Washington Was Right

Note: Behind the green door I have a post about the death of grammar, a post about life as a modern serf and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

George Washington famously observed, “The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave.” This was in his farewell address where he cautioned that one of the risks to the new nation was from involvement in foreign affairs. When a country aligns with another country, it not only takes on the friends and enemies of that country, it opens the door for that country to influence its leaders and shape its policy.

We see this writ large with Israel. Since the Bush II administration, Israel has been seeking a way to get the United States to go to war with Iran. They claim Iran is the cause of all the problems in the region. Coincidentally, Iran also backs the two primary opponents of the Greater Israel project, Syria and Hezbollah. Therefore, if the United States takes out Iran, then peace will descend on the region and, coincidentally, Israel will face no opposition to its expansion plans.

Bush II probably would have pulled the trigger on a war with Iran if the Iraq war had not been such a debacle. The neocons were boasting in the first term that once Iraq was made into a democracy, it would help “liberate” Iran from its rulers. These plans we shelved once Obama came to power, in part because of Valerie Jarrett, who was in favor of normalizing relations with Iran. The neocons were also busy getting Project Ukraine off the ground.

Depending upon whose narrative you prefer, the United States is either abandoning Project Ukraine in order to deal with the Middle East or the United States is getting sucked into a war with Iran and must abandon Project Ukraine. Either way, it is becoming clear that war with Iran is in the cards. The Israelis keep provoking the Iranians, who have no choice but to respond. The Israelis then claim the response is an unjustified attack so they must respond.

The last turn at this game was a genuine escalation as the Iranians launched waves of ballistic missiles that were able to penetrate Israeli air defenses. This by itself is a huge step in the process. No one thought the Iranians had this ability. Add in the accuracy with which they were able to target Israeli military facilities and the Israel – Iran conflict moved much closer to all-out war. Israel promised massive attacks against Iranian nuclear and energy facilities.

Now we get word that the United States is setting up the THAAD anti-ballistic missile system in Israel. This is the most advanced air defense system in the American arsenal and it is supposed to be capable of defeating the best missiles. Of course, the Iron Dome was supposed to be the best air defense system until it was defeated. The Patriot system was also supposed to be a great system until it was destroyed by the Russians in Ukraine as soon as it was deployed.

Reportedly, the Biden administration opposes attacks on Iranian nuclear and energy facilities, but that could be a cover story. They reportedly promised Iran that Israel would not retaliate to the Iranian drone attack. Then Israel set off a string of targeted assassinations and the famous pager attack. It is a good reminder that everyone involved in Middle East politics is incapable of honesty. Everyone lies about everything to everyone, even about the lies they are telling.

Regardless of intentions, this move now provides Israel with cover for whatever attacks they have planned. This will inevitably mean Iran launches another wave of missiles at Israel, maybe even targeting that THAAD system. This is what happened with the Patriot system in Ukraine. The Russians filled the sky with drones, so when the Patriot system lit up, it became an easy target for Russian missiles. The use of air defense systems makes them vulnerable to attack.

Even if the Iranians avoid striking this system, they have a lot of missiles and the THAAD system is limited. Each battery is about forty interceptors. Iran reportedly has thousands of missiles. Of course, like everything to do with the Military Industrial Complex, the THAAD system is riddled with corruption. It is a big, complicated and expensive system no one expected to use in war, so it is mostly a jobs and patronage program, rather than a weapon of war.

All that aside, it is easy to see that George Washington was correct. Indulging habitual fondness for Israel has made the world’s lone superpower a slave to whatever schemes the Israelis are plotting. The United States is on the brink of war with Iran, solely because Israel desires it. No one in Washington dares question any of this, as the Israeli lobby is too powerful. Even the neocons, who prefer Project Ukraine over Project Iran, are powerless against the Israel lobby.

War with Iran will be a disaster of the United States. The American military can deliver devastating strikes against Iran, but Iran can also close the Strait of Hormuz, sending global oil prices through the roof. They could also attack oil facilities in the region, crippling global supplies and sending the world into a depression. Only a madman would want such a scenario, but this is the price that must be paid when you chain yourself to the lunatic regime that is Israel.

Compounding things is the fact that no one knows who is actually running foreign policy in the Biden administration. We know it is not Biden, due to his declining health, but who is calling the shots is a mystery. It is no doubt a mystery to Iran, as well. The Russians have made this point regarding the Ukraine war. The result is the United States is the Lennie Small to the Israeli George Milton as far the Iranians are concerned, which means the United States no longer has agency.

This is exactly what Washington warned of in his farewell address. The only way out of this degenerate relationship with Israel is a revolution in how Washington deals with the entire region and that is impossible due to the massive Israel lobby. When every Congressman has a minder from Israel and every media outlet has to run their coy past AIPAC and the ADL, there is no room to think about this clearly, much less have a debate about this terrible situation.

This is why the way to bet is war with Iran after the November election. The Biden people have no reason to care at that point and Israel will see it as an opportunity to get what they have wanted for decades. The next administration will have to pay the price for this reckless foreign entanglement. Perhaps it is the price that must be paid for the end of empire. Gas lines and ten-dollar gasoline will surely cause some to question this habitual fondness for Israel, at least.

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2 hours ago

In the past year, it seems like the entire system just gave up on the pretense that it works for and represents Americans. It’s more obvious than ever that we are Norman England, in that a hostile foreign group rules over us and uses our resources to enrich themselves and advance their own, alien interests. Netanyahu’s speech in Congress and “our” representatives’ response to it might be a low point in the history of this nation. This is why I can’t get behind Trump, how can I realistically vote for a guy who is pushing for total war with Iran,… Read more »

Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

Wish I could give you more than one “thumbs up” for refusing to support Trump. Trump is a completely faux anti-establishment figure — as evidenced by the fact that he is even more establishment than the establishment itself in regard to the ridiculously beloved Israel. We should end this whole ruse of allowing Americans (rubes, nearly one and all) to vote and permit Israel to choose our elected puppets outright. It would be more honest.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Wkathman
1 hour ago

Note: not one senator or congressman even bothered to try to refute Massie’s revelation that each one had an Israeli minder. More telling, the propaganda organs didn’t bother, either.

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

Excellent point. The masks have come off with regard to how sycophantic the situation is. Nobody bothers to deny the obvious. Hell, AIPAC openly boasts about how it owns practically 100 percent of Congress.

“Chutzpah” ain’t a Hebrew term for nothing!

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
41 minutes ago

Talk about being totally memory holed. His wife s tragic death also warrants scrutiny

Reply to  Mycale
1 hour ago

Washington is an Anglo-Norman name, interestingly.

Reply to  Mycale
58 minutes ago

Funny that the hatred of Trump is so twisted and so unreasonable that the boomer left reactively thinks he’s an antisemite, just because he’s been painted as a fascist.

Reply to  Marko
45 minutes ago

A man can dream…

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Mycale
43 minutes ago

Trump will possibly be a disaster. The faceless men of the deep state with their cackling mascot, will be a worse and guaranteed disaster

Reply to  Mycale
40 minutes ago

Trump’s avowed and appalling love for murderous Zion, however, may not change his general love for peace over war…He’s spouting this nonsense because he needs to appease the Zionists tp get elected, and maybe to stay alive, but I very much doubt that he, or the American public, will go along with WWIII, which would obviously destroy the USA….

Reply to  pyrrhus
21 minutes ago

Like I said, at some point I have to take him at his word. And if he is saying this because he wants to stay alive, what is going to happen to him if turns his back on them when he gets into office?

I think the simplest explanation – he feels like he needs to get into office to get the blob off his back (lawfare, etc.), and he cut a deal with the Zionists to get it – is the appropriate one, as opposed to this logic about him being secretly based or just lying or whatever.

Reply to  pyrrhus
19 minutes ago

^This. Records matter. We don’t have to speculate about Trump because we had 4 years of Trump who, among other things, Iraq/Afghanistan drawdownsRefused to enter Syrian civil warDestroyed ISIS (after we were told it couldn’t be done)No new M.E. warsAbraham AccordsSuccessful oil price war against the Saudis/OPECI remember a lot of the same commentary on this blog back when he said he wanted to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. We got a lot of arm waiving and hysteria back then, too. But what did we get in exchange for that symbolic promise? Trump won because a lot of the evangelical… Read more »

Last edited 19 minutes ago by hokkoda
2 hours ago

The neocons were boasting in the first term that once Iraq was made into a democracy, it would help “liberate” Iran from its rulers.

Saddam Hussein was a staunch opponent of Iranian expansion of power in the region. It never really made sense that deposing him would be bad for Iran.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Vizzini
1 hour ago

They genuinely believed that “democracy” spreads like ink blots, or something. And you couldn’t really argue against that, because you’d be called a racist.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
1 hour ago

We should start telling people (especially leftists) that democracy is the ultimate example of white supremacy. And if you think about it critically for a minute . . . it truly is. Dumb-ocracy is almost exclusively the white man’s delusion. We really ought to be embarrassed about it, quite frankly.

Tarl Cabot
Tarl Cabot
Reply to  Wkathman
26 minutes ago

Democracy is only possible in relatively small, ethnically and religiously homogeneous societies where there is a broad ethical consensus. Otherwise it is a sham, full of preening and posturing to claim the moral high ground for one’s own interests, which are never admitted, except perhaps privately among the oligarchs who really decide matters.

Z had a great tweet this weekend about how even the ancient Greeks used religious drama to reinforce the regime and its moral order.

Not coincidentally, I think he was watching football commercials.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
Reply to  Vizzini
39 minutes ago

Their grand strategy is one giant cluster …. Pushing Russia into the arms of China. These guys could lose a risk game in two rounds. But they have ivy league degrees so….

Reply to  Vizzini
35 minutes ago

Yes, and indeed, Saddam was essentially CIA, getting both information and arms from the USA…He was perplexed by the US attacking him, because he was merely retaliating against Kuwait for slant drilling his wells…Any Texas oilman would have done the same!

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Vizzini
26 minutes ago

Yes. This reflects the utter lack of second-order thinking by the MIC. “Oh, let’s depose the secular dictator of a majority-Shiite country right next door to Iran. What could go wrong?” Geeze……..

Reply to  Vizzini
14 minutes ago

It had less to do with creating a “democracy” and more to do with creating bases along the Iranian border from which to launch operations inside Iran. The Wizards of Smart just never accepted the fact that half of Iraq was just fine with Iran, about 1/4 of Iraq wanted to go to war with Turkey/Syria, and about 1/4 of Iraq that remained was loyal to the Baath regime. If you dropped a piece of plate glass flat onto concrete and looked at the shattered bits, you’d get a rough approximation of the national borders and tribalism of the Middle… Read more »

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
2 hours ago

“It is a good reminder that everyone involved in Middle East politics is incapable of honesty.” In the Middle East only the Israelis are incorrigible liars. Not the Iranians, not Hezbollah, not Hamas. And among the Israelis, first and foremost is Netanyahu, who learnt to lie at the same time he learnt to talk. In the West, US and European government officials are liars, lying both to the world at large but also to their domestic populations. The real life consequences of this mendacity are going to be escalation, war, the end of US influence in the Middle East, and… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Arshad Ali
23 minutes ago

Well, Bibi started as a management consultant. So there’s that.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
2 hours ago

who’s to say the iranians don’t have missiles that can reach the continental US? how hard would it be to get help from the Russians in setting up missile batteries in central america (or cuba)? and speaking of the Russians, bet they will love helping iran to destroy US troops in israel (or anywhere, really).

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  karl von hungus
1 hour ago

The border is wide open, too. There may not be sleeper cells throughout the mainland United States but that is not the way to bet. Russians and Iranians are not dumb Arabs.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

Dropping the grid in AINO would quickly grind things to a halt.

Drive around the AINO countryside and marvel at all the poorly secured infrastructure.

I’m sure all the foreign bad actors that have flooded through out non-existant borders have noticed this situation as well.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

With all the imported wogs, I’m surprised there hasn’t already been more cannibalization of grid infrastructure a la South Africa, where they do it just to steal the copper

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
53 minutes ago

That is exactly why, I think, the Regime rattles sabers but nothing ever happens. It’s why we never formally declared war on Russia, and why there will never be a war with Iran or China. We’ve allowed a multitude of fifth columns into the “Homeland” as we used to call it.

I don’t think we can even declare a war on El Salvador.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Marko
46 minutes ago

If TPTB and their Help ‘n Hos in Congress thought they somehow could escape the carnage of the probable sleeper cells, they wouldn’t hesitate to start such wars. As it is, they probably and likely rightfully think they could get smoked, right along with the rubes. Maybe there is a silver lining to mass migration!

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
1 hour ago

Better solution. Kill Trump before the selection and blame Iran. All problems solved

Reply to  foot in the forest
1 hour ago

Yeah, funny how after both assassination attempts the Regime immediately started issuing obviously fake press releases about how the Iranians were trying to kill Trump…

Reply to  foot in the forest
38 minutes ago

That does appear to be the plan, but a good chunk of his supporters wouldn’t believe it. Everyone with half a brain knows that it’s not Iran driving this train.

1 hour ago

Anyone who has never seen the video in which Congressman Traficant stated outright that Israel controls Congress needs to watch it over and over and spread it far and wide.

And he was talking about Israeli influence thirty years ago…

Hannity and Traficant Get into Shouting Match Over Israel Lobby and U.S. Policy (youtube.com)

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Xman
1 hour ago

In that linked video clip, I especially like the part towards the end where Hannity says, “are you suggesting that Israel controls congress….blah, blah, blah….” Traficant leans in to the camera…”Sean…I’m not suggesting it, I’m telling it…”

And Sean never had Traficant on his show again. A few years later Traficant died in a farm accident involving his tractor. A mysterious accident.

For those interested, Devon Stack did a show about Traficant, a guy who ran afoul of the regime. https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/trafic:8

1 hour ago

Israel’s psychotic behaviour is not surprising when you realise that the country is led by the psychological offspring of the Stern Gang and Irgun, some of the most deranged freaks in a century when there was some competition. In 1942, the only thing that stood between the Germans and Palestine was the British Army, but the Zealots decided that the British were the real enemy. So, they mounted a terrorist campaign against them and made them look over their shoulders when Rommel was at El Alamein. Pure insanity of course, but insanity that has, via Likud and the neocon diaspora,… Read more »

Last edited 1 hour ago by Anglo-Welsh
1 hour ago

“Compounding things is the fact that no one knows who is actually running foreign policy in the Biden administration.”

Oh, for God’s sake. We know damn well who is controlling foreign policy: Anthony “I come here as a fellow Jew” Blinken, Chuck “guardian of Israel” Schumer, and Bibi “smite Amalek” Netanyahu…

2 hours ago

The Neocon tapeworms in the W. Administration indeed had their sights set on both Iraq and Iran:


Israel striking Iran’s oil fields could be almost as disastrous for the region and the rest of the world as striking their nuclear sites.

karl von hungus
karl von hungus
Reply to  Maniac
2 hours ago

israel has offshore gas fields that can be hit, as well as that nuke reactor site.

Feles harenae
Feles harenae
1 hour ago

Israel is one of the worst countries on the planet, and I am enjoying watching them become a pariah on the global stage. As recently as five years ago was mostly indifferent to Israel, but now I openly despise that country because of the ways they’ve manipulated and subverted both foreign and domestic policy in the West. While I don’t go as far as supporting Iran, I wouldn’t shed any tears if Iran put Israel in its place. My only fear is that our leaders will drag us into yet another unwinnable war in the Middle East. The tension between… Read more »

Reply to  Feles harenae
35 minutes ago

I have not seen many spectacles more bizarre than Netanyahu’s address to Congress in July. He got 58 standing ovations. Fifty-eight! That’s probably more than one a paragraph. The next time he does it, they’ll have to do what the Soviets helpfully did during Stalin’s speeches and ring a bell to let everyone know they can stop clapping. Even then, I doubt the commies fawned over Joe as slavishly as all those freaks and cretins did over ole ‘Bibi’. It was genuinely creepy to watch the supposed leaders of America perform like trained seals at the behest of a country… Read more »

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Anglo-Welsh
13 minutes ago

To their credit, a fair number of democrats and one republican (Massie, I believe) avoided the whole embarrassing display.

2 hours ago

Thanks Z. A lovely way to start the week.

Unfortunately, I really can’t find a flaw in this logic. This is a very likely outcome. Trump is generally antiwar but he loves him some Israelies, especially Bibi. Jared will convince him the Saudis and the rest of the Arab world will love him if he takes out Iran.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  MikeCLT
1 hour ago

The deep state may permit Trump back in the White House if he is willing to guarantee them their war with Iran.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

This makes sense. Trump has no enthusiasm for the Ukraine war, however his slobbering over Israel lately is worrisome.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  MikeCLT
9 minutes ago

Every time I get a small inkling of voting for Trump he mentions Israel and it goes away.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

Another second-order effect that should be mentioned is that Iran is a major oil-supplier to China.

I would think Xi would take a dim view of AINO messing with that supply. At a minimum they would provide intel to Iran. There would also be weird, “production problems, so sorry!” with aspirin, double-A batteries, etc.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
2 hours ago

Silly, but is anyone old enough to remember:

I ran.
We ran.
We all ran from Iran?

Mr. Powell can take an axe to rates, but everything either will go sideways or downwards if this pops off or even remains in question. There is absolutely no popular support for such a war outside of American Jewry and diminishing numbers of Chistian Zionists, but when has public opinion ever mattered? The one brake ironically may be the open border, which all but guarantees there will be Allahu Akbar parties in the Clouds’ rat nests if things get hot.

Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

I think public opinion actually does matter. Decades ago it would have been easier to go to war against Iran. Americans were still mad about the hostage crisis. You are right that DC may go to war anyway but it gets tricky if you don’t have any passion from normie Americans.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Trek
1 hour ago

A super majority oppose mass migration. Has that made any difference? Granted, those warm bodies streaming across the border might make for low quality cannon fodder, but still expect such absurdities as “we have to fight them over there or we will have to fight them over there” to impose a draft. Rioting, if it happens, will be used to improve marksmanship.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
6 minutes ago

I guess one difference is they do not need our cooperation or involvement to perpetrate the crime of immigration. If they need numbers for war with Iran, then it would require more involvement from us. If the plan is to just drone or nuke them, then maybe not.

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
45 minutes ago

The level of foreign control in DC is beyond anything I’ve ever heard of before in a not technically occupied country

G Lordon Giddy
G Lordon Giddy
56 minutes ago

Over the weekend i tried to explain to some christian zionists that war with Iran is not in our interests and would be risking the lives of our children and grandchildren for Israel. They would have none of it, their noses are so far up Netanyahu’s arse they are in total darkness. The only way out is a disaster in my opinion.Which we will probably have due to this relationship with the Israeli lobby.

1 hour ago

Iran used to be Persia which was a great civilization, in many ways comparable to the Roman Empire. They had notable innovations and were good at engineering. But they did the same thing that so many whites did, they mixed with non-whites. Maybe I should say Aryan because I’m sure they were never pale white. But they never looked like those guys in the movie 300.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Trek
Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Trek
1 hour ago

It remains largely unknown because they keep them wrapped in burhkas, but Persian women are among the hottest iyam

Last edited 1 hour ago by Jeffrey Zoar
45 minutes ago

I don’t think a war with Iran will happen because if it did, it would end quickly and fatally for Israel. Russia has provided Iran with a real air defense capability and that guarantees that Iran can and will counter-launch a nation-destroying missile attack on Israel (1,000s of precision-guided ballistic missiles in endless waves). Israel’s energy and fresh water supply systems will cease to exist and that will instigate another Jewish exodus and diaspora. And if Netanahoo goes nuclear, a second Holocaust will follow. Is that a bad outcome or a good outcome? Inquiring minds want to know.

1 hour ago

This morning one of the main conservative sites quotes Numbers 24:9 as:

“Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.” https://hotair.com/generalissimo/2024/10/14/things-going-so-bad-for-kamala-harris-shes-trying-to-get-god-on-her-side-n3795770

I looked up the quote and found that most of the translations refer to “the lion,” not Israel. https://biblehub.com/numbers/24-9.htm

I’d be curious about any explanations from Christians. I guess that Ramzpaul would say Jesus made the OT irrelevant.

Last edited 1 hour ago by LineInTheSand
Reply to  LineInTheSand
1 hour ago

The Scofield Bible has been an unmitigated disaster for American Christianity and the world in general.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
16 minutes ago

Quoting Numbers 24:9 is like quoting one line of a 300 page contract and claiming it explains everything. There are many ways to look at it, the most plausible being that the Church is Israel, not the collection of pseudo-judaites currently occupying the eastern Mediterranean coast. If you read on in Numbers, you will also see many conditions attached, the main one being “Israel” keeping their side of God’s covenant. With the rejection of the Messiah (Jesus), those who rejected Him forfeited any participation in the covenant (so He does not make the OT irrelevant, rather He fulfills it). Thus,… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
1 hour ago

It’s possible the THAAD battery is being sent as a trip wire to trigger direct US involvement. Partial THAAD test results are available on Wikipedia. Make of them what you will. It’s curious the interceptor have no warhead and rely on a, “bullet striking bullet,” kinetic kill method. It is probably possible to overwhelm the system with a 10:1 ratio of decoys to live missiles. Short of going nuclear, it’s hard to imagine the long-term damage that could be inflicted on Iran. Their geography almost seems purposely designed to resist GAE invasion. None of their neighbors are suicidal proxies like… Read more »

Diversity Heretic
2 minutes ago

There’s an active debate in alternative media about who really is leading whom in the conduct of American foreign and military policy in the Middle East. On the one side are, partially and in no particular order, John Mearsheimer and Douglas McGregor, Jeffrey Sachs and Z-man. They claim that Israel is calling the shots and that Washington is powerless to refuse. Another view is represented by Gilbert Doctorow, Moon of Alabama, and Brian Berletic. They believe that the real decisions are being made in Washington, with the objective of ensuring American hegemony in the region and that Israel is merely… Read more »

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
1 hour ago

I agree with all the George Washington stuff. But I doubt Biden, Jill Biden, Sullivan and Austin want a war between Election Day and Inauguration Day. It would be a gigantic mess and oil prices and heating bills would skyrocket around Christmas. I cannot believe they want to go out this way. Biden hates Bibi’s guts too.

1 hour ago

I don’t think there will be a war with Iran. The Israel lobby is power but not omnipotent

1 hour ago

The ME was the ‘British’ Empire’s business, and Israel its child, until the US assumed the region, or the ‘British’ Empire assumed the US. Friendly relations, indeed.

Greg Nikolic
2 hours ago

Iran should be a slightly tougher nut to crack than Iraq. It has three times the population and a de facto alliance with Russia. Even China might want to get involved. The problem for the Americans is what to do if and when they win. The first Bush was wise in that he halted a drive on Baghdad during Desert Storm. The complications that would result from reordering Iranian society are astronomical. This isn’t Prince of Persia, the videogame, with simple solutions and a guaranteed way out. Enforced change would have to start in Tehran and spread to the provinces.… Read more »

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

There is zero reason to believe the United States would win a conventional war against Iran. Nukes would have to be deployed fairly early into the affair.

Greg Nikolic
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
1 hour ago

The U.S. still outspends the next several rankings on its defense budget. With any luck, you get bang for the buck.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Greg Nikolic
1 hour ago

Goatherders across the world say “hi.”