The Indian Question

Fifty years ago, the late political humorist P.J. O’Rourke did a piece for National Lampoon called Foreigners Around the World. It featured exaggerated stereotypes of various races and ethnic groups, along with over-the-top descriptions meant to satirize what was called racism at the time. The piece is preserved online, even though the magazine is long gone. The humor does not hold up, if it was ever humorous, but it is a good starting place for thinking about the immigration debate.

Even when satirizing the idea of racial and ethnic descriptions, the piece cannot help but reflect the hierarchy with regards to how Americans view the world. Fifty years ago, people could be honest about such things, but if you could do a poll today where the respondents are given truth serum, they would most likely rank foreigners similar to how O’Rourke inadvertently ranked them. Of course, the race and ethnicity of the American would play a big role in the ranking.

Black people, for example, would rank Africans at the top and East Asians at the bottom of their list. East Asians would rank Africans at the bottom. White people would rank East Asians at the top, because they see them as the model minority. The tiger mom business a decade ago was driven by upper-middle-class white women who thought the tiger mom explained why the math club was dominated by Chinese kids. Every race and ethnicity have their own ranking.

The one group everyone would put at the bottom, without needing truth serum is South Asians, specifically Indians. Over the last thirty years America has been flooded with migrants from almost every nook and cranny of the globe. Most noticeable are those from South America because of their numbers. In the summer, every business park and suburban neighborhood is littered with Hispanics cutting the grass. The next most noticed group is the South Asians.

Despite their small numbers, relative to Hispanics, South Asians stand out because of their jarring alienness and their reason for being here. Employers import Indians to depress middle class wages and displace American tech workers. As a result, middle-class white people notice them and unlike Hispanics, who white people tend to admire for their work ethic, the Indians have a very negative reputation. Not even the most deluded immigration romantic likes South Asians.

This has come as a great shock to Elon Musk and his tech bros. For some reason he decided to use Christmas Day to announce that he wants Trump to fill your neighborhood with Indians so he can win something. This set off a multi-day firestorm over the topic of Indian immigration. The tech bros were poleaxed by the reaction, as they had no idea how much the average American dislikes Indians. So much so that even yelling “racism” has no impact.

There are a lot of reason for this. Every American has called their bank or the help line for some bit of electronics, only to get someone who is obviously an Indian, despite using an American name. What follows is endless frustration. Of course, we have the stories of Americans being fired and then replaced by Indian guest workers. Now we have the Indian phone scammers targeting old people. During Covid, Indian scammers were on the cutting edge of Covid scams.

Daily, the average American, regardless of his race or ethnicity, is reminded of these alien weirdos who make his life difficult. Much like how gypsies are the one group Europeans are allowed to hate, without being called racist, Indians are becoming that group for Americans. It is perhaps not a coincidence that the origin of the people called gypsies is most likely the Indian subcontinent. Regardless, when it comes to South Asians, Americans of all types have a negative opinion.

There are justifiable reasons for this growing anti-Indian sentiment. The main reason is we do not need Indians. No one has ever said, “This place would be perfect if we fill it up with Indians.” All the arguments in favor of importing Indians do not hold up to scrutiny, so people assume those are deliberate lies. When the official explanation is not trusted, then people are free to conjure their one explanation. Vivek Ramaswamy discovered that when he came out in favor of infinite Indians.

The immediate assumption was that he was in favor of importing his countryman to take your job and take over your neighborhood because they are his countryman. That puts a massive hole in his image as the example of the “New American.” In fact, in one tweet he may have created a majority in favor of not just ending immigration from India, but starting the remigration process. Of course, it also makes it impossible for him to cry racism when he is clearly motivated by race.

Given that Musk and his tech bros were deluged with negative comments, we may have just witnessed a preference cascade with regards to Indians, but perhaps also with immigration in general. Five years ago, Musk would have been able to get away with this, because people would have assumed it was immoral to oppose immigration, much less Indian immigration. Now they are seeing that most everyone around them holds the same negative view of immigration, especially from India.

Immigration patriots are also helped by the fact that the so called tech bros are mostly flim-flam men. Silicon Valley stopped innovating long ago and now relies of financial legerdemain for skim billions for the economy. Vivek Ramaswamy is a pretty good example of this reality. Look at how he got rich and you wonder how he is not sitting in a federal prison, which is itself a reminder that the people promoting Indian immigration are not the most honest people in America.

It is not all good news. In response to getting blasted on his own platform, Musk has rolled out a new censorship scheme so he and his tech bros will not get the sads reading their feed. Regardless of what the people think, the oligarchs are going to plow ahead with their nation wrecking schemes. Even so, as Asad just learned, you cannot rule over a hostile public forever. This Twitter event was not Ceausescu’s famous last speech, but perhaps a foreshadowing of what is to come.

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3 months ago

I have to say that I am heartily sick of ALL non-white immigrants. Everywhere you turn it’s blacks, browns, yellows and noses shoved in your face – particularly on the boob toob. Forty or fifty years ago, they were all more of a novelty – ethnic restaurants etc. Now, they’re fricking everywhere, including substantial positions of power and influence. I’m also resigned to the probable fact that whatever deportation scheme Trump and crew come up with, it won’t make much of a difference at all – we’ll just be subjected to endless videos of wailing illegal muds – with tens… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

The “diverse” ads are so friggin grating. Though I almost never watch the boob-tube, I spend the time others spend watching TV watching youtube and it is every bit as bad. Youtubers are constantly putting god-awful noise pretending to be music in their videos and it’s all African. The (free) B-roll youtubers use is all loaded with diversity as well.

My area has been loaded up with Chinese and Indians along with all the mestizos.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Accursed dieversity is everywhere. Not just Youtube and Boobtoob, but the placards on the walls of Walmart, the packaging of diapers and cat food, the websites where you conduct your banking and investing. And, as you say, every amenable format is yoked to insufferable racket manufactured by the pavement apes. There are three possible responses to this deluge of aesthetic filth. First, you can act like a Griller and pretend to like or at least accept it. Second, you can loathe it and simultaneously marinate in it, in which case you’ll go insane. Third, you can tune out to the… Read more »

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago


I like it. Your coinage?

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago


Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

No one imagined that the first Mexican restaurant in our small town was a portent of evil yet to come.

Reply to  Johnny Ducati
3 months ago

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: All it takes is ONE . . . and one is too many.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

And what is it about these joints? They get into some storefront, then BLAST their fvcking music out into the street as if EVERYONE needs to hear it. Their simplistic, repetitive beat … Felice fuck off.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Johnny Ducati
3 months ago

And I actually like Mexicans. I definitely have a hierarchy, as Z said. Incompatibles such as Muslims, South Asians, and Africans are at the bottom for me.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

Many whites share your fondness for aztecs. My case is different. I became conscious of race in coastal California where there were many revanchist aztecs who would tell you to your face that they wanted to take back their land from you. The supposed “good ones” did not defend all the whites who paid them to mow their lawns. Pleasant fantasies about shared conservative values were impossible.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

How many Aztecs are there, though? The majority of what we consider Mexicans are Spanish influenced.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

My experience leads me to guess that if you are having pleasant interactions with aztecs/hispanics/latinos it is only because they have not achieved sufficient numbers.

One of my most racially-charged memories is being the only non-aztec in a convenience store, less than an hour drive from San Fran, in which I was the only one who spoke English. The hatred was obvious.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

I was doing a project for a large apartment complex a while back, and the site contact was an amiable guy from south of the border.
When we met, he greeted me in Spanish and I ignored him. He asked,”what, you don’t speak Spanish”? To which I replied,”No, this is America”.

From that point forward, he spoke only in English to me.

Funny how that worked out.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Spaniards are European. Though there are Spaniards in Mexico, the vast majority are either full or partial Indians/Aztecs or whatever. All those short brown guys hanging at the Home Depot are not Spaniards. They simply are not compatible with Western Civilization.

YT Bulger
YT Bulger
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

haha. I guess you are forgetting 500 years of moorish conquest that turned half the country brown

ken ward ward
ken ward ward
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

They don’t think so-they consider Aztlan to be the future.Regardless, most of the one’s moving here are from central and south central Mexico which is the nahuatl region of Mexico(heavy native stock).The ones on the novelas are probably from places like Argentina, Colombia or places in Mexico where they have German et al last names.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

I’ve never been to California, and God willing, never will. That said, I get the sense that Cal-Mexicans are very different from Tejanos. The former are far more likely to fall in with the Left’s anti-white racism than are the latter, who in the main, don’t have any time for it.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

You’ve expressed your feeling before that Tejanos are a different breed. It’s hard for me to imagine, but you’ve always struck me as a trustworthy and intelligent man. I’m not going to argue with your experiences, however improbable they seem to me. The world is a big, complicated place. I want to be an accurate observer and that requires humility.

I used to want to visit Texas, maybe visit Robert Howard’s home, but 3g4me has dissuaded me!

doug g
doug g
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

i once worked two weeks down in san antonio. met mostly tex-mex who had nothing but loathing for mexicans in general. open and unapologetic dislike. different breed altogether.

Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

In my time at Camarillo, I met only four good spics — two worked at the 3M plant, and the husband/wife team that ran the Somis Cafe and Market. And I wouldn’t swear the latter were so much good as not wanting to lose a potential customer. Don’t know, but it is plausible, based on the character of all the rest I encountered.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  Steve
2 months ago

The only good Mexican I’ve ever known was a castizo from Guadalajara.

c matt
c matt
Reply to  LineInTheSand
3 months ago

Keep in mind that these observations are based on the mean. So while Tejanos, on average, are not as insufferable as Mexicalians, that does not mean there are no insufferable La Raza type Tejanos. But you will find far more Tejanos lean GOP (to the extent you can take that as an indicator of anything) than Mexicalians do.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

With me, it’s all about the numbers. I don’t mind diversity so long as it is understood that the dominant culture is going to be that of the white European diaspora and that it’s going to stay that way.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  TempoNick
2 months ago

I don’t mind Diversity, as long as it only comes for a visit and goes
back home.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

Regrettably, I must lump the Finkels in with the rest of the unacceptables. After all, they bear a great deal of responsibility for the presence of the unacceptables, to begin with.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Finkels = high caste Indians without the obvious foreignness of them.

Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

The usual people will whine and complain, but I suspect a lot of people will feel their hearts grow colder at the manipulation. There will be that shock and awe phase of the anti-deportation initiatives…the media caterwauling…the sympathy pictures… But then people will see the deportations happening. The NGOs will see their initiatives targeted and their lawyers and friendly judges neutered…and their funding will dry up. Or if Homan gets his wish and starts jailing local politicians for harboring illegals. In major cities like NY and Chicago – TdA isn’t just in that apartment complex in Denver – if people… Read more »

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  hokkoda
3 months ago

A great way to kick off La Gran Deportación would be to do what DeSantis and “Wheels” Abbot did just a few years ago but on steroids. Start rounding up token numbers of foreigners in smaller towns and cities, more likely to be Red zones. But more important: targeted groups would be aware that they could more or less freely travel to “sanctuary cities.” In fact, why not simply put the “apprehended” ones on the bus too? Yes, New York, Chicago, LA, all the Progressive Shitholes in short order have a seemingly unending stream of short brown people stepping off… Read more »

Reply to  hokkoda
3 months ago

The rent and housing situation was primed, even before the Brandon-instigated immigrant deluge, to become a crisis. The deluge was simply the thing that got EVERYONE to notice the problem(s). Many parts of the country, such as Western Oregon, where I’m stuck, have a double-whammy combo of problematic geography and Leftist Greenie politics. Basically, this area’s housing supply is limited by nature in the form of mountains and hills too steep to build on and then by this thing the Greenies came up with called the “Urban Growth Boundary”. Basically the latter is an arbitrary perimeter around Portland outside of… Read more »

Reply to  usNthem
3 months ago

All the little country stores around me are owned by Indians as if a few yeaa as ra ago. It seemed to happen all at once.

3 months ago

Two key takeaways from the Indian/H1b discourse: 1)Notice how not one of the pro-slave labor surrogates has offered any sort of compromise to the American people. They haven’t even bothered to address our concerns. They simply insulted us by claiming we’re too lazy and stupid to understand and then prodded us with ridiculous questions like ‘Don’t you want the US to win?!?” Of course, who’s actually winning is never discussed. 2) In regards to Vivek’s anti-American culture rant: The Indian can’t compete in the physical realm. It’s understandable they would resent the jock and the prom king as they are… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Lakelander
3 months ago

What is it they want the US to win at ?

The biggest area the US and Europe is losing at is immigration

If the US is falling behind in some tech area its mainly down to poor leadership. Eg Boing, and Indian programmers are involved in that mess

If infinity immigration is so good for a country, why don’t China or Japan want it ?

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 months ago

The win as they see it is being the biggest multiracial strip mall.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Much like our Canadian commentators, I live around Indians. We could all see this coming. Indians make Jews look subtle. And unlike Jews, Indians can’t pretend to be white, so whites notice them as the other.

This is nice little victory, but the Indians aren’t going to quit. They don’t give two farts about us or our feelings. America is the biggest, easiest scam opportunity in history. They will come for it.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Sukhetu Mehta: “This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

True, but this probably has damaged the H1B portion of the scam.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

‘America is the biggest, easiest scam opportunity in history.’


Reply to  ray
3 months ago

There is only so much scamming to be done. Once the money runs out, so does the scam. God willing, the young people will learn from the mistakes of their elders at least.

3 months ago

The average IQ in India is about 78…average IQ for white or Asian Americans, over 100…Indians are highly corrupt, often scammers like VIvek, and always want to hire their relatives and import more Indians….
Meanwhile, highly qualified white Americans can’t even get an interview with major companies…..

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

We were propagandized against the caste system too intensely. There is a reason higher caste subcons look down on the lower castes — they really are inferior.

We would probably be better off just formally and legally recognizing that our inner city yoots are our Dalits and get on with life.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

That’s been my impression. Makes sense that the more assimilated, Westernized Indians would be high-caste. The castes are, after all, genetic subsets with very little intermixing.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

What a disability. Why, here in America even the bottom-of-the-heap Nig…um….”Neglected” component of our society has IQ of 85 or so.

3 months ago

Traveled a great deal and I’ll tell you this:

Not every hotel that is seedy, substandard and cheap is run by a Patel family, but every hotel I’ve stayed at that is run by a Patel family is seedy, substandard and cheap.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

The subcon Patel jati owns about 40% of all American motels.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I’ve noticed that. Unless I’m in the hinterlands, I don’t bother with the lower half motels anymore.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

They are IN the ‘hinterlands’ – Idaho, Montana, Kansas, Missouri, Utah. With a few billion worldwide (Indian, Fiji, Jamaica, Singapore, Canada, Australia, etc.) they are almost unavoidable.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

The handful I run into in backwater Minnesota or North Dakota or Nebraska are easily avoided. I generally like to patronize Mom & Pops in small town USA, and one sniff in the lobby tells you all you need to know.

And people should avoid cities like the plague.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

First thing I would do if I ran a hotel, I would put a sign that said “American Owned” right out front.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Except it would not be true. Your posts have declared that you’re the son of an immigrant who was bitter that we didn’t have anything better than a union carpenter’s job for Dad.
I don’t think it’s asking too much that if we believe that thoughts create Americans that those thoughts not run along the lines of “I’m better than all these stupids”.

Last edited 3 months ago by Piffle
Bloated Boomer
Bloated Boomer
Reply to  Piffle
3 months ago

Isn’t Nick from Serbia or something?
The Bitter Bitch from the Balkans.

Novax is cool though.

Reply to  Piffle
3 months ago

I was born here, I’m European and I’m Christian. That’s good enough, Sheets, or don’t you believe in the constitution? Nobody is bitter, we were just smart about what the best path to take is. We don’t model our lives after an actor (Mike Rowe). Maybe you’re the one who’s bitter because he didn’t make the most of your life I am better. I don’t have any baby mamas, I’m not tatted up, I don’t smoke pot and do drugs. I don’t puff myself to death smoking tobacco. I finished school and then grad school … Don’t you have a… Read more »

Salmon Jones
Salmon Jones
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

And see that’s what we’re talking about. You’re not one of us. It’s pathological with you people. When it would benefit you to not hate the natives, you still have to hate the natives. I wish you’d go back.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

A childhood friend of mine initiated me into hatred of Indians decades ago. She was a pioneer of it, absolutely rabid, back when few of us had met any Indians and learned how much we should hate them. She’s a rare Japanese-American, third or fourth generation. The first two generations of her family here owned and operated a few hotels in California. (Apparently that’s what Japanese people were brought here to do, be Californian hoteliers, for reasons I can’t quite put together.) When war internment came around, her family wasn’t imprisoned. In exchange for their freedom, their business was taken… Read more »

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Definitely ran into that here in Arizona. Indian or Paki-run hotels range between tolerable and total dump.

Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Those 1950s Bates Motel types of facilities tend to be run by rednecks. They are just as bad. Otherwise, I agree.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I live among rednecks and hillbillies. These people –although their creative building solutions often leave much to be desired – are hard-working, solid, heritage Americans. When you – as a first gen – mock them, you are doing the exact same thing as the pajeets – and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I’m sorry, but those places they run are not top shelf or even middle shelf. It is what it is.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

They are clean and comfortable and the worst that will happen is a sincere wish that you show up to church with them on Sunday. Not so at the Pajeet Motels.

Reply to  Piffle
3 months ago

Given all the bad things that happen in motels, including murder, I wonder how the typical seedy Pajeet motel family handles the, um, cleanup operations. Do they contact law enforcement and shut down for the day? Or do they apply the “Ganges river treatment” to the mess?

Don’t eat the curry at the breakfast bar. Hmm, sounds like the plot of a hilariously racist indy movie – “Weekend at Sanjay’s”

Salmon Jones
Salmon Jones
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Again, you are not us. There are no good immigrants, as you are showing. Like Z said, the best you can hope for is the grandkids or great grandkids, maybe. You are neither.

3 months ago

When Trump started talking about stapling green cards to diplomas, I know a lot of people kind of put their fingers in their ears and waved it off as Trump just saying stuff. Well, that clearly was not the case and the people who hammered Trump on this were right to do so. The idea of mass deportations paired with infinity Indians (and that is what would happen, see Canada which is now completely destroyed) never made any sense. So a few weeks before Trump is taking office we are starting to see, from his team, some pullback from the… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Mycale
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

If Trump really wants to do this mass deportation thing, he will have to ignore court orders and arrest people who interfere, including politicians. I have serious doubts that he will do any such thing.

Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

Yep, and the screeching about the new dictator Hitler would be absolutely cacophonous. I’d love to see it, but you’re right, the odds of it happening are close to zero.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

Trump has the hide of a mastodon, but also the heart of a gerbil. Sad to say, but we need a man with a cold, iron bar for a heart.

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
2 months ago

Yes indeed. The nation needs a man of…steel you might say. What the Russians call a Сталин I think. He heh. Listening to the Lefties panic over Trump is funny. The country is so far gone at this point that it makes sense to wish they were right – internment camps, military rounding up migrants, purges of DIE staff (especially women) in corporations and government… If only. He’s not capable of that though. I don’t think we have many men who are.

Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

When Trump started talking about stapling green cards to diplomas…”

I admit to still being guardedly optimistic. One of the few things Trump shares with George Washington is that his opinion is whatever his last advisor told him it should be. Which is why that Srignat AI guy needs to be opposed. You do not want anyone remotely like him to have Trump’s ear.

Though being as Trump is a left-wing loon from NY, I count my fingers constantly, and bemoan the fact that he was the best that could be elected.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Trump was best that could get through a corrupt system where all is now currently tilted at enriching the elite. Trump’s 4 years will probably be the status quo. What happens when there is no Trump to run against the next Kamala Harris is more interesting.

Reply to  Piffle
3 months ago

It wouldn’t matter how corrupt the system is. There’s well over half the populace that worships Satan in the form of the State. The best anyone can do is find the softest cliff into which to crash-land, and hope there are enough left to pick up the pieces.

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  Mycale
3 months ago

I doubt that there ever were going to be any mass deportations.

Reply to  The Infant Pheonomenon
2 months ago

But there WILL be infinity Indians.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 months ago

I don’t recall anyone here, at least, throwing rose petals at Vivek’s feet. Even if I missed some outlier admiration, he pretty well finished himself off with this episode. Any government cut King Cobra now touts as part of DOGE will be suspect, which actually may be unfortunate, but them’s the breaks. L’Affaire Infinite Indians was a good reminder that the impulsivity of Indians, Jews, white leftists, and so forth has always been their Achilles Heel and it is one advantage we have over them. Note how other Subcons joined in the anti-white chorus with ever-increasing nastiness. Churchill did have… Read more »

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

I have to say that I’m disappointed in King Coba. No, not in the sense that he betrayed us. He was never on our side. He was on his side. I’m disappointed in his terrible political skills. I always took him as a much better con man.

But I was hoping that he’d use his con man skills to help our side, not because he cared but because it could elevate him. This is a stunning own goal by the Cobra.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Even King Cobra’s attempt to exit and cut his losses was executed poorly. He’s just a smarter phone scam artist who loses his shit when confronted, a/k/a a typical Subcon. Stick a fork in him.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Exactly. He stepped in some pooh. Okay, that happens, but his actions after that were amazingly stupid politically. He could have exited the situation pretty easily.

Just say that he wants to end H1B but create a new “Genius visa” for 10,000 people or something like that. (Obviously, he’d never actually do that.) Instead, he decides that it’s a great idea to trash on Americans and American culture. Stunning.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

He stepped in some pooh. Okay, that happens

Especially in India and in west coast cities with a lot of sub-cons.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Hence the street shiter description.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

“Genius visa?”

Only if there is a battery of IQ and subject matter expertise exams that are required prior to securing that visa.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Reminder that when he underperformed in the Iowa caucus—near zero votes instead of a few—his wife said it happened because white people are so stupid they thought he’s a muslim terrorist.

That’s the conversation in his house.

He could not exit. He is and understands himself to be the blood enemy of every normal American.

So does Elon. So does Vance.

It is their self. They cannot maintain the act. They’re not smart enough and they don’t have enough self-control. (Vance almost is and almost does.)

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

I still cling to some hope for JD. If only because I can only swallow so many black pills in a day. Musk and Ramaswamy have exposed themselves as charlatans. As for the Donald, I just don’t know what to think of the man… very exhausting times.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

As the Chinese engineer said, ‘Its all so tiresome.”

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Vance’s story seems like a made-up character in a book, and whaddya know? What a coincidence.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stephanie
Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

Sounds like he needs to get away from his father and his wife. They are backwards.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Well, given that AINO’s “culture” is now African “culture”…

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Oh, pray it is not so! One aspect of “culture” in Africa is occasional tribal wars with casualties in the hundreds of thousands, and no one would ever want that here. 😎

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Ben the Layabout
3 months ago

Look at all the dam’ nose rings and facial piercings. Aesthetically, we’re already in Namibia.

Andy Texan
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Vivak and Buttigieg when students in 2004 were both selected to ask questions at a Democrat town hall. He has been targeted for advancement within the System. Appearances may be deceptive.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

With all due respect, he may be a con man when it comes to Whites, but he cannot escape his own genetics and ethnocentric culture – and fellow Indians know he is one of them. For Whites to somehow trust anyone called “Vivek” to prioritize White interests, because it would also help is own political aspirations, is to once again ignore how he got where he is in the first place.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I never trusted him, except to trust that he wanted power and position. He (correctly) decided that Trump populism was a good wave to ride. I assumed that he understood what Trump supporters wanted – even if he didn’t care about it – and would play to that audience.

I was wrong about his skills. Perhaps, he didn’t understand that he can’t play the “My fellow whites” game like Jews can.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

I thought it was obvious that Vivek was playing a role and exploiting it to the hilt but thought it might work as a scam because he did it quite well. My mistake was not factoring in the impulsive nature of the Indian, and that burned him down pretty quickly this week.

The Infant Pheonomenon
The Infant Pheonomenon
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I went over to Breitbart a few mins ago to see whether they had a story about the Twitter dust-up and, if so, what the MAGA crowd had to say about it, expecting the cult of Trump to be on full display, favoring destroying the country in order to save it by sticking slavishly to whatever Trump and his minions want, but I am surprised to see that sentiment is 10 to one against importing more Indians. Maybe we are turning a corner somehow.

Reply to  The Infant Pheonomenon
3 months ago

As Z-man pointed out, nobody has particularly favorable opinion of South Asians. They are notable for all the qualities that they lack relative to most of the world’s cultures. The best I have is “spiritual” and even that is wasted on Hinduism and the caste system. They are polite but only to get you to fill out those stupid surveys for help you could have gotten from a website. The list goes on.
At least Africans can be entertaining or display a strength that Europeans lack.

Last edited 3 months ago by Piffle
Reply to  The Infant Pheonomenon
3 months ago

Until the Twitter explosion over Indians I had thought that at least some of the oligarchs, with Musk and Theil as the vanguards, had an understanding of where we are in this country right now which is quite close to the day of Ceausescu’s last speech in Romania. The rage among normal White men, in particular, is close to the boiling point. Most of my fellow White techies, at least the younger ones, are abject cucks. There’s always been a large fraction of us though who have the martial spirit, have opposed DIE from the start, and want ALL the… Read more »

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Yes, he forgot that he wasn’t in India, where you gain status with successful fraud…

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

I can’t believe he used “hanging out at the mall” as a gripe. He is not old enough to have hung out at the mall when that was a thing! It’s so disingenuous. Either he thought that would appeal to Americans because it’s a stereotype of the 80’s or it’s his father’s gripe that he inherited. It’s very strange.

I can almost picture his immigrant dad bitching about the American kids hanging out at the mall.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stephanie
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Stephanie
3 months ago

Exactly. People who looked a lot like Vivek drove whites away from the mall by the time he was ten.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Well, evidently the generally happy and healthy American kids hanging out at the mall must have upset them.

The American kids also found opportunities to be with the opposite sex by hanging out at the mall. And ya know, they might breed more happy and healthy American kids and that must have really pissed them off. Can’t have that.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Stephanie
3 months ago

Yes. And the white teens also worked there, taking employment opportunities for those seeking a better life for themselves. The mall is a perfect metaphor for the absolute dung heap the United States now is.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Stephanie
3 months ago

Nothing ruins a wog’s day quite like seeing an immaculate, beautiful, healthy, happy white couple with a passel of adorable rug rats. The America of 1954 puts the lie to the egalitarian myth.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

That would have been 1995. I never shopped at malls much, but back then – at least in Texas – I could take my older son to play at local malls and indoor play areas and see mostly White kids. But when I tried to do that with the younger one in the early aughts, the places were over – run with subcons, hans, mestizos, etc. – and we found other places to go and things to do.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

You know, that’s a very good point. The mall business isn’t doing very well these days. When you consider the fact that malls came about because of all the “diversity” in downtown shopping areas, their demise should have been predictable once diversity came to the mall. There are other factors for malls circling the drain, but I do think that’s one of them.

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Rammaswarmy is typical of Indians. He’s out for himself. He must go back!

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

He really did stomp on his own dick.
I don’t think he was mocking football players and prom queens, and calling whites ‘lazy’ while campaigning in Iowa.

Reply to  Maxda
3 months ago

He does have a point, however. In fact, I’ve argued the same around here. Mike Rowe is just an actor. Dirty Jobs don’t get you a seat at the table where they decide whether we have to eat bugs or not. Vivek is just the wrong person to be making that argument.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Yes, we know you’ve argued the same here. That’s why I’ve invited to consider returning home. If you hate America and our values, then just don’t worry about us. So sorry we didn’t come up to those standards. All those dirty jobs, dangerous and highly technical that only white men seem to do, are the ones keeping you comfortable even as I type this. Our issue right now is an elite governing class that holds the values as your posts and Vivek. The point of such a class is to protect the interests of the working class. It’s not to… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Dirty Jobs don’t get you a seat at the table where they decide whether we have to eat bugs or not.

So get rid of the table. What kind of Americans need anyone bossing them around? Or indeed, anyone to eat out their substance?

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Nepotism is a word we don’t hear very much anymore, even though it’s larger than life at this point in time.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

I agree, but the mere fact that someone named vivik ramaswarthy or nimroda randhawa are/were even within sniffing distance of the US presidency or its environs is outrageously ridiculous. Both he and musk better do some damn quick recalibrating – I can’t imagine Trump sanctioning those comments, but I guess we’ll see.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

I worked for Indians both Muslims at a regional office of a big health
plan. They were all-in on black history month, posters everywhere. I fantasized asking to read aloud select sermons of Malcom X. One of the Indians re-posted a ridiculous New York Times op-ed written by the African president of a large hospital in the Bronx complaining how prejudiced Whites are.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

I remember during the primaries all the cucks wishing they could fellate Vivek almost as much as they wish they could pleasure Bibi. It is really disheartening how so many people on our side drank the Kool-Aid. No discernment whatsoever.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I don’t recall anyone here with illusions about Vivek, but maybe I missed it. Cucks gonna cuck, of course.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Instapundit, Professor Larry Schweikert (he isn’t a cuck, but I lump him in when it comes to the subject of Vivek). The usual suspects who have that libertarianish view of immigration.

Johnny Ducati
Johnny Ducati
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Cuckservative radio host here was pushing Vivek hard during the primaries. I told him the dude was just a second rate motivational speaker.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

It may be disheartening, but I’m not surprised in the least. Check any website and see magatards exulting that, after Trump, they look forward to 8 years of a Vance presidency (and a devout Hindu subcon ‘First Lady’). The women couldn’t emote enough about the man making his great-grandma’s biscuits with his mulatto daughter. The man trashed his family and Appalachian heritage to paeans from the cloud people, and now every cuckservatard adores the man as some sort of ‘authentic American’ hero.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Just now from Scott Adams, regarding Vivek and Elon:

“I would take a bullet for both of them.”

I don’t even think Adams is running a con.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Yup. I put him in the cuck category as well.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

He aims to entertain.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Scott doesn’t believe in God or religion. Doesn’t usually go out of his way to mock the faithful often, but when he does, it’s always Christians.

He also desperately wants to upload his brain into the cloud to “live forever.”

Doesn’t have any kids of his own. Fancies himself as smart as Elon and Vivek but the evil “racisms” kept him down.

That’s all you need to know about Scott. He’s not evil, but he’s ultimately incapable of appreciating transcendence.

Last edited 3 months ago by ProZNoV
Reply to  ProZNoV
3 months ago

Scott Adams sold his soul to the devil.

Reply to  oldcoyote
2 months ago

Scott Adams sold his soul to the devil.

To Phil, Prince of Insufficient Light.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

“I would take a bullet for both of them.”

May he get his wish…

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Right? What is he thinking? Has he accepted martyrdom for the cause: indentured servants? Maybe they told him he had to say that and he has to say yes master? It’s weird. They took away his younfg lady companions. He might have nothing to live for anymore.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I was against JD for that very fact. I simply don’t trust him because of what his sympathies would be.

I don’t know if this is correct or not, but it seems like Asian immigration skyrocketed under Zero. Zero had much fun this for that region and I’m sure he put his thumb on the scale.

That said, it’s hard to hate JD after watching this. He comes across as downright normal:

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

It exploded under Obama. That was when the tech industry started to buy politicians in the States and abroad at a level similar to how Jews bribe politicians.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

“love for that region” (wasn’t able to edit in time)

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

The cucks aren’t on our side. We are anti-cucks. That’s what it’s all about.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Yes, the Swami seriously damaged Americans and American investors with his fake Alzheimers drug, while making his family a billion or two…He was useful in the campaign, but should now be exiled….

Reply to  pyrrhus
3 months ago

So, he scammed sick and elderly Americans? Not a good look when Indian scammers do the same on a lower level.

But it’s ok because now Elon will offer elderly Americans brain implants and make everything ok? And try to get Trump to promote cruel and unusual health mandates? Yeah, go ef your face indeed.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

JD was always disgusting with his “interfaith” marriage to a red dot, his image was improved by the fact kamala & waltz are even more absurd & grotesque. Those two are just a memory now so once trump starts flooding the country with even more indians the election optics are going to fade. I doubt he’s going to be the next trump as so many predict, the indian fatigue is probably going to be off the charts by the time trump’s term ends. That & as the GOP shills indians even harder, like how they had a hindu singer at… Read more »

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  RVIDXR
3 months ago

The real Pajeetphobes…

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago


Couldn’t think of a way to put street or a synonym of it in there without ruining the wit of it but I figure defecation is so synonymous with them it works well enough lol.

Major Hoople
Major Hoople
Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

I was stunned when I looked at swami’s business background. The man ran a tarted up bucket shop.

3 months ago

Shouting RACISM no longer works, let’s deal with the harsh reality of human nature. American society works best with Americans and those willing to totally assimilate, like people of European extraction.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  FNC1A1
3 months ago

I’m afraid it is too little, too late, but shouting “racism” in a crowded theater doesn’t cause many to hit the exit doors any longer.

The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  FNC1A1
3 months ago

You know the r-word is played out when the call center guys that speak terrible English try to use it on your Silent-era parents who request to be connected with a call center guy that speaks marginally better English.

Geo. Orwell
Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

It’s very helpful that Z linked to the story of how Vivek made his millions. He was always a snake, and so-called conservatives should be embarrassed they ever gave him credibility in the primaries.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Geo. Orwell
3 months ago

They were desperate.

3 months ago

Class assignment. Why are Trump and many of his appointees out there making endless outlandish statements? “Canada as the 51st state. Buy Greenland. End the Ukraine war in 24 hours. We can win a nuclear war. Attack Iran. Attack China. Defend Taiwan at all costs. Spend our way to prosperity. Defend the dollar with tariffs.” This is all obvious insanity. Is Trump trying to emulate Crazy Eddie? What is his purpose in presenting his new Administration as nut jobs on steroids? Are we supposed to swoon and chant like Revivalists before drinking the Kool Aid?

3 months ago

A Catholic priest in India was asked if he could have a rational discussion with Indians. His reply: “How can you gave a rational discussion with people who worship monkeys?”

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

That priest would not be able to have a rational discussion with cuckservatives, then.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago


Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

Those are not monkeys, just like classic Greek man with wings is not a bird. Or another random god with a pet doesn’t mean the pets are “worshipped”.

Even a slightest bit of knowledge of any Aryan, Greek or Roman theology would make that clear. Heads, limbs and various body parts are always getting cut off in accidents, duels etc and replaced by a convenient nearest animal in all three theologies.

Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Poor pajeet. Africans bathe in cow piss; pajeets drink it – and bathe in cow poop and decomposing bodies. Pajeets worship monkeys and elephant heads and then claim to ‘honor’ Jesus as a ‘wise teacher.’ You will not be one of the nations in Heaven. Poor pajeet.

David Wright
3 months ago

Recently my money market account was hacked at my 5/3rd bank branch. Two large withdrawals in two days and yet nothing triggered any internal alarms. Just by happenstance I checked my balance to find out. This led to a few weeks with dealing with Indian call center and english problems. They are the worse and I cringe in despair anytime I have been directed by any corporation to this type of call center. my bank is one mile away, you know the place where I took my money, but no one can help at all except take deposits. How long… Read more »

Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

Switch to Huntington if they are in your region. They only use Indian call centers at peak periods when their American call centers can’t handle all the incoming calls. They are a more consumer friendly bank anyway. They pay better interest and they don’t gouge on fees. Huntington is a good bank as far as big banks go.

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

Switch to a local bank.

My farm accounts are at a local bank in my rural county seat and all I ever deal with are people who are White and basically my neighbors (fellow county residents).

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

There’s something to be said for that, but the local banks I’ve dealt with have been hit or miss. My favorite one just got bought out.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Credit Union!!!!

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

You wouldn’t happen to be kin to a feller called Agrarian Barbarian, would you?

Reply to  Ostei Kozelskii
3 months ago

Nope, but I have a cousin, Rural Raider.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

I cannot overstate how much better it is banking local. Believe it or not, when I call my bank, I talk to an actual American who lives in the same metro as me. I might have to wait on hold for 15 or 20 secs first.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Hear, hear, seconded.

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

It’s even better if you just call up the owner’s cell and say, “Jim, I’m gonna be writing a pretty big check later this afternoon” and everything is handled in the background. Better yet when Jim calls you to ask whether a given transfer is legit.

Humans were never intended to live in cities. There’s a reason Dunbar’s Number is what it is.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

White humans were never intended to live in ant hills. Han, subcons, etc. – it is the only place they feel safe.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I said much the same thing, but more politely. It was in the subtext, without the redundant adjective, “white”.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago


Reply to  David Wright
3 months ago

Gleefully stabs Americans for 50 years, decimates the industrial economy into a hollow rust belt, then outsource all silicon chips and now enjoys the ultra cheap farm and construction related slave labor today. Then frantically types on a china made keyboard on a china made whine about “Indian/foreign call center” – to support a financialized not productive parasite banking based economy. Those accents are just so *icky* aren’t they ? But when it comes to personal responsibility – well, you sure love those cheap Japanese cars, and the Chinese iPhones – no way would you ever pay $5000 more… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by sqzmeus
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Poor pajeet. You are as dark as blacks but smell a lot worse. You are hairy and stinky and not all that bright. Plus you have the world’s tiniest brown d*cks. So you get your stinky rocks off stealing American jobs and stealing old Americans’ money via phone scams. Poor pajeet.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

3g, you must’ve checked more than one Indian private part to draw a conclusion on their sizes. Should I conclude that their smell was acceptable after all?

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Anna
3 months ago

You do wonder… I’m not familiar at all with the smell.

Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

On what planet do I have the choice between an iPhone made in the US or one made in China? The elites make those decisions, not the consumers.

Reply to  Piffle
2 months ago

The trillion dollar question is why you do not have that choice. Hint: Unless by “elite” you mean “the people who call themselves government and their cronies”,it’s not the elites.

The business “elites” cannot take away any choice that is legitimately yours. They are simply responding to the incentive and disincentive structures put in place by both consumers and government “elites”.

Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Shekeling consoomers to debt usury and the lie of a two party system worked for a while. This scam is over and the tsunami of sovereign debt default is nigh. This cycle has been repeated several times in previous empires, along with importing scum from the barbarian reaches towards the end. Unfortunately for the native White population there are no frontiers to escape to this time, and the only way out is through… the rivers of blood as prophesied by Enoch Powell. Fun times!

Tom K
Tom K
3 months ago

When you can say that Shitwash is a greater danger to the native born of this country than the Choisen people you’ve said something. And you can say it without hesitation in my experience.

Citizen of a Silly Country
Citizen of a Silly Country
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

During the BLM cultural revolution stuff, I noticed something interesting. Even liberal whites, much less conservatives, didn’t like being lectured by Indians (or Asians but they rarely joined the fun). You’d see their faces start to twitch when some Patel started railing against white privilege.

Jews can get away with My fellow whites, Indians can’t.

Reply to  Citizen of a Silly Country
3 months ago

Asians but they rarely joined the fun

But when they do, they go all-in, like George Takei or that Sarah Jeong creature. I don’t have any warmer feelings about East Asian invaders (can we please reclaim “oriental?” The idea that it was a slur is ridiculous — not that I care. It’s so much less clumsy than this directional Asians business).

My worst boss in my entire career was Chinese. He was just a terrible, evil person, and I am not being hyperbolic.

Felix Krull
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

One of my friends is a borderline autistic: unable to communicate in any other language than facts, reason and data, and utterly unflappable. He was tasked to negotiate a huge contract for his company that made cryptographic software for SIM-cards. The counterpart was an Indian telco rep, who wanted to change a clause that had previously been agreed on as a basis for negotiations. When my friend pointed out that this was already on the books, he started screaming. This went on for a while, until my friend stood up, left the room without a word and called the CEO… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Felix_Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

One of my husband’s friends – a casual race realist who was used to genially dealing with blacks and mestizos just fine – took a contract to renovate some La Quinta hotels. He has no illusions about subcons left.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

Typical. No other group will abase themselves as much for stronger terms/more money. The autist’s replacement likely backed the Pajeet down but that won’t be a deterrent to future attempts to lie, cheat and steal.

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

There is a very famous, core part of Aryan theology about never lying and being ethical no matter what. In this story, the Aryan god always floated a little above the ground, since he never lied ever. And then, he finally got tricked into lying – just once – and his feet touched the ground at the very end of his life. For just one small unintentional lie in an otherwise 100% honest life. This story is known and revered by all Aryans. And btw. Pajeet isn’t an Aryan name – typical Aryan names are: swati, swastik, sweta, arjen, arjun,… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by sqzmeus
Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago


Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

He’s right in that Indians are not a homogeneous group. Not even close.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

Why do you care, boomer? Who are your people?

Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Okay, Pajeet.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Have you read any Germanic or continental philosophical discourse, for say, oh the past 300 years or so ? Those writers literally had embolisms admiring Indian culture, religion and philosophy – the very epitome of civilization according to many of those folks. For a more recent twist, maybe start with Miguel Serrano, vril, pardesh, Theosophy or for maybe even Bill Pierce/NatAll with his Savitri Devi books. The average mutt doesn’t even know WHY the nazis adopted Indian symbols and spoke Hindi (the german word for swastika is ‘hakenkreuz’). Also, the average farker does not realize that the “dothead” is called… Read more »

Felix Krull
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

The Germans didn’t admire Indian culture, although a few guys like Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess and Heinrich Himmler had romantic notions about the Vedas, but they weren’t exactly the leading lights of German philosophical tradtition. The swastika is a near-universal symbol that the National Socialists adopted from Germanic culture, and they did indeed call it the Hakenkreutz, the hooked cross; “swastika” is English usage. In 1938, the SS sent a team of mountaineers to Tibet to look for ancient Aryan something-something, and they got a lesson in Subcontinental culture when they had to resort to physical measures to keep horny… Read more »

Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

Swastika is a uniquely Sanskrit name and it is not English usage or an English word. So are all other shubhtikas, including laltikas and the syllable om.

The swastika is used universally in all religious and civil ceremonies in India. Most Indian temples, wedding, festivals, houses and celebrations are decorated with swastikas. The swastika has a sister symbol called the laltika(literally: ”red mark”) which is worn by Hindu priests during prayer and by women in India on their forehead as a sign of married status (also called bindi when used by women).

Last edited 3 months ago by sqzmeus
Felix Krull
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

it is not English usage

So nobody in here but us Pajeets have any idea what we’re talking about, then?

I’d love to explain it to them, but I don’t know the English word for swastika – maybe you could help me out?

Last edited 3 months ago by Felix_Krull
Reply to  Felix Krull
3 months ago

“Aryan” was always an academic theory that at it’s core was rejecting a specific Germanic heritage. Germans are no more “Aryan” than fish are guinea pigs. That’s one of the many reasons I have zero uses for Hitler.

As this general discussion suggests, subcontinental Indians have opposite inclinations of Europeans.

Lucius Sulla
Lucius Sulla
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Do you shit in toilets?

Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Right-wing esotericists like Rene Guenon were fascinated by the vision of Indian culture that existed mostly in their minds. For that reason his works mostly depict western-gnosticist revival in the skin of Hinduism. They loved the idea of caste order with themselves at the top of course. I’m quite certain that if they were ever forced to interact with the entire civilization up-close, on a daily basis, they would have cured themselves quite quickly. It’s no feat to be a spoiled Western brat, tour eastern mysticists and write sentimental songs/treatises afterwards. At least back then nobody imported that biohazard into… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Back when I began work on my second (never completed) Master’s degree, I complimented an Indian woman in one of my classes on her sari. By that time I had nothing but negative impressions of all the Pakis I saw and dealt with in England, but I still somehow considered Indians exotic. I don’t know why I was so stupid when, back in high school when I worked in a fabric store, the Indians were universally loathed for coming in and leaving yards and yards of material spread around and then actually buying almost nothing. Then I went to Jamaica,… Read more »

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

So similar, the Indians and the Pakis. Almost the same really.

Pakis: 9/11, KSM, Osama, chopping off infidels heads, UK grooming gangs, blowing up the London tube, genociding countless civilians in India, NYC Times square bomb, all of Europe a charnel house.

Indians: Hindu/Aryan, Buddhist, Jain, nirvana, no killing animals for meat, committed zero terrorist attacks, art, science, math, and the longest poem written in human history (mahabharata)

But you know what, I had so many illusions before, they are just the same really, so *icky*!

Last edited 3 months ago by sqzmeus
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Poor pajeet. Trolling White people’s blogs – on the internet created by White people and using the language of White people – to defend its stinky, tiny-d*cked compatriots. Poor pajeet.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  sqzmeus
3 months ago

Dude, we know who actually did 9/11.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

You don’t respond to pajeets, you mock them. They stopped calling me when I would call them back to berate them about their tiny brown d*cks. Don’t answer it; that’s what it wants.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Then I’ll be the exception, being of too-nice Midwestern stock. A few of the high-caste college-educated ones are OK. And I liked Vivek for a while, while he was saying the right things. No illusions about his motivations, though. Everybody is out for their own group’s interests, which is to be expected. Except for Whites, and that’s got to change.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

“A few of the high-caste college-educated ones are OK.” Classic boomer. No matter their caste or putative IQ, they are still brown, and utterly alien to Western civilization and Christendom. You people never learn.

Reply to  3g4me
2 months ago

Aren’t you a boomer?

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
2 months ago

Stuff the NAXALT crap.

Andy Texan
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

I like Indian food. Exotic and well prepared. There is a big community here in this big city so the choices are extensive. Yum.

Reply to  Andy Texan
2 months ago

So you trade your children’s future for a bowl of fucking curry. Brilliant.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  BigJimSportCamper
2 months ago

I like Indian food, too. But that doesn’t mean I want Indians in my country in large numbers.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

It unites all of South-East and East Asia, too.

There’s a very old joke which everyone from Mandalay to Makassar knows which goes something like this:

Q: “You’re walking in the rice fields and you encounter an Indian and a cobra. You only have one bullet. What do you do?”
A: “Shoot the Indian. Can always take your chances with the cobra.”

3 months ago

Elongated Muskrat ain’t showed me he’s on my side. Vivek Ramaswamyjammy ain’t showed me he’s on my side.

‘Regardless of what the people think, the oligarchs are going to plow ahead with their nation wrecking schemes.’

That’s for damn sure. Everything else bores them, only raw power and total control suffices now. It’s a bit too close to Christmas to say I hate globohomo, so I’ll pick it up tomorrow.

3 months ago

This is hilarious really, even though it’s a serious issue. Has Trump’s style written all over it. Wait for it…

They probably just want all these tech people because they are more willing to illegally spy on, cancel, take away bank accounts, etc of Americans. And pay them a lot less to do it, too. A lot less.

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
3 months ago

Unfortunately, Indians are just smart and organized enough to be dangerous. Fortunately, Indians are just dumb and disorganized enough to be obvious about it.

Zulu Juliet
Zulu Juliet
3 months ago

Most every professional dealing I have had with Indians has been negative. Their smiling obsequiousness I find off-putting, covering for their single-minded scheme to use others to advance their own interest. And, except for their skill at being oleaginous yes- men, they are incompetent. And they look greasy and smell bad. I refuse to do business with any store owned by these creeps. Those I am required to work with professionally, I give as little as I can to, knowing they are out to wheedle what they can from me. The condition of India speaks to the worthiness of Indians,… Read more »

Thomas Mcleod
Thomas Mcleod
3 months ago

 A friend of the family owns a catering/event business, and the majority of her employees are college kids. If she books an event for Indians she has to pay her staff extra or they won’t work. Same goes for Muhammadans.

3 months ago

This outcome was obvious a short time back when Vivek made that tweet with he and his son at Rome’s Colosseum where he tweeted something to the effect that they were looking at, “our history.” The next clue was a podcast about 6-8 months ago with Balaji Srinivasan. During the podcast Srinivasan said two things that tell you everything. He claimed the 20th century was about the center defeating the right. He ignored the Left whose defeat he must presume is just a given. He declared that the 21st century’s political war was about the center defeating nationalism. So, Trump’s… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

We raised our sons much as you suggest – lots of outdoor playtime and nature museum/walk time and building time and reading time. But then, we agreed before having children that we would never send them to daycare – and we took the financial hit for that – and for private Christian school tuition – for many years. We were the last to get a home computer and flat screen tv, and we didn’t jaunt off on European vacations (or vacations at all). Most today won’t ‘deny themselves’ in that way – neither husbands nor wives. “But we both HAVE… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

I refute Vivek’s weird nerd screed thus: Go to a mall. Who’s there? Not white kids. Indian wiggers. (Presumably there’s a real term for that, but you know what I mean.) He doesn’t know. He’s only seen TV—TV so old that it had white kids on it hanging out with other white kids. He knows nothing of the world outside media, especially not of the world white people inhabit, which, as those who still habitually consume the posoined media lament, is not televised. We are diseased, but his diagnosis is totally fake. Indian doctor. The white people internet is about… Read more »

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
3 months ago

I can solve the Indian problem for Musk and Co

All they need is an Indian sports ball star. If the best quarter back in the NFL was an Indian, the tech boys could sell infinity Indians to the masses

Problem solved, I prefer cash please Elon

Mr. Generic
Mr. Generic
Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 months ago

Impossible. You should research recent efforts by professional soccer clubs to set up academies in India. The thinking was that there was undiscovered talent that they could find, much like they were able to find in other parts of the third world (Africa, Latin America, etc.) Nope. Not only were they unable to discover any future stars, they were unable to discover anybody capable of even playing at a high level. One by one the academies closed. One and half billion people, and not one pro athlete!

(((They))) Live
(((They))) Live
Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 months ago

I’m convinced the next Babe Ruth is in India right now, drinking a nice cold glass of cow piss

Reply to  Mr. Generic
3 months ago

MLB tried a similar scheme a few years back when they attempted to convert cricket bowlers into baseball pitchers. It didn’t work.

Ostei Kozelskii
Reply to  Mr. Generic
2 months ago

I’ve noticed the Japs aren’t too heavy on the ground in the NBA either…

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  (((They))) Live
3 months ago

They could try to popularize cricket here in AINO. I understand the South Asians are good at it.

3 months ago

Vivek always gets the side-eye from me. He would say things and articulate MAGA quite well, but when he talks about Making America Great Again he’s not talking about America as the American People, but America as a corporate P&L. This brain-dead set of comments is everything people hate about Globalism distilled down. It’s also humorous because the same guy saying we’re a bunch of stupid, lazy, illiterate, irredeemable people who can’t do math is the guy saying we should shutter the Dept. of Education. It is completely lost on him that he’s undermining his core message which is that… Read more »

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  hokkoda
3 months ago

And for God’s sake, we need to make higher education affordable again. When I went to college, you could work your way through it and many of us did.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

College (classic liberal arts and professional majors like pre-med, engineering, etc.) ought to be for the top 15% of the native population only. It was never meant to be a trade school, prepare you for a job, or provide remedial instruction to the left half of the bell curve. It is a classic boomer mindset that everyone must go to college.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I remember when they went after companies’ interviewing and hiring practices that required candidates to demonstrate competence, claiming it was discriminatory. Companies shifted to requiring college degrees as a proxy for competence. So then they pushed the colleges to lower admission standards and requirements for graduation, so everyone (and especially the preferred victim classes) could get the now devalued “credentials”.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

Make the colleges co-sign the loans instead of the parents and watch how fast they get both selective and cost-cutting.

Reply to  Hokkoda
3 months ago

If the government stopped guaranteeing college loans, the money for useless degrees would quickly dry up, since the losses would be huge. Also, allow student debt to be discharged through bankruptcy.

3 months ago

Americans of a certain age will remember when dark brown people (or “sand joggers”, to use the parlance of the times) began appearing behind the counter of non-chain convenience stores.

These stores all had three things in common: the smell, the restrooms being indefinitely out-of-order, and the fact that fourteen year-olds could by beer there.

As one of those fourteen year-olds, we got round the restroom problem when possible by pissing on the side of the building. To the extent that this constituted resistance to these interlopers, it is the only resistance I am aware of.

another white guy
another white guy
Reply to  Vegetius
3 months ago

Should’ve added a #2 to make them feel appreciated

Reply to  another white guy
3 months ago

If only we’d known. Back then nobody knew.

‘cept maybe Peachy and Danny.

Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Mormons, Masons and Muslims
Reply to  Vegetius
3 months ago

But Peachy married one-?

Jack Boniface
Jack Boniface
3 months ago

Out here in California, go to a Marriott Residence Inn or Extended Stay America, and you will see half the lodgers are Indians, some with families, imported to work in the tech industries, such as Disney.

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

It’s depressing to know that even on Christmas day, even the “right” can’t take a day off from the social media struggle session. Says a lot about the state of our “culture.”

When I look at the business models that Vivek, Musk, and Thiel have followed, it doesn’t exactly give me the warm fuzzies. And that’s before I get into their personal characteristics. With “friends” like these…. Comically, I’ve seen, I think it was in Slate, it being theorized that Vance would influence the Trump admin toward a harder line against these H1B visas. It is to laugh.

3 months ago

“It is perhaps not a coincidence that the origin of the people called gypsies is most likely the Indian subcontinent.”

Brutal honesty: My Eastern European aunt has an Indian tenant. When talking about him with me, she calls him a gypsy.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

I have seen gypsies in AINO all over Texas, and even a few here in our new state of residence. The cops used to come and make them move on as vagrants; now they can’t be bothered. I just call them “tsigani” (the term I learned for them in Bulgaria) and they practically spit their hatred at me. Most ‘merkans cannot distinguish them from other subcons, yet they cannot square seeing them begging on street corners when thinking of their supposed ‘educated’ subcon neighbors. I know better that they come from the same failed gene pool.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Yes, I am very familiar with that term “tsigani”, but the village term used by my people is “gjupsie” (plural) and “gjuptin” (singular and masculine)/”gjuptinka” (feminine)–skills getting rusty as I age. Have you ever heard those before?

Last edited 3 months ago by TempoNick
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

No – I know the French (Gitane), the Bulgarian (tsigani) and the Italian (zingaro).

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Zigeuner in Germany (where they are loathed).

Reply to  Dutchboy
3 months ago

That’s cool because it’s the germanized version of the same word, tsigani.

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I read a report last year or so describing highly organized gypsy begging rings in metro areas. It was in TX if I recall.

Apparently quite lucrative too. As Silly Country said elsewhere on this thread, America is the easiest scam opportunity in history. That must change.

Last edited 3 months ago by ray
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

In the Slavic World we all call them in our local variation of “tsigani”, although left-wing hierophants in linguistics already try to enforce “Roma” as non-racist.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
3 months ago

This is close to perfect. “Nikki” “Haley” just posted this on X/Twitter:

There is nothing wrong with American workers or American culture. All you have to do is look at the border and see how many want what we have. We should be investing and prioritizing in Americans, not foreign workers.…”

Reply to  Jack Dobson
3 months ago

Lolololol. Headline.: “ breaking news. Indian woman murders Indian man. Full details to follow.”

3 months ago

Notice that the deboosting scheme Musk referred to was a “reminder”. Compound suppression of accounts based on reporting and blocking, particularly by blue checks, far more than from boost/deboosting based on likes has been part of the algorithm since long before Musk. I and many other smaller RW accounts I know experienced no change when Musk took over. We have been suppressed to about 1 to 10% of the views you’d expect based on our account size since mid to late Covid panic. Mostly likely many of us were permanently damaged by left wingers brigade blocking and reporting of accounts… Read more »

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

I do see you and Haywood in my feed, but I curate who I follow pretty scrupulously. I agree that most of it is built-in stuff that Musk had never bothered to work on. It may actually be so baked-in that it would be a monumental task. He reinstated banned high profile accounts and then declared himself the lord of free speech. However, his new post indicates that he knows it has been happening all along.

Reply to  ThomHookton
3 months ago

I didn’t think Musk was a ‘mean-girl’ but I guess I was wrong. Damn. What is it with these thin-skinned, petty, vengeful over the tiniest slight, real or imagined, so-called leaders everywhere? Ever since Obama it has been growing trend. Maybe it’s the SSRI’s or whatever drugs they are on.

Reply to  Stephanie
3 months ago

You don’t get to be that rich without developing an ego the size of Jupiter. Any disagreement becomes Lèse-majesté.

Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

I really don’t know why Elon doesn’t get the hate he so well deserves from this side of the great divide. Musk belongs in prison. I think he and Tesla are under investigation right now. No doubt Trump will stop the investigation. Our roads should not be a test bed for his stupid “full self driving” software that doesn’t work and is marketed as “Full Self Driving” as if you can fall asleep behind the wheel. Not only has he unleashed this evil on our roads, the Tesla autopilot will shut it self off milliseconds before a crash. Then Tesla… Read more »

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

A lot of Tesla employees and management and especially Musk (he is Tesla) should be in prison for this.

Someone should, anyway. I’m more of a caveat emptor guy. Some assclown plows into me with “his” Tesla, I’m suing him for as much as humanly possible. Anyone who is such a poor driver that he thinks the autopilot is better than he is should not be on the roads, let alone have the cash to buy a Tesla.

Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

You always include the corporation in the lawsuit. Corporations have much deeper pockets.

Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Yep. And juries are suckers for deep pockets. Enough so that they will rubber-stamp the suit against the assclown just to get even with Tesla.

Ben the Layabout
Ben the Layabout
Reply to  Steve
3 months ago

Hmmm…inferior navigation systems and expensive toys. That recalls a Z Man 12/24 post behind his green door which I’ll quote:

A thing you see in certain areas is the insane “youthful” driver in a car that costs more than he has earned in his life though legitimate means. They are not just oblivious to the law and general decency but seem to be unaware of physical reality. I watched an expensive Mercedes drive into the back of a truck as the driver tried to dart in behind it.

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Musk has been useful to our side, so to that extent I like him. I would never even think of buying a Tesla.

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

Q: what’s the worst thing about buying a Tesla?” A: telling your dad you’re gay”
Where I live, they’ve become the new Subaru Outback, slowly plodding along in the passing lane because the only people who can afford them and think they are cool are 60+.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Andreesen was on a recent interview talking optimism and tech. I think it was the meathead British gatekeeper Chris Williamson show. In any case, the background is that autonomous vehicles are difficult to master because with other humans on the road, they cannot compute the anomalies that humans can. So, these machines work great when there are no humans on the road. Moreover, in drone swarms the drones talk to each other and can fly in formations that are highly coordinated. The same technology applies to cars on a grid. The obvious thing is, at some point, to outlaw human… Read more »

Tars Tarkas
Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

I have serious doubts about the alleged safety of these systems, especially in the short to medium term. They make ridiculous mistakes no human would ever make. Some Tesla just slammed on its brakes for no reason in a tunnel or on a bridge and caused like a 7 car pileup. This is a future problem. Elon has these cars out there self-driving without having been tested and certified for level 5 driving. They are beta testing their shitty software on our roads where we and our children are travelling, roads we, not Tesla, pays for. Worse, Tesla owners aren’t… Read more »

Reply to  RealityRules
3 months ago

So, these machines work great when there are no humans on the road.”

We [need] to pass the bill in order to find out what [is] in it.”

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

Heard it again with the two weeks and several times in the hooplah about the quackcines.

Global warming, anyone?

Abortion: safe, legal and rare?

With the track record of “political science” lately, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Reply to  Tars Tarkas
3 months ago

Beggars can’t be choosers. Plus, since rightoid peasants can’t understand anything more complex than a meme, he had to be sold as “/ourguy/” for the chattering masses.
All his bad sides were discussed, just in other places on this side. Maybe it’s time to discuss how to obtain power to imprison financiers, robber barons, governors and senators among others.

3 months ago

It is still unclear where Trump stands with all this

Reply to  OddSinger
3 months ago

I think he’s being wise by staying out of the radiation plume. He’s reading the room and watching for clues, something that Musk didn’t do so well.

Ted X
Ted X
Reply to  OddSinger
3 months ago

Trump campaigned on massive expansion of H1-B pajeetapalooza because his Silicon Valley cartel bosses want it. The bait and switch for the gullible MAGAshabbos was the false promise of mass deportations of illegals which is completely impossible given the issues with due process.

Reply to  Ted X
3 months ago

Yes but at the same time in 2016 he totally denounced the H-1B program for essentially the reasons we are, and his entire base is against this stuff. Even the left don’t like Indian immigrants because unlike low-skill illegals they actually compete with them and it seems Indian H-1B workers aren’t deeply tied into to their patronage network. I think he’s sensitive to great swaths of the public being against something. It really depends how much leverage these SV CEO types have with him and how important this particular issue actually is for them.

Jack Dobson
Jack Dobson
Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Yep. The man’s a rank opportunist and sometimes that works for even us.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

If fink means give them their comeuppance, then yes, he will.

Reply to  thezman
3 months ago

Trump is comically American. Nice guy, forgives almost anything, wants a world of calm commerce with a fair/square deal for everybody—and he’s an absolute sucker. The evil nerds and the Israelis are better at taking advantage of him than the Miller/peace faction are. They can point to a map, a graph line, a number, and tell him If you do what we say, this picture will look better. The good guys have to appeal to mere principle.

Reply to  OddSinger
3 months ago

Trump hasn’t weighed on this since Christmas, but in the past has consistently talked about making concessions on immigration to the business community. “The big beautiful wall is going to have a gate in it,” etc. I wouldn’t trust him at all on this, especially if Musk is for it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Barnard
Felix Krull
Reply to  OddSinger
3 months ago

Trump has made it crystal clear that he loves infinite immigration. He just want to deport a few rapists to throw the MAGAtards a bone or two.

Last edited 3 months ago by Felix_Krull
3 months ago

Riddle me this, please. Why are China and India letting their best and brightest escape to the U.S.? Don’t they feel that they need them at home? Sure, there are likely numerous ‘plants’ among those that wash up on shore here who remain committed to their home countries. I probably work with more than a few at Warlabs, Inc. But I don’t hear any alarms being raised about a native brain-drain in Beijing and Bangalore. I’d like to think that TPTB here in the formerly great U.S. would be concerned if significant numbers of our pale, stale, male STEM bros… Read more »

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Harbinger
3 months ago

China is overpopulated with males. Once upon a time, so was the UK, and they didn’t discourage theirs from going abroad. I dunno if India is, but it’s not known for underpopulation either.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeffrey Zoar
The Wild Geese Howard
The Wild Geese Howard
Reply to  Harbinger
3 months ago

There is some evidence that the Chinese are no longer letting their best exit to the US because they are aware of the decline in the quality of higher ed in the US.

As for plants, there are tens, possibly hundreds of thousands spread across all Western institutions.Beijing gets near real-time updates on our leading-edge research due to the nearly complete lack of serious security protocols in Western universities.

Reply to  Harbinger
3 months ago

Their “best and brightest” are still subpar. And – more importantly – they will ALWAY retain their ethnic loyalties and identity. China and India are not worried at all. However, you ought to be – why aren’t you?

Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

I’d go even further than that. There are plenty of white boys we could hire into those positions. We have no need to glut the market.

The TechBros were keen on the rest of us working from home during the covid scam. If they really need foreign engineers, I’m sure there’s an internet connection around somewhere…

3 months ago

All in all this Indian flub has been a godsend- proof that someone up there might have both the sense of humor and pity. Instead of being told sweet little lies, the rubes got angered by stupidly candid rambling from “their” oligarch. Granted, like with all slights and insults, nothing major will happen, but the pain will be remembered in the right moment. The worse part of me desires to see a follow-up series of “Why scab labor was actually good”, just to see the salt blasted into an already flesh wound. As for the sub-continentals, they’re starting to work… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Puszczyk
My Comment
My Comment
3 months ago

Whites don’t have the willpower to kick these grifters out of the US. The first video of a crying child and mass deportations will stop. Of course, democratic judges with the support of the Republicans will make sure it doesn’t get to that point.

3 months ago

200 years into the future people will be saying we should have coded our own codes like they say about the cotton. Elon will be known as a slavemaster, and Vivek as Uncle Vivek.

3 months ago

I could say a lot concerning this subject, but I’ll limit myself to a recent outrage. The wife a few months back ran slightly afoul of a tech scam – India’s biggest industry apparently – and found herself on the phone with “John” or “Dave” or something. She realized what was going on pretty quick though and hung up on the guy. What outrages me to this day however is that he was telling her that her “problems” were probably due to her husband, i.e. me, using her computer to watch pR0n. Even though I’m no St. Francis of Assisi,… Read more »

Reply to  RDittmar
3 months ago

Write down their phone number(s). Think of every diversity outrage you’ve endured, call them back and let rip. Especially insult them for being dark (skin whitening is a huge industry there) and inadequate in the sexual arena. What are they going to do – complain to the FBI that you’ve insulted them when they were trying to scam you? They will break character, curse incoherently, and hang up. Call them back again. Do this enough and I guarantee they will stop calling your number.

3 months ago

i’m surprised no one has mentioned that we had to deal with a half pajeet candidate for president. That maybe has redpilled the public on them

Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation
3 months ago

If the white men made street food like the Indians –

Reply to  Lost in Translation
3 months ago

I see no cow s**t or p**s, so this video is inaccurate.

Bartleby the Scrivner
Bartleby the Scrivner
Reply to  Lost in Translation
3 months ago

now that’s some funny stuff

3 months ago

Re: Call Centers

Citizens Bank uses call centers where almost everybody you encounter seems to have a Latin American accent. I was told a lot of those call centers are based in Miami, but I’m thinking it could also be Puerto Rico or anywhere else in Latin America.

Anyway, I don’t have a problem communicating with the Latin American call centers at all. I find them much easier to understand and communicate with than the ones in Asia. Maybe it’s the cadence in their speech.

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

My consumer complaints are about fairly serious electronics. The stuff from Asia doesn’t have problems (not made in China), so I mostly call EU companies. They see the call is coming from America and send it to some kind of Mexican, and sometimes that’s fine, but usually he’s working to metrics, doesn’t understand me or pretends not to, tries to elicit anger so he can claim I’m harassing him, and demands that I say that our interaction can be considered “closed,” with no actual communication having taken place, because that’s what the resolution the company most desires. I’ve learned not… Read more »

Steve W
Steve W
3 months ago

I checked out the Ramaswamy tweet. Let’s say that my opinion of the man has changed considerably. He’s cut from the same cloth as Dinesh D’Souza.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

And this surprises you . . . why?

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  3g4me
3 months ago

Because of the stupidity. Unlike you I’m slow in the uptake; I listen to people, and over the last few months I was impressed by VR. You never fell for him because you have radar insight on people and their motivations. I don’t.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Maybe now you’ll start sensibly judging people by the color of their skin, not what you imagine is the content of their character.

Steve W
Steve W
Reply to  Vizzini
3 months ago

Thank you, I have seen the error of my ways. I will never again judge anyone except by the color of their skin.

What’s your skin color Vizzini? Can I trust you?

Last edited 3 months ago by Steve W
Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Thanks, that’s awfully White of you.

Reply to  Steve W
3 months ago

Vizzini? Let’s see , how should normal white people treat his Sicilian kind? There is one school of thought espoused by the fictional senator Geary in Godfather 2:

Reply to  ragincajun
2 months ago

Vizzini, did you and your sock-puppets give downvotes for being unkind or inaccurate? I actually never got the answer. Are we allowing Sicilians like yourself to call themselves white? Not that my opinion means anything, but I vote no.

Reply to  rajincajun
2 months ago

I don’t have sock puppets and I haven’t voted your comment up or down as I write this. People can just spot dickish behavior. Get over yourself. I’m also not Sicilian, it’s just a handle. I’m half English settler stock going way back and, yes, half Italian, but mainland. Grandfather was a red-headed Italo-Celtic and grandmother was a northern Italian with, I’m told, French ancestry. I’m the first to admit that Italian immigration brought a lot of negatives to the country — anarchist violence and the mafia prominent. I would have advised against it. Am I White? Hmm, if not,… Read more »

Last edited 2 months ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Steve W
2 months ago

There are very pale Presbyterians in my heritage and I don’t trust Presbyterians, terribly cucked denomination, so you should beware. There are also some grubby Italian vintners, and they’re always up to no good. Stereotypes exist for a reason. What my comment meant is that there’s no shame in judging people by what’s obvious about them. Sometimes you’ll be wrong, but probably less often than if you cripple your judgment by forcing yourself to try to divine “the content of their character” without paying attention to any external cues. It’s a stupid strategy, because in most transactions with strangers, by… Read more »

3 months ago

I sent a link to this piece to a Facebook friend (half East Asian, by the way). He’s also skeptical about Indians. Here’s a story from his days working at a corporate headquarters in the Chicagoland area. “I remember the hatred of them at _____ HQ.. They were being flown in non-stop during my time there. They had their orientations during the evening/night time hours when most of the white/American employees were not working. You knew it was 530-6pm at HQ because you would start to hear the Indian music being blasted on the different floors. All the Hispanic cleaning/housekeeping… Read more »

Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago

A oriental chinaman is “skeptical” about Aryans. A pygmy I know (bantu maybe) is skeptical about the Greek Pantheon as well – have you *seen* the non stop crowds in Athens?, he asks me.

The Bantu are clearly more human than the subhuman Greeks, he says with the utmost confidence, confidence mixed with revulsion. He isn’t compensating for anything of course, not at all..

Last edited 3 months ago by sqzmeus
Reply to  TempoNick
3 months ago


“All the Hispanic cleaning/housekeeping people kept boomboxes on their cleaning carts with their Mexican music blasted trying to drown out the Indian music at nights.”

3 months ago

It is not all good news. In response to getting blasted on his own platform, Musk has rolled out a new censorship scheme so he and his tech bros will not get the sads reading their feed.”

Yeah, look what it did to Brittany Spears. Does this mean we see Musk in black eye-liner and a thong bikini dancing around for us? Admit it, that does not seem far-fetched in current year, from occurring at some point.

3 months ago

Yep, further illuminating ruth b*mb here: Indians act as either abused or abuser, there is nothing in between in their world view: Note also that ‘good’ EU immigrants were replaced by multiples with Third World ones in the UK after Brexit. And that this was actually demanded and planned for by respective senior heads of these communities and endorsed by the leading Brexiteers. At least, the public there has woken up to the scam, to its enormous net cost instead of the for a long time alleged and unquestioned net benefit, and that is starting to be debated there:… Read more »

3 months ago

The illustrations in that P.J.O’Rourke piece were really splendid. They remind me of the great illustrations that appeared in Mad Magazine during its salad days. In fact, if I had to guess, I would say the illustrator was Mort Drucker.

Reply to  Epaminondas
2 months ago

I still remember the ancestor of the Poles: a toaster!

3 months ago

this is related to the topic because I feel this gets to the idea about at what point does meritocracy become striverocracy? In theory I like the idea of meritocracy, but I feel it inevitably gets to the point of a striverocracy, which I feel tends to parallel the rise of indians in our elite class

Jeffrey Zoar
Jeffrey Zoar
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
3 months ago

Striverocracy is such a secret and forbidden concept that neither bing, nor google, nor yandex, nor brave search, nor duckduckgo will tell me what it is

Reply to  Jeffrey Zoar
3 months ago

Rule by striver.

Strivers are the ambitious, grinder, do-anything types who may not have all that much actual merit, but who are willing to do anything to succeed.

See Reese Witherspoon’s character, Tracy Flick, in the film Election.

Last edited 3 months ago by Vizzini
Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
3 months ago

When merit means metrics, and the numbers/milestones/credentials are “gameable” rather than neutral observations (the most g-purist IQ tests being an example of the latter), striving—which not only includes but favors cheating and nepotism—will win. No one considers a more accurately numbered meritocracy ideal, either. The schools who rejected me (perfect SAT back when that was very rare, unique “extracurricular” resume, notable parents) understood that. I wasn’t a fit. See: this comment. See also: Ivy League admissions’ claims that Asians (the good ones) are boring. Only the farm-to-NASA pipeline has really proven itself, civilizationally. Find your best where they are—in the… Read more »

Reply to  Hemid
3 months ago

@hemid – who did you get rejected by? I would think getting a perfect SAT (or at least pre-1990 or so) would get you into any school you wanted.

Reply to  Krustykurmudgeon
3 months ago

Yup… that was a tall tale that he just weaved

2 months ago

Having worked as a software developer at 2 big corporations, what they do is create “{Company}U” programs to source junior devs with no work experience. All of the recruits come from the Computer Science Master’s Degrees programs, which are almost completely filled up with Indians or Chinese people.  Recruiters are typically 20- or 30-something women with little-to-no actual serious knowledge of technology, so they assume that the masters degree graduates have higher acumen than the typical American with a BS or BA in Computer Science. The truth is that you don’t actually even need a degree to be a competent… Read more »

In Vino Vegetius
In Vino Vegetius
3 months ago

So is the IQ the new JQ?

Reply to  In Vino Vegetius
3 months ago

It’s actually still the JQ: the Jeet Question

3 months ago

[…] ZMan sees that things have loosened up. […]

Redpill Boomer
Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

Having been in tech all my life, I didn’t mind Indians so much, though I have gotten annoyed at the clannishness that Z’s pointed out. As with so many groups (including blacks, IMHO), they’re OK one on one, but if you have for example, 4 Tamils in your group, they close ranks and speak Tamil all the time and try to exclude whitey. Still, I never developed the animosity my wife did while she worked as a retail manager. She had to deal with working-class call-center types that would smell terrible, bring in the whole annoying family, and/or try to… Read more »

Reply to  Redpill Boomer
3 months ago

The high-caste are worse for the US than the low-caste, because being invaded by a foreign overclass is more harmful to a nation than a foreign underclass.

10% of the country being obsolete farm equipment was always a problem, but they by themselves didn’t stop the US from being a White settler nation. It was the foreign overclass that did that. A Congress infested with the children of turn-of-the-century immigrants did that.

Last edited 3 months ago by Vizzini