The Only Solution

Yesterday the state of Missouri executed convicted murderer Marcellus Williams after a quarter century of legal wrangling. The case gained some attention because the defense managed to muddy the waters on the DNA evidence and therefore drag out the process long enough to get some of the principles to change their opinions on whether Williams did the crime. Of course, the real reason it gained attention was that the killer was black, and his victim was white.

The subtext to crime in current year America is that on the one hand, blacks commit crime due to living in a white supremacist society. On the other hand, when blacks commit crimes against whites, the whites must deserve it for perpetuating the white supremacist society that causes black crime. This is what makes up the social vengeance subculture at the heart of the social justice movement. In the end, it is all about getting revenge on white people.

The result of this or maybe the cause, it is not easy to know at this point, is that whites often appear to worship black people or at least want the world to think they hold blacks up as gods among men. The three dumbest members of the Supreme Court made sure the media knew they were opposed to the execution. As part of what we call the left in America, they need to let the rest of the hive know where they stand on every issue that involves race, especially when a black is involved.

Putting aside the racial stuff for a second, the case is a good example of the disfunction in modern America. The point of the death penalty is to exact revenge, on behalf of society, on the person who committed the crime. If it takes a quarter century to get that revenge and, in the process, the worst people are able to gnaw away at the justification for that revenge, then the point of the execution collapses. This is a basic function of human society, and we can no longer perform it.

The main argument against execution has always been that it is theoretically possible to convict an innocent man, so it is possible to execute an innocent man. This is why it takes decades in many cases to get to the vengeance part. Every conceivable question is addressed, even frivolous questions designed to stall the process. The point of the death penalty now is to make sure that there can be no possible chance that the person convicted of the crime is not guilty.

Even so, there are examples where there is some questions about the guilt of the person who was executed. Ironically, the best example is Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed for the killing of his three daughters in a house fire he was convicted of starting. Otherwise, the examples used for this argument are those who were eventually exonerated. Instead of proving the point about innocent men getting executed, it shows that it is close to impossible.

Obviously, this argument against the death penalty only comes into play when the person facing Old Sparky is black. The Cameron Todd Willingham case did not get the frumpy Supreme Court justices out in the streets to tell the world they would have granted a stay of execution. The media was not interested in his case. It is always cases like the one in Missouri that get the attention of the people who apparently think black people are gods who walk amongst us.

This Afro-philia that has become a feature of the culture might seem like bourgeois degeneracy, but it has had an impact on the death penalty. According to the anti-death penalty people, there are 2244 people on death row in America. This is a shockingly low number, given that we have over 20,000 homicides per year. Of those on death row, just 41% are black. Even more shocking, 42% are white. Amazingly, only 14% of death row inmates are classified as Hispanic.

What this tells us is we need to be executing many more black offenders, to not only get the current numbers in proportion to the well-known crime figures on murder, but to address the many years of discrimination against white murderers. Blacks commit far more murder in America than any other group and this has been true for generations, so they are grossly under-represented on death row. That under-representation is due to the general worship of Africans in the culture.

Afro-philia and Leukophobia not only warp the application of the death penalty in favor of blacks, but it also provides them with many more appeal options because the black offender draws more support. Black offenders spend more time, on average, waiting for their execution than white killers. The official explanation for this is black offenders have more complex cases, which is another way of saying they get far more legal help from people exceptionally good at undermining the system.

The Marcellus Williams case is a great example. He murdered Felicia Picus in her home during a robbery. He stabbed her over forty times with a kitchen clever, which means he hacked her to death. There was a mountain of physical evidence and witness testimony that pointed to Williams as the killer. The usual suspects swept in once he was convicted to trick people into questioning their own minds, in an effort to free another black killer from the justice he deserves.

Of course, the response is always the same. Blacks spent yesterday on Twitter bemoaning the racial inequity of the death penalty. Progressive whites joined in with their usual public acts of piety. Pointing this out results in the usual abracadabra words from the usual suspects. It is all so tiring and underscores the fact that there is no remedy to this other than peaceful separation. There is no solving the race issue because Afro-philia and Leukophobia are too powerful.

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Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
2 hours ago

I’m with Z and everyone’s favorite burn-out Chinese engineer in Africa: It’s all so tiresome.

I don’t want to argue with Leftists whites, who are insane, or scheming Jews, who are lying. It’s pointless. They hate me. I hate them. I want them out of my life and out of my lands. That’s the only way. The time has come for a divorce, starting in our own lives and moving outward.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
1 hour ago

Amen Brother but could you expand on that last sentence a little bit…
The time has come for a divorce, starting in our own lives and moving outward.
Most people would never let their neighbors know what they thought or said online so how do you expand outward when that is the norm for our side…

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Lineman
43 minutes ago

It’s tough. But over the years, I’ve let my neighbors generally know my politics – in a gentle way. I’ve said for years that I want zero immigration. Not illegal, all immigration. They know that I would never live in a black neighborhood not only because of the crime but because I like being around my own people. I’ve said that I can’t watch TV shows because every commercial is a stupid white guy or a black/white or more ridiculous a black/Asian couple. Now, I’ve never publicly said that blacks are dumber than whites or more prone to violence, but… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
33 minutes ago

Thanks Brother but I’m sure your neighbors would not hesitate to throw you under the bus if it meant keeping their own comforts which is why we need our own country so we can be around our own kind in body, spirit, and mind…

Haber Balder and Pebble
Haber Balder and Pebble
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
27 minutes ago

Wearing a hoodie with the Zerohedge logo will do it–

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
17 minutes ago

They know that I would never live in a black neighborhood not only because of the crime but because I like being around my own people.

They totally understand it because it also is how they choose to live. Whether they admit it to themselves, let alone to others, is a whole different ball game.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
58 minutes ago

I totally get it C… but I don’t think peaceful separation is possible. Jewish grift requires other people’s money – and lots of it. Violent stupid black people will participate with them wholeheartedly in exchange for crumbs. Reduced to their base state, blacks are nothing more than sophisticated predatory killer apes. You may as well try to make peace with with a scorpion or a rattle snake. I hate to say it but I am now completely black pilled. In order to redeem the courts, restore law and order, and achieve any kind of real peace or prosperity, at least… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Filthie
42 minutes ago

No. There is no peaceful separation. But before you can work toward separation in the real world, you need to separate in your mind.

over, and out
over, and out
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
22 minutes ago

As the white population dwindles, the “others” that are left will care less and less about Black History month and whether Jon’tavious’s feelings are hurt, or how to hire more DEI HR ladies with doctorates. Flash robs will get met with shotgun blasts. Some blacks are already ameliorating their behaviors as they realize this. Once we are gone, then who needs you?

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
53 minutes ago

I have begun to tell lefty that the only solution to our situation is peaceful separation. That is when they have meltdowns and begin sputtering about how we want to destroy the county. I then tell them that if we separate, they can everything they want immediately. They can eliminate carbon, have unlimited immigration, unlimited abortion (even into the fourth trimester) get rid of Christian churches, have mandatory homosexual lessons for all school students, etc…They are dumfounded and really don’t know how to respond. I then continue and tell them that our situation is like a really bad marriage, where… Read more »

Reply to  Vaari
24 minutes ago

Hate to break it to you but peaceful will only come after a long and bloody conflict if ever… People will never let their power go willingly and will destroy everything to keep it as we are seeing now…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
27 minutes ago

I hate myself for saying it, but Netanyahoo may be showing us the way.

2 hours ago

I don’t blame pitbulls for attacking people; they are only being true to their well-known nature. The people I despise are the owners who insist on having such pets. ‘He’s a good boy really’ until the second when he isn’t. Similarly, the greater propensity of Blacks to commit crime is an established fact. I don’t feel bitter about that. It’s just a brute fact. It is bourgeois white progs, who have adopted them as pets from a safe distance, who are the greatest enemies. The psychopathy, malice and perversion of the white leftist are all far more deadly because they… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
2 hours ago

Exactly. White women essentially are the owners in this case (“masters,” really, although they avoid the term). I will reup again that the main problem in the United States is Puritans, not the Tribe and not the more blatant savages. It has been the same people and same mentality that has been the source of misery since before the Founding. Take out the Puritans and all the other problems go away. Unfortunately, with the advent of Empire Puritanism was weaponized and exported to most of the world, so others abroad either will deal with their problem or suffer as we… Read more »

Reply to  Jack Dobson
1 hour ago

Judeo-Puritanism and Afrophilia are the problems. The first gets us forever wars abroad and the second at home.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
36 minutes ago

Concur on the strange twist of the Puritan mind and its expression in the Anglo Empire’s history of shenanigans.

Whites imagining they are conquest jews, from a Book where jews imagined they were conquest whites, will do that to ya.

JudeoPuritan fits most especially in the context of the influence of the Rothschild City of London and subsequent British maneuvers.

A subset of whites has become as or more dangerous to the future of the white race as any competitor. Our deadliest competition is our own.

Last edited 29 minutes ago by Alzaebo
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Alzaebo
28 minutes ago

OId Blighty of late seems hellbent on reminding all that it was the OG of that deranged genre.

Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
1 hour ago

The only difference between you and the shitlib gun grabbers are the lies you choose to believe and the vacuum between your ears. Shut up already – you’re not worth listening to. For the rest of us: Take all the fatal pit bull attacks and do your due diligence. You will find the majority of the dogs will show signs of abuse. They will have owners, typically 18-25 years old with criminal records and dealings with the police. In America – coincidentally enough, the majority of those owners are black. Typically, when their pit bulls are confiscated and/or destroyed –… Read more »

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Filthie
35 minutes ago

Easy does it, his point wasn’t about dogs

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Filthie
30 minutes ago

Not All Pit Bulls Are Like That.

Reply to  Filthie
24 minutes ago

I will say, I had a roommate years ago who had a pit bull he bought from a black entrepreneur, so the dog might’ve been from a fighting line, who knows. Sweetest dog ever, at any rate. I figure that innate sweetness turns to viciousness if betrayed, although there’s no accounting for bad breeding.

2 hours ago

It would be nice if we could shock LBJ back to life, confront him with the demographics of murder, listen to him whine about his good intentions, then hang him.

Arthur Bryan
Arthur Bryan
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
1 hour ago

Yes, I am waiting for the sci-fi novel of the 21st century in which the new resurrection technology permits cloning the dead and reconstruction of their minds. Every decade or so the really heinous criminals will be resurrected and publicly executed, forever. LBJ, teddy kennedy, emanuel celler, would certainly all be candidates for such honors.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Arthur Bryan
1 hour ago

Don’t forget Celler’s good buddy Hart.

Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
18 minutes ago

And Javits, who caused the whole thing, fighting forty years against the (“Whites Only”) 1924 Immigration Restriction Act.

Last edited 18 minutes ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Götterdamn-it-all
20 minutes ago

Then pull a Cromwell on him, disinter his corpse and drive a pike through his skull.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 hours ago

I’ve nothing to add to what you’ve written except to say that I completely agree with you on every point. In general one just can’t depend on the authorities for justice or retribution. I’m convinced that what the Corleone family did in Long Island is the right thing (and I’m not joking): “It was typical of the young Santino, before he became older and crueler, that he extended his protection to the community he lived in. Sonny paid a personal call to the home-improvement firm owner and told him not to send any of his men into the Long Beach… Read more »

Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 hour ago

That used to be the norm when White Men still had Community… When they became atomized and individualistic/selfish that Community fell apart and the degenerate and evil moved in and flourished…

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Arshad Ali
1 hour ago

Tangentially, white vigilante justice in the old South kept the nuggras in check, and made Southern society pleasant and functional. Once so-called “civil rights” supervened, the South went straight to hell.

Haber Balder and Pebble
Haber Balder and Pebble
Reply to  Arshad Ali
15 minutes ago

Did you mean Long Island??

Reply to  Arshad Ali
15 minutes ago

Broken Windows Theory in action

2 hours ago

This is why I don’t want to see Pres. Trump ‘fix’ anything but deportation. I don’t want to see him propping up the US dollar (the life blood of the evil empire) or rebuilding the US military so that it can more effectively serve the [City of London-New York City-Tel Aviv] Axis of Evil on modern battlefields. Even if we deport every single illegal alien, not just the most recent raiding party, it’s not good enough any more. We need a new ruling class. Complete civilizational collapse is the cure. Either we will rise from it and completely and pitilessly… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
1 hour ago

Horace: Very well said. And I am in full agreement that I don’t want anyone trying to ‘fix’ anything. Every institution, every aspect of society and culture, is rotten to the core. Fiddling around with minor limitations on the franchise or reforming the state security apparatus is like the ‘war on poverty.’ Billions of dollars and decades wasted in trying to engineer a ‘fix’ to genetic nature while simultaneously denying its existence. I’ve been called a black piller, but I prefer hard-eyed realist. I take great joy in life from my beloved family, and the many blessings of White civilization… Read more »

Reply to  Horace
22 minutes ago

Matt Bracken:

“What will all these illegals do once they cut off their free ride?

It’s only a matter of time. They will not give them free housing and food and health care and education forever.

There will be tens of millions of hungry and angry criminal invaders who will take what they need from whoever has it.

They will fight to survive.

Are you ready for the inevitable?”

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
2 hours ago

The next logical step, already underway, is that the ruling Elites will outlaw crime statistics (and possibly most statistics). The Steve Sailers of this world who “notice” massive, outsized black criminality will end up in the Chair themselves.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Captain Willard
2 hours ago

Yes. It is happening now, actually, with falsified/misleading data. I’m shocked the racial aspects still are published at all. Some time back the propaganda organs stopped mentioning that a perp was black. It has now spread to BOLO’s and other suspect descriptions.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
2 hours ago

When I heard the man’s name I thought of Pulp fiction. Anyway, I think there is something about out of control bureaucracy that kills efficiency and eventually effectiveness. Back in the day, say the 1930s New York, you killed in big apple, it took the empire state a year, maybe a year and a half, to fry you in sing sing. Endless appeals about this and that is a much much later thing. The reason it takes a quarter of a century to execute a murderer is the same reason it takes a quarter of a century to build a… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 hours ago

Just lay back and think about how much that paper shuffling contributes to our GDP!

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 hour ago

The Germans captured at Amagansett in 1942 were in the electric chair at the Washington City Jail (!) 45 days after they were found, and that 45 days included a trial, a verdict, and Supreme Court review.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Xin Loi
1 hour ago

Yes, but those were show trials so it is hard to compare. The Soviets were efficient too.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  c matt
30 minutes ago

Strikes me as a valid point. But surely, say, 8-12 months should be more than enough to let appeals fix all but the most unbearably unfortunate mistakes, and just get it done

2 hours ago

Boomers are peak Jew, Millennials peak black, I’d guess Z will be peak homo. Just follow the pop culture they consumed while growing up. (Yawn.)

edit: forgot X. Peak blackpill.
edit edit: maybe peak woman, idk. Sure feels like blackpill.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Paintersforms
Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  Paintersforms
1 hour ago

Women, in your example, are extremely well adapted to their externalities, In that sense, it is always Peak Woman.

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 hour ago

edit: forgot X. Peak blackpill

  • No worries. In my instance, even my parents forgot about me. I was okay with that, at times.
Reply to  DaBears
20 minutes ago

Lol nice, thanks for catching the joke!

Reply to  Paintersforms
1 hour ago

Yea we definitely are a bunch of cynics which is very helpful when they are pushing us to do this or that but makes it hard to organize and get anything productive done either…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Lineman
43 minutes ago

Exactly. A whole lot of us, realist dissident guys, would have to die to rectify the situation. It’s called having an army and the key words are self sacrifice. That is not the cynical way to put it mildly. And I world know. Because there are a lot of people I’d love to “deal with”. But I honestly simply don’t want either the pine box or the concrete box

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
13 minutes ago

Don’t know if you saw this when I posted it to 3g on an earlier article but it fits with what you stated about the dissident guys in general…It’s something Solzhenitsyn wrote… the uprising went unresisted, to a man – even as those men and soldiers saw what was coming. And yet they did not respond accordingly. Terror has that effect. By the time it’s felt, it’s too late… Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself. Guys won’t even move, organize, better their situation so how can you expect… Read more »

Last edited 4 minutes ago by Lineman
Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Paintersforms
26 minutes ago

Boomers, like the rest of us have been subjected to nonstop propaganda their entire lives. They grew up with a Jew in their living room (TV), another one in their bedroom and in the car (radio). Don’t forget about printed material like newspapers and magazines and digital material like websites. Every means of mass communications is used for and has been used for propaganda for many decades. It’s a miracle that anyone can think clearly on any subject at all.

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
1 hour ago

Another indicator that capital punishment is doomed is the secret, sterile methods now in use to do the deed, whether the condemned man (it is almost always a man) is black or white. Old Sparky, a/k/a Little Hot Squat, was meant to be more humane than the rope, or the axe, and that was more than a century ago. But it required a fixed location and technology making a crowd of more than a dozen or so infeasible. The whole point of execution (I agree that it is the appropriate and healthy vengeance of an offended society) is demonstrative, because… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Xin Loi
1 hour ago

Indeed, a society too squeamish to use the greatest, most foolproof, cheapest, and most humane execution method ever devised, all of these things simultaneously, doesn’t really belong in the execution business. I speak of the guillotine.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
13 minutes ago

Sold by its inventor, Dr. Guillotine, as foolproof and humane, by the way!

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
2 hours ago

The highest principle of the GAE is the inviolable right of blacks to rape and murder whites. To primary purpose of gun control, to cite one policy example, is to prevent a white man from shooting a sacralized being who is wanting to sodomize and then hack to death his kids. George Floyd’s birthday will replace President’s Day at some point. It would have happened already if he had murdered white people prior to his overdose. Haitians are our strength.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
12 minutes ago

*Europe and the Isles frantically waving hello*

2 hours ago

I’ve come to believe that one very under-appreciated positive to the death penalty is that it prevents murderers from killing again. It’s become pretty clear to me that a “life” sentence nearly never ever means actual life in prison. I’m kind of addicted to watching true crime docs on YouTube and I remain astonished at how often the same story repeats. Someone viciously murders one or several people in cold blood. They’re given a “life” sentence (or have a death sentence commuted) and they’re inevitably released after 5 or 10 years and immediately return to killing. I saw one of… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
2 hours ago

You have quoted de Maistre before: “All grandeur, all power, and all subordination to authority rests on the executioner: he is the horror and the bond of human association.” If the U.S. today executed even 10% of those on death row, first-degree murders would drop 90%.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Boniface
2 hours ago

I suspect you are right that the real cost of not (really) enforcing death penalty for murder laws are many thousands of murders. But I m not keen on firing up the death penalty train because it will be controlled by our enemies. They hold the state power for the time being. Let’s not give them a deadlier tool

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
1 hour ago

Yes, but on my Law and Order TV show the white man is more than likely the criminal put away by the you go girls and the intelligent negroes.
We have been socially engineered for a long time now.

Reply to  G Lordon Giddy
56 minutes ago

And everyone is affected by it Brother even our side…

1 hour ago

It is all so tiring and underscores the fact that there is no remedy to this other than peaceful separation. There is no solving the race issue because Afro-philia and Leukophobia are too powerful.

The only separation that will work is if all non whites go back otherwise it will be war…

Reply to  Lineman
1 hour ago

“peaceful separation”

Anyone who uses this phrase deserves the hell we all have to live in.

It is not a solution, because they won’t let you go peacefully. They will use violence to keep you a slave.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Lineman
1 hour ago

The only solution is separation, peaceful would be optimal.

Reply to  c matt
59 minutes ago

Separation by an ocean or a heavily armed border is the only way you can have that…

Tars Tarkas
1 hour ago

Anyone interested in this should look at the case of Kevin Cooper and all the usual suspects trying to free him.

He has had puff pieces written about him in just about every major newspaper. This fine upstanding man put an axe into the heads of 3 children and 2 adults with one of the children surviving.

1 hour ago

I wonder if this is a new problem, Z?

Back in the day when blacks got lynched – I wonder if it wasn’t done to prevent them escaping into the legal system of the day?

1 hour ago

The remedy to this problem is as ancient as evolution. A relatively small cohort of our population has corrupted our culture and societal institutions to the detriment of all. Today’s post is but another example of this. As such, we must evolve methods of remedy that transcend conventional mechanisms because the game is rigged against sanity. Those are the wages of using our civility against us. The bolt-from-the-blue works, and we should strive to become good at it. They want to change society, but this change can anything, even that which works.

2 hours ago

Much of the ennui regarding death penalty inmates stems from the facts that “out of sight, out of mind” incarceration is easy, but also because the vast majority of those on death row are there because they shot other scumbags…people who don’t matter. Still, it’s only a matter of time before a bereaved father, uncle, or brother who’s wife or daughter has been violated by a horrific crime takes matters into his own hands. Gerard Butler had a movie called “Law Abiding Citizen” that explored this. Pretty dark stuff, and frankly, I would’ve ended it differently. (I hasten to add:… Read more »

Last edited 2 hours ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
1 hour ago

Law abiding citizen was such a pozzed movie that I can’t even rewatch it…

30 minutes ago

What this tells us is that the races can’t live in peace together ever. What that tells us is us whites have to start thinking about how to separate from the other races; and what that tells us is that we have to convince more and more whites that while race mixing and equality may have had good intentions, it’s been tried and found horrible for whites.

what this tells us is whites have to think and be mean.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
1 minute ago

A somewhat different angle on execution: a friend and I were discussing a nature doc on a giant man-eating crocodile in Africa. That is one scary and ugly guy, 20 feet of flesh eating reptile. We decided he would be the perfect executioner for traitors. Just pour them into his pond. Not how I’d like to go

8 minutes ago

“The point of the death penalty is to exact revenge, on behalf of society, on the person who committed the crime.” I don’t look at it that way. I look at it more like putting down a rabid Pitbull. It’s simply a being that is of no use to society and a menace to people just minding their own business. However, and my niece worked on the Innocence Project, there have been too many mistakes made along the way. 3,175+Exonerations since 1989 in the National Registry of Exonerations; 375 People exonerated through DNA evidence since 1989; 27,200+ Years exonerated people spent in… Read more »

22 minutes ago

Here is another thing to consider.

The costs of a death penalty trial and execution is in the millions of dollars vs hundreds of thousands to keep an inmate locked up for life.

Not only was the original victim murdered, but the lifetime economic productivity of another person was also completely destroyed in rendering justice.

That system can only be maintained provided crime rates remain low.

Arthur Metcalf
Arthur Metcalf
34 minutes ago

Cop stops at a stranded car on the side of the highway, black guy in a hood stumbles towards him, cop asks “can I help you with that flat?” and dies horribly.

alexander scipio
alexander scipio
47 minutes ago

“Justice” in America is defined by the verdict and sentencing of the perp by a jury of his/her peers. Anything after that just gets in the way. A mature society would put a $0.50 bullet in the head of the guilty guy on the way out of the courtroom, saving untold millions of dollars and actually making execution a deterrent.

1 hour ago

Those P Diddy black lives didn’t matter

1 hour ago

Now do high school attendance rates and violent crime broken out by race. I’ll wait.

14 minutes ago

You may disagree with her politics and she may not be the best looking woman in the world, but Elena Kagan is not a dumb lady. Nino Scalia greatly respected her intellect.

24 minutes ago

Sotomayor and Kentanji Jackson or whatever her name is, are stupid. I don’t think Kagan is stupid. She and her ethnic cohorts just have that ingrained hatred of typical white people like the victim. She is probably also reflexively opposed to the death penalty regardless of the race of the perp or the victim

2 hours ago

I’d love a gulag. Somewhere in Alaska. Keep the really bad alive, three hots and a cot. But otherwise hard time. I know of a Texas case where they killed a retarted man. Because of that, I’m not a fan of the death penalty anymore, but the feds need a really bad prison out in the hinterlands that you’re sent to forever. If it’s found you’re innocent, fine, here’s a check and Bob’s your uncle.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  JaG
2 hours ago

I once saw a documentary on the supermax in CO. That sure looked like hell on earth. The rest of your life entombed in a concrete cell. Even the furniture was poured concrete. A giant zap or injection and then lights out, is probably far more humane than the neverending concrete box

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 hours ago

A giant zap or injection and then lights out, is probably far more humane than the neverending concrete box.”

Cheaper, too. I’m no fan of life sentences. Too damn expensive. And no more quick deaths. Bring back hanging. The method of hanging should comport with the severity of the crime.

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 hours ago

I am almost as concerned by the thugs who operate these prisons. Managing prisoners who are living under drastic conditions day-to-day must draw psychopaths and eventually even strip them from any semblance of humanity. Yet their kids go to school with your children.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  DaBears
1 hour ago

Not to mention who those people take their orders from; Garland, Harris, Killary etc

Reply to  Moran ya Simba
2 minutes ago

I had a late, law school (((mentor))). She shilled for Garland as SCOTUS Justice. I am an active SCOTUS trial bar member. I was having none of his nomination and this produced the fissure. I knew Garland had evil intent for me and mine. Fortunately poor (((genetics))) ended the pointless discussion in favor of colon cancer and resultant (((death))).

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
1 hour ago

This is why, in my imaginary more perfect world, the people who really deserve punishment are not killed. They are made to suffer.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
27 minutes ago

Yes , execution is far more humane. That’s why it doesn’t bother me much when executions take such a long time. The death row inmate are in a living hell in my opinion. Typically 23 hour a day lock up. I have never ever understood why people fight so hard to avoid the death penalty knowing that life without parole is their choice.

Haber Balder and Pebble
Haber Balder and Pebble
Reply to  Moran ya Simba
16 minutes ago

Humane bah, it’s supposed to be a punishment (That’s what penitent means, to regret your actions), so awful that once released they would never want to be sent there again

Xin Loi
Xin Loi
Reply to  JaG
1 hour ago

There is nothing new under the sun.

Robert Anson Heinlein turned your idea into a short story in 1940: