American Trotskyites

Note: Behind the green door I have a post about the collapse of the entertainment industry, a post about the end of The Grand Tour and the Sunday podcast. Subscribe here or here.

One of the most remarkable, but woefully unremarked, developments of the last decade is the shift of the neocons back to the left. Starting with Trump coming down the escalator in 2015, the neocons first tried to purge him and his supporters like they did to Pat Buchanan and the paleos in the 1990’s. When that failed, they began their slow march out of the conservative movement then out of the Republican Party, returning to their old home on what we call the left.

Perhaps it is the timescale, but this is not something that has gotten a lot of attention, despite the centrality of the neocons to conservatism. There are prominent neocons at all the major media nodes, where they have spent the last decade railing about Donald Trump on a daily basis. For those familiar with the history of neoconservatism and their wars with the people we call paleos, this transition is like getting confirmation of a long-dismissed conspiracy theory.

Imagine if twenty years from now a collection of retired government officials steps forward and to say that 9/11 was an inside job. The planes were real, but the whole thing was orchestrated by the CIA or maybe the Mossad. It is not just that it would reveal a conspiracy to conceal the truth, but that it would validate the people tarred as conspiracy theories for doubting the official truth. It would be the sort of revelation that leads to questioning other official truths.

That is how this post about Bill Kristol and Eliot Cohen should be viewed. Way back when a group of Jewish intellectuals broke with the left in the middle of the last century and started their march into Buckley conservatism, there was a debate about what they were really doing. Was it a way to subvert the Buckley movement? Were these people genuinely changing their ideological orientation or were they simply opportunists seeing conservatism as a more useful vehicle for their project?

Long forgotten is the fact that the label “neoconservative” was a smear coined by a socialist named Michael Harrington. These newly minted conservatives were often called Trotskyites because they never abandoned their old ideology, but simply opposed the people who came to dominate the American left. Of course, others accused them of being a stalking horse for Zionism and the Israel lobby. Still others suspected that their obsession with Russia was the real motivation.

In other words, from the very start no one trusted their sincerity with regards to their conversion to the conservative cause. They brought lots of money and organizational might, so the Buckley crowd overlooked these concerns and welcomed them into the movement over many objections. Before long, the neocons organized the purge of their doubters and enemies in the movement. Half a century or so since this started, the skeptics of these people have been vindicated.

Buried in that post about Kristol and Cohen is an easily overlooked assertion that has always been at the heart of the issue. They claim that conservative Jews have specific interests that they think are better served by the Democrats now. Leaving aside their definition of “conservative Jews”, what they are arguing is that this subgroup of Americans has interests peculiar to themselves that can conflict with the majority interests of the country, but those minority interests come first.

This gets to something further down the memory hole than the old neocon – paleocon battles of the last century. Jewish liberals and leftists have often accused neocons and Zionists of being bad for the Jews, because they confirm the claims often made by Jewish opponents regarding the loyalty of Jews. Bill Kristol makes explicit that his primary interests lie outside of and often in opposition to the interest of the American people, so you can see the problem.

A lot of people accused of being conspiracy theorists with regards to the behavior of the neocons have been vindicated over the last decade. This gets little to no attention in the mainstream media because the neocons still wield enormous power. They have always deftly folded their interests into those of the Israel lobby and no one in politics dares take on those guys. For elected officials, opposing Israel means losing the next election and for the chattering classes, it means exile.

Another aspect of this is the ease with which the neocons have made the transition from conservative and Republican to progressive and Democrat. Disgraced in the Bush years, they nevertheless hung on in the Obama years, orchestrating various schemes like the 2014 coup in Ukraine. They have had total control of the Biden administration to the point where its sole purpose was war with Russia. At no point in this transition was there a hint of dissent or self-examination.

The other side of this is the fact that the Democratic Party has put up no resistance to the return of their old Trotskyites comrades. The same people who were marching around in the streets, banging their pots and pans over the Bush wars in the Middle East now wear Ukraine lapel pins. Without a trace of irony, they accuse Trump fans of disloyalty for not supporting the Ukraine war or the Israel wars. There is a last scenes in Animal Farm quality to all of it.

Of course, this raises the oldest critique of America’s two-party political system, that it is just a show put on for the masses. The real decisions are made outside of public view by the powerful interests who control the system. One of those powerful groups are the neocons, who work with the Israel lobby to control foreign policy. Given what we have witnessed over the last decade, that old critique is vindicated. The people in charge are immune the ballot box and operate as an alien overclass.

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6 hours ago

I was just out of college when the Iraq war started. It has been surreal to see people who went on foaming at the mouth rants about the Bush Administration support a candidate who touts her endorsement from Dick Cheney. All war was bad to them back then, now they can’t wait for the start of World War 3.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Barnard
6 hours ago

I have an old friend with terminal TDS, bad enough that I’m pretty sure she would have cast me out as a friend if we saw each other regularly, but she lives across the country so contact is rare. She was always a lefty, but that used not to matter in personal relationships. 15 years ago she thought Bush/Cheney were Satan incarnate, was a member of Code Pink if I’m not mistaken, and then during the J6 hearings she told me Liz ought to be president. I have made no attempt to reason with her, believing that futile. For other… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
6 hours ago

White traitor kids are worse than brown people.

Reply to  Vizzini
6 hours ago

Don’t give up. It is possible that the 4 kids and the grandkids could return the favor and be traitors to the parents and the cause they serve. In fact, there is probably a huge pool of White youth in whose faces are smacked constantly by the reality that they inhabit the world as second class citizens and minorities. They are now and are going to be extremely angry at their parents and grandparents for what they have done. No doubt, many will capitulate and go the route that Walz is offering. They are unhealthy and dead ends. There are… Read more »

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  RealityRules
5 hours ago

AFAIC, this is all just supposition. We really have no idea what will happen to the children and grandchildren of white Leftists. What we do know is that for most white Leftists, no slap of reality, no matter how clear and painful, will dislodge them from their treasonous madness.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 hours ago

If you are a die hard hereditarian and tend to subscribe to the “spiteful mutants” theory of Dutton and Woodley, then you’d have to predict a greater than even odds that these children *will* take on the adverse aspects of their bat shit crazy parents.

Reply to  Compsci
54 minutes ago

Yep. But its also true of die-hard nurture fans. After a couple beers and a talk that goes into the wee hours, I can see the light coming on a bit in some of my nephews as they reconsider what they had been told were axiomatic truths, but by the next morning, their mental defenses spring shut, protecting them from wrongthink.

Either way…

Last edited 53 minutes ago by Steve
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
5 hours ago

Read Matt Bracken’s third book (blue cover) called “Foreign Enemies and Traitors.”

I just finished it up, and it paints a realistic picture of the balkanization of the U.S., after a major natural disaster (two major back-to-back earthquakes along the New Madrid fault, in southeastern Missouri).

The kneegrows get shot on sight, because it didn’t take long for people to understand & see how quickly they go feral.

Other sub-plots are really interesting and prescient. It was published in 2009.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 hours ago

Hey there OK. I appreciate all of your comments here. Very good posts consistently. For the young people who are on the right side, I have no supposition. I know many who are. I know of none who are traitors, though I know many exist. Sadly, a significant number will capitulate and not make the selection. They will avoid the struggle and this is precisely why they will capitulate. Still, many, and I know many already, embrace the struggle because they refuse to capitulate. Mostly this is because they are properly spirited and a few just understand how dire it… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  RealityRules
5 hours ago

Indeed, it is unknown how the kids will turn out, regardless of what they are now. When I was their age I was a colorblind civnat. What I do know is that for our purposes, it is better for white leftists to have kids than not to have them.

Reply to  RealityRules
4 hours ago

Correct. It’s not just the kids. I am 60 years old and my shitlib parents and in laws drove me nuts with their entitled bullshit. How old is Z? He’s an old fart too.

The problem we face is we have to stop pissing and moaning and noticing and griping. We have to ACT. We have to unify. We need to quit with the defeatism and doom and gloom.

I am confident at some point we will, and the casualties on both sides are going to be horrendous… but hopefully our grandkids will have a world worth living in afterward.

Reply to  Filthie
3 hours ago

This is absolutely correct Filthie. On a very positive note, the difference between a year ago and today in terms of people having acted and continuing to act in forming real communities and real projects is tremendous. Seeds that I sewed a few years ago now have the first site of buds at the base of a couple of branches. We are acting and we will continue to do so. Our job is to act and think in 10, 50 and 500 year time frames. We act to build something or buy something that will be here for Our folk… Read more »

Reply to  Vizzini
3 hours ago

I got kicked off of a Facebook page for the area I grew up in for making one of my typical off color jokes. Our high school sports teams suck these days as the ghetto has slowly moved in, whereas they were pretty decent back in the old days when we were a farm school. All I said was, “You’d think with all the ghetto kids moving there, that we’d be tops in sports … We must have gotten all the black kids who suck at sports.” … You’re a racist!!! Blah blah blah … Oh yeah, it was a… Read more »

Last edited 3 hours ago by TempoNick
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 hours ago

I dumped my insane prog friends decades ago. Live your convictions.

Reply to  ray
5 hours ago

Here here!!

[Or is it “Hear Hear!” Per the grammar / syntax discussion last week, this topic is somewhat relevant….]

Reply to  Carrie
1 hour ago

Carrie: I had the same question myself some time ago, and looked it up! Think of it as an abbreviation of “hear him speak” and you have your answer.

Reply to  ray
4 hours ago

I just can’t abide with these people. They’re damaged and broken. It’d be one thing if they kept to themselves, but they can’t stop wanting to either convert you to their satanic “faith” or have you killed because you are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe. Disagreement with the progressive project makes you an unperson to them, scary, because we all know where that leads. It’s a balm to your sanity not to have to deal with these people. Kudos to you for having the courage to cast out evil. Like Kyle Reese said in the original Terminator that definitely applies to progressives: It… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
2 hours ago

I prefer Cap’n Redlegs’ take in The Outlaw Josey Wales:

“Doin’ right….ain’t got no end….”

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  The Wild Geese Howard
2 hours ago

That was an excellent little dig at Leftists, although I doubt it registered with the vast majority of them. Hell, they probably took it as an endorsement of their behavior.

Reply to  Dr_Mantis_Toboggan_MD
1 minute ago

I disagree in small part: they do feel fear. They know they have crossed lines. That doesn’t meant for a picosecond that they are openly acknowledging any wrongdoing or error, just that events are not going according to expectations. There is no repentance and they aren’t going to change, so the end game is the same: separation/partition or knockdown/dragout to see who gets to continue to exist. The same kind of thing happened after the European working class rejected communism after World War 1. The communists luminaries were ASTONISHED. “But we are the vanguard of the proletariat! Damn the proletarians… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  ray
4 hours ago

I appreciate the sentiment, but it seems pointless to “dump” someone who lives over a thousand miles away and I see maybe once every other year at most. They provide me the service of a window into the madness, which I might otherwise lack.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
48 minutes ago

The window goes both ways. If they are smart enough, they will be forced to consider how a good man could be so wrong, and maybe, just maybe, a little understanding will creep in.

Reply to  ray
4 hours ago

I had them right in my family and I did the same. It got to the point where we hated each other and were skating around the truth of it, not wanting to admit it… but at some point ya gotta be you and live your life and have your own morality and ethics just like they do. I got thrown out the airlock and spent most of the last ten years on my own… but there are signs breaking that maybe some kind of co-existence might be possible. My shit lib parents and in-laws are speaking to me again… Read more »

Reply to  Filthie
2 hours ago

Yes. This is one of the absurdities of the age, and probably one that always accompanies mass democracy and is greatly exacerbated by a multi-ethnic democracy where power is left up for grabs after being abandoned by the majority. I had a case where the wife’s best friend’s fiancee is a massive shitlib. He is very belligerent too. I had a situation where I got hot over the looming forced vaccination and this toad’s promotion of it, and lost my cool. After a cooling out period, I became the bigger man and led with an apology and offered the peace… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Filthie
23 minutes ago

Yes, brutal indifference toward family who have succumbed to the mind virus is necessary and healthy, a kind of N-95 mask for the souI. I have three brothers, two of whom morphed into shitlibs in middle age and are now insufferable pricks. At gatherings, the rest of us finesse conversation into safe channels, steering talk away from politics, to avoid scenes. But these two, they can’t help themselves. After two or three glasses of boxed wine, the shitlibbery oozes out, as from a festering buboe, usually with some passive-aggressive snark, starting with stuff like “Well, I get that you Trump… Read more »

Reply to  ray
1 hour ago

This. How can you call someone a ‘friend’ who wants you dead and your children raped and thinks it’s funny? And for everyone here who says he used to be a civnat, I guarantee there are quadruple the number who became shitlibs in college. And they stay that way, and so do their kids. Everyone my husband and I used to know in the fedgov – all at least moderately ‘conservative’ and many former military – has become a civnat at best, and their kids are all flaming globalists. Lots of girlbosses, careerists, a few sexual degenerates, and almost zero… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
5 hours ago

Agree wholeheartedly with Vizzini: White traitor kids are WORSE than brown people.
And White traitor kids are WORSE than NO White kids at all.

It’s just like 10 more people that our side is gonna have to deal with, when the times get spicy.

@Jeffrey Zoar: you are kidding yourself that having “GoodWhites” anywhere in your orbit is a good thing.

Reply to  Carrie
1 hour ago

Well said.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Carrie
1 hour ago

As previously stated, cutting them out of my life would change very little, as they are already far away. We haven’t even texted in 2 months, which is normal. And it wouldn’t cause any realizations or reflections on anybody’s part… “Our old friend cut us off over politics, so sad, blah blah” you hear those stories all the time, and nobody really cares. Big deal. But, if someday they need me, and I’m not there for them, that could leave a mark. Not exactly revenge, but served cold. If and when I “disown” them, I will make it count for… Read more »

Last edited 43 minutes ago by Jeffrey Zoar
Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  Barnard
6 hours ago

The neocons had to keep their propaganda organs cranked to 11 to keep the right roped in with their appeals to patriotism (that they were killing) and puffing up weird Zio-Christianity communal interests. When they went hard back to the left there was none of that, all their bugmen brought right into their insanity as all it took was labeling anything against them as “fascist”.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Barnard
6 hours ago

I hope Zman writes the companion piece to today’s essay about the disappearance of the old Left, which is almost as weird. I was against W/Cheyney’s Iraq War and I thought I would go to the protest. The train to the City was full of pink-haired Woodstock types and assorted freaks who obviously hated America. I would rather be dead than march with these fools. So I went to Belmont instead. It is impossible for me to believe that these same freaks would support Liz Cheney and more wars. But in America today, anything is possible it seems.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Captain Willard
5 hours ago

Yes. While the power of propaganda media is greatly diminished, it is still very powerful even if no longer a monopoly. These leftists, who tend to be older now, formulate their opinions based on what they see and are told through neocon mouthpieces. A green shoot is many younger people, primarily but not exclusively men, consume different information sources and come to correct and apposite conclusions.

Tired Citizen
Tired Citizen
Reply to  Jack Dodsen
5 hours ago

Conservatards do the exact same thing. Ask any boomer with a maga hat who our greatest ally is and why.

Jack Dodsen
Jack Dodsen
Reply to  Tired Citizen
5 hours ago

Agreed and meant to include that in the comment.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Barnard
5 hours ago

And the flip side of this is that many of us who supported the Sand Wars of the 90s and 00s are now borderline isolationists if not pacifists. The transition from America to AINO occasioned a polar reversal in politics

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 hours ago

The sand wars were proof to rational thinking folk of the futility of the assumption that “everyone” can be an American and will assume American values if only allowed to. Boomers came about their thinking in the after effects of WWII, Korea, and the stalemate of the Cold War. Very little evidence to the contrary in those formative years. Indeed, we could have prosperity at home and continuous war abroad for all we saw. (War is the health of the State? As Bourne said waay back when.) The (endless) sand wars were a boon to rational thinking Boomers—albeit toward the… Read more »

Reply to  Compsci
3 hours ago

True. I felt an odd thrill at the sight of the purple thumbs on Iraqis who had voted after their “liberation”. But ultimately it was a great lesson on the futility of extreme egalitarianism, a lesson that the Cold War couldn’t have so easily imparted. On a side note, does anyone remember the blogger “Chrenkoff”, back in the mid 2000’s? He was allegedly a Polish immigrant living in Australia, who used to post often-massive summaries on a daily basis of all the wonderful things the GAE was doing to rebuild Iraq. Until suddenly one day he was gone and had… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
4 hours ago

Yes. I supported the sand wars because I believed the lie that they were about our national security. Turned out that was completely false. Who let the 9/11 hijackers into the country and allowed them to take flight lessons? The government did. Who let the Boston Marathon bombers into the country — and gave them welfare? The government did. No need to invade Iraq when you can simply deny visas to Saudis and Chechens, right? How many “terror” attacks were committed in the U.S. by the Taliban? ZERO. Yet “Mad Dog” Mattis, who was hired by Trump, said it was… Read more »

Last edited 4 hours ago by Xman
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 hours ago

As someone who unfortunately hauled a lot of flag-draped caskets out of Iraq in a C-130, I admit I supported what Borat correctly termed “your war of terror.” I was like much of our officer corps in the 1990s, a Republican normie who didn’t know any better. Now, we need to leave everyone alone and be left alone. No more “invade the world and invite the world.” I don’t give a damn about Israel. Or Iraq. Or Iran. Or Ukraine. Or Russia. Or China. Or wherever the neocon warmongers tell you to affix your attention. Let’s sweep behind our own… Read more »

Reply to  Barnard
5 hours ago

I can only hope dc gets nuked before I burn.

Reply to  Barnard
3 hours ago

I am totally baffled by it and I suspect a lot of people are. Dick Cheney is one of the worst Americans to ever live and Liz is committed to living up to his legacy. She is so committed to it that she holds up one of the most stunning congressional defeats in history as a badge of honor. As long as the USA protests and elevates these people, the future is less bright. Even if I had total TDS, I would say that the Dick Cheney endorsement is a total deal breaker for Kamala.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
6 hours ago

Even Putin is baffled by all this. In a recent interview, Putin basically said that elections here don’t matter because of the entrenched neocon bureaucracy. That said, I think there’s an important distinction to be made. Trump is pro-Israel, but he’s not a Globalist. The neocons are Globalists. This is their main beef with Trump and why they’ve found a new home in the Globohomo left. They won’t be happy until Moldova, Georgia and other places we can’t find on a map have pride parades and African immigrants.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Captain Willard
5 hours ago

Well, check Moldova off the list. Apparently it has been fortified for Democracy!

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 hours ago

Yes that’s why I mentioned it. Elections….lol

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
5 hours ago

It doesn’t hurt that Russia is kicking ass in Ukraine either. I suspect they have considered the choice of EU membership in light of that.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 hours ago

Warsaw Pact West!
You don’t pick the EU, the EU picks you!

Reply to  Captain Willard
5 hours ago

Is Moldova really a country? I’m skeptical. It sounds more like a yeasty genital condition of the skanky white women that actually do rule all your institutions. :O)

‘Neocons’ may dominate the Forever Wars apparatus, DOD/Pentagon and whatnot. But they don’t run your institutions, and neither does Israel. Look closer to home. Moldova runs those.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
Reply to  ray
5 hours ago

Last girl I met from Moldova was a smoke show. YMMV

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  Captain Willard
3 hours ago

Most EE women are, comparatively speaking. They are poor so don’t have the benefit of gorging themselves to obesity on high fructose corn syrup derivatives. So, by definition, they are usually thin & fit. They also are largely on the prowl to escape said poverty so put careful thought into their appearance unlike these fat little entitled American piglets running around in Ugg boots and their pajamas faces full of metal and virtue signaling neon ‘danger hair’ dyes. And the two Moldovans I met in DC, back in the day, were also above average and pretty hot, respectively. Sadly, in… Read more »

Reply to  ray
4 hours ago

No, but their close cousins – the neoliberals – DO run the institutions. Predictably, they are starting to fail. That is something we have to remember in all this chit and doom poasting… the Israelies – or jews – are rapidly uniting their enemies against them. If Iran cuts loose on Israel – they are done. Others will be drawn into the fray and once they’re gone… a lot of world problems go with them. Any way you cut it none of this bodes well for the jews. We will HAVE to break ties with them at some point or… Read more »

Reply to  ray
3 hours ago

Moldova is probably a country. It’s the US that I’m not sure about anymore. Maybe we are becoming something you get from spending a lot of time at the gay bathhouse. First symptom: a rainbow colored rash around the pelvic area.

5 hours ago

The GAE/ZOG has always been a totalitarian, global, Zionist, Trotskyite undertaking, which is why it commenced the Cold War against its former Bolshevik ally. There is no place in the world where GAE/ZOG does not feel morally entitled to intervene with military, economic, or political interference, all for the promotion of radical egalitarianism, hedonism, consumerism, pornography, feminism, homosexuality, and abortion. “Multiculturalism” is a farce — GAE/ZOG will make war on any culture that challenges it. The claim that GAE/ZOG does this for “democracy” and the “will of the people” is patently fraudulent. If you are a Hitler, Mossadegh, Yanukovich, or… Read more »

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
6 hours ago

I’m a lifelong conservative and remember this well. In the late 1970s, the neocons were welcomed into the movement because they became strong anti-communists at a critical time when Jimmy Carter was “soft on communism.” We welcomed them because we conservatives, real type, needed allies. The Soviet were on the march in Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua. It helped Irving Kristol and others at The Public Interest wrote trenchant, data-laden critiques of the Great Society. And as “ex-“Trotskyites they knew communism from the inside. After they gained major posts in the Reagan administration, and the funding spigots at the major foundations, they… Read more »

Evil Sandmich
Evil Sandmich
Reply to  thezman
6 hours ago

What lightly amuses me are Jews like David  Horowitz who really seems sincere in his transition and is now a man “without a country”. Scott Miller is the only contemporary I can think of in the vein.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Evil Sandmich
6 hours ago

He always struck me as just another partisan hack who could earn more money as a conservative than as just another Jewish commie.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
4 hours ago

Difficult to know for sure. However, I will always respect Horowitz’s willingness to venture into the belly of the beast (academia) and do battle with the campus nutbags on their home turf. Sure, he got paid for those appearances, but it still takes some sand to take the fight to the freaks on hostile ground.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
1 hour ago

Tars: Same. And I feel the same way about all the cuckservative heroes come lately (Weinstein, Candace Owens, etc.). They have (and will) turn on a dime, depending on what’s popular or ‘edgy’ and where they can be vaunted (and paid). Trust NONE of them.

Reply to  Evil Sandmich
2 hours ago

Horowitz is “causy.” When he leaves or joins a thing he means it—or he comes to mean it via leaving or joining. I don’t know if that’s a Jewish characteristic, but it’s vulgar and desperate in a way I associate with them. My mother was in every political cult of the ’70s. Are any late-in-life reverts to the right real? Maybe not. The conversions of “Of course I was a liberal in school, I was a smart kid!” assholes like the Babylon Bee guy, Academic Agent, Vance, [insert your favorite podcast with loud radio ads in it] are always false—not… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
6 hours ago

John Podhoretz and Bill Kristol are poster children for regression to the mean syndrome.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  thezman
5 hours ago

That linked piece is quite a piece of writing. The mind of the progressive never ceases to amaze me. He refuses to believe his own (alleged) eyes and the side of his head over James Baldwin and the “psychologists,” who blames all of it on “projection” Though, to be fair, I do think there is projection going on, just not the projection the psychologist believes is happening. People project themselves on others in the most basic sense. He believes deep down inside, the other is just like him. What motivates him or at least could motivate him is what motivates… Read more »

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  thezman
4 hours ago

No question having the smart Jews on the side of conservatism help bring Reagan into office and ten years of renewal and the end of the Soviet Union. I doubt it could have been done without them.

It’s useful to have smart Jews on one’s side.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
4 hours ago

No, it’s not. Jews’ greatest ability isn’t being clever; it’s subversion. It’s why they do best. Once you let them into your organization (or country), they will be at best a never-ending source of trouble and at worst will take over and destroy you and everything your organization (or country) was started to achieve.

Bringing in Jews to win a short-term goal is like making a deal with the devil. It never works out.

Reply to  Zulu Juliet
3 hours ago

The USSR was about to collapse on it’s own. Reagan, and certainly the neocons had nothing to do with that. I voted for him but giving Reagan credit for winning/ending the cold war is not valid.

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Jack Boniface
6 hours ago

After the Soviet collapse, the neocons shifted to another enemy, Islam, which the conservative movement went along with, which led to war, and eventually the Patriot Act, and here we are, with white patriotic Americans now seen as an enemy.

Those paleocons like Buchanan, Sam Francis, Joe Sobran, et al were correct by warning that there was nothing to stop the regime from using the Patriot Act on US citizens.

It turns out that the neocons, all along, have had three major enemies: Russia, Islam and White people.

Last edited 6 hours ago by Wolf Barney
Mr. House
Mr. House
Reply to  Wolf Barney
5 hours ago

The system was supposed to keep people fighting for status within it, the problem is when the ambition out grew the system. I would place that right around WW2. Anyone who gains total control over the system will view any who disagree with them as the enemy.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 hours ago

I guess it should have been predictable that the major Jewish enemies would turn out to be non-jews, non-jews and non-jews.

Reply to  Wolf Barney
1 hour ago

So will you be able to see Islam as a threat before your dhimmitude? At some point, shouldn’t one take their “Death to the Infidel!” riots seriously? Maybe after they finish shooting up a community center or 20, or setting off bombs at marathon finish lines, or driving trucks through crowds, or going on machete slashing sprees?

There’s no harm in saying neocons got that one right, but that that does not make them allies.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Steve
Reply to  Jack Boniface
5 hours ago

I remember some old rightist commented at the time that the church should welcome prostitutes into the fold but should not immediately put them in charge of the choir.

6 hours ago

Gradually, I began to hate them. And now I hate them fully.

6 hours ago

“Of course, this raises the oldest critique of America’s two-party political system, that it is just a show put on for the masses. The real decisions are made outside of public view by the powerful interests who control the system.” That, of course, is the purpose of party systems and “democracy”. They channel public dissatisfaction away from fundamental change. I remember in my naive younger days my great joy when Reagan was elected and then my realization years later that his presidency didn’t really change anything; it was as if it never happened.

Reply to  Dutchboy
5 hours ago

Reprise, Trump presidency. Exactly zilcho (0) changed in America. Clearly, politicians are not where policy is formed and implemented.

Reply to  ray
5 hours ago

There are two TDS syndromes: the leftist one where Trump is the new Hitler and the rightist version that Trump is the new savior (my Christian Zionist family members favor this one). The best we can hope for from Trump is that he staves off the deluge a little longer.

Reply to  Dutchboy
1 hour ago

Neither my husband nor I plan to vote. We don’t hate Trump – and we both voted for him in 2016. But we’re done with politics. My husband believes that a Trump win (which neither of us believe will happen/be allowed) would benefit our family short term (financial and security) so we would prefer to see a Trump presidency. But we no longer have any faith or hope in the system or faux-nation of AINO.

Reply to  ray
4 hours ago

But the contra example would seem to prove otherwise. Biden took over and we had 20% inflation over his term and added 15M IA’s to the welfare roles.

Reply to  ray
1 hour ago

Rather than “nothing changed”, I think it’s more fair to say none of his changes had much staying power. While the “two regulations repealed for every one added” had that effect, the Deep State kept the text of those repealed regulations in their desk drawers to re-implement as soon as Biden was sworn in.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
Reply to  Dutchboy
4 hours ago

Reagan did change things. The difference between the seventies and the eighties and nineties is stark. One decade of malaise, then two decades of total partying. Unfortunately now it’s all hang over, brain damage and cancer. But it was a good party while it lasted.

Don’t blame Reagan, Reagan for the Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama, Trump knee-capped, then no-one at all.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Zulu Juliet
39 minutes ago

The “Reagan Revolution” was really just the advent of the financialization that comes at the end of empire, and in the fullness of time, nothing more. In the long run, we’d have been just as well off skipping it. Maybe better off, as perhaps it would have retarded the GR if it hadn’t happened. But in the short run, I guess all the fake prosperity was nice and I shouldn’t complain too much about it, as a person could grow up under worse circumstances.

6 hours ago

One of Trump’s chief failings, in my point of view, is that he is so strongly and reflexively pro-Israel. Far more than Harris. But he’d be pro-Israel on his own terms, promoting peace. What Kristol really means, but is not quite saying, is that Trump is a threat to the neocons, whereas Harris is a compliant puppet.

Reply to  Vizzini
5 hours ago

He allowed his beautiful [nominally] Christian daughter marry that zh00 troll, Jared.

6 hours ago

Excellent article, Z. I was a plank subscriber to the then new American Conservative mag in 2002, as I was big fan of Buchanan and stayed a subscriber well into the Obama years until PJB was essentially purged from his own magazine. I clearly remember the famous cover from early 2003 during the run up to the Iraq war titled “Whose War?” His article pulled no punches as to ((who)) was behind this war. Of course, the neocons and even most normie cons went apesh**. Ron Paul was another almost lone voice in the GOP anti-war wilderness back then. In… Read more »

Wolf Barney
Wolf Barney
Reply to  Boris
6 hours ago

As a result of the American Conservative stance, along with Chronicles and a few others, such as Ron Paul’s crowd, National Review ran the cover story by neocon and Bush speechwriter David Frum titled “Unpatriotic Conservatives.”

Reply to  Wolf Barney
4 hours ago

(((David Frum))). There ya go.

6 hours ago

That article is really revealing. Not a word about anything these supposed “conservatives” were supposed to believe in. The fiscal health of the country, our national interests and debt, freedom…

And the total assumption that war with Russia and Iran are positive outcomes. (If we even processed the power to win such those wars). No mention of their track record from Vietnam through Afghanistan.

5 hours ago

If Netanyahoo is stupid enough to throw the kitchen sink at Iran, I expect them to counter launch wave-after-wave of hypersonic ballistic missiles and destroy Israel’s power and water supply systems. The exodus that will follow will be the death knell of Zionism in the Middle East and the world will cheer. And if the US is stupid enough to step in, Russia will prove how impotent our military has become. Our decline is accelerating. We have to hit bottom before we can rebound.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
Reply to  TomA
3 hours ago

I expect them to counter launch wave-after-wave of hypersonic ballistic missiles and destroy Israel’s power and water supply systems. “Press X to doubt…” I think this would be great but it is quite unrealistic. The Persians have responded rather toothlessly thus far to insane aggression from da Joos! Including killing someone on Iranian soil, killing people -on the grounds of foreign embassies-, etc. Imagine for a minute any other country on Earth doing these things to the US, as an example. Pretend a foreign head of state was killed in NYC, a NATO ally country’s embassy was attacked to kill… Read more »

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  TomA
2 hours ago

I have a somewhat darker take on the delayed Israeli response to Iran. Based on the information that has surfaced, I think the Israelis and the US have realized they don’t have nearly the conventional offensive and defensive military power they thought they did. This is the reality that the LTC/Colonel level officers have passed up the chain of command. Due to this potential reality, the more extreme elements in Israel are trying to convince their countrymen and extreme elements in the US to go nuclear on Iran. Obviously, I hope my conjecture is incorrect, but this is what the… Read more »

6 hours ago

You know, Joe Stalin wasn’t all bad by any means…He realized that Trotsky was essentially a Pol Pot who would end up killing everybody in sight, but Stalin wanted a stable Russia at that point…So he exiled and then killed Trotsky, and probably just in time…The jews in Russia still wanted to overthrow Stalin, but without Trotsky they couldn’t succeed….

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  pyrrhus
4 hours ago

Heh. Well, Stalin out-Pol Potted Pol Pot. He was a monster. Trotsky probably wouldn’t have been any better.

Arshad Ali
Arshad Ali
6 hours ago

“Long forgotten is the fact that the label “neoconservative” was a smear coined by a socialist named Michael Harrington.” Not relevant to the thrust of your post but Harrington came out with a book titled “The Other America” back in 1961 (I think). He explained how a sizable chunk of Americans — in the richest country in the world — was living in squalor. It had quite an impact in the country and was probably one of the impulses behind Johnson’s “Great Society” program a few years later. The Democrats of the last thirty years have nothing to do with… Read more »

Last edited 6 hours ago by Arshad Ali
4 hours ago

I often wonder what would’ve happened if McCain or Clinton would’ve won instead of Obama, not too many remember that Bush was pushing for Ukraine to join NATO at the end of his presidency. His admin successfully got a puppet regime installed in Georgia which caused the same exact thing that happened with Ukraine minus the infinite military support so Russia quickly decimated them. Had a typical neocon gotten into office the Ukraine timeline would’ve happened a lot sooner. I’m not sure if they only did a coup instead of pushing for NATO membership because Obama was still in his… Read more »

Reply to  RVIDXR
1 hour ago

I often wonder what would’ve happened if McCain or Clinton would’ve won…”

McCain is a given. He never saw a scrap he wanted America to sit out. Heck, yes, he’d have been all over Ukraine. Don’t know if he could have gotten the job done, either. First thing he’d have done is amp up Affy and Iraq and burn through all materiel we had on hand. Then maybe attack Syria. Or France. Or some other vital American interest…

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
5 hours ago

Former Bush aides make a conservative Jewish case for Kamala Harris ( Archived link if you don’t wish to have to enter your email to read the article as it required me to. As AINO becomes more tribal, the members of the various tribes become more open about their interests and about who they represent. The latter a product of the former, it’s not that they are becoming more honest per se, it’s that the increasingly contentious nature of the tribal competition requires it. Because in this environment, all the tribes justifiably feel threatened. Desperate people do desperate things, such… Read more »

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
4 hours ago

Sounds a lot like the old Austo-Hungarian Empire.

george 1
george 1
5 hours ago

And, if you liked the way the handled Ukraine you will love the way they handle Iran.

4 hours ago

Without a trace of irony, they accuse Trump fans of disloyalty for not supporting the Ukraine war or the Israel wars. In my case that is a double edged sword. When the term neocon started kicking around I had no idea what it meant. The closest thing to a dissident in my circle were cuck conservatives and neocons. They had no idea what the word meant either. Like them I was all in on the sand box wars, 100% behind (((Our Greatest Allies And Friends))). I liked some of the noise coming out of the NRx and Alt Right –… Read more »

6 hours ago

In the fullness of time 9/11 will be seen as the US entry into WW2. The regime wanted it and did what they needed to get it. Goad an enemy, cross their red lines and box them in, then ignore obvious warnings of a ‘surprise’ attack, propagandize and profit. 10/7 will likely be the same.

Reply to  wassamatafoyou
5 hours ago

Did you mean WWIII ?

I think it has already begun.

Reply to  Carrie
4 hours ago

All three, really.

6 hours ago

The libertarians are rightly criticized and mocked. However, the LewRockwell/RonPaul crowd that is paleocon adjacent rightly, accurately and completely criticized them. I suspect this is why so many come over to the Traditionalist side of the divide because of that priming. They did serve a useful purpose.

As for the label, at some point before they were Trotskyites were they Muranos? I am willing to bet that is the case with Mayorkas.

Reply to  RealityRules
6 hours ago

I have defended Ron Paul on here many times (though, frankly, he doesn’t need it – you never really hear him badmouthed here). He allowed me, as a young man in high school, to step back and recognize that the two parties are the same. When he questioned the Civil Rights revolution, I understood just how limited the discourse is, and just how much of the existing structure is a “given.” Much like the paleocons, Paul allowed me to see just how restricted the traditional system is.

Reply to  Eloi
6 hours ago

There is a running gag of a Ron Paul to ‘windmill of friendship’ pipeline. It’s a real thing. They were correct to be afraid of him.

Reply to  wassamatafoyou
5 hours ago

I supported Paul in 2008 purely for his anti-war stance (I am not a libertarian).

Reply to  Eloi
6 hours ago

Yes. It is interesting to watch videos of RP from the 80s and early 90s. He was at the height of his powers and his fire burned its brightest. He was always racially aware. You can see that aside from the ideological battle he provides the subtext that there is also a tribal/ethnic component that is just nature at work. He softened later on and became a one issue person investing everything in End The Fed. I suspect he thought the money printer reliance was weak and going to falter and went after it. Looks like its lifespan while not… Read more »

Reply to  Eloi
5 hours ago

Both ‘sides’ are Civil Rights fanatics. Both sides support feminism, legalized ‘immigrant’ invasion, and most of the rest of the Prog agenda.

It’s a snazzy and jazzy carnival, but still only a carnival.

Reply to  Eloi
3 hours ago

I didn’t know he questioned the Civil Right revolution; yet, when shoehorned into a black district in Texas, he fixed the roads, dropped the crime, kept the streetlights on and the water running. He was a public servant, who served his constituents faithfully instead of poking his snout in the trough. That tells you the kind of man he was, and why they kept re-electing him.

Reply to  Alzaebo
3 hours ago

He was. I remember him questioning the government use of civil rights to ban discrimination in private businesses. For me, this was a revelation – that the government ended freedom of association through the act.

Reply to  Eloi
1 hour ago

Opposition to discrimination “law” in private businesses is not the same as opposing “civil rights”. Ron Paul was and is a huge proponent of property rights, but that government should be neutral.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Steve
Reply to  RealityRules
5 hours ago

I found this interesting article using the search term “marranos” via DuckDuckGo: it supplies a history (one-sided, but to be expected in consideration of the source) of the Marranos and their spread, activities in their diaspora, and impact. It is worthy of a read, but there are other articles that can also be found that may supply parallax views and information, also. I have heard it voiced that LBJ came from a Marrano background. His actions surrounding the attack on the USS Liberty might be better understood with this possibility in mind (beyond the compelling danger of alienating the… Read more »

Reply to  JerseyJeffersonian
2 hours ago

That’s why I keep insisting the majority of the tribes of Israel leaned Aryan; the implacable percentage were Marranos then, just as they are Marranos now. Their race is their religion, as with any black or Indian.

Mayorkas, like Castro and Castro’s bastard son, is of Sephardi descent.
Communism (and Feminism) is evangelical Judaism, as was Islam, thus the Red-Green ummah (supertribe).

The problem for us this moment is that Biden was the trojan horse to bring in a hard Communist, Kamala, to complete Obama’s Revolution under Emhoff’s handling. She was made border Czar along with Mayorkas for a reason.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Alzaebo
Reply to  Alzaebo
1 hour ago

Thinking about Rockefeller, son of Nathan, whose crypto line traces back through France, Turkiye, Portugal, and Spain (as does Roosevelts’),

I realized there is a trace genetic trait that we have been ignoring: along with the Dark Triad traits, there is Intent to Rule.

Thus, the fat tail’s push towards messianism, universalism (globalism), and monotheism.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Alzaebo
2 hours ago

What the alien overclass has to fear is what happens when the people calling themselves Democrats who genuinely did oppose all those wars drop out of the system. The alien over-class system relies on a thin patina of legitimacy afforded by partially-fraudulent elections. The vote isn’t rigged everywhere in the same way. Ballot box stuffing happens in the close districts, but other forms of fraud and rigging happen in safe districts. See also: Mayor Adam’s in NYC, “indicted” for impure thoughts about illegals. Rigging takes on many flavors. Trump had fun at the Al Smith Dinner skewering the uniparty over… Read more »

Last edited 2 hours ago by hokkoda
38 minutes ago

I think yourself and most of the commenters here are wrong, missing the “revolution in political fundraising affairs” that Obama created in 2009. [to borrow from Rumsfeld]. It was not just the money and amount from Iran that came in, but who it went to: the rising non-White elite in the Party, bureaucracies, NGOs, and so on that form the power basis for the Party. It was an even bigger revolution than the Clinton’s China grift (who can forget the immortal poetry of Al Gore’s “no controlling legal authority” over the Buddhist Temple millions of donations). Thus the Democratic Party… Read more »

3 hours ago

Vladimir Putin was also vindicated. One time he is said to have said that at its base level the Soviet Union operated no differently than the United States operates. They had a one-party state, we have a uniparty. Elections mean nothing.

It doesn’t get more Republican than the Taft family and yesterday former Ohio governor Bob Taft endorsed the Democrat incumbent Sherrod Brown in the election. So much for Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment. (I also found it funny that this news blurb came across on Channel 6 here which was once controlled by the Taft family.)

Uniparty sticks together.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 hours ago
c matt
c matt
1 hour ago

When I clicked on the comment section, there were 109 comments. Interesting.

Now there are 110.

Greg Nikolic
6 hours ago

The political Left has always harbored strange bedfellows. Certain men of a bullying nature have found their way to the left of the aisle. In Russia, there was Joseph Stalin. In America, there was Lyndon Johnson. These men ruled with an iron fist while mouthing soft-hearted platitudes. They came to the Left because it gave them a vehicle to achieve power. Johnson used to give opponents the “Johnson Treatment” where he would loom over them, dominating their personal space. Stalin was Stalin — paranoid, insecure, prone to shifty-eyed suspicion of associates and the commitment of them to the Cause. They… Read more »

Reply to  Greg Nikolic
2 hours ago

In that light, then, the Trot wolves have scented a new flock of sheep- a flock of catamites, women, and nonwhites eager for spoils.