the aid of whites. Unfortunately. They may chop up the furniture or rooms, perhaps yours or mine, but most will find a way to stick around and torment us.

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
3 hours ago

For those on the imperial fringes the thing to keep in mind is that The Empire will do it’s best to kill off the Euro (and the Yen) to buy time for the dollar (this is different from 2008 where the financial elites were “stick together or swing separately).

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
1 hour ago

Think of the system like a body, when the body gets hypothermia what does it do? It reduces blood flow to the extremities and keeps it pumping to the heart. The euro is like our right arm, we’ll cut it off before we give up empire.

1 hour ago

The “anti-immigration” BSW party in Germany was founded by two women. One of them is Amira Mohamed Ali.

The leader of the “far-right” AfD is Alice Weidel – a lesbian.

I am not sure what the establishment is afraid of. They are a perfect product of the current year.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Hun
31 minutes ago

Wow, I still get surprised by the level of clownf*ckery. Shame on me for not learning

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 hours ago

There’s still some energy in Sacred Europe. When they free themselves, they will free us.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
2 hours ago

how many divisions does Ursula von der Leyen control All of those in the Empire, to use “control” a bit loosely. D.C. is not about to allow, say, the Netherlands to ever go rogue without aping the Soviet response to the Gdansk Shipyards. It already goes full Color Revolution on even a mild dissident like Orban in a relatively unimportant country on the periphery. It is the ugly reality of an Empire in rapid and steep decline. If the murder of Daria Dugin didn’t make you sick to your stomach, tanks rolling in the streets of Amsterdam to put down… Read more »

Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

Did she need divisions to force them all to take the shot she negotiated in secret via text message? An epiphany i had a few days back, we’ve all been domesticated. Like a wild horse who was broken and now won’t leave the pen even if you leave the gate open. Those who haven’t been domesticated refused the shot, job be damned.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Mr. House
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Mr. House
1 hour ago

No, but if there had been a mass uprising she had the divisions at her disposal. As it turned out, people were perfectly willing to bare their arms.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
12 minutes ago

perfectly willing to bare their arms.”

That’s why I hate homonyms. “No, no, no. Bear arms.”

Reply to  Jack Boniface
1 hour ago

The catalyst could be the fall of Ukraine. All the Azov types would have to flee westwards to avoid falling into Russian hands (similar to their Ukrainian SS grandfathers). Now the neutered, so-called “far right” in Europe would have battle-hardened, fanatical and experienced leaders equipped with all the latest shiny American weaponry and boatloads of Zelenskyybucks to boot. Blowback à la Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan time for the GAE.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
48 minutes ago

I hope Europe is in open rebellion this time next. Survival is very much on the line. And there is a distinct RINO feel to the alleged mainstream immigration hardliners like Sweden. They are mendacious and they do lie on both sides of the pond

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

It is impossible for Europe to revolt politically. We rightly like to complain about the rigged uniparty system in AINO, but when it comes to channeling popular sentiment into ruling class prerogatives, we’ve really got nothing on Europe’s parliamentary systems, created and refined for this very purpose. Any European revolt must be by other means, and I’m just not seeing it. Would like to be wrong.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
30 minutes ago

The continent of feudalism is very good at controlling the peasants

King Kong
King Kong
48 minutes ago

Honestly, there is nothing more wonderful than watching the pie shrink and as a consequence the internal fighting break out. These people don’t even deserve a tiny crumble of the pie.

Let reality batter the outer frontiers, let reality come through to the center and cleanse all the filth away.

Fed Up
Fed Up
2 hours ago

EU crumbling, slow-motion destruction from within. Gradually, then suddenly.

Brexit may have bought the UK some more time, although their policies seem to work against their long term livability.

17 minutes ago

I swear, everything in the west all about the F’ing money – let them eat cake – as long as I got mine, F the clodhoppers…. One problem is, there’s too much cake around for everyone, at least for the moment. However, if the tards in charge keep enthusiastically importing millions of swarthy turds from various s***holes, that’ll change and then things could get spicier.